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Review This Story || Author: Morgan Hawke

Chastity Debauched - Three: Penitent



Chastity looked around, trying to see where her father's car waited to take her
home. The white gleam of the Lincoln her father drove was missing but the deeper
gleam of a silver mustang waited at the far end, under a streetlamp. As she
watched, the headlights came on and it pulled out of the parking space.

"Fuck," Chastity swore. She crossed her arms over her breasts. The night was
suddenly colder. "Why is it that Rob is always here to get me after these
things?" The mustang slowed at the bottom of the steps. "Oh, yeah," she muttered
to herself, "he's part of all this shit too." The passenger door opened,
flooding the interior with light.

"Hey little girl." Rob smiled as he leaned back against the dark leather of the
driver's seat. His long black was pinned back in a tight tail and flowed over
his shoulder. The strong handsome bones in his face were thrown into sharp
relief by the overhead light. One strong, familiar hand gripped the steering
wheel of his silver mustang, the other lay across the back of the seat.

"What the hell are you doing here?" Chastity snapped.

"What does it look like?" Rob rolled his blue eyes heavenward and frowned in
annoyance. "We've had this fight before, so just get in the car and I'll take
you home." Chastity thought he looked a touch guilty.

"So, are you a student or professor at the Academy?" she asked baldly as she
climbed into the Mustang. It was ride home with Rob or take a long walk.

"Ah, they finally told you," Rob suddenly grinned, looking dark and dangerous as
he put the Mustang into gear and pulled from the curb. "You must have passed
your exam. Congratulations."

"Yeah, whatever..."

"I'm a teacher-student. I'm finishing up my degree to become a full time
instructor." He glanced at her. "So, who'd you spend time with this time?" he

"Magister Gregor," she said.

"Ouch. Sick, sick bastard," he sympathized.

'Figures he'd know this guy too,' Chastity thought. "Shit!" she suddenly swore,
and beat her fist on her leg in frustration. Rob looked at her and raised his
brows in question as they pulled onto the highway.

"I forgot to ask who recommended me to go to the academy!" Chastity said.
"Whoever they are, they set up the loss of my virginity with you, that class
after school with Mr. DuLong and my appointment here."

"They should have told you that tonight," said Rob. "There's no reason not to."
Chastity shook her head. "It was your father. He's an alumnus. He used to attend
the Academy himself."

(C) 2002 Morgan Hawke
All Rights Reserved. All Wrongs revenged.

Word count: 11,103

(C) 2002 Morgan Hawke

Review This Story || Author: Morgan Hawke
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