BDSM Library - Chastity Debauched - Three: Penitent

Chastity Debauched - Three: Penitent

Provided By: BDSM Library

Synopsis: In whick sweet Chastity has an appointment with the Unholy Father and all secrets are revealed...
Chastity Debauched - Three

By Morgan Hawke

For Bear

Part One: The Club

"I can't believe my Dad had me to come to his company pool party at the Club."
Chastity grumbled to herself while standing before the tall mirror completely
nude. She stared into the mirror's reflection of her deep violet eyes as she
tied her waist-length, strawberry blond waves into a snug tail. Tiny red-gold
curls of her unruly tresses escaped the black satin elastic and framed her face.
She blew a wisp from her nose in annoyance.

"I know he had an emergency at the office, but I feel so out of place by myself,
with all these older business people at this exclusive club. The only people
here, that are my age, are all staff." Chastity wrinkled her nose as she
struggled into her neon-purple swimsuit. The tiny poolside shower-room smelled
of chlorine and cleaner.

Turning to check the fit of her bathing suit in the full-length mirror, she
frowned. "I don't remember the bikini being this small when I tried it on in the
store," she groused. She tied the strings of the push-up top behind her neck,
then fought to get it to sit right on her bosom.

"I look like I'm gon'na fall out of this any second." She scooped her hand into
the bright violet cups and repositioned her breasts, forcing the brilliant satin
to cover as much as possible.

She tugged at the high cut sides of her bottoms. "This bottom is more a thong
than a panty. If I move just wrong, it's going to ride straight up my crack."
She pulled at the crotch to position it and sighed in defeat. "I should have
known better than to bring the new bikini."

Chastity turned to the white plastic chair beside her. She lifted the long,
black satin dressing robe she'd been given by one of the club's staff.

"Where is the belt?" She looked around but didn't see it. "I guess I have to
wear it hanging open." She nibbled her lower lip as she pulled on the robe.
Glancing once more in the mirror she blushed.

"I look like a stripper about to go on stage than a high-school senior. All I
need is red lipstick and some high heels." She slipped on a pair of purple
rubber flip-flop sandals, then gathered her bag with her clothes. "Well, here

She stepped out of the tiny dressing room and into the warm brilliant sunlight.
Small tables with umbrellas and guests relaxing in white lounge chairs framed
the gigantic, kidney shaped, white marble pool. Rounded marble steps led into
the water at the far end. The deep cool blue of the water looked inviting,
especially in this summer heat. Light gleamed on the gentle ripples of the water
around two older guests who laughed as they swam.

She blushed, tugging on the edges of her robe. She was afraid of what the club
members were going to think of her 'stripper' suit if she took off the robe to

A tall, slender young man in the Club's uniform of short, snug khaki shorts and
a blindingly white polo shirt stepped out from where he'd been waiting on one
side of the door. The black silk of his short, trimmed hair fell across his brow
rakishly and reflected in blue streaks, matching the deep blue of his eyes. His
arms were bare to the elbows and showed an impressive array of tanned muscle. He
smiled with masculine approval.

 'I guess he likes the swim suit,' she thought and smiled ruefully. "Tony,
right?" He nodded. 'Wow, he's really cute,' she thought. 'My, what big arms you

 "You remembered my name." Tony grinned. "If you like, I'll take care of your
bag for you." She handed it over with a word of thanks. Tony bowed slightly and
motioned with one arm. "If you will come this way?"

'I wish all the boys I knew were this polite,' she thought as she followed him.
Her sandals slapped against her heels as she walked.

He led her to a lounge chair in the shade of a wide umbrella. Before she could
protest, Tony slid the robe from her shoulders and laid it on the back of the
chair Embarrassed by the sudden exposure Chastity sat down while Tony trotted

'Well, there goes that,' she thought, mortified. 'Let's see how many people I
can offend in a hurry.' Chastity ignored the lewd glare of a hairy pot-bellied
man sitting to her left.  She raised her chin. 'Yeah, that's right. I wear
scanty thong bikinis all the time.'

"Nice Bikini," said a tall older man as he emerged dripping wet, from the pools
edge, right at her feet.  Her eyes fixated on his tiny blue spandex Speedos that
revealed a hard bulge in the groin and his pasty white legs. Like a pot of
honey, she was attracting flies.  Her courage failed her.

'Shit. I need to cover myself!' She turned around to grab her robe when a voice
startled her.

"Hello there." Chastity jumped as someone suddenly bent over her chair. "I'm Mr.
Davies, the Club manager. You're Chastity, I believe?" he asked.

He was an extremely handsome, older gentleman, also in the Club's uniform of
khaki shorts and white shirt. His head was completely bald and evenly tanned
with a single diamond flashing from his ear. His eyes were bright green; his
teeth perfect. She noted the beginnings of a small beer gut thickening his
middle. She also noted the definition of strong muscles in his darkly tanned
thighs as he knelt by her chair.

"Hello," she said nodding, then smiled uneasily. 'Here it comes, the part where
I get sent home for my bathing suit. Dad's going to kill me.' She released her
hold on the robe. It was far too late to cover up.

"It's a pleasure to have you here," said Mr. Davies. "Your father told us to
expect you."

Chastity watched as Tony approached, then stood silently to one side of Mr.
Davies. "Dad would have come, but there was an emergency at work..."

Confusion momentarily flitted across his features. "Emergency at work," Mr.
Davies repeated. "Ah, I understand." He smiled and focused on Chastity's chest.

"Tony," said Mr. Davies as he rose from his crouch, "Miss Chastity is new and
probably doesn't know her way around, be sure to give her a tour of the main
house and make sure she has anything she needs, understood?"

"Absolutely sir," Tony said with a small bow and a wide grin.

'Whoa,' Chastity thought in surprise. 'Looks like I'm not getting kicked out for
my swim-wear.'

"Oh, and Tony, Chastity has a two o'clock appointment to meet with Father
Gregor." Mr. Davies slanted a meaningful look at Tony. "Make sure she's there on
time." Tony gave Chastity a startled look, then nodded with a frown. Mr. Davies
abruptly left to walk toward another guest.

"Who's Father Gregor?" Chastity whispered.

Tony knelt by her chair. "He's our resident, ah, priest." Chastity looked at him
in some confusion. "He, um, works with some of the guests," Tony added. "For
those who need um, a priest." Tony shrugged, then looked at her uneasily.

"There's a chapel here?"

"There is for the Father. He has a whole suite on the top floor. The Club
rebuilt the entire attic just for him." Tony swallowed hard, then pasted a
bright smile on his lips. "Did you want to go for a swim before I take you for a
tour?" he asked brightly.

"Sounds like a plan," she said. Chastity rose from her chair and sighed. 'Well,'
she mused to herself, 'this is one way to hide the bikini. Nobody is in the
water right now so, why not?'

Chastity launched herself from the pool's edge in a well-practiced dive. Her
swim-team coach would have been proud. She felt her anxieties melt away as the
cool wetness enveloped her. The water was just as refreshing as it looked.


"Ready for your tour of the main house?" Tony asked as she climbed up the pool
ladder by her chair. He was holding a fluffy white towel for her to wipe off
with. Her robe was tucked over his other arm and her shoes clutched in one hand.

"Should I change?" Chastity asked, not wanting to wear her skimpy violet bikini
any more than she had to.

"You're better off without clothes..." Chastity looked at him sharply. He smiled
nervously at his blunder. "I mean, this is supposed to be a pool-party so you
are expected to be wearing a swim suit, and you're beautiful, why not show it

"I'm not that pretty." Chastity said blushing as Tony helped her into the black
satin robe.

"Now, that's where you're totally wrong. You are clearly the loveliest guest
here." He grinned. "And I am honored to be your guide for today." He offered his
arm gallantly. "Shall we go?"

The Club's main house was a renovated Victorian mansion of old red brick and
multicolored painted trim, complete with a rounded tower to one side. Decorative
wooden gingerbread, cut into lace patterns, trimmed every corner. Guests sat
under the broad, ivy covered porches in tall chairs around small tables and
chatted in expensive summer clothes and swimsuits.

Tony took her into the house and charmed her with amusing stories about the
antiques and the guests. The interior was beautifully appointed. The walls were
painted cream and trimmed in white with tapestries and paintings placed under
spotlights. Antiques in glowing wood and silk were scattered in comfortable
groups on rich, thick rugs over hardwood floors.  They walked the halls, her
sandals slapping softly against her heels. They peeked into the myriad rooms,
talked and laughed.

The Grandfather clock on the staircase landing chimed the three-quarter hour in
loud, deep tones. Tony glanced at his wristwatch and bit his lip.

"It's time to go to your appointment with Father Gregor," he said, his eyes wide
and serious. Suddenly, he pulled her into a corner and gripped her upper arms.

"Look," he whispered hoarsely, "you don't have to go. I can get you your clothes
and call a cab. You can leave right now." He was so close she could smell the
fresh clean sent of sandalwood soap.

"I'm just here for my Dad," Chastity said softly. "The appointment is probably
for him." She smiled confidently, but inside her heart suddenly pounded in
anxiety.  She put her palm on his bare arm. She felt warm muscle, tight with
tension, flexing under her fingers.

"You're probably right, the appointment isn't for you." Tony shook his head and
turned away, biting his full bottom lip. He turned back and stared hard. "Are
you sure?"

She focused on his lips and watched as he licked them. They looked soft and
full, perfect for kissing.

 "No, not really but... Tony, is there something I should know about Father
Gregor?" She looked into his worried eyes.

"I'm not at liberty to say anything about the staff here, but..." Suddenly he
leaned forward and his lips brushed hers fleetingly in a soft kiss. She opened
her mouth to speak and he took the opportunity to slant his mouth across hers,
abruptly deepening the kiss. Shocked into inaction by the sudden kiss, Chastity
allowed his tongue to stroke hers.

"Whoa, hey!" Chastity said against his mouth. Her hands pushed against Tony's
muscular chest, but he was immovable. Abruptly she pulled her lips away and
gasped for breath. "Is this how you treat all your guests?"

He pulled back in alarm. "I... I don't know why I did that," he stammered,
releasing her arms and blushing furiously.

Chastity almost giggled.  He looked like a guilty boy. Her fingers closed on his
arms, pulling him closer until her breasts touched his chest.

"Just take it easy," she said with a soft smile. "I'm not in a rush." She raised
her lips to meet his and her eyes fluttered closed. She touched the tip of her
tongue to his lips, encouraging him to follow and he embraced her with a soft

He pressed her back and she felt the wall cool against her skin. His chest felt
warm, firm and exciting against the softness of her breasts. His hips pressed
against her thigh and she felt the strong ridge of his erection trapped by his
shorts, against her bare skin.

'Whoa, I think he likes me,' she thought. 'I'm kissing this guy that I barely
know...' Chastity thought in astonishment. 'But, he's so sweet and cute... And a
really great kisser.' She was really getting into the kiss when Tony pulled back
suddenly  blushing furiously.

"I... uh, we have to go to your appointment," said Tony checking his watch.
"There's not much time."

"First you're talkin' me out of it, then your kissing me, now your talkin' me
into it!" Chastity jabbed her finger at Tony's chest in frustrated annoyance.
"Which is it?" 

"Take it easy!"  Tony raised both hands in a defensive gesture making him look
as if he were being held up at gunpoint.  "It's close on 2:00 pm, and it was
you're idea to stay. If you're gon'na go to your appointment, we have to go

"Fine. Whatever," she snapped. "Let's get this thing over with," Chastity said
grimly then slanted a look at him and cocked an eyebrow. "Will you wait for me?"

"Oh, yeah," he said with a heated smile. "Your not going anywhere without me."

'Good,' thought Chastity, 'I want to get back to kissing him.'

"But, we have to hurry. Trust me, we do not want to be late!" He led her to the
stairs and they climbed at a run.

Part Two: The Appointment

A narrow, plain wooden stair led to the chapel. Tony released her hand as he
opened the heavy oak door, ushering her in before him. Light blinded Chastity
momentarily from the gabled windows that lined the broad expanse directly before

The chapel was huge, taking up the entire attic with a steeply peaked and
heavily beamed, cathedral ceiling. The walls were painted in stark white and the
thick carpet was a deep charcoal gray.

To the right of the door they'd entered, at the far end of the chapel, an altar
of carved marble sat before a huge, circular stained glass window. Long beams in
brilliant array colored the flat marble top. She was too far away to make out
the designs on the glass, but it was very colorful and ornate.

"This must be Chastity," said a deep melodious voice. "And just in time."

Chastity turned left to see a man seated in a small archway on a carved black
throne dressed in floor length robes with a starched black collar. His black
hair was closely cropped to a point over his forehead. His eyes were deep black
under sharply arched and expressive brows. A close trimmed beard and mustache
framed his florid smiling lips and square jaw.

"You must be Father Gregor," Chastity said brightly. "I'm sorry but my father
had an emergency at the office and couldn't make your appointment."

"Come here, my child and kneel at my feet." She walked over and knelt on the
thick carpet. She didn't think twice, she had been taught since childhood to
respect the clergy.

Father Gregor took both of her hands in his warm dry palms. His fingers were
long and delicate, like an artist's. His black robes were full and flowed around
him in deep pleats smelling of incense. He was broad-shouldered but spare. Long
sleeves covered his arms to the wrist but Chastity could feel real strength in
his hands as they held her.

"How nice. Your father is not here. This should make our session go far more
smoothly..." She pulled her hands back in confusion but Father Gregor closed his
fingers tightly around her wrists, holding her in place.

Tony took a step and Father Gregor raised a brow at him. "It seems that you have
found a champion," said the Father. Chastity could see that Tony's face was
white. Tony stepped back and clasped his hands behind him.

 "Tony," Father Gregor smiled, "remain with us. Close the door firmly, if you
please." Tony swallowed hard, then turned and pushed the door closed. There was
an ornate brass lock, but there wasn't a doorknob on the inside of the door,
just plain flat wood.

"I don't understand," Chastity said, still pulling.

"I believe that you have a confession to make, do you not?" Father Gregor smiled
and his dark eyes flared with heat and interest. "I understand that you have
been a very, very naughty girl."

"I wasn't raised Catholic, I don't do confession." Chastity couldn't budge her
wrists from his grip no matter how hard she twisted in his grasp. 'What is with
this weirdo?' she thought. 'What the hell does he know about me? Is he just

"Please, Chastity," Tony said urgently, "just tell him and we can go..."

"I'm not telling him anything," she said between clenched teeth. "It's none of
his business." Chastity pulled back and rose part of the way to her feet.

"Tony, pull the rope by the door and ring the bell, if you please. It seems that
Chastity is not appropriately penitent."

"Chastity..." Tony pleaded.

"Ring the bell Tony, that's an order." Tony turned away and pulled a satin rope.
A bell sounded deeper in the rooms.

"What are you going to do?" Chastity said through clenched teeth. She was
annoyed, but growing more worried by the second. Why didn't Tony do something?

"We are going to make you confess, my child." The Father stepped down from his
throne and stood. He pulled Chastity up onto her toes by her wrists, holding
them well above her head. He was taller than he had appeared, towering a full
head and a half above Tony. Her robe slid open revealing her skimpy bathing
suit. Her flip-flops fell unheeded from her feet.

"Why Chastity, how charming," he remarked. His eyes were hot as he took in her
barely covered full breasts, the narrow span of her trim waist and the flare of
her rounded hips. He transferred both her wrists to one hand. Reaching out, he
cupped, then lifted one breast, his fingers testing its fullness and weight. His
palm slid over the violet satin, then across the softness of her bare skin.
"Very nice," he whispered.

"Don't touch me!" she hissed. "What kind of priest are you?"

"Didn't Tony tell you?" She shook her head. "Of course not, Tony is very
obedient. I suppose an introduction is in order. I'm Magister Gregor of the
Order of the Unholy Trinity, a servant of the Unholy Master."

Chastity suddenly noticed the black enameled, inverted cross swinging from jet
beads around his neck. "You're a Satanist?"

"Very much so," he nodded with a twist to his lips. Reaching under her hair,
behind her neck, he pulled the satin string and her top burst open to fall to
her waist. Her vulnerable breasts swayed as she flinched.

"Let me go..." She turned her head as she felt her nipples harden in unconscious
response to the cool air. "Tony, I want to leave..." She turned her head to
look, but Tony stood frozen by the door. His face was turned away.

"Not just yet, my sweet child, you have a confession to make." His hand slid
down her stomach to cup her sex. She tried to shift away from his hand but she
was held firmly up on her toes, in his powerful grip as though she weighed
nothing. A finger and a thumb slid across the thin satin, exploring the crease
of her vulnerable core.

Chastity blanched. "Let me go or I'll scream the house down," she snapped
angrily. Tears of helplessness filled her eyes.

"Oh, you may scream if you like," said Father Gregor, still smiling. "It's
expected. Remember, the staff knows that you have an appointment with me. No one
will interfere, it will cost them their jobs, isn't that right Tony?"

"You called, Magister?" said a soft feminine voice. Chastity was forcibly turned
bodily around. Before her stood a tall elegant woman, eyes downcast. Her lips
were very red and curved and in a soft smile. Her long, straight black hair was
cut in a slash across her forehead, then fell to her hips in one long unrelieved
fall of black silk. She was completely naked beneath an open, floor-length,
black satin robe. Silver rings pierced her exposed nipples and another gleamed
in the pink folds of her closely trimmed pussy.

"This is Sister Angelique, she will be assisting us today, as will Tony."

"Please," Tony said in protest. He stepped back, and pressed himself against the
door, wide-eyed, shaking his head. "Please don't make me..."

"Why Tony, don't you like your job?" Tony abruptly dropped his head.

"Shall I bring you the prayer bench, Magister?" Sister Angelique asked softly.
She looked Chastity full in the face; her black eyes gleamed with anticipation,
her red lips parted gently and her pink tongue darted out to wet them.

"Yes, my dear, and bring the full set of accoutrements. Chastity is a little
reluctant to share her sins." Chastity felt a hand on the back of her swim
bottoms. With a firm yank, they were pulled down to her knees. Chastity

Part Three: The Confession

 "Hold her still, Tony or you will be strapped down right next to her," snarled
the priest. Magister Gregor's hands were vises on her wrists as he forced them
behind her back.

"Please, Chastity," Tony whispered in her ear, "Don't make this any harder on
yourself." He held her shoulders and arms in a tight embrace while her wrists
were wrapped in plain leather cuffs and fastened at the small of her back by the

"Why are you letting them do this to me?" she whispered back. Tears slid down
her cheeks. Her breasts were pressed against the front of his white shirt. He
still smelled clean and wonderful. Her knees were pulled apart and cuffed in

"I have to..." he flinched at the betrayal in her eyes. "It's part of my job,"
he said softly.

"Why didn't you tell me?" Technically he had tried to warn her, but...

"He couldn't, sweet child," answered the priest, with a nasty chuckle. "If you
had not appeared for your appointment, he would have served time in your place
and young Tony is well aware that I enjoy both males and females, equally."
Chastity felt Tony shudder as he held her.

'Oh, God,' she thought, 'and he'd tried to get me to leave anyway.' She looked
into Tony's frightened gaze. His lips moved in the motions of: "I'm sorry." She
turned away.

She was made to kneel on the bench facing the Magister's heavy throne. Her knees
were pulled far apart and fastened to the padded kneeler of the ornately carved,
wooden bench. She grunted as she was pushed onto her stomach over the red
leather padding of the higher tier of the bench. Her breasts swayed freely over
the edge.

A padded collar was buckled to her neck and a strap was snapped to a ring from
the collar to another on the underside of the bench she laid over by Sister
Angelique. Chastity could smell the exotic perfume worn by the Sister mixed with
the musky scent of aroused female.

'She's getting off on this!' thought Chastity.

"Shall we begin?" said the priest. His robes swishing as he walked. He moved to
stand in front of Chastity and before his throne. She couldn't lift her head
more than an inch; she could barely move any part of her body at all. She could
see the black silk rope of his belt, the flowing skirts of his robe and the
charcoal gray carpet.

'He's barefoot!' thought Chastity in surprise.

"Sister Angelique, stand behind Chastity and make her feel more, receptive,
shall we?" Magister Gregor seated himself on his throne and smiled.

"With pleasure, Magister." Chastity felt hands on her exposed bottom. Nails
scraped lightly on her crease, warm palms parted the plump globes, then cool
breath blew on her vulnerable privates. "What a pretty pussy, all nice and
trimmed short," breathed the Sister. "Ripe, like a juicy peach and ready for

"Please don't," Chastity whimpered, then bit her lip.

"Oh, but I must, dear girl," Sister Angelique sighed. The sister leaned over
Chastity shoulder and the long black silk of her hair fell across Chastity's
back. "Don't worry, you'll like it," she whispered in her ear. Chastity felt
fingers stroking the short hairs of her pussy, then felt a warm digit delving
into the damp folds. The entrance to her body was tenderly explored. Chastity
wriggled but the straps held her tight to the bench.

"She's wet, Magister."

"As I expected. Continue. I want her to cum at least once before we begin
questioning her."

The sister's finger slid gently into her body and explored its depths. Chastity
moaned with the intimate invasion. Perspiration dotted her lower back.

"Ah," the sister sighed as she found something and stroked. Chastity jolted as a
streak of delight curled within. "There we are, I have your measure now."
Chastity bit her lip and squeezed her eyes closed in denial as the sister
stroked and pressed, bringing jolt after jolt of unwanted excitement.

Chastity fought the rising desire in her body. Her traitorous body fought back,
carnal hunger building relentlessly. Her body wanted, craved and strove to bring
her to orgasm. She strained against the binding leather and her body's rapacious

The sister stopped. "She's fighting it." Chastity let out her breath and

"Of course she is," said the Magister. "She has excellent control; to a point.
Tony, take off your shirt." Chastity turned her head, fighting the collar that
had her neck pinned as she strain to see.

Tony was looked over at the priest in alarm. He swallowed hard, then stripped
off his shirt, dropping it onto the floor. Beautifully sculpted bands of corded,
tanned muscle gleamed in the bright sunlight pouring through the windows. There
didn't seem to be an ounce of fat on him.

"I want you to kiss Chastity." The Magister's voice was low and seductive.
"Stroke her breasts. Make her want. Make her desire. Make her cum for us."

Tony knelt before Chastity and took her face in his heated palms. His eyes were
stricken with guilt, but his snug shorts strained with the telltale signs of
full erection. He closed his eyes and pressed his lips lightly to hers, his
tongue swept her lips, seeking entrance. Chastity couldn't help herself; she
closed her eyes, opened her lips and took his tongue into her mouth. She kissed
him back, stroking his tongue with hers. She could smell soap, sunlight and warm
excited male.

Chastity felt the fingers of his hands on her throat, making her shiver, then
briefly touching the collar. They slid down. His hands closed on her breasts,
lifting, testing the weight and firmness, closing around the plump flesh gently.
Fingers caressed her nipples, teasing them, bringing them sharply to peaks.
Chastity moaned.

"Sister Angelique, you may continue," the priest said softly. "Something
perhaps, a little more intimate," he suggested. Chastity felt warm palms on her
ass, opening her wide, then something warm and wet stroked the outer plump lips
of her labia, then dove into the tender folds, with long deep swipes.

'That's her tongue,' thought Chastity. 'She's licking me! A girl is licking me!'
She shuddered. It felt so good... So very good...

Tony slanted his mouth across hers for better access. His kiss grew aggressive.
He nipped at her lips and sucked at her tongue. His hands took both of her
breasts and played with her nipples, tugging and pulling. Abruptly, he pulled
his lips from hers and took one nipple into his wet mouth and sucked, hard. She
whimpered, her chin falling on his bowed spine as carnal heat flushed her body.

Chastity became confused, the sensations overwhelming her body with pleasure.
Tony concentrated on her lips and breasts, his scent filling her nose and his
light grunts crowding her ears as Angelique tormented her most intimate self
into submission. Fingers brushed her clit. Angelique pressed, then rubbed the
small pleasure point quickly but lightly, jolting her with bolts of increasing

Chastity felt her body release warm honeyed liquid against the tongue that was
worming its way deeper into her body. She shuddered as a finger delved where the
tongue worked, then pressed deep within. Lightning flashes of intense excitement
began to cascade in increasing power. She fought the straps as against her will;
her body greedily sought more.

Two fingers plunged into her, fucking and fucking her dripping cunt. Lips took
her clit, sucking, and, then a tongue mercilessly speared and flicked her
excited bud in time with the plunging fingers. Chastity panted, moaning softly
as pleasure came to a roaring peak.

Chastity felt a wet finger playing with the tight rose of her anus, circling,
and pressing as the other fingers fucked her. The circling finger slid past the
tight ring of her anus, into her, and gently probed deeper.

She froze as her climax peaked. Her back arched as far as the straps would allow
and she screamed in ecstasy as sudden sharp orgasm crashed and ripped through
her. She collapsed, spent. Tears dripped onto Tony's shoulder.

"It is done," said the sister. The invading fingers left her body. Tony laid a
gentle kiss on her forehead and stepped away. Panting with exhaustion, Chastity
watched, head limp, as Sister Angelique stepped up to stand beside the
Magister's throne, sucking noisily on her fingers.

'Sadistic bitch,' thought Chastity.

"Time to confess, sweet Chastity," said the priest. "I want to hear every
single, sexual thing that you have done, beginning with the loss of your
virginity. In detail."

'God, I just want this over,' Chastity thought. She was tired and her body ached
from straining against the straps on the bench. "It began about a month ago..."

"Stop," said the Magister, raising his hand. "All confessions begin with:
'Forgive me Father, for I have sinned.' Again."

'What a fucking asshole,' she thought with a flash of anger.

"Just do it Chastity," Tony said urgently from the door. "Trust me, it can get a
lot worse."

"Forgive me Father, for I have sinned," she said, annoyed and blushing hard with
mortification. "About a month ago I went to a party in the park and met Rob..."


The 'confession' took a lot of time. Both the Magister and Sister Angelique had
her go into embarrassing detail from the loss of her virginity in the park
woods, to the class in fellatio she'd been forced to take after school.

"And that is all?" asked the Magister.

"That's everything," said Chastity. "Everything," she insisted.

"You did nothing with Tony?" 

'Shit,' thought Chastity. She could see Tony stiffen by the door. 'Thank God all
I did was kiss him before we got here...' She shook her head. "Nothing beyond
kissing him," confirmed Chastity. She watched Tony sag with relief.

"Which you did here, before us," said the priest softly. "Then  I have only to
announce your penance, your punishment, and you may go."

"Punishment!" said Chastity in alarm. "Haven't you done enough?"

"My dear girl," the Magister shouted with laughter. "There is always penance to
pay after a confession. We have only begun!"

Part Four: Penance

Magister Gregor and Sister Angelique slipped behind a black curtained doorway to
confer in another room. Tony was allowed to release Chastity while she waited
for their pronouncement of her penance.

"Jeez, what a nasty pair," Chastity moaned softly as Tony, still shirtless,
released her from the prayer bench. Exhausted, she knelt on the carpet. Her body
dripped Angelique's saliva and traces of her own spent excitement across her
weary thighs.

"You don't know the half of it," he whispered. "Trust me, they went light on
you."  Tenderly her kissed her forehead and rubbed her stiff muscles. "Be glad
he didn't bring out any of his little 'toys'." He poured her a glass of sweet
iced tea from a sweating glass pitcher. She drank it down thirstily.

"So, why do you work for these people?"

"They're putting me through college," he said almost beneath his breath.
"Working here is mandatory; it comes with the package. If they fire me, I'm
kicked out of school too."

"That's fucked up..."

"It's a really exclusive college. The entire staff is either taking classes, or
teaching classes."

"But..." she began. The curtains twitched, then the Magister and Sister
Angelique stepped into the room. Tony rose quickly to his feet and took his
place by the door. Chastity rose exhausted to her feet, then stood, holding her
chin up and determined to face whatever came next.

The Magister took his throne, Sister Angelique by his side. He had changed into
a tied satin robe identical to Sister Angelique's. The v where the Magister's
robe parted at the neck showed long, pin-straight, dark hair on his chest. Bare,
muscular legs covered in smooth dark hair showed where the robe parted below the

'Oh, God, he naked under that robe,' thought Chastity in dismay. 'What are these
sickos gon'na do to me now?'

"My children," the Magister began, nodding to Chastity and to Tony, by the door.
"Since you are new to the ways of the flesh, Chastity, I have decided to offer
you a choice. Chastity, your penance is to service us, both Sister Angelique and
myself. Your choice is: willingly or unwillingly."

'They're insane...' thought Chastity in dismay.

"If you choose to serve willingly," added Sister Angelique, "you will pleasure
us both, simultaneously. We will be done before nightfall and you will go home
to your father tonight."

"Should you choose to serve unwillingly, my personal choice," said the Magister
with a sardonic smile, "you will pleasure us both individually." He rubbed his
palms together. "This will take much longer so we will have to place a call to
your father saying that you will be with us, here in the Chapel, for the next
two days. Roughly, the rest of the weekend."

'I can't be here for the entire weekend,' thought Chastity in shock. 'How would
I explain that to Dad? He expects me home tonight. This is so fucked up.'

 "Quick or slow?" Angelique smiled with a feral gleam in her eye. "Choose your
punishment, sweet Chastity."

"You can't make me..." Chastity began.

"Oh, but we can," said the Magister, leaning forward with a vicious smile.
"Haven't we already proved that?"

"Willingly or unwillingly?" Angelique pressed.

 "Choose now, or I will choose for you," snapped the Magister.

"Willingly," she said with her heart in her mouth. 'What have I gotten myself

"Very well. Tony, did she drink the tea from the pitcher?" asked the Magister.

"Yes," he replied, hiding his eyes from Chastity. "An entire glass." He flushed.

"She should be feeling the effects momentarily," said Angelique, eyes gleaming,
her red lips parting.

"Effects?" said Chastity. "Tony, what have you done to me?" she whispered.

"He is under our orders. You know that, Chastity," said Angelique with a tiny
pout. "Don't hold it against him. He's really quite fond of you."

"From your confession and the reports I read," said the Magister, "I gathered
that you would want to end things quickly, so I took the precaution to have you

"What did you give me?" Chastity asked. 'Reports? Prepared?' thought Chastity.
'What the hell is going on here?'

"The drink is an aphrodisiac laced with hashish and a small amount of
cantharides," said the Sister.

"The hashish is to curb your stubbornness," growled the black priest. "It
induces a more suitably amenable temperament."

"The cantharides to make you more easily aroused," continued Sister Angelique.
"Combined, they make you more susceptible to our various pleasures. "

"Whether you're willing or not will not actually matter," said the Magister.
"Soon, the least touch will ignite a sensual response that you will be unable to

"It will also give you enough stamina to continue until both of us have had our
fulfillment of your sweet body," Angelique purred nastily. "Don't worry, you
will have a very good time."

"Wait, isn't that stuff illegal?" asked Chastity in shock. They'd drugged her?

"Oh yes, quite illegal. So going to the police would be a very bad idea,"
grinned Father Gregor. "Especially for you."

"But, I don't feel anything..." But she did. A sensual heat was already curling
from her stomach. Gentle waves of lust unfolded and slithered heavily downward
with increasing strength. Moisture was gathering in her nether regions and a
warm flush was creeping from her throat down. Her breast felt slightly swollen,
her nipples were hardening to peaks and her pussy was swelling with an appetite
that was becoming ravenous.

'Oh my God, what is this?' Her thighs parted to relieve some of the pressure.
Tiny bolts of carnal excitement began to race between her pussy and her nipples.
She felt her clit becoming unbearably sensitive. Her hands reached up to cup her
breasts. She rubbed her nipples to ease some of the swelling tender ache. She
moaned, then bit her lip to stop. She looked up, helplessly. Tony stood by the
door, his face turned away.

"I believe it is time to begin," said the Magister softly. "We don't want her to
pleasure herself before we've had our fill."

"Come, my sweet," Sister Angelique said, taking one of Chastity's hands. "We
will help to ease your needs." Angelique smiled, then kissed her full on the
mouth. Before Chastity realized what she was doing, her lips had opened and she
was stroking the sister's tongue with hers. "My, my," sighed the Sister, "you
are a needful thing." The sister embraced her and Chastity pressed her swollen
nipples against the soft fullness of Angelique's breasts as they kissed.

'She's so soft...' thought Chastity. The exotic perfume the Sister wore was
mixed with a scent uniquely hers. 'She smells... Good.'

The Magister approached and took her other hand in his warm palm. She looked up
into his narrow black eyes. His full sensual lips were curved in a dangerous
smile. Chastity could smell soap, incense and the potent musk of a heavily
aroused male. He frightened her, and attracted her. The adrenaline rush of fear
magnified and increased her attraction.

"God, he's so creepy,' thought Chastity. 'But he's turning me on too. It has got
to be whatever I drank.'

He leaned forward and touched his lips to hers, his mustache tickling her upper
lip. She closed her eyes and her mouth opened without thought. He cupped her
head in one hand to keep her mouth locked to his. He surged hungrily within, his
tongue taking possession of hers. He pulled her closer, deepening the kiss, then
took her hand and slid her palm into the neck of his robe. She felt the smooth
hair of his chest and the pounding of his heart. He moved her palm over the flat
exposed flesh of his masculine nipple. A ring pierced it. The nipple peaked
beneath her fingers.

Angelique followed his lead and placed Chastity's hand on the softness of her
breast. Chastity felt the soft fullness in her palm and gently explored the ring
piercing Angelique's turgid nipple.

He broke the kiss with a satisfied sigh and a sardonic smile. "She is ready," he
said in his deep exciting voice. Chastity's body shook with dread and ravenous

Taking her by the hands, they led Chastity to the far end of the chapel where
the carved altar sat in a pool of colored light from the round window. Sensual
illustrations of men and women engaged in sex were painted on the brilliant
glass. The altar was as broad as a bed and carved with nude figures in the
throes of ecstasy. A thick mat covered in black leather cushioned the black
marble top. Chastity found it repelling and exciting.

Angelique dropped her robe to the floor, her intimate jewelry gleaming in the
fall of colored light. She helped Chastity up a wooden stair, then atop the
altar. Chastity turned to see the Magister standing to one side. With a shrug,
he dropped his robe to the floor.

Chastity's eyes opened wide. His body was dark with long smooth hair that lay
flat like an animal's dark pelt, completely without curl. His shoulders were
unbelievably broad and well built. Silver rings gleamed from his nipples. His
belly was well defined and his waist slim. His thighs were corded with heavy

'Wow, he must really work out,' thought Chastity.

In complete contrast to the rest of his body he was clean-shaven around his
privates. His thick shaft rose proudly past his navel and was corded with heavy
blue veins. The full pouch of his ball sack hung naked and plump. Chastity found
herself wondering what it would be like to run her tongue all over that
vulnerable hairless flesh, to taste him.

He climbed up on the altar and sat back on his heels, knees wide. "Come to me,
sweet child, I have a use for your mouth," he said, gripping his arrogant shaft
with a dark smile. Chastity faced him and crawled to him on her hands and knees.

She looked into his amused black eyes, then dropped her gaze to the swollen
purple head of his cock. A drop of clear fluid oozed from the tip. She licked
her lips. Bending, she kissed below the base of his shaft, then reached out her
tongue to taste the shaved skin around his cock. He tasted of salt, soap and
rampant, mature male.

She licked and sucked gently on his scrotum, then sucked on one of his hanging
balls, then the other. She ran her tongue up the underside of his shaft, licking
and sucking lightly. She took the flared cap into her mouth and tasted him.
Salty liquid gathered on her tongue. Her tongue swirled across his flesh and she
sucked him deeper into her warm wet mouth.

He groaned with satisfaction, then fisted his hand in her strawberry blond
ponytail. With a grunt, he pushed his cock up into her throat and shoved her
further down on him, her nose pressed to his groin, blocking her airflow. Her
throat closed in a vise around his shaft. Chastity panicked, making a small,
frightened sound. He pulled her back and she noisily took a deep breath.

"You must learn to take all of me," he growled. He shoved her down again lifting
himself into her mouth, and, then let her up to take a breath., then again. And

"Angelique," he said, grunting as he fucked Chastity's mouth. "Go and fetch your
toy." He panted. "Hurry, before I pour myself down her throat." He pulled
Chastity from him and she gasped. He had her lay full length on her back. He
turned and rose over her, facing the same way, straddling her ribs on his knees,
his legs locking her arms against her sides. He presented her with his saliva
dripping cock. The head was an angry, engorged purple as it swayed, wet and
glistening, over her breasts. Her eyes were wide and dilated with fear and
sexual need.

"Take it between your breasts and squeeze," he commanded. She brought her palms
up and enclosed his shaft in her plump flesh. He dropped to his elbows over her
and shoved forward, his back arching and his haunches flexing. His slippery
shaft slid through her breasts, slowly fucking her tits.

Her nose filled with the scent of aroused and sweating male. The cock-head slid
to her lips. Without thought, she sucked, adding saliva. He groaned harshly and
withdrew,, then slid back up into her mouth. He withdrew, then slid back up.

Chastity felt someone climbing onto the mat. "Now, Magister?" said Angelique

"Now," he growled, rising up on his knees and holding the head of his cock in
Chastity's mouth. She sucked and licked at the flared edge and the weeping slit.

Chastity felt hands on her ankles, lifting her, positioning her. Warm smooth
thighs slid between hers. She felt hands on her hips lifting her, then something
cool, smooth and blunt pushed at the wet entrance to her body.

'What the hell?' she had time to think,, then felt her hungry pussy flutter open
wide with carnal appetite. Her body swallowed the broad blunt head, and a shaft
drove slowly into her cunt, deeper, then deeper. Rapacious need made Chastity
raise her hips to take it all. The shaft withdrew, then thrust again. Withdrew
and thrust. Again. And again.

"Good, so good..." Angelique moaned.

'I'm being fucked by a girl!' thought Chastity, but her body didn't care who was
fucking her. It was hungry for climax and didn't care how it achieved it.

The Magister withdrew his swollen cock from her lips, groaned and began pumping
into her breasts and mouth in earnest, his tempo increasing as he fucked.
Angelique's thrusts increased in power, shoving Chastity forward. Pleasure built
swiftly. Chastity moaned around the cock sliding in her breasts and filling her
mouth, her hips writhed around the shaft fucking her cunt. Sweat poured off the
Magister and dripped onto her, mixing with her own.

 "I'm gon'na cum," Angelique said in quick panicked whimpers. "I'm almost

"Do it now," grunted the Magister. "She's almost ready to cum and I'm about to
spill... Ah..." he moaned loudly and pulled back. Thick, white froth exploded
from the head of his cock. Chastity closed her eyes as the viscous sticky cum
spattered her cheek, lips and breasts. Angelique shouted, driving deep into
Chastity, then moaned as she also came.

Chastity whimpered in loss. She had been so close.

The Magister sat back and surveyed Chastity's cum spattered body. "I'll tell you
when you may cum," he smiled viciously. "This is punishment, remember?" Chastity
couldn't stop her glare of frustration.

"Tony," he called. "Damp towels and drink." The Magister dismounted and sat to
one side. Angelique sat at her feet, panting with a soft flush pinking her skin.
Her black mane stuck to her sweaty body. A huge black dildo, gleaming and wet,
curved from where one end was buried in her dripping cunt. The smell of sex was
thick in the air.

'Oh, God, I had that huge thing inside me!' Chastity thought in horror. 'I was
fucked by a girl,' she thought in amazement. 'And it felt... Good.'

Part Five: Punishment

Tony, still clad in his shorts, brought the Magister and Angelique wet towels
and the water-beaded pitcher. He filled two glasses with iced tea while they
wiped themselves off. They each drank their glasses down.

'Oh shit,' thought Chastity. 'I'm in serious trouble. They're both drinking that
aphrodisiac stuff...' Tony moved to wipe Chastity with a third towel.

"Leave her," said the Magister. "I want to see how much cum I can soak her
with." Chastity caught a brief glance of anger flashing across Tony's face as he
stepped back.

"Tony, bring me the oil," the Magister added softly. "You know which bottle I
need." Tony's eyes widened. He took the used towels; collected the empty
glasses, then quickly stepped away.

"Angelique," said the Magister, "I want to see Chastity bring you to climax with
her tongue."

'Oh, jeez, I don't know if I can do that,' thought Chastity in dismay.

Angelique smiled and helped Chastity to sit up, facing each other. "Such a
pretty girl," she whispered. Chastity couldn't help but be flattered. Angelique
was the loveliest woman Chastity had ever seen.

Softly, Angelique embraced Chastity, rubbing the points of her pierced, erect
nipples against Chastity's cum spattered breasts. Strangely, Chastity found it
very exciting. Angelique was very beautiful and her lips looked so ... luscious.
Their lips touched. Chastity, still trembling with need and in the throes of the
aphrodisiac, closed her eyes and opened her lips. Tongues entwined, they kissed.

Angelique reached out to stroke Chastity's breasts. Chastity mimicked her and
followed Angelique's lead, stroking as was she stroked, pulling and tugging
gently on the nipples. Angelique sighed with pleasure, then pushed Chastity's
head down.

"Kiss me, suck me..." Angelique whispered and lifted her breast to Chastity's
lips. Chastity took the tender flesh, pierced with the ring, into her mouth and
laved it with her tongue. She could taste the Magister's cum that had rubbed
from her own breasts. She sucked gently, then more firmly. Angelique wrapped her
arms around Chastity, moaning in enjoyment.

Chastity's hand rose to caress the soft full flesh of Angelique's other breast
as she suckled. Her fingers played with the nipple, tugging lightly on the ring.
Angelique whimpered and threw her head back, shuddering. Chastity was pushed
back and Angelique took her mouth in a tender, hungry kiss. Angelique pushed her
back again.

"Darling girl," she sighed. Angelique parted her thighs and encouraged Chastity
to get on her hands and knees before her. "Kiss me here, my sweet," she said,
parting the damp pink folds of her pussy. "Taste me," she whispered.

Chastity found the perfume of the tender sex not unpleasant and somewhat
exciting. She kissed the pink flesh, then her tongue darted out to taste. She
was surprised to find it somewhat salty, musky and sweet at the same time.
Chastity dropped to her elbows and curled her arms around Angelique's thighs.
She used her tongue to explore the richly scented folds.

Vaguely, Chastity could taste Latex from the dildo she had used, but the liquid
pearls of Angelique's enjoyment quickly overwhelmed the slightly bitter flavor.
Chastity found the tiny bud of her clit and sucked gently. Angelique threw back
her head and shuddered, moaning her delight.

Chastity discovered that having Angelique writhing in her arms was curiously
liberating. If she applied her tongue flat and took a long swipe, just so, then
teased the clit, just so, Angelique writhed and cried out. Chastity held
Angelique firmly as she raised her hips again and again to her mouth, listening
to her passionate cries. She burrowed her tongue deep into her cleft, searching
for more of Angelique's sweet pearly essence, determined to bring her to orgasm.

The cushion beneath them shifted. Someone had joined them on the altar.
Angelique curled her hand in Chastity's ponytail to keep her mouth in place.

"Enjoying yourself Angelique?" asked the Magister.

"Very much so." Angelique panted, then whimpered as Chastity nibbled. "She's a
natural... Fuck..." she swore. "I'm right on the edge of cumming."

Chastity felt her ankles gripped, then her legs spread open. Warm muscular and
furred thighs slid between hers. Chastity felt warm hands on her bottom lifting
her, positioning her, then felt something warm and slippery pouring down the
crack of her exposed ass.

Fingers smoothed the thick oily substance over the rose of her anus and into the
intimate folds of her neglected and needy pussy. A finger brushed her clit. She
jolted as lust roared deliciously to avaricious life. Two fingers explored her
dripping depths and Chastity shuddered in reaction. Her denied climax was making
her painfully excited. She writhed and moaned. Her body begged for release.
Angelique, also dancing on the edge, moaned in sympathy.

"Chastity's also ready to cum now," the Magister said softly. "It will be
difficult to hold her off and I'm in no mood to rush." He chuckled. "I guess
I'll have to take preventative measures."

Chastity heard a loud crack, then yelped as she felt a sharp burn on one cheek
of her ass. She tried to pull up her head, but Angelique's grip on her hair was

'He hit me!' she thought in complete surprise. 'That fucking hurt!' With another
loud crack he smacked the other cheek of her ass. She gasped with the burn. His
fingers dug into the welts he'd delivered and Chastity hissed with pain.

"That ought to hold her off for a while," said the Magister pleasantly.

"What a fucking asshole!' Chastity seethed. But he was right, the boiling edge
of her lust had backed down to a simmer.

Angelique raised her pussy, to Chastity's lips. "Put that tongue back to work,
my sweet. I want you to drink every drop." Chastity busied herself and Angelique

Chastity felt hands firm on her hips, then something smooth, warm and blunt
pushed at the entrance to her body. The smacks on her ass had curbed her
interest, making the muscles contract tightly. He pushed harder and hissed as he
stretched her snug opening to accommodate his size. The oil that he had applied
plus her prolonged excitement made his entry sudden and deep. She groaned and
was shoved forward with the thrust.

"Mmm... Very nice," the Magister sighed. He pulled most of his length out, then
slid back in. Gripping her thighs to hold her steady, he began to drive his
shaft into her more aggressively, and faster. Fucking her relentlessly. She
could feel his heavy balls swinging against the stretched flesh of her cunt.

Chastity moaned as she felt the rise of her climax begin to send trembling bolts
of ecstasy cascading in wave after higher wave through her body, increasing in
strength. Her thighs trembled with screaming urgency. Orgasm was building fast
to a crushing crescendo. The sound of flesh slapping against flesh grew loud and
frequent. The smell of sex grew thicker and more potent.

Angelique's unforgiving grip on Chastity's hair kept her mouth and tongue in
place even as the Magister pounded his cock into Chastity's cunt. Angelique's
soft cries of enjoyment became desperate. The sweet flow on Chastity's tongue
increased. She took one of her fingers and burrowed it deep into Angelique's
pussy and stroked the inner walls. Angelique howled and shuddered as she
suddenly came.

The Magister grunted, hunching over Chastity's back, he shuddered, on the edge
of climax. Chastity rolled her hips voluptuously as she felt her own peak
approaching fast. He pulled out. Chastity cried out with the loss. The Magister
shifted slightly. Chastity felt the blunt head of his cock pressing, seeking
entrance against the well-oiled, virgin opening of her ass.

"No don't!" yelped Chastity. The hot sweat on her spine turned to ice water. He
shoved harder, bruising her soft thighs with his fingers as he held her firm to
his invasion. The tight ring of her anus opened. It hurt. It hurt a lot. She
cried out. Tears wet her cheeks. And, then he was pushing deeper in and in and
in, until he was seated to the hilt.

"She's so fucking tight!" he grunted. He pulled slowly back, groaned, then
shoved back in and howled as he came, spilling his thick spunk into her bowels.
She could feel his cock flexing as he pumped his cum into her ass. He pulled out
and shoved in once more, squeezing every drop from his balls.

And still Chastity had not come. 'Bastard,' she moaned to herself. 'Asshole
fucking bastard.' He finally pulled away and Chastity collapsed on her side,
hurt, fury and sexual frustration mixing in her gaze. She could feel his thick
cum sliding from her aching ass.

A shamefaced Tony brought more damp towels.

Part Six: Reward

 "I believe that takes care of the rest of Chastity's informal education," The
Magister said with a smile as he drew the towel down his body. He flexed as he
slid off the altar, then turned to help Angelique down.

"I believe so, Magister," agreed Angelique. Tony assisted her with donning her

"Excellent. Go inform Mr. Davies that I will sign the recommendation." He
groaned pleasurably, then allowed Tony to assist him with his robe.
"Congratulations, Chastity," said the Magister. "You have passed your entrance

"Entrance exam for what?" she asked. Tony helped Chastity sit up. "What the hell
are you talking about?" Tenderly Tony cleaned cum and sweat from her skin with
the soft damp towel. She winced from the pain in her ass and the shuddering
frustration in her tender pussy.

"Your name was advocated to attend 'Ascendant' the academy for Sexual
Dominants." The Magister said. "You should be very proud. It takes rigorous
testing and several well placed recommendations from alumni to attend."

'A sex college?' Chastity looked at him in shock. 'I don't remember filling out
any applications to attend a sex college.'

"It's a very exclusive academy," he continued. "'Ascendant' is also a full
University." The Magister smiled. "You'll have full-time accredited class-work,
in addition to the training you'll receive to sexually dominate appropriate
submissives. We'll be very pleased to have you as a student next fall as well as
joining us here at the Club."

"Joining us?' she repeated. None of this was making any sense.

"Why yes." The Magister smiled indulgently. "Tony here is a student of the
academy and I'm one of the professors as well as a member of the Board of

Chastity looked at Tony in surprise as he moved to help down. 'This is the
college he didn't want to get thrown out of?'

"Tony, that won't be necessary," said the Magister. Tony froze. "Chastity has
done her penance and passed her exam; she's entitled to her reward. Please
remove the rest of your clothing."

Chastity and Tony exchanged looks.

"Now, Tony," the Magister insisted quietly.

Tony dropped his shorts and boxers. He pulled his shoes, then his white socks
off and dropped them on his clothes. His body was spare, but solidly muscular,
his skin smooth and hairless. Chastity was surprised to see that he had been
shaved around his privates as cleanly as the Magister. His long thick shaft was
corded with blue veins and rose in a graceful curve to his navel. The full pouch
of his ball sack hung naked and tight. Lust slammed Chastity suddenly and
powerfully. Desire was a vicious animal clawing to be fed.

"Tony, climb on the altar and lay on your back," commanded the Magister. "This
is for Chastity. You are not to cum until she has had her fill. I do not need to
remind you how disobedience will be rewarded."

Tony nodded with a wary glance at the Magister. He climbed up beside Chastity
and laid back. His sculpted body gleamed under the colored light falling from
the window. His thick shaft curved up and rigid against his lean belly. To
Chastity, he looked good enough to eat. She could feel her frustrated and hungry
core salivating on her thighs in impatience.

"Chastity, he's yours to take," said the Magister softly. He moved away to lean
casually against the wall, arms folded. His black eyes glittered as he smiled in

"If you don't want to do this," Chastity whispered softly, "I'll tell him to
'fuck-off.'" She was shaking violently with an insistent throbbing in her groin.
the urge to fuck Tony's rampant cock was overpowering. But, this was Tony. He'd
tried to warn her, to help her. The need to cum swamped just about every thought
in her head.

"Jeezuz no!" Tony whispered back. "God, no! He can be very nasty if you don't do
what he says."

"But if you don't want to..."

"Chastity," he took a deep breath and gave her a trembling smile. "I want you to
take me." He gripped her hand, then tenderly kissed it. "I've been wanting you
so bad it hurts." He smiled. "Please, fuck my brains out."

"If you would rather stay the weekend, it can still be arranged," said Father
Gregor from the shadows. "Fuck him now, Chastity."

Chastity, glanced anxiously at the smiling Magister then hurriedly, straddled
Tony's hips on her knees. She took the heat of his pulsing shaft in her palm and
centered the blunt head against the slavering mouth of her cunt. Her body
reacted as though it were on ravenous fire. She looked into Tony's eyes. He
smiled and cupped her ass in his warm palms.

She leaned over him and touched her lips to his. His mouth opened, their tongues
entwined and they kissed hungrily. She dropped down hard, sliding him into her
hot wet and hungry depths. She sank to the hilt and they both groaned. She
writhed with the delicious sensation of his cock stretching and filling her.

"Tony, this is not going to take long," she whispered, trembling as her body
flared with fierce urgency.

"Good," he groaned, "'cause you feel so awesome I know I can't take much," he
grinned. She leaned up, pressing her hands against his chest, against the tight
peaks of his male nipples and rocked forward. She gasped and he gasped beneath
her. He reached up and cupped her breasts, pulling lightly on her tender
nipples. He drew her to his mouth and suckled on her nipple.

The sensation was delicious and immediate. Pleasure arced straight to her clit
and she whimpered. She rocked forward and dropped down again, and again,, then
again. His cock slid out,, then up into her snug cunt with wet sucking sounds.

The fire-fall of ecstasy peaked sharply and swiftly. Needing more, craving more,
she rose up and fell suddenly and viciously, grinding herself on his swollen
shaft.. Aggressively, she rose and fell again, her tempo increasing in speed and
power, fucking Tony for all she was worth. His hips rose to meet her frenzied
downward thrusts. The sounds of wet friction were a loud counterpoint to their
combined gasps.

Sudden violent climax slammed hard and cascaded through her exquisitely, taking
her breath and arching her back.

"Oh God, Tony!" she screamed. Her body quivered around his shaft as she squeezed
him in orgasm. Beneath her Tony howled as he abruptly came. She felt his cock
flexing as he poured himself into her willing flesh. She collapsed on top of his
sweating body and he embraced her in his strong arms. Their lips sought and met.


The sun was setting in a blaze of color as Tony led Chastity out of the Club,
cleaned, showered and fully dressed in her jeans and white t-shirt. Hand in hand
they made their way down the main steps toward the empty parking lot.

"So you go to a sex college?" she asked him.

"It's a little more involved than just that, but basically, yeah. I'm also
majoring in chemistry." He smiled at her shyly.

"I see... Um, if you're being trained to sexually dominate others, how come
you're following everyone else's orders?"

Tony chuckled. "The academy teaches that the best way to learn is through
experience. How do you know how something works unless you felt it yourself?
Think of it like a science lab. Some of it's cool, some of it's not."

"Some science lab."

"Yeah I know. Are you going to go?"

"I dun'no if I wan'na go to a school where Father Gregor teaches classes."
Chastity shook her head in bewilderment.

They paused at the arching gates to the parking lot. The empty parking lot
seemed to yawn for miles between the violently sexual world here and the safety
of home.

"Before you go..." Tony took both of her hands, his deep blue eyes staring
intently into hers. "Chastity, I uh, really want to get to know you better," he
said softly, urgently. "Please come to the academy."

"I'll have to see." She bit her lip and looked over toward her waiting father.

"If you decide to come, I'll be waiting," he said, then let her go with a soft
smile. He turned and disappeared up the stairs and into the darkness of the


Chastity looked around, trying to see where her father's car waited to take her
home. The white gleam of the Lincoln her father drove was missing but the deeper
gleam of a silver mustang waited at the far end, under a streetlamp. As she
watched, the headlights came on and it pulled out of the parking space.

"Fuck," Chastity swore. She crossed her arms over her breasts. The night was
suddenly colder. "Why is it that Rob is always here to get me after these
things?" The mustang slowed at the bottom of the steps. "Oh, yeah," she muttered
to herself, "he's part of all this shit too." The passenger door opened,
flooding the interior with light.

"Hey little girl." Rob smiled as he leaned back against the dark leather of the
driver's seat. His long black was pinned back in a tight tail and flowed over
his shoulder. The strong handsome bones in his face were thrown into sharp
relief by the overhead light. One strong, familiar hand gripped the steering
wheel of his silver mustang, the other lay across the back of the seat.

"What the hell are you doing here?" Chastity snapped.

"What does it look like?" Rob rolled his blue eyes heavenward and frowned in
annoyance. "We've had this fight before, so just get in the car and I'll take
you home." Chastity thought he looked a touch guilty.

"So, are you a student or professor at the Academy?" she asked baldly as she
climbed into the Mustang. It was ride home with Rob or take a long walk.

"Ah, they finally told you," Rob suddenly grinned, looking dark and dangerous as
he put the Mustang into gear and pulled from the curb. "You must have passed
your exam. Congratulations."

"Yeah, whatever..."

"I'm a teacher-student. I'm finishing up my degree to become a full time
instructor." He glanced at her. "So, who'd you spend time with this time?" he

"Magister Gregor," she said.

"Ouch. Sick, sick bastard," he sympathized.

'Figures he'd know this guy too,' Chastity thought. "Shit!" she suddenly swore,
and beat her fist on her leg in frustration. Rob looked at her and raised his
brows in question as they pulled onto the highway.

"I forgot to ask who recommended me to go to the academy!" Chastity said.
"Whoever they are, they set up the loss of my virginity with you, that class
after school with Mr. DuLong and my appointment here."

"They should have told you that tonight," said Rob. "There's no reason not to."
Chastity shook her head. "It was your father. He's an alumnus. He used to attend
the Academy himself."

(C) 2002 Morgan Hawke
All Rights Reserved. All Wrongs revenged.

Word count: 11,103

(C) 2002 Morgan Hawke

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