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Review This Story || Author: Morgan Hawke

Chastity Debauched - Three: Penitent

Part 1 The Club

Chastity Debauched - Three

By Morgan Hawke

For Bear

Part One: The Club

"I can't believe my Dad had me to come to his company pool party at the Club."
Chastity grumbled to herself while standing before the tall mirror completely
nude. She stared into the mirror's reflection of her deep violet eyes as she
tied her waist-length, strawberry blond waves into a snug tail. Tiny red-gold
curls of her unruly tresses escaped the black satin elastic and framed her face.
She blew a wisp from her nose in annoyance.

"I know he had an emergency at the office, but I feel so out of place by myself,
with all these older business people at this exclusive club. The only people
here, that are my age, are all staff." Chastity wrinkled her nose as she
struggled into her neon-purple swimsuit. The tiny poolside shower-room smelled
of chlorine and cleaner.

Turning to check the fit of her bathing suit in the full-length mirror, she
frowned. "I don't remember the bikini being this small when I tried it on in the
store," she groused. She tied the strings of the push-up top behind her neck,
then fought to get it to sit right on her bosom.

"I look like I'm gon'na fall out of this any second." She scooped her hand into
the bright violet cups and repositioned her breasts, forcing the brilliant satin
to cover as much as possible.

She tugged at the high cut sides of her bottoms. "This bottom is more a thong
than a panty. If I move just wrong, it's going to ride straight up my crack."
She pulled at the crotch to position it and sighed in defeat. "I should have
known better than to bring the new bikini."

Chastity turned to the white plastic chair beside her. She lifted the long,
black satin dressing robe she'd been given by one of the club's staff.

"Where is the belt?" She looked around but didn't see it. "I guess I have to
wear it hanging open." She nibbled her lower lip as she pulled on the robe.
Glancing once more in the mirror she blushed.

"I look like a stripper about to go on stage than a high-school senior. All I
need is red lipstick and some high heels." She slipped on a pair of purple
rubber flip-flop sandals, then gathered her bag with her clothes. "Well, here

She stepped out of the tiny dressing room and into the warm brilliant sunlight.
Small tables with umbrellas and guests relaxing in white lounge chairs framed
the gigantic, kidney shaped, white marble pool. Rounded marble steps led into
the water at the far end. The deep cool blue of the water looked inviting,
especially in this summer heat. Light gleamed on the gentle ripples of the water
around two older guests who laughed as they swam.

She blushed, tugging on the edges of her robe. She was afraid of what the club
members were going to think of her 'stripper' suit if she took off the robe to

A tall, slender young man in the Club's uniform of short, snug khaki shorts and
a blindingly white polo shirt stepped out from where he'd been waiting on one
side of the door. The black silk of his short, trimmed hair fell across his brow
rakishly and reflected in blue streaks, matching the deep blue of his eyes. His
arms were bare to the elbows and showed an impressive array of tanned muscle. He
smiled with masculine approval.

 'I guess he likes the swim suit,' she thought and smiled ruefully. "Tony,
right?" He nodded. 'Wow, he's really cute,' she thought. 'My, what big arms you

 "You remembered my name." Tony grinned. "If you like, I'll take care of your
bag for you." She handed it over with a word of thanks. Tony bowed slightly and
motioned with one arm. "If you will come this way?"

'I wish all the boys I knew were this polite,' she thought as she followed him.
Her sandals slapped against her heels as she walked.

He led her to a lounge chair in the shade of a wide umbrella. Before she could
protest, Tony slid the robe from her shoulders and laid it on the back of the
chair Embarrassed by the sudden exposure Chastity sat down while Tony trotted

'Well, there goes that,' she thought, mortified. 'Let's see how many people I
can offend in a hurry.' Chastity ignored the lewd glare of a hairy pot-bellied
man sitting to her left.  She raised her chin. 'Yeah, that's right. I wear
scanty thong bikinis all the time.'

"Nice Bikini," said a tall older man as he emerged dripping wet, from the pools
edge, right at her feet.  Her eyes fixated on his tiny blue spandex Speedos that
revealed a hard bulge in the groin and his pasty white legs. Like a pot of
honey, she was attracting flies.  Her courage failed her.

'Shit. I need to cover myself!' She turned around to grab her robe when a voice
startled her.

"Hello there." Chastity jumped as someone suddenly bent over her chair. "I'm Mr.
Davies, the Club manager. You're Chastity, I believe?" he asked.

He was an extremely handsome, older gentleman, also in the Club's uniform of
khaki shorts and white shirt. His head was completely bald and evenly tanned
with a single diamond flashing from his ear. His eyes were bright green; his
teeth perfect. She noted the beginnings of a small beer gut thickening his
middle. She also noted the definition of strong muscles in his darkly tanned
thighs as he knelt by her chair.

"Hello," she said nodding, then smiled uneasily. 'Here it comes, the part where
I get sent home for my bathing suit. Dad's going to kill me.' She released her
hold on the robe. It was far too late to cover up.

"It's a pleasure to have you here," said Mr. Davies. "Your father told us to
expect you."

Chastity watched as Tony approached, then stood silently to one side of Mr.
Davies. "Dad would have come, but there was an emergency at work..."

Confusion momentarily flitted across his features. "Emergency at work," Mr.
Davies repeated. "Ah, I understand." He smiled and focused on Chastity's chest.

"Tony," said Mr. Davies as he rose from his crouch, "Miss Chastity is new and
probably doesn't know her way around, be sure to give her a tour of the main
house and make sure she has anything she needs, understood?"

"Absolutely sir," Tony said with a small bow and a wide grin.

'Whoa,' Chastity thought in surprise. 'Looks like I'm not getting kicked out for
my swim-wear.'

"Oh, and Tony, Chastity has a two o'clock appointment to meet with Father
Gregor." Mr. Davies slanted a meaningful look at Tony. "Make sure she's there on
time." Tony gave Chastity a startled look, then nodded with a frown. Mr. Davies
abruptly left to walk toward another guest.

"Who's Father Gregor?" Chastity whispered.

Tony knelt by her chair. "He's our resident, ah, priest." Chastity looked at him
in some confusion. "He, um, works with some of the guests," Tony added. "For
those who need um, a priest." Tony shrugged, then looked at her uneasily.

"There's a chapel here?"

"There is for the Father. He has a whole suite on the top floor. The Club
rebuilt the entire attic just for him." Tony swallowed hard, then pasted a
bright smile on his lips. "Did you want to go for a swim before I take you for a
tour?" he asked brightly.

"Sounds like a plan," she said. Chastity rose from her chair and sighed. 'Well,'
she mused to herself, 'this is one way to hide the bikini. Nobody is in the
water right now so, why not?'

Chastity launched herself from the pool's edge in a well-practiced dive. Her
swim-team coach would have been proud. She felt her anxieties melt away as the
cool wetness enveloped her. The water was just as refreshing as it looked.


"Ready for your tour of the main house?" Tony asked as she climbed up the pool
ladder by her chair. He was holding a fluffy white towel for her to wipe off
with. Her robe was tucked over his other arm and her shoes clutched in one hand.

"Should I change?" Chastity asked, not wanting to wear her skimpy violet bikini
any more than she had to.

"You're better off without clothes..." Chastity looked at him sharply. He smiled
nervously at his blunder. "I mean, this is supposed to be a pool-party so you
are expected to be wearing a swim suit, and you're beautiful, why not show it

"I'm not that pretty." Chastity said blushing as Tony helped her into the black
satin robe.

"Now, that's where you're totally wrong. You are clearly the loveliest guest
here." He grinned. "And I am honored to be your guide for today." He offered his
arm gallantly. "Shall we go?"

The Club's main house was a renovated Victorian mansion of old red brick and
multicolored painted trim, complete with a rounded tower to one side. Decorative
wooden gingerbread, cut into lace patterns, trimmed every corner. Guests sat
under the broad, ivy covered porches in tall chairs around small tables and
chatted in expensive summer clothes and swimsuits.

Tony took her into the house and charmed her with amusing stories about the
antiques and the guests. The interior was beautifully appointed. The walls were
painted cream and trimmed in white with tapestries and paintings placed under
spotlights. Antiques in glowing wood and silk were scattered in comfortable
groups on rich, thick rugs over hardwood floors.  They walked the halls, her
sandals slapping softly against her heels. They peeked into the myriad rooms,
talked and laughed.

The Grandfather clock on the staircase landing chimed the three-quarter hour in
loud, deep tones. Tony glanced at his wristwatch and bit his lip.

"It's time to go to your appointment with Father Gregor," he said, his eyes wide
and serious. Suddenly, he pulled her into a corner and gripped her upper arms.

"Look," he whispered hoarsely, "you don't have to go. I can get you your clothes
and call a cab. You can leave right now." He was so close she could smell the
fresh clean sent of sandalwood soap.

"I'm just here for my Dad," Chastity said softly. "The appointment is probably
for him." She smiled confidently, but inside her heart suddenly pounded in
anxiety.  She put her palm on his bare arm. She felt warm muscle, tight with
tension, flexing under her fingers.

"You're probably right, the appointment isn't for you." Tony shook his head and
turned away, biting his full bottom lip. He turned back and stared hard. "Are
you sure?"

She focused on his lips and watched as he licked them. They looked soft and
full, perfect for kissing.

 "No, not really but... Tony, is there something I should know about Father
Gregor?" She looked into his worried eyes.

"I'm not at liberty to say anything about the staff here, but..." Suddenly he
leaned forward and his lips brushed hers fleetingly in a soft kiss. She opened
her mouth to speak and he took the opportunity to slant his mouth across hers,
abruptly deepening the kiss. Shocked into inaction by the sudden kiss, Chastity
allowed his tongue to stroke hers.

"Whoa, hey!" Chastity said against his mouth. Her hands pushed against Tony's
muscular chest, but he was immovable. Abruptly she pulled her lips away and
gasped for breath. "Is this how you treat all your guests?"

He pulled back in alarm. "I... I don't know why I did that," he stammered,
releasing her arms and blushing furiously.

Chastity almost giggled.  He looked like a guilty boy. Her fingers closed on his
arms, pulling him closer until her breasts touched his chest.

"Just take it easy," she said with a soft smile. "I'm not in a rush." She raised
her lips to meet his and her eyes fluttered closed. She touched the tip of her
tongue to his lips, encouraging him to follow and he embraced her with a soft

He pressed her back and she felt the wall cool against her skin. His chest felt
warm, firm and exciting against the softness of her breasts. His hips pressed
against her thigh and she felt the strong ridge of his erection trapped by his
shorts, against her bare skin.

'Whoa, I think he likes me,' she thought. 'I'm kissing this guy that I barely
know...' Chastity thought in astonishment. 'But, he's so sweet and cute... And a
really great kisser.' She was really getting into the kiss when Tony pulled back
suddenly  blushing furiously.

"I... uh, we have to go to your appointment," said Tony checking his watch.
"There's not much time."

"First you're talkin' me out of it, then your kissing me, now your talkin' me
into it!" Chastity jabbed her finger at Tony's chest in frustrated annoyance.
"Which is it?" 

"Take it easy!"  Tony raised both hands in a defensive gesture making him look
as if he were being held up at gunpoint.  "It's close on 2:00 pm, and it was
you're idea to stay. If you're gon'na go to your appointment, we have to go

"Fine. Whatever," she snapped. "Let's get this thing over with," Chastity said
grimly then slanted a look at him and cocked an eyebrow. "Will you wait for me?"

"Oh, yeah," he said with a heated smile. "Your not going anywhere without me."

'Good,' thought Chastity, 'I want to get back to kissing him.'

"But, we have to hurry. Trust me, we do not want to be late!" He led her to the
stairs and they climbed at a run.

Review This Story || Author: Morgan Hawke
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