BDSM Library - Final Tour

Final Tour

Provided By: BDSM Library

Synopsis: Soldier, back in civilian life, walkS into the wrong night club and, by so doing, enters the final and most horrific part of his short life.

Final Tour Part One

Home after his final tour of duty in Afghanistan, Jeff was like any newly de-mobbed former soldier, anxious to make up for lost time by having a good time and then thinking about a job.

His former girlfriend was now married with two kids, a nice house and an even nicer sports car.  His former friends had also moved on in life and he felt at a complete loss apparently a common problem for young guys just out of the forces.  A bit of trolling the bars and clubs had got him an occasional piece of tail but nothing that really gave him any lasting satisfaction until the night a couple of weeks ago when he had ventured into the seedier part of the city.  A few drinks, a couple of joints followed by a few more beers and he found himself entering a club that, under normal circumstances, he would have avoided like the plague. 

The first surprise was that instead of a bouncer standing at the door inviting guys in to see the show there was a rather mousy-looking middle aged woman, in  an outfit that wouldnt turn any masculine eyes,  standing at the entrance with a bored look on her face.

“Well, are you coming in or not?” she asked with a cigarette dangling from the corner of her mouth.

“Whats inside?” he asked.

“If youre interested come in and see, if not take a hike sonny. Theres no cover charge.”

With nothing better to do, and needing a piss, he went through the door, down a short hallway and in through another door that shut with a resounding click.  Looking round he saw that there was no handle on it not a good sign.  The first thing he noticed was that the room was quite small, about 25 feet long and only about 10 feet wide with a small stage at the far end.  The second thing he noticed was that there were about twenty women in the room, the youngest certainly well over forty and a few possibly into their sixties.  He was one of only about five guys, all in their early twenties and all looking a bit surprised.

A woman approached him with a tray of drinks and told him to take one.  He told her he needed the bathroom and she told him to grab his drink while he could and then go to the can.  The drink was good a bit sweet but no shortage of alcohol in it and, in his cavalier fashion, he swallowed it in one gulp and put his hand out for another but the woman had moved on and was plying her drinks to the other guys.  He made his way to the bathroom and as he was unzipping he got a crashing headache and dropped to the floor.

Coming round he found himself up on the stage with the other guys, his hands manacled above his head to an overhead steel bar and his ankles spread wide apart and cuffed to o rings bolted to the floor.  The middle-aged women were wandering around the stage checking out the bodies, somewhat like at a meat market.  Other than the prodding, squeezing and the occasional slap across the ass, the women completely ignored the men as they discussed the relative merits of their bodies. 

At the sound of a bell the women left the stage through a door at the back and the guys were left hanging, literally.  The bar above their heads and the stage beneath them slowly rotated in a semi-circle and they found themselves staring at a mirrored wall.  They could hear laughter and some light-hearted haggling as the women continued their analysis of the guys from behind two-way mirrors.

About an hour later the mousy woman from the street door came in pushing a steel trolley.  Without a word she stopped in front of Jeff, picked up a syringe and  stabbed it into his ass.  Moments later he felt another headache coming on and again lost consciousness. 

When he came round this time the scene had changed dramatically.  He was in a small room, on his hands and knees tightly squeezed into a cage, not much bigger than a dog kennel.  His hands and ankles were cuffed to the base of the cage with the only thing preventing the experience from being sheer hell being a foam pad on the floor giving some relief to his knees.  A single light bulb hung from the ceiling and illuminated a large chair, luxuriously padded and covered in what appeared to be soft leather.  It was on a raised platform and Jeff had to strain his neck from his kneeling to see it properly.  The light went off, throwing the room into total darkness.  

What seemed like hours later he heard a noise, sounding like a door opening but no light was admitted to the room.  Next he experienced a swishing noise and a faint hint of perfume.  Moments later another light came on, this one illuminating the elevated chair, making it look more like a throne than a mere armchair and one of the women he had noticed in the club was sitting, ankles crossed, staring imperiously at him.  She was probably in her fifties, taller than average and maybe a few pounds over weight.  These observations were secondary as the most significant feature about her was her face.  It was well shaped, without any apparent age lines and was highlighted by large eyes and incredibly fleshy red lips.  But most of all it was her expression not one of anger but, nevertheless, incredibly harsh with her eyes appearing to drill right through Jeff.  When she spoke she had a fairly deep voice, the type commonly associated with heavy smoking and drinking.

“I dont know who you are and, frankly, I dont care.  You neednt bother to tell me because I wont remember it any way plus, as you will quickly learn, talking or speaking by you will only occur when I ask you a question and at no other time whatsoever.  My name is Baroness…. well that doesnt matter it is of no concern to you and knowing it will do nothing to help you.  In fact, just to set the scene right from the start, nothing at all will help you.  Life, as you knew it, ended for you last night when you stupidly entered the Cougar Club.  Along with the other idiots that stumbled in you ceased to be a free man the moment you walked through that door.  I bought you in the auction and, in keeping with our clubs long history and tradition, nobody except me and our club members, knows where you are.

You are probably already thinking of how you can escape from this predicament you find yourself in.  Well, let me save you the trouble of trying to figure out a way out.   There is none, period.

One of my club members, you met her several nights ago, the one with the drinks tray, will be coming here shortly to brand you with your identification, the number seven, but more about that later.  To put things into the right perspective let me tell you a few things.  I am 53 years of age, independently wealthy since my husbands tragic accident 9 years ago and have been a committed sadist since I strangled the family cat at the tender age of six.  I was too much for my parents to handle and I was sent to a special school in Bavaria where, far from curing me of my psychopathic traits, they encouraged me to find myself, which I certainly did.  The house you are in sits on several beautiful acres of rolling countryside  with beautiful gardens, an in-ground swimming pool, riding stable and many other trappings of a wealthy existence.  I am telling you this because you will only be able to imagine it.  Unfortunately for you, you will never see daylight again, in fact, it will be a rare (but painful) treat for you to even leave this room. 

Now, about your brand, the number “7”.  Since my husband died  I have had six live-in guests, no lets cut the crap and talk realistically, Ive had six incarcerated slaves and you are now the seventh, hence your brand.  All six slaves found peace here, but to their collective regret, only when they died.  Only one passed away in his sleep and I leave it up to you to contemplate how the others died.  My first slave lived for almost three years and that surprised me at the time as I thought I was being really brutal.  But I did learn from the experience and if you do the math you will figure out that the next five, between them, lasted only six years, averaging a little over a year each.  But I am getting older now and as I age, I am finding myself more anxious to experience all the highs that I possibly can as quickly as I can and, as a result, it seems that each subsequent slave has lasted a couple of months less than the preceding one.  Slave four was the exception.  Frankly, I knew I had made a mistake just a few days after I had bought him and had to put him down.  I really didnt get my moneys worth from him but, understandably, there are no guarantees offered or expected at our club.  His was probably the most excruciatingly painful death of them all, took him several days to die, with me in almost constant attendance enjoying his pain and tears and sending him on his way, so I did receive something of a rebate, I suppose.

You look to be a fairly strong young man so breaking you down will be enjoyable but disposing of you will probably take longer but, have no fear, I will cherish every aspect of the challenge!  Oh, the English language is so colorful isnt it?  Did you hear what I just said?  I said have no fear, I will enjoy every moment of it.  What a wonderful use of words have no fear good God!  You will be in absolute fear every waking moment of the rest of your miserable short life!

You are no doubt having a hard time taking all this in and probably think that I am a crazy old bitch.  Well, seven, lets analyze that phrase right now crazy old bitch.  You will quickly learn that I am a totally unforgiving bitch and, yes, at 53 I suppose I could be called old, particularly by someone as young and impressionable as you but, crazy?  Absolutely not! I am as sane as anybody I know.  I have masters degrees in education and philosophy (helps me understand and really appreciate my lifestyle) and I am a fully trained medical doctor, adding some wonderful dimensions to my enjoyment of pain and torture.  I currently lecture at the local university and support many philanthropic organizations.  From time to time I host dinner and garden parties here with some of the most influential society people in attendance.  To put it another way, I am a paragon of virtue both loved and respected by people in all walks of life in the community.  Ah!  I know what you are thinking but dont bother.  This section of the house is completely self-contained and is utterly soundproof there is absolutely no way you can or will make yourself heard beyond these walls and, anyway, I would never tell you when the parties are taking place anyway.”

She pushed a button on the arm of her throne and the cage revolved about 180 degrees so that Jeff was now facing a solid wall.  Another push of a button and a whirring sound was followed by  a section of the wall moving slowly to one side revealing a smaller room full of different types of equipment, some looking positively medieval and some looking twenty-first century high-tech.  She got up from her throne and walked into the room, heading for the far corner on the left.  Opening a cupboard she uncovered a round metal door that she opened by lifting a heavy-looking latch and then turning the circular door about six times in an anti-clockwise direction.  All he could see was a black nothingness from where he was positioned in his cage.

“This is where it will all end, seven, right here in this high-efficiency furnace that I bought when I took up pottery.  Slave one had to brick it into place and connect up the chimney.  I have always been scrupulously honest with everybody so I told him what it was for and that he would have the privilege of being its first firing.   While I am playing with you this door will always be open as a constant reminder to you to keep me satisfied or face the consequences. 

Well, I think thats enough for now I just wanted to give you a brief orientation so that you might feel a little more comfortable in your surroundings.  Oh Im sorry, that was rather spiteful of me wasnt it. 

Mistress Fire will be here later to brand you.  In the meantime Ill leave you facing the torture room so you can contemplate your fate.”  She walked over to his cage and pulled two plastic tubes from brackets on the wall and threaded them through the top of the cage securing them to clamps.   These are your food and drink pipes for you to suck on drink on the left and food on the right.  From time to time you will enjoy table scraps in a dog bowl but, for the next couple of days, to show you that I am a very serious and totally sadistic bitch, youll be enjoying my urine from the left tube and, well, you can guess what youll get from the other enjoy!

She left the room, the door closed with a solid thud and he heard a motor that, he thought, was probably moving a section of wall over the door completely covering it up.

End of Part One. 

Final Tour - Part Two:

What seemed likes hours but was probably no more than 30 minutes, he heard the whirring sound of the motor followed by the opening of the door.  A light came on and the Baroness entered and walked to the front of his cage. 

“Its branding time and my friend Mistress Fire is here to do the deed.

Mistress Fire moved into his line of vision.  Once again it was that mousy woman from the street door of the club, the one who had later plunged the hypodermic needle into his butt, knocking him out cold, before he was brought to this hell-hole.  She was wearing a shiny black leather jump-suit and industrial grade fireproof asbestos gloves.  A wicked yet satisfied grin spread across her face as she checked him out like a piece of meat in a butchers freezer.

“So hes to get seven brands, right?  Lovely, lets get started.”      She took off one of her gloves, put her hand through the bars of his cage and proceeded to pinch and squeeze the fleshy areas of his naked body, selecting the most vulnerable and painful locations for the brands.  Try as he might, Jeff could not move more than an inch or two, trying to shy away from her hand.  Sensing his attempt to avoid the pain Fire took off her other glove, pinched his nose with one hand and covered his mouth with the other. 

“Theres no escape from pain and torture here.  You should have realized that by now.  The more you struggle, the more excited and turned on we get and thats just fine with us but not so good for you, believe me, weve had lots of experience.  I could easily suffocate you right now if I chose to but that would be such a waste of a slave.    My cunts tingling just at the thought of the agony you are going to suffer for the pleasure of the Baroness and me.” 

The Baroness walked over to the wall, removed a hand-held wand from a bracket and pushed a button.  The cage quietly and smoothly rose about four feet off the ground.  She pushed another button and it then moved towards the middle of the room and stopped over, and lowered onto, a large steel table.  The base of the cage appeared to lock into place and within minutes the Baroness and Fire had unlocked each corner and lifted the sides up and away from the table, leaving Jeff still manacled to the base but unencumbered now by the cage. 

“You can probably feel some weight around your balls.  Thats an electronic device that was fitted before we left the Cougar Club.  It is a hundred times more effective that any other form of restraint and I can have you writhing in agony just by the slightest touch to this button on my watch strap…. Like so”.  Unable to move his arms and legs he arched his body and screamed in pain.  No sooner had he quieted down than she hit the button again and caused him to buck and scream again.

“Oh scream as much as you want we love it!   But dont make yourself hoarse, Well want to hear you scream when Fire brands you.”  Another stab at the button and he was again in absolute agony, tears streaming down his face.

“The only thing I enjoy more than a slaves screaming is to watch him cry.  Now that device is a real breakthrough in slave control.  You see, I will be able to control you completely without the need to have you manacled to the floor, or hanging from the wall, all the time.   The increased flexibility opens up a whole host of opportunities to hurt you, anywhere, anytime.  OK, I think were ready for the first brand.”

The Baroness gave Fire a curt nod, indicating that she could now start branding.    She approached the table with the branding iron in her gloved right hand.  Jeff could smell the heat of very hot metal and his body began to tremble.  She stood in front of him with her face about three feet from his.  When he had first seen her outside the club she had appeared mousy.  Now, with a malicious smile on her face, she looked really ugly her teeth were crooked and discolored and she had an excess of facial hair.  Sensing his opinion she spat on his face and wiped her spittle over it with her free hand.

“You think Im ugly, dont you?  So many guys made me feel that way in my teens that I was permanently put off men and developed a life-long hate for you all.   Ive put that hate to good use and now really enjoy torturing slaves and making them uglier than I will ever be!  Each slave I work on suffers a thousand times more emotional pain than I ever did and then, of course, you all die a slow and incredibly painful death at the hands of your owners.  OK!  Enough friendly chit-chat its time for your first brand.”

With that she walked to the foot of the table and smacked his right ass cheek several times hard, bringing up an area of redness.  The brand hit his cheek and he felt excruciating pain and sickness as he smelt his own flesh burning.  Once again, he screamed out in pain causing both the Baroness and Fire to laugh at his anguish.  Just as the pain was slowly subsiding, Fire smacked his left ass-cheek and repeated the procedure, holding the iron on his body for about a minute, burning deep into the flesh.  The pain was finally too much for him and he passed out but there was no relief there as his body was still held in place by the manacles.  The Baroness activated the scrotum device again causing him to revert to the kneeling position.  “Please, please, if it will make you happy, please just kill me, I cant take any more of this.  I really would like to die, please dont do any more to me.” 


The Baroness moved in front of him and squatted down so that her face was just a few inches from his.  “Was I just wasting my breath earlier on?  Do you think I bought you just for a one-night stand?  Of course not.  I plan to keep you alive and in constant fear and pain for as long as possible.  Dont forget that I am a doctor so I have can keep you alive where, without professional care, you might otherwise succumb thats half the fun for me.  See the defibrillator on the wall over there?  That will help Im sure.  Plead as much as you want but it wont make any difference.  I bought you for my own selfish and sadistic fun and I wont be disappointed, believe me.”

She turned around and said something to Fire who immediately picked up the branding iron and approached Jeff again, the same sick smile on her ugly face.  He could hear the sizzle of his burnt flesh on the end and, even worse, could smell it too.  She held the iron about a foot from his face and he tried to turn away but the Baroness stepped up beside him and put his neck in an  arm-lock.  “OK Fire, the forehead I think”.

He screamed in agony as Fire placed the iron on his forehead.  He could hear both the searing of his own flesh and the insane cackling laughter of  Fire

along with the Baroness shouted instruction to hold it there longer.  He couldnt move as she maintained the arm-lock and, mercifully, the pressure on his neck caused him to pass out.  What little relief he got from being temporarily unconscious ended with a series of hard slaps to his face from Fire as the Baroness reduced the pressure on his neck and subjected him to a torrent of verbal abuse.  “I do not expect you to pass out every time we  hurt you.  You must learn to take the torture like a real man or things will just get unimaginably worse for you.  Believe me that is very possible if you could only talk to some of my former slaves, they would confirm that but, alas, thats not possible is it?”

The two women then picked up the side sections of the cage, slid them into place and the Baroness then used the wall-mounted wand to replace the top.  The sections were locked together and the cage moved back to its former spot on the floor, facing the open furnace in the equipment room.  Without a word the women left the room and it was plunged into total darkness. 

“We will continue after dinner”

Jeff went through alternating periods of absolute panic and, strangely enough, relative calm as he knew that until the door opened and the lights went on he would not be subjected to any additional pain or, worse yet, excruciating torture at the hands of these sadistic women.  Having been in the army he had been trained to withstand hardship but nothing in his time served could possibly have prepared him for this.  Nevertheless, at his core, he refused to believe that he would die here.  He had already decided that negotiating with the Baroness would be entirely pointless.  Nothing in her manner, her actions nor her personality gave the slightest hint of any pity for what she was doing to him and, presumably if she was to be believed, what she had done to others.  Worse still, her confidence level was so high and her air of invincibility so strong that she talked about his impending painful death as a fait accompli not something that might happen but as something that was utterly inevitable.

Still, he urged himself to look for any opportunity, no matter how small, to start building up snippets of information, timing, personal traits, that might collectively give him a remote chance of getting out of this hell-hole.  It wasnt much to go on and he knew, deep down, that he was probably deluding himself but he wouldnt go down without a fight.

The feeling that he had gained back a modicum of control stayed with him for about another hour.  Then the single light went on and he heard the grating of the wall section behind him opening.  Moments later the Baroness and Fire came back in, each carrying a glass of red wine.  The Baroness sat on the throne while Fire could be heard in the background moving some things around before pulling an armchair up beside the Baroness.   The two talked quietly to each other, occasionally laughing, but totally ignored Jeff.  He was still manacled in a cramped position, on his hands and knees, inside the cage.  He could see the two women out of the corner of his eye and stayed as still as possible, not wanting to encourage them to pay any attention to him.  All to no avail as Fire got up, unlatched the sides of the cage allowing them to fall noisily to the floor and straddled Jeff.  He felt her fingernails digging into his shoulders.  For a split second it was a pleasant sensation but then it turned to pain as she dug hard and deep into the flesh.   “Next two brands here, I think, Baroness. Ive marked the spots when you are ready”.

“Not yet, Fire, I need some relief first.  Lets get him into the chair.  Remember the pain in your balls slave? Well, just follow instructions and you will be spared that, at least for a while.”

Fire got off his back and undid the manacles on his ankles while the Baroness did the same to his wrist manacles.  To their amusement, when he tried to move he couldnt, he was locked into the kneeling position with lack of movement for over 24 hours.  All that ended when Fire landed a kick on his ass at the same time that the Baroness grabbed him under the chin and jerked him forward.  He sprawled onto the floor and in a well-rehearsed way, he was dragged over to the armchair and flipped on his back.  He was pushed under the chair and his wrists were strapped to the front legs.  All he could see was the underside of the seat as his ankles were strapped together.  He tried to lift his legs but clearly the strap was attached to something heavy enough to prevent that.  Next, he felt some pressure on his throat as a restraint was locked over his neck, holding his head in a rigid position.  The seat cushion was removed and he looked up at the faces of the Baroness and Fire staring down at him.

“Open your mouth!” commanded Fire.  A big glob of spit was released from her mouth and landed on the back of his throat.  “Swallow it!  Now, make yourself comfortable, as youll be here for quite a while.  Your nutritional needs are close to our hearts but, I have to say, much closer to our asses.  Bon appetit!”

The Baroness placed a  fitted toilet seat onto the throne and Fire then inserted a clear plastic funnel in through the opening.  The lip around the top was designed to rest on the toilet seat with the flexible part suspended through the opening.  It was long enough that when Fire roughly inserted it in Jeffs mouth, no amount of twisting would allow him to force it out.

“So, now you have tried to spit it out and like any other effort you make to deny us our fun, you just cant win.  Accept the fact that we are in complete control and you have no choice but to do as you are told.  Baroness, would you like to go first?  Oh by the way seven, your dinner tonight will be spicy Mexican enjoy!”

The light disappeared as the Baroness sat down on the toilet.  For a few moments nothing happened but first a trickle and then a torrent of hot piss poured into his throat.  Unable to eject the funnel he had to swallow as fast as he could to avoid choking on the vile liquid.  He managed that with difficulty but then he heard her fart as a fairly soft log was ejected from her ass and slid down the funnel toward his mouth.  He tried to put his tongue across the bottom but was only partially successful as it was well into his mouth and only succeeded in pushing it against the side as it slid into his mouth.  Moments later another log came down the tube pushing on the first one, followed by more piss and another larger log.  He felt himself choking and tried to cough the mixture back up into the tube.  Fire looked under the chair and saw what he was doing and suggested to the Baroness that she activate the scrotal restraint and a sharp stab of pain immediately went through his balls.  He tried to  scream but that had the desired effect and his mouth was filled with the Baroness shit and piss mixture.

“Now fucking eat it or youll get the treatment again.  And for fucks sake hurry up because I need a shit real bad.”  Another jab of intense pain and he swallowed another mouthful of the disgusting mixture.  Eventually he emptied the funnel and the Baroness lifted herself off the seat to be replaced, just moments later, by Fire.  There was only time for him to quickly take two or three breaths before Fire sat down.  She just opened up and he could hear her laughing as a huge dump of hot diarrhea gushed down into his mouth.  “Swallow, swallow, swallow” she cackled  and he could sense her rocking back and forth on the throne as she pummeled his chest with her booted feet.

As disgusting as her shit was, its semi-liquid texture allowed him to swallow it quite quickly  and he hoped he would now be released from being clamped and manacled to the floor.  Not so.  The Baroness looked down at him through the toilet seat and placed a hosepipe into the funnel.  A burst if water splashed against the sides and, like the shit and piss, ran directly into his mouth.  As difficult as it was to swallow, it was a lot better than the previous stuff and he was able to get it down.  The hose was removed and then she lifted up the funnel and moved out of his line of vision.  Back in view she looked down  at him with a cigarette smoldering in the corner of her mouth  “Dinner tomorrow will be Greek or Chinese I havent decided yet but you will find out soon enough.  Now, Fire, two more brands tonight I think and then we can go to bed.”

The Baroness replaced the seat in the throne and he was surrounded by darkness again.  His fears mounted as he could not see what was going on but knew that the torture was not over yet.  The silence was more unnerving than anything else as he waited, in anguish for the next violent act to take place.  Without any warning whatsoever he felt incredible pain and burning on the soles of both of his feet and, mercifully passed out.  His relief was only momentary as he could feel the various restraints being removed and his body being unceremoniously dragged across the floor.  He was placed in a sitting position in a corner and his arms were raised so his wrists were level with his shoulders. His wrists were then locked into rings in the wall.  A circular hole, about twelve inches across, was located in the floor about a foot in front of him and a tap, trickling water, was just in his reach if he leaned to his left.  “You will stay in the bathroom overnight dont make a mess or you will pay for it.  Get some sleep, slave and be ready for a day of even more pain and torture.  You will be surprised and shocked at just what evil pleasure I will get from torturing you.  Every day of the rest of your miserable life you will wish you were dead but that is not going to happen for a long, long time as you find out what a evil and sadistic bitch I truly am.”  She stubbed her cigarette out in the middle of his chest, forced his mouth open,  stuffed the butt deep into his throat and clamped her hands over his mouth and nose until he had swallowed it.  “Good night sleep tight”

She chuckled as she and Mistress Fire walked to the door and moments later the light went off, the door banged shut  and the wall section slid solidly back into place.

Final Tour Part Three:

Chapter One:

After what was, without any doubt, the worst night of his entire life, morning rolled around.    He knew this as a light came on in the ceiling and a few minutes later he heard the wall section sliding across, followed by the door opening.  Mistress Fire entered on her own and, without a word, opened a cupboard and removed her branding iron.  The previous night Jeff had learned that the more noise he made, the more excited the women became  and their excitement just added to their sadistic pleasure pushing them deeper into their depraved acts.  She moved out of his sight but he could here the sound of a gas burner igniting and, shortly thereafter, the smell of hot metal.

He was still manacled to the wall and he thought with any luck he might be able to get a swift kick at the bitch as she approached to finish the branding.  Unfortunately he had forgotten the device round his scrotum but Mistress Fire clearly had not as he saw her touch the button on the strap around her wrist and, once again, the torture had started.  While he was writhing in agony from the effects of the shock, Mistress Fire quickly placed a metal stool across his legs and sat on it.  Its clever placement gave him no opportunity to lift his legs and dislodge her.  This morning she looked even more ugly than the night before and stank of sex and sweat.  He determined to stay absolutely silent in his attempt to reduce the pain that was about to hit him but when the branding iron impaled itself just above his left nipple he gave an unintended scream.  Immediately the bitch broke into fits of laughter, followed by a spasm of coughing sending her vile spit all over his face.

“Did you really think you could take it…. take the pain?   You are one stupid son of a bitch to think that.  Many slaves before you thought the same and none have succeeded.  Why?  Because I just kept going till they broke, and broke they all did.  I havent needed a man for an orgasm since I was in my teens because this turns me on better than the biggest, thickest, cocks Ive ever seen.  Now just relax for a few minutes until the iron heats up again for your final brand”

The pain was excruciating but he was not going to break down at this point although he realized that his thoughts, last night, of planning an escape were pointless.  Both these women were skilled in what they were doing and clearly would provide no opportunity for him to take any advantage of them.  For the first time in his young life he felt utterly defeated and, although not a religious person, quietly prayed for a heart attack to end his life.  The defibrillator hanging on the wall made him realize that the Baroness had thought of everything when it came to ways to prevent her slaves from escaping her depravity and violence. 

At no time during his tours of duty in Afghanistan did he feel anything like as scared as he was right now and regretted that he had not stepped on an IED while over there.  This, he realized was defeatist thinking and he again elected to snap out of this obvious path to depression but, just as the thought was crossing his mind the bitch struck for the second time, this time just above his right nipple.  As if reading his thoughts she held it in place for much longer and he could hear the sizzle of his flesh and, worse yet, could smell it burning.  The look in Mistress Fires eyes said it all absolute insanity.  Her smile broke into a grin that quickly turned into a roar of laughter and, once again, spittle was cascading from her mouth, much of it landing on his chest and, worse yet, some attaching itself to his face and slowly running down to his chin.  He recalled a visit to a very English pantomime during his childhood when the scariest character of all was a wicked witch with a long crooked nose and a cackling laugh.  Well, he had now met her in person and the real thing was infinitely worse.  As if reading his thoughts she stopped laughing and put her face just inches from his.

“Are you enjoying this as much as me?  I hope not because this is all for me and not for you. Years of hatred towards males get their release down here in the Baronesses dungeon.   She and I are utterly committed to extracting all the sadistic pleasure and excitement we can while watching you die a slow and excruciatingly painful death.  Life, as we live it down here, is the best and cheapest ticket in town.  Why do I say that?  It costs us absolutely nothing to pick up unsuspecting loners like you so the return on our “investment” is infinite.   This is such a perfect place for our hobby because when we are finished there will be no trace left of you whatsoever..  When were tired of you and have found a replacement, youll just blow away in the wind, no isnt that poetic! Oh God!  Just the thought of it makes my cunt throb.”

She was staring into his eyes and he could see her lips were trembling with excitement.  Finally he could take no more of the sight of her and turned his face to one side.  That was a big mistake as she immediately grabbed his chin with her right hand, still encased in the rough leather glove she had been wearing for the branding, and yanked it forward, closing her hand over his mouth.

“Dont you dare show disobedience like that again you useless shit!”

Her head came forward and she thrust her mouth over his nose, pushing his head back against the wall.  He held his breath, hoping for some relief but she had different a idea.  With his oxygen supply used up he started to panic and tried to pull his head away from her but she was much too strong and, in his already weakened state, he could not break away.  Instead she held him there until he felt his consciousness slipping away.  She obviously felt his resistance ebbing too so she viciously ground her teeth into his nose breaking the skin on both sides and shattering the bone.  She finally pulled back, spat bloody spittle onto his face and laughed again.  She was obviously excited by this and he could see her breaking out into a sweat and grabbing her crotch.    Clearly she had just had an orgasm and she sat rocking backwards and forwards, rubbing her crotch, humming to herself with her eyes closed.

“Well, seven, you are going to get an unscheduled break today.  The Baroness is not feeling too well so Im driving her into town for a doctors appointment.  Take the time to relax and enjoy the break because when she gets back she will want to make up for lost time.  We might be back tonight or we may just decide to spend the night in town with friends, comparing notes.  Or we might just stay away for a few days, who knows?  Youll stay right where you are so you cant get up to any mischief.  Ill leave the tap dripping so youll be able to get a drink any time but there wont be any food for you until we get back no point in easing up on your torture just because we are not here.”

With that she stood up, unzipped her pants and lowered them to her ankles and he knew what was coming next.  She moved up close, pulled down her black panties and thrust further forward until her cunt hairs were rubbing against his broken nose and then pissed all over his face.  He expected her to turn around and give him a brown shower but, surprisingly she stepped back  and pulled up her pants.

“No solid food for you this morning - youll be really hungry by the time we get back.” 

She walked towards the door, stopped and turned around.

“Oh yes!  One other thing.  We are having an initiation party later this week.  Thats when all the women that bought slaves at the last auction get together for an initial assessment.  The Baroness is first on the list for her presentation so it will happen within the next few days.  It will be a lot of fun for the women but you wont enjoy it one bit.   Well have some head games as well as the physical fun so think about how you are going to feel when the four other women show up and join us for the party.  Im not sure who is the most creative member of the group but you will find out very soon.  Enjoy your rest.”

A few more steps and she was out of the door.  It slammed shut solidly and then, as before, he heard the wall sliding back into place and the room returned to absolute pitch blackness

Part Three Chapter Two:

Several days later.

Jeff had managed to keep himself hydrated for however long the women had been gone without any light or other way of telling he couldnt be sure if he had been chained up for one day or three, four or more days but he was sure it was a long time.  The dripping tap had provided him with water but also, not surprisingly, it was designed in a way for the water to drip onto a thin metal or tin plate so the constant sound of the drip, drip, drip was another form of torture intended to make relaxation and sleep virtually impossible.   

He thought about his life up until the time he ventured into the so-called club and, while not exceptional, it had not been a bad life.  A hankering after adventure had got him involved in some extreme sports that required him to stay very fit and this was certainly a help right now.  Not satisfied with that amount of stimulation he had joined the army and within a very short time had found himself posted to Afghanistan.  Full of bravado, he had always been the first, or one of the first, to venture into new territory and had miraculously avoided getting hurt, even mildly.  A few of his battalion friends had been flown home with serious injuries and limbs missing but he didnt even get shot at once during his six-month tour of duty.  In his current, very depressed state he now wished that he had trodden on an IED or got shot and killed by the Taliban. 

The only time he came anywhere close to getting into any kind of trouble at all was when he picked up a young hooker near the base and, without the benefit of a common language, read her intentions quite well, followed her back to a one-room hovel and went in.  He hadnt realized that there could be prostitutes in such a strict Islamic country but accepted the fact that a) he didnt know everything and b) no matter where you find yourself desperate people will do anything for money.   He took what to him seemed to him to be a paltry amount of money from his wallet and placed it on a rusted metal chair by the bed not a bed really - nothing more than a mattress on the floor covered with a dirty grey sheet.  She counted the cash and must have felt that she had won the lottery as her face lit up and she immediately started to wriggle out of her clothes.  His active life had not involved any real intimacy with women so, apart from a few tit-fondles with high-school girls,  this was the first time for Jeff and, much to his embarrassment and frustration, he managed to get one of his boot-laces knotted.  While he was trying to undo it the young hooker took his cock in her mouth and expertly sucked it while gently massaging his balls.  She didnt smell too good and had dark, oily, hair in her armpits and lots more on her arms and legs.  He was thinking that he would get lost in her pubic hair when the door of the shack burst open and an older woman rushed in, screaming.   Jeff was still trying to get his boot off and was in an extremely vulnerable position as she came towards him.

He thought the woman was about to attack and maybe kill him so, in a gut reaction, he covered his face with his arms.  To his surprise she didnt touch him but brushed past, grabbing the girl by the hair and then dragged her to a small door at the back of the shack and threw her out.  She then turned round, picked up the money he had put on the chair and slowly sauntered over to him, smiling, while pulling off her clothes.  She was obviously on the job as well, as previous clients must have given her the very western red silk underwear she proudly displayed.  She pushed him down on to the mattress and crouched down by his side. Like the younger woman she also smelled of a mixture of sweat and a kind of spice similar to nutmeg.  Her skin glistened with beads of sweat and he could see permanent sweat-stains on her satin bra and pants.  Looking at her more closely he could see the resemblance between the two and assumed that this one was the mother of the girl.  While the younger one was reasonably good looking, by his idea of what an Afghani woman should look like, the older woman left something to be desired.  However, like the daughter, she quickly went to work with his cock in her mouth.  At first she played with the head, licking around in a circular type motion while gently sucking it in, almost to the base.  One of her hands was firmly gripping the base of his cock while her other hand was caressing his balls and occasionally pinching and tweaking his scrotum.  She certainly knew what she was doing and he relaxed into a  sexual space and let her get on with it.  She gradually increased the sucking pressure on his engorged cock while drawing him deeper into her mouth.  Unbelievably she got the whole shaft in, and with his cock pushing against the back of her throat, was even able to take his balls into her mouth.  He had never experienced anything like this in his life before and just laid back and enjoyed it.  Another indication of her ability was how she was able to judge when he was about to shoot his load.  Instead of letting him come she would withdraw her mouth a few inches and tightly squeeze the base of his cock until she was sure the threat of orgasm had passed.    

He figured the relatively small amount of cash he had put on the chair would have bought him a blow-job or, at best, a quick fuck but, no, this woman appeared to be just getting started.    Jeff hadnt really looked closely at her when she came in he had had his eyes closed expecting to get hit with something but after the third or fourth near-orgasm she came up for air and looked at him.  Her features, although harsh, were not that bad.  He judged her to be in her 30s and what she lacked in good looks, was compensated for by her very capable mouth.  At home he wouldnt have looked at her twice but here she was a welcome break from the routine and, he had to admit, he would have had sex with any female no matter how old or ugly she was just to get away from the drudgery of camp life.  She smiled at him and using rather crude hand signs asked if he wanted more.  He nodded his head vigorously and that made her laugh.  The reason for her great sucking skills immediately became obvious as, when she laughed he saw that a few of her front teeth, both top and bottom, were missing not too good to look at but great for oral sex.  She went back down on him and, this time, as she sucked his cock deep into her throat, she moved her body around until her legs were by the side of his head.  At that angle she was able to get his cock and balls right inside her mouth and almost close her lips  - an exotic and incredibly kinky experience.  With her legs this close to his face he could smell the musky scent of her cunt and, like any guy in heat, was not in the least put off by it.  Moments later she had quickly lifted one of her legs over his head and her cunt was quivering just a fraction of an inch from his face.  By this time he was beyond reason and pushed his tongue up against her labia.  This was the signal she was looking for and her cunt came down hard on his face and his tongue entered deep inside her.   With his tongue deep in her cunt, her position meant that his nose was between her ass cheeks and he didnt know what was worse not being able to breath or being able to breath but inhaling the shit smell of her dirty ass.   Her weight was pressing down on his face  and her knees were holding down his arms so he didnt have much choice other than to accept the situation until she chose to move off him.  She continued to monitor his body language and several times again was able to literally spit out his cock and squeeze the base hard  to prevent him coming.  Finally, after what seemed like half an hour of sweaty heaven, she lifted herself off of him, laid on her back, opened her legs and raised her feet in the air.  With his pants around his ankles and one boot still on he went down and slammed his cock into her cunt.  Her legs closed across his back and she literally sucked his orgasm deep inside her.  It only took a few moments before he exploded and with that, all his energy and any remaining desire quickly left his body.  He collapsed on top of the woman and laid there in a trance.  She obviously had different ideas, though, as she roughly pushed him aside, put on her dress and started pushing him and indicating that he should pull up his pants and leave.

His reminiscences were brought to an abrupt halt by the sound of the wall sliding back.  Moments later the door opened and the Baroness entered, wearing a burgundy leather coat, matching leather boots and gloves.  He waited for the bitch, Fire, to follow her in but, to his surprise and relief, the Baroness was on her own.

“Well, I see you managed to survive while I was gone.  I expect you had hoped that you would die and escape from the abject misery that awaits you but, like virtually all humans, the desire to survive is much stronger than the ability to voluntarily allow yourself to die.  So, in that regard, you are typical.  None of my previous slaves has died that way but I must admit that I thought that you might have tried to do so.  Make no mistake, you will regret your decision to stay hydrated and alive, but more about that later.  Mistress Fire has gone away overnight as I wanted you all to myself.  I know she told you about the party that we are having  but I want to fill you in on the details.  It will be tomorrow night and, of course, it will be here in my dungeon.  All the other members of our group will be here, without their recent purchases, and you, seven, will be the centre of attention.  It will be one of those rare occasions where you might, in fact, get some enjoyment from the activities yourself.  That is until you can no longer hold your ejaculate.  When you finally come, as painful as it will be to do so, you will set off a string of activities that we will all join in and thoroughly enjoy.  You wont enjoy them at all but that doesnt matter. However, up to that point, as I said, you could, if you tried, actually enjoy the experience.  Whatever pleasure you enjoy will be fleeting as, the fear of what is to follow after you come will likely prevent you getting too much joy from it.  Now lets have a look at your brands.”

She bent down and examined all the brands, poking at them and scratching across the surface of the still unhealed skin.  He cringed back as the pain hit him resulting in a sharp slap across the face from her leather-gloved hand.

“Now listen to me, seven. You have been here for several days now and that is long enough to realize that I dont want, nor do I expect, you to move unless I give you the instruction.  That will cost you a severe whipping after I have eaten dinner tonight.  Now, to be perfectly honest with you, if you hadnt reacted to my aggravating of your brands, I would have found some other reason to hurt you or just done it for the sheer pleasure of making you scream and beg for mercy.  I am telling you this so that when, in either a few weeks or a few months, when I am ready to dispatch you over there in the corner” she nodded toward the furnace  “you will not be able to claim that I lied to you.  This is very important to me because I truly believe in honesty and full disclosure.  I know it doesnt do anything to help you but it certainly makes me feel good.”

She turned her attention to the dried blood on his ass cheeks where Fire had placed two of the brands.   After prodding and squeezing them for a few moments she got up and went to one of the cupboards along the wall and returned with a paddle in her hand.  He was still manacled to the wall but that didnt seem to bother her at all and, even in the limited space, she was able to get a pretty good slap against his buttocks.  Remembering from earlier that his screams and sobs just turned the bitches on even more, he tried to remain silent as she hit each ass cheek alternately.  For a while he was able to remain quiet but eventually gave a howl as one well-placed hit just pushed him over the top.

“Ah!  I see I am getting somewhere now” she said “Thats good.  Im going to make you squeal like a pig being skinned alive” 

The next hit was exponentially more painful and Jeff realized that that the other side of the paddle was actually some kind of brush and the hairs, most likely wire, penetrated deep into the wounds and he immediately felt the blood trickling down his legs as she just pounded away at his cheeks. 

“Beg me to stop!”  she screamed  “Come on, beg me to stop, I want to hear you beg for mercy”.

The pain was just too much for Jeff and he did as she commanded  “Please Baroness, if you have any decency in you, please stop the torture.  I will do anything you want, anything at all but please, please stop!”

“How dare you fucking complain.  You gave up all your rights the moment you walked into the club.  I thought we had made that quite clear.”  She paused from the paddling for his response.

“Yes you did, I know you did, but you just asked me to beg for mercy and I followed your instructions”

“Dont you dare argue with me.  I do not tolerate insolence very well at all.  I was just about finished with this session but, for that, youll get another 20 to 50 paddles and then Im going for dinner”

At that point Jeff just broke down and cried like a baby as the Baroness continued to pound his ass with the wire-brush side of the paddle.  Moments later her shrieks of ecstasy indicated that she was having a massive orgasm.  Thankfully, for Jeff, she collapsed on the floor with her body quivering and that signaled the end of the session.

She stood up, shakily, put the brush back in the cupboard and came back over to Jeff.

“Thank you, seven,  I had a wonderful orgasm.  If you can be that good I might just keep you alive longer than I initially planned.   Something for you to think about, for the next few hours, while I have dinner.  This will help you relax and maybe sleep for a while.”

From her pocket she removed a flesh colored pouch and took out a rubber hood of the same color.  She stretched it between her hands and eased it over his head, gradually feeding it down until the base fitted tightly around his neck.  He began to panic as he realized that there were no eye, nose and mouth holes.  As his fear grew larger the hood did expand a bit as he exhaled but quickly return to suffocate him as he breathed in.    after a minute of so of sheer terror she moved it slightly and two very tiny holes opened up, one under each nostril, allowing just enough air in to keep him alive.

The Baroness returned a lot sooner than the few hours she had indicated.  In so doing she introduced a new element of terror into Jeffs miserable life.  He knew by the now familiar sounds of the wall sliding and the door opening that she was back in the room but the mask made it impossible to see anything.  He knew she had turned a light on but it was of low voltage so the light did not penetrate through the rubber mask.  His hearing  was also impeded by the mask so he just remained perfectly still in his uncomfortable position with the ridiculous notion that she might forget he was there.  After a few minutes he heard a brief cracking sound, immediately followed by a burning sensation across his back.  He screamed in pain and expected  an angry reaction from the Baroness, but nothing happened.   Several minutes later he heard the same crack and his back exploded in pain once again.  As he screamed he could feel more blood trickling down his back.  Again he was met with absolute silence and nothing happened for what he guessed was as long as fifteen minutes.  This time the pain was across his chest and his body arced backwards and, as it did so, the mask twisted slightly moving the small breathing holes away from his nostrils.  He screamed in panic , expecting that the bitch would do something to help him but nothing happened.  He thrashed his head from side to side hoping that the sweat on the inside of the mask would cause it to move back into place but as soon as he started this he felt her arm lock around his neck preventing any movement.  He felt his air supply diminishing rapidly, finally losing consciousness.

When he came round he had been moved and his head was resting on a metal table with his ankles secured to the legs of a metal chair and his wrists locked in bands of steel at each the side of the table.  He raised his head and saw the Baroness sitting at the other side of the table, smoking, and staring at him over the top of her eyeglasses.

Between the two of them was a plate holding what appeared to be pieces of the crust of a pizza.  It also held several cigarette butts and as he took all this in she stubbed out the cigarette she was smoking and added it to the pile.

She pushed the plate towards him.  “Eat your dinner” she said.  “If you eat everything on the plate, and I mean everything, your punishment will be over for tonight.  Im tired and need some sleep.  Im sure you do too.  I will be out most of tomorrow getting organized for the party so you will have plenty of time to rest up.  I want you in good shape for  tomorrow evening so the ladies can enjoy you to the fullest extent possible.”  She got up from the table and came back a moment later with a dog bowl.  She placed it by the side of the plate and sat back down.  “That is some coffee left over from this morning its decaffeinated so you should be able to sleep well.”

Having had no food for several days, the rock-hard pizza crust seemed like a banquet in spite of the disgusting cigarette butts that he had to swallow as well.  The coffee was awful but, again, it was something to cherish.  As he finished his meal the Baroness lit another cigarette.  She put her head close to his, pinched his nose with one hand and exhaled the smoke directly into his mouth, making him splutter.  She held his nose with an amazingly strong grip so he was unable to avoid any of the second-hand smoke she was forcing into his mouth.  At the end she ordered him to put out his tongue and stubbed it out directly onto it, flicking the butt into his mouth.  Without being told he swallowed the butt, making him cough.  Simultaneously she coughed a deep smokers cough and spat a huge gob of phlegm directly into his throat.

“As I want you alert and ready to serve my guests tomorrow night I want you to have a good nights sleep so Im going to put you into the cage.  Dont forget that your scrotum is wired so dont get up to any mischief.”

She stood up, undid the restraints and ordered him onto the floor on his hands and knees.  She now had a schoolmasters cane in her hand and a few hard thwacks had him moving in the direction of the cage.  As mentioned before, it was not a particularly big cage and he was unable to stretch out fully inside it, having to remain in a fetal or near fetal position all the time.  The best part was that, finally, he was able to move his arms and legs a little, when he wanted to, and that would help him recover a bit before tomorrow nights onslaught. Once inside the cage the Baroness wasted no time in sliding the door down into place and secured it with two large padlocks.   It seemed a bit ridiculous to double lock the cage as he couldnt go anywhere, even if he was able to get out, but in his current state of mind he thought that perhaps she was concerned that he would find a way to kill himself if he was able to roam free in the dungeon.  The bitch thought of everything.

“Just one other thing, seven.  Once I am outside the dungeon Ill be flicking on a switch that will put an electric current through the bars of the cage.  Not enough to kill you or bring on a heart attack, that would be an unnecessary waste, but certainly enough to cause you a lot of pain.  Sleep well!”

He positioned himself in the middle of the cage, realizing that every single move he made to reposition himself would have to be done extremely carefully as it was just about big enough to accommodate him in the fetal position. 

The familiar sound of the wall sliding closed was immediately followed by a low humming noise that told him that the Baroness had electrified the bars.   

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