BDSM Library - The Brothel

The Brothel

Provided By: BDSM Library

Synopsis: Co-ed is kidnapped after winning a wet t-shirt contest.

*** This work is my own and may not be republished without permission


“Come on, Gwen, itll be fun.”

“Its Wednesday.”  I have a test to study for tomorrow and a presentation on Friday to prepare for.

“And we dont have class until one tomorrow.  Its a slow night.  Thats why they make it such a big deal.  Ladies night.  The first two drinks are on the house.  Last week there were guys all over the place and they couldnt wait to buy us drinks either.  Heather and Lisa are going too.  Itll be fun.  Come on… please.”  Youd think guys were the only important thing in the world.  Gwen sighed more in resignation and Gina smiled in satisfaction.  “Heather is calling for a cab to meet us down front of the dorm at eight.  Ill come get you a couple minutes before.  Dont forget your sisters ID.”

Noras ID was in Gwens graduation card along with a note.  “Put it to good use.”  Even though there was four years difference in their ages and Nora had two kids, they could pass for twins.  Gwen had never been challenged. 

At 7:50 Gwen surveyed the results of her efforts in the full-length mirror on the door.  Tonight she wore makeup, but it was rare for her, and it failed to hide her natural beauty and vitality.  She had her fathers dark hair, skin and eyes, and tanned without even trying.  The other three girls, she was sure, would be far less modest, but the mini skirt she had borrowed from Gina was more revealing than she was used to wearing.  She had her hair pulled up in a playful bun and earrings, Ginas again, that dangled almost to her shoulders.  She wore a spaghetti strap tank covered by a sheer blouse and her long legs were perfectly set off by the skirt.  She was glad her mother couldnt see her now.  Not that her mother would have expected anything more from her anyway.

Her mother.  Her mother was a throw back from another era.  She didnt even work.  Prim and proper.  Never wore jeans.  Never went out without makeup and her hair done.  PTA, church, social clubs, hospital volunteer.  The house and yard were clean and well kept.  The meals were fixed on time.  Proper etiquette was observed.   She maintained the perfect façade.  It wasnt until Gwen was thirteen though, that she realized there was something missing.  That was when her sister, then seventeen, got pregnant and was kicked out of the house.  Then she realized how little interaction she had with her father or her mother and how much she relied on Nora. 

Noras boyfriend was twenty-six and she moved in with him.  Gwen visited after school, before Nora went to her waitressing job, but as much as Gwen needed Nora, she was uncomfortable around Kevin.  He couldnt keep his hands off Nora even while Gwen was around.  She wondered if she was becoming her mother.  She wondered if her mother even allowed her father to touch her when no one was looking.

Kevin left when the baby was two months old.  Gwen helped Nora out babysitting while she worked, but when Nora started staying out all night with different guys Gwen told her she would have to find another babysitter.  Nora was pregnant again just before her nineteenth birthday.  She drank as a younger teenager, but now she was drinking fairly heavily and though she didnt do drugs in front of Gwen, she knew Nora was involved with them too.  Nora didnt want to become their mother.  Gwen knew she wanted more in a relationship than her parents had, but she also didnt want to become like Nora.  Still Nora had been there for Gwen when she needed her.

And Gwen had definitely needed her.  Even now it was a rare day that she didnt think of Brian.

Gwen opened the door at Ginas knock, grabbed her purse and locked her room.  “The make-up looks good!  You ready for some fun!”

Gwen smiled, “I am!”  Once she had decided to go, she hit the books in earnest so that she wouldnt feel quite so guilty about partying on a weeknight.  Now she could let herself have a reward for all her hard work, knowing that she was prepared for the next day.

They joined Heather and Lisa in the cab.  She didnt know Heather well, but Gwen liked Lisa.  She had a great sense of humor and an honesty about herself that was refreshing.  She was her own person and if people liked her for who she was, fine.  If not, she wouldnt change to suit them.  Gwen admired that trait because she frequently found herself giving in to others in order to feel accepted by them.  Like tonight.  She had only given in because of Ginas persistence.  By the time they got to the club she was feeling considerably more light-hearted. 

The second look the bouncer gave her when she showed him her sisters ID was a full body appraisal.  He smiled approvingly and she smiled back.  Maybe this wouldnt be so bad after all.  They chose a high table and settled themselves on the stools.  A waiter came to take their drink order.

“Thats two bahama mamas, a coke and rum, and a daiquiri.”  Gwen got the same appraising look from the waiter.  “Mmmm-mmm!  We are going to be cooking tonight!”  Lisa laughed as he walked away.

They barely finished their drinks and ordered seconds when Lisa and Gwen were asked to dance. 

Gwens partner said his name was Mike.  Blonde and cute, but he tried to put his hands all over her.  She parried his advances glad it was a fast dance.

The waiter nodded to a tall Italian standing in the corner as he carried his tray with the order on the counter.  The Italian followed him casually to the bar and leaned against it.  “The rum and coke.  Did you see her dancing with Mike?” 

“I already had her picked out.”

“She needs a little loosening up, but shes got some moves on the dance floor.  I would love to see that one in the contest.” 

The waiter pretended not to notice as the Italian added powder to the rum and coke.  The Italian pulled up a stool to the girls table just before the waiter delivered their second round.  He was strikingly handsome.  “Do you mind if I join you?”

Heather was ready to roll, “Do you like to dance?”

“I love to dance.  Would you like to join me?”


Gwen and Gina watched them on the floor.  He was graceful and a masterful leader.  He placed his hand on Heathers hip and gradually it moved lower as she responded.  They ended the dance close together smiling, eye to eye.  He took her hand and led her back to the table.

“And are there any other takers?”

Gina jumped up and turned around smiling as he took her hand and led her to the floor.  Gwen was having more fun than she thought she would.  She turned around in surprise as someone else asked her to dance.  She was on the floor before she realized it and moving to the music. 

When the music ended the Italian was behind her.  He touched her lightly on the small of her back and she turned.  He was smiling down at her.  “Would you care to dance?”  She nodded.  “My name is Dominique, by the way.  Dom.”

“Im Gwen.”

“You are a very beautiful woman Gwen.  You arent Italian are you?”

She laughed, “Im from the Nebraska cornfields.  Little Caesars is about as Italian as we get.”

“Nebraska.  So what brings you to the big city?”

“Running away.  Or running to.  I wanted adventure.  I wanted to be in a place where everyone doesnt know my business.  Im a student at Hudson.  Are you from New York?”

“Born and raised.  I know every nook and cranny.  Even some places that natives dont know exist.”

“Are you a student too?”

“No.  I work.”

“Doing what?”

He gestured nonchalantly indicating the room.  “I work here and in other places.  I contract for certain goods and services for my clients.”

“It sounds vague and mysterious.”

“It is mysterious.  And adventurous.  It is very rarely boring.”

Gwen was beginning to think there was more rum than coke in the rum and coke.  Her head was buzzing, but it was a pleasant sensation.  The song was slow.  Dominique was holding her close and she didnt even mind that his hand was straying lower and lower.  He leaned down and kissed her and she kissed him back. 

Dominique returned her to the table and took Lisa on the floor.  He said he liked to make sure everyone got a chance to dance.  Gwen and Gina worked on their second drink.

“What do you think of him?”

Gwen smiled.  “Hes a flirt… and nothing but trouble, but hes smooth and the best looking guy here.”

“I saw you kissing him.”

“Just flirting back.  Hes gorgeous.”

“Would you go home with him?”

Gwen smiled, “No!”  But she wasnt so sure.  She wasnt into hooking up, but it had been a long time.  She had only dated one guy since she had been at Hudson, but once they slept together he didnt want anything more to do with her.  It was apparent that he viewed her only as a conquest and all the old pain had resurfaced with a vengeance.  Since then she had sworn off men.  She talked to them, smiled at them, but she wouldnt place herself in a position to be hurt.  And she wouldnt have sex casually.  She loved it if the feelings were right, but she didnt need it that badly. 

She had finished most of her drink when he came and asked her to dance again.  The music was fast and she let herself go, moving with the rhythm.  Dominique smiled at her and took her hand.  She followed his lead easily.  Near the end of the song he let go of her hand and then just stood still admiring her moves.  She came to him as the song ended and leaned into him as he put his arm around the small of her back.  She couldnt remember the last time she had felt so happy.

“So what did you do for fun in Nebraska?”

“The usual.  Slop the pigs, milk the cows.”

“You lived on a farm then?”

“For a little over a year I did.”

“It doesnt sound very exciting.”

“We had a pond we could swim in.”

“A pond.”

“A pond… and a lot of privacy.  Stars in a huge sky that wasnt washed out by city lights.  Frogs croaking.  Crickets chirping.  Imagination.”

“Did you have a boyfriend there?”  Gwen looked at him and he saw her mood shift and the pain that flashed in her eyes before she could mask it.  He put his other arm around her waist and looked into her eyes as a slow song started.  “Shhh, dont say anything.”  He kissed her on the forehead and pulled her against his chest.  He held her close swaying with the music.  She slipped one arm around his waist and curled the other against his chest and sank into him.  It frustrated her that those emotions were still so close to the surface, yet she was strangely comforted by his perceptiveness.  She closed her eyes and listened to the beat of his heart and felt his warmth.  When the song was over she looked up at him and he cradled her chin in his hand and kissed her gently on the mouth.  She responded slipping her arms around his neck and pressing against him.  They were still kissing as the next song began with a raging percussive beat.  She smiled at him and he gestured at the floor.  Gwen really cut loose this time.  She couldnt believe how happy she felt.

When the song was over the DJ got on the mike, “Did everybody like that?”

The crowd screamed.

“Is this a party, or what?”

The crowd screamed again.  Gwen had turned to watch the DJ and Dominique cradled her to him as she leaned back against him.

“Whos ready for the wet t-shirt contest?”

The crowd screamed with male voices continuing to chant.

“I cant hear you!  Whos ready for the wet t-shirt contest?”

Gwen almost wanted to cover her ears the crowd was so loud.

“Well, we have six girls signed up.  Is that enough?  Come on up here girls!”

Gwen watched as girls began walking up onto the stage.  Guys were clapping and whooping.  Dominique began leading her over to the table.  Gina was already there with Mike.

“I say, is that enough, or do we have any more nominations from the floor?”

Mike yelled, pointing to all four of them, “Right here!  Right here!”  The crowd went wild encouraging them.  The DJ spoke into the mike.  “We have four lovely ladies nominated at the table over there.  What does everyone think?  That would make it an even ten.”  The noise was deafening.  “Come on, ladies, dont forget, the winner gets $500!”

Gwen spun into Dominiques arms as the other three consulted with each other.  They were all in agreement.  She looked up at him and he smiled down at her.  “I think you should!  I know, for one, I would love to see you in a wet t-shirt.  It sounds like everyone else would too.  It would be fun!”  He kissed her again and her body responded almost instinctively.  He felt her need and ran his fingers up the side of her ribcage.  She picked up her drink and downed it before kissing him again.

Gina was pulling on her arm, “Come on Gwen!  Live a little!  What can it hurt?  Itll be fun!”  Gwen allowed herself to be pulled along. 

The ten girls were led into another room where they were given waivers to sign, just routine acknowledgement that you are doing this of your own choice and not being forced into it by anyone else and a bio to fill out.  Then they were each given a t-shirt and a temporary tattoo number and left in the room to change.  Gwen couldnt believe she was smiling.  The t-shirt ended an inch above her belly button but it wasnt too revealing dry.  It was almost like starched gauze.  It couldnt be too bad wet.  She couldnt believe how good she was feeling.  It was just like it used to be.  The others were laughing and egging each other on as they dipped their tattoos in a bowl of water and then put them on their arms.  Two of the girls were kissing each other.  Another was fondling herself so her nipples would stand out.  Gina elbowed her, “What do you think?  Are you ready for this?” 

Lisa laughed, “Ready or not, here we go!  I am so hot!  I cant believe we are doing this!  You remember last week?”

Gwen was surprised, “They did this last week too?”

“Every Wednesday!  Thats why theres so many guys!  We just watched last week, but Heather and I wanted to do it this week.  We were hoping you would too, but we were afraid you wouldnt come if we told you.  Whoever wants to be a judge puts a $20 bill in the pot with their name on it and then they draw ten names.  They go in order of the draw and pick which girl they want to wet down.”

Some of the girls squealed as the DJ stuck his head through the door.  “Everybody ready?”  Some of the girls yelled that they were.  “Come on then.  Line up shoulder to shoulder and remember to keep your hands behind your thighs.  Theyre ready for you!  Make sure you stand up straight and show them what youve got!”

Gwens heart was pounding as she followed the others up the two steps onto the stage next to the DJ.  She was standing between Heather and Gina.  The crowd was yelling and clapping as they came out and lined up.

The DJ picked up an ice bucket from the console.  “All right!  And the first judge is… Dominique Vituro.  Come show us who you think is the most lovely lady!”

Gwen didnt think her heart could pound any harder until he walked directly up to her and stood looking down on her smiling.  “You were my pick from the moment you walked in.”  He put his hand on her waist as she looked up at him.

“Does this mean I have to be first?  Before all the others?”

He nodded.  “Are you brave enough?  You are the most beautiful, Im pretty sure… I will check first just to be certain.  I wont let them see you until you are ready… Would you like a kiss for luck?”

She nodded and reached her arms around his neck bending into him.  She hardly heard the crowd and the catcalls.  He took his time with her and then took her hand and backed away.  They watched each other as he reached back blindly and was handed a pitcher.

“Are you ready?”  She nodded and held her chin up as he poured the water across her shoulders and breasts.  It was cool and she knew what it would do to her.  Someone took the pitcher from Dominique and he broke her gaze to look down at her breasts.  He breathed in deeply and his eyes rolled slightly as he sighed.  Then she felt his thumbs on her nipples.  “Look at them, Gwen… Look how beautiful they are!”  She looked down to find that the material of the t-shirt when wet stretched and clung to every tiny contour and was almost clear.  She found herself perfectly revealed, as though she had no blouse on at all.  She gasped and watched Dominiques thumbs work little circles on her nipples and then looked up at him again.  “They are beautiful, arent they?”  She half closed her eyes from the feel of his thumbs.  Her heart was pounding like a drum.  It had been so long since she had felt like this.  “Are you ready now?”  She nodded in a daze and he took her hand and led her in front of the others to a spot center stage.  The crowd was screaming and it was all for her.  She leaned back in his arms and he cradled her as he had done on the dance floor only this time he bent down and began to nibble on her neck.  She tilted her head to allow him better access and felt his fingers entwine with hers behind her back.  She nodded slightly as he whispered into her ear, “Are you feeling good?”  She felt his breath tickle her ear.  There were layers of sound outside the feelings.  His voice was the most prominent even though the others were louder.  She could barely hear the screaming and cheering on the periphery.  “This is your chance to win them over… you are out here all by yourself… I know youre feeling hot.  Work the crowd…. ”  She opened her eyes and the other voices came in along with an overwhelming need.  She felt Dominiques fingers squeeze her hands as her body writhed.  She made eye contact with whoever would look at her and smiled.  “Make as many of them as you can feel like it is just you and them in the room.”  The DJ waited for the crowd to calm down before drawing another name and all that time she was alone in front of them.

When all ten contestants were lined up Gwen was separated from her friends.  She could see that Gina felt as giddy as she did.  All the judges did the same as Dominique and were holding the girls hands behind them.

The DJ spoke again, “Now we pick the five lucky judges for the kissing contest.  Whos it going to be?”  The DJ pulled five more bills out of the ice bucket and five more guys stood in front of alternating girls.  “Twenty seconds each, boys.  Hands have to stay above the waist… Lips too.  Sorry about that.  When youre done, youll each pick your two favorites.  The top seven stay.

Gwen watched as the first of her judges approached her.  She thought Dominique would drop her hands, but he kept them clasped in his and she allowed it.  She smiled in anticipation as the judge approached her.  He was probably a college student - most of them were - in his early twenties and hungry.  She responded more than she expected as he began to fondle her and French kiss.  She moaned and leaned into him, spreading her legs as his thigh came between.  She vaguely heard a buzzer sound, but the guy had to pull away from her.  She sagged back into Dominique feeling his lips and tongue behind her ear.  She couldnt stop writhing and tried to turn to kiss him, but he tightened his grasp.  “Dont forget.  You want to win.  Look at yourself and then show them how badly you want them.”  She nodded and, need burning, turned to make eye contact with the onlookers.  She saw that they were reaching out toward her and moved to tease them.  She watched the couple next to her while she waited.  It was Mike and she couldnt believe that she had objected to his advances when he danced with her earlier.  She sighed in relief as the buzzer sounded and Mike approached her with a grin.  Dominique was still holding her hands and Mike was staring at her.

“I think you definitely picked a winner tonight, Dom.”

Gwen begged, “Please!”  He placed his thumbs on her nipples as Dominique had and she writhed with pleasure under his touch.  Dom and Mike moved her in front of the line and turned her sideways so the crowd could see.  Both pressed into her, Mike fondling her and then kissing her breasts, Dominique moved his hips to her fingers and she tried to fondle him, but he held himself just out of her grasp so that the crowd could see that she wanted him as she craned toward Mike to kiss him.  When the buzzer sounded again Dominique released her hands and she hugged Mike to her French kissing him, desperate for relief.  He shook his head as he reluctantly pulled away from her. 

Gwen turned to Dominique and this time he let her slip her arms around him, kissing him.  She felt his hand raise the back of her miniskirt and hold it to the small of her back.  She heard hooting and shouting as she worked her hips in hopeless circles.  All she had on was a thong.

While she was kissing the fourth guy she felt Dominique slip his fingers under her skirt and under the thong at the back of her waist.  A moment later she felt it snap and then snap again as he cut it off her.  She backed against him again as the buzzer sounded.  The crowd cheered loudly as he held up his trophy.  He slipped his arm around her waist and spread his thumb and fingers wide to stroke both of her nipples.  His thigh came between her legs and she straddled it rubbing.

“You seem to have lost something.”

“I see that.  What are you planning on doing with it?”

He paused thinking, “I dont know.  I guess it depends on how playful you are.”

“I am feeling so very playful.”

“I can see that, and so can they.”  He indicated the crowd with his chin and she smiled.  “In that case, then, while you are kissing the next judge, if you are brave enough, cross your wrists behind you.”

Gwen did as she was asked and felt the passion surge through her as she surrendered to both the judge and Dominique as he tied her hands firmly behind her back with the thong.  The last judge kissed her well past the buzzer and she wished he would never stop.  Finally Dominique pulled her gently away and she backed into him as she reluctantly watched the kissing judge move on to the girl next to her.  She felt another surge of passion as she looked down first at her breasts and then the rest of her revealed as Dom raised the front of her skirt to the crowd.  Again his thigh worked between her legs and she had no desire to stop him as he reached a finger into her cunt.  The crowd and Gwen were going wild.

Dom stopped only when the buzzer sounded again.  This time he allowed her to fondle him as she backed to him and he was hard as a rock.  Sensual music started as the kissing judges approached the DJ with their votes.  Doms hips swayed to the music as she played with him.  He put his palms on her waist and stroked her nipples again with his thumbs.  Fortunately Gwen didnt want to stop him because she tested the thong and she was bound fast.  She groaned helplessly with desire.

She was the last of the seven remaining contestants named and the crowd was going wild cheering for her.  As each of them stepped forward a flash went off as a digital shot was taken of each remaining contestant.  Heather was one of the three who were led away to change.  The music continued for a few moments as a small area was cordoned off in front of the stage.  Reluctantly the crowd moved back, but they were jostling for the front positions.  The music cut out as the DJ spoke, “The next portion of the competition is the free dance.  Ladies take a look at the screen behind me.  Everyone turned to look as a large picture of Gwen was flashed on the screen.  She grinned self-consciously as the crowd erupted.  “When the music starts all of you are to dance on the stage.  When your picture is on the screen Ill call out your name.  You may then move down into the roped off area to be closer to the audience.  When someone elses picture comes up you can return to the stage.  Everyone ready?”  The crowd erupted.  “I cant hear you!  I say, everyone ready?”  The crowd went wild and the music started.  The judges moved off the stage to give the girls room to dance.  Gwen danced her way to Gina.

“Gwen!  Your hands are tied!  Are you okay?”

“I am more than okay!  Im so glad you dragged me up here!”

“When he first brought you up to the front I thought you might chicken out.”

“Hes so hot.”

They turned to look at the screen as the DJ spoke, “Number 3 is a student at Hudson.  Lisa!  Come down, if you dare!”

Gina screamed, “Go Lisa!”  They paused to watch as Lisa went off stage.

“So I guess youd go home with him then?”

“Id go anywhere with him!  Id do anything he asked!”

Gwen watched as the guys at the edge of the ropes were reaching for Lisa.  She turned and looked at the picture of Lisa on the screen.  When the next girl was called Lisa came and joined them on the stage.  She was flushed with passion.

“Gwen!  What was going on with you?  I could hear the yelling, but I couldnt see anything!”

“Dom cut my thong off and raised my skirt!”

Lisa looked at her in question.

“I wanted to come right there in front of everyone!”

“Gwen!  I never would have believed it of you.  We were afraid you would think we were too wild.  We never thought you would get into this.”

The DJ called another girl down.

“If youre interested, Gwen, the girl who won last week was doing some girl-on-girl stuff.  Im up for it if you are.”

At first Gwen was shocked and Lisa noticed.

“Only for this, Gwen, Im not a queer.  It would give one of us a better chance of winning.”

The more Gwen thought about it, the hotter she got.

“After they call my name.”

“You sure youre up for it?”

“Yeah!  What could I do to stop you anyway, with my hands tied?”

Again the DJ spoke, “Number 6!  Another student from Hudson!  Give it up!  Give it ALL up for Gwen!” 

Gwen smiled as she went down the stairs.  She knew how to move to please them.  At first she stayed just out of reach tantalizing them.  They were screaming and reaching for her.  The music changed suddenly to a fast Latin number and she turned to find Dom behind her.  She didnt even know where he came from.  She smiled and played off him.  She could allow him to touch her without fear of being dragged into the crowd.  They danced facing each other and she felt that familiar jolt as he flicked at her breasts.  The crowd was deafening as he flipped the front of her skirt up repeatedly and then pulled her to him and pulled up the back of her skirt as she rolled her hips.  They stopped and looked into one anothers eyes for a moment and then Dom put his hands behind his back and kissed her.

“Would you like me to guard you while you let them touch you?”  She kissed him again in response and smiled.  He made the familiar gesture with his hand and she moved to the edge of the crowd.  She continued dancing within reach and watched the hands as they touched her body and pulled up her skirt.  Some offered her drinks and one she drank with help while hands passed longingly over her and in between her legs.  Some pulled her to them and she responded knowing that if it got out of hand, Dom would step in.  For the second time that night she was so close to the edge that she thought she wouldnt be able to stop herself.  Fortunately, or not, another picture was flashed on the screen and she reluctantly returned to the stage.  Lisa was waiting when she got there.

“You ready?”

Gwen nodded smiling and Lisa pulled her close and they frenched.  Gwen couldnt believe the rise it provoked in both her and the audience.  And then Lisa began fondling her and she thought her legs would collapse with desire.

“Can you suck on me?”

Gwen nodded hoping that Lisa wasnt too concerned by the fire in her eyes.  As she bent to Lisas breasts Lisa pulled up on Gwens skirt and again she flashed the crowd.  She didnt care.  She didnt care at all.  Her need was far too strong by then.  She felt Lisas hands on her behind.  Lisa was beautiful.  She didnt even hear when Gina got called down to the floor.  The next thing she knew Dom was gently pulling her away from Lisa and they were lining up at the front of the stage again.  She grinned at Lisa and saw that she was panting too. 

She was staring at Lisas breasts when she realized Dom was whispering in her ear again.  “Im going to cut your hands free.  Youll need them for the next part of the competition.  There will only be four of you after this round.”

“What if I dont make it?”

“I dont think you have to worry about that.  You and your friend will easily make the next cut.”

“Can you leave them tied until just before?  I dont need them now, do I?”

“All right then, if you like.”

“Can you pull my skirt up again?  Just for me?”  She was twisting to look at him and he leaned down and gave her a lingering kiss.

“Once now, and then again when the time is right.”

Again her legs almost collapsed with the rush of feeling as she watched him pull up the front of her skirt.  She tried to make eye contact with the crowd, but they werent looking at her eyes.  She reached back and began to stroke Doms cock.  He grasped both her thighs and pulled them apart as he pressed himself against her from behind.  If he just didnt have his pants on.  He quit as the DJ chided him, “Dom.  You know the rules.”  He lowered her skirt reluctantly and then smoothed it down several times, still working his fingers through the material.  “Dom, hands above the waist.”  He nodded reluctantly and then put his palms on her stomach again and began stroking her nipples with his thumbs.

The DJ turned to the crowd.  “All right now.  Its time for another cut.  This time you all are the judges.  I have right here technology to measure the volume of your appreciation.  When the contestants picture comes up on the big screen you can clap, scream, yell or otherwise show your approval.  The four girls with the loudest responses will continue on.”

Gwen was afraid that she wouldnt make it when she heard the responses for the other girls.  Dom had positioned her in the middle of the stage and the DJ was on their right.  Just before her picture appeared on the screen she felt his left hand slip under her skirt and reach between her legs.  When her picture appeared he held her skirt up again and she couldnt help but move.  That was all it took.  She knew she had the loudest response of all.  This time the DJ just smiled pretending to study the noise meter.  Dom took his time and the crowd never died down until he lowered her skirt again.

Lisa and Gwen remained along with one of the lesbians and the girl who had been fondling herself in the dressing room.  Gina waved and gave them a thumbs up as she was escorted with the others to get dressed.  Gwen caught a glimpse of Heather in the back of the room as Dom cut the thong off her wrists.  She turned to him and jumped on him straddling his waist.  He frenched her and fondled her crotch as he raised her skirt again.

“Take off your pants.  I want you to take off your pants.”

“Oh, no.  I dont think so.”

“Please.  Why not?”

“I dont want to do anything that would take the attention away from you.  I want you to win.”                

“Then take my clothes off!”

“Now?  In front of everyone?”

Gwen nodded.  She was still straddling him.

“We can later if you want.”


“Wherever you like, when you win.”

“Do you think I will?”

“I know you will.  You are the sexiest one here.”

“And I can take my clothes off then?”

“We can ask the crowd.  Im sure no one will object.”

“Then I hope I win.”  She kissed him again and slipped to the floor as the DJ drew five more names for judges in the next round.  Gwen looked back at Dom.  “What do we do in the next round?”

“I think youll like it.”

“You know I will.”

“You get to suck on their cocks.”

Gwen grinned mischievously.  “All of them?”

Dom smiled in return.  “Yes.”

“Until they come?”

“It is timed.  If they come, they come.”

“I hope theyre hot.”

“They will be blindfolded.”

“I wish it was you.”

“Later… if youre still up to it.”

“I want you more than anything.”

“Me too.”

Gwen turned and saw that two of the waiters were holding a long tablecloth across the stage.  The judges were putting on blindfolds and taking off their pants and lining up behind the tablecloth.  She turned to look at the DJ as he explained, “Girls.  You have five minutes to do whatever you like to get the judges riled up before the competition begins.  When the buzzer sounds, go to your knees on one of the exs marked on the floor and get to work.  You just stay where you are and the next judge will come to you.  We have tongue depressors with your names on them.  Give them to the judge when the ending buzzer sounds.  They will put them in order of preference.  Judges ready?”

They nodded.  Gwen stood on the second ex after the DJ gave her her tongue depressors.  The second and fourth and fifth came while she was working on them.  The fourth was screaming as she hugged his thighs close.  After they counted up the votes she and Lisa were the only ones left.  Gwen kissed her and fondled Lisas breasts for the crowd.

Dom and Lisas first judge came back up with them as the stage cleared.

Dom leaned into her ear, “This is it.  The last round.”

“What do we do now?”

“This round is a lap dance.  Have you done it before?”  He began to unbutton his shirt to the waist.  Lisas judge, John, Mike and I will be the judges.  Start with Mike and then John, then come to me.”

Gwen nodded.  “What can I do?”

“Anything you like.  Mike likes breasts.  I dont know about John.  Ask him.”

“And what pleases you?”

“You please me.  Surprise me.”

Three chairs were set up on the stage facing each other about five feet apart.  Dom sat in the chair to the front of the stage with his back to the crowd.  The chair was slightly off center and he had turned it slightly so they could see the girls play.  The other two chairs were facing the audience at an angle and pulled far enough to either side that Doms chair wouldnt block the view.  He leaned back in his chair and folded his arms as the music started so that he wouldnt be a distraction.  Gwen had already gone over to Mike to begin working on him.  She straddled his legs and sat down with her arms around his neck loosely.  He smiled and shook his head in disbelief as he looked at her breasts.  She straightened to give him a better view.

“This isnt the same girl I first asked to dance tonight.”

“Which do you like better?”

“Definitely this one.”

“I cant believe Im doing this.  I cant believe how much fun it is.”

“There arent very many who are as adventurous as you.  You wouldnt consider going home with me tonight, would you?”

“Dom should get first chance, but if he wants to do a threesome or isnt interested, I will definitely take you up on it.  I would do anything you asked right now.”


Gwen smiled.

“Take your clothes off.”

“Dom says I can if I win.”

“You want to here, on stage?”

“Unless theres a better place.”

Mike pointed above them and she notice that a large mirror that had been shrouded before was now revealed.  It was pointed so that the people in the back of the audience could see what was going on below.  “This is the best place.”  Gwen frenched him and then straightened so he could caress her breasts as the music began.  She stood and put her hands on his shoulders and bent toward him.  She felt his hand slip between her thighs and his thumb working her cunt.  She closed her eyes in pleasure and kissed him again, then swinging her hips back and forth sat down slowly and lifted her arms and crossed them behind her head and stretched, offering her breasts to him.  She bent back as he put his hands on her back and leaned toward her to suck on them.  She felt as he ran his hands under the t-shirt and sighed helplessly.  When she sat up again he brought his hands around front and fondled while she stood partially and pumped up and down.  She slipped her hands inside his shirt and began doing the same to him.  Abruptly she stood up and he looked at her in a daze as she walked behind him.  He leaned back with his eyes closed as she began to nibble on his neck sliding her hands down the front of his shirt. 

“Is it hard?”  She nuzzled him and he groaned as she blew in his ear.  “Is it hard for me?”  He nodded.  “Youre not supposed to go below the waist, but it doesnt say anything about me now does it?”  He swallowed.  “If you get it out, you wont regret it.”

“You get it out.”  He was gasping for breath.  She sucked hard on his neck and then came back and straddled his legs again.  He put his hands back on her breasts as she quickly undid his pants.  “Get it out and play with it, but dont let me come inside.”  She didnt understand, but did as he asked.  She slid forward and covered it with her skirt and straightened back up again rocking gently back and forth rubbing it with her cunt.  He was groaning with pleasure when she slid back off him.  She refastened his pants just as the buzzer was sounding and then moved on to John.

The first words out of Johns mouth were, “I would have picked you first if you hadnt already been taken.

When the lap dance was over all three had chosen Gwen.  Lisa went out with John. Dom poured another pitcher of water over Gwen and then kissed her.  He had already spoken to the DJ.

“Gwen has a request as the winner of tonights competition.  She says shes so hot she cant stand it.  Shes hoping you wont object if she takes her t-shirt off.” The crowd screamed at her to take it off and so she pulled off her t-shirt and another jolt of emotion went through her as Dom took hold of her and slowly licked and sucked on each nipple and then kissed her again.  She was arching her back into him as he ran his thumbs over them over and over.

“Did that help Gwen, or are you still hot?  If youre still hot, give Dom another kiss and maybe hell help you take off that skirt.”  The crowd screamed as she kissed him again, and she felt his hands slide down her waist and unzip her skirt.  A moment later it was gone and she convulsed in anticipation. 

Dom held her for a moment longer and then looked down on her as he had earlier that evening.  “I think you are brave enough.  Are you ready?”  She nodded smiling and he turned her toward the crowd as they screamed.  Dom knelt in front of her and she looked down and spread her legs slightly as he began licking her cunt. 

After less than a minute she couldnt stand it any more.  She sat down cross-legged in front of him, “Get someone to hold my arms down.”  She lay down in front of him and spread her legs with her knees raised and put her arms above her head.  Mike grabbed one and someone grabbed the other.  It felt like jolts of electricity were going through her as she felt Dom begin to suck on her.  Others held her legs too and pulled them farther apart.  Mike and the other guy were each working on a breast and she watched it all going on in the mirror.  She groaned in sweet agony as she began to come.  Waves were rolling over and crashing all around her and still they kept coming and coming.  Dom never quit through it all.  It had never been that good before. 

They released her, but she lay there still as small waves continued to wash over her.  Dom moved away smiling and invited others to move in on her.  She kept her legs spread and enjoyed watching them doing whatever they wanted.  For some reason he wouldnt allow anyone to have straight sex with her, but she didnt care.  She came again and yet again. 

Finally she stood as Dom took her by the hand.  He took the blindfolds that had been used earlier.  Mike grabbed her skirt and they led her through the press of the crowd each holding one of her hands.  She felt herself become aroused yet again as the people they passed brushed against her and touched her.  Dom stopped her twice and they held her hands away from her sides as people gathered around moving against her.  She just smiled in a mellow daze.  Dom and Mike led her into a bare cubicle with a folded futon and pillows in the corner.  She smiled as Dom and Mike tied a blindfold around each of her wrists and submitted willingly as they stretched them out spread eagle and tied them to rings set in concrete in the wall above her head.   She just watched as they bent down and began fastening what looked like dog collars just above her knees.  The collars had chains and again she calmly submitted as they stretched the chains and clipped them to bolts coming from the wall.  She could still easily stand, but she couldnt put her legs together and began to feel those pleasurable waves coming back even stronger.  “Is it all right if we put the blindfold on?”

“You might have to bring me again.” 

Dom smiled at Mike.  “If we have to, we have to.”

Gwen nodded and Dom stuck his tongue deep in her mouth for a moment before he blindfolded her.  She groaned as he stroked her nipples.  She heard the door open and it was quiet a minute.  “Dom?”

“Im still here but the door is wide open.  Mike went to get a camera.  Is that okay?”

Gwen nodded.  The door closed a minute later. 

“This is Gwen.  Gwen, were filming now, is that okay?”


“Even though youre naked its okay that we are filming you?”


“Is it okay with you that you are tied up?”

“I wanted to be tied up.”

“What would you like us to do with the film?”

“Whatever you want.”

“We could use it on the internet.  Would that be okay with you?”

“Yes.”  She writhed.

“What would you like us to do with you while we are filming?”

“Ill do anything you ask.  You can do anything you want as long as you take me again.”

“Would you suck us off?”

“I want to.”

“Then Im going to take off my clothes.  Would you like to watch?”


She felt him caress her nipples again and then he kissed her as he removed the blindfold.  She looked at him in confusion.  Both he and Mike had black masks like Zorro that came down their noses and had holes in the eyes.  They were tied at the back of their necks so that they covered their hair completely.  Mike had the camera trained on her.  “Say hello to the camera Gwen.”  She smiled and then turned to watch Dom as the camera watched him undress.  His physique was superb and the sight of him aroused her even more.  The muscles in her groin were throbbing.  He approached and rubbed himself against her.  She felt him beginning to swell. 

“I wish I could touch you.  To please you.”

“Your vulnerability pleases me.  I like it when you are helpless like this.  I can do anything I want to you and you cant do anything to stop me.”  He continued to rub himself against her and rub her nipples.  As he got harder he pushed against her cunt, but kept slipping by.  She kept trying to open up, but he never went in.  He smiled because he was teasing her.

“Please!  Please come inside me.”

“I want to go in your mouth.”

“Please, then!  Youre driving me insane!”  Her hips were working in circles again trying to guide him in.  She groaned as he pulled away.

“Insanity and desperation turn me on as well, Gwen.  Enjoy those feelings and submit to them.  Submit to me.”  She calmed slightly and groaned.  He continued rubbing his organ against her and stroking her as he talked, “Tell me about your sexual experience.  How many men have you been with?  Before tonight, that is?”

“My boyfriend in Nebraska… and I slept with one college student once.”

“Youve never taken your clothes off in front of a group before?”


“Have you ever been tied up before?”

“Yes.  My boyfriend did it and I would tie myself up for him.”

“You like being tied up.”


“Did you like taking your clothes off in front of everyone?”


“Would you like to do that again?”


“But you didnt want to do that while you were going with your boyfriend?”

“I would do whatever he wanted, but I didnt want anyone else to see me.”

“Did he ever ask you to let others see you?”

“No, but sometimes he left me naked where they might.”

“Did you like that?”

“Yes, as long as we didnt get caught.”

“Why do you think it was different tonight?  That you were turned on by showing yourself off?”

“I dont know.  Maybe the drinks.  I dont usually drink.  Maybe because it isnt a small town where everyone would know.”

“Did you ever use drugs?”

“He had marijuana a few times.  I took a few drags.  Maybe half a joint each time.”

“Did you like it?”

“It made me cough.  It made me queasy.  Please…. ”  She looked down at him rubbing against her and then into his eyes begging.  He smiled at her and frenched her.  It didnt help at all and she strained against the bonds.

“Let me hear you beg.”

“I am begging you, Dom.  Please.  Please help me.  Youre driving me wild.”

He smiled and continued to tease her.  “You came for a long time tonight.  Is it always like that?”

“No.  That was the best ever.  It was good before, but never like that.”

“Would you like to try again?”

“Please.  You know I would.”

Dom turned to Mike, “What do you think?”  Gwen looked in confusion as Mike handed he camera to Dom and he trained it on him while he undressed.  Mike approached her and Dom filmed as he began licking her nipples.  Gwen groaned and dropped her hips so the weight was on her hands.  Mike pulled a chair in front of her and stood on it.  He held his organ just out of reach and she strained to reach it even with the tip of her tongue.  She was groaning with frustration when he finally brought it in reach and she pulled it into her mouth.  Mike smiled and spread his arms out bracing himself against the wall watching her as he moved himself slowly in and out of her mouth.  Gwen seemed almost relieved as she took him all in so willingly.  He pulled it almost all the way out and she worked the tip groaning with desire.  She felt it throb and he let her suck it in all the way.  She was sucking on it like a baby bottle when Mike came screaming.  His legs almost collapsed, but he pulled it out again and she played with the tip until he dropped off the chair and pressed his body against hers trying to catch his breath.  She smiled at him when he pulled away and then kissed him, pulling his tongue into her mouth.  Mike backed away against the wall still trying to catch his breath and Dom approached her.

“Its your turn now, Gwen.  Is it all right if I blindfold you again?”

Gwen nodded.  Dom scanned her with the camera and then squatted down in front of her and filmed her cunt as she writhed helplessly.

“Please, Dom.  Please hurry.”

He smiled and stood, handing the camera back to Mike and she leaned her head forward as he blindfolded her.  She heard the door open and close while he was working on her and then felt cooler hands caressing her.  She knew someone else had come into the room, but she didnt care.  The touch was deft and experienced.  She felt more than two hands and she was being stroked everywhere at once.  She arched her back and exhaled as someone sucked on her nipple.  She heard Doms voice from across the room.  “Allow yourself to enjoy it all Gwen.”  She groaned with pleasure as she felt a tongue on her cunt.  Another was still sucking and playing with her breast.  Fingers were tracing up and down the underside of her arm and across her stomach and playing with her other nipple.  Others were running up and down the inside of her thighs.  She moved her hips forward to offer herself over.  Dom removed the blindfold, but she didnt want to open her eyes.  She rolled her head back resting it against the wall.  “Look Gwen.  Look at whats being done to you.”

She looked then and saw that it was the two lesbians from the contest.  They were both naked and pulled back smiling as she jerked back in surprise and looked at Dom.  The girls kept smiling at her admiring her nakedness.  She was pulling against the restraints now, but there was nothing she could do.  Dom came so close to her he was touching her.  He put his hand on her stomach and she looked up at him.  His voice was a whisper.  “You played with Lisa on stage.”

“That was different.  I know her.”

Dom turned and presented the girls.  “Gwen, Id like you to meet Charley and Cary.  Charley and Cary, this is Gwen.”  He looked back at her.  “Now you know them.”

“But I know Lisa wouldnt try anything later.  Shes not a lesbian.”

“Well, neither are Charley and Cary.  They like both men and women.  You remember that you promised to do what I wanted?”

Gwen nodded uncertainly. 

“This is what I would like.  I know you were turned on by what they were doing to you.  You liked it didnt you?”

Gwen nodded again. 

“I would like for you to submit yourself to them like you were when the blindfold was on.  I would like for you to let them do whatever they would like to you and I would like for you to lose yourself in passion.  Watching you do that would please me.  Can you do that for me?”

Gwen nodded after only slight hesitation.

“There is nothing you can do anyway.  You are completely helpless.”  He smiled and kissed her and then backed away.

At first she tried to resist and tried to struggle against the bonds, but her body responded in spite of her reservations and soon she gave herself over.  The girls were good and took her to the edge countless times and then pulled back to prolong her pleasure.  She was screaming when she came and hanging helpless when they were done.  Still they touched her and waves of pleasure kept pulsing through her.  She felt it off in the distance as someone began undoing her legs, but she kept them spread until Cary finally pulled away.  The girls untied her wrists and she hugged and kissed Cary and then offered herself to Charley as she knelt in front of her.  Cary had her from behind and was stroking her nipples.  She closed her eyes and groaned and came again. 

When she opened her eyes she saw that Dom had unfolded the futon.  Charley lay down and beckoned to Gwen.  There was no more hesitation as she and Cary joined her on the futon.  Gwen followed their lead and did whatever they quietly suggested as they taught her.  Charley had come for Gwen and she was playing with Cary when Dom stopped them abruptly.  He pulled Gwen up and handed Charley a blindfold.  “Tie her hands again.  Tight this time.”  Gwen put her hands behind her back and let Charley tie them as Dom reached for another blindfold.  “Tie her elbows close together.”  He watched as she was made fast.  She came at him and he crushed her to him kissing her, pulling on her thighs, but not entering her.  Again she tried to position herself so that he would, but he only moved just outside of her between her thighs.  He picked her up and she twined her legs around his waist kissing him.  She could feel hands working on Doms cock and then tickling her.  Again she tried desperately to position herself for him to enter, but he wouldnt.  Finally he put her slowly down rubbing himself against her in the process.  He held her in front of him and they exchanged a look.  “Do you trust me Gwen?”  She nodded watching him.  “You promised you would do anything I asked?”  She nodded watching him again.  “I want you to suck on me now, and while you are sucking on me I want to put one of the blindfolds around your neck.  Ill tighten it, but I promise I wont hurt you.  Do you believe me?”

She studied his eyes for a moment before she nodded.


Gwen dropped to her knees.  She watched his penis hungrily and then glanced at him waiting to be invited.  He just watched her waiting until she leaned tentatively forward and tasted just the tip.  He closed his eyes and sighed as she continued to play with him gently.  Cary and Charley moved to his sides and he put his arms around their shoulders as they began stroking his torso front and back.  She wished she could stroke him with her hands, but they were bound fast.  She pulled him into her mouth and he groaned as he pulled himself out.  They played their game of tug-of-war over and over until she had to smile.  She looked at him again and saw that he was dazed.  Now she could return some of the teasing.  He groaned, wanting her to suck him back inside, but instead she licked underneath his sack.  Charley and Cary helped support him as he bent and spread his legs.  She kept playing, running her tongue from behind his scrotum up the length of his cock.  It was throbbing now and he gasped as she played with the tip.  She saw he was smiling and began the tug-of-war again.  Suddenly she increased her suction and he froze.  She backed off and he pulled away and she did it again.  His legs started to collapse and he inched closer to her letting the girls support him as he exhaled.  He held perfectly still so that she could work her magic.  Time stood still as he tried in vain for a short time to prolong the pleasure.  He groaned again just before he ejaculated.  She kept sucking on him until he finally pulled away and then she played with the tip until he stepped back. 

Then he did something Mike had never seen him do before.  He dropped to his knees in front of her and looked deep into her eyes.  They watched each other for at least a minute as though each wondered who the other really was and then Gwen smiled.  What surprised Mike was that the smile was self-conscious.  After all she had done that night, now she was self-conscious under Doms scrutiny as though something even more intimate had been exchanged in those moments.  Dom took her face in his hands and touched his forehead to hers.  Mike didnt know Gwen, but he knew Dom had been with countless other women and he had never seen him respond like this before.  Dom gave her one last almost sweet kiss and then stood to help her up.  She leaned her head against his chest and Dom cradled her to him.  The girls and Mike waited while Dom cradled her until she looked up at him and smiled again.

“You didnt use the blindfold.”


“On my neck.  You didnt use the blindfold.”

“I guess I forgot.”

“You can do it now if you like.”

“Would you like to try?”

Gwen nodded.  Dom turned her and untied the blindfold from her elbows and led her back to where she had been tied against the wall.  There were two other rings she hadnt noticed before that were the height of her neck.  He backed her between them and put the blindfold all the way around her neck crossing it behind and looped it through the rings.  He pulled on the ends gently for a few moments and then released.  Gwen smiled.  “Can you tie my legs back again?”

Dom smiled, “Are you begging again?”

Gwen nodded.

“Arent you ever going to get enough?”

“Please, Dom.  Please tie my legs.”

He nodded.  “If you like.”  He looked over his shoulder and the girls put the restraints back and hooked them in place.  He smiled at her as he tightened the noose, tighter this time and for a little longer.  The girls moved in and began stroking her again as she writhed.  The next time Dom strangled her she began to struggle, but she almost came and she was breathing hard.  Dom kissed her and she arched her back as he stroked her nipples.  Charley dropped to her knees in front of her and began sucking as Dom tightened the binding again.  She struggled again and Charley let him know she was coming.  Gwens eyes grew big and she held perfectly still, then closed her eyes as she went.  Dom let go of the blindfold and caught her as she collapsed against him.

When she recovered he led her naked down the hall to the room where they had changed.  Lisa was waiting for her there with her head on the table.  She looked like she got hold of more than alcohol.  Gwen turned and kissed Dom who handed her her skirt and then located her blouses.  “If I give you my phone number, will you call me?”

“You can be sure I will call on you very soon.” 

Reluctantly she put on her clothes and Dom pulled her close for another kiss.  Mike stood close behind her and she pushed her bottom toward him as he raised her skirt.  She felt a sharp pinch, but barely jumped.  She turned around and he smiled at her.  “Just an affectionate pinch.”  Dom walked them out of the building and flagged down a cab.  Heather and Gina had already gone home.  The cab driver opened her door and Dom gave her one last lingering kiss.  She climbed into the cab and he leaned over looking in as the cab driver got in his seat. 

Dom smiled and touched her cheek.  “See you soon.”

She nodded as he closed the door.  As the cab driver pulled away from the curb she heard the locks click.  Lisa leaned against her snoring softly and again Gwen smiled.  This was definitely a night to be remembered.


       Gantry was trolling for another mark. 

The first was a young hooker new to the streets.  He offered her twenty dollars for a blowjob in a junkyard not far away.  She was nervous and not experienced.  A runaway, she said.  Shed come to the city with a bus ticket and sixty dollars in tips shed saved.  Shed only been there a month and was working for herself.  He could tell because she was standing off by herself hugging herself against the chill.  He could tell the other girls had run her out of their territory.  She climbed into the front seat of his van and he drove to the designated spot.  He made her undress completely in the back of his van before he had her take him.  It pleased him that he humiliated her.  If it werent so cold he would have made her do it outside.  She had the body of a child.  Her chest was flat.  She had little pubic hair.  When she finished he pushed the tazer against her back and then gave her an injection.  He was out the back door before the shock wore off.  After twenty minutes of driving the drug took effect and she stopped pounding on the panel separating the back from the front of the vehicle.  Naïve.

The second mark was a young junkie sitting cross-legged against the fence at Washington Square Park.  He asked her if she turned tricks for drugs.  She didnt even see the other girl unconscious on the floor until he had the door closed in the back of the van.  He offered her the makings and watched her shoot up.  Desperate.

The third was a little more difficult.  Gantry had to follow him for a while because he wasnt alone.  He didnt want the marks companions to see his vehicle.  Not that it would make much difference.  A non-descript white van.  No markings, no windows in the back.  The tags were stolen and he changed them after every harvest.  But the fewer mistakes the better.  Mistakes were what caught you in traps.  Traps like Miss Naïve and Miss Desperate were caught in now. 

This one was young too.  The younger the better.  The bosses paid him a cut of the profits and the longer they could work, the more money he would make.  He took the risks and the bosses were willing to pay well for his silence.  They expected silence even if he were caught.  But he hadnt been caught.  He just had to keep it that way.

Finally the mark said goodnight to his two companions and was walking alone presumably to his home.  He had just come from a party of some sort and was under the influence.  He was giggling to himself as Gantry pulled into the next alley.  He got out of the van and leaned against it pulling out a cigarette as the mark approached.  He was probably nineteen, but not college material.  Tall and lanky, dark hair.

Gantry lit his cigarette.  “You wouldnt happen to have the time would you?”

The mark smiled.  “A little after two.”

“You want a lift?”

“Thanks.  Maybe I will.”

That was easier than Gantry thought.  In the front seat of the van he pretended to offer him a smoke, but it was the tazer again and the guy never had a chance.  What kind of idiot would take a ride from a stranger after midnight in New York?”  Invincible.

The fourth he wasnt planning on, but she was begging.  She looked like she had been beaten and she was flagging him down in the street with her blouse torn and a bloody nose.  She couldnt wait to get in the van.  He promised her a ride to the police department.  Serendipitous.

And now he was looking for one more.  One last mark before he met the taxi man.  He went through one of the red light districts.  There were so many and he knew them all.  He was looking for someone who was standing far enough off that no one could describe him.  He parked the van a little way off and stood outside it with the hood of his jacket drawn up.  Finally a girl approached him.  Well, girl was a loose description.  This one was mid forties with a blond wig.  She was “buxom” and at risk of spilling out of the costume she was wearing.  She had obviously lived hard and looked older than her age from close up.

“You got an itch you need scratched?”

“Maybe.  How much?”

“Twenty for a blowjob.”

“I got a young girl for that the other day.”

“Old girls know more about pleasing than young girls do.”

“I dont have twenty.”

“How much you got?”


“Damn.”  She looked over her shoulder at the other girls down the block and then turned back to him.  “Okay, but right here.  Im not going anywhere else for ten bucks.”

He shrugged.  “Back of my van?”


He backed into the van first and she followed him in.  Tazer.  Injection.  Should have known better.

He climbed into the front of the van and pulled onto the now quiet street.  Not even three hours work and he had kidnapped five people.  Maybe two would be missed.  Maybe the police would be looking hard for one of them.  Twenty minutes later he pulled into a parking lot near Fulton Street.  A taxi was waiting and followed him into an empty warehouse.  The cab driver was already pulling an unconscious girl from the back seat of the car by the time he got the back door of the van unlocked.  A tall blond whose head was lolling to the side.  He helped put her in the van and then went with the driver to unload the other girl.  Miniskirt and no underwear.  She looked like a college student.  He took hold of her knees and spread her legs to carry her.  He knew better than to do anything other than look at her before bringing her in even though he considered it.  That one would go for a high price.  Reluctantly he loaded her into the back of the van and secured the door.

“I got discs too.  Ill get em.”

He watched the driver go back to his car.  They knew each other only by sight.  No names.  It was better that way.  He just got a call on a prepaid cell telling him when to meet and he would show up.  The taxi was like his van.  It was purchased used from a hack and looked like one of the business cabs.  The ID number and tags were changed after every harvest as well.  The driver returned with several CD cases and a manilla envelope and handed them to Gantry. 

Forty-five minutes later he made a phone call on the prepaid cell and then backed the van through a rolling garage door into the last bay in a storage facility that rented out space.  It was adjacent to a warehouse next to the Hudson River that stored and distributed liquor.  The bay he backed into had boxes stacked up against both walls.  The back wall looked solid, but once the exterior door was closed he pushed a series of buttons on a keypad on his visor and it lifted back to reveal a ramp into a lengthy concrete tunnel.  He backed through and closed the second door and backed to yet another door then waited until that door was opened for him only moments later.  He backed through the last door and shut the vehicle off as that door also rolled shut.  There were fluorescent lights and multiple cameras in the ceiling of the cubicle he now found himself in.  He heard the magnetic locks release on the double doors as he approached the back of the van.  He opened the van doors as the double doors opened and a male in street clothes entered.  Gantry knew him as Joseph, but he knew it wasnt his real name.  No one knew anyones real name here.  This was not the real world.  Joseph nodded to him and together they carried the seven unconscious people through the double doors and into another room off to the side.  The room had ten cots and multiple cameras.  The lighting was low.  The floor was concrete.  The walls were cinderblock painted white.  They deposited the people on the cots and Gantry followed Joseph into an adjoining room.  Gantry hadnt seen a room in the place that didnt have multiple cameras and magnetic locks on heavy steel doors.

Julia was shuffling papers in a small office when Joseph pecked on the door and entered.  “The first one is waking up.  Are you ready for me to bring her?”  Julia didnt even look up from her paperwork. 

“Yes, Joseph.”

It was Serendipitous with her torn blouse.  She was awake but disoriented as Joseph led her in and invited her to sit in a chair across from Julia.  Joseph introduced Julia.  “This is Detective Becker.  Detective Becker this is Stephanie Chase.  She wants to report an assault.”  Joseph left the room and Julia smiled.

“Tell me what happened, Stephanie.”

Stephanie looked around her, confused as to why she would be asleep on a cot.  “How did I get here?”

“A citizen brought you in, but you must have passed out while you were waiting.  We waited for you to wake up again.  Who was it that assaulted you?”

“My… my friends brother.  His name is Andrew McCarthy.”

“Was he your boyfriend?”

“No.  He wanted to date me, but I said no.  He was giving us a ride but he was drunk and almost got in a wreck.  I got out of the vehicle because I was mad at him and he followed me and grabbed me by the wrist.  He wanted to drag me back to the car, but I struggled against him and he punched me in the face.  He hit me in my ribs and stomach too.  I finally broke away from him, but he tore my blouse.  I just flagged down the first vehicle I saw… a white van.  I dont even remember how I got here.”

“Are you willing to press charges against Mr. McCarthy?”


“You will have to write a statement now and meet with a magistrate to take out warrants against him.  You would have to testify in court against him.  Are you willing to do that?”

“Yes… Hes tried to force himself on me before and he beats my friend too.  Shes afraid of him.”

“All right then.  Ill need to have Officer Bruce take pictures of your bruises for evidence.  Will you be okay with that?”

Stephanie studied her for a moment and then nodded slowly.  Julia stood and opened the door and Joseph appeared.

“She says she is willing to testify and press charges.  Take her into the other interview room and have her write out a statement and then she has agreed to let you take pictures of her bruises for evidence.”  Joseph nodded.

Gwen was in the pleasant land between sleep and waking.  She was standing in the middle of a long deserted stretch of road bordered on both sides by endless fields of corn.  It was dark with a quarter moon waning and she watched as headlights approached.  It was a dark three quarter ton pickup with a toolbox across the back.  A working mans truck.  The driver rolled his window down as he pulled up alongside her.

“Can I help you?”

“My boyfriend and I just had an argument… he made me get out of the car.  You wouldnt be able to give me a ride, would you?”  She felt her heart race in anticipation as the driver studied her.

“I might be able to help you out.”  He made no further invitation.

“Could I have a ride?”

“I dont know.  Do you have money?”

She looked up and down the road.  It could be hours before another car came by.  “All I have is the clothes on my back.”

The driver studied her and then slowly smiled.  “Then in return Id like for you to take off all your clothes.”

Gwen gasped in shock.  “Here?”

The driver made no response and didnt even smile.  She looked up and down the road again and deflated.  She removed her clothes and handed them through the window.

Then the driver smiled.  “Everything.  Your underwear and shoes too.”

She looked up and down the road again and then took everything off and handed it to him.  “Can I get in now?”

“When I come back, if you want a ride, youd better be in the middle of the road waiting.  No hiding in the corn fields.”

She nodded as she watched the truck pull away and take the next turn and drive out of sight.

She was still in the middle of the road fifteen minutes later as headlights approached from the other direction.  She could tell it was a truck, but no more than that.  Everyone in Nebraska farm country drove a truck.  She tried to cover herself hoping.  The driver stopped short of her and she was still blinded by the headlights as the door opened and he got out.  She sighed in relief and went to the passenger door.  It was locked.  She watched as he locked her clothes in the toolbox.  He motioned with his head and slowly she approached him on the drivers side of the vehicle.  She saw in the overhead light of the cab that he was holding a digital camera.  She was still covering herself and he smiled again.

“Just what would you do for a ride?”

She shrugged her shoulders and waited for him to speak again.

“Will you pose for me?”

She shrugged again.

“I would hate to have to leave you out here with no clothes.”  She exhaled to gather courage and then nodded agreement.  He closed the door to the truck and locked it, putting the keys in his pocket.  “Lean back against the truck with your hands behind your back.”  She complied slowly and he took a number of full shots with the flash.  He took her to the front of the truck and took full shots of her in the headlights and then had her turn away from him and touch her toes with her legs spread.  He kissed her on the lips when she came back toward him, but didnt touch her.  Her heart was racing by then.  Back at the side of the truck away from the road he had her face the truck with her arms resting up on the side of the bed.  He took a full profile from the back and then one from the side that showed all but her nipple.  He was showing her the results of his shots when she realized headlights were approaching from her side of the vehicle.  He whispered as she panicked.  He had to have known the vehicle was approaching for some time.  “Dont move.  Stay exactly where you are.  The headlights are shining in his eyes.”  She froze as the vehicle pulled alongside theirs in the road.  Her heart jumped even further in her throat as she realized it was a deputys vehicle. 

“Evening officer.”  The drivers voice was even and calm with a hint of a smile in it.

“Evening.  Everything okay here?  Youre not broke down are you?”

“No.  Everything is fine.  We were just out enjoying the warm weather and watching the stars.”  Gwen nodded dumbly feeling like a deer caught in the headlights. 

“All right, then.  Dont keep that young lady out too late.”

“I wont sir.  You have a good night.”

Gwen exhaled slowly as the deputy began pulling away.

“Dont move.”  The driver stepped behind her and to her other side leaving her fully exposed once again to the deputys vehicle.


“Dont… Dont move a muscle.  If you dont move, you wont attract his attention.”

She held perfectly still with her heart racing and feeling every nerve in her skin exposed and naked.  She felt a thrill as he touched her nipple and ran his hand over her as the deputys vehicle grew smaller in the distance.  Finally she flew into his arms kissing him.  He caught her and laughed as she jumped and straddled his waist.  He set her on the tailgate and she spread her legs as he took a number of pictures.

“Can I have a ride now?”

He pulled back and smiled.  “Not just yet.”

“Why not?”

He smiled and unlocked the vehicle.  He tossed the camera in the cab and came back to her with a Ziploc bag.  She looked at the contents and then hugged him and kissed him again.  He had to push her away and her eyes were filled with desire as she offered him her wrist.  He pulled a piece of twine from the bag.  He wrapped it three times around her wrist and she put both hands behind her back as he wrapped it three times around the other wrist.  He ran the left over ends of the twine around her waist and tied them securely in front of her.  He knew her well enough to know she would do anything he asked now.  She stood still as a statue as he touched her breasts and worked his thumbs in circles on her nipples.  She was tanned dark and had no tan lines.  They had spent hours at the pond that summer.  She groaned softly in expectation and he kissed her deeply.  He loved the anticipation.  He pulled her buttocks toward him as she moved against him.  She allowed herself to be led back into the headlights and watched him as he pulled the last item from the Ziploc bag.  It was a pair of swimming goggles, but these he had painted black on the inside.  She would be left completely blinded.  She writhed in anticipation as he put them on her.  He left her then and she thought he was going to drive away, but when he came back she could smell the sharp aroma of marijuana.  She felt it touch her lips and took a slow, but deep hit.  She resisted the urge to cough and kept the smoke in her mouth as he had shown her before.  It was only the second time she had smoked.  It made her queasy, but strangely euphoric.  He kissed her and she exhaled slowly into his mouth.  He let her take another hit and she held it as long as she could as he ran his hands across her body and between her legs.

“Stay in the road again.  Stay in the middle of the road.  When I come back kneel down and open your mouth.”  She smiled and he held her close.

“What if someone else comes first?”

“Then they will have a treat.”  He kissed her again and she heard his boots on the sand in the road as he walked back to the truck.  She tried to memorize the sound of the engine as he drove away, but it was non-distinct.  It would offer her no help.  Her heart was pounding like a drum.  She couldnt see anything.  Time slowed as the pot began to work through her.  The feeling of euphoria increased.  It seemed like forever before she heard the sound of an engine approaching again.  Her heart began beating faster, but she stood still waiting.  She faced the sound and spread her legs.  She hoped it was Brian, but there wasnt anything she could do if it wasnt.  The vehicle stopped in front of her.  She heard a door open and close and then a second door open and close.  That made her heart jump.  She smelled alcohol and turned to run, but she found herself held fast in a bear hug.  Slowly she was released and she turned.  Someone grabbed her breast and exhaled, then grabbed the other roughly.  She sank to her knees in the headlights.  She heard the rasp of a zipper and a belt being undone.  The smell of alcohol was strong.  She knew Brian rarely drank.  Still she hoped it was him.  She found the tip of his stiffened organ at her mouth and took it in.  Then he groaned and she knew.  She didnt even feel the asphalt under her knees as she pleasured him until he couldnt hold back any longer.

When she finished he helped her stand and the familiarity of his touch returned.  He stuck his tongue far into her mouth.  She could still taste the joint and feel its effects.  He cut the engine on the truck and led her to the tailgate laying her back on it.  She spread her legs for him again raising her feet to the edge of the tailgate and felt his tongue slip into her and over every private inch.  He slipped his arms under and around her thighs to pull them even farther apart.  She moaned in pleasure just before she came.  He kept at her even after the waves stopped crashing and she made no move to stop him.  After some time he pulled her to the edge of the tailgate again and she felt the tip of his organ moving against her.  She arched her back as he played with her breasts and then entered her.  She raised her knees and could smell him and feel the dampness of his skin against hers as his hips moved in rhythm while he continued to fondle her.  Her hips moved against his until he came again. 

After he recovered she heard him fasten his pants and then felt the edge of his pocketknife on her stomach as he cut the twine.  Still she was helpless and he had to work to release her rolling her slightly from side to side and working the twine from her wrists.  Then he lay beside her and she removed the goggles and snuggled into him.  They lay like that for close to an hour watching the stars in the dark night sky and whispering quietly to one another.

Joseph took the yellow legal pad from Stephanie and set it to the side with the pen on top of it.

“Detective Becker told you we need to take pictures?”

Stephanie nodded close to tears.

“Ill make it as easy as I possibly can.”

The interview room had a mirror/window common in police departments.  It was painted cinderblock as Detective Beckers office had been.  Metal table and utilitarian chairs.  There was a filing cabinet in the corner.  Joseph opened the top drawer and took out a digital camera.  He returned and took a head shot and then a profile of her bruised cheek. 

“Youll have to take your blouse off.”

Stephanie nodded and turned her back as she removed her blouse.  She had no bra on.  She held the blouse crumpled in front of her as she turned. 

“Can you back up against the wall?”

Her eyes filled with tears as she backed up and bumped blindly against the wall.  Joseph approached her and stood just in front of her and then touched her chin.

“Im sorry.  I know this is hard.  I may have to take several pictures.  Just wait a minute if you need to and then lower your blouse when youre ready.  You can close your eyes if it helps.”

Joseph backed away and then after sighing, Stephanie lowered her blouse.  He snapped as many photos as he could before she brought it up again.

“Is it enough?”

“Probably.  Put your blouse back on and I will see if I can find something else for you to put on and make sure the pictures show the bruises.”

She nodded smiling wanly.

       Julia was watching the monitors when Joseph entered.

       “Well, that wasnt too difficult now, was it?”

       Joseph smiled and looked over her shoulder at the screen showing the interview room.  The girl was sitting straight facing the camera with her hands in her lap waiting for him to bring her another blouse. 

       “Let me see the pictures.”

       Julia studied the pictures of the girl.  They were good enough for their purpose.  In a few days they were sure to get better pictures.

       “Wake the pro up next.”


       Julia was back at her desk when Joseph brought the pro in.  Julia indicated that he should stay and he closed the door and leaned back against the wall nearby.  She gestured to the chair and the pro took a seat.  She was looking much worse for the wear, disheveled, with make-up smeared.  She sat splay-legged and unconcerned.  She was still groggy from the shot she had been given.

       “Where am I?”

       “You dont remember being arrested?”

       “Arrested?  This isnt like any police station Ive ever seen.  Where am I?”

       “Youre right.  Ill tell you where you are.  You are in a whorehouse.”

“A whorehouse?”

“It is your new home.  There is no escape.”

       “No escape?”  She repeated everything, not comprehending.  She would comprehend soon enough.

       “No escape.  Joseph will show you around in a little while so that you can see for yourself.”

       “I got a kid.”

       “Im sure your child will do fine in the foster care system.”

       “But shes mine!  Shes all I got!  She needs me!”

       Julia studied her silently for a moment.

       “How long have you been working the streets?”


       “How long have you been accepting money or goods for sex?”

       “Ten years maybe.”

       Julia laughed incredulously.  “Try again.”

       “Since I was sixteen.  My mom kicked me out of the house when I got pregnant and my boyfriend dumped me.  I had a miscarriage, but I refused to go back.”

       “And youre how old now?  The truth please.”


       “How old is your daughter?”

       “Eleven.  Please… you have to let me go.”

       Again there was a silent pause.  “Does she know what you do?”

       The pro shook her head in disgust.  “No!  She thinks Im a cocktail waitress.  No!”

       “Do you use drugs?”




“Are we going to have to detox you?”

“I wont get anything to drink?”

       “Well see how things go.  If youre an alcoholic, no.  If you arent, we might consider it as a reward.  How often do you get checked for STDs?”

       “Every six months unless I have symptoms.”

       “What are you willing to do?”

       “It depends on how much the john is willing to pay.”


       “If hes not too weird.”




       “Not on purpose.”

       “Have you been beaten up?”

       “Hasnt everybody?”

       Julia acknowledged.  “But you dont like it.”

       The pro shook her head studying Julia.

        “As I said, there is no escape.  You will come to see that as Joseph shows you around.  You will not be paid.  You are our prisoner, but there are rewards for good behavior.  Your tricks will definitely be better.  The sooner you accept things as they are and realize it is to your benefit to cooperate the easier it will be for you.”  Julia studied the expressions that crossed her face.  “Take your clothes off.”

       The pro glanced from her to Joseph and back again.  Julia gestured and waited.  The pro stood and disrobed.  Her eyes never left Julias face.  Julia got up from the chair behind the desk and approached her.  She didnt meet the pros gaze, but studied her body.  She ran her hand over the pros breast and nipple.  She walked around her looking her up and down.  She was merely checking out a new horse for the stable.

       “Put your hands on the desk please and spread your legs.”

       The pro did as she was asked and Julia studied her.  She was a good sixty pounds overweight and had rolls of flesh across her stomach, back and inside her thighs.

       “Give her the complete tour Joseph.  Then turn her over to Christopher for processing.  What is your name?”

       “My street name is Bonnie.”

       “And your real name?”

       “Pamela Ward.”

       “Well call you Bonnie for now.”

       The pro stooped to pick up her clothes, but stood again as Julia spoke.

       “You wont need those anymore.  When you go through processing people may ask you to do things.  Whatever they ask, do it.  They will all report to me.  Take her away Joseph.”

       Julia was watching the DVD of Gwen at the bar when Joseph returned.  He watched over her shoulder for a moment.

       “How did she like the tour?”

       “She was very impressed.  I think she will be extremely cooperative.  I explained to her that we would only have a limited market for her.  She said she would be willing to teach others what she knows.”

       “I want her on a diet.  She could be beautiful if she lost weight.  Did you see her eyes?”

Joseph remained silent.

“I know.  Shes not your type.  Look at this girl.  Have you watched these?”


       “She has no inhibition.”

       “Dominique slipped Ecstasy in her drink.”

       “Adam comes tonight.  If she doesnt wake before, get her up around two and well make sure she gets some food in her and is feeling well.  Well let him help you with her lingerie shoot.”

       “Theres another one stirring.”

       “So there is.  Ill be here.”

       Joseph nodded and a few moments later he led a girl into her office.  They all had that dazed expression at first, then blank disbelief and shock followed by any number of emotions.  Eventually they all came to accept being there, though.  Her methods of persuasion were very effective. 

       Julia gestured to the chair and the girl sat down.


       “Lori Burke.”

       “Len says you turn tricks for drugs.  How long have you been using?”

       “Since I was fifteen.  Four years.”

       “Have you been on the street all that time?”

       “No.  They sent me to rehab a couple times.  My parents.  The last time I ran away.  I tried to go back to them, but they said I had to get my life together first.  They said I couldnt live with them if I was using.  Ive been on the street for a year and a half.”

       “Do you make your tricks use condoms?”

       Lori shook her head.  “Sometimes.  Sometimes Im too out of it.  What is this place?”

       “When was the last time you were tested for STDs?”

       Lori shrugged.

       “You havent been tested since rehab, have you?”

       “No.  What is this place?”

       “Its rehab.”

       Loris eyes widened in fear, “I have to agree.  I didnt agree to this!”

       “Unfortunately this time it is compelled.  You were taken before a magistrate last night.  She could see that you were far beyond the capability to help yourself and so you have been committed.  We are here to help you.  Well kick this together.”

       Lori just looked at her.

       “I know it wont be easy.  I think by your reaction that the reason you are doing the drugs is to escape from something even worse that was going on in your life.  We can get someone to talk to you who will be able to help you.  Then maybe you will want to conquer this.”

       “I dont want to though.  I feel sick when I cant get the drugs.  I dont like feeling strung out.  And I always go back.  Even when I get off them, I cant stay away.”

       Julia approached her and pulled another chair close.  She took the girls arm and examined the tracks. 

       “I know its not easy.  Im not saying it is, but look at what you have become.  Do you like what you have become?”

       Lori broke down in tears and Julia took her hand and watched her for a moment.  She knew most of it was because she was afraid.

       “We wont leave you alone.  Well assign someone to be by your side constantly until you get through the worst of it.  After that there will be individual and group therapy sessions.  You can do it.  I know you can.  There are others here who have been through what you have and they lead productive lives now.”  She held Loris hand until she was able to pull herself together a little.  “Joseph, will you take Lori to the infirmary and have them do a full exam and panel of tests?  Tell them to change her out of her clothes and into a gown.  Once they are done tell them to assign someone to be with her.  They can take her to the showers and get her a clean change of clothing before taking her to a room.  Tell them to let her have all the chocolate and juice she wants until the worst is over.”  Julia stood and pulled Lori to her feet.  Lori couldnt meet her gaze, but she nodded in apprehensive resignation before following Joseph out of the room.

       Julia smiled.  Joseph was as much a chameleon as she was.

       Julia turned back to her desk and began jotting notes.  There was a good chance the girl had AIDS.  They would have to wait for the test results to come back before putting her on the market. 

       Gwen was lying on her stomach on a beach towel near the pond.  The first hot day of the year Brian had suggested cooling off in the pond, but Gwen didnt have her suit.  Brian smiled and told her she didnt need one.  He wasnt too upset when she declined.  He had probably expected it of her even though they had gone parking several times.  He still hadnt tried to push her and had backed off when she pushed his hands away from her breasts.  Patience had its rewards.  She wore her suit under her jeans the next warm day though, and they had splashed around for more than an hour before going back to work.  They had worked together on the farm since February when the lambing began.  She stayed at the house almost from the start since it could be all night work.  His father had been pleased that she had pulled her share and asked her to stay on through the summer.  He had been the one to talk to her mother and her mother agreed.  He realized that Brian and Gwen were getting closer but told them as long as the work was done in a timely manner he didnt object to them going for a swim at lunch or out for a drive in the evening.  And so after the first swim at the pond Nora had given Gwen her string bikini.  She had also given her almost a years worth of birth control pills.  Nora didnt need them.  She was pregnant again anyway.

       Gwen felt a tickle across her shoulders.  Brian tied two or three pieces of twine together at one end and feathered the strands to make a soft brush.  He played it over her back and down the back and inside of her thigh.  She felt a thrill go through her.  He slid his finger just under her swimsuit bottom at her hip.  “Youre getting dark.  Its too bad youll have all these tan lines.”  She had lamented just the night before about the lines that showed when she wore a round neck blouse.  “Can I kiss your back?”  She made a noise that was an assent and another thrill went through her as she felt his tongue on her back.  At the same time she felt the tickle of the twine again on her leg.  She lay still enjoying the feelings and didnt object when he untied her top and set the strings to the side.  She felt him sit up next to her and she lay still as he continued stroking her with the twine.  He continued kissing and licking her back.  She spread her legs further when he pulled slightly on the inside of her thigh and he began concentrating with the twine on the backs and inside of her thighs.  That was the first time she had truly become aroused and he noticed the difference in her breathing.  He straddled her with his arms and leaned to whisper in her ear.  “Where can I kiss you?”

       “Anywhere that isnt covered.”  She felt a thrill and twitched involuntarily as his tongue touched the inside of her thigh just at the line of her swimsuit. His breath was harsher in her ear as he straddled her again.

       “Are you okay?”

       “Is this what its like, Brian?”

       She could feel his smile.  “It gets even better.”  She felt him as he rubbed against her.  She felt her resolve fading as he continued to kiss her thighs and his tongue reached between. 

       She rolled over suddenly, forgetting that he had untied her top.  He stopped and looked at her and she saw the same need she knew he could see in her eyes.  He looked at her exposed breasts and at first she thought to cover them, but then she wanted him to see them.  She came to him and he cradled her in his arms and they kissed as he fondled her.  “Youre right.  This is better.”

       He smiled.  “It gets even better than this.”

       He sensed her hesitancy and stopped to look at her.  She knew his need was urgent and she felt guilty bringing him to that point only to disappoint him.

       “Youre not ready.”

       “I love you Brian… Are you angry?”

       He kissed her again slowly and deeply and then sighed.

       “Im not angry.  I love you.  It is a gift you should give only when you are ready.”  He picked up the twine and she closed her eyes as he played it over her breasts.

       “Im afraid Ill get pregnant.”

       “After Nora…”

       Gwen nodded. 

       “I have condoms.”

       She shrugged and he understood.

       “There are other things that we can do.”

       He taught her how to give him a hand job and then he had held her in his arms for a long time to reassure her that it was enough for the time.  He continued stroking her and when she tightened up he encouraged her to relax and enjoy the feelings.  She told him about the birth control pills and promised that she would start taking them.  That night they had gone to the old barn at the back of the property.  At her request he began to teach her what pleased him.  He found that her guilt for not being ready to complete the sexual act made her willing to do more than he expected.  She went topless again, but still wouldnt remove her underwear.  She knelt in front of him completely aroused as she brought him into her mouth.  He thought he could have removed her underwear then, but he was satisfied to wait.  He knew it wouldnt be long before she took them off herself.  He did take the rest of her clothes and refused to give them back until she had run around the outside of the barn three times.  She jumped into his arms straddling him laughing when she was done and then straightened her back until he had no choice but to take her nipple into his mouth.  It was hard as a rock.


       The runaway was next to wake up.  Joseph escorted her in.  “This is Detective Becker.”  Julia saw the unmistakable look of fear as she invited her to sit.

       “I was kidnapped.”


       “A man put me in the back of his van.  I felt a shock and couldnt move and then he closed the door and started driving.”

       “The officers found you wandering around naked in the park.  Have you been selling yourself?”

       “No!  The man made me take my clothes off.  He made me suck him.”

       “How old are you?”


       “How old are you really?”

       The girl paused and Julia leaned forward on her elbows.

       “Whats your name?”

       Again the girl didnt respond.

       “Let me tell you what I think.  I think that you are not eighteen.  I think that you ran away from home.  I think that you are afraid to tell me your name because you dont want me to send you back.  I think that you havent been on the streets for very long.  I think that you were hungry and cold and scared and so youve done some bad things.  I think that you are not happy with what you are doing.  What I want you to think about is whether your life is better now than it was at home.”

       She let the girl ponder a moment before continuing.  “Im sure your parents are worried sick about you.  Im sure that it wont matter to them what you have done.  They would just be happy to have you back safe and sound.  What do you think?”

       A range of emotions crossed the girls face.  “What is your name?”

       “Karen Chapman.”

       “Karen, how old are you?”


       “Where are you from, Karen?”

       “Sterling, Michigan.”

       “You ran away?”

       “My mom got a new boyfriend, only he was more interested in me than her.  I tried to tell her but she wouldnt do anything because she was afraid she would lose him.  I couldnt take it anymore.”

       “And have you been selling yourself here?”

       Karen nodded.  “I stayed at the bus garage the first few days because it was so cold out.  A man brought me breakfast from McDonalds one day.  He was a commuter, he said.  He said he had seen me there the last couple days.  He told me if I was there when he came back he would put me up in a hotel for the night… I hadnt even had sex before then.”

       “So he took you to the hotel?”

       “He took me to the hotel and he ordered pizza and beer while I took a bath.  He turned on the porn channel and we started watching.  I was embarrassed.  He asked me if I had ever done anything like that.  I told him I was a virgin.  He said I could sleep in the room if I would have sex with him.” 

       “So for the price of a pizza and a hotel room he had a virgin.”  Julia made a mental note for Gantry, Dom and Mike to troll the bus stations and Grand Central.  “You didnt report him to the police?”

       Karen shook her head.  “I would have had to tell them who I was.”

       “And this man last night?  He didnt kidnap you did he?”

       Karen shook her head. 

       “Did anyone else see him?  See what he looked like?”

       “I dont think so.”

       “What did he look like?”

       “He pulled up in a white van.  He had a hooded jacket on.  White male, early forties maybe.  Brown hair cut short.  Dark eyes.  I didnt really notice much else.”

“You are a juvenile.  We could press charges on him for that if we could find him.  Tell me what happened.”

“The cab of the truck was warm and he took me a couple blocks away and had me get in the back.  He closed the door and turned on a dome light and watched while I took my clothes off.  There isnt really much else to tell.  I had agreed to a blowjob and I gave him one.  I was still on my knees when I felt a shock go through me.  I couldnt move and I felt him give me a shot.  Then he got out of the back and started driving.  Eventually I could move again and I banged on the sides of the van.  I tried to open the doors, but they were locked.  Then I must have passed out.”

       “Would you like me to call your mother now?”

       Karen looked at her.

       “Im sure that boyfriend is long gone by now.  He was probably only there because of you.  How long have you been gone?”

       “Since January 2nd.”

       “Two and a half months?”

       Karen nodded.

       “And youve been selling yourself since?”

       “Not until my money ran out, and then only to get enough food.  I didnt like doing it.”

       “Tell me you made them use condoms.”

       Karens eyes filled with fear.  “Most of the time it was oral.  I only had straight sex that first night and then two other times.  One of them used a condom.  The other two didnt.”  Julia leaned forward and smiled reassuringly.

       “We have a shelter at the back of the station.  You need medical attention to make sure you dont have venereal disease.  We can get you warm food and a hot bath and clean clothes.  Give me your mothers phone number and Ill call her and let her know you are okay.  Then well make arrangements to get you on a bus home.”

       Julia wrote the number as Karen recited it.  “Can I talk to her?”

       “Sure.  After everything else is taken care of you can have a nice long talk with her.  There are phones in the shelter.”   They exchanged a smile and Julia looked at Joseph. 

       Joseph stepped forward.  “If you will come with me?”

       Gwen felt a dull throb in her head and her mouth was dry and filled with cotton.  She didnt even remember getting home.  The last thing she remembered was getting in the cab.  She pushed the pain away and rolled over.  Maybe if she slept longer the headache would go away.  She smiled remembering the bar the night before and then went back to the pond. 

       They had been going to the barn in the evening four days straight and today was Brians 18th birthday.  It was the hottest day of the summer so far.  Gwen was in her string bikini bottom lying on her back on the beach towel with her eyes closed.  The rest of her clothes were locked in the truck and Brian had the key.  She smiled as she felt the twine across her nipples, first one and then the other.  She opened one eye and smiled at him watching as he leaned down and sucked on the closest one.  He didnt even notice as she untied the strings at her hips.  She arched her back groaning with pleasure as she lifted her hips and pulled her bottoms away.  He continued nuzzling her breasts without noticing.  She smiled as he finally pulled away and sat up.  The look on his face when he finally saw was priceless.  He looked at her face to know she was willing.  She smiled, “Happy Birthday.”

       “Are you sure?”

       “Very sure.  I want to give myself to you to enjoy, but I want it for me too.  I love you, Brian.  I want to be with you.”

       She watched as he searched her face and then looked back and stroked her hair.  She knew it couldnt please him as much as it did her and she spread her legs.  Gently he continued stroking her and then bent down to lick her.  She gasped with the pleasure and pushed up on her elbows to get a better view.  He smiled at her and licked her again.  “It gets even better.  Just relax completely and let yourself feel whatever you feel.”  Gently he began to suck on her.  It didnt take more than three minutes that first time.  She groaned and lay back as she started to come and he managed somehow to reach up and rub one of her nipples.  She felt all the muscles in her groin begin to pulse and throb with the most wonderful feeling and she relaxed completely and reveled in it.  He was above her again somehow and whispered.  “I told you it was better.”  She was almost in tears with joy as she kissed him.  She felt his cock against her and raised her knees as he had shown her a few days before.  He entered slowly gasping at the tightness.  He almost didnt make it all the way in before he exploded.  He had told her it would hurt that first time, but she was still on the downswing from her orgasm and he was exactly where she wanted him.  She held him to her when he started to withdraw and began stroking his chest and abdomen.  He sighed helplessly and began kissing her as she locked her legs around him.  He pulled out halfway just before and then pushed in as he went again.

       They fell asleep by the pond limbs entangled.

       A man entered as Lisa woke up.  She didnt know where she was, but she saw Gwen sleeping on a cot not far away.  She wore contacts and her eyes were dry.  She saw her purse and grabbed it as he led her away.  She had gone back to the table after the contest to join Heather and Gina and wait for Gwen.  When Gwen hadnt come back out she sent the others home and went back to check.  Mike had come to the room and told her that Gwen was with Dom and would be out shortly.  He had kissed her and pinched her behind and sat with her for a few minutes.  After that things had gotten a little fuzzy.  Now her head ached and her mouth was dry.  She knew she had a huge case of dragon breathe and she was trying to decide where she was and how she got there.

       The man stepped aside and gestured for her to enter a room.  It was an office and a woman was seated behind the desk shuffling papers from a file folder.  The woman was in her early sixties, slender and elegant with hair perfectly coiffed.  She wore just enough makeup and her nails were immaculate.  Lisa looked at the man as he spoke.  “This is Detective Becker.”  Her mind scrambled to make sense of what he had said.  The woman gestured her into a chair.  She sat mutely as the man closed the door and backed against it.  Neither of them was smiling at her.  Desperately she tried to remember what had happened after Heather and Gina had left the bar.

       “Am I under arrest?”

       “Your name is Lisa Secker?”  Lisa turned to the woman and nodded mutely.  There were two IDs in her purse.  They must have seen both.  “How old are you?”


       “How old are you?”


       The woman nodded.  “The cab you were in ran a red light that resulted in an accident.  The officers on scene observed you and your friend in the back seat passed out.  They found two Drivers Licenses in each of your purses.  You were arrested for consumption of alcohol under the age of twenty-one and using false ID to obtain alcohol by fraud.  Either one of those offenses would probably get you probation.  We ran your criminal record and discovered that you have no previous offenses, however, when the officers searched your purse they also discovered this.”  Julia reached into the top drawer of her desk and pulled out a shrink-wrapped package of white powder.  “Now this on the other hand is much more serious.  This will get you jail time.”

“But its not mine!”

“It wont surprise you to find out that everyone we confront says the same thing.”

“But its not!  I dont even use drugs!”

“The way that it is packaged and the amount leads us to believe that you are a mule.  We believe that someone hired you to deliver this to someone else.  If you are willing to tell us who hired you, or who you are to deliver it to, we might consider a deal.”

“I cant.  You have to believe me.  The drugs dont belong to me.  Someone must have put them in my purse without my knowing!”

“Why would anyone do that?  Do you know how much it is worth?  The street value of that package is close to four hundred thousand dollars.  Why would anyone in their right mind put it in your purse and let you walk away with it unless you were hired to deliver it?”

Julia waited, but Lisa couldnt come up with an explanation. “There was another item of interest in the vehicle.  A DVD of your participation in the contest at the bar.”  Julia picked up a remote and slid her chair to view a television attached to the wall behind her desk.  She turned it on and brought up the portion of the tape where she was playing with Gwens breasts.  Lisa watched in mute embarrassment as the woman switched from that to the other time she and Gwen were playing with each other.  It seemed to her that the woman watched much longer than she needed to and actually seemed to be enjoying it.  Julia hushed her when she finally found her voice to object.  “We found birth control pills.  Tell me, are you sexually active?”

Lisa stared at her and then nodded.

“What you did with your friend, are you a lesbian?”

“No!  We only did that because it could help us win!”

“Do you make them use condoms?  We found them in your purse.”


“All of them?”

“Yes.  What business is it of yours?”

Julia nodded assessing her.  “You are over eighteen and so what you have done on the DVD is not illegal.  You were obviously a consenting party as is your friend.  Still it doesnt lend much to your character or your credibility.”  She turned to Robby.  “This one is all yours Officer Daniels.”  She turned back to Lisa.  “You will go with Officer Daniels.  Anyone who is arrested on possession of drugs is strip-searched.  He will strip search you and you will be fingerprinted and processed and escorted to a cell.  You can do this cooperatively or not.  Judging by the DVD you shouldnt have any problem with it, but if you do, you will be handcuffed and the outcome will be the same.  Do we understand one another?”  Lisa nodded in humiliation.  She felt like throwing up.  “Oh, and Officer Daniels?”  He turned to her and she handed him a clipboard.  “Have the lab take some blood and test her for narcotics in her system.”  The man nodded as he took her elbow and led her out. 

Lisa watched him sideways as he led her down a long cinderblock and tile corridor.  He was probably in his late twenties and about six feet tall.  He was blond and handsome in a careless sort of way.  He hadnt shaved in a day or two and his clothes were casual and rumpled as though he had left them in the dryer too long.  He was muscular though and his gaze was direct.  She could have been drawn to him in another setting.  She thought he might be reasoned with.

“I am telling the truth.  The drugs werent mine.  I dont know where they came from.”

He shrugged without agreeing or disagreeing.

“Am I going to be allowed to call someone?”

“After you are processed you will be allowed a phone call.”

“My father is a lawyer.”

“Then Im sure he would advise you to cooperate so we can discuss a deal.”

“How can I cooperate when I have no idea how the drugs got in my purse?”

“That is a dilemma.”

Lisa preceded him into the room he indicated.  The room had a mirror on one wall and a table with chairs on one side facing the mirror.  There was another door on the opposite wall and a filing cabinet in the corner with a phone on top.  The officer set the clipboard on top, opened the top drawer and pulled out a plastic bag, surgical gloves, a small flashlight, a tongue depressor, KY jelly and a metal instrument she was alarmed to see was a speculum.  He put the bag on the table.  “Take off all of your clothes and place them in this bag.”

She gasped at his directness and shook her head slowly in humiliation.  She glanced at the mirror.

“It is an observation room.  It is empty and locked now.”

“If I am convicted how long would I be in jail?”

“Probably near twenty years.”  He waited a moment watching panic set in.  When she made no move to cooperate he continued.  “You remember what Detective Becker said.  This will have to be done one way or another.  Its your choice.  It doesnt matter to me.”  As she still hesitated he continued again.  “You seemed perfectly willing to show yourself to over two hundred people last night.  If you had won, would you have done what the other girl did?  Would you have taken all your clothes off in front of that crowd?”


“Im not so sure.”

“I dont know why Gwen did.  She hardly dates and wont have anything to do with the guys.  It was completely out of character for her.  We had to talk her into coming.  We didnt even tell her about the contest until the last minute.  None of us could believe she would even be in it.”  She flinched as the officer approached her.  He slid the bag toward her and smiled as she began to cry.  “Please dont make me do this.”

“No one else will see.”

“This is so humiliating.”

       The officer approached her and took her hand.  Lisa looked at him startled and saw sympathy and understanding in his eyes. 

“I know youre frightened.  Im not the bad guy.  Im only doing my job.  I know its hard.  You might as well get it over with sooner as later.”

Lisa pulled away and brushed the tears from her cheeks.  “Do you believe me?”


       “Do you believe me?  That the drugs werent mine?”  She met his eyes pleading for him to believe as he studied her.  “They werent mine.  I swear I dont know where they came from.  Ive never been in trouble before.  Id do anything to prove it to you.  You have to believe me.  Please.”

       There was a look in his eye that frightened her, but gave her hope as well.  He looked over his shoulder at the mirror and then back to her with a hunger she recognized all too well.

       “I might be persuaded.”  He stood waiting and finally she came tentatively closer.  He was looking directly into her eyes.  She could feel his breath on her face.  She made her decision and kissed him.  At first he didnt respond, but then she felt his hand come to her hip and at last she felt him respond.  She pulled away slightly with her head down, cheek-to-cheek with him. 

“Would the Detective listen to you?”

“She would take my opinion into consideration.”

“What would it take to persuade you?”

“Cooperation.  Obedience.  Are you ready to take your clothes off now?”

       She brushed her tears away and nodded.  He stood next to her as she began to remove her clothes.  She covered herself after she removed her blouse.  She glanced at the mirror again.  “Youre sure there is no one watching?”

       “I promise.  Dont you think I would get into trouble if someone were?”

       Lisa nodded, persuaded at last, and put her blouse into the bag.  The officer smiled as she turned to face him before removing her skirt and the rest of her clothes.  She put everything in the bag and then stood in front of him as he looked her up and down and smiled.  “Open your mouth.” 

       She complied, not understanding.  He picked up the flashlight and tongue depressor and searched her mouth. 

       “Turn and face the mirror.”  After she complied he spoke again.  “Lift your hair up off the back of your neck.”  She complied again and as he felt through her hair and stroked her neck he continued.  “Look in the mirror.  Look at yourself.  Do you see how beautiful you are?  Will you give yourself to me?  I might believe you if you are willing to convince me.  What do you think?”

       “I will do whatever you ask if it keeps me out of jail.”

       “Put your hands on the table.”  She turned her back to the mirror and placed her hands on the table.  She held perfectly still as she felt his hands on her breasts.  She groaned and spread her legs as he placed his thigh between them.  She felt his fingers playing with her and groaned again holding perfectly still.  It surprised her that she responded so easily.  “Dont move.”  She kept her legs spread obediently as he left her side to put on a surgical glove.  She watched with dark eyes as he put some KY on his index finger and then returned to her side.  He fondled both of her nipples with one hand while he slipped his finger in her rectum and probed until she gasped and opened herself further for him.  He removed his finger and the glove and turned her around.  “Put your hands on the table behind you and spread your legs again.”  Quickly she did as she was told.  She held herself wide as he slipped his fingers in her crack and played with her clitoris.  She groaned in spite of herself as he continued.  “Dont move.  Watch in the mirror.”  She watched as he played with her nipples and her cunt.  She watched as he knelt in front of her and licked her.  It was all she could do to hold still.  Finally he stood again and stood in front of her with his thigh between her legs pressing into her cunt.  She would have hugged him, but again he told her not to move as he stroked her nipples and french kissed her.  The next time she moved he didnt try to stop her.  She unbuttoned his shirt and ran her fingers over his chest and then undid his pants.  He was already hard as she took hold of him and continued kissing her as she played with him.  Both were breathing hard as he backed away abruptly.  He stepped out of his pants, but left his shirt on and his voice was a whisper.  “Will you kneel?”  She nodded.  “Not for long and only the tip, then I want you to lay on the table and spread your legs with your hands.”  She nodded again and knelt on the floor.  His cock throbbed as she licked him.  Abruptly he pulled away again and then came back to her and she took him in her mouth again.  The second time he pulled away he pulled her up from the floor and led her to the side of the table.  She lay down and pulled her legs up as he entered her immediately.  She groaned with pleasure as he fingered her clitoris while pumping slowly in and out.  “Do you want me?”


       “Are you sure?”
       “Oh, please, yes!”


       She groaned helplessly and arched her back, coming as he pounded into her.  He stayed in her when he was done balancing himself with his palms on either side of her until he could stand again.  He played with her clitoris again as he withdrew and then kissed it before he helped her off the table.  She went immediately into his arms and he fondled her breasts as she kissed him.

       “Do you believe me now?”

       He laughed and she smiled.  “I believe anything you say.”  She watched as he pulled his pants back on and then jumped as another male entered the room with a video camera.  She tried to hide behind him, but the officer took her by the elbow and smiled.  “Lie back on the table again and spread your legs.”

       She looked at him in confusion and then complied.  He put the speculum in and spread it as the other man filmed.  She tried to close her legs, but kept them spread when the officer held them down a moment.  Both of them examined her as he stroked her clitoris.  “Hold onto the sides of the table please.”  Lisa complied in dumb confusion.  She couldnt believe she was becoming aroused again.  “Christopher, this is Lisa.  Lisa, this is Christopher and my name is Robby.  Did you get it all?”

       “Every sordid inch.  You are the master.”

       “Very good.  Take her clothes away and send the others in.”

       Lisa watched the man pick up the bag of clothes and leave.  Still she kept her hands gripping the side of the table and her legs spread.  She was going to be begging in a minute.

       “You lied to me.”

       “I did.  My name isnt Robby and his is not Christopher, but that is how we are known here.  You are not under arrest and you will not be allowed a phone call.”  Again he pressed her legs open as she tried to put them together.  She flinched as two other men entered and felt a thrill as he played his tongue over her clitoris and sucked on it gently.  Patting the inside of her thighs he continued, “keep them open.”  He left her and she glanced at the other two men who were looking at her exposed flesh as Robby picked up the clipboard.  “You are not under arrest, but your behavior is still very important.  This was a test and you performed well.  The DVD from the bar showed you passed other tests as well.  Over the next few days you will be tested further to see where you fit.  I would advise you to be very cooperative.  It will make life much more pleasant.” 

“When will I be allowed to leave?”

He smiled as he sat at the table near her head and stroked her hair looking at her sadistically.  “Hold very still.”  She only nodded watching him.  “You will never leave here.  You are mine.  We are your family now.”  She gasped in horror and he whispered.  “Hold very still.”  Tears ran down her cheek, but she complied as he invited the other two to approach and they began to touch her.  She closed her eyes as Robby leaned close to her and kissed her forehead when she turned away from him.  “You are mine now, until you are trained.  You must do everything I say.  There is no escape.  This is more than jail.”  She looked at him again and he shrugged flippantly. 

“What do you mean?”

“I mean you have been kidnapped.  No one knows where you are.  No one will ever find out.  You are a prisoner and there is no escape from this place.  You will be trained as a prostitute.  If you are uncooperative it will be very violent for you.  I suggest you cooperate for your own benefit.”  She didnt turn away from him as he kissed her again.  In spite of her fear she felt the need raging through her again.  She arched her back to the man working on her breasts and groaned.  She felt the other mans tongue on her cunt.  Robby stuck his tongue in her mouth as she came again.  They continued to play with her and she made no move to stop them as Robby smiled and brushed her hair away from her face.  She was so confused about the feelings coursing through her.  “It really isnt so bad here.  We are family.  Youll see.  Most of us come to like it here.”  She shook her head.  The implications of what he said were slowly sinking in.  She pushed the men at her knees away and sat up quickly and then moved to a corner and crouched down covering herself.  Robby nodded slightly as he sat back and began making notes on the clipboard while the other two waited.  Finally he finished and smiled at her again while speaking to the others.  “Put the cuffs on her and give her a shower.  Julia wants her examined and processed, standard blood work.  Then put her in A block and I will check on her later.”  She was still crying.  She fought kicking and scratching but it was useless.  One of the men handcuffed her as Robbie touched her breast.  She suddenly felt filthy.  “I enjoyed your performance at the bar very much.  I am looking forward to viewing the new DVD.  Both will be added to our library and in a week or two there will be clients lined up hoping for repeat performances.  You are very beautiful, Lisa.  You will make us very rich.”

Gwen stirred again almost waking, but the headache was still there.  She pushed it back and smiled again remembering.  Within two weeks her tan lines were completely gone.  Ever since her first orgasm she had begged for more and Brian had willingly indulged her in the day by the pond and in the nights at the barn.  She shocked him though one night two weeks later when they were driving home from the movies.  They were barely out of town where the road went from four to two lanes when she leaned down and removed her blouse and bra.  She handed them to him smiling and he shoved them down between the door and the seat as she removed the rest of her clothing and passed it to him.  She remembered him drawing in a deep breath and then drifting over to the side of the road before she said something and he corrected his steering. 

“You want to go to the barn?”

“To the river.  The high side.”  Brian smiled.  He drove to the river and he pulled into the parking area on top of the bluffs where the only bridge for miles crossed.  The kids usually gathered on the low side of the river where there was a small sandy beach.  Gwen got out of the truck before he could hand her her clothes. 

“You dont want these?”

“Lock them in the toolbox.”  Brian smiled again and Gwen waited while he locked the doors on the truck and then locked her clothes in the toolbox.  Gwen could see several figures gathered around a campfire across the way and a car passed on the main road, but no one had parked on their side yet.  She set off down the scenic path that began at the edge of the parking lot.

On the picnic table at the end of the trail in full view of the river they both abandoned themselves to pleasure knowing the kids on the other side of the river were blinded by the light of the fire.  They had just returned to the truck and shut the doors so the dome light cut off when another car pulled in the parking area.  “If they had come just a minute earlier they could have seen you.”

Gwen giggled, “But they didnt.”  Brian smiled at her.  She made no move to cover herself as he passed the car.  She snuggled into Brian and he fondled her as they drove to the barn. 

“Did you want them to?”

“No.  But I liked that it was close.  That turned me on.  How about you?”


“Did it excite you that I might be seen?”

He kissed her with one eye on the road.  “It did.  A lot.”

“What else turns you on?”

“It doesnt take much you know.  I am a guy after all.”

“You are?”

He smiled and kissed her and she waited for his answer.  “Seeing you like this, especially that first time when you took me by surprise, but tonight too, when you took your clothes off and gave them to me, when you dance for me in the nude, when you spread your legs for me.”  He kissed her.  “How about you?”

“I like how you were willing to wait for me to offer myself to you instead of pressing me to have sex.  I like that we were best friends first.”

There was a long pause.  “Is that it?”


“So what else?”

Still there was a pause before she spoke.  “What turns me on is being vulnerable to you.”

“How do you mean?”

“Like when Im naked and you arent.  Like when you lock my clothes in the truck and I cant get to them.  Like how much stronger you are than me.  If you chose to overpower me you could.  I would like you to do that sometime.  Not today maybe, but unexpectedly.  Complete and total submission to you turns me on.”

He had moved items to the barn over the two weeks since his birthday.  When they got there he put on a CD even before he lit the propane lantern.  She danced for him as he watched.  She had lost all of her initial inhibition and her dancing was incredibly sensual.  He came to her when the song ended and she kissed him.  She gasped as he traced circles on her nipples with his thumbs.  He couldnt get enough of her and pulled her to him roughly pulling on her buttocks.  She was no match for his strength.  He let her go as he felt her relax and watched her walk away from him. 

The night before she had noticed that one of the stalls had a series of rings set in the walls.  He told her that his grandfather and his great-grandfather had used the barn for horses years before.  They had a number of work horses and several for pleasure.  One of the horses was prone to colic and when he was sick they had to keep him standing or he would lie down and die.  They used the rings in the stall to secure the horse to a truss so he wouldnt be able to lie down.  He told her some of the old tack was still there in a storage box.  Hobbles and bridles and halters and lead ropes.  Gwen nodded and turned the conversation to other things.  Most of the stalls were broken down and had seen a lot of use.  This stall however was clean and the wood comparatively new since the supports had been replaced and it had been reinforced to hold the horses weight.  It had no gate and had only been used when the animal was sick.  The floor was packed dirt. 

Gwen returned to the stall as he released her.  She fingered one of the rings thoughtfully as he came up behind her.  Her heart was pounding heavily as she spoke, but her voice was barely a whisper.  “Would you consider tying me up to these rings?”  She heard him gasp and was afraid he would think something was wrong with her, but then he enclosed her in a bear hug and whispered hoarsely in her ear that she was the most beautiful girl he had ever seen and the most erotic.  She became more and more aroused as they sifted through the tack box and picked out lead ropes for her thighs and reins for her wrists. 

He tied her wrists first.  Two sets of rings, the thickest, were conveniently on opposite posts just above her head, with two more set just at her hip height.  He stretched her arms straight so she was standing square in the stall and then tied them off.  She was so close to coming that she had to beg him not to touch her until he had looped the lead ropes around her thighs and pulled them apart.  He hadnt even tied them when she was begging and so he dropped to his knees immediately and she came into his mouth as he held the ropes spreading her legs.  He finished tying her up and sat between her legs leaning back on his palms smiling up at her.

“I might just have to bring the digital camera next time.”  She groaned with pleasure, her heart still pounding.  “You realize you are completely helpless?  What would happen if I just decided to drive away?” 

“You would come back.”

“Maybe I would.”

She tried vainly to struggle as he ran his fingers up the inside of her thighs and stuck his thumbs barely inside her.  She groaned again as he knelt and stuck his tongue in her again while running his hands over her breasts.  She felt the rush come over her powerfully again as she struggled against the restraints coming again.  It surprised him that she had come again so quickly, but she was still groaning for more.

She thought he might leave when he went out to the truck, but he came back with his twine feather and ran it over her.  She writhed helplessly with pleasure as he alternately sucked on her nipples and played with them.  He continued until she was begging him again and dropped to his knees a third time barely making it before she came again.  He untied her then, legs first, and released her hands from the wall, but left the reins fastened around her wrists.  He led her to the truck and ordered her to bend forward over the tailgate.  He stretched her right arm up then and shut the rein in the door and tied it through the window.  Then he did the same with her left hand.  She spread her legs like a mare in heat waiting for him to mount.  She had never wanted anything as badly.  She could feel the juices running down her legs.  She moaned in the agony of desire as he took off his clothes.  He had never come in from behind before and she was still tight.  He entered her forcefully and she moved her hips joyfully as he worked himself slowly, but forcefully in and out.  He did manage to tickle her buttocks for a short time, but as he became more heated he bent closer over her and pawed at her breasts, finally squeezing them almost painfully as they both came.  He pushed himself upright and she wriggled as he began tickling her bottom again.  He laughed then asking her if she would ever get enough.  She just grunted thinking she never could.

He slid her up the bed of the truck and flipped her over so her hands were crossed and ran his hands up her torso and breasts.  “Did I pinch too hard?”

“It was just right, at just the right time.”

He straddled her and kissed her with his hands balancing on her breasts.

“You want to go for another ride?”

“If youre game, I am.”

He smiled and dangled his penis above her.  She took it into her mouth as he opened the toolbox and pulled out the roll of twine.  She felt him swell again in her mouth as he took both her wrists in one hand and wrapped twine around them a number of times with the other.  He tied it off and then pulled out of her mouth reluctantly.  “Ill be back.”  He opened the doors of the truck, released the reins, and then returned to the bed of the truck and positioned himself so she could pull him back into her mouth.  He ran the reins around her elbows and pulled her up so her hands and forearms were trapped under the toolbox.  Then he ran the reins from her elbows to the tie downs on the outside of the bed of the truck just behind the cab.  He had to pull out of her mouth briefly each time he hooked the reins, but she took him back eagerly each time.  He left her again for a moment and returned with the lead ropes.  He looped them securely around her ankles and ran them through the tie holes on each side of the truck.  Once again she was helpless with her legs spread wide.  He crawled between her legs and leaned over her sucking first on her cunt and then on a nipple.  “I think Ill take a drive through town.  Maybe Ill go down White Street.  What do you think?” 

“You wouldnt!”

“You think I wouldnt?  Maybe Ill park right on the street and climb in the back with you and do the dirty right in front of your mommas house!  You couldnt do a thing to stop me now, could you?  Or better yet, I could pull in the alley behind the house.  That would be sure to wake her and she would have to look out her bedroom window to see just who might be snooping around and there youd be spread eagled in all your glory!  Id jump out of the cab and wave and smile and say evening Ms. Parker, and then Id hop in the back and bend right over you and sop up all that juice while she did nothing but stared.”

He bounded out of the truck and put the tailgate up.  He threw on his pants and she heard the music go off and the light dim.  He stopped long enough to push his t-shirt under her head to make her more comfortable, then he gunned the engine and spun the wheels as he pulled away from the barn.  He spun his wheels again and she felt the back of the truck fishtail as he hit the asphalt and headed for town.  He slowed down though as he approached and turned off on one of the side streets instead of going through Main Street where most of the buildings were two story and people lived in apartments above the stores.  She craned occasionally and saw the street signs for Nutley Street and Oak and Walnut.  Damn if he wasnt driving right to her mothers house.  He drove by slowly.  She could hear the neighbors dog bark.  Then he went around the block and the dog barked again as he drove slowly by.  She heard him laugh softly as she whispered, “Brian, please!”  She couldnt believe she was hot for him again.  He drove down a lot of the other side streets and then finally pulled from the back alley into the parking lot of the mechanics shop.  It was right on Main Street in the middle of town and there was a street light across the street.  The other buildings were low, though and not occupied after ten PM.  She recognized the vine covered crumbling building that was across the alley.  The lot was full of vehicles waiting for repair or that had been repaired.  He hopped in the back of the truck and stretched out beside her leaving her exposed.  Slowly he began to stroke her entire body and she was helpless to resist.  If anyone had come along he promised her he would show her off.  Again she began to writhe against the bonds.  He waited until the last possible minute before he unzipped his pants and entered her.  She wanted to scream, but he kissed her as she groaned helplessly.  She couldnt believe it when he jumped out of the back leaving her tied and helpless still as he pulled out of the alley.

From there he drove back to the river where they had started.  The parking lot was empty now and the fire on the other side was extinguished.  He lowered the tailgate and straddled her again on the bed of the truck.  She would be fully exposed if a vehicle pulled into the parking lot.  “I might think about untying you.”

“What would I have to do?”

He licked her nipple.  “Were at the river.”  She waited.  “Ill leave you here and drive to the other side and wait while you cross the footbridge.  When you get to the other side I want you to bend over the tailgate so I can come in from behind again.”

Gwen nodded in agreement, “Only if youll run the reins through the window again.”

Brian smiled and shook his head in disbelief.  He cut the twine off her wrists, but took his time untying her.  A car drove by on the road as he stroked and fondled her.  When her hands were free he ran his hands up and down the inside of her thighs and sucked on them until she knew she would have visible hickeys.  Finally he untied the lead ropes and let her climb down from the truck.  He gave her a few minutes to work the kinks out of her ankles and then bound her wrists behind her with the reins and told her to wait until he was in the lower parking lot before starting across the bridge.  She waited behind the first tree at the scenic trail as he drove out of the parking lot.  He turned away from the bridge and drove out of sight.  Another car passed before the truck returned and crossed the bridge and went out of sight again.  A second vehicle followed the truck and one crossed oncoming before the truck pulled into the parking lot below. Gwen felt her heart race.  She tested her wrists and found them bound tight.  The walking bridge was built into the suspension system below the vehicle bridge.  It was at least a hundred and twenty-five yards long.  She would only be visible from the river and parking areas once she got on the bridge itself, but she would be completely visible for about forty yards while approaching and then descending the stairs and this was one of the more heavily traveled roads in the county.  She saw the cab light come on and made out Brians silhouette as he leaned back against the tailgate and waited.  She stepped out from behind the tree and peered as far up and down the road as she could see.  The problem was that her vantage point was slightly below the road on her side of the bridge and she couldnt see far.  She didnt hear anything though.  She heaved a sigh and committed herself striding toward the bridge.  There were headlights on the high side, her side, but they were far enough away she thought.  She heard a whistle from Brian as he caught sight of her.  That familiar whistle all males use when they approve of a womans figure.  She paused a moment turning slightly to show herself off to him.  She turned back and saw that the headlights were approaching much more rapidly than she realized at first.  Still… She hesitated just a moment and then decided it was better to go on than back.  She hit the stairs ten seconds later and started descending.  She backed into the bridge span with her heart racing as the headlights went by.  She heard Brian whistle again as he saw her silhouetted form descend onto the bridge.  She was two-thirds of the way across when he met her.  She kissed him unable, but not wanting, to stop his hands from their wandering.  He took the loose ends of the reins from her hands and tied her to the railing and then continued to feel her all over.  Several more cars drove over the bridge and all it did was heighten her arousal.  Finally though he untied her from the railing and they descended to the lower parking lot.  He told her to wait near the tree line while he moved the truck to make them less visible from the upper parking lot.  Gwen couldnt believe how hot she was all over again.  She was ready to drop to her knees again when Brian led her to one of the larger trees and strung her up between two limbs.  She was completely exposed to the parking lot and helpless.  It would take Brian too much time to untie her if they were caught.  He kissed her and she responded helplessly.  She opened her mouth as he stuck his tongue far inside and pulled her by her buttocks toward him.  His pants were unzipped and his cock came between her legs.  He pulled her off her feet and she hung by her wrists for a moment until he set her down again.  He walked away from her then and approached from behind and reached around her playing with her nipples.  She writhed again and he kept playing with them until she begged him to take her.  Then with maddening slowness he came back in front of her and kissed her nipple before he knelt again in front of her.  She spread her legs willingly for him and he slipped his upper arms under her thighs spreading them even more as she dropped her weight onto her wrists and came yet again.  He left her tied to the tree and went to the cab of the truck.  She saw him laugh to himself.  “If you want to go again Im afraid well have to wait for someone else to come along and help you out.” 

“I can wait until tomorrow… I think.”

Brian laughed again and she closed her eyes as he turned a mag light on and shone it on her.

“Unless you plan on doing that too much longer.”

He turned off the light and put it back under the seat.  Slowly he untied her from the tree and bound her hands behind her back again.  “I need you to do a little prep work before Im ready again.”  She smiled and kissed him and he dropped his pants as she dropped to her knees in the soft silt. 

He helped her up when he was ready and stretched her hands like before, shutting the reins in the doors and tying them.  He stopped long enough this time to spread her legs by tying them to the fender with the lead rope.  This time his needs were far from urgent.  He tickled her buttocks and enjoyed the view as she writhed.  He only left her enough room to move her hips.  Her legs and arms were stretched tight.  He ran all his fingers up her back softly and then down her ribs and across her breasts.  He moved in and out of her slowly and luxuriously until she was groaning again and waited for her groin muscles to spasm before he went one last time.

Gwen startled awake as someone touched her shoulder.  She looked up to find a man leaning over her that she didnt recognize.  He held his finger to his lips for her to be quiet and she turned to see a male still sleeping on a cot nearby. 


The man took Gwens hand and led her from the room into a hallway.

“Its time to get up sleeping beauty.”

“Who are you?”

“I work with Dom.”

“How did I get here?”

“You dont remember?”  Gwen shook her head.  “Well, it doesnt matter.  Youre here now.  Thats all that matters.  Weve been waiting for you.  Lisa woke up almost two hours ago.”

Gwen entered the room he indicated to see the same female shuffling papers behind the desk.  Gwen sat as all the others had done.  Julia studied her for a moment.

“Do you have a headache?”  Gwen nodded.  Julia looked at Joseph, “Get her some water, will you?”  She reached into a desk drawer and pulled out a bottle of Tylenol.  She took out two pills and set them on the edge of the desk.  “Maybe this will help.  Are you hungry?”

“A little maybe.  What time is it?”

“Two oclock.  We finally decided wed better wake you.” 

Gwen glanced at Joseph as he returned with a bottle of water.  He was a few inches taller than her at about 511”.  He had dark hair, cut short, and several days stubble on his jaw.  He was attractive.  She thanked him with a nod and took the two pills.

“Where am I?”

Julia spoke, “We work with Dom.  He had the cab bring you here.  He said you were the next big star.  We put together portfolios for models and aspiring actresses.  You know.  Head shots, glamour shots, lingerie shots.  The works.  Joseph here is one of our top photographers.”

“I dont understand.  I never told Dom I was even interested in anything like that.” 

Julia feigned surprise.  “You didnt?  I thought it was everyones dream.  Youre sure you never wanted to be a model?  You could make the big bucks.  Enough to pay for your schooling.”

“I dont know.  I mean, I think I would like it, but I figured it would be too hard to get into.”

“Well, once we explained it to Lisa, she was all for it.  Its pretty much the next step all the girls take who win the contest at the bar.  You do remember that, dont you?”

Gwen smiled a ghost of a smile in spite of herself and nodded.  She hadnt had that much fun in a long time.  Julia slid a piece of paper toward her.

“Look.  Its right here in the contract you signed last night.  You agree to allow us to use any footage obtained at the bar for advertising purposes.  You also agree, if chosen, to participate in a photo shoot at our expense with the resulting portfolio to be distributed to modeling agencies in the city.  If you are chosen to model, you would owe us three percent of any monies received.  That means ninety-seven percent is for you to keep.  A lot of the top models make upwards of ten thousand dollars a day.  That would more than pay for your schooling.

“You know, Dom said he had talked to you about it after the contest, but he said you might have had too much to drink by then.  Maybe you just dont remember.  You can think it over if you like.”

“So its no money up front and three percent of any contract?”

“Thats right.”

“What would the shoot consist of today?”

“Well, of course we would let you get cleaned up, shower, hair, makeup.  Wed have to get you something to eat.  Well provide clothing and lingerie.  And the shoot itself would take three or four hours with clothing changes.  Like I said, head shots, glamour shots and the works.  Most people enjoy it.  If you dont, you know this work isnt for you.  Well call you back in a few weeks to look at the portfolio and approve it before it gets sent to anyone.”

“So if I agree to do this today, do I sign something else?”

Julia pulled out a second contract and slid it across the desk.  Gwen looked it over.  It said exactly what she had just described.

“What the heck.  I already missed class.  I might as well do something worthwhile today.”  She took the pen Julia offered and signed the contract.

After sharing sandwiches with Joseph, Gwen was brought to an elegant bathroom and left to shower.  She dropped her clothes and earrings on the floor and fingered the short silk robe that had been left for her use.  There were rows of hair and skin care products on one wall and a bank of mirrors along another wall with makeup and vanity lights.  She chose a shampoo and conditioner and body soap and went to the shower.

Brian still wouldnt let her have her clothes when they got back in the truck.  She snuggled into him and smiled.

“So you like pictures too?”


“Pictures of naked girls?  They turn you on?”

“I am a guy.”

“Do you look at them on the internet?”

“I used to.  Not much lately.”  He pulled her close.

“What would you do if you had naked pictures of me?”

“Oh, I would look at those.”

“It would be okay with me if you brought the digital camera.”

“You would pose for me?”

“I would do anything you say.  I would have to, or you would never give my clothes back.”

“You are a fast learner.”

“You are teaching me very fun things.  I like to learn.”

“Sometimes I think you are the teacher.”

“Are you going to give me my clothes back tonight, or are you going to make me walk in the house naked?”

“Ill give them back.  I hate to, but I guess Ill have to.  You are more than sexy, you know.  Tonight was amazing.  You were amazing.”

She slept hard during their lunch break the next day at the pond.  Her clothes were locked away in the truck and she was lying on her stomach with her cheek resting on one of her forearms, the other curled in front of her.  She heard the shutter of a camera click behind her and smiled.  She heard it click in front of her and opened one eye.  He was squatting in front of her in his swimming trunks. 

“I need you to raise that arm in front just a little bit.”  She closed her eye again and moved her arm up.  “Just a little bit more please.”  She moved it slowly until he stopped her.  “Perfect.  That is perfect.”  The shutter clicked twice more and she felt that too familiar flutter.  She had promised him they would wait until the evening to start in again.  She hoped she would be able to keep her promise.  She knelt with her rump in the air and did a long luxurious cat stretch as the camera clicked away.  Then she sat on her knees facing into the sun and put her arms over her head and down her back and stretched again arching her back.  The camera clicked away.

“You brought the camera, I see.”

“Along with a few other surprises.”

“I saw the weights, what are they for?”

“They are counterweights to use at the barn.  Ill show you tonight.”

“Will I like it?”

“I think you will like it a lot.”

Gwen nodded.  “What else did you bring?”

He went back to the truck and returned with a pair of swimming goggles. 

“What are these?”

“What do they look like?”

“Swimming goggles.”

“But these are magic.  Look closely.”  She looked at them and saw that the lenses had been painted black.  “Put them on.”

She put them on.  They fit snugly and she was completely blind.  She heard the shutter snap as she grinned.  She took them off and jumped up kissing him.  He smiled helplessly and pulled her bottom to him with his free hand.  “I know I promised to be good, but you are making it very difficult.”

“I havent even touched you until now, and youre the one who started that!”

“Im beginning to think there is something wrong with me.”

“Whatever it is, its one of the things I like the best about you.  I just hope I can keep up!”

“Me too.  Like you said, it gets better and better.  Last night was amazing.”

“What did you like best?”

“Best?”  She paused for a moment and then answered sheepishly, “I liked best that you didnt laugh at me when I told you I wanted you to tie me up.  I liked that you made me feel safe when I was afraid you would think I was crazy.”

They exchanged a meaningful look and then he kissed her tenderly.  “You are safe with me.  You know, some of the guys talk about their exploits.  Im sure some of the girls do too.  I dont want us to do that.  I want you to be able to tell me all your secrets and I want to be able to tell you and no one else needs to know.  I wont tell the guys anything about what you and I do.  Thats just between us.”

Gwen nodded and kissed him again gratefully.  He hugged her smiling playfully, “Now do you think you can pose for a few pictures without having to rip my shorts off?”

“Ill try, but Im pretty hopeless you know.”

“I know, but I love you because of it.”

At the barn that night she stripped to music and then continued to dance for him as he snapped pictures with the digital camera.  He readied the restraints and showed her how he intended for her to use the forty-pound weights.  She held out her hands as he fastened hobbles firmly to her wrists.  He put the goggles on her, turned the music up, lit two more very bright propane camping lanterns and hung them from wires he had suspended just below the loft, took her clothes and drove away.  He told her to dance for three more songs and then carry out his orders.

Gwen danced as she was told with the goggles on.  It was disorienting, but strangely freeing for her.  When the third song finished she felt her way to the new stall.  She felt her way until she found and stepped through the slipknots he had tied and tightened them just above her knees, then she pulled the clove hitches that ran through the lower rings on each side of the stall taut so that she could stand, but her legs were spread wide.  Next she felt on the ledges and located the leash clasps and attached the lead ropes to the D-rings on the hobbles that he had put on her wrists.  The hobbles were lined with sheep fleece so that they could take the pressure without damaging her wrists.  The lead ropes were fed through the upper rings and attached to the weights that were also lying on the ledge of the stall.  Her heart was racing by then.  She thought about waiting until she heard the truck come back before pushing the weights off the ledge, but he had told her not to wait.  He told her he wanted her helpless not knowing when or if he would return.  She pushed the weights off the ledge in close succession and her hands snapped up above her head as they dropped.  She was completely helpless, her hands spread wide, held firm by the weights dangling in mid-air at the other end of the lead rope.  She was nowhere near strong enough to pull herself free. 

Brian had driven the truck out of range of hearing and then returned within two minutes.  He had been standing ten feet away with a palm-size camcorder videotaping it all.  She weighed a hundred and ten so eighty pounds was more than enough to incapacitate her.  He liked it when she was vulnerable to him too. 

He set the video camera up on a tripod on a stool making sure it would continue to record her from head to toe and then picked up the digital camera and began to snap pictures.  Gwen still wasnt aware of his presence, but was writhing with anticipation.  He sat down in front of her and then scooted under her crotch and took several more pictures with the flash.  Still she gave no indication that she was aware of his presence.  Her organs were swollen and shiny with her fluids.  He came within two inches and breathed in deeply.  From her smell he knew she was on the verge.  She flinched as he flicked at her crotch with the tip of his tongue.   She struggled against the bindings and he covered her as she came.  It was going to be as good as the night before.

He scooted away and stood and went behind her and whispered in her ear.  Again she jumped and his heart raced.  “You didnt even know I was there did you?  It could have been anyone sucking on your cunt and you would have come anyway.  I barely touched it.  You were so hot you couldnt help it and its going to be that way all over again just like last night.”  He reached around her without touching her sides and began massaging her nipples.  The camera would see that she couldnt stop him.  He spoke slowly, “Youre completely helpless, by your own choice, by your own hand and now I can do whatever I want with you and you wont be able to do a thing.  And guess what else?  You are being videotaped in all your naked glory.  Not just still shots with a camera, but theres a real honest to goodness video camera trained right on you.  It recorded me sucking on your cunt and its recording me touching your tits.”

“Oh, Brian, Im coming again!”

“I guess youre on your own then.”  He began rubbing both her tits with one hand spread wide and fingering her cunt with the other.  He moved his hips against her as she gasped and groaned and came a second time.  He was still fully clothed.  He didnt even wait for her to finish the orgasm as he filled his finger with her juices and brought it to her mouth.  She sucked on it eagerly.  He continued to fondle her breasts again pushing them together and working them with his thumbs.  “You see, now Im playing with them again and you are still helpless to stop me.  I can even pinch them if I want and you are completely helpless.” 

She arched her back and gasped as he pinched her gently.  “What I really want now though is to add to those hickies on the inside of your thighs.  Where were we when I was creating those?  Oh, yes.  We were at the river and you were fully exposed there too.  I could truss you up in the back of the truck with the goggles on and you would have no idea where you were.  Maybe Ill go park in front of the sheriffs office.  Or on the low side of the bridge.  Or in front of the theater.  I think maybe I might even leave the tailgate down and drive around.  What do you think?”  He dropped to the ground and she felt him sucking on the inside of her thighs.  He was right.  There was no way she could stop him and the closer he was getting to her cunt the closer she was getting to coming again.  She groaned in need when he stopped. 

He untied her legs then, but left her arms stretched wide as he ran his hands up and down her torso until she was writhing again.  He left her on the edge of her need again as he unclasped the lead ropes from her wrists and let the weights drop to the ground.  She threw her arms around him holding on fiercely as he turned her in profile and french kissed her and then fondled her in front of the camera before removing the goggles.  She blinked in the brightness of the three propane lanterns.  “Face the back of the stall and put the slip knots back on your legs, then kneel and pull them tight again.  Leave just enough room that I can crawl under you.”  Gwen smiled and kissed him before moving to obey.  As she knelt he lowered the camcorder to take advantage of her new position.  She waited kneeling as he removed his shirt and pants, leaving his boxers on.  He spread his shirt on the dirt and lay on his back. 

She bent over exposing herself perfectly for the camera as she began to suck on Brians tits.  He took advantage of hers dangling perfectly for him.  Only when he was hidden from the camera did he raise his hips and remove his boxers.  Slowly he worked his way toward her hips until she was stretching to take him into her mouth.  She felt his hands spreading her cheeks wide for the camera.  She was writhing in sweet agony by then and froze when she felt his tongue on her clitoris.  She barely managed to hold off her third come until Brian exploded into her mouth.  She thought she would never quit coming as he continued to suck her in front of the camera. 

Gwen startled as she heard a knock on the door.  It was Joseph.  “Are you about ready in there?”

“A few more minutes.”  She shaved quickly, jumped out of the shower and toweled off and then slipped into the robe.  She found mousse and scrunched it through her hair.  She decided to go without makeup.  They told her they could add it later if they wanted.  She would have felt more comfortable with underwear on under the robe, but none were provided.

There was a girl waiting outside the dressing room door when she exited.  She smiled at Gwen.  “My name is Michelle.  I am to show you the way to the set.”  She led Gwen down a hall and opened a door and stood aside for her to enter. 

Joseph was in the room with another man in his late thirties or early forties.  He was athletic and strikingly handsome.  They were watching the DVD from the bar.  It was the kissing portion and her hands were tied.  Joseph paused the DVD as she looked at him in question.  “This is Adam.  He helps us with marketing the bar.  We are going to pull some of the stills from the DVD to put on the website for the bar.  He also directs some of our lingerie shoots and has agreed to help with yours.”  Joseph gestured to a seat and Gwen sat carefully with one hand in her lap and one to her front to make sure the robe was covering her.  She saw Adam smile at her modesty as Joseph began questioning her.  “Dom said you are from Nebraska?”

Gwen nodded, “From Monroe.  Its a small farming community on the Platte River.  The town is about ten blocks square with eight lots on each block.  Its pretty small.”

“Why did you decide to come to New York?”

“Adventure.  Education.  Anonymity.  Everyone in a small town knows everything about you.  I decided I was tired of that.” 

“He said you had a boyfriend there?”

“In high school.  Well, he was a senior and I was a sophomore when we started dating.  We broke up a few months before I graduated.”

“And you didnt date anyone after that?”

Gwen shook her head.  “I took the break up pretty hard.  I wasnt ready to date anyone else from the town.  Ive dated some here, but I havent found anyone Ive really clicked with.”

“Dom said you told him you only slept with one person since youve been here.”

Gwen nodded.  “Before last night anyway.”

“You remember last night?”

She nodded again.  “Im not sure how it happened, but I remember.  Im usually not like that.  I mean, I want to know the person Im with.  I dated Brian for six months.  I wanted it to mean something.”

“He was your first?”


“How long did you date the man you slept with here?”

“A month.  He kept pressuring me.  After we had sex he broke it off.  He said I was just another notch on his gun.  I was glad I made him use a condom.  That was the end of it for me until last night.  Last night I was out of control.  I dont know how that happened.”

“You were very adventurous last night. Is that usual for you?”

“Yes, but always before it was with only Brian.”

“Did he tie you up?”

Gwen nodded remembering.

“Did you enjoy it?”

Gwen felt her face color and Joseph smiled.

“Did he take pictures of you?”

Gwen nodded again, “He did.”

“You werent eighteen?”

“It was from when I was almost sixteen until I was almost eighteen.”

“Do you have access to any of those pictures?”

“Anyone who knows where to look does.  Thats why I wanted to leave town.”

“They are on the internet?”

Gwen nodded again and saw Joseph take a deep breath and slowly exhale.

“If youre ready, Ill show you into the changing room and you can choose an outfit from what weve picked for you while Adam and I watch some more of the DVD.”

Gwen was shown to an adjoining room twelve-foot square, with mirrors from floor to ceiling on all four walls.  There was a bench in one corner with a small pile of lingerie on it. 

“When you are dressed come back and join us.”

Gwen sifted through her choices.  Only one was anywhere close to modest.  A traditional light blue silk teddy with revealing panties, but a top that would cover her adequately.  It was the one they would expect her to come out in.  She never did like doing what was expected.  One would cover her, but was completely transparent.  Several were thongs, one with a short t-shirt, a black one with a lacy brassiere, one was thigh high tights and heels and a contraption she had never seen before that was meant to display her breasts pushed up and uncovered.  She picked the thong and t-shirt combination.   The t-shirt was low-necked, light weight and only long enough to barely cover her breasts.  It was loosely ruffled at the bottom.  The outfit was brown and showed off her dark skin to perfection.  She changed quickly and pulled the robe on over it before returning to the other room.  They were watching the crowd applaud as Dom raised her skirt.  Her hands were still tied and the lighting was perfect.  She was leaning back against Dom panting as the crowd was going wild.  Joseph paused the DVD again strategically as she entered and they exchanged a smile.  She felt a thrill knowing they could see everything.

“Show us what you have chosen.”

Gwen opened the robe and saw the approval in both of their eyes.

“Can I watch for a minute?”

“Of course.  Have a seat by Adam.”

Gwen smiled at Adam and sat down to watch.  Next on the tape was the oral sex.  She never realized anyone had been taping, but there must have been a camera in the ceiling.  It was all there for them to see.  If she wasnt so aroused again she might have been embarrassed.  She felt Adams hand brush the outside of her thigh as that round ended.  Joseph paused the video again.

“Lets take the first round of pictures, shall we?  We can come back and watch some more while Gwen is changing.”

Adam took her hand and they followed Joseph into a studio with mirrors and a corner filled with cameras.  Boxes were covered with cloth for posing and there were couches to sit on.  Adam helped Gwen remove the robe and set it on the floor next to the door.  He took her left hand in his and put his right hand on her hip guiding her to a box.  “If youll kneel here.” 

Gwen followed a series of instructions while Joseph snapped a number of photos.  She watched herself in the mirror as she stretched her arm to the ceiling under Adams direction and saw a nipple revealed.  She smiled at him as he came to her again.  He came behind her and began nuzzling her ear.  She smiled and put her arm around his neck and turned to face him.  She felt that flutter as he slipped his hand under the t-shirt while he kissed her and Joseph snapped away.

“You are a tease.”  She let him lead her to the boxes and pose her on her hands and knees with her back diagonally to the camera.  The t-shirt draped away from her as Joseph moved around taking multiple pictures.

Adam slipped his hand between her legs as Joseph continued taking shots and she responded.  “Its you who is the tease.  Youll see when you watch the rest of video from the bar that I have no self-control.  I would be careful if I were you or we wont be getting anything done.”

She turned as Joseph spoke, “Adam, arrest her.”

Adam led her to a wall covered with mirrors.  “Assume the position.”  She put her hands on the wall and spread her legs.  “Put your hands higher.”  She smiled as she complied.  She could see Josephs reflection as he snapped pictures of her nipples as Adam searched her.

When she came out of the dressing room the second time the DVD was paused.  She didnt bother with the robe this time and had on the transparent teddy and thong.  Adam stood and she put her arms around his neck as he kissed her and ran his hands across her butt and up the small of her back.  He held her kissing her for several minutes before Joseph cleared his throat.  They broke apart and Adam smiled at her as he pulled her to the couch.  Joseph pushed the play button just as the DJ was explaining how hot Gwen was and how she wanted to take her shirt off to cool down.  She felt a rush as she remembered the feelings the night before and watched herself take off her shirt.  The camera was still directly on her as Dom removed her skirt and then presented her to the crowd.  They were screaming as Dom knelt in front of her, but quieted a bit as she spread her legs for him.  The feelings were racing through her again.  When she saw herself drop to the floor and whisper to Dom she said, “See I told you I have no self-control.”

Adam asked, “What are you whispering to him?”

“I was begging him to get someone to hold on to my arms.”

The camera shot moved to the mirror as the crowd moved in.  She didnt realize there were that many people crowded in so close.  She had been focused in on Dom, but watching the tape she saw that people were reaching in to touch her from all sides.  She was nearly buried.

They watched until Dom moved away from her and others began moving in.  The field of view cleared somewhat and the camera closed in on her face and breasts.  She was obviously enjoying herself.  Joseph paused the video again.

It was a few minutes before Adam joined them in the studio.  When he came he was wearing a speedo and no shirt and he had a black mask on like Dom and Mike had the night before.  Gwen openly admired his physique and he took her in his arms as she came to him.  They had her pose alone under their direction and then Adam began to pose with her.  Before she knew it her top was gone, but he told her to make sure she didnt become too aroused because he wanted her to wait.  It was virtually impossible, but he was straining the seams of his speedo too when they sent her off to change again.  This time she chose the thigh high tights, a lacy beige, and heels and the bra that left her completely exposed.  This time she put the robe on before leaving the dressing room.

She found them watching the DVD again when she entered.  She was in the back room tied up against the wall and blindfolded.  The girls entered the room and began to stroke her and she was writhing under their touch.  She saw herself react and then do exactly as Dom wanted and lose herself in the passion while she watched the girls work on her.  Joseph and Adam watched as she followed the girls instructions and took them both orally, coming again and again herself as she did so.  They watched her take Dom and his response.  Then they watched her beg for more, beg Dom to tie her up and choke her, watched her come one last time as Charley sucked on her and Dom choked her. 

Those images and feelings continued to flash through her mind as they returned to the studio.  She knew she wouldnt last long once the robe was off.  Joseph must have known that because he had her pose for him as Adam removed the robe.  He continued to snap pictures as Adam turned her and admired her body.  Adam didnt touch her again as they had her pose.  The next time she turned around Adam had his speedo off.  He smiled at her as she couldnt help but stare.  He was half again as big as any of the men she had seen before.  She shook her head in disbelief and went to him.  She put the top of her forehead against his chest and her hands on his waist as she stared down at him.  He put his hands on her upper arms and whispered.  “This is why no one would come inside you last night.  They were saving you for me.  Hopefully tonight you will get enough.”

Finally she looked up at him.  “What do you want me to do?  Ill do anything you want if you will come inside of me.”

“This is why they call me Adam.  I am the first and the one who gives the new name.  When the time comes I want you to offer yourself as a willing sacrifice begging me to enter you.  Only then can you be reborn and given a new name.”

“I am already willing.  I am already begging.  Tell me what to do.”

“You must remove all your clothes.  To be reborn you must be as naked as the day of your first birth.  Do so now.”

Gwen slipped the heels off and threw them aside and then removed her top.  She held on to Adams forearm as she removed the hoes, rolled them up and tossed them aside.  Adam turned her to face Joseph and she saw that he had a video camera now. 

“Hold up your right arm and repeat after me.”  Gwen nodded complying. 

“I now, of my own free will and desire…”

“I now, of my own free will and desire…”

“Offer my body as a sacrifice to satisfy the desires of this man…”

“Offer my body as a sacrifice to satisfy the desires of this man…”

“To worship him and obey him in every deviant request…”

“To worship him and obey him in every deviant request …”

“To be born again and receive a new name…”

“To be born again and receive a new name…”

“To be a member of his order now and forever…”

“To be a member of his order now and forever…”

Gwen looked at him waiting.  He took her hand and positioned her with her back to the camera.  “Kneel and worship me with your arms outstretched and your forehead to the ground.”  She stayed in that position until he commanded her to rise to her knees.  When she did, his cock was in front of her and she took it in.  It was huge and growing larger.  She wasnt even aware that Joseph had laid on the floor between Adams legs and was filming her from the waist up as she played her tongue and lips over his organ.  She knew there was no way she was going to last much longer.

When she didnt think she could hold off another moment Adam pulled her to her feet and laid her back across one of the boxes.  She pulled her knees into her elbows and pleaded with her eyes.  He was breathing hard and he smiled, but leaned forward with his palms on the edge of the box and sucked on her as she came.  When she was done he pulled her into his arms and when she kissed him he gave her all her cum.  “Swallow it.”  She did and kissed him again as he ran his hands up and down her ribcage and breasts.  He pushed her gently away.  “Stand here and put your hands out to the side.”  She did as he asked.  “Dont move.”  She held stock still as he ran his hands all over her body.  He smiled as her breathing changed and her nipples became hard.  She tried to kiss him as he passed close to her, but he commanded her to hold still.  When she began to groan he quit and stepped away from her, admiring her body.  “Dont come.”

“Please.”  She was panting.

“Not yet.”


“I only took you so that you would last longer.  I want you to be in an agony of desire.”

“I told you, I have no self-control.”        

“I see that.  It pleases me to see you in such need.”

“Ill do anything you ask.  Please.”

“How many times did you come last night?”

“I dont know.”  She thought.  “Three or four in the crowd.  At least that many in the back room.”

“And still you want more now?”

“Its been a while, but even when it was frequent, I could never get enough.”

“I think you will like it here.”

“I already like it here.  Adam?”


“Will you at least kiss me?”

He smiled.  “Dont move.”  He leaned over and stuck his tongue in her mouth as he played with her nipple until she was groaning.  Again he waited for her to calm.  “Kneel again.”  She knelt again and smiled in relief when he allowed her to suck on his cock again.  She had her arms wrapped around his thighs the next time he asked her to stop.  Joseph had to physically pull her away from him and hold her as Adam pulled the cover from a chair that was used in the real world to deliver babies.  It took Gwen a moment to realize how it was used, but once she did she relaxed and Joseph let her go.  She approached the chair studying it and then looked at Adam.  He laughed at her Christmas smile as she climbed into the chair and put her legs in the stirrups.  He fastened the Velcro straps and let her spread her legs as far as she was comfortable while he fastened a belt around her waist.  He leaned over her close to her face and whispered.  “I have a dilemma.”  She put her hand to his chest and waited.  “You didnt stop when I asked you to.”

“I didnt want to.”

He laughed at her unexpected honesty and then became serious again.  “I know that, but I wanted you to.  I need to know that you will do what I ask or I will have to tie your hands.  I can… but I want you to be ready to touch me when I ask you to.  Do you think you can be good?”

“Ill try.  I want to.”  She nodded to emphasize her desire.

“Good, then.  For now I want you to hold on to these.”  He showed her handles beneath the chair and she took hold of them.  He stepped back and looked at her and she felt a surge go through her.  Then he stepped closer and she felt the chair rise.  Obediently she kept her hands on the handles as he began tracing patterns on her legs.  He leaned down and licked her and she gasped, but kept her hands on the handles.  He leaned over her and sucked on a nipple and she drew in a great ragged breath.  He continued to suck on her nipples as he worked both thumbs closer and closer to her cunt.  She continued to become more agitated as he worked on her and began begging in minutes.  He would pull back when she was on the edge and begin again as she calmed.  Each time she grew more and more desperate.  She was almost in tears when he finally entered her and she groaned in shock and pleasure.  He pulled out and she gasped again as he pushed back in forcefully.

“Raise your hand.”  She groaned.  “Raise your right hand.”  Mildly confused, she complied.  “Repeat the pledge.”  She waited until he began.

“I now, of my own free will and desire…”

She gasped as he moved his hips, “I now, of my own free will and desire…”

“Offer my body as a sacrifice to satisfy the desires of this man…”

He moved his hips again.  “Offer my body as a sacrifice to satisfy the desires of this man…”

He began brushing her clitoris,  “To worship him and obey him in every deviant request…”

She could barely speak, “To worship him…  and obey him in every deviant request …”

“To be born again and receive a new name…”

“To be born again and receive a new name…”

“To be a member of his order now and forever…”

“To be a member of his order now and forever…”

He leaned over her as he took her hand and guided it back to the handle.  “I give you my permission to come now.”  He began stroking her entire body as she moved against his rhythm.  She felt herself coming closer and closer to the edge and knew he wasnt going to stop her this time.  He began concentrating on her clitoris and her nipples as her need built.  She groaned and screamed as she felt all the muscles in her groin begin to pulse against his size. 

She kept moaning and moaning in ecstasy as he pressed as far into her as he could.  He continued moving inside of her until she recovered and then pivoted the chair until she was almost vertical.  This time he didnt object when she moved her hands to stroke him.  She brought her fingers to his face and he turned to kiss them before moving to kiss her.  She dropped her hands and began stroking his chest and abs as she continued to kiss him.  She groaned with pleasure as he pounded rhythmically into her.  His motions became more forceful and she felt all the muscles of his abs contract as his penis pulsed and throbbed within her.  He pushed in as far as he could go and leaned heavily against her as he continued to throb. 

Finally he relaxed and again she touched his cheek.  He was breathing heavily with his head down and he was holding himself up with his hands on her thighs.  He lowered his face until it was touching hers.  She put one hand on his chest as she kissed him and with the other reached down and touched the bottom of his cock where he was still moving slowly in and out.  She heard him groan with pleasure and he returned the kiss as he moved in and out over and over again before he slowly withdrew. 

Joseph helped him to free her and Adam took his mask off, then led her down the hall to the room where she showered.  He led her in the shower and turned the water on and put his arms around her as she leaned into him.  He kissed her hair and rocked her slowly for a few minutes before he reached for shampoo.  She turned her face toward him running her hands all over his torso as he lathered her hair and rinsed it.  She stood passively as he washed her body.  He smiled and complied when she commanded him to hold perfectly still as she washed his.  She knelt again and brought him into her mouth until he became large again, but he pulled her up and kissed her.  Then he took her back in his arms and they let the water run over them.

“What is my new name?”


“My new name.”

“Dianna, I think.  The Goddess of Love.  How does that strike you?”

Gwen looked up at him and smiled and tightened her arms around his waist.

When they finished Adam led her back to the room with the TV.  Joseph was watching the new video.  They sat down and watched and then saw the still shots.

“If you have internet here, I could show you the first pictures and videos.”

Joseph smiled at her.  He had already looked up the site, but it was better that she volunteered.  “We would love to have them in the files.”

She told him the name of the sight and Joseph and Adam watched with interest.  Gwen hadnt seen them since the break up and it was harder than she expected.  She curled up against Adam looking away when Brian was on the screen.

“I have a gift for you.”

She looked at Adam as he handed her a small black velvet box.  She opened it to find a navel stud.  It looked like a diamond with a gold setting. 

“Joseph will take you to have it put on.  It is a symbol of my order.  As a member you are never to take it off.  Not even to clean it.  Your skin will grow around it.”

Gwen nodded and he kissed her.

“Did I please you?”

He smiled as he pulled her closer.  “Very much.  You are very beautiful.  Go with Joseph now.”

Gwen nodded.  She followed Joseph out into the hallway.  She still didnt have any clothes.  Joseph was wearing what he had on when she first saw him.  She was startled when they passed another couple.  Both were dressed.  Both looked her up and down.  Joseph took her hand and continued down the hallway to another room.  He led her to an exam table and she sat on the edge as he pushed a buzzer.  A few minutes later a naked girl entered the room.  There were scars all over her body and she had a number of tattoos across her shoulders and nipples and upper arms.  Gwen didnt look closely until she turned her back as she readied items on a tray.  Then Gwen saw that her back was covered with a picture of her face screaming in pain.  As she turned back Gwen saw that she was beautiful, but she had a vacant expression in her eyes.  The tattoos on her front were scenes of bondage and torture.  The ones on her nipples were pins sticking in them.  Gwen startled as Joseph handed the girl the box. 

“Ah, Adam has another member I see.”  She glanced up and forced a fleeting smile at Gwen.  “And one with honor.  It has been a while since a diamond has come through.”  Gwen looked from her to Joseph.  His face wore no expression.  It took the girl a moment more and she turned with a piercing instrument with the stud already in place.  “Lie down please.  Joseph, hold her hand.”  She pointed to a handle on the table.  “Hold on to that and hold still.  It will only hurt for a minute.” 

As Gwen took hold of the handle and Joseph held her other hand the girl brushed her hand back and forth on Gwens nipple.  Gwen flinched and looked at her as Joseph spoke.  “Julia hasnt talked to her yet.”

The girl removed her hand and Gwen looked at Joseph not understanding.  She felt a sharp pain just above her navel as the girl spoke.  “That will hurt her a lot more than this then.”

Gwen breathed through the pain as the girl tossed some gauze 4x4s on her stomach and walked out.  She turned to Joseph and could see his suppressed anger as he picked up the gauze and blotted a few drops of blood that had sprung up.

“What did she mean?”

He shook his head.  “Nothing.  She despises people unless they like pain.  She wallows in it.  Lets go talk to Julia.”  He handed her the gauze and pulled her up.  She looked down to see the diamond in her navel.  There was no post as she had seen in other piercings.

“Wheres the post?”

“There isnt one.  It stays in like Adam said.  It is barbed and your flesh will grow around it.  Dont forget you took the oath.”

Gwen followed Joseph down a labyrinth of hallways.  They had passed several people in various states of dress.  “When do I get my clothes back?”

“Soon, if you want them.”

“If I want them?  I would look a little silly walking the streets in the nude.”

“Well, silly isnt exactly how I would describe you, but you would attract a lot of attention.”  He grinned at her and slipped his arm around her kissing her on the temple.  It was an oddly fraternal gesture.  He put his hand on the small of her back as he opened the office door and allowed her to precede him into the room.

Gwen was suddenly self-conscious in front of this woman again, but she stood as Julia looked at her from head to toe, pausing briefly to look at the stud in her navel.

“The meeting with Adam went well then?”

Joseph nodded.  Gwen was beginning to wonder about the diamond stud. 

“What did he name you?”


“Did you enjoy him?”

Gwen colored slightly and Julia smiled openly as she gestured for her to sit.  Joseph handed her the mini DVD and the digital camera.

“He is a legend around here.”

“Did you get a chance to look at the website I sent to you?”

Julia smiled.  “I did.  It is already linked to our site.  Now Ill be able to add your new name.”  She looked at Joseph.  “Youve had a long day.  Send Christopher and Robby to help me and go get some sleep.”  Joseph nodded his head and left them alone.

Julia shuffled papers for a moment while Gwen watched.  “I asked Joseph if I could have my clothes back.”

“What did he say?”

“He said I would have to talk to you first.”

Julia put the papers in a folder and put it in the desk drawer.  She folded her hands on top of the desk and looked at Gwen.

“You are our prisoner.”

“Excuse me?”

“Our prisoner.  You will not be allowed to leave.  This is a brothel.  Adam was your first paying customer.”

Gwen stared at her dumbly.  She stared at her perfect fingernails and her elegant jewelry.  She stared at her perfectly coiffed hair and her business suit.  Julia just waited.

“But what about school?” 

“There is no more school.”

“I dont understand.”

“It isnt too difficult.  It is as I have said.  You are our prisoner.  You will now be expected to have sex with the people who pay us for your services.”

“And Lisa?”

“Lisa too.”

Gwen jumped from the chair and ran for the door.  It wouldnt open for her and she began beating on it and screaming for someone to let her out.  Tears were streaming down her face when she turned back.  Julia was waiting patiently, her hands still folded on the desk.  Gwen slumped to the floor curled into a ball bawling.  A buzzer sounded and the door clicked open.  Two men took Gwen by her arms and led her away.


In the fall Brian had gone to the University of Nebraska in Lincoln.  It was only a couple hours away so he either came home for the weekend or Gwen went to visit him.  She took a fast food job to earn money for the bus under the condition that she would work no weekends.  It was better when she went to Lincoln because they could be by themselves virtually anytime.  That was when Brian had created the webpage.  She sat watching over his shoulder as he copied the pictures and downloaded the videos.  There was no text so it was virtually impossible to hit on the site accidentally, but the potential of getting caught left her euphoric.  She was standing naked in the road for anyone to come along and find her.

The next winter she worked for his father again and lived on the farm.  Toward the end of that summer was when things began going downhill. It was the first week in August and sweltering.  Brian would be heading back to school in less than two weeks.  They had just finished supper and the evening chores.  Both had showered to go “to the movies”.  Brian leaned on one of the stalls in the old barn watching Gwen do a striptease and dance in the nude.  Her clothes were in a pile at his feet.  As the song ended he approached her smiling and she came into his arms.

“Im going to Clarks house.”

“Id go with you, but I imagine I wont be getting my clothes back quite so easily.”

“You know me too well.”  He picked up her clothes and called out over his shoulder.  “It wont take more than twenty-five minutes.  Keep dancing.”

Brian bought weed from Clark.  They had used it half a dozen times that summer and she enjoyed it more now that she had gotten used to it.

She followed him out of the barn and walked partway down the drive to the road until she saw another car in the distance.  The fields on either side of the drive were in corn.  It was dusk and would be dark before he got back.  She decided to take a walk first and wandered across the property enjoying the evening.  A breeze kicked up and cooled her skin.  She walked back to the road just after dark and paced back and forth retreating twenty-five yards each time a car drove by.  She was dark as an Indian by then.  It would be nearly impossible for anyone to notice her.  The road was still busy though, so she returned to the barn and turned the music back on and lit the lantern.  She knew it had been longer than twenty-five minutes, but Clark liked to talk.  She knew Brian thought it was funny when she became worried that he might not come back.  She began to dance and when she heard the truck pull in she decided to give him a show.  She turned her back to the door and moved her hips back and forth to the music with her arms twining overhead.  Every now and then she would turn far enough that he could glimpse a nipple, but not far enough to see him.  She smiled knowing he was leaning against the doorway admiring her. 

When the song ended he spoke, “Now that was one of the best shows Ive seen, I do declare.”  It wasnt Brians voice though, and Gwen turned quickly in shock.  He laughed as she ran behind the wall of the new stall and peeked over the railing.  It was the same deputy that had checked on them the night they had pulled the truck off the side of the road.  Morrison.  She cast in her mind, but the blanket they kept was in a box in the loft. 

“Go away.”

“I dont think so.”  He stepped just inside the door where he couldnt be seen from the vehicle.

She cringed, thinking about how she had danced in front of him.  “Im on private property.  Im not breaking any laws.”

“Oh, but you were about to.  And your boyfriend already has.  Thats how I knew how to find you.  Hes the one who told me where to look.  Why dont you come on out from behind there so we can talk?”

Gwen shook her head.

“See I know most of your other haunts in the county.  The river.  The wayside.  The walking bridge.  But this one I didnt know about.  I wonder if his daddy knows you come here.  I wonder if your momma knows.”  Gwen gasped.  “You sure you dont want to come out from behind there?”

“Where are my clothes?”

“Your clothes?  Well, theyre right where your boyfriend left them on the seat of his truck.”  Morrison gestured over his shoulder with his thumb.  “Its about three miles up the road.  But you like being out on the road naked in the dark, dont you?  Maybe youd like to start walking, or I could give you a ride.”

“Wheres Brian?”

“Hes in the back of my unit in handcuffs.  See, he was in a little bit of a hurry and so I stopped him for speeding.  He was acting a little hinky though.  You know what I mean?  Anyway I saw your clothes and asked him whose they were.  I already knew, but thats what a cop does… asks questions he knows the answer to.  I asked him if he bought any weed off Clark Mason, but I knew the answer to that too.  See, we busted Clark a couple weeks ago and let him go on the condition that he cooperate with us.  In fact, I told Clark to call Brian and tell him he had some real good stuff if he was interested and then Clark called me to tell me Brian just left.  That doesnt sound too fair now, does it?”

Gwen shook her head in disbelief.  “I want to see him.”

“Oh, you will.  In fact, if you and Brian are willing to cooperate like Clark, then no one even has to know that I detained him for questioning.”


Morrison smiled, “You just do what you two planned to do tonight, not smoking the pot of course, and Ill have a front row seat.  It wont be the first time Ive seen you two at it, you know.  That night you tied yourself up on the pedestrian bridge… that was something, but I was on the upside watching with binoculars…” She was silent for a moment remembering.  Brian had the mag light that night.

“He cant have that much pot.  Only a couple joints.”

“Oh, but I think he said something about bringing some back for the guys at school.  There was a whole Ziploc full of joints behind his seat.  Its enough with Clarks testimony to put him away for a couple of years.  That would really put a kink in his college plans now, wouldnt it?”  He smiled at her.  “Now why dont you come on out from behind that wall?”

Gwen heaved a sigh in resignation and slowly stepped out from behind the wall covering herself.  She had never felt so humiliated and started to cry.

Morrison didnt care.  He smiled in satisfaction.  Put your hands down at your sides and let me see the flip side.  I already got a great view of the backside. 

Gwen moved her hands to cover her eyes and wipe away her tears and then put her hands down at her sides.  Slowly Morrison approached her and walked a full circle around her.  She had never felt so filthy.  She brushed at her tears again.

“Can I see Brian?  I want to see him.”

“I can do that.”  Morrison left and returned with Brian in handcuffs.  He had his head down in shame and was crying as well.  She went to him and hid herself against him.  He positioned himself to block Morrisons view.

“Im so sorry, honey.”  She buried her face in his chest and nodded.  Morrison had walked away from them studying the weights and ropes in the stall.  “Dont do anything for him.  You dont have to do anything for him.”

“Youll go to jail if I dont.  Did you really buy that much?”

“No.  He must have gotten it from Clark before.  Its his word against mine though and theyll believe him over me, especially if Clark testifies.  It doesnt matter though.  You are more important.  I dont want you to do this for me.”

“He said hes seen us before.  On the pedestrian bridge.  He was in the upper parking


“This is different though.  Its like paying for it.  You are mine and I am yours.  He is making it dirty.  He is just using it to get his rocks off.”

“Shes really into bondage isnt she?”  Morrison was studying the restraints in the stall.  “I like this.  I think thats what I want to see.  She can tie herself up and you can stand on the stool until you come into her mouth.”

Gwen pleaded with Brian with her eyes.  “Its jail.  I couldnt live with myself if you had to go to jail when I could stop it.  Its just this once.  Please, Brian, lets just get it over with.”

Brian crumpled in tears, sobbing and shaking his head.  Finally he nodded agreement and Gwen turned to Morrison and nodded.  “If we do this, you dont charge him for anything and no one will know?”

“Itll just be our little secret.”

Gwen nodded in agreement and turned to kiss Brian for comfort.

“Take his clothes off first and then kiss him.”

Gwen paused for a moment until Brian nodded.  He was not the exhibitionist she was and had always kept his clothes on as long as possible when he was filming or they werent in private.  His face was burning with shame. 

“Youll have to take the handcuffs off.”

“Just pull the shirt off over his head and pull it down to his wrists.”

Gwen looked at Brian in apology as she followed Morrisons orders. 

“Now the shorts.”

Gwen removed the rest of his clothes.

“Now you can kiss him.”

Gwen put her arms around Brian, but it was only to comfort him.  He was trying without success to stop the tears.

“Not much of a man, is he?  Has that much woman against his naked flesh and not the least bit of a rise out of him?  Mmm mmm.”

Gwen whispered in his ear.  “Dont pay any attention to him.  Its just you and me.  Focus on me.”  Brian nodded and they kissed again as Gwen played her hands over his torso.  She didnt want to be tied up any longer than she had to.

“I dont know if I can do this Gwen.”

“The sooner we do, the sooner hell leave.”

Brian nodded and allowed Gwen to lead him to the stall.  She pushed him back against the wall and turned to Morrison.  “Can I take him here?  Id rather be on my knees.”

Morrison smiled and nodded.  “Fine with me.”

Gwen knew it would be easier if she had her hands free.  She kissed him again and played her hands all over him.  When she took hold of his organ it was beginning to swell slightly.  She knelt and brought it into her mouth as she reached up and stroked Brians chest.  He was coming up nicely when Morrison spoke again. 

“If thats all you ever get from him, maybe you should let a real man show you how it is.”  Brian died quickly and Gwen turned in anger.

“A real man would be getting some of his own instead of threatening other people with jail just so he could watch!”

Gwen threw her hands up to protect herself as Morrison raised his hand to strike her.  Brian shouted, “No!” and Gwen looked at the deputy in defiance.  “Go ahead!  Is that what a real man does?  Beats on a woman?”  Morrison barely managed to stay his hand.  She stared him down filled with anger until he backed off and smiled.  She turned back to Brian and had to start again from scratch. 

It took much longer than normal, but he finally managed to come. 

Brian had tried to position himself to block Morrisons view as Gwen began to put on the restraints.  That was when Morrison noticed the goggles.  He put them on Brian and pushed him aside and then leered at Gwen as she tied her legs and then her hands and pushed the weights off the ledge.  She never said a word and she never told Brian later how Morrison had touched her, or how he flashed her massaging himself to erection.   

She had to talk to Brian to let him know where she was.  He tried to kiss her, but Morrison pushed him to his knees while he played with Gwens breasts. 

“Leave enough cum for me to check.  I want to know shes not just faking it.”

She knew he was disappointed at how quickly she managed to come despite what he was doing.  When Brian moved away from her Morrison stuck his middle finger inside of her and came to her face as he sucked on it.  “Mmm, mmm, mmm.”

Brian left shortly after Morrison did to get the truck and Gwens clothes.  He and Gwen spent the night in the barn comforting one another.  It was the only place they could be together.  His father noticed they were upset and asked Gwen about it a few days later.  She told him they had a fight, but they were trying to work things out.

It was never the same after that.  It was always desperate and forced, never fun.  Even in Lincoln Morrison was always watching.  He was always touching Gwen.  Brian started drinking more and smoking more pot.  And then in January she had gotten pregnant.  She was taking the pills like always, but she ended up pregnant anyway.  They had always talked about getting married when he finished school.  He was twenty, she was eighteen, but when she told him about the baby he said he wasnt ready to have a child. 

Thats when he broke it off.  She had been stunned.  His dad was counting on her to come for the lambing, but when she kept leaving the barn to throw up and when Brian didnt come home for the weekend he confronted her.  She loved Brians dad.  His parents were more like family than hers.  She had been numb when Brian broke up with her and broke down crying, admitting that she was pregnant.  He hugged her, but then he told her to tell her mother.  That was when she had gone to Nora.  Nora held her hand and drove her home from the abortion clinic, but Gwen had gone to a place deep inside herself.  Brians mom and dad tried to talk to her once or twice after that.  Her parents never even called. 

Then she began to notice the looks from people around town.  Nora admitted telling one of her friends.  Gwen heard Brian was seeing a girl at school.  Nora checked her email one day and found Brians website in her inbox sent to her by Gwen.  He knew Gwens password and when he found out that she had talked to his dad and that somehow everyone knew, he decided to send the link to everyone in her address book with the caption “Gwen naked”.  Not only that, but he had added text to the site that would get a hit on anything from her name to almost any key word.  She got a one-word email in response from her mother that said “slut”.  Nora said Gwen could stay with her. 

Gwen buckled down and ignored the leers from boys and the down the nose looks from their mothers.  She worked almost full time and studied until she fell asleep.  She saved every dime she could and applied for scholarships and won them and sent a last minute application to Hudson and was accepted.  She never talked to anyone there about it.  Never talked about home.  She just kept to herself and poured herself into her studies and worked two jobs weekends as a waitress to pay the bills.  She never called Nora or her parents.  Never talked to anyone from home.  She never planned to go back there again. 

Gwen came back to the present as she heard the door to her cell click.  She felt someone enter and could hear them breathing softly.  It was probably Joseph again.  He had checked on her periodically and spoken to her, but she hadnt spoken to him or anyone else since she had been dragged out of Julias office.  The feelings of betrayal were intense.  All of the old pain was back.  She had promised herself after Brian that she would never trust anyone again.  It wasnt worth the pain.  She would never allow herself to be emotionally vulnerable.  She would never believe anything anyone told her.  It wasnt until her sophomore year at Hudson that she hesitantly said yes when Cole asked her out.  She reaffirmed those promises after Cole when she realized he only wanted sex with her.  And now this.

She had lost track of time curled into a ball on the cot, but she knew it had to have been days because her stomach was rumbling with hunger.  Still she wouldnt give in to them.  She would just starve to death if they wouldnt let her go.  Only now it was cold.  There was no blanket on the cot, but the room had been comfortable before.

“I was thirteen when I came here.  I lived in Connecticut.  I was delivering papers at five in the morning when a jogger grabbed me off my bike and threw me into a van.  Julia showed me the news releases later on the internet.  I couldnt figure out why.”

“I dont believe you.  Go away.”

“Maybe Ill show you some time.”

“Go away.”

Gwen had a sore throat the next time she woke.  Her sleep had been troubled because her muscles were tense.  She kept rubbing her arms to warm them, but it didnt do any good.  It wasnt cold enough to kill her, she knew, but she was growing more and more miserable.  Her feet were aching with the cold.  The floor and one wall were concrete.  The other three walls were cinderblock.  The ceiling was suspended acoustical tiles.  There was a dome like the ones in stores with a camera in it, she supposed, a fluorescent light and a night light.  There were two ceiling vents, presumably one connected to the heat source and one connected to the cooling source.  Everything was controlled from outside the room.  There were light switches she could control, but they could be overridden.  The cot was woven wire on a metal frame with a thin vinyl mattress.  There was a commode and a flat of bottled water.  There was a keypad to open the door.

She sat up as Joseph entered again.  She stared greedily at his sweatshirt and sweatpants.  “The hallway is warm.  If you are willing to go with me I have something to show you.”  He looked at the torn flesh above her navel as she stood hugging her chest.  “Where is the stud?”

She shrugged and walked past him.  He pulled the door closed and she followed him down the hallway.  He took her down a number of hallways.  Each time he encountered a closed door he entered a code on a keypad next to it and the door would open.  She was lost when he finally lead her down a dead-end hallway lined with several windows.  Most of the rooms were dark, but he led her to the one that was lit.  It had whips and other items hung on the wall, one wall had rings like the room in the back of the bar.  There were two other sawhorse things in the room that could be used to strap people down hand and foot. 

There was a naked girl inside who appeared to be waiting.  She was jittery and paced the floor.  “They promised her drugs if she would cooperate.”  There was a tattoo of a skull and crossbones just below her navel.  Gwen remembered that the girl who had put the stud in had the same tattoo.  Joseph perceived the question and answered before she asked.  “It means she has HIV.  She came here the same day you did.  She sold herself for several years for drugs.  Because of the disease her choices are limited, but there are still clients who will use her.  Clients who have the virus, clients who are willing to use a condom, clients who use other items to sodomize, clients who like torture, and in the end, clients who like to kill.”

Gwen looked at him in shock.  Her attention was only drawn away as a naked male entered the room and the girl crouched in the corner.  She couldnt watch, but Joseph forced her to listen as the girl screamed in terror and then in pain.  Joseph made Gwen stay until she dropped to her knees, her stomach heaving.  Even her hands over her ears couldnt block out the screams.  Finally Joseph led her back down the hall away from the noise.  Her legs could hardly hold her.  Again she dropped to her knees and wretched.  He stood next to her and watched until she was done.  Nothing had come up.  She had nothing in her stomach.  Joseph took her by the upper arm and helped her to stand.  He stood close to her face despite the smell.  She tried to back as far away from him as she could, but the wall was impregnable.  She was sobbing uncontrollably and trembling violently.  She could feel his breath as he whispered.

“She will never see a room that is not concrete.  She will have bruises for the rest of her life.  Her life will be short.  She will be begging for that last client in the end.”

He backed away slightly.  His face was impassive as she struck out at him verbally,

“Why do you do this?”

“I dont.  I told you I was brought here as a prisoner when I was young.”

Gwen shook her head.  She still didnt believe him.  The girls screams echoed in her head as Joseph led her down the hallway.  She hugged herself, tears streaming in frozen misery.

“That diamond stud is invaluable protection to you.  Along with that stud comes Adams recommendation.  Every client is influenced by his recommendation.  Because you didnt understand, I will allow you to find it and clean it and tomorrow I will bring you back to Rachel to put it back on.  Now that you do know however, you will be expected to cooperate or you will face painful consequences.  Do you understand?”  Gwen nodded mutely.  “There are rewards for cooperation.  This first is a grander gesture than others.  It is based solely on your decision to speak with me and leave the room at my request.  It is symbolic of your change of heart and your desire to be obedient.  It also serves our purposes.”  He opened a door for her and she entered another room.  It was a lavish bathroom with plush dark blue carpeting.  The shower was lined with dark grey marble tile.  Gwen headed right for it without waiting for permission.  There were multiple showerheads and more than ample water pressure.  She couldnt turn it as hot as she wanted at first because she was so cold that the water stung her skin.  She wasnt too surprised when Joseph joined her.

She spoke through her tears without looking at him, “Do I have to be with you to stay?”


She nodded and put her head under the stream.  Joseph stood near her without touching her.  She turned the water warmer as she could tolerate the stinging of her skin.  Despite her horror she was filled with a strange sense of gratitude to feel the warm water running across her body.  Joseph handed her a bottle of shampoo and she lathered her hair.  Her eyes were closed as she spoke, “Lisa is here too?”


“Is she okay?”

“Shes fine.”

“Can I see her?”

“Not for a while.  She is in training.”

“Like me?”


“Will Adam use her?”

Gwen noticed that Joseph paused at her bitterness and her wording.

“If he chooses.”

She nodded and rinsed her hair.

“Are you feeling better?”

She nodded again.  She was warm at least, but her stomach was still roiling and she was so frightened.  She was cowed though and stood with her head down trying to control her tears.  She didnt want to show her weakness.  There was anger.  She tried to hang on to that.  She wondered if the outside world had even noticed that she was missing.  She knew her parents wouldnt care.  Nora might.  No one else.

“I want to go back.”

“Im sorry honey.”

She felt his hand brush hers and flinched away.  He backed off as she turned her face to the water so he wouldnt see her tears.  He waited until she managed to get her tears under control before handing her a bottle of body wash.  He stood away from her as she lathered and rinsed and handed her a towel from a high shelf when she cut the water off.  Most of her tears had been spent over the days in her cell.  He dried himself off as she did and ran the towel over his head before throwing it in a bin in the corner of the bathroom.  Gwen wrapped the towel around her hair.

“Are you hungry?”

Gwen nodded.

“Ill order some food.”  He opened another door that fed off the bathroom and turned on a switch.  A light came on on the other side of the door.  “Something else for you to enjoy.”  Gwen walked past him and peered around the door.  The light came from a tanning bed.  There was a basket of eye protectors on a small table to the side and an empty basket that had a sign on it that said, “used”.  There was a timer on the wall also.  “You tan easily.  Twenty minutes should be fine.  In the meantime Ill get the food and come back for you.  You wont be able to leave.  The door to the bathroom will be locked.”  He waited for Gwen to position herself in the bed and handed her eye protectors and then set the timer and closed the bed. 

Gwen welcomed the heat seeping into her knotted muscles.  She was asleep when the buzzer sounded and the bed turned off.  She didnt even remember succumbing.  Joseph entered the door and opened the bed.  He had put the sweat pants back on.  He offered his hand and helped her stand.  She was dizzy at first, probably from lack of food.  He led her into the bathroom where a small table had been set up with two place settings.  There were salads and a basket of buttered dark bread.  Gwen dug in quickly, but all too soon she was full and her stomach wasnt happy.  Joseph noticed and pushed his own plate away.  “We should talk.  You can take a bite here and there once this settles.”  Gwen nodded. 

“How long have I been here?”

“You came in early Thursday morning.  We woke you up Thursday afternoon.  It is Monday morning now.”

Gwen merely nodded.  “That wasnt me at the bar.  I dont know what happened.  I wouldnt have done that under normal circumstances.  I know I was a little drunk, but that just wasnt me.”

“Dom put Ecstasy in your drink.”

Gwen just looked at him and then sighed in frustration.

“I was watching you when we looked at the website.  It was painful for you to see him.  How long has it been?”

“Two years.”

Joseph nodded.  “You probably dont trust me now.  I wouldnt blame you.”

“You work with Dom.”

“We brought a lot of that pain back for you.”  Gwen pressed her lips together.  “Im sorry.”

“Then let me go.”

Joseph studied her and she met his gaze.  “Its beyond my power.”  He waited until she sat back and looked away from him.  “I was angry for a long time.”

She waved his comment away dismissively, “How many people are here?”


“In this place?  What did Julia call it?  A brothel?  How many prisoners are in this brothel?”

“Three hundred and seventy-two.  It can hold five hundred, but the population is based on demand.”

“How many men?”

“Ninety-two men.  Two hundred eighty women.”

“And all of them…?”

Joseph smiled, “Most of them.  All of them have, but the older ones arent requested so much anymore and so to avoid death they have opted to fulfill other necessary functions.  They cook or clean or do laundry, work in the infirmary.  Some do administrative tasks like scheduling appointments or purchasing.  Some run the spa or give massages.  Some do phone sex.  Some work on the set of the porn films we shoot.”

“But eventually they are all disposed of?”

It was Josephs lips that thinned this time and he nodded.

“What happens to the bodies?”

“We have a crematory.”

“Great.  How many clients come through in a day?”

“Average is two hundred and ninety-three.  Weekends more, special events more.”

“I dont think Im ready to hear about the special events.”

“Probably not.”

“So how many will use me in a day?”

“Youre new and young and beautiful.  You will wear the diamond stud.  You will be busy.  From six to ten a day, I think.”

“What do you do to control STDs?”

“We vaccinate against herpes.  We run tests on new clients as they enter. Blood and urine.  They have to wear a condom until they are medically cleared for HIV.  We run urine tests on returning clients.  If a returning client happens to bring in a disease, we notify them, and we have medication to treat whomever they were with.  Those they were with wear a band around their wrist and they are to be used with condoms only until they are cleared.”

“How many have bands on?”

“Now?  Six, I think.”

“How often does someone get HIV?”

“Only two have contracted it in here in the last five years.  Twenty or thirty did in the beginning, but after that all the clients and the males here were made to wear condoms.  Now the testing is better.  The rest of the people who have the tattoos came in with the disease.”

“How many have tattoos?”


“What do you do to prevent pregnancy?”

“Female staff members are given Seasonale.  It is the new birth control pill where you dont get your period.”

“What happens if someone gets pregnant anyway?”

“The baby is aborted.”  He shrugged as she watched him.  “We have a sterile procedure room.  We have among our clients doctors of all kinds and dentists and oral surgeons, anesthesiologists, pharmacists…”

“Perverts.”  It maddened her that he remained so passive.  “How many clients like to kill… what are we called?”

“Once you have passed orientation you are a member of the staff.”

“How many clients like to kill staff members?”

“More than you would think, but it is a very expensive habit.  When one requests it, or the decision is made for them, they are put out to bid.”

“Like on ebay.”

“Pretty much.  Even the older ones get a good price.”

“And all of them are tortured first.”

“Pretty much.”

“I suppose you sell tickets to watch.”

“And DVDs.”

“So the winner wears a Zorro mask?”

“Whatever it takes to hide his or her identity from the outside world in case the DVD should fall into the wrong hands.”

“How many are on the auction block now?”

“No one now.  It happens quickly.”

“Where are we?”

“In a warehouse.  The complex is six stories tall.  There are no windows to the outside that I am aware of.”

“Where is the warehouse?”

“I dont know.”

“I dont believe you.”

Joseph shrugged.

“When was the complex built?”

“In the late 60s.”

“Who owns this… enterprise?”

“A corporation.  A number of investors.”



“I have to go to the bathroom.”

Joseph pointed to another door.

When Gwen returned she sat and waited and so Joseph spoke.

“So tell me about yourself Gwen.”

“Im a white female, nineteen, five foot six, one hundred ten pounds, thirty-four, twenty-two, thirty-three, dark hair and eyes, dark complexion, long legs, a cunt.”

“Gwen.”  He sounded hurt.

“Dianna.  Im an object to be used.  The rest doesnt matter any more.  Dont worry though.  Im a waitress.  I was one anyway.  I understand that if you are nice to the customers youll get a better tip.  Tell me what I need to know.”

“Fine.”  Joseph leaned forward and crossed his forearms on the edge of the table.  “You will be known as Dianna from now on.  You are not to discuss your previous life with clients.  You are not to ask them to contact the police or family or friends on your behalf.  You are not to pass on personal information of any kind about any of the other staff members to clients.  You are free to discuss anything you wish with the others who live here.

“You are expected to keep yourself clean.  There is a hair salon, manicure supplies, perfumes, lotions, spa facilities, exercise facilities.  Theres even a pool.  You are required to perform sex acts with your trainers.  You are welcome to participate in sex on a volunteer basis with the others who live here.  You are also welcome to refuse to participate in extra-curricular sex.

“You are expected to be pleasant and professional with clients at all times.  You will be expected to do as clients ask with them or other members of the staff.  As I mentioned before, we also produce movies that are marketed.  You will be required to participate in those.  Both the movie from the bar and your performance with Adam are already on the market.

“There is an internal email system where your schedule for the day will be posted.  You will be sent a profile of each client listing his preferences, likes and dislikes.  You will be expected to cater to those.  You will also receive email from clients and be expected to respond.  All email is read as it comes in and goes out.

“During your training period you will be rotated among designated trainers, both male and female.  They will report directly to me.  Your attitude will be very important.  Your performance is very important.

“You are one of the fortunate ones.  You like sex.  I know youre not where you want to be, but you have no choice about that.  Since you have to be here, you might as well take enjoyment where it can be found.  The harshness of the stone makes the flower more precious.”

Gwen pondered his last statement, “A hot shower.”

Joseph smiled, “Your room will be warm when you return.”

“Is there any other sort of entertainment?”

“A library, a video library, we get a lot of the latest movies.  We have a game room, ping pong, pool, cards, board games.  Try and eat some more, then Ill give you a tour.  You are scheduled for a physical exam and blood work later, and to have your teeth checked and cleaned.”

Gwen nodded. 

Joseph ate more with her and watched her silently.  He spoke as they stood, “The towel stays here.”  She cringed and then walked to the bin and took the towel off her hair.  As they left the room he held the door for her.  She found his manners odd for her situation.  “Did they teach you your manners?”

“They did.  And I am required to use them.”

“How come you can wear clothes and I cant?”

“Once we pass a certain level of training staff members can wear clothes if they choose.”

“How long before I can reach that level?”

“It depends on the individual.  You do have some control over how fast things go.  We have discovered that if we press some people it ruins them.”

“I guess you would want to protect your investments.”  Joseph didnt miss her cynicism.  “I want clothes.”

Joseph nodded.  “I understand.”

He led her to the library first.  It was an L-shaped room twenty feet by twelve with another alcove twelve by twelve.  It had industrial carpeting and two seating areas.  The walls were painted cinderblock covered with plain shelving filled with books.  It reminded her of her high school library.  A man stood from his reading as they entered.  Gwen flushed with embarrassment at her nudity and folded her arms across her breasts as Joseph nodded in greeting and the man approached.  “John, this is Dianna.  She is new this week.  Im giving her the tour.”  He turned to Gwen, “This is John.”

John took note of her self-consciousness.  He held out his hand in greeting and looked into her eyes as she shook his hand.  “It will get easier after a while.  Its nice to meet you.”  Gwen smiled ruefully.  He looked to be in his late thirties and had on a loose pair of pajama shorts that rode low on his hips.  “You like to read then?”  Gwen nodded.  “What do you like?”

“I havent read much other than text books the last six months.”

“We have some if you like.”  She couldnt help but smile at his teasing tone.  He responded in kind.  “May I recommend something then?”  He looked from Gwen to Joseph and both nodded.  Gwen went to look at the shelves as John left her to look for the book he wanted.  There were sections marked romances, classics, historical, etc.  John returned and handed her a small tattered paperback.  It was Mans Search for Meaning by Victor Frankl.  He noted the scab on her navel as he handed her the book and exchanged a look with Joseph.  He spoke as she looked up, “It might help.”  Gwen nodded.  She gave it to Joseph as he offered to hold it.  He slipped it into his back pocket. 

Before they left Joseph opened a door to a room off the library in between the two Ls.  The room was dark.  “This is where the training videos and books are kept.”

Joseph continued the tour taking her through the game room nearby and then on to the salons and spa.  He introduced her to whomever they met along the way.  Most of the females wore only thongs.  None of them were the least bit aware of their lack of modesty.  Most took silent note of her navel.

“Do you do anything to watch your figure?”

“Not really.  I run and lift, but not for that.  I started running a couple years ago.”

“Why?”  Gwen shook her head and he understood.

The next stop was the gym.  There was a woman on the treadmill in a room off to the side.  The weight room was empty.  Joseph watched as Gwen walked through looking at the free weights and leg machines.

“You like to lift?”

Gwen nodded.  She had started running feverishly after the incident with Morrison.  It was a way to get rid of the stress.  When she came to Hudson she added lifting.  It had given her a small sense of empowerment.  Gradually she discovered she loved it and carved a space in her busy schedule for that reason alone.

“Ill schedule you to come with me if you like.”  Gwen shook her head.  The thought of lying on her back on a bench with her legs spread was humiliating.

“If I had clothes.”

“After you are trained then.”

“So are you in charge of all the training?”

“I am one of three under Julias direction.  Christopher trains the males.  He trains females also, but neither Robby or I work with the males.  I am in charge of you and a young runaway weve decided to call Katy.  The girl you saw first and a pro that was brought in the same night wont require much time.  Christopher is in charge of them in addition to the male that came in with you.  Robby has Lisa and another girl about your age.  We write a report for Julia each evening to keep her apprised and we meet with her every few days.”

They entered the room that housed the indoor pool.  There were two women making out in the water.  They broke apart when Gwen and Joseph entered.  Joseph introduced her.  Gwen noticed that his voice lacked some of the warmth that she had seen with the others he had introduced her to.  “Dianna this is Stacy and Jill.  Jill and Stacy, Dianna.  They will be assisting with a portion of your training.”  As he spoke they both pulled themselves out of the water.  They circled her like cats, smiling, as they looked her over. 

Gwen couldnt help but shy away and reached for Josephs hand as Jill moved to touch her breasts.  He shielded her and a look from him was enough to wipe the smile from Jills face.  His voice was tight, “Soon enough, Jill.”  She smiled again slyly and the girls both dove back into the water as he tightened his grip on her hand and led her from the room.  He didnt speak again until the door swung shut.  “Watch yourself around them.  They are both predatory.  You have to go through that portion of the training, but Julia or I will be with you the whole time.  In the halls though, we have problems with them.  They rarely speak, except to each other.  They are more like animals.”



“I could swim without clothes.”  Joseph looked at her in confusion.  He was still distracted thinking about the girls.  He smiled when he understood what she meant. 

“Well do that then.”  Gwen nodded as he heaved a subdued cleansing sigh.  It was an unconscious gesture on his part.  Gwen thought he must do it frequently.  “Thats pretty much it then, other than the infirmary.  Ill show you that tonight when you go for your check up.  If you can eat again, I will take you to the dining room and that will end our tour.”  He turned as Gwen stopped.

“I havent seen the crematory.”  Joseph deflated slightly.  “I want to see it all, Joseph.  Everything.” 

He continued to study her for a moment.  “Its going to take a lot longer.”  She shrugged and pegged him with her stare.  Reluctantly he acquiesced and led her away sighing.  He showed her most of the rest of the complex.  Some places he didnt have access to.  He showed her the special events rooms and living quarters for the trained staff.  He showed her what he called the trick rooms.  They were small and held only a bed or a table or a chair like the one she had been so eager to use with Adam.

Some had no furniture, only restraints hanging from the ceiling or mounted to the wall.  Some had leather-covered sawhorses with tie downs.  There was a hot tub in one and a shower in another.  Some were in use.  There was a waiting room for the clients with erotic magazines spread on the table and a reception desk.  There was a bathroom with a shower at the end of the hall.  He showed her the laundry and the studio where movies were filmed.  He answered her questions and spoke in short sentences.

He became silent though as he led her into an area similar to the torture room he had shown her first.  He grew somber as they approached, and led her through a door into a darkened room.  When he didnt turn the light on she felt for his hand.  He stood silently for a moment and she heard him sigh before he opened another door and led her into another room.  She let go his hand when he turned on the lights.  She had to shield her eyes against the glare.  She was inside a pie-shaped room in the corner of two solid walls facing a curved panel of glass that extended floor to ceiling.  On the other side of the glass she could see bleachers that would seat thirty or forty people.  On the near side in the ceiling tracks were mounted that held cameras.  The other two walls were painted cinderblock and the floor was concrete.  The cinderblock wall to her right had restraints hanging from metal eyes set in concrete.  Immediately to her left was a concrete slab tilted at a seventy-five degree angle facing the center of the glass.  There were tie downs on the slab.  In front of it was a drain.  Between the slab and corner where the glass wall met the cinderblock was the same rack she had seen in the first room mounted on the wall with whips and other instruments of torture.  Under the rack was a metal tool cabinet. 

“The sacrifice room.”  His voice was quiet, but harsh as he continued.  “Do you want to see what is in the drawers?”

Gwen shook her head.  She hoped she wouldnt vomit.  “Youve seen someone killed here?”  When he didnt speak she looked at him.  He was standing with his head down.  His stance was wide and his fists were clenched.  He sighed again and nodded.  “Then lets get you out of here.”

He led her into the next room again and turned the lights to the sacrifice room off before pulling the door closed behind them.  The room they were in was pitch black.  Gwen found his hand again as he backed into the wall.  She heard his strangled sob and squeezed his hand in silence.  She moved closer standing with her cheek touching his for a moment before he pulled her into his arms and broke down sobbing.  She just held him until he quieted and turned the lights on. 

He wiped his eyes with the back of his hand without looking at her.  She turned to see a large incinerator that covered one wall.  “The crematory.”

They went through a series of rooms next.  The adjacent room held a smaller incinerator Joseph explained was for burning trash.  The next was a dock with a truck ramp leading to an exterior entrance.  It smelled of garbage and there was a large bin at the bottom of the ramp on one side.  “One truck comes to deliver supplies and one truck comes to pick up trash.  Both are driven by the man who brought you here.  There are a dozen drivers who know where the complex is located.  They all work for the mob.

“There are two garage doors,” he gestured to multiple cameras around the room.  “The room is checked and the doors sealed magnetically before the garage door can open.”

The next door led into a large storage room filled with tall industrial shelving and countless supplies.  He studied his hand on the next doorknob for a moment.  He seemed to be gathering himself and sighed again before he led her through to the back of the kitchen.  No trace of sadness showed on his face as he introduced her to the people working there.  Two were females in their sixties and two were males in their fifties.  They were all fully clothed and happy to see Joseph, though surprised to see him enter through the back door. 

He greeted one of the females, named Edith, familiarly and hugged her.  Despite her embarrassment Gwen noticed as his façade slipped for an instant and saw that Edith could tell just from the nature of the hug that he was upset.  Edith backed him away, holding him by the biceps, but he just smiled again and said they were famished. 

He led Gwen quickly toward the front of the kitchen and around a partition into a dining area.  It was full of people and Gwen backed quickly behind the partition again.  Her nerves were so frayed from the continual shame and the emotional trauma of the last few days that she thought she might break down in tears again.  She pled with her eyes not to have to enter the room as Joseph turned and returned to her.  He simply nodded, “Maybe Edith wont mind if we eat in the office.”  Gwen nodded gratefully.  A flower among the stones.

She sat on a napkin.  She ate a little, but not much, Joseph the same, and neither talked.  He looked at a clock on the wall and told her it was time for them to head to the infirmary.

Again she followed him through a labyrinth of hallways.  He sat with her in a waiting room after checking with an elderly receptionist.  There was another man in his fifties reading a magazine next to the door.  The look he exchanged with Joseph let her know that his presence was for a purpose.  Gwen was taken into the back quickly with Joseph at her side as she submitted to a female in her late forties in a lab coat who weighed her and took her temperature, pulse and blood pressure.  She filled a cup with urine at a commode in full view and then the woman took her measurements with a tape measure and took a full-body picture of her front and back with a digital camera.  She entered all the information in a computer in relative silence as Gwen filled out medical history forms on a clipboard the woman had handed her.  She had no medical history other than the abortion and she left it off the chart.  Gwen was the first to speak when the woman took out a rubber tourniquet and set up tubes and a packaged needle for taking her blood.

“What kind of training do you have to be doing this?”

The woman smiled.  “Better than a phlebotomist.  I am a drug addict.”  She pulled back her lab coat from her arm to reveal a line of faded scars in her anicube.  “I can hit the tiniest and deepest vein you want.”  She took Gwens arm and put the tourniquet in place.  “Dont worry.  Ill be gentle.”

Next Gwen was led to a dental chair and the same woman covered her with a lead apron, took x-rays and cleaned her teeth.  When that was done she and Joseph were left in an exam room.  He gestured and she took a seat on the table. 

“More efficient than any doctors office Ive ever been to.”

Joseph looked up at her.  He had been lost in his thoughts.  “I guess.  I dont remember.”

“How old are you?”


“You are favored here.”

“I am cooperative.  I am responsible.  I am trustworthy.”

“Should I trust you?”

“If you want to.”

“Do you like me?”

He thought for a moment.  “I think you have spunk.  I think you have talent.  I think you have courage.  I admire those qualities.  I appreciated your comfort.  I am looking forward to getting to know you better.”

“You said before that I was beautiful.  Do you want to have sex with me?”

He didnt answer and she couldnt read his face.  They both turned as a man in a lab coat entered.  He carried a clipboard and had a stethoscope around his neck.

“Im Jordan.  Im an internist.  A general practice medical doctor for adults.  When was the last time you had a medical exam?”

“I dont know.  Probably when I was fourteen or so.  I feel fine.”

“Have you had a pap smear?”

Gwen lied, “No.”

“Stand up for me.”

Gwen stood.

“Turn around slowly.”  He spoke as she complied.  “When was your last period?”

“Its due to start in the next day or two.”

“Do you have any problems with your period?”


“You look healthy enough.”

She sat as he gestured.  He approached and she had to force herself to sit still as he shown a light in her eyes and then picked up an instrument and looked in her ears and up her nose.  He had her open her mouth and checked her throat before palpating her lymph nodes and the back of her neck.  He laid her down and did a breast exam and palpated her upper and lower abdomen.  He felt the length of her arms and rotated the joints and then did the same to her legs.  He looked at Joseph and then back to her as he pulled out stirrups from the bottom of the exam table. 

Gwen rolled her eyes and sighed in dismay as he placed her feet in the stirrups.  He pulled on her thighs.  “I need you to slide your hips toward me.”  She gritted her teeth and complied.  She felt the speculum enter her vaginal canal and the soft pinch as he took a sample.  He entered her with his fingers and palpated her uterus and ovaries and then entered her rectum and did the same.  When he was done he sat looking at her with her legs spread until Joseph cleared his throat.  The doctor patted her knee and helped her to sit up.

Joseph walked her to her room in silence.  When they arrived she was grateful to see that the vinyl mattress had been replaced with a full box spring and mattress with sheets, pillow and blanket.

He pulled the book out of his pocket and handed it to her and then sat on the edge of the bed next to her.

“It is what I would have recommended for you to read also.”  Gwen nodded and set it next to her on the bed.

“You didnt answer my question.”

“I know.”  He leaned back on his hands and shrugged.  “I thought about my answer though.  I cant explain it all to you, and I dont want you to misunderstand, but I dont want to use you.”  He shrugged again.  “I think you are beautiful.  And in case youre wondering I would choose to be heterosexual if I had a choice.  But the next few weeks wont be easy for you and what I want most of all is for you to not lose your humanity.  That smile you gave John in the library was beautiful.  The hug you gave me in the crematory.  I want you to know that I see more than that nineteen-year-old female you described to me while we were eating in the bathroom.  I hope you wont blame me for the things you will go through.  I would understand if you do though.  I just want to do whatever I can to help you get through it.  I am your friend if you will have me.”  Gwen watched him in silence.  “Do you believe me?”

“I dont know.”

Joseph smiled, “At least youre honest.”  He pulled her up as he stood and pulled her covers back for her.  She just watched him as he tucked her in and sat down next to her.  He leaned over her with his hands on either side of her balancing himself.  “Today wasnt all bad, was it?”  Gwen shook her head.  “Good then.”  He kissed her on the temple and left her.


Gwen was reading when Joseph tapped on her door and entered.  She sat up with her legs crossed under the sheets.

He sat and tapped the book.  “What do you think?”

“I finished it last night.  Im reading it again.  Its very appropriate.”  Joseph merely nodded.  “I have some requests.  If you cant fulfill them its fine, but if I dont ask Ill never know.”  She continued as Joseph nodded again.  “A pen or a pencil and a notebook.  Spiral is fine.  Whatever you have.  Ill need tampons.”  Joseph nodded.

“Well start you on birth control a few days into your period.”

She nodded and he waited knowing there was more, “A chair?  Something other than the commode to sit on.”  Joseph smiled.

“Ill see what I can do.”


“Theres more?”  She smiled at his playfulness before growing serious.

“I appreciate that you didnt react to my anger yesterday.”

He shook his head, “Everyone is angry when they come here.”

“But maybe it isnt your fault.”

“You believe me?”

“I dont know, but Im willing to accept it as a possibility.  I need a friend.  Im not very good at trust though.”

Joseph nodded, “Its more than I expected.”

“How much control can I have over my training?”

“As much as I am willing to give you.”

“Can I see the checklist?”

Joseph looked at her a moment pondering.  “Im not sure you want to.”

“There are things I have to face.  I do better if I can prepare mentally first.”

“I didnt want to take you to see the girl yesterday.  It was protocol.”

Gwen shrugged.  “Okay.”  She watched him a moment longer.  “I want to meet everyone.  I want to get to know everyone.  I would appreciate it if you could give me input on what they are like.  I would like to volunteer to work in addition to my training.  I would like to work everywhere I can, the laundry, the kitchen, housekeeping, the infirmary, the spa.  I would like to learn how to give massages.  Everywhere except the torture area, but I could clean there I think.”  She saw the surprise as Joseph nodded.  “Is there any sort of counseling service here?  Or any sort of formal support groups for the things that people go through?”

“No.  People talk informally.  There are a few books in the training library on dealing with sexual trauma.  I talk to John that you met in the library.  He is good at keeping confidences.”

Gwen nodded.

“I may be required to read what you write in your notebook.”

“I can accept that.  Can I read what you write about me?”

Joseph shrugged with a little grin.  “Most of it.  If you want.”

Gwen nodded and crawled from under the blankets stooping to pick up an item from the flat of water bottles.  She handed Joseph the stud as she sat next to him.  He studied it in his hand for a moment before putting it in the coin pocket in his shorts.  “Can I ask you another question?”  He nodded.  “You dont have to answer if you dont want to.” 


“Do you have any extra-curricular sex?”

He looked at his hands for a moment before he answered.  That little sigh came first.  “No.”  Gwen waited as he paused.  “I have always only done what I was required to do.”  He glanced at her sideways.  She nodded.  Her next question she spoke in a whisper.

“Do you think Im a slut?”

Joseph put his arm around her shoulders quickly pulling her close and put his forehead against her temple whispering in her ear.  “I think you loved Brian.  I think you loved being with him and had no intention of being with anyone else.  I think that you never intended for those pictures and videos to become so available.  I think that you were under the influence of the Ecstasy at the bar.  The Tylenol Julia gave you had some in it as well.  It probably affected your actions here with Adam.  I think maybe you made some bad choices, but everyone does that.  I dont think you are a slut.  Im sorry you are here.”  He backed off to look at her, but Gwen just stared at her hands in her lap, overcome with the power of his words.  She didnt know why they were so important to her.  Finally she nodded and heaved her own little sigh.

“What are we doing today?”

He slapped his hands to his thighs and stood.  “The pool first, shower, and then breakfast.  Then I can show you the list if youre sure.”

Gwen pushed herself in the pool.  Her arms gave out, but she kicked on her back and stroked when she could.  Joseph did laps in the adjacent lane and then rested with his back to the wall at one end until she finished finally, exhausted.  Other people passed through the room, but no one joined them in the pool.  He had taken his shorts off.  He said no one was allowed to wear clothes in the pool.  When she was done he led her to a public shower between the gym and pool.  The water pressure was ample, but there was no privacy at all.  Not even to use the toilets.  Joseph shrugged in apology and she turned her back as he sat.  He returned to the shower when he was done and washed himself without speaking. 

“We can eat in your room if you want.”

“Ill eat in the cafeteria.  Im going to have to get used to it.  I might as well start.”

“Good.  You can start meeting people.”


“Lets stop by Rachels and get that stud put in on the way.”

“Okay.  Does Adam come often?”

“Once or twice a week.”

“How many people are in his order?”

“Forty-two.  All women.  Youll see the pecking order as you see the studs.  Right now you are number one.  The girl you displaced is Colleen.  She wears a pearl.  She wont be happy.  Youll have to watch out for her also.  The word is already out that Adam has another member, but Rachel is told never to reveal the stud until the girl comes out of her room.  The rest of the girls have smaller gems of various colors.  He has one remaining stud that is reserved for a virgin.  He will name her Eve.”

“What are we required to do?”

“The girls who wear the studs are required to bow to him, as you did the first time, whenever he enters a room.  Other than that you do whatever he requests.”

“Has anyone pulled a stud out before?”

“About half do.”

“How many people come here who are virgins?”

“Dom has brought us three through chat rooms on the internet.”

“And they werent acceptable to Adam?”

“Two were boys.  And the girl was too young for him… Adam has certain tastes.  He will be particular.”

“I cant imagine him being the first.”  Joseph didnt respond.  “A lot of the clients are members of the mob?”


“Is Adam?”

“He is an associate.  He helps them out with background checks on the clients who come here.  This complex has been in operation for thirty-six years and so far it hasnt attracted the attention of law enforcement.  They are very cautious about clients and acquiring new talent.  And no one has ever escaped to tell their tale.”

“How young is the youngest?”

“One of the internet boys was ten.  The girl was twelve.”



“Did you train her?”

“Julia did.  She trains any female virgins.”

Rachel sighed a knowing sigh and smiled in anticipation as Gwen entered with Joseph.  She pointed to the table and Gwen climbed on and lay back.  This time Rachel inserted the stud slowly.  Gwen kept her expression and breathing even through it all.  She wouldnt even grind her teeth.  She smiled at Rachel as she finished and sat up.  “Have you eaten?”

“Not yet.”  Gwen didnt miss the confusion in her eyes.

“Can you come now?”  Rachel looked to Joseph.  His face showed no emotion.  Gwen could tell she wanted to.  She nodded encouragement.  “Id like for you to come with us.”  Rachel shrugged.


All the way to the cafeteria Gwen plied her with questions and she answered.  At first the answers were terse.  She kept looking to Joseph wondering whether he wanted her to give Gwen answers.  Joseph made no indication one way or another and under Gwens questioning she began to open up.  She had been a drug addict on the streets and had come to the brothel at seventeen with the disease.  She had been there six years.  They had treated her for the drugs and she wasnt allowed to have them anymore.  She had come with some of the tattoos and a number of piercings.  Her navel ring and tongue piercing had been removed.  She had been allowed to keep a nipple piercing as well as a row of piercings along her genitalia.  She had a boyfriend, Trey, in the brothel who was thirty-six and dying of AIDS.  He had been a porn actor when he contracted the disease.  The studio he worked for was mob owned.  No one who had the disease was medicated.  He was also a tattoo artist and had done the rest of the work on her.  She had discovered she liked torture after coming to the brothel. 

“Why is it that you like it?”

Rachel shrugged and looked at Joseph and then back to Gwen.

“I am just trying to understand.  Im not judging you.  Most people would be afraid.”

Rachel nodded and Gwen could see her mind working behind her eyes.  Her eyes had been veiled the first time Gwen met her.  This time they had a sadistic glimmer at first followed by a small hint of respect when Gwen had not flinched.  That was followed by hesitation and tentativeness at the invitation to eat, and now a curiosity.  She wanted to answer the question, but she was afraid that they would both think she was crazy.  No one but Trey had wanted to know before.  None of the people who didnt have the tattoo ever paid much attention to the ones who did.

“It is… cathartic… penance for choices Ive made.  Things Ive done.”

Gwen couldnt hide her surprise.

“Its true.”

“I believe you.  I just didnt expect that answer.  Are you ever afraid?”

Sadness crossed her face followed by the hard mask.  “Not for me.  I deserve what I get.”

Gwen took her hand.  “For Trey.”  Rachel looked at her and the mask fell away revealing pain Gwen couldnt even begin to understand.  Gwen met her gaze and then came cheek to cheek with her.  “Be my friend.  I dont know how it works in here, but find me, or email me, or get someone to find Joseph.  Just, be my friend, please.”  Gwen backed away.  Rachel was in a daze, not believing, but she managed to nod.  “I want to meet Trey.”  Rachel nodded again and then smiled, an open, friendly, warm smile that Joseph had never seen before.  Gwen turned to him and smiled too and grasped his hand as she slipped her arm around Rachels waist.  They received multiple looks as the hallway became busier closer to the dining room. 

Gwen stopped outside the room and glanced at Joseph, “Whenever youre ready.”  She nodded gathering herself.

“Theyll be staring at you, but only half of the reason will be to see the new girl.  Walking in with me will create even more of a stir.  I dont remember the last time I ate in the dining hall.”

Gwen smiled at her and then nodded to Joseph.  It was just what she needed to hear.  “Then lets go stir the pot.”  Joseph gave her a silly grin and held the door for the two girls.  Gwen entered with Rachel.  There were sixty or seventy people inside and as they entered someone began banging a spoon on a glass.  People started looking around and then saw Gwen.  She desperately wanted to hide herself against Rachel or Joseph, but she caught a smile of encouragement from Rachel.  She turned as Joseph spoke.  “Everyone, this is Dianna.”  Some of them waved or raised their glasses.  Some of them smiled.  Some whistled.  All of them stared.  She managed to smile and wave back.  A beautiful Asian girl with straight hair looked her over from head to toe and turned disdainfully back to the man she was eating with.  Joseph whispered to Gwen.  “Lia, Colleens friend.”  Gwen nodded.  She saw John reading the paper alone at a table and approached him smiling.  He glanced up and looked from her to Rachel. 

“Can we join you?”

He smiled at them all.  “Of course.”

They returned to his table after going through line.  Gwen forced herself to stand straight and greet people who approached with a smile.  Some were the people she met the day before.  Some were new.  No one with a navel post approached her.  Joseph introduced everyone and all of them took note of the diamond.  John offered to let her sit between him and the wall, but she forced a smile and sat across from him and invited Rachel to sit next to her.

“I dont know where you hide em in that outfit, but you got a pair!”

Joseph grinned as he sat, “I think youre right about that.”

Rachel buttered her bread, “Theyre overrated anyway.” 

John smiled at Rachel, “Its good to see you, Rachel.  I think about you all the time.”

Rachel studied him, “Dianna talked me into coming out of my cave.”

Gwen smiled at her.  “Its a shame to hide the artwork.”

John smiled at Gwen.  “Your hair is wet.”

“We went swimming.  My arms feel like noodles.”

“Joseph always has been one for keeping in shape.”  Gwen stirred applesauce into her oatmeal and ate it quickly.  “Have you started the book?”

“Started and finished it.  Im reading it again.  I asked Joseph for a notebook so I could take notes.”

“You can have dignity.  Even in here.”

“Maybe it will come with time.  I dont happen to feel very dignified at the moment.”

“None of the others would ever guess.  You are doing very well.”

“I appreciate the words of encouragement.  You are a kind man.  I asked Joseph if they had any counselors or group therapy here.  He said he talks to you.  He said you are good at keeping confidences.”  Gwen glanced at Rachel.  John followed her glance, but Rachel was stirring her yogurt and didnt see the look.

Rachel stood when she finished, “I should go.”

Gwen reached for her hand, “I meant what I said.”  Rachel nodded.

John stood, “Im finished.  Ill walk with you if you dont mind.  Maybe Ill look in on Trey.”

Rachel nodded and they cleared their dishes and left Gwen and Joseph to themselves. 

“You sure dont mince words.”  He sipped at his juice.  “I never would have believed it if I hadnt seen it.”

“Shes a human being.”

“John and Trey are friends.  Hell see him now.  Its hard knowing someone is dying.”

“Do you know how long he has?”

“No.  Our paths dont cross.  He does his tricks and then keeps to himself.  I could find out.”

Gwen nodded, “I want to check with her tomorrow to see if hell meet me.”

“We can.”  He gestured with his head.  “Lets get out of here.  Ill show you the email and well get the check lists and our schedules.”

“Where are the heating and air conditioning units?”

Joseph gave her a curious look, “Im told they are on the roof.  That way, workers can get to them if they need service.  The mob has access to any kind of contractors they need though.  They brought them in when they upgraded the security system.  They put in all the keypads and the magnetic locks on the doors.”

They stopped at a small office opposite her room.  Joseph entered and printed off several sheets of paper and put them on a clipboard.  Then he showed her the computer and how to check her email.  They set up a password for her account, which Joseph wrote down.  There was a message from Adam along with several pictures from their encounter.  Joseph read it over her shoulder.  “You can respond to it later.  And heres where you click to send email within the complex.  It isnt monitored, or rather, it is only sporadically monitored.” 

“Can I email Lisa?”

“No.  Once both of you have passed off the first level of training you will be able to see her or email her.  Until then, you cant.  Its for good reasons.”  He emailed requesting a chair and end table for her room and emailed Rachel about meeting with Trey.

He led her to her room and seated himself on the bed with his back to the wall.  He put her pillow against the cinderblock next to him and patted the bed inviting her to sit.  When she was settled he showed her the first page and watched her as she read.

“Some of the items youll see have been completed.”



“I explained some of the rules to you yesterday.”


“I have a form for the Drug and Alcohol History, but the rest is taken care of.  You

dont have any cavities, but Elaine said your wisdom teeth look like they will have to come out.  When the oral surgeon sees the x-rays he will verify that and put you on the schedule.”


“Julia puts together the portfolio.  There are questionnaires for all of the rest of the

Histories that we will need to fill out.”

Public Display

1.  To staff

2.  To clients

“Youve completed the first three items, and I was so impressed with your

composure in the cafeteria this morning.  I know that you were uncomfortable, but you did what you had to do.  That courage will serve you well.  How comfortable are you with me?”

“Pretty uncomfortable still.”

Joseph nodded, “It is perfectly normal.  At least you are pleased with your body. 

The ones who come in feeling they are ugly have the hardest time.  We spend a lot of time working with them to get them to understand that they are beautiful the way they are.  If they dont feel beautiful, they have a hard time pleasing clients.  If they feel self-conscious in any way it makes it more difficult to please a client.  You have no problem at all in shedding your clothes when you are aroused.  My goal for you is to have you become completely uninhibited even when you are not aroused.  What do you like best about your body?”

Gwen shrugged, “I dont know.”  Joseph smiled at her and she ducked her head in embarrassment.  “Okay, then.  My skin… my thighs, I guess.”

He smiled at her.  “Your skin is beautiful.”  She waited as his next thought formed.  “What I think is the most beautiful thing about you is that you dont even seem to realize just how beautiful you are.  It doesnt matter to you.  You are just you… the person inside you, not the physical person.  I think thats what drew Rachel to you.  The person inside you saw the person inside her body in spite of what was on the outside.  I find that incredibly attractive.  People sense it without being able to define it.”  He looked at her.  “I dont want you to lose that.  I hate what we do to people, what I do to people.  It makes a lot of them emotionally vacant.”  He saw the hesitation that passed through her eyes.  “What?”  Gwen shrugged and shook her head.  “Tell me.”

She looked at him again, “Its that trust thing.  I just wonder… I just wonder if you are doing this because youre good at what you do.”

Joseph smiled more feebly, “I do what I do because I have no choice.  It was the best of my options.  I am probably good at it because I have a gift for reading people.  We all have to be here, but we can still be human.  You have to be trained.  Its like breaking a horse though.  You can whip them into submission, or you can gentle them through kindness.  A horse that is gentled through kindness is much more responsive.  I know you may question my intentions, but listen to the words that were said.  Regardless of my intentions, they are true.”

Gwen sighed and nodded, “Okay.”

Joseph looked back to the list.  He paused just for an instant before he continued, “The voluntary displays are assigned by Julia.

Required Reading

Required Viewing

“Required reading… you see the list.  The books are in the small room at the back of the library.  There is a sign out sheet for whatever you want to bring to your room.  Ill get you that notebook so you can take notes.  Each book has quizzes and tests that you will have to pass.  The same with the required viewing, but it is in a different room and I am required to be with you as of right now.”

“I want to meet the others that came in with me.  The girl you showed me.”

Joseph nodded.

Training sessions

“The first four training sessions I can set up for times I am working with Katy.  I think youll like all of them.  The last four I will have to accompany you.”

“How long do they last?”

“It varies.  There will be practicals that you will have to pass or they will continue to work with you until you do.”

“Is this the John I met?”  I dont know if I can do this.

“It is.”  He noticed her discomfort.  “Ive known John for a long time.  He shares your gift for seeing the person inside the skin.  He is only kind and loving.  He will make it as easy as possible for you.”  Gwen slipped her arm through his and leaned against his shoulder.  “I will tell you a secret to survival now.”  She looked up at him from his shoulder.  “I call it chambering.”  He was so serious.  “We are actors.  What shows on the outside with a client is not always what we feel on the inside.  When I have to do something difficult, I take the feelings that are the essence of me and put them in a little box deep inside me where I can keep them safe.  On the outside I act as I am required to act, I do what I am required to do, but I keep me safe.”

“You said you were angry.”

“I was for a long time.  They beat me into submission.  I think my eyes looked like Rachels did that first time you met her.”

“What happened?”

“John… he spent a lot of time talking to me.  He saw the person that was hidden deep inside and helped me to bring him back.  It was excruciatingly painful for me.”

“Do you hate them?”


“The others… Julia, the man who kidnapped you, the clients?”

“I used to.  John made me realize that it took a lot of energy to hate and that it only hurt me.  Sometimes I feel nothing for them, but I usually make an effort to try to love them.”

“Like Frankl.”

“It was John who suggested I read him as well.”

“Do you act with me?”

“I will have to sometimes because it is required.  Sometimes I will even lie.  I will tell you later though.”  He sighed.  “With you I will rarely put those feelings away.  If I do, it will make it harder for you to bring yours back.”

“You will suffer for me.”  Joseph nodded.  It was a conscious choice he was making to help her.  “Can you tell me what happened in the sacrifice room?”

He paused a long time before he answered, “Not yet.”  After several minutes he gathered himself and continued.

Performance Evaluations

He pointed to the page on the clipboard, “You are always being evaluated.  I cant

stress enough how important the evaluations are.  The evaluations are used to place you in categories.  The higher your category the more control you will have over your situation.  Everything is kept in a file.  There is a point system.”  He tapped the clipboard with his finger.  “Do you have any questions?”

Gwen pointed to the next section, “What is my evaluator reward?”

“It is left up to me.”

“If it is left up to you, then I will trust that it will be good!”  Joseph smiled as Gwen continued reading.

Upon completion of Training: Level One the student will receive:

Upon completion of Training: Level One each student will be required to:

“It doesnt mention clothes here.”

“They come after the third level.”

Gwen sighed in disappointment, “Do I get to see those check lists?”

Joseph smiled.  “When you finish the first level Ill give you the check list for the second.”

Gwen nodded.  “Well, we might as well start at the top.  Is there a list of all of these rules somewhere?”

Joseph nodded and pulled the papers off the clipboard.  He put a list of rules on top and slipped the papers back under the clamp and offered it back to Gwen.  Most of the rules he had explained to her the day before.


“What happens if someone violates these rules?

“It depends on the rule and the severity.  It also depends on how penitent someone is

and how many times they violate a particular rule.  Sometimes we are able to reason with people.  Sometimes hunger or cold are all that are required.  If that doesnt work, scaring them, or pain.  If it is a complaint by a client that is validated, it is almost always pain.  Clients dont all look like Adam.  Most of them are old and fat.  Some of them have a hard time completing the act.  A lot of them smell like stale cigarettes and alcohol.  Some of them smell of body odor.  None of that can show on your face.  You have to respond to each one like you did to Adam.”



“I dont have a toothbrush.”

”Well take care of that.  How long does it usually take you to get ready?”

“About twenty minutes if I shower.  No makeup.  I just scrunch my hair wet with

mousse.  I like long showers.  Of course, I dont have to dress, so probably fifteen.”

“See, its a time saver!”

“Very funny.”


“We can continue to swim for now.  Well add weights or running later if you lose

some of that modesty.

“The girl you saw?  The drug addict?  She is better off here.  You can ask the others

who came here hooked.  They get good food, medical care.  Their tricks are no rougher than the ones they turned on the street and they are protected.  They might not be happy at first, but they all change their minds after a while.”



“Ill leave this copy with you.  Ill give you the quiz in a few days.  Do you have any




“What rules do you have to follow?”

“These and more.”

“What in addition?”

That little sigh again, “One in particular that I would like you to understand.”  Gwen waited as he gathered his thoughts, “I am required to respond to you.  You remember when you asked if I participated in extra-curricular sex?”  Gwen nodded.  “I dont know exactly how to explain this.”  He paused, “Before I came here I went to church every Sunday.  I read from the Bible and learned the Ten Commandments.  I was taught that it was wrong to have sex outside of marriage.  I dont know if it might have changed later, but I planned on being a virgin when I married.  I do what I do here because I am compelled, but I have this desire still to do what is right.  On the other hand, I find you very attractive.  I think I am really starting to like you.  If we were out in the real world I might even ask you out.  In this world, if you come on to me, I am obligated, by the rules, to respond.  In the real world, if you came on to me, I would hope that I would have the strength to say no.”

Gwen looked into his eyes.  “I think I would like that.”


“If you would have asked me out.”

Joseph smiled and pulled her up.  He led her back into the hallway.  The office was opposite her door not far to the left, to its right was a supply closet.  Joseph entered his key-code and entered the room.  He got a steno notebook and pen, a box of tampons and a small plastic tub encased in shrink-wrap that contained a toothbrush and toothpaste, floss, a cup, a squeeze bottle, a brush and comb, and a roll of trash bags. 

“How do you do hair removal?”


He handed her a bottle of hair removal cream and a washcloth.  “You can take care of that in your room.  He took two jugs of water off the shelf and followed her back to her room.  Before they left, Gwen took a quick look at the rest of the items on the shelves.  He led her into the bathroom to the right of the supply room.  There were showers and a commode and two vanities with shelving.  There was a towel on a hook with her name above it.  The shower had a shelf with several shampoos, conditioners and body washes.  The vanity had several kinds of face wash and lotions and creams.  There was a blow dryer and a shelf with mousse, hairspray and gels of various kinds.

“Go on to your room and Ill be in in a minute after I print off the histories.”

Gwen nodded.  He followed her into the room a few minutes later clipping more papers to the clipboard.  He sat on the bed again with his back to the wall, pen in hand.  This time he put the pillow on his lap and patted it.  She accepted his invitation and lay down with her head in his lap. 

“Describe your history of drug use.”

Joseph wrote as Gwen talked.  “I have smoked marijuana.  Twice the summer I was sixteen, half a dozen times over the next year and a half.”

“How much did you smoke?”

“Maybe a half a joint the first few times.  Never more than one joint.”

Gwen waited while the pen scratched and Joseph spoke again, “Describe your history of alcohol use.

“I drank about half a beer sometimes in the evenings during the second summer and one time that fall I got completely smashed at Brians dorm.  I didnt like throwing up though, so after that I would stop at one.  I did change over to mixed drinks though.  I like rum and coke.”

“The night you were abducted?”

“I had two rum and cokes.  I think I drank a little more during the competition.  The guys there kept offering it to me.  Maybe a couple more.”

“And thats all?”


Again Gwen waited until he finished writing and changed papers.


“Gwendolyn Rose Parker.”

“Date of Birth.”

“March 28th, 1987.”

“Place of birth.”

“Lincoln, Nebraska.”

“Mothers name.”

“Kathryn Miller Parker.”


“Jonathan Robert Parker.”

“Grandparents living?”

“My mothers parents are both dead.  My fathers are alive.”

“Where do they live?”


“Fathers occupation.”





“A sister, Nora.”  Gwen was surprised when a wave of emotion overwhelmed her.  Joseph saw and looked away until she could compose herself.

“Level of education.”

“Graduated from high school, a year and a half of college.”

“Field of study.”


“Work experience.”

Gwen sighed, “I helped with lambing and ranch work.  Took care of the animals on the range, tractors, fencing, hay, harvesting.  I worked in an office part-time after that, and fast food.  I waitressed in the city for a year and a half.”


“None, really.  Hard work.  Swimming.  Writing, I guess.  Running.  Lifting.  Dancing.  Reading.”

Joseph changed the papers again.  He could tell Gwen was subdued and didnt speak.

“Your parents were married/divorced?”


“Tell me about your mom.”

“Theres nothing to tell.”  He couldnt mistake the edge in her voice.  He set the clipboard down and studied her.  She tried to hold back the tears, but they came anyway.  He left the room for a moment and brought back a box of Kleenex, handing one to Gwen.  She stood as she took it and backed against the wall crumpling it in her fist.  “I cant do this.”  Her voice was quiet, but intense. 

Joseph approached her and she turned away as he brushed her cheek with the back of his hand.  “Go ahead and cry, but tell me anyway.  Youll feel better.  Everyone is homesick.”

“Homesick!”  The whole story came tumbling out then filled with anger and hurt and resentment.  How her mother had kicked Nora out, how her parents never talked to each other or her, how she had loved the ranch and Brian and his parents, about the pregnancy and how everyone had reacted, about the rumors and her mothers email, about how everyone had shunned her in town, how Brian had sent the website to everyone.  “I never want to see them again!  Never talk to them!  I never want to go back there again.  I hate them all!  I hate them all!” 

Joseph stood in front of her listening and then looking down on her in silence as she tried to catch her breath and regain some composure.  She was trembling and couldnt stop crying.  Her head felt like it would explode and her sinuses were stopped up.  The muscles in her back and neck were tense and sore.  She was suddenly aware that Joseph was close.  She looked up and all she could see was his jaw.  She closed her eyes as his arms came around her.  She didnt know why she couldnt stop crying. 

Finally the crying stopped and then the trembling.  He still had his arms around her and she realized she had a wad of his shirt crumpled in her fist at the small of his back.  She hiccupped and pulled away.

“Im sorry.”

“Its okay.”

She shuddered involuntarily as she took a deep breath.  “You got a little more than you bargained for.”

“It needed to come out.  You had a lot all bottled up inside.”

Gwen nodded and hiccupped again.         “You arent going to put all of that in there are you?”

“No.  Just the basics.  Ill let you see it before I put it on the computer.”  He pointed to the camera.  “It only records video.  No sound.”

“They probably dont even care that Im gone.”

Joseph cupped his hand behind her neck and pulled her close kissing her on the temple.  He backed away and smiled and handed her another Kleenex.  He sat next to her on the bed as she blotted her eyes and nose.  She leaned into him hiccupping again as she felt another round of tears start.  Joseph lifted her under her thighs and laid her back on the bed and then lay at her side, cradling her in the crook of his arm.  He stroked her face and shoulders and kissed her over and over on the forehead letting her cry herself out.  The tears started again when she told him about Morrison.

He let her wash her face and they went to lunch.  She ate a little and brought an apple away with her.  He took her to the library and chose several books for her to read before leaving her to work with Katy.

Gwen took a nap instead of reading.  She had the book open, but nothing made sense to her.  Her head was still pounding and though she was tense she felt as weak as a kitten.  The next thing she knew Joseph was in the room again.  He was leaning over giving her a kiss on the head.  She rolled over and looked at him in confusion.  He smelled freshly showered and had on cologne.  He had on a golf shirt and shorts and flip-flops.  He was holding a glass from the cafeteria with three pink roses.  “One of the clients brought them for Julia.  She said I could take these.”

“What for?”

“For you, silly.”  He looked suddenly ill at ease.  “I came to ask you out on a date.”

“A date?”

“Are you always this loopy when you wake up?”

Gwen brought her hands to her face trying to orient.  “Where?”

“Thats a surprise.”  He handed her the roses and she sat up smelling them.

“Im not really up to being around other people.”

“It wont be other people.  I think you will like it.”

Finally she agreed and Joseph led her to the bathroom to run a brush through her hair and wash her face.  Her face was still blotchy and her eyes were puffy.  Joseph took her hand as he led her down the hall.  The halls were busier than she had seen them, but people were on the way to their own appointments and merely nodded or smiled at them. 

Joseph opened a door and beckoned Gwen through.  There was an older lady with long straight silver hair in a bun behind a desk.  Joseph introduced her as Bess and was told that room three was ready.  He pushed a swinging door and Gwen followed him into another short hallway and a room with a three on the door.  There was a woman in her fifties in a white coat with the sleeves rolled up. 

“This is Karen.  Karen, this is Dianna.”

Karen smiled at her and motioned to a table covered with towels that stood between them.  “Dianna, its nice to meet you.  If you will lie down on your stomach.”  Gwen obeyed as Karen poured oil on her hands.  There was a hole in the bench for her face.  After a few minutes of massage with hot oils Gwen looked up slightly and opened one eye.  Joseph was sitting in the corner smiling at her. 

“This is good.”  She closed her eyes again and let the tension seep away. 

Her arms were hanging over the edge of the table and she felt his fingers touch hers when the masseuse was done.  She smiled with her eyes closed.

“Were not done yet.”

Gwen grunted.  Joseph kissed her hand and tugged on it.

“Its not far.”

Gwen allowed him to lead her from the table to another room at the end of the hallway.  She smiled as he led her into a wood lined sauna and spread a towel for her to sit on.

“Ill be back in a minute.”  He returned in moments bare-chested with a towel wrapped around his waist.  He turned a faucet to drip on the rocks, turned a timer on and settled himself with his back to the wall cradling her in his arms.  “Are you feeling better?”

She smiled lazily and reached to touch his face, “I am.”

“Karen is the best.”

“I am so grateful, Joseph.  Thank you.”

“So you would go out with me again?”

She smiled and nodded.

“You smell so good.”

“Im slippery.”

“Its good for your skin.”  She grabbed hold of him as he pretended to drop her and then pulled her to him laughing.  “Are you feeling more comfortable in front of me?”


“Im glad.”  He lowered her in his arms and she watched his face as he looked at her breasts.  He put his hand on her waist and then looked into her eyes.  “Im proud of you for earlier.  I know it was hard.”

“Nora was who I talked to.  Once I found out she told her friend I didnt talk to her anymore.  I havent told anyone since.  I wasnt planning on it.”

“It helps me to understand your trust issues.

“I would like to know about you.”

“Know what?”

“Everything.”  She smiled hesitantly, “Whatever you want to tell me about you before you came here, about your family.”

That little sigh and a look Gwen couldn't read.  He had expected the question.  “My family wasn't like yours.  I lived in a very insular community.  I could walk to school or the store or the park.  We knew the neighbors.  My dad was my little league coach.  I was the third of four boys.  My mom called us her stairsteps.”  He stopped and sighed again and tried to smile.  “Derek, my older brother, wanted a bike.  My dad had picked up a couple used bikes at garage sales, but he wanted one of the ones that could do the tricks.  Dad told him to get a job and so he started with the paper route.  We mowed lawns for the neighbors and got a couple more paper routes in nearby neighborhoods.  Mom drove if the weather was bad, but otherwise we did it all ourselves.”

“How old were your other brothers?”

“Derek was three years older, Sean, two, Eric was two years younger.”

“What was your name?”

He paused, “Jacob.”  His hand trembled slightly as he brushed a stray hair from her face.  “Everything revolved around baseball in the summer.  Except for on Sundays.  Sundays were special.  We were brown as indians.”

“What did your dad do?”

“Both my parents were teachers.  My dad taught high school and coached baseball.  My mom taught second grade.  She taught at our elementary school.  Eric was in her class.”

“You don't have to talk anymore if you don't want to.”

He nodded and pulled her close.  He was sweating freely and his hair was curling above his ears.  “The thing that bothers me the most is the pain they must feel because they don't know what happened to me.  Julia showed me a picture of my mom holding on to the front of my dads shirt.  His head was down.  They both looked so beaten.  The headline said Glenbrook boy still missing, feared dead.  The article quoted my mom as saying that the hard part was not knowing what had happened to me.”

“What did they do to you to beat you down?

“The training wasn't the same when I came as it is now.  I was pretty much just offered to clients.  I was raped repeatedly.  Within a few months I stopped fighting.  I stopped speaking.  I would just do whatever they told me.  I didn't talk to anyone.  I didn't respond to anyone.  I was like that for a long time and then John came.  He was twenty-six.  He asked if he could spend some time with me.  He used to hold me all night long.  He never did anything to me.  He just held me.  Finally I just woke up one day and realized where I was.  He talked until he was hoarse.  He got them to take me out of circulation for a few days.  He taught me how to survive.  I had to go back, but I hung on to what he said and he stayed by my side every chance he got.  I followed him around like a lost puppy after that.  It was probably a couple months before I finally even spoke to him.”

Gwen touched his face and he looked at her suddenly.  His eyes were glassy.  “I'm so frightened.”

He nodded.  “I know.”

“Did you ever try to escape?”

“There is no way.  I know more about this place than anyone inside except Julia.  There is no way.”

“What do you know of what goes on outside?”

“John reads the paper everyday, but I am not so interested.  This is the world I live in.  He tells me the highlights.  Things Julia chooses to show me.  Things clients mention.  The twin towers.  War in Afghanistan and Iraq.  The gulf war was going on when I was taken.”

“Julia has been in charge the whole time?”

Joseph nodded.  “For a long time anyway.  She ran one of their other brothels that was moved in here in the late eighties.”

“She can leave?”

“Yes.”  He watched the wheels turn and shook his head.  “Don't even think about it.  The punishment is severe.”

“Did she show you anything about my disappearance?”

“She emailed me the articles.”

“I want to see them.”

The buzzer sounded.  Joseph shut things down and led her to a shower.  He removed the towel and turned the water on.  Gwen saw that his nudity didnt even occur to him until he turned and saw her face.  He took her hand and hugged her.  He needed her comfort and she knew she needed his.  They hugged tightly as the water ran over them.  “Is it okay if I wash you?” 

Gwen squeezed him tighter and nodded.  She was crying again.  She stood with one hand on his waist and the other on the showerhead, her cheek near his jaw as he washed her tenderly.  “This is a different kind of love, Gwen.  Feel the tenderness.  It has nothing to do with sex.  I need you to remember this kind of love when you dont understand.  There will be times when I have to hide myself, but I will always come back.”  He turned her and washed her back and between her legs.  He squatted next to her as he washed her legs and even her feet and between her toes.

There was no arousal in him and she felt only tenderness for him as he stood and looked into her eyes when he finished.  He closed his eyes as she touched his cheek and stood for her as she washed him.

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