BDSM Library - John? Jon? What's the difference?

John? Jon? What's the difference?

Provided By: BDSM Library

Synopsis: John Smith is a well adjusted, happy, prosperous businessman. In an alternate universe (which is identical to the first universe), his parents name him Jon, instead of John. Because of his being named Jon, his life takes a totally different track in the alternate universe and he becomes involved with BDSM and transgender lifestyles. The change of name is largely responsible for the switching of tracks, if he had been named John, very likely he would not be transgender. The story is in four parts. In part one, John is renamed Jon in the alternate universe. Part one has no BDSM content. Parts two to four are stand alone parts. However, you will get a better appreciation of later parts if you also read part one. Later parts deal with his introduction to BDSM lifestyle and his feminization.

John? Jon? What's the difference?   Part 1. The Term Project

By Akkano


John Smith is a well adjusted, happy, prosperous businessman. In an alternate
universe (which is identical to the first universe), his parents name him Jon,
instead of John. Because of his being named Jon, his life takes a totally
different track in the alternate universe and he becomes involved with BDSM and
transgender lifestyles. The change of name is largely responsible for the
switching of tracks, if he had been named John, very likely he would not be
transgender. The story is in four parts. In part one, John is renamed Jon in the
alternate universe. Part one has no BDSM content. Parts two to four are stand
alone parts. However, you will get a better appreciation of later parts if you
also read part one. Later parts deal with his introduction to BDSM lifestyle and
his feminization.


This story makes use of the 'String Theory' of cosmology. Current understanding
of Physics tells us that String theory is the most realistic representation of
the Universe. According to String theory, universe consists of eleven
dimensions, ten of space and one of time (this is the 'M' theory, the new
version, not the old version. 'M' stand for 'Mother of all theories'; physicists
have a rather strange sense of humor). We live in a four dimensional universe,
three of space and one of time.

Is the String theory correct? We don't know. Scientists are trying to think up
of experiments to test the theory, but it is not easy. As three dimensional
creatures, we cannot visualize even four dimensions, let alone eleven dimensions
(although it is easy enough to work out the mathematics).However,
mathematically, the theory is very self-consistent. In the history of science,
there has been no theory as self consistent as the string theory that has not
been at least partially true.

If anybody is interested in finding out more about the String theory, a Google
search for 'String theory' will yield plenty of material. For the purpose of
this story, I am going to assume the String theory to be true. If String theory
is true, then this story is not impossible (not a fantasy), but merely highly
improbable (science fiction). The cosmology described in this story is
consistent with the String theory.

To us a ten dimensional creature (if any existed) will be indistinguishable from
God. An ant or a worm is a two dimensional creature. We are one dimension up
from them, still are vastly superior to them. Now extrapolate that to ten
dimensions. Such (ten dimensional) creatures will have truly godlike powers, as
far as we are concerned. Even the most stupid, retarded creature will be much
more intelligent than the greatest genius known to humanity.

In this first part, I will explain the implications of eleven dimensions in
brackets, wherever necessary. Enough preamble, now the usual disclaimer.


This story is a work of fiction and all the characters in it are purely
imaginary. Karoscan-34 and Dratto-29, if you are out there in the eleven
dimensional universe, this story is fiction, please don't smite me. I have also
trashed our universe in this story, I hope the universe does not take offense.
Well, enough political correctness, let us get on with the story.

Part 1.

The Smiths were awaiting the arrival of their first baby. Mrs. Smith was already
in the hospital and they were discussing baby names.

        "Well, what shall we name our baby, dear?"

        "We have had this discussion so many times. I am still of the opinion
that we should respect my dad's wishes. My dad was John Smith, I am John Smith
the 2nd and my dad wanted his grandson to be known as John Smith the 3rd."

        "I know, dear, but John Smith is such a commonplace name."

        "Well, I like it."

        "Can't we compromise? How about we name him Jon, rather than John? He
could be known as Jon Smith the 3rd."

        "Well, but he won't be Jon Smith the 3rd, will he? Look this was my
father's dying wish, I very much want to fulfill it. I will tell you what, any
more children that we have, you may name them anything you wish, I won't
interfere. But please, darling, let me name our first born."

        "Oh, all right. You know I can't refuse you anything. John it is. But
remember your promise, I get to name any subsequent children."

        "Thank you, dear. I owe you big time." John kissed his wife.


Interlude (thirty five years later):

Karoscan-34 and Dratto-29 were eleven dimensional creatures (ten dimensions of
space and one of time). They were also university students. They had decided on
a joint term project for their Physics course (Elementary Universe Design - 1).
As they entered Dratto-29's dormitory room, Karoscan-34 remarked.

            "So, let us see this new gadget of yours. Pretty good, is it?"

            "It is not a gadget, it is a DUD machine (Digital Universe
Designer). And pretty good is not the word, it is very good. I will show you its
capabilities shortly."

           "Well, a gadget, however modern, will not save you. When you are
wrong, you are wrong. The universe is like a big lake of water. If one drops a
pebble in the water, there are local disturbances, but eventually the ripples
smooth over and there is negligible long term effect."

          "My friend, you are so wrong it isn't even funny. The universe is
nothing like a lake. It resembles a mountain buried deep in snow. The slightest
disturbance can set off an avalanche and can alter the landscape significantly.
If a small change is made in the universe, it continues to build up until the
change reaches gigantic proportions."

        "Well, I suppose that is what this gizmo of yours will help us decide.
Turn it on, let us see how it works."

        "Sure. Sit down. Karoscan."

        "Don't mind if I do." He looked up at Dratto expectantly. "How about a

        "Water?" Dratto grunted.

        "Don't be silly."

        "Well, then, not right now, later. I have a surprise for you later on."

Dratto sat down besides him. "Now, we decided that we select a universe, make a
small change in it and observe it over the years to see if it alters the course
of events significantly."

        "Which it won't."

        "Sez you. Anyway, we have to select a universe first."

He turned on the DUD. At once a hyper cube of about 20 cm side lit up in space
before them. He punched a key on the remote and the cube was filled with bright

        "This is a small portion of four dimensional space, the one that is
allocated to the Physics Department, holding several billion simple, three
dimensional universes. We have to select one of them."

        "Three dimensional? Why can't we work with intelligent creatures? Let us
work with at least four or five dimensional beings."

        "What makes you think three dimensional creatures are not intelligent?
It may not be intelligence as you or I know it. However, animal biologists
assure us that there is intelligence in three dimensions. Anyway, students are
forbidden to experiment with higher dimensions. Access to DUDs which do that is
strictly regulated. As it is, I had to get a requisition signed by Prof.
Maravedi-7 before they would rent me this one."

        "Couldn't we just....."

        "No, we couldn't. Don't even think of doing anything extra legal. I
don't want to get into trouble along with you. I still remember the caper you
pulled last year in the Chemistry lab."

Karoscan winced when Dratto mentioned that. He had organized a party in the
Chemistry lab after working hours, using the absolute ethanol supply of the lab.
For a while, the party went great and a jolly good time was had by all. Until,
that is, Prof.  Benoni-4 returned to her lab unexpectedly. She had had a
disagreement with one of her spouses and had come to the laboratory to cool down
and get some extra work done.

Karoscan had managed to evade the good professor by the skin of his teeth. He
could still feel her sharp talons raking his flesh, as her bright yellow
tentacle had whipped out and almost grabbed him as he was making his getaway. He
had skipped town for a week after that (with Dratto's help). Only a plea of
abject contrition, along with an offer to work on one of Prof. Benoni-4's
research projects for six months for free had kept the Dean from suspending him
for the rest of the term.

        "Oh, all right. So we work with three dimensional creatures."

        "When Prof. Maravedi-7 signed the requisition, he specifically told me
that he will hold me personally responsible for any mischief you may commit. He
looked so grim his orange body turned almost red. So you better forget whatever
devilry you may have in mind."

            "All right, Dratto. You don't have to go on about it. Do we pick a
universe at random, or did you have a particular one in mind?"

        "I do have one in mind." He again pressed the remote. All the spots
except one disappeared. The one remaining spot got bigger and bigger until it
filled the whole hyper cube. Then it broke up into galaxies, globular clusters
and intergalactic clouds.

           "Oh, what a horrible system. Galaxies in various sizes and different
stages of decay, no uniformity anywhere, the space littered with cosmic debris."

        "It is not a good job, I admit."

        "And do I detect a faint microwave radiation in the background,
pervading the whole universe? The whole system is polluted by noise. You know,
Dratto, there is something very familiar with this universe. Hey, wait a minute.
Isn't this the system that nut, Odin, put together? Well, it looks like he took
some primordial matter, hit it with a sledge hammer and was done with it."

        "For your information, he worked hard to create that system. Imagine
taking six days to put together such a primitive system. And the task was too
much for him, he had to rest on the seventh day. I remember he was sleeping in
his dorm room all day and all night on the seventh day."

        "And he did a lousy job at that. I heard he flunked the course and had
to repeat it, had to create another system to pass the course."

        "That is why Prof. Maravedi-7 suggested we use this system. He said the
system is already so screwed up, we can't possibly make it any worse. Anything
we do will be an improvement."

        "I don't know, Dratto. I suppose three dimensional creatures are
entitled to live their life as they see fit, without us interfering in it. What
if the change we make creates a really terrible universe, causes a lot of

        "Don't worry, Karoscan. The DUD has a back up capability. Whenever we
make a change in a universe, it always makes a back up copy of the old universe.
Then if we don't like the results of the new universe, we can always restore the
old universe."

        "In that case, experiment away."

        "OK, you see billions of galaxies in the hyper cube. Now we focus on one
galaxy towards the rim." Again, all other galaxies disappeared from the cube,
leaving only one bright spot, which got bigger and revealed its shape of double

        "Now, how many stars do you see in the hyper cube?"

        "Oh, perhaps 100 billion or so." (if stars are spaced about a centimeter
apart, a 10 dimensional hyper cube with a side of 20 centimeters can show upto
about one trillion stars, much more that what milky way contains).

        "Do you have a particular star system in mind, or do we pick one at

        "We pick one at random. I will let the DUD do it."

        Again, all the stars except one disappeared, leaving that one star, with
its planetary system.

        "Let's see." Dratto said, reading the readout from DUD. "The star is
closer to the edge of the galaxy than its center, is a G type, yellow star.
There is life on only one planet, the third out from the star. The planet is
called 'Earth' by the native trimees. There are also signs of unicellular life
on a satellite of one of the gas giants, but we will ignore  that."


        "Oh, that is a slang term for three dimensional, or trimensional

Karoscan unfurled his main tentacle, wrapped it around Dratto and pulled Dratto
towards him. Dratto could smell Karoscan's arousal. Also, Karoscan had turned
bright, pulsating green, which meant he was horny. Dratto disentangled himself
from Karoscan's embrace.

        "Now, Karoscan, none of that. You are a green, I am a purple. You can
get pleasure from me, but you know I derive no pleasure from you."

        "I am sorry, Dratto. I got carried away. Sometimes don't you wish we
were like the trimees here. They have only two sexes, rather than our seven and
for them it is much easier to find one partner. For us, we have to find six

        "Yeah, well. On the whole, I would rather not be a trimee."

        "Perhaps you are right. Maybe I will have sex with myself later on. It
is not as satisfying as sex in a group of seven, but it is better than nothing."

        "Lucky you. I don't have the necessary plumbing to have sex with myself,
the most I can do is masturbate." Grumbled Dratto. " Now let us concentrate on
the project, shall we?"

        "Here, Karoscan, would you like to do the honors? You pick someone at

Karoscan took the remote and pressed the random key. This time all the stars
disappeared and the hyper cube showed the inside of a household.

        "Before we can look at the household properly, we have to take care of a
little detail. Here, press your hand down on this pad like I am doing."

In a few seconds, the DUD transferred all the knowledge existing on Earth into
their brains. (This is not as far fetched as it sounds. If a ten dimensional
creature has same size brain as an average human being, one ten dimensional
creature will have the brain capacity of 10 million human beings. Ten million
super geniuses can probably assimilate all the knowledge of earth between them.
Here we are talking of the creatures with IQ in perhaps six or seven digits, if
such a thing is possible, as opposed to low three digits even for a super
genius.  The entire knowledge available on earth will probably occupy a small
part in a ten dimensional creature's brain)).

        "What do we have here? Oh, a man named John Smith, thirty five years
old. A successful entrepreneur, CEO of John's Auto Parts. His wife is a lawyer
and is employed by his company. We see he is about to take his son to a baseball
game. A typical family in North America, wouldn't you say, Dratto?"

        Dratto went to the mini bar and took out two foaming glasses, filled to
the brim.

        "Here, try this."

Karoscan looked and sniffed at the glass suspiciously. "Well, what is it?"

        "It is beer. That is another neat little feature of this DUD. I had
programmed it beforehand, so that when DUD chose a star system at random, it
directed the mini bar to synthesize the most popular drinks on the planet. It
has synthesized tea , coffee, beer and wine. I thought we will try beer first.
It is mildly alcoholic and seems to be very popular in North America. Now,
exactly what changes should we do to Mr. Smith to test our theory?"

        Karoscan brought the glass to his face, uncurled his drinking tube and
dipped it into the glass, took a long gulp of beer and winced. "This stuff
tastes awful. Are you sure the mini bar synthesized beer properly?" he asked,
retracting his drinking tube.

        "I suppose it is more of an acquired taste." Dratto tried the beer. "I
rather like it."

        Karoscan took another sip. "No, I don't like it. Trimees must be out of
their tiny minds to drink something like this. How can this abomination be a
popular drink on earth?"

        "Not all of earth, but only a part of it, mostly North America and

        "Well, they can keep it. I will finish this one, but no more for me,
count me out. Now as to what we should change. Suppose we change his last name,
say from Smith to Guggenheimer?"

Dratto thought about it. "No good. If we change his last name that means we will
change the last names of his ancestors for the past several centuries. We are
talking of a major change here. What we need is a minute change, like making him
left handed, or giving him a birth mark on his leg." Then it hit him.

        "How about if we change his first name?"

        "Good idea. Let us change it by the smallest amount possible. His name
is John, how about we rename him Jon? Jon is an acceptable name among the
trimees on earth."

        "That makes sense. Let us change his name from John to Jon and see how
his life changes because of it. That should settle which of us is right."

        "That is easy enough to do. Let me rewind the time first, to just before
John smith's birth, there. Then I just feed in the necessary information, press
the 'activate' key and there, it is done."

        "Now we wait for thirty five earth years, I suppose. How much is that in
our time?"

        "The DUD can slow down or speed up time in three dimensions,  it is easy
to do. However, normal flow of time is about one of our weekend for thirty five
years in three dimensions. Thirty five years in trimee time should be done by
day after tomorrow night. We will come back to exactly the same time and see
where our subject has landed himself."

        "Now let us recapitulate what we see here. This John Smith is highly
educated, a professional, owner of a company (John's Auto Parts) which he
jointly owns with his wife. His wife is beautiful ("You are joking, right?"
Karoscan interjected, as a shudder rippled through his body, from top to
bottom).  Beautiful by trimee, earth standards, don't be prejudiced.  She is
intelligent, for a trimee anyway. John is happily married, has fathered a son.
He loves his wife and son."

        "Do trimees feel emotions, like love or hate?" Karoscan wanted to know.

        "Of course they feel emotions. Their emotions are just much more muted
compared to ours. Anyway, coming back to our project, do you agree with my
assessment of John Smith and his family?"

        "I do."

        "Now, which of these features do you expect to be preserved in 'Jon

        "All of them."

        "Well, I expect Jon Smith's life to be totally different from that of
John Smith, though I can't say in which way." Dratto said.

        "Let us watch for a bit." Dratto pressed a key. Another hyper cube lit
up beside the first one. Both the cubes showed identical hospital room, where
Mrs. Smith was admitted.

        "The first cube shows the progress of Jon Smith. The second cube shows
the same time and place  from the first universe (which no longer exists),
showing the progress of John Smith, so we will be able to monitor their progress
together and see the similarity or differences between the two time streams."

        "Does the DUD record the progress of Jon smith?"

        "It does better than that. Not only it records the progress of Jon
Smith, it also compares the two universes and flags the points in time where the
two universes deviate from each other significantly. It also digitizes the

        "When we look at it tomorrow evening (I will look in from time to time
during the day), all we have to do is get the DUD display of the times when
there was a significant variation between the two time streams."

            "Most of the time the two universes will run along almost identical
tracks, so there is no need to look through 35 years of history, we can look
only at interesting, deviation points. DUD lets us do that."

        "Now as you can see , in both of them we see the hospital room of Mrs.
Smith. Mr. And Mrs. Smith are discussing baby names, only this time they will
name the baby Jon, and not John."

By now Dratto had turned deep, pulsating purple. "Now Karoscan, I am feeling as
horny as you. Let us go and see if we can find individuals of the other  sexes;
red, orange, yellow, blue and violet and merge into mad, passionate, white sex.
We will look in on our Jon Smith tomorrow night. By then he should be 21-22
years old."


The Smiths were awaiting the arrival of their first baby. Mrs. Smith was already
in the hospital and they were discussing baby names.

        "Well, what shall we name our baby, dear?"

        "We have had this discussion so many times. I am still of the opinion
that we should respect my dad's wishes. My dad was John Smith, I am John Smith
the 2nd and my dad wanted his grandson to be known as John Smith the 3rd."

        "I know, dear, but John Smith is such a commonplace name."

        "Well, I like it."

        "Can't we compromise? How about we name him Jon, rather than John? He
could be known as Jon Smith the 3rd."

        "Well, but he won't be Jon Smith the 3rd, will he? Look, this was my
father's dying wish, I very much want to fulfill it. I will tell you what, any
more children that we have, you may name them anything you wish, I won't
interfere. But please, darling, let me name our first born."  

        "I understand, darling, but the name John Smith has unpleasant
association for me, let us not go into that. Someone has to be as exceptional a
human being as you for him to have the name of John Smith, otherwise it doesn't
work for me. Please , won't you agree to Jon?"      

      "Oh, all right. You know I can't refuse you anything, dear. Jon it is. But
on one condition. If we have another son, we name him John, thereby fulfilling
my fathers wishes."

        "Thank you, dear. I owe you big time." John's wife kissed him.

End of part 1.

Does Jon's life change significantly as a result of the name change? Of course
it does, otherwise there won't be parts II to IV.. In Part II, we will see how
his life changes, as a result of the name change.

John? Jon? What's the difference?  Part 2.     A Ripple or an Avalanche?

By Akkano


This story is a work of fiction and all the characters are purely imaginary.


Karoscan-34 and Dratto-29 are eleven dimensional creatures. In part 1, they turn
the time back 35 years to the birth of John Smith, and rename him Jon, instead
of John. Because of his name change, his life changes significantly in part 2.

Part 2 is stand alone part. However, you may wish to read part 1 first, to get a
better understanding of the eleven dimensional creatures, Karoscan-34 and



        The next evening, Karoscan-34 and Dratto-29 entered Dratto's dormitory
room. "So how is our subject doing, Dratto?"

        "I did look in several times. Nothing much has been happening, the two
universes have been running pretty much parallel to each other."

        "Surely Jon must have been mistaken for John a few times."

        "Yes, it did happen, but each time Jon's parents set things right. As
you can see from the two universes, there is really no difference between them."

        Karoscan looked at the display. "It seem there have been a few points of
significant deviation."

        "Hardly significant. Those are the points where Jon was mistaken for
John. The number you see in front of each shows a small deviation, something
which was corrected immediately. No, you may be right, after all, Karoscan. Jon
is 22 years old now, going to the university and still there is no deviation
between the two universes."

        "Relax, Dratto, we still have 13 years more to go. Anything can happen
in thirteen years. Let us just sit down and watch a while in real time."

        Dratto got two glasses from his mini bar. He handed Karoscan a glass
with ruby red drink in it.

        "And what do we have here?"

        "It is wine, another of the popular drink on earth." Dratto sat down
besides him. Karoscan took a sip.

        "Hmm, not bad. Certainly better than that foul concoction, the beer.
However, when it comes to drinks, trimees have very strange tastes."

        "Let's just watch, Karoscan."


Jon Smith looked at the letter in his hand with distaste. It started "Dear Mr.
John Smith,". The Administration office had goofed up again, his name was again
entered as John Smith. It had happened once before, just after he had entered
the University. With a sigh, he phoned the administration office.

        "Administrative Office, Mr. Stewart speaking."

        "Hello, Mr. Stewart, my name is Jon Smith. That is J O N, Jon. Somebody
has entered my name in your computer as John Smith, by mistake.

        "Is that so? Well, we can take care of that. I assume you have some
photo ID which has your name on it?"

        "Sure, I have several. Driver's license, Passport, University ID card
and more."

        "Then there is no problem. You will have to come to the Administration
Office, however. Wait a minute. I am leaving now and tomorrow I am going on
vacation. Could you come to my house this evening? Then we will take care of it
right there, I can make the change on the computer right in front of you.
Otherwise it will be delayed by two days, since this is Friday evening."


Interlude :

Karoscan and Dratto looked at each other. "This is something different from the
previous times. He is going to the Administrative Officer's house."

       "So what? Mr. Stewart will probably make the change and that will be
that, the two time streams will continue their identical journey. You win,
Karoscan." Dratto replied.

        "No, Dratto, this sounds different, to me at least. Let us keep watching
in real time. We have already tried beer and wine. How about some coffee?"


        That evening, Jon went to the house of Mr. Fred Stewart to fill out the
appropriate forms. Fred himself opened the door.

          "Come in, Jon. How are you? Have a seat and fill out these forms." He
handed him two forms.

        "Would you like anything to drink? A beer?"

        "That would be nice. Thank you."

        As he was filling out the forms, the door bell rang again. Fred admitted
two attractive women, one was in her twenties, the other in her thirties.

        "Come in, my dear, come in." He introduced them to Jon.

        "Jon, this is Jane, my daughter" he indicated the younger woman "and
this is Janice, her friend."  He indicated the older woman.

        "Jane has got a scholarship at The Cavendish Laboratory at Cambridge,
England to study Polymer Physics. She is leaving tomorrow for England. Jane,
this is Jon Smith."

        "Jon, and not John?"

        "No, it is Jon Smith. My father was named John, and so was my

       "So if you had been named John, you would have been John Smith the 3rd?"
Jane inquired.      
       "Well, yes. But you could say I am Jonathan Smith the 3rd."

        "Now, my dear Jane, come sit beside your old man and talk to me." Fred
said to his daughter.

        "Oh, daddy." Jane was embarrassed. But she did sit down on the sofa
besides her father.

Fred put his arm around her. "Now, Jane, don't be modest. You are a good girl,
make your old man proud at Cambridge. Give me a kiss." He kissed her on the

        "Daddy, please. This is embarrassing."

        "I can't help it, dear. I love you so deeply. You will always be my
little girl. Now you are going to spend the evening with me."

        "But what about mom?"

        "Who? Oh, her. Well, you can't be her little girl. This will be our
secret." Fred had been divorced a few years ago and his wife lived across the

Jane got up. "Sorry, dad. I have to go and say good bye to mom. I will be back
in a couple of hours and then we will make  a night of it, I promise. Is it OK
if I take your car?"

        "Oh, all right. Party pooper. But don't be too long."

Jane went over to Janice and said to her "Well, good bye, Janice. Thanks for
giving me a ride home ("Don't say 'ride', my dear, say 'lift'. Remember, you are
going to England" Fred interjected). I will E mail you after I get to

Janice was in a reverie. She looked up, startled. "Eh, what? Yeah, good bye,
dear." She said, hugging Jane.

Without anybody noticing, Janice was going through her own personal hell, while
listening to the light hearted banter between Jane and her dad.

Janice had been sexually abused by her dad on a regular basis when she was a
child. By coincidence, her father's name was Jonathan Smith the 3rd. He would
always start the abuse session by proclaiming

        "I am Jonathan Smith the 3rd" in a swaggering manner, indicating to her
that he was invincible.

When Jon used this phrase, it triggered something inside her brain and she was
back to her childhood. However, what put her in her own personal hell was the
conversation that followed it. While the conversation between Jane and her dad
was perfectly innocent, it held a very sinister connotation for Janice. Her dad
used to have almost identical conversation with her. She mentally put herself
(6-7 years old) in Jane's place, and her dad in Fred's place. The conversation
was a mental agony to her, as if somebody poured hot molten lead in her ears.

[       "I am Jonathan Smith the 3rd."

        "Now, my dear Jan, come sit beside your old man and talk to me."
Janice's father said to her.

        "Oh, daddy." Little Janice was embarrassed. But she did sit down on the
sofa besides her father.

Her father put his arm around her. "Now, Jan, don't be modest. You are a good
girl, make your old man proud. Give me a kiss." He kissed her on the lips.

        "Daddy, please. This is gross." Little Janice said, wiping her lips with
her small hand.

        "I can't help it, dear. I love you so deeply. You will always be my
little girl. Now you are going to spend the evening with me."

        "But what about mom?"

        "Who? Oh, her. Well, you can't be her little girl. This will be our
secret." ]

In her mind, she experienced the whole abusive session (which used to happen
sometimes with her mother in the house), including sexual penetration (and the
intense pain afterwards), that used to follow similar conversation.

Something inside her snapped. She had suppressed most of the abuse until now,
but now it erupted like a volcano. Her eyes were spouting fire. She was mad as
hell and she wanted revenge for her abuse. However, her father had died a few
years a go (leaving her a thriving auto parts business and substantial amount of
money and other assets). Her eyes fixed on poor Jon. In her mind, Jon was a
surrogate for her father and she would have her revenge on him. He would pay for
her father's sins and pay dearly.

Jon finished filling out the forms and handed them to Fred. "OK, Jon, don't
worry, I will put them through the system right now." Fred assured him, sitting
down besides his computer.

        "Thanks, Mr. Stewart. I guess I will head back. It is a fair bit of

        "Walk? Do you need a ride, Jon?" Janice asked him.

        "Why, that would be great, Janice. Thanks."

Jon was impressed by her BMW. He was a student and did not have a car. While
Janice was a lesbian, she flirted with Jon extensively during the trip (which
wasn't easy, considering that she was driving). When she stopped in front of his
apartment building, she sidled up to him and kissed him deeply and 
passionately, doing a good job of hiding the revulsion she felt in the process.
For her efforts, she was able to get his phone number.

Jon was totally smitten by Janice. He had not come across a sophisticated,
mature (as he thought of her) woman like Janice before, not one who would be
interested in him, anyway. Since she was older than him, he was also felt a
little intimidated by her.

Next day he thought of calling her and realized that  while she got his phone
number, he did not have hers. There  was no way to trace her, he knew nothing
about her except  her first name. There was really nothing he could do, and 
over the next few days, he put her out of his mind.

The next day Janice discussed Jon with Athena, her lesbian lover. Janice was not
sure how to obtain revenge for her father's crimes. Athena was also a lesbian.
However, unlike Janice, she was also a man hater. She had no problem suggesting
a punishment.

        "I think we should feminize him."

        "How do you mean feminize him? Turn him into a woman? How?"

        Athena explained to her the procedure, how it worked. Janice was

        "I don't know how to do all that. Have you done it before?"

        "Are you kidding? I wouldn't touch a man, even to whip him. I know a
professional dominatrix, who specializes in feminizing men. Let us talk to her."

        "I don't know, dear. It doesn't seem fair to subject him to such a

        "Fair? Who says life is fair? Who meant to make it fair? Was it fair
that your father, the asshole, abused you all these years and got away scot
free? Is it fair that you should suffer for his  perverted behavior? It will
take years of therapy to overcome your emotional baggage. By feminizing this Jon
you may be able to exorcise your demons quickly and have fun doing it."

        "You may be right."

        "Look, let us just talk to Mistress Minerva. What have we got to lose?
Doesn't hurt to talk to her. She is not cheap, but she is very good. I have
myself seen the results." Athena did not know this Jon from Adam, but she was
eagerly looking forward to his feminization.

        They met with Mistress Minerva the next day. Minerva greeted them warmly
in her home. She was an imposing figure of a woman, six feet tall and massive.
There was very little fat on her, she was mostly muscle.

        "Well, Athena tells me you ladies are interested in feminizing a man."

        "Well, maybe. Do you do forced feminization?"

        "Forced, voluntary, it is all the same to me. If it's  forced, it is
your responsibility to deliver the man into my  custody. I will take it from
there. Forced feminization costs more, of course. In addition to feminizing him,
do you  want me to make him dependent upon you?"

        "Can you do  that?" Janice was intrigued.

        "Of course. It will cost you more and you will have to participate. But
we will do it at your place and not mine. That will cut down the cost somewhat."

        "So dear, what do you think?" Athena asked Janice.

        "Well, may be we could go ahead with it."

        "Great. Let me consult my appointment book." Minerva looked on her
computer. "We could get started in two weeks time. Ten percent of my fee is
payable now. The rest when the feminization begins."

        "What happens if I change my mind between now and then?"

        "Don't be absurd, Janice. It's OK, Minerva, she is not going to change
her mind."

        "That's quite all right, it is a valid question.  Sometimes the client
changes his or her mind at the last  minute. And since we are talking of forced
feminization  here, there may be problems in delivering the subject to me.  The
deposit you pay me today is non refundable. If you  change your mind, nothing
more is payable. Or we can always  reschedule at a mutually convenient date. But
the deposit is  forfeit in any case, if you change your mind or reschedule  the

        "That sounds reasonable. Do you take credit card?"

        "Of course. Let us take care of the transaction."

        After Janice's card was charged, Minerva asked her

        "Now tell me something about the subject."

        "His name is Jon Smith, he is not very tall, about my height, 5'8", slim
and in his twenties."

        "You will be easily able to overpower him, Minerva." Athena put in.

        "It certainly helps, but it is not necessary. Size of the subject is not
important. What does he do?"

        "He goes to the University. He has finished his third year and has one
more to go."   

      "Well, that is enough to go by. We will be doing it at your house. Do you
have a big basement?"

          "Yes, and it can be isolated from the rest of the house, if

          "I will have to inspect the basement and suggest changes, if any. You
will probably have to sound proof part of the basement, at least one or two
rooms. We will arrange an appointment to inspect the basement later on."

        During the rest of two weeks, Janice thought deeply about whether what
she was planning to do was right. She prayed to the Wiccan goddess.

          "Goddess, please give me a sign one way or other, if it is your wish
that I do this."            

She held off calling Jon until the last day.  On the day she planned to bring
Jon to her house, she was still conflicted. However, she did not get anything
that could be considered as a sign from the Wiccan goddess. With a sigh, she
phoned Jon that morning.

          "Hello, Jon. This is Janice. Remember me?"

Jon had butterflies in his stomach when he heard Janice's voice.  

       "Of course. How are you , Janice?"   

      "Oh, I am OK. Listen, would you like to get together tonight. We could go
for dinner."         

       "That sounds great, Janice. I wish you would have called a few days
earlier. I am leaving for Denmark this evening and will be gone for four weeks.
I am going to do backpacking and sightseeing in Europe."

        "That is too bad." Janice was genuinely disappointed. "Can I change your
mind to cancel your trip and go on a date with me?" she teased him.

          "I wish I could, Janice. Maybe we could hook up after I return."

          "Well maybe. Do you have a ride to the airport? Perhaps I could give
you a ride."

          "That would be great. Could you pick me up at 3.00 p.m. this

          "Sure. See you then. Bye."

          Janice bowed her head to the Wiccan goddess.

          "Goddess, I accept your verdict. It is your wish that I should not
feminize him. So be it. I will have to get rid of my demons some other way."


 Janice picked Jon up at 3.00 p.m. She parked the car at the airport and went
with him to the check in counter. Jon held out his hand.

          "Thanks, Janice. I hope I will see you when I return. Could you give
me your phone number? I just realized I don't have your phone number."

Janice shook his hand. "Have fun in Europe, Jon. Here is my phone number. I will
just wait until you get your boarding pass. Then I assume you will have to go
through the security so we will say good bye."

Jon handed his ticket and passport at the check in counter. The counter girl
(Jon saw her name was Linda) checked his ticket and passport.

          "I am sorry, sir. There is a problem. The ticket is made out to Mr.
John Smith, but according to passport, you are Mr. Jon smith."

          "Huh, what? Oh, I think I know what happened. I booked the ticket over
the phone. I probably forgot to spell my name for the ticket agent. It does
happen sometimes. Well, I am Jon Smith and not John Smith."

        "That is all very well, sir, but I am afraid you cannot travel on this

        "What? You are kidding. For that slight error I cannot travel?"

        Linda was unyielding. "I am sorry, sir, but if I let you through, my ass
will be on the line. If you wish, you could talk to my supervisor, Mr. Cushman."

Janice and Jon both went to Mr. Cushman's office. However, Cushman was polite
but firm. 

        "I am sorry, Mr. Smith, but since 9/11, they have  become very strict.
Before 9/11, there wouldn't have been  any problem. If I let you fly and
something goes wrong, my  job will be on the line. You are probably who you say
you  are and certainly not a terrorist, but I cannot afford to  take any

          "Now look, I have made all the arrangements for a four week holiday. I
have booked accommodation in youth hostels, YMCAs etc. I have bought Rail pass
for Europe. And you are saying I cannot travel because of a slight mistake? My
plane ticket is nonrefundable. If I cannot travel today, I lose my money."

         "Believe me Mr. smith, I wish I could help you. On a domestic flight I
might have risked it, but not on a transcontinental flight. Very likely they
will send you back from Copenhagen airport, without letting you enter Denmark,
and we will have to foot the bill for your return trip. I will tell you what,
though. I will issue you a coupon so that you can book another ticket, under the
same conditions free of charge." He printed out a coupon for him.

        "The ticket I booked had to be booked three weeks in advance. So do I
have to book the new ticket also in advance?"


          "That means I cannot travel today."

          "I know you are disappointed, but that is the best I can do. Sorry."

          "Oh, well I suppose I can travel in three weeks time and still be able
to come back just in time for school. Thank you Mr. Cushman."

          "You are welcome, Mr. Smith. I am sorry I could not do more for you."

As they walked over to Janice's car, she said  "I am sorry abut your vacation,
Jon. Well, there is still our date. My invitation still stands."

          "That is right. I forgot all about it. Sure, let us go out for dinner.
At least there is that. Maybe we could spend a lot of time together, now that I
am not going for three weeks."         

          "Suits me fine. I will pick you up at 6.00 p.m." She dropped him off
at his apartment building.

        Before Janice got ready for her date, she again prayed to her Wiccan

          "Thank you, goddess. That was a clear sign for me to go ahead with my
plans. Please give me success in my project."

          Then she wondered to herself as to what her project was. What was she
going to do with Jon after feminizing him? She herself was a lesbian, she would
not be interested in a feminized Jon. Oh, well, one thing at a time, she

          She took extra care to look attractive that night. The push up bra
accentuated her already ample breasts. The sleeveless, thin strapped black
cocktail gown simply looked stunning on her. Her cleavage was clearly visible.
She discarded pantyhose in favor of stockings and garter belt. She meant to give
Jon plenty of eye candy. Poor sap was going to go through hell pretty soon.

        When she picked Jon up, she towered over him. She was already as tall as
him, and the 4 inch high heels she wore made her taller than him. Jon was in
heaven. During the evening, he could not take his eyes off Janice. She had
agreed to spend time together with him over the next three weeks, he was the
luckiest man in the world.

          After dinner, he suggested dancing. Even though Janice found the
thought of dancing with a man repulsive, she agreed, for his sake. He led during
the dancing, she was OK with that. When she danced with a woman, she preferred
the other woman to lead, anyway. Afterwards they came back to her house.

          "Would you like to come in, have a drink? We could talk."

Yeah, among other things, Jon thought hopefully. "Sure." He said to her. As Jon
sat down on the sofa, she asked him

          "I make a mean Brandy Alexander. Would you like one?"

          "What is Brandy Alexander?" Jon wanted to know.

          "Well, you will find out. You like chocolate, don't you?"

          "Yeah, sure."

         "Then you are in for a treat. My Brandy Alexander is out of this
world." (and, of course, chocolate covers up a multitude of sins, she thought).

          As she went off to prepare Brandy Alexander, John shut his eyes for a
moment. It had been a hectic day. He had got up very early to do the packing,
then the fiasco at the airport had not helped. He was developing a slight
headache. He wondered if it would be a good idea to make any sexual advances to
Janice. Perhaps it may be better to wait until the next date. That would also
prove to Janice that he was a gentleman, he thought.

Soon Janice returned with two cocktail glasses and handed him the chocolate
colored drink, decorated with nutmeg and grated chocolate on top. After Jon
finished his drink, he passed out.

         Janice went to the basement. There Minerva had already settled in. "He
is upstairs, unconscious."

        "Here, help me bring him to the basement."  The two of them dragged him
to the basement.

          "Do you need me tomorrow?" Janice asked her.

          "No, but I will need you for an hour daily after tomorrow in the
morning, before you go to work. After a few days I will also need you in the

          "Will I have to take time off from work?"

          "Maybe a couple of days, later on. However, I will be doing most of
the work, that is what you are paying me for."

          "That's good. Being CEO and President of Jon's Auto Parts, I really
cannot be away from work for long."  Janice's mother discovered the abuse when
Janice was at the University. She did not talk to Janice, but divorced her
husband and left the state, taking a handsome divorce settlement with her. She
was so shook up she did not want to deal with the matter. When Janice was thirty
years old, her father died in a car crash.  At that time, Janice was working as
an executive at an insurance company. When her father died leaving everything to
her, her first thought was to sell the business. However, after looking the
factory over, she found it very interesting and decided to run the company

Through hard work, ingenuity, sheer dedication and some good luck, she had
managed to expand the company and increase the profits. She had been with the
company for five years and she had every intention of continuing as the
President and CEO a lot longer.

          "Go to work, don't worry about a thing. I have everything under
control. I will need you day after tomorrow, first thing after you get out of
bed, before you shower or get ready. Right now I need your panties. How long
have you been wearing them?"

          "For a few hours. I did not use a panty liner, as you suggested."

          "Good. Give me your panties and we will get started."


Jon opened his eyes. He tried to move, but found that he was tied to the bed.
When he tried to move his arms or legs, he found that his hands were handcuffed
together, while his feet were tied together with ankle cuffs. He could barely
move. When he tried to cry out, he found that he was gagged.

That was when he noticed for the first time the musky, salty taste in his mouth,
which was coming from the gag. It took him a minute or two to place the smell,
but he recognized it as the scent and taste of a woman's pussy. Then he realized
that he was gagged with a woman's used panties. The smell of the panties was
very strong, and as his saliva began to soak the panties, he began to notice the
strong, sharp, tangy taste of the panties. He tried to shout as loudly as he
could, but it came out as grunts and moans.

However, those grunts and moans attracted attention and soon a woman entered the
room. She was a big woman, taller than him and she had an intimidating presence.
He became very scared. The woman removed his gag.

          "What's going on here? Untie me, please." He said to her.

She ignored what Jon said. "I am Minerva. While you are here you are under my
control. You will have to obey several rules. The first one is not to speak
unless you are asked a direct question. Disobeying any of the rules will lead to
severe punishment. Is that clear?"

          "Y-yes, Minerva." Jon was scared witless by now.

          "Call me Mistress or ma'am. If you have not been asked a question and
need to ask me something, you will have to crawl on hands and knees to me, kiss
my feet and wait for me to give you permission to speak."

        "Yes, Mistress."

        "Were you asked a direct question?" Minerva said, producing a wicked
looking whip. "First I have to instill in you that I am the boss. I expect
immediate and unquestioning obedience." She experimentally swished the whip in
the air.

          "Speaking out of turn has earned you five extra  strokes." She
produced a plastic bag from freezer  compartment of the refrigerator. The
previous day she had  asked Janice for her panties, drenched with her piss. She 
had put the panties in a zip lock bag and placed them in the  freezer. Now she
took them out and placed the frozen gag in  his mouth. Jon winced at the extreme
cold of the gag. As the  gag started to thaw, he could taste the acrid, salty
taste  of urine.

Now the whipping started. Minerva started at an easy  pace and slowly increased
the force of her strokes. The  strokes hurt like hell and soon tears of pain
started  flowing down his cheeks. She gave him twenty five strokes,  but did not
tell him how many he received. As far as he was  concerned, she started whipping
him and all of a sudden she  stopped.

His body was now covered with angry, red welts. Jon had been biting on the gag
and by now he ended up swallowing all the piss. The gag was now saturated with
his saliva. Minerva removed the gag from his mouth.

As soon as the gag was removed, Jon started howling at the top of his voice.
Minerva left him alone. After a few hours she again came into his room. Jon was
asleep. She woke him up and whipped him again and left him to recuperate. She
repeated this a few times in twenty four hours. She also injected feminizing
hormones into him several times.

          Then the next morning she woke him up. He was not tied down this time.
However, as soon as he saw her, he cringed. When Minerva noticed this she

        "You are afraid of me, that is good. Hopefully you will give me complete
obedience, or you know now what will happen to you." He kept looking at her,
with fear in his eyes.

        "Are you hungry, honey?"

He realized that he was very hungry. "Yes, ma'am".

        "Would you like something to eat and drink?"

        "Yes, please. I am starving."

        "First take a shower and brush your teeth."

When he got up, he found that Minerva had still kept  the ankle cuffs on him. He
could take only very small steps,  a few inches at a time. This was her way of
making sure that  he did not think of escaping. He went into the bathroom and 
started the shower. Minerva was an expert in whipping men.  While his body was
covered with welts, none of the welts  drew blood. Jon winced with pain as the
hot water hit the  welts.

When he came out, she phoned Janice upstairs. "Janice are you awake?"

Janice, who had just woke up, yawned mightily. "Yes, Minerva. I will be down
shortly." Athena did not sleep over that night (Athena was a physician, she had
a thriving practice and she lived separately), so she was alone.

          "You are now going to meet your Goddess. You know her as Janice. You
will address her as Goddess." Jon nearly said "Yes, mistress", but caught
himself in time. Only a grunt escaped him. Minerva smiled. "Very good, Jon. You
are learning. Now greet your Goddess properly when she enters the room." Jon
wasn't sure how to greet his 'Goddess'.

          Janice hastily pulled a wrap around her and went into the basement. As
she entered Jon's room, Jon crawled to her on his hands and knees and kissed
both her feet. He hoped this was good enough. Janice, however, recoiled when she
saw Jon.

        "Naked, hairy ape. How gross, disgusting. Put some clothes on him,

         "You did not tell me you are a complete lesbian, with revulsion of male
body. I will take care of it." She gave Jon a nightie to put on.

          "This is the nightie your Goddess used yesterday, so it is suitable
for you."

After Jon put on the nightie, he again crawled on his hand and feet and kissed
Janice's feet. Then he waited at her feet.

          "That's better. Can we please get on with it, Minerva. I have to go to
work soon".         

          "Certainly. Jon, you have to work for your food here. You have to lick
Janice to orgasm. You have got an hour. The more times you bring her to a
climax, bigger will be your portion of food and water that day. Now begin." She
started a stop watch.

Janice removed her wrap. She was naked underneath. She sat on the edge of the
sofa and spread her legs. John could see her dense, dark bush with coarse, black
hair. Her pussy was already moist. John put his head between her thighs and
tentatively licked her pussy. She had not showered yet, so he could smell and
taste sweat, urine and her vaginal juices.

Jon had gone down on women before. However, that was sex during a date, after
dinner. There the girl was always properly washed and sometimes perfumed. Also,
many of them had trimmed or shaved pussies. This was the first time he was
licking rank, unwashed, unkempt pussy.

Minerva preferred it this way. She wanted him to get familiar with all the
tastes and smells of Janice, get used to them. This was a step towards making
him dependent upon Janice. However, Jon did not know any of this. He was hungry
and if the only way he was going to get food was by licking Janice's dirty
pussy, so be it.  Janice had not had any sex with Athena for a few days prior to
this, so she was already horny. She wanted to make it easy for Jon on the first
day, so that he won't have any problem bringing her to multiple orgasms. While
she did not like men and was a pure lesbian, she did not have the mean, vicious
streak required to feminize a man forcibly.

Athena had that streak, but she hated men so much that she avoided any contact
with men, whenever possible. Even all her patients were women, she had never
treated a man, on principle.

Minerva, on the other hand, did not have any such hang ups. She was mean,
vicious and cruel. She did not hate men, feminization was just part of the job
and she enjoyed doing it.  John parted Janice's dense bush with his tongue and
after some searching, located the pink folds of her vagina. He inserted his
tongue deep into Janice's pussy. Janice moaned when she felt his tongue touch
her clitoris. He held her clitoris in between his teeth and nibbled on it very
gently. Janice climaxed instantly. Vaginal juices gushed out of her.

Jon sat back on his haunches and looked up at her,  unsure of what she wanted
him to do. Should he lap up her  vaginal juices? However, the question was
answered for him.  Minerva handed Janice a dish with a small sliced loaf of 
bread on it. One by one, Janice took the slices of bread and  soaked them in her
vaginal juices. She wiped her pussy dry  with the last slice. When she was
finished, she said to him

        "OK, Jon. You can start again."

This time it took him longer to bring her to  climax. However, when she
climaxed, she gushed out more  juices than before. She soaked another loaf of
bread with  her vaginal juices. Jon saw that some of the slices had her  pussy
hair stuck to it and he was not looking forward to  eating that.  He was able to
bring her to orgasm twice more after that. This time, instead of soaking bread
in her vaginal juices, she washed her pussy in a litter of water each.

          "Not bad, Jon. You have two loaves of bread and two litters of water
for next twenty four hours. You won't starve, at least for a day." Minerva said
to him.

          "Now, Jon, you will have to lick your Goddess' ass for five minutes,
to show your devotion to her. Lie down on your back."  Jon obeyed, wincing with
pain as his bruised back came in contact with the carpet. Janice squatted down
on his face, her asshole conveniently in contact with his lips. He almost gagged
at the smell. Janice had not showered for almost twenty four hours and the smell
was very ripe. Jon hesitated before starting on her ass. Minerva noticed his

          "Jon, if you refuse to lick her asshole, I will wash her asshole with
your drinking water."    
When Jon heard this, he started licking her ass right away. Unlike any woman he
had dated, Janice had hair in her asshole. He had never licked a woman's ass
before, so he wasn't sure what to do. He planted small kisses on her smooth,
white ass cheeks and then kissed her asshole. Her asshole was very tight
(Janice, of course had never had anal sex, except when she was abused by her
father). He lubricated her asshole with generous amount of saliva. This loosened
up bits of tissue paper into his mouth, which he swallowed. Then he found it
easier to penetrate her asshole. He inserted his tongue into her asshole,
fighting back the nausea. He knew if he threw up, the consequences for him would
not be good.

After licking her ass for five minutes, Janice told him to stop. He withdrew his
tongue and planted a small kiss on her asshole. Janice got up from his chest.

        "Well, I better get ready, I have to go to work." Janice went upstairs
and went to shower.

        Jon crawled over to Minerva, and kissed both her feet. "Yes, Jon, what
is it?"

        "Mistress, please could I have a drink of water?"

        "You want to get rid of the bad taste in your mouth?"

        "Yes, ma'am."

        "Well, it is time for your breakfast anyway."

Minerva gave Jon two slices of bread and a cup of water. She also handed him a
few pills to take with water. "Since your diet here will consist of bread and
water, some of the pills represent vitamin pills, Calcium pills, protein
supplements etc. You don't have to know what the rest are. Your treatment has
been worked out by Dr. Athena, your Goddess' lover." Jon, of course, guessed
that the rest were feminizing hormones.

She put the rest of bread and water in the refrigerator. Jon was very hungry,
but started to eat the bread in small bites, to make it last longer. Both bread
and water had strong smell of Janice's pussy.

After he had finished, Minerva said to him "Now your training begins. Strip and
go to the bathroom again. There you will find Nair. The directions are on the
bottle. When you come out of the bathroom, I don't want to see a single hair
anywhere, except on your head. Is that clear?"

        "Yes, ma'am."

        "Good. Any stray hair will lead to punishment."

Jon emerged from bathroom after half an hour. Minerva had him stand in the
center of the room and examined his body in detail, from all angles. This was
Jon's first time to remove the hair from his body. He still had hair left in a
couple of places.

          "You still have some hair left on your neck and your right arm." She
showed him with mirrors. "That has earned you five strokes of the whip. And what
about your clitty?"

          "Sorry, ma'am. My clitty?"

          "Yes, your penis. It will be known as your clitty from now on. Why did
you not shave it?"  
        "I am sorry, mistress. I did not know I had to remove the hair down
there. Please, give me another chance, don't add to my punishment." He got down
before her and kissed her feet. He was in mortal dread of her whip.

        "Well, I am inclined to be lenient. Considering the amount of hair that
is still left, it is worth at least fifty strokes. But I will add only five
more. So the total is ten stroke. I am being fair, aren't I?"

          "Yes, mistress. Thank you mistress." He again kissed her feet.

          "OK, now go and do a good job. If I find any hair left, it will
greatly add to your punishment." This time when he came out, his body was truly

          "Good. Now see that bottle of body cream over there?  Rub the cream
all over your body. From now on you will have  to do it every time you take a
bath. Also no more showers  for you. You must take baths from now on. I will
show you  how to take a bath tomorrow. Is that clear?"

        "Yes, ma'am."

        "Now bend over, touch your toes." As Jon bent over, Minerva took a dab
of Vaseline and thoroughly lubricated his asshole. She inserted a butt plug into
his asshole. Jon got the felling of fullness, that of being stuffed, in his ass.
It was very uncomfortable. Minerva noticed his discomfort.

          "Don't worry, you will get used to it. After a while, you won't even
know that you are wearing one. Now when you walk, try to walk with a wiggle in
your ass. That is more feminine. In a few days I will get an instructor for you,
who will teach you how to walk and give you lessons in deportment in general.
But until then, try wiggling you ass when you walk."         

When she was finished, she pointed to his bed. She  had laid out clothes on his
bed. "Start with panties and  bra. Don't forget the breastforms. They are size
36D. The  Goddess has not yet decided what size your breasts will be,  but they
will do for now. You will also have to wear a  corset. We must mold your figure
to look like that of a  woman."

          He picked up the panties and the bra. Both were dirty. Panties looked
like some woman had worn them, He could smell the rank, musty smell of the
crotch. Bra had sweat stains on it. He crawled over to Minerva, panties and bra
in her hand, kissed her feet and waited for her to speak.


        "The panties and bra are dirty, mistress."

        "No, they are not. They belong to your Goddess, she had worn them
yesterday during her workout. Each day you will wear panties and bra worn by
your Goddess the previous day. You must get used to all the scents and tastes of
your Goddess. Nothing that belongs to your Goddess is dirty for you."

          She smelled the bra and wrinkled her nose. "The smell is a bit ripe.
She really must have been working out in this one. Oh, well, you will get used
to her smells all the quicker."

          He put on panties and the bra and inserted the breastforms in his bra.
Minerva measured his waist.

        "We will have to reduce it by four inches, at least." She said,
producing a corset.

          "Now hold on to the door handle and bend over. I will strap your
corset." She used all her strength (and she was a strong woman) to pull the
straps as tight as possible. While she was tying his corset, Jon fainted. She
revived him with smelling salts and continued.

          "Now put on the dress." She said when she was  finished. Jon noticed
that the corset also acted as a girdle  and it pressed his genitals flat against
his body, so that  his clitty was well hidden. The final step was to put on a 
blonde wig. After Jon put on the dress, she asked him to  look in the mirror. He
was astonished at the transformation.  He did not look like a woman, he still
looked like a man,  but he had acquired the figure of a woman. He was more than 
halfway towards being transformed into a woman.

        Just then an a beautiful young redhead came into the basement. "Hello,
Susan." Minerva greeted her.

        "Jon, this is Susan. She is going to teach you how to put on make up,
lipstick and other cosmetics. She will teach you for two days. At the end of it,
there will be a quiz. Let us not discuss what will happen if you do not get a
passing grade . Let us just say the first day you spent here will seem like a
picnic if I have to punish you for failing the quiz. You better pay careful
attention to what Susan teaches you."

          "Hello, Jon. Let us go to the make up table. Don't be scared. Pay
attention and I am sure you will do OK."

          "Well, I will leave you to it. I will go and get some breakfast."
Minerva left them to work on the make up.

Jon's training went on for most of the day. At lunch time, Susan gave him some
of his bread and water, as she was instructed by Minerva. She felt sorry for him
and decided not to eat her lunch in front of him, but went into outside room,
taking care to lock the room behind her.     

Jon thought of escaping. However, Minerva had put the fear into him. His body
was still sore all over because of the beating and he knew he was getting more
that night. Minerva was probably upstairs and if he got caught while escaping,
he would be in for a much worse beating. Also, he still had ankle cuffs, which
made it impossible to take steps longer that a few inches at a time. This
combined with five inch heels he was forced to wear (and were locked on his
feet) made the thought of escape impractical.

After dinner, Minerva said to him "Now we are going to have some fun, Jon. Get
undressed. Jon was soon standing naked before her. He hadn't had sex for a few
days and immediately got an erection. Minerva noticed it and smiled.

          "Trying to be a big man, are we? I'll take care of that. Bend over."
As he bent over, she removed his butt plug in one swift motion. He had empty
feeling in his ass and he wasn't sure which he liked more. She put a liberal
amount of KY jelly into his asshole and rubbed it in, inserting her fingers into
his asshole.

            "Now lie down on your back." As Jon lay down, he saw Minerva stand
over him. She raised her skirt, revealing a long, thin black strap-on dildo.

          "Put your legs on my shoulder." She inserted the dildo into his
asshole. Since his asshole was already dilated it went in quickly. As she
started fucking him with slow, deliberate strokes, Jon kept staring at her, fear
in his eyes.

Minerva preferred to fuck a man on his back, rather than on his hands and knees.
If he was on his back, he could see her massive form towering above him and it
intimidated him, made his humiliating position apparent to him and hastened his
submission and feminization. Also she liked to see the fear in his eyes. She
usually stayed fully clothed, while the man was naked, thereby emphasizing his

The sight of Minerva fucking him was too much for him. He closed his eyes. When
Minerva saw that, she said to him "Jon, when I am fucking you, you must keep
your eyes open all the time. Is that clear?" "Yes, ma'am." He replied.

She bent down and kissed him hard, not missing a beat in the process. She was
trying to locate his prostrate. With her experience in fucking men, she found
his prostrate quickly. As she expertly messaged his prostrate with the strap-on,
he ejaculated copiously. The whole process was over in a few minutes. Her
purpose was to bring him to climax as quickly as possible, by locating his

        "All right, that is enough fun. Now it is time for punishment."

Minerva had him lie on his back and tied him to the bed. His back and ass were
covered with welts and it may not be a good idea to beat him on his back again,
she thought. As she swished the whip through air, she said to him

          "This is going to hurt much more than yesterday, since I have to whip
you on your front, but it will be an incentive for you to be a good girl." Again
Janice's dirty panties went into his mouth as a gag and the beating started. Jon
started crying almost immediately, he could not believe how much worse it was
compared to the previous day.

            "Now clean up and to bed with you. There is the nightie your Goddess
wore yesterday on the bed. Wear that when you sleep."

          As Jon cried himself to sleep, Minerva mentally reviewed his progress
on the first day. She was generally pleased by his progress. She charged a flat
fee for feminization, so she had an incentive to finish the process as quickly
as possible.

The next day she woke him up early. "You must be ready by the time Goddess gets
down. Be quick about it."

He went through the routine, this time taking a bubble bath rather than a
shower. The flowery smell of bath water, along with the body cream he used
afterward, made him feel like he was becoming a woman. Again he had to wear
Janice's dirty panties and bra. He also put on make up, he had learned well the
previous day. However, when Janice came down, this time he was dressed as a
woman, rather than being naked.

When Janice saw him, she was astounded. "Athena told me you are good, Minerva,
but I had no idea you were this good. He is halfway to becoming a woman."

          "Only outwardly, dear. He still has a long way to go. Now, Jon, time
to earn your keep."     
Jon's life settled in a routine. However, there were changes as days went along.
Minerva fucked him with a strap- on for two days. One of her  purposes was to
humiliate him, of course, but the bigger purpose was that she wanted to get a
measure of his prostrate, find out exactly where it was located.

          End of second day he had his final examination in doing the make up,
which he passed with flying colors. The third day he had another teacher.

          "I am Shirley. I am here to teach you to walk like a woman, to give
you lessons in feminine manners and deportment. The butt plug you are wearing
will help you walk like a woman, but let us start with this book. Put it on your
head and practice walking, without dropping the book."

That evening, Minerva again asked him. "You have made good progress Jon. Would
you like to have sex?"

        "Yes, mistress, please." Even though it was humiliating to be fucked by
this woman, that was the only way he was allowed to climax.

However, instead of putting on the strap-on, Minerva sat down on a chair and she
put a plastic sheet on her lap. She also put a pair of dirty panties (Janice's)
on one of her thighs.

          "Come lie down on my lap. Jon."

Instead, he crawled over to her and kissed her feet.

          "Yes, what is it?"

          "Please don't punish me, mistress. What did I do wrong?"

          "You did not do anything wrong. You are having sex. Now lie down my
thighs quickly or there will be no sex today."

Jon wondered what was happening. However, he lay down on her lap, as ordered by
her. The strong smell of Janice's pussy assaulted his nostrils. She started
spanking him on his bare bottom. As she was spanking him with one hand, she
inserted the dildo into his asshole with the other hand. She coordinated strokes
of spanking with strokes of the dildo. After about ten minutes of severe
spanking, she unerringly touched his prostrate. By fucking him twice before, she
already knew the location of the prostrate. Jon came copiously on the plastic

She dumped him on the floor and lay down the plastic mat before him. "Clean it
with your tongue, dear. This is how you are going to have sex from now on." She
said to him. She wanted him to associate spanking and the smell of Janice's
pussy with sex. As she watched him lapping up his own juice, his red ass
sticking up in the air, she was pleased with his progress.

After a few days, there was another change. Now, she left out the dildo
altogether. She just spanked Jon, with his nose buried in Janice's pussy soaked
panties. Jon came after a while. She had conditioned Jon to cum by a combination
of spanking and the smell of Janice's pussy.          The next day, there was
yet another change. That evening, Janice herself came down. She had taken the
day off that day, and under Minerva's direction, did not wash her pussy when she
showered, but had carefully preserved the smell of her pussy.

          "Time for your sex, Jon." She had him lay down on her  lap. She was
not wearing any panties, but had put a plastic  mat loosely on her thighs. As
Jon lay down, he could smell  the strong, ripe smell of her pussy and he
instantly got an  erection.  When Janice started spanking him, he was ready to 
climax, and she did not have to spank him more than 2-3  minutes before he
ejaculated, more copiously than ever  before.

From then on, that became the routine. Eventually Janice did not have to remove
her panties, her smell even with panties on was enough to turn him on. However,
he still could not cum without getting spanked. Minerva used to spank him from
time to time as a punishment. However, he did not get excited at that. He had
been conditioned to get excited with the combination of spanking and the smell
of Janice's pussy.

Janice could not associate with him in the beginning,  he looked too much like a
man. After a few days, he had  learned how to put on make up, how to dress and
walk as a  woman. Minerva also had a voice expert come in so that he  learned to
talk in a high pitched voice.

Finally Janice declared him to be enough of a woman so that she could feel
comfortable in associating with him. That night, she came down before going to

          "Now, Jon, you are going to love this part, which will become a daily
routine." Minerva informed him."  You have become enough of a woman so that you
are worthy to talk to your Goddess. I will be over in the next room." She put
the handcuffs and ankle cuffs on him and left the room.

Janice looked at him. He was beautifully made up. His hair was bleached blond
and while still short was now long enough to style into a feminine hair style.
He was wearing a modest dress, with garter and stockings. He was wearing high
heels.  In short, he looked every bit a woman.

          "Come over here, Jon and lay down on my lap."

Jon hobbled over to her. He just lay on her lap looking at her. Janice had just
showered was not wearing any perfume or make up (again Minerva's suggestion).
Minerva's theory was that Jon should get used to her bodily smells, her
pheromones.  This was a part of the process in making him dependent upon her.

Jon looked up at her. She looked stunningly beautiful, even without any make up.
He could smell the faint smell of her pussy and he was excited. Janice bent down
and kissed him deeply, inserting her tongue in his mouth. He was in heaven. He
sighed as she broke the kiss.

        "It's OK, Jon. While you are with me, you may speak freely about
anything. The only subjects not under discussion are why you are here or what
will happen to you. You must address me as Goddess, however."

          "Thank you ,Goddess. How far are you going to take this feminization

         "Don't you like it?"

          "No, I don't. Why are you doing this? I haven't done anything to you.
On the contrary, from the moment I saw you, I worshipped you."

          "That is not for discussion, remember? And if you worshipped me, I
suppose it is only proper that you should call me Goddess. Minerva tells me you
have been a good girl, she only had to beat you on two or three occasions. So
the best course for you is to obey Minerva, and not worry your pretty head about
the future." She told him ruffling his hair and kissing him on the forehead.

          "Could I at least have something else to eat besides bread and water?"

         "I will see what I can do. I will talk to Minerva."

The next morning Janice came down as usual and handed Minerva a package. Then
Jon brought her to climax, again four times, thus earning his two loaves of
bread and two liters of water for the day. When he did his five minutes of ass
worship, he was surprised that her asshole smelled strongly of hot dog. He
wondered about that.

However, at breakfast time Minerva said to him "You are in for a treat today,
Jon. You mentioned to the Goddess yesterday that you would like something else
to eat. So she brought over two hot dogs." She put one in the refrigerator and
put the other one on his slice of bread.      
Jon sniffed at the hot dog. It again smelled strongly of Janice's pussy. As he
rolled his finger over the hot dog, he could feel the slimy coating over it. He
put the finger in his mouth. It was indeed Janice's pussy juice. He looked up at

          "The Goddess slept overnight with the hot dog inside her pussy, so it
has a strong flavor of what to you should be Ambrosia. She had sex with Athena
before that, so it is also generously coated with her pussy juice. The hair you
see stuck to the hot dog are her pussy hair. Now eat everything up."

By now Jon had come to like the taste of Janice's pussy secretions. However, the
thought of eating her pussy hair revolted him. However, he closed his eyes and
ate his hot dog sandwich. After eating only bread for a few days, the hot dog
tasted absolutely delicious. He did not even notice when he swallowed her pussy
hair. As he finished his water, Minerva said to him         

          "The Goddess had the other one in her ass overnight, so it has a
different flavor. You will get that at dinner time."

That night during their usual chat Janice asked him "How did you like the treat
I gave you, Jon?"

          "It was very nice. Thank you. Goddess."

         "You are lying, aren't you?"

        "Well, yes, Goddess. I liked the one dipped in your pussy, but I did not
care much for the other one."

          "I told you, you may tell me anything that is on your mind. Well, even
if you did not like the one dipped in my ass, you have to take the rough with
the smooth, I guess." From then on the hot dogs became a part of his diet three
or four times a week. Eventually Jon came to like the one that had been in
Janice's ass overnight.

A few days into his training, Jon found Janice unusually dry in the morning.
Even after frantic ministrations on his part, he was only able to bring her to
climax only three times. As a result he had only one liter of water to last him
through the day. When Minerva saw this, she took out a baby bottle from the
freezer compartment and put it in the refrigerator.

That day Jon's assignment was to read a romance novel and answer the quiz
afterwards, which Minerva had prepared. The only trick was that he was supposed
to give the answers that a woman would give, so he had to figure out what would
be the woman's viewpoint.

It took him most of the day to read the novel. After Jon finished reading the
novel, it was time for his aerobic exercises, before the quiz. Minerva had Jon
do half an hour of brisk aerobic exercises every day, to keep him in shape. Jon
welcomed this opportunity, as this was one of the few times when his corset was
removed and he was also free from ankle cuffs.

When Jon finished his exercise, he was thirsty. However, his water supply was
finished. Minerva took out the baby bottle from the refrigerator full of
yellowish liquid and screwed a nipple on it.

        "Would you like some apple juice, Jon?"

        "Yes, ma'am. Thank you." Jon answered, wondering why Minerva was being
so nice to him.        
 She sat down on a chair. "Come lie down on my lap." As he lay down, she cradled
his face in her hand and kissed him on the forehead. Then holding his face
tightly against her bosom, she forced the nipple into his mouth. He started
sucking on the nipple. Then he heard Minerva say         

         "This is your Goddess' apple juice, sweetie. It was frozen right after
it came out of her well, so it is sterile, germ free. You don't have to worry
about catching anything. Why, it is more germ free than the water you drink."

Jon was revolted and he tried not to suck. However, Minerva squeezed the plastic
bottle and piss started flowing into his mouth. He refused to swallow.

          "Is the baby having difficulty swallowing mommy's golden nectar? Maybe
nanny can help." She thumped his chest and Jon swallowed the mouthful in a gulp.

          "Now, baby, we can do it the easy way or the hard way. Easy way is for
you to be a good girl and finish the bottle. The hard way, well, let us not talk
about it."

Jon remembered the beatings he had received with the whip. Although he had not
been beaten in a few days, the memory still lingered and he decided not to test
Minerva's resolve. He started sucking on the nipple vigorously. When Minerva
noticed this, she was pleased. She kissed him on the forehead. Jon shut his eyes
and tried not to think of the taste.

          "That's a good baby, Now drink it all up. Mommy's golden nectar is
good for you."

After he was finished, Jon was more thirsty than before. However, he would have
to wait until the next day.

          "Now go get ready to meet your Goddess. Be sure to brush your teeth
and use plenty of mouthwash. The Goddess does not like piss breath." This time
Minerva stood watch over him to make sure that he did not drink the tap water
while getting ready.

That night he cried in the ample bosom of his Goddess, Janice. "Oh, Goddess, it
was gross, what Minerva made me do."

Janice comforted him with kisses. "There, there, sweetie. Don't cry. Minerva had
to teach you a lesson, honey. You are supposed to bring me to orgasm four times
and you did not do your job."  
       "But you were unusually dry, Goddess. I tried, but couldn't do it."

Janice took out a lace handkerchief. She wiped his eyes.

          "That is not an excuse, sweetie. However, I will think of ways to help
you. Blow in the handkerchief, dear. Go on, blow your nose." She wiped his nose.
"Now you better get ready for bed."

After he had gone to bed, Janice discussed the problem with Minerva. She also
outlined a solution. Minerva chuckled when she heard what Janice had to say.

          "Janice, you surely have a wicked imagination. I would never have
thought of it."         

         "But do you think will it work?"

          "I think it has a very good chance of working. We will try it."

The next morning after Jon get ready, Minerva talked to  him before Janice came
down for her daily orgasms.

        "Jon, we are going to try something new. I want you  to think only of
your Goddess and nothing else when you are  pleasuring her. So after your
morning classes, you will  spend an hour sketching the pussy and asshole of your 
Goddess. Pay careful attention to different features when  you are pleasuring
her. Note the size of her pussy lips, how  big are the folds, how big is the
clitoris, what shape it is, any moles she may have  etc. You will have to be
very attentive when using your  tongue. Also use your eyes whenever possible."

          "I will see the sketches after a few days and check them against her
pussy and asshole. If you do not get a passing grade, you will be punished. In
addition, there will be a quiz after a few days on how to pleasure your Goddess.
Note where her erogenous zones are both in her pussy and her asshole, how to
arouse her quickly and intensely, whether she likes the clitoris to be gently
nibbled or gently bitten or just pressed in between your teeth, you must make a
detailed study of her pussy and her asshole. Does she like it if you take her
pussy hair or asshole hair in your mouth and chew on them? Does that make her
cum quickly? You will be asked questions about it on your quiz and I will
personally verify your answers with my lips and tongue."

        "You will be punished if you do not get a passing grade. From now on,
when you are pleasuring your Goddess, think of nothing but her pussy and her

Jon was scared when he heard this, but resolved to pay particular attention to
how to pleasure Janice. That day he paid particular attention to Janice's pussy,
trying to remember the details. Also he tried various techniques to see which
aroused her fastest.

Since that day forward, he did not have any difficulty licking her to four
climaxes in an hour. Over the days, he became quite an expert in Janice's pussy
and asshole.  Minerva complimented him on his sketches and he passed the quiz
with flying colors. Jon was a very good pupil and rarely got the failing grade.
However, Minerva would find some excuse to whip him from time to time. She
didn't want to make life too easy for him.

After about four weeks, Jon's transformation was almost complete. One morning as
Janice came down, Jon greeted her as usual, on his hands and knees. When Janice
saw him, she realized how ravishing he looked. Most of it was make up, clothes ,
mannerisms and deportment. They had put him on mild hormone doses, but not much.
He was still mostly a man inside.

However, that was difficult to tell just by looking at him. What Janice saw was
a beautiful young woman, dressed in conservative, casual clothes, much like a
housewife would. He was also beautifully made up. Janice could not resist it.
She took him in her arms and pressed her lips down hard on his, inserting her
tongue deep into his mouth.

        Unfortunately, she always came down first thing in the morning, without
showering or brushing her teeth. Jon almost gagged on her morning breath. He had
already brushed, with plenty of mouthwash (Minerva's standing orders). As her
tongue started exploring his mouth, he felt himself heaving, but controlled
himself with difficulty. He steadied himself by putting his arms around her neck
and he started sucking on her tongue. He licked the coating of slime off her
tongue. After what seemed to him an eternity, she broke the kiss and stood back,
still holding him close to her. Several strands of her sticky, foul smelling
saliva still connected their lips together. She yawned mightily, again giving
him he awful whiff of her morning breath.

          "Minerva, you are a genius. You have trained Jon very  well. OK, Jon,
let us get on with it." He lay down on the  carpet. She opened her robe and sat
down on Jon's face, her  pussy in direct contact with his lips. By then Jon knew 
every nook and cranny of her genitals and her asshole.  During the usual ass
worship, he was able to bring her to  climax for the first time, just by licking
her ass. She got  an extra bonus orgasm.

That evening, Minerva, Athena and Janice had a meeting to discuss Jon's
feminization. "I am impressed with Jon's progress so far. You do good work,
Minerva." Janice began.

          "Just doing my job, dear."

          "I told you she was good." Athena said to her.

          "Well, what do we do now?"

          "Why, we proceed with phase two, of course, like we planned."

          "Phase two is risky, isn't it?"

        "Yes, but if you want to make him totally dependent upon  you, it is
necessary. Besides, it is not really difficult."

          "We don't really need you for phase two, do we, Minerva?" Athena asked

          "No. The two of you can handle it. I planned on staying for phase one
only, the payment you made included only phase one. Phase two will cost you
extra. But you will be throwing money away, in my opinion."

          "I don't know. Do you think we can handle it, darling?" Janice asked

          "Of course we can, dear. I will help you." Athena kissed her lightly
on her lips.

          "And I will be just a phone call away, if you need me. My next
assignment is in town, I am not going anywhere. I could come to help if

          "Well, I guess we go ahead with phase two. What does it involve?"

          "We must cut down on estrogen and also on testosterone blocker. It is
risky, I know. But it has to be done. I will also start him on mild
hallucinogens, in a couple of days." Athena told her.  
        "I will be here for another four days, then I need a day off before I
start on another project." Minerva told her.

          "OK, let us get on with it, then."


That evening Janice hugged Jon tightly to her. Their  usual sitting arrangement
was for him to sit on a stool a  foot lower than her sofa. That way his face
came to the  level of her ample breasts, thereby establishing her  superior
position over him. Caressing his hair gently with  her fingers, she said

        "Jon, sweetie, Phase One of your feminization is complete. We will start
with phase two shortly."

        "What is phase two, Goddess?"

        "Well, for one thing, Minerva is too harsh, too cruel. I don't like the
way she is treating you. So I am going to ask her to leave."

          "You are? Thank you, Goddess. She creeps me out, there is something
mean and nasty about her." He buried his face in her soft, generous bosom.

          "You noticed that, did you? Good for you. I will get another Mistress
for you." She kissed him lightly on the forehead.

          "Couldn't you take over, Goddess, instead of getting somebody else?"
Jon inquired, looking up at her hopefully.

          "Would you like that, if I feminized you?"

          "Oh, very much so, Goddess. That will be great."

          "Well, I will see what I can do. It may be difficult to find time with
my busy job, but let me think about it." She held his face in her hand and
kissed him passionately on the lips. As her tongue was freely roaming in his
mouth, Jon was immensely grateful to her. Being feminized by Janice would be a
piece of cake compared to the harsh treatment meted out by Minerva. He, of
course, did not see the absurdity in his logic. A few weeks ago, the very
thought of being feminized would have horrified him, but now he positively
looked forward to being feminized by Janice.

        "What is phase two, Goddess?"

        "Well, so far your training has been behind closed doors. Phase two
involves taking you outdoors. We will take you to beauty salons, shopping, to
restaurants as a woman and you will have to pass as one, unless you want to be
recognized as a man dressed as a woman."

The next few days, his daily schedule was pretty relaxed. Minerva mainly asked
him to read romantic novels. At the end of each day there would be a quiz. He
had to get a passing grade on the quiz, but that was no problem. He, of course,
had to earn his food the usual way, by bringing Janice to climax. By now, he was
thoroughly conditioned, so that the only way he could climax was by Janice
spanking him for 5-10 minutes, while he smelled her pussy.

However, Jon was getting increasingly apprehensive and restless. He did not like
the idea of going outdoors as a woman. It was one thing to dress up indoors, but
once he stepped outside, it was irreversible. He still had the faint hope that
Janice will tire of feminizing him and let him go. Now, however, he knew that it
wouldn't happen and he seriously started thinking about escaping again. Now that
Minerva was leaving, perhaps he will get a chance. He decided to keep his eyes

Then one day, Minerva was in an unusually foul mood. When his quiz was complete,
she threw it down on the floor and said to him

        "You failed, you asshole. Failed miserably. You have to be punished."

        Jon crawled over to her and kissed her feet. She asked him "Well, what
is it?"

        "What did I do wrong on the quiz, Mistress?"

        "You worm, you don't have to do anything wrong. If I say you failed, it
means you failed. Don't give me any extra lip." She bent down and slapped him
hard on his cheek. He staggered back and fell down on the floor. He looked up at
her, surprised. This was unusually cruel, even for Minerva. So far her grading
of quizzes had always been fair.

          "That bitch, Janice. Where does she come off telling me that I am no
good at feminization, that I must leave? Me, who have been feminizing sissies
for years? She thinks she herself can do a better job than me. She is crazy."

She looked at him with a nasty gleam in her eyes. "Well, I am not going to leave
quietly. I will damage the merchandise before I leave. Now come over here and
get ready for a good whipping." 
Jon was suddenly very scared of her. Apparently Janice had been true to her word
and had asked her to leave. His adoration for Janice increased ten fold. Instead
of obeying her, he cringed and shrank back, trying to evade her.

Minerva smiled "Not obeying, eh? Good. I like it when they resist. I like to see
the fear in their eyes, it is a great stimulant."

In two bounds, she was upon him. She easily overcame his feeble attempts to
fight back. With his legs hobbled together with ankle cuffs, he was not in much
of a position to fight anyway. She tore off his dress and the panties he was
wearing underneath. She grabbed him and held him very close to her, clasping him
so tightly that he was afraid his ribs may crack. Tears of pain came to his
eyes. His face came to the level of her armpits and he could smell her deodorant
and a faint smell of her sweat. She took hold of the front of his bra strap and
yanked with all her strength. The hooks at the back broke with a snap and Jon
cried out in pain.

She released him. He was standing before her naked (except for breastforms) and
shaking with fear. She uncoiled the whip, which was coiled about her arm, raised
it and brought it down with a swishing sound. A moment later Jon felt
indescribable pain. He fell to the ground with a shriek. Minerva gave him ten
lashes with her whip.

At the end of it, he was a writhing, sobbing mess on the floor. Minerva removed
the ankle cuffs from him.

          "Go on, get dressed. I have to leave shortly. Damn that Janice. I was
having such a good time here."

        Jon went to the bathroom and washed up. Now he was more determined than
ever to escape. As he came out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around him,
he winced with pain. Minerva smiled. "It hurts, doesn't it? Good. Janice will
have something to remember me by. Now get dressed. I will put the ankle cuffs on
you again."

Jon put on his lingerie and the dress, down to his high heeled sandals, which
Minerva locked in place. As she was walking toward him with ankle cuffs in her
hand, her cellular phone went off. Minerva went to the table and picked up her
phone, ankle cuffs still in her hand.

          "Hello. Yes, what happened?"..." Oh, my God, no." She sat down. "When
did this happen?".. ."Yes, I will come over at once. No, damn it, I have to be
here a while longer. Oh, shit. Just a minute, he is getting away."

As Minerva was talking, Jon realized that he was free of hand cuffs or ankle
cuffs with nobody to stand guard over him. Minerva was involved deep in
conversation, evidently some kind of emergency. This was his chance. He made a
dash to the stairs. Just as he had reached the bottom, Minerva spotted him.

        "Hey, you asshole, get back here right away, or it will be hard for
you." She started after him. However, he reached the main floor. He saw Janice
and Athena engaged in an embrace, deeply involved in a kiss.

Jon ran towards the door. As he opened the door, he heard Janice yell, "Hey,
Jon, where do you think you are going? Come back right away."

However, Jon opened the door and he was in the outside world for the first time
in several weeks.

End of Part 2.

What will happen to Jon? Will he get his life back on track, or will he sink
deeper into BDSM and transgender lifestyle? Find out in part III.

Jon? John? What's the difference? Part III. There and Back Again

In part 1, Karoscan-34 and Dratto-29 (eleven dimensional creatures and
university students), changed the name of John Smith to Jon Smith in an
alternate universe, as part of their term project.

In part 2, largely as a result of the name change, Jon fell into the clutches of
Janice, an embittered lesbian (along with her lesbian and man hating lover, Dr.
Athena) and Minerva, a vicious and sadistic dominatrix. At the end of part 2, he
has managed to escape from Janice's dungeon (her basement).

Is he able to put his life back together now or does he keep sinking slowly into
trans gender and BDSM lifestyle? Find out in this part.

Disclaimer: This story is a work of fiction and all the characters are purely


Jon looked around. There was nobody about. He ran for a while before slowing
down. It was getting to be evening. It took him a few minutes to get his
bearings. He was about five kilometers from his apartment.

Then he realized that he was fully dressed as a woman. There was nothing to it
but continue the deception until he reached his apartment. Here his training
came in handy. He was mortally afraid of going out in public as a woman (that
was one of the reasons why he escaped from Janice's dungeon). However, now that
he had to do it, he did not find it too hard. The main thing he had to remember
was to walk with a slight wiggle to his hips (he was already taught to do that
by Minerva), which was easy enough with the high heels he was wearing.

There were few pedestrians about. John had a distinct feeling of discomfort. He
felt light headed, almost as if he was hallucinating. As he looked up, he was
horrified to see the massive shape of Minerva just a couple of meters from him.

"I know where you live, and I will come to get you." The shape snarled. Jon
rubbed his temples and looked up again. Minerva was gone. What a horrible
hallucination, he thought with a shudder. It was not easy to walk with high
heels, he realized that high heels really are meant to impress a man, and not
for walking. He tried to remove the high heels, but could not undo the locks.

It took him quite a while to reach his apartment. Then he realized that he did
not have the key to his apartment. Luckily he lived on the first floor. So he
was able to break in through a window. He would have to get the window fixed

While he was walking home, he could smell Janice's pussy from time to time, he
was still wearing her used panties. He meant to take them off when he reached
the apartment.

He shared the apartment with Derek. He found a note waiting from Derek.

Dear Jon,

Sorry I missed you before you left for Europe. I am away for summer. The food in
the fridge is for you. Have a good summer. See you in Fall.


Good old Derek, at least I won't starve tonight, Jon thought to himself as he
removed his dress and Janice's used panties. But now that he had removed them,
he felt strangely reluctant to part with them. He had got used to the smell of
her pussy. He knew if he threw it in the garbage, he may just retrieve them
later. Perhaps he could throw them away tomorrow, when he went out. After some
hesitation, he put them in a ziplock bag and put them in his trouser pocket. He
would decide what to do with them later.

As he opened the refrigerator door and saw the food inside, he realized that he
was positively ravenous. Also it would be a welcome change from the bread and
water he had been living on for the past few weeks.

He fixed himself a sandwich, got a beer and sat down to eat. Then he got a
shock. The sandwich (and the chocolate pudding he had afterwards) strongly
smelled of Janice's pussy. He knew that was impossible. Am I losing my mind? He
wondered. He found the smell of her pussy strangely appetizing. But what the
pussy smell real or was he imagining it? He should buy some wrapped food
tomorrow to see if it also smelled of her pussy, he thought to himself.

By the time he finished his meal, he was tired. He had received a severe beating
at the hands of Minerva, and had a long walk, in uncomfortable high heels. That
reminded him that he still had high heels on, locked on his feet. After fumbling
with them for a while, he got a pair of scissors and cut off the straps of the

He saw the photograph of his parents on the kitchen table. He saw the smiling,
loving face of his mother and he wondered if he should call her. All of a sudden
he longed to see her. Then he remembered that they were on a world cruise and
will be gone for a few more months. They were on their second honeymoon and it
would be a shame to disturb them. Then he saw that his mother was sitting on the
cooking range, smiling at him. He shook his head and looked away. When he looked
back, she had disappeared. Why am I hallucinating? He wondered.


He fell into his bed and was instantly asleep, with the image of his loving and
smiling mother still in his mind. He found himself to be an infant again. His
mommy had held him close to her bosom and he was suckling on her breast. He felt
safe and protected in his mommy's bosom, his chubby cheeks pressed against her
exposed, soft breast. He suckled and swallowed contentedly and noisily.

Eventually he was full and stopped suckling. However, his mommy had other ideas.
"Now, my little one, keep suckling. Mommy's milk is good for you." She gently
rubbed his cheek with her fingers and kissed him on the forehead. His instinct
took over and he started suckling again, against his wishes.

He was annoyed at his mommy. He bit down on her nipple hard. However, he had no
teeth and his pressing on her tit increased the flow of milk. This made his
mother happy. "That's a good boy. Keep sucking, sweetum. You will grow to be big
and strong."

All of a sudden, he found himself growing bigger and stronger. I will show her,
he thought, his lips clamped firmly on her nipple. He will remove his mouth from
her nipple and she won't be able to stop him, with his increased strength.

However, he found that while he was growing bigger, so was her breast, so that
the relative size of his mouth with respect to her breast did not change. He
noticed that she was growing bigger along with him. He tried to disengage his
mouth from her breast. However, her huge hand clamped down on his back and
pressed him even tighter to her soft, now gigantic breast.

"Now, now, little Joni. Don't be naughty. Be a good girl and keep sucking on
mommy's breast." A loud and booming voice bellowed down at him. But what shocked
him was that the voice was unmistakably that of Janice, and not of his mother.
Instead of his mother, he was now suckling at Janice's huge melon, now literally
as big as a water melon. His mother had turned into Janice.

By now he was a full grown man. However, Janice was several times bigger than
him and easily held him close to her breast. He again bit down on her breast.
However, while he had grown to adult proportion, he still had no teeth and his
biting down on her nipple had the same effect as before, it increased the flow
of milk.

But wait, was it milk? Why was it beginning to taste salty? It had also
developed a strange flavor. Soon he realized that the breast milk had turned
into Janice's pussy juice. He was sucking her pussy juice out of her breast.
Instead of the sweet smell of his mommy's breast, he smelled the musky, rancid
smell of sweat, piss and pussy. He again tried his best to disengage from her
breast, but to no avail.

She pinched his cheek painfully. "There, there, little Joni. Suck all you want,
sweetie. Mommy's pussy juice is good for you, you will grow up to be a good
girl, obedient to your mommy." She bent down and kissed him on the forehead, her
large, sharp incisors biting painfully into his skin. Her lips almost covered
his forehead. Tears of pain came to his eyes.

Now her breasts also spouted hair. He could feel the coarse, thick  hair prick
his cheeks painfully. He also had some hair in his mouth. Her pussy juice was
flowing freely. Jon again stopped suckling. However, now it made no difference,
the pussy juice still kept trickling into his mouth. He decided not to swallow,
but let it accumulate and flow out of his mouth.

The trickle became a steady stream. His mouth became full of her pussy juice and
he was about to choke, so he was forced to gulp it down. However, the stream now
became a torrent. He tried his best to gulp it down. But it overflowed his mouth
and started flowing down his cheeks and her breast.

Janice thrust her breast further inside with her hand, wedging it tightly in his
mouth. His jaws were parted wide to accommodate her gigantic nipple, still he
was barely able to hold it in. The hole in the nipple became wider and pussy
juice gushed into his mouth in a torrent. His jaws were beginning to hurt. He
could feel the pussy juice mixed with another acrid, pungent liquid. Wait a
minute, that is the taste of her piss, he recalled. The pussy juice was now
mixed with her urine. He could feel the liquid mixture enter his lungs. He felt
himself choking, gasping for breath. He was literally drowning in her pussy
juice. Oh, what a way to die. Jon found himself slowly fading away, choking on
Janice's body fluids.

Jon woke up screaming. He was gasping for breath. He was also drenched with
sweat. It took him a while to calm down. The first thing he noticed was that the
bedroom smelled strongly of Janice's pussy. He knew his senses were deceiving
him. He went to the windows and opened them wider. Eventually the smell went
away. He could also taste her pussy on his lips. Has she been here? He wondered.
But other than the pussy smell, there was no sign of her. He licked his lips and
checked his face for pussy hair. There was none. He wondered if he was losing
his mind.

While her pussy smell had gone away, the smell of her urine still lingered. Then
Jon noticed to his horror that it was his own urine he was smelling, not hers.
Then did he really smell her pussy or was that in his mind as well?  He had wet
his bed during the nightmare. What had they done to his mind? He probably will
have to see a psychiatrist very soon.

Then he noticed that he had a strong erection. Probably it was the effect of the
smell of Janice's pussy. He decided to masturbate. After trying a while, he
still had no success. Then he remembered her panties in the ziplock bag. He
removed the panties and held the crotch to his nose. As he deeply inhaled the
aroma of her pussy, his erection became stronger. However, he still had no
success in climaxing. He needed to be spanked while smelling Janice's pussy.
Only then he could ejaculate.

Out of desperation, he lay down on his stomach. Holding her panties pressed in
between  his nose and the mattress, he tried to spank himself with table tennis
paddle in one hand, while masturbating with the other hand. He mentally cursed
Minerva for messing with his mind. However, it was very awkward to spank himself
with one hand, he just could not get the proper leverage, it did not feel like
spanking. After a while, he was totally frustrated. While he still had erection,
he just could not ejaculate. His penis was now red and tender, because of his
ministrations. But no ejaculation. He really must see a psychiatrist. He gave up
in disgust and decided to clean up the mess. He put the panties back in the
ziplock bag and placed the bag in his trouser pocket. It took him a long time to
clean up after himself. He showered and fixed himself a snack.

As he went back to bed, he decided to phone a psychiatrist, the very next day
and get an appointment. By now his penis had gone limp, but still felt tender to
the touch.. It took him a long time to go back to sleep, and he slept fitfully
after that, waking up frequently. Twice he woke up from nightmares, shaking and


When he finally got up in the morning, he had a splitting headache. He washed
up, had breakfast and took a couple of aspirins. His headache became somewhat
better, but did not go away completely. Back to the grind, he thought. The first
thing he had to do was go to the administration office and sort out the
confusion about his name. Mr. Stewart had promised to set things right.

As he walked across the campus, he encountered very few students. The summer
term was over and most of the students had left the campus. In the
administration office, only a skeleton crew was present. The lady (Mrs. Evans)
he saw informed him that Mr. Stewart had not yet returned from his vacation. She
checked his name on the computer.

"Everything seems to be OK, Mr. Smith. You are in the computer as Jon and not
John. Evidently Mr. Stewart took care of it, as he had promised you."

However, Jon listened to her with only half a ear. Looking beyond her, he could
see the massive form of Minerva, wagging her finger at him and saying "I know
where you are, you asshole and I am coming to get you."

Mrs. Evans continued, oblivious to Jon's discomfort. "Now, Mr. Smith, there is
another matter.."

"What is she doing here? How did she get here?" He looked at Mrs. Evans.

"Who got here? What are you talking about , Mr. Smith?" Mrs. Evans looked behind
her. "There is nobody here, sir."

Jon looked beyond her again. Minerva was not there. Jon rubbed his temples.

"Are you all right , sir?" Mrs. Evans wanted to know.

"Yeah, sure. I am fine. Didn't get a good sleep last night, I am still a bit

"Do you want to see a doctor? Shall I call a taxi for you? The Student Health
Center should be open."

"No, I am OK. Thank you, but don't worry about me."

"Well, then there is another matter. Your tuition fee is overdue. You should
have paid last week. Could you give me a check now?"

He looked at his bank balance. He had barely enough to cover the tuition, but
there would be very little left afterwards. His credit card was maxed out, so no
help there. As he came out of the Administration Office, his first thought was
that he had to get a job. He had a job lined up, which he was gong to start
after he came back from Europe. However, he should have started the job weeks

He put a quarter in the phone and dialed his potential boss, without much hope.

"Hello, Ms. Wickham? This is Jon Smith."

"Jon Smith? Do I know you?"

"I was supposed to start a summer job with your company."

"Oh, yes. Now I remember. All summer jobs started a while ago. Where were you
until now?"

"You see, I have been sick."

"Oh, really." She was openly skeptical. "You don't sound sick to me. Why didn't
you contact us when you were supposed to start with us and let us know that you
were sick?"

"Look, I am sorry about all that. Is it possible to start my job now?"

"Since you did not inform us at the starting date, the job is filled. I will
tell you what, though. If you get a letter from your doctor saying that you have
been sick, we will offer you a summer job, should a vacancy arise."

"Thank you , Ms. Wickham."


He put the phone down in despair. He had to get a job soon, otherwise he won't
be able to eat. As he was walking to his apartment, he saw a small help wanted
sign in the window of a convenience store. He took the sign with him and went in
to inquire. A tall and handsome young man around twenty years of age (probably a
university student) was at the checkout counter.

"I have come about the job opening." Jon showed him the sign.

"I don't think we have a job opening. Let me check with the manager. I will go
and get Mrs. Greenfield."

Soon he came out with a short, dumpy looking woman, barely 5 feet tall and in
her late forties. She was also somewhat overweight.

"Mrs. Greenfield, this gentleman here says we have a job opening."

Mrs. Greenfield stared at him over her glasses meaningfully. "And do we?"

He appeared embarrassed. "No, ma'am. I don't think so. At least, I hope not."

"Well, you heard him, young man."

"Please, I am desperate. And I saw the sign in the window."

"What sign?"

"The 'help wanted' sign. Look" he showed her the sign.

Mrs. Greenfield was a scheming, calculating and quick thinking woman.

"Well, now, I am not saying there may not be a vacancy. Let us go inside and we
will discuss it."

The young man spoke up.

"Mrs. Greenfield, I am sorry about this morning. It won't happen again."

"Listen, Jimmy. You just mind the store. We will be back shortly."

She took him to her office and then on to the stock room. The stockroom was
cramped, littered with boxes and cartons of all kind.

"Now, what is your name, young man?"

"Jon Smith, ma'am."

"I am Priscilla Greenfield. You may call me ma'am or Mrs. Greenfield. Now, Jon,
if you satisfy me, I will make it worth your while."

"Satisfy you, ma'am?"

"Yes, bring me to a climax with your tongue and I will see what I can do. Are
you interested?"

Jon considered her offer. He had eaten Janice's pussy several times. While
Janice was gorgeous, a paragon of beauty compared to this dumpy old hag, how bad
could it be?

"I suppose so, OK."

"Lie down on the floor. I don't have a mattress or a sheet."

Jon lay down on his back on the bare floor, among the boxes, cobwebs and dirt.
Mrs. Greenfield removed her pantyhose and her panties. She squatted down on his
face, resting her massive, hairy thighs on his chest. A fishy, rank odor
assaulted his nostrils. Jon could see that her pussy hair was matted. As she
settled herself on his chest, with his face caught in between her thighs, she
lowered her skirt around his head, plunging him into darkness. He could smell
the dank, musky smell of her pussy mixed with the smell of her sweat. Jon
tentatively licked at her pussy hair. He could taste urine and her salty sweat.

"Now, Jon, my pussy hair is matted, disentangle it gently with your tongue and
your saliva. If you hurt me, I won't be impressed." The disembodied voice said
from above.

That morning she had had sex with her assistant, Jimmy. Her husband hadn't a
clue that she was sleeping with her hunk of an assistant. However, she was
always careful to wash her pussy thoroughly before she went to him (which was
rare these days, her husband was over the hill as far as sex was concerned).

However, this morning her husband was in a romantic mood. He had declared to her
his intention of taking her out for dinner and bowling afterwards. Of course,
she was way past the stage when she had to spend hours getting ready to go out.
These days she was ready before her husband. But there was a possibility he may
want sex after they got home. He would get suspicious if he saw her squishy,
soppy pussy already leaking cum before they even started.  She was thinking of
washing out her pussy before going out. But now this Jon Smith would do the job
for her and in a much more pleasant manner.

By licking her matted pussy hair with plenty of saliva, Jon finally managed to
loosen the hair and break through to her pussy. She was leaking semen through
her hole and Jon had to lap it up repeatedly. He easily found her clitoris, it
was much bigger than that of Janice. As he gently started nibbling on her
clitoris, she started to moan. However, just then her cellular phone rang out.

"Keep sucking and licking dear" Priscilla said to him as she answered the phone.

"Hello? Yes, this is Priscilla Greenfield. (covering the mouthpiece) Yeah, that
is it, you bastard, lick it right there, nibble on my clitty, but gently, mind
you. (removing her hand) Now listen Mr. Carter, when I ask you to send apples I
mean fresh apples and not some rejects that even a skid row bum wouldn't touch.
(Covering the mouthpiece), oooh, that feels good. Take my clitty in between your
teeth again and nibble on it, oh, God, does that ever feel good. (removing her
hand) No, I am not paying a penny for the apples. ...Yes, I will sell them for
what I get, so what? If you want your apples back, send somebody to get them and
let him take the spoiled apples back. (covering the mouthpiece) Yes, I am
leaking a lot, dear, lap it all up, don't make a mess on the floor. No I have
not climaxed yet, you are lapping up my honey juice mixed with Jimmy's semen."

For an instance, Jon did not understand what she was saying. Then it hit him.
Oh, my God, she wouldn't, he thought to himself. However, now he knew what that
slimy, gooey stuff leaking from her pussy was, he had wondered about that. He
had brought Janice to climax many times, but her pussy never dripped such
secretions. He kept licking vigorously, his talented tongue darting everywhere.
Mrs. Greenfield continued her monologue over the phone.

"What is the matter, are you deaf or something? I told you I am not paying you a
for the apples.... Yes, I keep what I get for apples. Now send someone to pick
up your apples or shut the fuck up. (covering the mouthpiece) Don't pull my
pussy hair, you shithead. Insert your tongue into my pussy as far as it will go.
Fuck my pussy as if your tongue was your cock. (removing her hand) Oh, yeah?
Well the same  to you, buddy. Do you want me to send samples of your apples to
other food stores? You won't get another order for apples in this city for as
long as you live. ...I thought not. So I can keep the apples for free?... Good,
I knew you would see my way... Not so fast. Send me a free shipment tomorrow as
well and we will call it even. ...OK, we are agreed, talk to you later then,
bye." "The asshole." She said to herself.

She put away the phone. By now she was dripping Jimmy's semen, mixed with her
pussy juice into his mouth at almost a steady pace. Jon was having a difficult
time of it, fucking her with his tongue while at the same time lapping up the
secretions coming out of her. Another problem was that he did not like the taste
and smell of her pussy (he adored the smell of Janice's pussy). Her pussy juice
had a bitter taste and a fishy odor to it. However, he could feel her building
to a climax.

She gripped his neck tightly with her hands and he could feel her small nails
dig painfully into his flesh. "Yeah, I am coming, you son of a bitch. Oooh,
yeah, here I come." Her juices gushed into his mouth and he had difficulty
lapping them all up. By squeezing her pelvis repeatedly, she was able to empty
her pussy completely into his mouth. By now some of her coarse, thick pussy hair
had gathered in his mouth. Just as he thought she was finished, she squeezed her
pelvis one final time and a huge gob of semen fell onto his tongue with a plop.
As he gulped down the semen, he ended up swallowing all the pussy hair. Jon
licked up all her frothy discharge and licked her pussy clean. He ended  by
planting a small kiss on her pussy lips.

Finally her pussy was totally empty. She gathered up her skirt around herself
and Jon saw the light of day. She kept sitting on his chest for a minute. She
was drenched with sweat and dripping onto his body.

"Wow, that was great, honey. Thanks."

Jon was thoroughly intimidated by this woman, he had seen how she had chopped
off the head of Mr. Carter. However, he asked her "What about the job, ma'am?"

"What job?"

"You promised me a job, Mrs. Greenfield."

"I did no such thing. There is no job available. Some teenagers must have put up
that 'help wanted' sign in the window. Just a teenage prank."

"Well, you did say you will make it worth my while."

"So I did." She opened her purse and took out a twenty dollar bill. "Here you
are. Worth every penny of it. Any time you feel like earning a twenty, do drop
by. Now get lost. I am busy."
That was excellent, she thought to herself contentedly. She really should ask
Jimmy to clean up his messes from now on. And she won't have to pay him a twenty
each time either.

Jon felt utterly cheap, humiliated and angry. She was treating him as if he was
a prostitute. However, he pocketed the twenty. He could use the money, however
ill gotten. He brushed the cobwebs from his clothes and from his hair. As his
hand went over his trouser pocket, he realized Janice's used panties were still
in his pocket. Then his mood changed.

"Uh, Mrs. Greenfield...." He began. However, Mrs. Greenfield did not let him

"Shit." She stood up on a carton. Even though she was much shorter than him, now
she towered over him. She took his face in her small, plump hand and squeezed
his cheeks. Her thumb and fingers dug painfully into his cheeks. Her graying
hair was matted to her head because of perspiration. Her face was dripping and
glistening and she smelled unpleasantly of her sweat.

"Do you have trouble understanding simple English, boy? There is no job, see, I
lied to you, I was horny." She yelled in his face, spraying his face with her
saliva. Jon did not wipe his face, he wanted a favor from her, he didn't want to
anger her any further.

"It's not that, ma'am. I know there is no job. It's just..." He was embarrassed
to complete the sentence.

Priscilla's attitude suddenly changed. "Oh, my dear, you are blushing. Whatever
is the matter?" She suddenly pulled him to her and kissed him on the forehead
and pressed his face tightly into her breasts. Jon almost gagged on the smell of
her sweat.

"It's just that, just that.. Will you please spank me, ma'am?" He said in a
muffled voice into her breasts. He tasted her salty sweat as he opened his

Priscilla was completely thrown off by this request. This was the last thing she
expected.  Still holding him tightly to her breasts, she held his face in her
hand and upturned it. "You like to be spanked, boy?" She said, looking down. Jon
looked up at her.

"Yes, ma'am."

"Why? What do you get out of it?"

"Well, that is the only way I can come, ma'am." He replied, blushing furiously.

"No reason we can't accommodate your desires, dear. That talented tongue should
be worth something. However, let us go into my office. I don't want to sit down
in this mess. But first, let us go into the store, I want to talk to my

"So Jimmy, still want to keep your job?"

"Yes, ma'am. Very much so, ma'am."

"OK, then ignore any sounds you hear from my office for the next while. Also, if
a customer comes in, make up a suitable story. You have your job, I am not going
to fire you."

"Thank you, ma'am. You can rely on me, I will cover for you."

"Let us go to my office, dear." Priscilla said to Jon.

Jon took out the ziplock bag with Janice's used panties in it. Priscilla sat
down in her big, comfortable chair.

"Now, Jon, get undressed, remove all your clothes. I want to see what I am
spanking." John was embarrassed to undress in front of her. However, he wanted
to ejaculate badly. Shamefaced, he removed all his clothes.

"There is no need to blush, dear. No, I take that back." She said, staring at
his semi erect penis. "My, my. We are tiny down there, aren't we?" Actually his
penis was about average size. However, Priscilla was always the one to twist the
knife. She knew Jon was not in a position to answer back to her.

"And why are you shaved smooth around your penis, like a girl?"

"It's a long story, ma'am."

"Well, then, let us spank the hell out of you first, then you can tell me all
about it. Now, I don't want to get my skirt or pantyhose dirty. Here is a box of
tissues. Make a ball of tissues around your penis, that should not take too many
tissues, for such a tiny weenie. Cover the tip completely. And what's with the
used panties?" Priscilla could clearly see the soiled crotch of Janice's

"I have to smell the panties while getting spanked, ma'am."

"Any panties, or are these panties of a particular woman?"

"They are of one woman, Janice."

"Did Janice do this to you?"

"Yes, ma'am."

"Interesting. How?"

"It's a...."

"Long story, I know. After you have climaxed, we really should have a long
chat." She spread a plastic sheet over her lap.

"Come on, now, get on my lap. How do I spank you? Do I use a paddle, a whip or
my hands?"

"Your hands will be fine, Mrs. Greenfield. Janice always used her hands."

Just as she was about to start, she paused.

"No, something is not right. What if you yell and scream while I am spanking
you?" Jon thought it unlikely, he didn't think a petit woman like Mrs.
Greenfield could spank that hard, but he did not say anything.

"Get up, honey." She stood up and retrieved her panties, which were lying
forgotten on the floor after she had removed them. Jon could see cobwebs, dirt
stuck to the panties. She asked Jon to lie on her lap again and stuffed her used
panties into his mouth. Her panties were too big for his mouth and half of them
stuck out of his face. Jon almost gagged by the rancid, pungent smell of her
panties. However, he wanted to cum, so he ignored the terrible smell and taste.

Priscilla spat generously on his bare buttocks and rubbed in the saliva with her
palm. Raising her hand, she brought down her palm with great force and it struck
Jon with a loud crack. Jon winced with pain as her small hand struck his ass.
However, he could feel his cock stirring. He inhaled deeply from Janice's
panties. The spanking continued and Jon was surprised how hard she could  spank,
with her small hands. Even Minerva did not spank him as hard, and compared to
this, Janice's spanking was merely love taps. In addition to Janice's pussy, he
could also smell Priscilla's sweat. While he found the latter revolting, soon he
got a stiff erection. Slowly the severity of her strokes increased. While her
hand was small, it was also chubby, so weighed a fair bit. It made quite a
missile when it struck his ass at high speed.  Jon could not believe that hand
spank could hurt so much. Tears of pain started flowing down his face. He
probably won't be able sit up straight for at least a week. She would alternate
the strokes between his two ass cheeks. Soon both his ass cheeks were on fire.

However, he had a hard on like never before. After about ten minutes of severe
spanking by Priscilla, he ejaculated, copiously, like never before. He kept on
spasming and squirting. To him, it appeared as if he would never stop squirting.
When he started climaxing, she stopped spanking and threw him down on the
carpet. Jon's body kept twitching, like fish out of water while he ejaculated,
thoroughly soaking the wad of tissue around his penis.

Her small office was filled with the odor of his semen. She wrinkled her nose at
the smell. "Here, stuff the tissues in this bag and take it with you when you
leave. You are stinking up the whole office." She handed him another ziplock
bag. She also removed her panties from his mouth. Jon could feel the dirt, the
grit from her panties in his mouth. They were drenched with his saliva. He
immediately started sobbing softly.

Priscilla sat down on the carpet besides him, picked up his head and cradled his
face to her breasts, clasping him tightly to her soft, large bosom. "There,
there, sweetie. Did mommy spank too hard? Don't cry."

Priscilla was sweating again from her efforts. Her breasts positively reeked of
sweat and with effort, he kept from throwing up. "Thank you, ma'am." Jon said
still sniffling into her breasts. As he opened his mouth, a few drops of her
dripping sweat landed in is mouth..  "That was the best orgasm I ever had." He
spoke into her breasts.

"Oh, dear. You are fogging my eyeglasses." She kissed him softly on the forehead
and released him. His face was wet with her sweat, having been pressed against
her sweat drenched blouse. She released him. He was still sobbing softly as he
placed the tissues in the bag. The wad of tissues was drenched with his semen.
He took more tissues and wiped his penis dry, again surprised at the amount he

While the spanking was going on, Jimmy was minding the store. From the sounds
coming from Mrs. Greenfield's office, it was clear to him what was going on. He
could not figure out why. Why is she spanking him, and why does he let her. Jon
could easily overpower her, if he wanted. A couple of customers came to the
store while the spanking was going on. One of them asked him what was going on.
"Oh, just a carpenter doing some work" Jimmy replied, hoping that was a
believable explanation.

As Jon got dressed, Priscilla said to him "Now Jon dear, come sit in the chair
and tell me all about Janice. Why does she make you shave around your penis? And
why are you not able to climax without smelling the pussy of this Janice and
getting spanked? How did she do it?"

She took out two beers from the refrigerator. She opened one and looked at him
questioningly. Jon still had a headache and decided not to chance a beer.

"Could I have a soft drink, ma'am? I have a slight headache."

"You are supposed to have headache before sex, dear, not after sex." She
remarked as she handed him a Coke.

Jon sat in the small chair next to her. Now that he had come down from his
climax, he found Mrs. Greenfield a revolting woman, loud, foul mouthed and
smelling strongly of sweat. He also realized that she was old and ugly. However,
she had given him the biggest and the best orgasm of his life. He owed her
something. He told her everything. She was intrigued.

"How can I get hold of this Janice? Do you have her phone number?"

"Not here, ma'am, at home. However, she is the President and CEO of Jon's Auto
Parts, they are in the phone book. She owns the company."

"This 'Jon' from Jon's auto parts. Is that you?"

"No, her father."

" Thanks for telling me all this, Jon. And remember, any time you want to earn a
twenty, just walk in. Oh, and take the wad of dirty tissues with you, it is
stinking up my office." She said to him.

Not in this lifetime, Jon thought to himself. Now that he was totally drained,
he wondered how he got an orgasm at all from this terrible woman. And she
regarded him as no better than a prostitute. However, one must be polite.

"Thank you, Mrs. Greenfield, I will. Bye."

"Now I must really go for a shower and a change of clothes. I can't serve
customers looking and smelling like this. Peeeyuuu." She wrinkled her nose as
she started towards the shower.

As Jon was leaving the store, Jimmy noticed his red nose and face and realized
that Jon had been crying. He wondered what went on in Priscilla's office.
Perhaps he should ask her about it.

While she was taking shower and changing clothes, Mrs. Greenfield was immersed
in deep thought. She found the whole idea utterly fascinating, a man cannot
achieve a climax unless he is spanked and is smelling her pussy. Perhaps she
could train a man so he will have to sniff her asshole instead of her pussy. It
definitely had possibilities. While she was spraying the deodorant, she wondered
whether she should train her husband, or try it out on Jimmy first and then
train her husband. By the time she was fully dressed, she had made her decision.

She came out into the store. "Oh, Jimmy honey, would you be a dear and get me
the phone number of Jon's Auto Parts?" she said.


Jon left the convenience store, utterly dejected and humiliated. He had never
felt further down in the dumps, even though he had just had the best orgasm of
his life. He really must find a job. But he felt dirty, unclean, violated. First
he must go home and clean himself up. He was sure his breath smelled, he must
brush his teeth. He still had a headache, aspirin helped, but not much. Immersed
in deep thought, he headed to his apartment. As he was walking, he suddenly
stopped. There was a snake in his path, hissing at him. He rubbed his eyes and
looked again. There was nothing there, just a piece of tube. Damn these
hallucinations, he thought.

As he was walking down a small, narrow, deserted alley, he heard roaring of
motorcycles. He looked around himself. Four motorbikes were charging toward him,
two on each side. He was afraid they may run him over. He shrank back against
the wall.

The motorbikes stopped right next to him and the bikers got down. They stood
around him in a semicircle, with his back against the wall. Jon was mortally
afraid. All four were big, husky men with full beards and tattoos on their arms
and legs. For a moment, he fervently hoped that this was one of his
hallucinations. However, he knew that was not the case. He took out the twenty
he had and offered it to them.

"This is all I have, guys. Here, take it."

However, the bikers made no move to take it. "Hello there, Joni, girlie boy.
Keep yer money, we don't want it. If yer a good girl, we may even give you

"What do you mean?"

The biker got in his face. He towered over him. Jon could smell the stink of his
unwashed body. "We know you have been turned into a pussy boy by that bitch,
Minerva. Well, dearie, we want some of that pussy."

"Please, take the money and let me go."

Another biker chimed in. "Now, you don't want us to go. We are all friends here,
right." When Jon didn't respond, he squeezed Jon's cheeks painfully with his
large hand. "Right, sissy?"

"Yeah, well. Sure."

"That's good, real good. Because we are going to pay you a little visit tonight.
We want to see what you can do for us, if your mouth is really as talented as
Minerva says it is. And I bet you is still a virgin, you ain't never been fucked
in the ass, have you?"

"Well, yes. By Minerva."

"Her dinky little strap ons don't count. What you need is a man's cock, you need
to feast on my foot long hot dog."

"That is for sure. Burt's cock here is at least a foot long. Mine is bigger,
though. It is just like shoving a cucumber up your ass. Except cucumber don't
spit." Paul laughed uproariously at his own wit.

"Shut up, Paul. Mine is bigger. But we will find out if you is still a virgin,
you faggot. I bet when I fuck you, you will bleed, that will mean you is still a
virgin. I will be the first to deflower you."

"We will find out tonight who has the bigger dong, you asshole. We will see when
Joni here squeals the loudest, when I am fucking her or when you are. But why
should you be the first one to fuck her? I want to make a dishonest woman out of

"Now, fellows, why are we fighting among ourselves? There is plenty for all of
us. Joni here is a woman enough for all of us, ain't you girlie? We are all
gonna fuck her. As to who goes first, we don't want a knife fight over this
piece of shit, she ain't worth it. Let's cut cards."

"You are right, Mike. I don't want to fight over this asshole. We will take
turns, two at a time."

"We can do better. She has got two hands. She can jerk two of us off, while the
other two fuck her in her mouth and ass."

"Hear that, sissy fag? Better give yerself enema before we come. After I shove
my cucumber up your ass, you will have to suck on it."

"Yeah, there will be the taste of blood and cum. You don't want to taste your
own shit, do you? Or maybe you do, you look just the kind of pervert who will
enjoy it."

The fourth biker, who had so far been silently watching him, stepped forward.
"Now hold on. We ain't going four at a time."

"You wanna go first Tom?" Burt asked him.

"You want her for yerself? You wanna make her yer bitch?" Tom appeared to be
their leader.

"I will go last. The three of youse can open her up for me." Tom held Jon's face
in his hand and raised it.

"Look at this cute face. I don't want to kill her. Better you open her up with
yer cucumbers and then I will give her a workout with my baseball bat."

"Tom is right, girlie. His dong is like shoving two cucumbers up your little

"Feel it, bitch. Feel his dong with your hand." Jon looked down at Tom's crotch
and gasped. He could clearly see the outline of Tom's huge erect cock. He didn't
know anybody could have such a huge cock.

"What's the matter, stupid bimbo? Can't understand simple orders? Feel it, I
said." Burt said.

Jon put his hand out and hesitatingly touched Tom's crotch. He noticed Tom's
breathing had become heavy and shallow. It was clear Tom was turned on. Tom was
looking at him hungrily, like a tiger would look at a piece of meat. Jon was
suddenly afraid Tom might rape him right there, in the alley. Tom's cock was
stiff as wood. It was at least a foot long and perhaps two inches in diameter.
While baseball bat may have been an exaggeration, Jon realized there was no way
Tom's cock was going to penetrate his asshole without seriously hurting him.
Then he noticed a wet patch just below the tip of his penis spreading on his
dirty jeans. Automatically he ran his fingers over it.

"Good, you really are a faggot. Now smell it." Jon put his fingers to his nose
and could smell the bleach like scent of semen.

"There is plenty more where that came from. You will be feasting tonight,
girlie. Better not eat any dinner. You gotta watch yer figure, you know." Mike
said, belching loudly.

"Quit clowning, you assholes. All right, sissy. Here is the deal. We will come
to yer apartment in the evening." Tom looked at his watch.

"That gives you 5-6 hours. We want you to look pretty, dress pretty and smell
pretty. When you open the door, we want to see a girlie girl in a purty dress
and not some fag pretending to be a man. If you go home and start getting ready
right now, you will have just enough time."

Tom extended his arm and pulled Jon into his embrace. He looked down at him and

"In the evening, you gotta show enthusiasm, behave like you is enjoying yerself.
If we ain't happy with yer performance, we will beat you to a pulp. But if yer a
good girl, we will spread the word around and yer can expect to make lotta
friends among the bikers." Tom chuckled right into Jon's face and Jon got an
awful smell of his fetid breath.

"Yes sir." Jon didn't know what to say. Tom was holding him so tightly Jon was
having difficulty breathing. Tom's bad breath blowing directly into his face did
not help the matters any. Jon was afraid Tom may crush his ribs.

"Now yer learning, pussy. Here is a slice of heaven, a sample of what you will
be getting."

Tom caught Jon entirely by surprise when he held Jon's face in his large gloved
hand and brought down his own face and pressed his large lips firmly on Jon's
lips. Jon could feel the coarse hair of Tom's beard and mustache tickling and
pricking his cheeks, like needles. He could feel Tom's huge, erect penis press
against his crotch. He tried to resist Tom by keeping his lips firmly shut, but
it was useless. Tom's insistent tongue pried open Jon's lips and entered his
mouth like a conqueror. His large, thick tongue started exploring Jon's mouth.
Jon felt bile rising in his throat, due to the stink of Tom's breath. However,
Tom had pinned him down securely and Jon could not do anything except stand
there and take it. He relaxed in Tom's arms.

His neck was starting to hurt, the way it was craning upwards. He circled Tom's
neck with his hands for support and stood on tip toes, thus relieving the
tension in his neck. As Tom started transferring his foul saliva into his mouth,
Jon was afraid he might throw up. He did his best not to swallow, but the saliva
had nowhere to go, their lips together formed an airtight seal. In order to
avoid it entering his lungs and drowning in Tom's spit, Jon swallowed and gulped
it down. Tom kept transferring saliva into his mouth noisily. The kiss seemed to
go on interminably.

Just when Jon thought it would never end, Tom broke the kiss and stood back.
Some of Tom's foul smelling saliva spilled form his open mouth onto Jon's face.
Some from Jon's open mouth spilled on to Jon's shirt.

"There is plenty more where that came from, pansy. See you in the evening."

The four of them got on their motorbike and roared away. Jon had been trying to
suppress the vomit for a long time now, but finally the vomit won out. He knelt
near the wall of the alley and started throwing up.

He threw up copiously. He could taste and smell everything he had swallowed, as
it came out. He could smell Jimmy's semen, Priscilla's pussy juice and her sweat
(when did he swallow her sweat, he wondered), and Tom's saliva. He also threw up
some of Priscilla's pussy hair. Even that wasn't enough, he kept heaving
repeatedly and throwing up bile.



"Dratto, I was wrong, you were right. You win." Karoscan said.

"Huh, what do you mean?"

"Well, for a long time, this timeline was identical to the old timeline, where
he was named John and I thought I was being vindicated. But then he went to the
Administrator's house and the whole craziness started. Now look at him."

"This miserable, pathetic excuse for a man retching his guts out in a deserted
alley is a far cry from the confident, self-assured owner of John's Auto Parts
in the previous universe. And no amount of good fortune is going to change his
lot to become comparable to that of John. Look at John. He has finished his
Europe vacation, has had a great time there and is now working his summer job. I
am willing to stop right here and start writing our report for the term paper."

"Karoscan, I tend to agree with you. However, I say to you what you said to me
some time ago when I was ready to give up. Let us complete the experiment. Prof.
Maravedi-7 always says, a scientist should never jump to conclusions, otherwise
he may reach the wrong conclusion. I don't see how Jon's life can become
comparable to John's life in the long run, I think you are right in that.
However, there are still more than ten years to go. Let us watch for a while,
then we can watch the recording tomorrow and start on our term paper. The period
of experimentation is thirty five years and let us stick to it."

"All right, let us keep watching. You know, Dratto, with plenty of milk and
sugar, this tea doesn't taste too bad. Of all the trimee drinks, I like tea the
best, or rather, dislike the least." Karoscan said, stirring another spoonful of
sugar in his tea.

"This is tea prepared Indian style." (Add tea leaves, not powder to water and
bring to boil. Then add milk liberally and bring to boil again. Remove the
mixture from the stove and filter. Serve with sugar on the side). "I thought
that may be the most palatable, so I asked the minibar to prepare it this way."
Dratto said.

"Could we follow the bikers for a while? I want to see what they do."

"Follow the bikers? Why?"

"I have my reasons. I have a hunch. Could we follow them? Then we can watch the
recording to see what happens to Jon."

"No need, my friend. There are two hyper cubes in front of us. We don't need to
observe the old universe, John's universe,  the one that doesn't exist any more,


"So we get rid of the old universe, there." One of the cubes went blank.

"Now watch." Dratto made a few adjustments. In the left cube, they saw Jon still
retching, while in the right cube, they saw the bikers speeding away.

"We can watch the two simultaneously. We can watch upto three cubes at a time. I
told you this DUD is a neat little machine."



Finally Jon stopped heaving and quieted down. He removed pussy hairs from his
mouth with his fingers. He was disgusted, but there was no question of throwing
up any more. His stomach was totally empty. His face and his shirt were soaked
with his vomit. He needed to clean up badly. Slowly he walked back to his

As he brushed his teeth and took a shower, he was in deep thought, as to what he
should do. At all costs he must avoid the evening encounter with the bikers, it
was a lose-lose situation for him. Then he realized something. He had not been
careful when he returned to his apartment, the bikers could easily have followed
him home. Now they knew where he lived, even if they didn't before. Smooth move
Jon, he thought to himself. He had to get out of the apartment. But first he
needed a nap.

After he got up and had a bite to eat, he looked at his bank balance again.
There was hardly anything left. He couldn't afford to stay at a motel. All his
friends were away for summer. There was only one alternative. With a sigh, he
got dressed. He put on the dress in which he had escaped, including Janice's
soiled panties and bra. He slipped in the breastforms. He didn't have any make
up in his apartment. However, he tried his best to arrange his hair in feminine
style. Jon suffered from dry skin in winter and he used skin care lotion on his
legs during winter, to keep them from itching. He still had some left in a
bottle. He rubbed it in his face as a moisturizer.

Finally he looked in the mirror. He still had the hourglass figure, acquired by
extensive corset training in Janice's dungeon. However, without makeup, mascara
and wig, he did not look anything like the gorgeous woman he did at Janice's
place. While he did not look exactly female, he may pass for a masculine looking
woman and that will have to do. He now wished he had not cut off the high heels
with scissors, but tried harder  to undo the locks. He could have used them now.
He had to make do with his tennis shoes. He did not have a lipstick with him. He
took a tiny drop of cooking oil and rubbed it on his lips. He hoped that would
look like lip gloss. He thought about walking but decided against it, he was
already tired. Reluctantly he phoned for a cab. The twenty he had got from
Priscilla should be more than enough. This will mean exposing himself to the cab
driver, but there was no alternative.

He gave the driver Janice's address, using his feminine voice. He just hoped
that the driver would think he was a masculine looking woman. He was broken,
defeated and was returning to the woman from whom he had ran away not twenty
four hours ago. Luckily the cab driver was tired from a hard day's work. He was
about to go off duty, so he wasn't particularly interested in his last passenger
of the day.

The bikers, Paul, Mike, Burt and Alice drove their bikes a few miles and reached
Paul's apartment. As they parked their bikes and entered Paul's apartment, Burt

"Oh, what a lousy job. Remind me never to accept an assignment from you again,

"Quit complaining, Burt. You got paid handsomely for the job."

"The money was good, I admit. But you wouldn't have got anybody for less money."
Burt said, as he applied solution to loosen his beard.

"What are you complaining about anyway, Burt. At least you didn't have to give
the poor sap that kiss from hell. I kissed him and I felt grossed out. Imagine
how he must have felt." Alice remarked as she tugged at her mustache. "No way I
am doing a job like this again." It sounded comical, a high pitched, feminine
voice coming from a burly, husky biker.

"Now really, Alice. And this after I gave you the most lucrative part, paid you
more than even what I am getting myself. This is the gratitude I get?"

"Oh, pardon me Paul. And here I was thinking you gave me the highest paying part
because none of you three wanted to kiss a man."

"She has you there, Paul. You were not exactly altruistic when you offered her
the most lucrative part." Mike said.

"You are right, I guess. Minerva specified that all four bikers must be more
than six feet tall. None of us three wanted to kiss a man. So I had to find a
gay man or a woman over six feet tall. I couldn't find a gay man. I am sorry,
Alice. Thank you for helping out a friend. You were very convincing as Tom, our

"Don't mention it, Paul. And where did you get that solution to cause such a
terrible bad breath? I can smell my own breath and does it ever smell awful."

"And our bodies smell even worse. I felt sorry for the poor guy."

"Those were my instructions. We were to gross him out and scare him shitless. I
got both the solutions from a novelty shop. Both are sulfur based solutions,
guaranteed to cause extremely repugnant body odor and bad breath. Here, use this
can. Spray it on your body before taking a shower. And spray the inside of your
mouth before brushing your teeth. Use mouthwash after brushing and bad breath
will disappear completely. The same spray also works to peel off the temporary
tattoos. Use it generously, I have got more spray cans."

By now Alice had removed her beard and mustache completely. "Let me go first for
the shower, guys. The padding on my body weighs more than my body weight. I am
boiling inside."

"All right, but don't take too long. These bikes have to go back to the shop,
the rental expires shortly. Burt and Mike, you guys can wash after her. I won't
shower until after we return the bikes."

Alice removed her jeans. Her huge strap on bulged out of her jockey shorts.

"My, my, Grandma. What a big dong you have." Burt remarked.

"The better to fuck you with, my dear." Alice replied.

"Where did you get the semen, Alice? Jon rubbed his fingers over it and sniffed
it, so it must have been quite convincing. Paul, did...., did you....?"

"Oh, don't be gross, Mike. Of course Paul did not contribute the semen. I made
my own."

"You made it? How?"

"By mixing an egg white with a drop of bleach. While you three were talking to
him, I put some inside my jeans, just under the tip of the strap on. It seeped
through the fabric of the jeans and showed as a wet patch. I am sure it looked
quite convincing. That reminds me, the strap on is killing me, it is huge. I
better remove it." She went into the bathroom.

Of course Jon's escape from Janice's basement was engineered, it was part of
Minerva's plan to continue his feminization. A few days before he escaped,
Athena took him off estrogen and testosterone blocker, so that his male hormones
will become dominant, he will become rebellious and try to escape. Then on the
day of the escape, Minerva shot him full of a mild hallucinogen (according to
Athena, it would work for a full twenty four hours) and then was very nasty and
vicious to him, much more so than usual, giving him a severe beating. This had
strengthened Jon's resolve to escape. Minerva and Janice arranged circumstances
such that it appeared to Jon that he was escaping, rather then Minerva letting
him escape.

After he escaped, Minerva kept a close eye on him. She appeared to him once in
the street as a hallucination. Since she had pumped him full of hallucinogen
before he escaped, he also had some genuine hallucinations, so it was difficult
for Jon to sort out which were hallucinations and which were real events.

The woman who worked in the administration office, Mrs. Evans was Athena's
patient, so Minerva was able to enlist her cooperation. While she firmly refused
to do anything illegal, she agreed to let Minerva play the trick on Jon to
persuade him that he was hallucinating.

In order to increase Jon's mental distress, Minerva wanted to strip him of his
money, so that it would nudge him towards the decision to return to Janice, when
the time came. While it was true that the tuition fee was due, it was also true
that a student could get four weeks grace period by just asking. Mrs. Evans
agreed not to mention it to Jon unless he specifically asked about it, she made
that much concession to Athena.

The most difficult part was, of course, to induce the nightmare involving
Janice. For that it was essential that Janice  enter Jon's bedroom while he was
asleep and masturbate on his face. The food in his refrigerator (along with the
note, supposedly from Derek) was put there by Minerva and contained a mild
sedative (and it was also spiked by Janice's pussy juice), so that he would fall
into deep slumber (with the thought of Janice's pussy still in his mind), thus
minimizing his chances of waking up. According to Athena, if Janice masturbated
on his face, it would probably give him some sort of nightmare. Even so Janice
had to be careful.

While Jon was being feminized in her basement, she practiced dashing from his
bed to the open window. With practice, she had brought the time down to 5
seconds. If Jon woke up while she was masturbating on his face, she was
confident she would be able to disappear before he was fully awake. Of course,
if he became awake prematurely, he may not have the nightmare, but that was the
chance she had to take. As it happened, everything worked out beautifully, Jon
got one hell of a nightmare.

However, Minerva's masterstroke was to put a 'Help Wanted' sign in the window of
Priscilla Greenfield's convenience store. She did not know Priscilla personally,
but had heard that she had a reputation as a total bitch, who ate young men for
lunch. If Jon entered the store and appeared to be desperate for a job, she knew
she could count on Priscilla to humiliate him in the worst possible way.
Priscilla lived up to her reputation.

All these humiliations and hallucinations worked towards lowering Jon's self
confidence, his ability to think clearly, to break him down mentally, so that
when the final blow was delivered, he would be vulnerable and cave in easily.
The finale was, of course, the scene involving four bikers. All the previous
preparations brought her some insurance for the final scene. She could not be
totally confident that the actors she had hired would do a very good, very
convincing job as bikers (as it happened, they did). If Jon is rattled badly,
his ability to think clearly would be greatly diminished and even if the actors
did not make very good bikers, it may not matter by then.

By the time Jon came into contact with the bikers, all his options were closed.
He had no money, nobody and nowhere to turn to,  he was not sure if he was
hallucinating and so wasn't sure of his ability to make decisions. When the
bikers scared him witless, he could see only one alternative, to return to
Janice with his tail between his legs. The bikers, of course, did an excellent
job of scaring him.

So the first part of Jon's feminization was complete. He was feminized in
outward appearance, while inwardly he was still very much a man, except for some
hormone treatment. In addition, he returned to Janice voluntarily, with his
spirit broken, knowing fully what awaited him (further feminization). He was
ready for the phase 2, total feminization.

Minerva's assignment was complete.

Part four, the next part is the last part. What happens to Jon? Who is right
about the time stream, Karoscan or Dratto? All will be revealed in the final

John? Jon? What's the difference?  Part 4. The New Beginning

In part 1, Karoscan and Dratto (eleven dimensional creatures and university
students) change the name of John Smith to Jon Smith in an alternate universe.

In part 2, largely as a result of that name change, he falls into the clutches
of Janice, an embittered lesbian and Minerva, a vicious, sadistic dominatrix. He
manages to escape from them.

In part 3, he has several misadventures and as a result, has no alternative but
to return to Janice.

So how does it end? What happens to Jon? And who is right about the time stream,
Karoscan or Dratto? Find out in this part.

This is the final part of the story. I hope the readers are enjoying reading the
story as much as I enjoyed writing it.

Disclaimer: This is a work of pure fiction and all the characters are purely


Jon paid the cab driver and rang the door bell of Janice's house. Janice opened
the door.

"Hello, Jon. I didn't expect to see you again." Janice lied. "What do you want?"

"Please, may I come in?"

"What for?" Janice looked at him. He looked so downhearted that she gave in. "I
suppose so. Come on in."

"Now, tell me what you want and let us get it over with. When you ran out
yesterday I assumed you were not coming back."

"Please, I have to hide out here, for a while. I have nowhere else to go."

"Why do you have to hide? Who from?" Janice asked.

"And why should we care? You ran out. Now you deserve anything you get. Why are
you here anyway? Get out of here." Athena put in.

Jon looked at Athena. While he was confined to Janice's basement, he saw Athena
only infrequently. She was of medium height, slim, beautiful and very innocent
looking. While she was about the same age as Janice, she looked much younger
than her age, she looked like a girl next door. It was difficult to believe that
she was a doctor (she did not look old enough to be a doctor), much less a man
hating lesbian.

Jon looked at Janice. "Goddess, please, hear me out." He pleaded.

"Athena, dear, don't you have that conference call to make?" Janice asked her.

Recognizing her cue, Athena replied "Oh, yes, I forgot. I will be right back.
Now don't let this moron back in while I am gone, throw him out on his ear." She
left the room.

"I am glad she is gone. Now come sit beside me and tell me what is the problem."

Jon started telling her about the bikers. As he was talking to her, she appeared
very sympathetic, saying things like "Oh, you poor baby", "that must have been
terrible" and so on. Jon was grateful that somebody was showing some support,
some sympathy. Tears welled up in his eyes as he was speaking. When he had
finished, Janice took him in her arms and said to him

"Oh, you poor thing. How you must have suffered. I understand just what you are
going through."

This did it for Jon. He could not hold back the tears, he broke down, sobbing
loudly. Janice held him close to her bosom and started patting him on his head,
alternatively straightening and ruffling his hair. He buried his face in her
ample breasts and started sobbing more loudly.

"There, there, baby. Don't cry. Mommy will protect you from those nasty bikers."
She unbuttoned her blouse and peeled off her bra, exposing her large breast. She
held her breast in one hand and guided her large, brown nipple to Jon's lips.
Jon started sucking vigorously. It had a calming, pacifying influence on him and
his sniffling slowly faded away.

He felt safe, protected in her bosom. At that point, he started bonding towards
Janice. He already had a feeling of awe and respect towards her, he well knew
that she was way above his league. However, at that point he started feeling a
warmth towards her that he would later recognize as beginning of love. He felt
secure, free from all harm while he was with her. He began to doze off and his
suckling slowed down.

Janice bent down and kissed him on the forehead. She slowly disengaged her
nipple from his lips. She still did not enjoy nursing him at her breast. When
she saw the broken down, defeated form of Jon clinging to her bosom, she
subconsciously saw her father in his place. However, for the first time, she
felt something other than total revulsion towards him. When asleep, he did look
kind of cute, like a little boy. He still has to be punished, chastised, of
course. But now there was an element of a mother punishing her wayward child, in
addition to the bitter, vindictive woman punishing her abusive father.

Jon's face was still in her lap. She wiped her nipple with a tissue. Just as she
straightened out her bra and buttoned her blouse, he opened his eyes.

"Did I doze off?"

"Yes, honey. It's OK." She held his face in her hand and kissed him lightly on
the lips.

He looked up at her pleadingly. "Please, Goddess, may I please stay here for a

"Well, it is not that simple. First of all, let us cut out this 'Goddess' crap.
It was Minerva's idea and I never felt totally comfortable with it. Just call me

Jon sat up on the sofa. "Thanks, Janice. So how about it? I am sorry I ran

"Jon, you know I am a lesbian, I could never live with a man. I know you are in
a jam, so I will be happy to help out. However,  I will never feel comfortable
to know that a man is living in my house. You will have to live here as a woman,
of course, I assume you know that. You have become very good in making up and
dressing up as a woman and that should be no problem. However, inwardly you are
still very much a man. All we did in phase one was to put you on a mild dose of
hormones, it really did not change you internally. I know you can still have
erections and ejaculate. Did you ejaculate today?"

"Yes, Janice."

"Really. How? I was not there to spank you."

"When I ran off I was wearing your used panties. I asked another woman to spank
me. I ejaculated sniffing your used panties, while that woman was spanking me."

"This really supports what I am saying. If you stay here, you will have to start
with phase 2 of your feminization. So here is the bottom line if you want to
stay here."

"We will start you on heavy hormone doses, we will consult a doctor, of course.
I want to make sure that you don't run off again. Tomorrow morning first thing
we will take you to a tattoo parlor. I know a tattoo artist, she will tattoo
permanent make up on your face."

"Another thing, you must agree to get breast implants today, right now, before
you can stay here. Tomorrow we will take you to get breast implants. I am 36D
myself, so we will get 36C implants for you, I expect you will grow a size or
two once the hormones fully kick in. When bikers go to your house and find that
you are not there, they are going to be hopping mad. They will start looking for
you in the neighborhood. It wouldn't occur to them to look for you in a
hospital. So having a breast implant, in addition to speeding up your
feminization process, has an added advantage that it will keep you  safe from
the bikers. These are my minimum conditions for you to stay here tonight and
from now on, for as long as I want it."

"Will a doctor be able to perform the surgery tomorrow?"

"Athena has said previously that she could manage to get you into surgery any
time you want it. We will talk to her. But first, I need a decision from you.
Take some time to think about it. I forced phase 1 on you, but phase 2 has to
come voluntarily from you, I don't want to do it against your will, I need your
full cooperation. This is a big decision, so think about it."

Minerva had told Janice to expect Jon in the evening, so his arrival was not
totally unexpected.  Janice had told Athena beforehand to leave her alone with
Jon, she was confident she would be able to talk Jon into phase 2 of
feminization. Minerva had filled her in about all the adventures (or
misadventures) Jon had after he ran away. Janice knew he was at a dead end,
looking at a potentially horrible encounter with bikers, where he would be lucky
to get out alive. She knew if she showed him some affection, some sympathy, she
would own him, he would do anything for her.

She didn't particularly enjoy it when she let him nurse on her breast, but she
knew it was necessary, it was part of the process of reeling him in. As Jon sat
there thinking, she asked him

"Would you like something to drink, honey?"

"Sure. Anything but Brandy Alexander."

She smiled. If he could joke about it, she already knew his decision. "Sure, how
about a diet coke?"

"That sounds great."

As she walked towards kitchen, she made a victory sign to Athena. Athena smiled
at her and nodded.

Jon had some thinking to do. When he had escaped from Janice's basement, he had
planned on resuming his life as a man, maybe get a summer job and go back to
school in fall. However, the encounter with bikers had convinced him that  he
had to lie low for a while. He knew he had no money, nowhere to go (he wished
his parents had not been on the world cruise, he had no idea where they were)
and at all cost he must hide from the bikers, at least until the school started.
He carefully considered his options again, but there were none.

If he turned down Janice's demands, she would probably let him go back to his
apartment. However, the bikers had promised they would pay him a visit that
evening. At the very least he could look forward to brutal, vicious rape by the
bikers, at worst they would beat him up in addition to that. He had felt the
penis of one of the bikers and he was sure he would never survive the sexual
assault intact, let alone the physical assault.

So on the one hand, he could look forward to living as a man, repeatedly raped
by the  bikers (there was no reason for them to stop after one such assault, it
probably would continue). Soon his reputation as a bitch to the bikers would
spread on campus and he would become a fair game to any homosexual who wished to
have his way with him (and also to gay bashers? He wondered). Also, since he
could not ejaculate without getting spanked while sniffing Janice's used
panties, he will probably need extensive and expensive counseling to get rid of
his conditioning.

On the other hand, if he stayed with Janice, he will start an irreversible
journey to becoming a woman. While theoretically the process could be reversed
after breast implants and hormone treatment, he knew that in practice it would
be very difficult. However, on the plus side, he would be safe from the bikers.
Janice was right, they wouldn't think of looking for him in a hospital (they
probably planned to put him in the hospital in the first place). Spending the
summer as a woman will be a great way to avoid them. Also, sex would be no
problem, he was sure Janice would accommodate him from time to time.

In addition, he rather liked the idea of spending the summer with Janice.
Lovely, beautiful, sweet smelling Janice on the one hand, four dirty, smelly,
sadistic and brutal bikers on the other. Surely the choice was simple, were it
not for the fact that he will have to become a woman, or at least start the
feminization process in earnest.

With some reluctance he made his decision. When Janice returned with his diet
coke, he said to her "OK Janice, I am all yours. Do with me what you will."

"That's good, dear. You made the right choice. You will enjoy being a woman.
Let's see if Athena has finished her conference call." Athena was, of course
listening to the conversation and recognizing her cue, she entered the room.

"Jon here has agreed to breast implants. Wait a minute, we can't keep calling
you Jon. Is there any name you would prefer, Jon?"

Jon remembered the dream, where Janice had called him Joni and replied "Joni."

"Hmm, not very original, but it will do. Well, Athena dear, Joni here has agreed
to breast implants. Do you have forms for her to sign?"

"No, I don't, but we can download them from the Internet. Dr. Peterson has a web
site." Soon she printed out all the consent forms.

"Are you sure we can get Joni in tomorrow? Do you know Dr. Peterson personally?"
Janice asked her.

"Well, I know him only slightly. You know how I feel about men. But I have a
good friend, Dr. Sally Green. Sally and Dr. Peterson are lovers, so I am sure
Sally will be able to swing it. Why don't you get Joni to sign the consent forms
while I talk to Sally." Athena left the room.

By the time Joni read the consent forms and signed them, Athena walked in.
"There, it is all set. Joni will be admitted to Dr. Peterson's clinic tomorrow
afternoon. We have to get her makeup tattoos in the morning, so that is
convenient. Her face will be a bit tender, but that should not interfere with
the implant surgery. Dr. Peterson will operate tomorrow or day after, depending
upon his schedule."

She looked at Janice. "You will pay for it?"

"Of course. When it comes to feminization of Joni here, money is no object, I
can afford it."

"So you will bring her to Dr. Peterson's clinic tomorrow? Here is the address."

"No, I can't spare the time tomorrow. I have an important meeting at 9 o'clock.
I will send Donna, my personal secretary. Joni, she will come here around 10
o'clock in the morning, take you to the tattoo parlor and then to the surgery. I
will look in after work. Now go to the basement, and get ready for bed, as a
woman. Take a bath, then put on a light make up. Also put on a bra and
breastforms. You will find 36D breastforms in the basement. I know it is not
customary to do all these things when going to bed, but you have some catching
up to do. I will come down in a while to check on you."

"In case you are thinking of running away tonight, remember the bikers have
probably discovered by now that you are not in your apartment. They must be
furious. I am sure you don't want to encounter them tonight."

"No, Janice, of course not. I have no intention of going anywhere."


Joni was dusting in the living room of Janice's house. It had been two months
since she came home after having the breast implants. She had been concentrating
on learning how to behave like a woman in public. Janice had taken her to beauty
salons, restaurants and shops. While she was nervous in the beginning, she was
slowly getting accustomed to going out as a woman. She had even ventured alone
out a few times on errands for Janice.

Once she complained to Janice that she got bored at home, with nothing to do,
one could only spend so much time reading about beauty and fashion tips. To give
her something to do, Janice had employed Joni as her maid. Her maid wanted some
time off, she wanted to visit Puerto Rico. So it worked out nicely.

It was a lot of work, but Joni enjoyed doing things for Janice. Janice was
certainly generous as far as sexual favors were concerned, she summoned Joni
every few days for a sexual session. In return for pleasing Janice orally, she
spanked Joni regularly. However, by now while Joni still got an erection, there
was not much ejaculate and what there was, was clear and watery, rather than the
normal milky discharge. The hormones were really kicking in by now.

Joni looked at the clock on the wall, she was running a bit late. There was
still ironing and vacuuming to do. Today the mistress was dining in, with Dr.
Athena, her lover. While Janice had a chef, she expected Joni to serve them.

By the time she had finished the chores, she had only an hour left before her
mistress arrived, she had to hurry to get ready. She ran her bath and carefully
inspected her body. Once she had been negligent about body hair and Janice had
administered her a severe beating. Since then, Joni had been extra careful about
removing her body hair. However, today she did not need to worry about body
hair. She stepped into the bath.

She looked at her breasts with pride. When she got the implants, the breasts
were a nuisance, it was something that had to be done. However, when she had
pinched her nipples for the first time, she got the shock of her life. She could
not believe the pleasurable sensation that produced. Over the weeks she had come
to like them, now she was even proud of them. Sometimes she could get erection
just by fondling her breasts. She would have liked to play with her breasts, but
there wasn't time, she better get ready quickly.

By the time she had finished with makeup and dressing, it was almost time for
her mistress to arrive. She opened a bottle of white wine, poured some in a
glass and awaited her mistress' arrival by the door.

Front door opened and Athena stepped in, along with Janice. Joni handed her the
glass of wine, took her purse and coat, bent down and kissed her feet. "Welcome
home, ma'am." She greeted Janice.

While Janice had not specifically ordered her to do so, Joni was always careful
to address her as ma'am when she was serving as her maid. That way she knew her
station and did not make any mistakes.

"Thank you , Joni. Oh, and get a glass of wine for Athena here."

"At once, ma'am."

They both sat down on the sofa. As Joni handed the glass of wine to Athena,
Janice said to her "Oh, Joni, we will be eating shortly, we are both hungry."
She looked at Athena. Joni realized that they were horny, eager to get into the

Athena accepted the glass with a barely perceptible nod. Generally she took very
little notice of Joni, she treated Joni exactly like a servant. Joni had once
complained to Janice, when they were sharing the bed.

"Don't mind her, dear. She has problems with men. While for all practical
purposes you are a woman now, your plumbing is still that of a man and she
cannot forget that. For my sake, she is civil to you, but you really can't
expect more from her." Janice had replied.

During the dinner, the two of them virtually ignored Joni. By now Joni had
developed an instinct, she would know what Janice wanted before Janice had to
say it. Janice and Athena were involved in conversation and they rarely had to
ask Joni for anything.

They were soon finished. It was clear that their minds were not really on
dinner. "We will take our coffee in my bedroom, Joni. Bring it over in about ten

"Certainly, ma'am."

Soon they retired to Janice's room. As soon as they entered the room, Athena
grabbed Janice, took her in her arms and kissed her passionately.  As she
started fumbling with Janice's blouse, Janice managed to break away from her.
Even though Athena was the smaller and shorter of the two, she was much more
aggressive  and liked to take charge in their love making.

"Down, girl." Janice said to her. "Last time you almost ripped up my blouse. Sex
with you is getting to be expensive. Just take care of your clothes." Janice
started to remove her clothes.

By the time Joni entered Janice's room with two cups of coffee on a tray, Janice
and Athena were totally naked and locked in each other's arms in a passionate
embrace. They didn't notice Joni come in. She left the tray on the side table
and withdrew quietly. She figured the coffee will get cold, it won't be drunk.
Oh, well, she thought, Janice could always make her own coffee. Joni kept the
coffee maker in Janice's room filled and charged all the time..

Athena was lying on top of Janice, their lips locked in a kiss. Athena started
kneading Janice's breasts. Janice moaned in Athena's mouth. Her tits were very
sensitive and Athena knew this was the surest way to get her aroused. Athena
broke the kiss. She started kissing Janice all over, slowly working her way down
Janice's body. Janice lay back enjoying Athena's ministrations. Soon Athena
reached Janice's pubic area. She inserted her tongue into Janice's pussy. Janice
started moaning. They had been lovers for a long time and each know other's 
erogenous zones very well. Athena knew what turned Janice on. She held Janice's
clitoris in her teeth and started nibbling very gently, while stimulating her
with her fingers at the same time. Soon she brought Janice to an earth
shattering climax. Janice climaxed noisily, her frothy discharge gushing into
Athena's eager mouth. Athena lapped up her juices. She liked the flavor and
taste of Janice's juices, to her it was like an after dinner treat.

Janice was fully satiated. "Your turn, dear" she said to Athena as she rolled
Athena over and lay down on top of her. Janice started kissing Athena all over
her face. Soon her face was covered with Janice's saliva. Her lips found
Athena's lips and she inserted her tongue into Athena's mouth. Since Athena was
smaller than Janice, Janice's thick tongue almost filled Athena's small mouth.
Athena started sucking on her tongue. Janice knew Athena liked to be kissed
again and again. Eventually she stopped kissing and started sucking on Athena's
small breasts. Athena closed her eyes, clasped Janice close to her and started
to moan. Janice inserted her fingers into Athena's pussy and started
masturbating her. Soon she brought Athena to a climax. However, this was only
the preliminary. She moved down to Athena's crotch and inserted her tongue into
Athena's pussy. Again, her large tongue filled Athena's small pussy completely.
As she started fucking Athena with her tongue, Athena was in pure heaven. She
was now moaning in rhythm with Janice's forward thrust. Soon her whole body
twitched and she climaxed with a shout.

Finally the two of them were exhausted and lay in each other's arms, sweating
and panting. Of all the relationships Janice had had, sex with Athena had been
the best. They had also bonded at the emotional level like never before. Janice
knew Athena like no other individual did. However, today she felt something
missing, something lacking. The sex was great as usual, but at the emotional,
deep level, she found something lacking, something not quite right, but she
could not quite put her finger on it.

Janice kissed her lightly on the lip. "Is something on your mind, dear?" She
asked her.

"No, I don't think so. Why do you ask?"

"I don't know, I just felt it at some deep level, something was missing today.
The sex was great, though."

"Well, I am preoccupied with my patients, dear. Nothing I can share you with.
You understand." Athena kissed her. She started to get up.

"Aren't you staying the night, Athena?"

"No, honey. I have to see a patient early tomorrow in the Ambulatory Care for a
procedure. I still have to go through a few medical reports. I will call you
tomorrow." Athena went for a shower.

Janice had accepted that Athena could not discuss the professional matters with
her, because of patient confidentiality, so that did not bother her. However,
why did she have the feeling that Athena was holding out something from her, it
had nothing to do with patient confidentiality. Anyway, she had had a nice meal,
with plenty of wine, followed by great sex. She fell asleep soon.

Janice awoke shortly afterwards. She saw she had been asleep for about an hour.
She looked at the clock, it was still only 11 o'clock. Athena had left. Next day
being Sunday, Janice had the day completely to herself, the only appointment she
had the next day was at the beauty salon, along with Joni. The night was still
young. She debated whether to go outside and enjoy herself or to stay inside and
enjoy herself. Finally she called Joni on the intercom.

"Joni, come to my room for some sex."

Joni was getting ready for bed and was somewhat surprised at the request.
Normally when Athena came over, she stayed the night and Joni's services were
not required until serving the two of them breakfast in bed the next morning.
She wondered if it will be a threesome with Athena. Not very likely, she
decided. As far as Athena was concerned, Joni on the inside was still Jon and
she was not about to have any sexual contact with a man.

Whenever Janice summoned Joni for sex, it was understood that Joni would have
half an hour to get ready, to make herself presentable. She had already finished
her bath, preparatory to getting ready for bed. She brushed and flossed her
teeth. She used mouthwash generously to make her breath fresh and kissable.

Joni, of course, already had the permanent makeup on. She looked in the mirror,
straightened her hair and freshened her lipstick. She was going to sleep in a
cotton nightie. However, she removed the nightie. She put on a panty girdle, to
hide her penis, tucking her small penis between her legs. Now that she had been
on hormone regimen for while, her penis had somewhat shrunk in size and she did
not normally get an erection, except when she smelled Janice's pussy. However,
when she was having sex with Janice, chances of getting erection were high and
Janice did not like the sight of an ugly penis sticking out from under Joni's
panties.  Janice had panty girdles custom made to match Joni's skin color. When
Joni put the panty girdle on, it was difficult to tell that she had a penis, her
front looked totally flat. Joni dabbed some of Janice's favorite perfume and put
on a sheer, satin pink negligée. She was ready for Janice.

Joni stopped outside Janice's room and knocked discreetly. "Come in, Joni."
Janice replied. Joni entered the room and saw that Janice was lying on the bed
on her back, naked, her large breasts jutting out proudly.

"Where is Athena?" She wanted to know.

"Oh, she has an early case tomorrow so she had to leave." Joni went to the
bottom of the bed and kissed the big toes of her feet. She sat down on the
carpet next to bed, took Janice's toes in her hand and inserted Janice's foot in
her mouth. It was clear that while love making between Janice and Athena was
that of equals, here Joni was very much paying homage to Janice.

Joni started sucking and licking Janice's toes vigorously. She licked between
the toes, Janice always kept her feet scrupulously clean, so there was not even
the slightest foot odor. She would lick for a while, kiss the toes and suck on
them. Then she would start the process over again with a different of part of
the foot. Joni enjoyed servicing Janice as much as she enjoyed the climax that
Janice gave her. Soon she had licked and kissed every inch of Janice's feet.
Finally Janice said to her "That is enough, dear. Let us move on to other
things." Joni gave a final lick and kissed both her feet before she was done.

Next came body worship. Joni had already put a glass of water with a straw in it
by the bedside. She started with Janice's ankle. Joni would kiss a small part of
the ankle, lick it a couple of times  blow on it to dry it and plant a final
kiss. Then she would move on to next part. Her mouth would become dry so once in
a while she would need to take a sip of water.

As she moved up Janice's legs, she could taste the salty taste of dried sweat
and she could also detect a faint smell of sweat. That was to be expected, as
Janice had sweated while having sex with Athena. Joni left the pussy alone, that
was for later. However, she cleaned the pussy hair. Janice's pussy hair smelled
strongly of dried pussy juice, so it took her a while to clean it up.

When she was finished with pussy hair, Janice turned over, exposing her round,
smooth ass cheeks to Joni. Joni just loved Janice's ass cheeks, her own were
nowhere near as round or as prominent. She took her time licking and kissing
Janice's ass cheeks.

When she came to Janice's breasts, she spent a great deal of time suckling on
the breasts. She knew the breasts were Janice's erogenous zones, her nipples
were very sensitive. Soon she had Janice moaning. Janice mashed Joni's face into
her breasts with her hands, almost smothering her. She enjoyed breast
stimulation for a long time before she released Joni.

Kissing and licking her way, Joni made it to Janice's face. Janice's face
smelled strongly of pussy. However, it was not the smell of Janice's pussy, it
was stronger and sharper than the smell of Janice's pussy and it was unfamiliar
to Joni. Then she realized it must be the smell of Athena's pussy and she felt
jealous. She didn't want to be reminded that Janice just had sex with Athena.
She washed Janice's face with plenty of saliva and with vigorous licking and
washing, she had Janice's face eventually clean, so that not  a trace of
Athena's pussy juice was left. While licking Janice's face, Joni could also make
out the different taste of Athena's pussy juice.

Janice was lying on her back, her hands tucked under her head and her eyes
closed. She was enjoying Joni's ministrations. Joni tackled her arms last. She
started from Janice's fingers and worked her way down to elbows and ended up at
armpits, licking her armpits clean. She did not find Janice's body smells
repulsive, Minerva had done her work well.

"That was great, Joni. Let us move on to the main action." Janice got up. Joni
knew what to do. She lay down on the bed on her back. Janice squatted over
Joni's face and sat down so that her hairy pussy was in direct contact with
Joni's lips. With Athena, the usual position was for Janice to lie on her back
while Athena brought her to climax. However, with Joni, Janice preferred a more
dominant position, she preferred to be in charge.

Janice had abundant, luxuriant pussy hair and Joni felt herself smothered in her
pussy hair. She parted Janice's pussy lips with her fingers, inserted her long,
talented tongue inside her pussy and started licking. As Janice started getting
aroused, the seal formed by her pussy became tighter and tighter. She started
moaning and Joni increased the speed of her licking. Once in a while she would
take a break from the licking and very gently nibble her clitoris with her

She had to be careful, when Janice was in the throes of ecstasy, she did not
always pay attention to what she was doing and Joni was in the real danger of
suffocating. They had a predetermined signal, Joni was supposed to gently press
her fingers into Janice's buttocks if she was suffocating. However, Janice did
not always pay attention when she was climaxing and once Joni had actually
passed out. Fortunately Janice noticed it when Joni stopped licking and was able
to revive Joni with no harm done. Also, Joni was reluctant to disturb Janice
when she was about to climax, so far she had used the signal only once. Joni had
by now become an expert in finding air pockets so that she could keep breathing
while bringing Janice to climax.

Soon she could feel Janice's pussy contract around her tongue and she knew
Janice was about to climax. Joni knew that at this point, Janice's clitoris was
extremely sensitive. So she gently touched her clitoris with her two front
teeth. Janice yelled with an earth shattering climax, her pussy juices gushing
into Joni's eager mouth.

While Janice was coming down from her climax, Joni eagerly lapped up her juices,
licking her pussy hair clean. While she was doing it, some of Janice's pussy
hair came loose in her mouth, that usually happened. However, she was no longer
grossed out by it, she swallowed Janice's pussy hair.

Joni brought Janice to two more climaxes, each one longer lasting and bigger
than the previous one. The third time while she was licking Janice clean, she
felt a few drops of a clear, salty, pungent liquid on her tongue and she knew
Janice was finished. She also knew what the next step was, by now both of them
knew the usual sequence of their love making. Joni opened her mouth wide and
placed it on Janice's pussy, making a tight seal. As she expected, Janice
started peeing into her mouth. Her piss was a trickle, but soon became a
torrent, she had not peed for a few hours. However, Joni was ready for her, she
had worked out a way of swallowing her piss while she was pissing in her mouth.
She swallowed it all without spilling a drop. When Janice was finished, Joni
licked her clean and planted a small kiss on Janice's pee hole.

Without a word, Janice turned around and sat down on Joni's breasts again, so
that her asshole was conveniently in contact with Joni's lips. Joni kissed her
asshole. She could smell the sharp, pungent smell of her asshole. She lovingly
licked her asshole, cleaned the hair in the asshole and inserted her tongue
inside. As she started exploring Janice's asshole with her tongue, Janice was
getting horny again. Joni started tongue fucking her, pushing her tongue in and
out. She knew this turned Janice on.

Janice was particularly fond of the ass worship, none of her lesbian lovers had
ever done that for her. She knew Athena would never do it and so she had not
even asked her. However, Joni was very talented and she did not mind getting
down and dirty for Janice and Janice appreciated that, although she rarely said
so to Joni. She started bouncing up and down and it was all Joni could  to keep
her tongue inside Janice's asshole.

Again Janice climaxed, this time gushing pussy juices all over Joni's breasts.
Slowly she came down from the high and got off Joni's body and lay down besides

"That was great, honey, thanks." She kissed Joni on the lips. Janice made a face
as she kissed Joni. "You have terrible breath, dear. Go and brush your teeth,
then come back to bed."

This was the first time that Janice had had sex with Athena and Joni one after
the other and she realized that Joni was definitely much better at pleasing her
than Athena. Why, her ass worship alone made her better lover, not to mention
her superior technique in licking Janice's pussy. However, Janice could not
forget what Joni had between her legs. While she could tolerate Joni and even
respected her abilities as a cunt and ass licker, in her mind, Joni would never
be in the same league as Athena, at least until she got rid of the ugly
projection between her legs. Maybe she could persuade Joni to do it, she

Joni brushed and flossed her teeth. Then she used mouthwash liberally. She was
confident now her breath was fresh and she went back to bed. She was hoping for
a spanking, so that she could climax and ejaculate. However, by the time she
came back to bed, Janice was sound asleep.

Poor dear, Joni thought. She knew Janice had had two long sex sessions and must
have been exhausted, so it was natural for her to fall asleep. However, she had
invited Joni to share her bed, perhaps Janice would spank her tomorrow morning.

Janice was sleeping on her side, facing Joni. Joni lay down next to her, picked
up Janice's arm and draped it over her own body. Then she snuggled up to Janice
and buried her face in Janice's breasts. Janice stirred in her sleep and pulled
Joni close to her. Joni took one of Janice's nipples in her mouth and started
sucking gently. Soon she also fell asleep.


Janice was sitting across the table from her father, Jonathan Smith the 3rd. 
"Janice, dear, I want to talk to you."

Janice extended her arm by a couple of meters and slapped his face hard.
"Really? Are you sure you don't want to abuse me or rape me?"

"What the hell are you talking about, Jan? I want to talk to you about business.
" Her father was the only one who called her Jan.

"You know, I used to be afraid of you, I used to hate you. But now I see you for
what you really are, a poor, pathetic excuse for a human being. You are beneath
contempt, you are not worthy of my anger, my hate. Go away, I hereby release
you, forgive you for what you did to me. Now go and rot in your personal hell."

"Listen to me, bitch." Jon snarled. "I am talking about something important,
about business. So far you have managed the business well, surprisingly well for
a woman. Don't let your personal life influence your business decisions. You
know what I am talking about."

Janice looked down at her hand, a gun had appeared all of a sudden in her hand.
"You bastard, I have wanted to do this for a long time now."

She pointed the gun at her father and pulled the trigger. However, instead of a
bullet hitting him, the whole gun shot out of her hand and shot him right in the
heart. Instead of bleeding, water started pouring forth from his chest, making a
hissing noise.

Now her father started to dissolve, his body slowly becoming transparent. The
water continued to pour forth with a hissing sound. Eventually his body totally
disappeared. Now there was no water, no Jon, just the hissing sound remained,
like the grin of the Cheshire Cat.


What was that hissing sound? Janice opened her eyes. Joni was lying in her arms,
crying heedlessly, sobbing into Janice's cleavage. Her breasts were drenched
with Joni's tears. It was Joni's crying sound that had woke her up.

Janice pulled Joni closer to her and patted her on her head. "What's the matter
dear? You can tell mommy. Mommy will fix everything."

It was not easy to get a coherent story in between Joni's sniffles and sobs.
However, soon her sobs subsided and she was able to talk clearly. She looked up
at Janice.

"Janice, look at me. What has happened to me? What's going to happen to me? My
life is ruined. My education is all shot to hell, I have no prospects. I dare
not go out as Jon. I should have started my final year four weeks ago, but here
I am stuck working as your maid. I am now half man, half woman. What is going to
happen to me when you tire of me?"

To the utter astonishment of both Joni and Janice, Janice started sobbing. Joni
had never seen Janice cry. As a matter of fact she was crying after many many
years, Janice thought she was incapable of tears. However, her tears were
flowing as profusely as Joni's were just a few minutes ago.

"I am sorry, Joni. It is my fault, I ruined your life. I wanted to eliminate my
personal demons and I did not care what happened to you. Please forgive me." She
started sobbing even more loudly.

Joni was immediately filled with remorse. She moved up so that she was at the
same level as Janice and kissed her. "It's OK Janice, don't cry. I am all right,
honest. Look at me, I am not crying any more, I was just being silly. These
hormones sometimes make me do crazy things, I didn't mean what I said." Joni
said into Janice's mouth.

"Please, Janice, stop crying. I love you, Janice, I can't bear to see you
unhappy. Don't cry, I am quite all right. I won't complain again, I promise."
Janice's bra was lying on the bed. Joni picked it up and wiped Janice's tears
with it.

This was a morning for surprises on both sides, Joni herself was surprised at
what she said. Until that point, she had not realized that she loved Janice.
Janice quickly recovered and was again the usual confident, self assured Janice.

"It is nice of you to say so, dear. However, I have an idea. Until we decide
what you are going to do with your life, you are wasted here as a maid. How
would you like to work as my personal assistant, my confidential secretary?"

"You mean take over Donna's job? What about her?"

"Donna is very good at her job, in fact, too good. She has potential to be a
manager and she knows it. If I do not promote her soon, chances are she will
leave. I should have promoted her sooner, but the difficulty of finding a
suitable replacement kept me from doing it. You will be prefect for the job."

"That sounds great, Janice, I get to be around you 24 hours. But I am not any
good at typing or shorthand."

"There is no need for that, dear. I do most of my typing myself on the word
processor. Also, I have a secretary who is an excellent typist."

"Then exactly what do I have to do?"

"Keep track of my appointments, attend meetings with me and take down minutes,
come with me on business trips to do secretarial work and above all, cover my
back, cover up for me if I foul up. Donna was very good at that, she has pulled
me out of a jam more than once."

"That sounds great, Janice, let us do it."

Janice took Joni's face in her hands and kissed her passionately, her tongue
exploring Joni's mouth. "See, I told you mommy will fix everything. In the next
few months, we can both think about what you could do with your life. Now you
better start getting ready, young lady. We have to buy you a whole new wardrobe
for your new job before our appointment at the beauty salon."

Joni rolled her eyes in a very good imitation of a teen ager and replied "OK,
mom." She got out of bed and started the coffee maker.

"Why, you little minx. What you need is a good hiding. I haven't forgotten that
I did not give you any release last night. Let us take care of that before you
start getting ready. Go get the paddle."

The next day Joni got ready in the morning to go to work. She still lived in
basement, except when Janice had sex with her and asked her to stay the night.
As she came upstairs, Janice was almost ready. They stepped outside and Janice's
limousine pulled up. As they got in, Joni said to her

"I didn't know you had a limousine, Janice. I have never seen it before."

"It is not my limousine, dear. It belongs to Jon's Auto Parts."

"But you are Jon's Auto Parts."

"Yes, but it works out better this way taxwise. I use the limo only to and from
work, for personal driving I have my BMW."

In the limo, Janice filled her in about her new position. "I am going to tell
everybody that you are my younger sister. Since your surname is also Smith, that
makes sense."

"I assume they will know in the Human Resources."

"The Personnel Manager is Mr. Keith Truman. He is discrete and reliable. He
won't blab to anybody. And of course, Donna knows, she has seen you before.
Other than that nobody will know and let us keep it that way."

"Will somebody show me around?"

"Donna will spend a week with you before she assumes her new duties. Now be
quiet, I have to dictate a couple of letters to my laptop."

"Do you have voice recognition?"

"The best there is . Now do be quiet, dear."

The rest of the trip Janice spent in dictating letters into her laptop. When
they reached Janice's office, Donna was waiting for them.

"Hello, Joni. Janice called me yesterday and gave me the news about my
promotion. It is an excellent idea for you to work as her personal assistant. It
will give you something to do, and the work can be quite challenging at times.
Let us go to Human Resources and take care of the formalities."

"Janice, what about Heather?"

"What about her? Oh, I know what you mean. Joni, Heather is a lesbian and she
can be very aggressive. She probably will make a play for you. When that
happens, turn her down. Next time it happens, tell me and I will  talk to her.
Sexual harassment does not work only between a man and a woman. I will be right

While they were chatting, Janice emerged from her office and told them "I was
just on the phone to Keith Truman. He is aware of the situation. The two of you
go see him now, there shouldn't be any problem."

Joni soon settled into the new job. Looking after Janice's appointments,
schedule and attending meetings with her kept Joni busy most of the time. From
time to time, Janice would ask her to come to her office and ask Joni to
pleasure her, which Joni gladly did. She enjoyed her job, there were always new


Janice and Joni had just entered their office. Just as Joni was getting settled,
Janice emerged from her office, agitated.

"Joni, all hell has broken loose. Donna recently brought in a big contract and
we were going to sign the deal next week. However, the CEO has to be away on
personal emergency and he wants to sign the deal today, this morning. I have to
be there, to sign the deal in person. Cancel all my appointments before lunch,
and deal with any emergencies yourself. I will be back a bit before lunch, the
CEO wants to leave as soon as we sign the deal. Bye."

Janice stormed out before Joni could utter a word. She pulled up Janice's
appointments for the morning on the computer. She spent most of the morning
canceling and rescheduling Janice's appointments. All were understanding, except
one. They had just signed a new deal with Precision Auto Works. Their marketing
manager was anything but happy. He refused to rebook the appointment.

"Look here, Ms. Smith, this is the second time you have canceled the
appointment. We recently signed the deal with you, but I need several
clarifications. So far all I have got from your company is a run-around. It
looks like you are not interested in our business."

"I am sorry, Mr. Barrington. But Ms. Smith has an emergency, she really could
not help it. Maybe I could call you in the afternoon to book another

"Don't bother. I will be in touch." He hung up.

Janice came back around 11.00 a.m. "Hello, Joni, how did it go? Any problems?".
Joni recounted to her what happened with Mr. Barrington.

"Oh, well, it couldn't be helped. This account is much bigger than Precision
Auto Works and I didn't want to lose it."

"Mr. Barrington may well cancel the contract, ma'am."

"Maybe we can smooth over his feathers. Put him through to me if he calls
again." Janice went to her office.

A little later, Mr. Barrington stormed into Joni's office. Joni had met him
before, so she recognized him.

"Hello Mr. Barrington, nice to see you again."

"Well, we will see about that. Is your sister free, can I go in?"

"I am sorry, sir, she's with a client. She started the meeting just a few
minutes ago. Let me phone her and ask her how long she will be."

Instead of talking to her on the intercom, Joni phoned her, she didn't want Mr.
Barrington to hear Janice's side of the conversation.

"Ms. Smith, I have a Mr. Barrington from Precision Auto Works here. He would
like to talk to you."

"Oh, hell. The asshole probably wants to cancel the deal. Sent him in, let us
get it over with."

"Certainly, ma'am. You will be done in half an hour. I will tell him."

"Oh, I get it. Well, see what you can do to mollify him. I will come out in half
an hour."

Joni hung up the phone and smiled at Mr. Barrington. "She will be done in half
an hour, sir. Would you like a cup of coffee while you are waiting?"

"Yeah, sure. Decaf, no sugar, just cream. Normally I wouldn't wait outside
somebody's office cooling my heels. However, it will give me great pleasure to
tell her in person that I am canceling the deal." He opened his laptop and
started to work.

"I will be right back with your coffee." Even though she had coffee ready in her
office, she went outside to the secretary's office. Mr. Barrington could hear
her high heels receding in the distance. The secretary, Fran was typing

"Fran, stop what you are doing. Print out the profile we have on a Mr.
Barrington, the Marketing Manager for Precision auto works, stat. I need it
right away. Have the printout ready while I get his coffee."

On her way back, she grabbed the one page printout wordlessly from Fran and
started scanning it while walking back to her office. One line in the printout
caught her eye.

"Here is your coffee, Mr. Barrington," she gave him a warm smile. While handing
him the coffee cup, she purposely bent over, giving him a view of her ample
cleavage. Barrington could already feel his resolve melting.

"Thank you, dear." He went back to his laptop, while Joni started typing
furiously on her computer.

In a few minutes the FAX machine chattered into life. Joni got up, went to the
machine and retrieved a page from the FAX machine. With the page in hand, she
approached Barrington.

"Not that it matters, Mr. Barrington, but this is where my sister was in the
morning." She handed him the sheet of paper, making sure to touch his hand with
hers in the process. Barrington looked at the sheet of paper. It was from
American Gunowners Club, thanking Janice for her generous donation to fight on
behalf of a little boy, Billy Rock. Joni stayed standing close to him, in his
personal space.

"There is this small boy, Billy Rock. He was suspended from his school for
bringing in a toy machine gun. American Gunowners Club has launched a suit on
his behalf and they were looking for funding for the project. Ms. Smith has
helped them out before this. When they contacted her this morning, she decided
to rush over to help the kid. She doesn't have any children of her own." here
Joni's voice choked up.

Barrington had met Joni once before and he was smitten by her. Now she was
standing quite close to him and he could smell her perfume. He also had a good
view of her cleavage. He heard her with only one ear, he was finding it
difficult to concentrate.

"So Ms. Smith rushed out and gave them a check covering the expenses for the
lawsuit. Now the boy will get justice. She thought that helping the little boy
took priority over a business meeting."

"Oh, I didn't know. Is she interested in guns too?"

"Oh, she  is quite the gun enthusiast. She doesn't belong to any official
organizations, though. she has helped American Gunowners Club from time to

"Well, in that case, it is understandable. I don't blame her for canceling our
meeting. I would have done the same thing in her place."

Janice emerged from her office a few minutes later. "Hello, Mr. Barrington,
sorry I kept you waiting."

"Oh, that is quite all right, Ms. Smith, sorry I blew my top."

Janice looked at Joni, stunned. Joni looked nonchalant. However, Janice
recovered quickly and said to him

"I believe you were looking for some clarifications. Let me take you to lunch."

"It's all set up in the executive dining room, Ms. Smith. Mr. Sheppard, the
foreman and Mr. Quimby, the Marketing Manager are waiting for you there. They
will address any concerns Mr. Barrington may have."

Joni herself went for lunch. A little after she returned, Janice walked in.
"Come into my office, Joni." She said on the way to her office.

"Joni you are a magician. What did you do to poor Mr. Barrington? I thought he
would be spitting fire when I came out to meet him, instead I find him all
sweetness and light."

"Just a bit of intuitive thinking, Janice (Joni never referred to Janice by her
name in the presence of others, she always referred to her as Ms. Smith to
preserve proper decorum). I looked up his profile and found out that he is a
great gun enthusiast. He belongs to National Rifle Association, but not to
American Gunowners Club, its much smaller rival."

"So after getting him the cup of coffee, I looked up the website of American
Gunowners Club. On the front page was the story about the little boy, Billy
Rock. So I printed up a letter, making up the American Gunowners Club
letterhead, thanking you for visiting them this morning and making a substantial
donation to fight the suit on behalf of little Billy Rock. I sent it to our FAX
number and handed to him, letting him think that it came from American Gunowners
Club. That seemed to satisfy him."

"How did you know the letterhead you made up was correct?"

"I didn't, but I was hoping that he would not have seen their letterhead before
this, since he does not belong to American Gunowners Club. There was always some
danger that he may get suspicious, but what of it? The account was lost anyway.
Oh, I also flirted with him, that also helped, I suppose."

"Why, you little minx. I bet you would like to screw him, wouldn't you?"

"Please, Janice, don't say that even in jest. I don't think I could ever be
attracted to a man, no matter how long I lived as a woman. I thought flirting
with him would help."

"Oh, I am not blaming you dear, you did an excellent job. Donna also used to
pull me out of a jam once in a while. I thought you will be a worthy replacement
for Donna and I was right. Well done, dear." Janice chuckled. "I just hope he
does not find out that I have never held a gun in my hand in my life and 
couldn't tell a shotgun from a rifle." Janice took Joni in her arms. However,
Joni looked at the door.

"You are right, of course. Better lock the door." As Joni came to Janice again,
Janice took her in her arms again. She held her face with one hand and kissed
her hard, inserting her tongue in her mouth. With a sigh, Joni relaxed in her
arms, putting her arms around Janice's neck.

Eventually Janice broke the kiss but still held Joni close to her. "You have
been drinking, haven't you, Janice?"

"Just a glass of wine, dear. One has to be sociable, you know." She kissed Joni
on her lips, lightly this time. Joni giggled into Janice's mouth.

"Are we about to incest, sis?"

"Just a quickie, dear, to celebrate our success. I am horny, but there is a lot
to do, I am way behind."

Janice sat down at her desk and removed her panties. Joni knelt in front of her,
underneath her desk and buried her face in Janice's wet, slimy bush. Janice
picked up a paper from the 'in' pile and started reading it.

Joni pushed aside Janice's dense pussy hair with her tongue and inserted her
tongue into the folds of her pussy. By now Joni had become an expert in bringing
Janice to a climax. She could make an orgasm last a half hour or she could make
her come in two minutes. Soon Janice twitched in her seat and climaxed, filling
Joni's mouth with her pussy juices. Quickly and expertly, she licked Janice
clean. The whole process was over in five minutes. Janice had barely disposed
off the paper in her hand.

Joni came out from under the desk and stood up. Janice kissed her on her lips
and tasted her own pussy juice. "Thank you dear. Don't forget to wash your face
before you go." Joni washed her face in the sink in Janice's office and
freshened up her lipstick. She looked back at Janice as she exited the office.
Janice was already deeply absorbed in work.


Janice and Athena had just completed a session of intense, passionate sex and
were lying in each other's arms naked, sweaty and panting.

"That was great, Athena, one of the best sex ever."

"Wasn't it, though? I enjoyed it as much as you did."

"You know, sometimes I wish we had not bonded so closely, so intimately. I know
you better than you know yourself, your moods, your emotions, your thoughts are
like an open book to me. If that wasn't the case, I would just enjoy the sex and
leave it at that."

"The sex was great, it was almost too good. It was as if you were hiding
something from me and to compensate for it, you paid extra special attention to
me, made me happier than usual. I know something is wrong, and don't tell me it
is about your patients, because I know it isn't. Go on, now tell mommy what is
wrong, dear." Janice held Athena to her ample breasts and kissed her on her

Athena buried her face in Janice's breasts, slick with sweat. "There is
something I wanted to tell you, darling. Oh, Janice, why does life have to be so
cruel? Where am I going to find another friend and lover like you?" She said,
playing with Janice's nipple with her finger. Her voice choked up,

Janice held Athena's face in her hand and raised it so Athena was looking up at
her. Then looking down at her she said "Why, whatever do you mean? Are you
breaking up with me, Athena dear? Why?"

"What have I wanted to do more than anything else, Janice?"

"To become a Plastic Surgeon, of course."

"For the past couple of years, I have been talking to Mr. Henry Allen, by far
the best Plastic Surgeon in the world. He works at Edinburgh Royal Infirmary in
Scotland, UK. We have worked out a residency program for me."

"He is the best Plastic Surgeon in the world and he is not even a doctor?"

"Sure he is a doctor, what makes you think he isn't?"

"Well, you called him Mr. Henry Allen."

"Oh, they have a screwy system in UK. 'Mr.' Ranks above 'Dr.'"

"So let me get this straight. When a man starts medical school, he is a 'Mr.'
When he gets his medical degree, he becomes a 'DR'. Then when he becomes a
surgeon or whatever, he becomes a 'Mr.' Again?"

"I told you it is a screwy system. Don't even ask how it works for women.
Anyway, it wasn't easy. I had to get the program approved by American Medical
Association, so that after my training, I will be able to get my license in USA
as a qualified Plastic Surgeon. Then I had to clear it up with the General
Medical Council, so that I could work at Edinburgh Royal Infirmary as a doctor.
And of course, there was the British Home Office, where I had to get the
permission to work in UK. It was quite a juggling act, but finally I have
managed to cover all the angles and I can start my residency at Edinburgh Royal
Infirmary in two and a half months."

"So you will be leaving for Scotland soon?"

"In two months' time. Janice, I will be gone for four or five years. I couldn't
ask you to remain faithful to me for that long, and I know I couldn't remain
faithful to you. I have to get me some British pussy while I am there. So it is
better if we part company." Athena's voice broke and she started sobbing in
Janice's breasts.

"Athena, dear, that is terrible. You are the best relationship I have ever had.
Now you will be leaving soon." Janice also started sobbing. They lay in each
other's arms for quite a while, crying their guts out.

After a while, they both subsided and Janice said, "Athena, look at us, acting
like two teenagers, school girls who are crying over losing a crush. You would
think a doctor and a CEO would know better."

Athena moved up, held Janice's head in her hand, put lips on hers and kissed her
passionately. "We don't have to part right away, Janice. We can remain lovers
until I leave."

"I just may start looking around before that, dear." Janice wiped Athena's eyes
with her panties.

"You mean like you have been screwing around with Joni"?

"What, you... You know about that?"

"Janice, did you think that you bonded with me and I didn't bond with you? I can
also read you like an open book. I talked to Joni about it. She was fiercely
loyal to you, she refused to tell me anything. She told me to ask you , if I had
any questions. However, the happy, serene look on her face, the flush on her
cheeks was a dead giveaway."

"Don't worry, I have known it for a while and I don't mind. If you had been
messing about with another woman, we would have broken up, but I regard Joni as
your property, to do as you please. I am OK with you having sex with Joni."

"Thanks, dear. And I am very happy for you, you will get to pursue your dream,
your ambition. Congratulations. We must have a farewell party for you. But will
you be able to work with this Mr. Allen? You know you have this thing about

"Listen, honey, to get the best training in the world as a Plastic Surgeon, I
will sleep with that creep, if necessary. One of my British friends told me it
is not at all difficult, just lie back, close your eyes, think of the Queen and
let the man do what he wants. The British male is happy with that. Whatever it
takes to become a good Plastic Surgeon."

"I am sure you will, dear. You are very ambitious and go after your goal with
energy and single mindedness. That is one of the things that attracted me to you
in the first place."

"And we can be friends forever, Janice, I would like that. You must consider
visiting me next summer. Edinburgh Festival is world famous, not something to be
missed. I am sure we will have a lot to talk about and a lot of sex to catch up
on by next summer." She sat up in bed and yawned. "Now how about some

"Let us wash up first, dear. We are both sticky with sweat, tears and pussy
juice. We must look a sight. You smell awful. Probably I do too."

"Well, I am told that is  the wet dream of some men. Come on, let us shower


"Joni, we have to talk."

Janice and Joni had just finished their dinner and were lingering over a cup of
coffee. After Joni started working as her personal assistant, she had ceased to
be her maid. She still slept in the basement, but there relationship was
becoming more and more that between equals. Since Athena had announced their
breakup, Janice had been doing some serious soul searching. Her relationship
with Athena was the best and longest lasting relationship that she ever had and
she was taking the break up hard. She had decided to make major changes in her
life and Joni was a loose end.

"Uh, oh. I have never known anything good to come out of a conversation that
starts like this."

"Well, that depends. I have to take some major decisions. Athena and I are
breaking up."


"You don't seem surprised?"

"Not really. You seemed preoccupied for the past week. Not at work, of course,
at work you were the efficient and hard driving CEO as always. However, away
from work, I could sense that something was wrong, but I didn't wish to pry. I
am sorry to hear that. Did you two have a fight, or was it another woman?"

"Neither. She is moving to Scotland to become a Plastic Surgeon and she will be
gone for several years. We decided to call it off by mutual consent."

"So what did you want to talk to me about?"

"It is about you, about us. Now that Athena will be gone shortly, I will be
looking for a new relationship. I like you, Joni, I like you a lot. You are a
great lover, an intelligent person, but I cannot have a relationship with you,
mainly because of what you have between your legs. I am sorry, but I cannot
change that, nor do I wish to change it, even if I could."

"I not only like you, but I partially love you. I love Joni, but I don't care
for Jon. Part of you is still Jon. So here is the deal for you." She took a sip
of her coffee.

"You have two choices. One is get a sex change operation, become a complete
woman. Then we could have relationship like I did with Athena. I am sure it will
be as good as that relationship, if not better. You have already told me you
love me and I have no doubt in my mind that I love Joni. If you decide to get a
sex change, I will pay for everything, and in addition, I will pay for the year
of schooling you have left. You have lost one year, but that shouldn't matter
much. Then if you want to go to professional school, I will pay for that as
well. We will stay together and we will have a relationship."

"You other alternative is to go back to being Jon. I don't know how far that
will be possible, some of the effects of the hormones may well be irreversible.
However, you could get a breast reduction surgery, go off the hormones and seek
medical help. I assume you will go back to school. Again I will pay for all the
treatment. In addition, if you decide to go back to being Jon, I will pay for
the remaining year of your schooling, I owe you at least that much. Right now
you cannot ejaculate without me spanking you while you smell my pussy. We could
get your conditioning removed by psychotherapy treatment. Again, I will pay for

"I need your decision by tomorrow. It has to be your decision alone, I won't
influence it in anyway, except to say that I love Joni and I hope she decides to
stay with me. Do you have any questions?"

Joni was thinking furiously. "Janice, I don't seem to have any good choices. Let
us look at the alternative of becoming Jon again. There are still the bikers. If
I go back to school as Jon and I happen to run into the bikers, I am dead meat,
unless I want to become their bitch."

"Oh, that. Relax, honey. There were no bikers, those were actors hired by
Minerva. When you escaped from my basement, didn't you think the escape was a
bit too easy? We shot you full of hallucinogens and let you escape. After that
everything that happened to you was orchestrated by Minerva, including your
brush with bikers."

"Why, that bitch, Minerva."

"Don't be so hard on her dear, she was just doing her job. I hired her

"Janice, why did you do it, why did you ruin my life this way? I have never done
anything to you, I adored you the moment I saw you."

"I am sorry, Joni, I guess I shouldn't have done it. But you deserve the whole
story, if you are going to make an informed decision."

Janice recounted everything to her, she told him of her sexual abuse by her
father, and the circumstances that led her to feminize Joni.

"That day at the home of my friend, Jane, something snapped inside me, I became
unhinged. I saw you in the place of my father and I thought to release my demons
by taking my revenge on you. It was wrong of me."

"However, a couple of good things came out of it. I have exorcised my demons. I
don't hate my father any more, but see him for what he was, a pathetic, sad
excuse for a human being who took out his frustrations on his little girl. I
have forgiven him, I can think of him now without getting angry, without hating
him. I had not cried, not shed tears for years, but now I can cry when it is

"Another good thing that came out of it was that I met you, Joni. You are a
remarkable person. Even after what I have done to you, you hold no ill will
toward me, you love me just for who I am. Your love is totally unselfish. Such
love is not easy to achieve and I am a very lucky woman, whether you decide to
stay with me or not. I am not worthy of your love, Joni." Janice started to sob.

Joni got up, walked over to Janice and held Janice in her arms. "There, there,
dear, don't cry. Of course you are worthy of my love. I have loved you for a
long time now. Stop crying, Janice, your mascara is running. I suppose there is
no chance you could love me in my present condition, just as I am?"

Janice wiped her eyes and looked up at her. "No, I am sorry, Joni, but I can't
change who I am. If I lie to you it won't be fair to you. No, I am afraid it has
to be one or the other. But don't worry about the bikers, you will be OK."

"You know the ironic part of it? My name isn't Jonathan, it is Jon. My parents
named me Jon as a compromise, my father wanted to name me John and my mother
didn't. That day when I said 'I am Jonathan smith the 3rd', I didn't really mean

"That started the whole chain of events, Joni. My father's name was Jonathan, so
when you said that, it stirred up something very ugly in my subconscious. Again,
I am sorry, dear. But I still say it wasn't all to the bad. But for that, I
would never have met you."

Joni sat down again, thinking. "There is another problem if I become a woman. I
couldn't face my professors and other students as a woman, I have known them as
a man. Even if they don't recognize me as Jon, in my mind I will always feel
uncomfortable attending classes as a woman here. If I become a woman, I will
need a new start somewhere else. But I suppose that is also out of the question.
I can't very well ask you to abandon your factory and move somewhere else."

"It is not out of the question, dear. In fact if leads to another matter I
wanted to discuss with you. I want to give you all the information."

"Joni, phase 1 of your feminization was totally forced, you had absolutely no
choice in the matter. In phase 2, we let you think that you were making the
decision. However, the deck was so stacked against you that you could possibly
make only one decision. You did not have all the facts, what you had was
distorted information we fed you."

"In phase 3, the final step, I don't want any dishonesty, I want you to have all
the facts. Whatever you decide, it has to be totally your decision, based upon
all the information. So what I am going to tell you is very relevant. Again,
feel free to ask me anything."

"A couple of years ago, I commissioned a study to see the feasibility of moving
oversees, moving to Canada. What I had in mind was the city of Windsor. It is
just across the river from Detroit, that is where most of our customers are. So
we will actually be moving closer to our customers by moving to Canada, Windsor
is separated from Detroit by just a river. That will cut down on transportation
costs, which is a major cost for us."

"Canadian dollar is 25-30 % lower in value than US dollar, so our salary and
wage costs will decrease. Also, if here we are employing a senior worker who has
been with us for 20-25 years and replace him with a junior worker in Canada, we
will have to pay him a lot less and that will result in further saving of

"So all in all, it sounded like a good idea. The study told us that we will save
about 20% in costs by moving to Windsor. The study was completed last year."

"However, Athena had an established practice here and she wouldn't hear of
moving to Canada, so I had to shelve the project. Now that she is leaving for
Scotland, I am seriously thinking of finally making the move. If you decide to
get the sex change, you could move with me to Windsor."

"I assume there is a good university in Windsor. If not there are several
excellent universities in Detroit, which is an easy commute from Windsor. So you
could go to school over there."

"You are making it sound attractive, Janice. However, I have a suggestion. If
you are thinking of moving, you might wish to change the name of your Company.
It was named after your father and I don't think there is any love lost between
you and him."

"Well, yes, but two good things happened because of my father. One is that he
gave birth to me, of course. Another is that if it had not been for him, I would
never have met you. That would have been my loss."

"Janice, all he did was contribute the sperm, how was he responsible for giving
birth to you? Out of more than a hundred million human beings who could have
been born, one sperm at random combined with the egg and you were conceived. I
don't see how any credit goes to your father. As for meeting me, there is not
much of Jon left in me, is there? And there will be none left if I come with
you. So 'Jon's Auto Parts' cannot possibly apply to me."

"All right, Joni dear, I will throw that in, make it part of the deal. If you
become a woman and come with me, I will change the name of the company.
Otherwise I will keep it Jon's Auto Parts, to remind me of you. How does 'John's
Auto Parts' sound to you?"

"That sounds marvelous. My father is a  great human being, caring,
compassionate, considerate. He is a total contrast from your father, he fully
deserves to have a company named after him."

"Well then, it is a deal. Is there anything more you wish to know, dear, before
you make up your mind?"

"When are you thinking of moving?"

"The top management is already in on it, we will probably finalize it in a week.
Then it will take a few months to make the move. We already have an option on a
site in Windsor. You will be able to attend school starting next fall. You will
lose a year, but you are losing it either way."

"Don't I have to live as a woman for a year or so before I can get the

"Don't worry about that, Athena can pull a few strings. I am sure we can get the
operation for you now, without waiting for a year. You have to decide whether
you want to go that way or not."

"If you decide to become Jon again, I want to you check in tomorrow for breast
reduction surgery. Athena will arrange that. After that, you can move out. If
you need any financial help until your school starts, I will be glad to help.
However, for any financial assistance or to pay for your education, you must
contact Jon's Auto Parts and not me. If you decide to become Jon, we are
finished, you will never see me again."

"If you do decide to become Joni, I want you to see the doctor tomorrow and set
the wheels in motion for your final operation. I am sure we can do that in a few
weeks, again Athena will arrange that. In either case, your employment at Jon's
Auto Parts is terminated. I want you to concentrate full time on becoming Joni."

"Oh, dear. I have enjoyed so much working for you, Janice. I am going to miss
that." Now it was Joni's turn to set off the waterworks. Janice got up, walked
over to Joni and took Joni to her bosom.

"There, there, Joni. Don't cry. Remember, if you become Joni permanently, we
need not be parted again. I do hope you decide to become Joni full time, I am
looking forward to it." She kissed Joni on the forehead.

"Let me sleep on it, Janice. I will let you know tomorrow. I doubt I shall get
any sleep tonight, though."

"Do try to get some sleep, dear. Whatever you decide, the next few weeks are
going to be busy for both of us. I will be busy with the anticipated move to
Canada. You, of course, will be busy with whatever decision you make. We better
skip sex tonight, you need the time for some deep thought. Besides, Athena will
probably drop by later on."

"Come to my room tomorrow morning. I will give you a good spanking. If you
decide to become Jon, it will be the farewell ejaculation for you, if you decide
to become Joni, it will be a sort of welcome home present."


Joni opened her eyes and saw Janice smiling down at her. "How do you feel,
dear?" She asked her.

"OK, I guess. I do feel some weakness." Joni tried to get up. However, she cried
out in pain.

"Don't try to get up, dear. You have not completely recovered, you are still in

"Is it over, then? The operation is a success?"

"Yes, it is done. It was a total success. Oh, Joni, we are going to have so much
fun exploring your newly acquired body."

"How is the move going?"

"Well, we have made considerable progress. We recruited a few employees from
Windsor and brought them over to get them trained here, so that when we start
operations over there, we will hit the ground running. Don't you worry your
pretty head about that dear. Just concentrate on getting well. Oh, by the way,
my house is up for sale."

Just then Athena walked in with a bouquet of flowers. She handed the flowers to
Joni and kissed her on the cheek. "How are you feeling, Joni dear?" She asked

"OK, I guess. Athena, I thought you hated all men?"

"I still do, dear. And not all men, but just most of them. But you are not a man
any more, are you, Joni? At least, I hope not. Welcome to the sisterhood, Joni."

"Thank you, Athena. Have a good time in Scotland. And all the best. I am sure
you will make an excellent plastic surgeon. When do you leave?"

"In a few days, now. I have sold my practice and my house, everything is in
storage. For the past few days while you have been in the hospital, I have been
living with Janice."

"That is nice. Great sex?"

"Now, dear. Don't be jealous. I am leaving soon, remember. Soon you will have
Janice all to yourself. Isn't that so, Janice?"

"Certainly, Athena. Now that Joni is a woman, there is nothing standing between
our love."

"Thank you, Janice. I know I made the right decision."

"Joni, Janice here is probably going to visit me in Edinburgh next summer.
Please come along with her, I will be happy to have you. Well, I will be off.
Some of us have work to do." Athena left.

"I am glad she left, dear. I have something important to talk to you."

"But first, I would like to ask you something. Is my conditioning still intact?"

"What conditioning?"

"Am I still unable to climax without you spanking me?"

"Yes, that is still there, sex change operation did not change that. However, a
few sessions with a psychiatrist will fix that. We will get started on that
right away, as soon as you recover."

"Could we hold off on that for a while, dear? I feel so close to you when I am
climaxing. There is no hurry to get rid of the conditioning, is there?"

"I don't see why not. I also rather like it. That will keep us close together
always. You let me know when you wish to get rid of that. From now on you don't
have to hide your pussy from me, I want it exposed and touching my bare thighs
when I am spanking you. I am feeling horny just thinking about it." She bent
down and kissed Joni lightly on her lips. "There is another thing I wanted to
discuss with you."

"When we were in USA, we of course had a lawyer on our staff, he was a corporate
lawyer. We still retain him. However, once we move, he won't be of much use to
us, he is familiar with corporate law in USA and not in Canada. We have retained
a lawyer in Windsor to look after things there.'

"However, in addition to that, it will be good to have a lawyer in house. You
indicated that you may be interested in going to professional school after you
graduate. Maybe you could see your way to becoming a lawyer. Think about it."

"There is no need to think about it. Before you so rudely uh, escorted me to
your basement,  I was thinking of business administration or law. Now I have
reason to choose one over the other. Law it is."

"Not just any law, dear. Canadian corporate law."

Joni held Janice's hand in hers and pressed it against her face. "Janice, you
have made me so happy. I am the luckiest girl in the world."

Janice patted Joni on the head. "So am I dear, so am I, though perhaps in my
case, 'woman' may be more appropriate."

"So could we go visit Athena next summer?"

"We will see, it depends upon how smoothly the transition goes for John's Auto
Parts and also for you. By the way, the name is changed, it is now John's Auto
Parts. But you have got other things to worry about, young lady. After you
recover, your first priority must be to finish your schooling. I do need that
lawyer in house."

 Joni rolled her eyes. "OK, mom."

"Are you being impertinent again, young lady? Maybe you need a good spanking."

"Oh, would you please?"

"Oh, you are incorrigible. I only wish I could warm your bottom, right here. But
I must think of some other punishment for you, the threat of spanking obviously
doesn't work."


"Yes, Janice."

"Uh, Joni?"

"Still here, old girl."

"There is something else I wanted to talk to you about. When I decided to move
the company to Canada, I overlooked another implication. Canada is a much
friendlier place for people like us. Canada! Where men are men, but they also
can be women, if they choose. In Canada, gays and lesbians are allowed to marry,
same as heterosexuals, with exactly the same rights and responsibilities.
Recently Ontario changed all its marriage related laws, removing the words
'husband' and 'wife' and replacing them with the gender neutral term, 'spouse'.
So at least Ontario is in no hurry to go back to good old days."

Janice got down on her knees beside the bed and took out a small box from her
purse. "So what I wanted to ask you is, that is, what I mean is.." She opened
the box to reveal an engagement ring, sparkling with diamonds.

"Joni, dear.."

Janice hesitated. For the first time in her life, she was lost for words. Joni
was watching her with an amused expression. "Go on, Janice, you are doing well."

"Joni, will you do me the honor of becoming Mrs. Joni Smith?". Janice's voice
choked up

"Joni, will you marry me?" She managed to blurt out as she choked back a sob.

Interlude (final, 35 years after Jon's birth)

Karoscan-34 and Dratto-29 looked at each other, awestruck. "I would never have
guessed it, Karoscan. At some point we both thought we were wrong. As it turns
out, we were both right."

"How so?"

"Let us look at Jon first. He is Joni now, happily married to the trimee called
Janice. See, Joni is about to take her son to baseball game, same as in the
other universe. So in that respect, at least, nothing has changed. Well, what
were your predictions? Let us go through them one by one, see if they turned out
to be true. This John Smith was highly educated, a professional, owner of a
company (John's Auto Parts) which he jointly owns with his wife."

"Check. So is Jon Smith, or rather, Joni smith."

"His wife was beautiful and intelligent."

"Check, I suppose. She is beautiful and intelligent for a trimee anyway."

"John was happily married, had a son. He loved his wife and son."

"Now here there is a change. Joni is happily married, loves her spouse and son.
But of course this Joni can't be the father of their son."

"But she is the biological father, Karoscan. She had to make several visits to
the doctor during her feminization process. At that time, the doctor extracted
her semen and froze it. They used that semen to impregnate the other trimee, his
spouse, Janice. So Janice is the mother and Joni is the father."

"So that one also came true, Dratto."

"Let us go on. The name of their company was John's Auto Parts."

"Check. So is the name of their company in this universe."

"So all of your predictions came to be true."

"And so did yours, Dratto. You said that John's life will be changed in a
significant manner, though obviously you could not predict in what manner. Jon
turned from a man to a woman, there can't be more significant change than that.
There is also another interesting change. In the other universe, John was the
CEO and his wife was the company lawyer. In this universe, their roles are
switched, his spouse is the CEO and Jon (or rather Joni) is the company lawyer."

"What this means is that the time stream is neither like a large, placid lake
nor is it like a  mountain buried deep in snow, where the smallest disturbance
would cause a significant change in the universe. The time stream is somewhere
in between. If a slight disturbance is caused, it may cause a significant change
locally, for a few individuals. However, the change is not significant enough to
matter on the larger scale."

"That is right. On the macro scale, there is little difference between this
universe and the previous one, the two universes are identical. If you look at
different nations, socio economic structure in each of them, flora, fauna etc.,
by any measure this universe is identical to the previous universe, but lives of
a few individuals are changed."

"And we can't really say whether for the better or worse, Karoscan. If you look
at Jon (Joni) or John, it is not at all clear who is the happier of the two. And
that other trimee, Janice, is definitely happier in this universe. In the other
universe, she was still racked with feelings of guilt, shame and loathing
towards her father (and towards herself) at this age. In this universe, she does
not hate her father any more and has managed to shed whatever emotional baggage
she had."

"This should make for one hell of a term paper. I am sure we are looking at an
'A' here."

"What 'A'? This stuff is worth publishing, we should be able to get a paper out
of this one, co-authored with Prof. Maravedi-7, of course. I will talk to the
professor. Now, how about the other question?'

"What other question?"

"Well, we made a slight, smallest possible change and observed what happened.
How about we try the other extreme, make a large change, a global change and see
if that changes the time stream significantly for the trimees on earth? That
will be our term paper for the next term for our Elementary Universe Design - 2

"Well, how about we unleash the bubonic plague and wipe out half the population
of earth? Or maybe give them wings and the ability to fly? That should stir
things up a bit."

"Think big, Karoscan, think big."

"Bigger than this? What do you have in mind?"

"Consider this. On earth, nature used three independent paths towards the
development of intelligence. Primates, Elephantidae and the Dolphins. The
Dolphins was a dead end, they took to water. In water there was no way they
could make tools or discover fire. So it was between the Primates and the
Elephantidae family."

"Elephantidae? You mean the elephants?"

"Not just the elephants. There was the ancestor of modern elephants, the
Stegodon. Then there was the woolly mammoth, there was the mastodon. Asian
elephant is different from the African elephant, in fact it is more closely
related to the extinct mammoth than it is to the African elephant."

"If we leave aside dolphins and whales, there was a race between the Primates
and Elephantidae towards developing an intelligence and the Primates won by a
hair, i.e. a couple of million years."

"However, elephants are highly intelligent. They have complex social structure,
they mourn their dead, they pass on the knowledge from generation to generation.
In addition, the trunk is a very versatile organ and could well be used to build
tools. African elephant has two fingerlike projections on his trunk, he can pick
up a coin from the ground with his trunk. Given time, they could have evolved
more digits and the trunk could have developed into an arm, capable of handling
tools and other implements. But they lost the race to Primates by a hair."

"I see what you are getting at, Dratto. My god, that is positively brilliant."

"I am naturally gifted" Dratto beamed modestly. "First me must preserve all the
records of our experiment, so that we can write our report and our paper. That
is easily done. There, I have uploaded everything into the central University
computer, now it is saved for eternity. Now before we start writing our report,
let us take care of the next term project."

"I have done the preliminary work earlier today. Now all we have to do is set
back the time in Odin's universe by five million years, there, it is done. Then
we speed up the evolution of elephantidae, just so. Now we slow down the
evolution of Primates by a smidgen, like this. For good measure we speed up the
forward passage of time so that five million years in the trimee universe will
be over by the end of next term, so that we can write our report. It will be
interesting to see what happens in five million years, whether we will still see
Joni Smith taking her kid to baseball game, or something totally different."

	"Now we should have the results in time to write the term paper next
term. Come on friend, let us celebrate our success. Let us go out, find five
other partners and partake  of a pure white sexual experience."


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