BDSM Library - Caught Fire

Caught Fire

Provided By: BDSM Library

Synopsis: The story is set in a medieval/fantasy kind of world. Our 'heroine', Jeanne, has a certain talent - she can call forth fire at will, but only when she is stressed. After some unfortunate incidents she sets out to find someone to teach her how to control that ability, and finds him in Tane, a sorcerer with some background who is not only interested in teaching Jeanne how her magic might work. Yet he is not so easily satisfied, and has some peculiar ideas how sex has to work.

Caught Fire

Part 1

By Dari

Until now my life had been pretty one-dimensional. I had never had the freedom

to make my own decisions; there had always been others who were there to tell me

what to do. First my father and aunt, who had done their best to raise me as a

pious farmer's daughter. When it became apparent that I was not really suited

for this kind of life - being a farmer is kind of the last job that you want to

have when you can ignite whole fields of wheat with the power of your thoughts

when you're upset - they had ushered me into the not so tender care of the

innkeeper of the next village.

The village was more than a two day ride away from my father's farm, so I was

well out of their way. Mrs. Tumbler, said innkeeper, had had no patience for

lazy tavern wenches, so instead of working on the fields from sunup to sundown,

I worked in the kitchen from sunup to well into the night, depending on the

number of patrons. But I won't complain, work there had been alright, considered

how some girls fared in the taverns of the big cities. Mrs. Tumbler would never

tolerate a drunkard to even stare at one of the girls, least of all the cook's

apprentice, so apart from working myself numb everything was fine.

Then there came the "incident". I still say that it was not my fault that some

rags in the kitchen had caught fire, and the inn would have burnt down if it

had not been raining that night, but my employer remembered all too well why my

aunt had been happy to have me out of her hair, so Mrs. Tumbler did the only

thing she thought was right - she threw me out, talking gentle and sweetly, but

nevertheless dumping me on the street not soon after the last embers had burnt

down to ash.

It had been pure luck that one of the patrons from a town in the south had

mentioned the Academy some nights before the "incident". The Academy was some

kind of institution no one knew any clear details about, but everyone agreed

that the mages that studied there were the best in the whole realm. Of course

such an education had to be rather costly, and I had only enough money to

provide myself with food for a week, but nevertheless being admitted there

seemed like THE idea to me. So I took my leave from the inn and went south, not

really knowing what I had to expect, but at least I had a goal.

After two weeks of wandering the roads of the country I finally reached

Midriver, the great city of the south, where the Academy was. Having lived for

more than ten years on a farm I had been able to provide myself with enough food

to make it to the city, but when I finally stared at the gates in awe, I

realized that not everything might go as I wanted it to go. First, there were

way too many people in that city, and I doubted that I could live in such a

crowded place. Second, even some of the obviously poor had better clothing than

me, and with no way to help myself to even a bath I saw my chances dwindle.

For the most part of my first morning in the city I walked through the streets

and simply stared at the buildings. When I had finally figured out which

buildings might be taverns or inns, I tried to apply for a job as a cook or

kitchen apprentice there, but most of the owners just laughed at me, and at

midday I had to except defeat. There was no way that I would be able to work

for a better start here. So I asked the next best person on the street where the

Academy was, so I could at least try my luck there.

It took me four tries to find someone to even notice me, and the answers I got

ranged from uninformative to useless. Only one woman seemed to have pity with me

and finally told me how I could get there, but she warned me that I wouldn't

even be let onto the grounds of the Academy, and that it was very rare that

women were even admitted there, poor women never.

All that depressed me a lot, but as I had no other real choice I thanked her and

followed her instructions. When I arrived at the gates of the Academy I knew

what she had wanted to tell me with her words. The gate was barred and guarded

on the inside, and on the lawns that were behind I could see some people

strolling around, all clad in clothes that must have cost more than my father's


With the last residues of my will I approached one of the guards and asked if it

were possible that I might speak to someone who was in charge, as I wanted to

apply for a study here, and he did the same as most of the others, he simply

laughed at me and told me to be gone. I was already close to tears when he and

his colleague began to taunt me, telling me that a girl as ugly as me wouldn't

even find admittance in the city's brothels. For a moment I just stared at them,

totally dumbfounded while the second guard said something about applying to some

other things I couldn't even imagine, when suddenly something inside of me

snapped. The next thing I remember was the guard's uniforms, all thick oiled

leather, catching fire, turning their taunts into oaths, followed by curses.

It then dawned me that the best thing for me would be to turn around and run,

but before I could do that two men clad in long grey robes emerged from one of

the buildings, evidently alarmed by the guards' shouts. One of them extended a

hand, making a flourish, and the fire went out. The other mage stared at me, and

suddenly the air around me seemed to freeze, making it impossible for me to even

move, let alone flee.

"What happened here? What is this commotion all about?" Before I could even open

my mouth, the first guard began to stammer about me having attacked them with no

reason. The mages both listened intently, while dread rose inside of me. They

would surely believe their own guards, not the filthy girl who looked like

straight out of the slums, and I didn't even want to start thinking what they

might do to me.

When the guard had finished his report, the mage that had snuffed out the fire

turned his gaze on me. I nearly began to cry anew when he scowled at me, but

instead of bringing down doom upon me, he just smiled.

"I am sure that she did exactly what you told me. That is why she is crying now,

because she is so terribly sorry that she didn't succeed. Now girl, tell me,

what is your name, and why are you here?"

It took me three attempts of even utter a single sound, and some more to answer

with a coherent sentence. "I'm Jeanne, and I wanted to ask here if I might be

admitted into the Academy." At least that was what I wanted to say, out came

something that closely resembled a slight murmur. Nevertheless the mage nodded,

as if he had understood. Maybe he had. They were mages, they could call down the

wrath of the gods, maybe they could even read my mind, or something.

"Well, then I guess we should at least go into the Hall instead of standing

around here. I will now release you, but please don't run away; it was good of

you to come here." Then the invisible bonds disappeared from my body, and I

could move again. Yet I was too terrified to run away, so I followed the two

mages when they made their way into the next building, the one they had come


What came next really astonished me. Instead of threatening me with punishment

for threatening the guards no one further mentioned that detail, and everyone

was peculiar about my life. They asked me where I hailed from, what I had been

doing until now, and many other things. After having heard most of my life's

uninteresting details they asked me about my Gift, as they called it, the innate

ability to control fire. I could tell them next to nothing, only that sometimes

when I was angry or scared something ignited around me. For me that was a

greater nuisance, for them it seemed to be a perfectly normal thing.

They explained to me that they were frequently roaming the land, looking for

children who had similar abilities like me. Not everyone could become a mage,

and only very few ever developed the ability to do things like I could on their

own. Normally these children were found before they reached their tenth year,

but as the land was mostly wilderness with only few villages and farms it was

nearly impossible to find all the Gifted. Some of them, like me, eventually

turned up on their doorstep, and everyone seemed to be grateful about that. I

didn't really understand why, yet I was treated like something special, and with

that I had no problem.

After the initial talk I was ushered into a small room upstairs, and two women

came in to help me wash and dress with proper clothes. I refused their help,

being unfamiliar with that kind of attention, yet grateful that I was provided

with fresh clothing. I had never owned something that was made out of such fine

linen, and wanted to persist to simply wash my old clothes and wear them

afterwards, but the maids only laughed cheerfully and ended that by telling me

to either wear the provided clothes or stay naked. A bit undignified I put on

the bodice and slip, next a long white undergarment, and atop that a light blue

simple dress. The maids even combed out my still wet hair and braided it anew.

After being content with the outcome they brought me back to the hall where some

of the mages that had interrogated me before still milled around. I was greeted

again, and they explained what there might be in store for me here, if I still

wanted to be admitted. Eagerly I listened to their explanations, and after five

minutes I knew that I wanted to stay. I had no problems with being disciplined,

and learning more about my abilities sounded really perfect. The only obstacle

might be that I was nearly twice as old as most of their students; normally they

taught children, I with my twenty years couldn't be called a child any longer.

Yet they told me that they would handle that in some way.

When I had agreed to stay here I was lead to another chamber, this being my room

for the next few days. I thought it would be my room for much longer, not

knowing that I would leave here all too soon at this time. I was provided with

food and drink, and then left for the night.

The next day I was introduced to some of the teachers, meeting some of the

students, younger and older ones alike. Then I was assigned to a young woman who

couldn't be much older than me. She would be my guide for the first days,

teaching me the basics of meditation and concentration that seemed to be so

important for using magic; another of her duties was to test if and how well I

could read and write. They seemed to be astonished that I could write more than

my name and read at all, although both not really fast or without splotching ink

everywhere. So the next three days passed quite fast, and although I was

still a bit intimidated by the simply size of the Academy, I began to feel at

home here.

One morning I was again called before a gathering of the elder mages. I was not

alone there, many other students, mainly children, were already in the hall.

Before I could ask what this was about I was told that we now had to decide

which field of magic we wanted to learn, and some of us would from now on learn

with a private teacher outside the Academy. Most of the girls, quite a lot

considering the apparently false information about women not being admitted here

so easily, wanted to learn more about healing, and many students were enticed by

other fields that I couldn't even imagine they were good for. The mages asked

each and every student what they wanted to study, collecting them in small

groups and leading them out afterwards. Me they left out till the end, either

because they went by age, or because they already knew that I didn't understand

enough to make such decisions.

Most of the other students had already left when one of the mages finally

approached me. When she asked me what I wanted to do, I explained that I had

come here to learn to control my ability, and to be true, I wasn't really

interested in healing or conjuring or some other strange things. The mage only

nodded and then proposed to her colleagues to sent me to one of their

specialists in elemental magics. There I would learn how to control the forces

of water and air, and so on. Only when I asked if I could maybe learn to control

fire, some of them didn't look all that happy.

After exchanging many uneasy gazes the mage who had talked to me at the Academy

gates finally took me by the arm and steered me away from the others. I was a

bit baffled by his behaviour but didn't ask. He would soon enough explain

himself, I thought, which he promptly did.

"I know that fire magic is your reason to be here, and it would be a waste to

not teach you how to use your gift - you have it in you to become quite a

powerful sorceress, but nevertheless, you should consider studying something

different for now, and learn some fire spells from the books."

That not only sounded dreadfully boring, it didn't really interest me in the

least. Yet I didn't want to anger him, so I just hesitated to answer, which

seemed to be answer enough. The old mage sighed and then nodded. "Well, I

thought that you might react like this, and maybe you know what's the best for

you. If you want to, I will contact the one sorcerer I know who seeks an

apprentice right now and who might teach you all that you want to know about

fire, and many other things, too. But I can't promise you anything, he normally

only teaches young children, strictly boys, so I don't know if he will even come

here to talk to you in person. And maybe you will change your mind after that

talk. Tane is not really a man many can stomach, most women less than men." I

only nodded, thinking that he expected this of me, and after that I was again

free to roam the Academy grounds. But the way everyone had treated this subject,

and the words of the old mage made me quite itchy and quizzical. Who was this

Tane that they spoke that way about him? Until now everyone here had been quite

unbiased and kind to me, never blustering about anyone.

The rest of the day I was left to my own thoughts, same as the following night.

In the morning one of the maids who came to change the sheets of my bed told me

that I was to go down to one of the rooms next to the gathering hall. I

downright flew down the flights of stairs, and only stopped before the great

doors of the hall to rearrange my clothes and catch my breath. Then I entered,

full of anticipation and a little dread.

Only two people were in the hall, the old mage and another man whom I couldn't

see all that well because he stood with his back to me in front of a window with

the morning sun ridding him of everything but his silhouette.

The mage came over to me with a greeting and worried eyes and told me that

he would wait outside the hall. I should catch up to him there to tell him of my

decision. Then he left, leaving me standing in the middle of the room with that

mysterious man everyone seemed to be uneasy about.

When the door closed the man finally turned and slowly took some steps towards

me. When he stepped out of the sunlight I could see that he didn't look quite as

I had expected. He was quite young for a teacher, only in his early thirties,

with blond hair bound into a short tail at the nape of his neck, his face devoid

of any beard. Intent blue eyes assessed me with a few quick gazes while he

stopped with still two meters of distance between us. With the bulky black robe

that he wore I couldn't really estimate how his body looked, but the way he

moved spoke of grace and strength, two things that most of the mages around here


"So, you are the girl that troubles them enough to bite the bullet and call me

down here." His voice was a deep baritone, sounding quite pleasant, being

another contradiction to my thoughts. Either the mages had all overreacted, or

he was the proverbial wolf in sheep's clothing. Judging from the intent way he

still stared at my face, and only my face, I went for the latter.

"Well, they must have told you a lot of stories about me, at least some of which

are true, but most are, sad but true, pure fiction. Life would be all that much

easier if they were true." He then smiled, and it dawned on me what kind of

stories that might have been. No one had told me, so I didn't know for sure, but

his smile was full of half-hidden dark suggestions ...

But maybe I was only imagining all of that. Maybe he just wanted to taunt me.

And I didn't like it when people wanted to taunt me. So I just smiled and tried

to be a bit sassy. "They didn't tell me a thing - I guess you're not that

infamous as you believe, or want to believe."

Tane laughed, a rich sound being that, and when he finally stopped a slight

smile had crept on his features. "That might be as next to the truth as we will

get today."

Then he sobered visibly, and for the first time he looked me up and down, as if

I was only now that I had shown some backbone, worth to be regarded. Yet when

his gaze was back at my face it stayed there, and there was no way of telling if

he liked what he had seen.

"I guess we are both not here for stupid small talk, so let's get some things

straight. If they really haven't told you anything, they are as stupid as if

they'd drowned you in crazy stories. I have my knacks, and although some around

here would rather commit suicide than be in the same room with me, I'm not that

unbearable. I'm just a little bit ... eccentric." He made it sound as if that

explained all, which it of course did not, but I guess he just wanted me to ask.

So I did him that favour.

"Eccentric?" Tane laughed again. "At least you're not as dull as some of the

others. Predicting what others want of you is a feat that is far too less

distributed around here." He hesitated briefly, than made a show of studying one

of the carpets that hung at the walls, while resuming his tale.

"They must have told you that I normally only teach young boys. I can't stand

criticism, yet I hate it when I'm surrounded by boot-heel licking bastards. The

younger, the more formable my students tend to be, so ten to twelve is a good

age. I don't know how old you are, but I guess you could top that by a decade."

Before I could nod, he extended his hand towards me, still not looking at me,

and went on.

"It doesn't really interest me, at least not now. If you'll really become my

student we'll have plenty of time for such talk. Right now it is important that

you understand what to expect of this. I won't have you tell me afterwards that

I didn't warn you."

Still he studied the carpets, and this somehow enervated me. Couldn't he look me

in the face when he was talking to me? As if he had read my thoughts, Tane then

turned and studied me with a certain calm. "You have a certain potential, that I

can feel even from here, but if you think that you'll only have to cope with me

during the lessons, you're wrong. My hut is about two days worth of riding from

the next town, and there are no other people around there." He then walked over

to me, stopping right in front of me. "It can get quite lonely out there, you

should know." Tane extended a hand and lightly brushed a strand of hair off

my face. I nearly jerked away from him when the heel of his hand touched my


He waited until I again looked at him before he continued. "I should stay to the

facts. I must already be boring you with the details." Somehow still a bit in

shock I just stared at him, waiting for him to go on. Tane snickered briefly. "I

guess I've hinted enough. If you stay with me, you'll not get around sharing my

bed with me. And I'm not talking about fucking you once a week or such nonsense.

I'm also not talking about any stupid feelings like love et cetera. I'm a man

who has needs that have to be satisfied, and if I have the means at hand not to

do all the work for myself ..." He chuckled again, either because he thought the

whole thing funny, or because I was already blushing deep red. "And you don't

look like the woman who stays celibate all of her own. But we'll have to work on

that nice colour of yours that is creeping over your face right now. What's the

matter, does is startle you that I tell you that you'll have to content yourself

with having sex with me, or is it just my manners, that I say it out loud so


To be true, I had expected something like that after the hint the old mage had

given me. Either that or Tane must have been gay, and considering that other

bits and pieces about him being unbearable for some people, I hadn't figured

that it was about the gender he preferred. But with him standing so close to me,

telling me all that straight in the face, it was a different matter.

I had to clear my throat before I could answer him. "The latter. You're really

quite straight-forward." He only smiled as if I had complemented him on

something. Maybe I had. I simply didn't know. "You've got a problem with my way

of dealing with things?" I simply shook my head and in the same time tried to

keep myself from blushing further.

Tane frowned briefly. "I take it that you're no longer a virgin. Even if you came

from a family of high standing, what you evidently don't do, you're old

enough to have kids on your own. What have you been doing before you came over


I didn't know if I should be offended because of his words about my heritage,

but let it go, knowing all too well that my manner of speaking was not that of a

noble woman. I could have said the same about him. But the question about my

life was something I could answer without problems. "I've been working in a

tavern for the last three years."

Tane's grin grew lopsided, and before I could worry about what that might mean,

he stated it out loud. "Whore, or only part time whore?" Again colour was

creeping over my cheeks, but this time it was not shame but anger. "Kitchen

apprentice!" My words came out in a low hiss, which drew another laugh off

him, while he held up his hands conciliating. "Okay, I see, there is a backbone

behind all this cute maid of the country attire, after all." Somehow he was just

confusing me. Nevertheless I tried to stay calm, seeing that he had been

taunting me. At least that was what I preferred to believe.

He then sighed and briefly rubbed his eyes with one hand. "Of course we'll be

having some problems in the beginning, until we've settled all the disputes and

grown accustomed to one another. I've been living alone for ten years now, only

five years of that I had apprentices, I'm kind of absolutely not used to having

a woman around me. But we'll manage. You won't have to cook often or run the

household; that chaos runs itself alright."

He then turned around and began to briefly pace the room. When he came back to

me he stopped and again let his eyes roam over my body. Although he still didn't

show what he thought about me, I hated to be scrutinized like that, but I didn't

dare speak up. Who knew what he might have in store for me if I complained about

being stared at. Apart from his flippant tongue he seemed quite okay, at least

from what I could tell after five minutes in the same room with him.

"Hm, Jeanne is your name if I remember right, isn't it?" I nodded. "Well,

Jeanne, would you have any problems with coming with me from what you know right

now? I'm quite demanding of my students, but I try to stay fair; both don't

really apply to my other ways, but what do you think right now? Would you just

come with me? Or do you want to ask some questions? Talk to people around here

who already know me?" It somehow astonished me that he asked all of this. From

the words of the mage I had thought that Tane would say stay here or come with

me, not give me that many options. Now I was a little bit at a loss.

"I honestly don't know." He frowned mockingly. "You don't know if you dare go

with a self-declared sex obsessed man, or you don't know if you want to assure

yourself that I'm quite insane?"

Somehow the lilt in his voice made me laugh, and I could then see in his eyes

that this reaction had gained me something with him, same as when I had reacted

with anger before. Most of the time in my life I had never dared to be sarcastic

or even a bit ironic, with a very conservative aunt and an employer who thought

that laughs were a sure sign for slack behaviour. Maybe that would change now.

The least I could try was venture that road a bit further.

"Maybe I believe you capable of being both and don't really care about it right

now, as long as I get something out of that all?" He answered my grin with a

mock bow. "Be assured my lady, you'll get more than you've bargained for, and

you will find most of that quite enticing. Or why do you think I'm quite hated

around here? It's not just because I break most of their rules with every stride

I take." He didn't continue, but the intense look he gave me was answer enough.

With that he returned to his questions. "So, would you accompany me, or do you

rather stay here with all the dusty tomes and senile old men? You'll surely have

more fun with me, although that might develop into a play with fire. But that's

exactly what you want, isn't it?" I briefly blinked, trying to discern how much

to read into his words, but gave up after some seconds. "I guess I'll take that

risk. Provided you let me go if we really can't get along with each other?" The

last was said a bit too hesitant for my likings, but talking when being stressed

is not one of my favourite things.

Tane snickered again. "Took you long to throw yourself into that safety net.

Thought you would ask that the moment I gave you the option to ask." He

scratched his chin as if to think, then shrugged. "Of course I'll bring you back

here if everything goes wrong. I'm not a monster - I know better than most here

what you are capable of should I really bother you too much. The gods only know

what happens to the guy who is dumb enough to try to rape a girl who has the

power to incinerate everything around her without even thinking about it,

preferably when she's stressed and frightened." I must have looked quite

disturbed by his words, because he laughed and made a soothing gesture. "I don't

intend to do anything like that to you, and I didn't say it to frighten you -

but sooner or later you will have to realise what you are really capable of.

Even now, without direct control of your powers, you could wreck havoc around

here. Think of what you'll be able to accomplish after two years with me. Never

forget that."

He gave me the time to think about his words, meanwhile going to the windows and

looking out. When he turned back around he grinned slightly and then gestured at

me with his right hand. "Now that you've decided to come with me, I guess I'll

have to test your resolve. Would it be too much to ask you to undress?" I could

just stare at him. "Pardon me?" Tane grinned and then sat down on the

windowsill. "Remove your clothes that is." I continued staring at him. He

couldn't be serious, now could he?

Tane's grin grew with every second that I just stood there and stared at him.

"Too modest? It would be nice to know what to expect. But I guess there was

nothing else to be expected from a kitchen apprentice." I didn't know why, but

somehow this let my rage flare again. So I locked gazes with him, bent down and

grabbed the hem of my dress in both hands. After a last second of hesitation I

slipped the dress over my head and let it slide to the floor. Tane just looked

at me, again showing no emotions on his face. Before my morale could get the

better of me I also slipped out of the undergarment, leaving only the bodice and

slip. My breath caught in my lungs, and I could feel my heartbeat quicken. Yet I

somehow succeeded in putting only defiance into my eyes, while I did my best to

inhale as much as possible to let my middle look a bit less womanly.

Still Tane did nothing but look at me, and it unnerved me even more now that I

was only scantly clad. With the last bits of my strength I undid the strings

that help my bodice tight in place, then let it fall to the floor, while hooking

my fingers into the sides of my slip and stepping out of the last bit of

clothing that still covered my body. Then I looked up at him again, cramping my

arms in front of my belly. It would have been a stupid gesture to try to cover

my tits, so that was all I could do.

For five more seconds Tane just looked at me without moving a muscle. I could

tell, because I counted the seconds. Then my resolve snapped. "Could you,

please, say something? Anything? I know that I look awful, but telling me that

is still better than just staring at me!" He smirked, but then his features

flattened again and he stepped away from the window towards me. "No, you don't

look awful. You might not be of otherworldly beauty, but I prefer talent and

character over cute smiles." This time he didn't stop in front of me, but

circled me once, to stop behind my back. I didn't dare turn around, so I just stayed

as I was, praying that this would end soon.

When he touched my shoulders I really jumped, making Tane laugh softly. "Easy

there, I'm not going to do anything but look and maybe touch you a bit. Stay

calm, I swear it won't hurt." He then moved his hands from my shoulders down my

arms to clasp them atop my hands, leaning into me while softly whispering into

my ear. "At least you've got some tits to speak of, and a nice ass. I really

prefer that to a skinny girl. I mean when I'm with a woman, I expect her to look

and feel like a woman, not like a prepubescent girl. I guess I'm making a good

deal with you there." He softly loosened my fingers and brought my hands to

my sides, then slid his hands from my hips upwards to gently cup my breasts,

making me catch my breath and stiffen some more. I hadn't felt that

uncomfortable in ages, yet somehow it excited me, too.

"See, just perfect, how your breasts fit into my hands. I will never understand why

some women prefer to be thin as a willow when their bodies can be so beautiful

with just a bit more padding. Any complaints?" He didn't really seem to expect

me to answer, as he began to softly kiss the side of my neck while beginning to

kneed my firm breasts. When I inhaled to get the breath to answer him

nevertheless he moved the thumb and index finger of his right hand to my nipple

and twisted a bit. Pain and desire both welled up through my body, and I gasped.

While he continued to softly pinch my nipple his other hand moved from my breast

down over my belly to settle firmly over my crotch, not toughing any

particularly sensitive parts of me, but nevertheless arousing me more. My legs

seemed to move apart on their own account, giving him free access to everything.

Tane softly chuckled against my neck and then stopped teasing me, with his

second hand again cupped over my breast.

"I'm not going to lie to you in any way. When I tell you that I find you

beautiful, I mean it. I wouldn't touch you if I didn't mean it. I'm not that

desperate." Again he chuckled, his breath tickling my neck and making me squirm

a bit. "Whoa, so eager to get this going on?" Only then I realized what my

moving had done to his grip on me, dipping one of his fingers nearly inside me

while rubbing another over my clit. I inhaled sharply, heat creeping over my face.

"No, I mean, I just ..." Once more a dry laugh, then he let go of me completely,

and I could feel the warmth of his body disappear from mine when he stepped

away. As happy as that made me, it also made me instantly long for his caress

once more. Strange feelings for me, but all of this was not the normal situation

I was used to.

When I didn't hear anything from him, neither a word nor the sound of his

footsteps I hesitantly turned around, this time not able to keep my hands calm

and unoccupied. Tane stood some feet away from me with his arms crossed before

his chest and looked at me, seemingly amused by my belated attempt to cover

myself up.

"It's okay; I know that I tickled you. But don't be cruel to me, let me believe

that at least some part of you might have loved it if I had continued. Okay?" I

nodded hesitantly, feeling stupid all the while. This all was just too strange.

This time I was really happy when Tane continued to speak. "Good. Now that this

is settled, do you still want to come with me? If you really hated me touching

you like that I'd advise you to decline and stay here. Although I hate to admit

it, there are capable people around here who can help you control your magic.

But I'd really hate to let the possibility to fuck you slide. But it's yours to

decide. Will you accompany me?"

His words somehow confused me. While I kept my legs shut tightly I could still

feel a slight trickle flow out of my pussy. Hadn't he felt that? Didn't he know

that he had aroused me? And if not, he must have seen, and felt, my nipples grow

hard. Or did he just omit to mention these signs to keep my embarrassment as low

as possible? I didn't know, and right now I was not capable of asking. I was

also incapable of answering, so I just nodded. My mind might scream at me to

stay here, to take the thoughtful decision, but my body insisted that I would

like what came from a man who could make me hot with minute effort. Maybe it was

the wrong decision to follow my body instead of my mind, but when I saw him

register my answer, I felt a lump disappear from my throat.

"Well, now that that's settled you can get dressed again. Provided you want to

dress? I wouldn't mind seeing the whole of you some more." He hadn't even

finished speaking when I already bent down and scrambled to get my clothes back

together and properly on my body. Tane all the while laughed, speeding me on in

my efforts.

We left the city about an hour later. Tane had briefly talked to some of the

mages while I had returned to my chamber for the last time, getting my scarce

belongings. When I returned I earned some looks that were full of pity from the

assembled mages, but no one tried to change my mind. We were off the Academy

grounds within fifteen minutes of my redressing attempts.

When he saw my little bundle Tane just frowned but let it go uncommented. Yet

before we turned to the road that lead out of the city towards the west he

ushered me into the shop of a seamstress, ordering five full sets of clothes for

me. I can't say how happy I was that the woman measured me with just a gaze and

didn't have me strip again. Tane paid and then handed me the bundle of clothes.

Next we went for some groceries and to a strange smelling shop where he bade me

wait outside. It looked like a tanner's shop, but I wasn't sure. The bundle he

came out with didn't give me any clues about its contents, and I didn't ask. It

was not my thing to enquire everything that happened around me.

Just before we reached the gates we stopped once more in a tavern. Tane briefly

talked with the owner, and then told me to wait out front. Some minutes later he

reappeared from a side street, leading two mules, one of whom was drawing a

small cart. He told me to hop atop that one, all the while swinging himself atop

the other. When I had finally accomplished the task of settling on the back of

the mule Tane led his animal towards the gates, my one following without further

motivation. I wouldn't have been able to provide it anyway.

Underway Tane told me that the cart and mules were rented from a small village

that we would reach later that afternoon. From there on we would have to go to

his hut.

Most of the day passed by me in a blur. We didn't talk much, as Tane kept his

mule in front of mine which made talking quite inconvenient, so I was left alone

with my thoughts. Not that bad either, as I was used to that. When the sun was

about to set we finally arrived in the small village he had been talking about.

Tane led us to a small house at the other end where he jumped down from the

mule and went into the building. This way at least no one looked at me while I

ungracefully made my way down from my animal. Then Tane and an elder man

returned, unbound the cart and brought the mules into the stables. After another

brief exchange of words both Tane and I took the bundles of our belongings and

set out again.

We had been walking for half an hour maybe, venturing at the outskirts of a

small forest, when Tane stopped and set down his things. When I eyed him

askance, he only smiled. "I haven't mastered a good part of the elemental magics

to go the better part of a week through the world. Now that we are outside any

part of civilization I no longer have to pretend to stick to the rules."

Evidently he didn't expect understanding form me, because he turned around

without another word, and for some minutes just stared at the air in front of

him. Then he raised his hands, and in the next moment the air in front of him

began to waver and spin. Within seconds a hole appeared there. I can't describe

it any other way. Through it I could see a rocky plateau with scarce trees.

Tane picked up his things and then motioned at the hole. "You've got to go

first, it will close the moment I step through. Just go through as if entering a

house, it's not that much different." For some moments I was too scared to even

move, but when he came over to me to usher me through with a benevolent smile on

his face I let myself be guided through.

The moment I stepped down at the other side of the hole, a gush of wind tore at

my hair. The air seemed to be a bit thinner here, and when I looked around I

could see that I was standing half-way up some mountain. The plateau was on one

side seamed by a meadow running downhill, on two other sides by steep cliffs,

and the forth side was represented by a steep rock wall that seemed to go on for at

least two hundred meters above the plain. A small wooden hut lay nestled against the

wall, nearly invisible next to a small grove.

"You like it?" I looked around to see Tane beside me. The hole in the air had

already closed itself. Again I looked around, nodding my agreement. In the distance I

could see further high mountains, altering the rolling meadows into rocky cliffs. I

couldn't make out the city or the village that we had left behind before, but we

really must have made some ground. A convenient way of travelling, I had to

admit. "Let's get to the hut. I'm hungry, and after a day of riding that cursed

mule I'm eager to sit down without feeling the world move beneath me."

I followed him up to the hut. The door was unbarred, but considering the lonely

wilderness around us and Tane's profession it would have been stupid to lock

anything around here up. After dumping the things next to a small fireplace Tane

showed me around. There were only four rooms, one of them being the big room we

were right now standing in. It contained the large fireplace, a small

arrangement of a kitchen with a table, chairs, a bench, and a cupboard with

dishes. In front of the fireplace stood two cosy looking padded chairs, with

much unoccupied room around everything. A second door at the back lead into a

small corridor with two further doors leading away on the right side, the rooms

behind being aligned parallel to the living room, and a small pantry at the end.

Tane opened the first door, revealing a small room with a bed, a shelf and a

trunk. "That's the room my students normally occupy. We'll see if we need

separate bedrooms." He smirked and went to the other, much bigger, room. "And

that's my combined study and bedroom. Here I keep most of my books and other

stuff that not everyone should mess with." Said stuff occupied one shelf of a

cupboard. The other two shelves were full of books. "I'm normally working

outside or in the living room, so I don't need all that much space. It's just

for storage." The other furniture of the room consisted of two large trunks and

a large bed, easily big enough for three or four people. "The rest I won't have

to address, now do I?" After another quick smile Tane turned around and went

back into the front room. I directed another gaze at the bed, before following him.

While Tane was loading some of his bundles into the other rooms I prepared

dinner. Cooking at least I was capable of, as Tane happily admitted when he

joined me. When I had finished we sat down on the table, me on the bench, him in

one of the chairs, and ate. All the while Tane talked about the house and the

surroundings, explaining to me where I should be careful to venture, where the

near creak lay, and so on. When it grew too dark to properly see Tane got up and

fetched a big candle. He didn't fumble around with a firestone but briefly

extended a finger towards the wick, which caught flame instantly. When he saw me

staring, Tane just laughed. "Within the next month you'll be able to do that and

other small tasks. Quite convenient sometimes."

After finishing the meal I got up and cleaned the dishes in a small water

bucket, and sat down again afterwards. An awkward kind of silence seemed to

stretch between us then, and I involuntarily began to fidget around on my place.

Tane waited until I was near to bursting, then leaned over the table, taking

one of my hands into his. For a moment he studied my palm, and then he began to

trace the lines there with a finger. I couldn't see his face clearly because of

the flickering light of the candle, but when he lifted his gaze from my hand to

my face I had no problems with identifying the look he directed at me. "I guess

it's time to go to bed." I just nodded, letting him help me to my feet and

leading me into his room.

The moment we entered, a dozen candles flared to life, turning the room into a

landscape of light and shadows. Tane closed the door behind us and stepped

up to me, laying his hands on my shoulders, all the while keeping me from

turning around to face him. "Last chance, you can now walk out of here, and I'll

open a gate for you back to the Academy." For a split second I considered his

words, but shook my head. "No, I'll stay."

I guess he was smiling then, but I couldn't see it with him holding me still.

After some moments he released me, and when I looked back at him over my

shoulder I saw him leaning against the door frame and looking at me. He seemed

to try to keep his face blank again, but a dark hunger seemed to be creeping

over his features faster than he could ban it. Now it was my turn to smile, and

although it was a hesitant smile, I tried to put an invitation in it. Evidently

that was all he needed for encouragement.

Tane crossed the distance between us with two swift steps, then encompassed me

in a warm embrace, and kissed me. I could feel my body melt against his while I

opened my lips to let his tongue explore my mouth. He took his time doing that,

while his arms slowly crept down my back from my shoulders to my behind. When he

finally broke the kiss he only leaned back enough to give me some space to

breathe. His face was almost too near for me to focus on it, but his blue eyes

had some mesmerizing quality in them. Then he kissed me again, still tender but

a bit harder than the first time, while he slowly stirred me towards the bed.

When my legs hit the wooden frame he stopped, again moving his lips away from


I half expected him to now throw me on the bed or something, but he looked at me

for some moments, while he still held my ass firmly gripped in his hands.

"You'll have to promise me one thing." I raised an eyebrow, urging him on to

continue. "There's only one thing I expect of you. The truth." That drew a frown

onto my face. "What do you mean by this?" He smiled briefly, but it didn't reach

his eyes this time. "I generally don't want you to lie to me, but when we are

having sex, I want you to never hide or feign something. If you love what I do

to you, moan and shout all you want, there's no one around here who might be

disturbed by it. If you don't like it, you don't have to tell me to the face,

although you can of course, but just let it pass. And never, ever, feign an

orgasm with me, do you understand?" I didn't really understand, and as he had

just told me to be open, I didn't let that slide. "Why? Most men I've ever been

with seemed quite happy when a girl pretends to be more aroused than she really

is. And, you know, at least I don't come every time I'm having sex."

The smile he directed at me was very close to a leer. "I don't expect that of

you. Sometimes it doesn't work, so what? There are many reasons why you might

not come, most of them being my fault. I don't claim to be the perfect lover,

maybe I'm not even a good lover, but I want to learn the way your body responds.

I want to know what I have to do to get you screaming in five minutes, and what

you like the most. You'll get equal feedback from me, the only condition being

to not pretend anything. I will never scold you for not coming, or for being

unable to make me cum. With patience and time we'll get over every obstacle that

might be around there somewhere. Deal?" I nodded, and then raised my hands to

entwine them in his hair and draw his head down to mine. "Deal." Then I kissed

him, while pressing my body against his. I could already feel him getting hard

against me. A promising thing.

Next he began to undress me, ridding me of my dress and undergarment in one

draw. When I wanted to start an attempt to do the same to his robe, he just

caught my hands in his and smirked. "No way. At least tonight I'm setting the

pace, and you'll be a good girl and let me do it." It might sound stupid, but I

still felt a little uneasy being partly undressed, but before that feeling could

grow into fright or something I quenched it with a witty response.

"So, how do you think this will go, getting me to develop a steady backbone and

self-confidence on the one hand, and expecting me to be submissive on the other

hand?" Tane laughed and kissed my lips, but drew away before I could respond.

"Not really submissive. And sex is only a part of everything. What you'll do

with other guys is your thing, with me you'll just not get away with jumping on

me, ridding me of my clothes and being atop me before I can even speak your

name." I frowned mockingly. "I didn't attempt that." "Maybe not now, but there

is always a tomorrow." With that he opened the strings of my bodice, pushed the

damned thing down to about waist level, bent down and encompassed one of my

nipples with his mouth, greedily sucking at it. I sighed before I even knew what

I was doing, but then remembered what I had agreed to just before, and let it

go, arching my back a bit and loosing his hair while he worked on my breast. By

the time his blonde mane fell loosely atop his shoulders I was already biting my

lips to stifle a first slight moan.

Tane then released my nipple and moved to my other breast, gently biting down on

my other nipple. After sucking some more he stopped and then went down to his

knees to grasp the waistband of my slip with his teeth and draw it down to about

knee-level. A slight breeze came in from the opened window, cool against my

skin, and my wet nipples hardened instantly.

When he had removed my panties Tane got up again to embrace me once more. This

time he didn't kiss me on my mouth but began to nibble at my ear while pressing

my naked body against the coarse fabric of his robe. Again I bit my lip and

closed my eyes, savouring the sensation.

He continued by bending down, picking me up without any further warning, which

drew a squeal from me, and lay me down atop the bed. I just lay there, looking up at

him. He then grabbed his robe and pulled it over his head. Underneath he wore a linen

shirt and dark pants. Before I could even begin to study his body he also

removed the shirt, giving me free excess to look at his torso. Well muscled he

was, this guy. Although the muscles were not the only eye catcher on him. The

skin on his upper arms, shoulders, chest and down over his belly was full of

strange symbols being tattooed and etched or branded into his skin, making him

look quite feral with the open hear spilling over his face and hiding most of

it. Apparently he was already used to women staring at him when they first saw

him naked, because he gave me a lot of time to gaze at him. When he finally

broke the silence, his voice sounded a bit hoarse. "Like what you see?" I

nodded, not daring to even open my mouth. "I hope you don't mind that my skin is

not unblemished." I shook my head, still studying the lines and symbols. Now

that the first impression was wearing off I realized that some of the lines were

scars, some regular like animal claws, some different.

"Where you got these from?" I extended a hand and traced one strangely curved

scar that ran over his rib cage. Tane's eyes briefly narrowed, then a slight

look of bewilderment went over his face. "Most women don't see the scars until

later. Guess I'm growing old if my muscles are no longer that impressive." I

smiled and moved my hand back so it lay atop my belly. "That I wouldn't say,

it's just unusual. Some of the scars could be claw marks, but this one ..." He

just shrugged. "Long story. Too long for now. I'll tell you later."

Then he leaned over me and kissed me passionately, while gently grabbing my

wrists with his hands and drawing them over my head. "I hope you don't mind?" I

looked a bit baffled at him, then felt him tying my right wrist with a rather

strong leather restraint to a bar that connected the posts of the bed. Before I

could even think about protesting my other wrist was also secured, and a brief

tug showed that he had quite well immobilized me. Fright briefly fluttered in my

stomach and must have shown on my face, because the next moment Tane laid a

finger gently onto my lips. "Don't panic. The restraints are not that tight that

you can no longer move, you'll see. I'm just keeping your hands out of the whole

thing. Okay?" He smiled warmly at me, and that smile melted some of the fear.

When I tried to wriggle around a bit I succeeded, and the way he had fastened my

hands my arms rested on the pillow, not overly straining any muscles or hurting

me. He hadn't done that for the first time, that was clear. Now I wouldn't be

able to get away from the bed, but where should I have run in the first place?

Until now he hadn't really given me any reason to bolt. So I breathed in and out

to calm myself and nodded. "It's okay, at least for now." I was rewarded with a

quick kiss, then Tane moved back again, briefly looking down at me.

"I really like your body. Your long auburn hair, your skin, your breasts, simply

how everything fits. Although ..." He frowned mockingly, scratching his chin.

"Although?" I asked, still fighting the fluttering feeling in my belly. Tane

bent down to trace a winding line with two fingers from between my breasts down

to my crotch, stopping where the hair began. "Would you mind shaving your pubic

hair? Might interfere a bit, if you understand what I mean." I couldn't keep

from frowning, but then nodded, again. I nodded a lot, lately. "No problem."

Then a slight smile began to creep on my face. "But I'm quite inexperienced with

shaving. Maybe you'll help me?" Tane laughed, licking his lips. "If you insist,

we can start a trip to one of the hot springs in the caves tomorrow. Warm water

is so much better for shaving. For now I guess I'll have to cope with fighting

my way through this forest."

He then went around the bed to flop down next to me, resting his head on one

hand while extending the other to lay it atop my belly. Tane caught my gaze and

then grinned hungrily. "I guess it's about time that we continued from where

we've been in the morning." He moved his hand down to my crotch, tracing my

labia with two of his fingers. I closed my eyes for a moment and shifted a bit.

When I opened them again I saw Tane get up on all fours, to lay down a bit

lower, so that he was nearer to my lower regions. He gently took hold of my legs

at knee level and pushed them apart, helping himself to a better view. I simply

let him rearrange my position, not resisting but not helping him either. Again

he shifted, lifting me left knee and crawled partly underneath it, so that I

lost part of my sight of him. I guess I would soon enough feel what he was doing

down there, even when I couldn't see it. Anticipation was already overriding the

last bits of fear from being bound to the bed.

For some moments nothing happened, then he bent up and began to kiss my raised

left leg at the hollow of the knee. I giggled briefly when he tickled me with

his tongue there. Slowly he kissed his way up from my knee to my pubic region,

softly tracing lines on my other thigh with his free hand. Shortly before coming

too close to any more sensitive parts he stopped, and then resumes kissing my

other leg, resting my raised leg on his side so that it was still elevated.

For some time he continued kissing and tracing lines on my skin, making me long

for him to move his attention a little bit higher. The next time he came to the

top of my thigh with his kisses he stopped there. I could feel his breath softly

whispering over my crotch, making me shiver a bit. Next he began to stroke my

outer pussy lips with his fingers, up and down. All the while he hid his face

behind my raised leg so I couldn't see if he looked kind of mischievous, but I

guess he did. At least from my point of view he was tormenting me with his

gentle movements, coming slowly closer, but never really touching anything

really sensitive. Yet he succeeded with getting me wet without ever touching my

clit or entering me.

Again he shifted, for the first time looking up to me, and then rested his head

against my leg, while his fingers still threaded their way through my pubic

hair. "Like it?" I nodded, yet tried to scowl not too much. I really liked it, I

mean most women must like it when a man is that interested in her nether

regions, but I might like it even more if he sped on a bit.

Apparently he got the cue, because he laughed softly and then spread my pussy

lips with his fingers, to then bend over and lick over my labia from my hole

upwards, ending with curtly flicking his tongue over my clit. I wriggled a bit,

urging him on to continue. Of course he didn't. That man really talked way too


"You're already soaking wet, do you know?" He again licked his lips while

waiting for me to answer. First I only growled, but when this only widened his

smile I responded with words nevertheless. "Yeah, I know, you're doing a good

job arousing me. But please, go on?" Tane's eyes seemed to sparkle for a moment,

and his voice got a certain lilt again. "Oh my, is it so easy to get you to

plead? What will you do when I really keep you away from coming, preventing your

release for a long, long time?" I just frowned, although I didn't really manage

to look fretted. I don't know how other women react in such situations, but when

a man already got me aroused my social skills tended to hide somewhere.

He snickered and bent down again, closing his lips over my clit and gently

sucked on it, while letting go of my pussy lips and instead stroking the skin

between them around my hole. Now I was not able to stifle the moan that was

building in me, and I didn't really try. If he wanted feedback, he could have

it. I just wished for my hands to be free so I might intertwine my fingers in

his hair, but as that was not possible I resigned myself to relishing the

sensations that radiated up from between my legs.

My breath already quickened, with my blood rushing in my ears, when Tane stopped

again and then released me. He got up to his knees and studied me once more,

looking rather satisfied when I didn't even make an attempt to close my legs.

His pants were already bulging at his crotch, but he took his time fiddling with

the binding before removing his leg wear. "Don't look all too disappointed, I'm

really not hung like a horse. Guess you've seen better endowed men in your life.

But I keep on thinking that size doesn't matter as long as the technique fits."

After a last smile directed at me he removed his pants, fidgeting around a bit.

He wasn't wearing anything underneath, and after having freed himself of his

pants he knelt down between my legs and let me the time to study all of him. And

I might not be a real competence on that level, having been not overly active in

the last years, but his cock was not as small as he made it sound. It was about

five and a half inches long, and rather thick, and looked quite okay, so to say.

Judging from his words he either didn't share my view, or just wanted

reassurance. "Looks great. If it also feels like it looks I'll be in heaven

soon." Tane snickered briefly and reached down to get a good grip on his penis

and stroked it a bit. "I've already had two women complain about it, that was

nearly more than I could deal with and still stay hard enough to fuck them."

I just grunted. "I'm surely not here to complain. If you want to know, once I've

been with a guy who prided himself with a rather large cock. It only hurt, and

he was a total jerk. Didn't even get me aroused during the whole scene." Tane

stopped stroking himself and settled down to sit on his heels. The guy really

had too much time.

"I hope that I won't fail you that way." Grinning, he settled his hands on my

knees and leaned forward a bit, still locking his gaze on my face. He then

inched closer, now kneeling between my open legs. After another pause he moved

his hands to the backs of my knees and raised my legs up, to rest them on his

shoulders. I tried to move closer to him, but the bonds on my wrists prevented

me from that, only resulting in jerking my shoulders. Of course he saw that, and

chuckled again. "Seems like restraining you was a good idea, you are way too

impatient." I just snarled, only deepening his grin, and just wanted to call him

some ugly name, when he moved his hips forward and slid into me. There wasn't

much resistance from my side, and while I was still gasping I felt his balls

slap against my ass.

Tane smirked down on me while massaging my calves, still staying inside of me to

the hilt. When I didn't make any further attempts to speak he pulled back a bit,

until only the head of his cock was still inside of me. I could feel my vagina

contract a bit as if to hinder him from withdrawing. Then he plunged back fully

into me, bringing about a squelching sound. Once again he paused while fully

inside of me, curtly nuzzling my ankle. "Everything okay?" I rolled my eyes and

was somehow even able to raise my upper body a bit, resulting in my ass shifting

a bit so his cock was rubbing inside of me. "Quit talking and get it on! You're

driving me insane!" He laughed out loud and got a better grip on my legs.

"You're just so cute when you're getting angry when you're hot." This time I

really growled, what soon turned into a howl when he withdrew a bit and then

began a steady rhythm of fucking me.

Soon I lay sweating underneath him, arching my back and moaning softly while he

downright pounded inside me. His cock was now really hard and seemed to have

gained another half inch of circumference, filling the whole of my vagina, and

just feeling good. I wasn't really about to cum, but it just felt nearly too

good to be true. And I wasn't the only one who was moaning around here.

Then Tane stopped, his whole body shuddering, his eyes dilated, and started to

come inside of me. Two more hard strokes and he stopped, holding my legs tightly

and moaning all the while. I could feel his sperm inside of me, only adding a

bit to the general flood of liquids inside of me. When he was done Tane didn't

pull out of me but instead leaned against my legs and looked down on me, his

eyes slowly focusing on my face. Then he smiled, pushed my legs down on his

sides, shifted a bit and then lay down next to me, drawing me on my side and

into a loose embrace. I could already feel him grow soft inside of me, but he

only moved closer to me and then kissed me long and gentle, while stroking some

sweat-drenched hair strands from my face. I put my upper leg over his, closing

the distance between us as much as possible.

"I hope you don't mind that you didn't have an orgasm?" I just smiled and shook

my head. "No, if not coming always feels so good I won't have a problem with

it." He kissed me again and then settled one hand firmly over my ass cheek. "But

we aren't yet done for tonight, so who knows what's yet to come?" Snickering he

reached up over my head to loose the restraints, resulting in my wrapping my

arms around him the moment I was free. Tane then went back to kissing me.

With a last wet sound he finally slid out of me, bringing a gust of juice with

him. I briefly looked down on his still swollen penis now lying on my wet thigh

and grinned. "I guess if you always handle me like this I'll have to drink more

to compensate the liquid drain." I was only rewarded with a smirk, before he

began to lick down my neck and collarbone, kissing and licking his way from one

shoulder to the other, all the while encountering some of my erogenous zones.

After making me sigh a lot he stopped and again flopped down next to me on his

side, while gazing at me. I smiled and then ran one hand over the taught muscles

on this belly, down to gently stroke his penis. He grunted then. "Give an old

man some time to regain his strength, now will you? There's enough of me to

satisfy even the most insatiable nymphomaniac." I only widened my smile and

continued, still gentler running my fingers over his cock and testicles. "If you

need rest, maybe you'll now tell me about your scars?"

Tane frowned slightly, but then nodded. "If you want to - at least it won't

become too apparent when I'm getting aroused from the memories, I can always

blame you for that." He then moved onto his back, drawing me to rest on his arm,

snuggling closer to him while still stroking his member.

"Okay, where should I begin? It happened about fifteen years back, shortly after

I had graduated on the Academy. I was one of the few sorcerers there, not a

wizard like the mages you know, but a real sorcerer. You know the difference?" I

shook my head. "Well, you see, most of them might have the spark of magic inside

of them, but they have to study long and hard, leaning from books, taking them

years to master the art. And there are just a few who are like us, like me and

you, in whom the magic burns like a bonfire, manifesting itself long before the

training ever begins. Sorcerers are mostly limited to the powers of controlling

the elements and being able to heal, and only one in hundred has the ability

that you have, calling forth fire. It's the most dangerous for the sorcerer

himself and for the people around him, but we haven't applied for the job, now

have we?"

He sighed, contently closing his eyes for a moment. I guess I was accountable

for that. Then he continued, his eyes still closed. "It took me two years of

learning to be able to call forth my fire in any thinkable way, either in a

small flame dancing above my hand, or a searing beam of fire to incinerate my

enemies, and lots of others. Yet I was a boy of small and slight built, never

really getting along with the others who scolded me for not even being able to

heal the simplest of wounds or conjure up some illusions etc. During the washing

times they always picked on my because of my cock." He briefly opened one eye to

gaze at me. "I've had another growth burst in my twenties, you know." I

snickered quietly while softly squeezing his flesh, then resumed my stroking.

"And then came the war - you might or not have heard about it, some stupid

upraid further south. Many mages joined the army, and I therein saw my chance to

get away from all these stupid people. At least there I could do what I really

was good at - wreck havoc with my fire. And I mean it that way. Not only my

fellow soldiers were surprised, also the enemy seemed most interested. One night

they raided the small camp I had been sleeping in, killed most of the others,

and captured me." He swallowed, and this time I guess it were the memories.

"They threw me into some dark hole, drugging me so that I was unable to call

forth the flames, and let me rot there for some days. Then two of the guards

decided that all the fuss their commanders were making about that crumbled

little guy who was crying half the nights through was just unnecessary, and they

came to me at night, wanting to have their fun with me." Tane then turned his

head to look at me, his eyes devoid of any emotion. "And I've told you before

today, never be stupid enough to try to rape a pyromaniac, even if he looks weak

and is drugged, if there is enough wit left to fuel fear or anger, you will

burn, and burn they did." Briefly he smirked, then went on.

"The guards screamed too much before they burnt down to ashes, so others were

alarmed by that, and before I could free myself I was already brought before the

two head torturers the commander who had captured me employed. Two very

beautiful women. Only their cruelty could rival their beauty." He squeezed my

ass once more before locking gazes with me. "That was when I had to realize that

looks are not everything. What they did to me I don't want to tell you, not even

remember, but I still bear some of the scars, mostly from the whips. They turned

me inside out, nearly driving me insane, just torturing me for the fun of it. I

couldn't provide them with any useful information, although I would have told

them anything I knew as long as they would just stop." While speaking he turned

his head away from me to look at the ceiling.

"Eventually they let me go. It was after the war had ended, and they had more

useful victims to entertain them. After regaining my wits enough to get home

again, I went back north, but never returned to the Academy. Instead I made my

living as a mercenary, intent on learning how to defend myself, steel my body,

erase all the traces of the boy that I've been. Five years it went like this,

until I returned to Midriver. I pretty much looked like I do now, tattoos and so

forth. At first no one recognized me, but when they did they just ogled at me,

and I no longer wanted to cope with that. So I applied for the post of teacher,

and with my first student I went up here, built this hut, and taught him all I


Tane snickered briefly. "Mostly I took young boys with me. Most of my fellows at

the Academy said it was because I couldn't stand to be with a grown woman, but I

never touched one of the boys. I just wanted to give them the chance I never

had, to prepare them for a world that could suddenly turn against them." Again

he closed his eyes and for some minutes let me stroke him in silence, him

already getting semi-hard again. Then he turned around, facing me, intently

studying my face for some time.

"But that's not everything. Some things stayed with me from the tender care of

my two mistresses. Not just the resolve to change my life. After that, I've

never been the same again." Gently he began to trace the curve of my lips. "It

might sound stupid, even contradictory, but maybe you'll somehow understand it

if you'll be living longer with me. Or maybe they haven't changed me at all,

maybe they just brought to the light what had been lurking in the dark all the

years before." Add a dramatic pause here. "Maybe you already suspect what I want

to say, but I'll voice it nevertheless. I'm a control freak. I only feel

comfortable when I can set the pace, when it's me who is the leading part. I

couldn't stand it to ever be restrained, yet I love to tie the girls I'm with

down." He still looked at my face, maybe searching for something there, but went

on before I could even begin to think of an answer. "And it continues from

there. I don't want to say that I'm getting off from really torturing someone,

but I love to see women squirm underneath me from both pleasure and pain. I love

inflicting that pain." Something flickered in his eyes, while his voice turned

huskier by the moment, and still he went on. "I would never only hurt a woman,

but I simply can't just hold her and fuck her gently. Violence always comes with

me, and although I can restrain myself enough not to rape a woman, some have

already accused me of nearly violating them. Rough is the softest I can manage,

for most that is already too much."

When he paused this time, I could no longer hold my tongue. "So you are telling

me this because ...?" He sighed, then closed his eyes, rolled over, slipping out

of my grasp all the while, and got up from the bed. Tane went over to the open

window and stared out at the dark landscape, giving me a good view at his firm

buttocks and the net of scars that webbed his back, all old and partly faded,

but clearly visible because of the sheer number of them. And somehow it hurt

inside to see that powerfully built man hunched over there like a beaten puppy.

I don't know why, but somehow a certain amount of trust built up in me, driving

me to get up and pad over to him. Me, with my thighs still sticky with my own

juice, and my body still ready to go on.

When he felt my hand on his shoulder he didn't shy away, but turned his head to

wearily gaze at me. I tried to force a smile on my face, but didn't succeed. I

can't smile on command, and this somehow was too important for me. "You told me

that because you wanted to warn me what there might be in store for me." No

question, just a statement. He nodded. I paused briefly, then sighed and also

looked out into the night. Moonlight lay in a silver haze over the dark grass.

When I turned my head again he was still looking at me, waiting. I sighed again.

"Now look at me, do I seem frightened?" He blinked briefly. "Hearing something

is one thing, but having it being done to you is a whole different matter." Now

I was able to smile, but it was rather a dry grin. "Well, yeah, of course, and

you are right when you tell me that I have no idea what it might be like to be

with you. But just look at me. I don't know how rough what you did to me was,

but it was fun. I liked it. You told me not to fake anything, so I didn't. It

didn't hurt for a moment, and I can at least tell that you weren't very gentle

while you tried to fuck my brains out of me." A slight glint and a twitching of

his mouth. "And I don't mind being tied up. It can be unnerving, I admit that,

when you are talking, and talking, and talking instead of fucking me when you

are already getting me wet enough to drown in, but I really don't mind. If you

always turn me on before you bear down that way on me, it's okay with me.


He seemed to consider that, then drew me into an embrace from behind, pinning me

between his body and the window, again ridding me of the view of him. "You

really mean what you say?" I nodded. "Yeah." He paused, then let his hands roam

over my body, only briefly pausing over my breasts, to settle down around my

waist. "You know, I might do more than just tie your hands. Maybe tie you down

as a whole, suspend you from somewhere, things like that." Again a nod. "Might

be worth a try." "And I might be hurting you, even to the point of making you

cry and wishing for me to be gone. Slapping you, whipping you, etc." I leant

back against him, breathing out to calm the flutter of fright inside of me. "But

you will also pleasure me?" This time he nodded. "Making you come over and over

again, scream yourself raw from pain and pleasure both. And it won't scar, if

you fear that. You might develop some muscles in places you don't even know

exist, but no permanent marks will stay." I sighed and closed my eyes. "Okay.

I'll deal with this when it comes to that. But I'll manage it. I trust you."

Tane then chuckled low in his throat. "You know me for one day and already trust

me?" I sighed and tried to turn around to face him, but he held me immobilized

the way I was. So I sagged back against him again, not struggling any longer.

"Yes, I know, it's quite a short time, but I know how you look at me, how you

talk to me, how you touch me. The way a man handles a woman when fucking her

tells a lot about that man. And what I read from you is enough to obtain my

trust. If I'm wrong, I'll be the one to blame and the one who has to get through

it, so you shouldn't bother with that."

Again he laughed, but then turned me around with a quite determined look on his

face. "Show me." I just eyed him askance. "Same as today in the Academy. I'll

only believe you after I've done it all to you. When you can look me in the face

afterwards and still tell me you don't mind, then I'll take you for your word.

Not now." I should have expected this. He really wasn't the man whom words could

convince. I could just hope to somehow be able to stick to my words long enough

to convince him. "Okay, what am I to do?" His smile turned nasty. "Just do what

you are told." With that he picked me up and carried me back to the bed.

After laying me down and telling me to get up on all fours, Tane hesitated a

bit, and I could see doubt clearly on his face. For some seconds he seemed to be

staring right through me, then he really looked at me, and still didn't move a

muscle. He seemed downright reluctant to do anything. And I couldn't really help

him, not knowing what he had in mind. To be true, I was not sure if I would have

helped him if I had known, but somehow just looking at him watching me was


Then he somehow woke up of his torpor and bent down to retrieve something from

the floor. It looked suspiciously as if he took something out of that bundle

that we had acquired at the shop where I had to wait outside, but I couldn't be

sure. Did I know where he kept his 'equipment'?

Tane then showed me two long leather straps. One he discarded on the bed, and

told me to kneel down and fold my arms before my body. I did as I was told, and

he began to bind my forearms to one another, from elbow to wrist. After tying

the final knot he tested my bonds, telling me to try if I could get free. When I

couldn't, he pushed my upper body back on the bed, briefly pressing my face into

the pillow. While I struggled to get into a half lying, half kneeling position

with my head lying partly on my bound arms, face well away from the pillow, he

picked up the second strap, told me to lift my head and fastened it around my

neck. That was far less comfortable as my bound arms, because when he once

yanked the strap the noose pulled rather tightly around my throat, not really

cutting me off from air, but nevertheless ...

Yet he did not further demonstrate what he could cause with that second strap

but instead went to the foot of the bed to fidget around with something for a

while. I didn't really dare turn around or even ask, his mood seemed to have

cooled down a lot and I didn't want to risk really angering him. Yet that only

fuelled my unease, of course.

I nearly yelped when he dropped down next to my hindquarters and squeezed my ass

cheeks. "Spread your legs and keep your knees apart. If I have to tell you once

again, you'll get some extra whacks for disobeying me, if I have to tell you

twice, I'm tying your legs down, and you don't want to know what comes by three


I hurried to follow his instructions, evidently a bit too slow as he slapped me

once on either thigh. When my muscles were already starting to protest he told

me to stay that way and hold still. My knees must have been more than a meter

apart by now. Tane sat down next to me and patted my ass once more. I was just

beginning to wonder what this was all about when he slapped my ass hard without

further warning. I yelped, and before I could stop myself I tried to shut my

legs. Not a good reflex.

The noose around my neck was suddenly drawn tight, for a moment really

suffocating me. Tane leaned over my back whispering softly into my ear. "First

warning, don't do this again. Understand?" Only when I somehow managed to nod he

released the leather strap, letting me breath again. Again I was too slow to

open my legs, and this time he slapped me much harder. I bit down hard on my lip

to keep from screaming, and succeeded in both, keeping quiet and opening my legs

far enough.

The next time he slapped my ass I cried out once more, but didn't move, which I

was rewarded with a noncommittal grunt. Four more slaps landed on my ass before

he got up again, this time positioning one foot at either side of my body, and

bent down. Once more he began slapping my ass, but then moved down to my thighs.

It didn't hurt all that much, and the pain he inflicted went away rather fast.

My shouts came mostly from being unprepared. But I'm not that accustomed to

having my ass slapped.

After working on my thighs Tane stopped for a moment. I could already hear him

breathing hard, mostly from the exercise, but maybe he was also getting excited.

When his next slap landed squarely upon my pussy I jerked up involuntarily,

nearly knocking him off the bed. He must have anticipated this reaction because

he had been steadying himself beforehand, but before I could react in any way

the strap around my neck was already strung tight and my vision went wavery for

a moment. Tears began to spring to my eyes but I tried hard to fight them. All

the while Tane cursed under his breath, jumping from the bed, then jerking hard

on first one ankle, then the other, tying them to the posts of the bed. My knees

instantly began to hurt, being strained at an unusual angle. "Second warning.

Now it should be harder for you to disobey me, but if you do I'll make sure that

you will never ever disobey me again."

His voice was very near to a growl, and I preferred not to answer. Once again he

got up on the bed and resumed where he had stopped, slapping my pussy. With the

next slap I jerked as before, but the restraints held me tightly in place, only

resulting in bringing more pain from my knee than from my pussy. Before I could

calm down he slapped me again, then once more, and again, again, again ...

When he finally stopped I was whimpering constantly, tears streaking my face, my

pussy being one throbbing big bunch of flesh. My ass and thighs were slick with

sweat and juice, and although I couldn't quite understand my own body, most of

that was not the residue of our fucking from before. I might be wailing like a

banshee, but some part of me was getting hot by being slapped. Now that was

something to consider.

But Tane didn't leave me enough time for idle thoughts about my state of mind.

Before I had even been able to breathe once more after the last slap he was

already hunkering down between my spread legs and plunged into me, this time not

starting slowly or something. The pain that was only just beginning to subside

bloomed again, and I pressed my face into the pillow to keep my screams as

muffled as possible. He felt hard enough to soon be about to come, and I counted

that that would be the end of it. Of course he didn't make it that easy for me.

Although beaten and a bit raw my body already began to react to the stimulus of

him fucking me hard and fast, and the first pangs of pleasure began to spread

through my flesh. Call me a slut, but I'm not that hard to get off. When the

pleasure began to reach the same level as the pain he reached around my body and

firmly gripped my tits in his hands. No gently caress, and when he punched my

nipples I had to stifle another cry, but although it hurt it somehow aroused me,


"You like that, don't you?" He was already panting, yet I could still hear that

cold anger from before in his voice. I didn't really dare speak up, but I also

dreaded not to answer him. But again he didn't really wait for a reply, but

instead let go of my breasts, stopped his pumping in my pussy, withdrew from me,

spread my ass cheeks some more, and then pushed his cock into my ass.

For a moment my world went red, and now I really arched my back, although I

didn't have the means to bolt. Only my being really wet saved me from being

ripped open, as his cock was slippery from my pussy, but he pushed far too fast

into my ass to let me adjust to it. I've only once had a man fuck me up there,

and it hadn't been all that bad, but unprepared it simply hurt. Now his rather

fat cock was a real bane.

To me it seemed as if he had plunged right into my ass, but when he finally

withdrew and then entered me again with the same speed it was already getting

bearable. As rough as he seemed to handle me he was still holding back a bit,

making sure that it just hurt me, but no more.

When he finally began to steadily fuck me it was slower than he had fucked my

pussy, and he held my hips tight enough to prevent me from any jerking movements

that might have caused me more pain than release. Just when I thought that it

began to get fun he took hold on the strap around my neck and drew it towards

him, bringing my face out of the pillow and making me take short gasping

breaths. With his other hand he went under my body, found my clit and began

rubbing it hard and fast with two fingers, briefly stopping to dunk them once

into my still wet pussy, then went on with enough lubrication. How he still

managed to fuck my ass I don't know. Yet he evidently did, from the sensations

that went through me.

Soon my vision began to waver again, narrowing itself on the edges. My panic

rose instantly, and I wanted to buck some more, when my whole body began to

shiver and I lost control. Only then I realized that he wasn't already

strangling me, but that a really hard orgasm was beginning to wreck through me,

nearly making me black out by the sheer force of it. So I only gasped and

shivered, jerking a bit, but unable to really cry out because of lack of air,

while he steadily fucked and rubbed me raw. I was sure that he was feeling it.

He could impossibly not feel it, yet he went on mercilessly, keeping me coming

for a really long time.

When my whole energy seemed to be spent I simply went slack, although my muscles

still shivered and contracted, but I couldn't hold myself up any more. Tears

flowed down freely over my cheeks, but no sound came out of my mouth, and I was

even too exhausted to heave my shoulders while crying. Only dimly I noted Tane

withdrawing from me, then loosening my leg restrains and the strap around my

throat, permitting me to breathe freely again. While he removed the restraints

around my arms I was already curling up into a foetal position, drawing my knees

up to my chin. He let me, and while I cried I could hear him rummaging around

the room, then exiting and shortly after that returning.

When he lay down beside me I let him draw me into an embrace, cuddling me

against him, softly stroking my hair and uttering some soothing words to calm me

down. It took me long to get my bearings back, and when I finally did I just lay

there and let him soothe me some more. I hurt all over, but it was mostly a

somehow even comfortable pain, not unlike the feelings I got when I was fucked a

bit too thoroughly. I guess exactly that had happened, although I had never

endured something like that before.

When I felt ready to talk again I raised my head from the hollow of his neck and

looked at him. He calmly gazed down at me, not showing a single emotion on his

face. I didn't know how he managed that, but I somehow envied him. After having

stared at him for more than a minute he let his hands rest on my body and

finally asked. "Changed your decision yet?" It was somehow hard to admit, and my

mind was already running rampage to get me to tell him that I was off the first

minute I regained the strength to stand on my own feet again, but that was not

what my body and instinct decided. And once more I let my mind run loose without

paying it any heed. "No, I'll stay."

He blinked, the first sign of anything coming back to his face. It was a mixture

of satisfaction and surprise, both a bit contradictory, but hey, neither of us

both was all that predictable. "Sure?" I nodded, and then did something I

wouldn't have imagined only a short time before. I heaved myself up a bit and

kissed him long and passionately. This time I was quick enough to get my

tongue between his lips before he could do the same to me. Guess I nearly

surprised him as much as I did myself. He let me fare for a while, then gently

pushed me down to again lay at his side. He didn't need to do more than dip my

arms, I was already tired enough to no longer be able to hold myself atop him.

Tane smiled gently down at me, softly toughing my cheek, wiping the last tears

away. "Liked it?" I took my time to ponder that question, not really finding an

answer. He let me, but I could feel him getting nervous. So I waited some more.

I didn't have much means to torture him, but the few I got I would use. At least

now, I just needed that.

When he was about to ask again I breathed out loud and cut him short with that.

"I don't know. I came, so I must have liked it, must I not?" He studied my face

a while before he answered. "Could be just the reaction of your body. You needed

some kind of release, and when I rid you of all the other means, that was the

outcome." I thought about that for a moment, but then shook my head. "Might be

part of it, but for some of it I'm to be held accountable. You did a good job of

hurting me, but somehow it was all arousing me, too. If you hadn't nearly

strangled me, you would have heard me shout in pleasure, too." I tried to scold

him a bit, but his grin just widened, but I guess he got the meaning

nevertheless. "Maybe I'll change that the next time. I guess I prefer hearing

you scream your voice raw over getting you off faster. But at least for tonight

I had to distract you from what I had in mind, and I guess in that I succeeded."

He then moved one of his hands down to my ass and gently stroked my

still-hurting anus. I shot him a glare which he chose to ignore, instead bending

down to quickly kiss me. When I could breathe free again I voiced my thoughts

nevertheless. "You could at least have prepared me a little or used more

lubricant. For a moment I really thought you were going to split me in two."

Tane just smirked and let his finger wander to my pussy to push into me,

wriggling around a bit. Then he pulled out again and slowly began to push the

finger inside my ass. He didn't have to push hard for my muscles to give. All

the while he kept his gaze locked with mine, and I did everything to put all the

contempt into my eyes that I could manage. The effect was quite diminished when

I began to moan and pushed against his finger, making him laugh again, a sound I

had already been missing dearly. When he pulled out again I nearly asked him to

continue, but stopped myself before a single sound came over my lips. I didn't

know if I could take it if he really went on.

"Forgive me that comment, but you are just a little bit insatiable." I managed a

weak smile and let him roll me on my other side, snuggling up against his front

with my back. He cuddled me some more and gently stroked my raised hip.

Just when I was about to drift off I felt him slowly edging his cock between my

legs. Without opening my eyes I shifted my legs a bit to make his work easier,

drawing a low chuckle from him that vibrated through my whole body. "Back or

front?" His breath whispered over my ears and tickled me just a bit. I resigned

myself to a shrug. "Do as you like. But don't expect much of me, I'm so tired."

Again he laughed, when I felt him slide inside my vagina. At least that solved

the lube problem, but I guess a mouthful of saliva would also have done the job.

But I didn't complain when he held me a bit tighter and gently began to move

inside of me. Once more I began to drift into that state between waking and

sleeping, relishing his tender caresses that kept me partly awake. He didn't

rush it, not really out to cum himself or get me there, just slowly fucking me.

Once again my mind roused itself out of the stupor, enough to let me ask one

last question. "I thought you only played rough?" Again he chuckled, although it

was a sleepy sound. "Guess when I've spent enough energy I can also turn down

the pace. Even I get tired eventually." Then he softly kissed my neck, and I let

myself go. After all not a bad way of falling asleep.

Caught Fire

Part 2

By Dari

The next morning waking up was a slow process. More than once my eyes fluttered

open, but before they could focus on anything, I drifted asleep again. Some part

of me registered Tane getting up, but the majority of me refused to even roll to

my other side to enquire the truth of this information, and before I could

ponder that question, I was already dozing again.

When the moments of partly being awake lengthened to seconds, and then even to a

minute, I finally flopped from my side onto my back - and instantly opened my

eyes in shock as a searing pain found its way from my nether regions up to my


For some never-ending seconds I just lay there, panting, and then rolled over

again, to get up on my feet in one swift motion. Muscles contracted, a slight

shiver went through my left leg, being followed by a cramp that nearly brought

me back down on the bed. With a long drawn groan I began to softly massage my

cramping leg muscles, moving to my other leg before it could develop similar

conditions, and then straightened up again. I just felt a mess, and for once I

was rather happy not to be able to see myself.

Warm sunlight streamed in through the open window, and everything seemed so

peacefully. Well, almost everything. Before I could stop myself I shot the

leather restraints that still decorated the foot of the bed a baleful glance.

Nothing wakes you up like your body complaining about the way it had been


Slowly I made my way to the window, not really to gaze out but more to test the

reliability of my legs. After some initial shivers they gave up and resumed

their normal duty, yet other parts of my body now remembered that they had been

in use yesterday. Tentatively I touched first my ass and the backs of my thighs.

The flesh was not really red and didn't really hurt as long as I just touched

it, but the brief warning I got when lying on my back told me much about the

actual condition should I ever dare to sit down again. After looking at my

slightly sticky and grimy fingers I decided that I was due for a bath, or at

least a thorough attempt of using water, before I might even consider checking

on the rest of me.

As there was absolutely nothing lying around on the floor I assumed that Tane

had taken my clothes with him to the front room. I didn't even want to know why,

but he would surely tell him when I came for an enquiry.

Slowly I made my way to the door, moving very carefully. My body adjusted

swiftly to the normal motions it should have remembered already, and by the time

I walked into the living room I didn't even have to clench my teeth all that

tight any longer. Tane looked up the moment I entered, just closing the book

that was lying on front of him on the table. His merry smile turned to a smirk

after seeing me just stand in the door, and I suspected that the sound that

escaped him when I hesitantly made my way into the room was a suppressed

chuckle. But right now I was really not in the mood to react in any way to that.


Fighting to drown his laugh, Tane swallowed hard before answering me, his voice

far too joyous for my likings. "And a good morning to you, too, lovely." Now

that had to be rewarded with a dark glare, as pathetic it must have looked

coming from me now, but he only kept his slight smile up. Good man, knew at

least sometimes what was good for him. "Do you want breakfast now?" I shook my

head and futilely searched the room for any traces of my clothing. "No, I'd

rather go wash myself beforehand. Do you perchance know where my clothes are?"

Again a meaningful swallow. "I'll have them ready for you when you come back.

You know where to find the creek?" I nodded and then without waiting for any

further kind of encouragement took my leave. I didn't have to search long for

said rivulet, finding it on the far side of the plateau, rushing down the rock

wall in a nice sparkling waterfall. The water was rather cold, but at least

numbed the skin of my shoulders the moment I slipped under it.

For some moments I just stood there and let the water beat down on my body, then

left the fall and waded out into the pool that formed before the small creek

went for the far cliff to tumble down another waterfall. At the deepest part it

came up to midthigh, deep enough considering myself already loosing the feeling

in my toes.

Slowly I lowered myself into the water, not bothering to splash water over my

body but instead letting the water do most of the cleaning job. It was too cold

to really soak herein, but it was better than a lone bucket of water, even if it

were warm.

When I couldn't stand it any longer I made my way back to the dew-wet grass and

just stood there for another minute, letting the sun dry my skin. I was still

shivering, not really feeling warmer when my arms were already dry, yet covered

in goose bumps. I decided that now was the time to assess the overall damage,

and let my right hand slide from my hip down to my crotch. The moment I touched

my pussy lips the pain that had been numbed by the water flared back to life,

making me hiss a bit. Gently I stroked a finger down the swollen flesh and

briefly entered my vagina. Nothing wrong there, not even any additional pain,

same as with my ass, which really made me wonder a bit. The whole region was a

bit numb and strangely sensitive to my touch, but that was to be expected.

If he hadn't slapped me all that much I might not even be feeling all that bad.

This realization didn't really help me in the least, as I really hurt now, so it

didn't bother me what would have been if this or that hadn't happened. As I had

told Tane yesterday, now that the consequences were visible, I would deal with

them, not dwell on the ifs and maybes. Before I left for the house I took a last

look at my reflection in the water. Now I looked at least like a human again,

yet the regular two-finger spanning bruises on my neck made me wonder that I

could swallow without problems.

When I re-entered the house Tane still sat where I had left him, but a glass of

milk, bread and some cheese occupied the table at my place. With some

satisfaction I noticed a stack of clean clothes resting on the bench. As he

didn't sweep his attention from the book to me I just picked up the clothes,

sorted them and then began to put them on. The panties I managed, with two

suppressed groans and a murmured curse that drew a chuckle from across the

table, but when I picked up the bodice, I gave up. While getting into the slip

my shoulders had remembered that they also existed, and now insisted on not

being useable enough to accomplish the task of letting me bend my arms back

enough to lace a bodice that closed in the back. Who invented such stupid

things, anyway?

I hesitated for a moment, then cleared my throat, although I was sure that Tane

had been following my every movement from out of the corner of his eye. Yet he

made a great show up looking up from his book to look at me with great interest.

"Could you please lend me a hand there? You picked the clothes, and you're

responsible for me being unable to get into them alone, so the least you could

do is help me." Mischief lurked in his eyes when he got up and went behind my

back, but instead of tying the bodice he embraced me and softly kissed the side

of my neck. "As I've been such a bad boy I'm more than willing to help you

there." Before I could answer or turn around he let go of me and began to adjust

the bodice. "Uhm, if you don't mind I'd like to be able to breathe, so could you

not suffocate me again?" He just laughed and went on lacing the most hated part

of my clothing up, yet made sure that it only fit snugly, not limiting my chest

while drawing breath.

When he had finished I was just about to thank him, when he took hold of my ass

cheeks and squeezed. Of course it hurt, whom had I been kidding? Yet I didn't

give him the satisfaction of whimpering, just bit down on my lip and tensed up a

bit. "Oh, come on, you nearly couldn't walk straight just minutes ago, be so

kind to admit that I did my job right yesterday evening." I snorted briefly, but

held some witty remark about trying harder back. He might take me by my word,

and I really didn't want to encourage him any more. So I stuck to the truth.

"It's getting better by the minute, but rest assured, even without you reminding

my body again I still feel the remnants of your tender care." Or at least to the

ironic version of it. Tane just laughed again, gave me a last pat on my behind

and walked back to his seat. I hurried to get into the rest of my clothes, all

parts from the purchase yesterday, and then slowly sat down on the bench. Yes,

it hurt. But I managed it.

After I had blinked away the tears I downright wolfed down the food, only

realizing how hungry I was after biting the first hunk of bread from the loaf.

While I refilled my belly Tane just sat opposite me and watched. When I drowned

the last bit of milk he got up again and then handed me a cup of some clear,

steaming liquid. Before I could ask he explained. "I've been in the village we

came through yesterday this morning, chatting a bit with the local midwife. For

you a cup each morning, so we won't need her next spring." I eyed the cup some

more, shooting it some suspicious glances. Not that I had any morale problems

with contraceptives, I just knew all too well how awful they tasted. But

considering the amount of our activity I should already have thought of

something like that myself, and waiting didn't make it taste any better. So I

closed my eyes and drowned the whole cup in one draught. "I've been so free to

add some honey. It smelled so strongly that I thought you might appreciate that,

at least a bit." I did, although it still tasted like bile. A curt "Thanks." was

all I could manage, but Tane didn't seem offended.

"Now that your basic needs seem to be satisfied, I might as well try to begin to

teach you how to become a danger to yourself and the rest of the world. Or are

you still too bleary-eyed for a lesson?" I shook my head. I was as awake as I

would get, so we could just as well begin. Might be better than any alternative

that involved moving even a bit from my momentary position.

Over the next three hours or so Tane told me most that could possibly exist

about elemental fire magic. He made it clear from the start that any kind of

theoretical approach wouldn't really get me any further, but it was a nice

interlude. Although one might say that as a man he was kind of hard to stomach,

but as a teacher there was nothing to bitch about him. At least I was able to

follow his ventures without encountering any problems. When he had finished and

got up to get himself something to drink I was really kind of awed about what I

might be able to accomplish if I would ever be able to control it. He had

admitted that there might be a slight chance that I would never be able to get a

really good grip on my talent, but he also hinted that I had already done

something that made that quite unlikely. Don't ask me what he meant by that, as

far as I knew he hadn't yet seen what I was capable of.

When Tane returned from the creek he stopped just inside the door and extended

his hand towards me. "Come on, get up, we'll continue outside. It's still warm

enough to not rot inside this cursed house." I just murmured something in

response, making no attempt of getting up. He snickered. "And the long grass

should be softer than the bench you are right now residing at. Or do you need

some encouragement from my side?" Before he had taken more than two steps in my

direction I was already at my feet and well out of his reach. Tane just laughed

and then turned around again. "It's almost always just a thing of proper

motivation. I'll wait outside if you need a little more time." I snarled

soundlessly at his turned back and then followed at his heel. I wouldn't give

him more to taunt me with if I could help it. And as a wounded pride always

stings more than sore muscles I tried to hide the latter as much as possible.

Tane sat down under one of the trees that stood next to the house and waited for

me to take my seat. When I flopped down a good meter away from him he raised one

eyebrow in mock disappointment. "So far away from me? Do you want to punish me

with the absence of your beautiful body?" I frowned briefly when he made a show

of leering down at my breasts, then inched a bit closer to him. Still not

content with the result he got up and crawled over to sit down behind me, with

his outstretched legs at the sides of my body. I didn't resist when he slung his

arms around my middle and drew me back against him.

For a while he just held me, and I was about to close my eyes when his seldom

resting hands began to move away from my belly. I chuckled deep in my throat,

making him stop in mid motion. "Is something wrong?" His breath tickled the soft

hairs at the nape of my neck, sending a slight shiver down my spine. "No, I was

just debating with myself how long you could possibly hold still without

beginning to fondle me." When I stretched my head back to look at his face

without turning around I saw him smile down on me. "And, do you mind? Am I

distracting you from something?" While he spoke he finished the path his hands

had been taking, moving them up to rest on my breasts. I spared myself an answer

and rested my head on his shoulder, while he gently kneaded my tits.

"You know, you do wear quite too much. If I intended to really start something,

I'd have to rid you of most of your clothes to do so." I smiled in spite of

myself, moving my hands to come to rest atop his, making him stop. "You were the

one to buy them, you laid them out for me in the morning, don't complain now." I

got a good-natured grunt for an answer. "You would have thrown a tantrum if I

had omitted something. I'm still amazed that you went out to wash yourself

without demanding the clothes beforehand."

"Now I'm not that modest. You've already seen me naked, and there's no one else

around, so why bother?" Again he chuckled, turned his hands around to slide his

fingers over mine and then intertwine his with my hands over my belly. "I also

wouldn't mind you running around naked the whole day through." I just pulled a

face. "The grass would be itching quite a bit, and I might be leaving wet spots

all over your furniture." Again I looked up to meet his eyes, and the look he

rewarded me with was just a little bit hungry. "Maybe I'd let you wear your

underwear, or just that linen underdress, to let at least something to the

imagination - I'd like to savour the impression your body leaves with me for

longer, not getting all too used to it." He hummed a bit, evidently musing about

that topic. "Maybe just your underdress, and then throw you in the cold water,

your nipples would surely stand up quite perky underneath the wet cloth."

For that I squeezed two of his fingers enough to hear the bones creak a bit,

only resulting in him turning his light embrace into a kind of deadlock for some

seconds before settling back again, leaving me gasping for a moment. "You really

have way too much strength. Couldn't you use that for useful things like

chucking wood or something?" Once more he laughed softly. "Why chuck it when I

can make a whole tree burn for hours?" That didn't deserve a response, so I

didn't grant him one.

Again he began humming, while letting go of my fingers. Instead of just keeping

still he began to gather the folds of the skirt of my dress between his fingers,

slowly edging the fabric up to my hips. I just watched him, again neither

helping nor hindering him, partly too lazy, and knowing fully well that any

resistance I might put up would only encourage him. The undergarment did him the

favour to accompany the heavier fabric above without further encouragement.

When my legs were bare with the cloth ridden up to my hips he moved his right

hand down to my bare thigh, and then without further hesitating up to my belly

and inside my panties. I inhaled sharply when his fingers touched my tender

flesh, but that didn't stop him of course. Instead he only settled his other arm

firmer over my ribcage, drawing me up against him more tightly.

Then he applied a bit more pressure to his caress, drawing a slight whimper from

me. "Shh. Just checking if everything is okay with you." Tane slid back a bit

and drew my upped body with him, making me lean back even more, shifting my

position. Still gentle but without hesitation he entered my vagina with one

finger, sliding it in until his palm lay flat over my labia, then sliding out

again, then back in, now using two fingers at once. I stopped whimpering the

moment he quit rubbing over my hurting pussy lips. "Seems to be undamaged." I

just nodded, not really surprised that he didn't quit sliding his fingers in and

out of me. When he finally stopped and withdrew them they must have been wet

again, which didn't particularly vex me when I felt him sliding his fingers back

to my anus. It felt a bit awkward from this angle when he forced one finger past

my sphincter, but I didn't protest. Surprisingly he left it with one probe,

retracting his finger again and moving his hand back to lightly rest over my

pussy lips. It somehow fit that he had to rest his hand there where it hurt the


Once more he started to run his fingers over my labia, drawing small gasps from

me. With every turn he brought his fingers down with more pressure, until I

nearly jerked out of his grip when it got too much. He only drew me back against

him again, still making no detectable sound. When I had settled down again he

slipped his fingers out of my panties, took hold of the fabric on one side at

the hollow between leg and crotch and moved it to the other side, all the while

drawing the partly squashed slip tightly into the crack between my ass cheeks.

With my pussy now exposed he slid his fingers down my nether lips for one more

time. His fingers stopped at my hole shortly, before he moved two of them inside

me again, slowly sliding in and out.

I sighed and let the tension that had been taking hold of me go, settling back

against him more comfortably. Just when I felt my body begin to react to his

work, Tane started to talk, assuming his lecturing tone once more. That guy

really had timing, unbelievable.

"I don't know how long it will take until you'll be able to call forth fire

without being in an emotional crisis beforehand, but I'll start with the

practical part right now." I grunted noncommittal. "Shouldn't you be stopping

one of your two tasks if you want my full attention at either one of them? I can

already tell you now that I won't be able to concentrate for some minutes, even

if you stop it right now." Tane only grinned mischievously. "I have no intention

of doing that." "Thought so."

He sighed before speaking on. "You won't need their stupid state of a clear mind

and focused concentration. We don't use magic with our mind, our source lies

partly here," he briefly moved his free hand to lie approximately above my gut,

"and partly here." He wriggled the two fingers that were sheathed inside me a

bit, nearly making me jump when he encountered the second most important spot of

my body. After uttering a low chuckle Tane went on. "So I guess I'm only helping

to speed up the process. Of course I would stop if you could present me with

another reason than your slightly diverted concentration?" I shook my head.

"Don't bother."

"Well, I won't let you cum anyway, so your sense should stay gathered at least a

bit." I couldn't say that I wasn't a bit disappointed, but what I had seen of

him until now indicated that he wouldn't keep that threat up the whole day.

From here he continued explaining the things he had only briefly said in the

morning, stressing what I might feel or what I should picture before my inner

eye. From time to time my concentration visibly slipped, but when he saw that he

lost me, he explained again, and moved his fingers a bit less persistently.

This must have gone on for about half an hour, me already wondering that I was

still lasting without either threatening to cum or getting bored, but I guess

the former was because he hadn't once touched my clit, and the latter might be

accounted for by his steadily changing rhythm and crossing his fingers or

spreading them a bit - and maybe the fact that he seemed to know exactly how to

handle me.

After seemingly having explained all there was he told me to try it out. Of

course nothing happened when I tried to set the bundle of grass in front of me

on fire, but that didn't surprise any one of us. Tane curtly demonstrated what

he wanted from me, and I thought to feel something around him the instant before

the grass burnt down to ashes, but couldn't reproduce it, even after the tenth

attempt. When there was no grass standing around us any more, Tane sighed

heavily and let his fingers slide completely out of me. I instantly felt empty,

a feeling I only knew in the slight beginnings, never so strongly, but he just

stared down on his hand for a moment. The skin was coated with my juice from

fingertips to wrist, most on the two fingers he had fucking me with, and

slightly wrinkled. Too much liquid, I guess. Instead of wiping his hand clean on

the grass or going over to the river to wash it he just got up and made a big

show of liking his fingers clean. I just smirked, rearranged my clothes and got

to my feet on my own account. The fabric of my slip was instantly soaked, but I

didn't really bother. It would dry, and this kind of stain wasn't hard to get

out, anyway.

Tane told me to stay here and went back into the house. When he came back, he

carried a small leather-wrapped bundle in one hand. Can't say that I didn't get

suspicious the moment I saw it. He just snickered. "It's so easy to vex you.

Just my shaving knife." His snicker turned into a full-fledged chuckle when I

kept frowning, but I couldn't hold that back. He than extended his free hand

towards me. "Come on, I'll show you the caves. I won't bite, I promise." I took

my time to keep the frown up for another moment, then smiled and went over to

him. Tane briefly hugged me, and then off we went.

The caves were stalactite caves carved out of the stone of the cliff by a

shallow band of water that merged together with the rivulet from the waterfall.

It was dark as night inside, and Tane hadn't brought any torches, but

considering the shimmering ball of light that danced on his outstretched hand he

didn't need any in the first place. We didn't have to go far, just a few bends

of the rill, until we came into a cavern full of pools of water. The air was

rather humid, with water condensing all over the stones, and steam was rising

off the pools. On the other side of the cavern I saw another tunnel going deeper

into the mountain, but as Tane stopped I guessed that we had reached our


While he began to somehow suspend small flickering balls of yellow light around

some of the rock formations I hunkered down next to one of the pools and

tentatively touched my fingers into the water. It was soothingly warm, not as

hot as I might have guessed from the amount of steam, but considering the cool

air that came drifting through the cavern it seemed rather normal.

When Tane had finished his task of lighting up the cavern he came to stand next

to me. "I guess it's time for a little soaking in the water, you'll see it will

not only do wonders to your general state of cleanness." Without further

explanation he began to undress. I just stayed crouched down by the pool and

gazed up at him. After ridding himself of his clothes Tane smirked at me, and

slid into the steaming water, emitting a low sigh. "You can always jump in fully

clothed if you want to, but it's much more comfortable this way, believe me."

While he submerged fully into the water I began to also undress, only struggling

briefly with the bodice. Who ever had invented these things must have been quite

a bastard. Tane was watching me while drifting in the water, splashing around a

bit. I didn't wait any longer, partly because I instantly began to shiver when

the cool air caressed my skin, and followed him in.

It really felt good, and I didn't object when he came wading over to me to

cuddle me against his chest. The pool was not really deep, the water coming to

my shoulders when I stood straight, but it was perfect for drifting around. Tane

then drew me over to the other side of the pool where I could feel a ledge just

about knee level. He sat down, drawing me upon his lap, and kissed me while

slowly kneading my back. I leant into him and arranged my legs left and right of

his so that I was straddling him when he briefly brushed my thigh with his cock.

Tane stopped for a moment and fixed his gaze on my face. "Just a little relaxed

fucking, if you want, nothing serious. I still don't want you to get too hot." I

blinked, still not really understanding why, but then reached down to take hold

of his penis and slid myself down on him. He sighed again and leant back against

the wall of the pool at his back, while I began to move up and down on his


"It's not like I want to keep you away from your well earned fun." He chuckled

when I began to frown once more. "I just want to test a theory. Bear with me, I

promise to make up for it later." When I finally nodded, he slightly kissed my

lips before venturing on. "Just stop before you feel yourself getting too close.

You can tell that better than me." When I nodded again, he drew my upper body

nearer to him and began to softly kiss the side of my neck. I just closed my

eyes and let my mind drift, relishing the combined sensations of him inside me,

the warm lull of the water around us, and his soft caresses.

Some minutes later he let his hands fall from my back down to around my waist,

and stopped me there. "I guess it's time to get to the real purpose of us

getting here. Climb out here and sit down at the rim, I'll be back in a moment."

Without waiting for an agreement from my side he just heaved me from his cock

and then swam to the other side of the pool, back to his clothes. I just sighed

and then crawled out of the water to sit down on the cold rock outside. After

the warmth of the water it seemed to be even colder than before. Long before

Tane returned with his knife, I was shivering all over.

Tane kneeled down on the ledge he had been sitting on before, smirking a bit. He

just looked too content to sit down in the water with me freezing outside, but I

didn't object. "Now lay back, with your ass just at the rim. You can prop

yourself up at your elbows if you want to watch." When I did as he told me I

shivered harder once when the cool rock touched my spine.

He took his time to rearrange my legs, bending them at the knees but keeping

them well spread. Then he ran his wet and hot hands op my belly to gently

squeeze my nipples for a moment. Already rock hard they softened a bit under his

warm fingers, but when he let go of my breasts again, the cool air made them

stiffen all the more. If was just a bit painful, and I growled a bit while

directing an angry look down at Tane. He just kept smirking, took up the knife

again and then gently ran the fingers of his free hand through the hairs over my

crotch. When he touched my pussy lips I inhaled sharply, but the pain I had been

waiting for only showed up as a dull ache. When he saw my mildly bewildered look

Tane grinned. "Told you that the water would grant some small wonders. Now keep

still, you won't want me to accidentally nick you." I hadn't moved a muscle, yet

I would heed his warning nevertheless.

The touch of the blade of the knife against my skin was cold enough to make me

shiver again, but Tane paid me no attention. While he slowly scraped the knife

over my pussy, he looked quite concentrated, with his tongue sticking out

between his lips. It was interesting to watch him work, yet I couldn't qualm a

flutter down in my guts. I trusted him somehow not to hurt me this way on

purpose, but I knew that he wouldn't loose a night's rest if it really happened.

So I kept gnawing on my lower lip and hoped for him not to slip.

Tane took his time, first removing the hair at the top, then at the sides of my

pussy lips, moving down slowly. He even made sure that nothing grew anywhere

back towards my anus. By the time he finished I was so cold that it cost me much

to suppress any tremors or heavier shivers that might make working for him

harder. I couldn't hold back a sigh of relieve when he laid the knife down next

to me and once again washed any excess hair down with a handful of water. Then

he gently breathed down the skin, sending shivers through my body that had next

to nothing to do with being cold. When he ran his fingers lightly down my pussy

again, I realized how sensitive the skin had gotten with the removal of my pubic

hair. Not that it had been all that much, but still, I could feel a difference.

When I made attempts to get up Tane extended one hand to my torso and pressed me

down again. "Wait a moment until you're all dried up, maybe some hairs have

escaped me." The look on his face was innocent enough, yet I was sure that he

knew that he had completely shaved me. But who was I to protest?

While I lay there shivering now more evidently, he began to trace invisible

lines down my thigh. "Do you still believe that you are not able to control your

fire?" I blinked, a bit baffled by his change of topic. I hadn't anticipated him

resuming his lecture now. When I finally shook my head a slight smile crept on

his face. "The least I know is that you can already call it forth at will.

Control it might be a too strong expression, but I am sure that you could bring

up a bout of flame even now."

My brows went up on their own account, without me even wanting to frown. "Why do

you think that? You saw it outside when I couldn't even make the grass smoke,

let alone catch fire." He just shrugged. "I guess it's only because you want to

believe that you can't call it. Maybe it's still the fright from your former

life, when bringing up fire in the middle of the day might have had dire

consequences for you, but that's the only thing that is keeping you from it." I

shook my head, rather vehemently. "Why would I do such a thing?"

Tane pulled a face. "Don't ask me that, I don't know how things work inside of

you. But when you're desperate enough, or simply loosing your grip, you don't

seem to have problems with it." Now that really made me frown, and I sat up a

bit so that I didn't have to crane my neck to look at him. "How would you know

that?" His smile darkened a bit, yet laughter sparkled in his eyes. "Look at the

scorch marks around the head of the bed. All from you. Although the bout of

flame that you brought forth when I rushed you a bit I instantly winked out with

air, that might have been enough to set the hut on fire." When he saw the look

of pure disbelieve on my face, Tane burst into a short laughing fit.

"Now don't look at me that way, I know what I have seen, and felt. At least now

I've got a few hairs less on my forearms." I was still kind of too shocked to

process that information. "Sorry if I did that but ..." He just shook his head

when I began to stammer my apology. "Don't be sorry, I provoked it, at least for

you nearly turning me into a living torch I'm responsible. But I had to see how

you would react, and how much you are already capable of. Just making you cum

wouldn't have told me much, because the risk that nothing would happen was too


My mind slowly began to catch up on all that, and with the realization of the

content came the anger. I downright glowered down at him. "So you nearly

strangled me just to look if I might or might not set anything on fire?" His

smile didn't falter an instant. "Well, yes, kind of. But if you don't like that

version, tell yourself that I just did it because I was getting off on that.

Both theories are right, by the way." With that he reached up to wrap his hands

around my waist and drew my down into the water. Warmth rushed back into my

body, yet I yelped when the hot liquid splashed against my newly shaven flesh.

Tane made attempts to draw me to him, but I put my hands up against his chest

and glowered at him. I wouldn't just let this topic drop this time. When he saw

the look on my face he just smiled. "Don't be cross with me, you know that I'm a

real bastard." He then leant into me, ignoring my attempt to keep him off and

kissed me hard, sliding his tongue inside my mouth without waiting for me to

respond to his kiss. Once I didn't resist the temptation and bit down, gently

yet persistently, on his tongue. Tane didn't pull back just growled low on his

throat and tightened his grip around my waist. I gave in, let him freely

intertwine his tongue with mine. He then slid his hands down to rest on my

buttocks, kneading them not too gently.

When he finally broke the kiss my resolve to get back at him was already

faltering. His blue eyes were so close to mine that I could see small dark

splotches in his iris', something I hadn't noticed before. While I studied his

eyes intently he let go of my body, brought his hands up to my arms and then

drew them from his chest to around his neck. Then he took hold of my legs at the

back side at the top of my thighs, forcing me to give up my stance and let him

hold me. He shifted his grip, and while still gazing straight into my eyes he

brought me down on his cock again. He was hard enough so that he didn't need any

additional guidance,

Once more I tried to direct an angry look at him, but kind of failed. When I

only saw him begin to smile I gave in and wrapped my legs around his ass,

pushing the whole length of him inside me. When his pubic hair scratched

coarsely over my shaven pussy I shivered once more. He judged my reaction right.

"See, it's not just to my convenience when I'm eating you out. The sensitivity

will lessen in a day or two, but the intensity of your sensations will stay

powered up." He grinned, at least until I guided my lips to his and kissed him


After letting me draw his breath from him Tane waded over to one of the walls of

the pool and lightly pushed my back against it. The texture of the rock was a

bit coarse against my skin, but years of flowing water had smoothened it, so it

didn't hurt, even when he began to pump right into me.

When he rested his cheek against my shoulder, barring me the possibility of

kissing his mouth again, I strengthened my embrace about his shoulders so I had

a better hold of him, and closed my eyes. His strokes were hard and fast,

eventually drawing small moans from me. He then grunted briefly. "It's still up,

tell me before you are getting near the edge." I nodded, murmuring something

that might have been an agreement, and chose to ignore it on the spot. He

wouldn't talk to me, so I wouldn't follow his words. Regrettably he came before

me and stopped fucking me while squirting his semen into my pussy. I tried to

keep the disappointment off my face when he slid out of me, but didn't manage it

from the tightening around his eyes.

"You had no intention to stop me, hadn't you?" His voice had a slightly hissing

quality to it, but again I ignored that. "Not if I could avoid it. Why should

you be the only one to be granted release?" The smile he directed at me was

rather nasty. "Because I tell you. Do I have to teach you a lesson on that?" I

could clearly see him getting angry with me, but I was longing to cum. It had

been the third time now that he hadn't let me orgasm, and my patience was

wearing out quickly. So I forced a merry smile on my face to answer him. "Maybe

that would be rewarded with more success than your futile tries to teach me how

to call forth the fire."

The moment the words left my mouth I knew I had overstepped my limits, and I

didn't need to see his shoulders tense. No smile showed on his face now, and I

already started to utter an apology when he drew his arm back and hit me hard

enough in the face to let me stumble back against the wall of the pool in my

back. I didn't even have the time to whimper or anything before he downright

threw me out of the pool, jumped out after me, gripped me by the hair and one

arm and hauled me back out of the cave.

By the time we came to the outside I found the breath to beg him to stop, that

I was sorry, but he just stopped for a moment to backhand me across my mouth,

shouting at me to keep quiet, and then resumed his way towards the hut. The

weather had changed in the time we had spent in the cave. Dark clouds threatened

to bring rain down on us, and thunder growled in the distance. It somehow fit

his mood I might add.

My face stung enough to bring tears into my eyes, and I resigned myself to

whimpering now that I was told to keep my mouth shut. Tane really didn't look

like he was in the mood to argue. At the hut he stopped again, looked up at the

sky, seemingly judging the way the clouds moved, then pulled me towards the

upwind side of the house. There he gave me a shove that brought me to the floor.

I didn't dare move, just lay there and waited what might come next. I didn't

have to wait for long, as Tane took hold of my wrists and began winding a length

of rope around each of them, with a short stretch of rope connecting my hands.

Without paying any heed to my shoulders he yanked my arms towards the side of

the house.

"Get to your knees quickly, or I will make you suffer all the more for not

obeying me." I complied as fast as I could, slipping on the earth with my still

wet legs. When I had finally managed to kneel down, he pushed my body back

against the wood, drew my bound wrists up until I thought I heard my arms pop

out of my shoulders and then fastened the connecting rope somewhere at the wall.

I could feel the rope between my fingers but couldn't really move my wrists with

the strain, and when I looked up I realized that I wouldn't be able to free

myself on my own account, lest I didn't have something sharp to cut through the

rope. When he saw my raised head he slapped my cheek again, rocking my head back

against the wood. I whimpered, biting back a cry, and then looked down on the


Still naked and panting more from anger than exhaustion Tane took some steps

back and then glowered down on me. "I'll be back in a minute, don't even think

about moving or shouting. You won't get free anyway, and there's no one around

here to hear or help you." He then stormed off inside the house.

It didn't take him long to return, carrying something in his hand that made my

eyes widen. Tane squatted down in front of me and held some kind of wooden penis

up to my face. It was longer than his cock, but equally wide, and it really

looked vicious, with small wooden knobs all over the sides. "You can surely

imagine what this is for. Now get up on your haunches." I did as he told me,

raising to the heels of my feet. He then put the wooden cock on the ground

between my legs, securing it somehow to the ground. "Now sit down on it." My

pulse was already racing in my ears, and I instantly shook my head when he

ordered me to impale myself on the thing, but that only brought me another hard

slap, this time on the other cheek. "Go on, or do I have to make you?" The

menace in his voice was all I needed for motivation. So I gritted my teeth and

slowly let the cock slide into me. After the first two inches it already began

to hurt, and I tried to stop, but Tane lost his patience, put one hand at my

shoulder and simply pushed me down. I let out a wail but was sane enough not to

resist. Still the thing was only halfway inside of me. Tane made an attempt to

slap me again, but then let his hand down without making contact with my face.

"I'm going to get our things, until I'm back it is fully inside of you, or I'll

fetch another one for your ass, too." With that he got up and strode off towards

the caves.

He really had his ways of motivating me. As soon as I was sure that he was out

of earshot I wailed again, letting my combined pain and frustration out. Before

that he had never reacted to any of my baits in any such drastic ways, so I

could at least tell myself that I hadn't known what I might conjure down on me.

But that didn't really help me in the least now.

For a moment I considered resisting him, but the fear that was building up

inside of me got the better of me and made me try hard to get that damned thing

deeper inside of me. I was still at least partly wet from our fucking in the

water, my body taking longer than my mind to get back to normal. Yet my muscles

were all too cramped up to make it an easy task. If I had been fully aroused and

not about to dislocate my shoulders it might not have been all that hard, but

this way it only hurt. Nevertheless I did make some progress, biting down hard

on my lower lip to keep my cries to low grunts.

Far too soon I heard him return, and panic instantly surged through me. Just

before he rounded the last corner I summoned all my strength, inhaled, ground my

teeth and pushed down one last time. This time I couldn't keep the cry that

escaped me back, but at least I succeeded, burying the damned cock deep inside

myself. I could feel the grass tickle against my tender pussy lips but decided

to keep my eyes shut for another moment, not wanting to look at Tane right now

while the pain was still racing through my body.

When I finally did open my eyes he hunched down in front of me again, briefly

checking with a finger if I had really done his bidding. As he didn't shout at

me or slap me again, he seemed content, although that didn't exactly make me

happy. "Now slide up a bit and get back on your knees. You'll have to last for

some time in this position, so don't make in any harder for you as it already


Sliding back up was harder than I thought. Before I hadn't really felt it all

that much, but when the initial pain subsided I felt the knobs scraping against

the walls of my vagina. I instantly swore myself not to move a trifle once I was

back on my knees and sliding down as much as possible. Tane then nodded and

patted my cheek, but still looked kind of angry, if now better controlled.

"You'll have to stay here until you get yourself free. Don't let that cock slide

out of you, getting it fully inside on your own might prove difficult and

painful. If you want to, you can fuck yourself on it, but don't dare to cum.

Believe me, I'd know if you did." Then he got up and turned to go, but stopped

once more to look down on me again. "Forget that, I directly tell you to fuck

yourself on that cock. When you are about to cum wait until it subsides a bit,

and then continue. If you are dumb enough not to get free, it serves you right

to fuck yourself raw. You'd better follow my instructions, the spikes, as dull

as they might be, will downright tear you up inside if you don't keep your hole

wet enough." Then a slight smirk came to his face. "Maybe it helps to think of

me." He chuckled, and turned around again. "Once you get free, come inside and

everything will be forgotten. If you don't show up till morning I'll bring you

some water." With that he left me, with the thunder rolling overhead and the

first drops of rain began to fall around me.

The weather grew worse soon, and in no time I was drenched, constantly shivering

from the cold water and the still colder wind that blew water in my face and

over my body. At first I had hung on to my resolve not to hump that damned

thing, but Tane's words had proven right, with my pussy drying up even breathing

began to hurt. It was more or less a life-saving measure to keep my vagina

sloppy enough to bear it. And although I didn't even get really aroused, moving

kind of kept me a bit warm, the only beneficial side-effect I noticed.

When Tane had left me here I had waited some minutes, then tried to get a better

position, a bit more off the ground, so that the strain in my shoulders might

lessen, but the way he had bound me this was not possible, same as leaning back

against the wall at my back. If I even attempted either, it felt like actively

wrenching my arms out of their sockets, so of course I didn't try again. All

things considered, my position was simply awful. And I really had no idea how I

might ever be able to get out of it on my own account.

When night finally came over the land I was having my third futile crying fit

when the muscles in my arms and shoulders cramped again. Even without the cock

rammed up my pussy my position would have been nearly unbearable. Yesterday I

had thought that the worst he could do to me was forcing me to be with him, now

I had topped that list with another item.

The creak of the door nearly let me bolt upright, at least as far as that was

possible in my bound state, but at least my head I could turn. Only when another

folk of lightning illumined the surroundings I could watch Tane go over to the

creek, presumably to get fresh water or something like that. The smell of food

suddenly wavered over to me, and my stomach instantly cramped and rumbled. The

last thing I had eaten had been the bread for breakfast, and although the

continuous pain that tormented me let me forget most, my body kept up with its

needs. For a moment I thought about begging for some food, but then I let that

idea fall again. If he had intended to feed me he would have done it of his own

account, and I didn't really want to draw his attention. Being taunted now was

the last thing I needed.

Either he had somehow read my thoughts or intended it from the start, I didn't

know, yet after coming back from the creak Tane didn't aim directly at the door

but instead came over to me. Knowing that the night would keep him from seeing

my face clearly even in the light of the occasional lightning, I directed a

baleful stare at him. He stopped in front of me, forcing me to crane my neck if

I wanted to look at his face. The next lightning showed that he was no longer

angry or scowling, his usual smirk back on his face, at least as far as I could

tell. The merry tone of his voice only confirmed that.

"Seems like today is really not your day. Did you even try to free yourself, or

are you waiting for morning to come so I might untie you?" I snarled up at him,

which only made him laugh out loud. "I see, your attitude returned. At least you

won't freeze too much if you're fuming inwardly." I just grunted, not really

knowing what I should have said, and still fearing that my voice might not sound

as enraged as I was.

Evidently my silence spoke on its own account, because he snickered briefly.

"Ow, have I fallen so far from grace that you don't even talk to me any more?"

Still I didn't answer, but that couldn't damage his mood. "If you don't intend

to use your mouth for speaking, you can give me a blowjob just as well." Now I

really couldn't hold back any longer, with new anger rolling through me. "I'd

rather bite it off than suck on it!"

For a moment I feared that his mood might again change, but his reply showed

that I couldn't do a thing to dampen his mood. "Then you could just wish that

I'd snap your neck before thinking clearly about how to punish you, or you'd

never ever again get away from this soaked piece of ground. Still hanging on to

your statement?" I only rewarded him with a grunt. "Do I have a choice? It won't

get me away from here any sooner if I suck you, but the chance of you bearing me

a grudge if I don't is too high to risk it in my current state." Once more a

chuckle. "Right. So as long as you don't know a way to get out of your bonds on

your own you should do everything possible to keep me happy. And making me cum

in your mouth would make me quite happy."

I thought of a witty answer, couldn't find any, and then just shook my head in

resignation. "Do what you must to torment me further." He laughed again while

hitching his robe up and pulling his pants down. The fact that the rain was

pouring down hard enough to hurt on my bare skin didn't seem to bother him in

the least.

After getting rid of any hindering clothes he stepped up to me, idle stroking

his cock. "But be gentle, if I even suspect you thinking of biting down I will

have to consider making it impossible for you to ever bite down on anything

anymore, and you don't want that, now do you?" I shook my head once more. I

never had had any problems with having a boy's member in my mouth, so why risk

my teeth for any sentiments I didn't really share?

He didn't give me more time to prepare a possible verbal reply but instead

pushed his cock up against my lips. Being a good girl I first kissed him

lightly, then swivelled my tongue over his head, before opening my mouth and

letting him slide his penis in. It would have been so much easier with my hands

free and available for helping, but if he wanted it that way he would get

exactly what he'd bargained for.

At first he let me do everything, just making sure that he didn't slide out of

my mouth again. Some guys simply can't hold still and always have to try to push

their cock right down your throat, but once again he was the exception, letting

me set the pace. He was already hard when I moved my head forward enough to let

him come close to my throat. My gagging reflex instantly went off, but it was

not the first time I ever did this, so pushing back and breathing deeply once

more solved that instantly. Yet when I tried again, Tane took a step back,

drawing his cock out of my mouth. For a moment I was a bit disoriented, but when

I looked up at him I could see a hint of concern flip over his features. Maybe

it was just imagination with the bad illumination I got here, but when he spoke,

I thought I heard more of that in his voice.

"I know your position is rather awkward for that, you don't have to." Now that

did surprise me again. He was definitely the first man who ever threatened to

punch my teeth out and then worried over my discomfort when having his cock down

my throat. When I told him exactly that he just grinned. "If you are that eager

I'd let you, but I thought you might have objections?" I nearly choked on the

dry laughter that wrung itself out of my throat. "Objections? I have objections

about being tied down here, about having that monster of a cock inside of me,

now does that animate you to free me of all that?" He just shrugged. "These two

have a purpose, yet it doesn't really matter if you deep throat me or not." It

was like being in hell and having the devil complain about the heat. So I just

snorted and blinked up at him again. "Either leave me alone, put him back in my

mouth or shove him down my throat, but get it on!"

Of course he didn't when asked to do it "Ah, now that the two of you are kind of

acquaintanced you moved from the "it" to the "he" basis? Quite interesting." If

it had been in my possibilities I would have jumped at him then and punched him

really hard, but as I was kind of handicapped I just let out a wordless wail.

For that I was rewarded with him taking my head in both hands and stepping up to

me again. "I'll help you a bit. And it would be nice of you to swallow, I don't

want to stain my clothes." Which were quite soaked already, but that evidently

still didn't matter.

He slowly pushed his cock back in my mouth, giving me the time to properly

breathe once more before slowly sliding him in as deep as possible. With the

girth of him it was not really easy to adapt, and for the first three attempts

he had to wait before pushing back in because I coughed so much, but then he

either knew how to better get in or my throat simply gave up, and soon he was

happily fucking my mouth, holding my head in a kind of deadlock, which was not

all that bad considering the force with which he shoved his cock down my throat.

At least this way my head couldn't bump back against the wall which would have

brought additional pain to my shoulders, and so on.

It took him less then five minutes to cum, which I was very relieved about. He

didn't draw out but just stopped, told me to take a deep breath, and then slid

into me for one last time, immobilizing me once more while he spurted his cum

down my throat. Now that was really not a very nice sensation, and after about

twenty seconds I began to buck because of lack of air, but he kept inside of me

until he had finished. My vision was already clouding over when he let me

breathe again, gasping for air. When I had rallied myself once more, he was

gone, presumably back inside. Bastard.

For a moment I tried to discern how his cum tasted, but my head still swam too

much, so I just looked up, opened my mouth and let the rain wash everything

away. Now that I was alone again I resumed the things I had done before he had

showed up - brooding and fucking myself with the wooden cock.

It must have been about two hours later, for me a small eternity, when my anger

suddenly bubbled up again. I had just been pondering the events of the last

night over and over again, mainly trying to discern if he could have been right

with my calling forth fire during sex. Until now none of the others had ever

complained about such things with me, but yesterday's workout hadn't been like

any other in my life before. I didn't know what enraged me from one moment to

the other, but before I could even think about it I was tearing at my shackles

hard enough for the pain in my shoulder to nearly blind me. Whimpering aloud I

stopped, but the anger still seethed inside of me. It didn't choose any concrete

subject, just made me want to throw things at a lot of people, Tane only being

one of them, not even the first that came to my mind. Of course that didn't help

me a bit, and after a while my mind cleared again, but some of the hot current


Once more I tried to remind myself of the nice sensations of yesterday's play,

groping for the ones at the start. After that nothing had been nice. But the

only thing that came back to me was that feeling of panic induced helplessness,

fear, and on the same time lust and release when he had made me cum. And also

that strange fluttering feeling inside me when I had thought he was about to

kill me. That feeling ...

Something picked sharply against the skin at the back of my hand, and I nearly

jerked in my bonds, only already overly pained muscles revolting keeping me from

that. So I resigned myself to a brief snarl and tried to get back to my formerly

treated topic. I knew this kind of feeling, bringing with it the notion of

danger too great to avoid, being afraid that something terrible might happen ...

Once more something landed on my hand, this time hurting far more, searing into

my skin and only subsiding very slowly. Now angry I craned my neck and moved my

hands a bit to get a better view at the place of distress. I couldn't see

anything, at least nothing was lying on my hand. Maybe just nerves going insane.

Couldn't blame them in the least. At least it couldn't have been the loose

thread that hung from the partly undone rope. Nothing to worry about.

Just when I was turning my head to look out at my surroundings the impact of

what I had just seen hit me, and my head shot back up, a little too fast so that

my neck muscles screamed, but I didn't really register that. With wide eyes I

stared at the halfway burnt through rope. The still burning thread must have

grazed my hand, that had been the pain I had been feeling, before the rain had

put the flames out. It must have been fire, because the rope was scorched where

the loose threads came out of it.

That was somehow like a bucket of cold water over my head, but considering the

cold rain I wouldn't have felt that as much, but I couldn't come up with a

better analogy. And now with the evidence so close to my face it was like the

pieces of a puzzle falling into their right places. I had always been more or

less frightened out of my wits when I had conjured up the flames, the least

being some emotional stress, the worst most likely what I had endured yesterday.

Tane had known that all along, maybe from his own way of handling the fire, but

had left it to me to figure it out. His stupid remark about thinking of him

hadn't been meant to give me something so I might get myself aroused, but had

been the hint to get my anger flaring. At least now not fear but anger had been

the key to my ability.

Once I tried the rope, but it was still too tight to snap. So I exhaled to get

my concentration back, stared at the rope and brought back all the feelings I

could still remember from the times I had called on the flames. Of course it

didn't work on the spot, but after about ten minutes of trying, and maybe

getting a bit desperate already, the rope began to spark, showering little

burning pieces down at my hands, but I ignored the pain and kept my efforts

going. The sparks grew into a full-fledged flame, nearly being blown out by the

wind once, but then growing bigger for a moment. Then the rope was severed, my

shoulders sagged and I thumped down hard on the ground, falling face down in the

muck because my reflexes were too lame to push myself upwards. With the sudden

movement came another rather painful experience, because I unintentionally

pushed myself off the cock. So I just lay there wailing for a time, at least

long enough until all the air had exited my lungs and I had to roll over on my

side to be able to breathe again. There I stayed until the pain from my pussy

went at least partly away and my muscles slowly let themselves be controlled

again. When I was able to I raised my hands to my face, staring in wonder at the

burnt-though rope. I had never seen anything so beautiful.

After spending another quarter of an hour lying on the ground I pushed myself up

and staggered over to the creek. The cold water didn't bother me, but I had the

sudden craving to clean myself, so I did it. These few minutes longer spent out

in the rain didn't really bother me anymore. I had freed myself, but most

importantly I had been able to willingly let that rope burn through, all by

myself, without help.

The first bouts of joy finally waned away, leaving me shivering in the cold, so

I turned around and went back to the house. After shooting a baleful last look

at the side of the house, not even trying to make out any details, I vehemently

wrenched open the front door, stepped in and threw it back into the lock with a

loud bang. Tane looked up from the book he had been reading, his face blank as

only he could keep it, and then raised an eyebrow when I just stood there and

tried to stare him down. So I went over to the table and extended my hands,

showing him the burnt rope. He didn't do more than shoot a look at it, then his

gaze went back up to my face. "Took you long enough to figure it out, I've been

waiting for you to come in for hours."

Now that was simply too much for me. With a guttural scream I launched myself at

him, going for his throat with my hands, but my muscles simply weren't working

as normal, and it was more like him catching me and keeping me from falling down

than him being toppled over by the sheer force of my strength. Plus he somehow

kept sitting in his chair without crashing to the floor, minimizing the effect

of my attempt even more. I wailed again when he took hold on my shoulders,

letting my frustration bubble out of me, half expecting him to throw me out once

more for that. But he just laughed, hard enough that his breath came out as a

wheezing hiss, and then embraced me rather wildly. I neither had the strength

nor the intention to flee his grip, so I just sagged against him, letting him

cuddle me. At least it was warm inside, and the warmth of his body crawled over

to my cold skin in no time. Yet he did nothing else but just hold me and rub his

arms down my back to warm me up again.

When he finally let go of me he helped me over to the bench, slung a thick

blanket around my body and then gently forced me to sit down. I complied with

that, and when he returned with a steaming cup of tea I nearly burnt my throat

because I gulped it down far too fast. Warmth began to slowly creep up inside my

body, chasing away most of the cold over the next minutes. After getting me a

second cup of tea Tane handed me a bowl full of soup, also steaming hot. It

really seemed as if he had been waiting for me, as he had said. I hungrily

slurped down the soup, my stomach instantly demanding more, but I tried to take

my time. When I asked for a refill Tane only waved me towards the hearth,

telling me to help myself to as much as I wanted.

By the time I had finished my third bowl my body temperature had risen to its

normal extend, and I was able to keep sitting still without shivering

constantly. Tane had meanwhile resumed his reading, letting me warm myself up on

my own account. Just when I was about to get up to wash my dishes, he closed the

book and shook his head. "You can clean that up in the morning, it's already

late and I'd like to get some sleep this night, too." I eyed him a bit

quizzically. "I guess you don't intend to go to bed now, make out the light and

just go to sleep?" He just answered me with a leering grin. "Thought so."

He got up and then walked over to me, drawing me to my feet. "I promise you, it

won't take all that long. You must be quite tired from all the exercise you got

today." Before I let him take me to his room, I directed another hateful glance

at him. "Can't you just let me go to sleep without fucking me? I'm tired, and

you are right, I hurt all over, and even such a calculative bastard like you

should realise that I am in no condition to have sex right now." He just guided

his hand down beneath my blanket to pet my ass. "Oh, I understand that your

pussy must be quite sore by now, but as you know there are other ways for your

body to grant me the pleasure I seek." His pleasure for sure, not mine.

When we entered the bedroom he unceremonically rid me of my blanket and then

grinned down at me. "But if you object my taking advantage of your tight little

bum I would gladly use any other orifice you offer." For a moment I even

considered taking his offer, but then shook my head. "My ass will do just fine.

At least it's not as sore as the rest of me." "Rest assured, only for now." I

stuck out my tongue at him as soon as he turned around to shed his robe, quickly

undressing and then turned around again. I made an attempt to lay down on the

bed, but he just shook his head, went by me and lay down himself. I frowned down

at him, not really knowing what to do now.

Tane didn't let me wait for long. "I guess I've reached my goal for now with you

having been able to call forth a controlled bout of flame. I won't tie you up

now, just be a good girl and let me fuck you." I hesitated for a moment, then

nodded and walked over to stand next to the bed. "What do you want me to do?"

After making a show of gazing up on my naked body he told me to crouch above

him, back turned to him, letting him enter me and then let him fuck me.

I sighed and then crawled onto the bed, briefly looking at his face to see if he

had changed his mind, but Tane just folded his hands behind his neck and smiled

at me encouragingly. So I straddled him, looking towards the foot of the bed,

and positioned myself above him. I spat down on my palm and began to rub my

saliva all over his member. Of course I could just have taken him into my mouth,

but I simply didn't want to. When I was finished he raised his hips upwards a

bit. I guided his penis up to my anus, but then my resolve faltered. It was one

thing to let him fuck my ass - that I could even enjoy. But not only letting him

sodomize me, but downright help him do it, that was simply too much for me,


Before I could turn around and tell him that I simply wasn't going to do it, his

hands appeared around my waist. "Just stay still, I'll do it myself." After

making sure that I stayed hunkered down above him he let his hands slide to my

ass, drawing my cheeks apart. He then pushed upwards with his cock, and after

taking two of his fingers for help finally wrenched his way inside my ass. I

whimpered slowly while he slid his hands up to my shoulders, briefly massaging

the aching muscles of my upper arms. "Lean back, steady yourself with our arms,

this way it will be more comfortable for you."

I did as he told me, although it hurt a bit to drape my weight on my shoulders.

As long as this wouldn't go on forever, I could stand it. Tane then began to

push further inside me, now once more holding my hips. At first I tried to stay

immobile, making it as hard for him as possible, but when he nearly slipped

fully out of me I reached down between my legs and kind of steadied him. When he

began to push upwards again I moved my behind down on him, what soon solved the

problem. He didn't get much faster, I guess he wanted to give me the chance to

keep my rhythm up as I was cooperating so nicely. I couldn't say that it didn't

hurt, with me being everything but aroused, but it was a good kind of pain, one

I could tolerate, and might in another situation even appreciate. Nevertheless I

was quite happy when he finally came, no longer drawing it out or prolonging my


After he had loosened his hold on me I slid down on the bed and then turned

around to look up at him with the length of the bed between us. He seemed

content with himself briefly closing his eyes and smiling.

When he opened them again he motioned with one hand at his cock. "Just clean the

mess up, then you can go to bed if you want to." I frowned, at first not really

knowing what he meant by that, but soon catching on. "Oh no, no way I'm going to

..." He smirked. "Do you also have objections sucking me clean if I fuck your

pussy?" I shook my head, but inched farther away from him. "There's a

difference, at least for me. I'm surely not licking my shit from your cock."

Tane chuckled, then propped himself up on his elbows. "And you are no way going

to sleep until I'm clean, so suit yourself." When he saw the utter disgust on my

face he sighed briefly and then waved at the door. "There's a bucket of water in

the other room, and I'm sure you'll find some wash cloth over there, too. You

can use that." Before he could change his mind I was off to get the things, then

set to the grimy task of cleaning his penis, already falling in a kind of stupor

while still awake. Now that the tension had drained from me and I was warm

again, my body began to demand the rest it needed, and for once Tane stood to

his word. When I returned after restoring the bucket to its proper place he was

about to extinguish the last of the candles. Without being invited I climbed

into the bed, finding my way beneath the covers and rolling onto my side. Before

I could close my eyes he was next to me, but this time only resting one arm

around my middle. So I went to sleep and hoped not to wake to another nightmare

like today had been.

Caught Fire

Part 3

By Dari

I hadn't gotten much sleep last night. At first I hadn't been able to find rest,

and then nightmares had plagued my dreams. In the wee hours of the morning the

rain got even worse, and my gratitude of being inside rose once more. He would

surely have left me outside if I hadn't succeeded in getting rid of the rope,

that I was sure of.

I couldn't measure the time with the sky all clouded over, but it must have been

late morning when Tane finally stirred beside me. I was lying on my side, with

my back turned to him, with half of the bed between us. In my fitful sleep I had

somehow escaped his grip around my waist, and from then on I had been inching

slowly towards the far end of the bed. It was kind of stupid, because after all

I was here on my own free will, and I still had no intention of leaving, and

still, it was a kind of triumph to get away from him. As he was now waking up my

solitude would soon enough end anyway.

I felt him shift and then get off the bed. That surprised me a bit, as I had

assumed that he was still half asleep, or would at least crawl over to me after

waking up. After he had closed the door behind him I rolled onto my back and

frowned at the ceiling above me. Two days were really too short a time to

predict anyone.

About ten minutes later Tane returned. Water was running down his muscular body,

indicating that he had been outside. I just stared at him, waiting for him to

say something, but he stayed at the door, leaning against the frame, and looked

down across the room at me, face devoid of any emotion. I resisted the urge to

shift around under my blanket and kept my staring up. I wouldn't back down this


Evidently Tane didn't take up the challenge because he turned his head long

before he had made me look away, instead looking out of the window. Yet when his

gaze swivelled back to me he still kept his face even. I still made no move,

waiting for him to either go away or come over to me. Of course he did the


He stopped at the foot of the bed, idly running his fingers over the massive

wooden frame and the attached leather straps. I kept my gaze firmly fixed on his

face, not letting me get distracted. Tane then sighed wearily. "So you're angry

with me. After a night of brooding that hasn't changed a bit. Is there any

peaceful way I can lighten your mood, or am I standing on lost ground here?" He

didn't sound very interested, but it could be considered nice of him to ask. Yet

I knew that a lot of the things he had said or done had seemed perfectly

harmless and turned up to have a much deeper meaning, so I didn't let myself be

fooled now. "I don't know, but you wouldn't take it anyway. Why try to be nice

if you can always resort to violence? We both know that in every kind of fight

you'll come out as the winner, so why bother?" For once my voice sounded as

acidic as I had intended it to, yet it didn't have any particular effect on him.

For a moment longer Tane stayed where he was, then he climbed over the frame and

sat down there with his back resting against the wood. Now that he was closer to

me I could see that he was shivering slightly, with goose bumps running down his

arms and legs. So he wasn't as unaffected by the cold as his behaviour might

convey. As delighting as this might have been, it didn't change anything.

"Do you even know why you are mad at me?" I put a mocking frown on my face. "I

can choose from at least five reasons, want me to pick one or can I keep them

combined?" He didn't even blink, but just sat there and looked at me, giving me

the creeps all the while without doing anything. Somehow this situation got

ridiculous by the minute, but I couldn't back down out of it. I'd rather sit

here for the whole day and do nothing but stare at him than back down. As he

wasn't likely to back down either, we would be doing a lot of staring today if

this went on any longer.

Again it was him who broke the silence once more. "Would you be just as mad if I

had let you go to sleep once you've come inside?" I honestly didn't know. I had

to admit that I hadn't exactly thought about that at all, being grumpy was all I

wanted to be right now. In my eyes I had all the right to it there was in the

world. So I chose not to answer.

When he realized this he sighed and briefly rubbed his hands over his face, then

gazed outside again. "The weather's too bad to go outside, and it's to dangerous

to let you experiment with your abilities inside - searing through one rope is

one thing, but you are far from any signs of control. If you could already do

more I'd go out with you nevertheless, but the rain would extinguish the flames

most of the time, and you'd only get frustrated. You're stuck with me inside, so

either we keep on avoiding one another for the whole day, or we work this out


I just narrowed my eyes. "I'd opt for the former, but I simply can't believe

that you would just let me lurk around until the weather gets better without

bothering me." Tane chuckled, but it was a dry sound. "I could just tie you down

here and go to the living room to stay there, this way I'd gladly leave you for

as long as you want." With a snarl I sat up, making the blanket slip down to

reveal my naked upper body, but right now I didn't care. "You are such a

bastard!" Now his laugh was nearer to the normal sound, but still held no

humour. "You don't have to complement me on my thoughtful nature, lovely." He

swallowed and visibly sobered. "But I didn't intend to solve it this way. I'd

rather talk about it and try to disarm this trap without my conventional means."

I stared at him for a moment, then wrenched the blanket up to my shoulders and

settled down against the headboard of the bed. "Then I'd advise you on beginning

with that monologue now, as I won't have much to say anyway, as I know you."

Still my anger was burning inside of me, only fuelled whenever I moved.

Yesterday getting up had been painful. Today moving on its own was hell.

Tane seemed to think about that for a moment, but shook his head. "No, I'll

really try to find a solution. I know that you realized yesterday that some of

the things I do are to force you to use your abilities, even if you hate it and

it makes you hurt all over. And I'm well aware of how your body must feel after

yesterday. But at least you haven't caught a cold." He waited for me to comment

on that, but I just pressed my lips together and stared at him. So he went on.

"If you want to I can explain it all to you in detail. Maybe you'll understand

me a bit better then." Before he could venture on, I broke my silence. "I don't

need your stupid explanations, even less if they come down to "I just did it to

help you.". If you go on like this, I won't stand the week, and won't live

through the month!" I bit down hard on my lips when not only the anger, but also

some of my fear came with the words. For a moment Tane kept his emotionless mask

up, but then his features softened. I wanted to look away from him, gather

myself again and lash out once more, but before I could do anything he got on

all fours and crawled over to me. I tried to scoot back, but as he was trapping

the blanket beneath him and I didn't let it go, I never came far before he knelt

down in front of me. When he extended a hand towards my face I shied away, and

he stopped, then let if rest on his thigh, but the look he directed at me was of

genuine sympathy.

"I know, I've overstepped your limits a bit, but believe me, I don't intend to

harm you seriously, and it won't get worse." A dry sound came out of my mouth,

more a stifled sniff than the grunt I had intended. "Now you are talking

sweetly, even trying to soothe me, but I don't believe you. You told me to

develop some backbone, but you're just doing a good job at breaking me!" The sob

that followed my outburst was not to be mistaken as anything else, yet I tried

to keep myself together, but somehow loosing it.

Before I knew what was happening Tane was holding me, gently rocking me and

cooing soothingly, with me clinging to him and crying like a baby. Even when I

realized what I was doing I couldn't make myself stop or try to get away from

him again. So I gave in and just let him comfort me, telling myself that I

should savour the times he was gentle to me, as it surely wouldn't last for


When I was finally able to gather myself again I looked up at Tane. When he saw

me gazing at him, he briefly smiled, but it was a gentle smile, something I

didn't really know of him, and it went away nearly too fast to appreciate it

fully. A little bit embarrassed because of my crying I cleared my throat and

tried to wind myself out of his grip, but he only shifted his arms to keep me

pressed against him. One of his hands was already beneath the blanket, and when

he brushed my breast I tensed up visibly.

"Don't. You're just ruining every favour you just gained with me." I hadn't

spoken very loud, but he understood me without encountering any problems, and

moved his hand away again. "Is it so horrible if I touch you?" He sounded just a

little bit hurt, and that brought my anger back from glowing embers to burning

flames. With a rather vehement move I wrenched myself free of his embrace,

mostly succeeding because he hadn't seen it coming, edged back a bit and turned

on him.

"No, but it never stays with touching. It doesn't even stay with fucking!" My

voice was nearly drowned out by a hiccup, and I felt colour creeping over my

face. "See what you are doing to me, first off I'm having a crying fit when I

should be arguing with you, and now I'm getting hysterics!" Tane only pursed his

lips. "You're cute when you're throwing a tantrum." That somehow took the wind

out of my sails, and I got my temper back in check. So I just glowered at him,

meanwhile rearranging the blanket around my body. At least he was suave enough

to keep his eyes fixed on my face. When I was content with the seat of the

blanket I inhaled to continue talking, but Tane forestalled me with a raised


"Before you go on, let me add a few things. After hearing me out you can shout

as much as you want. Okay?" It was not okay, because I suspected that he had

some plan about getting me too confused to keep arguing, but nevertheless

nodded. He then went on. "I know that the last two days have been difficult for

you. I might even grant you that my methods are not only quite unusual but

sometimes a bit drastic. But I have reasons to do it this way, and not any

other." I snorted. "Yeah, of course, there's only one way to get a girl to

grovel at your feet."

Anger flashed in his eyes for a moment, but he suppressed it quickly and went on

with the same calm voice as before. "For you it might seem like I wanted to not

only hurt you, but to get you to follow my every word to the letter. You said so

yourself before, you think I want to break you - for what I don't really know,

but I guess you think me incapable of normal human interactions, and if I manage

to subdue you enough I will lead an easier life." Put this way it sounded a bit

more ridiculous as in my mind, but I just nodded as it was essentially what I

thought of him.

Tane snorted briefly before opening his mouth again. "I can't say anything that

will let you think any different, I know, mostly because some parts of that

contain little bits of truths, but ..." he raised his hands before I could even

utter the oath I had intended to throw at him, "... I have my reasons. If you've

changed your mind and intent to not study with me, please say it, because then I

would stop right now. But it's important to get you a sort of head start with

your abilities, and I didn't know any other way to get you to use your powers.

If I had told you what to look for it wouldn't have worked, believe me."

He then paused, mainly to draw breath, but also to let me speak. Yet I hesitated

a moment, and dropped the subject of cursing him once more, but instead

delved into the topic he had just nicked. "What do you mean by head start? If I

really stay with you it won't matter if I need a week or so longer, now will

it?" Tane just shrugged. "For me it doesn't make a difference. Of your own you

would soon enough have made that progress, maybe in two weeks, at longest a

month. But you don't have this time right now." Again he stopped, but resumed

before I could pester him with a question. "Haven't you wondered why they let

you go with me without any objections, now that you know how I am?"

This thought hadn't occurred to me until now, mainly because I had had more

important things to worry about. Yet as he said it, a mild frown crept on my

forehead. When he saw that, Tane went on. "They haven't of course. In about four

days from now some of them will drop by for a visit and see for themselves if

you've already made any progress. They don't recon that you've already begun to

control the fire, in fact I think they only let you go with me because they were

oh so sure that you wouldn't be able to do anything, maybe even not cope with

me. I've fallen from grace with the Academy over the time, and they only look

for an excuse to drive me off this land. I know, that doesn't bother you, but

when they approached me with the idea of teaching you, I knew it was a trap, yet

I was simply too intrigued by the idea, so I went to the Academy myself, instead

of letting them send you up here, so I could get a good look at you. I don't

mean your body by that, I mean your potential. I saw what they couldn't or

wouldn't see, that you are not very far from getting control on your own without

any help from the outside, so I decided to take my chances and take you with


He let that stand in the room further uncommented, and for some moments I could

simply stare at him. "That's just ridiculous!" He only smiled at my disbelief.

"In four days they will be here, and you'll be able to check for yourself if you

don't believe me. But does it seem that strange that they want to have me off

their territory? The only thing I do is stir up some of their students and

sometimes molest their whores. I'm of no use but of certain danger. They wanted

to use you as a means of getting rid of me. Pardon me for using you as a


I still didn't really believe him, although it sounded at least a bit plausible.

But that still left some things to question. "Assuming I believe you, which I

don't, why do you tell me, and why do you keep ... " I faltered there, but Tane

continued for me. "Why I keep turning daily life into hell for you? I guess it's

just lack of character, there." He curtly grinned, but when he saw that I wasn't

in the mood for joking he sobered again. "I'm to be held accountable for

everything I did. I hurt you, I hurt you badly, and that more than once, not all

of that necessary to unveil your abilities. That's just me, I'm a bad guy,

yadda, yadda. If you can't cope with it, or are not willing to, then you're free

to go. But believe me when I tell you that now that I've accomplished that first

goal, now that you will be allowed to stay with me, I will change my tactics a

bit." He paused, and then added, "That keeping you from coming yesterday for

instance, I thought that with the frustration and longing you would finally give

in, and that might also add up to your succeeding to call forth the flames at

will." A slight smirk showed up on his face, with a lot of suggestion. "If you

want, I can make up for that right away, through the whole day if you insist."

Colour began to seep in my cheeks, and I instantly turned that embarrassment,

wherever it had come from, into anger. "Don't distract me now, this still

doesn't make all that much of a sense. Apart from that I'm sore enough to need

days to be feeling alright again, so that will have to wait anyway."

Tane blinked for a moment, then frowned. "You are just once more showing me that

I've been right in my esteem about why they picked you. You know next to nothing

about what I can accomplish, now do you?" For a moment I wanted to balk at that,

but then had to admit that he was right. His frown just turned into a smile.

"Well, then let me tell you one essential part of that. I'm a sorcerer who works

with fire. Fire burns and sears everything around itself, even the poor

sorcerer's fingers and if he doesn't pay any attention, easily his whole body,

too. So nature compensates for that in granting the sorcerer the ability to heal

eventual burns. I'm not all that good in it, and it costs me more to heal a nick

at a finger than to burn down a whole wood, but if you give me some time and let

me work, I'll be able to rid you of most of the pain I caused you in the last

two days."

Now I really stared at him, pressing my lips together while feeling my eyes

narrow. I had to cramp my fingers into the blanket not to fly at him instantly,

and waited for my mind to clear enough to talk again. "And why do you keep me

hurting all over for the whole time? Even if you now defend yourself with some

sappy excuse about not healing me before last night, before getting a grip on

everything, that doesn't explain why I had to suffer through the wee hours of

morning without getting any sleep at all!"

Tane only snickered then. "If you'd have let me fuck you, it would have gotten

better instantly. Healing works with touch, and as most of your pain was

inflicted by me roughing you up, I could have taken it from you the same way.

You were just not about to cooperate." Now I really got mad at him, and although

I should have leant from yesterday, I nevertheless let out a shout and then

jumped up and at him, punching him in the stomach and then simply hitting at

everything I could reach. Of course that wasn't very efficient, but I simply had

to spend that anger on something.

In no time he was perching atop me, pinning both of my hands to the ground above

my head with one of his, pinning my body mostly with his, even somehow keeping

my feet down, and still had one hand free to gently pat my cheek. I snarled at

him, but that only made him laugh. "You're such a wildcat; I'll be having a lot

of fun with you over the next months." Again I tried to wrench myself free, and

for a moment I thought I might make it, but Tane only shifted, and next I felt

his partly hard cock rub against my pussy lips.

Defiantly I put up my chin and glared at him. "Can't you even once refrain from

fucking me? Can't you just once not be such a bastard?" He only grinned down at

me. "No." Then he brought his face down to my torso and began to succinctly suck

at my right nipple. I let out a growl of frustration, once more trying to get

free, but it was to no avail. It didn't even hinder him in any way.

"Hey, come on, stop, I don't want to right now." Somehow I even managed to keep

my voice low and sound rather sensible, although I didn't really expect him to

follow my bid. It amazed me when he quit teasing my breast and looked at me

again, face blank, as if he wouldn't be keeping me pinned to the bed, being

about to fuck me. "Why?"

I briefly blinked, not quite catching up on that. "Why what? Why I want you to

stop?" He nodded. "I just told you that fucking would at least lessen your pain,

and I thought that was one of your problems right now." I furrowed my brow. "It

is, but I simply don't like the way you are going about this. We still have to

finish that talk, remember, I'm not quite convinced of your little story." Tane

rolled his eyes and then slid off me without further protest, which amazed me

even more. What was going on that suddenly my word counted for something?

He propped himself up on one elbow and then looked at me, seemingly waiting for

me to pose my questions. I stayed lying on my back, only turning my head to gaze

at him. It somehow irritated me that he even refrained from touching me at all.

Yet I didn't complain, this was what I wanted, now wasn't it?

"Okay, to sum it all up, you want to get back at them by showing them how good a

teacher you are, making even me able to work with my abilities in no time,

although they thought it impossible." He nodded. "Essentially yes." I frowned a

bit. "You told me that so I would understand, maybe even cooperate and help you.

Yet you downright torture me and try to get away with some lousy excuse about it

being the only way." He chose to ignore my acidic tone and instead smirked.

"Well, I'm not used to handling a slave for my every kinky pleasure; you have to

be patient with me."

I just wanted to hit him for that, hard, but he put a finger down over my lips

before I could begin with my tirade. "I was just joking." "Really? Sounds quite

the truth to me. Only your dumb saying about teaching me some backbone

contradicts with it." Tane paused for a moment, then flopped down on his back,

mimicking my posture. "I know, and I can't even say that I'm sorry because it

wouldn't be the whole truth and I don't lie if I can avoid it." He waited for a

moment, but when no reply came from my side, he blinked and turned his head to

look at me. "No complaints? Then I'll use that to explain it once again. It's

not just words; I really want to raise your confidence. And I know that until

now I have done nothing on that part, even working in the other direction.

That's something I'm sorry about, but I can promise you, we'll get to that


Once more he haltered, and when I still didn't speak up he continued. "If you

have the feeling that I'm contradicting myself, you might be right. I haven't

thought much about the whole thing, more working on impulse than thought." He

briefly furrowed his brow, musing over something. "I know you will get mad at me

the moment I tell you this, but somehow the idea of dominating you in more than

just setting the pace when fucking you appeals to me. Got any problems with

that?" From the lilt in his voice I figured that he didn't mean that all too

serious. Maybe he really thought that, but asking me was for naught, he knew the

answer by now. Yet I dilated my eyes to better stare at him and answered

nevertheless. "Yes. Many." He smiled and turned his head to once more gaze out

the window.

"I know, and I guess that's the reason why I can't let it go. It's a challenge,

and I love challenges. I guess I wouldn't like you nearly as much as I do if you

would just submit to my ilk. And I like you a lot." For that he turned his head

to me again, looking me in the face. I just looked back, now keeping my face

blank. Tane smiled again, raising one hand to stroke a finger gently down my

cheek. "But as much as I'd like to make you back down, I won't attempt to break

you. Yesterday when I dragged you back to the hut and then left you outside, it

wasn't really fun for me. I was angry enough to not spare it a thought, but

somehow it vexed me to see how easy it was to make you huddle down if I really

force you. Knowing that I'm able to is enough by far. I won't do it again,


Now he really began to confuse me. Until now I had been thinking that he must

have had a hell of a good time back then, but he seemed honest now. "You really

mean that." He nodded. "Must sound stupid, but I never said I was easy to

understand." Tane laughed and went on. "Maybe we'll really find a way with which

we might both live and still get this working. Something like you letting me

have my way with you in the end, yet you are encouraged to struggle as much as

you like if you feel like it, with me not taking you too far. How does this


Once more I frowned. "Sounds like what he have right now, only a bit more

diffuse." I was rewarded with a curt smile. "No, I meant you willingly

submitting to me, not letting me have my way because you fear that it would only

get worse if I got angry with you. It's kind of hard to explain." For a moment I

hesitated, then I turned on my side to get a better look at him. "You mean that

we sort of extend our, well I don't know how to call it, relationship or

something to a day and night spanning play? Not just getting in bed to fuck,

sometimes rough, sometimes gentle, but turn it into something fluent? Me

struggling yet really wanting you to fuck me, and you pretending to force me yet

knowing that I wouldn't want you to stop anyway?"

I sounded a bit sceptical and incoherent, but he got it and then nodded. "More

or less, with exceptions of course. You don't have to act, if you just want me

to fuck you silly you can always help yourself by simply jumping on me." I

chuckled, but otherwise didn't interrupt him. Tane remained silent for another

minute, then mused on. "I hope I'm not terribly wrong, but from what I've until

now seen of you, you like it at least a bit rough, at least as long as you get

your fun." For a moment I felt myself get ashamed and red again, but suppressed

that notion. He was right, and with him it felt okay to admit it. So I nodded my

agreement, making him smile with that. "And I'd get my way most of the time. If

we really keep on fucking on a daily basis I can also step back a little, maybe

alternate between being rough and gentle, depending on our moods. I really don't

have to force myself on you all the time, even I appreciate a warm, willing body

next to mine, longing for tender caresses only to finish for the night." Instead

of speaking on he raised himself up to brush his lips gently over mine, making

the kiss nearly chaste. But only nearly, chastity is nothing I will ever be able

to associate with him. Yet before I could respond to that he sank down on the

bed again and went on.

"Maybe this is just stupid reverie, but it sounds reasonably performable. Wanna

give it a try?" I put a mock frown on my face. "I guess you mean right now with

that?" Tane just growled. "Well, yes, you're keeping me off you for the whole

morning already, that's far too long." But he didn't do more than taunt me, even

sobered after that again. "Of course you'll have the right to say no, but I

guess we should rather stick to some safe word for that. You're that kind of

woman that still protests when she is already humping down the cock of the poor

man who tries to persuade her." For that he got a light punch on the arm that

only made him grunt. "I know I'm right, you don't have to affirm me all the

more. How about "Academy", that normally does it's own to get me brooding

instead of wanting to fuck you."

I just laughed. "That's too ridiculous. Come up with something more sensible."

He nodded, yet smiled. "I'll think of it. Until then we'll have to manage

without one." I blinked briefly. "Well, we'll manage if you keep it low a bit

today, and really are able to heal me." I didn't know if he got the hint, so I

leant a bit more over him to look him in the eye while saying it, brushing with

the tips of my breasts against his arm that was resting on his chest. He didn't

look down, yet I knew he understood when he pushed said arm a bit up so that he

was pressing my nipples into the soft flesh of my breasts. "If you hadn't

insisted on keeping this stupid talking up you would already feel used yet

rather normal. I'll only be able to lessen the pain, not really make it all go

away, but the residue I'll turn into something you can relish." He paused once

more. "But talking wasn't all that bad either. Maybe I shouldn't remind you, but

I didn't say anything further to make you believe me, so why now the change of


I paused a moment before answering. "I don't know, maybe I just wanted an

assurance that you wouldn't keep half-torturing me daily, or something. I guess

I just needed some lapse from your side, not some stupid proof you can't provide

until they show up on our doorstep. And maybe all that talking simply got me

horny." Now that made him smile as I had anticipated, and he withdrew his arms

to wrap them around my body, drawing me essentially atop of him.

"Horny, eh?" I just nodded. "Well, then how can I service you, madam? How do you

want it?" I smiled down at him with a slightly leering quality. "What do you

have to offer?" Tane laughed full heartedly. "Everything you want. Considering

your state a slow approach might be appreciated, maybe just pleasuring you with

my tongue and waiting to see what happens? Or I could for once set out to

explore all that yet not too familiar flesh with my mouth and hands, and find

all the erogenous and ticklish spots you have?" He took a short pause to kiss me

before going on. "Or we could speed up the process, so that I begin to fuck you

when you are wet enough so that I can relieve you of your pain and then get on

to more serious things, provided you long for a hard ride? I'd really like to

have you bounce on top of me, with your tits in full view and ready for my

hands? But it's yours to decide. Just tell me."

To be true, all of that aroused me. If he kept on talking like that some more he

wouldn't have to lick or caress me to get me wet. Yet I took my time, just

relishing the possibility of having a choice. And call me stupid, even when he

offered to play it gentle, omitting his likings for tying me down at all, I

somehow wanted to go for exactly that. If he really stuck to his word as far as

doing as I told him I wanted it, I could perhaps really love that.

"I'm not that experienced, you know, so bear with me. I'll let most of it to you,

but ..." I hesitated one more, fidgeting around a bit before looking into his

eyes again to go on. "I'd like you to explore my body, as you just offered, but

while tying me down." Only a slight widening of his eyes indicated that he was a

bit surprised. Maybe he still didn't know how close some of my desires came to

his idea of fun. Yet he didn't interrupt, so I hurried on. "Not to the extend

that I really hurt, but you can make me unable to move at all if you want, as

long as you keep playing with me. Keep it up as long as you want, but at least

for some time, but not too long. I'm sure you'll know when enough is enough. And

then fuck me. I don't know how well I'll be feeling like that, so I can't say

how fast to set your pace, but make a contrast to your caresses before." I had

to swallow hard to go on, but forced myself to do it. "You can also rough me up

a bit then, if you want, but let me set certain limits. No choking, no slapping

my pussy that you make me cry and unable to move for days. Generally nothing

that leaves lasting pain. It's okay if I'm tired and aching a bit afterwards,

but I want it to be a dull pain if it has to be that way, something that can be

ignored. Considering what we've already done together in my first night with

you, you can go farther than with the first part, but not as far as with the

second part. You don't have to make me cum if that means sticking to that.


I hated the way my voice sounded, a bit desperate and pleading, but at least I

had the courage to spell that out what kept lurking behind my eyes. Tane just

looked at me for another moment, an expression of mild bewilderment still on his

face, then nodded. "That shouldn't be too hard, but it will take time if I

really do it properly." Somehow that broke the tension that had been building up

inside of me, and let me exhale in relief. "You said we wouldn't have anything

else to do today apart from biding our time?" Tane nodded once more, but still

had that sincere look on his face, not smiling or something. Maybe he wanted to

convey the impression that he took my request seriously, making me a bit more

comfortable with it. It worked. "So when do you want to begin? Now? I'd advice

you on using the toilet beforehand, because it can get nasty if you have to

relieve your bladder in the middle of something. But we can always wait, or do

something else before, if you want more time to consider."

Now he was a bit too sensitive for my likings, sounding like a hesitant boy who

was alone with a girl for the first time. There were times when even I wanted to

be treated that way, but right now was not one of them, as most of the time. So

I just frowned down at him. "I'll go outside to pee and shit myself out so that

there won't be any disturbances from my side, and in certain conditions I might

even find your hesitant attitude charming, but right now I want to be fucked, I

want to be used, now that I brought up the courage to admit that I want exactly

what I balked about the day before you just have to reward me with it."

Finally that smirk returned that I had been waiting for, and his hands found

their way to squeeze my buttocks before I could slap them down. "Just wanted to

hear it out of your own mouth. It's just so much more fun when you get agitated,

same as when you beg me to fuck you when I just stay to teasing. And I will be

teasing you a lot today, be assured of that." I rewarded him with a long kiss,

then slid off him and out of his grasp and went out in the rain to get myself

ready. I took my time even when the rain kept slashing down at my bare skin, but

I wanted to make sure that I didn't need another break too soon.

When I came back in Tane was unwinding several coils of rope. A whole heap of

leather straps already lay on the bed, and I was beginning to wonder where he

stored all that stuff. At least one of the chests that stood in the room must be

full of his paraphernalia. And who knew what else he might keep there?

He motioned me over to the bed. "I'm ready in a minute, make yourself

comfortable, might be for the last time in hours." His grin was full of dark

anticipation, which only added up to the fluttering in my stomach. Yeah, I was

nervous, only getting more so when I lay down on the bed and watched him work

around with the rope. When he caught my gaze Tane laughed. "Already getting

squeamish?" I shook my head, but from his broad grin it was evident what he

thought about my denial. Then he finished, and let the ropes slide on the bed.

"Let's begin before you change your mind. Get up on the middle of the bed on

your knees, back straight, sit down on your heels and open your thighs. Hands

folded behind your back." I did as he told me, taking my time to arrange myself

that way on the bed. Tane got up behind me with a leather strap in his hands. "I'll

start with your hands, tying your arms together. You should already be familiar

with that."

He began to draw my hands to the opposite elbows until I could nearly grasp the

opposite upper arm and wound the strap from wrist to wrist, encasing my lower

arms in leather. He had already done that on our first evening, but today it

felt different, the binding being not so tight as in cutting into my flesh, but

when I tried I couldn't even begin to bring my arms more to one side or the

other. "Hold still, fidgeting will only prolong the whole thing and bring me to

unpleasant ideas. Or does it hurt in any way?" I shook my head. This way my

shoulders were not really strained so they didn't hurt. Still I had to try.

"By the way, do you want me to tell you what I am about to do, or do you prefer

to be left in oblivion as long as possible?" I thought about that for a moment,

and as I was no longer able to shrug I had to give him a verbal answer. "I don't

know, do as you like." A grunt came from behind me, then he briefly tested the

strap, yanking a bit. "I simply love this way of securing your arms, it forces

your tits out just nicely." With a chuckle he hopped off the bed and returned

with a handful of ropes and more straps, again getting behind me.

"I'll have to retie you several times, beginning with you just sitting here

being bound, and if I see that it works and you like it, I might get far enough

to really suspend you in the air. The wooden beams should support your weight

with no problems." He got to stand behind me and flung two of the ropes over the

rafters so that they were hanging down, and began to somehow knot them together.

I couldn't see much from this angle, but I guess that was exactly why he had

tied my arms already, so that I wouldn't be able to always see everything he was


When he finished he knelt down again and fastened the two loose ends of rope

around my elbows and bound arms. I was about to wonder what he was doing this

for when he finished and once jerked on the knotted ropes. My arms were slowly

drawn up so that I had to raise from my seat at my heels so that my body

wouldn't be drawn up by my arms alone. Just when my arms were about to begin to

protest he stopped and somewhere fastened the ropes so that I was secured that

way. As long as I didn't move I didn't really feel any strain, but that surely

had some possibilities.

Next he fastened broad leather straps around my thighs near to my hips, with the

straps running about two fingers away from the top of my tights. The other ends

of the corresponding straps were wound around my ankles and drawn tight, forcing

me to bend my knees a bit and lower my bottom - which I couldn't do of course as

my position had to stay unchanged for my shoulders not to hurt. Tane took his

time to rearrange both the ankle straps and the ropes that help my arms until he

had found the point where I was no longer really comfortable, but nothing hurt.

After finishing he crawled around me and for some moments just stared at my

body, at first checking for me to sit up straight and so on, then simply

admiring his work and the object he was to show his skills on. I tried to lock

gazes with him, but he always looked away, not really avoiding my gaze but not

looking me in the eye either.

When he moved again it was to scoot in front of me so that he was inching my

knees still further apart with his hands. He allowed a curt smile to cross his

features and bent towards me, kissing me gently and passionately, while

beginning to let his hands wander over my body, starting at my shoulders,

moving down to my legs, and up again, all the time lightly dancing over my skin.

Soon he stopped kissing my lips but moved on to my neck and lower, sometimes

only lightly touching my skin, sometimes sucking it up into his mouth.

Over the next minutes he touched nearly every spot on my front, only leaving my

breasts untreated. I just closed my eyes and let him caress my skin, while I

felt that on the one hand I was getting mildly aroused, and on the other hand

relaxing more. He then moved on to my back, treating the skin there in the same

way as my front, but paying special attention to the taut muscles in my

shoulders. Light shivers ran through my body from time to time. It somehow began

to vex me that he had tied me up to prevent me from moving, but I guess that was

the sense behind all that.

After finishing with my back Tane stopped, and began to untie the leather strap

that fastened my arms together, yet leaving the ropes over my elbows in place.

Even when my arms were free I did nothing but flex my fingers briefly. He

fidgeted around with some ropes, beginning to tie them somehow together. "If

your shoulders still hurt too much, tell me." He then undid the leather around my

arms, and the ropes over my elbows but on the same time tied others around my

upper arms, with one rope running over my torso all the way around. After tying

some more be told me to align my arms at my sides and draw them back, with my hands

clasping one another. I did as he told me, and be wound a lot of rope around my

arms at the upper arms, elbows and above my wrists, tying my hands together,

forcing me to draw my shoulder blades closer together.

When he had my arms secured again he hooked the ropes that had formerly been at

my elbows through some of the loops he had created and heaved my arms up a bit.

It did hurt in my shoulders, but after securing my arms once more it was a

tolerable ache. When he was finished there he began to wind more rope around my

torso, some at the top of my breasts, some beneath, directly over my ribs. Once

more he took his time knotting everything in the back while making sure that no

rope cut into my skin. It felt like all the ropes would come together at one

point somewhere in the middle of my back, making him curse once in a while

because his tying my arms this way made it harder for him to get everything

right, but as I was in no position to help him, I just waited.

With a last yank on the ropes Tane let go of me again and hopped off the bed

once more to look at me. He curtly nodded, then got in front of me again and

rightened the ropes to his liking. Another moment he hesitated, before he looked

up at my face again. "Everything okay until now?" I just nodded, keeping it

simple. After a last check Tane got off the bed once more to return with several

more ropes and began winding about half of them around my breasts and back for

securing, and the rest around my waist, with two tight strings running over my

pussy and asshole.

If he had asked if everything still was okay I would have complained, but until

now nothing really hurt, so I kept as silent as possible. With my tits now

tightly bound they kind of jutted out, and Tane took his time to explore them

with his mouth, being very gentle doing it, making my arousal rise once more.

When he felt my nipples stiffen he reached down to the ropes that ran over my

pussy and began to gently tuck on them. I inhaled loudly when he made them chafe

over my clit, yet that didn't slow him down in any way. And although that hurt a

bit it also made me long for more.

I was just stifling a moan when he stopped and reached behind me once again to

show me a dark folded cloth. I was just about to ask him what that was for when

he reached up to my head and wound the cloth twice around my face over my eyes,

tying it in the back. The blindfold didn't let any light in as it was wrapped

nearly from my forehead to the tip of my nose, and that somehow made me nervous.

Just when I was about to really complain, a finger appeared above my lips.

"Hush, it will only heighten your sensitivity to my touch." Once again he bent

down to lap at my nipples, this time not only sucking on them, but biting down

gently and drawing the flesh away from my breast a bit. Then his attention to my

body suddenly ceased, and after feeling the bed shift under his weight I was

unable to tell what he was up to. I couldn't even hear him walking around the


Wood creaked, and the bonds around my shoulders, arms and at my back suddenly

were drawn tight, also tightening the bonds around my breasts. Pain began to

find its way through my body, and I felt myself being lifted in the air a bit,

instantly began to swing around slowly. From time to time I could feel my knees

touching the bed, so I was not far from it, but my whole weight lay in the ropes

which cut into my flesh just nicely. I whimpered a bit, and felt the first signs

of fright knotting my stomach. What had I gotten myself into?

I nearly yelped when Tane gently touched my middle, steadying me in the air. The

bed creaked a bit, and he let go of me again, only to let his hands appear on my

thighs seconds after that. His caress somehow felt strange, until I realized

that he had somehow turned his hands upside down, stroking me with his hands

coming up between my legs. More creaking followed, with his hands leaving my

body once more. Yet I could hear him breathing close to me, so he must have

stayed on the bed.

Gentle fingers began to stroke over my pussy lips, drawing the flesh underneath

the ropes to the side, leaving me open and vulnerable. The coarse fabric of the

ropes downright bit into the soft inner folds of my labia. I tried to wriggle

around a bit to get my nether lips to slide back together so that the rope would

again sit firmly at the less sensitive outer parts, but I was only rewarded with

a gentle, yet firm, slap over my pussy. "You won't succeed anyway, so stop

struggling. Or do I have to tighten your restraints?" I shook my head, not

knowing if he could even see it, and hoped that that was enough.

Tane's breath blew over my exposed pussy, and I nearly cringed with sudden

arousal. Once more he tucked at my pussy, drawing my outer pussy lips still

farther apart, just to the point when I began to tense up because it hurt. He

kept his fingers over my labia, making sure that the flesh wouldn't get back,

and briefly chuckling, making things lower in my body tighten up even more.

The next thing I felt was his tongue sliding from my hole up to my clit,

greedily sucking the small bud into his mouth. I yelped when he sucked so hard

that it nearly hurt, but he just kept on for some moments, before running his

tongue back down my slit until he stopped at my hole, sliding his tongue inside

of me. He couldn't reach any really sensitive points this way, yet it aroused me

nevertheless. After that he kept on licking the flesh around my hole, then went

up again to lick at the flesh around my clit, to begin once more to suck on it.

This went on for quite some time, me getting really wet not just from his

saliva. Yet when I began to moan he got slower in his wanderings, finally

staying at my clit, now no longer sucking hard on it but keeping it in his mouth

while swivelling his tongue over it. From that point on it was only a matter of

minutes until he had me on the brink of orgasm. Tane haltered for a moment, and

I got really scared that he would just leave me there about to come but never

being allowed to, but it had only been to bring his mouth even closer to my

pussy, because the next moment he resumed his licking. He kept it up until the

first contractions ran through my body, accompanied by my loud panting, and then

once more changed to sucking hard while I came all over his face. He made me

last for longer than a minute, and only stopped when I sagged in my bonds, all

my energy spent in the release.

Sweat had broken out all over my body, and while I calmed down he ran his hands

all over me, making me moan regardless of my spent state. Once more my nipples

got some extra treating, although this time he only pinched them softly between

his fingers.

When I was again able to I tried to straighten up a bit in my bonds, at least

regaining my straight back, and Tane didn't scold me for that. On the contrary,

it seemed as if he had been waiting for that, because he ceased his working on

my nipples and let go of me completely. For a moment I thought he was abandoning

me now, getting a bit grumpy about that. It was really nice of him to make me

cum, yet after gathering my strength I was just about ready for the next round,

whatever he had in mind. My breasts were already beginning to tingle from being

bound, making my nipples ache from that alone, so he should at least take

advantage of this.

Once again the creaking bed indicated that he was repositioning himself, and

when I felt his hands on my thighs once more I knew that I had been right as he

was touching me form the other side once more. I was just about beginning to

wonder what he was doing now, when I felt the tip of his cock at my vagina. He

only left me enough time to exhale once, getting a good grip on my hips, and

then pushed himself up into me.

I was wet enough not to complicate everything, yet the angle was somehow askew,

and it hurt when he was fully inside of me. I whimpered a bit, trying to tell

him that I didn't feel all that comfortable, but Tane ignored it, only drawing

out about halfway to burry himself completely once more. Now I couldn't keep

from panting, making a little noise of pain, but he still went on, gaining some

speed with his balls slapping against my pussy and ass. I realized that the

position must be a bit awkward for him as he was thrusting his hips upwards to

even get his cock to my opening, but judging from his pace he managed just


His hands disappeared from my hips and instead took hold of my breasts. He

squeezed really tight, making me gasp even more, and just kept on pounding my

pussy. My sounds of pain got a bit louder, but it was not pain alone that

resonated through my body. I was just about to get aroused once more when he let

go of my breasts and stopped with his whole cock inside of me.

I had only one moment to wonder, then one of his hands landed in a forceful slap

on my right breast. I cried out in pain, only shouting again with the second

and third slap. He stopped at five, only to administer five more slaps to my

other breast. Tears sprang to my eyes and were soaked up by the blindfold. After

the slaps he resumed his humping of my vagina, yet stopped after just about one

minute to slap my tits once more.

This went on for quite some time. My breasts soon hurt a lot, and after the

sixth time of slapping I couldn't keep on whimpering and crying alone. "Please

stop, it hurts too much!" I only got a grunt for an answer, and when he slapped

me again it was harder still. Once more I begged him to stop between wails and

sobs, but Tane just kept on. The only difference was that his slaps got harder,

same as his fucking me got faster, but both could have also been coming from my

imagination. And the way his cock felt inside of me he wasn't even about to cum.

When I begged for him to stop for the third time I got ten additional slaps, but

when my wailing wouldn't cease Tane stopped and waited until I calmed down again

a bit. He shifted, getting his hands back to my hips and let them rest there. "I

give you a choice. Either get on with this until I cum, but that could take some

time as you are all wet and not really clamping down on me. Or I get the best

friend of your toy from yesterday. It's just a little shorter and lacks the

spikes. I would push it inside your wet, wet hole, secure it with some straps so

that it won't fall out, kneel down at your back and fuck your ass. That would

relieve you of the slaps, although I might pinch your nipples some more to get a

better grip on you." He chuckled briefly. "So what would you rather have, being

slapped or fucked in both holes at the same time?"

Now that he had voiced my options I really didn't know what to do. One sounded

more awful than the other. When I hadn't answered after ten seconds, Tane began

to pinch the skin of my belly. "Choose one, or I'll make the choice for you and

just keep on. You wanted the change, so what keeps you from taking the second

option?" I had to swallow hard to get my voice to work. "You're just big on your

own, I don't know if I could stand it with a wooden cock of equal calibre in my

pussy." Once more I got a chuckle from him. "It isn't that different from being

fucked by two real men. And as your ass is tighter than your pussy, even tighter

with your other hole stuffed, I will likely cum faster." Still I hesitated, and

then voiced the reason of my hesitation when he pinched me some more. "I've

never been fucked by two men at the same time, I can't say how hard that is."

Tane made a sound that closely resembled a howl. "Never?" I shook my head, and

wished for the blindfold to go away so that I could look him in the face, or at

least let him see my fear. He would have surely ignored it had he seen it, yet I

wanted him to know that I was just uncomfortable about that. "Well, then it's

about time for you to experience this. Change of plan, you don't have a choice,

I'll just do it."

Without waiting for objections from my side he slid out of me and jumped off the

bed. For a moment I thought about protesting, but kept my mouth shut. I could

always start when it really got worse.

It took Tane quite a while to find his not so little second toy, making me even

more uncomfortable. The longer he was away from me, the softer his penis would

get, and if the end of this would be him coming, I wanted it to happen fast.

With a shout of triumph Tane came back to me, making the bed rock when he jumped

on it. Without further hesitation he got behind me and then slipped his hands

around my waist, leaning with his head on my shoulder. "Just don't tighten up,

you should be wet enough for it to go in without problems." That was all the

warning I got, the next moment he began sliding the wooden prick up my vagina.

Of course I tightened my muscles, making him grunt a bit, but after some to and

fro he finally succeeded in getting that damned thing fully inside of me. It

didn't really hurt, only my fright kept me gasping.

Next came some construction of leather straps, but there must have been more

than just straps because when he had finished applying it to my body my whole

crotch was covered, yet leaving my ass bare. Once again I wished to be able to

see down my body, yet discarded that idea the moment Tane began to direct his

cock up my anus. I had been wrong, he was still rock hard, but needed to be so

to make it up inside of me.

After much grunting and panting he had finally succeeded and stopped for a

moment, I guess to catch some breath. I really felt stuffed, full to the brim,

but as long as he didn't move it was just a strange feeling, nothing really

hurt. Then he began to fuck me, at first gripping my waist, then letting his

hands roam up to cup my breasts once more, and it began to hurt once more. This

time the pain just didn't keep the pleasure down, but somehow fuelled my arousal

once more. Soon I was gasping from pain and pleasure both, matching the amount

of sound that came from the bastard that was fucking my ass.

Tane slowed down for a moment and moved his hands away from my burning breasts

to drag my blindfold down from my eyes to my neck. My eyes needed a lot of time

to adjust to the light, even if it was dim, because I had to shut them once more

when he resumed fondling my nipples. When I finally managed to see something I

looked down on my breasts, watching him knead the swollen, red flesh. It somehow

hurt even more when I saw how my tits looked, but didn't pay all that much

attention to that when Tane sped up fucking my ass even more.

With a roar he finally came. I could feel him convulse at my back, making me

scream when he squeezed my nipples harder still. Then he went still, yet kept

his tight grip on my nipples while softly kissing my neck. My screaming quieted

down to whimpers while tears began to run down my cheeks. When he finally let go

of me completely I whimpered some more, unable to stop just because the pain

didn't increase any more.

I kept whimpering while he slowly let my down on the bed again and undid the

bonds of my arms and the ones that kept me to the ropes for adjusting height,

yet left the bonds around my breasts, waist and pussy, same as the leather

straps that bound my legs and kept the wooden cock inside of me. After that he

gently pressed me down to lay at my back, with my legs now tied in an awkward

way, but as I was able to draw my knees closer to my chest it was bearable. My

tits, pussy and ass seemed to be on fire, the worst being my inner pussy lips as

the ropes had chaffed my labia all the while he had been fucking me, both him

alone and with the additional cock. Although my hands were free once again I

didn't do more then align them at my sides, waiting for him to undo the rest.

After discarding all the now unnecessary ropes on the floor Tane got up on the

bed again and crawled over to me. His cheeks were flushed and he looked a bit

drained but also satisfied. When he caught my gaze he didn't smile but kept an

earnest impression on his face, same as before all this had started. He extended

one hand and lightly ran it over the flesh of my breast, making me noisily draw

in some air between my teeth.

"Oh so tender is that flesh now, I wonder what you would do would I start biting

down on it." I grunted for a reply. "Haven't you pinched me enough?" He chuckled

briefly, then leaned over and softly blew some air over my nipples. My

traitorous nipples had nothing better to do than stand up erect, getting hard

instantly and hurting even a tad bit more. "See, even if you don't want to go

on, your body is not finished yet." Once again he didn't wait for me to answer

but instead leaned over me and encompassed most of one breast within his mouth,

sucking it up inside while lightly scraping the flesh with his teeth. For a

while he kept sucking and rolling his tongue around my nipple, then drew back a

bit with only my nipple staying in his mouth - and began to lightly gnaw on it.

At first I whimpered, then frowned, until I had to chuckle a bit. It didn't hurt

because he didn't really bite down on my nipple, but tickled it with his teeth.

By the time he was working on my other nipple he had to hold me down with both

hands to keep me from either evading him or drawing my feet up enough to keep

him from my breasts.

When he was satisfied with the result he stopped and looked up at me again. It

was a strange look, one that somehow chased away the smile on my face but let me

get serious once more. It wasn't threatening, on the contrary, but was so full

of hunger and lust that it made my throat tighten. The next moment he was all

over me, bringing his lips down on my mouth, nearly crushing my lips with his,

his tongue slipping greedily inside my mouth. All the while his hands undid

first the straps that kept my thighs and ankles together, then removed the

leather that held the wooded cock inside me.

I waited for him to remove the cock and instead fill me with his own, but he let

it inside and pushed his once more stiff prick next to my already stuffed hole.

When he began to push his member inside of me alongside the wooden substitute I

instantly bucked, but Tane had my hands trapped in only seconds, stopping my

jerking efficiently and stared down at me. He kept pushing, and it hurt, making

me try to buck once more. "Stop it, you are aroused enough, wet as water, so

don't cramp now and it won't hurt." I could just stare up at him. "You are mad!

Your cock alone is big enough to cause some women problems; I simply can't take

two in one hole!" He only smiled, although sweat began to break out on his

forehead. "But you are not some women, I have fucked you properly enough to have

loosened up any remains from former muscle pains, and I know that you can

stretch enough to get me in, too. It's just your mind that keeps me out."

He pushed in again, and I screamed at him that it was my body, not my mind, that

didn't let that work. Tane chose to ignore me once again and instead resumed

kissing me, nearly suffocating me for a moment when he stifled my cry with his

lips. He kept working on although I didn't relax until the head of his cock was

inside me. My pussy felt as if he was splitting me in two, which he probably


Tane let go of my hands and instead weaved his fingers into my hair. I started

to cry while futilely trying to push his body off mine with my arms, but when he

didn't move I went slack, resigning myself to just cry nearly soundlessly. He

let me for a while, and then started kissing me once more. I resisted for a

moment but was even too tired to keep his tongue out of my mouth, so I let him,

yet with a minimum of movement from my side.

His kisses got a tad more persistent until I finally joined in, wrapping my arms

around his shoulders. The pain in my pussy was still hot and pulsing, but if he

kept still this way, just stretching me open, I would be able to live with it.

Of course he didn't

I only tightened my arms around his neck when he moved his hands down my body

for support, and began to push further into me. He kept his motions small, while

kneading the flesh of my pussy lips with his hands, and soon succeeded in

slipping in further. I moaned against his lips, still more tears streaming down

my face, but let him get on as I couldn't stop him. In the end it was me being

slack and nearly lifeless that got him deep inside of me. When he found it deep

enough he began to make small movements with his hips, resulting in sliding both

his cock and the wooden prick just about an inch in and out of me, making me

pant all the louder. With his hips and legs over my body he made the ropes chafe

once more, torturing my pussy lips and clit.

Tane's hands wandered to my legs and he brought them up to show me to wrap them

around his body. I simply submitted and did it, holding on to him as much as

possible, trying to relieve some of the pain to him. He kept this on for about

five minutes, all the while kissing me passionately as if to keep me from

screaming. Just when I thought I simply couldn't take it anymore he reached down

once more to unwrap my left leg from his body so that he could slide his hand to

my pussy and with his next thrust into me took hold of the wooden penis to

wretch it out of my pussy.

I bucked against him and let out another whimpering moan while pressing myself

even more against the bed. For some seconds it simply hurt, while I could feel

the walls of my pussy contracting to once more settle around his cock. When he

showed me the wooded prick I could see that it was covered in a grimy sheen

consisting of my and his juices and just a little blood. The way it felt it

should have been deep red, but apparently he hadn't damaged me all that much.

Tane threw the wood from the bed to embrace me once more, guiding his lips back

to mine. When he resumed fucking me it was still a bit painful, but was kind of

a relief to how it had felt before. With that obstacle out of the way my body

soon responded to his, and before long I was panting solely out of arousal.

When he finally came again he stopped moving after sliding his cock out of me, but

kept on kissing me still. My lips already felt kind of bruised but I didn't

complain, just wriggled in his arms to keep my body pressed to his. By the time

he stopped kissing me to draw his head back a little to just gaze at my face he

was slack again, and my hopes for coming a second time dwindled.

Outside the rain was still pouring on, but it had to be mid-afternoon by now. My

stomach began to complain already as I had not eaten since yesterday evening,

but Tane didn't seem to mind just laying around here with me in his arms. Still

he seemed to wait for me to complain, if not about the lack of food then about

this way of handling me, but I took my time.

He was just stroking my cheeks when I couldn't hold my tongue any longer and

caught his gaze with mine. "I won't ask for your deeper motivations for doing

that, just tell me why." Laughter sparkled in his eyes while he kept on stroking

my face. "Tell you why what?" I growled deep in my throat and thought about

hitting him somewhere, but discarded that idea. Right now I was feeling rather

okay, if a little bruised again, and I didn't want to change that for the worse.

"You know exactly what I mean. Don't keep avoiding me."

He chuckled and hugged me, not really paying attention to my silent resistance.

"The answer should be obvious." That just made me frown. "To hurt me?" He shook

his head. "To stretch you open a bit." Which didn't do a thing to lighten my

frown. "What for? Until now I didn't have the impression that my pussy needed

any kind of stretching exercise." Once more I got a laugh for an answer. "You

will be thanking me in the future for that, so quit fuming over it. I can tell

that it at least partly aroused you so quit bitching. If we keep this on for a

few days you won't feel much pain any longer when I'll begin working on you with

my hands."

Now that only let my suspicion rise. "Quit talking like that, simply tell me

what you intend to do to me. I don't like your shady hints." He just smiled

while he leaned towards me. "I'm going to do exactly what it sounds like. I'm

going to slide one of my hands inside your pussy up to at least above my wrist;

and you will love it. Don't stare at me this way, we might even get to two hands

if you relax enough."

I didn't quit staring at him, but instead turned around in his arms to show him

the proverbial cold shoulder. Tane just tightened his hand around my waist and

drew me to him until my back touched his chest and he softly kissed my neck.

"Don't get mad at me, just believe me. Have I not been right with most of my

predictions until now? I know how I can drive you insane from pleasure, why not

trust me now?" I blinked but stayed at my side, not looking at him. "Because it

hurts. And that's just perverted." He stopped kissing my skin to chuckle. "As if

that wouldn't apply to most what we are doing. Believe me, you'll love it."

He kept on kissing me for a while longer, but I still wouldn't turn around. I

wasn't really mad at him, but tried to keep my mind from thinking about his

words, and just staring at the wall was a good way to accomplish that. When he

realized that nothing would be coming from me he let go of me and got up,

murmuring something about cooking us something to eat. For a moment I thought

about getting up to help him, but decided to just stay here until he had finished

and came to fetch me.

After half an hour I couldn't stand it any longer and got up to meet Tane in the

kitchen. As I lacked once more a change of fresh clothes I just slipped a

blanket over my nude body - not that my modesty bade it from me, it was simply

too cold to go without clothes. Tane just briefly looked at me and kept on

stirring something in a pot while I flopped down in one of the leather chairs in

front of the well-lit fireplace. While he cooked I just stared into the flames,

letting their light and warmth slide over me.

When the stew was done we ate it, while Tane began to talk about some very

casual things. After dinner he even tried to teach me some more, but we both

knew that I was due for some practical lessons, and as the rain hadn't lessened

over the day he soon stopped and we went back to bed. It was still too early to

go to sleep, and I was grumpy enough for him to be content with hugging me and

reading a book. With my head resting on his shoulder I could have tried to

pursue the same task, but the text didn't interest me, and soon I fell into a

light kind of slumber. Another day passed, and I still didn't know if my life

had changed for the better.

Caught Fire

Part 4

By Dari

The next couple of days went by in a nearly normal fashion, compared to the

latest three. As the weather had gotten better soon we spent most of the day

outside, practicing. I wouldn't have thought it possible, but within four days I

was able to let flames materialize atop my palm and not burn my fingers, to set a

target on fire without igniting the whole surroundings provided it was big

enough, and set ropes, candles and small logs on fire by snipping my fingers at


Training drained me of more than mere concentration, and after a day spent

outside I was nearly too tired to eat, let alone for other nightly activities.

Tane didn't complain, and only once teased me by saying that I only tried so

hard to learn to avoid having him fuck me, but that was not quite the case. I

would still have found the energy for that somewhere if he had insisted, but for

now he seemed content with me learning to control my abilities and staying

celibate for a few days.

It wasn't like he had to stay unsatisfied at all. We sort of established a

certain ritual in the morning. We had no stress to get up, as it was impossible

for me to work with my fire for more than eight hours a day before grave

mistakes started to happen, so we took our time in the morning. If he was awake

well before me and bored of just lying in bed, either reading or waiting for me

to rouse, he would turn around and gently begin to caress and lick my tits. A

nice kind of way to be woken up, and as he developed a slight obsession for my

breasts I gladly let him do it. If I was the one to wake up first I would get

down to gently suck him off. One might have expected that from the day on that I

first blew him in the morning I would always be the first to wake up whatever

the circumstances, but Tane seemingly wasn't one to only receive, he was also

ready to give, so our morning activities were kind of evened out. After fooling

around a bit we would then get up, have breakfast and get out for training.

Today was the eighth day of my stay with him, and somehow I was already used to

our daily routines. It was about midday and Tane was right now chasing me around

the house because I had not really accidentally attempted to singe his bare

toes, when I rounded a corner and skittered to a halt in front of a small

assembly of people, mostly mages. It must have been people who could teleport up

here, or else one of us would surely have spotted them climbing over the meadows

up to the hut.

Before I could really take them all in with a look Tane came crashing into me,

still oblivious of our visitors. He was about to bend me over his knee to spank

me, the same as the last two times I had sneaked some too hot air too near to

any body parts of his, when he suddenly became aware of them and let go of me to

straighten up and sober visibly. I did my own job of straightening my dress and

then once more gazed at the four people who had come up here.

Three of them were men, all much older than Tane and clad in a variety of long,

dark robes. One of them was the mage I had spoken to mostly at the Academy, and

he was the only one to direct a kind smile at me, a gesture I gladly returned. The

forth visitor was a tall woman. Although she must have been in her forties,

judging from the lines in her face and the texture of the skin on her hands she

still had jet-black hair and a much toned body. I could tell because the

assortment of leather straps she wore for clothing didn't do a good job of

hiding anything. Her hard gaze nearly made me cringe when it fell on me, and

when I slipped a gaze at Tane his jaw muscles were standing out enough to make

me wonder why I couldn't hear him grinding his teeth. I didn't know the woman of

course, but I had a certain suspicion, judging from his reaction. There couldn't

be many people in the word to make him show that much emotion if he didn't want


The staring match went on for longer than a minute, and neither Tane nor the

woman once flinched or looked away. It would have gone on for a lot longer if

not one of the mages had cleared his throat, making the woman first smile and

then direct her gaze back at me. Tane tensed up some more beside me and now

frowned at the mage. I took that for a hint to avoid the woman's gaze. I didn't

know why she was here, but surely not because of me.

When he saw that he had Tane's full attention, the mage began to speak. His deep

bass somehow matched his exterior, old and worn down like a withered rock, but

also hard as one. "Apparently you haven't changed your teaching methods over the

last years, I guess your results will be even poorer?" I was about to frown for

myself when I saw Tane's hand nearly twitch into a fist and realized without him

telling me that most of what I'd get to hear would be either numb threads or


"As you have been my guest that often in the last years I take it that you talk

from a lot of experience, Drake?" Tane's voice was dry and taught, and lacked

every mockery or other quality I had been getting so used to. I wouldn't go as

far as to state that these people were scaring him, but he was clearly annoyed.

Before Drake, whoever he was, could venture on the mage whom I knew took a step

forward with his hands raised up. "Please exchange your pleasantries afterwards;

we should at least state our business beforehand." Drake only snickered briefly.

"I guess that everyone here knows why we are here. Don't you, Tane? We're here

to take your little toy with us, so that her talent doesn't go all wasted."

A muscle in Tane's cheek twitched. "Jeanne is not my toy, she is perfectly

capable of understanding you so you can address her yourself, and she has made a

lot of progress over the last few days as you will see when you test her, so

there will be no apparent reason for her not to stay with me." I wouldn't go so

far as to say that he really cared for me personally, but that first part made

me blink briefly. I hadn't expected to get involved in that conversation so

directly, and he had sounded like he meant every word to the letter.

From the slightly bewildered look on Drake's face I could tell that he was

surprised, too, but he didn't leave it at that. "You are not going to tell me

that she can actually work magic, now are you? I'm sure you haven't even begun

to tell her a thing about it, lest teach her to willingly control it. I'm even

surprised that you've remembered her name, routinely you don't ask the girls you

fuck how they call themselves."

Once more a slight shift in Tane's posture and at least to me it looked like he

was fuming. Whoever these other people all were, at least two must know him

better than me so they had to know, too. Yet as Tane kept his mouth tightly shut

no one uttered another word for at least some minutes. From the looks of the

people I was the only one suffering from the tension around us.

This time it was the mage I knew who loosened up the situation once again. "Now

we should not keep our manners down and at least try to keep this formal, as

much as you seem to loathe that, Drake." He then introduced all of them. The

third mage's name I forgot the moment he was addressed as he seemed rather

unimportant. Drake was introduced as Tane's former teacher, which didn't really

surprise me all that much and the woman's name was Lathea, no job-description or

relation given. She still tried to catch my gaze, so I resumed studying the air

around our visitors. At least now I knew that Tane's story had been true, a

slight relief at last.

After the introduction Drake also directed his gaze at me, and the way he was

leering at me made Tane's normal look chaste. I was kind of proud to be able to

withstand his gaze without beginning to fidget around, but I still hoped for

this to go on fast and smooth.

"So, then show us what you've learnt if that impotent jerk of a sorcerer is

already boasting with it." I had somehow dreaded a sentence like that although I

had seen it coming. Tane took the time to tear his gaze from Drake to look at

me, trying to keep a neutral gaze but failing. Worry shone in his eyes for a

moment, but he quelled it quickly. We knew both that my control went directly

with my state of ease. We hadn't tested my abilities under stress in sense of

nervousness, but the chances were one to about twenty for me to get it right.

With a little luck this would be over soon, with a lack of that even sooner.

I exhaled slowly and then extended my hand to stare at my fingertips. My hand

was ever so slightly shaking, a sure sign that I was really nervous. Still I

tried to quiet down enough and concentrate on the air over my fingers to at

least conjure up some sparks, but nothing happened. I shut my eyes and tried it

again, but I didn't even get a feel for it, lest alone make it happen.

Drake snickered and broke the rests of my concentration, making not only me but

also the other two mages frown a bit. "From the posture all the master, but the

abilities are very like the dog you are. Oh, pardon me; bitch would be more

appropriate here." I didn't know if I should be offended or close to tears, and

let my arm drop to my side again. This time I didn't avoid meeting Drake's gaze,

even welcomed it. Anger sparked to life inside of me the moment I saw the

contempt in his eyes, and anger was what I needed now. When he saw me looking at

him Drake smiled a rather malevolent smile. "I know that Tane is a lousy

teacher, so I won't blame you for the lack of control he could teach you. I on

the other hand know how to handle a woman properly, and if there still might be

some problems my dear friend Lathea will surely help me to settle them."

Now I could hear Tane grind his teeth, and I even heard him stifle a growl. I

can't really explain why, but seeing him so close to loosing control angered me

even more, maybe enough. When my gaze travelled back from Lathea to Drake the

uneasy feeling in my stomach was back, exactly the feeling I had been waiting

for. Yet I didn't extend my hand once again, but turned my head to look at Tane.

"You keeping air ready?" He shot me a partly amused look out of the corner of

his eye and nodded ever so softly. "Sure." I put on a smile I didn't really

feel, looked back at Drake, and then set the grass between our two groups on

fire with a single swipe of my imagination.

Flames roared to life before me, emitting less heat than normal ones because I

had kept them down a bit should I not be able to limit them to the stretch of

grass I wanted them to show up on. Asking Tane had only been the second

precaution, he normally kept a good watch on me when I tried to ignite

something, mostly because my aim wasn't always that good.

The moment the flames went up Drake took a step back, getting out of the direct

vicinity of my doing. The glare he directed at me was evil, and he didn't leave

it at that. "That's not her doing, it's his. She could never be able to do that

much of her own in so short a time." The flames went out with his words, not

really out of my doing but because Tane quenched the air around them enough to

let them die because of lack of oxygen before I could loose control and set them

ravaging the whole meadow.

The third mage, the one I didn't know, cleared his throat briefly. "I don't

believe that, but I'm here to make it certain. Tane, would you be so kind to

come over here so that I might block your reach for some minutes so that we can

be certain that you are not involved in anything your student does?"

Tane was hesitant for a moment, but then nodded and went over to stand in front

of the mage, well away from Drake and the woman. A soft shimmering blue haze

surrounded him the moment he stopped, and although I didn't know what that

really was I opted for a means to keep his fire inside. Now that I was standing

here alone I felt a wave of uncertainty roll over me, but when Tane smiled at me

once more I exhaled again and extended my arm once more. This time flickering

flames appeared over my fingers before I had to really will them into existence.

I let them flare up for a moment, then closed my fist and extinct them again. My

hand was still shaking, and I didn't want to burn myself to ruin everything.

Drake had an angry frown on his face by the time I looked at him once more, his

mouth set in a thin line. Now it was him who was fuming, while Tane allowed

himself a slight smirk when he returned to stand at my side. "Now do you believe

me? She has great talent, but also a lot of will to learn, and until now my

students have always been the best of their trades when they left me to go out

into the world." He made a dramatic pause, then went on, now talking to all of

them. "As this is settled, are there other matters that have to be addressed?"

I expected them to shake their heads, but the mage from the Academy nodded. "I'd

like to have a word with Jeanne alone." Tane muttered a brief oath under his

breath that only I could hear and then stepped back to show his cooperation. I

had to struggle to keep a smirk off my face and just went over to the mage. When

I was at his side he began to walk a few steps so that we were out of earshot of

the others. Then he stopped and looked at me for a moment before speaking. "I

see that you indeed have learned much in the last week. I never doubted your

talent but am quite impressed nevertheless. But more important is the question

if you even want to stay with Tane?"

I took my time to formulate an appropriate answer and think about the whole

issue in one. Until now I had kind of avoided that topic. Of course I wanted to

learn, and I did loathe some of Tane's ways, but if people like Drake were the

alternative ... and if I was really true to myself, I didn't need people like

Drake to show me what I wanted. "If you have no objections, I would gladly stay

here to learn. Tane might have some unorthodox ways and his behaviour is

sometimes strange, but he is a good teacher, and I don't doubt that we will come

along just fine."

The mage frowned a bit, but then nodded. "As you wish. I have to admit that I

doubted that he would behave himself, but apparently he is a better teacher as

we all would grant him. Nevertheless, if any problems arise I hope you will come

back to us for help?" I nodded, omitting the slight detail that for now I would

need Tane's help to get back to the city, but as I had no real intention to ever

walk the grounds of the Academy again it didn't matter.

With a reassuring smile the mage turned back to look at the others. Tane and

Drake had resumed their staring match and were again throwing insults at each

other, both looking disgruntled and angry. "Looks like it would be better if we

were to leave soon. I knew that it was a risk to bring Drake with us, but if any

doubt arose we had to have someone of the proper capabilities with us." I tried

to keep a frown off my features, and instead posed the question that had

bothered me from the start. "Who is that woman, Lathea?"

Now the mage really looked sad. "Drake insisted on bringing her with him when we

approached him on the topic of testing Tane's new student. I don't know who she

is, but Drake mentioned her being in his dept and service, and that she was an

old acquaintance of Tane. From the way they behave it must have been a parting

that went everything but peaceful." He seemed reluctant to say more, maybe

because he didn't know, so I let it slide, and instead began to make my way back

to the others. The third mage seemed more than happy to see us coming back,

mainly because that might signal their leave.

Tane stopped glaring at his former teacher and instead looked over to me. "Go

back into the house, I'll join you as soon as I have bid farewell to our

honoured guests." He didn't even wait for me to nod but turned around to once

more glare at the others. I took that for a hint and hurried inside after once

more acknowledging them all. Inside I sat down at the table and resisted the

urge to get up once more to look out of the window to follow the conversation.

After about 15 minutes Tane came after me, banging the door shut behind him loud

enough to make the dishes in the cabinet rattle. His face was a mask of fury,

and he ignored me for a while, just stood in front of the fireplace and looked

into the suddenly roaring flames. I waited futilely for some minutes for him to

start talking or at least sit down, and when I couldn't stand it any longer I

got up and went to stand beside him.

Only when I laid a tentative hand on his shoulder he turned, and I nearly took a

step back when I saw the anger in his eyes. He no longer kept it from his gaze

when looking at me, and I could feel him shivering slightly, yet I doubted it to

be out of cold. "Get away, now, and don't return until evening. Or I won't be

able to restrain myself any longer." His voice was only a harsh whisper, and the

menace in his eyes was enough for me to let go of him. Still I didn't turn to go

out but stood my ground, staring him defiantly in the eye.

"Why should I go?" His eyes narrowed to slits. "Because if you stay I'll be

using you as a means to get rid of my anger, and you won't like that." I stayed

rooted where I was. "You have fucked me hard before, I can stand it." He began

to shake his head, then stopped and resumed staring at me. "I won't be fucking

you, more likely raping you. Now be gone or suffer the consequences of your

stupidity!" I couldn't quite say why I was so determined to stay, even when I

knew that he meant his every word. Maybe it was the hurt in his eyes that swam

somewhere underneath that boiling anger. I'm normally not that sympathetic, yet

there was something in his gaze that bade me to stay, to not leave him alone

that was closer to me than my own fears. So I just let out a shuddering breath

and looked at him. I knew that I was stupid, and some part of me only

wanted to run, but I forced myself to stay. If he really got too rough I would

turn that against him what he had taught me, although I had no intention in

doing that, but it was more backup than I ever had before.

When he realized that I wasn't going to leave he let out a low guttural moan,

clenching his hands into fists, staring at them. The next moment he was coming

at me, nearly faster than my eyes could follow his motions. His fist landed

squarely under my chin, rocking my head back and sending me flying, but before I

could topple to the floor two punches in my belly followed. I screamed, or tried

to, but only a strangled noise came out when I had no air left to scream inside

my body.

Tane just picked me up from where I had landed on the floor as if I didn't weigh

a thing and stomped into the bedroom. There he threw me on the bed, and before I

could roll over hit me again under the chin. While I was busy sobbing and

bringing my hands up to at least cover my head he ripped my clothes off me, and

only let go of me for a moment to fetch a rope. I was about to put up a fight

when he took hold of my hair and wretched my head back by it, exposing my

throat. His other hand settled around my wind pipe, closing enough to only let

me draw shallow ragged breaths. "Don't be so stupid to even think to defy me, it

will only hurt more."

With a shove I landed back on the bed, halfway on my knees and hands, and before

I could even think about it he took hold of my wrists and wrenched them back to

my ankles with one hand, dunking my head into the pillow with the other. I still

had trouble breathing from his punches to my stomach so I invested my energy

into turning my head so that I could get some air into my lungs instead of

struggling. He meanwhile bound my right wrist to my ankle, fairing the same way

on my other side. When I tried to shift around or throw myself to my side he

took hold of my neck once more and pushed my face deeper into the pillow,

cutting all the air from me. Only when I ceased struggling he let go of me once


My vision swam a bit and my head hurt, making me unable to think clearly. The

loud hammering of my pulse in my ears drowned out everything else, and for some

moments I just lay there and tried to gather myself again. That was all the time

Tane needed to get out of his clothes, and before I could even turn my head to

look back at him he was already jumping at the bed behind me.

He took hold of my hips and entered me without hesitation, beginning to fuck me

before I could adjust to him being inside of me. I was not wet at all, so it

hurt to have his cock in my vagina, and his nearly furious pumping didn't do a

thing to make it less painful. Tane shifted his grip from my hips to grab my

breasts, sinking his fingers deep into my tender flesh. When he began to fuck me

even harder he put his thumbs and forefingers around my nipples and squeezed

hard, making me scream in agony.

Suddenly he came to a halt. With gritted teeth I asked myself what he might do

next, but I hadn't anticipated him suddenly letting go of me completely,

slipping out of me and curling up on the other side of the bed. For a moment I

just stared at his arched back, then I realized that the strange shivers that

seemed to run through his body were the side effects of a crying fit. From time

to time I could even hear him sob. Now that really didn't fit in any picture I

had of him.

I tried to shift a bit to at least get on my side or something, but my body

resisted and only complained about several hurting parts. I sighed and tried to

call Tane to attention, but he ignored me altogether. I waited for another

minute, but his condition seemed only to get worse, so I decided that I wouldn't

call down doom on myself if I fried my bonds a bit. This time, without audience

or any urgency, the ropes burnt through on my first attempt, singing the soft

hairs on my legs with them, but I didn't bother much about that.

Carefully I got up on my knees and first massaged my wrists and ankles, then

tentatively touched my breasts. He really had quite some efficiency when it came

to hurting me, but somehow the swollen state of my breasts didn't bother me that

much right now. Slowly I crawled over to Tane and tried to get a better look at

him. He had drawn his legs up to his chest and wrapped his arms partly around

his knees, partly hid his face in his hands, one hand cramped into his hair. His

whole body shuddered, and although I couldn't get a good view of his face I saw

tears streaking down his cheeks.

I settled back on my haunches for a moment and just stared down at him. I'm not

even used to comfort children or other women, with him I really was at a loss,

mainly because I didn't even know what had brought on that change of mood. Yet I

couldn't just sit here and do nothing, so I extended one hand to lay it gently

on his upper arm. I could feel him flinch under my fingers, but when I gently

stroked my hand down his arm he let me without pulling back.

With a sigh I lay down next to him, propped myself up on my side and began to

touch his shoulder and upper arms with my hands. When I edged nearer to him and

slid one arm beneath his arm to rest across his chest he let out something very

close to a wail of agony that nearly made me stop, but when I drew him into a

half-embrace he let me, so that he finally lay with his head on my chest, half

on his side, half on his back. He kept his eyes firmly closed and kept on

sobbing while I loosened his hand from his hair and stroked some rebellious

strands out of his face. He convulsed several times under my caresses, then I

gave up and simply wrapped my arms around him to let the feeling of my warmth

and my skin do the comforting that I was so incapable of. I kept making stupid

little noises that might or might not have been comforting.

He lay several minutes in my arms and just cried, now no longer suppressing the

sobs but letting his misery out freely. When I began to stroke his face slowly

he shifted around to burry his face between my breasts, bringing his arms around

my body this way. I could still feel him shudder, and the tears now ran down

over my chest, but he seemed to quiet down a bit. As I had nothing else to do I

began to undo his hair and slowly stroke it. Many women might kill for that kind

of hair he had, and outside the bedroom he always kept it gathered in a tight

ponytail, as if to hide its glory. Stupid things to think about while comforting

a man, I know, but I really was at a loss here. I guess it would have been much

easier for him to comfort me that way, but as there was no one else around but

me I would have to suffice.

I was so absorbed in stroking his hair that I didn't realize when he stopped

crying altogether. Only when he raised his head to look at my face did I see

that he had calmed down. His grey-blue eyes were clouded over and red rimmed,

and his face still glistened with tears, and he seemed to have problems focusing

on my face. I stopped in mid motion, settling my hand on his shoulder and just

looked at his face. I didn't know what he might see there as I just felt blank,

but I found it kind of cruel to smile now, so I didn't even attempt it.

"Why did you stay?" His vice was raspy and he nearly choked on the words,

letting a few more tears spill over his cheeks. I just shrugged. "You needed me,

so I stayed with you. To give you some comfort if you needed it." A slight frown

appeared on his forehead. "I told you to go, what was waiting for you if you

stayed, why did you stay?" I didn't want to repeat myself so I just kept silent.

It was the only answer I could offer.

After a moment Tane's face screwed up and he buried it once more between my

breasts. "Oh gods, I've become the monster they always wanted me to be!" I had

problems understanding his words, but I felt the pain in them. His arms seemed

to tighten around my body, and he began to cry once more. There was nothing left

for me apart from resting my arms around his shoulders and waiting for it to be


It took him about ten minutes to stop crying and calm down again, then he let go

of me and heaved himself onto his back once more, so that he was lying next to

me but keeping some distance between us. I sighed once more and rolled on my

side to look him in the face, as he kept staring straight up at the ceiling.

When he still didn't look at me I crawled closer still until my face came to

rest above his, forcing him to either look at me or turn his head. He chose the

easy way and stared at me.

Once again I sighed when he didn't say a thing. "Feeling better now?" I didn't

really know what else I could have asked, so that had to suffice. Tane resumed

staring at me, but answered when I was about to give up waiting for a reply. "A

bit. I just feel drained. Too tired to weep on maybe." I let a hesitant smile

creep up on my face and tentatively touched my fingers to his slowly drying

face. "I don't mind comforting you, but I'm so not used to it; you should tell me

how I can lessen your pain. How I can help you." He closed his eyes and

shuddered again, but it stayed at that. Tane brought one of his hands up and

rubbed over his face, then caught my hand in his and kissed the inside of my

palm gently. "You cannot help me, no one can do that. I'm just a ruddy bastard

who doesn't deserve a woman like you." He looked at me again, his eyes so full

of hurt that it tightened my throat. Before he could speak on I laid a finger

over his lips to silence him. "Hush, no more of this talk. I'm here out of my

free will, they even asked me if I wanted to get away from here today, and I

explicitly told them that here is the only place I want to me. Don't blame

yourself for more than there is to blame at all."

He didn't seem convinced, but I guess I'm not that good at conversation. Maybe I

could let something else speak for me. Without leaving his face with my eyes I

slid down on the bed until my head was over his crotch and began to slowly kiss

his cock. I had never seen him that slack and I had to work with my mouth and

hands for quite some time to get him to stand up to greet me. Tane all the while

fixed me with his gaze, an expression of bewilderment on his face that only

deepened when I got up to straddle his body between my thighs.

When I guided his cock to my pussy his hands came up to my body and stopped me

in mid motion. "Just what do you think you are doing?" I was quite surprised

about that question, so I just looked at him for a moment, trying to detect if

he really meant that the way it had sounded. When I saw not even the hint of a

smirk on his face I frowned. "I'm going to fuck you, how does it look?" His face

screwed up again and for a moment I really feared he would start to cry again.

"But why? I must have hurt you before, good spirits I hit you hard enough to

break your jaw or some ribs, just why?"

For a moment it nearly made me smile that for once he was the one who only

uttered incoherent sentences, but I kept that hidden and put all the honesty I

could scratch together on my face. "Forget that, I had to know what was in store

for me, and I won't blame you. But some days ago you told me that you'd love to

have me over you, fucking you, with having nothing to do but play with this nice

pair of firm tits." I reached up to catch his hands in mine, bringing them to

rest on my breasts, while I kept my hands on his so that I was sure that he

wouldn't let go of me again.

Tane kept on staring at me in bewilderment, but when I let my hands slide down

his arms to his chest his grip tightened a bit so that my tits lay firmly in his

hands. When he didn't speak up again I brought my hands down to my crotch again.

With one hand I spread my pussy lips, with the other I guided his cock to my

vagina, so that I slid down his length when I lowered my hips. He kept still the

whole time, being as passive as I ever had seen him. This kind of unnerved me

but now I was determined to get that haunted look off his face, and if I had to

fuck him until he went insane I would do it.

I was still everything but aroused and his brutal fucking had me torn up a bit

inside, so it hurt at first to slide up and down his cock, but my saliva

provided enough lubrication to get the thing started at least. For a minute or

so it really seemed as if I would have to do the job alone, but then I felt him

begin to move his hips to my rhythm, while he slowly got harder on his own.

When he let go of my breasts I let him, although I didn't really know what to do

with my own hands. I decided on running them up and down his taught belly and

well muscled torso. Slowly a sort of confidence leaked back into his eyes that

made my spirits rise once again. He then bent his upper body up towards me and

closed his lips around one of my breasts while embracing my body as much as

possible in that position. More from reflex than real arousal I started to moan

but instantly stopped myself when I realized what I was doing. We had agreed on

no pretence between the two of us, so I would stay true to that. Although his

gentle sucking on my breasts didn't really make me moan, it began to make me

hot, and soon I felt no pain while moving on his prick. So I closed my eyes and

wrapped my arms lightly around his shoulders, pressing him against me but

leaving him enough room to attend to both of my breasts.

Finally he let go of my tits again and looked up at me. There was still

hesitation in his gaze, but less than before, and most of the other qualities in

his look that normally made me shiver had returned, still tuned down but already

there. Now my smile was sincere when I directed it at him, and after a moment he

returned it. His hands travelled down to mine and loosened my grip around his

shoulders, then wandered back to stroke my back. The moment he suddenly gripped

both of my wrists in one of his and wound some tatters of my dress around my

wrists so that he bound my arms together behind my back I knew that we were back

to normal.

I kind of stared a silent accusation down at him, but he just leaned back to lie

on his back once more while smirking up at me. "You don't need your hands

anymore anyway, so I'm just helping to keep any hindrances out of my field of

play." I just grunted, letting that sound be answer enough. His smirk only

widened while he moved his hands back to my breasts.

The thrusts from his hips got a bit faster so I adjusted my own rhythm to his,

yet when I wanted to speed up more he forced me to quiet down a bit again. I

just snarled at him which brought a while grin to his face. "Oh stop it, you

don't have a reason for that. Yet." He let me hump on his cock some more, and

began sliding his hands down to my thighs. I didn't really know what that might

be good for, but then he stopped abruptly and pushed upwards with his hands

under my thighs, basically pushing me off his cock. I uttered some sounds of

protest, but he only slid sideways out from under me and then settled me back on

my knees. Some candles flared to life when he got up on all fours to crawl off

the bed.

I stayed where he left me but followed his every move with my eyes while he

shuffled around the room. Soon he was back at the bed, putting two candles on

the posts of the foot of the bed. With him he also carried one of his leather

straps that he began to loosely tie around my ankles. In the middle between my

feet he drew my arms back until my fingers touched the bed and fastened the ends

of the leather straps around my already bound wrists, giving me some room to

move my feet but keeping my arms well back with my back arched a bit.

Tane got back in front of me and ran his hands from my tights up to my

shoulders, curtly admiring the relative flat my body was forced to provide, with

my shoulders farthest away form him and my knees nearly touching his. In his

eyes I could see that he really admired what lay in front of him.

Once more he brought his lips down to meet my tits, but this time he let his

mouth travel over my whole upper body. I was about to close my eyes when I saw

him reaching behind me, what instantly drew a suspicious frown to my face. Hey,

no one could blame me for that, it was always a bad sign when he began getting

his things from behind my back where I couldn't see them before.

When he came back with one of the candles I nearly relaxed again, at least until

I saw the look of mischief coming to his eyes. "Don't you dare!" I punctuated

every word, but that didn't seem to add any more weight to them, only made him

smirk even more. "You going to stop me?" With that he raised the candle high

over my body and then tipped it slightly to one side, making it spill some

molten wax down to land on my belly.

I cried out, more because of the anticipation than the actual pain, and bit my

lip when I saw him moving his hand to a higher position. The next blog of wax

landed between my breasts, making me shudder and draw my shoulders back even

more. Before I could begin to protest he put down the candle once more, maybe

just because there was no wax left to spill, and instead took hold of the other


This time he moved the candle closer to my body before tipping it, and the wax

that slowly dribbled down on my left breast was a lot hotter than before. I

cried out once more but couldn't avoid him when he let even more wax pour over

my other nipple. While I was panting to get my breath back he put the second

candle down again to admire his work. "This would be so much more fun if we had

differently coloured candles, but I guess the white ones have to suffice. I

really didn't think about how much fun this might be until now. You really

inspire me, sometimes."

I growled something guttural low in my throat, which of course made him smile

all the more. "I know, you're just about to call me a bastard again. Can we skip

that for today? I'd loath to have to gag you now, it just arouses me too much to

hear you hold your breath when you see me tipping the candle." He then picked up

the first candle again, but with a frown sat it back on the bed post. "That's

just inconvenient. Wait a moment, I'll go get more. Don't run away, lovely."

With a chuckle that originated from the snarl he got from me because of the last

part he jumped from the bed to fetch a whole armload full of candles that he

neatly lined up on the foot piece of the bed and then lit up with a snap of his


When he knelt down in front of me again his face had lit up with glee. He kept

fidgeting around some more, than picket the first candle up to dramatically

pause with it over my body. "Just don't flinch too much, my aim is not that

good; definitely something we have to work on." He then upended the candle and

the wax sloshed down on my lower body, with the last driblets stopping just over

my pubic region.

Before I could exhale in relief Tane had already gotten the next candle, and let

the wax drop down exactly where the last had stopped. Despite my bonds I nearly

jumped up with a shout, only Tane's persistent hands on my shoulders kept me

down. He even dared to laugh while I tried to calm down and blank out the red

hot pain that radiated from my pussy.

With the next candle he moved back up to my breasts, making sure to let the wax

drop down from high above so it wasn't that hot. It wasn't like I would get used

to the pain but it somehow lessened when he poured it over patches that were

already coated. Within the next half hour he did a good job of getting wax all

over my upper body.

When he finally stopped it was not because of a lack of candles but it seemed to

have become quite boring without me nearly jumping with every drop of wax. The

whole skin of my torso burnt and itched, and I really longed to get rid of that

all, so I was not unhappy to see him blow out the candles one by one.

Once more he studied his work, still smiling. He looked much younger with that

expression on his face. Younger and nearly innocent, but then again Tane could

never really look innocent. Only less guilty than before.

He briefly picked on some stray drops on my shoulder, before getting up once more.

"We'll have to get that off of you again I guess, so let's see if I can find

something to remove it with." All too soon he was back, waving a sort of whip in

front of my face, only that it consisted of many small leather straps that were

gathered in a leather-wrapped handle. It didn't look particularly dangerous, but

I trusted Tane to use nearly everything as a means to torment me. When he

started whipping me with that thing I gave myself a point for judging that

right, but not the initial removal of the wax hurt, but Tane's oh so accidental

strokes that went wide of the wax and landed mostly on my tits, belly and over

my pussy. And he was very thorough to remove every last bit of wax with his


When even he had to admit that there was no wax left he let the whip drop to the

floor and crawled behind my back to relieve me of my bonds. I eagerly rotated my

shoulders but got no chance to change my position, because Tane was already

kneeling in front of me again with his knees between my thighs and an inviting

smile on his face. I hesitated for a moment, then rose up a bit and edged nearer

to him. He eagerly embraced me and kissed me long and passionately while gently

sliding into me once more.

I made a show of frowning at his intrusion but he just smiled while he began to

move his hips. "Just tell me to stop and I will. You know that I follow your

every command." That only made me laugh, and instead of an answer I just kissed

him and let him fare as he liked. As things worked between us he was really

gentle, and when I finally came he let me slide to the bed to lie down next to


We didn't talk for quite some time, didn't even touch one another, and for once

I was kind of happy to be able to give my still aching skin some rest. When I

tentatively probed my belly I found the two patches of muscles where he had hit

me, same as with my jaw. It was an all too familiar feeling of pain, and I

decided to just let it be, as there wasn't much that I could do about it anyway.

By tomorrow I would have a nicely swollen jaw and maybe some purple bruises on

my belly and face, but I had received beatings that were more painful and had

left worse wounds.

Yet Tane caught me assessing the damage and turned around to slide one hand over

my still probing hand at my belly. "I'm sorry. This sounds stale, I know, but

please believe me." I avoided his gaze for some time, but then studied his face

for a moment before answering. "I've said it before, I knew what was to come and

still I stayed. Call me either sentimental or stupid, you needed me. Maybe not

for letting off steam, but that wasn't that horrible, either. I've been through

worse for less."

His hand slid upwards to gently cup my aching jaw. "But you didn't do a thing to

deserve it. There was no reason why it had to be you, none at all. Yet you are

not angry with me?" His tone was half pleading, half disbelieving, and made me

smile in spite of myself. "No, for once I'm not mad at you. And I do believe you

that you are sorry, although I quite enjoy you apologizing." He then returned my

smile, with a slight leer coming back into his gaze. "So, you like that? You

might even want me to try to make it up to you?" So much for we had already been

fucking and were both tired. And I knew that accepting such an offer might only

be the ouverture for another round that ended with me regretting it at least

partly, but call me selfish, I was still hot so why not get it on again?

So I just smiled and opened my legs for him. He briefly looked down on my spread

thighs and grinned. "My, you are everything but modest. Next you are going to

just start moaning when you feel like it?" I just smiled. "Try me." Tane grinned

and brought his lips to mine, and after that started nibbling at my ear. With

his mouth so close to my ear he spoke on, softly. "You know what we have been

talking about before?" I just frowned, but didn't turn my head. "Concerning

what?" "Concerning what my fingers might do to you once they are inside your

sweet little pussy?" I felt dread rise inside of me, but he seemed to have

anticipated that because he hushed me before I could speak up. "I know that you

loathe my methods, or rather my two wooden pricks, so let's try it the way you

proposed." Now I only frowned harder. "And that would be?" Tane chuckled softly.

"Just try it without any further exercise beforehand. I guess this way you won't

cramp down so much, so it will go easier all the way." He resumed kissing my

neck while I tried to find an excuse for keeping that topic off the bed for

today. Before I came up with one he spoke once more. "Don't panic now, I'll

simply go down on you now, and when I find you warm and wet enough I'll try, but

if I encounter any problems I'll just stop and go on with other activities. As

you will be staying with me for quite some time now we don't have to rush

things." When he smiled down at me I just nodded, instantly hoping for him to

stay true to his word. If he really meant it to make something up to me he might

stick to it. At least I hoped that it would go this way.

Before Tane moved from his place beside me he groped down on the floor to bring

something up on the bed - yeah, right, the ever present leather straps. I just

sighed and mockingly snarled at him. "Might it be possible for once to just

leave them? My wrists are still sore from earlier." As I proof I raised my

wrists. Him tying me for the wax playing hadn't done a thing to my wrists or

ankles, but the way he had wound the ropes around before had been way too

taught. Only now I saw small blisters on my fingers and the skin over my wrists

that made me frown all the more. Tane just took hold of the offered wrists and

kissed them before slowly winding a wide, soft leather strap around each of

them. "You would just hinder me the whole time. I know you, if I let your hands

stay free you only get mischievous ideas." I just shook my head while he

attached the connecting strap to the head board. At least he had left me enough

room so that my shoulders were not strained.

After having me secured once more Tane moved to lay down between my still spread

legs. He took his time working a pillow under my ass so that my pussy was fully

in the air, and I had to admit, it felt quite comfortable this way. Next he

softly stroked my pussy lips, but didn't tease me for long; instead he bent down

to spread my nether lips to begin to lick the cleft that went up form my hole to

my clit, staying for some time at the lower regions. I was kind of sensitive

around there what he had discovered the last time he had licked me, and so his

attention was not only drawn to my clit. While he lapped at the lower flesh of

my pussy two of his fingers moved to rest at my clit, slowly rubbing it.

All too soon my juices were flowing again and he exchanged his tongue for these

two fingers to gently suck on my clit. Maybe he was right, if I had my hands

free now I would surely have interfered in any way. So all I could do was wind

my fingers around the leather straps and the bar they were wound around and

utter all kind of appreciative noises.

He kept on rolling my clit with his tongue while sliding two of his fingers

inside my vagina. Even if we hadn't been fucking beforehand I would have been

wet enough to accommodate that without problems, but now they went in rather

smoothly. After sliding them in and out several times he stopped briefly, then

entered me with three of his fingers, now moving with more care than before.

Still no problem.

Tane intensified his sucking on my clit and I closed my eyes to better savour

the wonderful waves of soft pleasure that went through my whole body. I nearly

forgot what he had in mind as it didn't hurt at all to be fucked by three of his

fingers, when next he slid a forth finger in with the rest. I clamped my eyes

shut and took a better hold on my bar but tried to stay calm and relaxed. After

the forth try even that worked just fine. I was already hot enough to cum soon,

maybe even too soon, so it didn't really surprise me when Tane stopped sucking

on my clit and instead concentrated on working his fingers inside of me.

He didn't warn me, didn't hesitate or stop, just pressed all of his fingers

together and moved on, pushing them up my pussy. I whimpered a bit when I felt

the walls of my vagina give way too slowly, but he took his time, slowly

withdrawing again to enter me once more, ever so slowly, giving me time to

adjust, moving just a bit deeper with every new try. I bit my lip to keep from

screaming, not because it hurt but just because it was a strange sensation that

nearly made me cum when he got his hand nearly inside me.

Tane judged my response right and the next time he moved into me it wasn't slow

any more, and with a last push his knuckles went past the last barrier and his

whole hand slid up inside of me. For a moment I didn't have enough air to

breathe, but when I found it I started to whimper softly. I just felt fuller

than ever before, and although it did hurt a little it also nearly sent me over

the edge.

He stopped there and waited for me to calm again a bit, all the while keeping

his eyes fixed on my face, drinking in my emotions. When I felt able to go on

again I simply nodded and let my head rest back on the pillow. Tane began to

slowly move his hand inside of me, making sure that his wrist stayed inside all

the while. His motions stayed rather gentle and slow, still the impact of him

moving his hand inside of me rocked my lower body quite a lot. I kept on panting

and holding tightly to my bonds, while pushing my heels into the mattress. From

the low chuckle that escaped him I could tell that he had quite some fun with

his work.

When he saw that it couldn't hurt me all that much Tane began to pick up some

speed, while keeping his motions still small. Soon it was simply enough for me

and I came with a wail, convulsing heavily around his hand. And the bastard

didn't stop, he just kept on, even faster now.

I thought that I was going insane from the sensation and started yelling without

uttering any words, but he still kept on. By the time he made me cum a second

time he was pumping his fist rapidly inside of me. On the midst of that second

orgasm he yanked his fist out of my pussy, leaving me screaming on the bed. I

instantly curled up as much as I could, and just let the waves of pleasure roll

right through my whole body. I was very near to fainting from it.

It took me a long time to calm again, and by that time Tane had already undone

my bonds and I lay huddled in his arms, pressed against his chest. Only when he

gently stroked my cheeks I realized that I had been crying. Now I only managed a

weak smile and then rested my head against his chest with my eyes closed,

listening to his heartbeat. My pussy downright pulsed to the beat of my own

heart, a quite unsettling feeling.

Somewhere around then I must have fallen asleep, because when I opened my eyes

again I was alone, bundled up to the chin with blankets, and the first rays of

moonlight fell into the room. Exhaustion can do that to you, I guess.

When I tentatively began to move my limbs I just felt tired, but not in the

least sore. Once again I took my time examining my future bruises. Although it

did hurt I could never keep my fingers from poking around the hurt flesh. I

guess in some ways I am as far from normal as Tane in his ways. From my belly it

was only a short way down to my pussy. My pussy lips were still a bit puffy from

the former arousal, and when I slid two fingers just a bit inside of me they

came out coated in juice. The very same juice made my thighs sticky enough that

it made small squelching sounds when I rubbed my legs together.

With a slight grin on my face I got up and walked over to the door, stepping

over the shreds of my clothing without even looking down. When I entered the

main room Tane was sitting in one of the leather chairs, his hair lying in damp

curls around his shoulders. He looked up to greet me with a smile, then went

back to his book. "You can just go to the river for washing, if you feel like a

bath I'd gladly accompany you over to the caves for a soak." And other things

for sure, I added silently. Yet I was kind of hungry and at least for now my

level of satisfaction kept me from screaming for sex so I just went outside to

wash myself in the cold pool next to the waterfall.

When I came back in I helped myself to a blanket and some bread and cheese and

sat down on the floor in front of the fireplace. Tane kept his book in his hands for

pretence but studied me instead while I braided my hair and then ate the food.

When I had finished I looked up at him expectantly.

"Do you want to spend the whole evening down on the floor?" I just smiled and

flopped down on my back, drawing the blanket once more around me while looking

up at him. "Maybe. It's not that uncomfortable down here." Just to tease him I

put my legs up on the armrests of the chair, letting the blanket slide down my

legs to pool around my hips, giving him quite a good view at my pussy again.

Tane just smiled down at me. "You dearly need a shave, lovely. First thing

tomorrow morning." I pulled a face and let go of the blanket so that it slid

from my upper body, revealing nearly everything of my nude body. He didn't react

in any way to that, but then he had seen me nude a lot lately.

"Is it really that urgent? It's just a slight layer, like a short pelt, and it

doesn't itch at all." For demonstration I moved one hand down to my crotch and

gently stroked over the coarse hair that just began to grow on my pussy. For a

moment he kept his gaze fixed on my face, then let his eyes travel down to

follow the motions of my fingers. "That is already too much, lovely. We'll

better keep to a three-day-schedule. I only spared you because I didn't want to

distract you from your learning."

I snickered briefly. "If you really want to invest that much time in it, you are

free to do it. From what I have already seen you just like to have me lay

outside on the cold rocks so much that you would gladly shave me every day if

there was that much hair to grow in so short a time." He didn't deny it, just

smiled. "Maybe."

For a moment silence began to stretch between us. Tane sighed once more and

rested his head back on the head of the chair. "Is there any special purpose in

you displaying your lovely body so openly before me?" I just shrugged, meanwhile

resuming the stroking of the hair just above my pussy. "I don't know, should

there be one?" A haughty smile found its way on his face. "If you have nothing

else to do you could just demonstrate how you normally play with yourself?"

That startled me for a moment. Then again, if one considered where my fingers

were resting at the moment that idea might not be all that far fetched. Still I

felt a strange kind of reluctance. I don't know why, but masturbating was

something private for me, maybe the last vestige of my privacy that he had still

let me. Tane seemed to feel my hesitancy because he shifted a bit in his chair,

making himself more comfortable. "You don't have to, it would just interest me

how you do it. I just like watching you, and watching you play with yourself

might be even more interesting."

For a while I battled with myself, and finally came to the decision that I might

as well do him the favour. So I let my legs slide form the armrests to lie atop

his thighs and started to touch myself, bringing both of my hands up to my

breasts. While I slowly kneaded the flesh and pinched my nipples a bit I kept my

gaze at his face, but seeing him look at me just unnerved me, so I closed my

eyes and went on. I didn't need my eyes to know how my body was formed.

While I let my left hand rest on my right breast I moved the other down to my

pussy, sliding my fingers up and down my slit. A moment I considered putting on

a show, but then discarded the idea. In a common sleeping room you didn't have

the privacy to take an hour for pleasuring yourself, so I had leant to be quite

fast and efficient to keep the possibility of being caught low, and I would

surely not change my habits just for him.

Without further hesitation I moved two fingers to my clit, both not coated in my

pussy juice, and began to rub my bud, starting slowly but moving faster soon. I

bit my lip to keep from moaning and then rubbed some fluid over my clit that was

already seeping out of my vagina. Meanwhile I kept pinching my nipple, trying to

provide for a second source of sensations.

Soon I started to quiver softly, while I felt the normal good feeling radiating

from my clit. I didn't cum, didn't even bring myself near to a real orgasm

because the moment the first real pangs of pleasure appeared my clit got kind of

oversensitive and I stopped my rubbing to lay my fingers gently over my belly

while waiting for the feelings to subside.

When my breath had quieted down to normal levels I opened my eyes again to look,

quite defiantly, up at Tane. "Disappointed?" He shook his had and began to

massage my toes with his hands. "No. We have an agreement, and I still insist on

keeping it up. But you got me quite hot with it." That I could feel for myself

when I accidentally slid one of my heels into his crouch. He seemed to be quite

hard, harder than I had imagined. For a moment longer I stayed down at my back,

looking up at him. "Want me to tend to your needs?" He just smiled and let go of

my feet when I withdrew them. "Do as you like. I would appreciate your

attention, but it is your choice. I'd also gladly wait for you to wake up first

in the morning."

I growled at him and then got up on my knees in front of him. As I had suspected

he wasn't wearing anything under his robe so it was quite easy to slide the

fabric up to his hips and get a good look at his penis. He still made me gag

when I tried to deep throat him, but as Tane really didn't seem to mind if I

succeeded in getting him fully inside my mouth or if I just sucked, licked and

kissed my way over his cock while gently kneading his balls in one hand I mostly

went for the second option. It was just so much easier, and it sort of gave me

more control. And please let me keep that little control he left me, from what I

remembered of the last days it was the only time he let me work without

interfering or tying me up in any way.

I set to work slowly, first sliding my tongue over his cock, then kissing him

and once more licking around, followed by gently sucking on his head. He

normally didn't last long before he came, same today, but I did my own to try to

prolong it a bit. In the end I let him cum in my mouth, sucking his sperm nearly

out of his cock, and swallowed without being told. I never had much objection

for that, and now that he was clean after washing outside I didn't even

hesitate. The only thing that bothered me a bit was him patting my head like a

good puppy, which only made me growl, resulting in oh so slightly grazing his

member with my teeth, which in turn made him laugh.

After that we both got back to bed, only cuddling there as we both were content

enough with our states. For once I curled up against him with my chest touching

his, not with my back to him, which seemed to make him frown for a moment, but

he didn't mention it, so I just went to sleep that way. We all need a change


Caught Fire

Part 5

By Dari

Winter came and went by and I was still staying with Tane in his hut. We had

often been snowed in, but that had been rather a question of who of the two of

us went outside to radically thaw away most of the snow and ice than if it would

ever melt away on its own. When the days began to get warmer once more I was

already quite familiar with my abilities, and now it was never the question if I

could call forth the fire and control it, but rather what to do with that tool.

Several scorch marks on the meadows around the house bore witness of my

experiments, but as long as I didn't get too cocky I could well say that I had

mastered it.

We were sitting in front of the house, looking at one of the first warm spring

sunsets when Tane finally admitted that I had learnt quite a lot over the cold

seasons. He wasn't one to turn down my talents, but he seldom praised my

efforts, mostly because of his understanding of truth. He often told me that I

knew by myself if I was worth some praise, so he wouldn't insult me with false

compliments. On the other hand he nearly never scolded me for getting

overambitious what mostly ended in burnt skin and singed hair. All in all we

hadn't had any sort of problems during winter, neither fire nor sex related.

Being used to his smirks and taunts I was kind of dumbfounded when he brought

the topic round to my skills, so I got a bit suspicious. With Tane the most

harmless sentence could be the beginnings of weeklong conflicts, and this

opening just didn't bode well, somehow. Maybe I'm just paranoid.

When I didn't say a thing, just eyed him askance, he caught my gaze and just

laughed. "Don't look so shocked, I really mean it, you've learnt quite a lot,

and I'm proud of what you are able to do now." There had to be something wrong

if he even told me twice. When I uttered my suspicion loud he only grinned. "I

really must be making you mad sometimes if you begin to act like that from a

mere complement." I didn't comment on that, but that was not really necessary as

he went on before I could even utter a word. "But of course there is more to my

words, as always." He made another dramatic pause before speaking on.

"For once there is really no obligation for you in it. It's just that I was

wondering if you'd like to take your first Test of Challenge." He had only

vaguely talked about these tests. I knew that there were three of them, and only

those who passed them all could call themselves elemental fire masters, but I

had thought that one had to learn for years to have a chance to try it. So I was

quite surprised when he now brought that subject up. "But don't I need to know

much more about that?"

Tane only shrugged. "The requirements are proper control and being able to cause

some havoc, both should no longer be a problem for you. Mind that you are no

normal mage who has to study near decades to accomplish anything. What they

learn in years one of us can do in mere months. If the winter hadn't been so

bitter I would have thought about it before, but I didn't want to leave the hut

for a week or so, so I waited until spring."

I just leaned my head back to rest against the wood of the wall and stared at

the setting sun for a while. "You really think I stand a chance there?" Tane

nodded fervently. "I wouldn't have brought the subject up if I had any doubts.

Being inside a big city once more will do both of us some good, and if you pass

the test which I don't doubt you might even think about getting the signs of

that new status brought to your flesh so that everyone can see how far you have

come already."

Now that made me frown once again. I would really praise the day when he started

naming things by their proper names and quit talking around everything. A

slightly enervated look from my side was enough for him to explain himself with

a smile dancing around the corners of his mouth. "You know the tattoos I bear?

Some of them are my personal mark for passing the tests. Not all people feel

comfortable with them, so it's not a requirement for us to let them be made, but

they are something special so I at least wear mine with pride. You can decide

for yourself what to make of that. I'm sure your lovely body would look lovelier

still with some dark flames dancing over it."

While I mused about that Tane rested one of his arms around my shoulders and

drew me close to him. I let him and just rested my head against his chest. "Just

what kinds of tattoos are usual for someone to have passed the first test?" He

shrugged softly. "Well, that depends on every individual person; the only

restrictions are the colours. First test is black, second blue and when you pass

the third you can use any colours you like, but most stick to yellow and red.

It's a special kind of ink that they use so there is no way of faking the marks.

For a motive you can use everything you like, but as we are so close to fire

most of us stick to flames licking over their bodies. If you really want to have

one for yourself, the masters of this art will surely be able to show you a lot

of motives and create new ones so you'll find the perfect one. There has to be

some advantage to our trade." With that the topic seemed to be settled for him,

and as it grew cold once the sun had set we made our way inside the house for


The next morning I had nearly forgotten about that topic when I got up. I was a

bit curious when I walked into the living room as it was only about one hour

past dawn and Tane was already awake and wandering about without waking me up.

Normally he didn't let a chance like that pass but for today he didn't seem in

the mood to taunt me. It sometimes happened, even with him, that he would next

to ignore me for a day or two, or at least ignore that I was the woman he lived

and shared his bed with.

The smell of fresh bread weaved through the air and made me frown even more

while I drew my blanket closer around my body. It also happened that he

teleported to the next village to get us fresh breakfast, but that usually

followed a night where he felt he had to make something up to me. I briefly

checked my body. No, I had not forgotten something that somehow escaped my

notice. Not that it was possible to forget anything that grave, but it was

easier to start by myself.

When he saw me entering he stopped from packing some things into a backpack. I

stopped next to him to examine the contents of the bag but he only slapped my

ass lightly to goad me on. "Get your things together, we are off to Mendala.

We'll be staying for about a week, but don't pack anything too heavy; the

weather's quite warm down there." For a moment I just stared at him, than a

nearly hysterical laugh escaped my mouth. "We are going where?" Tane stopped

once more to look at me, exasperation standing on his face. "Today this year's

Tests of Challenge begin, or why do you think I mentioned the topic yesterday?"

I felt my mouth drop open and hurried to blank out any surprise from my face.

That was just like him, to not tell me everything and then let me no other

options. Yet who was I to object?

In less than an hour we were both standing outside the hut with our bags slung

over our shoulders. I was shivering in my light summer dress, but Tane had

downright forbidden me to take a cloak along, so I just had to wait for him to

open his damned portal to get us somewhere warm. I was still too confused to

really think everything through, mainly because I was just nervous. He could at

least have warned me yesterday evening.

Finally the portal opened and we both stepped through it. Instantly it got about

twenty degrees hotter, and the air I was inhaling was dry and full of spices.

When I observed my new surroundings, I saw that he had brought us to a shady

side street of a market place in some town that evidently lay far away to the

south, judging from the temperature. Without hesitation Tane strode off towards

the far end of the alley, and I had to follow him so that I wouldn't be left


The street opened into a busy marketplace. All around hawkers offered their

wares while the people were milling around the stands. The air smelt of too many

people, food, animals, and under all that the fresh smell of sea water. Everyone

was wearing wide, flowing garments, and most people's skin was bronzed by the

sun. Tane with his blond hair and blue eyes stood somewhat out of the crowd,

more than I, but he seemed to move between the people as if he belonged there.

He didn't stop at any of the stalls but threaded his way through the mass of

people to enter another small alley on the other side of the market. This one

opened to another plaza that was enclosed on three sides by a huge yet only two

stories high building. Before one of the gates I saw several young men in robes

standing around, and I took my guess that we had reached our destination.

Tane ignored the men by the big gate and instead led me over to a small side

entrance. Inside it was much cooler as on the outside and so dark that my eyes

needed nearly a minute to adjust. We were in some kind of reception area, and

Tane was already chatting with a small man behind a desk. They spoke a language

that I didn't understand so I took my time to look at the room. There wasn't

much to look at so I got bored soon.

After about ten minutes the conversation ended, and Tane came back to me. "Well,

everything is settled so far, you are listed for testing around midday, so we

have enough time to get ourselves a room for our stay. I know some inns around

here so this won't take us long." As always he walked out of the room before I

could ask any questions, so I had to wait until I had caught up with him on the

street. "I don't speak their language, how will ..." He stopped and shushed me

with a finger over my lips. "The mages and sorcerers inside all talk your

tongue; it's just some of the town folks who are not so familiar with it. So

don't worry." Well, I did worry, but as he had already started walking again and

I didn't want to get lost I had to put that to later thoughts.

For several minutes we wandered through the town and I got some better looks at

the buildings and at the people. Although everything seemed a bit foreign to me

it was not that different to any other town I had ever been in. That also

applied to the inn that we finally entered, a small, slightly shabby building

that lay on the outskirts of the town, about ten minutes to go from the testing

grounds. When we entered the proprietor, a stout middle aged woman, came to

greet us. For me she had only one cool glance to spare, but she hugged Tane like

a long lost son and began to chat with him in that strange language I didn't

know. When she shouted something towards the back of the house two serving girls

rushed out, both nearly toppling over in haste to downright throw themselves

into Tane's arms. I chose to study the grimy walls meanwhile. Can't say that I

was jealous, but this was just strange. The antisocial bane of my life seemed to

be the sweetie of nearly every woman in this house at least.

The hugging and greeting went on for another five minutes or so, while the three

women took turns directing patronizing glances at me. I was nearly fuming by the

time Tane loosened himself of the pack and seemed to briefly introduce me. At

least I understood my name and he signalled at me, but apart from that I didn't

get the meaning of his words. It must have been something funny because the two

serving girls began to jiggle like mad, and I felt my mood drop once more. As I

had nothing better to do I brought an insincere smile on my face and let it

plastered there until Tane finally took my arm and shooed me up some steps to

the upper story. There were several doors there, and he led me to the one at the

end of the corridor that opened into a quite comfortable room. It was bigger

than I had thought, and through the curtains in front of the window streamed

warm orange light.

After he had closed the door Tane studied me for a moment and let his pack drop

to the floor. "I'm sorry, I should have introduced you beforehand, you must have

felt quite uncomfortable the way they were staring at you. I'm sorry." I dropped

my own pack and sat down on the bed. It was rather hard, but as I didn't plan to

bounce around on it, it would suffice. When I looked up at him again he really

looked quite apologetic. "Doesn't matter, really." I tried to just shake it off,

but my voice had a slight tremble to it that he surely wouldn't miss. The moment

my words were out Tane's frown deepened. "You really don't have to worry, for as

long as you stay with me you'll be the only woman in my bed."

Now that really made me stare at him for a moment. "Do you think I'm jealous?"

The answer to that I didn't know myself, but that was surely not the reason why

I felt a bit miserable right now. Tane blinked for a moment before talking on.

"You are not?" I vehemently shook my head, as if to convince myself as much as

him. "No. Really not." For a moment it looked as if he still doubted it, but

then he shrugged and flopped down on the bed next to me. "So why are you that

grumpy, then?" "I am not ..." Once more he laid a finger over my lips. "You are.

Now, why?"

I sighed and briefly closed my eyes. "I'm nervous, that's all. And I hate it

when I can't understand what you tell these people. That vexes me, somehow." I

only got a smile in return. "I just told them that you were my student and that

I'm here for your test, nothing more, nothing less. Satisfied?" No, not really,

but I didn't tell him that but nodded instead. "Okay."

For a moment he just looked at my face, while gently tracing the contours of my

lips with his finger. "But back to that being faithful thing, you wouldn't mind

me fucking another woman?" I just looked at him with a blank face, something I

had adopted from him. "No, I mean we don't have some kind of special

relationship, now do we? You said so yourself once, it's just fucking, not love,

so why should I bother?" For a moment I saw something pass over his features,

but before I could discern what it might mean his face was as blank as mine.

"Well, yes, I'm glad that you see it the same way as I do."

Then his mocking smile returned. "So you wouldn't mind if I would make myself a

good time with Ginia and Lia, the two girls from downstairs?" I forced a dry

laugh out of my throat. "If you are that insatiable that you need them both at

the same time, be my guest. But not in front of me if possible, I'd like to have

my privacy." He just laughed and then hugged me. "Just don't get some stupid

ideas in your little cute head, I'm not that forgiving and I'm a hell of a

jealous bastard." I didn't respond, but as I didn't plan on cheating on him I

didn't judge that a great danger.

Tane kissed me on the lips and got up once more to begin to rout through

the things I had packed. I propped myself up on my elbow and studied him for a

while, grinning rather amused when he threw the three dresses one after the

other at the bed. "Say, do you even own anything apart from these tatters?" The

nearly lost look on his face made me laugh out loud. "Well, no, as you are

responsible for everything I wear I just have what you buy me." He pulled a face

and then studied the dresses once more. "I can't let you run around like that

here. Apart from the cut they are still too warm, you'll sweat to death with

them." He mused over that for a moment, then extended a hand towards me. "Get up

and out of that thing, I'll have to take measure if I want to buy you something

more suitable to wear."

I just blinked up at him. "You know every centimetre of my body, what for do you

need to take measure?" A smirk crept up on his features. "Maybe I just want to

fondle you for a while so I won't be tempted by other distractions?" I hesitated

long enough for him to look just a tad bit impatient, then got up on my own

account and slipped out of the dress. I only wore panties and a bodice

underneath as Tane had expressed his dislikes for any additional garments that

might conceal my body, and as he was the one who went shopping I was stuck with

the things he brought home.

Before I was able to throw the dress on the bed his hands already rested on my

hips and drew me closer to him. He kissed me passionately while opening the

stings of my bodice. I tried to catch his fingers so that he was unable to

undress me fully but as always it was a futile gesture. All too soon I stood

stark naked in front of him. As I was nude for about two thirds of the day it

was something I was quite accustomed to - at home. Here I rediscovered my urge

for modesty and glanced at the door the moment he rid me of the bodice. Tane saw

my gaze and just smiled. "No one will come up here, so don't worry."

He then let his hands roam over my body, gently touching my skin, to come

resting over my breasts. His touch was quite casual, something that might come

from the fact that he touched me a lot even when we were not fucking or just

lying in bed, but this time he stepped back before even trying to caress any

important parts of my anatomy. For a moment he just studied my body, then told

me to turn around slowly so he got a good look at my backside. I did as he told

me although I was a bit confused. Why really make such a show out of it?

When I turned back around I caught him gazing in admiration at me, something he

usually didn't. Of course he sometimes told me that he liked my body, mostly

accompanied with a pat on my ass, but he never looked at me this way. So I just

stared at him a little confused. "Is something wrong?" He tore his gaze from my

body to look me in the face. He still looked a bit out of his wits. "I just

realized how beautiful you really are." Most women might melt down at such

words, I only frowned.

"Don't talk such nonsense; we have already established that you don't fuck me

because of my body, that you don't mind all that much that I don't have good

looks, so stop that false flattery." I sounded a bit angry, but it was mainly

anger at myself. Although he had never uttered any patronizing words or just

looked at me in a strange way I knew that there were many women around who had a

nicer shaped body than me. I'm too short, too stout, my breasts just sag a

little and are not really firm, and my legs are too short, and so on. I guess I

could rave on about an hour long and not be finished with my complaints. But he

never agreed with me, he wouldn't even let me speak up on that subject. But

until now he hadn't stared with such open disbelief at me when I had started

with it.

Instead of answering he walked behind me, took hold of my arms and then gently

edged me over to the tall mirror that rested in the corner. He had no mirrors at

home, a detail I greatly appreciated about the hut, and I normally fled from any

glasses that were around me. The moment he felt me trying to bolt he tightened

his grip on my arms, forcing me in front of that damned thing. For a moment I

just stared at his reflection, trying to put a lot of anger in my gaze. He just

chuckled and let go of my arms. "Just look at yourself. Just look. Then you'll

understand what I mean."

I frowned but eventually gave in and stared at my body. Then I really stared, or

rather gaped. That couldn't be me in that reflection. Yet when I dropped a

controlling look down my real body I saw the same signs. My boobs still sagged a

bit, mainly because they were a bit too full not to, but my belly was nearly

flat, with just a hint of muscles underneath; my hips were no longer looking

like the archetype of fertility goddesses, same as my legs. When I turned a bit

to one side to get a better look at my ass it looked also smaller and better

formed. My collarbones were a bit more prominent, same as my jaw, and my whole

body had lost the permanent look of softness. I was not lean or something, just


Tane's chuckle tore me out of my astonished studies. "I guess you got it." I

just nodded, still not really able to tear my gaze of my body. "But how, I mean

..." Once more he laughed. "Just add up the many hours you have spent struggling

against me or my bonds; that does provide for some exercise." He could just be

right. It still was astonishing.

I would have been standing there for a while longer, but Tane let his hands drop

down on my shoulders and turned me around to face him. "As shocking as this has

to be for you, you are just looking great. Yet you are due to go to the tests,

while I will take my time roaming the shops for proper attire for you. So get

dressed, it would be a bit too unfair of you to turn up naked for the test. I'm

sure the judges would just let you through, but you would bitch about that for a

long time, so it's easier for us both when you go dressed."

I glared at him once more before slipping my clothes back on. Sometimes I really

felt like going for his throat for some of his comments, just like now. Maybe it

was just my nervousness. It had to be that, because normally my level of

tolerance lay much higher. When I had finished dressing Tane stepped up in front

of me once more, while running his hands over my upper arms.

"Don't scowl that much, I know that you are nervous, but believe me, I wouldn't

send you there if I had any doubts. Just stay calm and don't apologize if

something goes awry, mistakes do happen. It doesn't matter. And should you

really fail, which I do doubt, but it might happen if you loose your serenity,

it doesn't matter. Do you understand? It really doesn't matter." Instead of

waiting for an answer he kissed me again, now taking his time to swirl his

tongue around mine. I allowed myself to melt against his body, letting him

comfort me with his touch more than his words, before he drew back and smiled at

me. "You'll make it easily, believe me. Now off we go, we don't want to be late,

now do we?"

The way back to the testing building was just a blur for me, and my heart seemed

to thud so loud in my ears that I didn't hear much apart from it. It all went

way too fast. When we arrived the big gate stood open and a slow trickle of

people went in, mostly men. I only saw three women, and all were well above my

age, and considering the way they talked with the surrounding people they were

rather the teachers than the students.

One or two of the other mages and sorcerers greeted Tane, but most ignored us,

or just stared at him with at least some scorn. Either they ignored everyone

they didn't know, or they knew him all too well. I really didn't know which of

the two I preferred. So we just ventured inside, entering a great hall. Tane

gently ushered me deeper into the room so we were not in the direct way of

others who entered, and took his time to try to calm me once more. Like before

he didn't accomplish much, I was just too nervous.

Far too soon a door at the other end of the hall opened and two men clad in

robes came out to call for the students to be tested to follow them. Tane smiled

me a quick good-bye, and for once I was really relieved that he didn't kiss me

or something like that. We had never established how we would fare in the middle

of so many people, but I was glad that he acted as if I were just his pupil.

When I followed the other students I realized one thing. Tane had been right as

mages seemed to have to study quite a long time to accomplish anything in this

direction, as most of the other students were above my age. Being the only woman

made me stand out a bit, but I tried to ignore that fact. There were quite a few

who gaped at me openly, but I was far too nervous to let that get through to me.

The two men now began to read names off a list to see if everyone had turned up.

During the sorting we were already split up in three groups for the appropriate

three levels of testing. My group was by far the largest. After that the other

two groups of students left the room, so that only the students who wanted to

try their abilities on the first test were still here.

I was so nervous that I nearly began to gnaw at my finger nails but held back

when I saw one of the other students staring at me. He was a bit older than me,

looked rather lanky with his long black robe and the thin body beneath, but the

malevolence in his gaze nearly made me shiver. He stared at me as if I were some

sort of troublesome bug, something that threw me a bit off my being so nervous.

I was sure that I had never encountered him before, not at the Academy or at my

former works, but he looked at me as if he knew me. That somehow didn't fit.

After he saw me watching him he came over to stand closer to me. "I'm really

surprised that you have the courage to show up here. I hope you know that here

you are judged solely by your talents, not by your body as your master evidently

does?" I could just frown, but kept my mouth shut. He just sounded like a

presumptuous bastard. When I didn't reply to his bait he directed an insincere

smile at me and offered me his hand. "I'm Anthony, Drake's student." Now that

did explain some things.

I just stared down at his hand, then back at his face without returning the

greetings or introducing myself. "And I hope they told you that you will need

more than just your loose mouth to pass any test in your life? Mere words won't

get you through, you know." His eyes went wide for a moment when I insulted him,

but then he only chuckled. It was a poor sound coming from him. At least I was

used to chuckles of a darker quality.

Yet before Anthony could talk on he was silenced by the two mages who began to

explain what was expected of us. After listening to them I quieted down a bit.

Tane had been right, from what I had just heard it wouldn't be all that hard to

pass that test, even if I was nervous enough not to have my full control. It

even left me enough of my nerves left to keep glaring at Anthony when I caught

him watching me again.

One after the other the mages called our names and had us step forward to prove

what we had leaned until now. I was the tenth to conjure up my fire, and against

all of my frights I had no problems to let a wall of fire walk through the room,

even sparing one of the desks that many had scorched before. They also wanted to

see some tricks like letting single flames dancing over the fingers of one hand.

I added some different colours to the show, and they let me through with no

further comment than "passed". Anthony came somewhere after me, but I didn't

really pay attention. I was just too happy to have passed the test without any


All in all over two thirds of the students made it, and the ones who failed were

not that unhappy as they had already anticipated something like that. While the

mages were scanning their lists once more Anthony turned up next to me once more

before I could avoid him. When he smiled at me I just tried to stare him down,

but it didn't really work, only made him frown.

"You know, with that trick of the flames you might even make a career in a

circus. I guess they'd have need of a whore who can cast pretty lights all over

the room." Still I didn't rise to the bait, but from his mocking grin I saw that

he had realized that his words did vex me, even if I didn't scowl at him. His

grin only widened when I tried to make a dash for the door when all the students

were ushered out of the room, but with a firm grip on my arm he held me back.

"Not so quick, I'll have to make a proposal. We both know that we are a cut

above all these worms. Why not find out who's better in a duel?" I had tried to

keep my mouth shut whatever he said, but now that the tone of his voice had

changed from mocking to feigned interest I couldn't keep quiet any more. "Why

should I rise to that? I came here to pass the test, I just did that, and I

don't need you to know how good I am." Anthony only declined his head in a mock

bow. "Well, that might be, but a duel between us might mean a passed second test

for at least one of us if we show enough talent. And it's much more fun than the

stupid things they let us perform for the normal tests." When he saw that I

tried to turn around once more to signal my disinterest, he coughed briefly. "Or

is Drake that right that Tane is not only a dick with a loose tongue, but you

are just his whore who he only shows enough to keep her happy enough to consent

to his ilk? From your looks I thought you are more like, well, independent and

have a head on your own, but I must have been mistaken if you follow the word of

your master to the letter?"

I didn't know what made me mad at Anthony all of a sudden; surely not that he

once more called me a whore. With that I could life. I also had no problems with

him accusing me of being Tane's puppy; I guess it was the hidden blame of only

knowing the bits he threw at my feet when Tane felt lazy. More than once I had

surprised him with coming up with new abilities out of my own, so that was the

last thing anyone should ever reproach me with. So I turned fully around to

glare at Anthony. "I guess I'll have to teach you a lesson. A duel it shall be,


When his grin broadened even more I got the sick feeling that my flaring temper

had brought me into a nasty situation, as I didn't even know how good he was or

for how long he had already studied. The fact that until now Tane hadn't really

shown me much of attack or defence tactics only added up to that feeling of

unease. But I surely wouldn't back down - I'd rather burn my fingers once more,

maybe even literally.

Without further hesitation Anthony marched out of the room back into the great

entry hall, where he approached one of the assembled mages. At least I thought

him a mage until I noticed the different designs on his robe. It were similar

signs to the ones Tane had tattooed all over his body, the arcane symbols of a

fire sorcerer. My unease rose another notch when the man scrutinized me before

nodding, and then went to fetch some other examiners and curly exchanged some

words. Meanwhile I scanned the gathered crowd, but couldn't find a familiar

face, neither Tane nor Drake. As I knew Tane he would take his time shopping as

he always did, but it puzzled me a bit that Drake would let his student roam

around here all on his own.

Before I could think some more about that the sorcerer together with two mages,

one of them a woman, walked over to me, with Anthony trailing behind them. Once

more the sorcerer eyed me up and down, but as before it was not a leery gaze

like I had expected, but just a measured look as if he would study anything,

person or animal, that might be of some interest. "You are the one this young

man talked about rising to the challenge of a duel for the second grade of the

tests?" I only nodded, not knowing what else to do. As Tane had, as usual, not

provided any additional information about anything I was a bit at a loss here.

Before the sorcerer could venture on the female mage interrupted him. Her hair

was already greying at the sides, and her face showed wrinkles of age, yet she

still held herself with a strength that I partly envied her. "Before we rush

this on I would like to have a word with this young woman, alone. If you would

excuse us?" She didn't wait for the men to protest but instead slipped one hand

in a firm grip over my arm and gently led me out of earshot. I began to suspect

that it was usual with the mages to try to never let everyone know everything.

When she caught me frowning slightly she smiled a bit. "This is not to scare you

or anything, I just wanted to ask you some questions beforehand. You are Tane's

student, aren't you?" Apparently everyone around here knew more about me than I

even knew myself, but instead of protesting I just nodded. The woman seemed to

not have expected a different answer. "You have to know, opposed to many others

I'm keeping quite fond memories of your teacher, and I know that he is perfectly

capable of teaching you everything you need to know for the tests; yet I wonder

if the two of you had had enough time to get you ready for the second test, or

more specifically for a challenge duel. Do you even know what to expect of


I hesitated for a moment, then truthfully shook my head. The woman just sighed.

"I thought so. I can sense your potential, but you have just learned how to

reach all of it, that I am sure of. I won't say that you don't stand a chance

against Anthony, I have seen young sorceresses perform near miracles if forced

to, but I would advice you to step back from the challenge. Apart from that

little scoundrel no one will hold it against you, and you shouldn't rush things

just because he angered you."

I waited for more to come but since she seemed to anticipate an answer from me I

provided one. "I know that I lack a certain expertise, and maybe even skill, and

maybe it is wrong to act just because he angered me, but I am sure that I know

enough to at least show him that I'm better than he even dares to think. Do I

have anything to loose if he really wins?" I had expected her to scowl or

something, but the woman only smiled, and then shrugged. "Well, you will surely

get your load of burns and blisters, but apart from that I do not think that

there will be any further harm done, except to your respective egos."

That somehow made me smile, a gesture that the woman returned. "I guess I will

be able to bear that. When will it go on?" She briefly looked back to the others

we had left behind. "After all the other tests are finished, I'd say in an hour.

By then your teachers should be back as it would normally be the time to fetch

you - I don't know if that is a comfort for you or not. If you want to, you can

go to one of the patios to meditate until then." I wanted to reject that offer

as I never meditated, but when I reflected that talking to Anthony was the most

likely alternative, I just nodded and bade her to show me the way.

Without another word or even glace to the others she guided me out of the hall

and through a long corridor that opened into a shady court yard. A fountain in

the middle of the atrium splashed water into a pool, and most of the walls were

covered with ivy, adding to the expression of coolness. I thanked the woman and

went to sit down on a bench near the pool. Everything seemed so peaceful

and quiet here, something I had gotten used to over the last half year. Although

Tane never left me alone for long, even with him together we were the only two

people for miles at our meadow. Until today I hadn't realized how I relished the

feeling of being away from the stinking crowds of the cities.

After five minutes or so the current elevation of my mood began to wear off when

I began to realize what I had dealt myself there. I was kind of used to getting

myself into such situations, at least once a week I was able to anger Tane

enough to force him to apply stricter methods - at least that was what he always

accused me of afterwards when I was once more able to get enough air to start

cursing him. And I did curse a lot sometimes.

Maybe I was already getting a bit insane, but the memories of some of these

too-long nights made me smile. Even half a year after first meeting Tane I

wasn't fully comfortable with the kind of relationship we had, but for once he

was sensitive enough to never ask me about it. Oh, he took great pleasure in

getting me to admit that I sometimes really needed his way of dealing with my

needs, but he never dwelled on that particular topic. It seemed to suffice that

we both knew it.

Yet I felt that right now was not the time to let my mind drift into our

bedroom, so I focused on the task ahead of me. It might be true that Tane had

never shown me how to use my fire as a weapon, but that was not so much

different from other purposes. I knew how to regulate the intensity and warmth

of the flames that inevitably resulted in the different colours, from the

deepest red to most blinding yellow, or even a shade of blue for the really hot

flames. Being able to control my fire to this degree was not something they had

wanted for the first test, so it must be one of the hurdles of the second. As I

was rather comfortable with this degree of control the other things couldn't be

that much out of reach.

And another aspect of my way of learning made me rather confident. Tane had

known this form the start, I had needed more than two months to realize it, but

the best way for me to learn something was to see and feel it. Many a burn had

resulted from that, but I had gathered most of my knowledge in the same fashion

as I had leaned how to call forth the flames. Still, that first step had been

the hardest along the way, and although my confidence has never been very high,

I knew perfectly well what I was capable of and what not. Winning the duel might

as well lie outside my possibilities, but at least I knew that I wouldn't fight

to win, just to prove Anthony wrong. That should be enough to accomplish.


Too soon the woman returned to show me back to the main hall. She didn't speak a

single word, but from the lines in her face I judged that she was worried a bit. I

couldn't hold that against her, I myself worried quite a lot. When I re-entered

the hall my stomach chose to knot up, exchanging the uneasy feeling in my belly

for a big hard lump of fright. It didn't really help that all eyes turned on me

the moment I stepped into the room.

Although I knew that it was quite impossible I had the impression that the

audience had doubled in the time I had spent in the yard. I still didn't know

many people on sight, but of the three I did recognize two only added to my

panic. Drake and Lathea now stood next to Anthony who seemed to have an arrogant

smile etched on his face. I had anticipated seeing Drake around here, yet when

he gazed over at me I still felt a cold shiver run up my spine. He somehow had a

way that made me uneasy without even coming close to him. Lathea was once more

clad in an assortment of leather that made me avert my gaze the moment my eyes

dared to linger on her form. The last thing I needed now was anyone, least of

all her, catching me staring at her. So I chose to ignore that particular patch

of people and instead strolled over to Tane.

In a normal crowd of people he might not have been that recognizable, but most

mages were many years older and looked even more frail next to him. Knowing that

next to nothing of his bulk resulted from his clothes I once again considered

myself a rather lucky woman, yet right now I had more important things on my


Tane caught my gaze with his calm blue eyes and motioned me over to him, as if I

needed any encouragement. When I stopped in front of him I just stared at his

face, waiting for the inevitable scolding remark that simply had to come, but

once again his features stayed devoid of any emotion. Sometimes, like right now,

I hated it when he was able to hide his feelings so well. Then the moment passed

and his brows drew together in an expression of worry. "You really have a way of

getting yourself into trouble, did I ever tell you that?"

Somehow that eased some of the tension that was building up inside of me, and I

even managed a smile. "You tell me so at least once a week." For a moment his

eyes glinted with mischief, before he sobered once again. "At least you have

some experience with it." He stopped and scratched his chin while looking in the

general direction of my opponent. "Believe me, this won't be so much different

from what we sometimes engage in. It's a struggle of will, and he will use every

means to dominate you. He will hurt you, and you will struggle, and it will end

with you lying on the floor crying." If not for the mocking tone of his voice I

might have slapped him for that, but I knew that he didn't mean it the way it

sounded. Tane loved to state facts, and in so far I had to agree with him, that

was the likely outcome of everything. Still, I'd rather have him encourage me

than tell me the truth.

When he saw me glaring he put a reassuring hand on my shoulder and leaned a bit

closer. "Don't panic, he is not that much ahead of you. If I had known that you

are that ambitious I would have shown you some tricks to give you a head start,

but still you have a good chance of making a stand. Winning might be a bit off

as I guess he wouldn't have proposed a duel if he wasn't sure of his own

abilities, but you are not a rookie, either. Just use everything you have

against him."

Somehow his reassuring smile made me feel even more stupid. "I'm sorry that I

let him goad me into accepting the challenge. I hope you are not angry with me?"

For a moment Tane looked downright baffled. "Angry? Why should I be angry with

you?" The fact that he wasn't was not that surprising, but it puzzled me a bit

that he hadn't seen the question coming. "I don't know, maybe because I have

overstepped my place?"

Now he really frowned. "I thought we had that settled. Between you and me there

might be trouble if you act like that. Apart from that I would only encourage

you for such ventures. Sooner or later some of my attitude simply has to rub off

on you." Tane gave me another reassuring smile, then indicated his head towards

Anthony and the others. "You should get over there to show him that you are not

afraid of getting your ass busted. With me you are never that hesitant, and

believe me, you still have much more to fear from me than from such a cute

little boy." I only smirked. "I guess I'm going to invite trouble if I call him

that to his face." For that I was only rewarded with a chuckle. "See for

yourself. And remember, just use everything you have to your disposition. It

might be more than you think of right now."

With that Tane slapped me for a last time on the shoulder and inched me a bit

towards the others. It was kind of strange for him to abstain from slapping my

ass, but I had to give him credit, he behaved differently when someone was

around to watch. As there was nothing left to say I inhaled for a last time and

walked over to meet and greet the others. I reckoned that Drake wouldn't let the

possibility slip to harass me anyway, so I could as well go over to him

personally rather than have him shout insults at me from across the room.

When they saw me approaching all three fell silent. Anthony still looked down

his nose at me, Drake leered at me like he had done the first, and last, time we

had met, while Lathea seemed to study me with interest, like one might study a

bug that came crawling over. These people were just too polite.

For a moment I pondered Tane's words about his attitude having to rub off on me

eventually. Right now I envied him his easy way he always seemed to have with

people he evidently didn't like, but when I reflected back on the way he had

behaved when Drake and Lathea had visited us in the first week of my stay with

him I thought better of it. I would never act like him because I was different

in many a way, so it might be better to just be myself with these folks, as

well. So I forced the most inviting insincere smile on my face and ignored

everything but Anthony.

"Already thinking about backing down, or do you accept defeat right now?" Who

said I couldn't be cocky all of my own? It was never angry looks that resulted

in me being bound in the most uncomfortable positions.

Anthony's grin faded when he acknowledged my insult, but only blinked instead of

going literally for my throat. "I will all too soon have you begging for mercy,

then we'll see who's the one to accept defeat." I just kept my grin up. "I never

beg. Such a cute little guy like you will surely not get me to take that up." In

unison Anthony and Drake scowled at me, while a smile began to show up on

Lathea's face. Had she just developed an interest in annoying bugs? When she

caught my gaze her smile widened even more, yet she stayed quiet, what was fine

with me.

Before I could dig my own grave any deeper the sorcerer from before, together

with the female mage, came over to us. "Are the two of you still eager to engage

in a duel?" Both Anthony and I nodded, not disappointing any of the onlookers.

The sorcerer then beckoned with his hand towards the open space behind him. "We

will ward off half of the hall as the duel grounds. In these perimeters you are

allowed to use everything you are able to without having to fear to burn down

the whole building. Before we begin we will also cast a magical web over you

that will protect the vital areas of your bodies. Still your skin will blister

to a certain degree if you cannot avoid an attack, and you will feel the full

extend of pain that resulted from the attack, even if no outward signs will be

visible. Do you understand and agree to that?" Once more we nodded in unison,

probably the only time we would ever agree on something. The sorcerer then

extended his hands, and I could feel something enveloping me. Someone with more

experience or skill might have known what exactly he did; as I lacked either I

contented myself with the knowledge that it had to be the web he had spoken


When he had finished whatever he had been doing the sorcerer beckoned us

forward, and Anthony and I walked over to the place he had gestured to before.

All around us the air briefly flared in a light blue haze. That I knew all too

well as Tane sometimes resorted to erecting such barriers when he wanted to

teach me something new. There was simply no use in burning down the whole meadow

with the hut included.

"Then let this duel begin. You will be judged by your abilities, not the direct

outcome of the duel, keep that in mind. Fairness is also a virtue that we mind."

With that the sorcerer stepped back into the audience and left Anthony and me

inside the now invisible cocoon of air. For a moment we just stared at one

another. At least I didn't want to start the contest. Let him start it and maybe

give me a chance to outmanoeuvre him. Anthony seemed hesitant for about five

seconds, then a satisfied smile came to his face as if he thought me a coward.

For once I didn't rise to the bait but just stared at him, trying to discern

what he was about to do.

When he raised one arm to point his hand in my general direction a beam of

searing flames rush at me it was easy for me to evade his attack. His aim hadn't

been very accurate, same as with the next two fire lances. Before he could shoot

a forth beam at me I briefly concentrated and a cloud of flame sprang to life in

front of him, trying to catch him. With a shriek he hopped back and let the

flames die all of their own. The bewildered look he shot me made me wonder a

bit. Was it just surprise that I had done anything at all, or was it something


Somehow my counterattack seemed to have broken the spell of hesitancy, because

even before the flames had winked out of existence he once more pointed his hand

at me, now with his fingers spread, and sent another bout of fire at me. This

one was much faster and somehow caught me off guard. Before I could duck a solid

ball of flame collided with me, resulting in fire running over my whole body. It

was just searing agony. For a moment I couldn't even think, it hurt so much. Yet

even before I had enough air in my lungs to scream I blindly lashed out with my

fire in the general direction where I estimated Anthony to be. A choking couch

showed me that I had at least driven him back another step.

When I regained the full control over myself once more I was cowering on the

floor, pain still racing over my skin. Yet when I opened my eyes to look at my

arms the skin was only mildly reddened, and one touch affirmed that my hair

hadn't caught fire as it should have. Apparently the safety nets proved to work

just fine.

Slowly I got to my feet again, trying to ignore my aching skin, and stared over

at Anthony. Half of his face and one arm had a slightly red colour, indicating

that I indeed hat hit, yet it seemed to only have fuelled his anger. Now the

gaze he directed at me was laced with pure anger.

Once more he extended his hand towards me, but now that I knew that he

apparently needed the gestures for his magic to work I knew what was to come and

planted a pillar of fire between us, so that it obstructed his view of me. With

a mental shove I set the pillar rolling towards him, but it was too slow and

just puffed out of existence when he swirled his hand in front of his body,

making the air around the fire shimmer when he conjured up bonds of air to

extinguish the flames. Instead of attacking once more I just stayed where I was

and regarded him as to what he would do next. Already I felt the strain of

controlling the fire bearing down heavily on me.

Once more Anthony took the time to stare at me, then he raised his hands in a

dramatic gesture over his head and brought them down towards me. For a moment

nothing happened, then a wall of blinding bright light came wavering at me. I

only had the time to gasp and throw my hands up to ward off the flames, then

they bore down on me. The shriek that tore itself out of my throat sounded quite

inhuman, even to my ears.

Only dimply I felt my body hitting the floor when my muscles gave way. My whole

body was one throbbing pain, and I did my best to pull my knees up to my chest

to hug myself and curl up as much as possible. I had been so dumb to ...

Anthony's boot landed squarely in my back and sent me rolling, making a new wave

of pain roll up from my spine to my head. Before he could kick me once more I

scrambled to my feet, all the while backing away from him. He came after me,

trying to reach for me with his hand. My back hit the solid wall of air that

bordered our ground. Panic flared up inside of me, and it must have shown on my

face, because he began to grin in a rather sadistic kind of way. When his hand

was coming near to my face flames began to dance over his fingers. I tried to

evade him by sliding to one side but he was faster, grapping my throat before I

could dash away.

The moment his fingers tightened around my throat I nearly choked on the pain

that radiated from his touch. Desperately I brought my hands up to grasp his

wrist to somehow make him loosen his grip, but he only grinned all the more. I

couldn't breathe anymore, what only added to my increasing panic. He was not

only going to teach me a lesson, he was about to kill me! Why didn't anyone do


My vision began to fade on the edges and a quite familiar feeling welled up in

my stomach. What was this all about, why did I loose my nerves so fast? Okay, he

had me in a sort of death grip, but I had my hands free, and contrary to him I

didn't even need my hands to scorch him. If Tane had taught me one thing, then

it was that there always was a chance as long as I kept my wits. And although it

might sound queer, something deep inside of me even welcomed the pain that

Anthony afflicted on me.

With new confidence coming up inside of me I stilled my senseless writhing and

stared at my opponent's face until I caught his gaze. I could see triumph in his

gaze, that and a deep-routed malevolence that I didn't understand, but that was

not really necessary. He simply knew that I was helpless and at his mercy. What

a jerk.

I tightened my grip on his arm and willed my flames to come forth, fuelled by

the uneasy feeling in my stomach. It was the easiest way for me to call forth

the flames, mainly because Tane provided an endless supply for that unease, yet

I often couldn't control the outcome of it. Right now I didn't need control, I

needed action, and that I could provide.

With my pulse racing in my ears and my lungs screaming for air I kept my gaze

settled on Anthony's face and then let all my anger and desperation rush

forward, bringing up the flames. In a rush violet light ran up from my hands

over his arms to envelope his body. For a moment nothing happened. He was about

to laugh me in the face and call it a bluff when the violet flames all over him

exploded in one powerful commotion, sending him flying backwards, away from me.

Luckily he let go of my throat, so that he didn't take me with him.

Panting heavily I leant back against the wall of air, massaging my burning

throat with one hand. Anthony lay in a crumbled heap at the other end of our

confinement, writhing and swatting at non-existing flames. I just looked down on

him while I tried to catch my breath. Adrenaline cursed through my veins and

made my muscles twitch, yet I knew that this last rush of energy was all I had

had left in me. If he came once more for me I would be unable to set up any kind

of resistance. I had hurt him badly, but it was no real surprise when Anthony

finally stilled and then gathered himself to stand up once more. Now my defiance

was the only thing I could call for my defence.

He might be arrogant, but apparently Anthony was no fool, because when he

advanced again he stopped well away from me. He slowly extended his hands

towards me as if to show me that even if I saw it coming I would be unable to

get away and waited until he saw that knowledge in my eyes. Then he called forth

a near storm of fire than seemed to come faster than light. I just stood my

ground, balled my hands to fists and prayed that someone would stop him before

he killed me.

The charring pain brought me down on the floor again, making me clamp down my

jaws to keep from screaming. More bouts of flame rained down on me, making the

pain raise above any tolerable level, yet my jaws were too cramped to let the

screams out that tried to build up. Inwardly I begged for this to stop, but I

wouldn't let him the satisfaction of knowing just how horrible it hurt.

The flames abruptly stopped, and after the pain began to lessen I dared open my

eyes, hoping for someone to have put a stop to all of this. Still, the wall of

air at my back was as solid as it had been before, so it must be something else.

When I looked up I saw Anthony standing in front of me, staring down, his face a

mask of hatred and rancour. "Are you giving up, you stupid bitch?" He was

panting heavily as if it were him who had been writhing in pain, and an odd

desperation lay thick in his voice. Yet before I could do more than scowl up at

him he sent another beam of flame down on me, sending me squirming once more.

When I still didn't scream he began to shout various obscenities at me, but that

didn't provoke me one bit. I just wished that I had a little bit of energy left

to teach him a lesson, but for the day that was evidently his job.

Once more the flames stopped if not his cursing, and suddenly the barrier behind

me disappeared. I let myself flop down on my back and dared to open my eyes.

Anthony was right now being surrounded by three people, one of whom I could

identify as the sorcerer who had explained about the duel before. They were

evidently trying to hold him back, but when he realized that it had ended

Anthony stopped and just stared down at me. I let my eyes drift close again to

make it easier to calm down.

I felt someone advancing towards me and opened my eyes to look straight up into

Tane's face. His features were bare of any emotion, yet his eyes bore a certain

amount of sympathy. I couldn't bring a reassuring smile on my lips, but instead

tried to get up. I even managed it, with only a low moan escaping my throat.

I hurt all over, but as this was no entirely new sensation I was able to cope with it.

When I looked around me once more I caught Anthony staring at me with a certain

satisfaction. Now that I couldn't let pass uncommented, now that I was

relatively safe again. "That's all you can manage, cutie? All just hollow words,

nothing to back these." I nearly swayed then but could hold myself together once

more. Tane apparently judged that for what it was and laid a comforting, and

very steadying, hand on my shoulder, making it seem like a gesture of

affectionate backup. For a moment I longed for Tane to embrace me and cradle me

in his arms, the way he often did after making me nearly go insane from pain,

but he would never do that in public. I'd have to wait for some privacy later


Even from across the room I could see Anthony glaring at me, but then Drake

walked up to join his student and in so doing prevented Anthony from uttering

any further stupid comments. Meanwhile the sorcerer came over to me, briefly

looking me up and down. "Any serious injuries?" I shook my head. "Nothing that

wouldn't go away with a good night's sleep." The sorcerer nodded and walked back

to the other gathered group. I took the time to turn my head to once more look

at Tane. When I caught his gaze I mouthed a silent "thank you", which made him

grin briefly.

The voice of the sorcerer drew my attention back to the others. "I call this duel

ended, with Anthony as the winner." Anthony grinned at me in triumph, but

when he saw that I didn't react to it the smile soon faded.

Apparently his victory was only worth something if I accepted defeat. "He has

proven his talent and has by this earned the status of someone passing the

second test of challenge." Some of the gathered people cheered, although I for

once thought that he had had a simply game. The sorcerer didn't let them

interrupt him, though. "Yet he has not been the only one to show considerable

talent and control, so I call for the same status to be applied to Jeanne, too.

She might lack a certain amount of experience, but her control is better than to

be expected of someone who passes the second test by normal means, so that

status shall be hers."

I was kind of dumbfounded when I realized what these words meant, but when I

turned to look at Tane he only smiled and gently kneaded my shoulder. Anthony

meanwhile looked as if he had bitten into a bitter fruit, and Drake began to

debate with the sorcerer. I just felt light-headed all of a sudden. How could

this be possible? I hadn't been able to deflect any of his attacks, and only

twice succeeded in hitting him - how could they possibly reward me with a passed

second test?

My bewilderment stayed through the next hour. Many people came forward to

congratulate me, and more than once I heard someone telling Tane that they

hadn't believed him capable of teaching me so much in such a short time. Tane

seemed to realize that I was still in a haze and began to take our leave as soon

as possible. On the way back to our quarters I didn't even realize that he tried

to talk with me. This all had to be a very strange dream, but a dream


Back in our room Tane guided me over to sit on the bed and then excused himself

once more to leave me alone. For several minutes I just stared at the wall

opposite me, then I lay down and resumed staring, this time at the ceiling. My

mind still struggled to process the information, and with the pain seeping back

into my limp muscles I resigned myself to not thinking at all. That seemed to be

the best thing to do.

After about ten minutes, but it could also have been close to two hours, Tane

returned with a bucket full of water and a washcloth. Without uttering a single

word he heaved me up into a sitting position and helped me out of my clothes, to

begin to wash my body with the wet cloth. The water felt cool on my burning

skin. While he washed my back I looked down at my arms. The skin looked just

like after a normal sunburn, with no blisters or darker patches indicating

scorch marks. Still it hurt a lot more.

When he was finished Tane guided me to lay down and got up on the bed beside me.

I stopped his attempt to embrace me and instead plucked at his robe. "Off." He

smiled about me being so short-spoken and complied, taking off his clothes before

drawing me against his body. I melted against him and sighed in comfort, even if

my body hurt even more with him touching me. But right now I needed being

comforted more than less pain. All too soon I fell asleep when my body claimed

the dearly needed rest, and Tane did nothing to prevent me from sleeping.


I woke up to a horse neighing in the streets outside. It was an unusual sound as

we had no horses up at the meadow so it brought me wide awake in an instant.

Judging from the amount of light that came streaming through the window and the

already elevated temperature it had to be close to midday already. I had nearly

slept a whole day through.

When I looked around the room I found one small detail missing. Although the

sheets beside me were rumpled I saw no sign of Tane being around, so I chose to

stay dozing for another fifteen minutes. My body just felt sore, but as the pain

was gone I was glad to be able to indulge in further laziness for now. From what

I knew I had nothing better to do than stay in bed, so why bother getting up?

Before long I heard someone outside, and the door opened to let Tane in. He

looked freshly washed and groomed, with his chin shaven and his hair still damp.

When he saw me lazily smiling up at him he returned that smile and came over to

the bed, bending down over me and kissed me softly on the lips. "Good morning,

lovely. Ready to get up, or would you rather stay a bit longer in bed?" I made a

show of stretching my body, which inevitably let the thin blanket slip down to

pool around my waist, bringing my breasts out in full view. He just took that

for an invitation and bent down further to gently kiss first my right nipple,

then my left. When he knelt down on the bed next to me I brought my hand up to

lazily intertwine it in his hair. "Haven't you just been bathing? That's all for

nothing of we are going to fuck now."

Tane lifted his head to look up at my face, a smile playing around the corners

of his mouth. "Your rude language just urges me on, you know that?" I frowned

while I let him edge me to the middle of the bed. We've had some arguments in

the past because I never titled our activities with "making love" or something

like that. It was not as if he would mind, but he had expressed his mock concern

about my moral high grounds, or rather the lack of those. I had just shrugged

back then, just as I frowned at him now. I wouldn't tell him that I didn't

consider laying with him as something other people would describe as a token of

their feelings for their beloved, so I wouldn't entitle it with something like

that, yet I thought he knew how I meant it. It just unnerved me a bit that he

brought that up now.

When he saw that I didn't comment on it Tane straightened again to slip out of

his robes. Contrary to our dressing habits at home he wore a shirt and pants

underneath so he had to get up once more to undress. I just stayed where I was

and watched the muscles on his torso flexing. Even after looking at myself in

the mirror there was enough doubt in me left to make me wonder why of all people

he chose me for bedding.

Standing nude next to the bed Tane haltered once more and gazed down at me while

idly stroking his cock. "I just came back from a stroll in town. Lezaro, the man

responsible for the tattoos according to the tests of challenge would see you

the hour after midday if you still want the signs on your body." It was just

like him to arrange everything without asking me if I even wanted to, but as I

for once had no objections I just nodded. When he saw that I didn't protest Tane

crawled back on the bed to come to rest next to me. "Already some ideas what you

want?" I shook my head. "No, but you said that this Lezaro might advise me on


Tane nodded and then moved closer so that his body bumped against me. "I guess

so." He blinked briefly, as if something had come to his mind, and reached up to

cup my jaw in one hand. "I seem to have rushed our departure a bit. I haven't

packed any ... equipment." I felt myself grinning in spite of myself. "How could

that possibly have happened, least of all to you?" He just growled at the

mocking tone of my voice. "It's just like you to tease me because of it. Do you

think we can manage once without it?" That brought a partly involuntary laugh

forth from me. "Are you earnest? Do you really think that you can bring it on

without tying me up beforehand? I doubt it." Tane just raised his eyebrows in

response to my mocking grin. "I guess I'll have to prove you wrong once more."

With that he moved even closer and began to passionately kiss my neck, moving

his hands to come to rest around my body. While he stroked my back I wriggled

closer to him and slung my arms around his neck, sighing with content when his

hands moved down to knead my behind. When he gently moved me to lie on my back,

he slid into me and began to move above me, all the while caressing my body and

kissing me I reckoned that something had to be askew if he put that much effort

into playing nice, but who was I to protest? Maybe he was just saving his strength

for later, when we got back to the hut. Who was I to predict his motifs?


The sun was burning down on the city when we made our way back to the testing

buildings. Tane had explained that Lezaro worked in the cellars beneath the

smithy of the complex. What a school for mages needed a smithy for I couldn't

even begin to guess, but I didn't ask as Tane seemed to deem that enough

information. A slight breeze set the skirt of my new dress billowing. It was one

of Tane's purchases, and I still felt a bit uneasy about it, yet I had to admit

that for this climate it was the best one could wear. The dress had no sleeves

and the light fabric fell loosely down my body, stretching a bit over the mounds

of my breasts. A thin belt gathered the folds of cloth around my waist. All in

all it seemed to emphasise the feminine contours of my body more than it

concealed them.

When we entered the smithy, a small building on the far left of the whole

complex, I felt anxiety welling up inside of me. It was not laced with fright

like yesterday before the test, but very similar to what I felt when Tane was

about to tie me up. Maybe I should have tried to talk with him about it, or

simply refused to go on, as I partly did this because I thought he wanted me to

do it, but over the last minutes I had reflected on this subject once again. It

was not really devotion to my teacher that brought me here, I somehow wanted to

have these tattoos, now that I had gained the second rank so fast even more than

before. But still, I was uneasy with the prospect of letting my body be marred.

Tane seemed to feel my hesitancy, and when we entered the building he took my

hand in his and guided me over to the back were a small flight of wooden stairs

went down to the basement. Before he went down he stopped once more and looked

at me. "You really don't have to. You can always say no, even after talking to

Lezaro. It's just an opportunity. Now that you passed the tests you can always

come back here for the tattoos, or decide to wait till after the third test. I

myself had them made years after I passed the tests, you don't have to rush

things." Somehow his soothing tone calmed me a bit and I found the strength to

step down the first stairs on my own. "Let's at least talk to him. But rest

assured, I won't say yes to anything I don't want." That made him smile as I had

hoped and Tane guided me down into the basement.

Below we stepped into a big room that somehow reminded me of a dungeon, although

a rather peaceful one. Several tables with an assortment of tools were stacked

at one side, and chairs and benches stood around, evidently serving as work

benches. Apart from us two men were inside, one of them about Tane's age with

short black hair and a bulk of muscles that made him belong rather to the smithy

above, and the other old and wiry, yet with intent grey eyes that seemed to take

in everything around him.

While the younger of the two only nodded towards us, the old man came to greet

us, moving with an agility that belied his age and apparent frailty. "Be greeted

young sorceress, I be Lezaro. I be grateful to see you coming here, for I be a

master of this arts. Not many women that be so beautiful as you be coming here."

He bent down over my hand and breathed a kiss down on it, making me going red

instantly. Lezaro was polite enough to ignore that, and instead went to Tane to

greet him. "Nice to see you again, Itch here tells me you be showing up when I

be gone for breakfast this day. How you be faring?" Tane and the old man

exchanged some pleasantries while I wondered a bit about the strange manner of

speaking Lezaro seemed to use.

Soon they finished bantering and Lezaro turned his attention back to me. "They

be telling me that you be showing great talent, already be a sorceress of the

second grade. You be here to get the signs of your rank in the two colours, or

be it just black?" I thought at that for a moment before answering honestly. "I

don't know. I don't even know what I really want. Tane said you might help me


Lezaro's face lit up when he heard the words. "Oh, yes, yes, you be wise to ask

me for opinion. You just don't listen to Itch over there, he be sort of biased

when it be concerning beautiful women." The other man just growled something

under his breath while Lezaro beckoned me to come over to one of the tables.

"Then let me look at your body if you be thinking about getting something other

than just on your arms. The signs be invisible on every person, the ones that

best be fitting them. I be able to see them, though, and bring them to life."

I just scowled briefly, then undid my belt and slipped the tunic-like dress over

my head. When Lezaro beckoned me to go on I felt a bit silly, undressing

completely in front of these two strangers, but as I didn't want to appear too

modest I undid my bodice and placed it next to the dress, at last slipping out

of my panties, too. For a moment I wondered if I should try to cover my breasts

and sex, but that would be just stupid. Still, the lingering gaze of Itch, the

second man, made my unease rise the moment I was naked. Lezaro just looked at my

body like a mason might look at a yet untouched rock sitting in front of him.

The old man took his time looking at me, then went closer, but stopped before

touching my body. "May I? Just if it don't be uncomfortable for you to be

touched by someone you do not be knowing well." I shook my head and beckoned him

to venture on. He reached for my belly first, gently prodding my flesh, then ran

his hands up to let his fingers dance over my breasts. It was a strange kind of

touching, as if he was probing my skin rather than really touching me.

When he was finished he briefly looked down on my pubic region, where stubble

was sprouting as I had not shaved in the last three days. "You do be shaving

your sex regularly?" Once again I felt colour seeping up into my cheeks but

nodded. "Twice to three times a week. Why do you ask?" I just couldn't hold the

question back, but Lezaro didn't scold me for it. "It just be a question, as it

do not be making much sense to paint the body where it don't be visible." That

only made me frown. "You think even down there ...?" I stopped when he looked at

my face once more, smiling slightly. "If you want to. I be having some ideas.

You be having a lovely body, there be much we can do." He turned around to the

other man. "Be so kind and bring in the book, Itch. I be showing her what I be

capable of."

Itch went into another room and shortly returned with a big tome. Lezaro took it

from him and opened it on one of the tables, showing me some of the drawings it

contained. "I be thinking flames and roses be fitting best. You like roses?" I

nodded, staring transfixed at some of the drawings. They were much more

intricate than any I had ever seen before, every one so detailed that they

nearly looked life-like. I wondered how it was possible to get something like

that on human skin.

After leafing through the book Lezaro turned back to me and told me to stand up

straight. Then he began to explain what he had in mind. "You be young, so it be

best to keep the signs to limited areas only. I be thinking about a rose here,"

he gestured at my belly, tracing diagonally up to my right breast, "with the

petals here." He traced his fingers over my breast, slightly to the other side.

"Maybe some flames behind, or intertwined in the blossom. And flames running

down, with the stem be disintegrating into fire, to go down here," he indicated

the top of my pubic triangle, "to dissipate over your sex. Looking like this."

He leafed once more through the book to show me some more drawings. They all

looked even frailer and more beautiful than the ones he had shown me before. I

was kind of awed by all of this.

"So what you be thinking about it?" He first looked at me, and when I didn't

answer his gaze travelled to Tane, who only shrugged. "It's her body, I don't

have a say with it. Still I think it fits her. Don't forget the thorns on the

rose." That kind of made me frown again and broke the spell. I then nodded my

agreement, making Lezaro smile. "Good choice. You be already sure of the

colours? We can be shading it in blacks and blues, giving outline and hue to the

flames and flower, and after passing the test add yellows and reds to flames.

You be wanting a red rose, or other colour?" Once again I had to think about it,

but as I was not that fond of red I shook my head to the last. "The rose not

red." The old man just smiled. "White then? With soft blue to give it a

mysterious look? Be that to your liking?" I nodded, still a bit hesitant, yet

the idea of the whole thing appealed to me.

Next Lezaro had me stand in front of a tall mirror and began to draw the

outlines of everything with black and blue colour. It was marvellous what he

accomplished with only a few sketches. Still the anxiety stayed and made me

tremble ever so slightly. This didn't escape Lezaro and before going on he

stopped and laid a supporting hand on my shoulder. "You do be having fear?" I

shook my head, but then nodded. "A bit." He only smiled. "It do not be hurting

much, you be getting used to it soon. I be starting at your belly, there it not

be hurting much. You be comfortable with I be shaving you, or you be wanting to

do it for yourself?" Considering how my hand would surely continue shaking, plus

the fact that nine times out of ten it was Tane who did the shaving, I gladly

let Lezaro do that task.

I was beckoned over to one of the benches. Lezaro let Itch put a pillow on it

and then told me to get up with the pillow under my back so that my back was

arched, elevating my belly and making my breasts jut out just a bit. When I lay

down he told me to inch down towards the ends of the bench and rested my feet on

two additional blocks of wood to the sides, slightly higher than the rest of my

body. The position I was in was kind of prone, leaving everything open to their

looks, but I told myself that I was acting silly when I felt a bit ashamed. It

didn't really get better when Lezaro gently prodded my pussy lips and began to

remove the stubble, but I had to hold it for him that he didn't even once touch

me in a obscene kind of way. It was just as if he were the exact opposite of

Tane who couldn't once touch me anywhere without turning it into an intimate


When he was satisfied with my hairless crotch Lezaro went over to one of the

tables and returned with some ink jars and an assortment of needles. After

placing them on another table next to me he turned back to me once more. "You be

able to hold still for long, or you be more comfortable with being restrained?"

I could feel a frown creasing my brows together, yet before I could even shoot a

glance at Tane Lezaro smiled. "Please do be not offended, but I do be knowing

Tane for quite a while, and I do be recognizing the signs on or wrists and legs.

It not be a question of your likes, I do not be interested in such stories. It

just be the question of you keeping still, as I need my concentration for

working, not for keeping you still. That be your doing."

I thought about that for a moment. Tane often mockingly complained about me

being unable to hold still out of my own, which was mostly correct. So it was

not much of a decision. "Will you untie me if I tell you too?" Lezaro nodded

without hesitation. "Of course, I also be stopping when you do be wanting a

break. You just be telling me." When I nodded my agreement he went to fetch some

leather straps. I just rolled my eyes at Tane. "Say, do you always have to

involve me into that, even when we are away from home?" Tane only chuckled and

sat down on one of the tables while Lezaro bound my hands and arms to the bench

over my head and secured my torso with a strap over my hips and one running

beneath my breasts. "We be shifting the straps while working. You be okay with

that?" I nodded, indicating that I had nothing to complain about.

Lezaro then bent down over my belly and rubbed the skin with a cloth dunked in

some sort of alcohol before taking a rather thin pen and started to elaborate

the designs he had before scratched on my skin. When he was satisfied he

exchanged the pen for needle and ink and began his work. The first few times he

picked the ink stained needle into my flesh I kind of flinched, but it didn't

really hurt, it was more of an annoyance. Maybe it just felt less than I had

anticipated because I was, frankly, used to worse. If it didn't get any worse on

more sensitive areas I wouldn't have any problems with it. Still I was kind of

glad for the restraints as I had something to keep my hands occupied, and

couldn't jump when Lezaro accidentally reached a ticklish spot.

It took him about and hour to finish the first design on my belly. When he had

finished he loosened the restraints and let me look down on it. In awe I gazes

down on the stem of the rose, adorned with fine yet curved thorns going over

into flames. The whole thing was set in deep black and a rich blue, yet I

couldn't even say where one colour ended and the other began. He really did a

good job in shading his tattoos. When he saw my awe Lezaro just smiled and asked

me if I were ready to venture on. As I was rather eager to see the rest finished

I hurried to lie back down.

The next hours I spent being strapped to the work bench, waiting for the next

time he would stop to let me get a good look on his work. It was really amazing.

By the time he came to my breast I was already used to the sting of the needles

that it didn't bother me at all. I nearly drifted to sleep several times

although I was still a bit nervous. After finishing the rose and flames on my

breast he moved down between my legs and worked the designs from my belly to

just above my sex. There he stopped again for a longer break, for once to get

something to eat and to give me the opportunity to move my legs again.

I spent about five minutes in front of the mirror while Lezaro and Itch went up

into the smithy to get something for dinner. When they had left Tane walked over to

come stand behind me. He lightly settled his hands on my hips while I traced the

tattoos tentatively with my fingers. It was simply marvellous. I knew from the

way Tane's tattoos looked that Lezaro really must be good at this, but mine were

even more intricate. When he had first brought the idea up I hadn't thought I

would find them so appealing. I didn't dare thinking how everything would look

after adding even more colour when I passed the final test.

We didn't talk while we were alone, but from the way Tane stared at my body I

could tell that he was as enticed as I. Just when I was about to ask him what he

thought about it the door to the smithy was opened once more, and Tane let go of

me to sit back down on the table he had been residing on the whole afternoon. It

must have been night my now, but he didn't seem tired of that particular place.

When I looked towards the stairs Itch and Lezaro returned, being accompanied by

the sorcerer who had managed my duel with Anthony. For a moment my shame went up

once again, but when he only glanced at me for a second before turning back to

Tane I kind of relaxed. Tane seemed as puzzled to see him here as I was, yet

greeted him warmly. Now I even got the name of the sorcerer, Avelas. After

exchanging pleasantries with Tane he once again congratulated him and me on my

state of learning, yet seemed to hold something back. All the while he darted

glances at me out of the corner of his eye. As always Tane saw this as plain as

if Avelas would have stared straight at me and finally asked why he really had

come down here.

At first Avelas looked offended as if his personal congratulation should have

been enough of a reason, but then turned fully to me, while still talking to my

teacher. "I heard that you were here for the tattoos. Knowing you that didn't

really surprise me. And as I have seen her yesterday, although fully clothed, I

thought I might offer you my knowledge and skills concerning certain ...

matters." Now that really made me frown, same as Tane, but him apparently out of

other reasons than me. He seemed to know what the sorcerer meant by that.

When he saw my blank look Tane explained. "I guess Avelas is hinting about the

way your body is formed. As I have a limited talent for healing, he is kind of

skilled in ... tinkering around with the way people are formed." At that

explanation Avelas nearly reeled. "What do you mean by tinkering, I'd rather say

I know how to make pleasant forms look even more pleasant." That didn't really

make my frown disappear. When Avelas looked at me again I finally spoke. "So you

are suggesting that there is something wrong with my body?" Just what I needed

now, confirmation of my deepest fears. Behind Avelas' back Tane's brows drew

together at the expression on my face, but he didn't say a thing.

Avelas hurried to shake his head. "Oh, no, nothing is wrong, yet some of your

womanly features could be brought a bit more in the open. And as I'm owing Tane

a favour for years already I wanted to propose meddling a bit with your body to

pay my debt." I was still not convinced, same as Tane. "You don't really owe me

anything Avelas, they would have caught me with or without you anyway." The

sorcerer looked downright unhappy. "Then call it an offer between long time

friends. She has earned it yesterday." Meanwhile Lezaro made a great show of not

listening to us while eating a bread with cheese on it.

Even after Avelas' words Tane didn't look particularly interested. "And what

would you change? I like her body the way it is. I'm not a lover of too big

breasts, and I guess as her body is evenly proportioned there is nothing to be

tinkered with. And she's by far too young to have developed any wrinkles or

other signs of age." Avelas studied me once more, and I could see on his face

that he didn't agree with Tane. Without asking he went over to me, coming to a

halt at my back, and gripped my breasts from behind, lifting my globes a bit.

"Just look at her tits, they would be much nicer if a bit firmer and fuller. And

they sag, that's just marring her looks."

I simply couldn't hold a look of anxiety mixed with fear off my face. When Tane

saw my expression his brows drew together in anger. "Her breasts don't sag, they

are just not the buds of a prepubescent girl. There is nothing wrong with the

way they look. Being bigger or firmer would be inconvenient." I didn't ask why,

but a sudden unbidden image of ropes came to my mind. It didn't really help when

Avelas squeezed my breasts again, it just raised my discomfort.

Still, the sorcerer didn't give up. "Now I know you just tell her that because

you want her to feel at ease with you. But between the two of us we know that

she could use some turnover. And look at her hips, they are just too fleshy, and

the flesh around her waist and belly it too loose. What have you done, set her

on a regiment lately?" I felt my face going red again, yet when I tried to

squirm out of his grip Avelas just held me tighter. The anger in Tane's eyes

raised another notch, yet when he spoke on his voice was calm and composed. "It

is right that she lost some weight lately, but not by force. And her body will

adjust to it soon, stretching the now loose skin taught over her flesh. Now stop

criticising her, I know the kind of women you like, and they are clearly not my

type, and they don't look any way I want Jeanne to look. Can we agree on that?"

Avelas still seemed reluctant, but then nodded and let me go. Yet before I could

step away from him he swatted my ass lightly. "Maybe the two of you should have

a talk in private. Maybe she doesn't agree with you?"

Tane's anger seemed to disappear and without another word he indicated the next

room with his head. I followed him there, stopping just inside the door so I

could look back at Avelas who looked far too satisfied with himself. Before I

could utter a single word Tane took me by the shoulders and leant his head down

so that our foreheads nearly touched. His gaze was directed intently at my face.

"Now listen to me, I meant every word. We had that conversation yesterday, and

I'm still sticking to it. You don't need someone like him to tinker with your

body. It just hurts, and more often than not distorts more than it corrects."

Still, there was something in his voice that made me swallow hard before


After a quick look down on my body I met Tane's eyes again. "But he's right. At

least you think he's right in some aspects, even if you are content with the way

I look. I could be looking better." My voice was only loud enough to barely let

him understand me because I feared that it would tremble if I spoke any louder.

A frown stole itself across his forehead, and after a short moment he finally

nodded. "I've not lied to you until now, so I won't start now. Yes, there are

things that could be different. But I meant my words from before, your body is

okay as it is, everything else belongs rather to the world of imagination and

dreams. I never thought for a moment that I'd rather exchange you for another


I sighed, feeling kind of blank after his admittance. "But I won't stay with you

forever. What will other men think of my body? You might be able to ignore

several shortcomings, but others are not so lenient." Now he frowned again,

looking even a bit displeased. "By the time you will go away from me you will be

a full sorceress, a woman of considerable power, believe me, no sane man will

spare a thought if he feels attracted to you whether your boobs sag a bit or

not. A confident attitude will get you farther than firmer boobs." Still I didn't

fully believe him. "But firmer boobs won't be a hindrance, either." Again he

hesitated, then sighed but didn't answer. I waited for another minute, then

responded for him. "I know that you find the thought thrilling. It's okay with

me as long as he doesn't alter too much. I don't want additional back aches or

something like that. But a bit more up here and a bit less down there couldn't

be false. Or am I wrong?"

I had even sounded a bit desperate, and when I met his gaze once more I saw a

certain amount of pain and sympathy there. "Don't say things like that, I don't

want you to criticize yourself, or even think that there is something to

criticize about your body." I forced a smile on my face. "But I am right, am I

not?" He just nodded, although he looked kind of miserable. I just sighed. "Hey,

don't look so sad. Ever thought about that it might enforce my self-esteem when

I consider myself a tad bit more desirable?" He didn't answer for quite some

time, but then nodded again. "Okay, if you see it that way. So what exactly

should I tell him? What would you change on yourself?"

I thought about that for a moment. "As he suggested, my breasts could be a bit

firmer, and maybe sag less. And I couldn't be sad if my thighs and bottom were

firmer, too. That's all. There couldn't be much wrong with that, now?" Again he

nodded, and after a last glace into my eyes he let go of me and walked back into

the room. Avelas grinned in delight when Tane voiced my indications in a more

sophisticated way.

The sorcerer listened intently, then nodded and beckoned me over to him once

more. "Just stand still, I'll do the rest. Just don't cry too much." I eyed him

with all the contempt I could manage while the sorcerer stepped around me once

again. When he touched my hips I nearly flinched. His hands were burning hot,

nearly searing my flesh. The muscles underneath my skin began to ripple and

cramp, making me nearly whimper. It got even worse when he touched the flesh of

my breasts. Tears welled up in my eyes and threatened to spill down my cheeks,

but I could hold them back. I wouldn't show weakness in front of this particular


The pain ended as fast as it hand begun, and Avelas stepped back around me to

look at my body once more. "Looks much better this way. Now what do you think?"

He turned around to Tane, looking for a reaction. Tane's face was bare of any

emotion, and his eyes stayed fixed on me. Hesitantly I turned over to walk to

the mirror to gaze at me. For a moment I couldn't really see any difference, but

then saw the subtle changes, just as the sorcerer had said. I had just thought

there would be more to it. Still I was relieved to see that apart from my

breasts looking a bit firmer everything was as it should be. Meanwhile Tane and

Lezaro talked in hushed voices all the while. Turning back around to Tane I

briefly nodded my head, indicating that it was okay.

Tane then turned around to talk some more with the sorcerer, while Lezaro came

over to me. "We should bring this to an end, if you be ready once more?" I just

nodded and let him guide me back to the work bench. Once more he strapped me to

it, securing me even tighter than before. I didn't complain as I reckoned that

it was more important to hold still if he worked on my more sensitive parts.

While he resumed picking me with the needles a dull ache spread from my hips and

breasts, making me feel a bit uncomfortable.

While Lezaro was working, the sorcerer took his leave, leaving us alone once

more. Tane returned to his table, but didn't stay there and instead came over to

watch the old man working. Maybe he just used it for an excuse to gaze at my

body. I knew that he liked that a lot. With nothing else to do I just stared at

him and the ceiling, waiting for it to end.

It took Lezaro about another hour to finish his work, and when he finally got up

from between my legs I sighed with relief. He had been quite gentle, but still,

my pussy lips where he had nicked them tingled a bit. Yet when I waited for him

to release me Lezaro just looked at Tane, and then back to me. When I frowned up

at my teacher, his face was once more bare of any emotion. Not a good sign, as I

had had to learn.

"What's the matter? Why don't you release me?" I saw the old man flinch on the

range of my vision, yet my eyes stayed on Tane. "Tane? Why?" Tane just looked

down on me, then nodded at Lezaro. "Do what I asked you about before. I assure

you, she won't struggle, at least not with her full capacity." This just didn't

bode well. Yet before I could give it another try to enquire what this was all

about strong hands gripped my head, and I had only time for a last gasp before

Itch forced a gag into my mouth. That was the moment something inside of me

broke loose, yet when I tried to touch my inner magic to release some of my fire

to break loose of the restraints I found nothing there. My panic took over and I

screamed against the gag while I tried to writhe further.

Tane went over to stand next to my head and laid a soothing hand down on my

shoulder, his face still devoid of anything. Itch meanwhile began to restrain my

legs in a way that I was unable to close them even if I tried, and I did try. I

was next to frantic by the time he finished and went away. After the door up to

the smithy banged shut, Tane began to speak.

"I know that this must seem quite strange to you, but calm down or you'll pass

out because of lack of air. I'm shielding you from your abilities right now so

you don't start igniting everything around us. If you hold still for another

five minutes or so, everything will be alright. Just don't panic." Somehow his

words only fuelled my fright and despair and I tried to free myself once more.

Again it was for naught.

When I heard Lezaro shuffling around on my other side I tore my gaze from Tane

and instead looked at the old man. Lezaro was setting a brazier full of white

hot coals up next to me, and I felt my eyes widen even more. Whatever they were

up to, I surely didn't want to participate. Yet it seemed that I didn't really

have a choice.

Just then Itch came back down into the cellars, holding something in his hand

that looked suspiciously like a branding iron. That was the moment I basically

went wild, writhing in my bonds and reaching out for my fire as if my life

depended on it. Maybe it did. Tane brought this to a halt with a slap in my face

that rocked my head hard against the bench, making me dizzy and stilling my

movements. When I could focus on him again he put his head down to intently

stare into me eyes.

"Oh yes, you are right, this all is just for you, but struggling won't help you

now. I can always get a blindfold for you so that you are not forced to look

what's going on, but I guess that would only worsen your ordeal. Now keep still,

you'll live through it. You're just getting a little souvenir on your right

upper arm that will always remind you of your time with me. I carry a similar

sign from my teacher, so it's a tradition that I will keep up even if you don't

like it. It won't be the worst of it, believe me. And now hold still, or they

might slip and we'll have to go over all of this once again."

His words didn't soothe me one bit, but I was at last able to calm down once

more. I didn't like the idea of them branding me, but it was better than some

other nasty ideas that had crossed my mind. I would be able to go through this,

at least it would be quick. How quick I only realized when Itch took hold and

immobilized my right arm before Tane had even stepped back from me.

For just a moment I tried to struggle, but a warning glance from Tane let me go

still. I couldn't really keep still as my whole body began to shiver the moment

they took hold of me, but it was better than nothing. Lezaro murmured something

about being sorry, but I had only eyes for the fiery iron that they held above

my arm. I vaguely knew the shape of it from one of Tane's tattoos but couldn't

bother to remember which. It didn't really matter. Then they pressed the iron

against my skin and I screamed in spite of the gag. Blinding agony radiated from

my arm, sending tears of pain spilling over my face.

By the time the pain lessened Lezaro and Itch were already at work removing the

utensils, and I fervently wished for the gag to disappear so that I could get

enough air inside my lungs to properly breathe. Still my mind was clearing

rapidly, and another nagging question forced its way through the pain. If they

only wanted to brand my arm, why secure my legs this way? And what had Tane been

saying about this being not the worst to come?

My mind went screaming again when Tane came up to stand next to me once more. He

even managed a smile while he lovingly caressed my breast. "Now you're a good

girl, I know you'll endure that for me, too. Just one more thing. It might hurt,

that I grant you, hurt a lot and this pain won't subside as easily as this one."

His smile grew darker when he saw the added desperation in my eyes. "You'll

thank me sometime for it. Just try to relax. We both don't want Lezaro to slip

and do real damage, now do we?" He moved his hand down my body to push my pussy

lips apart with his fingers to gently stroke my clit. "Down there."

I had no way of knowing what made him torment me this way, but the sheer thought

of anyone inflicting severe pain to my nether regions frightened me even more.

It even immobilized me, making me go still with terror. Tane grinned once more

and then let his hand slip away, while turning around to look in the direction

of the old man. "Should I excite her some more, or is it better if she stays the

way she is?"

Lezaro came shuffling over to stand next to Tane, peering down at my crotch.

"This be enough, it will be best if she stay unaroused. And she do be looking

too frightened for much, anything. You really sure you want me to do this?" Tane

only nodded, and Lezaro went back to his table without another gaze at me. This

was just insane. While Lezaro prepared whatever he had to prepare Tane began to

stroke my thighs like you would pet an obedient dog. "Don't cramp that much,

you'll only hurt even more from the tension. In about a week everything will be

back to normal, or rather even better." Even if I had wanted to follow his lead

I wouldn't have been able to do it. I was just too frightened.

Far too soon Lezaro came back to me, carrying a big needle in one hand, and a

cloth in the other. I vaguely smelt liquor, and when he began rubbing it over

and around my clit I felt the cool touch of the evaporating alcohol. For a last

time I found the will to struggle but couldn't even buck my hips. When I caught

Tane's reprehensive look I realized that he held me down with layers of air.

That was the moment when I accepted defeat and let my head sink back against the

planks, staring bleakly up at the ceiling. Whatever he did to me, I would make

him pay tenfold for it, that I vowed to myself. Being whipped and taken by force

I could stand, but this ... that was were I drew the line. Maybe I would have to

wait for some time, maybe even years, but I would pay him back. I would ...

I couldn't venture on in my thoughts because then Lezaro took hold on the flesh

around my clitoris, forcing the little bud up from the folds of my pussy, and

pushed the needle through the flesh. Even with gag and restraints of both

leather and air I let out a wail and tried to buck up, while my mind filled with

the pain, nearly making me pass out. Only on the brink of my consciousness I

felt Lezaro continue, replacing the needle with a small ring, and once more

rubbing the whole area with alcohol. It burnt like hell, but I just closed my

eyes and let myself be carried away by the pain. I would so make him pay ...

Some time passed before my breathing slowed, and I didn't even realize when

someone removed the gag from my mouth to let me breathe freely once again. I

kept my jaws locked, biting down on my lower lips, keeping my eyes shut tightly,

calming down slowly. When I finally opened my eyes once more I had to blink away

tears before I could see anything. Silence enveloped me, and apart from Tane the

room was empty. He stood next to me, looking down on me, sympathy heavy on his

features. I just stared at him, my eyes wide, and tried to put all the contempt

into my gaze that I could manage. I'm not good at showing any emotions when

under pain, and I didn't even feel my arm hurting compared to the throbbing ache

that came up from my clit.

He stared down at me for a while, seemingly waiting for me to say something, but

I kept silent. Tane finally sighed and went down to stand between my legs, yet

kept his hands on my knees. "I know, you hate me now. Maybe you are even right.

But see it from the positive side, the next week at least, probably even through

the next month I will keep my hands off you to avoid any complications. By then

it will heal, the pain will subside, and you will realize how much pleasure this

little ring will bring you." He smiled briefly, then began to undo the straps

that held my legs. "I have our things ready, so I'll just untie you and we'll

get back home. If you want to, you can take the spare room for sleeping, if you

think that you can't stand sleeping in the same bed with me." It always amazed

me how well he could read my thoughts from my looks alone. Yet one thing he

didn't see coming, when he carelessly let my free right foot dangle while he

worked on the restraints of the other.

Without taking more than a second for aim I kicked out and planted my heel with

all the force I could summon into his crotch. Tane stopped in mid motion, his

eyes wide, and just gasped for air. Then he toppled over, out of sight, and I

heard him whimper. The movement had sent new pain up from my clit, yet I decided

that it was worth that much. It was also worth the pain he would inflict on me

for that, that I was sure.

It took him several minutes to come to his feet once again, and when he

staggered back to the bench one of his hands was cramped over his genitals. I

forced myself to stare at him, hold his gaze, and match the malice I could see

in his blue eyes. I didn't even turn my head when I saw his clenched fist

drawing back to bare down on my face. When my head connected with the

planks of the bench I lost consciousness, probably a favour the gods had granted

me. I knew what was ahead of me, so I was grateful about every second I wouldn't

have to endure it.

Caught Fire

Part 6

By Dari

I stared straight into his eyes, looking as defiant as I could manage. He looked

back, rage boiling in his gaze. A drop of sweat ran down into my eye, making me

blink and drawing tears with the burning sensation of the salt, but I did my

best to hold his gaze. I would not back down. He wouldn't, either.

Sweat ran down his face and bare torso, and odd splatters of blood were visible

over the tattoos. Splatters of my blood, to be precise. There was still more on

the whip that quivered in his hand, and a lot more on my naked body, yet much

too few to let me pass out of loss of blood. He would never let me escape so


My heavy panting slowed a bit when I was able to calm down. I had tried

hyperventilating before, but that had only resulting in him whipping me so long

and so hard until I had lost control of my breathing rhythms completely, only

being able to gasp enough air to keep screaming, and I didn't want to go through

that ever again.

I didn't look down on myself, maybe couldn't even with the way my body was

suspended form the ceiling. My feet barely touched the ground and the agony that

came from my shoulders was beyond telling, as they supported my whole weight

with my arms being bound above my head and secured to one of the rafters of the

ceiling. If I didn't stretch to keep contact with the floor it only worsened when his

lashes made me swing around. I was too tired and too hurt to struggle on, the only

thing I could do was gather the last bits of my strength and try to stare him down.

Wand to take a guess who won that duel?

Today was the third day after returning from the tests of challenge, my third

day without sleep, without food, without being allowed to just flop down on the

floor and rest my aching muscles, without being allowed the dignity to squat

down outside the hut to pee on my own. At first he had even been so angry with

me that he had just whipped me until I had lost control of my bladder and soiled

myself. Now he was gracious enough to let me down a bit so I could balance

properly on my feet and spread my legs far enough to let him hold a bucket

between them. I still couldn't understand why he did that apart from humiliating

me, but I reckoned that that was reason enough. He didn't mind the stench, and I

was too hurt to mind some petty details like that.

My body was covered in welts, some of them little open cuts that stung all the

more with my sweat dripping into them. My face felt bruised and my jaw was

swollen beyond the point where I could talk without problems. The only mercy he

granted me was giving me plenty of water, but that only resulted in me having to

urinate all the more, so it was a rather two-sided sword. He had only stopped

twice to get some sleep on his own, leaving me suspended in the air but gagged

so I wouldn't scream too much for him to be able to fall asleep. I didn't know

what was worse, hanging alone in the dark, gagged and in pain, or having him

around, whipping and hurting me.

The only up I could find about all of this was that I ached too much all over

that my mind could concentrate on the pain that came form my pierced clit. It

sometimes even seemed as if my clit were the only place on my body that hurt

less. He had been very intent in not touching my clit even once, paying special

attention when whipping my pussy to stay clear of it. He always knew how far he

could go to keep me just from fainting, making all even worse by this.

My eyes drooped closed before I could stare him down or having to look away.

Pure exhaustion made my mind override my thoughts, and for the third time today

I nearly fell asleep despite the position I was in. The sharp bite of the whip

over my breasts brought me wide awake once more, drawing a whimpering scream

from my lips. Tane just stared at me with a baleful expression on his face, and

we resumed staring into each other's eyes. Where I found that much defiance left

I could only marvel about.

For another long moment he continued staring at me, then something in his gaze

softened and he made one step forward. "Just say you're sorry and I'll let you

down, carry you to the bed and let you sleep as long as you want to. Just whine

for mercy." It was just too tempting. Still I couldn't bring myself to do it. I

hadn't held myself together for three whole days to back down now. So I just

glared at him, concentrating on nothing else but this.

A slight smile began to build up on Tane's face and he advanced another step

towards me, now standing directly in front of me. "Do you know that sometimes

you are just a stupid, annoying bitch?" I had to draw two ragged breaths before

I could reply, and my voice was only barely more than a hoarse whisper. "I keep

trying to aggravate that." He blinked, but then his smile returned, and he

brought his hand up to gently trace two fingers over my dry, broken lips. If I

had had the strength left I might have considered biting him, but I needed the

rest of my energy to keep looking at him, even having to work hard on

concentrating enough to stay focused.

Slowly he moved his fingers from the corner of my mouth up over my cheek to wipe

sweat and blood off my face. For a moment he looked down on his wet fingers,

then his gaze went up to meet mine once more. A strange kind of determination

seemed to glow in his eyes. That, and satisfaction, something I couldn't quite


"So you won't back down and beg for release, even if you are on the brink of

falling asleep while hanging from the ceiling?" I just nodded once, knowing that

this would be enough for an answer. He haltered again, and turned around to grab

something. A sponge as I realized when he began to softly wipe my face with it.

The cool water felt good on the feverish skin of my face, and invigorated me

just a bit. When he was satisfied with the results of the rudimentary cleaning

operation he dropped the sponge and brought both of his hands up to gently

cradle my face. "And now tell me why, or you'll hang here until hell freezes

over." His voice was soft and had a familiar seducing tone in it, yet his

fingers suddenly tightened on my skin so that his grip was nearly painful.

For a moment I just stared at him, but then decided that it wasn't worth it.

Maybe this had gotten boring for him and he might release me if I answered him.

Still I didn't mind if the answers I provided would be the ones he wanted to

hear. As long as my resolve existed I wouldn't back down. This thought had

brought me to this point, giving me strength where I hadn't known any to be

there anymore, so I would hold on to it as long as possible.

"I won't beg. Not now, not ever again." Tane only frowned, but it was a mocking

gesture without the malice that had prevailed in him for the last days. Before

he could prove me wrong I went on. "And I won't apologize, at least until you

apologize for what you've done." I was nearly too drained to speak, but he

waited patiently until I found the breath to venture on. "You'll have to break

me completely if you want either. But if that's what you want, you'll have to

work much harder to accomplish it."

I could see by the smirk on his face that he knew exactly how worn down my will

was, and that it wouldn't take him long to make me back down, but something else

came seeping into his gaze, next to that strange satisfaction. It was a kind of

acceptance and maybe even a tad bit of pride. Or maybe I was just imagining

things, which was just as likely.

Instead of answering he loosened his grip on my face a bit and then leaned into

me, sending my tormented shoulders screaming once more, and kissed me. I was so

baffled that I let him fare for a while, yet just when I had gathered enough

resolve to decide to not give in but instead try to bite him for real he

withdrew as if he had seen this coming. Could it have been from the baleful

quality of my gaze?

I expected rage and hate to return on his face, but Tane looked as calm as ever

when he finally let go of me again. "Well, well, that fire really is hard to

douse. Do you think you can manage to stand if I let you down now?" I was a bit

bewildered by the question, but the hope that instantly rose inside of me gave

me the strength to reply. "Honestly, no." He smiled and reached up to the tarred

ropes that were wound tightly around my wrists. Normal ropes I might have burnt

through even as he had shielded me the whole time. I had tried, and even managed

to get some of the tar hot enough to drop down on the back of one hand - don't

ask, after that I hadn't made any further attempts.

"Lean against me while I undo these, I won't be able to hold you up and free you

all at once." He produced a knife seemingly out of nowhere and began to saw

through the ropes. Still it took him quite some time until the first of the

ropes was cut and I sagged down from my toes to my feet, instinctively falling

against him. It hurt when my bruised skin connected with his, but I bit down

hard on my lower lip and waited patiently for him to loosen the rest of the


The next awful thing was when my hands were finally free and he slowly brought

my arms down from above my head to my sides. The strained and cramped muscles in

my shoulders protested so much that he had to knead and massage my flesh for a

while before he could force my limbs to obey. Somewhere during that the last bit

of my strength seemed to seep away, and although I tried to keep it back I began

to cry and heave soundlessly. He ignored the tears that ran in trickles down my

face and kept on until my hands flopped lifelessly against my thighs.

For just a moment he let go of me and I nearly slid down to the floor. With a

muffled oath he caught me again and lifted me in his arms as if I weighted

nothing at all. My crying only worsened when he pressed me against him while

carrying me out of the room and into the unoccupied room next to the bedroom.

There he laid me on the bed and fastened normal leather restraints around my

ankles, wrists and around my neck. As if I had had the strength to even roll out

of the bed and flop down in the floor. I didn't complain or test my bonds, but

from what I saw he left me enough room to even move around a bit, and the

restraints didn't even bite into my swollen flesh. After a last glance down at

my body he got up again and left the room. I had fallen asleep before the door

swung shut.


Conscience came back awfully slowly, and with it came the pain. By the time I

was awake enough to open my eyes I wished to be able to fall asleep again, but

some masochistic part of my brain seemed to think that I should stay awake to

relish the aches all over my body, so staying awake it was.

For a moment I thought I had woken simply because my discomfort had finally

ruled over the exhaustion, but then I heard someone, most likely Tane, rummaging

around in the corridor outside the room. Slowly I stretched my head to look up

to the single window in the wall behind me. My shoulders protested even with my

arms down at my side and I groaned, but I was able to finish the motion. Outside

the sky was streaked with red and yellow, indicating the early hours of the day.

I thought that I had fallen asleep in the afternoon so I had slept more than

half a day. Judging from the pain that radiated from nearly all places of my

body that hadn't been enough by far. Yet my mind was clear enough to work again

so there was some visible progress to mention. I didn't know if I should be

happy about that.

The door slowly creaked open and I nearly jumped at the sound. That minute

motion was enough to send pangs of pain through my body and made me groan again.

Still, groaning was better than whimpering I told myself, so not everything was

lost there. When I could get the better of myself I managed to open my eyes

again to look at the source of the opening door, as if there were that many


I was not really surprised to find Tane standing in the open door, leaning

against the doorframe. The first light of day that came streaming inside cast

eerie shadows on him and made his nude body look all the more impressive. A

strange kind of longing awoke deep inside of me when my gaze slowly travelled

over his body. The last three days should have taught me something else, yet my

body yearned for his caress and my mind for his embrace. Only barely my ruffled

ego got the better of me and nearly forced a scowl on my face. Better a scowl

than a hungry leer.

Either he knew exactly what was going on inside of me, or I had let my gaze

linger on him for too long, but a disarming smile spread on his features that

unravelled all the lies I might have had in stock for my defence. His grin only

broadened when my scowl deepened at being stripped of any intended schemes.

"I see a major battle dawning behind that cute forehead of yours. Maybe I should

just let you rot in here for a day or two to let you to your brooding?" That

didn't deserve an answer so he got none from me, which of course only added to

his amusement. If there even was a way apart from kicking him hard where it hurt

the most to anger him I hadn't yet found it. Right now I wasn't in any way able

to give it another try so I let it stay with furrowing my brow and keeping


When he saw that I wasn't going to rise to the bait he just crossed his arms

over his chest and resumed mustering my body. "You really look kind of awful,

you know?" Now that was as far as my self-restraint went, and with my awakening

temper my tongue slipped before I could reign it in. "You should know best, it's

your work that you are admiring." As always he ignored my acidic tone and just

grinned as if I had complemented him on something. Maybe I even had. "I know,

and that makes it all the better."

Then he abruptly sobered and a slight frown turned up on his face. "Feeling

ready for a venture to the pool next to the waterfall? I'm too lazy to carry you

there so you have to manage on your own. The alternative would be tying you to

the rafters outside and dowsing you with several buckets of cold water." Now

that wicked grin of his returned. "I guess that would especially entice your

shoulder muscles." I just glared while he snickered about his own joke. When I

still didn't flare at his words he pouted for a moment. "Come on; don't go all

silent on me. Your body should have gathered enough energy by now for your

temper to run loose as always, and don't tell me you've learnt to keep it in

check. You'd rather learn to master the five elements than that. So, what do you

say? If you stay still any longer I take that for a no."

He always had a way of bringing my best sides out of their hiding place. With a

sneer on my lips I lifted my upped body as much as possible, forcing unwilling

muscles to contract and work, and even managed to bring myself into a nearly

sitting position with my hurting back pressed against the headboard of the bed.

My bonds didn't allow me to move further, but I regarded that much already as a

great victory. "I'd rather crawl outside and drown myself in the pool than let

you suspend me from any ceiling ever again!" Tane only smiled in a benign way

that nearly sent me cursing him aloud.

For another moment he looked down on me, but before I could really loose my

temper and start something stupid that I would surely regret dearly all too soon

he went over to me, sitting down on the bed next to my hips. He studied my face

intently, and then sighed. "Perhaps I'm making a mistake in untying you, but I

gather that you are still too weak to cause any havoc. See it as a token of my

good will that I loosened my grip on your magic. The moment you even think about

incinerating me you're back hanging form the rafters." Even as his tone was calm

and measured I knew that he meant every word and hurried to nod when his brows

began to draw together once again. After seeing the acknowledgement in my eyes

he leaned over me, bringing his hands down to rest on my shoulders. I inhaled

sharply when his fingers dug into my hurting muscles, and from the way his smile

darkened I guessed that he relished my pain.

When he heightened the pressure I let him press me down with my back on the

mattress once again, bringing up next to no resistance. When I was again lying

on my back staring up at him he planted his arms right and left of my face and

got up to straddle my body with his legs, until his weight was resting on his

forearms and shins alone. The way he stretched his body his loins came to rest

approximately above mine. I gazed down briefly, noticing that he wasn't even

partly erect, yet somehow he made a strange kind of fright rise up inside of me.

"Look up at me. Look into my eyes." His tone was low and had a certain

commanding quality to it. I complied after a moment's worth of hesitation,

bringing my eyes to gaze into his. Even while I tried to fight down the dawning

panic I could see that he read all the fright in my face, and at least some part

of him loved it.

I basically dreaded for him to inch his knees between mine and force my legs

apart to give him free excess to my sex but he didn't move, not even blink. I

started to tremble slightly, only partly from my strained muscles. When he

noticed that a smirk turned one corner of his mouth up. He let me see it, then

lowered his head to begin to gently kiss the side of my neck. I stiffened even

more, not allowing myself to relish the sensations that he caused. I knew that

he knew how much I loved for him to kiss my neck, but I also knew why he did it


When his kisses grew more insistent I groaned, but it was no sound of pleasure.

"Please stop. You promised to wait at least a week; it's only been three or four

days now." My voice sounded so weak and helpless that I nearly choked on the

words, and the defiant little voice in my head shouted at me to rather let him

fuck me while my whole pussy was sore enough to hurt even when he didn't touch

me and bear the consequences than come so close to begging, yet I couldn't

recall my words or think of anything to make them sound less frantic.

Tane didn't even stop kissing my neck, but after a couple of heartbeats steered

his lips up over my jaw to my lips. The last kiss landed on my mouth, soft as a

feather's caress, before he drew his head back and looked straight into my wide

eyes. His face was calm and gathered, but something lurked behind his eyes. He

licked his lips before answering, and for just a moment I thought it looked as

if he was a bit at a loss here, yet his voice was strong and confident as

always. "I know." Tane shifted so that his penis came to rest between my thighs,

but as my legs were nearly shut he didn't even come close to my pussy. He waited

for another moment, letting everything settle in before continuing.

"Choose. Either let me fuck you now, or wait a full month. It won't be enough to

just lie on your back and let me do the work, no, I want you to put your whole

effort into it, even if it nearly kills you. But choose wisely, no one knows

what can happen in one month, maybe I'll lose interest and won't fuck you ever

again. So what do you say?" Maybe the answer should have been clear with my

flesh being bruised, swollen, and aching, and with the added knowledge that

having sex now might even do permanent damage to my clit, yet I hesitated. The

fright seemed to lash out at my low self-esteem, making me nearly more afraid

that he might stick to his word and never touch me again if I defied him now.

Until this very moment I hadn't realized how much I craved for his touch, even

after really torturing me over the last days. All his whipping and punching me

hadn't even begun to break me, but that simple threat nearly did it.

I swallowed hard, having to fight both my rising panic and the tears threatening

to well up in my eyes. I was about to tell him to take me now, to spread my legs

and rise up to meet him halfway, when something inside of me came awake and

inwardly snapped me around. It was pure defiance with no thoughts of hate or

vengeance, only the urge to withstand him just for the sake of it. I held on

tightly to that feeling, letting it course through my mind, fighting the panic

and carrying it away. When I was sure of my decision I rose up to briefly brush

my lips against his before forcing my shoulders back against the mattress. The

pain helped to further clear my mind.

For a moment I saw the satisfaction that came from having won in his eyes, yet

before he could open his mouth I answered. "See it as a kiss of farewell, for at

least a month, forever in the worst case. And now get off me and undo the

restraints so I can get up to get out to clean myself and keep going on with my

life." My voice was low but clear, and I instantly grew proud of myself at the

sure tone of it. The brief look of defeat on his features was enough to heighten

my mood, chasing away the last of my fear.

The next moment Tane rose up, and without another look at my face he untied me

with odd, jerky moves, making the leather straps bite into my flesh, but for

once I was sure that it was not intently. I had just bruised his ego, swifter

and deeper than when I had kicked him in the nuts. Maybe I had just sealed my

own doom, or at least unhappiness, for the rest of my time with him, but the

sense of loss that I was waiting for never arrived.

After having removed all the restraints Tane downright fled from the room,

banging the door shut. I heard him running into the bedroom and soon moving into

the living room. The outer door was shut in a rush, and then silence settled

over the hut. I stayed still for another minute, listening intently. The strange

whooshing sound of a portal being opened reaffirmed my guess that he left me

here for good at least for now. I couldn't say that I was particularly unhappy

about this, now that I had defied him.

When I was sure that he was gone I slowly scrambled out of the bed, forcing my

wobbly legs to carry my weight. As there was no need to rush I took my time to

relearn to walk. By the time I had made it into the front room it was rather the

pain that kept me from walking than the inability of my feet, and that kind of

relieved me, even as awful as it was on it's own. With pain I could deal, it

would soon subside. I had only been afraid of some kind of permanent damage that

would disable me in some way.

The cold water of the river burnt on my skin but numbed my nerves fast enough to

finally allow me to wade out into the pool and kneel down to wash my whole body.

Only before I was about to freeze I gathered the courage to move my shaking

fingers down to my pierced clit. It hurt, but I couldn't keep it at just a

tentative touch. With gritted teeth I moved both my hands down to my pussy,

spreading my labia with my left hand and slowly stroking over my bud with the

right. When the pain wasn't too much to stand I felt around the puncture marks,

noticing with relieve that the flesh was only tender but didn't seem to be

inflamed. I even thought about gently tugging at the ring to see how much pain

that would inflict or if it would move, but I refrained from that as my whole

body was shivering too much from the cold water around me so that such slight

manoeuvres might be out off my reach. With another series of groans I got up

once more and waded out of the water. The dripping curtain of my long wet hair

made me shiver all the more, but it was simply impossible to hurry over to the


The first thing I did when I was inside once again was to drape a blanket around

my shoulders. When I tried to rub myself dry it hurt enough to make me gasp.

Groaning I sat down in front of the fireplace and focused my mind to let the

logs inside burst into a near bonfire. Heat washed over my shivering body, and

soon I was dry enough to feel comfortable again.

I stayed sitting cross-legged on the floor for some time, telling myself that

there was no sense in dressing until my hair was dry. Only when sweat began to

break out on my skin that stung in the welts I tuned down the fire, letting it

crackle all on it's own. Only then I realized that I had kept it soaring for

about half an hour without even concentrating on that. Exhaustion sometimes made

my control slip, but until now that had always resulted in devastation, never in

anything useful. I thought about that for another minute and decided that maybe,

just maybe, the earned second grade had more backing than I was ready to admit.

With a slight smile playing on my lips I got up from the floor and went on the

hunt for clothes.

I couldn't see any items of clothing lying around in the front room, same as in

the room I had spent the last night in, so the bedroom was my best guess. While

I ventured in there I wondered if that night had been the prelude for what was

about to come if he really intended to keep his hands off me for a month, or for

the next year. At the thought of being reduced to just his student my throat

tightened for a moment but I forced myself to see the ups of that. No more being

tied for hours, no more pain to be endured at least every second day, no more

waking to his snoring in the middle of the night, or returning to him being

awake and full of mischief should I have to relieve my bladder before morning

dawned. All these arguments seemed quite hollow even to me, yet it was the only

thing I had left, so I held on to it.

The bedroom was a mess, so to say. Everything we had taken with us for our

journey lay on floor and bed, and the sheets were rumpled, with one pillow and a

blanket lying on the far side of the room under one of the windows. I didn't

even think about cleaning up, just bend down to fetch one of the new garments he

had purchased for me. It was a grey tunic-like dress, reminding me of the other

one I had already worn, only that it had short sleeves and was of a thicker

fabric. It was still too thin to wear outside at this time of the year, but

considering the heat that had built up in the front room I opted for wearing it

rather than one of my old dresses. Before putting it on I struggled into one of

my bodices that had the strings up in front so I didn't have to strain my aching

shoulders any more than absolutely necessary.

Next was the slip, but when I pushed it up to my crotch my pussy began to hurt

even more. I thought about that for a moment, then slipped out of the panties

and dropped them on the floor, wriggling into the dress without wearing my

underwear. There would be no one to appreciate it anyway, and if it spared me

some pain I could well do without it.

I was about to go back to the front room when my eyes fell on the chest where he

kept all his paraphernalia in. The lid stood partly open, and a length of

discarded rope hung out. In all the time I had been with Tane he had always kept

the chest locked so I had never had the possibility of getting a good look at

it. As he had never been shy about using a lot of things on me I reckoned that

there couldn't be much that I didn't know of, but my curiosity was up

nevertheless. It couldn't hurt to reaffirm my guesses.

I looked around cautiously, listening to any sounds hinting at his return, but

didn't hear or see anything, and wouldn't for hours, as I added to myself. With

two swift steps I was in front of the chest and slowly knelt down to keep my

balance as good as possible with a minimum of pain. The chest swung open without

a sound when I pushed back the heavy lid.

Inside I found meters of rope and leather straps heaped in a tangle. As there

was blood on the ropes I reckoned that at least some of it had been in use in

the last days. Without fidgeting with the knots I reached down into the chest

and heaved the whole bundle of restraints out to let it flop down on the floor

beside me. As there was no apparent order in it he would never realize that I

had shifted his priced possessions around. Underneath lay the three smaller

whips and the two floggers, next to his two wooden pricks. Apart from that the

chest was empty.

I hadn't really thought to find something new, yet it still disappointed me. He

could at least have done me the favour of hiding something from me. I was about

to return the ropes to the chest and close it again when something caught my

eye. The floor board of the chest was not a plane, but had a piece missing at

one corner. I hunched down over the chest to get a better look. Indeed, in one

corner there was a hole, but I couldn't see the planks of the floor through it.

It was just dark there. With growing anticipation I reached down and slid two

fingers through the hole, gently tugging at the boards. For a moment nothing

happened, then the wood slid away without much effort.

Instantly I was excited about that hidden compartment but forced myself to calm

down again. With slow and deliberate movements I picked up the things that lay

above the false floor board and laid them to my right before reaching down once

more to withdraw the false floor. What lay underneath made me furrow my brows

for a moment.

Inside were several items, but from the look of the broken leather and the dull

wood they had to be much older than the other things. I slowly trailed my

fingers over the thing that lay on top, a leather collar with four rings

attached at the outside, three in the middle and one near the buckle. Hesitantly

I picked it up to examine it closer. The marks in the leather indicated where

the buckle had closed the collar, and when I clipped it shut for a moment I was

astonished at the girth that the loop provided. Next I checked the two wrist

cuffs that were of equally old but still intact thick leather. They also showed

signs of heavy use but were big enough that I could move my fist through them

without problems even when closed at the tightest hole.

Still I couldn't make much sense of all this, so I laid the cuffs down next to

me and withdrew the last item. It was a kind of leather harness, consisting of

several adjustable straps with a really huge cock made of light wood, adorned

with vicious knobs, attached at the front. Contrary to the collar and cuffs the

straps of the harness seemed to provide for someone of rather my size. And then

it hit me what all of this meant.

For a moment I stared down at the thing in my hand, nearly having to fight the

urge to throw it back into the chest. The harness was evidently sized to fit

around a woman's thighs and behind, while the cuffs and collar were made for a

man who was well above average body size. If you added the apparent age of these

things there was only one solution. The only thing that bugged me a bit was the

fact that Tane had kept all these things.

I tried to think of the few things he had told be about his past, before he had

been free to venture on his own. More specific the time he had spent at the

mercy of the caring Lathea and that second woman whose name I didn't even know.

I had always thought that he had attained his bulk of muscle afterwards, but

judging from the size of the restraints I began to doubt that. I knew fully well

what kind of side effects even Tane's admittedly tame methods had on my body, so

it was possible that his body had evolved from the lean boy to the muscled man

during that time if only encouraged a bit. I didn't know much about Lathea, but

she looked like a woman who appreciated a firm, well-trained body under her

hands. But that still didn't explain why he kept all this. Maybe some weird

sense of nostalgia?

Once more I looked at the harness that still rested in my hands. I didn't even

want to think about what such a monster of a prick could cause. Even without the

adornments it would have been far too big for my vagina, let alone my ass, but

from the signs of wear it must have been an often used toy. I could only shudder

with the thoughts of that. A strange kind of sympathy began to well up inside of

me, accompanied by understanding. At least it explained some things, if not all.

Apart from the fact that he still kept these souvenirs of the time where he had

been solely on the receiving end of inflicting pain, but I chose to ignore that

question, at least for now. I knew that I would never ask him about what I had

discovered here, as I was sure that he wouldn't be comfortable at all with me

knowing about it. With a last sigh I began to replace everything, paying

attention to return everything to its proper place. There was no use in letting

him know that I had been a bit too curious.


The rest of the day I spent in the living room, sitting in one of the padded

chairs and reading in one of his books. At first I had never paid much attention

to the books as they seemed all so useless, but during the long nights of winter

I had discovered that there were some useful details written down in them. Tane

had recommended me a bunch of them, even stacking them on a separate shelf so I

wouldn't have to search for them if interest struck me. Over the last weeks I

had even been able to learn some things for practical use out of the yellowed

pages. For today I settled on a tractate about the fine use of fire if

controlled properly, although my first guess had been the one about attack and

active defence, yet I didn't want to threaten the precarious peace that had

settled over the hut again.

Tane didn't show up until late in the evening, just when I was about to go to

bed. He went straight by me without even ignoring my presence and disappeared

into the bedroom. I only frowned but thought it wise to retreat to my lone room

to be out of his range if he chose to come to his senses. I was just about to

fall asleep when the door to my room was forcefully opened and he looked inside,

seemingly taken aback by my early retreat to bed. The next moment any puzzlement

was gone, and instead a certain kind of glee settled on his features.

"Take a guess what I've been doing all day long?" Judging from the way he smelt,

of ale and sweat, I would have judged the place he had done whatever to be the

inside an old barrel of liquor, but I chose to only gaze at him in bewilderment. "I

have no cue, but I guess you're about to enlighten me?" His grin only broadened

while he gripped on hard to the doorframe for support. "Remember the two girls

from the tavern we were staying in?" I just nodded, not wanting to encourage his

tale, yet somehow already knowing what was to come. "I fucked them. Both. Several

times. The whole day through. And they begged me not to leave them, but I had to,

telling them that my worthless student would sooner or later torch everything as she

was too useless for anything, even letting me fuck her."

He might have expected this to hurt me, but the way he was behaving I was only

too grateful to have him out of my bed for the night. Of course I felt a certain

kind of pain, maybe even a bit of jealousy, but I was not about to dwell on

these feelings. Instead I just smiled, hoping that in his state he wouldn't be

able to judge if the smile was true or not. "Good to hear that you've had a nice

day. Planning on visiting them soon, again? Maybe you could bring them some

gifts, you know, some girls just love to receive gifts."

He just stared at me, now with open surprise and not trying to hide it. That of

all things told me how off he really was. "You're not jealous?" I shook my head,

now really being able to grin in earnest. "No, really not. I'm happy that you've

had a nice day out, relishing the finer things of life. Those girls were surely

more experienced than I in providing for your pleasure." Still he didn't get the

hint, so I gave up. If he didn't understand me telling him to his face that I

didn't care if he frequented the services of two whores there was nothing left

to say.

Apparently he came to the same decision, if from another angle, and only nodded,

looking quite dumbfounded. "If you think so ... rest well." With that he left,

and I was kind of relieved to be on my own again. If this went on like that I

would have to look for a solution, but somehow I had the impression that he had

only done that to bug me. Or at least that had been a minor motif. If he had

done it just to satisfy his lust he wouldn't have drunk so much, and wouldn't

have told me. Hopefully he would cease with that soon, but somehow I doubted it.

The next day he spent the time until midday in his room, and when he finally did

come out he seemed to be battling a major hangover. Although he interrupted my

brooding with his presence I put the best mood I could muster on display and

cheerfully chatted about this and that, succeeding only in driving him off the

hut once more, most likely into the willing arms of his two southern whores.

Just as well for me, at least then I had the house for myself and him not there

to constantly remind him why sitting down was still a matter of gritting my

teeth and biting down on my lip.

He didn't return until the evening of the next day, shortly after sundown. I had

already started to worry by then, but when he finally came in I scolded myself

for these useless thoughts. He was perfectly capable of looking out for himself,

same as me. There was food for about two weeks in the hut, and if things really

got bad I could always journey to the next village, or even make my way back to

the Academy in Midriver.

Once again he told me about his hours with the girls, this time more detailed

and with less ale slurring his speech, but I didn't pay his words much heed. He

tried to vex me, and for once I wouldn't let him have the better of me. With the

pain still adamant whenever I moved it was not too hard to swallow the bile that

was about to rise in my throat and just keep on smiling. He even let me the

satisfaction of showing me how much it vexed him that I seemingly didn't mind.

Yet I was sure that he would think of something else until finding something

with which I couldn't live.

On the forth morning of your new arrangements we both had breakfast together,

and even talked about some trivial matters. He stayed as calm and frozen as I

tried to be, so there was not much of a conversation running, but I had the

certain feeling that things were about to slowly settle back to normal.

After cleaning up he bade me a good day, adding that he was going once more to

Mendala, but this time to settle things at the training facility of the mages,

where I had been for the testing only one week ago. I wondered what these things

could possibly be, but didn't ask, as he seemed intent on leaving as soon as


In his absence I began my study of the book concerning the possible uses of

elemental fire magic in combat. He hadn't shown any interest in what I did

during the day, so I reckoned that he wouldn't mind if I read that particular

book. Unlike many of the others it offered quite concrete ideas how to manage

several of the spells described over the pages, but I decided to wait for Tane

to return before I began to study these in earnest. There was simply no sense in

burning down everything around me without having someone handy who might

put the flames out again.

It was already late afternoon when I was about to tear myself from my reading

and make some supper when I heard something outside, a strange sound that

somehow unnerved me, but I couldn't put a finger on what it was. Then it sounded

again. A woman's laughter.

I was scowling before I could get a better hold on my temper and tried to calm

down once more. Was he now bringing his whores up to his bedroom, or did we have

a guest? Either notion seemed likely, and I didn't know which I'd prefer. Yet

before I could decide how to react should either possibility turn out true the

door opened and let Tane and the source of that laughter in. One look was enough

to discard the idea of her being one of the mages, but I wasn't sure if that

meant for her to be a whore.

She was a bit younger as I myself, with long silken blond hair cascading down her

chest and back and a body most women, maybe myself included, would kill to have.

Yet the look she shot me out of her baby blue eyes was one of such innocence

that I instantly doubted that she had even once thought about offering her

favours for money. So who was she, and what was she doing here?

While she smiled at me Tane shut the door behind her and smirked. That

alone told me more than most tales might have, and I instantly blanked out any

emotions that might have been showing on my face and forced a polite smile on my

lips. The girl stepped towards me but hesitated a moment when I slowly rose to

my feet. "Chelsea, this is my other student, Jeanne. Jeanne, this is Chelsea."

Other student? What the heck was this all about?

Before I could think about that in earnest Chelsea basically launched herself at

me, hugging me in an embrace as if we had been friends for life. "I'm so glad to

finally meet you, Tane has told me a lot about you, and I'm really happy to

learn with someone who has already accomplished that much as you have." She

beamed at me, and now it was really hard not to frown. I couldn't tell for sure,

but from the genuine way she smiled and talked it slowly dawned on me that our

little Chelsea wasn't the brightest cup in the board. Still I smiled and offered a

polite "Nice to meet you, too." before I was the one who seemed a bit dim.

After that brief introduction that didn't tell me a thing Tane set about the

task of showing Chelsea around. I bothered myself with beginning to prepare the

supper I had intended to cook before the two had shown up. His voice was muffled

when they moved to the back rooms of the house, but Tane made quite sure that I

could hear him explaining about "Jeanne's room" and "the bedroom". About that

time I decided for myself that Chelsea wasn't here to learn, just to be his toy

and a constant reminder for myself of what I missed. I somehow began to pity

her, yet that was not enough to let me like her. For all my life I had hated

girls like her, so just knowing what might be in store for her didn't change


During supper my worst suspicion turned out to be true. Chelsea was as dim as a

piece of wood and ever so cheerful that my dislike for her only worsened. She

tried to strike up a conversation with me, but I simply couldn't force myself to

smile at her all the time and do more than nod at her stupid comments. Still it

was enough to make her happy. All the while Tane regarded me with a constant

smirk on his face that only turned into a benevolent smile when Chelsea looked

at him. I might have been naive when I came up here, but she was beyond that by


After finishing the meal Tane began to gently coax her towards the bedroom, and

I just wished them both a good night. I stayed up for another hour or so, trying

to concentrate on my reading, but it was simply not possible. Finally I gave up

and went to bed. No suspicious noises came out of the next room, but I guessed

that the hour had been enough to exhaust the girl beyond all limits. I somehow

felt pity for her again, but it was her problem, not mine. I had already been

through all of this.

In the morning I was up early as I could no longer stand to stay in bed. A

certain kind of anxiety had taken hold of me and I simply couldn't stay lying

down in bed. I even went so far to clean the kitchen because of lack of anything

else to do. Soon I heard someone going around the back rooms, and in no time

Tane and Chelsea turned up. I had expected her to look at me in a queer fashion

at least, and be somehow limited in her abilities to move, but the contrary

seemed to be fact. During breakfast I got a good look on her wrists and bare

ankles under the table. No signs of anything. There were also no other signs of

abuse or exhaustion on her, and that made me wonder a lot. What had they been

doing in the bedroom? Until now there had barely a day passed without me

carrying something with me out of the feathers. Still I didn't ask or mention

anything, and did my best to ignore Tane's smirks.

As soon as I had finished my bread I went outside to resume reading lying in the

lengthening grass and letting the warm sun beat down on my body. This time of

the year it was still a bit chilly but freezing outside was still better than

having to bear that stupid bitch.

I hadn't been able to read more than two pages when Tane and his new pet came

outside and went for the caves. After deciding that he had only been lenient the

first night I tried to reassure myself that she would get exactly the same

treatment as I had half a year ago, and that this was none of my business. Still

I was quite disappointed when they came back two hours later, both laughing and

chatting amiably, to go back inside. As the front room was unoccupied ten

minutes later I reckoned that they had retired again. Now she would be in for

some serious trouble.

In the evening I was forced to postpone my observations for another day -

Chelsea was still in too good a mood. Once again I stayed up late, but this time

couldn't hold my curiosity back. When I went outside to relief my bladder for

the night I silently went around the house to get a peek inside the bedroom from

outside. Mind me, I'm really not the type to just watch, but I simply had to

know what was going on here. Maybe she was so into it that she didn't mind

hurting all over the next day?

As I had feared my suspicions were only confirmed by what I saw. Oh, they did

have sex, alright, and he did his best to bounce her around with her atop him,

but there were no conspiratory straps or ropes lying around, and the candles all

looked freshly ignited with no spilled wax anywhere. I was quite disappointed

and my ego got a mighty damper. Just because she was having the body of a

goddess she deserved to be treated like a normal human being, while I had to be

tied up every night and tortured more often than not? Something was awfully

wrong around here.

I couldn't get much sleep that night because of my railing mind. I was just

happy that I had still many hours to go until morning or I would have been at

Tane's throat the moment his smirk fell on me. So I just stared up at the

ceiling and fumed. This all had to be the next part of his plan to humiliate me

and make me back down. He must be guessing on me observing them and did his best

to show me how well he could behave. Even the knowledge of what lay in the

hidden compartment of the chest couldn't change my mood to the better. Right now

I really loathed him.

The second reason why I couldn't fall asleep where the healing welts on my body.

I was used to sleeping naked, but alone without someone to cuddle with it got

quite cold during the night, so I had tried to sleep with my clothes on, but

that had only made me itch far too much to get some rest. When I finally

undressed I flopped down on the bed to force my body to prepare for the night,

but somehow I couldn't keep my hands still.

As I had nothing better to do apart from fuming, which could be done at the same

time, I once more explored my body, gently feeling around for still sore places

on my skin. I wasn't used to welts staying for that long a time, but that had to

result from not being exposed to his healing touch. Right now my wounded pride

was rather comfortable with the ache if that meant staying away from Tane, but

it was simply inconvenient.

Far too soon I had prodded nearly every welt I could find and I had to admit

that in a day or two they all would be gone without leaving a trace. The

branding mark on my arm had also quieted down and only hurt when my touch got a

bit too insistent, and if the skin where it had been tattooed had ever itched or

pricked I had never known it, thanks to Tane's care. So there was only my clit

left, the only source of discomfort I could clearly define.

Softly I let my fingers wander over my outer pussy lips, stroking the flesh as

if that could distract me form what there was to come. When I put a hesitant

finger over my clit, feeling along the exit marks of the ring I inhaled sharply.

It was not that excruciating pain that I had felt before, but it still hurt. The

flesh around felt a bit puffy although I wasn't aroused, but only hurt when I

tried to move the ring a bit. Not wanting to torment myself without good reason

I stopped, returning with my finger to gently stroke over my clit. A weird

sensation began to bundle up in my lower reaches when I continued stroking. It

hurt, but it was an enticing kind of hurt, and soon pleasure began to seep in.

My arousal began to rise, but then fell again, for a moment making it impossible

to touch my clit. It had become oversensitive as if manipulated for quite a long

time, yet I only felt frustration welling up inside. It shouldn't be this way.

The pain I could block out, but I should be able to make myself cum without

problems when I stroked my clit.

For a moment tears welled up in my eyes and I had to fight them down. I still

didn't know why exactly he had done that to me. I guess I could have found out

by now if I hadn't kicked him in the first place, but as that was only

rhetorical thinking I tried to push these thoughts out of my head. Maybe it was

just temporarily, and would return to normal all too soon if I could just wait.

Oh please.


I got grumpier as the days wore on. After one week of having Chelsea around and

still not finding any hints at Tane playing anything but Tane I quit eating my

meals with the two of them and spent most of my time outside or in my room.

Chelsea was too dumb to take that for unusual behaviour, and Tane seemed to

think it a sort of victory. I chose to ignore both, and instead practiced how to

conjure up greater balls of fire with better aim that could well be used as

means for mass destruction, if used properly. Most of the time I got so angry

that instead of flames only small puffs appeared in the air, but I still kept


It was a rather cloudy day, and I was just about to let a new fire ball flop

from my palm when a familiar whooshing sounded over the meadow behind me. A bit

surprised I turned around, flames still dancing over my hand, to see a lone

figure step through a portal that promptly closed itself after admitting her

here. Only when she walked up towards me I recognized Lathea.

For once the woman was wearing a rather normal outfit if considered by her

standards, as she was clad in a man's shirt and pants, with sturdy boots to

complete the outfit. A bright smile danced over her face and made me a bit

suspicious. If I didn't know who she was I would have said she was happy to see

me, but knowing her background and past I couldn't fight down the uneasy feeling

that began to re-establish itself in my stomach. It cost me a lot to let go of

the flames and extinguish the fire that was dancing above my palm.

Lathea stopped a good distance away from me, near enough to make conversation

easy, yet giving me enough space not to feel crowded. Now I saw that she carried

a package in one hand, but I forced my eyes to stay at her face as a kind of

precaution. This way I could at least tell myself that I would see it coming if

she decided to do something to threaten me.

Although she must have seen my unease the woman continued to smile, not a

malicious grin but the kind of smile you directed at a good friend. "It's good

to see you, Jeanne. How are you doing?" Her tone was friendly and open, same as

her body language, but that somehow only made me even tenser. My reply came out

quite clipped. "Just fine, and you?" For a moment there was something in her

eyes, but it disappeared before I could decipher its meaning. "I can't complain.

Thanks for asking."

For a moment I considered if that had been irony or if there was more behind it,

but I couldn't think of any hidden meanings. So I just looked at her, with

Lathea smiling back. After about ten seconds I was tense as a strung bowstring

and couldn't hold it any longer. "What are you doing here? You of all people?" I

sounded suspicious but also bewildered, and the sincerity of that near-outburst

widened Lathea's smile.

"I'm just here for a short talk, and as I'm considered dispensable in the

training grounds, so they sent me. Maybe also because I know Tane and my mere

presence makes him go nearly insane, but that was merely a side effect." She

grinned for a moment, then sobered when I continued frowning.

"Here, that's for you. Elana sent me to bring it here to hand it to you." I just

stared at the small package she offered me, then took it and removed the paper

wrapping around it. Inside was a small leather-bound book, filled with the neat

handwriting of a woman. "Who's Elana?" Slowly my curiosity began to overwhelm my

fear, and I even dared to briefly skim through the pages of the book. Long

passages were interspaced with illustrations that didn't make any sense at the

first gaze.

Lathea blinked for a moment as if it amazed her that I didn't know who said

Elana was. "She's a mage down at the training grounds. You met her at the tests.

She was the one to fetch you for the duel. A bit older, gaunt, with long greying

hair, easy smile." Now I remembered the woman, and chided myself for not even

asking her of her name. When Lathea saw the recognition in my eyes she

continued. "She was amazed about your potential and wanted to ask if you were

interested in learning some things additional to your primary abilities.

Although she's a mage she has quite some knowledge equal the one of a

sorcerer, and she's a good friend of mine. Don't let that bug you, she's also a

good friend of Tane, I should add. She told me that she researched some things

and wrote them down for you, to raise your interest. She also added a tutorial

in how to teleport yourself from here down to Mendala, or any other place you've

already been to. She reckoned that Tane wouldn't show you until later in your

studies. She would be happy to at least talk to you, even if you refused her

help. She's really a nice person."

I was quite taken aback by Lathea's explanation and just stared down on the

book. I hadn't thought that anyone would care that much about me. When I looked

up at Lathea once more she had resumed her smile. Somehow I began to suspect

that it was real. Feeling like a dumb ox to only stand there and stare at her I

sighed briefly and shook my head. "Thank you, I'll consider it." Then I stopped

to think once more. It would surely bug Tane if I ventured away on my own, even

if it was just for a nice chat with Elana. "Forget that, I'll drop by as soon as

I get a feel on how this teleporting works." That only earned me an even brighter


Then something else occurred to me, and the frown returned to my forehead.

"Please excuse my curiosity, but are you able to use magic on your own?" Lathea

only smiled at my disbelieving tone. "No, as far as magic goes I'm as unable to

work with it as the next stone. Elana provided me with this." She showed me a

small stone that was covered with strange symbols. "I don't know what it really

is, but it's some kind of enchantment that enables me to teleport between here

and the training grounds. She wisely gave it to me as she thought that Tane

might not be too enticed with the idea of opening a portal for me." Lathea

grinned briefly, and I nearly returned that gesture at her mocking tone. Could

it be possible that I began to like her?

Before silence could settle once more between us, she went on. "Speaking of him,

where is Tane anyway?" My mood dropped instantly, and it must have shown on my

face because Lathea's brows began to rise a bit. "Having trouble with him?" Her

tone puzzled me a bit, mainly because she sounded concerned. I hurried to wipe

any emotions from my face and shook my head. "No trouble. He's in the house."

Just that moment, as if fate had decided to work against me, Chelsea cried out

inside the bedroom, making me first flinch and then sigh, with my hand rubbing

over my eyes in a weary gesture. When I opened them once more I saw Lathea

frowning in the general direction of the house. After a slightly irritated blink

her gaze went back to me. "Chelsea?"

I nodded, only then wondering if it was common knowledge what was going on here.

"Do you know her?" Lathea shook her head but still looked a bit confused. "Know

would be too much, I saw her back at the training grounds last week. Is she

really that stupid as she seems?" The sheer disbelief in the woman's voice made

me grin in spite of myself, and somehow like her even more. "She's worse. I

would have killed her by now if I had to have to be around here more often. But

I don't get to see her much, same as I don't have to grovel in Tane's all so

mighty presence."

Lathea returned my grin at the irony in my words. She really seemed quite

amused. "You don't strike me as one to do much grovelling. At least not without

kicking him the moment he lets his guards down." Her smile was just too knowing,

and I felt a mixture of frustration and shame rise up inside of me. "So that's

common knowledge by now?"

The woman hurried to remove the beginning smirk from her face and shook her

head. "No. But I had a talk with Lezaro today when he got wind of me getting up

here." She paused a moment, evidently giving me the time to think of the

implication of that. I waited for her to make some acidic remarks, but was being

disappointed when a look of real concern manifested itself on her features. "Are

you still hurting?" I thought about that and decided to deny it. Yet when I

shook my head Lathea frowned. "Don't lie to me, I can see that you still tread

rather lightly." Bile rose in my throat, mainly because I once again got angry

with what Tane had done to me, but before some of that could show on my face I

cleared my throat. "I meant that the consequences I had to suffer from the kick

don't ale me any longer."

Lathea blinked again, seemingly a bit taken aback at getting a clear answer from

me. Then her easy smile returned. "You also don't strike me as the woman to

dwell on things she's gotten over with. Excuse my tactlessness, but I've been in

the business a bit too long not to see when someone is in pain." For a moment

her smile got a darker quality, but when she went on it was normal again.

"Lezaro bid me to express his sincere regret for what he did. He just didn't

dare speak up to one of the most dangerous sorcerers that keep visiting our

grounds." I just nodded. "Tell him to forget it, I don't bear him a grudge. I

know who's to blame for my discomforts. I guess I should rather be grateful for

him knowing his work the way he does."

Again Lathea seemed to hesitate, and the thought crossed my mind that just maybe

she was about to rethink her opinion about me, the same as I did with her.

Still, her next sentence made me wonder. "Yet if you think that there might

arise some complications like inflammation or something, don't hesitate to drop

by me when you come to Mendala. I know quite a lot about any kinds of wounds,

and about anatomy, too. Comes with the job I reckon." In spite of myself I had

to smile again, and seeing her looking a bit relieved only deepened it. "Thanks

for the offer; I might get back to it." Lathea just nodded, evidently pleased

with me acting sensibly.

I sighed once again and decided to test just how reasonable my attempt at

rethinking my attitude towards her was. "Can I ask you something?" Lathea

nodded, looking quite interested. "Are you only acting right now to later get a

better chance to somehow get back at Tane, or just plain annoy or hurt me, or

are you really not all that ... horrible?" I waited for her to at least reel at

that, but Lathea only smiled in a rather affectionate way, as if I had just

complemented her on something. Maybe I had.

"I don't know how much Tane ever told you about me, but I guess he was not too

fond about getting into detail. But I never had any intentions about hurting him

in any way after our ways parted. And although it might sound strange, I think

that deep down inside of him he doesn't hate me all that much. He's mainly

putting on a show for the audience whenever we meet. Unlike his attitude towards

Drake, that's pure and real hate. I don't know if you believe me, but I somehow

like you; you are a young confident woman who has a lot of courage and strength

of character, and I value that in others. I would understand it if you were not

to trust me because of my occasional pastimes, but I regard you as someone

capable of standing above such unimportant details."

Now I didn't know if I'd ever be able to regard torturing someone as an

unimportant detail, because that had to be the pastime activity she talked

about, but there was something in her that made me believe her. Only then I

realized that in some ways Lathea and Tane were a bit alike. Perhaps her way of

handling things had rubbed off on him; they both seemed to value truth over

tactful excuses. Even if I sometimes hated Tane for never even bending reality

to be nice I began to value that trait, too. So I just nodded, and even managed

a smile, slight yet sincere. "I don't know if I'll manage just that, but I have

a high tolerance of ignorance. Although certain people are developing a

magnificent ability of wearing that down." I just glanced at the house behind

me, but that was enough to send Lathea snickering.

When she sobered again a slight twinkle stayed in her eyes. "Just don't let him

bug you too much. I know Tane quite well, and even if he has changed over the

last ten years, I'm sure that he just wants to irritate you, maybe even drive

you insane, but the way he behaved when I saw the two of you together told me

that he really likes you. He wouldn't really try to mentally destroy you, that's

just not like him."

I just wished I had her confidence, and when she heard me sigh again Lathea

frowned. "You not convinced of that?" For a moment I thought about making an

excuse, but then I decided to give trusting her a try. There couldn't go much

wrong, and suddenly I felt the need to simply voice my concerns.

"I know, this might sound stupid, but somehow ... I don't know how much you know

about his habits regarding sex. Maybe I shouldn't even talk about it to you, but

can I trust you keeping this confidential?" Lathea nodded without hesitation. "I

won't tell anyone if you want it to stay secret, and I won't even use it against

him." I nodded, and then talked on. "You know, he simply loves to tie me down.

It can get quite rough between us, sometimes, and more than once I thought I

couldn't stand him any longer, but somehow I like it." I waited for her to make

a stupid comment, or just smirk, but Lathea stayed neutral. Yet she seemed to

realize the reason for my pause and just shrugged. "There's nothing wrong with

liking that. I of all people should understand that. I surely am at least

halfway blameable for his tastes."

I don't know why, but her answer kind of made me relax again, and so I went on.

"Now since after I kicked him we didn't have sex anymore, and that's just okay

with me. I'm still too sore and don't want to risk anything." Lathea seemed to

understand exactly what I meant and just waited for me to continue. "I don't

mind him sleeping with other women, what he did for two days. But with Chelsea

all of this is different ..." I let that hang in the air, thinking about how to

explain it.

"Jealous?" Lathea's tone was somewhere between amiable and ironic, yet

good-natured, and made me grin while I shook my head. "No, not really. I know

that she's just here because he thinks he can annoy the hell out of me with her

presence, and although I hate to admit it, it works. But not because he seems to

fuck with her two thirds of the day, but because that's all he does, nothing

more." Lathea eyed me askance, and after another sigh I explained. "He just

fucks her, but never ties her up, never whips her, he doesn't even seem to get

rough with her, the way she moves afterwards."

For a moment Lathea looked a bit taken aback, then her smile returned. "You

checked on them?" Instantly colour began to rise in my cheeks, and I couldn't

fight the embarrassment down. "Only once, to be sure. But don't get this wrong,

I'm not the kind to ..." Lathea stopped me with a full-hearted laugh. "Stop

defending yourself, I really don't mind. I just couldn't resist that." Another

thing Tane seemed to have adopted from her. Knowing fully well that it would

only get worse if I tried to explain again I let it at that. "And this really

bugs me. It's not as if I would hate her that much to wish her to be tormented

the same way as I, and I'm sure that what I liked deep down inside would just be

torture for her. But it somehow bothers me. With me he couldn't even once

refrain from it, and with her it doesn't matter?"

More frustration leaked into my voice than I had intended, but Lathea chose to

ignore that for my benefit. "I guess he knows that you know that?" I just

nodded. "So it's just another thing to get you mad at him. I wouldn't bother too

much if I were you, even although I know how stupid that sounds. Sooner or later

he will get so bored that he can't go along with that any longer, and in no time

he'll be in your bed again." I shared a knowing smile with Lathea, and for the

first time since Chelsea had come here I felt calm again.

With that settled I honestly didn't know what to say anymore, and chose to get

back to my initial question, her reasons for coming here. "Shall I fetch Tane?

I'm sure he'll be outside in under ten seconds when I tell him that you're

here." Lathea laughed but shook her head. "No need for that. Just tell him I

said hello, that will surely vex him enough."

While I thought of something else to say Lathea briefly studied the position of

the sun in the sky. "I'll better go now. I'll have a lesson soon, and I don't

want to keep my pupils waiting for too long." When she saw my astonished look

she explained. "I'm in charge of teaching a class of fighters how to get the

better of their opponents in a hand-to-hand fight. It's basically watching a

horde of young athletic men beat at each other while sweating from the heat and

exhaustion. Just too delicious." She smirked for a moment. "You're invited to

drop by when you get down for a talk with Elana. I'm sure you'd also appreciate

that sight." I allowed myself a smile, and then nodded. "Maybe I'll get back to

that, too."

Lathea then took her leave, and after saying good bye I turned to go up to the

hut once more. Even before I heard the portal swoosh closed behind her the door

opened and Tane, only clad in his pants, looked out at the meadow. I guess he

didn't get a look at Lathea herself, but he evidently noticed the portal, and

his eyes narrowed instantly. When his gaze dropped to me I was all jovial

innocence, what didn't exactly lighten his mood. "Someone was here?"

I couldn't keep a slight smirk off my face, mainly because I suddenly felt the

desperation and frustration of the last days being lifted from me. So it was not

too hard to look happy. "Yes." He apparently waited for me to go on, but I just

looked at him, until he nearly went for my throat. "And who was it, if you'd be

so kind to tell me?" I made a show of averting my eyes but had to keep a tight

control on the upraising laugh inside of me. "Lathea dropped by for a chat."

Tane's eyes widened, yet instead of getting angry he paled visibly. It somehow

confirmed a thing or two Lathea had told me. It took him about five seconds to

regain his bearings, and when his eyes focused on me again the anger came

seeping in. "And why didn't you fetch me, then?" Now my smirk couldn't be

mistaken for anything else. "Did I say she was here to see you?" Before he could

reel at that I added a curt, "And you've been quite busy anyway, at least it

sounded as if you were." That stopped him cold in his tracks, another reaction I

hadn't anticipated. Maybe I should invite Lathea up here more often if she

really proved to be sensible.

Before either Tane or I could talk on, Chelsea appeared behind him, only clad in

a sheet she had wrapped around her body. Once again I gave her a fast all-over

to check for any suspicious marks, but her flesh was still unblemished. For once

that didn't even bother me all that much, and I began to believe that the short

conversation with Lathea had done a great deal to nullify Tane's latest effort

to get back at me. It really amazed me how fast things could change.

Even someone as stupid as Chelsea must have been able to sense the tension in

the air, because she eyed me quite quizzically. "Is something not okay? I

thought I heard shouting out here." That girl really didn't know what shouting

meant if she regarded our conversation as just that. We hadn't even had time to

build up the required rage to start getting ugly. As always I just smiled at her

bleakly, and went inside. Tane didn't move a muscle to hinder me, but when I

settled down on the table he and Chelsea went out towards the caves. This was

just as well with me as that would mean at least one hour of not being disturbed

by either of them.

Later that evening Tane still treaded lightly around me, or rather didn't coax

me every moment we were in the same room. I didn't really try to test if that

was true or if he was just plain tired, and hurried to retire to my room to get

on reading Elana's notes. Lathea's brief visit had shown me that I didn't need

much to regain my senses, only some time off from wondering what Tane and

Chelsea were doing at this very moment. If I really managed to learn how to

teleport myself to Mendala I would find lots of possibilities for distraction,

only another reason to look forward to get done with reading. Maybe I wouldn't

be able to learn much from the mages down there, but it at least offered some

kind of distraction, and I was intent to use everything what I could get my

hands on. The fact that it would vex Tane immensely only added up to everything.

Caught Fire

Part 7

By Dari

Although I quickly agreed with myself that now that I might have the key to getting back at Tane in my hands, provided Elanas book could teach me anything, the first thing I did after Tanes disappearance into the caves was to hide the thin volume in my room, safely under one of the wooden bars on which my mattress lay. It was not my intention to hide much from him, but as I couldnt say how he would react to the independence that might stem from the knowledge hidden in these pages I wanted to acquire it first on my own before bringing it to his notice.

Apparently my worry was for naught again, as Tane and his burden returned refreshed and seemingly invigorated from the caves, and if Tanes smile was still a bit haughty I reckoned it was from him brooding over my conversation with Lathea, and nothing else. So once again I did my best to act forcefully nice towards Chelsea, although today it was really hard to keep this up. Yet for the first time since she had arrived here it was not overtly difficult to tolerate her. The hidden book seemed to beckon to me like water to a nearly starved man, and everything else was dull and easy to ignore.

Tane didnt even seem to be suspicious when I retreated early to my room, as I hadnt stayed up with them during the last week, but rather took my leave, whether being to the outside or my small cot. Back inside my room I forced myself to continue reading in the book I had studied for the last two days should Tane drop in uninvited, but soon I heard the door of the bedroom slam shut, with occasional muffled giggles from Chelsea sounding through the wall that separated the two rooms. I took that for a sure sign that both of them were occupied, and went to study my newly received treasure.

All too soon my euphoria dimmed when I realized that even the invocation for the portal that Elana described as “a basics for first-year students to learn with ease” was anything but similar to what I had read in the sorcerer magic books that Tane had stacked on his shelves. To me the detailed directions on how to move both hands and chant the correct words with the correct intonation just seemed strange, and couldnt possibly result in anything useful. I even went so far to go outside and try everything on the spot, unhindered by the fact that it was in the darkest hours of the night. As I had anticipated, nothing happened, not even a familiar tingling in the air that I knew so well from failed fire balls.

After that I decided to wait for the next day and get some rest, but as always when you are agitated about something and want to sleep it over, sleep is a far way from coming. So I spent another night fuming and staring at the dark ceiling overhead, as I had done the previous nights, only for a different reason. Yet I was still determined to work this out of my own, and confront Tane only with the facts once I had managed this obstacle. Even if it took me a year.

In the wee hours of dawn sleep finally got the better of me, and I dozed uneasily until a horrible ruckus from the direction of the living room brought me wide awake. With my heart hammering in my chest I stormed across the hallway connecting the sleeping quarters with the front room, unconscious of the fact that I had preferred to sleep unencumbered of any clothes that might rub on my nearly faded welts and marks. But right then this fact never even crossed my mind.

I threw open the door to the living room so that it banged on the wall behind it, and stepped into the room, a flaming sphere dancing over my right hand. The scene before me was nearly enough for me to accidentally throw it even though I had only let it appear out of some unconscious notion. Our normally so large seeming living room was crowded with people, at least compared to our normal quiet three people household. The terrible noise that had brought me awake had stemmed from Chelsea toppling over our stock of pens and kettles when our visitors appeared.

I couldnt hold that against her, not really, when my gaze drifted over said visitors. I only knew two of them, but the sight of Drake and Anthony, backed by a squad of armed warriors, would probably have had the same effect on me had I been rummaging through the cupboards in her place. Only that now they werent staring at her doing her best to ruin our inventory, but at me, coming to her aid like the impersonated fiery goddess of revenge. Lacking proper attire included.

Suddenly the heat emanating from my ball of fire was nothing to the heat creeping up on my face, and the shame mingling with the adrenaline in my body cut my grasp on the elements. With a nearly inaudible sizzle the fire went out, and left me naked in a room full of apparently dangerous man with the knowledge that I wouldnt be able to summon even a spark before I calmed down again. Now thats a nice way to start your day.

My mind was so cramped with shame that I never even thought of Tanes whereabouts, and suddenly the only thing important was to first get something to put on, and second, get out of here. That this might only be possible in the other direction was beyond me, but it didnt matter when I back-pedalled into the hallway and flung myself into my room. Apparently both Drake and Anthony had been at least as astonished of the sight I must have been, as no bonds of air had formed around me or the door, and I made my way safely into my room, and even into the discarded dress on the floor before I heard anything coming from the others. Only when I was halfway trough the window in my room the peculiar silence in the other room got through my tangled nerves, but was still beyond comprehension.

Loosing my grip on myself and my mind took its toll all too soon when I was moving too uncoordinatedly while literally jumping through the window, as the hem of my dress caught on the sill, and sent me sprawling on the grass, with my head hitting the boards of the house on the way down. Searing pain lashed through my brain, and left me groaning with my arms cradled around my head while each frantic beat of my heart let the agony aflame anew. But it at least cleared my thoughts of anything else. It is always marvelling how easily the human mind steps over societys conventions when the own health is threatened.

Luckily my fall hadnt been enough for a concussion, but although it sobered me quite a bit I was still not quite myself, as I only became aware of the two approaching fighters when one of them leaned over me and gazed down with concern in his eyes. “Are you alright, maam?” I dont know what shocked me more, their presence or being betitled with maam. No one had ever maamed me before. Either I was getting old, or my performance had left that much of an impression. Although my vanity railed at it, I really hoped for the former, but feared the latter was true.

I tried to rise and tell him that I was okay, but the sudden movement seemed to split my head in two once more. With a stifled groan I pressed my hands to my skull, just hoping that the pain would lessen soon to clear my vision from the neon-coloured sparks dancing there. My misery seemed to be quite evidently, as they murmured some sympathetic words and left me to my discomfort.

Apparently the certain concussion wasnt so bad, as my stomach did not roil at the thought of getting up, and when my headache finally subsided to a low grumble behind my temple I managed to get up, with all the dignity I could muster, which wasnt much, but better than none. Any guile or smirk was invisible on the faces of the two soldiers, and when they asked me rather politely if I might go back into the house to speak with Drake I decided that they had either been outside when I made my great entry, or were very good liars. Given their age being about my own, or even beneath, I opted for the former. I complied without protest, walking as calm as possible towards certain doom once more.

When I re-entered the living room of the hut, things hadnt changed much during the last minutes. Chelsea was still having hysterics, now not at the cupboard but sitting down at one of the benches at the table, with a lot of quizzically-looking soldiers around her. Even Drake and Anthony kept eying her uneasily, as if they didnt know what to do with her. Too good for them that I provided a good means for distraction.

When I entered, both Anthony and Drake turned around, and within instants their frowns changed into more or less triumphant leers. I did my best to ignore that, trying to tell myself that it was simply their usual way to deal with me, but knowing better myself didnt help a lot. But at least I had my headache to keep myself busy and hopefully calm.

As always with people like Drake, he didnt let his pupil speak, but addressed me beforehand. “So nice of you to come talk to us, I hope your stay will be longer than the last.” I just blinked at his salacious smile, and went straight to business. “What do you want here?” I tried to stay calm, but my tone took on a slightly malicious quality.

The older sorcerer put on a look of mock hurt. “What, no delighted greetings, no jubilant exclamations of sincere gratitude that we break your bleak daily routine?” I just raised my eyebrows in retort, and repeated my question. “What do you want here?” This time minced with just a tad bit of impatience.

Either he hadnt really planned on playing games, or I had somewhere along the way left some positive impression, but Drake only sighed and answered without any further jabs. “Well, we came to pay you a visit. All of you, I might say, but I take it from your demeanour that Tane is not present?” I didnt exactly know what he meant with that, but chose to ignore it, for peaces sake.

“No, hes out, but tell me what you want, Im sure I can help you further.” At that his smirk returned, but he omitted any further comments. “Good, lets make it quick, we are here to bring Chelsea back to where she might actually be of use.” Apparently she wasnt that out of her mind as she had seemed to me, because at that Chelsea lifted her head and glowered at Drake before I could utter something to or against her defence. “Elana promised that I could at least stay half a year, without your stupid testing. You dont have the right to demand my return!”

Drake and Anthony seemed rather puzzled by her exclamation, and I had to say that it also surprised me. Not that I had thought listening and understanding her situation beyond her, but … well, I guess I really had. But still, I did not reckon her to understand the full scope of their intentions. Maybe I should have seen something like that coming and should have talked to her about her former education, but now it was evidently too late for that. And anyway, I was well beyond the point where I would have thought through all the possible consequences. More important right now was to get rid of Anthony and Drake alike.

While I still mused about all that, Anthony was quicker to recover, and to answer, too. He seemed to enjoy this a lot, although I doubted that it gave him his full satisfaction, as Tane likely was their real target, and with him being absent all this must have tasted rather bland. “Elana doesnt know everything. We talked to the headmaster, and he acceded with us that Drake would be the better teacher for you, and you could still take courses at the Academy.” Apparently her outburst had earned Chelsea the right to be addressed directly, but that didn`t change a thing about the whole situation.

A bit at a loss here, Chelsea did the only thing she might have seen as a loophole for her she looked at me for help. If she might have been just a little bit brighter, I would have been offended, but somehow I could understand her. She hadnt grasped the fact that for me she was more or less an intruder, or a hindrance at best. Not only did her mere presence shuttle away my teachers time and awareness for my own studies, both things that were not for my best, but also did she keep my place in his bed warm, whether or not she satisfied all his ilks. In this whole affair I alone stood to gain, and she didnt understand that, but wanted me to help her. But why should I?

And just in the instant when I wanted to speak up and tell Drake to take her, even literally if he wished so, and that this wasnt my cup of tea, I realized that Drake and Anthony both hadnt grasped the situation, either. For Tane alone they wouldnt have brought so many soldiers both of them together would have been able to subdue him before he could have caused too much damage for them to risk anything. I really didnt know what they thought, but it seemed to me that they were in the wrong impression that somehow this whole ménage a trios worked between Tane, Chelsea, and me without hindrance or jealousy, and that I would stand at her side and fight to my last breath to keep her safe. And, to be true, my performance just a little while ago must have affirmed all these fears of theirs.

This was all just too neat for me. On the one hand it was maybe the one chance how I could get back at Tane and cross his plans and get rid of Chelsea all in one motion, and not even be to blame for it, and on the other hand I couldnt possibly let it happen, as it would show weakness on our side, weakness that did exist to a great extend as Tane and I were not on good terms right now, but a weakness they didnt reckon with. And just for the sake of it, I couldnt let Anthony and Drake have their way.

So I more or less surprised myself when I cleared my throat, and stared challengingly at Drake who turned to me at the sound. “No, you will not take her with you. Bring the headmaster up here and we might discuss this matter, but I will not take your word in this. She is in good hands here, and is already learning fast, so why should we send her to you? There is no reason for that.” My, my, I just hoped that for once it wasnt as evident as usual that I was lying. Tane could always tell with me, but then he knew me quite a lot better than they did. And they were here on false presumptions, so strange behaviour in my eyes could be judged completely different by them.

Either it was that, or I really had learned to tell lies, because both reacted as I had anticipated not very amused. Yet this time it was Anthony who answered before his teacher could do so. “Oh yeah, learning? I can guess all right what she is leaning here. Might also have a lot to do with sweating, but surely because of an entirely different kind of heat.” I just ignored him, a thing that was not really all that difficult, and spoke on in a measured tone to Drake. “You see, now she is too disturbed by your whole … visit, but she really does know what shes about. You can take my word on it. And you know what Im capable of, and what I was shortly after I came up here to learn with Tane. Whatever your personal problems with him are, he is a good teacher, and the same as I earned second level in just under two thirds of a year, she will soon be someone to reckon with. Just bide your time, and leave us alone here.” The last sentence escaped with an underlying tone of malice, but not enough to call it a threat.

Drake didnt treat it as that, but just as what it was, a hilarious lie. After a significant glance at Chelsea he frowned back on me, but somehow the quality of his gaze had altered, taking on a dark hint of something I didnt really like. “Well, lets pretend you are right, although I doubt it, if she really was making progress, she would be good enough to pass the same entry test that you did after one week, am I right?” I nodded, a feeling of certain doom rising in my guts. “And you give your word on it?” Again a nod from my side, and before I could utter a protest about her current fearful state, Drake stalled me with a raised hand.

“I know, you already said that right now she is in no state of mind to do it. But if she were good enough now, she would be good enough next week, too, no?” Once more I nodded, willing myself to stay calm. Somehow I could already see where this was leading to. Drake only confirmed my suspicions when he continued. “So I say, we return next week, and test her, on your word. And as it is on your word, you will be responsible in part if she doesnt make it. Are you still so confident in her?”

I didnt need to look at Chelsea to know that her pleading look had returned to me, and the beginning smirk on Drakes face made denial harder than I would have thought before. But I was not yet ready to plunge into misery head first without staking out the limits beforehand. “So you say, if she messes up, that also means a mess up for me? To what consequences? I mean, I already earned second grade, you cannot simply throw me out the door, now can you?” At least I hoped that he could not. And as I was still not convinced that this matter had really passed the headmaster of the Academy, I opted me a good chance that the consequences wouldnt be dire in this way.

Apparently I had played right into Drakes hand, as he was smiling at me very benevolently, showing his teeth like a shark before the final bite. “Oh, lets call it something like a bet between the two of us. If she cannot prove her worth, she will come with us to learn at the Academy, and you might get a special lecture from me and Anthony. Something you wont forget so fast, but with no dire consequences.” In my mind I added shrewdly that it might just be something I was needing on another level, but I would never ever tell him that to the face, or admit it to Tane. I wouldnt go down within two weeks of ascetic life.

Again I looked over to where Chelsea sat, and then back to Drake. Suddenly, with the words spilt between us, the fear and disgust that had risen with the dread had evaporated, leaving me with a sense of gallowss humour. Although I might not really like what would be in store for me next week, and I was nearly certain that it would be this way, it could be a lot worse. And somewhere below all that musing was also a certain kind of malicious joy how Tane would react when I went willingly with Drake, even if it only were for a day or night. But there was still something to settle.

“And if she does prove to have learned, what will be your part in the wager?” Drake answered with his usual self-possessed grin. “Then Ill see this whole matter settled until both you and Chelsea have graduated, and will bother you no more with petty things like that.” I just raised an eyebrow in askance about the petty things, and why he was even here if he thought it petty, but chose to end this now, before anyone could escalate it again. “Just fine, so we have a bargain?” I had never before seen someone beam that brightly at me, and felt a little bit of dread return to my guts. But even if I had just then sealed my doom, I didnt have it in me to step back now.

After that everything went rather fast dishonest pleasantries were exchanged, and finally, after what seemed like days to me, Drake gathered his soldiers, and off they all went through a portal. The whooshing sound of the portal closing hadnt yet subsided when my body hit one of the chairs in front of the fireplaces, as all the muscles in me seemed to go slack all at once. I didnt even feel the silence that suddenly stood between me and Chelsea as anything unpleasant.

Just when I was about to turn my head and look in the general direction of the means of my doom, the door burst open, spilling Tane into the room. Judging from the emotions that nearly chased one another over his features, he had at least seen our visitors, or even spoken to them, although I didnt count on versed conversation. While I just stared at him as if he were some kind of apparition, Chelsea went into crying fits that were just this side of unbelievably staged.

A certain look of irritation went over Tanes features, and he took his time looking askance at me. I just shrugged, showing him that it was not that serious, and he went over to Chelsea to comfort her. Meanwhile I used the following minutes to gather my wits once more. What in three hells name had I been thinking? Why was I now laying my head on the executioners block, when he had messed up my life?

Chelsea took her time quieting down, and from the glances that Tane directed in my general direction it was way too long for him. I finally took pity in him and sat upright to signal a more regal state of mind. When he saw me looking at him, he frowned over Chelseas head at me.

“Just what happened here?” Somehow I had anticipated a certain degree of malice in his voice, either at me scaring Chelsea, or at the general presence of Drake on his grounds, but for once he just sounded seriously interested. That sort of left me with no concept for a cunning answer, leading to telling the plain truth. “Drake and Anthony were here, with a contingent of soldiers, to take her back to the Academy. I bargained it down to them returning next week. Shell stay if she manages the starting exam till then. If she doesnt make it, shes gone for good, and me too for a day or two.”

“What do you mean by a day or two”? A slight tick in the corner of his right eye betrayed Tanes nearly innocent question I guess he knew the answer already and just wanted a certain confirmation from me. Or he wanted to grind more salt into these already festering wounds. I just could not ignore that option, and together with my hurt pride concerning the last days, and my anger at my own stupidity, my answer came rather defiant. “Now what do you think Drake would want from me when he saw me keeping her from him by a straight lie to his face? What are you not about to give me?”

At that Tane remained strangely silent, and maybe even stilled bodily; I couldnt see that clearly as Chelsea was clinging to him like a drowning man to a straw. When her crying began to cease slowly, he finally hoisted her up in his arms, and murmured something to her about bringing her to bed. Just before he left towards the back rooms he mouthed something at me over her head. Maybe I was mistaken, but I was nearly sure that it was a silent “Im sorry.” I stared after them long past the door swinging shut, then vigorously shook myself and got up, with a slight jolt to my temples reminding me of my former exit. Better not to eat anything.

I went outside, when I finally felt the walls of the hut trying to close in around me. I usually don't suffer from claustrophobia, but right now I needed fresh air. That, and a shoulder to cry on, or at least someone to comfort me, but as usual during the last week Chelsea got both, and I none. I guess by now I should have felt at least a glimmer of hatred at her because of the situation I was in, or that I was about to find myself in rather soon, but apart from a certain numbness there was nothing about regret, or loss. I just felt a little drained, that was all.

Tane's whispered words had somehow undone me. I don't know why, but I had really believed him lost to my cause, or rather myself. But that evidently showed that he still cared - or was I still so besotted that I didn't see behind all this? Was I really in love with him?

The bang of the door of the hut in my back startled me nearly upright, and I felt a certain kind of dread rise inside of me when I saw Tane walking down through the grass. Apparently my unease must have stood plain on my features, as he slowed a few feet away from me, with a faltering frown on his face. During the last few days I had nearly never seen him smiling, and surely not at me, only hunting for pangs of pain in my eyes at Chelseas presence, or smirks directed at my general disposition. Now noting of that was visible, although I didn't know what to do with him.

Just like most of the time he took that decision from me and flopped down next to me, staring into the distance while I stared inquiringly at him. When he finally turned to face me, he did it with a heavy sigh. "So now we are where I never wanted us to be - where others make all the decisions for us." Frankly, I had anticipated something different from him, but I was not in the right mind to brake a fight, so I chose silence to be my answer.

When nothing came from me Tane sighed again, and went on. "I guess I cannot blame you for it." As always, my resolutions didn't hold for more than two seconds. "Blame me for what? In my eyes I'm to blame for nothing at all!" A slight smile brought a corner of his mouth upwards, as if it genuinely amused him when he brought me to raise my voice again. Maybe it really did. "Oh, well, you evidently let Drake bait you to do exactly what he wanted with extra juicy bits, and you know it." That only deserved a low growl from me, with the frustration rising that had been buried under tons of grief before. Yet before I could voice that all, Tane went on.

"I know, it would probably have ended even worse would I have been here. And we could have spared us this if I hadn't been so stubborn and been satisfied with paying you back that kick tenfold in the first place." To my surprise he really looked guilty, at least a little. "But that does not change a thing, now does it?" Just like him to destroy any sentimentality that might be building inside of me. But it at least left me with just the truth to say, without any attempts to turn it into something more pleasant. "Well, yes, it doesn't. But I'll be the only one to bear it, so why bother? You wanted me to rue my triumph seriously, and that I'm doing, or at least will be doing in a week's time. What's it to you?"

Even now, somewhat basking in my misery, it was a kind of dire satisfaction to see a brief spurt of hurt in his eyes. To be true, between us it had never been that way that I had always been meek and nice around him. About one third of the pains he had so succinctly dealt to my body had been somewhat provoked by me, be it by words or deeds. But now it was different. This time, maybe for the first time ever, my words had struck true. Whatever the reasons, he seemed genuinely sorry for ... well, I didn't know what exactly he was so sorry for, but in my current situation everything was better than nothing. Maybe not knowing for sure, too.

Nevertheless, he still wasn't at a loss of words, so he did answer after a long silence. "I don't know, maybe it's just that living together with you rather in harmony for the better part of a year has made me quite fond of you." Coming from a man who had never said anything about his feeling for me, but never been short to praise my bodily advantages, that sounded rather strangely like something I was not sure I wanted to ever hear, but at least not now. So I chose to bring the topic back to our, or rather, my problem, to avoid any further confessions.

"So what are we going to do about it? I guess it's a waste of time to try to teach her anything in under a week, even if we take turns trying to explain or show her anything?" A bit taken aback by my change of subject, Tane took his time answering. "Technically she could learn something, but I don't think that we would accomplish enough to satisfy anyone. I mean, you were about to get a knack on it yourself when you came here, she's about two years away from that. I guess she couldn't even save herself if her life depended on it." It is always good to get some confirmations about your own abilities, even in retrospective, but right now I would have preferred it the other way round.

But somehow that was not really all that bothered me. But it was hard to ask the next question, harder than I would have anticipated it. "And do you want her to pass that test? Do you want her to stay?" I left the last part that came to my mind, do you want me to go, unsaid, but I guess I couldn't keep the question out of my eyes, as Tane's sigh came heavy again while he was searching for an answer. That alone was more than I wanted to hear. When he finally spoke, a new kind of numbness began to spread through me, letting something drown in me that I hadn't known existed.

"I honestly don't know. As a pupil she would likely drive me crazy in a month's time, but as a woman ..." I just wished he hadn't put it so plain, but I had asked him directly, and it wasn't his way to talk around a subject without answering it to the point. The helpless look in his eyes made it just a little worse, but not enough not to bear it anymore.

Suddenly I wished that it would already be next week so I would have something to take my mind off this conversation, and maybe a chance to bodily purge me from my misery, but right now my life wasn't running to my favour. Maybe it was for the better, too. And as the silence between the two of us grew heavier by the moment, I chose to break it with the first thing that came to my mind. "Maybe we can bargain it down to something that Drake can accept and still leave her here."

Tane must really be somewhat besotted with her, as he just looked at me in a bewildered way, not questioning my motifs at all. "And what do you propose?" That I would keep to myself, I decided, at least for now, and provided just the basic details I might need for it to work. "Well, if she could somehow learn enough to show a certain potential for further learning, or if you could stage that, it might be enough to satisfy the official part of his inquiry. Concerning the rest, I guess we'll find something, and if not, he might want something we are right now not thinking about. Do you think it might work?"

He seemed to ponder that for a few minutes, then nodded. "Maybe. But I don't know if we will be willing to provide what he might ask for." If I was not too wrong about Drake, that should not be an option with my proposition, but I opted to remain silent and let that be answer enough. Seemingly that was the case as Tane just nodded, and remained silent thereafter.

Even through the numbness in me a kind of restlessness began to surface, and just sitting in the grass became more tedious from minute to minute. Finally I could hold still no longer and got up, to make a show of stretching myself before looking down at Tane. "So I guess we should at least try to get her to throw sparks around, now shouldn't we?" I hadn't intended it, but somehow my tone grew a little bit sharp, making Tane's brows draw together. "I guess you wouldn't reckon it, but I already tried during the last days, as I anticipated something like that." And just like him to leave us just when disaster was about to happen. Yet I was still too disturbed to rise to that bait, and just shrugged. "Maybe I should try it, too. I mean it's just half a year ago since I learned to summon fire at any time, I still remember how it was before. I might just be able to explain it to her. And we are both girls, and there are some things that only girls can learn from one another, if you understand what I mean." I just had to say that, even if it angered him. And somehow I hoped that I was right.


This afternoon, and the six following days, proved me wrong. Between the two of us Tane and me did our best to explain things to Chelsea that seemed as foreign to her as flying. We accomplished nothing, at least concerning her progress. What I did manage was getting her to grow fond and attached to me. Even if my mood was never better than indifferent, and often laced with anger and frustration, she saw something like a kind elder sister in me. But that didn't do a thing to lighten the thunderclouds that seemed to follow me around the whole day and night through. And it only grew worse when Tane didn't make any attempts to talk to me again, or make some advances towards me. Either I had really lost his favour, or he thought it still inappropriate in every way.

The only thing positive about the whole thing was that my futile teachings got me so out of my mind that when I tried Elana's portal spell on the last evening before my certain doom, it worked on the first attempt. It left me gaping at the moonlight streaked hills where I had lived my childhood, and long after the portal had closed itself I realized that this way I would at least be able to flee whatever I would submit myself to in the morning. Provided I would be able to reopen that portal again, but somehow I didn't doubt myself or the provided bleakness and desperation that had made it work this time. Desperation I could muster enough for everything, right now.

I didn't sleep at all this night, and more than once I was about to pack my scarce belongings and run away on the spot. Yet every time I was about to get up, the last vestiges of my pride held me back. So the new day dawned with me being afraid, tired and desperate all at the same time. All too soon I heard Tane and Chelsea in the next room, and instantly chose to flee at least my room and the hut. Without eating breakfast I sat down on the meadows well away out of earshot of the hut, and waited. For what exactly I waited I did not know, but I didn't want to hear Tane and Chelsea say good-bye to one another. Even freezing to death out here in the cool morning breeze was better than staying inside with them only a room away.

When the sun hit the horizon well away from our high mountain range, a portal buzzed open only a few meters away from my place. Dread instantly choked me, but lessened when the portal closed itself after emitting only one slight figure. Elana took her time orienting herself, and when she saw me sitting in the grass a benevolent if sad smile came to her face and lit her cunning eyes. "My dear, what are you doing out here in the cold? Even in Mendala it is cold these mornings, but here it must still be freezing!" Judging form the last patches of snow that still littered the meadows she must have been right, but I couldn't care less. Still, her concern warmed something inside of me, and when I got up and went to greet her I did it smiling.

"Oh, I'm used to it by now. And it is good to see you here. But what brings you this early, and why alone? Won't the others come soon?" I didn't dare hope that Drake somehow had let this certain chance to bug us pass, and her sadly shaking her head negated that without words. "I wanted to be here to check on the situation beforehand, and maybe lend a helping hand." At that I just frowned. "She hasn't made any progress, and only a miracle might help us now." I sounded as doubtful as I felt myself, but Elana only smiled benevolently. "As I said, I came to help. Miracles I cannot provide, but maybe a little ... head start."

Now that really made me frown. I hadn't expected something like that from her - if anyone of the mages I knew was respectable, it was her. "Are you suggesting cheating?" Elana just laughed, and I guess it was solely to the benefit of my doubtful tone. "Oh, I wouldn't call it cheating. I'm just trying to avoid a complete disaster!" She chuckled, but sobered all too soon. "Child, I cannot promise anything, and even if it works and no one suspects a thing, I fear that I will not be able to deflect everything. Where there is no spark, no wildfire can erupt."

But even that was more than I had hoped for only minutes ago, and Elana seemed relieved when I mustered a small smile. "I guess if you can manage her just doing anything, as small as it might be, it would be enough. Let me bear the consequences of my rash tongue, but she has not deserved to suffer for mere ignorance."

In the knowing eyes of the older woman before me I could see that she did understand my words in every meaning there could be, but she didn't say anything to that, but just nodded. "Whatever you believe stands before you I cannot lessen for you, but believe me, if you got well along with Tane, Drake will not be your undoing. Even if he might bear you a grudge, he cannot break any conventions we keep at the Academy, or his status is forfeit, and I do not think that any amount of his pride or anger would justify that. I don't know if it helps you, but Lathea bade me to tell you that she will keep an eye on you, and stop anything that she judges to break the bonds of your bet." Apparently everyone knew about our little bet, and also the stakes. Maybe it said something about me, but that didn't really bother me. Rather the contrary.

I just nodded my thanks, and then pointed towards the hut. "We might as well get up there and things going, before the others arrive. I really don't want this chance to elude me." Elana nodded, and off we went. The front room of the hut was still unoccupied, so I sighed and then raised my voice to call for Tane. Within two minutes all four of us sat at the kitchen table, and the old mage told us about her plan. In the beginning Tane seemed rather doubtful, but soon Elana had persuaded him that her plan would work.

Maybe "plan" was a little bit much to describe the small enchantment she placed around Chelsea's left hand. After two tries the young woman was able to set it off, and a small cloud of sparks emitted from her fingers. It was not even enough to singe the fine hairs on her hand, but we could only hope that it would work under stress. But even I had to grant Chelsea that she wasn't as dumb as she pretended to be. She wasn't much brighter, either, but I was sure that she would manage it. Now the only thing we could hope for was that nobody detected the enchantment in the first place.

As she did not want to raise Drake's suspicion, Elana returned to Mendala long before the commission could gather there and set out to our home. This way it left us with another hour to ponder our fears. I still had no mind to eat breakfast, but prepared a simple milk soup for Tane and Chelsea. Maybe she would just choke on it and rid me of my problem. But of course she did not, and all too soon we could hear a portal being opened outside, and went to greet our visitors.

This time Drake had opted to leave his warriors behind, but was not accompanied by two mages as he had been at my test a scarce year ago, but by six, two of them being sorcerers. Apart from him I only recognized Avelas and Elana, both of them giving me a strange sort of good feeling about this, but the others all looked stern and forbidding, as if this whole matter was below their dignity. For once, I could understand that, although it stemmed from another reason. I guess even my third level test would not have led them to different expressions.

Drake and Tane exchanged their usual pleasantries, meaning snarls and jabs, without much ado. Meanwhile Anthony chose to leer at me, but a certain calm slowly settled over me as the things I had dreaded so much during the last hours slowly set into motion. I was feeling like a small leaf in the wind - unable to control my fate further, but knowing that whatever might come it would not be my certain doom, as I had still believed last week. Anthony didn't realize my attitude, but Drake did. Before his banter with Tane could get out of hand, he stopped it by simply ignoring my teacher, and instead turned to talk to me.

"If I didn't know it better, I would say you look as if the whole thing wouldn't concern you in the least. Have you found a loophole in our agreement that I should be aware of?" I blinked briefly, as if his comment had startled me, and decided to play my hidden cards before anyone could uncover them for me. "If you please, I'd like to have a word with you, alone."

I don't know who looked more taken aback, Drake or Tane, who tried to look questioningly at me without anyone else seeing it. I opted for ignoring him, as there was no way of telling him why I did this without telling him everything, and the last thing I needed was his pride blowing my game. But although he was astonished, Drake nodded, and together with walked a few meters until we were out of earshot of the others.

When he turned to me he was about to get a similar leer as Anthony on his features, and surely let some comments emphasize it, but I forestalled this by a rather harsh declaration. "Please can this crap, you are just undermining your credibility. I'm fully aware of your attitude towards Tane, and I also know what I have to offer what might be worth staring at, so for once let us talk like two responsible adults." Again surprise crossed his features, but it left him stern and concentrated, bidding me with a nod to continue.

I inhaled noisily, trying to summon the courage needed for my undertakings. "Look, we both know that Chelsea is a lame duck, and why ever Tane is so besotted with her, I am not letting her be my ruin." Drake raised his eyebrows in acted concern. "So now you are afraid of the stakes for you in our bet?" I wanted to answer quickly, but nearly choked on the words. So I inhaled once again and closed my eyes briefly. "No. Certainly not." With that I opened them again and stared him right in the eyes. "Just whatever will happen during this test, leave her here. She won't pass it with enough breathing space for me to be out of your dept, that I know, and I will come with you, even willingly and with only small reluctance." I had more or less anticipated a sly remark coming from him, but he only frowned a bit, nearly good-naturedly. Somehow this all was beginning to freak me out, but just because it was getting stranger by the minute.

"Why are you looking at me this way?" Drake blinked briefly, then let the frown disappear. "Well, I guess I just realized that I did you a favour with the bet, not the intended contrary, but nevertheless must have driven Tane nearly insane, judging from the stares he directs at us, and by that I mean not only me." Now it was my turn to look surprised, and when I turned my head to look back at the others, I could only confirm Drake's observation. "There are many things that drive him mad, most related to you." This time he really chuckled, but no real malice shone in his eyes. "That is not for me to answer. But you evidently avoid commenting on my former reflection."

I had to fight down colour creeping up my face, but was sure to be at a loss there. "Yes, you might just have done me a favour, of sorts. But why are you astonished about it? I mean, nearly everyone knows about Tane's tastes, why is it so farfetched that I might share some aspects of them?" The sorcerer just shrugged. "That is not really what bothers me. I just didn't think that my former pupil has been so successful in driving a wedge between the two of you by bringing the girl here. I did not reckon him stupid enough to make you glad to leave him."

I frowned again, but didn't utter another word. For me, there was nothing left to say to this topic. Drake apparently recognized my attitude, and went on. "So more or less, whatever she does, or does not accomplish, you will come with me, and won't try to bail yourself out of our bargain any other way?" I nodded, although the lump was back in my throat. Seeing everything settled, Drake turned around and walked back to the others, with me trailing behind several steps.

To my gratitude, Drake's demeanour changed the moment he was again within earshot, bantering with Anthony, angering Tane, scaring Chelsea, and so on. I just ignored most of the things that went on around me, which was not particularly hard because I felt numb enough that our little staged show did not really awaken my interest - and as Drake had already agreed to let any possible result count, it did not really matter anyway.

Still, Chelsea did a good job in finally setting the hidden enchantment off, and apart from Tane and Elana the others looked as interested as I was myself. With this settled, the assembled mages and sorcerers turned to go. Before Tane could intervene anyhow, Drake beckoned me rather friendly, to Anthony's clear displeasure, to accompany him, but it would have been too easy if Tane wouldn't have tried to cross my plans somehow. Maybe he really thought I needed his rescue, but when he held me back with one hand at my shoulder I just turned and stared right at him.

"Please let me go. You've taken enough from me, at least let me take my own decisions and leave me the last vestiges of my honour!" I had lowered my voice to a low hiss, but I was nearly sure that most of the onlookers would have heard me if they only wanted. This did not seem to bother him, as he neither let go of me, nor spoke on in a low voice. "You really don't have to go with him, we'll find a way around it." Although a slight note of pleading went with his tone, his voice was strangely cold, but then he always acted strange around his former teacher. Right now I was in no mood to let him mess this up.

"I don't mind what you think, now let go of me. I made the decision, and I will stand up to my word." Tane's eyes narrowed at my tone, and his grip on my shoulder only hardened. "No, I will not let you walk into your doom just because of your stupidity and stubbornness!" His fingers nearly dug painfully into my shoulder, but when I tried to wrench free he still didn't let go. "I warn you, leave me be!" Now I was the one to spew poison at him, but he still only glowered at me. This was the moment when I finally realized that he did not do it to save me, but just because he found the thought that his pupil would run off to his declared enemies unbearable. It was just for his own sake that he wanted me to stay here, and not because of me. This hurt nearly as much as seeing him swoon over Chelsea. And it fuelled equal amounts of anger.

"Now let me go or you'll regret it!" With that I tore free, on the same time bringing my other arm around and summoning flames over my palm, holding the medium sized ball of fire before his face. Tane took several steps back as if I had already launched my missile, and looked balefully at me. He did not even seem to battle with his feelings for me, but saw me lost to his egoistical cause the moment I turned from him. That realization went like a shock through me, extinguishing the flames all by itself.

For another ten heartbeats I stared at him, then turned commentless around and walked up to where Drake was waiting for me. Amusement danced around the corners of his mouth, but he remained silent. Only Anthony, looking a bit dumbfounded, opened his mouth to say something, but Drake shushed him with a mere look. Without further invitation I stepped through the already summoned portal, feeling again like I left my whole life behind myself.

The portal opened to the great square inside the entry halls of the Academy grounds in Mendala. The last time I had been here seemed like last year, but it had only been a few days. Somehow that made me feel a little doleful - things had been better then, or so I had believed. I just hadn't known what might be the consequences for my actions, but to be true, I would kick Tane surely again if I had the chance. I very much wanted to kick him right now.

The other mages and sorcerers quickly went their way, even Elana after a last glance at me, for which I was rather grateful. Somehow the whole thing with the bet was very humiliating, even though it was less so than the others might believe. But there are some things where it is simply impossible to see them in a positive light. This was one of them. I would make the best out of it, but in the end it remained a remainder for my own stupidity.

Again Anthony tried to coax me, but as before Drake very efficiently intercepted this with a growled remark, and off we went through the halls to Drake's private quarters. Once again I was feeling a little light-headed, and even if I had tried, which I did not, I would not have seen much of my surroundings. Maybe there would come a day when I would be granted to look at the interior of the Academy with open eyes and mind, but surely not today. My mind was simply railing too much.

It took our small party rather long to get to our destination, as Drake's quarters were situated at the opposite end of the complex. In passing he told me that most of the other mages and sorcerers lived near the library, but as he seldom needed books for study he had opted to live near the storerooms where only few people went every week, to grant undisturbed working conditions. He couldn't really keep from smirking a little but then, but I did not hold it against him. Tane's hut also was not exactly inside the bustle of a village.

Thinking about Tane automatically tightened my throat considerably, so I tried to ban him from my thoughts. Maybe I had made a mistake in nearly attacking him, but then everything could have reverted back to normal by the time I got back to him again. Considering the mood swings during the last days this was not entirely impossible - at least if Chelsea somehow grew horns and flew away. At least I was sure to have something to take my mind off this matter before me for a rather lengthy time.

When we finally arrived at his quarters, Drake opened the heavy oak door for me and bid me formally to enter his home. I just raised my brows in question, and entered. Inside, I began to wonder why Tane lived in a small, spartanical hut if other sorcerers could live in quarters like these.

From my point of view I could only see the large entry hall, and archways to two rooms leading opposite and to my left away from here. The sandstone blocks on the floor were partly obscured by intricately patterned carpets, and a few pictures lined the walls. Plants were arranged together with scarce sofas all over the place, and moderately filled bookshelves lined the walls. It all had an air of understated luxury, and was strangely homely, too. From the room that led away opposite of the entrance door, I could see more couches for reclining, a small table and chairs for dining, and a huge sunny balcony that seemed to open into lush gardens.

Drake left me enough time to admire his home, then bid me to follow him, and went into the room to the left. This one looked more like a study, with two large desks, and bookshelves from floor to ceiling, most of which were filled with scrolls. The same as in the entrance hall, all visible wood was of a deep, lush mahogany. Without stopping Drake went on into the next room, apparently the anteroom to the two sleeping quarters. The room was not particularly large, and looked even smaller because the side that would lead towards the living room was occupied by a large flight of stairs. Without hesitation Drake went below, with Anthony and me trailing in his wake.

Below was only one room, about half the size of the entrance hall, with no door towards the stairs, and only a curtain obliterated what lay beyond. I nearly winced when suddenly candles and torches all over the room burst into flame, casting the room into eerie light. Drake just looked enquiringly at me. "Are you not able to alight that many candles at once, that it bothers you when I do so?" I shook my head, but as this clearly did not answer his question correctly, I spoke after casting another futile look around. This was a dungeon. A real dungeon.

"We don't have that many candles up at the hut, but I am sure that would I know where they all stand I would be able to ignite them without a second guess." Bringing out a coherent sentence was rather difficult, as my mind needed several moments to grasp what my first impression meant, and that was far more impressive as Drake's little show. The whole chamber was stacked with what I might refer to as tools, although I could not really be bothered to determine the exact use for all of them. To sum it up, it might best be described as a place for torment and pain, but I was willing to bet a lot that it was more frequently used as a pleasure chamber than an interrogation room. I could just hope that I would not find out the use of some of the more dangerously looking objects.

What I could definitely put a use to was a whipping post at the end of the room, several racks for being tied down in various degrees of discomfort and suspension, and an oddly out of place looking armchair that I thought was not really for the comfort of the one to visit the other attractions around the room. There were also a lot of supplies visible, ranging from ropes to whips and floggers, and several other paraphernalia of the trade. It all let my mouth go dry, my knees go week, and my pussy wet.

I guess I could be happy that my lie a week ago had worked, because judging from Drake's smug grin my thoughts were readily displayed on my face. To be true, even if I had deemed it important I would not have been able to hide my feelings, but as he had surely not brought me down here just to talk, he could as well know that I was not only feeling unease creeping up my spine.

I was just about to offer some words of admiration for the assembled collection before me, when Anthony finally could no longer keep his mouth shut, and ruined the whole situation. "Now what is this all about? Are we gonna fuck her, or just stand around the whole day through?" For a moment, Drake's face looked like a solid mask, before anger broke over his features. When he spoke, it was in clipped tones, with malice seeping in underneath. "It is my place to decide here, and if you cannot rein in your temperament, you might as well go do something useful, like study the whole day in the library."

I just blinked, being a little surprised that he spoke with his pupil as if he were an unruly child, not a sorcerer of the second grade, and a nearly grown man, too. Apparently Anthony thought along the same lines as I, because now it was his gaze that heated up. "Oh, come on, it's the sole purpose she's here, why stall if we can have her now? I'm sure she doesn't mind, she likely wants to run back to her saviour as fast as possible. And it's the only use she will ever be to anyone, so why not take the chance now?" For a moment it looked as if Drake might get even more angry, but suddenly his face froze up again, making him somehow look very alike Tane.

"Anthony, sometimes you are a dumb as a stone. If you cannot even judge a possible ally if you see one, I should just let you have your way with her, and brush down your ashes two minutes later. Now go be useless somewhere else, and don't return until evening. I will explain it to you then, if you don't have the whit to recognize it yourself." This time there came no retort from the pupil, who just stared balefully at me for a moment, and was gone for good after a short murmur that did not entirely sound friendly to my ears. About ten seconds later the door to the outer hallways banged shut loudly.

Drake emitted a sound of pure annoyance, before turning back to me. Seeing my somewhat wary look, he briefly grunted. "Sometimes he still acts like a child. Apparently a trait that most of my pupils never loose. I guess you know behaviour like that quite well." He chuckled when I just stared at him, and folded his arms before his chest. "Now before we get to the juicy details and the fun, we should have a talk. Opposed to my former view of you, you have been acting rather sensible today, so it gives me hope that you are not yet a lost cause." I just blinked at the comment, wondering if it was a compliment or not. When there came no answer from me, Drake went on.

"You see, I am not the monster Tane has likely let you think I am, and if I want to, I can be as sensible as the next person. Now tell me again why you are here, and don't say because of loosing the bet. Why the bargain, and why the willingness?" I took my time answering, and when I finally spoke up my voice sounded nearly normal, although I felt quite nervous.

"I could just say because of this room, but I guess you want some more civilized answer." For that I gained a chuckle and a small smile. "So let me take a guess - the walls are talking around here sometimes, and gossips spreads faster than a wildfire. You have fallen from grace, and been replaced by that miserable excuse for something pretending to be a woman, and the ascetic life is not yours to enjoy. And suddenly you realize that there is more to it than just the attraction of her boobs, and cannot stand being rejected, so you do the first thing that comes to your mind to hurt him back, and welcome the possibility to come to me."

Again I nodded, even if I would not have put it quite this way, and not quite so frankly, either. Drake just seemed more amused by the minute. "So as I already said, I unwillingly did you a favour." "A favour yes, but one I'm willing to pay for, if you might accept it." I tried to put a little suggestive attenuation to my tone, but as I knew myself likely failed. The sorcerer just scratched his chin, and leered a bit, as if to answer my advance this way. "Very well, I'm happy to give you a tour through my little chamber here, and rest assured, tomorrow no one will be able to say that you not fulfilled your side of the bargain, as it will likely be visible on your body and in the way you are likely not able to act as if nothing happened. If you want that to be everything, we will conclude our deal, and declare things settled between the two of us."

That sounded very much like an invitation for more. "And what if not?" For that I got a sincere smile. "Well, apart from being a woman with bodily needs you are a young sorceress prior to coming into her full abilities. Tane might be able to teach you a lot, but I've had twenty years longer to learn than he had, and there are things he might likely not teach you out of some sentimental fear that they might corrupt you, that I am very willing to let you decide for yourself if you want to know them. And if you feel the need for some distraction, you will always be welcome down here."

The whole thing did not really surprise me, but in the contrary made me somewhat suspicious. "Two weeks ago at my test you looked as if you'd give anything to see me burn, as the pupil of your opponent, and now you offer me your knowledge and expertise? Don't you think this strange?" Drake just shrugged. "Last year at your initial test I thought you were ... let's stick to no pretence, I though you were just Tane's fuckmeat. He never before accepted female pupils, and you are not a hag to be only judged by her abilities, so it was the thing that seemed most plausible. And call me childish, I like to spoil Tane's stupid games. At the test two weeks ago I still reckoned you as someone like your dear Chelsea, that's why I put Anthony at your trail - to mock your teacher, and to show you that there is no place in our community for you."

He paused briefly, as if his words needed emphasis, before speaking on. "But you proved yourself capable, and not only that, regarding the short time period of your study you show a lot of talent. After the test I was willing to leave it at casual pranks, but when Lathea told me last week that Tane was direly neglecting your training, if not you yourself, I decided to cross his plans once more. If it left me with you at my mercy instead of his bed, and as my prospective pupil, all the better."

Now it was my time to contemplate this for a while, and when I answered, I began to feel slightly light-headed. "So you really meant your offer about teaching me?" Drake confirmed it with a nod. "Yes, and as there are a lot of other capable people around here - or rather a lot of people and some of whom are capable, you can always go pestering them if I feel like they could teach you something useful. This is the second-greatest magical academy in the land, so why should we keep our pupils confined to small houses in the middle of nowhere? And as you are already quite versed in the ways of defence, I might also send you on small errands, so that you won't get bored sitting around here all the time."

It just sounded too good to be true, and when I told him exactly that, Drake laughed out loud. "Then don't let this chance pass you by. I mean, no one forces you to continue your training anyway, so why bother? Just do what you like." That made me somewhat be taken aback. "What do you mean by that?" "By what?" My frown deepened. "That no one forces me to continue learning. I'm only second grade, not yet finished with my training." The sorcerer looked a little dumbfounded.

"Now did Tane never tell you that after mastering the first level, you are free to go and study on wherever and whenever you like?" I only shook my head, feeling a little bewildered, with a certain degree of despair rising inside of me. Not only had be kept me locked away and used be, but never told me that there would be so many alternatives around for me. And I had been bothered about Elana sending me her book of spells. I would have had every right to visit her myself, had I just known it.

Apparently some of my feelings showed on my face, because Drake clicked his tongue in an annoyed way. "Now don't rue any missed chances, it is just over two weeks that your so happy life got ruined, and the same time span that you could have ventured out on your own. And in one point I have to agree with Tane, with someone who shows potential, it is always best to continue your apprenticeship before strolling off into the wilds. And Tane has suffered enough because of his former ignorance, so blame him for betraying you but not for omitting these details." Again something that got me thinking. "So he left before finishing?"

Bewilderment briefly crossed Drake's face, before he smoothened out his features again. "Oh yes, or would you think that someone as innate to magic as Lathea would have overpowered a sorcerer of the final grade? Not even the most powerful potions can keep a fully trained sorcerer from his element for long. But he was only second grade, and not good at his defensive spells, so things went the way they did. I guess that was one little detail he omitted when telling you his sad, sad story. I guess he also did not tell you that he afterwards begged me to continue his training, on his knees, and only hates me now because I denied his plea because of his former insolence."

Of course this made sense. Nevertheless, it cast many things I had heard over the last year into a truly different light, including Tane, and also Lathea. Still, even if I was more than ready to take everything for granted right now that cast my teacher into a bad light, I could not believe that he had lied that much about everything to me. It was even possible that both versions of the same facts were true, as contradictory as they might seem at the first look. But right now I was really not in the mood to rack my brains about Tanes past. My present seemed far more important.

“Well, thank you for telling me all this but it is not the reason why I am here, now, is it?” The sorcerers face lit a bit up when my voice took on a slightly throaty tone, but the smile he granted me was nearly benevolent. “I guess keeping you up in conversation without perspective of anything splendidly corporeal happening to you soon might well be the worst kind of torture you will likely meet here today.” I couldnt help smirking a bit. “Might just be right. So what do you have in mind?” I could just hope that he either did not hear the tremble in my voice, or judged it for the anticipation that it was.

Before Drake might have acted like a prick towards me, but now he revealed himself to be of a quick wit when it came to seeing through schemes. “Just to the point, I value that when it comes to important things.” He briefly scratched his chin, then extended one hand to encompass the whole room within the gesture. “If you want to, I can give you a detailed tour through my little playing room, but I prefer showing by using, and as we have roughly 24 hours of time, I guess we will get through all the major attractions. Is that okay with you?”

Once again my mouth was going dry, so I just nodded. Drake did not linger on that, but went on with a more serious tone. “You see, I will take great care that nothing seriously dangerous will happen to you here, as I hope that you might somewhat enjoy your stay with me, and return presently, but for today, as sort of a punishment for your loosing your bet I would like you not to have a saveword to use, so that you have to trust me. Can you abide to that?”

Fear began to quench my stomach and heart, but I quickly fought it down. I had until now never used a saveword, and the times when I had been near using it Tane had always told me afterwards that it had been quite apparent how far he could have gone, or if I had been at the end of my capabilities. But that had been after nearly half a year of playing together. Drake and me had been nearly enemies hours before, so unconditional trust came slowly, and very grudgingly.

Seeming my hesitation, the sorcerer spread his hands in an assuaging way. “Of course I will do my best to keep you near, but still far away, from needing such precautions. And should there be some emergency, like cramping or a fit of uncontrollable panic, rest assured that I will instantly stop with whatever I am doing, and release you. It is just my way of getting back at you directly, thinking of outwitting me.” His deep smile was as teasing as his words, and somehow broke the fear in me a bit. “Ok, I guess I can always incinerate everything around me anyway, so I can well manage without a saveword.” At that he just smirked. “Trying it again, hm?” That needed no answer, and also got none.

Drake just went on after making sure that I had nothing to add. “As another condition I want your permission to leave marks on your body. Nothing permanent, but with enough impression that Tane will be hard pressed to ignore it.” I blinked briefly, before shrugging. “Well, I generally dont mind marks as long as they fade with time. You surely have more detailed visions of that?” Somehow I got the impression that Drake was already enjoying himself, as he looked like a sated cat lying in the sun.

“Oh, I thought about spanking you long and hard enough to leave your ass and thighs in red stripes, if you can stand it even with some longer lasting slight injuries that will keep you from sitting for a while. Id also like to tie you up about two hours before you leave again, releasing you just beforehand, so that there are rope marks on your ankles and wrists. And I guess Ill also find something for your breasts, should he want to check there.” I couldnt help blushing a bit while Drake elaborated his plans, much to his apparent delight. Still, he went on without comment.

“If everything works out fine, and mind you, only if you can find some appeal in it, Id like to do a short rape scene with you and rough you up a bit. Should you desire me calling for additional backup, that should also not be a problem.” This made me blink, before I could even look surprised or disdained. Of course I had been fantasizing about being forced into sex against my will, I guess that comes with my lifestyle, but never with a concrete idea of making it real. When I spoke, there was an audible tremble in my voice that could not entirely be due to anticipation.

“Just define rough me up and backup?” Somehow I waited for a smirk, but Drake stayed honestly neutral with a hint at concern and understanding should I decline. “With backup I meant that it might appeal to you to be taken and used not only by me, but by several men. There is a certain group of young recruits here that have a favour for this kind of play, and play only I mean, who have already done things like that, and show quite some experience and efficiency. I guess they would be quite happy to assist me in making you scream because of different reasons. And with roughing you up I meant really beating you and slapping you in the face, most likely ending in several blotches and marks, and surely swollen eyes from crying. It can be quite appealing to have a woman dissolve in tears during play.”

Somehow all of this was too much for me, at least presented in one compact sentence all at once. On the one hand it made me highly afraid, but if I had some time to consider it properly, I might even come to terms with it. But still …

Apparently I must have looked a bit white around the edges because Drake indicated the cosy seat to my left. “If you feel a little wobbly, feel free to sit down before you fall and injure yourself. I understand that I am asking quite a lot of you, but you strike me as the woman who might enjoy something like that.”

In most other situations I might have declined, but now I was happy to let myself fall into the soft cushions. Meanwhile Drake briefly looked around the room. “You dont have to answer me now, if you are not sure whether you might accept this offer. I could just start with anything different, but you dont look as if you would appreciate that much in your present state of mind.”

I just stared at him, before I licked my lips and answered. “No, I guess Ill have to think about it for a moment. Do you want the answer now?” He just shrugged. “When you know it, you can always tell me, but for now I am happy to got you guessing. The boys should be available even on short notice, so as long as you are willing to stay another hour, you can take your time with deciding. But let me stress that again, they have done it before and know what they can do and what not, and when to react in what way. Of course there is a slight risk for you that you really panic and not only play on doing it and that no one will recognize it, but as you have put it so nicely before, when you start setting fire to everything we will know to have overstepped our limits. In that you have the advantage over us.”

I still did not know what to do about that subject, so I nervously switched to another. “Apart from that and the spanking marks, what else do you have in mind for me here?” The sorcerer seemed to have anticipated that question, and went on without hesitation. “I would generally like to tie you up and cause you some discomfort, being through pain or simply prolonged bondage. For a certain time I will stimulate you but not let you come, but when I come to the conclusion that you have suffered enough you will be allowed release. Still, I personally will not fuck you today, simply because it might be expected of me. So if you want to get banged you will likely have to submit to my former suggestion. But as I said already, not being penetrated by a mans penis will likely not mean you having to stay unsatisfied. And in the end I would like you to give me a blowjob, sort of showing your appreciation for my efforts this way. Do you consent to all of that?” This time I was quicker to nod, and earned a brief smile from Drake.

As if everything, or at least the most pressing issues, were solved with that, he briefly rubbed his hands as if in anticipation. “Do you feel up to starting with a little warm-up?” My knees were still trembling, but I nodded nevertheless. I did not think standing unaided for prolonged times would be a prerequisite for starting. “Well, then Ill get up and dressed accordingly. When I come back, it would be nice of you to be already completely undressed, awaiting me kneeling with downcast eyes in the middle of the room.” When I nodded hesitantly, his smile broadened a bit. “I have a knack for ceremony, so dont let it get through to you too much if you dont get everything right on the spot, or if things seem strange to you. I mean I need reasons why I do certain things to you, so dont hesitate to provide them, now will you?” He never waited for my answer but went to the stairs behind the curtain and left the room.

For a moment I stayed sitting, then got up and started to undress. My fingers still shook, but now it was clearly from anticipation and not from fear. Somehow the sudden rush had cleared my mind again, as it might just have been intended, and I thanked Drake silently for it.

In no time I had gotten rid of my clothes, leaving them in a neat pile in one corner. The stone under the soles of my feet was strangely warm, as if it were heated somehow, while the air was of the cool quality that is still cosy but always gets my breasts all hard and perky. For just a moment I wondered what he would say to the patterns on my body, but before I could conclude the thought I heard someone approach, and hurried to kneel down with my eyes fixed firmly on the floor before my knees.

A slight tremble ran through me when I heard the curtains glide away, and out of the corner of my eye I could see Drake moving towards me, but kept my gaze downcast. I was sure to mess up everything all too soon, mustnt provoke it to happen all the faster. From what I saw he had exchanged his robes for black leather pants and boots, leaving his aged yet still not unattractive upper body bare, but I couldnt see much further than that.

“Ah, very good, such a good girl to follow orders so quickly. That deserves a little treat, now dont you think?” He patted me on the head like a dog, and I heard him walking to one of the shelves behind my back. When he returned he stopped behind me. Something briefly touched my shoulder, and he told me to hold still. While I tried to figure out what he was about to do, he gathered my hair up and started to braid it in a rather tight braid. Once or twice I hissed when he pulled a little too hard, but his soft scolding noises brought me to keep silent without words. Still I found it a little strange for him to braid my hair, but I guess everyone after his own fancy.

When he was finished he tied the hair with leather cords together, and told me to lift the braid off my back. I did as told, and he gently ran his fingers over my neck and throat, making me shiver instantly. His fingers left my skin again, only to return with a broad leather collar that he fastened around my neck. He closed it rather tightly, but before I could protest his hands descended in my shoulders, forcing my down a bit.

“I will do as I please, and if it is my will to strangle you, you will comply. Do you understand that?” His voice had taken on a wholly different quality compared to our talk before, and I started to realize what he had meant with playing and scene beforehand. While Tane just delighted in staying wholly himself, Drake seemed to prefer acting. I guess that was what he had meant before he had left, and judging form his words about stressing his care I decided not to take his sentences too seriously, as long as they did not seem threatening. And the collar was not that tight, just tight. So I nodded, showing my compliance.

Apparently that had not been the correct answer, or not sufficient, as a hard smack on my head got me rocking forward, forcing me to catch my weight with my hands. Not knowing what to do I looked up at Drake, looking for a cue, but that only got me a second slap, this time on my cheek, with enough force to rock me back into a kneeling position and make me see stars a bit. He brutally pushed my head down again and downright shouted at me. “When I tell you to kneel, you will do so, and not change your position on your own. And even if you are too weak to stay in your given position, you will try to resume it as fast as you can, do you understand?!”

This time I kept my head down, blinking tears out of my eyes, and willing my shoulders that had involuntarily clenched to go down again. “Yes, I understand.” Still he was not happy with me, what a second slap in the face, this time on the other side, proved. A slight whimper escaped my mouth while I fought for balance, what only seemed to encourage him.

With agility he crouched down before me, caught my chin in a surprisingly hard grip, and turned my face upwards to meet his gaze. “You are only allowed to speak when directly spoken to, and you will always honour me by calling me master or sir. Do you understand that, you ungrateful slut?” Being deprived of the possibility of moving my head, I opted for a verbal answer. “Yes, master.” My voice shook more than the slaps could be accounted for, and when he smiled cruelly I shuddered again. I was so not used to being treated this way, but somehow it was even more appealing to me as Tanes mostly casual way.

For once being satisfied Drake let go of me and got up again. I cast my eyes to the floor again, not wanting to defy him by interested gazes. As things went, I did not have to wait long to get a feel for what would be coming next.

“It is amazing how even so simple tasks seem to be out of your grasp. I guess I have to make myself clearer. Maybe you will obey more after a short demonstration of what will await you should your disobedience continue. Now get up and walk over here, facing the pole.” When I turned around I saw him indicating the whipping post. With a queasy feeling in my gut I hurried to comply.

Drake got me to stand directly in front of the post, telling me to raise my hands and clasp them on the other side of the pole. He then got up on a stool and began to secure my hands together and to some sort of attachment site that I could not see. When he was finished he had me step back a bit, spread my legs and push my behind out. Once he had me this way he began wandering the room, all the while telling me what a slut I was as I was displaying my intimate parts so readily, but as he had in the first place wanted me this way I just listened to his voice, trying to ignore the content.

A whooshing sound, followed shortly by a sharp bite over my ass cheeks, confirmed my fear that the blocking had been too good, as it was accompanied by another roar. “You filthy cunt, are you even too dumb to do the simplest things? I told you to get closer, and open those legs more, will you!” I hastily complied, thereby forcing my bum even more out. Drake just grunted, and the whip bit into my flesh again, this time at my back. I jumped, but resumed my position again when I remembered his order from before. Still, I was too slow, and the whip caught me across the back of my thighs, making me howl for the first time, and unable to stand still with spread legs. Drake kept this game up for a while, making me jump and squirm while alternating shouting at me or just chiding me sweetly.

After fifteen or so lashes he stopped, dropping the whip where he was, and came to stand behind me. Once again he told me to spread my legs, this time accentuating it by shoving with his hands at the inner side of my thighs until he was satisfied. He left me briefly, only to return with a lot of rope. Quickly he secured it around my ankles and bound the other side of the ropes to until then hidden rings laid into the stone of the floor. When he was finished, my position was somewhere between uncomfortable and hard on my leg muscles, what he conformed my slowly stroking down the quivering muscles in my thighs.

Without warning he pushed his hand between my legs, exploring my labia briefly and gently tugging on the ring through my clit. I instantly tensed all over and hissed when a slight tough of pain radiated from the still sensitive spot, but Drake just leaned into me and whispered into my ear. “Just had to confirm the most curious story around here. Until now I wouldnt have thought the wimp able of doing such a delicious thing.” With a chuckle he returned to the whip and took up making me jump and shout, only that now it was a lot more difficult to try to evade the whip. And Drake had a terribly good aim, as I soon began to realize.

Within minutes my whole back, ass and the back of my thighs was covered in flaming whip lashes, only rivalled by the pain in my muscles, and the starting pain in my shoulders. Of course they had recovered from Tanes tender care one week past, but as there was considerable stress on these otherwise untrained muscles it was enough to keep me distressed all on its own.

The next three lashes landed dangerously near the inner sides of my thighs, and I was just about to get really bothered when Drake confirmed my fears, and the last whiplash landed on my labia, neatly between my pussy lips. This time I really jumped despite of the ropes, and my cry was instantly muffled my tears and heaves that got not enough air into my lungs to continue screaming. The pain was simply unbearable, and my voice seemed my only way of escape, pitiful as it might be.

Drakes hand squeezing my shoulder made me go stiller again, while his second hand slipped between my legs. New pain welled up when he began to first stroke my hurting pussy lips, and only got worse when he started to deftly massage and pinch the flesh. I sobbed and whimpered, still breathing too rapidly, and finally started to beg for him to stop, but that only resulted in him letting go of my shoulder and banging my head forcefully against the wood of the pole. While stars marred my sight he took hold of my upper body again, pressing it towards to pole.

“Have I not told you that you are just allowed to speak up when directly addressed?” His voice sounded more amused than angry, but I guess it was hard to stay serious when I was making a fool of myself sobbing around. “Yes, master.” I just hoped he understood it between my whines. “And why did you just speak before, without being asked your opinion?” I noisily snuffled around, then answered. “I am sorry, sir, it was just too much for me. I wont do it again, sir!”

Apparently happy with my answer he snorted good-naturedly. “Let this be the last time I have to remind you. You are my filthy, slutty slave, choice is beyond you. You are just here to obey, do you understand that? Unquestioned.” I nodded for emphasis. “Yes, master, I understand.” Luckily he left it at that and went on pinching my most private parts.

I hissed again when his fingers finally found the ring through my clit, but this time he was only tugging gently on it, more in a probing way than to hurt. A strange tingling sensation started to emanate from his fingers, and when I wanted to jump he pressed me down with his second hand again. “Just making sure that everything is all right and fit for my further exploits. I guess youve never until now been healed my a spell, hm? Just stay still, it will be over soon, so that we can resume.”

Once again he was true to his word, and soon the strange tingling was gone, same as the pain when he gently tugged on the ring. It just disturbed me a bit when it was instantly replaced by a strangely pleasurable feeling that was too close to having to pee to be comfortable for me. Once again he judged my reactions correct and inquired if everything was alright. I assured him of that, and after him nudging me told him about the strange sensation. This only made him chuckle. “Well, either you really have to use the bathroom, or it is just your way of responding. Is it similar to this?”

His finger left my clit and slid lower to tickle the spot where my urethra ended. I instantly began to wind myself in his grasp, but not because of discomfort, but just because it felt so good. This just made him laugh all the more. “Ah, I see, you are enjoying yourself quite well, you little pain slut. I just have to whip you and you get wet as a waterfall.” To underline his words he pushed two of his fingers into my vagina, what only made another slopping sound and made me giggle, something I rarely did, even during sex.

“So you find this funny, ha?” I shook my head, and just moaned when he used three fingers the next time he slid into me. The force with which he pushed me against the pole was getting heavier still when he leaned against me, pushing his fingers mercilessly into me. “You are really awfully ready to be fucked. Just how long has he left you unsatisfied?” There was no real question to whom Drake was referring, so I answered promptly. “About two weeks.” I nearly feared redemption when I realized that I had forgotten to address him by title, but his let it slide this time, apparently judging this a private conversation.

“And already you are that much yearning to be fucked? You should really consider the option I presented to you. With you so ready and wet it would surely be an amazing thing to be pounded into unconsciousness.” With that he suddenly stopped, withdrew his hands from me and left me leaning on the pole. At least it gave me time to cool down again a bit.

While I waited for him to continue, Drake took his time fidgeting around where I could not see him. When he finally approached me again I was breathing normally and thought myself rather composed. Without much ado Drake freed me from my bonds and had me turn around again.

After a quick once-over he clucked his tongue and extended one hand to encompass my right breast. His touch was firm, and I nearly didnt flinch when his fingers moved on to pinch my nipple briefly. He did the same with my other breast, too, and then drew his hand pack to land a deftly blow first on one breast, then on the other. Again he uttered a noise of discontent, before leaving me again.

“Your breasts are simply too full to spank them properly unaided. Too much flesh to move away. I guess I will have to secure them properly before I can work with them. You like showing your breasts around, now dont you?” When I did not answer, mostly because I did not know what he wanted to hear, Drake turned around and looked directly at me, while fetching some lengths of rope. “Say that you are my filthy whore, and beg me to bind your breasts and punish you for your unseemly pride.”

I had to swallow twice to keep a smirk out of my voice and from my face, but faithfully repeated the sentence. Drake just seemed delighted of my uttering, and went to work. At first he had me leaning my torso a bit towards the floor, so that my breasts started to hang down. With sure fingers he wound the first two ropes around my breasts, and a third around my neck, shoulders, and beneath my breasts. This way they directly jutted out on front of me when he told me to stand strait again. The rope bit painfully into my flesh, but I just gnawed on my lip and hoped for the best.

Next he told me to follow him, and lead me to a rope that was simply dangling from the ceiling. He fastened a large wooden bar to it that had additional attachment rings at the ends, and told me to stretch my arms to my sides, as far as I could. For a moment the ropes around my breasts moved, but the knots held tight and nothing slipped. My tormenter quickly secured my extended wrists to the wooden bar, that he started to raise with a winch fastened on the wall. In the end he left me balancing on the anterior parts of my feet, with my heels well off the floor. Naturally my breasts looked quite prominent in this situation.

When he came back to me Drake had a small flogger and a paddle with circular holes in his hands. He showed both to me with a succinct smile on his lips. “First, I will use the paddle on your breasts, and the flogger on your ass, just for warm-up. And then I will change the places, and flog your tits until they are a nice steady red and your bum is a warm to the touch. And I want no sound of protest from you, as you begged me to punish your breasts. Do you understand that?” I nodded, and decided to play nice. “Yes, master, and thank you for granting me my plea.” That got me a surprised smile, and a deftly smack at my breasts. “Nice to see that you mean what you say. You will not go unrewarded from this, my little cunt.” With that he disappeared from my field of vision, starting with the flogger on my behind.

Even with the whip lashes beforehand it did not really hurt to feel the strands of the flogger on my flesh, and also the paddle applied to my breasts with utmost signs of care was not even enough to make me flinch. It even made me relax a bit, while I tried to relish the steady rhythm of his beats. Before long he decided that I had had enough of a warm-up, and turned serious.

The first two or three impacts of the flogger on my bound breast were still light, but he steadily increased his force, making me dance on my toes to avoid the unavoidable. Within minutes my breasts began to colour to a warm red, aching all over. Drake briefly stopped to pinch my nipples, making me cry out, and decided that now my ass needed some serious spanking.

Soon I knew why he had taken his time warming my behind up, as the paddle was one mean instrument for spanking. I had anticipated it to be only a little worse than being spanked by hand, but either I had been wholly wrong, or the holes in the flat of the paddle made the difference. Whatever it was, it stung like nothing I had ever felt before, and within seconds I was shouting, moaning and trying to avoid the next slap that Drake finally gave up trying and stopped. I was so relieved that even the two slaps in the face he dealt me for my disobedience were easing in comparison. When he tried a second time it was even worse, and after slapping me he finally ended it for good. By then I hung sobbing in my bonds, quivering all over, and although I could not see myself I would not have been surprised if the whites around my irises would have been visible.

In all the past months nothing had ever brought me to bolt so fast, and if I had had a safe word I would have called it after the second slap. At first Drake set about scolding me, but when he realized that I did not react to his shouting he suddenly stopped, and within seconds I was sagging down to my knees when he released my arms from the bar. My chest was rising in erratic heaves, and although I was breathing deeply I could not get enough air into my lungs to stop from shaking and crying. In this very moment I so desperately wished for Tane to be there and comfort me in his arms that I felt like my heart was about to break, bringing me from sobbing to wailing loudly, while tears freely flowed over my face. I was only sure of one thing I had never before been so miserable in my whole life.

Over time something started nagging at the rest of my mind, and when I was finally able to open my eyes and wipe away some of the still welling tears, I recognized Drake crouching before me, supporting me with one hand on my shoulder while speaking soothingly to me. I was still beyond understanding his words, but they somehow helped me to reassemble myself. And as it so often is with me, I went from wailing desperation to flaming hot shame within an instant.

When I crinched away from him Drake let me, and meanwhile got up to clean up the ropes that were lying on the floor. Only then did I realize that he had also rid me of the breast bondage, and was instantly grateful that there was no reason for him to touch me any further right away. I just felt so stupid, dissolving completely just because … because of nothing. This realization did not really help me, but at least the tears slowly stopped and started drying all over my face and upper body, leaving a salty taste in my mouth and on my lips.

Before I could even begin uttering an apology that I dearly felt was needed, Drake returned to me and handed me a blanket. I gratefully accepted it and nestled into it, more hiding behind the wool than bringing my nudity out of sight. When I looked up at Drake again I waited for reproach and disappointment, but he only smiled down gently at me, and held out his hand to help me to my feet. Hesitantly I let him help me, fighting down the bewilderment, as the shame was beyond going. My face felt like burning up, but as I must have looked a general mess, that could not have been the worse.

“Im so sorry, I really dont …” My voice was hoarse and broken, and maybe it was the best that he silenced me with a finger over my lips. “Dont apologize, there is nothing to blame yourself for, and nothing to be sorry about. Things like that happen from time to time, and I guess it is vital for some things to simply come out on their own, or we would not be able to deal with them. Never felt something like that before?” I was about to shake my head, when suddenly unbidden images of Tane raging and nearly strangling me came back again. Once again I nearly broke out into tears, but something like a big weight was lifted from my chest, leaving me tired, drained, but also somehow cleansed.

When I reopened my eyes again, Drake was still watching me inquiringly. I just shook my head. “Not to me, no, but it explains something I have been wondering for a while.” And while it still hurt to think about Tane, at least that kind of pain had somewhat subsided to a dull ache. It still left me wary and shaking, but only tired, and no longer desperate.

Drake just grunted sympathetically, and softly patted my blanketed shoulder. “Would you like to return home? I could open a portal for you right here, if you want to and dont feel up to the task right now.” For a moment I was about to accept, but the shame was still deep in my bones, and I was still not sure what would happen to my reacquired peace of mind when I saw Tane and Chelsea again, and together. So I just shook my head, rather vehemently. “No, Ill stay till tomorrow, if you dont mind. I mean we still have some unfinished business?”

The sorcerer clucked his tongue irritably. “Ah forget about that. I had my fun, you your enlightenment, and we surely both got back at the one who we will likely be blaming both for whatever happened or might have happened. Lets call it even.” This somehow irritated me a bit, and shame flooded back, rearing its ugly head again. “If you say so for yourself, I still feel like I have not fulfilled my part of the dept, and would like to do so. Only maybe a little later, if I could rest somewhere here?”

Drake smiled slightly, and shrugged. “Well, who am I to decline the plea of a damsel in distress? Well talk about it later. You are welcome to sleep as long as you want, we have a nice, cosy visitors room just near the gardens, Ill show you to it.”

With that we left the dungeon, and although I was partly loath to admit it, I was somewhat sorry that my behind and breasts only dully ached when I crawled into the soft covers of the offered bed and closed my eyes to catch the dearly needed sleep to regenerate my energies. If things went my way, I would need them dearly soon. And so I fell asleep with a smile the first time since my first visit to Mendala.

Caught Fire

Part 8

By Dari

I honestly could not say what had awakened me again, but from one moment to the next cosy sleepiness changed to cool awareness. Someone was watching me, that I knew for sure, even with my eyes still closed and my back turned towards the room. So it was no real surprise to see someone regarding me from the vantage point of a chair only a meter away from my face. The thing that startled me was that it was Anthony who looked as if he had been watching over my sleep.

Instantly I tensed up before reason could find its way into my mind. If he really still meant me harm he would likely have done whatever he came here for, and not sat around watching me in my sleep. And compared to his usual leer the smug grin that was placed firmly on his face looked downright inspiring confidence in me.

“What are you doing here?” My voice was still heavy with sleep and slightly cracked, although my state of awareness would likely not get better any time soon. I still felt kind of drained, but also fresh and freed from the burdens that had dragged on my soul for the last weeks. Anthony only grinned as if my question had been funny, and shrugged.

“Well, as this is my home it might not be so out of the ordinary that I am present here.” That retort nearly made me sigh, but as he had not shown any signs of hostility I opted to keep it low as long as possible. “I meant watching me sleep. Couldnt have been that fascinating.” Now his smile went genuine, but some strange look also came to his eyes that made me cringe inwardly.

“I had a talk with Drake when I came back from my banishment to the library, and since he suggested me trying to sort things out between me and you I thought Id pay you a visit and inquire whether you might be quiet and meek enough for a talk.” For once I did not rise to the offered bait, but instead sat up on the bed, making sure that the blanket still hid any favourable parts of my body, leaning my back against the wall. So propped up I took my time regarding the young sorcerer questioningly before answering.

“I guess that depends on what you see as meek, and what you propose.” Again he smiled that strange smile, and shrugged. “Oh I know, for you to tune it down means that you only spew acidic comments, but after what Drake told me about your … behaviour in the morning and some of your motives Im about to rethink my opinion about you.” Somehow his words, and the disbelief about himself that came with his answer, made me smile warmly, and feel a lot more comfortable with him here. Still, Id rather been dressed and elsewhere, but somehow I began to understand where this was leading to. “I guess we all are doing a lot of rethinking today, arent we?”

Anthony briefly laughed before he settled back in his chair, lazily scratching his scalp. “What can I say, until today everything Drake ever said about Tane and you was negative to negligible, and then his attitude swings around 180 degrees, how should I have reacted? But I personally dont harbour much of a grudge against you, although I still dont believe that you were worth gaining second grade back then.” Some of his former attitude was back with that remark, but he sighed and shook his head in confusion before I could retort. “But I have to grant you that you are good, and I guess my victory should be enough for my ego. And from what Ive been overhearing Drake and Lathea talking about the aftermath for you, it has not been quite so pleasant for you on any level.”

I couldnt keep a sour look from my face at that, but it only seemed to lighten Anthonys mood. “But thats none of my business, now is it? I just said it to make you understand that on a reasonable level there is no reason for me to bear you a grudge.” My brows rose on their own account. “And on not so reasonable a level?”

Instantly Anthonys leer returned, but with a much more friendly attitude behind it. “My teachers a bastard and control freak; do you really think that his attitude hasnt been rubbing off on me during the last five years?” I briefly blinked, and then chose to keep the light banter up. “Oh, Im used to control freaks and bastards, I guess as things go youll still be in developing these fine attitudes compared to what Ive seen lately from some of the others.”

The sorcerer burst out laughing, and after that subsided a broad grin remained on his face. “I could try, but dont think to reach their level of evilness. Still, they keep telling me that I show potential.” This was followed by a kind of uneasy silence, as there had been more than a little suggestion in his words, and I was reluctant to take that lead up. When he was about to shift his position, and maybe change the course of our little conversation, I forced myself to speak up, this time without jest.

“So, you are telling me all this because you want me to offer myself to you to make up for the barriers that have been built between the two of us, so when you have finished with me we can be friends without holding a grudge against one another?” This time it was Anthony who looked quite surprised. “Man, you are a frank one.” Slowly, a knowing smile began to spread around his eyes. “I guess Im beginning to see why they all are so keen on subduing you. You really seem to be quite a trophy.” I somewhat couldnt comment on that, so I just stood silent and waited for him to continue, what he promptly did.

“Yes, thats about what I came here to propose to you. Although I honestly thought I would need more time to convince you to it.” Now it was my turn to smile lazily. “I just stated the facts, but didnt submit to anything yet.” Anthony just made a face, suddenly looking like a little dog that you could simply not say no to. “Would you if I said please?”

I couldnt hold the act of cool air up and had to smile, although the first pangs of anticipation were already gripping my stomach. “Well, for that I would have to know what youd like to do with or to me, I generally dont give blank consent.”

The young sorcerer seemed to muse about that for a while, before shrugging once more. “Okay, any ideas or suggestions?” That somewhat made me frown in spite of myself. “I thought you had some concrete ideas, and were just here to tell me about them and then drag me down into the dungeon without remorse?” For a moment Anthony looked downright guilty, before a mean smile began to creep over his features. “I have to admit that I thought the convincing would take much longer so that something would present itself during that course, but if you are in such a hurry to get to work …”

Before I could respond anything to that he got up and began to pace the room. When he suddenly stopped, he looked as if he had had some kind of dark enlightenment. “You see, even if I try to play nice and fair now, I still think that you deserve quite some treatment from me to make up for your former insolence. And as Drake has bid me to keep from fucking you as long as you dont submit to his rape scene, that quite limits my possibilities for satisfaction.”

I swallowed briefly, shivering a bit when I thought about Drakes suggestion again, but put that decision off once more for later. “So you mean Id have to suffer quite a lot more to make it up to you that you are not allowed to fuck me?” His fiendish smile just brightened. “Exactly. You wouldnt be so kind to tell me some things you really dont like that would grant me a lot of fun doing to you?”

For a moment I was a little at a loss there, but not because I didnt want to answer him, but because nothing came to my mind. When he looked as if he was about to jump to the wrong conclusions and accuse me of refraining from helping him, I spoke up quickly. “I dont know, most of what gave me the creeps with Tane was coupled with fucking, and there was not much I disliked. I guess Im rather … not choosy. It depends on what is getting you off, just do what you like to do to me? Its not as if thats the only chance you will likely get to tie me up and hurt me.” Only then did it occur to me that he might see his restriction as a possible reason really just to hurt me, without providing some pleasure for me that I generally needed to keep my pain tolerance up. That thought frightened me even more than Drakes rape scenario, and likely made me go a little green around the edges.

Meanwhile Anthony had resumed his pacing and seemed oblivious to my apprehension. “Oh I dont know, of course there are a lot of things Id like to do to you. How do you think about caning and fisting? Lathea likes the latter a lot, and shes usually a good indication for …” He trailed off when his pacing had brought him around to facing me again, and he suddenly stopped when he saw the look on my face. “Not a good idea? Or is something else amiss? You look quite sick.”

I had to swallow before attempting to answer, with which I only succeeded at the second try. “So you are just going to hurt me, and nothing else, because you are not allowed to fuck me?” Anthony blinked irritably. “You havent quite listened to my last sentence, now have you?” I honestly shook my head, and he just sighed, as if this was getting on his nerves, but when he came to sit on his chair next to me again he looked downright apologetic. “No, of course Im not. I might be a lot, but not really cruel. Why does that bother you? Something along that line occurred to you when I asked you about what you didnt like?” I nodded, and he just sighed, while settling back and crossing his feet at the ankles.

“Honestly, Im not a monster. I know quite well myself what it means to just receive pain with no pleasure. I might be mean and might put you through your paces, but if you are not totally differently wired than any other submissive Ive ever met you will need a certain threshold of arousal to bear it all, and Ill happily provide that. Feeling a bit better now?” I nodded, still feeling a little fuzzy around the edges, and somewhat stupid. Yet before I could utter an apology, Anthony went on quickly, as if to forestall any such attempt.

“So as I was just saying, what do you think about me caning and afterwards fisting you? If you are not really all that tight it should be quite some fun, and Ive been harbouring quite some experience with it over the last months with Lathea.” What had before clearly not penetrated the mist of my fear made me look up all the more now, making me sound even more disbelieving as anytime before. “Lathea is letting you fist her?”

Anthony seemed to take quite a pride in surprising me that much, and nodded avidly. “Although shes normally rather enlightened to tie me up and spank me, she had developed quite some fondness for that. Dont ask me why, her motives are usually way beyond me, and most of the time Im not to question her anyway.” The way he all said that, with a nearly boyish glee, left me still more bewildered. “I thought youd never let a woman be the better of you, rather that you are more the dominant type.”

Judging from his smile he had led me exactly where he wanted me to be, and just shrugged. “Im a switch, so what? With the right woman Im ready to submit, although I have to say that my attitude usually leads me to being a dominating prick if not proven otherwise first. But that all gives me the advantage that I know how most of what Ill be going to do to you feels like exactly, and when I can do more, and when not. Does my changing attitude somehow disturb you?”

I hurried to shake my head. “No, I guess its rather … convenient?” Anthony smiled at my general suggestion. “If you want to indicate with this that it leaves me with the most fun with everyone, you are quite right. But you are most surely avoiding the answer to my question in the first place.”

For several moments I had to rethink the path our conversation had gone, and when remembering the lost thread, I just shrugged again. “Until now Ive only been spanked, but I guess caning will be okay, too. And Im not really the uptight type, you know, so getting whatever you want up several of my orifices should not be too hard to accomplish.” Somehow his confession had loosened a bit of my fears, and made me hilariously ready to get going. At least that was my own, personal excuse for acting so sultry all of a sudden.

Whether he saw through this, or just took my answer for what it was, Anthony grinned and nodded wisely. “So I will not keep you waiting much longer, just have to tell Drake not to disturb us during the time. And when Im about to talk to him, have you yet reached any conclusion whether you will submit to his little game or not?”

So easy to destroy my beginning horny mood, but before I could make my usual withdrawal by delaying the decision, the sorcerer leaned nearer to me, whispering slowly into my ear. “There will be no awkward standing around and talking about what to do or not, and they will not all suddenly be at you. Just set some tight limits, even now, and express some things that would be desirable for you, and Drake will spin out his scenario beforehand with them. You will just have to lie back down and let yourself be taken in the most exciting way for yourself. None of the guys are inexperienced in having sex, and most of them have been playing rough more often than not, and never before had any complaints. Does it not make you incredibly wet to imagine being taken by a hoard of young, strong, horny men and used in the most exquisite way?”

Anthony chuckled when he saw the look of raw hunger on my face, but my throat had gone too dry while he had ventured on. Now he took his time while I relearned to speak. “So you say that I get to set the limits? And they wont breach them?” Anthony just shrugged. “Why should they breach them? When analyzed coolly there is more to loose for them if you panic than to gain. The whole situation will likely bring you to the brink of your control anyway, so why tip you off and set them all on fire? And believe me, guys are very simply knit, just banging a girl in various positions is just way over the top what most of us are dreaming all day long. And considering your sexual needs there is a lot more in store for them to do.”

I was still not entirely sure about the whole thing, but the casual way Anthony spoke about the whole thing made me a lot more comfortable with the whole idea. But still …

Seeing my hesitation and judging it right, Anthony got up and looked down again on me with a slight smile. “What about me telling Drake that you are interested, but that we still have to talk about your wishes? We will be spending quite some time down in the dungeon, and at least during some of it you will be in the right mind to speak, so why not take this time to talk about it? You can always back out again then if you really dont feel up to it.”

Beginning to feel stupid about my whole hesitancy I nodded my agreement, making the young sorcerer smile even more. “Good, Ill just go to talk to Drake briefly. You can use the bathroom next door meanwhile, and wait down in the dungeon for me. And I wont keep you waiting for long, dont fret. See you there.” With that he left me wondering whether I had made the right decision, but judging from the warm wetness between my thighs there was no wrong decision to be taken.

I took my time drinking water in the bathroom, and also using the provided facilities. After a year up in the mountains actually using a bathroom instead of the bushes behind the hut or the small creak seemed strange, but not really out of the ordinary. Yet as anticipation was already gripping me rather tightly I hurried to finish, and walked naked down into the pleasure chamber. The candles still burned, or had been reignited some time back as they were all burning steadily. Having nothing else to do I sat down in the cosy chair, and waited for Anthony to appear.

He didnt leave me waiting for long, and came down the steps mere moments after I had settled down in the chair. Not going with the general style of his teacher, he had kept on his pants and shirt that he apparently wore under his robe, and had only rolled up his sleeves. When he saw me sitting in the chair he briefly smiled and extended a hand towards me. “If youd please come over here to me, I wont be able to get at your behind when you stay put on it.”

I just complied, and walked over to him. When he saw me trying to judge his demeanour, he only smirked briefly. “No stupid yes, sir, no, sir with me, I just feel stupid this way. Just be yourself with me, on your own danger of conjuring up a deeper need to spank your ass if you get too sassy.” That made me smile a bit, and I was rewarded with a light smack on my ass cheeks for that.

“Okay, so I wont keep you waiting for long. Do you mind being gagged during spanking? Making you feel a little extra helpless? If you keep on making noises Ill stop and inquire about your ails, but I find it more appealing to get only muffled cries instead of you yelling me deaf.” Somehow his whole attitude had changed even more towards mischievous boy instead of egotistical prat, making him somewhat more appealing as my other two tormentors who chose to be rather over the top or serene the whole time.

So I just opened my mouth to indicate that I was ready to get something in there, meanwhile crossing my arms underneath my breasts and cocking my hip in a suggestive way. Anthony just laughed delightedly and went to fetch his gag. It consisted of a ball of some semi-hard material with a long leather thong through the middle, and was slightly too large for my mouth, but after biting down several times it fit, and Anthony secured the strap behind my head.

When he came to my front again, he smirked at me, meeting my slightly defiant gaze with glee. “Our verbal problems should be solved now. Maybe I should suggest to Drake to keep you gagged all the time, life would be so much easier that way, dont you think?” I just retorted with a muffled sound that only made him laugh all the more. Looking slightly resentful I signalled for him to go on, which he promptly did.

“Oh, already so hot to get going? What a gentleman would I be to keep a lady waiting?” At that I grunted again, making him laugh while he turned me around and brought my hands to my back, holding my wrists firmly. “After you, madam.” With that he gently shoved me towards one of the racks that lined the walls. There he let go of me, and being a good girl I stayed with my arms behind my back, waiting for him to continue.

Anthony took his time fetching some meters of rope before coming back to me. As I had already anticipated, he was not short of words, and while he started winding the rope around my wrists behind my back, he explained what he was about to do.

“I hope you dont mind any further constriction, but being the badass I am simply hurting you is not enough for me right now. And as I have quite a fetish for bondage anyway, I like to combine it with most other activities. I hope you dont mind?” I could just answer with a muffled sound, but apparently he got the meaning from it, and tucked the ropes a little tighter so that my palms were pressed against one another.

Next, he began winding the rope around and between my elbows, drawing them also together and making me gasp a little. “Dont worry, but it has to be tight, or you will have too much space to flinch away. Now be a good girl and spread your legs a bit so I can later have access to your private parts, and lean you upper body forward.” To stress his words he pushed my torso down gently, only stopping when my spine was roughly parallel to the floor. I felt him fidgeting around behind my back, threading more rope through my bonds, until I felt my arms being lifted up a bit, unbalancing me. Yet when I wanted to go up with my upper body, he insistently pushed it down again.

“Im not yet finished, just give me some time. Its just vital that I dont strain your shoulders too much this way, you will shortly be grateful that I did the adjusting now, and not after the last bit of the ropes.” With that he resumed the tugging, but periodically pushed my torso down whenever I was about to give way to the starting strain in my shoulders.

When he seemed satisfied, Anthony went around me again to come to stand near my face. A length of soft looking thick rope lay in his hands, and he waited for me to look up into his face before speaking. “As you are well aware, the ropes at your shoulders are only of use when you are not trying to raise your upper body. This will soon provide you with the will to stay down.”

I had just enough time to wonder what he would be doing with the last rope when he started winding the middle part of it around my neck and throat. This made me go still quite fast, especially when he tightened the loops and went about cutting my air flow off, but before I could panic he stopped and gave the rope some play. “You see, it will be vital for you not to rear up with your head or upper body. Now please resume the most comfortable position for yourself, but dont stay up too high with your head, it might convey the impression that you are not following my words.”

Hesitantly I complied, bringing my torso down so that my head was a bit lower than my ass that must be perking prettily up into the air. Anthony squatted down before me and brought both ends of the rope through two rings in the stone floor so that the rope was forming a triangle with my head at the peak. When he knotted the ends together he made sure to tauten the rope quite a lot, leaving me gasping behind my gag. Still, when he pushed my torso down a bit the stress on my throat lessened, just leaving my arms crying for release for a moment.

Happy with this arrangement, Anthony got up and went to stand behind me. “Now you will see, it is also vital that you do not change your position much, as that might complicate things.” Without further warning he slapped my ass hard, making me cry out and take a step forward. Immediately my balance shifted, making me want to rear up, which only resulted in tightening the rope around my throat too far. Before I could panic more Anthony gripped my upper arms steadying and brought my torso down enough for me to breathe again.

When my heart had stopped racing and I was calming down again, already starting to regret my decision to submit to him, the sorcerer briefly patted my ass gently. “Thats why Im not going to spank you, but will be using a cane. The stress is much more regular, and you will be less prone to flinch away. You just have to bear through the parts when Im getting too rough, and just scream your misery out so I might take pity in you and lessen the strokes. Ready?”

He waited for me to softly nod, and let his hands roam over my ass. Somehow I couldnt keep from shivering lightly. Being choked during sex was not really a novelty for me, as Tane had sometimes used leather straps around my throat to hold me back, but it had always been under his direct control. Now I could only hope that Anthony knew what he was doing, and although I did not really doubt him, there was no real trust between us, either.

“Now dont jump, Ill start with the cane. Stay relaxed, it wont hurt in the beginning.” Of course I could not relax, but tensed up quite a bit, but he had spoken true once more, as the first three strokes with the cane did not even make me flinch. It was not even an unpleasant sensation to feel the wooden cane impact on my ass.

After these first strokes he stopped again, briefly running his hands over my flesh. “You see, nothing to worry about. Or was it so horrible?” I shook my head slightly, still afraid that I might accidentally strangle myself, but the rope around my throat just stayed were it was, never constricting my airways more than before.

Anthony took up his cane again, and resumed his soft beating rhythm. After a while he started to let his aim wander a bit, bringing the cane down all over my behind, all the while commenting on the red streaks it was already leaving. When he saw that I was quite okay with his activity, he started to lend more force to his strokes, making me wince once or twice, but mostly heating my bum up. And making me incredibly horny all the while.

When he stopped again I was nearly annoyed, as the continuous beating had somehow begun to entrance me. Now with the absence of the impact I felt nearly left alone, and protested with a muffled grunt. Yet before I could do more I felt one of his hands slipping down over my hips to slide between my legs, briefly cupping my pussy with his fingers before he spread my lips apart and gently started rubbing up my slit.

While a first moan escaped me, Anthony chuckled darkly. “You are really slopping wet. Im just starting to think that I started too lightly on you. Think that you can stand a little more?” As far as I dared I nodded briefly, already ruing that he would soon stop masturbating me again.

So I was all the more surprised when the cane connected with my flesh while he still kept on masturbating me, and made no efforts to stop, either. The next blow was a lot harder, same as the following, making me wince slightly, but also driving my desire on mercilessly. When he felt me rubbing more against his free hand, Anthony picked up both the pace and strength of his blows, and soon had me writhing, moaning and crying out all at the same time. Some of the strokes were hard enough to really make me cry out, while some made me wish they were harder still, and all the while he kept on rubbing my clit. That alone was frustrating enough, as I direly felt the need to feel something, even a single finger, in my vagina, but I somehow suspected him knowing exactly what he did.

When he stopped for the next time, both with the cane strokes and his masturbating me, I was already feeling slightly tired, with the ache in my shoulders starting to bother me. Still the ropes had not choked me, and I suspected that some of the immense arousal I felt stemmed from the underlying fright what might happen should I really rear up.

I had not realized that I had closed my eyes, only when I opened them now that any other diversion had stopped I gazed levelly into Anthonys eyes. A little sweat was beading on his brow, and he was grinning rather maniacally. When he saw me focusing on him, he lifted his hand and showed me the white, sloppy globs that were sticking on his fingers, all stemming from me. “Looks just you are mostly enjoying yourself. And Im starting to believe that you are quite a little painslut. Want me to continue?” I didnt hesitate to nod enthusiastically, which stressed the rope around my throat a bit, but not enough to let me fight down my fright.

The sorcerer before me smiled briefly, then shook out his other arm. “Quite some workout for me, and I fear Im a little too unschooled to keep this up for much longer. Say, what do you think about me calling Drake down here to resume the caning, while I get a closer look at your slopping pussy and see if I can make you buckle a bit more?” Seeing the sudden mischief in his eyes I tried to bring out any sounds of protest, but Anthony just laughed, turned on his heel and went up into the rooms above, leaving me shivering slightly from tension and anticipation both.

Soon I heard them coming back, being able to identify both Drakes and Anthonys laughter, and tensed up again. Until then I had never been at the mercy of two men at the same time before, and the aspect of them taking turn in hurting me was not an entirely happy one but there could have been worse.

Seeing me in my current position put a bright smile on Drakes face, but he didnt even go near my head to talk to me, but just picked up the cane from the floor, swinging it through the air briefly for testing its balance. Meanwhile Anthony crouched down in front of me, and to my imminent horror crawled underneath me, staying kneeling between my legs, and downright buried his face in my crotch, making me jump when his tongue started to lavishly lick over my clit while his hands fastened about my thighs.

From one moment to the next my arousal went from medium to way over the top, nearly making me jump, while I let out a long guttural moan. Of course Tane had also orally satisfied me from time to time, but never in such an assault-like manner, and lacking a lot of expertise compared to Anthony.

I was just about to wonder when I would be about to come, only judging the time space in seconds, not minutes, when the cane landed with bright hot intensity across my ass, this time really making me jump, but Anthonys grip kept me firmly in place, only tightening the rope around my neck. Yet before I could recover Drake let his second blow rain down on me, and it was still harder than the first. Tears welled up unbidden in my eyes, and I tensed up even more, trying to get away from my current position but not daring to really move.

As if he had waited for just that reaction, which he probably had, Anthony doubled his efforts, immediately pushing the pain to the back of my brain. This lasted about one second, when the next stroke hit me, pushing me again towards screaming and crying. So they started their devious game with me.

Even though I was way beyond grabbing clear thoughts I was well aware that Drake did not hit me brainlessly with all his force the whole time, but attenuated his strokes mostly to my writhing and the intensity of my muffled cries. Still, my ass was soon burning hot, and although Anthony did his best my pain tolerance slowly began to lower when the initial endorphin rush began to subside. When I was just about to become unable to cope with the pain anymore they both suddenly stopped, leaving me sobbing in my bonds, quivering all over.

Someone briefly patted my flaming behind, instantly making me cringe away, and I thought I heard Drake chuckle again. My whole field of vision was blurred from my tears, and it took me a while to make out Anthonys features as the light flecks that swam before my eyes. When he felt like he was having my attention, the younger sorcerer smiled encouragingly. “Want us to continue? Your ass is already bright red, and I guess you will have quite some marks tomorrow, but I believe that you still have enough in you to go on, and wouldnt you like to come while I give you the rest?”

For several seconds I was not even able to give an answer, and then hesitated. Apparently that was either too long for his likings, or he preferred it verbally, because Anthony set about freeing me of the gag when no muffled groans came from me. Once the gag was out of my mouth I took my time reviving my hurting jaws again, before looking up at Anthony. Yet before I could speak up, Drake came to stand next to his student, harbouring quite an erection underneath his leather pants.

“What do you say to me replacing the gag with my cock in your lovely mouth, while Anthony gives his best to masturbate you to an orgasm while continuing caning you? The rope will of course stay, as it seems to add a lot to your current state.” Again it took my brain some time to process the meaning of his words, and when I did understand it I was quite doubtful. “Not afraid of me biting you? Accidentally?” My voice was only a hoarse whisper, but enough to let them understand. Drake only smiled benevolently. “Oh no, once the rope is tightening around your throat you will likely keep your mouth as open as possible, and you generally dont strike me as a girl who bites.”

My breathing was still a bit rapid, and the thinking part of my brain still yelled at the whole idea, but somehow I couldnt keep my eyes from the bulge in his pants. I generally enjoy sucking a mans cock while being masturbated, so logically this might just feel great. And as he seemed so unconcerned …

I briefly closed my eyes, trying to calm down further, and then nodded. “Okay, do it. But I cant promise it to be great, with that much of a diversion.” Drake just grinned while he pulled down his pants, freeing his erect phallus, and smacking it lightly against my lips. Obligingly I opened them, letting him slide his member into my mouth while he adjusted his stance so that my mouth was at the right height so he could easily fuck it. Which coincidentally left the rope around my throat strung quite taught, but when I wanted to protest Drakes hands fastened around my head, leaving me no way to escape. “For today you are here to rue your ways, and that also means that you have to suffer a bit. So take it with grace, girl, and do your best. The sooner we get this over with, the sooner you are free again. Now start working your mouth a bit on my cock, or do you need some further encouragement?” At that he briefly tucked on the rope, leaving me without air for a moment only, but it was enough for me to give in and start working my lips and tongue on him.

Meanwhile Anthony had taken up Drakes former place at my behind, and lovingly pinched the flesh of my burning cheeks. I would have whimpered had I not been otherwisely occupied. Without much further ado he slid two of his fingers into my vagina with his thumb positioned over my clit, and took up masturbating me. He kept this up until I started to writhe, and then started hitting me with the cane again.

The first few strokes I could still count, but then I lost every sense of time or anything. The whole continuity around me, being it the cock fucking my mouth, the fingers sliding in and out of my pussy, or the cane thundering down on my ass, it all took me and simply swept me away. I could still feel the hot pain emanating from my behind, but it blended fully with the pleasure, and it was all nearly too much for be. Barely I kept a small sense of self, but mostly I felt taken up and rode the sensations as good as I could.

Slowly I felt something rise inside of me like a rousing cat, rubbing against my whole body on the out- and inside, and only then recognized it as the first sparks of a coming orgasm. Yet every time I though it would finally break loose something held it back, some irregularity from the rhythm they bestowed on me. There was just one thing I myself could control, just one thing I could do to tip myself over the edge. And so I raised my head up further until I could draw nearly no fresh air into my lungs, and then pulled suddenly backwards.

For a moment I was blind, deaf, mute, and simply unable to feel anything. It felt like being suspended in space, waiting with a terrible anticipation for something to come that was just out of reach. And then the whole world seemed to wash over me, making me cry out in pure bliss and terrible pain and fright all in one. In that single moment I could understand what some people meant by an orgasm that simply wrecked through them. And then I passed out.

My first clear thought was that air should not feel so solid and cold as it felt right now. It took me several moments to figure out that I was no longer suspended, but lay in a curled heap of ropes on the floor, and the strange sound I heard was my rasping breath. When I realized I was still alive I decided to stay there until the end of time, just stay there, being. My body felt bruised and battered with my throat aching like hell, but on the same time I felt light as a feather in the wind. Unhappiness began to fall over me when the feeling of absolute bliss of just existing slowly subsided, but the sense of utter satisfaction, coupled with the blunt pain radiating from my ass, was also not that bad either.

When I was feeling up to the task I opened my eyes and looked around without moving a limp. The room was somewhat askew and slightly upside-down, but I could clearly see Anthony sitting in the cosy chair, watching me intently. When he saw me regarding him he got up again and walked over to where I lay sprawled on the floor. His mischievous smile was back, but he also looked quite satisfied. Drake was nowhere to be seen.

“Now you look like something dramatic just happened to you.” I was still too tired for a verbal retort, but instead stuck out my tongue and let it be enough for an answer. This childish gesture made the sorcerer laugh, but it was a good-natured sound. “When you feel up to the task you can walk over to the chair, or would you rather have me carry you?” I shook my head, and slowly got to my knees. I was even a bit disappointed that my muscles worked well enough to support me upright on wobbly legs, but nevertheless I made it safely into the chair, and only winced a bit when my hurting behind toughed down into the lush fabric.

Meanwhile Anthony entangled the ropes, and brought them back to their proper place on the wall. When he was finished he came back and smiled down lazily at me lying prone in the chair. “And feeling up to continuing with the fun?” I just idly raised my head and watched him looking down at me. “Do you really think that I could stand even the slightest touch right now?”

He shrugged and unceremoniously took hold of my legs to push them apart and drape them over the arms of the chair so that my pussy was easily available. When he was satisfied with arranging my body, he sat down on a low stool before the chair that had until then escaped my notice. I put up no protest, just watching him with a slight expression of surprise on my face.

Anthony then leaned forward, placing his arms on my spread thighs and looking me in the face from only inches apart. “Why not? After the way you came you should be rather docile and easy to spread open now. Lets just try it a bit, okay?” Still not convinced I just let him fare, somehow anticipating to jump the moment he came to any sensitive parts.

I was a bit disappointed when I just cringed away when his fingers lightly touched my clit, but as they did not stay there for long but slid lower instantly, it wasnt so bad. With a slight horror I watched him slide three of his fingers into me without me feeling so much as slightly filled, and Anthony just chuckled at my gasping when a forth finger joined the other three. Now I was feeling kind of full, and although I had come only shortly before, I was already getting aroused again.

When he saw me eying him with a strange kind of interest, Anthony started sliding his fingers in and out of me slowly, clearly putting on a little show for me. “And, how does it feel?” I shrugged, being a bit at a loss for words. “Full?” At that he just laughed. “But not full enough. Lets see if we can accomplish more now.” With that his thumb went to the other fingers, and when they slid in again I felt the familiar pushing sensation that I knew from the times Tane had done similar things with me. But he had never done it with me having come that heavily before, or whatever, because Anthony needed only four tries for his fingers to push into me up to the knuckles.

Until then he had been sort of hesitant and slow, but suddenly his mouth seemed to downright fasten itself over my clit, with his tongue flicking the little bud mercilessly, while his hand kept pushing into me slowly. After about ten seconds I was gasping and rolling my eyes back into my head, nearly screaming when a small wave of orgasm rolled through me. He just used the short phase after that contraction to slide his hand with apparent ease into my slopping pussy up to the wrist. Just the sight of it left me gasping, and the feeling of it was just marvellous.

Still he was not satisfied with this result, but kept on torturing my clit with his tongue while slowly moving his whole hand inside of me, meanwhile spreading his fingers and making me fidget around in my seat. I just felt near to bursting, but the release I craved simply did not want to come.

Reading the groans of frustration right Anthony changed his tactics, now lapping lower with his tongue to play along my whole slit while massaging my clit and the flesh around it with the fingers of his second hand. I was slowly getting closer, but still unable to come. I even started to shiver all over, alternating growls and soft cries all the while. The fingers that I dug into the armrests of the chair already started to hurt, but all this wasnt bringing me nearer to the brink.

“Please stop, I simply cant cum anymore, please!” My voice had taken on a pleading urgency, but even to me it sounded more like a plea for more than what the words should have meant. Anthony just smirked up briefly at me, but stilled all his motions and kept gazing up at me.

“Do you really want me to stop? You just have to repeat yourself, and Ill leave you … for now. But should all my efforts to get my hand into your slit be for naught? And you know what kind of orgasm is waiting for you just round the corner, so do you really, really want me to stop?” I was just about to tell him to do it, to really stop and leave me in peace, but my body was of another mind, and my hips seemed to buckle underneath him of their own account. The motion pushed his hand deeper into me, making me moan despite of myself.

The young sorcerer only grinned, looking kind of delighted. “Oh if you want it that way, you can also hump my hand if you feel like I dont provide you with enough sensations all of my own.” His smirk made me growl again, but somehow I couldnt keep my pelvis from rocking forward and back. It was just feeling so different this way, a whole lot more powerful as sensations go, maybe just because his masturbation of my clit had somewhat distracted my already wobbled mind.

When he wanted to resume licking my little bud I stilled and growled down at him. “Dont, its just keeping me from it.” After a short moment of insecurity Anthony just shrugged, making me grunt because of the unexpected motion, and let his free hand roam up to my left breast instead. When he started pinching my nipple slowly and deliciously, I let my eyes drift closed again and let out a low moan while starting again to impale myself on his fist.

A moment later I gasped, nearly sitting upright in the chair with my eyes wide open, when the painful pinching on my nipple had advanced to a strange kind of cold burning. When I gazed down on my breast, a haze of ice crystals was visible around my aureola, being most dense around my nipple and Anthonys fingers there. Seeing the astonished gaze on my face, the sorcerer laughed outright.

“Seems like you really didnt know that fires only my secondary element, hm? Ice can be fun, too.” I wanted to say more, but just then he spread the fingers of his free hand, grapping most of my breast in his hand, and let the crystals spread over the whole flesh. My nipple stayed crashed tightly between his thumb and index finger, and I had to bite down hard on my lower lip to keep from emitting small, mewing noises of discomfort. Yet to call it discomfort was not entirely correct, because it was without doubt one of the most sensual sensations I had ever felt on my breasts.

Recognizing that all this was messing too much with my general coordination, he took a still firmer grip on my breast, making my cry out for sure now, and resumed working his second hand inside my vagina. The pain coming from his icy grasp was so delicate that it got me writhing all on its own, making me stretch my back through while keeping a tight grip on the armrests of the chair. And when I felt myself start to shiver uncontrollably in the face of a new building orgasm, I was sure that this time I wouldnt go unrewarded any longer.

It was one of these strange moments that only take a second, or even less, but that you yourself feel stretching way to eternity. The sensation rocking me were something so alien to my mind that this alone might have made me cum, but for once I could admit to myself that not only the strange sexual component of the act involved was what had me going. No, it was rather the searing pain emanating from my tightly crushed breast that brought me, and the way he was pumping my pussy furiously with his fist was not entirely pleasurable, either.

It was pain and force that appealed to me, and it was this what made me finally rear up and shout in a guttural way when the waves of orgasm crashed over me once again. Yet this time I did not blank out, but delighted in the arch of pleasure that mounted over the pain for a brief moment, and let myself fall into the hollow cosiness of the still present, and now no longer by pleasure dimmed pain that raced through my body. All the while I had my eyes wide open, staring into Anthonys face, and seeing the realization on his features as clear as if I had explained it myself.

With a content sigh I flopped down into the cushions of the chair once the tension went out of my muscles, and the withdrawal of his hands let me position myself the way I wanted. My heart was hammering so loud in my ears that all other sound was shut out except the noise of my breath rasping in fast yet regal heaves. Still I couldnt tear my gaze from Anthonys and the way he looked transfixed at me I was not the only one hampered by that problem.

In the end it was he who looked away first, with a shy smile playing around the corners of his mouth. When he looked up again he extended one hand to gently tug some sweat-soaked strands of hair behind my ear, leaving a cool trail behind where his fingers had touched my skin. It made me shiver anew, but also drawing a content sigh from me.

When he finally spoke his voice was low and soft as if the words were important, and sacred just for the two of us. “You are amazing, you know that?” I snickered lightly, having no energy within myself for a full-out laugh, and smiled. “More likely amazed.”

With a sigh Anthony got back on his feet, and briefly surveyed the room, as if it needed checking about things left behind or untended. When he was satisfied with the state of the chamber, he looked down at me again, and offered me a hand for getting up. My feet were still wobbly enough for me to graciously accept the offer. Still, I was not entirely unhappy when he let go of my hand once he had made sure that I could easily support myself. Together we went up the stairs into the anteroom of the bedchambers where Anthony turned to go off towards the living room.


When he saw me hesitating, he turned. I just shrugged noncommittally. “I'd just like to be alone for awhile, and think things over." A brief smile danced around his eyes, and settled then in a kind of good-natured smirk around his mouth. "Well, you could go down the patio into the gardens. It might be rather cool outside by now, as it's already after sundown, but if there's a place around here where it's quiet, it's surely down there. I'll show you the way."


In passing I donned my clothes again and followed the young sorcerer onto the patio. From there, doors led back to the living room and the antechamber, and a large flight of wooden stairs led down into the gardens. Once my bare feet touched the grass I heard the door close behind me, and knew that I was finally alone again.


I took my time wandering through my surroundings, revelling in the cool evening air breathing over my feet. Compared to the meadows around Tane's hut it was downright cosy here, judging the temperature, and when I sat down on a small bench by a loudly gurgling creek I felt the serenity of nature slowly flow into me, easing the trembles of my overstrained muscles slowly. Within minutes I was fully relaxed, and wholly myself again.


When I looked back towards the house, I could make out the rest of the academy complex looming like a giant crouching beast behind the small building that from this side looked like an appendix, although I knew that it was one with the store rooms directly behind it. The alighted windows glowed merrily into the darkness, and beckoned to me to come join that light. But I was not yet ready to get back into civilisation again.


It was just strange, to feel so whole and detached from the problems that had until a few hours ago troubled me for weeks. Although, if I regarded my current situation from a realistic angle, I was just on the brink between these problems, and the next to come. I already began to dread the moment I had to go back to Tane, because I didn't want to confront him - and I didn't want to confront myself with the news Drake had so casually thrown at my feet.


Right now it was enough for me to reassign my attitude to Drake's and Anthony's behaviour, I was not yet inclined to reconsider my judgement of Tane as a teacher and person, both. Yet it no longer bothered me so much to have lost him as a lover. Maybe I was just going over into the next phase of denial, but right at this moment it was just the same to me. Yet deep down I knew that I was as prone to dissolve into tears the moment I saw him again, as throw myself into a shouting fit. He just brought out the best things in me.


As always when there are things ahead that I wouldn't want to be bothered with, I turned to the possible problems just ahead of me. Both Drake and Anthony had acted rather strangely during the last day, if judged by the way they had acted towards me before. To be true, of Drake I had somewhat expected him to be not as single-mindedly stupid as he had acted at the occasions where we had met. But Anthony had really surprised me, as he had been playing on being a total jerk just until this afternoon. But apparently that had been just the same kind of act Drake had used to deal with Tane and me.


Still, they had been a bit too convincing in their former attitude to just blame it on acting. If I wasn't still too befuddled with my raging endorphins, their current behaviour was as acted as the one before. Maybe a bit more sincere, but I would bet a lot on them wanting something from me that had nothing to do with my womanly or otherwise favours. But I didn't know what that might be, and was sure not to reach any conclusion, even if I racked my brains till dawn and beyond.


Having had the time I wished for alone, I decided to go back to the others, maybe some casual conversation might lift some of the veils I was now straining to look behind.


When I came through the living room door, both Anthony and Drake looked up from the conversation they had ended when they had heard my footsteps outside. They were reclining rather comfortably on the soft benches that I had seen from the main anteroom of the house, and I had no objections to join them when Drake gestured invitingly at one of the free seats. I was also rather happy to accept the offered glass of orange juice that came with my seat, and the full carafe with the same contents to go with. Apart from rest, water and vitamins might be what my body craved the most just now. Food I wouldn't have accepted, as my belly felt still rather troubled, but liquid diet was just fine.


While I happily drained the first glass, and half of the refill, both sorcerers regarded me as if I were some kind of strange animal that just happened to stroll through their living quarters, and that was most interesting to observe. When I caught them looking, Anthony just settled back into his seat with a sort of sly and complacent smile, while Drake propped his elbows on his knees and regarded me intently. When I raised my brows in question, he just shrugged.


"Although you look like the cat that just got her cream, you're quite the worse for wear, my dear." Now my gaze got a little hostile, but instead of answering, he flicked his wrist, and the air in front of me began to shiver, until a liquid surface not unlike a mirror appeared in front of me. And if it really worked like a mirror and did not conjure up false apparitions, I just had to admit that Drake was probably right. My hair was in total disarray, my eyes had a feverish shine to them while dark marks beneath them spoke of the lack of sleep I had been harbouring for days. And a most prominent strangulation mark was blossoming over my throat, turning from purple to something near black. Next to it the rope marks on my wrists were nothing.


When I looked up from my reflection again, the liquid evaporated into mist, leaving me with just my sense of touch, and the general feeling of slight pain round my throat. Drake's grin had just widened a bit when he saw my reaction, but he left it at that. The next moment his whole posture turned more business-like, and he also settled back in his seat, leaving me slurping down more juice noisily.


"So, are you still ruing loosing your bet?" Now his former smirk was back in place, and I just rolled my eyes. "Who said I ever rued it?" That cut his childish ways short, and I was rewarded with a loud guffaw that was somewhat echoed by Anthony. I was just about to think if now would be the time to strike up a more serious conversation about their deeper motives why I was here, when the sound of a heavy door being closed rather loudly came from the adjacent room.


Instantly, both sorcerers looked towards the source of the turmoil, seeming rather alert, and staying this way when Lathea appeared in the doorway, looking rather flushed, something I hadn't put in her repertoire so easily. When she saw the three of us sitting there and gazing towards her, she briefly directed a seemingly kind smile at me, but went serious again when she addressed Drake. "Sorry to disrupt you guys here, but trouble's coming along the way." Either the announcement did not really trouble Drake all that much, or Lathea's presence alone was enough for him to settle back into a more comfortable position instantly.


"What kind of trouble?" Although Lathea looked rather winded, his tone was measured and composed. The woman just shrugged. "Trouble, like Tane burning his way through the complex, shouting on the top of his lungs for you mangy bastard to come face to face with him if you just dare it?" Although her chest was still heaving from lack of air, a note of amusement swung with her words. At the exclamation Drake just smiled a rather lazy smile, and briefly gazed over at me. "I figured him loosing his temper after more than a mere day, but hurt pride is always kind of a motivation for men who think a lot of themselves."


Yet before he could speak on, or anyone else could, a loud boom sounded from the front door, accompanied my some inaudible sounds that clearly stemmed from Tane, and judging from Lathea's words, he was most likely cursing. This proved true just seconds later after a second boom had sounded through the house. "Just raise that thrice-cursed enchantment, you conniving bastard!" When I looked askance at Drake, he just shrugged. "Fire-proof shield on all wooden parts that lead to the outside. Nice of you to have it activated, Lathea." The woman just nodded her head, and remained silent.


Meanwhile Tane went on cursing and avidly trying to bring down the enchantments, but they were apparently quite strong, as could be expected from enchantments stemming from the Academy on her common compound grounds. Drake and Anthony both seemed rather amused with Tane's raging, while I was slowly but surely getting annoyed. Yet before I could speak up, Tane suddenly stopped, and changed his course.

"If you are too much a coward to come out yourself, at least let my girl go. You've had enough time to prove that you're a bastard already!" My annoyance instantly changed into gratitude and a strange feeling of warmth when I heard him addressing me as 'his', but this persisted only until my brains got a grip over my heart. So now he was already seeing me as his property? Somehow the whole conflict was getting better by the minute.


Either Drake had gotten tired of Tane's raging, or some of my sudden resentment had been showing in my face, because he sighed briefly, and then told Anthony to get up and see to getting rid of Tane soon, lest the shields might wear off somehow. As before, Anthony just nodded and complied without further protest, something I would likely never have done. But maybe that's just me.


After an initial outburst from Tane being treated only to the henchman, and not the target of his anger, their conversation became muted, although even without understanding the words I was sure that it was way from friendly. Meanwhile, Drake turned to me with an unreadable mask on his face. "Do you want to go with him? As I already said, everything's settled between the two of us, and I guess Anthony won't protest, either. And you surely look like we put you through your paces, so from our side there will be no one to hold you back here."

Still seething with cold anger, my eyes darted quickly to the door to the next room, then back to Lathea and Drake. Slowly an idea was building in my mind, only fuelled by the bits and pieces I could hear coming from the anteroom, along with a truly sincere outburst of Tane shouting something that sounded pretty much like 'and you really think that Jeanne's a lady?' with a total disbelieve in his voice. I guess that simply made my day.


I hesitated for another moment, trying to clear my thoughts, but my mind was simply on flame, and no thought that wasn't screaming for revenge was easily available. So I went through with the only idea that had come to my scrambled mind, and asked Drake the question I somewhat dreaded even while I already knew the answer. "Say, do you think it's already too late to call over the boys?" The exchange of glances between Lathea and Drake did not elude me, but I left it uncommented, and just waited for the sorcerer to answer, what he promptly did with a rather beaming smile on his face. "Oh I think if you want to call them for what we've been talking about earlier, it could be the dead of the night and they'd still come. Why do you ask?"


The near innocence with which he added the last nearly made me furious, but I controlled my temper, and just smiled lazily. "Oh I guess I could look even worse once I return back to the hut, much, much later, or don't you think?" At that the sorcerer just snorted good-naturedly, and gestured for Lathea. "Go get the boys, and make sure to pass Tane on the way out and in again, if he's still here. And make sure that he doesn't jump to false conclusions." Lathea nodded briefly, and joined Anthony in his taunts, before nothing could be heard of her any longer.


When she was gone for good, Drake resettled himself in his chair, and for several moments just stared at me, as if that could tell him the answer to what he was about to ask. Seemingly an unsatisfactory undertaking, as he soon blinked and posed his question. "Are you doing it to annoy him, please me, or out of wholly selfish reasons?" The way he phrased it made me laugh briefly. "Arent all these selfish reasons? They'd all accomplish something that brings me some advantage in either way. But rest assured, whatever my reasons might be, I'm usually not an unselfish creature."


Drake smirked a bit, but was serious all the while. "So do you want to set any limits or specify something, or do you dare them just to judge for themselves?" I thought about that for a moment, still musing about my new enlightenment from a while back. When I answered, I did it with some calculating quality in my tone. "I won't need many regulations, but for what I have in mind I'd really need a saveword, or rather another kind of gesture to signal when I've had more than enough." Again he smirked, but now it took on a darker quality. "You still remember that I said no savewords for today?" I just shrugged. "We can always wait till tomorrow, I'm in no hurry."


For a moment it seemed that the exasperated sigh he emitted would lead to a denial of my plea, but then Drake just shrugged. "Tell me what you have in mind, and I tell you whether you get your loophole or not." Now it was my time to shrug. "You see, it's more a life-rescue means than a loophole. I want to test how strongly I really react to pain with no direct involvement of pleasure for me, so you see, when things get too far they will likely be out of control all the same. It would be much saver for all of us if you gave me a means to stop it on the spot."


The sorcerer mused over that for quite a while, before nodding his consent. "Now from what you said it should be something non-verbally, or at least no word in itself, do you know something that might be available to you even when you are fully distressed, nearly out of your mind, and likely not able to move freely?" That was something I had not yet regarded, and it left me bare of ideas. When he saw my hesitance, Drake went on. "Maybe the boys know something useful. I'd say stay with leaving it at their judgement, and hopefully we won't all go up in flames."


For a time we both fell silent, listening to the still ongoing conversation of Tane and Anthony. After that last outburst when Lathea had joined in it had become rather quiet, so either they were just staring at each another, or talking softer than before. That changed rapidly after another five minutes, and apart from Lathea's higher voice now several deeper, male voices wavered over into our room. It was then that my adrenaline started messing with me again when my pulse rose, and newly awakened fear began to constrict my slightly hurting throat.


Whatever they were saying to Tane I couldnt imagine, yet he went furious and loud within the minute, and it took a while before the loud sound of the door being shut, echoed by Tane's curses getting muffled once more, made me nearly jump. Observing this, Drake just smiled and waited for our visitors to come. He didn't have to wait for long.


With Lathea walking just in front of them, the file of seven young warriors came into the room, and if I was not terribly mistaken, most of them had accompanied Drake when he had been up at the hut a week ago, and although my sudden dread made me rather itchy and yearning to just dissipate into thin air, I thought that one or two of them seemed as unsure about themselves as I was about this whole thing. Lucky me, I was not the only one with weak knees.


As I seemed to have gone mute, Drake took over the greetings and introduction, describing in bloomy words that were wholly inappropriate what I had said to him just minutes ago. Meanwhile I did my best not to blush all over, but I guess I failed terribly, at least when judged from the nice smile one of the boys directed at me. I guess he was the one who had helped me up back then when I had made my unworthy attempt to flee, but I couldn't be sure entirely. Back then I hadn't given much on their faces. But now I had time enough to take a better look, all over. At least now I had inner calm to notice his shortcut, sun blonde hair and the sparkling green eyes.


All in all they looked like one would expect young warriors in training to look, but also like seven singled-out young men from any group of adults. Their height ranged from just about as tall as I was to nearly two meters, and while some of them looked rather well-muscled, the initial built of their body, be it scrawny or rather stocky, was still there. At least I wasn't about to be molested by seven identical versions of nearly every girl's dream. But I guess the whole thing was true enough for at least my dreams.


When Drake finally reached the end with his talk by addressing the problem with the saveword, there was a general agreement on knowing no good way apart from personal judgement, or just waiting for me to start igniting things. I couldn't even hold something in my hand, as I was likely going to get rid of it the first time I started putting up a fight, so we were once again down at the same conclusion that had been in use the whole day. I was not really happy with it, but it could have been worse.


Still, where Drake had been rather vague until now, or left the whole subject untouched, the boys wanted to beforehand know what to do. This did not entirely surprise me, yet I was still not really comfortable with talking about it, and I was not entirely alone my resentments, either. Judging from the way they kept shuffling their feet and looking at one another, or at everything except me, there was a general air of lack of knowledge and courage about.


The boy who had smiled at me before, and helped me back then, was either beforehand, or just now, chosen as leader or spokesperson, because he finally let the others coax him to take over the talking, which he finally did, yet without the lack of hesitancy he had shown beforehand.


"So let's make it short, I guess we all can agree on wanting to start soon, or am I wrong?" I just nodded, being perfectly happy with nonverbal answers. He went on, as if not to loose his courage. "And from what Drake told us just now you want us to be really rough, without much attending to your initial pleasure. Sounds a bit strange, don't you think?" Although his words came out a bit rash, he softened them with his smile. Somehow it looked sincere, but I was about to realize that it did not entirely show his mood or feelings. Or he just tried to be nice to me.


I swallowed hard, and shrugged. "Well, not all of my sexual preferences are normal, either." For that I got some throaty, but still uneasy laughs. Before I could loose my nerve, I went on quickly. "But it's just a test, of sorts, for me to see how I react to pain in that given situation. So if you are more comfortable with providing me some additional stimulation, I won't protest, but I simply want to know my limits and boundaries. And it's up to you to judge when you think I've had enough of that, and change your ways. But I guess you won't have problems with playing a bit rougher than the usual."


He shrugged briefly, as if to tell me that it was my decision, not his, and went on. "And how involved do you want to be? Just let us do as we want and play the docile victim, or put up a fight?" I just grinned broadly. "Do I look anything docile to you?" Once again the whole band laughed, but with more surety now. Talking seemed to lift their unease the same as mine.


Still, the young warrior went on with his questions. "Judging from that, it's also okay with you if we hold you down, tie you up, gag you, and things like that, maybe making it deliberately uncomfortable for you?" I nodded again. "And you also don't mind us subduing you, bodily? With as much force as we dare use?" Once more I nodded. “Just don't leave me with my limps all sprained or broken. But I won't protest rough handling.“

He seemed to think about all these things before nodding slowly, with a finality to it that somehow made me shiver. I was still determined to go with my plan, but all this could go so dreadfully wrong ...

To stop my thoughts from continuing along these lines, I stood up hesitantly, and indicated the door that lead to the shortest way down into the dungeon. “I guess it's time then to begin with the fun? Or is there still more that we have to talk about?“ Even if it was not like me, I put on an inviting smile, and cocked my hip a bit. “Or are you about to get wet feet?“

Maybe they had just waited for my invitation, or had held back out of curtesy, but as soon as I made my proposal a certain kind of hopeful agitation went into them, making them all seem unappropriately like small boys. Just when I was about to start to freak out, the guy with the easy smile turned up at my side. “Would you let me lead you down, my lady?” I just cocked my eyebrow, but took his offered arm graciously. So I let him lead me down into the pleasure chamber, with Drake and Anthony at the end of our little parade.

For a moment my unease started to crawl up my spine again when we all went down into the dungeon, simply because I did not know what to do now. Until this moment, I had more or less always known what was in store for me when it came to sex, or as whatever it turned out to be in the end. I had known that my role was to submit to what was about to happen, and that probably nothing too serious would happen. But now, this was a wholly new experience for me, and I somewhat dreaded the risks. And that I would somehow mess all this up; the details of what had happened with Drake just mere hours ago had me somewhat on edge.

The guy let go of me, and turned me around to face him with his hands firmly holding my upper arms. When I turned my gaze up to look into his eyes, a slight smile briefly touched his face. “Look, don't be so tense, believe me, it will not be an awful experience for you, even with the specifications you wanted to have. I'll take care of that, okay? Once I see that you stop responding to what we do to you, I'll turn down a notch, and if that is still not enough, we'll just resume fucking you. A nice, thorough gang bang can also be quite fun, hm? Trust me?” Something in his gaze just made me believe him, and feeling just like being in trance, I nodded. “Okay.” He smiled briefly, and then downed me with a forceful punch under my chin.

For a moment I felt nothing, being just stunned, while my world slipped to the side. The first pain welled up when I hit the floor, but for the moment I was not able to localize it to the point. Just when I realized that my jaw was aching again, I was dragged to my feet, and while someone held my arms tightly behind my back, one of the others punched me two times in my stomach, making me want to keel over, but being unable to do so because of being held tightly upright.

Strong fingers tightened around my chin, making me wince in pain. My head was forced upwards, and I looked up into the eyes of the now not really as nice as before guy, who just looked smug. “Now aren't you a little slut who just wants to please us?” I kept holding his gaze, and tried to wind myself out of his grasp. “Never. I'd rather die than submit to you!” Only seconds ago that would have just sounded stupid, but the pain in my jaws and stomach were enough to get me at least into a bratty mood.

Apparently I was playing along just fine, as he just grinned broadly, with just a tad bit of malice spiced into it, and then went on to the others. “Well, my friends, what do you say, shall we show her how fast she will be begging on her knees, pleading for us to take her, hard?” There was a lot of shouting and laughing, all dear sounds of encouragement, somehow making me want to spit in his face. Yet before I could do something stupid like that, his gaze came back to my face and now his smirk held quite some warning in it. “Now's your last chance, lovely, get down on your knees and be a good little slut, or we will make you rue your stubborn stupidity!” I decided that now was the right time to spit in his face, and lucky as I was, the spit hit true, right underneath his left eye. Still, my triumph was only short, as he backhanded me hard, making me loose my balance as the supporting hands disappeared behind my back, sending me groaning to the floor.

I closed my eyes briefly, trying to clear my head and get a grip on myself. I was already aching all over, and somehow the realization that this was entirely not the thing for me was getting more evident by the minute. The best would be for me to just get up and call the whole action off, for sure. Yet soon enough I began to understand that things had already gone beyond my control.

Just moments after I hit the floor, I was roughly shoved to lie on my belly, and the full body weight of one of the guys weighted down on my back between my shoulder blades. When I started to rear up underneath him, my arms were snatched and brutally pulled back, making me cry out in pain. Before I could put up much of a struggle, a rope was wound around my wrists, securing my only useful weapon out of the fight. Futilely I tried kicking my feet in hope to connect with some leg or knee, but it only got them grabbed and tied up, too.

Feeling like inside a cocoon with my limps bound and the weight of a full-grown man on my back, I tried to thrash around, but was soon stopped with hands holding my upper arms to the floor. So I tried cursing, but before I had even come to the end of my limited repertoire of appropriate swear words, my head was forced upwards until I started a keening noise of protest, and I looked up into the face of one of the guys who looked more like a bully than a warrior to be, and smiled quite smugly down at me. “Stop swearing, cunt, or we will stuff your filthy mouth with something more to our likings.”

I just stared defiantly into his face, and tried spitting again, but this time my spittle only dripped down my own chin, making him hiccup with suppressed laughter. With a widening smile on his face he turned to the others. “Looks like the little slut has too much spit in her mouth, shouldn't we use that for our ways?”

To the sound of their laughter they picked me up from behind under my arms, and heaved my torso up, taking their time fondling my breasts avidly. Meanwhile, the guy in front of me trust his foot between my knees, forcing them to open lest I didn't want to be kicked further. This way they forced me into a kneeling position, while incidentally thrusting my breasts out rather invitingly. Again I tried swearing, but was silenced with a hard punch beneath my chin that nearly sent me sprawling on the floor once more. My breath came in ragged thrusts through my throat while I tried to suppress the tears that were already starting to well up in my eyes. When I had fought them down again, and opened my eyes, a fat, half-erect cock was dangling before my face.

This time my groan stemmed from different things than pain, and might have been just as typically female as his action was typically male. Yet when my lips stayed sealed shut, strong hands fastened around my jaw once more, and I was forced to look up at the face of the bully again. “You will now open that slutty mouth of yours, and suck my cock like the good little cunt you are.”

I was futilely trying to keep my mouth shut, yet his fingers dug more than painfull into my cheeks, forcing his fingers between my teeth and pushing harder, still. I tried to resist, yet my jaws ached already too much to put up much of a defence, and within moments my mouth was forced wide open. I tried to close it again once the pressure of the fingers lessened, but a hard smack on my head made me give up, and I opened my lips again. Yet not before showing my teeth briefly.

Another smack on my head erased the beginning grin from my features. The bully backhanded me across my mouth before grinning down at me once more. “So you do know whats best for you, don't you? Having no teeth left to grin does not really count to that, now does it?” I shook my head hesitantly, starting to wonder when I would finally get a concussion and start to puke so that they would stop hitting me in the head.

When I seemed docile enough he positioned his cock once again before my lips, and slowly shoved it into my mouth. That I let him do without resistance, but I was in no mind to do anything to help him to his fun, either. As soon as he realized my mute protest, he guffawed out his annoyance. “Hey, the stupid cunt doesn't know what to do with my cock in her mouth. I guess we really have to teach her!”

To the general shouts of the guys he took hold of my head, and forced his cock so far into my mouth that I finally choked on it, even without constricting my mouth on my own. I tried to buck against his grip, but it felt as if my head was encased in steel. Only when I lessened my attempts to free myself did he finally let go of my head, enabling me to breathe again around his cock. When his fingers entangled themselves once more in my hair I tried to buck out, but his growl made me go still again.

When I turned my eyes upwards to look at his face, he grinned down at me evilly. “Now start sucking, babe, or do you really want me to fuck your throat now, already?” I tried to answer, but when his grip tightened once more, I resigned myself to close my lips around his prick and started sucking on it like a good girl. At least for several seconds, until I felt an intruding hand go up my thigh towards my more intimate parts. Instinctively I tried to close my legs and wring myself free, yet the hands around my head were again unrelenting, and a strong, painful grip on my neck kept me from struggling further.

“Oh, see how the slut already squirms in anticipation, let's see if she's already dripping wet and just waiting for us to take her firmly and ride her like a young steed.” The hand resumed its way upwards, and after some fondling around my slip, easily slid down my slit and into me. Of course I was soaking wet already, which the fortunate owner of the probing hand triumphantly told his friends. I didn't even try to feel ashamed, as it would have been for naught, anyway.

The bully who was taking his time slowly pushing his cock deeper into my throat, slowly forcing me to deep-throat him, let out a loud howl. “Let's get her naked, it's only half the fun humping a sack of clothes. Use your knives on her things, and if she balks, just cut her, maybe that'll keep her still.” I tried to think about my options for a moment, but when I felt the cool point of a knife at my neck I just tightened most of the muscles in my body, closed my eyes and tried to concentrate fully on the cock in my mouth. This was no easy undertaking as most of the occupied guys took their turns in suggesting what to do next, and when the bully suddenly shoved his prick down to the back of my throat again, I nearly jumped.

A sure hand on my shoulder steadied me again, and I felt the warmth of breath being expelled near my left ear. “Just stay still, girl, soon you have the worst behind you.” If I wasn't terribly wrong it was once more the nice guy from before, but I couldn't be too sure as the cock that tried to choke me somewhat occupied most of my mind.

Hands all over my body made me realize that they had finally succeeded in ridding me of my dress, slip, and bodice all in once, and tried to cringe away from them, but as this was nearly impossible I just had to keep sucking the cock in my mouth and resign myself to whatever they were about to do to me. Although it was not really so easy when callused hands gripped my breasts harshly from behind and dug fingers into my flesh. It was kind of humiliating for them to find my nipples hard and erect, and while one of them continued crushing my breasts, a second set of fingers started to pinch and rub my nipples.

With a shudder the bully came deep in my mouth, forcing me to swallow his cum or choke on it. A certain kind of desperation started to rise in me, and the moment he withdrew his member from my mouth I did my best to spit out the rest of his semen that had not already found its way into my stomach. The boys evidently found that very funny, and started to quarrel who would be next in line.

Before they could decide much, one of the more skinny guys stripped out of his pants and kneeled down before me. “Now get her to suck me off, I'm starting to get restless!” To the cajoling of the gang I was pushed forward until I was near his already hard prick. Although he was rather rangy, his cock was long, although not really thick. And it has a rather unpleasant odour to itself that made me wrinkle my nose and try to avoid it, yet as before it didn't take them long to force me to open my mouth, and from there on it went similar as before.

I just started to get into a rhythm that got me to go through with this, when a teasing hand started rubbing over my raised, exposed behind. “Such a lovely ass, with such lovely marks on the left cheek, but none on the right, now shouldn't we straighten that out? There is substantial beauty in symmetry, now is there?” Once again it was the nice guy talking, but again my appeal to him lessened when I felt the hard length of a cane rubbing vertically over my butt. “It was from this nice instrument that you got these marks, wasn't it?” I tried nodding with the cock still in my mouth, but I guess whether my answer was acknowledged or not was irrelevant, as moments later the length of the cane thudded down over both of my ass cheeks, this time coming from the other side so that most of the impact force was on the yet unmarred side.

Involuntarily I tightened up all over my body, and must have graced the cock in my mouth accidentally with my teeth, as the guy let out a keening sound, and the prick disappeared from my mouth. I looked up slightly irritated, not really knowing what this was about, when the next thud of the cane came down on my butt, making me scream because of the pain emanating from it, and pitch towards the floor with no way of preventing my inevitable impact on the stone floor.

For a moment I was stunned, before the pain began to radiate outwards from my jaw into the last recesses of my body. I just kept on sobbing and groaning, trying to suppress either but failing with both. My head started to ache in general, and I was just about to sear through my ropes and call everything off when Mr. Nice Guy turned me over so that I came to lie on my back, and looked down at me with concern in his eyes. True, real concern. It had been quite some time since I had seen something like that in anyones eyes, and I guess it was a first for a guy who wanted nothing more than to fuck me.

This just paralysed me for a moment, of sorts, and so it took me several tries to understand that he was trying to get some type of response out of me. I tried to smile, but tears still kept streaming from my eyes, so this turned out to be a rather futile gesture. Slowly I turned my head to one side, but the pain was still too much for me to just tell him that everything was okay. And somehow I was growing tired of this.

I closed my eyes briefly, as if to gain some seconds of privacy in all the turmoil, and prayed inwardly for the injury not to be a grave one. Even if I had never before been handled the way they had done with me, I somehow found some appeal in it, and although I would have preferred for them not to punch me anymore, the mere thought of them all taking turns fucking me brought some life back into me. Yet for a moment I had the strange feeling as if the stone underneath my cheek turned warmer, and the pain in my jaw lessened, but when I reopened my eyes to look at him again I was still dizzy and hurting, so it couldnt have been more than mere imagination.

“How are you? Looked quite bad from behind, seeing you fall to the floor.” This time I was able to answer his smile with one of my own, and just shrugged, as everything else seemed quite impossible with my arms not only bound, but now trapped underneath my prone body. “Must have looked worse than it was. The pain is already subsiding. But to be honest, Ive had enough of things connecting with my jaw for a day.”

Maybe I just imagined it, but for I moment I thought to see regret passing over his face. He briefly repositioned himself to a more comfortable crouch next to me, and made a noncommittal gesture. “If you want to, we can stop anytime.” Now he really made me smile, and something in that seemed to lighten his mood. “No, just see me as subdued already and fuck me. You cannot just manhandle me and not fuck me now. Thats like telling a kid it will get desert after eating the spinach, and not holding the promise. You may also pinch my breasts as much as you like, that I dont mind, just forget what I said about wanting only the pain. This leads me nowhere, and I guess itll be the most fun if we all join in, eh?”

He seemed to consider that for a moment, then smirked and got up again, turning to his peers. “Now youve heard the lady, we shouldnt keep her waiting for much longer!” To the general encouraging shouts of the lot I was heaved up into a sitting position, and my legs were untied again, seemingly for better availability.

Although they all seemed quite eager again, my little downtime had done its fair to let them all grow quite soft, which evidently posed a problem should they want to continue. When I recognized the problem I just turned my head up with the most innocent expression on my face and smiled up to the friendly guy, while licking my lips quite invitingly. “You know, there are things a woman can do to solve this problem. And I promise, I wont bite.”

For a moment he just looked down at me in consideration, before pushing down his pants and presenting me his prick. “Do your worst, or youll not get the candy afterwards.” I just smiled and leaned forward, first running my tongue up his cock before letting it slide into my mouth. For a minute or so he let me work with the whole of his still soft penis in his mouth, but then he groaned, took my head in both of his hands and pressed my face to his belly for a moment. “Doesnt work without visual helpings. Let me do the work, just be a good girl and suck.” With no real means of protest I let him take over control, and although he still wasnt hard it worked just fine to let him fuck my mouth, sort of.

After about ten thrusts I was already getting trouble with the whole thing as his prick was quickly getting alive again and filling out my mouth too much for my comfort, at least with my still hurting jaw. Either he realized that or simply got bored of the activity, but suddenly he stopped and withdrew from me.

Next he crouched down in front of me, smirked again, and lay back on the stone floor. “Now come here, you little slut, I want you to fuck yourself on my cock while you continue servicing my mates.” I raised my eyebrows enquiringly, yet before I could argument that in my current position it was a little difficult to get up on my own, strong arms lifted me to my feet, and I was bodily walked over to kneel down with my spread knees over him. I tried to put on a defiant face while he guided his cock to my slit and the others pushed me gently down on it, as if that had been necessary, but failed when I simply had to moan in pleasure to finally again feel a hard prick enter me.

He left me enough time to relish the feeling before gripping my waist and commanding me to fuck him as if my life depended on it. Of course I complied, relishing every moment of it. Yet before I could feel more than the simple pleasure of being filled again, he made me stop again, and when I looked down at him inquiringly, he let go of my midriff and signalled one of the others to get behind me. For a moment I didnt really understand what this was about, until he lifted his arms to grab my breasts tightly and drag me a bit towards him with that.

I had a moment to wonder what that manoeuvre would do to my ass before I felt the tip of a well-greased cock pushing against my anus. I went stiff for a moment, but his rubbing his thumbs over my erect nipples made me wriggle in his grip all too soon. For that I got a light smack on my butt. “Hold still, or do you think its that easy to push two fat cocks into such a treat like you are when shes not holding still?” I just grinned down on the guy under me, and leaned a little more towards him to help his buddy as much as I could do with my hands still behind my back.

The cock at my ass slowly slid into me, with not overly much resistance. Still, I couldnt keep from gasping, but it was only partly from the slight pain. For a moment the guy behind me stopped, but when I trust my hips forward he was told with a laugh that I seemed quite okay, and that he should continue. And so it came that I found myself sandwiched between two young warriors, and loving every aspect of it.

When he was tightly wedged into me the guy behind me gripped my bound arms with one hand, while supporting his weight with the other, and started pumping my ass without much further warning. This just drew a delighted, throaty laugh from me that increased when the second guy took up his rhythm after the second thrust, yet reversed, so that they were taking turns pushing into me.

My laughter was soon replaced by heavy panting, and although I wanted to hold back I was starting to come within the first minute. Apparently I was spasming so hard that I downright milked their cocks without really wanting to, and within seconds they both spent themselves inside me, exchanging rude comments while I tried to find mentally back to myself.

With a last smack on my breasts they both withdrew from me and left me panting and kneeling on the floor. The ropes around my wrists were loosened, and I was quite happy to be able to support myself again on my own. It just felt so good to have been properly fucked again that I simply did not pay heed to the things around me, and was quite surprised to find myself with a fresh cock in my mouth and another waiting at my ass only seconds later.

I hesitated only a moment, and as my body knew better than my mind what to do I was all too soon occupied once again, now having a hard time keeping the blowjob up properly because I simply had to moan while the other guy ravaged my anus again while frantically rubbing my clit, and surely not accidentally tucking on the delicate ring through my love bud.

When the guy in my ass came long before the one in my mouth, he quickly made place for the next one who soon occupied my pussy, soon to be replaced by the guy from my mouth who thought it more fun to come in a hole that would be sealed longer than two seconds because of my heavy panting and moaning. I guess they arranged it for themselves that they first let me suck them until they got really hard and then spent themselves either in my pussy or ass, but I couldnt be sure as it was simply impossible for me to keep track of who was doing what to me. I was just enjoying myself too much, just being in bliss when they didnt forget to manhandle also my breasts, not only my genitals.

When they finally let go of me I collapsed into a shuddering heap, not being able to even stay kneeling. My ass and pussy felt rubbed raw from the abuse, and my tits had distinct blue marks on them where they had been pinched a bit too enthusiastically, while my jaw was aching from the constant sucking, yet I was feeling as if I were newly reborn. So I stayed there on the floor with my eyes closed and my head cradled in my arms while the boys made their good-bye, making sure to thank me a lot for the fun, but I wasnt able to reply with more than just murmurs, which they took as a good sign of their efficiency.

After the turmoil of the leave-taking had receded, I finally sat up again, and looked around. I was more or less sitting in a lake of half-dried fluid, while my whole ass and my legs down to my knees were covered with cum and my juices. A longer observation of the dungeon showed that only the nice guy had remained, who was right now sitting in the cosy chair and tying the laces of his boots. When he caught me looking at him, he downright beamed at me, making me blush all of a sudden, which was quite stupid all on its own.

Before I could attempt to rise on my own, he was on my side and helped me off the floor while draping large blanket around my body. For a moment he held up the embrace he had used to draw me to my feet, then he let go but the smile stayed on his face, and I could only return it.

For a moment we stood there just looking at each other, before he shyly cleared his throat. “Drake and Anthony told me to bring you to one of the open spaces of the complex were you can teleport home, and make sure that you get there save. Do you feel up to the task, or shall I carry you? You look quite worn out.”

At that I had to chuckle briefly, yet I declined his offer hastily when I made advances to swing me into his arms. “No, thanks, I can go on my own, just feeling a bit shakily. You guys really know what you have to do to keep a woman occupied.” He just smirked, and off we went.

Our way through the complex was only short, which I dearly rued, yet even I had to accept that my body was drained and tired, and that a longer way would sooner or later have led to him having to carry me for real. So it came that we said good-bye at one of the grand places inside the complex, and I even conjured up a portal on the fifth try, for which I was quite proud. He seemingly took the failures for granted considering my general condition, and shyly kissed me before softly yet consistently pushing me through the portal that closed just after him withdrawing his hands from me.

So I was left standing on the meadows only meters from Tanes hut, and suddenly ruing the fact that I was home again, if these grounds could be called home once more. Judging by the way the stars looked it must have been well after midnight, and I even thought to see the first slightly lighter touches on the horizon that were preceding dawn.

As always, the door of the hut was unlocked, but no one was still up, and the fireplace cooled down already for hours. For a brief moment I was slightly depressed, but what had I been expecting? Tane to stay up all night in agitation about my physical and mental health? Likely not.

So with a sad feeling and a cold hand clamping down on my heart I slowly went into my room and just lay down on top of my bed, snuggled tightly into the blanket. Sleep soon overwhelmed me, while my last thoughts were some scrambled ideas of how I could live on with the many new aspects that had visited my life in the last few days. The last thing that came to my mind was that I didnt even know the name of the guy I was about to fall madly in love in with.

Caught Fire 9

Caught Fire

Part 9

By Dari


Although the last night had been anything but peaceful, and I had been more than merely tired when I downright fell into my bed, I didn't sleep very long. When I reluctantly opened my eyes to look out the window, the sun was just a hand span above the horizon, making it early morning as it was still not yet spring. I couldn't have been asleep for more than four hours or so, but when I flopped down back into the feathers sleep was a long way from returning, so I might as well just get up.


Still tired and rather groggy I sat up in bed and tried for a first assessment of the damage yesterday might have caused to my physiology. My jaw was aching a lot what did not really surprise me, and I had some rather sore regions at my rips and general midriff that were slowly turning some ugly purple. My throat also felt a little sore, at least concerning the skin, and I could only take a guess at what the marks would be looking now, after being clearly visible already yesterday. I also tried turning around and looking at my behind for the caning marks, but couldn't get a good view at the lower regions where I thought them to be. And I was direly in need of a bath, as my whole thighs looked basically caked with dried up fluids.


For a moment I considered dressing, yet I really did not want to spoil my fresh clothes so fast, and as I was planning on going for the warm springs in the caves just behind the hut I might just take the risk and conclude that journey wrapped into the blanket I had inherited last night.


The house was still rather quiet, but the last weeks had clearly showed that the sound insulation of the living room was better than that of the rooms beyond, so I might have heard Tane and Chelsea if they'd still been in their room, but probably nothing from the kitchen area. Most of myself was just yearning for the bath, and I was just about to climb out of my window again, maybe this time less hurriedly and without nearly committing incidental suicide, but some part of me, probably the sassy, bitter brat wouldn't let me and demanded showing myself in the front room, even at the possibility of no one being there to admire the deeds of my trade, so to say. And it wasn't like I could hide away the whole day.


So it came that I wrapped myself protectively into my blanket, and went with my head proudly raised into the living room. To my partial delight both Tane and Chelsea were present; partial just because Tane was sitting with his back turned to me and only seemed to notice something when Cheslea was staring wide-eyed at me while going slowly white in the face. I guess this might just be justified in her case as she must have been wondering what I had been through as it must seem to her that this likely could have been the treatment bestowed unto her had I not interfered. And I really was in no mood to tell her otherwise.


Either Chelsea's reaction had been enough of a hint, or he had heard my silent footsteps, Tane turned in his seat, still chewing on his bread, and looked at me. And presently choked on his breakfast when I readjusted the blanket while passing his field of vision so that most of the remnants of yesterday became clearly visible. I stood mute, yet regarded him rather levelly. I wouldn't say that it was beyond me to spew malice with my gaze just then, but I decided to keep that for later. So I just bade them a good morning, and went off through the door towards the caves.


Apparently Tane must have already known that I had returned last night or he would have reacted differently, or at all, but what he had just seen had apparently taken him aback, or I at least hoped that it was so. Some part of me yearned for him to just come after me, embrace me and tell me that now everything was okay, and he would care for me and get rid of Chelsea, but even in my most vivid daydreams I knew that even half of this was likely improbable.


So I made my way over the cool meadows and through the cold caves, to find the pool of the hot spring alone and blissfully warm. Without bothering much with additional lightning, I just ignited a ball of flame on the near wall over a low crevice where I could be sure that even the low temperature of the fire I had created would do no damage to the stone, and slid slowly into the water. My weary muscles seemed to sigh with content, and as the cacking on my legs slowly dissolved I started to feel human again.


Just when I was about to wonder how long my luxuriating solitude would last, I heard footsteps coming from the cave entry towards me. Tane blinked briefly when the harsh light of my flames flared up the moment he reached the main room of the spring area, but did not even bother to comment on it. Instead he came to stand at the brink of the pool and stared down at me with his usual absence of visible feeling portrayed on his features.


Having been anxious the whole time of my stay underneath the blissful feelings, I calmed down again and told myself to just stay composed. One thing I should not forget, he was likely not aware of my ulterior motives, and even though I had opposed him in accompanying Drake, he did not know how far my consent had reached. At least I hoped dearly that he was not aware of this. So I just leaned back against the stones of the pool and looked up at him over the undisturbed flat of water.


Normally Tane belonged to the people who might just have enough patience to stare down a stone, but lately I had him seen less composed than ever before. This I had elucidated quickly after our mental separation; yet I still did not know what the reason for the split and his unusual behaviour really was. It could just not be such a simple event like my unlucky aim when I kicked him.


Judging from the way he studied me, today would be another day of me riddling about this, but there had to be a reason for his presence. For a moment I contemplated just staring back at him, but then mentally sighed and briefly closed my eyes to break contact. When I reopened them he still looked at me rather funny, but I thought to see some kind of quizzicallyness there, too.


"Why are you here?" My voice sounded a bit hollow, and for a moment I feared him to see that as a sign of my resentment to talk calmly, but as he just shrugged he seemed to take it as a by-product of what I had been through, with the added hindrance of lack of sleep. "I wanted to talk to you. If you don't mind, I might add." I just shrugged, and getting tired of this waiting for answers started to shrub the remnants of yesterday's fun off my legs.


Seeing my futile activity for what it was, Tane went on after another short pause. as if he needed time to find the right words. "I don't know if you know it already, but I tried preventing any further harm coming to you yesterday evening." I blinked for a moment, trying to figure out just what he meant by that, and raised my head again to look him in the face. "You mean you insulted me in front of near strangers, and went on undermining my efforts to stay true to my word?"


For a moment he looked downright shocked, something I had not really deemed Tane capable of. Before he could utter some strange retort about his choice of words, I went on. "If it really was for my better good, it might have been a noble deed, but you should know that all people involved, me included, knew from the start that neither my life nor sanity would be endangered by anything that might happen." I made a dramatic pause, somewhat waiting for him to fall into my words, but he just looked levelly at me. So I went on, deciding to make a haphazard guess. "And that's because I am too valuable. No one would willingly damage something permanently that might prove useful or even indispensable in the future. Now wasn't that the reason you were there, last evening? To demand what you designate rightfully as your own to steer?"


I let that sink in for a while, knowing fully well that in truth I did not know a thing, and might even be terribly wrong, but the whole events that had been taking place since our first visit in Mendala posed one simple question for me: why were they all so terribly interested in having a say over me? And it couldn't just be my looks or my tolerance for pain, because both were things that were more easily found elsewhere, both on their own and combined. There simply had to be something about me that made Drake pass by the one chance he might get to annoy his former pupil by taking away his plaything. He must have known that any attempts from his side to befriend me would in the end proof more of a troublesome event for Tane. So what did they all see in me that I was so completely oblivious of?


I had plenty of time to contemplate all this, as Tane kept silent for over two minutes. Either he had no answer, or what I was rather believing, was on his own weighing his options and whether he should tell me. When he finally opened his mouth to speak, his face was still unreadable. "Maybe we should lead this discussion under less distracting conditions."


I just raised my brows at that. "You did not make any advances towards me during the last few weeks, so why should my current nude state provide some distraction for you?" He looked at me a bit quizzically, before sighing and sitting down at the brim of the pool opposite of me. "That doesn't mean that I do no longer feel attracted to you." Now it was my time to be silent for a while, and as he seemed quite talkative right now, I ventured forth on this front.


"If you still do, why are you ignoring me lately? Are you that convinced that she would leave you just because the two of us would go shagging in the bushes now and then?" At least I was convinced that it would bother Chelsea a lot, at least if it were just mutual sex, but I guess that was something none of us wanted.


Tane just shook his head. "I don't know, maybe if I talked to her a bit she'd understand. She's rather easy to persuade when it comes to things she either does not understand, or doesn't want to understand." I just shrugged, making it an answer with no real content, and let the water lap up my torso to my collarbones. Not to be modest, but it was just freezing outside the warm waters.


He just ignored that, and as he did not venture on, I took that from him. "So how does it come that you keep ignoring me? You must realize that I still have some needs that have to be fulfilled." Only silence I got for an answer. This kind of enraged me, and I tried to give him some shove to at least react in some way. "Needs that others can fulfil, too. I won't need you for that."


At this Tane visibly tensed up. For a moment he looked as if I had finally gotten round to goad him enough to get to speak up, but he only shook his head as if in resignation, and sighed. "Look, Chelsea's going to visit her family this afternoon, so why don't we sit down and talk then, when he are alone and undisturbed?"


I still did not really see why now was a bad time for this talk, but I just shrugged, and was somewhat relieved when he finally got up again and left the caves, leaving me simmering inside the hot pool. Although it somewhat vexed me that he had eluded my question, I was also a bit happy to be on my own again for a while. At least it gave me time to let the events of yesterday pass before my eyes once more, trying to sort out the different things that had happened and what I had realized.


One thing I knew for sure now - something strange had happened yesterday when I was on the brink of loosing my mental control. I had been nowhere near bringing a fiery inferno over the others, but some other, more distant part of myself had somehow surfaced and reared its head for a moment, to sink unseen beneath the waves of my unconsciousness again. But there had been something, I knew that for sure, that was no so very different than my innate ability to call forth fire. It just had some different kind of taste to itself, more sturdy and less flickering and teasing, like the flames usually felt to me when I was not relying on them in the face of pure terror.


Yesterday I hadn't even lost a thought about that, but today with more mental distance it felt like something with more significance than the fact that pain alone was a huge drive-on for me. Until then I had just thought myself capable of dealing with pain during sex, but had never anticipated that at least part of the pleasure directly stemmed from the pain. But apparently there was something else down in that bottomless pit, waiting for me to delve into it and get it to the surface. With my fire-wielding ability Tane had been there to lead me along the way, although I still somewhat despised his methods. This time I might as well be alone on that journey.


Still, while I mused about such things I started running my hands over my thighs, removing the last residues of yesterday's fun. From many nights before I knew how unpleasantly cakey dried semen could be, but until then I had only had to deal with the jism of one man having a maximum of two orgasms - now it had been a multitude of both. At least that was what it felt like. My memory concerning such lowly things was quite askew.


Somewhat smiling I let my hands wander from my thighs to my vagina. My pussy lips were still a bit swollen, and my clit was really sore, although the small wounds left from the piercing were fully healed by now. Yet when I started to stroke my clit, the expected pleasurable feeling failed to appear. It was not like I was feeling nothing at all, but rather as if a lot was missing. That sobered me quite a bit, but compared to what my body had to endure yesterday, masturbation was likely only a small wind compared to the tornado of sensations that had raced through me only hours before. So I left it at just cleaning myself, and was on my way back to the hut not long after, feeling a lot cleaner, and a bit more myself.


Already from the mouth of the cave I could hear Chelsea's voice ring up from the hut, and something inside my stomach started to knot up again. Somehow I had hoped that the events set in motion yesterday had changed some things for me, but apparently the stone encasing my heart because of her was still present, and not likely to disappear too soon. So with a final sigh I set my shoulders straight, and went into the house.


Conversation went mute the moment I entered, and once again I saw stark disbelieve paired with horror on Chelsea's face when she saw me. I guess it was not me in general but rather the strangulation marks on my throat, but it made me uneasy all the same. I just put a not too sincere smile on my face, and went to put my dirty clothes back into my room to wash them later in the day. When I returned a bowl of soup and some bread waited for me at the free place at the table. I just frowned down at the food briefly, then set to eat it eagerly, as my stomach started to roil the moment my eyes registered the strange giving.


Meanwhile Tane did his best to continue talking - I would not call it conversation as I stayed mute and Chelsea seemed more interested in staring at me than listening to him. It could have been an interesting topic as Tane tried to tell her about how he meant to finally get her to get a grasp on her ability, and the hints he left there were something I really did not think her being able to cope with, but as she did not realize what he was trying to tell her, I just left it to listening to him. Yet she apparently couldn't round up the courage to ask me outright where my marks stemmed from, so it was a rather quiet breakfast concerning literal contents of conversation.


Finally his personal kind of morning torment resolved itself when Chelsea took pity in him and asked whether she could go visit her parents a few hours earlier - apparently some strange cousin of hers was coming to town, and so she wanted to get the best out of her free day with her family in Mendala. So it came to be that the three of us trudged out of the hut, and while Tane and Chelsea took their leave behind my turned back, I again succeeded in opening a portal to the front of the Academy grounds - to my infinite dismal it only worked on the sixth attempt, but it was still enough of a surprise for Tane that he nearly choked on his final good-bye kiss. Just like me to cross his doings without even planning to.


Next I was the one to be surprised, as Chelsea literally flew at me to embrace me in a sincere-looking hug, thanking me for all I had done for her, before going through the portal. I somehow managed to close it behind her with just a little hesitation, and was left a little dumbfounded standing next to a similarly stupid-looking Tane. This just boded too well for what was likely to come now.


With an excessive harrumph Tane brought my attention to him, and I was a little satisfied to see him still a bit ruffled. "I didn't know you could do that already." I just shrugged, trying to hide my imminent complacence. "Well, I needed the better part of two weeks to learn such an easy spell that every pupil in his first few hours of adeptance should be able to perform, but I did it, all on my own. You see, I don't need you to keep up learning." At that his brows knitted in a kind of strange looking grimace that I could not really place in the spectrum between bitterness and hatred, and I also felt my stomach performing equally indefinable things, while my heart seemed to sink another notch towards pure desolation. I simply didn't have it in me to play tough for long when it came to Tane. So I sighed silently, and felt my shoulders start to drop. "But I'd have been glad if you'd have showed me."


With that I turned around and slowly walked back to the hut. Inside I let myself fall into one of the cushioned chairs in front of the fireplace. Every bit of the elation I had felt yesterday slowly drained from my veins, and left me sitting there with a horrible feeling of dread because of what I had done. Part of me still knew that he did not realize how deep I had been in the making of the events from the day before, but somehow that only worsened the feeling of betrayal that was starting to choke me, ever so slowly.


I must have been sitting there for quite a while, when Tane finally followed me. For a moment he hesitated near the front door, then came over to sit opposite of me in the other chair. He settled back with his arms on the armrests of the chair, but then leaned forward with a sigh, knitting his fingers together with his elbows toughing his thighs. His look and mien were still unreadable for me, but something was in his eyes that made me glad that he was there. I just wondered if this would stay this way should some of my ulterior motives come to the light.


He took his time mustering me, and I already started to fidget under his gaze before he finally began to talk. "I suspected that you heard me, yesterday, but never thought that you'd take me so seriously. How could I expect that, knowing that most of what you did was solely to get back at me in the only way you knew would surely ilk me from sunup to moondown?" I considered his words for a moment, trying to fight down the rising fear that did a good job in overwhelming my conscious mind. More and more of me started to scream to throw myself down at his feet and beg forgiveness. Stupid as that may seem, I was about to do it for real when he held up one hand as if to forestall any such gesture.


"You know, the last two weeks went greatly awry, and I guess for both of us. Let's just pretend that we did not behave like small children, and talk about what is happening now, what we should do about it, and what about your future." He sounded slightly bemused, as if his own words were somewhat surprising him. It also surprised me a lot, and in so kept me from thinking about doing further stupid things. So I settled back again into my chair, and regarded Tane anew, trying to judge his newly found calm.


When I finally answered, my voice was still less stable than I would have preferred for any important talk. "Okay, let's just pretend to be two responsible adults who are in their right mind and don't try to annoy each another anew every day."  That made him smile a bit, and stupidly warmed something inside of me. I seemed to be getting better all of a sudden, because I already started to get annoyed with my strange delight of having him divert his attention to myself. Yet before I could let this annoyance blaze on its own freely, I reigned in my rising temper and tried to stake out my territory.


"So what do you mean by knowing that I was responsible for anything?" The sorcerer just chuckled, and mimicked my position of hiding in the cushions of the big chair. "Oh well, I might sometimes be lead around by my own prick, but contrary to some people's belief I am still capable of discerning badly hidden schemes. And how could I not wonder about your motives when you change your attitude from one moment to the next and start getting self-sacrificial when you should be in the right mind to get egotistical? You might call me stupid, but I am not blind."


He let that sink in for a moment, yet before I could start some kind of defence, he went on. "I don't blame you for looking elsewhere for your needs. I'd just preferred it not be in Drake's basement." At that I just shrugged with a nonchalance I did not really feel. "It was the first opportunity that presented itself on a silver platter. I would have had to be made of stone not to grasp it." I had somewhat anticipated myself to launch into panic when Tane confronted me with the topic of so easily submitting to his former teacher, but instead of going wild I calmed down with every uttered word. It was rather like after confessing to some stupid things that had never had any dire consequences - now it was off my mind, and seemingly not a problem to worry about for anyone. Would that I were less suspicious of his quiet mien.


Still not giving his motives away, Tane shrugged. "I really don't blame you for it. The way I see it you did the best there was in it for you, starting from a situation you were forced into with no way out but to loose, and making things work out for you. But why did you not tell me about it? When you did not put up a fight to remain here when it was clear that you had lost your bet I was rather worried about your sanity. And I made a fool of myself, twice, yesterday."


Somehow the way he said it, with a strange lilt of annoyance to his voice, made me smile. "Maybe that was the main reason behind all this?" For a moment it was now his turn to look kind of suspicious. "Was it?" I laughed briefly, then settled back again. "Oh no, it just came to my mind when you mentioned it just now. It was a nice byproduct for my ego, if you want to call it that. You see, you are not the only jerk lurking around here." Somehow it only began to dawn on me now how stupid all of this scenario must have looked for someone not involved in it. Suddenly not being able to look directly at Tane, I turned around in my chair to look out the window at the clouds passing by overhead. A little overcast it might have been, but spring was advancing with rapid steps, even up here in the mountains.


Either he had thought along the same lines, or just acted upon my reluctance to continue, but Tane waited with his next sentence until I turned back to face him again. His face was still unreadable, but his whole body language had turned to something more familiar and less forbidding than I had seen in him during the last weeks.


"We both acted like children, one way or the other. And at least you still have a right for it with your junior age. But even if you just did it to get back at me, which you have succeeded in perfectly I have to admit, it also served as a purpose to drag me out of my own private stupor. Even if we had our personal differences, I should not have neglected you in this way. If it boils down to the basics, you are still my pupil, and a teacher should under no conditions just stop the education of a promising student."


That reminded me of something I had leaned just the other day, and that still somehow puzzled me. And not knowing how long this docile behaviour of him might last, I took my chances and went for it. "Can I ask you something without you going into maniac denial within the minute?" A wry grin surfaced around his mouth, and his eyes started to twinkle the way they always did when I was on unknown and probably dangerous grounds, but he just urged me do go on. So I did. "Drake yesterday mentioned a different story about the parting between the two of you. He told me that contrary to your tale you ventured into the war on your own before completing your full training, and he just wouldn't take you back afterwards for the rest. The way you told it he always seemed to have abandoned you before."


Somehow I had dreaded him to go for my throat now, but Tane only stayed calmly in his chair, scratching his chin and seeming to muse about my words. When he finally did answer, his voice was measured as if he would lecture me about some new spell to learn. "My part of the tale might have been a bit more subjective because of the events that followed the parting. But essentially he was right, I bade him farewell long before I should have. But he sure never talked about my motives."


I saw the trap he laid me there, and for once I was not stupid enough to leap into it. "I'm sure that you had your reasons." I hesitated for a moment, and then decided to leave his past be for the moment, and go for my own future instead. "This is also not the reason I asked. I just wanted to know why you now tried to get me to leave you, even if it was not of your conscious doing. Until a few weeks ago I would never have considered taking up leaning with anyone but you. Why now the change?" I left it unsaid that I had no intentions to study for long with Drake, either. Let that be kept as a way of lathering honey around his mouth should I have need of it soon.


Apparently my guesswork had both been good and not entirely wished for by Tane, because he made a face as if he had bitten into some sour fruit, but staying true to his normal self he answered. "I honestly don't know. I guess I even tried to delude myself to blame you alone for your straying, but in the lights of the current events I see that I am to blame for kindling that flame in you, even if you acted on your own motives." Compared to the conversations we had been leading during the last weeks this was downright something bordering on an apology. And it somehow made me smile.


The following silence could have been of a dragging nature, but somehow his admission had lifted something off my soul that had been festering there for quite some time. In the light of this I might even get over the grave indignation of having been replaced by that blonde cow. And seeing that now was his time to fidget because of it, also did something to lighten my mood.


Seeing him struggling for some further defence of his acts, I finally took pity in him and went on with the conversation. "We are both human. Let's leave it at that, okay?" For a moment he looked a little flabbergasted before getting a grip on himself again. "So you won't bear me a grudge for weeks, and try to get back at me at every opportunity?" Even if I had wanted it, I would not have been able to keep the sly smile off my face that was starting to appear there firmly. "Oh, I did not say that. If you give me some further reasons for acting this way ..." Just when he was about to fall for it, I raised my hand in consolidation, and went on. "No, I don't plan to get reproachful all of a sudden now. But you have to understand that with Chelsea staying here things will have to change for me. I cannot go on just ignoring her, and I don't have it in me to try to help you teach her."


I left that hanging in the air between us, and waited for Tane to answer, but once again he stayed mute for awhile. Just when I was about to start to defend my point of view, he spoke up. "I know that it is hard on you, and I guess it's also unfair. We never defined the nature of our relationship, but even if it had been a looser kind of friendship I should have asked you before bringing her here. But I guess that would have ruined my plans, so ..." I just nodded, feeling some of my former desolation creep up my spine again. At least he admitted his wrongdoings, but in the end that changed not a great deal for me.


Seeing that I had nothing to say on that topic, Tane went on. "During the last week I had some time to consider things, but I still don't know what to do about the whole issue. As you already said so pointedly before, I've fallen for her, and I have no intentions of sending her away now that her stay is secured for at least a while. But I still value you, on another level, and I am sorry to have hurt you in such a crude manner." Somehow his words did not have the intended soothing quality on me, but rather started to make me mad, ever so slowly. So it was no wonder that my retort came out quite a little clipped.


"Oh you are just horny and longing to dominate and hurt anyone, and just because you don't dare talking about that to her, you now try to get me round to play your little pain whore to satisfy the ilks that your praised maiden cannot?" Maybe a little more sharp than clipped, but right at that moment it was the same to me. And as I had feared somewhat, my tone was this time enough to let Tane's temper rise in answer. "You don't know the least of things about me, so don't judge me from your stupid and false assumptions!"


Luckily for me, my temper was already bad enough to no longer mind the consequences of my actions, and so it was just a matter of seconds for me to respond heatedly. "Tane, everyone knows about your desires. Everyone! They know it in Midriver, they know it in Mendala, and it wouldn't surprise me if they knew it elsewhere where you stayed for longer than a month! From the first second on when anyone ever knew of you becoming or being my teacher, sympathy for your ways has greeted me. So don't hold me for stupid, I know what I am talking about!"


For a split second I was afraid that now he would be coming for me, but Tane just stood up vividly and started to pace around the room. Unbidden memories from not so long ago came to me, but this time I was not tired, drained, and hurting, and above all, not defenceless. And apparently not a good and easy victim, as he chose to keep on pacing and just direct hot gazes at me while grumbling something under his breath.


Suddenly he stopped to downright stare me into the ground. "And if I'm really so horrible, why are you still here?" A good question, and one for which I had no good answer that I could justify before myself right now, but before I could even start a retort, the sorcerer before me went on. "And if I tell you that in the end you are nothing better than a filthy whore, and just interesting for people like Drake because of my interest in you, or because they can play the pitiful harmonizer to take in the suffering martyr, what do you do then? Do you really think they would have let you study in Midriver? A poor girl without good looks who is twice as old as any adept they normally train? You would have become a nuisance for them, and they would have gotten rid of you, and you probably only live because of me!"


I had honestly never thought of something like that, and even though it frightened me for a moment, it sounded a bit strange to my ears, even not considering yesterday's events. Once more I thought back at him avoiding answering me in the caves when I had asked a similar question. But at least this way the fire went out of my temper, leaving me cool and calculating behind.


"If that really were true, why do you still bother with me?" Once again I had surprised him from the look on his face, which was not entirely strange as I usually had no check on my temper. Well, even I could learn over time. Yet it was not enough to quench his temper, too. "Oh I really don't know, maybe I should strangle you myself!" He made a step towards me, but did not even shift his weight to the fullest, but instead growled and went on pacing the room.


He kept on going in circles for quite a while, in so doing making me slightly nervous. Not that I really was afraid of him turning against me, but somehow this whole scenario was getting on my nerves. When I finally decided that I had stayed mute long enough, Tane stopped when I got up from my chair to look askance at me.


With a sigh I tried to make up my mind, but as no real solution I could easily live with came to my mind, I just voiced my current concerns. "You should know that you are probably the first man I ever really fell for, in a way. I had the strange dilution that what had been between the two of us was something special, but judging from the way you behave now, it all was only a by-product of the role you forced me into. But over time I have developed some backbone, even if you don't find it worth reckoning right now. I know that I am worth something, both as a woman and as a sorcerer. If you will neglect both, I will no longer stay in this dependency. Tell me to go, now, and I will never return."


Granted, I can be quite the drama queen, but right at that moment I felt like I simply had to play that way, even if it came with the risk of total rejection. The moment the last part of my speech left my mouth I was about to regret it already, but the stricken look on Tane's face was worth it anyway. For probably the first time ever an emotion bordering to shock was visible on his features, and stayed there long enough for me to register it fully, before he smoothed over his face to look as uninvolved as possible.


Silence started to strain between the two of us when he finally sighed and sat down in the chair opposite me once more. For a moment his eyes cast around like the eyes of a caged animal, before settling on me. When his attempt to stare me down into speaking failed, he finally started talking again. "If you wish to end your study with me, you are free to go, but I have no intentions in casting you out."


He hesitated for a moment, then started to rub his temples while sighing heavily. When he looked at me again he seemed to be a bit weary, as if the whole topic was bothering him a lot. At least I hoped that it did. Before I could think about some witty retort that might change the course of the conversation again, and likely not for the better, Tane spoke on. "I know that things have really gone awry. I cannot even say why, it was more like missing the moment for a change in course over and over again. Do you even want to stay here anymore?"


I contemplated my answer for a while, then shrugged. "As I said, I still value the time we had together, and I have no objections to keep on learning with you, but I really don't know if I want to stay here any longer." At first Tane had looked a bit self-satisfied, but my last words wiped that expression off his face. What was left was a hollow mien that somehow strengthened my believe in my decision to tell him this, and follow through with it, too.


Again we were left at staring at each other, and my nerves were slowly but ever so surely starting to fray. I had dreaded this conversation since Tane had calmed down after having his revenge on me for my kicking him were it hurt the most. I had long hoped to avoid it somehow, but now that I had finally voiced my thoughts I would have preferred him to go on with his answers, and not let me rot here and in the end be grateful for every titbit he might grant me. 


When it became evident that he was not likely to comment on that any further, I got up and brushed some imaginary crumbs from my dress. When I turned towards the door leading to the back rooms, life came back into the sorcerer sitting in the chair. "What do you have in mind now?" For a short moment I nearly thought that it might have been a lascivious remark, but then reconsidered that strange wish when I saw him looking at me rather indifferently. I just shrugged. "Well, I wanted to pack my few things and go. Can I take my clothes with me, or do you insist on keeping them?" His time to indicate indifference. "Take them with you if you want, it's not like Chelsea could wear them anyway without sewing them wholly anew."


It stung as was probably intended, but I just went calmly through the door, hoping to keep the hurt from out of my eyes. I did not know if I succeeded, but at least I was able to keep the coming tears from welling up. Although I did not want it, I simply had to be strong now, and follow through with this.


At least that was what I told myself while I folded my clothes and the book I had gotten from Elana into a small bundle inside my warm winter cloak, and stared out of the window for probably the last time. When I had first set things aflame I had been afraid of everything, and mostly afraid of myself. At least that had changed during the course of the last year. Tane had been a good if unconventional teacher, and although I had by times loathed him as much as his unorthodox methods of teaching, I had made progress in both my magical talents, and in getting to know myself better. I had just trusted too much in our whole little harmony, and now fallen so deep because of it. I didn't even know any longer if it really was betrayal I felt because of him ignoring me and favouring Chelsea. Maybe I was just loath to go out into the world again on my own to prove myself that now things would change, and no longer have to cower behind my innate abilities that had before ruined my life so utterly.


Trying to hide my feelings I turned around and walked back into the living room. Tane was still seated in his chair the way I had left him, and regarded me levelly. It was wholly unfathomable what he was thinking, and even if something had shown on his face, I don't know if I had even acted on it. This way it was just a little bit easier for me, although some kind of loss on his side would have been a satisfaction for me. So I was just left standing there with my own thoughts to work with.


When he did not say anything, not even some kind of farewell, I sighed and took a last look around. When my gaze came to rest on him again, I could not suppress a sigh. Some part of me was even glad to be leaving here after the last few weeks, and might even be able to wonder what I had ever seen in him. Sad but true, it was only a small part of me.


"I'll be going now. If you want to reach me, Elana or Drake should know where to find me. It's not like I know anyone else down in Mendala." For a moment I deemed to see some kind of reaction on Tane's face, but he hid if quickly, and just shrugged. "Call in when you are finished, if you want to. As you want to be on your own, it is well better to leave you so, alone." I hesitated for a moment, trying to think of some witty retort, but as my mind was fast closing down with grief overwhelming everything I just turned on my heel and ran out of the house, trying futilely to hold back the tears any longer.


How I managed to open a portal I cannot say, and the events of the following hour were quite fuzzy. As people had seen me going in and out of the Academy grounds before, no one held me back when I ventured into the complex, and I even managed to find my way to Elana's study. But the moment the old mage opened her door all of my resolution and strength dissolved, and left my crying like a child at her doorstep. I didn't even see if she had been alone or not, but was grateful for her to take me in and start to soothe me. In the end she just sat beside me with a kind hand on my shoulder and listened to my senseless babble, inaudibly because of the heaves that ran through me while I cried.


When it finally ceased I was left behind with an empty and bleak feeling. I just felt hollow, and not even embarrassed because of my behaviour. Elana just brought me some food and told me to take my time gathering myself; she would wait for me in the next room, her study. I thanked her for her kindness, and kept on sitting where I was until the shadows outside started to lengthen when the sun slowly set.


I was somewhat roused from my stupor when a knock sounded at the door. Elana went to open it, and I felt some sort of apprehension crawl up my spine when she let in Lathea. The tall, muscled woman just looked at me once, spoke in hushed tones with the old mage, and then went over to sit down next to me, while Elana went back into her study.


For a moment I was about to at least inch away from Lathea, but she left me enough personal space on my couch to be polite, and looked as friendly as ever when we had been without the bothersome company of inconvenient sorcerers. Although I still felt some considerable unease in her presence because of who she was and what she had done, I liked her, and might even count her to my very limited circle of friends.


When I had started easing up a bit, the woman finally started talking. "Dumped you, hm?" The way she phrased it instantly awakened some strange kind of slumbering rage, but just when I wanted to reply in as more or less aggressive way, I realized from her smile that she had just said it to get me out of my stupor. So lest I embarrass myself further, I just shrugged and settled down a bit more comfortably.


"I guess I grew too much backbone for him to tolerate. Tane seems to have general problems with strong women." At that Lathea grinned briefly, and then extended a hand to pat my shoulder. "You'll get over him, you'll see. There are a lot other men around, both for sex and teaching. And a few women, too." At that she winked, but I chose to ignore that. I was both not in the right mind for any kind of banter, and also knew from our former conversation not to take her too seriously. 


Before some kind of uneasy silence could evolve of which I had had my full share already that day Lathea went on. "Elana sent me to finding some eventual quarters for you yesterday already, after coming back from the Testing. If you want to, we have some free rooms towards the back, and a lovely small yet comfortable flat towards the sea, with the patio opening to the beach. If you want to, I can show you around, so you can decide for yourself." Having nothing better to do, I agreed, and off we went.


Apparently Elana had set Lathea also to the task of keeping me bothered in general so I might not again drop into that black hole they had just dragged me out of, because she started talking the moment we left Elana's quarters, and never again stopped. Within minutes I was informed about the general ways of the Academy - where the important people had their quarters, where the libraries were situated, where most of the facilities were, and so on. Not that I could be bothered to remember everything on the spot, but it kept me occupied for the moment.


At first we had a look at the quarters in the back. So my certain discomfort they were not too far away from Drake's quarters, but on a higher level. The few small rooms looked quite comfy, but were typical students rooms with other, mostly younger students living nearby. Even now when most of the pupils were either still in class or already taking their dinner it was rather noisy, and made me shy away from this place a bit.


Lathea did not comment on my reactions, but instead took my elbow and steered me out of that part of the compound, heading east again. We walked quite a while, making me wonder just how big the whole complex was. When Lathea finally stopped it was before an unobtrusive wooden door in a quiet little court with a pond in the middle. Only few people walked this corridor, and it all looked rather serene.


When Lathea indicated me to venture forth, I opened the door hesitantly and walked in. The door opened into a small anteroom, barely large enough to leave some clothes and shoes there. The only door leading from the room opened into a larger one, evidently the living room, with huge windows and a door leading outside. I could see a small stretch of beach there, and behind that waves breaking at the shore. That view alone left me speechless, and longing to claim this place.


When she deemed me having had enough of staring out the window the woman lead me to the other two rooms, a small working room that could be built into a library, and a bedroom. Everything was more than big enough for me, and from the sparse furniture, consisting only of a bed in one room and two tables with chairs at the other two it looked rather uninhabited. And although I would have loved to stay here, one problem immediately came to my mind.


"How should I ever afford these quarters?" At first Lathea looked a bit strange as if she did not understand my question, but then a large smile started to show on her face. "They didn't tell you that as a sorcerer of the second grade you can officially work for the Academy while keeping on your study, and in this being either paid for your work, or compensated with living quarters and everything else you might require?" 


That somehow took me a little aback, and although Drake had vaguely mentioned something like that I had not really put any thought to that topic. "Work in how far?" The woman just shrugged. "You can either teach, or run errands for the Academy. Here are living about two thousand people, a rough quarter of them are mages and sorcerers finished with their training but staying for teaching others. They hardly leave these grounds, but require either knowledge or ingredients from outside. Someone has to acquire these things. From what I have heard these errands can be quite fun, and won't take too much of your time to keep you from learning yourself. But Elana will know better than I how things might work out for you. So with that obstacle out of the way, do you want these quarters?" 


Once more I turned around myself and watched the rooms slide by. This was just perfect, like something out of a dream. I knew that it had to come with a catch, but right at that moment it did not matter to me. So I just nodded, once again feeling tears well up in my eyes, with my throat constricting too much to let me speak. Lathea left it at that and went out of the room, signalling me to follow her. When she closed the door, she left a small piece of paper between door and frame, apparently to sign the room as occupied. The way back to Elana was again rather quiet, as I simply did not know what to talk about anymore, with my whole mind revolving around my quarters-to-be.


Back at Elana's quarters Lathea took her leave, giving the old mage and me privacy for our dinner. Elana was somewhat delighted to have been able to lift my mood, and during dinner she talked about anecdotes of her study and later stay at the Academy, by doing so giving me a better understanding of how things worked here in general. By the end of the meal I was already starting to feel a little bit at home, something I would not have deemed possible mere hours ago.


After dinner Elana took me to the administrative wing to get all things settled for both my quarters and my stay here. Although dusk was already approaching, these quarters were bustling with people as if it were just before noon, and I was instantly glad of Elana's presence. People seemed to know and respect her, and as she knew what to do it tremendously helped my cause.


Within minutes we were sitting in the office of the headmaster of the Academy, who seemed a bit flustered at Elana's request to attend to the matter personally at first, but when he heard my name and was presented with my story, he seemed quite eager to commence with things. In every odd sentence he stressed his joy for me having chosen his humble school for my further studies, something that made me quite suspicious. It was more or less the same reaction Drake had shown to me lately, and without the matching explanations from Tane I was a bit at a loss there. So I just nodded and played a little at being flattered by his comments, but I guess neither one of us believed the attitude of the other entirely.


Nevertheless within the next half hour I was affiliated into the Academy register, my quarters were assigned to me for as long as I required them, and on Elana's insistence a small yet reasonable fee to rudimentary furnish my rooms was granted as a sort of welcome present. I was also invited to join the weekly council of the mages and sorcerers of the Academy, so that others would get to know me and might later on approach me with errands.


After a little more small talk we were finally dismissed again with a smile and three letters of right, one proclaiming me official sorceress of the Academy, and the others for my quarters and the fee for the furniture. When we had left the building behind and were walking towards Elana's rooms, she took her time lamenting over the avarice of the headmaster, but also assured me that a fine basic set of furniture would be affordable with it.


We were just about to round the last corner before being back at Elana's quarters, when two silhouettes appeared from the corridor to our right. The moment I recognized Anthony and the guy who had yesterday brought me to the portal places, I kind of felt like burning up and I must have blushed a deep shade of red. I could not even say why, but in my current state my mind was simply not capable of acting normally. So looking like a tomato it would be, for now. 


Elana frowned a moment when the two young men approached us, but then just smiled and patted me on the shoulder. "I'll just leave you all to yourselves for now. Of course you can stay the night at my place if you want to, I'll just tell my maid to prepare the guest room for you. I hope that by tomorrow you will be able to move into your own quarters." With that she left me alone, although I was just about to follow her anyway, whether being dismissed or not.


So I was left standing there, blushing deeply and not knowing what to say to Anthony and the guy whose name I still did not know. The whole situation was just about to vex me into saying just anything for my justification, when the young sorcerer started to chuckle. My vicious scowl of righteousness brought him to silence again, but a broad grin stayed on his face.


"Sorry, I couldn't hold that back, but you really look so dashingly uncomfortable ..." He never finished the sentence as my scowl deepened, and he started laughing again. The warrior beside him just frowned briefly, then made a reconciling gesture while rolling his eyes at the general direction of Anthony. "We just dropped by when we heard that you thought about continuing your studies here. Although I'm starting to regret taking this young fellow here along." I couldn't stifle a grin then, and my anger at the sorcerer started to evaporate already, although he still had to fight to keep his mien quiet. Seeing this, I could not resist some mischief on my own.


Smiling more brightly, I looked directly at the young warrior, doing my best to just concentrate on him and letting Anthony see that I did not address him, too. "Shall we take a walk? I haven't seen much of the Academy until now, and as I intend to stay here for a while it might be nice to have a guide along." To my genuine elation at least the warrior got the hint and chivalrously presented me his bent arm to link my arm with his. Having to fight not to grin perfidiously at Anthony I turned my back on the sorcerer and started a light banter with the other guy. Taking it like a man Anthony just called after us to drop by him the next day, and let us walk away.


After the first turn into the next corridor I had to stop and started giggling, which broadened into full laughter when my companion put a smug grin on his face. "I always keep telling him that he doesn't have a good way with women, but then he should already know this." Trying to regain my composure again, I let go of his arm and straightened some non-evident wrinkles on my dress. 


When I looked up again, the guy just smiled at me. "I just remembered that we never properly introduced ourselves. I'm Gellin, and very pleased to have made your acquaintance." For a moment I tried to see some trace of a smirk on his face, but he just smiled pleasantly, so I let it slide and offered a smile on my own. "I am Jeanne, and quite surprised that no one until now told you my name."


At that he directed a genuine smile at me, and in no time I was blushing deep red again. Really not my day, to be precise. When he saw my reaction, Gellin's smile faltered and was replaced by a rather concerned expression. "Is something wrong? You don't look so good to me right now." I just shrugged and tried to rule in my facial temperature, but that only worsened the blush if anything.


Finally I let go of his arm and straightened my back, as if to stall myself for something. Seeing this, the young warrior looked a little bit alarmed. Yet before he could say something again that would only worsen things for me, I offered my explanation. "Look, I really like you, but today has been a troublesome day in its own, and in the regard of what happened yesterday ..." I had hoped to bring out more than this useless stammer, and seeing his expression of alarm deepening I went on quickly.


"It's not as I'm ashamed of what we did yesterday." At that his look became mockingly doubtful, stopping me in my tracks and drawing a smile from me against my will. "Okay, granted, I am a little bit taken aback about what I consented to yesterday." I leaned a bit towards him, making sure that we were indeed alone, and went on in a hissed whisper. "You should understand that I usually don't spend my days getting fucked senseless three ways by a horde of guys!" Now he was grinning smugly at me, but that somehow made it easier for me to rally myself again.


After shooting a conspiratory glare at him I started walking again, yet kept my distance from him. He quickly followed, falling into stride beside me yet leaving me my personal space. "I don't know if it interests you, but most of that happened for some ulterior motives of revenge, and now that not everything has worked out the way I wanted it to, I start to wonder if the whole undertaking has been a huge mistake."


I quickly cast a look at his face, waiting for hurt masculine pride, but he only kept his smug grin. "Well, if you rue your actions of yesterday it is yours to do so, but I generally had the impression that whether your motives were pure or not, you enjoyed yourself grandly. That should be justification enough, at least from my point of view. Or does some strange part of yourself believe that you only deserve things you do not enjoy yourself?"


That made me think a bit, but then I shook my head. "No, of course not, but as said motive now got me thrown out of my former home everything has a rather stale taste to itself." We continued walking side by side mutely for a while, when Gellin suddenly stopped. The moment I turned to look askance at him he took hold of my upper arms, pushed me roughly against the wall in my back and kissed me hard and passionately. For a moment I was too stunned to react, then wondered whether I should end this, but before my mind could reach any conclusion my body moulded against his as much as possible, giving in to his kiss. When he felt me submitting to him he took his time exploring my mouth with his tongue, but finally broke away from my face while still keeping me pinned to the wall.


His cheeks were a little flushed, and a strange sparkle was visible in his eyes while he gasped for air, offering a throaty laugh at the same time. "So now you have a reason to blush, with no motive at all from your side. And see, not even a light shading of red on your face." I tried to put on some kind of undignified look, but when that did not work I pushed forward, straining my limited space of movement. Our lips nearly touched, but as he had drawn back enough to focus on my face I was not able to close the distance completely. Not being able to express my opinion with actions, I had to voice it.


"Most things based on domination and submission are played solely in the mind, and so are the conflicts arising thence. From my actions and reactions you should know that my bothers are not based on a breach of my moral high grounds; I'm just heartbroken, that's all, and now everything leading up to that makes me uncomfortable. You might not have seen this in me, but right at this time I'm rather in need of the knight in shining armour who rescues me from my pit of sorrow in a most gallant way, and not ravishes me with all his might. My body might yearn the latter more, but as I intend to stay here for quite some time you might decide to lend a strong, platonic shoulder today, and leave the ravishing for tomorrow."


With that I let myself sag against the wall again, regarding him earnestly. Just when he was about to let go of my arms I put on a wry grin, making him halter for a moment. "Mostly because today my quarters are wholly unfurnished, with absolutely no comfortable space for anything concerning bodily desires, and tomorrow they will hopefully be spiked with some furniture to be diverted from their intended use."


A rather nasty grin now settled on his face, but without further ado he let go of me, and then again offered me his arm. When we resumed walking, a wry chuckle escaped him although he had already started to reign in his features. "Knight in shining armour, hu? I'd rather do you without all that rackety stuff, but if that's your turn-on ..." He really deserved the punch in the ribs for that, and let me fare with an even broader grin.


Soon conversation returned to less intimate topics, and Gellin took his time showing me around. When our long stroll took us to my future quarters I hesitated for a moment to invite him for a quick investigation, but the sudden feeling of dread that arose in me concerning this was enough to lead me to showing him nevertheless. The young warrior took his time inspecting the rooms, and finally congratulated me on acquiring them.


When he saw me frown at that, Gellin just laughed. "Oh, come on, you would have been disappointed had I not said something like that. Or was there some ulterior motive for showing me apart from gaining flattering comments?" Again his eyes twinkled mysteriously, but I just chuckled. "Well, I'll go shopping for furniture tomorrow, and then I will likely come back with too much to carry, like a bed, some desks, cupboards, and so on - and will likely require some strong, masculine arms to bring them here."


For a moment he kept on looking at me sideways, but then his face lit up into a bright grin. "No problem, just tell us and we'll play movers of furniture for you. Can't not help a damsel in distress, now can we?" At that he winked, making me blush again, which lead to him laughing out loud once more. Sighing heavily, but with a distinct smile on my lips, I went to the business of shooing him out of my quarters, and bringing him to leading me back to Elana's. He still kept on making jokes and trying to get me to show various signs of shame, but as with most ways of abuse I adapted quickly, leaving him dissatisfied on these terms.


Finally arriving at Elana's home, I was about to get a bit uncomfortable again because of any pending uncomfortable parting scenes, but Gellin just took me by the shoulders, planted a chaste kiss on my forehead and bade me a good night. Being a little dumbfounded I was too slow to react staying behind with no good reply, but also no further harassment.


So it came that I spent the night in Elana's guest room, unable to sleep until the early hours of the morning, thinking about the turns my life had suddenly taken. Until then I had been shocked and grief-stricken, while on the other hand also happy to be done with Tane; now was the first time I could really reflect on what had happened during the last 24 hours. My heart still felt like it was being torn apart by giants, but I no longer felt the need to cry when my thoughts slipped back to the shallow bliss I had felt before the current events had set in motion.


I guess I really had been happy with Tane, all his flaws set aside. After all he had been my teacher for nearly a year, and the control he had shown me over my elemental skills with wielding fire was something very important for me, not only because it had been necessary to keep the pending risk of incinerating things unwanted, but also because it gave my life a whole new meaning.


And of course he had lead me to acknowledge the darker side of my desires. Without his lead the most fulfilling thing ever might have been being manhandled by some village ruffian, what most likely would have left me bruised and battered in body as in mind. Although I had never really agreed with him on discipline and submission being a vital element for my studies, it had surely spiced up my life. I guess I had not really needed the day with Drake, Anthony, and the horde of young warriors to know that my masochistic streak was not just a means to deal with Tane and make life on its own bearable, but it surely had opened my eyes to the whole scope of my inherent desires.


And most importantly, it had shown me that although my yielding nature did not look like it, my submission could also be a powerful weapon for me if used with skill and focus. Men dominating women most likely did not expect them to have any wits or intelligence to speak of, and might reveal things of importance - or at least so my befuddled mind thought. To be true, I could not think of any events that might call for these talents of mine, but then I had to admit that my submission to Drake had in the end brought me here with my own quarters and a position as student with apparently not too many strings attached. I might not trust Drake overly much to act benevolently on my behalf, but I could surely count on his greed to possess me should I ever need his help. I just hoped to never have to depend on that too strongly.


Although my mind was slow to get to rest, I finally succumbed to my weariness, and when Elana came to wake me in the morning, I felt as groggy and tired as if I had stayed awake the whole night through. When she saw my current state, compassion was writ on the face of the old mage again but still she ushered me into a new set of clothes, willed me to eat breakfast, and then set me on my quest for acquiring furniture for my new home.


During breakfast a certain dread had risen in me again, this time not because of my too-well-known pack mules, but because of the city I was about to venture through. It had been a long time since I had been on my own in larger settlements, not counting our short stay here during the tests some weeks ago. I had been born in a small village, had then worked in an inn at a crossroads miles away from the next settlement, and my initial appearance at the Academy had nearly been hampered by my getting lost in a city before. This time I might not be the unsuspecting maid out of nowhere any longer, but still, the thought of mingling with that many people made my throat go dry.


Soon I was robbed of these delusions, or rather assuaged immensely, when a knock came at the door and Lathea together with Gellin and two of the other young warriors I had already been acquaintanced to, showed up. When we were leaving one of the boys tried to make some insinuating remarks, he was instantly silenced by a mean look from Lathea, for which I was immensely grateful. She made it clear that it was her job to keep me bothered, and theirs to drag my new belongings to their rightful place, and from the haunted looks they exchanged behind her back I took it for granted that they would not try anything foolish again.


The city was already bustling with people when we left the Academy grounds through a smaller side gate, although the sun had only risen over the horizons a mere hour ago. Lathea took her time playing guide and showing me around, meanwhile securing a hoard of accessories for my new home. When it finally started to get really warm, although they all assured me that it was still too cold for the season, the boys already returned to the Academy for the second time to leave a load full of towels, linen, small chests, lamps, cooking utensils, and other useful things in my new rooms. I was mostly awed by both the good work of the things, as the steady ease of spending money that Lathea had. When I finally found the courage to ask her if it really were so sane to spend so much on so few things, she just laughed and told me not to bother about that. With a twinkle in her eyes she went on about the yearly allowances an Academy student was granted should he prove to be of use there, which left me with a spinning head, and a certain regret of having stayed out of nowhere with Tane for such a long time when I could have lived in splendid luxury here in the warm south.


The day ended with aching feet and back for me, and my new home nearly fully furnished. After long discussions we had agreed on a rather spartan and simple style when it came to the main furniture, and although it all looked kind of drab when compared to the splendid things I had seen in Drake's quarters, it all seemed to be more fitting for myself. Still, I had to commit myself to come back to several of the carpenters and cabinet makers when Lathea nearly threatened me with the proposal of her buying the rest of my inventory, and also having a say with the new clothes I would surely require.


So it came to be that I was rather glad when Lathea finally took her leave in the evening, letting me have my own way with my things, and a waiting trip on my own to the city on the next morning. It was one thing to constantly have her around to suggest deciding on things I really did not like, but the one trip to a seamstress where she had suggested dresses I would never have the courage of wearing had been enough to overcome my dread of being on my own.


I was just about finished arranging all my new possessions to my likings and lighting a few candles here and there to lend a comfortable air to my new quarters, when a tentative knock on my door brought my bustling to a stand-still. Outside the sun had already set, with the last streamers of pink clouds fading to the west, and it was far too late for any courteous visitors to show up to greet me here, mostly because I had not officially been accepted yet, so the range of people knowing me was rather limited.


When I opened the door slowly, Gellin was leaning on the balustrade opposite my door that divided the corridor from the small garden complete with a pond. Upon seeing me look out the door a smile spread on his face, although he must have been as weary as I was, or rather worse as I had just had to point out the things I wanted, not carry them over here.


With a fluent motion that belied all activities during the day he pushed himself up from the stone railing and came to stand before me. He then formally bowed to me, hiding any mischievous grins that I had before seen on his face. "Good evening, lovely lady, would you grace me with your presence on a stroll on the beach?" I lifted my eyebrows both to his words and also the late hour of evening. "Isn't it a bit late for such ventures?" He smiled and shrugged, and then looked up towards the free sky above the gardens where the first stars were already visible.


"Oh, I don't know, don't you fancy sorcerers conjure up some lights when it is too dark for us humble beings to see anymore?" A slight mocking tone had started to steal itself into his voice that resonated with something inside of me that had lain dormant during the day. I hesitated for another moment, not quite knowing what to do, then opened the door a bit more. "Don't you want to come in and see for yourself how the things you've been lugging around the whole day through fit together?" He briefly directed a wry grin at me, but then went in without further comments.


Inside Gellin looked around for a moment, before turning around to face me again. For a moment I deemed to see a look of uncertainty on his face that was quickly replaced by a suggestive grin. "Yesterday you said something about needing your time alone, but as for today ..." He left it at that and just smiled, as if that would persuade me more than words. For a moment I smiled back, as my thoughts had been running along the same lines, but my happiness soon faltered, with a certain bleak feeling rising in me.


Searching for the right words that would have him out of my quarters yet not disappointed too much because of that, I sighed, but before I could even speak up Gellin gently touched my cheek, brushing his fingers lightly over my flesh. "Come on, just say it. I'll not feel rejected when you tell me to go. I understand that you are going through a lot right now, and a day might easily not be enough to overcome that. I just thought that you'd be disappointed if I not tried to get you into bed, and feel rejected or something." I just looked up at him with doubt clearly on my face, which made him smile gently. "Okay, I admit it, I still hope that you want to overcome your personal trouble with a bit of uncomplicated fucking, but I had to try!"


This time my smile was for real, and his easy way and also the truth in his words made me feel better instantly. "Fucking's never uncomplicated with me. You should have guessed so much from our previous encounter." At that he grinned broadly, and I was glad of the flickering light of the candles that might easily hide the slight change to the colour of my face.


For a moment he hesitated, then moved further into my personal space, using his other hand to brush some errand strands of hair off my face. "It wasn't so complicated for me. Why not try to make it as complicated as you want to?" When he moved his face closer to mine I let him, yet joined his kiss not wholeheartedly. Gellin hesitated for a moment, before weaving his fingers into my hair and drawing me into a hard, passionate kiss. I opened my lips wider, letting his tongue intrude my mouth without much resistance.


When he drew back I felt slightly dizzy, and my legs were already going wobbly with desire. I did not feel the usual anticipation, but at least something in me just wanted to yield and give in to him, finding solace in that. I also put up no resistance when he kissed me again while slowly walking me towards the bed. Within moments he had undressed me, and we were laying writhing atop the sheets, with him ravaging my mouth and neck, while he massaged my breasts with sure fingers. All hesitancy seemed to have gone out of him, and when my hands brushed his cock briefly I could feel it hard and erect next to my thigh.


Taking that as an invitation, he rolled me over on my stomach, a sure arm beneath my hips drawing me up enough for him to comfortably slide his penis into me. Although my arousal lay somewhere between low and non-existence my body betrayed me with my vagina being wet enough to accommodate his prick easily, and when he started fucking me for earnest, I even did him the favour of emitting some sounds that might have been moans or not.


I was just about to wonder how long he would take so I could be on my own again, when he suddenly stopped. For a moment I thought he had already spent his seed, but it did not feel like the rigid stopping I knew from other encounters of this kind. More as if he had just ... well, stopped. For a moment I stayed as I was then twisted around to look up at him. His hands were still encompassing my waist with his cock resting inside of me, but the look on his face was not lost in lust, but he rather frowned.


"Do you even like what I'm doing with you, or are just waiting for me to be done?" His voice sounded a little hoarse, but that could just have been him being a little short of breath. I thought about that carefully, but this hesitation alone seemed to provide him with an answer. With a groan he let go of me, to sit down at the end of the bed near my legs. For a moment I tried to fathom what had just happened, then turned around fully and regarded Gellin with certain curiosity. He didn't look like someone wanting to fuck the naked woman next to him, but rather like a lost boy. Under normal circumstances that might have appalled me, but now it suddenly had a certain appeal.


I made myself a little more comfortable, propping my body up on my arms, and leaving my legs open so that I regarded him over the mounds of my breasts and my pussy in full view. "Like I said, not uncomplicated." My comment only seemed to frustrate him even more, and I could see his cock going soft and small within moments. Somehow mourning that, I tried to lighten his mood a bit.


"It's really not your fault. I really have too much on my mind right now. And I've never been one for casual sex, to be true. It's just not satisfying me. But that should not hamper you, just have your fun with me?" At first the look he sent me was nearly murderous, making me uneasy for a moment, but quickly changed to frustrated devastation again. "I really don't need it that badly. I wanted for you to have some fun, and stop thinking about what bothers you for a while. And now this screw-up."


He really looked as if he meant it, and I believed him. It was still strange to hear words like that, most of all from a guy who had just two days ago had me in several ways together with his buddies. But maybe that was exactly what I needed, only that I just realized that now.


After a moment of hesitation I cleared my throat, making him look at me again, and offered a slight smile. "Look, during the last year I've been fucked in nearly every way possible, and sometimes against my will. I'm used to being handled rough, and although I still have problems admitting it, I get off on pain and being dominated. My body has adapted to bearing all this, so my general threshold has risen somewhat. I won't say that conventional fucking cannot be fun for me anymore, it's just that there are things more exciting for me, and when my head is not into it and there are no demands to my endurance, it is just not the thing that gets me screaming on top of my lungs."


Gellin still looked rather doubtful, but during my speech I had inevitably started to think about the things I might be implying, and suddenly the thought of just letting him go seemed unbearable. Yet the way he looked, he needed more encouragement than just my explanation. So I got up on my knees and crawled over to him, until I was directly in front of him with my breasts dangling invitingly near his chest.


"Now look, how's about me making a suggestion what to do, and if you like that we might try it?" My voice had taken on a rather throaty quality, but he still looked unhappy. So I took that for no protest, and went on. "I don't have much equipment here, so we have to keep it simple. Why not take some of the rope lying in the kitchen, tie my wrists and ankles to the headboard of my bed, and zestfully fuck me, whichever hole you like? It's not like I could resist you then."


Gellin did not answer and his face stayed as impassively frustrated as before. Until that very moment I had been thinking that his actions alone might just have offended him somehow, as in conflicting with his code of honour, but when his doubt did not vanish with my expressed interest in such activities as mentioned, I began to wonder if his discomfort might stem from something wholly different, or might go far more below. And it also hurt a bit - until now I had never really been in the position to offer myself in such a way, as all who had played with me had assumed command from the moment sex had come into view. And now that I had more or less offered myself and tried to urge him on, uncertainty on my side started to well up because of the rejection. Because his hesitancy could be nothing else than rejection.


For a moment I stayed where I was, perched near him, then settled myself back on my bum. Our feet might have still been in touching range, but the rest of our bodies was at a distance he seemed reluctant to breach. On any other day this kind of rebuff would have met some kind of indifference in me, but now, in my not-so stable state of mind it just hurt. It was the second time under near enough similar conditions that a man had turned from me and what my body had to offer, and my ego was bruised enough to succumb to mental pain because of that.


Tears started to well up in my eyes, and while my throat was constricting the way of air into my lungs, I was not ready to dissolve before Gellin's eyes. My life might not be at its best right now, but even I had some standards. Although his constant taunting had helped me to overcome my blushing fits, in retrospect it did nothing to make me feel more secure in myself. Rather less.


Suddenly feeling constricted in the way I was sitting on my bed, I got up and walked over to the windows, drawing the sheet from the bed around my body. Behind me I heard the frame of the bed creaking when Gellin moved, but stayed with my back turned to him. "It's better if you leave. Now." My voice sounded strangely hollow, but at least I got the words out without them sounding choked. While the knot in my throat slowly dissolved, a different kind of hollow pain started to swell in my stomach. Strange as it might be, the feeling of another crying fit advancing was kind of comforting. At least it was something I was able to deal with, compared to my current situation.


I heard him rustling around with something, but instead of dressing, he came padding over to me, embracing me from behind. For a moment I put up some protest, but just when I was about to get my arms between me and him to drag myself free of him, the tears started flowing, and I simply collapsed against his warm body. I guess he did not only make shooing noises but also talked comfortingly to me, but all I heard was the rush of my own blood in my ears, and the heaves of my torso trying to get some air while nearly drowning in tears.


This went on for quite some time - how long, I could not say. But after the first initial rush of tears my mind started working again, and with that shame came back in a rush. I was in no way behaving how I would have liked, considering the image I had of myself. This constant dissolving in tears was something strange for me, and normally I did not take comfort in the arms of near strangers. I also did not offer myself so freely to every male walking around who just happened to have had sex with me once before. The whole affair with Drake had stemmed from revenge in Tane's face and three weeks of celibacy, but today all my desires should have been sated, with no real reason for any seeking of release. Also my feelings for Gellin could not justify my behaviour - I'd rather have gone on a stroll on the beach with him than have him fuck me senseless. This was just so not me.


Somewhere along these lines of thought my mind stopped reeling again, until I was able to chase away both tears and self-reproach. Gellin finally came to the conclusion that I could be trusted to stand on my own again and let go of me, but his hands stayed loosely on my shoulders. When I gazed up at him, the look on his face was even more devastated than before.


"Look, I'm so sorry, but I simply cannot ..." Raising one hand, I silenced him with a finger over his lips. "Don't say it. Just dress, and go. Whatever your reasons, they don't matter now. I just have to be alone now." For a moment he hesitated, then nodded and let go of me completely. My heart felt perfectly torn asunder while I watched him slipping into his clothes, but I forced myself to stay calm and composed on the outside. As long as there was any backbone left in me, I was prepared to hold on to it and just go through with all these obstacles. Even if it nearly killed me.


Before he turned to go Gellin hesitated again, but I just made a gesture towards the door while grinding my fingernails into the sheet I was still draped in. One last sad look and he was out of my quarters, closing the door softly behind him. I stayed standing in the middle of the room for another minute, then let the sheet slip down to the floor and walked with measured dignity over to the patio door.


Cool night drafts greeted me when I walked down to the beach, while the sand dunes were washed in silver moon-light. I never hesitated, but walked with determination into the cool sea. The surf strayed up my body and left me shivering, but I kept on going until I lost my footing, then swam out into the ocean.


I kept on going for quite some time, until my arms started to drag and my muscles turned sore. When I looked back over my shoulder towards the shore, the Academy buildings were just small, dark shapes on the white stretch of beach running alongside them. Too far away to regain the distance with my body being already drained to the point of abandon. With the last of my strength I turned around fully so that my whole body faced the shore, and then stopped making any more motions to keep myself above the waves.


The cold water encompassed my whole body, swaying it to the soft roll of the current. It all felt so peaceful. With a last wilful act I exhaled, expelling the air from my lungs, and watched the tiny bubbles ascending, while my body started to sink ever so slowly. When my lungs started screaming for air I closed my eyes, willing my mind to still as if I were just meditating. Maybe I was. With a last conscious thought I started to regret coming out here as all my troubles were probably not worth this, but my mind blanked out before I could contemplate this to the full extend of all consequences.



The warm kiss of the sun on my naked body awoke me of the stuporous sleep I had been in. When I raised my head and opened my eyes I saw that I was lying on the beach, with small wavelets licking at the heels of my feet. Judging from the drying sand around me, the tide was slowly withdrawing. The beach looked kind of familiar, and when I raised my head more, I could see the Academy looming some two to three miles in the distance. The sun had only now cleared the line of horizon, and although both sand and water seemed quite cold to me now, I was not particularly freezing.


Still a little befuddled I got to my feet, and took further survey of myself. My body must have been washed ashore with the last high tide, although I could not say how I had managed not to drown was beyond me. Yet all the feelings that had clouded my mind and torn my heart before were washed well away, and I felt fresh and clean inside. I was not even ashamed to be standing nude on the beach with a certainty of someone coming along sooner or later. All this seemed to be of so low a significance that I could not be bothered with that.


Nevertheless, simply standing here on the beach was no option, either. I was not decidedly restless, but something inside of me was bored of being idle. So I set out towards my new home again, making good speed on the still drying sands.


My patio door was still open; apparently I had not bothered to close it. Inside the tangled sheet on the floor and my strewn about clothes raised not the dread I might have expected, and also brought back reproachful memories. I just left everything where it was, and walked over to the tall mirror that now graced my living room. The woman gazing back at me might have had a similar built as I, but that was where the resemblance ended. Her posture was sure and full of herself, speaking of a comfort and surety I had probably never felt before in my life. There was no trace of the haunted grief in my eyes anymore that had lurked there for the last weeks, and a determined mien was visible where hesitancy at best had been before.


I took my time regarding my image in the reflection, absentmindedly stroking over the marks that ran from my collarbones down to my pubic region. My skin looked a little pale today, and I could see most of the blue veins running underneath, but apart from that my body seemed as whole as before my little venture. My skin was not even feeling soaked, as it probably should have after being submerged in water for hours.


Deciding that I had been vain enough for now, I turned towards my new wardrobe and briefly leafed through my assortment of clothes. Nothing really suited my mood, and I started regretting not taking Lathea's offer of letting her help me with my new clothes. Grudgingly I decided on a blue dress with a loose skirt yet firm bodice that was accentuated by a pair of silk cords crossing between my breasts and cinching my waist in a more feminine fashion.


Dressed thusly I left my quarters. The buildings around me were still quiet in these early hours of the day, and only when I neared the common quarters where the kitchens lay I saw people moving about.


When I finally rounded the last corner before Elana's quarters, I could hear voices coming from the direction of the entrance. Hesitating, I thought about turning back, but when I recognized Elana's voice I went on. The elder mage was standing in front of the portal to her quarters, clad in her usual drab robes, and listened to a young man I had until then not seen around here - what did not exactly say anything, as I could probably recognize about ten people living here.


When she saw me, Elana briefly directed a smile at me and then finished her conversation. The young man only nodded, and took his leave towards the front buildings of the Academy. When I approached Elana, I tried to apologise for the intrusion, but the elder woman just smiled and bid me to follow her inside.


I wanted to protest when she offered me breakfast, but in her usual determined way it did not take her long to have me sitting at her table, sipping tea. Without further ado she explained that she had just received notice that the weekly assembly would be rescheduled from tomorrow evening to today in about an hour, and she had wanted to have a word with me beforehand.


"You should know one thing - our gatherings are seldom about anything important, as the Academy has a system of different circles of people assigned to manage certain problems, or simply our routines, and so nothing really is left over to discuss in the weekly gatherings. It poses a good enough auditorium to introduce new members of our staff, but apart from that you should not really expect anything." Elana seemed to be rather amused about her own explanation, and not knowing what to say about it I just nodded.


When she saw this, she went on. "Nevertheless, as we have just a couple of sorcerers around here, some may be interested in befriending you, and I guess only a few of them will do so out of friendly interests. I won't give you advice on whom to trust, but I guess you'd be well advised not to trust too much in their cunning words. Best to try to be friendly with everyone, and then decide by yourself how to react to their efforts to get on your good side. From what I have heard, Drake still stands up to his promise to continue your teaching, so you won't have to go looking for someone to show you new things for the first few weeks until you know your way around here. Just don't be too rash in accepting any job offers. There might be a reason why they would want a second grade sorceress for their efforts, and not a single non-magic runner from the Academy, and you might want to think about that before taking the offer."


After having me promise to be thoughtful about who to trust on what conditions, Elana went on explaining further about the different kinds of magic they taught around here, and who was who in these factions. I listened to her intently at first, but soon terms and names started to spin in my head, and I was kind of relieved when she finally got up for the gathering.


It did not take us long to reach the hall where the gathering was about to begin in short time. It was a rather middle-sized dome as structures around here went, without any outstanding architectural details. It rather looked like some utilitarian building, and not like a representative hall on the inside.


Inside, only a few of the teaching staff could already have been in attendance, as I counted about fifty to sixty people standing around in small clusters, or already seated on the ranks of chairs raised on several tiers. Although I could not see any kind of order in it, Elana briefly explained about where the usual delegation took their seats. The old mage moved over to a place she had explained to be the seats of the not-so-politically-motivated people around here, and I was surprised to see Drake and Anthony drop into the same sector, just two rows in front of us a short time later. I had somewhat guessed them to be more involved in any intriguing or meddling, but then mere declarations of disinterest did not have to be in line with their real ambition. It might as well be possible that Drake really did not bother to quarrel with the other mages and sorcerers around here. I did not know him good enough to be sure either way.


A gong sounded somewhere outside the hall, and the small clusters of people slowly dissolved as they all took their seats. Only one withered looking mage stayed standing, and when the participants had quieted down enough to his content, he stepped up to a small podium and started speaking.


After a short greeting he rambled on about some issues concerning general things - new drains being needed near the training grounds, an offer for a few books to acquire, and so on. I was just about to fall asleep when he finally came to an end, and after some murmuring from the assembled people went on, introducing me. In about two sentences, and I had to be really quick to get up when he was finished, bowing to the assembled mages so they might get a glimpse at me before he went on with other things.


I must have looked rather baffled, as Elana beside me wore a bright grin that she desperately tried to hide. When she caught my gaze, the grin turned into a benevolent smile. "It's just his way. The people who might think about approaching you will do so nevertheless, don't fret about that. They might even have done it if you'd never been properly introduced. As I already said, most of this here is just a farce, or to keep the people who have no interest in anything else up to date."


The assembly went on for another fifteen minutes or so, and at the end it seemed as if I was not the only one to be glad that it was over. Elana bade me a good day and turned to go just when Drake, with Anthony trailing in his wake, approached us. He greeted both Elana and me with something I might describe as respect, maybe more fitting for the elder mage than me, and for once looked serious without any leers or lecherous remarks. That bothered me for a moment, but rather on the good side.


After a little banter between her and the sorcerer, Elana bade her goodbye nevertheless, leaving me with the two man. Once again I started to have a slightly queasy feeling in my stomach, but at least was not on the brink of turning into a tomato. Drake briefly frowned when his gaze strolled back to me, but then his features smoothed and he nodded towards the exit. "Let's take a short walk around. Here are too many people wanting to know too much for their own good most of the time." I just nodded and off we went.


Once outside Drake struck up some light conversation, mainly asking me if everything was fine with my quarters, or if I needed something else no one had yet acquired for me. I fended off most of his offers, explaining over and over again that I had everything I needed, and that everything was to my likings. Although I still did not really know my way around the Academy, I guessed that we were strolling deeper into the complex, where fewer people went during the day when most spent their time outside or in the libraries studying. We also lost Anthony along the way for similar purposes, and I was not entirely unhappy about this. Not that he made me overtly uneasy, but I was still suspicious of both him and his teacher, and dealing with them on a one on one basis was far more comfortable for me.


When he were finally entering the third corridor where no one was in sight, Drake stopped, and all of a sudden the mien of casual banter was gone from him. He looked at me rather strangely, until I was ready to start fidgeting with my clothes. I simply hated being stared at in such a way, and not knowing the reason for it was not making things any less disturbing. I was rather glad when he finally looked away and resumed talking.


"You look rather pale today, although remarkably unmarred, considering the late events." That made me frown, and he went on quickly to smooth things again. "By that I meant no visible marks anywhere. I thought you did not know how to heal yourself yet?" My frown only deepened, but this time it was not from suspicion about his motives, but rather about the contents of his sentence. "I don't. And I haven't asked someone for help." My voice nearly left me when a sudden image reshaped in my thoughts. When I had looked in the mirror this morning, the marks around my throat had already vanished, although i was perfectly sure that they had been a vivid purple just yesterday, forcing me to wear a scarf the whole day through not to die of embarrassment.


Apparently taking my silence for what it was, Drake went on slowly. "Also the way your skin looks, so pale, with your veins a bit too prominent - has anything strange happened during the last few hours?" That only raised my dread another notch, and I really had to restrain myself not to start babbling about my nightly venture. I somehow managed to shrug, trying to avoid a strait answer this way.


The sorcerer resumed his staring, and I was just about to vehemently complain, when it was his time to shrug. "It may be nothing, but I'm getting a feeling that there really is more to you than is clearly visible. Mostly, as your second power seems slow to manifest itself." With that he turned around and started walking again, and I had to raise myself off the sudden stupor his words had caused me to slip into, to follow him. When I had caught up, he forestalled my inevitable question with a slight gesture.


"I am really starting to wonder why Tane went to such efforts to keep such simple things from you. As an elemental sorceress you will likely have a second power apart from your first - and this seldom manifests itself like the first one does. For most fire wielders it is either the power to heal, or call command on water. You will surely see that both oppose the effects of the primal power, and I guess there is an inherent logic in that. Do you still follow me?"


I nodded, keeping quiet as my mind slowly started to scratch some missing parts of the ongoing puzzle together. Just yesterday I had confronted Tane with issues that Drake might just be about to reveal, so it was not my intention to stop him talking. Seeing my agreement, the sorcerer went on. "Your second power seems to be reluctant to come into the light, but then I guess there was not much need for it, as any mistakes in the past would have been countermanded by your teacher." There was less menace in his words now when he referred to Tane as before, but his contempt rang true still.


"That is not a bad thing on its own - in the end it is one of the purposes why a young sorcerer should study with a capable teacher, so that he might use his powers to the fullest without fearing the side effects until his control is strong enough to master the inevitable failures. Still, it should also be the duty of the teacher to coax the second power into manifesting. What I saw from you during the tests, healing is clearly not your thing as you took substantial damage during the test, and even though no visible marks were left, your body would have started regenerating instantly had it been able to. And you surely have burned yourself enough during the last year to warrant control of air or water to lessen the fire. I take it neither of both has occurred?"


Again I nodded, and although I understood what he was talking about, I could not fathom his goal. Needing no encouragement, Drake went on talking. "You see, it might be possible that you do not even have a second power, but that only happens in one of a thousand sorcerers. I have a certain suspicion, but it is still too vague to really put it to the test. Are you really sure that nothing out of the ordinary happened yesterday?"


I hesitated again, but then shook my head. "I nearly drowned." Drake's eyebrows rose, but he just looked as if I had told him some minor detail. "Drowned, hm, so that's nothing out of the ordinary for you?" When he saw me shooting him a dark look, he smiled and made a pacifying gesture. "No need to glower that much. Tell me more about it." I was feeling a little uncomfortable myself, but I went on nevertheless, as I felt that the whole, strange event just might be of some significance.


"Well, there's not much to say. I swam out into the open sea, too far, and when my strength was gone, I blanked out. And today I awoke on the beach, feeling strangely invigorated. And all marks were gone." Drake considered that for a moment, and started scratching his chin. "Has anything like that happened before? Anything unusual after dire situations?" I shrugged, and then shook my head. "No. Whenever I've been in danger, I ignited everything around me, but apart from that nothing ever happened."


Then something occurred to me. Just two days ago, when I had fallen to the floor and probably been lucky not to crack my skull, I had felt something strange. A wholly different kind of strange compared to what I had felt that morning, and I had not put much thought into it because of the concomitant circumstances of being molested by a group of horny guys, but there had been something. I no longer knew what it had been, but I was sure that I had not imagined it.


When I related these observations to Drake, he just nodded sagely, before putting on a frown. I was just about to ask him what this was all about, when he forestalled me by talking himself "I'll have to check some things first, and maybe do a little research, but one thing I can tell you right now. I believe that you do have a second power, and that it might be something out of the ordinary in itself. We will likely have to test that in the future, or at least recollect strange happenings, but for now I am not certain about what it really is. And I don't want to keep your hopes up and then disappoint you should I have been wrong. Can you life another week with not knowing?"


I shrugged noncommittally. "As I wouldn't have put more thought into these details anyway on my own, another week in the dark won't matter." He smiled at that, and then changed the subject completely. "So now that you've settled in here, are you ready to take on a small errand?" I blinked a bit irritated, but nodded. "As long as it does not contain finding my way inside this maze, I guess I'm up to it. What's it about?"


Drake signalled towards a corridor leading away from our former route, and after taking that went on. "An old friend of mine has finally got his hands on a certain artefact I have been searching for for years, and now I need someone to fetch it for me." I did not know what to say to that, and when I did not answer, Drake chuckled briefly. "Now I know that this sounds quite dull, so let me explain the details. My friend lives in the forest two to three day travels away from here, and as he has had certain issues with the government lately, he is loath to come to the Academy himself. He also wants to keep his quarters hidden, so I cannot just teleport myself to him and get my artefact. And I also don't want this whole thing getting too official."


He actually winked at me, and when I got the hint, he went on. "So I need someone capable of taking care of herself, who brings a certain compensation for his efforts to my friend, and brings me my artefact. You will likely be out of town for a week, but as you seem to be able to find your way inside a wood, that should not be a problem. Getting lost I mean." Again I nodded. "So I'll give you a map that should lead you at least in the direction of the meeting point and from thence you will likely be picked up by the acquaintances of my friend who will escort you to him. I will also provide you with a small allowance for supplies, and you might do good to hire a mercenary in the local hangout who might hold anything of less bother away from you. Does that sound okay to you?"


I could not say much to that, but the whole idea somewhat excited me. My first real assignment here, and it was not something boring like doing chores inside the Academy. So I nodded my agreement, and off we went to Drake's quarters. Later on I might get second thoughts about the whole thing, but right now it sounded, well, like a small adventure, and even if it might not require my magical talent, it promised to be fun.

Caught Fire

Part 10

by Dari (

Within the next few minutes I found out one important thing about my new life here at the Academy in

Mendala – living with more people than you can count on a single hand only complicates life. While I

followed Drake down the winding corridors to his quarters he got caught up by no less than three

colleagues, and when the last brought up what sounded like a pressing matter our errand talk got

postponed to after midday, and I suddenly found myself with half a day of absolutely nothing to do.

Why that irked me I couldn't say, but it did.

It was probably getting lost twice on the way to my own quarters that made the difference, but once I

was back in what now doubled for my home I just couldn't sit still. With only five people around here

that I personally somewhat knew, and four of them likely caught up in their teaching or studying

capabilities I went out again to look for the only person who might just have a little time at her leisure.

Miraculously I found Lathea's quarters within the next ten minutes, and while I still felt a peculiar mix

of apprehension and hope when I knocked on her door I was glad when she opened, and even more so

when she smiled at my probably unexpected showup.

“Not that I mind seeing you here, but shouldn't you be occupied with something? Like learning, and

stuff?” As always I couldn't quite say if there was a sarcastic tone to her words but chose to ignore it.

Shrugging, I looked around at the sunny courtyard behind me.

“What I should do is start my first errand for Drake, but he got hightailed

on the way to provide me

with the details, and now I have half a day with nothing to do but bide my time.” At her raised brows I

sighed. “And as no one yet cared to show me any resemblance of training grounds I can't even burn off

my energy. Without probably immolating the whole compound here, that is, and I don't think that

would be a great start for my career here.”

Lathea nodded sagely, and was just about to answer when shouts and the telltale sounds of a commotion

went up somewhere nearby. A few moments later a gaggle of ganders, so to say, came running by us,

leaving the stench of sweat and dust in their wake. I could just aim a hesitant smile at Gellin that he

returned with a bright one of his own, and off were they again only to be followed by a much larger

crowd of other fellow warriorstobe,

high in pursuit.

Once the yard had quieted down again Lathea pursed her lips and then shook her head. “I might be

prejudiced from profession and age, but sometimes they really behave like trained monkeys. Without

the training.” I certainly didn't disagree, but before I could come up with a halfway sophisticated

answer Gellin was back, this time sans the others. He came to a halt between us, and only when he

gulped down air rather noisily did it occur to me just how out of breath he was.

“Good morning, ladies!” I couldn't say if it was her role as his teacher that got Lathea scowling at him,

but his grin only widened at her dark face, but it was to me he turned next. “Sorry to impose myself on

you, again, but it wouldn't be too much to ask if I could hide in your room for a few hours?” Now it was

my turn for a frown, both at his words and the question, but when his gaze turned even more pleading I

shook my head.

“Of course not, I'm sure you'll find the way much faster than I do, I guess?” He grinned brightly, even a

bit feverishly, and suddenly leaned into me, with his hands coming up to cup my face. The kiss he

planted on my lips was hot and passionate, and rather wet, and took me totally by surprise. Before I

could neither protest not give in to him Gellin was off again, taking a corridor I wouldn't have guessed

could lead in the direction of my quarters. I really started to hate this maze.

Being a bit less likely to get startled than me Lathea had the sense to shout a question after the young

fighter. “Percy again?” Gellin skidded to a halt just before he could take a turn out of our field of

vision. “Yep, finally got me kicked out today!” And as if that would explain everything he was off.

To my heightened curiosity it apparently did, at least judging from the face Lathea made. When she saw

my questioning look she leaned against the frame of her door with her arms crossed over her chest.

“Some nasty business. Care to take a walk into town? I so don't intend to be here to have that mob

descend on me when they finally realize that their prey took off in a different direction.”

I nodded, and off we went. While we made our short way through the administrative centre of the

buildings to the exit I tried to make sense of the little I could gather from Lathea's mien, but that wasn't

exactly much to work with. She only looked genuinely annoyed, but like Gellin himself rather

unconcerned. Thinking back to his slightly disheveled state, as if he had been in a rather nonverbal

confrontation just before running by us twice, the whole thing made even less sense.

Once we were out of the Academy grounds Lathea unerringly steered me down the road to the

seamstress I had yesterday tried to avoid visiting with her, but at my brief attempt to pull that trick a

second time she just told me to stop fretting, and I was doomed.

While I was getting measured by the seamstress, her two apprentices did their best to embarrass me by

showing me an array of certainly too clingy dresses. In the meantime Lathea finally launched into an

explanation of what I had just witnessed in front of her door. It all boiled down to one thing: stupidity.

Apparently Gellin had had some personal problems with one of the other trainees, a young lordling

with a rather impressively long name, but who was commonly only known as Percy. The dear younger

sister of said Percy had turned out to be a rather promiscuous woman on her last visit to her brother,

and since Percy had walked in on her happily riding Gellin there was even more animosity hanging

between the two. Both in their early twenties and with way too much strength at hand Gellin and Percy

had since been the bane of each others existence, but as Gellin was just a lucky boy off the streets while

his contender had already the reign over estates several times the size of the city's surroundings, it

wasn't that much of a surprise that Percy had finally succeeded in getting Gellin kicked out of the

training program. As of today, apparently.

I had to admit that the story kind of made me a bit concerned, but as Lathea seemed rather bored I did

my best not to worry. It wasn't like I even knew Gellin well, even though we sort of had had sex on two

consecutive days in a row, but I would certainly miss him around here, and at least I would have been

flustered when rid of my home and employment both. But at least I knew that I was probably hiding a

fugitive, of sorts. Oh well.

After she had finished that tale Lathea launched into some other stories, and about an hour later we

went back to the Academy, leaving a stack of orders for dresses I was not yet sure I would ever find the

courage to wear. At least I loved the colours, and most went fabulous with my auburn hair, and the

black and blue hues of my tattoos. One would think that modesty would dictate me wearing something

that completely covered the intricate markings on my body, but I had to admit that my vanity had won

big time again.

At the gates Lathea took her leave after having made sure that I would find my way back, and this time

I even made it without getting lost. In hindsight I chided myself for not just walking down the beach and

finding my housings that way, but brain power evidently wasn't high on my list of attributes of late.

Getting scorned and thrown out of your life does that to you, I guess.

Not really surprisingly I found Gellin sitting on the floor of my living room, idling his time away with

sharpening and oiling his sword. I did my best to ignore the blade lying over his thighs, and treated

myself to a cup of cool water from the bucket he had thankfully refilled already. The heat was definitely

taking its toll on me, and I surely didn't look forward to summer approaching in a few weeks. How

Gellin could manage in his sturdy leather armour I certainly didn't know.

“You made it here safely, I guess?” At least no new scabs had joined the few on his face that had not

been there yesterday evening, while a slight bruise had started appearing low on his jaw. In spite of the

gesture having to hurt Gellin just smiled brightly and shook his head. “Thankfully no. Percy certainly

doesn't know you, so he should have a hard time finding me here, for the next hours at least.”

He scratched his chin, and winced when he touched the blotch on his jaw. At my frown he grinned once

more. “I guess Lathea told you the whole story of my demise?” I shrugged and drank some more water.

“The condensed version of it, I guess.” I stopped short then, trying not to look too mischievous.

“Although I wonder, should I rather say you fucked up, or you fucked round?”

Gellin answered me with the briefest of leers, but then hung his head in an imitation of shameful rue.

“Well, I guess both are legit. I just hope that tale didn't damage your high regards of me?” I ogled him

for a moment before downing the rest of the water. “We met when you were fucking me together with a

whole bunch of other guys, with the evident marks of previous abuse still angry red across my butt, just

what high regards should you be able to damage?”

His theatrical sigh made me smirk. “I guess I can rest assured then that you won't judge me wrong, oh

fair maiden of valour.” That didn't really deserve an answer so he got none. Never minding that Gellin

visibly sobered then. “Thanks for letting me stay here for the moment, though. It's one thing to draw the

collective wrath of the retinue of a lordling on you, but another to have them chase you with their

swords drawn.”

I wondered about that for a moment but he still didn't seem overtly concerned. “You're very welcome.”

He answered my smile with a sweet one of his, making it all too plain what said high born lady had

seen in him.

Changing the subject before my knees could get any weaker I sat down in one of the chairs my

furnishing spree had already yielded. “Do you already know what you'll be doing now?” Gellin

shrugged and put the sword away for good after a last checking glance. “I don't know yet. Going

mercenary, probably.”

Just what a coincidence. Or stroke of luck, even though I had stopped believing in that a long time ago,

and the recent events hadn't exactly changed my mind there. Apparently some of the grudging feelings

must have shown on my face as Gellin hurried to speak on, although he misjudged the reason for my

misgivings by far.

“Mercenary's not a bad job. Pays relatively well, I get to see the world. Get to get away from here before

Percy succeeds in neutering me. Might not be the glorious life of a knight in the royal courts but I never

saw myself in that role anyway. In the end they'd expect me to stop chasing women, or the gods behold,

even marry one!”

His words once more brought a grin to my face, something that hadn't happened a lot during the last

weeks either. Damn, if this went on like this I would be enjoying myself before the end of the day.

Couldn't have that now, could I?

“So you are looking for work right now? I might have something for you there.” He smirked for a

moment but when my brows drew together he reigned his features in. “No stupid comments, I get it. So,

what kind of work?” “Drake wants to send me on an errand to fetch something for him from an

associate of his, and he already mentioned that it might be wise for me to get some backup. I guess

having you tag along is easier than hiring just any mercenary in the city.”

Gellin thought about that for a moment before nodding. “Okay, sounds good to me. When are we off?”

I shrugged. “I still have to talk about the specifics with Drake, but I think that we can get going right

after that.” The fighter nodded again. “I wanted to ask Drake anyway whether he needed someone for

his staff, might as well do it then.” At my questioning look he grinned and winked at me. “Drake has

been known to require some thuggish help from time to time even apart from having fun in his

dungeon. I'll tell you more later, if you want to know.”

I just nodded, and got up on my feet again. “We might as well see if he has time for that now, it's

probably late enough already. Or do you think that your bane and his minions still roam the floors on

the lookout for you?” Gellin shrugged while standing up and buckling his sword belt again.

“I think I can take the chance. You're officially my boss now, so I can even hide behind your skirts if

need be.” I felt my brows knit together again and Gellin smiled all the brighter. “You're a sorceress after

all, right? Second rank from the blue of your tattoos. Percy might be stupid, but not suicidal. And it's

not like I'm the first guy his sister fucked, just the nearest at hand.”

I shook my head in resignation and went to the door, with Gellin falling in behind me. Boys will be

boys, I guess? Still, I'd rather not brandish my magic around, even more so that I didn't exactly know

what I was allowed to use in public here, and who might take offence should I overstep my limits.

Soon it turned out that I needn't have fretted as the corridors were empty and the mob nowhere in sight.

We arrived at the door to Drake's quarters only five minutes later, still unhampered. Anthony let us in

without the usual innuendo if one didn't count the stare he directed at me, and Drake bade us right into

his study.

Once seated in the room that was about twice the size of my whole quarters and overflowing with

books, scrolls, and a strange assortment of stuff on shelves I once again wondered why Tane lived in

such a hovel of a hut. Thankfully Drake went right over to talking before I could wonder why I still felt

so bad about not living there any more.

“So I see you picked up our resident scoundrel on the way over here?” I briefly grinned at Gellin sitting

in the chair next to mine before answering the sorcerer. “He more like hid under my bed for the last few

hours, but I guess that amounts to just about the same.” Drake allowed himself a small snort and fixed

the warrior with his intent gaze. “I figure you are looking for work now that you finally succeeded in

shirking off those pesky bonds?”

Gellin nodded, and the look on his face said quite clearly that there was really more to the story than I

knew. “Yeah, I already thought about asking you for a job. We've worked well together in the past, and

now that I'm no longer hampered by the pretence of leading a lawful life my expertise could be useful

for your venues.” It was all too easy to have pictures of the day before yesterday swim up in me, but

somehow I doubted that Gellin referred to our little gathering. Yet as he had already stated that we'd

have enough time for talk later I held my tongue now.

Drake didn't even consider that for long but nodded and extended his hand for Gellin to shake.

“Certainly. As a matter of fact I might already have something lined up.” He looked at me then, and the

fighter nodded. “Jeanne already said that you were sending her on an errand, and I thought I'd be of use


Drake inclined his head, and after shuffling around in the papers of his desk pushed a hand drawn map

and two smallish leather purses at us. “I need someone to make a trade for me with an old friend of

mine. On the map you see the meeting point, shouldn't be too hard to find. In the purses you'll find

money for your own expenses, and some gems for the payment.” He then went on explaining the few

details we might have to bother about, and within ten minutes we were already back on the way to my

quarters for packing.

The sun was still high in the sky when we rode out of the city gates into the surrounding countryside.

Gellin had gotten two horses, provisions, and gear for staying in the wilderness for us in no time, and

while I still didn't trust the meek gelding he had helped me scramble onto it could have been worse.

Like the chestnut coloured stallion he had gotten for himself, for instance. The way that horse kept

eyeing my feet made me itchy.

Ten minutes into the trip, while we were still following the broad road out of the city that was clogged

up with wagons and travelers on foot, I knew that this was going to be an interesting journey. Because

with every single step the stupid horse made I felt jolts zap through my body. And I'm not talking about

my butt or thigh muscles being unused to riding.

We were just about to turn off the main road onto a seldom used dirt track that veered off towards one

of the small villages within walking distance of Mendala when Gellin turned around in his saddle to

look at me, and upon seeing my face he even made the stallion turn around to face me, a manoeuvre my

horse thankfully ignored to just trod on. I exhaled slowly to do my best to get my voice less breathy than

it wanted to come out.

“Something wrong?” Gellin's watchful eyes stayed on my face for a few seconds longer, to the point

where I was about to get flustered. “Why are you staring at me like that?” He shrugged then, and turned

the motion into bringing his horse around and next to mine, staying this way so that conversation was

easily maintained.

“Nothing, you just look a little distressed.” I had to swallow hard when the stupid horse made a sidestep

off the track and hurried to arrange its footing again. This was so not going to be fun. Ignoring the look

on the warrior's face I did my best to pull up a vision of serenity around myself.

“That's probably because my horse is so frisky.” He pointedly looked down first at my gelding, then his

stallion, and back again before bringing his eyes right to my face. Even I could clearly see that while my

horse trudged on as if it hadn't a care in the world his tried to pull away at every second step, needing a

lot of direct control to stay as slow and measured as it did. “You've got to be kidding me, you're afraid

of that dozy of a ride?”

He made it sound even more incredulous, but I did my best to hold his gaze while my fingers cramped

further into the reigns. It wasn't as if the fright part were so out of hand either. “So what, I'm not used to

riding. Horses, at least.” The last part came out a little strangled in hopes he might take the badly laid

out innuendo, but for once Gellin proved that he could think with the brain above his waistline.

“No need to fret, he's really a docile boy. A whole lot more so than you seem to enjoy your human

males. And probably a lot less man that is, too, but that's why I got him for you.” Even though my heart

was still racing I had to laugh at that, only increasing when Gellin didn't get his unhappy words at first.

“What, you're jealous of a horse? So you get me a neutered one?”

His answering sigh was rather dramatic, but after a second he stopped shaking his head and smiled

again. “Well, at least chances are less you'll run off with him then.” He let me glower for a few

moments before talking on. “But you know, geldings generally are the docile horses that even rather

inexperienced riders can control, so before you draw some more wrong conclusions I hereby want it

stated that this was my only motive.”

I decided there that we had had enough horse talk for the rest of my life, and tried to angle the

conversation towards a topic that might even keep me involved enough to quell both horse induced


“So mercenary it is for you. Don't you even feel a little regret over having been kicked out of the

Academy training program? You must have been with that for a while at least.” Gellin shrugged, and

after the motion had to reign his stallion in again, the cursed animal taking the opportunity of

distraction to make a nip for the nose of my gelding.

“Nah, I've never seen myself going through with that to the end. You see, no reason to frown at my

future profession, either. It's not as bad as someone of your kind might think.” Sure enough that got me

to look at him sharply, if with the residues of the smile still lurking about. “And what kind might that

be?” The young fighter shrugged. “Nobility of course. I mean, you're a woman and training in the

Academy, that does tell a lot about your background. You're probably a younger daughter of one of the

Lords of the Realm, born too late to be of much use for marrying off, and having you study here at least

gets you off the treasury of your father. Right?”

I could feel my smile going nasty, and leaned a little closer to Gellin. “You saw where I lived for the

better part of last year, do you really think a noblewoman would be contend with that?” He shrugged

but looked rather not fazed by my feral look. “I wouldn't have thought that any woman of high standing

would let someone tie her down, spank her cute butt red like a tomato, and push her head on into a gang

bang. Believe me, the matters of your previous housings have been the last item I have been wondering

about you.”

It was hard not to blush at his recollection but I somehow managed, although my voice was a little

strangled when I went on. “Then I'll have to enlighten you about my background, I guess. Well, I'm the

youngest of three children, with two elder brothers. My father was indeed happy to have me out of his

house, mainly because then he wouldn't have to pay, should I ever intend to marry.”

Gellin's face turned a little bewildered. “An only daughter and he was happy not to marry you off? You

sure that's the reason he sent you to the Academy?” His dark tone and smirk said quite plainly what he

thought of that, and in turn I did my best at an indignant sniff.

“Let me assure you, I was still a virgin when I left my home. It was rather me defending my

maidenhood that got him to throw me out.” Now his look really became incredulous to the point that I

had to laugh, and finally give up this game of leading him around. “To be precise, it was because I

torched half of the field behind the house because the neighbour's eldest son tried to take advantage of

me. And with that ruining nearly a forth of the yearly harvest I couldn't exactly blame him.”

Some kind of doubt started to cloud the fighter's face, so I went on talking, even tearing one of my

hands from the death grip on the reigns to briefly touch his thigh. “I'm a farmer's daughter, Gellin. My

father couldn't have afforded to even marry me to someone of remote standing, even if that had been a

farm smaller than ours, and after the incident he cast me out. I worked as a cook's apprentice in a tavern

for several years until they in turn set me on the road when their barn caught fire, although that was not

my fault. Only then I went to the Academy in Midriver to apply for a scholarship lest I don't incinerate

myself the next time I either loose my temper or get frightened enough.”

If I had thought him staring at me before I couldn't say what he was doing now, as his eyes were nearly

bulging at my tale. Once he got over the imminent shock he asked the question I had been pondering

myself for the last few months, even more so during the recent days. “Just why did they even take you


I shrugged, trying to fight down the slightly uneasy feeling rising in my gut. “I guess I really must have

been a threat to myself and the people around me then, or else they would just have ignored me. It

wasn't like they cared a lot anyway, as they were too happy to bundle me up and send me off with Tane

in the first place, but what can I say, I guess I have some talent.”

Still bewildered Gellin did his best to get his senses back together, his face taking on a slightly musing

expression. “There are not that many sorcerers around, I figure they try to train everyone with the

ability. I mean as far as I know Mendala is quite the head quarters for you fire people, and you know

yourself how much space you take up.” I nodded at that. I certainly didn't know exactly how many

sorcerers with the ability to control fire there were in the Academy, but there couldn't be more than ten

in Mendala, me already included. Probably Tane and Chelsea, too, even though I was not yet ready to

attribute her enough talent for the claim.

The train of thought suddenly made my former thoughts untangle as if by magic. Oh my, what a great

exhibition of naiveté I had once again brought to the light. While Tane had never even remotely given

me the understanding that I was something special, if viewed analytically I of course was. With only

one in a hundred being able to work any kind of magic, and only a very small percentage of those being

sorcerers, having the ability to master the most elusive of all elements surely singled me out like

nothing else. And there I had been wondering just why Drake was so fast to get me all settled and

pampered with.

Some of the incredulity must have shown on my face because Gellin returned to staring at me fixedly. I

shook myself out of my brooding, and at the questioning raise of his brows I shrugged. “Ah, nothing, I

just realized that instead of being like overjoyed about the folks here taking me in I could probably have

asked for unthinkable amount of goods, and they would have given me all that and still been grateful for

me to sign on. Well, another lesson learned.”

Gellin actually laughed when I clucked my tongue in playful vexation. “Fairest of maiden all, you've at

least acquired yourself some very trustand

faithful fighters at your beck and call, rest assured that you

won't wile away your time alone.” I laughed wholeheartedly at that, and not even the answering jolt the

horse made when I moved too much in the saddle could dampen my mood. It just made me suck in my

breath really noisily.

Suddenly alarmed Gellin scowled at the horse, probably expecting it to be on the verge of tearing off,

but when he saw the gelding still walking in his measured step he frowned back at me. “Still afraid of

this steady sack of fleas?” I nodded instinctively, but the sudden gleam in his eyes didn't bode too well.

“If that's the case, then why are you rather flushed than white in the face?” A good question, but even

for that I had a fast answer. “Because it's hot around here! The sun is baking me ever so slowly, that's

why my face is all red. Would be even redder if I were not forced to ride this demonic fiend.” Even I

realized that I was putting on a little too much here, but that last effort to throw Gellin off trail didn't

succeed anyway.

With his eyes intent on mine the fighter leaning over to me until our bodies were nearly touching. “My,

my, if I didn't know better I'd say someone but the horse is getting a little frisky here.” I held his gaze

for about a second but then had to look away, only making him guffaw in triumph. “Well, well,

apparently I do not know better! Gah, this is rich. And there I was already wondering how I could get

around the awkwardness of asking you to join me on my bedroll tonight. Guess I'll rather have to fend

you off by then, eh?”

It was not really hard to stare at him balefully, but he just kept on laughing. “You stop that this very

minute, or you'll see just how much willpower any sorcerer can throw into the game! Those will be

some really, really lonely nights for you!”

I guess not even I myself believed my words, but Gellin just found my tirade all the more amusing. Still

he did me the courtesy to dampen his mirth to a slow if inviting smile, and I just couldn't let that go on

like this.

“It's not my fault that I'm getting all horny here! I mean who could have thought that such a stupid

horse makes such a lot of, uhm, friction!” He just kept on smiling, if even a little brighter. “I have to

give you that, you are by far the most insatiable woman I've ever seen, and I have been around a bit. I

could understand that sitting astride a horse for a whole day with your whole body jostled through

might make someone with your tastes of comfort a little hot, but I sure didn't expect that to happen

before we are even out of sight of the city.”

Somehow his words sounded a little accusing, if for sure not meant that way, and I was all too ready to

defend my moral high grounds, as low as they might have sunk during the last days. “It's not the sitting

astride, or the way I'll be going to ache once this is over. Nothing there yet at least.” His smile only

widened again. “What is it then? A little too comfortable around so much manpower?”

I groaned, and suddenly this all was getting a little tiresome. So I hefted my gaze on his and did my best

to stare him down. “Don't be stupid, I'm not that kind of afraid of horses! But haven't we been screwing

around the last two days? I can't have made that small an impression.”

He blinked several times, and then the smile diminished when his brain caught on. “You mean ...” He

let that trail off unsaid, but the sudden jaded look in his eyes made it all too clear that he had gotten the

hint. If said that way it probably wasn't that hard to guess, I was nearly sure that there couldn't be too

many women around who had their clits pierced. At least I thought that.

Silence fell with a considerable weight over us, and I did my best to ignore the feeling of lust welling up

all the more now that I was left without distraction. God, that was awful. In a very nefarious way. If this

went on like that Gellin would really have to keep me off him by the end of the day, and the knowledge

that tomorrow we wouldn't be riding for a few hours but likely from sunup to sundown really made me


“Uhm, if you want to walk a while we can do that, or, I mean, if it's that uncomfortable ...” Judging

from his stammering and the hesitance of his voice I really must have been scowling quite a bit, and I

only slowly tuned that down when I looked over at the fighter again. I held his gaze for a whole ten

seconds before I finally spoke.

“That won't be necessary. It doesn't hurt or anything. It's just that you were dead on, it really makes me

horny, really really horny. That's all.” When I said it this time, careful to stress every word separately he

was the one to actually pale, but only for a moment. The grin I had been holding back kind of made the

corner of my mouth jerk, and in no time Gellin was smirking at me again.

“My, my, a bitch in heat, and all at my disposal. Now that I know that I'm going to make you work for

that satisfaction you so crave.” For a moment I thought getting angry about getting called a bitch in the

face, but then we had been a little too intimate for me to take offence. And it really didn't bother me, it

was more like my sense of propriety called for it while the rest of my mind, and my body, screamed

right for us to get it on. Thankfully I could restrain that urge, yet, but playful banter was well within

what I allowed myself to indulge in.

Cocking my head I did my best at a sultry look while languidly licking my lips. I was instantly

rewarded by Gellin swallowing hard repeatedly, and the next time his horse tried to change gait he

muttered a curse under his breath. I guess there were some advantages to being a woman on horseback.

“Let me hazard a guess, if that horse of yours keeps jostling you around like that you will be way too

bruised so I can take you up on that offer come nightfall.” I smiled with a little too many teeth showing,

and Gellin winced. “Okay, you win. Care to change the subject? Either that, or I'll grab you right off

your saddle and have you here in the grass before that bastard can castrate me.” I just kept on smirking,

but was all too happy to oblige. It wasn't as if I were too keen on getting too lusty before we stopped for

the night.

Somehow we made it through the day without incapacitating ourselves. We talked nearly the whole

time, and while it was also a means to bide our time through the rise it was quite pleasant, too. It also

made me realize what I had missed so dearly during my time with Tane up in the hut – a real friend.

Taken, it had been possible to talk about most matters with Tane, but he had usually only bothered so

much about my life apart from what directly concerned us or my fire wielding. It had been quite a while

since I had just talked about anything with someone. The fact that there was no awkward stopping when

we did breach into a slightly sleazy topics was just as well.

When the sun turned towards the horizon we reached a small village, but one look at the way the people

stared at us made us decide to track right on into the wilderness beyond. While I watered the horses at

the common spring Gellin got some roasted meat and fresh bread for us so we might enjoy something

but durables for dinner, and off we went again. In the end privacy usually won out over comfort with


It was a good two hours later before we stopped for the night, shortly after the fiery ball of the sun

disappeared over the hills. Our surroundings had changed since the start of our trip, near desert turning

to rolling hills of grass, with the edge of the forest we needed to cross into just a few minutes on foot


We made our camp nestled against a huge tree, the great roots providing for comfortable sitting on or

leaning against. I watched Gellin trying to start a fire for gleeful five minutes, and nearly startled him

into fullon

shock when I ignited the whole bunch of leaves with a single flare of concentration. I guess

he felt rather stupid then about forgetting just who he was traveling with, but it certainly provided some

entertainment, at least for me. For nearly an hour, as it turned out. But he in turn took his frustration

about getting laughed at out on me soon enough.

During the day I had more than once sworn myself that the moment I had some free time at my leisure

once we were back again I would get over to the hut and maul Tane for good for inflicting this torment

on me. By the time I finally got out of the saddle and was forced to hobble the three steps over to my

root seat I was a hair breadth away from teleporting over there right here and now. Just the knowledge

that I would have to walk at all over there kept me rooted on the spot, pun intended. Yet my discomfort

of course didn't go unnoticed.

We had just finished dinner when I noticed that Gellin was getting more silent from minute to minute,

while his eyes nearly bored holes into my body. Even after half an hour I still had problems getting

comfortable on my root bench, and I once more cursed under my breath. When I looked up again Gellin

was suddenly standing in front of me, the fire flickering at his back casting his face fully into shadows.

He sank to his knees in front of me, his face coming to the same level as mine. I made no move to stop

him when his hands came to rest around my waist, slowly pushing my upper body back until my

shoulders settled on the root behind the one my butt rested on. His fingers lingered for a moment longer

before strafing down over my hips and thighs to gently stroke my calves.

The whole time we kept our gazes locked, and only when he seemed satisfied with me watching him

did he look away. His hands slid under the fabric of the hem of my dress and moved upwards again, this

time trailing over my skin. I actually started to tremble just a bit when he reached my thighs, but I made

no move to stop him when he bunched the whole fabric up at my hips and repeated the whole

manoeuvre, only this time pushing my panties off my legs on the downstroke,

while gently nudging

my thighs apart on the way back up.

With his hands still firmly on the inside of my thighs Gellin stopped, and just stared at my bare crotch

for several moments. I really didn't know what he was so fascinated with, but with the intricate tattoos

running down over my labia, the ring through my clit, and my general state of clear arousal a few

possibilities came to mind. Or he was just plainly unnerving me.

When he exhaled his breath blew across the exposed flesh of my clit, and the former tremble became a

real shudder. His eyes moved up my body to stop at my face, and I clearly saw the raw lust on his

features. Whatever he saw on mine seemed to encourage him, because next he lowered his head, and

with the most tentative touch licked over my clit.

I groaned at the sudden surge of need thumping through my body, instinctively grinding my crotch up

to meet his face. Without further hesitancy his lips closed around my clit and sucked greedily, making

me nearly buckle off my seat. Once he was sure he got my attention he started to lick and flick his

tongue all over my privates, concentrating somewhat on the throbbing bud on top, but also darting his

tongue into me.

It was nearly embarrassing how fast he got me to come, but instead of stopping then like I had expected

him to he pushed his hands flat under my ass to get a better grip on me, and went to work in earnest.

That's when I stopped thinking for a long, long time, and transformed into one needy bundle of nerve


Somewhere after my fifth climax I stopped counting, and there wasn't any brain in me left when his

licking caress was backed up by his teeth. At first it was just a gentle grazing that could have been

accidental, but when he actually started to nibble on my clit and bite my swollen pussy lips to the point

where he might have drawn blood any semblance of control I had left evaporated. I came so hard that I

bucked too much for him to continue, which was just fine with me. Clearly my body wasn't prepared to

take any more of this.

When my world stopped spinning again I found myself in a huddle on the ground, staring up at the

leaves above me. I blinked several times to clear away tears I hadn't realized to have cried, and looked

around me a bit disoriented. My, what a ride. And technically there hadn't yet been any riding involved.

Screw that, right now the only thing I was concerned about was the pulsing centre of lust between my

legs, and the clear determination to get rid of the empty feeling inside me.

Casting a look around I found Gellin propped up against the root I had formerly been sitting on, a rather

broad grin on his face. He made as if to talk, but the moment I was able to will my body into motion I

hurled myself at him, my lips drawn back in a snarl when I found his pants still in place.

Seconds later that problem was solved and I had his hard cock in my hand. He seemed more than ready

to go, and there was no guessing needed for the state of my nether regions. With a groan I moved

myself so I straddled him, and drove myself right down on his prick.

I missed, probably because of all the juice running down my thighs to my knees, and instead of

sheathing him in my pussy I got a little too much a little to fast up my ass. That hurt pretty badly.

Enough to make me cum, yet again.

I guess it was a good thing that my body took over there and I started moving on him way before my

mind had overcome the shock. I rapidly tore at my dress, doing my best to yank it up over my head and

off my body, but once my head cleared it Gellin's hands were suddenly around my upper arms, forcing

them down behind my back with my dress tangled all over.

One look at his face and I realized the gesture had been deliberate, an easy but quite effective way to get

my arms all bound and out of the way. There was no will to protest left in my anyway so I went right

back to humping his cock.

He let me burn off some energy that way for a few minutes, but before long his hands returned to my

back, and while one got a good grip on my dress the other slipped into my hair, yanking down quite

painfully once he had gathered enough of my tresses for that. I cried out in pain and obediently arched

my back to relief some of the stress, while stopping my futile pelvis rocking.

Teeth first grazed my hard right nipple, then bit right into my left to stay there, and Gellin started

pumping into me without any sign of holding back. Only then did I realize just how small my own

movements had been, but he did plough into my like there was no tomorrow, so I stopped complaining

instantly and just let him sweep me along.

I came again, and the hard gripping of the muscles of my ass contracting around his cock forced him to

stop for a second or two, but instead of giving me my wellearned

respite just then he took up fucking

me right away again, only faster still. The already subsiding orgasm came right rushing back into me,

and my back felt like breaking when I arched it even more. I came so hard it really hurt. And it was


I only dimly noticed when Gellin finally climaxed himself, the hot spurts of jizm lost deep in my ass.

Once he let go of my head and untangled arms I just flopped down onto the ground like a lifeless rag,

still panting so hard that my lungs had serious problems even processing the air coming in. My head

spun, and I had a hard time even staying conscious.

Wow. Had been a time since that happened.

Somewhen during the next minutes my awareness slowly returned to normal, and a lot later my body

finally quieted down. It was a while until I even contemplated moving, and I was all too grateful when I

felt Gellin first untangling me, then rubbing the mess on my thighs down with the torn, and probably

burnt, remnants of my dress, until he finally gathered me in his arms and somewhat bumpily got me

between the sheets of our collective sleeping rolls.

“Mind if I cuddle up at your back? I somewhat desperately need some human contact right now.” I felt

myself smile at the quiver in his voice and murmured something that hopefully sounded inviting, and

was all too happy to melt against his body when strong arms drew me into his embrace. I certainly

understood his sentiments, I could do with some grounding right now, too. Hopefully that would jump

start my brain somewhen during the night.

So we lay there, side by side, staring into the fire while time seemed to move around us without even

touching us, it seemed. My pulse just wouldn't slow down even though my muscles went all slack, and

my body ever so slowly started coming up with complaints about the heavy use it had just been

submitted to. The content smile on my face definitely hurt less than the dull ache of my thighs, or the

rhythmic throbbing of my ass and clit.

Gellin softly moved behind me, slowly as if not to wake me, and I put one of my hands up over his

cradling my body to his chest. When our fingers brushed against one another he spread his to let me

intertwine mine with his hand.

“I don't know about you, but that certainly has been more rewarding than the parody of sex yesterday

evening. Let's just pretend that didn't happen, okay?” My grin widened for a moment, and when I

waited for the already familiar pang of mourning over Tane I was left disappointed. Either I was a lot

less hurt than I had thought, or my heart was still happily beating between my legs. Probably just that. I

so couldn't care less at the moment.

“I generally don't like telling guys just how much I liked fucking them, as it totally screws with their

egos, but that was just incredible.” Gellin chuckled softly, and then slowly kissed my neck just beneath

my jaw. “I'll just measure the amount of your satisfaction on the times you came.” I had to laugh when

his kiss became a long, wet lick, and he slowly turned me around to face him. He looked as dishevelled

as I felt, with sweatdrenched

hair sticking all around, and his usual easy grin had a definite twist to it.

“So, incredible, huh? I guess that means you'd like to do that again sometimes?” Like in once I could

summon any semblance of strength back into my body, but I only offered him a smile instead of the

eager grin and nod I wanted to give. He seemed to get my meaning allright anyway. “You really are

some kind of woman.”

At that I pursed my lips, but I was still too lazy to feign any kind of hurt feelings to tag along. “What

kind?” He held my gaze steady while slowly licking his lips. “A tasty one.” Of course I blushed then,

which in the light of recent events was even more shameful, but apart from his grin momentarily

quirking into a smirk he left that thankfully uncommented, and instead went right on. As if that would

diminish the colour burning on my cheeks.

“I really have to give you that, I've never been with a gal who enjoyed herself so much when I was

fucking her like that.” At least I could still look him in the eyes, even if my face felt like burning up. I

hoped that the flickering light from the flames did a few things to hide my embarrassment, but although

that kind of talk was unusual to me, it was strangely comforting, too. For once a guy who not only

fucked me but who seemed to want to make sure I had my fun along the way, too.

Which kind of pushed me into a slight dilemma, because the way Gellin smiled down at me just then he

looked a little starstruck, and probably like I would have expected a lover to regard me after gently

making love to me for hours. Not that I preferred the actual reality so much over that scenario, but it did

open the question whether he even knew what he had inflicted upon me.

His next sentence sounded a bit more like the guy who thoroughly liked banging a woman hard, but

also confirmed that fear. “For once, I've never seen a gal get that off on anal sex. Makes me wonder

why some complain so much about it hurting, when you pull it off like that.” I exhaled slowly while

searching for the words that direly needed to be spoken. Why that was so hard I really couldn't say.

“Uhm, that was actually a mistake, I should add.” His face went a tad placid for a second, before doubt

started clouding in. “Mistake? Like you accidentally enjoyed yourself?” I grunted at his mocking tone

in exasperation, and shook my head. “Not that, you oaf! That I got your cock up my ass was a mistake.”

Now he really looked dumbfounded. “But you came instantly! Isn't that a sign that you like stuff?” I

rolled my eyes at him, and momentarily wondered just how he could be so naïve. From Drake's little

gang bang session he should still remember that I didn't just get off on sensual stimulation. Heck, I had

even told him of all people then that it was also the pain component of rough stuff that did me in.

My momentary silence only seemed to push him to really wrong conclusions as the look in his eyes was

already shifting towards trying to form an apology, so I hurried on to explain. “Yeah, it is, and I did

enjoy myself quite a bit, but that doesn't mean it didn't hurt like hell.” And there I had ever claimed to

have a sort of way to gently break stuff to people? Gellin sure looked horrified once my words hit

home. Just like me to gross out the guy whom I so willingly let do stuff like that.

Even in my still befuddled state of mind I realized that the conversation was rapidly going downhill,

and I had to stop this before we hit bottom. There was really no gentle way to phrase this, and once

again a pang of regret went through me. At least with Tane I had never had such conflicts, he had

always known quite how much he hurt me. And how much I got off on just that. But it probably needed

some strength of character to pull that stunt off, too.

I slowly extracted my hand from Gellin's, and when the hurt in his eyes just surged I could have hit

myself. Hurriedly I brought my hands around his face and forced his eyes back to look straight into

mine. “Stop thinking that train of thought this very moment. First, I talk. Then you can think again

about just how sorry you feel, and for whom.” His jaws clenched under my hands as if he was about to

protest, but either my strong tone held him silent, or he did remember some of the things that had come

up when we first met.

When I saw that he was listening I took a last steadying breath before starting to talk. This really

shouldn't be so hard to express, but my throat was strangely clogged up. “Listen, it hurt. In fact, most of

what you did to me hurt. But that's exactly why I liked it so much, and why I came so often, and so

hard. And when I tell you this it's not because I want to freak you out, or make you feel bad because of

how you treated me, but just so you know why it was that easy for you to turn me into a screaming

puddle of need, and make me come all over again.”

I let the words sink in, and only when I saw his face stay passive I realized why I was suddenly all

freaking myself. Until now every man who had treated me like this had known better than me that I

could take it, or hadn't cared more for my wellbeing

than his own satisfaction. I was still sure that Tane

wouldn't have put me through what he did if he hadn't been sure that I would like at least the greater

amount of it, but with Drake it had been more of a satisfaction of his baser nature than giving me what I

craved. The only one I was really sure to have just acted based on my own reactions had been Gellin,

inadvertently giving me what I craved without realizing what came along with it. And now that I had

spelled that out for him he probably couldn't take it any longer.

Silence fell and stretched out between us, making it all but impossible not to feel the strain building. By

now the look on Gellin's face was nigh unreadable, and I slowly let go of his face. This was so not

boding well. The shaky breath he finally took even less.

When he found his voice again it was raspy, and had lost all of the cheery quality it had held during the

whole day. “I guess it must sound stupid to you, but I am really sorry that I hurt you. I won't do it

again.” I tried to speak up then, but the surge of anger suddenly in his eyes made me shut my mouth

again. He did some more steady breathing, all the while looking straight at me, until the anger bled

back into bleakness.

“I'm really sorry if I am not able to provide you with what you think you need, but I won't just do you a

favour if it damages my own integrity. I think you know better where to get that from.” With that he got

up, leaving me curled under the bedding. I tried to come standing to follow him, but he just murmured

something about needing to be alone and walked out of the illuminated circle the fire provided.

Just great. Another ego I had bruised beyond the point of return. This was so not my month.

When I could concentrate somewhat again I started dividing the bedrolls, and lugged mine over to the

opposite side of the fire. Suddenly shivering in the cold I got a spare shift out of my saddle bags, the

thin linen nearly fine enough to see through the fabric. Feeling utterly alone I curled up again on my

makeshift bed, and stared into the licking flames of the camp fire. If this wasn't ending soon I was

going to choke on my life sooner or later.

I was still awake when Gellin returned but feigned to be asleep, just so we didn't have to finish our

conversation. I wasn't even sure if I slept during the night, it certainly didn't feel that way in the

morning. We ate breakfast in silence, and after packing everything up again continued our track.

About thirty minutes into the forest Gellin finally broke the awkward silence but just to strike up some

really lame conversation. I tried to contribute some more or less wise things to it, but after a few

minutes we were silent again, and apart from minimal talk stayed that way during the whole day. By the

time we stopped for the night I was annoyed, more than a little sore from all things horse related, and

my ego felt even more bruised then my butt.

Gellin left with a mumbled remark about going hunting although it was nearly fully dark, so I stalked

off in the other direction to the stream gurgling by within shouting distance of our camp site. Even

though the weather here was quite a lot warmer than what I was used to, the water was just as cold as

any spring water I had ever bathed in. I undressed with haphazard jerky motions and waded out into the

shallow pools the rivulet had worked out of the bedrock.

I actually had to sit down so that the water could lap up to above my breast, and it was so cold that my

teeth instantly started to clatter. I didn't care, all I wanted now was to be clean, and possibly away from

Gellin. I was even so far as to contemplate just opening a portal and sending him back to Mendala to

continue on my own. If not for the possible stupid remarks I would earn for that I would have done it


When my toes stopped hurting from the cold and started to get numb instead I climbed out of the water

again. Flopping down in the soft grass on the river bank I first thought about just drying myself and

returning to the fire, but after a few moments of sitting in the cold, shivering, I felt something very odd

crawl up to me – calmness. For the first time since Tane and I had ventured forth to my Test of

Challenge in Mendala I felt calm again, centred. Just as if the last few weeks hadn't happened at all.

Drawing my knees to my chest I wrapped my arms around my legs and let my forehead rest on my

knees. I certainly didn't know where that had come from, but I really welcomed the feeling to not have

to jump right out of my skin every waking moment.

I must have sat there for at least an hour, judging from the time my skin had needed to dry, and dew to

turn up where river water had been before. The cold still made me shiver enough to warrant a good grip

on myself to stop from uncurling my position involuntarily, but it could have been worse. As in hot like

during the days. At the moment I was just content.

Low cursing wafted over from where our horses were bound to trees for the night and I turned my head

to look back at what Gellin was doing. He certainly didn't look as if he had hunted down anything,

which did not exactly surprise me in the end. Suddenly tired of sitting here on my own I got up and

slipped into my clothes again to then go back to the camp.

The fighter briefly looked up when I approached, and only mutely signalled at the wrapped bundle

containing my dinner at the corner of my bedroll. With a smirk I sat down, noticing that his bedding

was lying exactly across from mine, as far away as he could go without being too obvious. I chose to let

that go unremarked as there seemed no sense in talking about that.

By the end of the meal my patience had worn thin already, and I just couldn't keep my mouth shut any

longer. “Could we please stop this now, and behave again like halfway responsible adults?” My tone

was a little more acidic than I had intended, and Gellin looked at me rather sharply. “It takes two, you


The vestige of the rest of my new found calm was already crumbling, and I had to get a really good grip

on myself lest I not do anything stupid. Hearing him address me with that mixture of hurt and verbal

puppy eyes was nothing that helped me here. “That's why I said we, not you or I. And stop scowling

like this, you don't even have a reason for it!”

I inwardly groaned at myself when I realized that while my mind tried to settle things the message got

hijacked on the way to my brain to come out all scrambled, and as if I were already that keen on

escalating things. Maybe I was. But this farce was so not what I was equipped to handle. Judging from

the face my opponent made he thought along the same lines, sadly not with places traded though.

“Why are you even acting that bitchy? It was you who claimed yesterday that everything was alright!”

Hurt male pride, exactly what I needed now. As if I had any experience in handling that in a way that

got me not thrown out of homes, or something. So I took a rattled breath and did my best to at least

appear calmer. “And I assure you again that I am just fine.”

With the words some of the heat went out of my temper, and I tried again to steer the conversation into

the direction I wanted to be headed. “I guess I can understand why you are that upset with me, and I'm

sorry I made you feel like that. It won't happen again, I promise.”

Gellin just stared at me for ten seconds straight before finding his voice again. “Are you really that

insane, woman? You have no way of knowing how I feel!” I held his heated gaze although I really

wanted to punch him, but for once my experience of the last few months paid off. Compared to Tane

Gellin was a real whelp when it came to getting my temper to flare, and I certainly knew that violent

behaviour on my part was not an option. So I gritted my teeth again and forced the words out that I had

so hoped never to have to say to anyone.

“In fact I do. You are disgusted by me, and my preferences. As I said, you won't have to touch me again.

If you want to, I can even now open a portal for you ...” My words trailed off when the fighter suddenly

got to his feet to tower over me. He might not look like so much, but he certainly intimidated me now.

“Disgusted with you? Bloody hell, I'm disgusted with myself!” When I just stared at him he growled

and made a move as if to start pacing, but stopped before he had even turned around. “How could I not

be disgusted with myself, I abused and hurt you, and apparently even intimidated you enough so you

find all sorts of delusional excuses!”

This was so running towards hilarious that I couldn't even start to begin to sort this out. But getting to

my feet was a definite start, I really didn't like people towering over me. Gellin didn't even look around

at me although he must have seen the motion, so I decided to make my stand just here and now.

“Do you seriously think that someone like you could even intimidate me if he tried?” That at least got

his attention, and he turned around, his face all hard lines, with his eyes filled with hate, and probably


“Why shouldn't I? I think my deeds speak well for themselves in my favour.”

Again my time to stare at him, but I soon got over the astonishments. “You really are serious, right?” He

nodded, and I went on before he could interrupt me, careful to punctuate every word. “Even with your

superior strength you would need minutes to seriously hurt or kill me, and even if I were drunk I would

just need a single thought to burn you to cinders right where you stand. Your kind doesn't intimidate


I guess Tane would be proud of me for saying such words, and actually meaning them. Not that

thinking of him helped me a lot at the moment, but when Gellin just kept staring at me I certainly had

to think about the way my former teacher had sometimes glowered when I had messed up pretty bad

again, preferentially deliberate. And it put the current situation into even starker relief.

“Gellin, listen to me. You didn't do anything wrong, or anything I would scold you for, or what I would

hold against you. I know that this situation is not easy for you, but please, believe me, if anyone is to

blame here at all it is me, not you.”

Once more he tried to protest, but rather weakly compared to before, and it was easy to talk right over

him. “You never intimidated me, and you certainly didn't force me to anything. You did your best to

please me, and it's not your fault that I need more than most decent men are ready to give. I've just been

too selfish to consider that I was asking too much of you.”

That nearly sounded insightful, and certainly not like me. I had never before in my life been any kind of

diplomatic, and my own words even surprised me. Just as well that no one else would ever hear of this

or my reputation as unrepentant bitch would suffer for sure.

My words seemed to soothe Gellin some more, if not ease his mind completely, and slowly the tension

started to drain out of his body. I did like him a lot better when he didn't look intend to jump into his

own sword.

When it became apparent that I was waiting for a reaction from him he finally spoke up again. “What I

did is still wrong, even if you claim to have led me along. There are certain things you simply not do,

even if a woman as asking for them.” I bit down hard on my tongue not to blurt out anything totally

inappropriate, and instead crossed the distance between us. He only barely flinched when I put a

hesitant hand onto his arm.

“You're a good guy, you know? But there is really no reason to flog yourself over this now. If I hadn't

told you how it had felt for me you wouldn't even have known that you hurt me.” The anguished look

was back in his eyes, and I finally understood what I had been missing all along.

“You feel so bad because you didn't realize what you were doing to me, right? That's the reason why

you're acting like this.” There was no sense in questioning that from the way he suddenly hung his head.

Once again I asked myself how he had ended up doing what he did under Drake's supervision and could

remain so clueless.

And then it hit me, all out of the blue. It was not really fair to think of Gellin as naïve as I had myself

needed a few minutes to get to the core of things. And what was left was not that hard to grasp now that

it was in plain sight. Trust and honesty. The two things I had gotten so accustomed to in my time with

Tane that I didn't even consider that others worked under different sets of rules than my mind now did.

And I guess I could place a good bet on where exactly Tane had acquired that quirk.

It all made so much sense now, at least from what I could piece together from my own experience. I

didn't know who the lucky girls before me hand been that had enjoyed the hospitality of the range of

young fighters, but they had certainly been willing then, and likely not around once the adrenaline haze

dissipated and the bruises and hurts bloomed. I myself had also not bitched about the rough handling,

and thanks to the very alarming quirks my body was throwing around of late there had been no bruises

left when we had started off onto our journey. A small part of my mind taunted that common sense

alone should have been enough to let anyone decide for themselves what was enough, and what too

much, but lust and former experience could easily contort the bigger picture. My, my, what a harsh

awakening for Gellin indeed.

I thought about telling him just that then, but the way he behaved at the moment I wasn't sure that that

would help at all, rather on the contrary. What was left to me was to stay on track and play the whole

thing over me, and not entirely too truthfully.

“You know, it's really not my fault. But I'm so off these days that it's a wonder that I don't forget

anything as essential as to breathe.” When he looked as confused about my words as I had hoped, I

elaborated. “I'm heartsick. Heartbroken. It makes me act stupid, and I can't even concentrate most of the

time. That's why I've been so unresponding two nights ago. And why it yesterday seemed like the

greatest idea to just indulge in some hard, mindless romping in the woods. I let my guard down, and you

got burned in the wake. I'm really sorry, but I'm just not working right at the moment.”

I was really disgusted at myself for telling such lies, but I certainly preferred that over the constant

gloating that had been going on between us during the day, and Gellin didn't deserve to feel that way

about himself. My words seemed to soothe him some more, if a rest of doubt stayed in his eyes. Very

well, I wasn't here to grant absolute absolution anyway. I just needed him centred enough to work


“I'm glad if you really see it that way, but in the end it doesn't change a thing about what I did.” I

nodded, and even managed a small smile. “Then just don't do it again anymore. Let it be a one time

experience and warning to you. But don't let it eat you up, I'm fine, and so should you be.”

Suddenly tired I gave him a last squeeze and sat down again. This was all I was able to give, if it wasn't

enough Gellin would have to deal with it on his own. The way he sagged down on his bedroll and let his

head hang down certainly didn't bode well, but at least the tension bled out of his body.

I watched him in silence for a while, and then took the book Elana had sent me out of my saddle bags.

There was really no reason why to neglect my studies when I had absolutely nothing else to do, and

until Gellin proved talkative again I had to entertain myself somehow. Hopefully not for too long.

This night I could at least sleep, and once morning broke the efforts of my prep talk from last night paid

off, and my companion was in the mood for some talking again. We did keep it at trivial topics, but that

was better than nothing. I could deal with trivial, the same as I could deal with not having sex with him

come nightfall. The trip was just turning really boring.

To my certain dismay the rest of the journey turned out to be even less challenging, entertainmentwise,

and when we happened upon a small group of riders at the meeting point Drake had provided us with I

soon gave up any further hopes of excitement. They were all very polite, and the following meeting

with their leader was all but anticlimactic. One sack was exchanged for another, a short note to the

sorcerer was given to me, and only two hours later we were back in the forest, well on our way home.

In the afternoon I decided that we were far enough away from the hideout to go back home via portal,

and when Gellin didn't protest I brought us right outside the city gates. After the solitude of the forest

the bustle of people in Mendala was a nice contrast, but I really wanted to get this over with, so we

headed straight to the Academy stables. At least I had gotten a horse out of the deal.

We were just done unpacking the horses and leaving them with the stable men when a small commotion

rose at the front gates, and before I could decide whether it was worth inquiry or not a group of young

warriors came barging in. They were lead by a tall, blond man with trimmed beard and wellgroomed

appearance, and I didn't really need to see Gellin shrink behind my back to know that finally trouble

had caught up with him.

Somehow I had expected them to go straight for the other fighter, but Percy took the situation in with a

keen eye and instead bowed to me respectfully. “Good day, madam, I hope you had a save journey?” I

frowned at Percy for a moment before getting a grip on myself and trying to dust of my manners as fast

as possible. “Thank you for asking, all went as well as expected.” It was quite obvious that we had just

returned, and if he was really intent on tanning Gellin's hide I figured he had found out his whereabouts

days ago already.

Percy nodded, and was about to speak on after aiming a loathsome glance at Gellin, but I hurried to

interrupt him. “I am sorry if I appear rude, but I really don't have the time for idle conversation at the

moment. If you will excuse us, I need to be on my way.”

He looked a little dumbfounded, but as before was quick to reign his annoyance in. “Certainly. I had no

intentions in standing in your way. Please allow me to escort you to your quarters.” He actually waited

for my hesitant nod before offering me his arm. My hand shook just slightly when I let him guide me

away. Oh my, I really must be off if stuff like that made me go all dewyeyed.

While the rest of his men stayed back at the stable Percy led me into the main part of the Academy,

with Gellin trailing behind, working hard not to frown too openly. Once we were back in the shade

Percy stopped again, and beamed a rather bright smile at me. “But where are my manners, I completely

forgot to introduce myself. I am Parcival LeCough the Third, son to Sir Richard LeCough, Lord of

Argonton. And I am really overjoyed to finally make your acquaintance, Lady Jeanne.”

I felt myself blush ever so slightly, and quickly swallowed before I could loose my voice. “Please, just

Jeanne.” I was a little taken aback when he actually nodded without protesting, but then all mages and

sorcerers here went by just a first name, and I knew for certain that most came from noble families, and

likely still held their own estates. “Of course, but only if you call me Percy.” I nodded in what I hoped

was a gracious smile, and got one in return.

“Where to now? I have to admit that I was not informed beforehand where you were staying.” I felt a

little irritated at the arrogance in his voice, but hid it well with another bright smile. “I really have to

meet with my teacher first, so I would be just too glad if you would accompany me to Drake's. I gather

you know the way?” Because I certainly still didn't, but Percy, ever the gentleman, started leading me

down to one of the corridors branching off towards the right. “Certainly.”

He soon struck up some pointless conversation, and I only participated as I saw just how much Gellin

was gnashing his teeth. I didn't know where the sudden spitefulness hailed from, but I certainly needed

to bleed off some steam, and although playing petty games might not give me much satisfaction, it was

better than rushing through the Academy on my own, and getting repeatedly lost.

Before long I started recognizing the surroundings, and Percy stopped in the courtyard right before the

door to the sorcerer's domain. His ever present smile upped a few notches in brightness to the point

where his cheeks must have hurt, and he bowed deeply and breathed a kiss onto the back of my hand.

His nails were a lot better kept than mine, I had to realize.

“I know it is probably too much to ask, but would you grace me with your presence over dinner, dearest

Jeanne?” His tone told me that he would not take no for an answer, and with Gellin's gloat in mind I

nodded my head, even if I already feared to probably fall asleep from boredom halfway through the

meal. “It would be my pleasure, Percy.” He looked all the more the buffoon when he bowed again and

told me to meet him an hour before sunset in the Great Hall before making his grand exit. He certainly

didn't see me shake my head at his back.

When I turned around I had to bite my lip hard not to laugh out loud at the sour expression Gellin was

putting on display. “You are doing that just to spite me!” This time my grin was sincere as I went by

him to open the door. “Of course I do! And a girl wants to get pampered every now and then. Now stop

scowling, it's just one dinner. Think of it as my way to make certain he stays off your back.” Gellin still

didn't look amused but followed me inside, brooding in silence.

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