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Review This Story || Author: Jay

Eating Erica

Chapter 1 The Beginning of the End

***Eating Erica***

September 14/15, 2003

	This is fiction and should not be taken seriously. The author takes no
responsibility for the actions of others. I'd like to thank Dolcett for being
the outlet for the fantasies I have had since I was 10.

Chapter 1 ***The Beginning of the End***

	Tears welled up in Erica's eyes as a blur of emotions and thoughts went
through her head. One minute she had been walking back from school, and the next
she was out cold, only to awaken to the darkness of a blind-fold. What would
this strange man do with her? Where was he taking her? Would she ever see her
friends and family again? Was he going to rape her?

	The most important one, however, was "How did I get here?"

	It's a simple question to answer. The driver, a tall fellow with a large
build, had easily overpowered her. It had not been a situation of "wrong place,
wrong time". He had spent weeks studying her and preparing for just the right
place to abduct his victim. His cock was rock hard thinking about the fun he
would soon have with this little girl, hog-tied and blind-folded in the back
seat of his Chevy.

	She was perfect for his devious plans. From the moment he saw her in her
tight school-girl uniform, he knew she would make an excellent target. For a
sixteen year old she had matured quickly, and as a result her body was
beautiful. She had the perfect amount of baby fat still left on her to give her
a slight curve; her tits were a filling d cup, her stomach arched out at the
navel just slightly. Those hips were definitely birthing hips, and they gave way
to a set of legs that had just enough meat on them to be appetizing. The best
part of her, though, was definitely her ass.

	That ass was hugged so tightly by her skirt, and it was perfectly
rounded and plump. Yes, she was a very fine piece of meat, and he would savor
every piece of her...

	"Are you all right? You're not bruised, are you?"

	He doesn't want his meat to be bruised, afterall.

	She was stunned by his deep, rough voice and a seemingly innocent
question; why would he care if she was injured after he had knocked her out in a
thru-way alley?

	"I-I'm okay.."

	He didn't respond, and nodded to himself as they reached their
destination. O'Malley's Butcher Shop was a standard meat sales shop; however,
the basement housed a dark secret that only the most trustworthy patrons could
enjoy: a very rare type of cattle, of which Erica was one of.

	The garage door opened, and he drove into the backroom. He opened the
door and took a look at her, lying there in his backseat, helpless and
whimpering. Her skirt had begun to ride up her thigh, and the bottom of her ass
was visible. He licked his lips and smacked it hard before pulling her out and
throwing her over his shoulder.

	"OUCH!! Where are you taking me?"

	He ignored her, a little aggravated at her sudden audacity.

	"I'll scream!"

	He stopped and paused, then said to her very bluntly, "All will be
explained shortly. If you don't shut the fuck up, I'm going to beat you until
you're black and blue."

	"Got it?!", he yelled.

	After what seemed like an eternity, he plopped her on her feet and
removed her blind fold. She was at the base of some stairs, and it was a little
chilly and damp within. He placed her hands in cuffs behind her back and prodded
her to move. They descended the stairs into a long hallway with a multitude of
cells on either side.

	"This is the dungeon. It is your new home."

	She gasped and tears welled up in her eyes. She blurted whatever
question came to her lips first:

	"Why me? Will you let me go? What are you going to do with me? Will I
see my mom and dad again? I want to go home, please let me --"

	"Silence!" he yelled. Her stark attitude was becoming bothersome to him.
She was the meat, and shouldn't be talking to him in such a manner, if at all.

	They continued walking, and passed a myriad of empty cells. This was
either a good sign or a bad sign; Erica couldn't tell yet. Finally they passed
two cells with a woman in each, around 30. They were both pregnant, and they
were heavily clad in chains. She looked at them, and he saw and gave her the
answer to her unasked question.

	"These are the breeders. We use women for three purposes in this
establishment: breeding for genetic experimentation, breast milk for retail
sale, and meat for consumption. You are the latter; the meat."

	Once again, tears welled up in her eyes as he opened her cell door.
There was only a bed and a toilet in the small chamber. He chained her to the
bed with her arms above her head and her legs spread. She would have several
days of solitude to mull over her tragic situation.


Review This Story || Author: Jay
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