BDSM Library - Eating Erica

Eating Erica

Provided By: BDSM Library

Synopsis: This story is about a 16 year old girl who is abducted by a butcher. She is then fattened up and cooked (in an oven, not the usual spit). Very graphic and not too, too long; enjoy.
***Eating Erica***

September 14/15, 2003

	This is fiction and should not be taken seriously. The author takes no
responsibility for the actions of others. I'd like to thank Dolcett for being
the outlet for the fantasies I have had since I was 10.

Chapter 1 ***The Beginning of the End***

	Tears welled up in Erica's eyes as a blur of emotions and thoughts went
through her head. One minute she had been walking back from school, and the next
she was out cold, only to awaken to the darkness of a blind-fold. What would
this strange man do with her? Where was he taking her? Would she ever see her
friends and family again? Was he going to rape her?

	The most important one, however, was "How did I get here?"

	It's a simple question to answer. The driver, a tall fellow with a large
build, had easily overpowered her. It had not been a situation of "wrong place,
wrong time". He had spent weeks studying her and preparing for just the right
place to abduct his victim. His cock was rock hard thinking about the fun he
would soon have with this little girl, hog-tied and blind-folded in the back
seat of his Chevy.

	She was perfect for his devious plans. From the moment he saw her in her
tight school-girl uniform, he knew she would make an excellent target. For a
sixteen year old she had matured quickly, and as a result her body was
beautiful. She had the perfect amount of baby fat still left on her to give her
a slight curve; her tits were a filling d cup, her stomach arched out at the
navel just slightly. Those hips were definitely birthing hips, and they gave way
to a set of legs that had just enough meat on them to be appetizing. The best
part of her, though, was definitely her ass.

	That ass was hugged so tightly by her skirt, and it was perfectly
rounded and plump. Yes, she was a very fine piece of meat, and he would savor
every piece of her...

	"Are you all right? You're not bruised, are you?"

	He doesn't want his meat to be bruised, afterall.

	She was stunned by his deep, rough voice and a seemingly innocent
question; why would he care if she was injured after he had knocked her out in a
thru-way alley?

	"I-I'm okay.."

	He didn't respond, and nodded to himself as they reached their
destination. O'Malley's Butcher Shop was a standard meat sales shop; however,
the basement housed a dark secret that only the most trustworthy patrons could
enjoy: a very rare type of cattle, of which Erica was one of.

	The garage door opened, and he drove into the backroom. He opened the
door and took a look at her, lying there in his backseat, helpless and
whimpering. Her skirt had begun to ride up her thigh, and the bottom of her ass
was visible. He licked his lips and smacked it hard before pulling her out and
throwing her over his shoulder.

	"OUCH!! Where are you taking me?"

	He ignored her, a little aggravated at her sudden audacity.

	"I'll scream!"

	He stopped and paused, then said to her very bluntly, "All will be
explained shortly. If you don't shut the fuck up, I'm going to beat you until
you're black and blue."

	"Got it?!", he yelled.

	After what seemed like an eternity, he plopped her on her feet and
removed her blind fold. She was at the base of some stairs, and it was a little
chilly and damp within. He placed her hands in cuffs behind her back and prodded
her to move. They descended the stairs into a long hallway with a multitude of
cells on either side.

	"This is the dungeon. It is your new home."

	She gasped and tears welled up in her eyes. She blurted whatever
question came to her lips first:

	"Why me? Will you let me go? What are you going to do with me? Will I
see my mom and dad again? I want to go home, please let me --"

	"Silence!" he yelled. Her stark attitude was becoming bothersome to him.
She was the meat, and shouldn't be talking to him in such a manner, if at all.

	They continued walking, and passed a myriad of empty cells. This was
either a good sign or a bad sign; Erica couldn't tell yet. Finally they passed
two cells with a woman in each, around 30. They were both pregnant, and they
were heavily clad in chains. She looked at them, and he saw and gave her the
answer to her unasked question.

	"These are the breeders. We use women for three purposes in this
establishment: breeding for genetic experimentation, breast milk for retail
sale, and meat for consumption. You are the latter; the meat."

	Once again, tears welled up in her eyes as he opened her cell door.
There was only a bed and a toilet in the small chamber. He chained her to the
bed with her arms above her head and her legs spread. She would have several
days of solitude to mull over her tragic situation.


Chapter 2 ***The Fat Man***

	On the third day of her encarceration, she was awoken, starving and
dehydrated, to a rather fat man dressed in a fancy suit. He was obviously
wealthy, and she feared the worst. She noticed her captor standing next to him.
He walked over and unchained her, bringing her to the center of the cell and
taking off her shirt and bra. Her fat breasts bounced out the bra and came to a
gradual stop; he then removed her tight skirt with some effort, and was left in
the middle of the cell wearing only her panties.

	The fat man walked over to her and grabbed her left tit in his hand. He
squeezed it and relished in its round texture. He seemed to weigh it in his
palm. He then grabbed at the one-inch layer of "fat" around her stomach.

	"Ah, fantastic! She will fatten up nicely, Joel."

	Joel responded, "Aye, I know. She is a prime picking."

	With a nod he continued his inspection, grabbing her legs, calves, and
ass. That ass impressed the hell out of him, and he giggled to himself with
glee. This would be a fine meal indeed!

	"I'll take her. I want you to cater the party. Have her fattened up
slightly for the event... in the next couple weeks I will send some of my guys
over to enjoy her, so make sure she is always clean."

	Joel nodded and conversed as if she was there in front of them, crying
and pleaded.

	"Very well, she will be ready in three weeks. Would you like the same
chef as last time?"

	"Pierre?  Ah yes, he was magnificent!"

	The conversation continued, with arrangements going on and plans being
made. Erica weeped to herself, knowing her fate wasn't very good. They continued
to talk about her as if she was a cow awaiting the chopping block. She was just
now beginning to understand the extent to which this butcher shop operated.
Growing up she had passed it many times, and her mother had purchased beef
occassionally from it. Now she would be the beef for what was apparently going
to be a business party for this fat rich guy.

	No wonder he was so fat; there must have been other girls in the past.

	Just as quickly as they came, they pushed her down onto the bed and
chained her again. Once again she was in the dark with herself and her thoughts.


Chapter 3 ***Bob the Feeder***

	Within an hour, a man appeared at her cell door and opened it slowly. As
the light shone over him, she noticed that he was very tall and slender, almost
sickly. He had a sadistic look on his face as he wobbled into the room.

	"Ah, you must be the new meaaaat!"

	He had a strange way of elongating certain words. He leaned into her ear
and whispered, "I'm going to have a good time with you, laaaaaaaaass."

	His dank, rotting breath wafted into her face as his bony fingers
reached for her panties and ripped them off violently with one flick of his
wrist. She was now completely naked, chained to the bed. In one fluid motion his
cock was hanging out of his pants, twitching with anticipation of fucking this
young, tender body.

	She screamed and begged, having never have sex before, but he paid no
heed. He lined his cock up with her cunt and then he shoved in it brutally. He
was thick and hung, and it went in deep. He could almost feel her ovaries.

	She yelled in agony as he began stroking his cock inside of her.

	"Please don't cum in me! It hurts so much!"

	He paid no heed to her. Her pussy was unbelievable tight; she resisted
with every muscle she had. Blood began to drip out of her pussy and down his
cock, onto the bed. Her broken hymen was the least of her worries, he thought.

	He grabbed her voluptuous breast and continued to pummel her hole.
Within a few more moments he exploded inside her, dousing her insides with his
cum. He pulled out quickly, spilled blood and semen in a large puddle under her
dripping pussy.

	Wiping some sweat from his brow, he looked to her as she wept, and gave
a harsh little croak of a laugh.

	"For the next three weeks I'm going to be feeding you four times a day;
you need to get nice and plump for the dinner party, and there's no better way
than laaaaaaaard. We'll open each session with a good, hard fucking." He began
to laugh quite loudly, and he left momentarily, only to return with a hose and a

	"By the way, they call me Bob.", he said with a wink.


Chapter 4 ***Stretching Time***

	Few things in life made Bob happier than fattening up his victims; they
were usually little girls like Erica who spent their lives worrying about their
weight and their looks, and when he was young they always made sure to ignore
him thoroughly. In a way, this was his revenge.

	But that aside, he took devious pleasure in the first task of the
session. He plugged the hose into a faucet in the wall, and he shifted Erica's
position so that she was doggy style: on her knees with her ass in the air and
her elbows on the ground. His greedy eyes swallowed her juicy ass, and he
grabbed a handful of her meaty breast.

	"You're going to be nice and plump soon! You'll maaaake a nice piece of
meat, I wish I could be there." he said with a snicker.

	She cried as he fastened links around her wrists and ankles, forcing her
to hold this embarassing position. She was only sixteen and had no idea what was
going on or why she was being made to stay like this.

	He stroked his cock for a moment and it was rock hard again. Without any
remorse he ran it along the crack of her ass. She gasped as he lined his huge
head up with her tiny little asshole. With one quick stroke he once again jammed
his cock into her.

	It felt amazing; that ass was made to be fucked. He thought to himself
that it was too bad she wouldn't grow up and get married; she would make a nice
housewife and a good fuck. Her hips were designed for giving birth. This is why
what was about to happen to her would be easier than usual...

	He pulled out slowly, leaving her anus stretched slightly. It was open
just enough to allow him to insert the other end of the hose into it. He turned
on the faucet to a steady level, and water began to fill her ass, spilling into
her intestines and her stomach.

	He watched for a moment and waited for her belly to start expanding. He
turned the faucet some more, and as he predicted, it began to stretch her
stomach out slightly with gravity.

	She moaned and pleaded as her belly filled and began to stretch, being
filled to absolute excess with liquid... heavy liquid. She looked three months
pregnant after a few moments, and she was horrified; she had always watched her
weight so carefully, and now she was being stretched. Five minutes passed, and
she looked eight months pregnant. She felt like her belly was going to rip open
and explode.

	He turned the faucet off, removed the hose to replace it with a
buttplug, and explained.

	"We'll be doing this eveeery few days. It will stretch your belly out to
allow me to put more substance into it. Also, it makes it easier for the chef to
stuff you. Don't move, I'll be back in 45 minutes."

	He walked over to her and patted the side of her belly. It was extremely
taut with contents, very very hard due to being filled to capacity. She was a
sight to see, her little sixteen year old body, beautiful ass in the air, with a
plug in it holding several gallons on water in her. Her face contorted with
pain, and he left to let her stretch for a while.


Chapter 5 ***Fattening Up Erica***

	When he returned her face was red and her body was quivering. She had
pissed herself, and this sincerely annoyed Bob. He went over to the wall and
returned with a small paddle with bristles, much like a hair brush.

	"Good girls use the toilet!! You must beee punished!"

	He knew he couldn't bruise the meat too badly, but a few good whacks on
that perfectly plump ass couldn't hurt anyone. He smacked hard, making her yelp
each time. Once both cheeks were good and red, he positioned himself behind her
and grabbed her hips and prepared for another fucking.

	This time would be more fun, because she had a lot of pressure on her
stomach. This time he inched his cock into her pussy, and began pumping her
slowly in the doggy position. Her belly wobbled forward and backward with the
momentum, it's contents sloshing around inside her. Once when her mom was
pregnant she recalled hearing her and dad having sex; now she knows how it felt.

	Her stomach felt like it was going to pop. She wanted to hold it up with
her hands to keep it from swinging so haphazardly as he raped her, but her hands
were restrained in front of her. Eventually he finally did cum in her, and he
pulled out quickly and removed the buttplug simultaneously.

	Being cummed in and having gallons and gallons of water rushing out of
you at the same time is not a pleasant experience, as she found out. Her belly
drained quickly, and her anus was gaping. Once all the water was out of her, her
stomach did not return to its original slender state. It was a little stretched
out, and there were barely visible stretch marks all over her stomach region. At
the very least, she was pleased to be rid of the liquid.

	He returned her to the bed and brought forth a bucket. He opened it and
inside was a thick substance that was beige colored and let off a slightly
disturbing scent. It was a bucket of lard.

	"Nooow, four times a day I'm going to feed you half a bucket of this
good stuff. It'll get you nice and juicy for youuur big day!"

	The thought of her beautiful body being defiled in such a way made Erica
want to die. All those hours she spent working out would now be for naught. Even
if she did manage to escape, she would be overweight and her belly would be
stretched out for years. He pulled out a spoon and began to feed her the
foul-tasting substance, stuffing her face until she was full.

	Even after she was full, he kept on feeding her, with one hand on her
belly. He felt it get hard and begin to expand, larger and larger as he
continued to fatten her against her will. Once he finished his half bucket, he
patted her belly, gave her right tit a good squeeze, and left the room, only to
return in 4 or 5 hours to start a new process.

	The second process of the day was even worse; she needed liquids in her
as well, and this was supplied by a machine that had a container and a nozzle
that he fastened to her mouth. The machine was actually filled with semen
produced by the male cattle of the facility, but that's another story. It would
pump the substance slowly into her body, making her gag and almost choke at
first. It tasted incredibly salty, and it slid down her throat like a snake.
With the semen and lard mixing in her belly, it began to round out nicely, just
a little bit for effect. They say that cum goes straight to your ass, and
Erica's fine ass proved this by getting just a little bit plumper and more

	Erica felt constantly bloated as her body had a continuous supply of
lard and jizz in it to convert into fat cells on her ass, thighs, belly, and


Chapter 6 ***Rinse, Wash, Repeat***

	Erica expanded perfectly, and three weeks was plenty of time to prepare
her for the feast, afterall. She wasn't fat, but she definitely had more meat on
her bones. Her time at the butcher shop was spent being fucked, stretched, and
fed. On the last day of her feeding, she was removed from the prison and put in
a truck to be shipped off to the feast for preparation.

	Upon arriving she was thoroughly cleaned and shaved; people don't like
hair in their food. After this she was greeted by the fat man, her purchaser,
and he grabbed and prodded her flesh all over.

	"I see they've done a wonderful job! You look good enough to eat!"

	He got a big kick out of his pun; she did not.

	"Let me introduce you to the chef, he will take care of you for the rest
of the evening. Pierre, here is our guest..." He licked his chops, patted his
belly, and left Pierre to introduce himself.

	Pierre began to poke and prod her, "mm hmm"ing to himself every now and
then. He was definitely looking at Grade A meat, and would enjoy the opportunity
to make a fine meal out of her.

	"Proceed this way to the kitchen."

	He fastened a leash onto her and brought her into the kitchen, where
there were a dozen men and women, half naked, and very eager for the coming


Chapter 7 ***Preparing the Meat***

	Now Pierre was a master chef and received only the best meat to prepare
for his employer. He knew every way to cook a girl, and how to make her come out
tasting delicious to the last bite.

	Usually he would put a spit through the girl's pussy and push it out her
mouth. Then he would roast her over an open fire and season her, to the
enjoyment of the crowd. It always came out tasting great and the show was

	This time, however, he would be preparing a more formal meal. He would
be using an industrial oven, and she would be cooked like a thanksgiving turkey.
It takes a little more effort and patience, but the end result is always much,
much better.

	The oven was clear, so that the audience could enjoy, and there was a
near-boiling pot in the corner. First, however, the meat would need to be made
tender. He gave Erica to the crowd to be fucked in every orifice while he cut
vegetables and pre-heated the oven.

	Once they were done, her hands were handcuffed to her ankles, and she
was forced to curl into a ball, with her head at her knees. Pierre picked her
up, grabbing her soft, plushy hips, and dropped her into the pot. She grabbed a
mouthful of air and used all the effort she had to avoid screaming from the heat
as she hit the water. Because of her position, she sank like a rock, and she sat
on the bottom of the hot cauldron for a good minute and a half. This would make
her meat tastier and more tender.

	Just when she thought she could take it no more and was about to pass
out, a hand grabbed her and brought her back up out of the pot and placed her
onto the table. She was placed onto her back, and Pierre grabbed a cutting knife
and prepared to get started.

	Tears welled up in her eyes, and her muffled moans could be heard by
everyone in the room. The chef grinned wide and slowly, carefully began stuffing
Erica's anus and pussy with stuffing. He seemed to stick his entire arm into her
each time, and the pain the excruciating for her. When her belly was good and
hard ("stuffed" with stuffing, if you will), he patted it and admired his
handywork. Her slightly plumper yet still attractive sixteen year old body
glistened as he positioned her into a baking pan.

	In the pan, she was forced to sit on her knees, with her ass jutting out
from behind, and her body leaning over so that her tits touched her knees. This
is the only way she would fit into the oven. Vegetables and garnishes were
placed around her, and she was basted and covered in butter and a light layer of
barbeque sauce. She was pleading the entire time, crying and begging not to be
eaten. Pierre was patient, however, and just only now stuck the apple in her
mouth, like she was a suckling pig. She shook her head no, but he paid no heed.

	Next he patted her plump ass, watching as it jiggled just a little bit.
He grabbed the meat on her thigh and nodded to himself. Next he prodded her
juicy belly, and grabbed a handful of her buttered breast. It would taste
delicious, and he couldn't wait for her to cook, all alone, struggling in vain
against her restraints as the oven cooked her to a perfect golden brown. One
last slap of that ass, and then he was ready. He had done his work, had his fun,
and now it was time.	

	And then he slid her into the oven and closed the door, getting a
sadistic pleasure out of her pleading doe eyes; she was indeed the venison


Chapter 8 ***Cook and Serve***

	Erica began to sweat and struggle futily as the oven first began to cook
her alive. She wondered how she went from worrying about boys and school and her
weight to being fattened and shoved into an oven like a turkey. She knew she was
done for, and the oven only got hotter and hotter. She began to bake well and
scent from the cooking meat, juices from her body and her layer of fat, wafted
into the audience's direction. They commented on how delicious she smelled, and
how good she would taste.

	Even she thought she smelled good. It's strange, but perhaps because she
knew she was done for, a part of her wondered what she would taste like. It was
almost at that moment that Pierre opened the oven and moved her out slightly.
She was groggy and half cooked, but she was alive. Was he going to turn her over
or something?

	He pulled out a cooking fork, and poked both of her tits. Pain exploded
in her head and brought her to her senses; he wanted to make sure that her
breasts didn't burn. They were, afterall, a delicacy. He then brandished a
knife, and poked her tit again, this time cutting out a small chunk.

	Erica screamed in pain as he did this; were they going to eat her before
she was even dead? How much crueler could this get?

	Pierre then removed the apple in her mouth, and fed Erica the piece of
her breast. At first she resisted, but then she took it and began to chew. It
was succulent, and tasted delicious. It seemed to melt in her mouth, the perfect
combination of fat and meat. She swallowed and he put the apple back in her
mouth. This stunt had driven the audience wild. Soon they would eat.

	Back into the oven she went, and the door closed. They watched their
young, sixteen year old victim pass out and finish cooking. The men were jerking
off, and the women were playing with themselves, all at the thought of watching
her bake, and how she would taste.

	They waited about an hour, and then Pierre exclaimed,

	"Dinner is served!"


Chapter 9 ***The Feast and The End***

	Everyone was seated at a table, when the main course was brought out and
placed in the middle of the table on a platter. The lid was removed, and Erica's
delicious, meaty body lay there steaming, on her knees with an apple in her
mouth and her hands fastened behind her back. Everyone's mouth watered as her
scent hit their noses.

	The fat guy rubbed his stomach and stated how starved he was; the guests
all awaited their serving. A breast and a large piece of the rump roast was
sliced off and given to him. The nipple is the best part, they say.

	A few slices of her thighs were passed all around, and her beautiful,
round ass, violated so many times over the past three weeks, was enjoyed by
everyone at the table. Her belly provided meat and stuffing for a few of the
men, and a lady by the name of Alexandra took the other breast.

	Everyone dined and enjoyed every bit of the meat that was once Erica.
She was delicious, and stewing in her own juices gave her a fantastic texture.
Once everyone was stuffed to excess, the guests began to leave and the caterers
and chef began to clean up.

	The rich, fat man rubbed his full belly, belched, and made a statement
about how sixteen year old flesh tastes the best. All in all, it was a great
evening, and everyone involved was very pleased with the meal. They'd be sure to
do it again sometime.

	And, of course, as always, Bob gets the leftovers.

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