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Review This Story || Author: Satan_Klaus

Dentist's Receptionist

Part 3 Letting go

3. Letting go

Dr. Martin returned and looked over the paperwork that would change my life forever. Finally 
he smiled at me approvingly.

"That's a good girl! Now you will get your little reward." He gently caressed my cheeks, still 
wet from my tears and injected me with the syringe. The residual pain vanished as a merciful 
numbness spread in my jaw. "Here I have a second one for you." He injected me with a clear 
liquid. "It's marijuana, coke, heroine and speed." I looked at him with sheer terror in my eyes. 
"Don't worry; the dose is so small that you won't feel anything. However, it will show up on 
any drug test for a few months. Just in case you don't intend to honour the employment 
contract you just signed." 
He moved closer and took up his horrible dental poker again. My eyes were wide with 
disbelief and I began to sob to myself; I had done what he had asked me to do, signed 
everything I owned and everything I dreamed to be away. Wasn't that enough? Did he have to 
torture me further?

"Shush, girl! I'm not going to hurt you. You still have that hollow tooth that needs a filling 
and what kind of doctor would I be if I let a human suffer if I can help it?"

True to his word I didn't feel any pain as he proceeded filling my tooth. 

"Poor girl has been through a lot! Alice, why don't you make her feel better?" He pushed a 
button on the exam chair's console and I heard the suction pump spring to life. The nurse cut 
my bra with a pair of surgical scissors and placed a pair of suction tubes, usually used to drain 
away excess salvia, on my nipples. The feeling was intense as my nipples where pulled into 
the tubes, extending to be almost an inch in length. While the machine milked me, he reached 
for the console again and I felt my legs parting, as the footrest of the exam chair split in two 
until it resembled a gynaecologist's chair more than a dentist's. I saw Alice move between my 
legs until her pretty face vanished under my skirt. 

Numbed from the anaesthesia I barely felt the doctor treating my tooth. Instead I felt the 
rhythmic pumping of the suction tubes on my nipples and Alice's hot breath, only inches from 
my crotch. She licked across my thin panties, making the wet material cling to my most 
intimate flesh. I felt her cheeks brush against my inner thighs and her probing hands were 
sliding under my shirt, circling my belly button. Then, finally, she pushed my panties aside 
and I felt her warm tongue slowly circling my clit as she penetrated me with her fingers. 

I had kissed girls before, but I had never gone farther than that. I was not a lesbian! I wanted 
to protest at the Sapphic intimacy that was forced upon me but all I managed was a drawn out 
moan at this most gentle rape. 

I had been tortured, stripped of my possessions, my rights and my dignity; I had nothing left 
to lose. I had surrendered to the pain, signed over my entire life to this sadistic doctor and 
now I was surrendering to the gentle caress of Alice's experienced tongue. 

It was then that I decided to let go, letting myself fall backwards into the realm of pleasure 
and pain that is doctor Martins dental clinic.  

If you have feedback, suggestions or corrections please email me at

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Review This Story || Author: Satan_Klaus
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