BDSM Library - Planet Mansrulia

Planet Mansrulia

Provided By: BDSM Library

Synopsis: Welcome to Planet Mansrulia, a world in which cruel Masters rule over vast throngs of lowly females, using them for pleasure, breeding, and milking.

Planet Mansrulia

By Master Bjorn

[Disclaimer:  This is an entirely fantasy world (obviously).  The author does not condone any illegal or violent behavior in any way in the real world.  The author does not condone sex with minors, nor sex slavery in real life.  Once again, this is entirely FANTASY]

Backdrop:  Welcome to Planet Mansrulia, a planet very similar in geography to our planet Earth, located in a galaxy far, far away.  On this planet, Men are few in number while lowly females are abundant.  Men are actually so rare that every single Man in existence lives a life like a king, his penis and sperm infinitely valuable.

There are 27 kingdoms on Planet Mansrulia, each with a King, who is supreme Lord and Master over his land, and various earldoms in which other Men take their place.  Males are rare because on this planet only one out of every 10,000 babies will be born a Male, while 9,999 will enter the world as lowly females, cattle to be raised, trained, fertilized and milked.  Some will end up as maids, some will be cooks, some will pull carts like oxen, and some will end up as soldiers.  Some will be milk-cows, some will be toilet seats, and some will be strictly pleasure slaves.

Of the many positions a female can fill (to be discussed later), the most desirable and sought after is that of the pleasure slave.  All girls train vigorously from birth until their 14th birthday, when all slave girls of that years class get evaluated for different attributes and placed into their sorority, or grouping.  Every girls main goal is to become a pleasure slave, because Mens desires are paramount, and his pleasure the number one concern.

Slave girls all over the world are indoctrinated from birth to worship Man and obey his every command.  All resistance is beaten out of them at a young age, but usually resistance is rare.  That is because their mothers were all unknowingly fed poisons in their food during pregnancy that caused severe neurological birth defects.  The poisons are specially designed to target fetal brain development, while leaving all other physical developments intact, insuring no damage to the important part of the slave girl: her body.  In the rare case that a slave is continually insubordinate, then lobotomies are in order.

Planet Mansrulia has a free-market system of trade, where babies are the commodity.  Of course, Men did not sexually enjoy baby girls at this young of an age (14 was standard deflowering age), but they would trade the babies with other Masters and raise them so that they could more fully indoctrinate the soon-to-be slave girls with their own personal touch.  Most Men owned hundreds, if not thousands of slaves, so Men would also typically have training schools on their property.  These schools are generally run by hand-picked teacher-slaves. 

Men in a particular kingdom would trade with each other in all manners.  Some less prosperous Men would trade in small quantities, handpicking each baby calf, while others would make large, grand trades, involving hundreds or thousands of babies at a time. 

Each Man was, in essence, a breeder and had an important reputation for quality of his calves.  Typically, even in extremely large trades, all babies would have a headshot of the mother next to the carriage, followed by specifics on the height, weight, and other vital information on the cow mother.

International trade occurred as well.  Many of the well-connected Masters arranged trades across kingdom lines.  Some countries, however, had strained relations and levied sanctions on one another.  Some kingdoms were even at war!  Of the 27 kingdoms, there were many alliances and many common enemies (discussed later).

One commonality between all the kingdoms, however, was that at age 14, all slaves go through a lengthy placement ceremony.  This is the holy ceremony when the Man decides how the teen calf will spend the rest of her life.  Depending on the Master, the young teens will typically stand in a line as the Master inspects and interrogates them, probing the tightness of their fuck holes and the juiciness of their young udders, deciding on which sorority to put them in.  When he finally finishes placing them all, he will group them together by sorority, then make them lay in a line, assuming the deflowering position.  This is a variable position, depending on the Masters taste, but is typically either missionary or on all fours, like a bitch.  The Master then slides his mighty cock into the slave girls tiny, never used, virgin slit and breaks her hymen, symbolizing the change from slave-baby to slave-girl. 

After this, a Master will get his red-hot iron and twice brand his new calf as his property.  He first brands his personal insignia in the space right between the slaves cunt and her bellybutton, indicating to all other Men who she belongs to and that her vagina has been used.  This is important because slave girls, being very unintelligent and in many cases retarded, sometimes get lost and cant find their way back home.  Because every Master in the worlds insignia is unique, it ensures that the rightful owner of the calf will be located.  The insignia is usually small, so as not to detract from the smoothness and beauty of the womb region.

Next, a Master will flip the girl over and take a second iron, branding her squarely above the ass, in what is colloquially referred to on planet Earth as a “tramp stamp.”  This brand will indicate her position in life:  pleasure-slave, housemaid-slave, garden-slave, ponygirl-slave, etc. 

Usually, only around 1% of the class will be beautiful enough to attain the status of pleasure slave.  This is not to suggest that the Master will not use and breed this other 99%!  On the contrary, they will all probably be used and bred at some point or another during their short life span.  However, the top 1% is reserved for the specific job of looking pretty, and nothing else. 

The positions of milk-cow and breeder-cow are the only positions that cannot be determined in the branding ceremony.  These are determined after impregnation of the whore, which happens generally at 19 years of age.  Once the new calf has been born, the decision to make the slave girl a milk-cow or a breeder-cow is based on the swelling of her teets and the sweetness of her milk.  There is a separate ceremony that goes with becoming a milk-cow, (discussed later).  Milk-cows spend their milk-producing years in a barn, being milked by young teen milk-maids.  They dont mind, however.  By this point in their lives, theyve usually had a full-on lobotomy and their brain has been totally turned to mush.  They typically sit in their pen on all fours, smiling dumbly, drool running off their chins, udders hanging down being pinched and squeezed, as the milk-maids fill the milk buckets.  They often know only one word by then, a word that all milk-cows in all kingdoms universally share, and go “moooooooo…..” while lowering their empty heads into the food trough, munching diligently on lettuce. 

Most milk-cow milk is sweetest and freshest between the ages of 20 and 25.  After this age, the teets tend to lose their perkiness and sag too low and their milk often sours.  Sour milk and saggy udders is definitely offensive to Men on Planet Mansrulia.  When this happens, the cow will usually be relocated to either the military division to be a soldier for the Kings army (discussed later), to the toy-doll division to be a living stuffed doll for her Master to fuck/beat to death (discussed later), or fed to the dogs.

Good quality cow milk is extremely important to Men on Planet Mansrulia.  For one, it is used to feed the baby calves a liquid diet up until the age of 10.  Then, the baby calves will switch from milk to a more lettuce-based diet.  This usually consists of iceberg lettuce with a Masters “special sauce”, a concoction of sperm, brain-killing drugs, and age-specific vitamins and hormones.  The strict iceberg-lettuce diet ensures that the calves gain no unsightly weight and the vitamins and hormones keep the emaciated whores from dying of starvation.

Men drink extremely large quantities of the slave girls milk as well.  Most Men on Planet Mansrulia are massive in size and muscles, especially compared to human males on Planet Earth.  They therefore need and can drink many gallons of sweet teet milk a day.  A Master will generally have a handful of milk-cows that he keeps for himself, in his private milking chamber, who produce the highest quality milk.  These high quality milk-cows will also be used by Masters to produce high quality tit-cheese, and many Masters pride themselves in the quality of their cheese-making cattle.

If after the first birthing, the slave cows milk is deemed unsatisfactory, she will most likely become a breeder-cow.  All slave girls will breed at least once, but, as mentioned earlier, if her milk is desired, a Master will keep milking here, preventing her from ovulating and getting pregnant again.  This matters not.  Because of the sheer vast quantities of whores that each Man owns and can breed, he will never run out of breed stock. 

Breeding season begins in the springtime, during the month of Marchius, and lasts the entire month.  It is a holy time of year when Men must impregnate all eligible slave girls aged 19-25.  This is an enormous task, given that the richest Masters and Kings may have tens of thousands of breeding-aged cunt whores.  Men of Planet Mansrulia, however, are different that Men from planet Earth because they can typically ejaculate hundreds of times a day (some of the mightiest can even get up to 1,000 times a day!). 

Because of the difficulty and importance of impregnating so many cows in such a short time, it is customary for Men to abstain from sex during the last week of Februarius.  This sexual fast, called Cumadan, is an extremely holy week for Men.  Men usually rape scores of slave girls a day, so abstaining for a week without unloading a gallon of sperm on a dumb cunt-slave is very challenging. 

Still, the results of the fast make it necessary.  For the week of Cumadan, sexual pressure grows so strong in a Man that his already gigantic balls get even larger, swollen with the massive amount of holy sperm that needs an avenue of escape.  His temper will get shorter as well, angered by the sexual frustration.  But the anger and frustration is needed and encouraged, as Men usually take high amounts of supplemental testosterone, steroids, and other muscle-swelling, cock-growing, ball-filling drugs during this holy week, making sure they will be able to sire all the lowly cattle of breeding age during the holy month of Marchius.  This build-up week to the holy month of March is an excellent example of when slave-dolls are needed:  the angered, cruel, frustrated Masters need an outlet to unleash their rage, and beating up on a totally helpless, brain-damaged, used up ex-breeder/milk-cow is a great way to unleash some stress.

A Man has one chance a year to sire a male heir.  It must be done on the first ejaculation of the first day of March, and it takes much strength and virility of sperm and mind.  That is why most Men will select one slave girl out of each class of 14 year-olds and set her aside as the classs “virgin-breeder”.  She will be removed from her class at age 14 and isolated in a totally sterile, blank room until the age of 19, when she will be brought to her Lord and Master as the first impregnation of the season.  In many cases, this girl will simply be whichever pleasure slave of the class has the widest hips. Male Sons, being so sexually dimorphic and gigantic compared to female calves, will always split the cow-mother in two when they come out of her cunt, almost always killing her.  If her hips are too narrow (a quality most Masters like in their pleasure slaves in general), the Male heir will never even get past the 1st trimester, killing the cow-mother and Himself way too early.

After a week of not unleashing His holy sperm, a Man is always pleased to end his fast with a ripe, fertile, 19 year-old virgin.  After this holy ritual where the dumb teen will be violently raped, coming inches from death, the virgin breeder-cow will be corralled off to a private pen, to await the next 9 months in silence.  She will be the only slave who will be fed a nutritional diet, eating the finest cheeses, meats, and fruits to ensure the important Male child growing in her virgin womb develops healthy and strong.  Once again, birth of the Male child will almost certainly kill the cow, but to a slave-girl, being a sacrifice for her Master is the ultimate honor.

A Masters next task is to impregnate the new class of 19 year olds, slaves who have most certainly been used (by Him), but have not yet borne calves.  This typically takes place in a Great Hall or Holy Room of some sort, depending on the Master.  Many Masters will line up the 19 year-old calves in a row, shackling them to a beam in the bitch position, and move down the line, inseminating each whore, one by one.  When He pops his holy sperm into them and moves on, the calves cunts will usually be sealed up (by plug or by wax), and they will be un-shackled and led into their “pregnant pens” by a priestess-slave, and then a new 19 year-old teen calf will be placed in line.  As mentioned before, some of the mightiest Masters and Kings can inseminate over 1,000 slaves a day!

A Man will continue to do this, moving upwards to the 20 year-olds, and upwards by year until he reaches the 25 year-olds, the last year a slave is good for breeding (and, as you will recall, milking).  Because all breeder-slaves over age 19 have already borne babies, and therefore have become cows, their cunts will have become too stretched out for a Mans enjoyment.  Still, a Man will always try to do his civic duty and breed these cows, despite the looseness of pussy. He must breed these cows and produce more calves so that he may have a strong supply for the next trading season and increase his fortunes, and therefore the Kingdoms fortunes.  A Man must work hard during the month of March, but reaps the rewards for the rest of the year.

For a Man, life of Planet Mansrulia was great.  For one of the Kings of the 27 kingdoms, life was divine.  Kings typically had hundreds of thousands of slaves, and they also commanded the loyalty of all other Men beneath them.  Not that loyalty was a problem, because every Man in every kingdom was typically fiercely devoted to their country.  Still, jealousies could arise, so Kings were always on guard for possible treason.

To further complicate things, there were always rumors in each Kingdom of packs of “wild bitches”, feral girls who lived in the countryside and believed that girls were capable of intelligence.  They believed in a revolutionary philosophy called “feminism”, and it was suspected that if these girls indeed existed, they were responsible for many of the missing babies that would sometimes disappear at night.  Rumor had it that the wild bitches would steal babies from their cribs when the babies were very young, thereby limiting the amount of brain damage a Masters additional poisons would create, and indoctrinate them into thinking they were equal, if not greater to, Man.  Also, because the babies they would steal would avoid the age 13 de-clitoring ceremony (discussed later), these girls were rumored to have intact clitorises and actually enjoy sex during massive lesbian orgies!  They were rumored to walk around without collars and have hairy legs, cunts, and armpits too!  These stories would create such revulsion, blasphemy, and fear that Men would always be on guard for the possibility of wild bitches in the Kingdom, no matter how far-fetched or ridiculous it would seem.

This is Planet Mansrulia.  This is a planet the way it should be.  And this is the epic tale that follows.  If you are still reading this, you are truly sick and twisted.  And the following saga will not disappoint.

Planet Mansrulia

By Master Bjorn

Chapter I:  Waking Up

The Kingdom of Norlandia was composed of a large swath of harsh, icy land in Planet Mansrulias northern arctic region.  It was ruled by a mighty, ruthless King named Master Korr, a giant man with a fiery red mane and beard.  Master Korrs frame was massive and muscular, and he stood at 8 feet tall and weighed almost 500 pounds, all of which was rock-hard muscle.  Master Korr was barrel-chested, his legs were thick as tree trunks, and each hand was big enough to completely wrap around a thin slave girls neck. 

Master Korrs most impressive and awe-inspiring features, of course, were his enormous penis and cantaloupe-sized balls.  His snake-like cock would hang limp at a solid 18 inches and, when properly aroused, could stretch to well over two feet long and thicken the size of a small log.

Master Korr lived in an ice castle and, as was the case with all men on Planet Mansrulia, was waited on hand and foot by his large harem of slave-girls.  He had an enormous amount of breed-stock and was easily the most powerful King in the Scandinavian Alliance. 

Master Korr rolled his huge masculine frame around in bed at the first ray of sunlight through his castle window.  As he sat up and opened his light-blue eyes, he saw the outline of six petite blonde pleasure-slaves at the foot of his bed, laying motionless on the cold stone floor, heads down, ass up, hands out, as all slave-girls are taught to do after a night of sexual abuse.  This was called the “worship position” and is one of the first things slave-girls learn in school.

“Ah yes,” Master Korr recalled to himself, “those were some nice little fresh fuck holes I enjoyed last night!”

His mind briefly wandered to the previous night of intense ass raping and smiled.  He had hand picked six of his favorite blonde 15 year-old pleasure-slaves based purely on the quality of their assholes and brought them into his bed chamber for his nightly bedtime rape.  They were all traded as babies, of course:  three from the Kingdom of Svedenia, two from the Kingdom of Russiana, and one was from the Kingdom of Germania, the three Kingdoms chiefly responsible for providing the world with blonde genes in slaves.

He laughed as he remembered how he made them strip down to everything except their collars and lined the calves up in a pyramid formation on a table, with their small, round, tight teen asses poking out.  He put the three Svedenia cunts on the bottom, the two Russiana whores in the middle, and the little petite Germanian bitch on the top and proceeded to rape their tiny, young, smooth, freshly-washed assholes from top to bottom of the pyramid with his anaconda penis.

He laughed again as he remembered the look of pain on all the teen calves faces as he violently violated their assholes and laughed evilly as he watched the tears stream down the each girls soft, pale face through his mirror. 

Being a King of such supreme stamina, he came in each slaves asshole, unleashing a torrent of cum into their awaiting rectums.  Then, kicking the pussy pyramid down to the ground with a mighty, manly kick, he roared “You bitches better not spill any!  Because thats all the food you get this week you dumb cunts!”

The blonde pleasure slaves of course knew this, and they were extremely grateful for the extra nutrition that their Masters holy semen would provide them.  They replied in unison “Yes Master.  Thank you Master,” and proceeded to bow down in the worship position, the same position Master Korr found them when he woke up.

Rolling out of bed Master Korr clapped twice and barked “Wake up cunts!  Get the fuck out of here and back to your pens before I beat you senseless!”

The whores replied in unison, “Yes Master,” and walked out of his bed chamber on all fours like the bitches they were, careful to keep their asses up in the air so as not to spill any of the milky white seed that had been incubating in their tiny ass-cavities for many hours.

Master Korr was hungry and wanted a large breakfast, but first he had to take a piss.  As he walked to his king-sized bathroom, he wondered aloud “I wonder what nasty little fuck-dolls will be my toilets today?” 

During the placement ceremony, when the 14-year old virgin slave girls are sorted into sororities, there is a special place reserved for the girls who had some undesirable physical feature: toilet-slaves.  The teen slave could have a big ugly nose or maybe her cheekbones were too low.  She could have a flat ass or an unsightly complexion.  She could have acne or even big feet.  Although Masters tried their best not breed inferior stock, mutations invariably occurred and females were sometimes born with these terrible genetic traits.

Because of their disgusting deformities, they would not be allowed to serve their Master sexually and instead must be put to use either in the fields or as a toilet.  These toilet slaves were generally used on rotation, subsisting only on their Masters piss and shit until the emaciated whores died.  They were usually 14-year old newly minted slaves, but sometimes a Master would yank one of his milk-cows or breeder-cows out of rotation and use them as well. 

Master Korr walked into his giant bathroom and looked immediately to the left at the urinal.  It was a petite little slave with long, dark brown hair and a skinny, small frame.  Her thin arms were tied behind her back and she was on her knees.  Her chest was fairly flat, with soft pink nipples that would probably be developing very soon (if only she would live that long).  She was very pretty and looked extra fragile.  The toilet-slave was completely nude with a collar around her neck displaying her vital statistics. 

Master Korr grabbed the cunt by the collar and looked at the tag.  The collar read:

NAME:  ANZ-199-385

WEIGHT:  82 lbs



CLASS:  Toilet-slave

DEFORMITY:  Crooked Tooth

He then put one of his enormous sausage-like fingers between her soft, thin lips and started feeling around her teeth, like a Man checks a horses teeth.  Sure enough, Master Korr felt a slight crookedness to the sluts right canine, which of course made him angry.

“You dumb, disrespectful little cunt!  How dare you grow your tooth crooked and look ugly to your Master!  SLAP SLAP!”  The tiny girl reeled under his mighty smack and started sobbing uncontrollably, not from the physical pain but from the shame of not growing her tooth straight.  She knew she had been bad and deserved her fate. 

“Im so sorry my Lord!” she cried.  “I tried and tried to grow it straight, but I guess Im too dumb!”

Master Korr replied “Youre dumb AND disobedient you worthless fuckbag.  No way in hell am I going to pollute my gene pool with an ugly hag like you.  Now open up and take your meal!”  Master Korr positioned his gigantic dong over the cunts wide-open mouth and started pissing a long, hot stream of urine down her throat.  She drank it down thirstily, as she had not had any liquid in over 24 hours.  Master Korr purposefully missed her mouth a few times, pissing into her eyes and nose and all over her forehead, eventually running down her tiny tits.  The whore tried to drink it down the best she could.

Master then turned to the right and walked towards a steel cage containing roughly a dozen skinny, emaciated toilet slaves of different ethnicities.  Most were on the brink of starvation and would not last much longer.  Master Korr walked up on specially built steps that lead him to the top of the cage.  On the top there was a silver toilet seat, positioned like a throne. 

Korr sat atop his immaculate toilet and unleashed a huge, monster dump.  It fell downwards and into the cage, covering a skinny slave of Japanian ethnicity.  The other tiny teen girls hurriedly ran to her and licked the shit from her body, trying to ingest as much as possible before it was all gone.  This was their only meal of the day, and they knew they were so very lucky to get it.

Master Korr took his time, squeezing out blast after blast, while thumbing through a stack of slave catalogs.  Because Masters on Planet Mansrulia bought slaves as babies and trained them themselves, the only way to predict the physical quality of the slaves was to examine the quality of the breeder-slave mother and the reputation of the Sire.  Therefore, catalogs were a great way to quickly browse other Masters breed-stock without having to physically travel to other villages, towns, or Kingdoms.  Catalogs tended to advertise full-page pictures of the breeder-slaves, accompanied by vital characteristics and attributes. 

Some of the catalogs were regional in nature, advertising beautiful red-headed maidens from all different corners of the Norlandia peninsula.  Others were international, offering babies from breeder-cows of numerous ethnicities.  Master Korr enjoyed perusing the various catalogs as he sat on his silver toilet-throne, dropping giant loads of poop onto the grateful but insubordinate toilet-slaves.  It was a great way to start the day.

After he had finished, Korr climbed down the steps and walked back over to the skinny Francian toilet slave who was still dripping with piss.  Without saying a word, he turned around and positioned his strong, firm ass in front of her tiny, empty head.  The slave knew what to do and immediately began to work, busily licking Master Korrs asshole clean like a good girl. 

When Master was satisfied, he turned around, grabbed the dirty slut by her pretty but piss soaked hair, and dragged her across the room.  He then opened the cage door of the silver toilet he was just on, put her down in front of him, standing and facing away, and violently kicked the deformed fuckbag into the cage to join her sisters.  As he walked out of the giant bathroom, two young, ripening, 16-year old cleaning maids with long red hair came dutifully in behind him.  They wore green silky maid outfits and carried the next toilet slave replacement behind them.

Now it was time for breakfast.

Chapter II:  Breakfast

Master Korr walked down a long corridor to the Great Hall, a large and exquisite banquet hall where he ate and entertained guests.  As he walked down the hallway, he passed scores of elegant, dazzling pleasure slaves of all different ethnicities, frozen in place, lining the hall.  They were all on pedestals, posing in various positions to accentuate their lovely and delicate features.  They were trained to stay completely motionless for twelve-hour shifts.  The only movement they were allowed to make was the lowering of their head when a Man passed. 

Master Korr leered evilly from side to side as he passed the countless statuesque females, making mental notes about which ones he was going to rape today. 

The thin but shapely Italiana slave, wearing a skimpy, all-revealing white silk toga, with long black curls that barely covered her plump, ripe, 18-year old breasts?  Yes.

The lithe, dark-skinned 16-year old Egyptian slave, with her gold and jade inlaid headdress and long black gown, with straight black shoulder-length hair and bangs above her thin black eyebrows and perfectly-shaped ripe, round b-cup mounds?  Absolutely.

The tiny, petite, 14-year old Japanian slave with her waist-long hair pulled up into two tight buns on the top of her delicate head, posing with a fan in her silken red geisha dress hiked up so high that it only halfway covered her small, perfectly round teenage ass?  Most definitely.

But first Master Korr must eat.  And being a Man of such extreme size and strength, he had a voracious appetite.

The Royal Banquet Hall was a huge, ice-pillared room with a long red carpet that led to Master Korrs throne.  On either side of the red carpet, there were countless beautiful Norlandian slaves lined up shoulder-to-shoulder facing inward towards the carpet. 

Each girl was hand-picked and incredibly beautiful, exemplifying the finest traits of Norlandian breeding:  long, dark, cherry-red hair; smooth, pale white skin; icy-blue eyes; high cheekbones, thin cheeks, and a sharp but feminine chin; full, pale-red lips; perfectly rounded, pale-white breasts with full, pinkish-red nipples (size-dependant on age, of course); slender waists that were thin without being muscular; perfectly rounded heart-shaped asses; long, slender, graceful legs and tiny, weak, thin arms; and, in one of the only variances of Planet Mansrulia social norms, Master Korr required a handful of his pure-bred Norlandian slaves to maintain a neat, clean, perfectly trimmed tuft of their bright red pubic hair.  

These beautiful teen whores were Master Korrs banquet-slaves.  They were in charge of cooking all of Master Korrs meals for him (and any guests), cleaning the banquet hall from top to bottom, doing dishes, and, of course, providing their Lord with pleasure.  They were not technically in the class of pleasure-slaves, but about as close as you could get.  To the untrained eye, they were perfect specimens of female beauty and Norlandic perfection.

They all wore perfectly matching uniforms: light, baby-blue aprons with white lace trim.  These aprons were cut so that the thin shoulder straps lowered and came together just beneath the slave girls udders, keeping their young, pale teets exposed.  The aprons were cut just short enough to cover the slaves tummies, keeping their beautiful young cunts and tiny teen assholes readily available for use.

As Master Korr walked into the Royal Banquet Hall, he watched as over one hundred of his banquet slaves lowered to their knees and placed their cherry-colored heads upon the stone floor.  Their round, young asses stood perfectly arched in the air as their thin, feeble arms laid outstretched on the ground in worship position.

Master Korr walked down the blood-red carpet towards his enormous, penis-shaped throne.  As he walked, he kept his eyes peeled for any movement from his banquet slaves, a sure sign of disobedience.  All of his girls were perfectly still, and Korr was pleased. 

Because Master Korr was not entertaining other Guests this morning, he would receive breakfast at his throne instead of the banquet table. 

Master Korrs throne was an enormous ice sculptured penis, 20 feet high, with two giant boulder-sized testacles for armrests.  His seat was carefully carved out of the ice for him to sit and was lined by soft, white polar bear fur. 

Master Korr scanned the banquet room at the sight of all his dumb, obedient, beautiful slaves kneeling before him and then clapped his hands twice. 

“Up cunts!  Serve your Lord and Master!  Im getting hungry!” he roared at them.  Instantly the scores of lovely young redhead teens popped up and started running around the banquet hall, trying to remember what they were supposed to do before they got a severe beating.

Immediately, a gorgeous, bright-eyed, slender Nordic fuckdoll appeared before Korr with a large silver coffee mug in her hands.  She held the large cup up to Korr with her slender arms and bowed her head.  Korr could tell by the size of her ripening breasts poking out above her apron that she was about 17-years old.  They were just between a B and C-cup and her nipples were widening and darkening, signaling that she was nearing the 19-year old breeding age.

Master Korr took the mug from her hands and, without having to say a word, the obedient, beautiful slave lowered herself to her knees and took Korrs mighty cock delicately into her small, subservient hands. 

Even with both hands wrapped around the base of Korrs cock, her thin fingers could not touch.  Master Korrs cock was simply too gargantuan.  But this was perfectly normal, so she slowly and reverently started to stroke her Lords cock up and down, while gently kissing his enormous cock-head over and over again, just as she was taught since childhood training.

At first, the exquisite young beauty was terrified because Korrs giant cock was not growing, despite her best efforts at pleasing Him.  If she could not arouse her Lord for his all-important breakfast cum, she would surely be culled.  But after a few moments, slowly but surely, Korrs cock began to grow to a tremendous size, from a thick, 18-inch, limp log to an over two-foot long rock-hard missile.

Korr held his coffee and smelled the aromatic beverage, and he smiled in amusement as he witnessed the look of terror come and go from the brainless whores face.  “Dont worry little cunt,” he thought, “Ill give you plenty of food for your tiny little tummy.”

The whore continued to pump and lick her Lords tool as best she could, but it was getting so large she needed to bring him to completion before he got bored or angry.  Because Mens cocks were so much bigger than females throats on Planet Mansrulia, slave girls are taught from a young age how to dislocate their jaws to give a Man maximum pleasure.  Those that couldnt dislocate their jaws had their jaws broken.  Those that still couldnt do this were culled, because what good is a female who could not fully serve her Lord sexually? 

The slender teen unhinged her jaw and, as it hung agape, she positioned herself over her Lords tool delicately and deliberately.  Then, still on her knees, she slowly pushed her lovely, empty head down over her Masters cock and took it deeply into her skull and down into her throat, as all girls are trained to do from childhood. 

She amazingly took over half of her Lords cock down her throat; not bad for a banquet slave.  Some very highly specialize pleasure slaves could take more than that (and a few could take it all!) but this required intense training.  Normally, taking over half of a mighty Mans fully erect penis down a slim slave girls throat would split the girls esophagus or break her neck.

With her head and throat fully stuffed, the slave girl moved her hands behind her back, in complete subservient cock-sucking position, and started moving her head up and down, trying her best to please and stimulate her Lord.

Korr grabbed a large handful of her long, beautiful, dark red hair near the base of her scalp and started pumping his giant, pulsating cock down the young sluts throat, laughing as he saw her try to stifle her gag reflex.  They both knew that if she moved her folded arms from behind her back to in front of her in an effort to push away, she would suffer a tortuous death. 

The whore was a good girl, however, and did not flinch, even as Master pumped deeper and deeper, past his cocks halfway point.

Korrs large, round, cantaloupe-sized balls tightened with anticipation, getting ready to unleash a flood of holy semen into this lucky slaves stomach.  As Korr pumped her empty head on his cock like she was a rag doll, he delighted at the sight of her young, ripening udders jiggling up and down at every thrust.

“Mmmmmm…..OOOOHHHHH……FUCK YEAH!  EAT YOUR BREAKFAST YOU DUMB LITTLE CUNT!!!”  Korr unleashed shot after shot of hot, milky-white semen down his young slaves throat and into her awaiting teen tummy.  The girl felt the hotness of his load and felt her tiny tummy fill with a flood of warmth.  Although close to unconsciousness from oxygen depravation, she felt extremely happy for pleasing her Lord and Master and for getting some much needed nutrition today.

Korr pulled out his giant, erect tool and looked down at the panting teen fuckslave.  “Clean it up, you ungrateful bitch!” he shouted.  Immediately, the young girl summoned the last of her strength and sat up and started quickly and methodically running her tongue over her Lords mighty member. 

“Good girl.  Now turn around.”  The slave girl obediently turned her petite, thin body around and got on all fours in bitch position, as all slave girls are taught to do when being dismissed.  She wore nothing but a collar and an apron, so her backside was completely uncovered except for a thin blue string around her neck and her waist holding the apron in place.  Her perfectly round teen ass opened up as she bend down, exposing her tiny, cleanly washed asshole and young, teen slit. 

“Dismissed!” Korr shouted, as he violently kicked her round ass with his giant, manly feet, sending the skinny whore reeling down the steps and to the ground. 

Korr laughed heartily as he watched the slut walk away in shame, covered in scrapes and bruises from her fall.  He then realized he needed a little something extra for his coffee….

Chapter III:  Milk for Coffee

Master Korr tasted his coffee and was not satisfied.  Although it was top quality coffee, Korr enjoyed his coffee with cream. 

Korr clapped his hands twice and bellowed, “Bring in the milk cows!  Flavored kind!”

One by one, six immaculately beautiful milk cows marched down the red carpet on all fours.  Each cow was led by the leash by two exquisite, young, Norlandian teen milkmaids.  The milkmaids wore identical white silky blouses that covered the upper arms, shoulders, and waist while cutting low to keep their small, 14-year old breasts exposed.  They wore tight leather corsets that kept their already tiny waists even tighter and wore short light blue skirts with white trim that exposed the bottoms of their teen asses and cunts.  Their slender legs were covered in long, white stockings hooked to garter belts right above their waists.  The milkmaids did not wear panties (as was the norm for all girls on Planet Mansrulia) and tied their bright red hair into to long, tight braids with light blue ribbons.

The milk cows were all exceptionally beautiful and hand-picked for Master Korrs pleasure.  They were of many different ethnicities, but were united in the fact that they produced the highest quality milk in the kingdom.

The cows walking down the carpet on all fours wore perfectly matching uniforms of high heels, corsets, earrings, and cowbells on their collars.  As they marched down the carpet, their cowbells jangled around their necks and their big, juicy udders swayed clumsily from side to side.  The cows wore their hair in pigtails as well.  As a final insult, each cow had a long, thin dildo inserted deep in their ass with cow tails hanging out, further dehumanizing the dumb cunts.  This was done during a special ceremony, and they were never to remove them unless instructed.

When the cows got to their Lords throne, they lined up in a row, sat up on their knees, brought their thin hands under their enormous, milk-filled udders and offered them up to their Master. 

Smiling dumbly, the cows uttered the only word they knew anymore in unison:  “Moooooooo……..moooooooooo……” as they offered up their titties. 

(By this time in their brief lives, a cows brain was turned to mush and they were completely retarded.  A Man needed his younger teen slaves to have very minimal amounts of intelligence so they could complete tasks, like cooking and cleaning.  Milk cows and breeder cows, however, had absolutely no use for their brains besides basic bodily functions, so it was always a good idea to either feed them a near-lethal dose of brain-killing drugs or give them a lobotomy after breeding.)

Master Korrs eyes traveled down the line hungrily as he examined his milk dispensers. 

The first cow was a beautiful belle originally traded as a baby from the Kingdom of Francia.  She had a delicate face, long curly brown hair in pigtails, and large, pale-pink nipples that sat right in the middle of her fat, round milk-makers.  Her black corset was drawn tightly and her cowbell hung loosely around a tight collar on her neck.  On her cowbell, the word “VANILLA” was inscribed.  She was 22-years old.

The next cow was from the Kingdom of Brazillia.  She had lovely, tanned skin and curly dark-brown hair, almost black.  The cow was generally very thin, except for her massive mammaries.  Her udders were perfectly round and pert, like caramel balloons, with dark reddish-brown teets.  “HAZELNUT” was inscribed on her cowbell.  The slut was 23-years old.

Next in line was gorgeous milker traded from the Kingdom of Irelandia.  She had smooth, fair skin, a few scattered freckles, curly orange-red hair, and big green eyes.  Her enormous jugs were soft and jiggly and her teets were large, puffy, and pale-pink.  On her cowbell, the words “SWEET CREAM” were inscribed.  She was 20-years old, and had only given birth a few months ago.  She was quickly recognized for the sweetness of her milk and the speed at which she lost her disgusting belly fat, so she moved into Master Korrs upper tier of milk cows very quickly.

The fourth cow was an exceptionally beautiful black slave from the Kingdom of Niggeria.  She had a smooth, round, thin face with dark, black eyes and long curly black hair in pigtails.  Her waist was thin and her ass was round and juicy, a normal size for a black cow slave.  Her juicy tits were massive and had large, erect purple-black nipples in the middle, just begging to be sucked.  Her cowbell said “CHOCOLATE.”  She was 21- years old.

The fifth cow in the line was an extremely skinny fuck toy from the Kingdom of Viethailandia.  She had smooth, tan-yellow skin with slanty brown eyes and a cute, flat, button nose.  Her arms, legs, and tummy were very thin, but her breasts were juicy, round and large.  They looked especially enormous given her petite frame.  Her nipples were reddish-brown and the size of silver dollars, and they shot out far from her breasts like the teets on a baby bottle.  She had long curly black hair with bangs and her cowbell said “COCONUT.”

The sixth and final cow in the line was a light-skinned, blonde beauty from the Kingdom of Svedenia.  She was exquisite, with a thin, narrow face, and bright green eyes.  Her body was perfectly formed, and it would be difficult for the untrained eye to tell she even calved.  Her udders were exquisite as well, like giant juicy watermelons with pale-red nipples the size of sand dollars.  Her cowbell said “PEPPERMINT.”  Her long, wavy blonde pigtails hung down to just above her teets, and as she smiled dumbly at Master Korr, drool started running slowly down her chin and onto her massive milk makers.

In fact, as Korr looked down the line at his milk cows, he noticed with amusement that all six of them were drooling uncontrollably down their chins and onto their ripe, juicy milkers.  

All six of the cows udders looked delicious, but Korr finally decided that sweet cream was what he was really craving for his coffee this morning.  He pointed to the beautiful, fair-skinned, Irelandian cow and said “Come cow!”

The cow did not understand what was going on, but she smiled happily to be getting attention.  Her two milkmaids led her up the steps by the leash to Master Korrs giant throne and stood her up in front of her Lord.

Korr grabbed his property by her left teet and squeezed her pale-pink nipple hard, watching with satisfaction as a long, continuous stream of creamy-white milk flowed out.  Korr then grabbed her by each breast with his giant hands and pulled the young heifer towards him and started sucking her teets violently, alternating boob to boob, slaking his thirst.  The milk truly was sweet and creamy, as the warm nourishing liquid slid down his throat and started nourishing his massive, manly muscles.

Master Korr then put his large coffee mug under the cows right udder and started squeezing hard, topping off his coffee with her sweet creamy milk.  Throughout the entire ordeal, the young cow was gently crying “moooooo….mooooooo” while giggling like a dumb-dumb. 

Next, Korr pulled out a large silver bucket and instructed the cows two milkmaids to fill it with their cows sweet, delicious milk.  The milkmaids were of limited intelligence, but they knew what this entailed.  They grabbed their red-headed cow, led her onto a spinning platform/table next to Korrs throne, and spun her around so that she was on all fours, udders hanging low, with her smooth round ass and cowtail facing Master.  Her ass was within 3 feet of her Lord and King.

The teen milkmaids lowered down next to the cows heavy hanging udders and each grabbed one.  Then they started squeezing the cows tits in alternating fashion, one by one, as they slowly filled the silver bucket, one squirt at a time.

Korr bent his large, giant head in close to examine his prized heifer.  He moved the cow-tail that was in her ass to the side and examined the cows sewn up fuck-slit.  He admired the excellent stitchwork his nurse slaves had done on this slaves vagina, and was proud of the way he trained his nurse slaves to sew up his cows in a tight, crisscross pattern after calving. 

(After birthing, a milk cow will no longer need to use her vagina for the rest of her short life.  While she is producing milk, like a good cow, she will not ovulate, so her nasty stink-slot will not become overridden with filth.  Most Masters find some way to seal off their milk-cows cunts for good, so as not to be offended by their unpleasant smell.  Also, a Man would never waste his valuable time and sperm on a loose, flabby pussy unless she is a breeder-cow and it is time for the annual breeding month of Marchius.)

Korr grabbed his hardening monster cock and stroked it with one mighty hand as his other hand started pulling out the milk cows thin cow-tail dildo.  Men usually kept their cows ass dildos very thin so as not to stretch out the cows still-valuable assholes.

The dildo Korr pulled out was over 10 inches long but very thin, like a pencil.  It had a rubber stopper at the base, however, between the dildo and the tail part, which held the tail in place.  Korr examined her smooth, hairless asshole and bent his head in and took a deep sniff.   “Not bad,” he thought.  “Her maids have kept her nice and clean.”

Korr then placed the head of his fully erect monster penis right at the pencil-thin sized entrance to the Irish cows asspipe and slapped her round, smooth, fair ass hard.


“Mooooooooo…….moooooooooo……moooooo-aaaaaahhhhh!!!!” she squealed, as Korr started penetrating deeply into her pooper.  Master Korr always loved to anally rape his slaves, particularly because his cock was the circumference of a soda can and the average slaves asshole was thinner than a pencil.  Ripping a slaves asshole apart was a great entertainment, especially because it caused them so much pain.

Master Korr was really pumping her ass hard now, thrusting deeper and deeper into his cow pets shit-hole as the milkmaids kept milking the heifer.  As the milk cow cried, Korr pounded harder. 

“Mooooooo!  Moooooo!  Moooooo!” she wailed as the confused girl was bewildered by the array of hands touching her:  the teen milkmaids with two hands around each breast, kneading and squeezing, and Master Korrs giant hands completely circling her waist around her corset.  The giant log being stuffed into her tiny asshole only added to the confusion.

After a few more minutes of brutal ass fucking and productive milking, Korr grew tired of this dumb cunt and decided to go ahead and send her back to her pen.  His big, heavy balls tightened up as he delivered load after load of hot sticky semen into his cow slaves lucky, pink asshole.  The luckiest slaves in the room, however, were the milkmaids, because they knew they would get to feast on the hot, nutritious cum out of the nearly unconscious milk cows ass later.

The milkmaids pulled the bucket out from under the heifer and presented it to their Lord, whose still erect penis was fully inside his prized milk cows ass, impaling her like a lance.  He grabbed the silver milk bucket and smelled the sweet, creamy smell of the cunts delicious moo-juice.  “It must have been close to 5 gallons this cow has produced,” Korr thought.  “Not bad for a first year.”

Then, bringing the bucket to his mighty lips and thick red beard, Korr slowly started chugging the delicious liquid, feeling the warmth pass into his body and his power increasing.  Korr drained the entire bucket, all 5 gallons, and then threw the bucket on the floor.  Then, Korr pushed the passed-out heifer off his enormous dong and presented his cock to the milkmaids as the heifer collapsed.  His cock was glistening with cum and assjuice. 

“Clean it up you filthy little cunts!  I havent got all day!  SLAP!  SLAP!”  Two mighty slaps reigned down on the young milkmaids soft faces and they fell to the floor.  They immediately arose, however, and replied in unison “Yes Master!” as they both started licking hungrily on either side of their Kings cock.  It was such a great honor to clean their Lords cock, and the milkmaids were so happy to be useful!

When Korr was satisfied that his cock was clean of assjuice, he instructed the milkmaids to put the cow into bitch position so he could dismiss her properly.  The milkmaids eagerly complied, positioning the passed-out red-headed cow in front of their Lord with her smooth round ass and raggedly raped asshole up towards him. 

“Dismissed!”  With one mighty kick, Korr sent the heifer tumbling down the stairs and laughed as she lay their, passed-out, as her milkmaids slowly and steadfastly pulled her limp body across the ground toward the back hallway that led to the cow pens.

“Now,” Korr thought, “time to attend to a little business.”

To be continued…

Planet Mansrulia

Chapter 4:  Wine and Cheese

Now that Korrs thirst was quenched, it was time to eat.

Korr clapped his hands twice and shouted, “Food!  Now, you dumb fuckholes!” 

Immediately, a large ensemble of stunning young Norlandic banquet slaves entered the Great Hall through a door to Master Korrs left, wearing matching light-blue aprons, cut just low enough to expose their teen tities and just high enough to show off their perfectly round, smooth asses and tiny, hairless slits.  They came in carrying an array of different dishes on silver platters.  A variety of new cows were being led in as well, udders swaying back and forth.

The first banquet slave stepped forward.  She was a perfectly formed 16-year old calf, with long, wavy, dark red hair flowing in ringlets down over her shoulders and around her ripening, young breasts.  Her breasts were perfect orbs, just filling in to a c-cup, and they jiggled above her apron with every step she took towards her Lord.  She was about 48” (an average height for a slave girl on Planet Mansrulia) and her body was very tight and thin, although her ass was well-rounded.  She carried a large silver plate in front of her.

The petite banquet slave bent down on her knees before her Lord, holding the silver plate above her head.  It contained on huge slab of meat, barely cooked and very bloody.  The slaves arms were so skinny and weak it took all her effort to keep the plate above her head even though it only weighed about 10 pounds.

Her icy blue eyes looked up at her Master as she spoke:  “For you Master.”  The young calf then cocked her head, dislocated her jaw, and started sucking Korrs holy tool like the cocksucking whore she was while still holding the tray of meat above her gorgeous, empty red head.  She knew if she dropped the tray, or failed to bring her Lord to sexual completion, she would be culled.

Master Korr looked hungrily at the two pieces of meat in front of him:  one, a giant piece of bloody steak and two, a tiny little petite fuck slave.  He took the piece of steak in his giant, strong hands and brought it up to his mouth, ripping bite after bite out of the slab of meat.  The steak must have been close to 8 pounds, and Korr ate it hungrily, feeling the bloody meat increase his power and savagery. 

Then, when the steak was finished, he turned his eyes down to his massive penis, which was at full erection from the pleasure slaves excellent cocksucking skills.  Her tiny head was bobbing up and down slowly and deliberately, and Korr was ready to feed her.

“Plate down, cunt!” he shouted.  The slave calf pulled her thin mouth off her Masters fully-erect penis and, still holding the silver plate above her head, lowered it to just under her chin.  Korr took his log-like cock in his hand and stroked it.  As his balls tightened, his giant cock unleashed load after load of thick, white, creamy cum all over the young teens forehead.  It was like a waterhose, completely covering the dumb calfs forehead and dripping down into her eyes and over her nose, cheeks, and mouth.  After about 20 seconds of continuous cumspray, the whores face was completely drenched in milky white sperm sauce, and a large quantity of it had dripped off her face and pooled on the silver platter, mixing with the bloody steak juices.

“Oh Master, thank you, thank you!” she cried, as cum bubbles frothed around her mouth and nose, her cum-drenched face glistening in the light.  “I am not worthy of this feast!”

“No, you certainly arent, cunt!  But youre lucky Im in a good mood today…Now get the fuck out of my sight you worthless cum rag!!!”  As the young 16-year old teen turned to go, Korr kicked her tight, firm ass down the stairs.  Korr laughed heartily as he watched the young beauty crash down the steps, using all her balance and energy not to spill the silver tray full of valuable, nutritious cum.

“Next!” Korr bellowed.  Another beautiful pleasure slave walked up to Master Korr in the same manner as the first.  She carried a large silver tray of hard-boiled eagle eggs.  As Master feasted on the protein-rich eggs, the slave began sucking Korrs giant cock, in the same manner as the first.  After finishing the feast and feeling his strength increase, Korr once again ordered the cunt to lower the tray to her chin and proceeded to unleash a torrent of cum onto her innocent, young teen face, drenching her.  He dismissed this whore in the same way.

Master Korr was hungry for cheese now.  Master Korrs collection of cheese-making cows was vast, and he had cows that could make any type of cheese in the world.  The best Kingdoms for producing cheese-cows, however, were the Kingdoms of Francia, Italia, Grecia, Germania, and Egyptia, and Korr had many excellent specimens from these Kingdoms in his harem.

“Line up the cheese-cows!  Master is still hungry!”

Nine exquisitely beautiful 20-25 year old cow slaves were led up to the foot of the stairs at Korrs throne by their red-headed teen milkmaids.  They wore uniforms that were similar to their milk-cow sisters (collars with cowbells, earrings, tight corsets, high heels) except their corsets were black and white splotched.  Also, the cheese-cows all had their nipples pierced with a thin, silver rod so that they could hang small bunches of delicious, sweet grapes from their udders for Master to enjoy.

Each cow held a silver tray just under her udders, propping up her juicy, ripe milkers and making it look like her delicious, soft boobies were the main course.  Each tray had a sizable portion of the cows personal cheese, as well as the grapes that were pierced to the cow-slaves udders.

As was tradition, the cow with the best tasting cheese would be rewarded with a vicious, brutal ass-raping (and therefore would get nutritious cum), while the other ones would simply be beaten and left with only lettuce for the day.

Master Korr looked at the line of confused, retarded cheese-making cows in front of him and smiled.  They were all incredibly beautiful and feminine, and they were all his property. 

“Italian cows first!  Come cows!”  Korr clapped his mighty hands twice and waited.  The three Italian cows that were lined up did not know they were Italian, of course.  Their brains were way past even basic comprehension skills, but their milkmaids still understood.  The three exquisite Italian cows were led up to Korrs throne by their six milkmaids and, smiling dumbly, let out a soft but resounding “moooooo” in unison. 

These cows, being from the same litter, looked very much alike, but made three different types of cheeses.  They all had long, beautiful, dark brown hair, almost black, that curled in ringlets down past their shoulders and down their backs.  They were all of Mediterranean descent, and had darker, tanner skin than their other European sisters.  They were skinny, of course, but had more curves in the hips than some other breeds of slaves.  And their breasts were soft, beautiful, round and enormous with large, dark nipples and, as mentioned previously, pierced with grape bunches.

Korr put his giant arm around the first cows tiny, thin waist and pulled her violently toward him.  She opened her mouth in surprise and, as her body came to a halt right in front of him, her milk-makers jiggled on the silver tray.  Her collar read “MOZZARELLA.”

Korr grabbed the big block of white mozzarella cheese from the tray and stuffed it into his mouth, chewing hungrily.  It was absolutely delicious, and Korr could tell he had a quality cheese-producer here.  Finishing the block of cheese, Korr grabbed the slave cow and encircled her tiny waist with his giant hands and pulled the cunt up to him so that the grape bunches attached to her nipples were right in front of his mouth.  He engulfed the dark red grapes hungrily, and pulled the vine stems hard with his mouth, ensuring he got all the grapes off (and causing the milk cow considerable pain).

The next two Italian milk cows were labeled “GORGONZOLA” and “RICOTTA” and, in a similar fashion, Master Korr ate their cheese and sucked their grape-covered tits.  They were absolutely delicious, and Korr moved on to the next cows.

Two dazzling Francian cheese cows were led up to Korrs throne next.  They both had long, light-brown hair, fair skin, high cheekbones and dark blue eyes.  They were both very thin except, of course, in the chest area.  Their milk-makers were soft and beautiful, with large, pale-pink nipples sitting in the middle of their large, pale, milky-white funbags.  Their collars read “BRIE” and “CAMEMBERT” and as Korr ate their delicious tit cheeses, he made a mental note to keep the brie-making cow around the next time he was entertaining high-profile Master guests; her sweet, creamy brie was absolutely outstanding.

The next cow to be led up to Korrs throne was a stunning Grecian beauty, with long, curly black hair, olive skin, and dark eyes.  As with the Grecian breed of slaves, this cow had a somewhat larger nose than many other slave girls, but not big enough to be considered offensive or unattractive to most Masters.  Her tummy was thin, but she was overall more curvy than the other cows, with a small but more rounded ass and hips.  Her collar said “FETA.”

As with the other cows, Korr ravished the full plate of delicious feta cheese that was before him, finishing it off with the delicious ripe grapes from the Grecian slaves delicious ripe tities.  When he had finished, he turned the petite yet curvy cow around and spread her round, olive-toned asscheeks apart, exposing her sewn-up pussy hole and her cowtail.  Korr pulled out the tail and stuck his own thumb into her tiny asspipe, probing its tightness.  Grecian slave girls are known throughout the world as having very high quality assholes, so Korr simply wanted to test it out and make sure his prized Grecian heifer was not losing her tightness.  As Korr probed her pooper, the cow mooed again and again, filling up the banquet hall with moos, as her giant round funbags jiggled on her petite yet curvy frame.  Korr pulled out his thumb, stuck it in her mouth, and laughed.

“Clean off your filth, cunt!” Korr roared.

“Mooooooooooo…” she replied, and she took his giant thumb in between her full Grecian lips and into her mouth, sucking her own assjuices off of it like a good cow.

“Next!”  Two immaculate, stunning Germanian cows came up to Korrs throne next.  They both had very long, straight blonde hair and big blue eyes.  Their skin was pale, and they had high cheekbones and rosy red cheeks.  They were thin overall with the exception of their almost comically enormous breasts.  Their collars read “LIMBURGER” and “MUNSTER” and they both tasted delicious. 

Korr put the blonde fuck cows next to each other, side by side, so that their enormous udders were pushing up against each other.  He then slapped the left udder of the “LIMBURGER” cow and watched in amusement as the force of his slap rippled through her tit into the next, and then carried over to the “MUNSTER” cow.  He then did the same with the “MUNSTER” cow, slapping her tits and watching the wave of jiggling pass through the dumb heifers chests.

“HAHAHAHA, dumb little cunts!”  Korr then spun the whores around and kicked their round, white asses down the stairs.

“Next!”  This was the final cow of the bunch, a sublime Egyptian slave, with sun-kissed dark skin, almond-shaped hazel eyes, high cheekbones, and long, straight, jet-black hair.  She was extremely thin except, of course, for her chest region which was blossoming with juicy richness.  Her milkers were enormous, round, and almond-brown colored with dark, chocolate nipples three inches in diameter.  Her collar read: “HALLOUMI”.

Korr looked at his beautiful Egyptian fuckhole, with her massive mammaries lying on the tray, pierced with grapes, and the mouthwatering block of halloumi cheese resting between her tits.  After taking one bite of the delicious, salty cheese, Korr knew she was the winner; she was the one getting assraped today.

After Korr finished the cheese, but before starting on the grapes, he loudly shouted:  “This one is the winner!  The rest of you cunts should march back to your pens in shame for making inferior cheese!  No cum for you today!  Only lettuce!”  Of course, all of the cheeses were exquisite and delicious, but there was no reason to let his slaves know this and feel good about themselves.  Slaves that lived in fear and shame were much more fun to use and abuse than those that felt good about themselves.  As the milkmaids led their cows back to their pens, Korr knew that the milkmaids would be just as disappointed: the cum in their cows ass would be food for them too, but now they only got lettuce as well.

“Now to take care of you, you little piece of fuckmeat…” 

Master Korr smiled evilly and wrapped his giant hands around the young Egyptian cows paper-thin waste and pulled her light body up to his lap with no effort at all.  Her juicy, grape-pierced funbags jiggled in Korrs face, turning him on immensely and getting his anaconda penis rock hard.  Korr put one giant hand under each of the pretty cows dark-toned asscheeks and spread them apart, lowering her ass to just 6 inches above his rock-hard cock.

The cows milkmaids knew exactly what to do, and they immediately went to work, one licking Korrs giant tool and the other removing the tail and eating out the cows asshole, lubing it up so that the friction of Korrs gargantuan penis would not kill the cow slave (thus losing a high-quality cheese cow). 

When Korr felt sufficiently lubed, he kicked the 14-year old milkmaids down the stairs and lowered the tiny, petite, Egyptian whore onto his tool.  Since her breeding hole was sewn shut, the only place it could go was her ass, and Korr slowly lowered her onto him, sliding deep into her rectum.

The cows beautiful, tender face went from a dumb, dreamy, drooling demeanor to a look of shock and terror as Korrs monster dong started to rip deeply into her rectum and fill her pooper.  With each giant hand squeezing and completely covering each of her dark-toned asscheeks, Korr bounced the piece of meat up and down on his enormous pole with no mercy.

As she bounced up and down, her beautiful, milk-filled teets jiggled comically in Korrs face, turning him on even more.  He started ravishing the grape bunches attached to her nipples and, after he finished all the grapes, he ripped out the stems and started violently sucking the sweet, creamy milk out of her ripe tities.  The more he ate and drank, the harder he fucked her.

Then he stood up at full height, all 8 feet of him, and bounced the little fuck slave on his cock like a rag doll, nearing climax.  The cow was pretty much unconscious at this point from the pain.  Finally, with one hand around the cows neck and the other under her tight little ass, Korrs giant testicles tightened up and delivered a monster load of milky-white semen into the Egyptian slave cows tiny but stretched out asshole, filling her up with what seemed like a gallon of cum.

When he had finished, his cock was still rock hard and impaling the young cows ass as he stood fully erect and looked around his banquet hall.  He let go of her neck and ass, but she was still impaled on his giant cock like a shishkabob.  Feeling himself filling with power as the food he just ate today was nourishing his giant muscles, Korr flexed his 500 pound, rock-hard muscular frame and roared:


As Korrs voice echoed around the room, the hundreds of slaves in the banquet hall dropped to their knees, heads on the floor, and trembled.  As Korr watched his slaves quiver in fear, he laughed to himself.

“Now, on to the next order of business…”

To be continued…

When it came to menial, household slave positions, most Men on Planet Mansrulia utilized slave girls of their Kingdoms nationality.  This was because local slave babies were so plentiful and cheap.  Also, the bulk of baby trading occurred in regional circles.  Masters could of course trade internationally as well, but only the most powerful Kings did this on large scales with regularity.  Also, because Masters would breed with almost all slave girls, regardless of ethnicity and slave status, Masters liked to have breed-stock of their own ethnicity constantly at hand, so they could continuously evaluate the slaves development and assess how valuable the calves babies would become.  Having local slave girls around assured a Master that an exceptionally beautiful slave girl who might have been overlooked at the ______ ceremony would not slip through the cracks when it was time to sire his pure-bred line.  Masters could sire many thousands of babies a year, but the pure-bred lines were most valuable for trading. 

More Background:

On Planet Mansrulia, only Master Kings could sire Male heirs.  Other Masters could of course sire female calves, to be traded for more breed stock, but only the Kingdoms royal Master King had the ability to produce a valuable Male.  As mentioned earlier, this occurred once a year when the Master King would breed with his chosen virgin-breeder, a 19-year old virgin who must have the proper hip shape to bear a giant Male fetus through all three trimesters. 

Because of this arrangement, all Men on Planet Mansrulia were either Brothers, Sons, Uncles, Nephews, Fathers, or Grandfathers to each other.  “Inbreeding,” a concept known on Planet Earth, was not a concern on Planet Mansrulia.  While Masters did not breed with their own daughters, they certainly did with any other lowly female on the planet, whether they be from a Brothers batch or not.  Because Men were so scarce, this was simply a necessity for a sustainable population.

While a female slaves average life expectancy was 25, a Mans was 1,000 years old.  Men did not age in the same manner as Men on Planet Earth, however.  Although a Man started producing sperm and could start breeding slaves at the young age of 10, he did not reach full sexual maturity and fecundity until the age of 100.  Then still, it wasnt until the 500th year that a Man reached his maximum sexual potential, and could become a Master King.

Every century, in every Kingdom, a contest was held to determine which Master was the strongest, smartest, largest, and most evil in the Kingdom.  The winner of the contest became King for one-hundred years, lived in the royal castle, and had exclusive rights to sire Male heirs.  This competition was open only to Males aged 500 or more, and a King could certainly hold the post of King multiple times (up to a maximum of 5 times exactly if one was to become King on his 500th birthday).  

Because each Kingdom could produce only one Male heir every year, and Men lived to the ripe old age of 1,000, there were always exactly 1,000 Men in each Kingdom.  Subsequently, because there were 27 Kingdoms on Planet Mansrulia, there were always 27,000 Men on Planet Mansrulia at any given time. 

As to how many females lived on Planet Mansrulia, there was no way to truly know.  It would be like counting the grains of sand on all the worlds beaches; why bother counting something so numerous and insignificant as a woman?  Sure, Men kept records and account books of some of their more valuable assets, like pleasure slaves, but to take a census of how many total females a Man owned, let alone a Kingdom, let alone the planet, was attempting the impossible. 

If one was to wager a guess, however, lowly females on Planet Mansrulia would probably number close to one billion.

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