BDSM Library - Prison Guinea Pig

Prison Guinea Pig

Provided By: BDSM Library

Synopsis: A young male traveling through Europe is arrested for drug possession and winds up doing hard time. His desperation turns to hope when he is offered a way out by volunteering for a sexual drug research program. He soon learns what 'real' hard time is all about.

Prison  Guinea Pig-part 1

Having been arrested for drug possession in a small European country while traveling,  I was sentenced to five years hard time. I had been carrying a stash of cocaine,  and the amount, I found, was over a certain limit making it a much more serious crime.

My life collapsed around me as I was hauled off to serve my term in one of the toughest prisons in the country. I was simply numb after being processed and shoved in a cold cell, and the looks of depravity from my prison mates  sent chills up and down my spine.

It was terrifying, and I really didn't know what I would do in the coming months. I didn't think I could bear it.

I was abused constantly by the my perverted cellmate, and after being raped anally and orally several times I merely lay shaking as I fell asleep each night. Then a strange turn of events changed my situation and sent me into a perverse world of consuming sexual usage that would change my whole life here.


One day I was taken to the warden's office for an 'evaluation interview'. When I entered I was greeted by a stern looking woman in her sixties wearing an austere black suit and black half heeled shoes. Her gray hair was tied back in a bun and she exuded a sense of anger and impatience just by her manner.

There were two young guards with her, probably in their thirties, and the strange half grin they gave me when I entered made my skin crawl.

"My name is Anna Stein and I am the warden here at our fine corrective facility."

"Please sit down", she said evenly.

There was a chair in front of her large desk and a video camera in front of it. I sat and looked at them nervously quite unsure of what to say.

"You are not very comfortable here are you?", she said, "maybe you would prefer something better than this.....what do you think?"

Her words stunned me and I stared at her in complete ignorance of her meaning,  but there was something hopeful in her statement that I could not quite grasp.

"I'm coming apart in here mam.....I don't think I can endure this for very long...."

They all grinned knowingly at each other and the warden stood in front of me.

"Then you shouldn't have committed the serious crime of drug possession", she said sarcastically. Then she softened a bit......

"Of course.....I assure you I understand what your predicament."

"How would you like to have a private cell and all the best of the facilities here?"

I looked at her incredulously and spoke slowly.....

"Mam.....I don't.....understand what you mean."

"All you have to do is be a test subject in our special drug research program.  You would be released after only six months."

I could not believe my ears and my mouth was open in shock.

"Well I......wouldn't that be.....dangerous......I mean drug tests?"

She shrugged and the others laughed.

"These kinds of drugs are very safe, I assure you, but you will earn your way, make no mistake."

"These are experimental sex drugs of all kinds, and we select a few in the prison population to take part in our unique tests. It is a government funded research project designed to shed more light on the tremendous volume of sexual offenses committed by our twisted criminals each year on the population. "

"We feel that since you are a stranger to our country you might have some unique contributions to make concerning these kinds of exotic stimulants."

"If you refuse this opportunity you must consider the possible consequences......there are prisoners killed here regularly.....despite, of course, our fullest efforts to prevent it."

"This is the kind of place that will ravage and destroy your life after a time, if you survive at all."

I sat there with eyes expanded and my mouth open and I swallowed so hard I'm sure they could hear the click in my throat.

"I will give you one minute to decide.....if you refuse this opportunity you will be placed back in the general population and will not have a chance for this again."

I quickly ran over the impossible choices before me and developed a headache as I tried desperately to choose between my conflicting fears.

At the end of a minute the warden spoke again....


I  managed to speak as they all watched me carefully.....


"Yes?", she said impatiently, as she tapped her foot.

My will broke loose at once and I gave in to my best judgement, and I blurted out the answer.

"Yes I will mam.....I volunteer for your testing."

She grinned slyly at me and smoothed over my hair with her leathery hand....

"You cannot go back now test slave, no matter what! Do you understand me?"

I was trembling as I looked up at her and a strange flash of cruelty appeared in her eyes for a moment, and then she softened her expression.

"Yes mam....I understand."

She looked at the two guards who were with her and with a slight motion of her head she spoke to them.

"Transfer him immediately to the research wing, and begin his drug treatment."

One of the guards walked over and pulled me up from the chair, and we walked quickly to an elevator in a secure area nearby.

The research center was down below the main prison complex in the basement, and we passed through a guarded security cell before passing into the research area. There were rows of white doors along a corridor and no one could be seen. Nothing could be heard, and I was taken into a cubicle and the steel door locked behind me. The quiet was unnerving.

The room had a bed, a sink and toilet and a few shelves with books and basic toiletry supplies and a shower. It was actually quite comfortable. Before long I lay down and fell into a troubled sleep.

I was awoken a few hours later by two nurses who cuffed me and took me to a large laboratory. The room was filled with countless strange devices and restraint fixtures and drug filled shelves. There were whips and paddles hanging on the walls and many kinds of medical and electronic devices and strange looking metal instruments.

There was a stainless steel cart alongside one of the restraint tables, and it was filled with various kinds of medications, instruments,  and hypodermic syringes.

I panicked at once and struggled against the two women holding me. Immediately I was punched in the face by one of the two attractive nurses and this stunned me so that I could barely stand.

They quickly removed my shoes, socks, pants, and shorts, and cut off my shirt. The two sat me back onto the table and removed my cuffs. Then they lay me down and strapped my ankles widely apart, and secured my hands back and above me.

One of them pushed a button and the table between my legs began to spread apart and push upward, forcing my knees back until I was opened up completely. A stainless steel cart was placed between my legs along with a rolling examination chair.

The smell of alcohol permeated the room and I lay there shivering in terror as my senses began to return.

"Oh please no....", I gasped, as I looked sideways at them.

The same female guard slapped me senseless again....

"Shut your fucking mouth and do not speak again unless requested to do so or I will become very angry with you!"

She looked coldly at me....."My name is Christina, and my lovely assistant is will obey us without a microsecond's hesitation or we will punish you severely! We are not here to make you feel good."

I lay there shaking and remained very quiet from that point was obvious that my protests would get me nothing but more pain and I resigned myself to endure whatever came next.

They left the room and I lay there for at least a half hour, shaking and dreading what they might do to me. Then I heard footsteps coming down the hallway and the door opened. A male doctor, probably in his sixties entered, along with the two nurses  who had brought me here originally.

The doctor smiled pleasantly at me and sat between my legs.

"Well my friend, we are going to get to know each other very well in the coming weeks. Please forgive the ill manners of my staff, they are highly dedicated but not, I'm afraid, endowed with the usual social graces."

"I am doctor Haptman, and I'm afraid I must make a few changes to your personality and chemical makeup,  but I think you will find much enjoyment here as time passes. You must forget your usual sexual habits and perceptions for the process to work effectively."

"I must remove all of your sexual inhibitions so that you may be used as a testing subject for our many sexually oriented drugs. Do not be ashamed of the complete lust and insane,  perverted sexual need that will come to you, they are quite expected.  Just accept and enjoy them to the fullest and leave your past guilt feelings and desires behind you."

He pulled on latex gloves and began to examine my penis and testicles. He stroked me until I became erect and kneaded my balls between his fingers. Well sir you have a very nice penis and large healthy balls. It is wonderful for a man to be so blessed! Let's see just how large your dick is."

He slid an expandable cock ring down to my pubic hair and tightened it slightly. His stroking and flipping soon brought my nine inch cock to full size. My glans was so hard it felt like it could burst. He pulled out on my large balls and pinched them firmly as he flipped my super hard erection.

"Oh yes my well endowed friend, you are going to get on just fine here. Very nice cock! You need to have it  sucked often and a nice penis like this needs to fuck doesn't it?"

He grinned at me knowing I was mortified and enjoyed my discomfort.

"Forget your male fears from now on my friend, you are entering a new world where there is no revulsion or regret about sexual matters, ok?"

He spoke to one of the female guards as he brought me to full hardness. I could not look at him and the shame and disgust I felt filled me completely.

"Take his pre ejaculate sample."

One of them quickly squeezed out a drop from my pisshole and used an eyedropper to withdraw a sample. She stored it in a container and put it in a small refrigerator nearby.

The doctor stroked me off as he fondled my balls and soon precum was running down my cock. He flipped my rock hard penis slightly to help produce more fluid.

"Hmmmm, very nice.....a fine erection. Now let's get a sample of his ejaculate."

He began to masturbate me rapidly as he massaged my swollen balls and I had my eyes closed and was very tense as he brought me off. I jerked and grunted as my heavy load spit out from my cock onto his hand and all over my lower stomach. He worked it and milked it until I was completely dry.

"Very nice indeed" he said, "healthy testicles and penis. Quite a load my friend. How long has it been since you masturbated?"

I managed to open my eyes and look at him shamefully.....

"A week I think."

"Ahhhh, no wonder you had such a large discharge. We will improve on that in the coming weeks however, and we will introduce you to a new kind of sexual experience."

"How long has it been since you sucked a cock", he grinned stroking out the last few drops of my semen.

"I.....oh no I've never done that.....I could never do that!"

He chuckled lightly...."How wrong you are my friend. You'll find that sucking cock can be just as much fun as licking a woman's anus or vagina. Have you licked a woman's ass before?"

"I....well yes but..."

"You've probably had fears that other men would think you were a cocksucker, haven't you?"

"No no....I......not really."

"Yes you have, but don't worry about that....I assure you that you ARE  a cocksucker and that you also love the smell and taste of a woman's anus."

"Oh no no....that's not true....please let me go back to the prison....I want to go back!"

"No you don't my friend....I can assure you."

The female guard then collected a large sample of the cum below my cock using a small vacuum collector, and the contents were injected into a tiny jar and stored in the refrigerator.

"Alright my friend a few little stings now and I will turn you over to the lovely nurses."

He took a hypodermic syringe and swabbed an area next to my groin. He gave me three injections around that site and one in my scrotum. Then he took a small Q tip and dabbed it into a white paste.

"Hold him firmly please", he said to the women.

They grabbed my legs and shoulders and gripped tightly. The doctor pinched my hard penis between his fingers and pressed down near the tip. He slowly inserted the swab into my urethra as he held tightly.

I jerked in pain and gritted my teeth as I closed my eyes and he had the whole swab all the way down my cock in a short time. The sting was intense and I steeled myself until he had finished. He pulled the swab out quickly and threw it into a medical refuse container.

"There you are my friend, all finished. Sorry to have caused you pain.....these things are necessary believe me. You will begin to experience strong sexual urges now, and a hotness in your groin area, and your penis will be erect most of the time. You are not allowed to masturbate yourself from now on unless instructed to do so. These nurses will equip you with an anti masturbation device on your cock which you will wear at all times when you are not in the lab."

He stood and removed his gloves and grinned down at me.

"My you look so helpless down there......and so many of the male guards here would just love to have a visit with you like that."

He slapped my asscheeks very hard several times and I yelled from the pain as he rubbed them rapidly. He looked at the  nurses.....

"Give him his first whipping ladies...... make sure his buttocks are well protected so we don't have undue swelling."

He looked down reassuringly at me....."You'll come to love the pain in time."

Then to Christina...."And remember to  give him the vocal retardant."

"Yes doctor", grinned the women, "right away sir."

I was horrified and began to panic.

"Oh no please", I whimpered, "oh please don't do that!"

"Please let me go back....I beg you!"

Then Christina slapped my face hard several times and I lay there almost senseless. She opened a packet and placed a damp cloth over my face and I was unconscious instantly.

When I awoke I was lying on a table face down and fully restrained. I tried to speak but only garbled words came out. It frightened me and I tried again, but I couldn't put a sentence together.

"Don't even try to talk bitch!" 

The tall platinum haired Christina was rubbing oil all over my asscheeks. She used several different items on my ass, rolling and rubbing rough plastic surfaces  back and forth until my skin was very hot and then smeared on another kind of salve.

She put her head down to mine and spoke quietly to me.

"When we return I will whip your ass until you are a ball of agony", she breathed heavily,  "it's going to hurt more than you can imagine. Now you lay here and think about that you fool!"

By this time I could not use my vocal cords at all and whimpered against the cloth on the table surface. The terror that gripped me cannot be described.

Fifteen minutes later I could again hear footsteps coming and I jerked and cried in horror. The door opened and the two nurses came in and stood near the table. Christina slapped my ass hard and it was so sensitive I jerked violently . My butt was so tender I couldn't believe it.

She once again put her face down to mine....

"You're going to do everything you are told completely and to the letter while you are here aren't you test slave?"

I groaned and looked sideways at her, my eyes widened in fear. I nodded my head yes again and again as she walked to the wall and retrieved a thick flat leather belt. It had a handle on the end and was about a yard long. She smeared oil on it  and lashed it against the wall with a loud crack.

I grunted and struggled against the straps as she moved back a bit. I was shaking and whining, pleading with her for mercy. Suddenly I felt a fiery lash rip across my asscheeks and I jerked hard and a guttural shriek came from my throat....I  could barely get my breath.

She brought the belt down again and again as I lay there growling and jumping,  and the strange high pitched sound coming from me was indescribable.

I pulled so hard against the straps that they ate deeply into my skin. She mercilessly whipped me and I jerked and spasmed in agony like an animal,  and gagged with pain as I endured the unendurable.

Then I began to feel an erection that became strong and pronounced, and my large cock stood out below me through a hole in the table.  Debra stroked me and pulled on my balls as I was whipped and my face was a mass of saliva and sweat as she masturbated me. She squeezed my nuts so hard I was shaking violently from that and the continued lashing.

When I had reached my absolute limit the pretty nurse pumped the cum out of my stretched penis and I gasped loudly as I spit again and again as the last few lashes were laid on me. At this point I passed completely out. When I awoke they were rubbing my tortured ass with medications and pain killers. Soon most of the agony was gone and I lay there sobbing to myself.


They cuffed me and walked me to my room and gave me a strong sedative. I slept on my stomach until late the next morning. When I awoke I was given a good breakfast and allowed to shower. My ass was very very sore, and I had to move slowly to prevent the sharp pain there. I felt gently of my asscheeks but to my amazement there was no scarring or swelling. I could not believe could there have been so much pain and no noticeable damage.

My two cruel nurses took me once again to the lab. I was terrified of the large breasted blond guard, Christina, and could not bring myself to look at her.

I was naked at all times now so there was no worry about clothing. They had me stand with arms stretched above me and cuffed my hands to overhead restraints. They raised them upward until I was standing on my toes and used a spreader bar to pull my feet apart widely. It was quite uncomfortable and I was mostly hanging instead of standing. The cuffs were softly padded though, and there were handholds on them to prevent undue strain on my wrists.

I was shaking from fear by now and looked at them desperately, trying to convey my absolute obedience to them but could only grunt incoherently.

Dr. Haptman came in, and smiled widely.

"So good to see you again my guinea pig friend. You'll excuse the term but I'm afraid that is what you are."

He went behind me and carefully examined my asscheeks and spread them open widely to view my anus. He lubricated his finger and slid it in my rear hole quickly, and moved it around examining my prostate. He slightly stretched the tight opening and plopped his finger out again.

"Hmmm, we need to open his anus for business", he said absently.

"Begin to stretch him now and enlarge his poophole. He will be better prepared when he services the male guards and prisoners."

"Very good", he commented, "no discernible buttocks damage. How did he endure the first whipping?"

Christina looked slyly at Debra....."Not well sir.....but then they never do."

"Quite right", said the doctor as he sat in front of me.

My penis was already fully erect and dripping precum and the doctor moved in closely and examined my balls carefully, rolling them around in his fingers.   He carefully felt of all the inner nerve and vascular bundles. He took each nut and held it firmly while he ran his fingers up and down the full length of it.  My balls  began to ache and I groaned and shifted around restlessly.

It was incredibly humiliating to have a male doing this to me and my sense of shame was indescribable.

"He's got quite a cock doesn't he ladies?"

The women answered in unison....."Yes he does sir."

"We'll make sure you enjoy it as well as the male guards."

"Cough for me please."

I found it difficult but forced out a few feeble hacks as he gripped my hanging nuts.

"Very good."

"Start him on the first battery of 'A'  class sexual stimulants and move him on to the next level as soon as possible."

He grinned up at me....."You're going to be one horny son of a bitch my friend, trust me."

He began to stroke me off again, and softly kneaded my large testicles. As his hand moved faster he reached behind me and  slid his finger up my ass again, probing deeply. In a few moments I jerked uncontrollably and expelled a huge quantity of semen splattering it all over his hand and the floor. He milked me out completely until it actually hurt, and I grunted in discomfort as he pulled out the last drops of cum from me.

He rubbed the thick semen between his fingers as he lightly stroked me, and it dripped to the floor.

"Very very good my friend! You've cooperated well and I appreciate it. I want you to feel completely relaxed when I milk you, ok?"

He massaged my balls again and pulled down on them.

"Good load and hefty nuts."

He dropped my privates and washed his hands in the sink.

"Let him heal before the next whipping and make sure he is intensely horny before you do it.....ok ladies?"

"Begin his gonad supplements.....I want large amounts of semen from him. Also break him into ass worship in the toilet, you can use him in other ways later but get him started ingesting feces while he's in a sexual frenzy.....and don't forget the protectants!"

"Yes sir."

He left and when he was gone Debra sat behind me and with the aid of lubricants, began to widen my anus. She knew it would take time so she moved slowly pushing and pulling to make the sphinctor muscle widen. She would use various size dildos as time went by.

Her strong fingers slid easily in and out of my butthole but when she put pressure on the sides of my sphinctor muscle it began to hurt. I jerked in pain and squirmed as she did her work.

Meanwhile Christina had gone into the bathroom and brought back a bottle of a clear syrupy liquid. She held my mouth open and began to pour the bitter contents onto my tongue.

"Drink down all of it and don't fuck with me!", she said sternly.

I could do nothing and soon had swallowed the whole bottle of the nasty liquid. The bitterness was intolerable. When Debra had finished working my anus they released my hands from overhead and cuffed them behind me. Then they released my ankles. It felt very good to stand on solid ground again, and my back and arms were sore from my awkward standing position.

They walked me into the bathroom and had me kneel at the back of the toilet. Christina gave me an injection in my hip, and I squirmed as she jabbed me, and repositioned myself lower so that my face was almost level with the back of the stool.

I had been feeling very very strange since they had given me the first of the drugs, and these injections seemed to boost my already horny state. I licked my lips and shifted uncomfortably as my penis became engorged again. Christina slapped my ass very hard several times until I was scooching around trying to avoid her strong blows.

She held my face and slapped me very hard and the force of the slap stunned me so that I had ringing in my ears.

"Take your fucking whacks without flinching whore or I will make them even harder."

"I'm going to take a nice healthy shit now and you are going to lick my ass clean when I finish. If you hesitate for even a second I will torture your cock with electricity. Do you understand me?"

I was truly terrified by now and nodded my head vigorously. I had become so horny that I was huffing and sweating and had an intense erection that was draining profusely. I had never been so aroused in my life. My tongue was flicking around my lips and I was shaking in lust.

Christina quickly pulled her skirt up and panties down and sat on the stool. Her ass was inches from my face.

"Put your nose back there at my asscrack!", she commanded.

I pushed my face right into the top of her rear crack and waited. Soon I heard a loud fart and the shit came pouring out from between her well formed asscheeks. She shifted forward giving me more room and Debra shoved my face further down into the bowl. The stink was horrendous but I was so intensely lustful that I took a deep breath and inhaled the putrid odor.

My cock actually began to bounce up and down and drain heavily, and when Christina flushed and stood, I was so hard I felt the skin on my cockhead would surely split. She bent over and they pulled my face into her shit stained buttcrack, rubbing my nose in it.

"Lick it off and swallow it you bastard and I mean you'd better eat it all!"

I was so insane with lust I dove in and lapped out a thick wad of her stinking crap and swallowed it down. I started to retch and vomit but Debra lashed my ass hard with a paddle. I gagged and hung on, very near puking,  but finally managed to eat out the rest of the vile smelling waste. I was hornier than I had ever been in my life but it still took every bit of my willpower to keep from throwing up the entire contents of my stomach.

I was gagging and retching but finally licked her dank shithole clean, delving all the way in and sucking out the soft crap there. It was a feeling like no other in my experience. Having your face buried in a shit stained buttcrack and being forced to actually eat the crap directly out of an asshole was beyond description. My face was covered with stinking human excrement and I was in shock from being forced to do such a thing.

When I had cleaned her butt thoroughly Christina wiped her ass completely, flushing down the stained toilet paper and I kneeled there barely able to think. They pushed my face down into the toilet all the way to the bottom and flushed it several times as I gasped for air. Finally my face was clean from the nasty rinse and they dried it with paper towels.

Back in my room after a hot shower they sedated me and I slept deeply for many hours. I was drained mentally, and my shame at being used sexually by another man was palpable. I determined, however, that I would not let it destroy me, and if necessary make profound changes in my habits and attitudes about sex.


The next morning after eating breakfast and taking the many pills given me, I was taken once again to the lab. Christina cuffed me before leaving and slapped my ass playfully to belittle me. She grabbed my balls from behind while we were walking and squeezed them tightly as we made our way down the hall.

"I'll bet your breath stunk this morning", she laughed, "you shit eating son of a bitch!"

"Believe me, you will come to like and even crave it over time."

I looked at the floor instead of at her, and gave no sign to answer.

This time they strapped me in kneeling doggie style on a restraint table with my face down and my ass protruding upward over the end.  My cheeks spread to the limit. My legs were spread widely apart, and my swollen balls hung below me. I could no longer control my erections, and my cock was stiff and draining, and my nuts swollen with seminal fluid.

The chair was placed behind me, and the always present instrument table closeby. I waited in that position for at least ten minutes, and finally heard footsteps approaching in the hallway. Dr. Haptman strode in, cheerful and efficient, and stood behind me.

"Hello ladies, how are we today?" 

They greeted him and stood waiting expectantly.

"And how are you my nasty friend.....mmmm......I see your testicles are full again and you know what that means don't you?"

He sat down behind me and put on his latex gloves.

"You look so relaxed my friend, and just look at your rear hole......mmmm, a sight to behold, and those large hanging balls."

"You know that I must milk them don't you?"

He slapped my tender ass very hard and I lurched forward driving my face into the padded restraint table.

Then he lubricated his finger and the opening to my spread asshole, and shoved it in all the way. I was gasping in pleasure now despite my original revulsion to this use by a male, but of course he was a doctor, and in my mind that made a difference.

My cock sprang forward, hard and dripping, straining desperately because of his exploring finger. He pulled it back out and wiped it, and gripped my hot balls in both his hands.

"I know you're beginning to like this friend, I can tell each time I use you. I'm going to tell you now that I must milk your fine nuts each day to begin with, and then several times each day as your capacity grows."

"You don't mind my playing with your balls do you friend?"

"I think you like it don't you. But you must let me know for sure. I need your complete cooperation my good sidekick, and that means letting me know that you want me to milk you and examine your testicles."

"You can do that by swinging your balls from side to side for me. That's right, move your hips and make your huge nuts swing back and forth, I'll wait."

The two women were snickering by now, knowing full well that the doctor intended to humiliate me.

I was flabbergasted at this prospect and didn't quite know what to do.

"If you do not communicate with me and do as I say I'm afraid I must instruct my lovely guards here to torture you with electricity. Nothing damaging, of course. Just excruciating. Have you ever had your balls electrocuted friend?"

"It is extremely painful but done in the right way not at all destructive."

"I don't have all day my exposed compadre....what do you want to do?"

I began to shake from fear and humiliation and began to move my hips from side to side in a effort to make my testicles move. It was not working very well and I knew he was becoming more impatient by the moment.

Finally I groaned and moved my hips in an exaggerated manner. He slid his finger up my ass again and shoved it in and out as I tried desperately to swing my nuts. Finally I was able to move in a much more noticeable fashion and my drooping balls began to jiggle and bounce back and forth.

He laughed and forced my asshole open with a second finger. I was grunting desperately trying to keep my large gonads bouncing and the doctor and his lovely nurses began to laugh. It was apparently very funny to them and I didn't care, I just wanted to avoid harsh the treatment that might be given me.

Finally he slurped his fingers out of my slick anus and wiped them and grabbed my cock firmly.

"Alright my friend, you've proven to me that you are a good cooperative research slave so now I must milk your hard long prick. Would you like that whore?"

"Nod please!"

I nodded vigorously and he began to stroke me off rapidly and roughly. He peeled back my foreskin and jacked me off with a vengeance, forcing me into a highly aroused state. I was breathing heavily now and he pinched my pisshole and gripped my balls while he pounded my hard dripping meat.

"You want to cum for me don't you my horny friend....."

"Yes you like that don't you cocksucker!"

"Yes we will see if you are a good cocksucker soon. The male guards and prisoners are in desperate need of relief and you will be good for them won't you?"

I cringed at this horrifying thought, but knew that I could do little to control my situation here now.

I was gasping for air and in an extreme state of arousal as he pounded me off and gripped my nuts.

A gutteral sound escaped from my throat and I jerked violently, spitting a huge gusher of semen onto his hand. I jumped and pulled against the straps as he milked me brutally, squirting out every single drop of the cum inside my quivering balls. My nuts were tightened in a painful spasm, and he merely squeezed them and forced out what little was left in them.

I was shaking violently by now, my anus protruding outward from the muscular pressure in my rectum.

He milked out the last drop of sperm cream and put his sopping hand up to my mouth.

"Lick it off friend, you must get used to the taste of male reproductive fluid and your own is a good place to start."

This disgusted me and I hesitated but he shoved his fingers in my mouth and slapped my sore ass.

"You would do well to obey me in whatever I tell your to do my friend", he said sternly.

I ate the disgusting man cream off and when I'd finished he removed the latex gloves and washed his hands. He grinned at me while he dried on a towel.

"You are a whore now that you have shown me that you like me playing with your balls and jacking you off......"

"You are a whore, are you not?"

He gripped my hair roughly......

"Nod your head you cocksucking whore. You've asked a man to milk your cock and fondle your balls."

I nodded in desperation, shaking from the absolute shame and anger I felt inside. There was nothing I could do for now but accept and endure. I felt now that if I had the choice again I would have stayed in general population and taken my chances.  On the other hand.......this present situation would be better than being dead or maimed. I assured myself of that.

The doctor left, and the good ladies guided me to the bathroom again.

Debra was grinning from ear to ear.....

"Mmmmmmm   I've got to crap!  She gave me a come hither sign with her finger, and the nasty smile on her face told me I would have to steel myself again to get past this.  Christina shoved opening of the stomach protectant bottle into my mouth and held it up for me to chug down.

In a strange way I hoped they were right, and that I would reach a point where I would not want to vomit while eating their shit stained rear holes. The idea was insanity to me, but what if I came to crave it later. I dare not think of it.

Prison Guinea Pig-part 2

   This story is intended as sexual fetish entertainment  for ADULTS ONLY.

After my disgusting sessions with the prison doctor I did not see him again. I soon found out that he and the older female warden had been replaced by younger personnel, supposedly more efficient and suited to the project, which had become a priority with the government. Evidently the research had become a military as well as sociological mandate.

For a few days I was taken to the lab by Christina and Debra and my 'treatments' were continued, including daily toilet service for them.

They tested a number of new drug cocktails, searching, I assumed for the most potent combination, and it was clear to me that the lab people here were working feverishly in their research.

The drug that they gave me before my oral anal service each day was particularly powerful and I soon became became highly addicted to being used as a toilet slave.

On the fourth day since the doctor had left my two harsh nurses informed me that the warden was a younger woman in her forties, named Helga Mueller, and that the new prison physician  was named Inga Schulz, also in her forties. Both, I was assured, quite attractive and shapely and fond of abusing  inmates sexually.

They had apparently worked together at their last assignment and were a formidable  combination.

My blood froze when I heard this remembering the vicious belt whipping that I had endured at the hands of Christina in the lab, and I became almost nauseous at the prospect of having  two like this in charge of the prison.


On my next session in the lab I was strapped kneeling doggie style on the exam counter and Debra sat behind me  and worked again to enlarge my anus. She was becoming more  insistent now and after applying a liberal amount of  lubricant in my back hole the cute blond used her fingers  to gradually enlarge my strained sphincter muscle. She  gripped my balls while she did it, I think just to  entertain herself, and I could hear her grunting just  slightly as she enjoyed herself.

I groaned in pain as she pushed and moved her two fingers  back and forth and when she started using three fingers I  began to feel more severe pain. I grunted loudly as she  forced my round asshole muscle to open, and was shaking  with pain by the time she had finished.

"Hurts doesn't it?", she laughed sarcastically.

She wiped her hand off and removed the latex gloves.   Christina stood nearby until Debra had finished. Debra was  a pretty blond in her twenties who had found her true niche  in life, in a facility like this. I could tell that they  both enjoyed their work immensely.

Nurse Christina was a blond German woman in her  late twenties, and her pretty face and perfect ass were  striking for a man to behold. She was obviously cruel,  however, and also was perfectly suited for this work. I  wondered just how far these pretty ladies were prepared to  go for the prison, and in truth, didn't really want to  know.

Just how far the new physician would go was an unknown. There was  no doubt that she was one to be feared, however, and a sexual pervert  of the first order from what I could tell. I had always dreamed of being examined by a pretty female doctor but in this case I would have been happy to forgo the experience.

"Your asshole is enlarging nicely!", she said eagerly, "you will experience such nasty fun as a test slave won't you?"

The speech retardant given me each day had totally removed my power to speak, and I merely groaned my answers when prodded to respond.

Christina put her face down close to mine and grinned  crookedly at me.....

"It's time to begin your real test work here slave, and that  would be in one of the gloryhole stalls adjacent to a men's  bathroom not far from here."

She moved behind me and sat, then cleaned my scrotum  thoroughly, and brought up a hypodermic syringe. She  injected a small squirt in the air and put her head around  a bit and spoke to me.

"These injections are quite painful and you would do well  to remain still. We don't want a needle breaking off do  we?"

I tensed immediately and bared down to prepare for the pain  and,  as she pinched my nutsack and jabbed the needle in I  tried to take my mind somewhere else and off of her cruel  work. As she injected the drug I felt a sharp sting and  then a profoundly sharp ache in my balls and I groaned  loudly, trying to remain still and not make it worse.

The sharp hurt became horrendous and she quickly injected  three more locations around my ball sac and none too  gently. Tears came to my eyes involuntarily as I steeled  myself and the agony was becoming to much to bear.

My nuts  were on fire and at the same time a tremendous surge of  sexual energy pounded through me and my cock became rock  hard without being touched. It bounced as she manipulated  my balls and my semen dripped to the table.

I whined piteously and shook all over until she finished.  She cleaned my balls with an antiseptic swab, and  when she'd  finished,  flipped them carelessly and made them swing back and forth with her hand  several times.

"That should do it", she said professionally,  "now test  slave, lets see how it affects you, each individual is different."

They released my hands and had me kneel up and then cuffed  them behind my back. They released my ankles and then had me get off the table. As I stood there I was shaking  all over and a profound sexual lust gripped my entire body.

Christina brought a thick dildo up to my face and shoved it  in my mouth.

"Just relax you fool and you won't be hurt. I want to  stretch your jaw muscles just a bit for your coming date in  one of our gloryholes."

I looked pathetically at her and nodded my head back and  forth no, my mouth stuffed with the rubber dildo and whined  as if begging. She jerked the phallus out of my mouth and  slapped my face hard and dam near made me lose contact.

"I do not want to tell you again to obey instantly and  absolutely any.....any command given you!!  I want to make  sure you understand me......"

She held my hair painfully in her hand...."Do you fucking  understand me you fucking whore?"

I groaned feebly and nodded yes, looking down at the floor  in defeat.....this complete collapse of my ego was quite  painful for me.

She then reinserted the dildo and pushed in a bit and  gradually stretched my mouth wide open, then pulled out  again and repeated the process several times slowly  stretching my lips and oral cavity.

"Relax your jaw and I mean it!", she grunted, "you will be  sucking big cocks and I don't want your jaw muscles  cramping up."

I looked at her through watered eyes as she degraded me with this, and she smiled lustfully at me. Finally she  stopped and put the dildo on the counter. She pinched and  massaged my jaw muscles and took a vibrator and rubbed it  over both sides of my face to loosen the knots,  then  shoved it in my mouth and forced in and out several times.

"Suck it!"

"Debra and I have had this up our ass many times test slave  and your mouth is the perfect place for it!"

I closed my eyes but obeyed at once and began to suck on  the large tapered vibrator.

"Open your eyes and look at me cocksucker!"

I looked at her in humiliation as she pumped  it in and out of my mouth. She grinned slightly and pushed  it nearly down my throat. I gagged and coughed and she  pulled it out and lay it on the table.

"You have much to learn will get better at  this in time."

"If a prisoner deep throats you to a point where you can't  breath push the button in  the stall by your hand and an  alarm will sound in the room. The prisoners are punished  for this so I wouldn't worry too much about it. You will be  drooling large amounts of saliva but that's normal. The  suck stalls are equipped for this and are well cleaned  every day and whatever drips falls into a spittoon is of no  consequence."

She held my chin in her hand....."Listen to me must swallow all semen ejaculated into your  mouth. Two video cameras are there monitoring you constantly and if  you do not swallow every drop you will be punished  severely. A great deal of the enjoyment experienced by the inmates is the knowledge that the cocksucker is swallowing their ejaculate. It is quite satisfying for them.

Your stomach will be full by the end of your  shift and you will probably belch from the digested semen that you've taken in. You must never vomit.....never!"

"The new doctor will be  very strict about this I assure you, and you will regret  it and it could be dangerous for you.  We include an anti nausea drug in your schedule but sometimes the test subjects cannot help themselves, especially the  first time or two.  The rules are more lenient to start out with though."

"Your best course is to enjoy the nasty drug given you and  give in completely to the raunchy cocksucking that you will be doing and the  taste of fresh spunk in your mouth. Let yourself be absorbed by the powerful sex drugs because  if you fight them things will be much worse for you."

"Don't worry......Deb and I and other test facility nurses  will be fucking you, and also you will be introduced to attractive female prisoners from the women's  wing who will  fuck and suck you while you are sex drugged and strapped  down. We have both men and women here and it's quite  convenient. You have never seen a gang rape until you've  been fucked by fifty sex starved females when your penis  is unable to go down."

"Female prisoners are also in this research program and the  results are as dramatic as with the male testers. Of course  greater precautions must be taken with the women for  obvious reasons. We've had great success with  drugs  designed to produce insanely hot bukkake sessions with both  men and women."

She grinned strangely and put the vibrator away. Her steel  gray eyes looked into mine and she had her face very close.

"You are going to be tied in today slave so that you will  have no choice in the matter, but later you will be insane  with lust and eager to suck cock, I promise you. You've  been protected by our antibiotic injections so we needn't  worry about disease but just to be sure we have developed  this antiseptic lubricant for your mouth."

She opened a jar and dipped out a glob of gray cream with  her hand.

"It won't hurt if you eat it and it will kill germs and  lubricate your mouth for fucking."

She pinched my nose and shoved it in and spread it around  inside and over my inner and outer lips. It tasted  delicious and had a swampy meat flavor.

Then she held up a vial with greenish fluid in it and  jabbed a hypodermic through the rubber seal and drew out a  syringeful.

"They are trying to develop a powerful drug that will make one insane with lust when in a gloryhole setting. Make a true cocksucker out of a man who has never sucked cock before. Whether it will work or not will be revealed by our test prisoners. Preliminary results are very promising."

She paused for a moment to enlighten me and, I'm sure, to   amuse herself.

"They have associated more than twenty basic human sex activities with specific chemical triggers, and have gone very far toward producing unique kinds of drugs to create intense craving for the many kinds of  sex acts. They have already isolated ten very effective drugs in this research,  and  the results have been astonishing. The subjects are  driven  to insane craving that they must satisfy in a certain way  and cannot  stop until they do."

"I have seen some of these tests and the effect is so  powerful that  the subjects go berserk while fucking or  sucking."

She grinned slyly at me....."You are testing one of them now my stupid slave."

She swabbed my arm and jabbed the needle in roughly.  I jerked as she emptied the syringe into my bloodstream, and it felt like I had been lifted off the floor and was floating now.

She continued talking as she cleaned the injection area.

"There now..... you have a date with many needy cocks and  we're going to test the effectiveness of our newly  developed drug. You will have a dirty and smelly mouth by  the time you finish and we will bring you back in two hours  to scrub you oral cavity thoroughly. Your breath will stink  more than when you ate my shit believe me,  convict cock is  very nasty!"

She grinned slyly at me and pulled at my balls.

"You will no doubt be milked by the new female doctor and you would be advised to produce large amounts of cum for her!"

"I've never met her but I've heard that she has quite a nasty reputation in her career as a prison physician."


The gloryhole rooms were not that far away and the two  nurses took me there hands cuffed behind, and nurse Debra  ran her tongue around her lips for me as we walked and  giggled at my discomfort.   I began to experience the most  intense sexual need ever, and my penis became super hard  and bounced with my every step. We went to the end of the  hallway and past the security guard and into the elevator.

On the ride up Debra was slowly fondling my cock,  to catch the drainage, and licked her hand off as the precum trickled over her fingers. We left the secure  elevator area and went through another hallway to a room  adjacent to one of the men's bathrooms and Christina opened  the door. The space was small and narrow and contained a  secured chair with hand restraints and a head restraint  around the hole in the wall leading into the men's toilet.

I could hear that there were many prisoners in there and  guards were present to supervise them. Christina had me sit  in the chair and my ankles were secured by metal cuffs and  my arms to the armrests by another set of metal cuffs. The  cuffs were padlocked so that it would be impossible  for me to move or escape.

They pushed my head toward the wall where there was a  cylindrical covering over the hole to fit into my mouth.

Thankfully it appeared to be completely clean, and they  pushed until the cup widened my mouth to the limit,  filling my whole oral cavity. A strap  was pulled around my head and secured to the wall until it  was snug, so that now I was absolutely immobile and at the  mercy of whoever was on the other side of that wall.

The seats and armrests were padded so that it was  reasonably comfortable all things considered. The hole was  in a small room in the men's bathroom designed just for  that purpose so the the prisoner could shut the door and  relieve himself sexually, zip up, and leave for the next  prisoner to enter.

Speed was encouraged to allow as many inmates as possible  to find relief, so that it took only a few minutes for an  already horny male to enjoy himself and ejaculate. The  prisoners were not allowed to speak to the cocksucker under  penalty of losing usage rights in the bathroom. If the  prisoner injured the suck host in any way he would lose  privileges and possibly severe punishment.

All prisoners who enjoyed this pleasure were required to be  fully tested for disease, and anyone infected with a  sexually transmitted disease or any other kind were not  allowed to participate. Unfortunately the uncleanliness of  many of the inmates was not a prohibitive factor and their  genital residue was cleaned off by the unfortunate  cocksucker.

It was a well setup operation and designed merely to reduce  the sexual tension in the general prison population, and  also was a perfect testing ground for the exotic sex drugs  being produced by the researchers here.

I was breathing heavily by now and my balls and cock were  burning with heat, and I was intensely aroused like I had  never been before. The disgusting situation I found myself  in now made me want to puke but I was so horny that I just  didn't care anymore and I resigned myself to just tough it  out and try to get some kind of perverted gratification  from it.

Christina flipped a switch turning on a red light outside  the stall door on the other side, and simultaneously  unlocking the door. Prisoners were given a five minute  warning before the stall was closed and locked after two hours,  and they had to be out of there before that happened.

Christina pushed my head against the wall once more for good measure  and they turned to leave.

"We will be back in two hours and by that time the stall on  the other side will be locked and closed.  Remember  everything I told you whore, swallow whatever is put in  your mouth, except urine. Do not ejaculate! The new doctor will want to do that for you."

Her last words shocked me since it had never occurred to me  that they might piss in my mouth, but as far as the ejaculation went  I doubted seriously if I  would even come close. The thought of male inmates urinating in my mouth was deeply disgusting to me but I was absolutely trapped at this point and must take whatever was given me.

I cringed and sat there shaking with indescribable lust, my  penis going into spasms and locking up periodically. I  could feel my precum leaking out and my balls were  beginning to swell from the intense sexual charge running  through my whole body. I suddenly began to fear that I  might actually cum, but I believed I could control myself  in that regard.

I sat there dreading what would come next and when I heard the  door open on the other side a chill of indescribable  excitement went through me and saliva was already beginning  to pour out of my mouth. My tongue moved unhampered inside  the mouth cup, and I felt a severe case of butterflies when  I heard an inmate walk up to the hole and unzip.

I was going bananas by now and shaking with lust and tried  to push out the craving for cock that dominated my thoughts  but it was no use. I was disgusted with myself and I began  lusting for the penis that would soon be stuffed in my  mouth.

The man stroked shortly and then I felt a hard  male organ  being shoved all the way to the back of my throat. I gasped  with unbelievable shame and lust as he began to fuck his  dick in and out forcing his wet pisshole against the back  of my tongue. He began pumping rapidly and his precum was  already spilling into the back of my throat.

I didn't even try to resist but started swallowing the  fluid from the start. He groaned almost inaudibly and  thrust his cock all the way in nearly gagging me and  squirted a huge gusher of warm semen over my tongue. I knew  there were video cameras trained on me and that I had no  choice but to eat the slippery and salty sperm fluid  that he ejected between my wide open lips.

I gulped and swallowed rapidly and cum and saliva were  pouring out from my lower lip as I ate the pasty mess. He  finally stopped squirting and I heard a sigh of relief as  he zipped up and left. It sounded like there was a line  waiting outside the door now and the next convict was in  and unzipped already.

He thrust his unwashed penis deep into the hole and began  to fuck deeply, gasping in pleasure. His cock was filthy  and had smegma on the head but I was insanely horny by now  and when he roped out a thick wad of dick snot I gulped it  down quickly and my tongue was lapping at his pisshole  while he was spitting his wad in my mouth.

I lost control of my senses and my need to suck cock  exploded in a world of filthy lust. The third cock was in  my mouth shortly later and was a large one and the head was  also filthy. I knew I was so fantastically lustful that I  would not vomit. Far from it I was gulping dick scum like a  two dollar whore and it made me so hot I was groaning and  gasping in pleasure.

A line of needy inmates followed one another into the stall  and got their nuts off in my mouth and I was going crazy  for it. I was absolutely flabbergasted that this was  happening and my mind felt like it had snapped from the  lust and pleasure.

I could not get enough cock and time after time for two  solid hours swampy dicks were shoved in the hole and  emptied of their salty load. I knew there must have been a  big puddle of slime in the collection spittoon, as they  called it, and a lot more in my stomach. As Christina had  said, I was belching digested cum gas now, and the acrid  odor did nothing to stop the insane craving I had for the  filthy  peckers being shoved in my mouth.

I was getting sore from sitting in the same position but  still craved more cock. The last load was so bitter and  disgusting I had a twinge of nausea but only for a second.  I gulped the enormous load down, glugging it voraciously five or six times  until the stinking dick stopped squirting.

The the five minute warning came on and soon the door was  locked and no more prisoners came in. I was still sweating  and gasping since my craving or dick was as strong as  before. My chin was covered with thick globs of half dried  semen, and cock cheese and dirt, and I sat there waiting  for the two nurses to come back.

I felt like I had been eating out of a garbage can and it  was truly humiliating for me.  I knew the scars from this would never go away.

The door opened and Christina and Debra came in and  released me from the chair. When my head was lose Debra  pulled back easy to dislodge the mouth cylinder. My jaw was  cramped and my breath stunk terribly.

The uncuffed me and helped me get up and Christina wiped my  lower chin with a towel. She scrunched up her face in  disgust and looked away from the smell.

"My you must have had all the filthy ones come in today you  poor bastard!"

They cuffed me and walked me to the elevator and we went  back down to the lower area. Nothing was said during the  trip back and I was shaking uncontrollably from the trauma.

They put my face in a sink and scrubbed my mouth out  thoroughly with a brush, scrapping off all the caked  residue on my tongue and the surfaces inside. Finally they  toweled out my mouth several times and cleaned my body off.  Then they had me gargle with a special mouthwash a few  times. I belched again when they finished and Debra screwed  up her face and pulled away in disgust.

"Son of a fucking bitch slave get some dam food down to  cover up that scum in your stomach. You're making me sick."

Christina looked at me proudly....."You sucked and  swallowed forty seven loads of cum today! are a devoted  cocksucker aren't you?"

"Come here", Christina demanded, "I need to put something  on you. It's a device to insure that you do not masturbate  when you are not in the lab."

It was a tube for the penis to rest in even when fully  erect. The tube was attached to a belt that was locked  around the waist and could be released only with a special  key. An opening at the end of the tube allowed urination  but not access for stimulation. It was designed so that it  could not be stroked against the penis to masturbate since this would be very painful, and  allowed only sleep and showering and bladder relief.

"You must wear this at all times when you are not with us  in the lab. It won't hurt you if you don't try to jackoff.  If we ever find out you have broken  this rule you will be punished severely!"

"Oh yes mam......yes mam!"

Back in my room there was a nutritious meal and I ate  ravenously and then took a good shower and fell into bed.  It wouldn't take long to adjust to the anti masturbation  tube, just a little effort. I absolutely did not intend to  risk breaking this rule anyway. I was terrified to my core  of the nurses and new doctor, and would do whatever they  wanted, regardless. That thought alone was frightening  since I didn't really know what they would be asking in  this scary place in the future.

I was out quickly, my body and mind stopped functioning at  the same time.


Several hours later in the afternoon I was awakened by the  nurses, restrained,  and taken to the doctor's examination office where they removed the anti masturbation device. I was pretty well  rested and my balls were swollen with cum from my sexual  drug adventure which now seemed like a nightmare to me,   and my cock was terrifically hard and dripping again.

Christina checked my blood pressure and heart rate and  looked into my eyes closely, pulling up my eyelids a bit  too  roughly. She checked my respiration with a stethoscope  and wrote on her chart.

"Let me smell your breath", she commanded,  opening my mouth.  I breathed out and she was obviously repelled by the odor  and gave me several breath mints.

"The new doctor wants to give you a thorough physical exam and closely examine your body and sexual apparatus. I see that you've got a major hardon so I think that  will please her. We've been feeding you those large amounts  of supplements to increase your ejaculation output, and  this is important during your testing."

"Make sure you cooperate fully with her and give her your  biggest load of semen. I imagine she will be quite insistent that you do that."

"After sucking all those nasty cocks you're about ready for  anything aren't you?"

I stared blankly at her and nodded.

"Does that mean yes whore?"

I came to life and answered her promptly....

"Yes mam!"

"Good, you never know what might happen next in this place.  Just be a perfect test slave and do exactly what you're told  no matter what it is. You are not to be concerned about  whether or not you want to do something, that's none of your fucking just do precisely as commanded  without even a moments hesitation or I  clear?"

"Oh yes mam!!"

"Good boy!"

"You're a good doormat aren't you bitch?"

"Yes mam...oh yes mam!"


They took me to the doctor's medical treatment room down the hallway and sat me on the end of an examination table.

"Doctor Schulz will be here shortly", Christina grinned knowingly, "after your session with her  you will be brought back over to the lab for more conditioning. Do try not to shake so much, be a man and take what is coming! She slapped my face lightly. You don't want her to think you're a pussy do you?"

She left and I shivered slightly in my nakedness staring at the door after her. I looked furtively around the room and hugged my naked shoulders with both hands. I had always hated this, waiting for a doctor or nurse to arrive, and my stomach did flipflops as I perused the instruments and drugs around me. There were two rolling stools in the room and two stainless steel carts.

The carts were full of  instruments were covered with a green cloth and I didn't even want to know what was under there. There were three or four fixtures in the room including the exam table, and all of them had a full complement of restraint straps. On the other side of the room were hanging shackles. This did nothing to calm me and the strong smell of antisceptic in the room made it even worse.

I waited impatiently as the minutes passed and began to blank my mind to everything around me to dull the severe anxiety that gripped me. How much pain could I take? How bad would it be? I knew this didn't help and tried to put my mind in a calm comfortable place where there was no fear or pain.

That's easy when you're not really being threatened.....try it in an actual situation.....where you cannot escape into a fantasy. After awhile my back became sore from sitting without support on the exam table and I shuffled around and tried to ease my aching muscles.

I was shaking noticeably by now, and dared to stand and loosen my muscles.  After what seemed like an eternity I heard footsteps coming down the long hallway and I froze in terror and sat again. I would obey....I would obey....I would obey anything she told me to do.


By the time the door opened I was barely able to control myself and smiled bravely so that would be the first thing she saw. The woman who entered was mature, very pretty and well endowed, with short dark hair, and wore a white lab coat and stethoscope.

When our eyes met I sat transfixed by her penetrating stare, and she did not smile. Behind her was an absolutely gorgeous young female probably no more than 19,  who wore a very tight nurses uniform with white top and pants that displayed her phenomenal body perfectly.  She wore a neatly mounted nurses cap and her hair was brownish blond and her pretty face smiled slightly. She looked at me intensely, and in a moment had stared me down and I dropped my eyes to the floor.

"My name is Dr Inga Schulz and this is my assistant nurse Heidi Bruner. I see that your name is Jim French.  Hmmm.....strangely fitting for you in this place."

She didn't smile but read from the chart she carried with her. She read in silence as I sat there trembling and finally lay the chart down on the counter.

She was about 5ft 7in and wore a dark skirt and white blouse and her manner was mesmerizing to me. She exuded confidence and strength,  and I could tell she was a consummate professional. She smelled of a strong soap rather than perfume, and it made her appearance cold and calculating.

"Stand!", she commanded.

I jumped up at once and looked squeamishly at the two.

"We are going to give you a physical examination now, and you must obey us quickly and without hesitation!", she said evenly.

She glanced at her lovely assistant and grabbed my arm, turning me around for her view. I was unable to control my shaking and she slapped me hard in the face.

"Stop trembling at once!", she barked, her expression stern and tense.

"You don't want Heidi to think you are a coward do you?"

I straightened and calmed down immediately, realizing that I must find the strength I needed rather than be shamed before them. Heidi grinned in amusement at me and looked my body over with a growing lust.

"No mam."


"Sit again while I take your vitals."

I sat down on the end of the examination table again and the doctor took her stethoscope and checked my breathing front and back. The luscious Heidi stood nearby with a chart in her hands ready to take notes.

She moved the cold stethoscope sensor around my back and then my chest as I breathed in and out. Then she checked my pulse carefully.

"120 over 80 with 90 pulse."

Heidi made notes as she spoke.

"His pulse is high but I think he is a bit excited."

"Are you excited in front of my pretty assistant Jim?"

".....yes mam."

"Heidi likes your body Jim, I can tell.....don't you Heidi?"

Heidi grinned widely....."Yes doctor Schulz, he has  such a fine penis, and such a LARGE penis and it is UNCUT!"

My cock was hard and bouncing as they talked and was draining precum.

"What would you say Heidi, about nine inches?"

Heidi leaned down and looked closely at my hard pecker as it jerked again.....

"I would say ten inches at least doctor Schulz!"

The doctor put her stethoscope around her neck again.

"Perhaps you are right nurse Heidi, we will find out shortly."

She examined inside my ears and nose carefully and then took a tongue depressor and ordered me to say 'ahhhh'.

With my mouth open widely she pushed down and far back on my tongue and I gagged and coughed.

She sneered slightly as she threw the used depressor into a trash can.

"You'll will get over your gag reflex Jim I assure you."

She grinned at Heidi as she said this and the short stacked nurse sniggered slightly, both of them knowing of my visit to the gloryhole recently.

Dr Schulz looked at me sternly and motioned for me to sit in another chair nearby with a fold down armrest in front.

"Take his blood", she ordered.

I sat down and Heidi dropped the platform in front of me.

"Lay your arm over and down please", the cute nurse said professionally.

She sat in front of me and wrapped an elastic band very tightly around my forearm, and pulled my arm down between her legs so that my hand was actually touching her crouch area. I was stunned and my dick jerked hard again and dribbled out a bit of clear fluid.

"Look at the mess you're making",  she barked......."control yourself!"

I concentrated on something other than where my hand was lying as Heidi palpated my vein roughly.  Then she rubbed the area with an alcohol swab and brought the extraction needle next to my skin.

"This might sting a bit", she breathed, as she shoved inward deeply.

I jerked involuntarily as the sharp pain gripped my arm....

"Hold still or it will be worse", she said in a particularly nasty tone.

She began to probe the needle in and out, apparently unable to find a good location to withdraw blood. I tensed and gritted my teeth at the agony and tears began to form in my eyes from the pain until finally on the fifth try she got the needle placed successfully. She shoved in extra hard and I almost jumped out of the chair, and she had a strange look on her face and was obviously enjoying herself fully. She finished and taped a gauze patch over the area.

After the blood was taken she lifted the top and I stood again as she put the sample in a small refrigerator.

"Now give me a urine sample", she said, handing me a small plastic cup.

Dr Schulz stood nearby letting Heidi conduct the tests, and was also making notes on her chart.

Heidi led me over to a toilet nearby and pulled the lid up. I put my cock over the cup and tried to urinate.  My dick was too hard for urination and Heidi make an impatient sound and looked up testily at me. She pinched the head of my penis sharply and I screeched in pain as my hips moved backward from the agony. I lost my erection quickly.

She put a hotpack around my left hand and waited impatiently. I was trying desperately to produce urine and finally when it looked like Heidi's patience was gone my flow began and continued uncontrolled. It flooded the cup and shot into the toilet bowl and continued for some time.

"You're must have had a full bladder,  you're pissing like a shake it out!", she said, as I milked out the last few drops.

"Hold this paper towel under your penis", she said,  "and come over here."

Dr Schulz had put the chart and her stethoscope on the counter  and walked over to another part of the room. She stood near me and rubbed my buttocks and fondled my penis and testicles briefly.

"Now Jim, we need a sample of your seminal fluid" she said, "and we insist on a large sample don't we Heidi?"

"Yes doctor", Heidi grinned, "a very very large sample!"

They both chuckled at this.

There were hand cuffs hanging from the ceiling and straps on the floor for the ankles.  She lowered the straps until they were within easy reach.

"Put your hands up and hold them there", she ordered.

I was nervous about this but reluctantly raised my arms above me.

She tightened the padded straps around my wrists while Heidi strapped down my ankles. Heidi pulled by legs apart so that I had a wide stance and then tightly cuffed my feet.

The doctor raised the straps until my arms were extended fully upward but I was still flat on my widely spread feet.

Heidi sat behind me on a rolling chair with a cart beside her and moved inward and put her knees between my legs and against my inside thighs. Dr Schulz rolled another stainless steel cart over and next to my front. She sat on another rolling chair and began to fondle my cock and balls.

She examined my testicles quite thoroughly, pulling on them and rubbing every part of them between her strong fingers, asking me to cough several times. I grunted in distress as she squeezed my captured nuts between her fingers.  Then she removed the green cloth covering the cart and took a long thin thermometer in her hand.

She lubricated the tip and gripped the base of my penis tightly, then slowly inserted the medical thermometer up my urethra all the way to the base. I yelled in pain and tears flooded my eyes from the intense sting but she continued until it was deeply seated.

Nurse Heidi held my legs apart with her knees and put her arms around my hips tightly to keep me from moving.

My cock pulsed and began to push the thermometer out and I groaned and gasped as it slowly slid back up my sore dick. It popped out into the doctor's hand and she read it carefully and noted the temperature on her chart.

When she had finished with this Heidi lubricated her finger and slid it deeply up my asshole. I squirmed and gasped in pleasure as she forced it into the depths of my rectum, and as Dr Schulz began to masturbate me Heidi took my loose hanging balls in her other hand and squeezed tightly.

She held my nuts firmly and spread them apart and twisted them forcefully, rubbing them together and kneading them from top to bottom. She grunted slightly as she worked me and moved her finger around widely inside my rectum.

Dr Schulz lubricated my penis and began to jack me off, and her expert hand rotated and slid up and down expertly.

I jerked in pain as Heidi carefully she explored every part of my delicate gonads, periodically pulling down on them and releasing them so that they bounced back up into position. The doctor was obviously an expert at milking cocks and soon I was on the threshold of ejaculation. Just as I was about to cum Heidi would pull my sore balls all the way down again and prevent it.

I began to whine in pleasure-pain as they worked me, incredibly hot from the sexual stimulation drugs.

Suddenly the door opened and closed and a woman came in and stood a few feet away staring curiously at me.

Dr Schulz stopped at once and stood....."Warden Mueller, so nice of you to stop by during an examination!"

Heidi stopped working my hot balls and pulled them downward, holding them.

The warden was a woman in her forties with reddish brown hair and a rough kind of beauty. She obviously did not use makeup, and did not smile when she was greeted. She was about 5ft 6in or so and wore a white blouse and long gray skirt that reached well below her knees.

"Please continue Inga", she said quietly, "I want to see how this one produces. He is quite handsome and I must say possesses quite a large penis!"

"I assume he has had a visit to the gloryhole?", she questioned.

Dr Schulz wiped her hand off with a towel as my cock began to bounce again and dribble precum.

"Yes he has", said Inga, "and I hear quite successfully. The specialized drug used there at the moment is working very well."

The warden looked at me again with no discernable expression on her face and took a step forward.

"You are a cocksucker now Jim, and nothing can change that. Did you enjoy giving oral service to so many of the needy inmates?", she asked.

I was stunned and looked incredulously at her.....

"I........I've never....."

"Yes or no Jim, did the drugs make you want to suck cock?"


My self esteem dropped completely as I admitted it, and I felt a rage and shame that Heidi should hear it.......I was actually embarrassed before her, perhaps because she was so young and incredibly hot.


"Alright Inga and Heidi, proceed and let me see what he's got."

The warden sat on a nearby chair and stared intently at me.

Heidi resumed her strong fondling of my captured testicles, and the doctor took out some kind of penis measuring device and slipped it down my cock to the base. She examined it carefully as she rubbed my pisshole to maintain my rock hard erection.

"You were right Heidi, his length is 10 and 3/4 inches. Very impressive. She looked at the warden who was smiling just slightly......Heidi loves men's cocks and balls so much she knows everything about them!"

The warden shifted slightly......."Such a nice firm prick and heavy sperm bags.....he will be valuable to us in many ways."

Dr Schulz began to masturbate me rapidly

"Maintain eye contact with the warden Jim, and show her how manly you are!"

She looked up at me and her hand was a blur of stroking and within seconds I groaned out loud and grunted as I spit hot sperm milk into a plastic container that she held below my erupting penis.

Heidi pinched nerve bundles near the top of my ball sac and the pain made me climax far more powerfully. I screamed in pleasure as I pumped my hips outward again and again and my pecker shot out several long streamers of thick white fluid as I grunted like a pig and stared at the warden's lustful eyes.

Her mouth was half open as she looked at the spectacle, and she licked her lips as she enjoyed the forced milking. Soon I fell back and slumped on the shackles, and groaned as Heidi fondled my nuts.

"Put the mini IV container on him Heidi", said Inga as she gently rolled the foreskin up and down my spent dick.

The warden and doctor watched as their pretty nurse reached over and took a container from the cart. She leaned down and swabbed the top of my foot and took an IV needle and inserted it into a vein. The sharp sting made me grunt in pain and the warden seemed pleased with my discomfort.

Heidi taped the needle in and attached the mini IV bag to my lower leg with a Velcro strap. Within seconds I jerked in ecstasy as the powerful drug began to pour into my bloodstream. I gasped in pleasure as it went to every fiber of my body and I became more sexually aroused than I had ever been in my life.

"I moaned out loud as Heidi reached from behind me and began to beat me off with her right hand, her skilled fingers rolling my foreskin back and forth over my semi hard penis. I became erect quickly and she was so good at it that I shook from head to toe with pleasure, whining strangely at the enormous sexual need gripping me.

Within a short time I gasped and let out a long moan as I ejaculated again, and Heidi's expert hand soon milked out more spurts of my male fluid as I stared into the eyes of the warden. My balls tightened painfully and went into a spasm as Heidi stroked out the last few drops of semen.

The IV was introducing the drug in such concentration into my system that I became erect again within a very short time and Heidi began jacking me off once more as I jerked against the restraints. She held my legs tightly apart with her knees and shoved her finger deeply up my rectum twisting it in all directions. It hurt quite a bit and I screamed in pain as she worked her hand rapidly up and down my sore pecker.

My cock was stinging in agony now and my balls hurt so badly I could barely breathe. The warden moved in closer and licked her lips in pleasure as Heidi wanked me off again.

Heidi was breathing heavily now engrossed in her nasty work. She rubbed her mouth against my thigh as she jerked me off and a drop of her saliva was running down my leg.

"Do you like that you long prick you like me pumping your hot pecker off? I know what your bad boy needs Jim.....she quickened her hand and I screamed loudly in pleasure and pain as my poor nuts tightened into a fiery knot of agony,  and spit out a few more drops of what was left in my severely milked balls.

"That's right you fuck!   Spit your wad for me.....mmmmm....I know what's good for you Jim!"

"A handsome guy like you needs to be drained often and Heidi can do it just right!"

Finally she stopped, having become aware of my serious distress and wiped her hand off with a towel. She pulled out the IV needle from the top of my foot and put a gauze patch on the site and taped it, then she removed the small unit from my leg.

Warden Mueller was still sitting there transfixed, obviously in a state of deep arousal, and as nurse Heidi spread my asscheeks and opened my asshole the excited warden began breathing heavily, rubbing her crouch area.

Pretty Heidi then shoved her delicate tongue up my asshole, forcing it in all the way, and the warden pulled up her skirt and reached into her panties, finding her wet hole. She began to masturbate herself, completely oblivious to all of us watching.

Heidi groaned and moaned as she tasted the inside of my anal hole and gripped my asscheeks tightly....

"Ohhhhhhh   shit!   Mmmmm  love the fucking smell of your asshole you long pecker cocksucker....mmmm......", she exclaimed as she rubbed her face all over my slippery bunghole.

As Heidi sucked my open asshole and licked deeply inside me the warden gasped and screamed in orgasm, and a streamer of her female juice squirted over her hand. Finally she slumped back,  looking at the mess in her panties and then stared blankly at us all.

The doctor seemed very pleased and hastened to reassure the warden that she needn't feel awkward and that she was glad that she had experienced such a good orgasm. Warden Helga pulled up her underwear and straightened her skirt and walked to the door..... there were wet stains over her lower area and she seemed not to notice them.

She paused before leaving......"Get him ready for toilet service in the women's bathrooms", she grunted, "we're going to try a new technique very soon......taking blood samples during a particular kind of sex act, and analyzing the blood chemistry so it can be duplicated artificially. The lab people say they will have a device to do that soon and it could revolutionize the whole research program."

"I will see you later Inga."

"Yes warden Mueller."

She left and nurse Heidi had stood and was standing in front of me with a peculiar expression of lust on her face, and there was a distinct light brown coating around her mouth. She licked her lips and wiped her face off and scrubbed it clean in the sink.

I was almost senseless as Dr Schulz lowered me down and then waited for Heidi to release my ankles. I was able to stand but wobbled a bit as they cuffed me and took me back to the other lab. Christina and Debra were glad to see us and had been waiting to continue their treatment sessions.

However, when they saw how exhausted I was they decided I should have a good sleep and nutrition before any more conditioning work.  They knew I would be in no mood to touch myself after what I had been through so they just took me to my room and left a nutritious meal with me and let me rest for the night.

Faintly I remembered warden Mueller's reference to toilet service in the women's bathrooms, and  this left a sickening feeling in my mind. I was so tired, however, that I fell asleep instantly, and rested completely the whole night.

Prison Guinea Pig-part 3

This story is intended as sexual fetish entertainment for  ADULTS ONLY.

The next morning my balls were aching deeply and the fact  that I was not required to wear the masturbation inhibitor  during the night was a big help. Apparently they figured I  would be quite sore and irritated from my heavy session  with the prison doctor and her nurse and not in the mood  to stimulate myself.

They were correct.  My cock was raw and and my pisshole  hurt inside. I had been given medications and pain killers  the night before but these had mostly worn off, and as I  lay naked in my bed I gently massaged my swollen nuts and  cock. I had never ejaculated in such a manner before my  visit with Dr Inga Shultz and her fantastically endowed  and pretty nurse Heidi Bruner.

I had also never been so hysterically horny in my life due  to the powerful and unique sexual stimulation drugs given  me, and I'm sure my screams of pleasure were quite  entertaining for the doctor, her nasty nurse Heidi Bruner,  and Warden Helga Mueller, who witnessed my disgraceful  milking, and actually masturbated herself to orgasm as I  was worked over.

About an hour after I finished breakfast and a good  shower, I was taken by Nurse Christina and Nurse Debra to  the main lab. My stomach was doing flipflops not knowing  what would be coming today and I was given two injections  of 'fecal specific aphrodisiacs', as Christina called  them.

Debra pointed out to me that the drugs were being  specifically designed for the purpose of stimulating me to  want to eat women's shit.

Her complete candor and lack of emotional involvement left  me feeling like a used condom, and as the exotic drugs  began to take effect the two grinned slyly at me.

Christina massaged my cock and balls and soon I had a  terrific hardon bouncing uncontrollably to her strong  hand.

I had been very painfully convinced that any thought of  escape or disobedience would be extremely unfortunate for  me, and I dreaded further whippings, remembering that I  might receive more later.

My stomach began a strange cascade of inner tingling, and  my cock was oozing a bit of precum. Christina rubbed her  finger over my pisshole and smeared the clear fluid over  my cockhead.

From somewhere inside my psyche the smell of their shit  began to fill my consciousness, and I had not even been  exposed to it today yet. 

Christina led me my the balls to the bathroom and Debra  followed, a nasty  grin on her pretty face. Debra pinched my  nose between her fingers and spit in my face.

"You're going to eat my shit, toilet mouth!", Christina sneered.

I had wiped their asses with toilet paper and licked their  cracks clean on several occasions but had not ingested more  than that relatively small amount of feces.

Christina grabbed me by the ear and pinched hard..."Today  you will graduate to a higher level of oral service", she  said dispassionately, "you will serve Debra and I completely, and before long the female prisoners in a special bathroom here at the prison.

"But first my disgusting crap slave, you will eat the brown waste out  of my ass after my bowel movement, and you will do the  same for Debra."

I looked at her with glazed eyes, not knowing if that would be  possible for me, but knowing that I had no choice  whatever."

I was becoming extremely aroused by now and my penis  was bouncing uncomfortably as I slowly licked my  lips.

Christina pulled her skirt up and panties down as she sat  on the open  stool and Debra pushed down on my  shoulders making me drop to my knees behind the toilet.

She shoved my face down next to Christina's buttcrack and  held it there as Christina strained and forced out a long  smelly turd which dropped into the water with a splash.  The strong odor instantly sent a piledriver of lust  through me, and my entire sexual infrastructure suffered a  tremendous shock. 

I was so horny I gasped in ecstasy, and involuntarily  grabbed my dick and began to masturbate.

Christina sat up a bit opening the gap between her pretty  asscrack and the toilet water, and Debra shoved my face  down further into the bowl. My nose was rubbing the shit  stain in Christina's ass, and I pushed downward of my own  accord and coated my nose in her stinking excretion.

"That's right, jack yourself off but don't  cum!", said Debra, slapping my ass  hard.

The smell of Christina's shit did something extraordinary  to me, and I totally lost it as a tidal wave of insane  lechery washed over me blanking out everything else.

I desperately slurped my tongue into Christina's buttcrack  and lapped out globs of dark reeking shit. I was grunting  like a starving pig as I ate it voraciously, only experiencing a momentary gagging reflex as I gulped down her putrid anal pudding.

Christina  sat forward all the way so that I could eat her funky ass  out and clean it thoroughly.

Debra laughed uncontrollably as I went berserk eating  shit, and Christina groaned loudly in pleasure as I  finished my disgusting task.

I was huffing in pleasure by the time I finished cleaning Christina's deep fart hole and she wiped her ass several times as I kneeled there licking my lips.

Debra pulled me back and Christina got up from the toilet and moved back so that Debra could replace her.

Soon pretty Debra had her ass exposed and sat down on the stool. I was still whacking off but Christina slapped my head to slow me down.

"Ease off shit whore, I don't want you to cum!"

Debra sat forward a bit as she began to evacuate her bowels and Christina pushed my head down behind Debra's well formed asscrack.  My nose was close to Debra's rear hole as a long glob of rancid crap roped out, and it rubbed my nose and coated it as it fell into the toilet water.

The rancid smell drove me off the edge and I whined in ecstasy as I lapped my tongue down and ate a lump of her brown waste as it came out. The toilet water splashed in my face and dripped from my chin as a raging psychotic need took over my whole world.

I cleaned out Debra's deep asscrack and slurped loudly as she grunted in approval. By the time I had eaten out Debra's tight asshole and cleaned it thoroughly, my face was a brown mass of stinking excrement and I shook violently, licking my lips to get at the residue around them. I fought back a belch, but could not stop it and the disgusting odor nearly brought my ghastly lunch back up.

When Debra got up  Christina slapped my head and shoved my face down into the bowl touching the shit floating there.

"Eat the shit out of the bowl whore!", she barked loudly.

I quickly opened my mouth and dove in, eating globs of human dung from the toilet. I was in a psychotic trance by now and did not know or care what I was doing. I just had to relieve my raging need!

I began to beat my meat desperately and Christina grabbed my balls and pinched them painfully.

"Stop it whore! I told you not to cum now!"

I lay propped against the back of the toilet quivering and gasping in complete shame.

The two perverted women reached down and wiped my mouth and face with toilet paper, tossing the shit coated leavings into the stool.

"Your mouth is just like an asshole slave, and must be cleaned the same way!", Debra laughed.

They took me to a deep sink nearby and allowed me to scrub myself thoroughly, then took me back into the main lab again.

Then they sat me down and took two large samples of my blood for analysis. Debra was none too gentle while probing my arm with the needle but had never damaged me in this regard. She just liked to inflict the sharp pain and watch my discomfort.

Christina then labeled and put the blood samples in the cooling unit for temporary storage.

"We need to know your exact blood chemical composition after each drug session. That way the lab can improve the potency of our test drugs continually."

She grinned wickedly...."Apparently this last injection was extremely effective! It made you go from zero to crapeater in a very short time. You should see the results of some of the other sexual activity stimulators.....unbelievable!!"

"We've developed drugs that make any other kind of aphrodisiac on the planet look useless by comparison. You should see what we give men and women to make them want to fuck! Spanish Fly is nothing!"


Within a short time I was strapped in kneeling on the treatment platform again in the main lab with Debra behind me forcing a dildo up my well lubricated asshole. There were also two other pretty nurses working in the lab now.....

Nurse Frieda Schmidt and Nurse Eva Volstad, both pretty young blondes, and extraordinarily well endowed.

As Debra painfully worked my rear hole to a wider and wider condition the two stood nearby observing carefully, obviously quite amused.

Debra talked while she worked and as I grunted in discomfort.

"We're getting him ready for future usage by staff....he's already sucked forty seven cocks in one of the men's bathrooms. You've never seen a more disgusting mess than when we went back to retrieve him!"

Frieda grinned wickedly as she rubbed my nipples and looked me in the face....

"So you're an experienced cocksucker now huh?", she chuckled.

And looking closer,  turned up her cute nose....

"Yes I can tell by the area around your mouth, it has a certain used and abused quality about it. So you eat shit and cum too!"

Nurse Volstad pulled me by my hair and held my head up so she could look into my eyes.....

"Looks like you're screwed don't it dirtbag?", she said in her most insulting tone.

"I hear you eat a woman's shit without being forced", she snickered, "Oh my my you've got to taste my nasty rear opening baby, seems like I'm always on the crapper lately."

Debra finished her 'anal treatment' and wiped me clean inside and out, then removed her latex gloves.

She slapped my ass hard making me yelp in pain...

"You are scheduled once again for a more extended physical examination slave....I'm sure you enjoyed your last one and this one should be even more entertaining.

She released me and I crawled down from the examination table as my large balls hung behind me precariously, and Debra flipped them so they swung back and forth a bit....

She looked at the two nurses and winked at them.....

"Take the slave down to exam room 3 ladies, he has an appointment with Dr Shultz in twenty minutes. Take your prods with you but you won't need them I promise because he's such a good pussy slave....aren't you?", she laughed, pinching my nipples.

I jerked and grinned and nodded like an idiot at her and the two nurses.


Frieda and Eva took me in hand and walked me down the hallway to Dr Shultz's largest examination lab.

Frieda held my hand on one side and Eva on the other, both of them locking my fingers painfully into a restraint hold.

My fingers were jammed in a hurtful position and I tip toed carefully to keep from putting pressure on them.

"This will insure that you are a good slave" said Frieda, "a good slave avoids pain by being absolutely obedient doesn't he Eva?"

"If he is a smart pussy slave he will obey completely and absolutely!"

We reached the door to the exam lab and went inside.

There was no one there and the two nurses sat me on the end of the well equipped examination table.

I sat there naked and shivering and Frieda and Eva stood beside me.

Frieda pinched one of my nipples and spoke to me....

"To insure that you will have a full load of seminal fluid for the examination you are to masturbate for awhile before the doctor arrives."

"Jackoff until I tell you to stop, and make sure you don't ejaculate."

They sat in front of me on two rolling stools and amused themselves watching me perform for them.

I began stroking slowly and looked at the floor as I fondled my fully erect penis.

Freida slapped me hard and Eva pinched my nipples painfully....

I yelled in pain and Eva twisted until I was near screaming....

"You will look at us all the time you jackoff pussy slave, or we will punish you!"

She grabbed my face and pinched tightly....

"Yes mam....yes mam.....yes".....I squealed in pain.

"You know what edging is don't you cocksucker?"

I looked at her confused....

"It means jackoff until you are just about to cum and stop....ok?"

"Yes mam....yes mam..."

Frieda slapped me again...

"Listen to this stupid fuck... he sounds like a broken record!"

Eva loosened her grip...

"Just do what I told you asshole!"

She looked at Freida and rolled her eyes back....

"What a dumb motherfucker!", she exclaimed.

I began stoking again and looked at both of them attentively.

They relaxed and sat forward,  observing me closely.

Eva chuckled and licked her lips as she stared at me stroking off, and shifted slightly on the stool as if to relieve pressure in her crouch area.

"I always fucking get a kick out of watching a man jackoff....huffing and grunting and making funny faces."

As I scrunched up my cheeks in pleasure and began stroking faster Frieda clapped for me....

"Atta boy....jerk that fucking pecker off for Frieda and Eva....that's what you do most of the time anyway ain't it pussy slave?"

I grinned crookedly at them....."Yes....mam."

"Yes mam", Eva said in a mocking tone, "you're such a polite cocksucker  aren't you bitch?"

I grinned sheepishly and nodded my head, "Yes mam!"

They both laughed out loud enjoying my humiliation....

"Ok dufus, when you feel like you're going to cum tell us,  and then stop."

"Like I said you'd better not cum're going to save that for the doctor and her nurse aren't you cocksucker jackoff slave?"

I nodded rapidly....."Yes.....yes!."

In a few moments I had reached my limit and could feel the cum building for an eruption....

"I'm gonna cum mam.....I'm gonna cum!"

I stopped just as I was about to spurt, and gasped in pleasure, watching a few drops of precum roll down the side of my super hard prick.

"That's right,  now wait a little bit and start again dipshit, and keep doing it."

They took great pleasure in teasing me as I tried desperately not to ejaculate, and precum was accumulating at the base of my cock with each cycle. I was sweating from my efforts and the two nurses looked closely into my eyes and grinned, trying hard to humiliate me as it took more and more effort to keep from shooting my load.

"Those balls really need to release don't they cunt slave?", Eva grunted as she looked into my eyes from an inch away.

"You're not embarrassed are you puss?", she laughed.

Frieda mussed my hair and pinched my ear....then leaned back and spoke....

"I'm going to feed him some spit Eva....."

Eva moved back and smiled widely and looked at Frieda gather a mouthful of saliva....

Frieda grabbed my balls and squeezed until I yelled....and Eva forced my mouth open with her hands.....

I opened wide and the gorgeous Frieda spewed a gusher of frothy saliva into my mouth, and filled the back of my throat with her spit.

"Eat it you pussy cocksucker....swallow it!"

Without hesitation I gulped down the thick mucous, and held back my gag reflex as I stared at her and continued my stroking.

Frieda looked at me and was quite amused....."That's a good cocksucker!"

"Ain't he a good pussy whore Eva?"

Eva smiled widely......

"A good cocksucker and shit eater swallows anything put in his mouth!, Ain't that right cunt!", she drawled, looking in my eyes again.

"I'm gonna cum mam!!"

Frieda slapped me lightly....."Make sure you don't pussy slave....the doctor would be real pissed."

My coming ejaculation stopped at once and my dick lost some of it's hardness as I focused completely on restraining myself.

About that time the door opened and in walked Dr Inga Shultz and her gorgeous knockout fabulous nurse Heidi.

Frieda and Eva spoke to the doctor briefly and left, and I heard Frieda say something like 'he's been well primed'.....


Dr Shultz was a beautiful woman and it was obvious, quite enjoyed using her patients sexually while examining them. Her medical assistant,  Nurse Heidi Bruner,  was a complete sexual pervert, but was as classy as any movie star in her manner and appearance.

Her perfect features and perfect ass drove men wild I was sure, and she knew how to use her physical attributes to the fullest. She was platinum blonde, and her delicate facial prettiness was mesmerizing to me, and my cock bounced up and down as I sat staring at her and the doctor.

The doctor stood reading a chart and glanced up periodically at me while I sat eyeing Nurse Heidi's incredible ass.

Finally she put the chart down and smiled slightly at me.....

"Nurse Schmidt says that you have been prepared for us...."

"Stand please."

I hopped down from the end of the exam table and stood shivering slightly as my intractable hardon continued bouncing up and down and dripping semen.

Heidi quickly dabbed my pisshole with a small towel and peeled back my foreskin. I jumped and almost ejaculated right there, and Heidi laughed and licked her beautiful red lips as she held my throbbing penis in her strong hands.

Dr Shultz sat on one of the rolling chairs and gently fondled my swollen balls, kneading them between her fingers and feeling every part of them. She gently squeezed my testicles between her fingers and examined the nerve bundles at their base.

I was so hard that it was painful, and my dribbling cock stood out in a locked spasm as she examined my large nuts.

I groaned and hissed in pain and need as she gently examined my penis, and held the towel underneath to absorb the heavy flow of precum.

"Alright my friend, we're going to relieve you but we must do it in our way, ok?"

"Yes mam..."

I nodded and strained to keep from shooting off my load. The doctor pulled down firmly on my hanging nuts, and this effectively stopped the ejaculation process.

"Heidi keep his testicles in a descended position until we are ready for him to expel his semen."

Heidi quickly grabbed my aching jewels and pulled down firmly on them, holding onto the base of my rock hard dick. It was obvious she just loved this job, and adored the male sexual apparatus.

"Now bring him over here to this fixture Heidi", the doctor said, examining the instruments covering a rolling stainless steel table nearby.

"Come on baby", Heidi said in a near whisper, "it'll be ok, don't be afraid, ok?"

She held my nuts in her hand and we walked over to the doctor, and I kneeled down and lay partly forward on the fixture, my stomach over a flat padded support and my hands down into locking restraints. My ankles were spread widely, and my head lay on a comfortable support with my face sticking through a large padded hole. It was a design similar to that of a chiropractic examination table.

They strapped me in firmly so that I was absolutely immobile, and the doctor sat on a rolling stool so that she could easily reach my genital area, and Heidi stood near my head smoothing over my hair.

Dr Shultz pulled down on my testicles firmly, and began to knead them gently in her hands.

"I'm going to force ejaculate you now, that is to cause you to cum as many times as possible so I can have samples of each evacuation. This will tell me a great deal about your general sexual health and capabilities."

She placed a suction device under me and fastened it in place right under my jerking cock. She then slid it up and onto my penis, and pushed hard  until my cock was fully enclosed. The entrance to the suction device was so tight that it took a lubricant salve and firm pressure to make my raging hardon enter it.

I tried to cum involuntarily but Heidi held my full nuts firmly down, while the doctor tested the suck tube, and slid it up and down a few times. The hole was at least as tight as an anal opening.

I groaned in pain as she moved the cruel sucker up and down and shook all over from the strain.

The doctor spoke quietly to me.....

"First I want you to fuck the tube and ejaculate for me. Just pump your hips as though you were fucking a vagina, and completely expel the contents of your testes please."

"Heidi is going to help you with this and make the experience more satisfying."

Heidi quickly moved around and sat in front of me, her pretty face near mine. She smiled and kissed me and ran her hands through my hair, and her delicate perfume sent me into a frenzy of lust.

The doctor released my balls and I began to hump in and out, groaning and grunting, almost insane with lust. It didn't take long to shoot off, and as Heidi French kissed me and slid her tongue down my throat I popped off an enormous wad of cum, and continued to jerk violently, time after time, spitting out my massive load of fresh semen.

I could not stop my enormous seminal discharge, and whined and jerked out shot after shot of my hot cum.

Heidi kissed my face all over as I lay there motionless, my penis still dripping into the tube.

The doctor spoke quietly again and activated the suction tube, making it begin to slide up and down my still hard penis.

"Just let it suck you off and make you ejaculate again she whispered, and don't fight it."

"Yes mam", I groaned, trying to be obedient to her.

The suction soon became unbearable and I began to shake all over from the pleasure as well as the hurt. I was groaning and whining, and making strange sounds as the insatiable machine worked to empty me again.

Heidi Frenched my mouth again as well as my ears and nose, and I groaned in pleasure as she used her talents to make me get my nuts off again.

I moaned deeply as Heidi sucked on my tongue, and my sore cock spit out another large portion of seminal fluid. I grunted insanely, giving in completely to the extreme pleasure gripping me.

I lay there quivering and shaking all over, my breath coming in gasps as Heidi kissed my cheeks and smoothed over my hair.

"Mmmmmm....that's it baby, don't think, just let it suck you off and make you cum!"

When the doctor started the machine once again I yelled in pain and strained fiercely against the thick leather straps holding me.

"No! Please no!", I yelled.

Heidi quickly moved around to my rear and sat between my spread legs. I felt her hot breath on my ass and as she spread my buttcheeks I yelped in pleasure.

She began to lick my butthole voraciously, sucking it and then slid her finger all the way up inside me and worked it around rubbing my prostate gland.

The relentless suck machine worked mercilessly, and as Heidi's long tongue worked it's way up my open anus I began to pant and gasp as I once again approached the orgasm point.

I screamed out loud as I jerked violently and expelled my last drop of cum, and at that moment Heidi's tongue was deep inside my farthole licking the inside of my rectum.

I could hear her masturbating herself as she worked her oral magic inside my sphincter muscle with her long tongue, and as I cried out in pleasure, she did the same and also orgasmed.

She was obviously extremely addicted to eating a man's ass and her work was sufficient to force more cum out of me, which I considered impossible after my last ejaculation.

Dr Shultz finally stopped the machine, and removed it from my tortured penis, and unstrapped me from the fixture.

Heidi had reached down inside her panties and was wiping her crouch area with a towel, the fabric of her nursing slacks was wet from her powerful feminine release.

I tried to stand but had difficulty, and Heidi smiled and helped support me until I had steadied myself.

"That's a good boy", she laughed, "got your nuts off pretty good didn't you?"

Heidi's face was smeared with saliva and a light brown coating, and she went to the sink and washed her face and mouth thoroughly.

Before long the doctor paged the nurses, and soon Frieda and Eva came to take me back to my room.

Heidi grinned slyly as I left and ran her tongue slowly around her lips....mmmmm thank you baby!", she whispered.

I grinned and almost fell as I headed for the door.


After this amazing and strenuous session I was allowed to go to my room and sleep for the remainder of the day.

Prison Guinea Pig-part 4

    This story is intended as sexual fetish entertainment for ADULTS ONLY

                             (INTENSE SCATOLOGICAL CONTENT)

The next morning after breakfast Christina and Debra came for me again and took  me to the lab for scat preparation.

A small computerized blood collection device was strapped around my ankle and connected to  a vein by an IV needle. The device had a chronological detector inside to indicate the exact moment of each automatic blood sampling so that the metabolic signature of any chemical change in my body could be compared to the temporal presence of sexual this case eating a woman's shit.

Blood analysis in the lab would allow the scientists to duplicate and reproduce the exact chemical ID of the sexual activity involved and compose a drug cocktail that would mimic and amplify any physiological responses.

The subject would crave all sensations attached to a given drug combination. Each sampling produced a more powerful Mimicry drug and magnified the effect exponentially.

I had been given a third generation Mimicry cocktail and the effect would be extremely powerful.

I had to drink a swampy protective fluid which included liquid activated charcoal and a powerful stomach coating agent.  It was difficult to get the vile liquids  down but the nurses saw to it that I did so without delay. My mouth felt slippery and grainy and Christina wiped my lips  off and stroked my bouncing cock.

Debra gave me a full injection of wide range antibiotics, and then pinched my cheeks between her fingers as I stared anxiously at her.

"You crap eating cocksucker....this testing program was made for you. You are the perfect patsy aren't you!"

She slapped my face and smoothed over my hair.

I was in a frenzy of lust by now craving the taste of a woman's shit, but was denied this pleasure for the moment and instead taken to Warden Helga Meuller's office.

I walked naked down a long hallway between Christina and Debra,  with my hands cuffed behind me. Debra pinched my tender nipples periodically as we shuffled along.

I yelped in pain several times and this seemed to be quite amusing to Debra who was quite fond of inflicting pain on male prisoners. She slapped my bare ass hard  and pinched my balls so that I almost doubled over in pain.

"The party is over Jim, and you will soon find that what has happened up until now was merely a prelude to what will come. In a few weeks you will be so desperately horny that you will want to scream and you will beg us to relieve you with our nasty menu of aphrodisiac drugs. You will not care how you are relieved since you will be a mindless slave for our scientists to play with."

Warden Meuller's office was located on the top floor overlooking the main prison yard and a large picture window presented her with a panoramic view of her miserable inmates. It was a coed prison, one of the few of it's kind, and her task now would be to vindicate herself to the governor and top political officials by creating fantastically powerful and specific aphrodisiac drugs using a cruel and revolutionary method.

The drugs could theoretically also be made to oppose and deter any given sexual activity as well as enhance it. Sexual offenders of every kind could be controlled or even cured by the application of Reverse Sexual Specific Medications.

When Jim and the nurses entered the Warden continued working on her reports and didn't say a word.  Christina and Debra stood silently, and Debra had a tight grip on my balls.

They knew instinctively that they must be carefully courteous in the presence of the Warden in her office.

Over near the window a stunning blond woman in her mid thirties looked at me intensely as though I were merely prime beef to be graded and used. She wore a   tight fitting  and snow white nurse's uniform,  and had a scarlet border on her nursing cap and collar.

Her name and title was Special Treatment Nurse Ilsa Haught, and she was in charge of the specifically equipped torture and punishment testing lab. The lab was directly behind the Warden's office and connected by a door in the rear of the room.

Ilsa was in charge of conditioning test prisoners to ejaculate while under the influence of pain.  Using Mimicry drugs the men would experience orgasmic release while being whipped or otherwise tortured.

She also delivered severe punishment to deserving men who had commited serious offenses in the prison and rapists and child molesters who had been removed from the general population but not from Ilsa's influence.

Helga enjoyed the look of horror on an inmate's face when he was being interviewed in her office....mortified by the screams of men being whipped  in the back room by Fraulein Haught.

Ilsa was exotically pretty and her body was incomparable and she was the consummate pain executrix in the dreams of sex starved male prisoners.

She was an expert at her job, and it was a bad day when a male inmate met her professionally. She grinned ever so slightly as I glanced up at her for a moment, and I dropped my head in terror from her calm, calculating expression.

Warden Meuller finished and lay down her paperwork.

"So", she said as she grinned widely at my erect penis, "I am honored by the presence of a ten inch cock!"

She came over and pulled on my already hard member and flipped it a few times, feeling it's full girth. She smeared my precum over her fingers and licked it off, smiling happily.

"You are to visit our special women's bathroom facility next Jim French and serve them as a voracious shit eater....I hear you have been prepared for your disgusting task by our capable special nursing staff, and that you are already quite good at your shameful habit."

She grinned crookedly at Christina and Debra as she spoke.

Warden Meuller was actually quite attractive for a woman in her forties, and was blessed with a pretty face and a very well formed body. Though austere in her dress and manner she was more than desirable to the prison population, both male and female.

The vile Warden smiled invitingly at Jim.

"Come with me inmate....I want to savor your disgusting oral needs."

She walked to the back of the room and opened the door to her well equipped bathroom. There was a luxurious bidet toilet and shower and other creature comforts.

I was becoming desperate with need and the thought of Warden Meuller  having a bowel movement now was all consuming for me.

I cared about nothing but eating her shit!

Christina and Debra stood my the door of the bathroom with expressions of deep carnal anticipation as the Warden stood over the toilet and pushed me to my knees behind it. She pulled her skirt up and panties down and flopped awkwardly onto the heavy duty toilet lid.

"Here....put your face down into my buttcrack prisoner and let me give you a treat!"

I was gasping in lust by now and dropped down and shoved my face forward, my nose touching the top of her rear crevice.

She reached back and held my head as she began to strain and soon her bowels released their load of disgusting waste matter and the sound of her gas release and the crap splashing in the water hit me like a pile driver! The smell was ghastly but also intensely erotic to me as I breathed it in and savored it.

" is good!", she exclaimed.

She sat forward and spread her asscheeks and I dove in and slurped out a thick glob of steaming feces from her well formed anus. I was in a frenzy as I licked the area all around her sloppy waste hole cleaning off the layer of fecal matter and swallowing it eagerly.

"Such a filthy shit eater!", she exclaimed, spreading her pungent rear crack for me.

She moaned loudly as I worked and obviously enjoyed being serviced in this way.

I gasped and groaned loudly in pleasure as I licked her brown smeared buttcrack clean and swallowed it all.

Finally she had to push me away so she could clean herself and Christina and Debra grabbed me and pulled me to my feet. Warden Meuller quickly washed her rear crack and wiped it clean and stood, pulling her panties up and skirt down. She flushed the toilet and moved out of the room as she cursed me in disgust.

Christina and Debra shoved my filthy face down into the bowl and the water spray from the bidet port  quickly removed the stinking brown cream, and they wiped me off with paper towels.

Warden Meuller looked at me with great revulsion and  it hurt me deeply inside.   She sat down once again behind her large desk.

"Take him to the special women's bathroom area and let him sample all those pretty assholes" she grinned.

She smiled knowingly at me......

"You'll be pleased to know that this bathroom area is reserved for our youngest and most attractive female inmates so you should have no problem doing your duty to the fullest my shitwhore."


Christina and Debra ushered me out of the door and we walked to a neighboring cellblock wing. This part of the prison was specifically for female convicts, and we avoided the main area and descended one level to an enormous group bathroom.

There was a large number  of attractive young female inmates sitting in a waiting room adjacent to the bathroom area, and as we passed them I looked at their twisted expressions of need and stumbled forward propelled by my two pretty slave masters, Christina and Debra.

Christina spoke closely into my ear as we walked.....

"This is the most disgusting and intimate thing you will ever do with a woman cocksucker, and you will be required to do it here any time you are commanded to,  you stinking whore!"

"These women need to evacuate their waste Jim so we must be punctual and get you set up quickly. All of them must be climbing the walls in need of relief by now since they were all given a laxative thirty minutes ago."

"They have been told to hold their bowels until you serve them but sometimes they are unable to comply, and you will find that particularly nasty!"

There was a special stall that had been modified and prepared for visiting male test slaves and the two led me in and readied me for business.

"You are one of a unique group of test volunteers who have served these ladies and they are appreciative I can assure you!"

They had me step down into a floor seat that was just below the back level of the rear toilet lid, and I was strapped in so that my face was at the perfect position for my disgusting chore.

"Here is what will happen you stupid son of a bitch!", Christina whispered breathlessly to me.

"Each female prisoner will come in, drop their pants,  and have a bowel movement  for you. They are discouraged from speaking to you or touching  you but they are allowed to look at you before and after you have done them. You will find this more humiliating than you think I assure you."

"They have been directed to finish their bowel movement as rapidly as possible and you will lick their anal area and eat their shit as they empty out. You will  then lick their asscrack clean and  wipe them briefly with this ample supply of toilet paper, and also your mouth and face, and then flush the toilet."

"They will leave quickly and go to another bathroom stall to finish cleaning themselves."

"Then the next female inmate will enter and relieve themselves in the same way."

"You will serve all of the inmates who are waiting....every single one of them."

She placed a gallon container of stomach protectant near me in a holder and rubbed her hand through my hair roughing it up completely.

"Take a long swill of this nasty horse piss often or you will never make it through", she grunted, "you drink this like I said and it will protect you from puking and  parasites. It's got a whole bunch of things in it to protect you."

There were two video cameras near the back of the toilet to capture the action and assure that the male inmate did as instructed. If he did not perform as directed severe punishment would follow at the hands of Special Treatment Nurse Ilsa Haught.

When all was ready Christina and Debra each slapped me and spit in my face.

Debra pulled my hair roughly.....

"Have fun bitch!", she said with a twisted grin.

Christina activated my ankle cuff and a red light began to blink indicating that the device was operating correctly.

They left and very shortly a pretty blond haired prisoner entered. She looked at me briefly but was in a hurry for release. She jerked down her prison trousers and sat with her asscrack directly over my nose.

I was insane with lust again and as she sat slightly forward I began to lick her anus even before she started....

A thick mass of fecal matter shot out and hit me in the face as I tried to eat it. I missed the large chunk and sealed my mouth over her open shithole. I was rewarded with a mouthful of moist brown waste and ate it voraciously as she forced out more.

My face was quickly covered with her brown leavings and I licked out her creamy anus gulping the nasty meal down quickly. When she was done I quickly wiped her ass a few times with toilet paper and then my face, and flushed the toilet.   She rose and left the stall at once. She didn't even look back as the next cute inmate came in and with a large smile sat with her buttcrack smothering my nose.

I was not allowed to masturbate during all this but had to concentrate my full attention to cleaning assholes with my tongue.

The pressure built up in her rectum resulted in an explosion of crap all over my face and her sigh of relief was audible. I sucked her disgusting bunghole and my mouth was filled with another putrid fart and  a thick sludge of rancid fecal matter. I ate  it ravenously on the verge of orgasm  as I swallowed the stinking mess. I could hear her chuckle and grunt in pleasure as she enjoyed her forceful defecation, and I quickly wiped her ass and the thick covering of her shit from my face.

She stood at once and looked down just briefly, and the contorted expression of disgust on her face was devastating for me.

She nearly ran from the stall and within a moment another pretty young woman had entered and as she desperately tried to hurry she pulled her pants down  most of the way and a lump of hard shit flew from her extended anus,  hit my face and bounced into the toilet with a splash.

She grunted and huffed as more gas escaped and brown chunks of her noxious waste pummeled my nose and I tried to catch them in my mouth.  I pretty much failed to do this and lapped my frantic tongue into her extended anal sphincter, and sucked out a few more wet pieces of shit and swallowed them gluttonously.

My mind was in an emergency state trying to handle this abysmal lowering of my human self esteem, but the insane driving lust inside me blanked all that out and I finished cleaning her nasty brown orifice and fumbled with the toilet paper   trying to wipe her ass.

She stood and instantly spit on me and cursed me as she moved quickly from the stall.

As I cried and wiped my stinking face off another gorgeous female prisoner dropped her drawers and sat down hard on my nose and reached back to hold my head firmly as she crapped all over my face.

"Eat shit you lowlife bastard!"

I didn't answer but merely opened my mouth and allowed her thick brown waste to fill it,  and then ate all that I could of her loathsome rectal discharge.

She forced out more farts onto my nose and another gusher of her moist brown sewage and my whole face was flooded so that I could barely breathe. I ate shit ravenously and then quickly cleaned her raw anus and buttcrack.

I had never experienced such mindless craving in my entire life and my cock was super hard and bouncing and near orgasm.  She stood and looked down at me as I wiped my nose and mouth and flushed the toilet.

She twisted her pretty face into a distorted smirk and ran from the stall as the next female forced her way in.

I cleaned the back of the toilet lid quickly with toilet paper after each inmate, and prevented a heavy buildup of crap,  but as the next cute female prisoner entered I was unable to control myself and began licking the back of the lid judiciously. The look of disgust on her face was extraordinary, and I quickly stopped as she sat down with her rear crack over my nose.

She cut loose at once and a volley of fresh shit splattered over my nostrils   and into the toilet bowl. I groaned in ecstasy as I gulped at the rancid mess and her raw anus pushed outward as more crap was expelled.

I licked her tight asshole eagerly and efficiently, and cleaned her rear crack in short order so that she could leave. I didn't bother wiping the back of the stool with toilet paper anymore but licked it clean as each prisoner exited.


The next two hours were a blur of intractable oral-anal lust and the raunchy feeling of shit stain flowing down into my stomach. The stink actually became a strong and permanent aphrodisiac for me and drove me even harder to do my dirty job.

I kept an approximate mental record of the number of assholes I had cleaned, and periodically took a long drink of the nasty liquid protectant. I wondered which was worse, the shit or the protectant!

The last few women had soiled their pants a bit and they  quickly disposed of the mess in a special hamper.  They had to rely on me to clean shit from their ass cracks and lower bodies and the result was a disgusting situation that was accompanied by their angry insults.

I was at a point now where my distended stomach was causing me great discomfort and I had emptied much of the contents of the protectant container.

Soon after the last female prisoner left Christina and Debra came to retrieve me from my horrendous chore. Frieda Schmidt and Eva Volstad were with them also and the group went into paroxysms of laughter when they saw my shit covered face and the slippery brown residue covering the toilet lid.

"Son of a fucking bitch you nasty shit whore, what have you been doing?", said Nurse Frieda, as she laughed uncontrollably.

They quickly uncuffed me and I stood as Christina wiped my face and mouth with toilet paper and flushed it.  She removed the blood sampling ankle cuff, turned it off and put it in a small case.

They led me out of the stall to the nearest shower and  gave me a good scrubbing as I stood there numb with humiliation. and rinsed me from head to toe, then dried me with a heavy towel.

Beautiful Frieda and Eva insulted me continually and finally Christina fastened a dog collar around my neck with a leash. I didn't say a word but was trying to forget the disgusting swill that filled my stomach.

They led me out and back to another special lab area that I had not been in before.  Special Treatment Nurse Ilsa Haught was waiting there. I froze with horror on seeing her and she greeted me by gripping my erect penis in her strong hand.


She did not hurt me though since that was not the intent of this visit apparently. However I would soon experience something very unpleasant that was actually necessary for my safety.

Christina spoke to Ilsa briefly before she left.....

"Let us know when you are finished please, he is scheduled for the doctor next."

Ilsa pulled me by my large cock into the lab and closed the door. The room seemed more for medical treatment than for anything else, and I didn't have the feeling of terror that would have been the case if I were to be punished or trained.

She stroked me firmly and wet down her wrist.....

"You needn't fear me Jim, at least for now."

I swear I could detect just the slightest smile when she said that. Her manner was quite confusing to me.

"This is a medical visit and I do it to some of  the test slaves. It is for your own good I assure you."

"So you like the smell and taste of a woman's asshole!"

"Yes it is very nasty and erotic isn't it? Men naturally love to sniff a woman's butt  and cunt because it's nature's way!"

"Those drugs will burn that addiction into your brain permanently."

"I will have you visit me in my bathroom sometime before long and you can taste my delicious  farthole! Men just love to eat women's farts too! Most find that it is singularly raunchy and embarrassing to serve a woman in this way."

"But right now we must remove all of the waste from your belly!"

"I am going to pump your stomach of all the vile leavings. Though not absolutely necessary it is advisable after a visit to the ladies bathroom as a shit slave."

I began to shake uncontrollably as she pulled me over to a treatment table, and she chided me for being so cowardly.

"You should thank me you toilet mouth fool, it will be better for you."

"I have many ways to torture or train inmates, and they soon discover that pain can be very cleansing for the spirit."

"Lay on the table on your left side please", she said firmly.

Reluctantly I lay down and she strapped me in bodily and I was posed in the fetal position. She secured my head well and installed a mouth spreader for ease of entry.

I was terrified and she slapped me lightly and rubbed my cheek....

"Don't be a chickenshit Jim, it is for your own good. I like my patients to be still while I work. I am not going to torture you but it will be quite uncomfortable for you."

She smoothed my hair over and put her face down next to mine.....

"You know you remind me of my brother", she said,"we had a very special relationship as children. There was just me and my brother  Alain."

"He died years ago and he took part of me with him."

She sat beside me and took out a package with tubing in it.

She lubricated the end area and began to slide it into my open mouth. I tensed up and my eyes were wide open as the tube slowly worked it's way down my throat. I gagged a bit and it stung but she worked slowly and I felt the clear tubing sliding down into my stomach soon after.

She secured the end so that there could be no movement and connected a large hand pump to the flow ports.

"Now I'm going to suck out  the sewage in you and empty it into a plastic container on the floor.  You won't even see it....a blessing you can be sure. Then I'm going to inject warm water and activated charcoal into your stomach and empty it again. That should remove most of the shit in you and the anti nausea element should prevent your vomiting."

"Just relax test inmate, if I were torturing you our meeting would be quite different I assure you."

I lay there as she pumped out the putrid substance from my gut, and though it was quite uncomfortable I could tolerate it.

She talked to me while she worked.....

"Most people don't understand torture and pain", she said absently, "I do mostly nondestructive torture but the pain is just as severe. Above all I am not a monster!"

"I give men what they want or deserve", she went on.

"I will not torture a woman", she said tensely, "it would be like torturing myself!"

"There are several classes of torturers and I am not of the cruelest variety though any of my victims will tell you otherwise."

I trembled as she continued but lay there quietly to just get it over with. I was dumbfounded by this strange beautiful woman....who seemed to be a curious  contradiction, but I sensed something of substance in her.

"I've never spoke to any prisoner like this", she droned, "maybe it's because you remind me of my brother so much."

She continued her work and once the sludge had been removed cleansed me inside.

"Just a few more minutes", she whispered.

"My brother Alain and I had a very special relationship.....our parents beat us when we were small and we tried to protect each other, but often failed."

"We had no one else but ourselves", she continued calmly, "Alain and I enjoyed each other sexually very often. It kept us from going insane."

"We were both seventeen and made love to each other often to forget our hateful life."

"I loved to suck his cock and swallow his warm comforted me!"

"Alain died in a motorcycle accident years ago."

She finished and released me from the table and I stood naked while she sat in a chair beside me.

She grinned strangely at me as she stroked me and rubbed my precum all over her fingers.....I will drink your sperm before long, she said quietly, do no worry about my hurting you.

"If I am forced to torture you by the warden I can do it in ways that will bring you pleasure from the pain. Just the right kind of whip when you are tied naked hands above is painful but not destructive."

She gripped me tightly when I looked at her in fear..... "now don't get all bent out of shape.....don't knock it until you've tried it."

"You would come to love the pain if done in the right way by the right woman  and with the new drugs they are developing."

"The one who is hurting you determines the kind of pain you experience inmate Jim."

She called the lab and nurse Christina and Ava Volstad came to get me. I was still cuffed and stood as Ilsa sat in a chair beside me fondling my balls and penis.

I left with the two nurses and they took me back to my room for food and a good nap.


When they woke me again it was afternoon and I was scheduled for an appointment with Dr Inga Shultz.  The doctor was very attractive and her gorgeous nurse Heidi Bruner was absolutely delectable. Heidi's perfect ass and movie star pretty face were mind boggling. Her unseemly addiction to oral anal sex only added to her deep carnal allure.

This time Eva Volstad and Frieda Schmidt took me for my session with the doctor and I knew from experience that I would be unmercifully milked of all semen.  My blood sample from the last visit with the doctor had yielded a first generation Mimicry copy and even the early versions of these aphrodisiac drugs could be very powerful.

We entered the doctor's office and they sat me on the examination table. They  uncuffed my hands and once again I was compelled to masturbate in preparation for my session with the doctor.

Frieda was a particularly nasty young woman with a really nice butt, and Eva was also very generously endowed.

"Jack off for us Jim....and do it with enthusiasm!", gushed Frieda, as the two sat in front of me.

"You need to build your nut pressure for the doctor and her nurses and Christina  told us to be very strict about this."

"I hear Dr Shultz has another assistant who is just as nasty as Heidi....and that should be interesting for you test slave!"

"Stoke it off big boy....flog your big pecker for us and massage your balls while you do it!" "Peel your foreskin back and let us see that big cockhead!  I said beat your fucking meat for us test slave!"

I stroked frantically and it was an enormous relief!  Having the nurses staring at me made it even more obscene and satisfying.

"We need a lot of cum in those nuts so the doctor's crew can take it all!"

"They don't leave a drop do they Jim."

Eva moved closer to me and kissed the back of my neck.....

"Jack your dick off like you're told test slave!", she whispered in my ear.

I began to stroke my cock with a vengeance and syrupy liquid flowed from the tip. Both of the oversexed  nurses looked at me closely trying hard to embarrass me. They were succeeding!

I masturbated my large penis for them as it drained,  and flung precum in all directions, and Frieda and Eva ate the clear liquid as it oozed out.

"Oh yeah boy beat that fucking prick off!", Frieda spat, "your balls need to be full of spunk for your milking session!"

She grabbed my testicles and began to massage them between her fingers as I stoked and looked at her. She obviously enjoyed this kind of scene greatly.

"I'm gonna cum!",  I injected, stopping my hand movement."

"Stop! asshole!", Eva yelled when I had reached my limit.

A large drop of precum oozed out of my distended pisshole and Eva sopped it up with her tongue and ate it. She did this several times until the sticky cream stopped flowing.

I edged myself several times until I was on the verge of a heavy ejaculation and  the two pretty nurses ate the precum off as it formed on my pisshole. They grinned slyly at me as my clear sticky man juice dribbled down their chin and lapped their tongues up over their lips to capture and swallow it.

"Isn't he a good cum slave Eva", Frieda said as she rubbed the wetness around her mouth.

Eva put her lips down to my pisshole and sucked off a large drop of precum, savoring it slowly. "Mmmmm.....", she grinned.

The door opened and Dr Shultz, Heidi, and a third beauty entered. The new assistant was about in her early thirties, blond and very sultry. She was wearing a very tight traditional nurses uniform and had large tits and an obscene body.

Frieda and Eva stood and greeted them and conversed for a few moments then  left the room.

The new assistant nurse was indeed sultry, with a rare kind of beauty. She seemed to exude sex just by her sly smile and body movements.

Dr Shultz came to me and took my fully erect penis into her firm grip.

"This is my new assistant Nurse Greta Haptman", she said professionally, and she will be helping us milk out your semen on a regular basis."

She brought out a hypodermic syringe and a liquid vial from her leather case and drew out a full measure of the Mimicry drug, squirting the needle briefly in the air to clear the tip.

"This is a first generation mimic yield produced by the lab and it should provide   interesting results."

She cleaned a spot on my arm with an alcohol swab and pinched the skin shoving the needle in deeply. As she injected the libido altering substance I felt a strange warmth and then my whole body seemed to be saturated with an intense carnal need, and it soon took over my senses. My already hard penis became even more engorged  and the precum began to drain out rapidly.

"Lie down please", she said,  as the two nurses readied the straps at  each end of the gurney.

I was overtaken by lust already as nurse Heidi and nurse Greta strapped my feet and wrists tightly so that I was spread eagle for them. Then they strapped my abdominal area down so that I was firmly secured.  I was panting in lust as I stared from one to the other and the doctor worked quickly to place a small fixture between my legs to hold and isolate my testicles.

She anchored the fixture and gently pulled my nuts forward and placed them in a stockade type of clamp so that they were firmly bulged outward but not painfully so. She tightened and adjusted the device until my nuts were held firmly and pumped up and out for usage.

I wanted them to milk me and the feeling was overpowering.

Heidi and Greta removed their clothing and stood nude beside the cart. Then Heidi climbed onto the table surface using a step support. She positioned herself straddling my face and rubbed her fragrant pussy and anus over my nose and mouth.

The smell sent me into paroxysms of lust and I licked and sucked her tight pungent butthole craving her shit. Her wonderfully nasty bunghole drove me into a higher level of sexual arousal and she had apparently left her rear opening unwashed for this session.

Dr Shultz meanwhile had brought up an interesting looking device with a smooth metal probe on the end about six inches long leading into a small plastic collection container. She lubricated the tip and as Heidi rubbed her wet vagina over my face the doctor put a cock ring around the base of my penis and stroked me until my dick was hard and shiny and bouncing as it dribbled pre semen.

She lay the device down and rubbed a conductive gel all over my exposed ball sacs. Then she placed four small TENS pads on my nuts, two on each side. As she slowly introduced current into the computerized TENS unit pads they began to tighten and release my swollen testicles in a rhythmic pattern.

The strange gripping sensation was not painful and  moved all around my exposed balls in a preset matrix, and the effect was astonishing for me sexually.

Heidi climbed off and nurse Greta climbed onto me and she in turn rubbed her perfectly formed asshole all over my mouth and face. Her smell was slightly funky but highly erotic and I began to tremble in lust as I licked and sucked her bulbous anal opening. She too had not washed her tight rear hole before the session and the odor sent shivers of lust through my body!

Dr Shultz held my cock firmly in her hand and squirted lubricant deeply into my peehole from a small tube of paste.  Then she slowly positioned the metal probe of the device over my open urethra and carefully slid it down inside.

The feeling was incredibly intense and when she turned on the device the metal probe began to pulse up and down in short rapid movements and was in effect fucking my dickhole.

I screamed in pleasure as Greta rubbed her wet hairy cunt all over my face. Her smelly vaginal juices smeared my mouth and I shot my tongue up into her sopping vagina, lapping out her fantastically pungent cunt liquids.

Dr Shultz continued fucking my cock with the incredible device and I was very near a powerful ejaculation. She then introduced a mild electric charge into the metal tip and I went through the roof in pleasure.

I jerked upward and yelled loudly as my balls forced out their pent up load, and she pushed the gadget further into my pisshole as my semen was sucked upward into the metal tube.

As the receptacle filled I groaned and grunted and pumped my hips like a stallion in rut.  She pulled more and more cum out of me and  I screamed every time I ejected another blast of seminal fluid into the hollow metal probe.

My lapping tongue was bringing nurse Greta to orgasm and when she groaned and splashed my face with her wonderfully nasty orgasmic discharge I jerked again and again as my poor balls were milked completely empty.  I grunted and jerked but no more semen came out.

It began to hurt and the knotted muscles in my balls were in agony.

Dr Shultz stopped at once, and pulled the merciless internal masturbator out of my drained organ.

She turned off the nut massager and I collapsed and lay there.....nurse Greta's thick fragrant vaginal discharge ran down my face and dripped onto the padded gurney covering. 

I was shaking badly now....having experienced an orgasm that was all powerful and competely foriegn to me.

Greta climed off and Heidi laughed and sopped up the quim juice from my sticky face with a paper towel. They both wiped out their vaginal openings and put their clothes back on and stood smiling at me.

The doctor had already put the equipment away and stored my thick semen in her leather case.

They released my restraints and I slowly got up from the table with the help of the two lovely nurses. They smiled broadly at me as I looked at them, and Greta wiped my face once again with a damp towel.

"My, you had a good drink didn't you?", she purred as she smiled seductively at me.

"Oh yes", I slurred, "mmmm I don't know if I can walk now!"

Soon Christina and Debra came for me and they cuffed me and walked me slowly back to my room.



I could not remember a more intense sexual experience in my life and I fell asleep early after supper and dreamed of dreams come true.

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