BDSM Library - The trials of Vanessa

The trials of Vanessa

Provided By: BDSM Library


Day 1: The Beginning

The handcuffs are cutting into Vanessas wrists behind her back; her slim but muscled body is hunched forward on the hard bench. Her shoulders ache as she blows her fringe from her face with a pouted bottom lip…..

“Fuck these South American Customs officials…and fuck that Craig for stuffing that shit in my bag” she thinks to herself…”And FUCK this heat” as a droplet of sweat forms on her erect nipple, ready to drop on her taut thigh, where the downy blond hairs are matted with previous salty drops.

She had just thrashed through her umpteenth (or so it felt) orgasm, teeth gritted in a final spasm of grunting and gut wrenching, tit tightening, raw ass ecstasy when Craig put the offer to her: “How about you taking a trip to the Americas?”

Bastard, she thought now,” he set me up for this shit”

At the time, her wiry frame was still shaking from the exertion of taking his huge cock in every hole, the taste of her grit, mixed with his spunk the final memory after he ploughed into her ass, her ankles pushed way up past her ears, opening her puffed  puss and gaping ass to his pleasures. She cant remember the details, clouded by the raw memory of her gaping ass, her cunt long gone raw from his continuous assault on her body.

Nothing was spared. From the start, he crushed her small, boyish but erect nipples between his finger and thumb.

As he gouged at her nipples, her mouth turned to a grimace, but fuck him, she would not cry out, never give him the pleasure to know how much it hurt…How much she enjoyed it! Her heels dug into the mattress, toes curled in, as her slender body arched, tight as a bow. Her pussy mound prominently exposed to the sky, cunt lips gaping, her pink gash beginning to glisten from the fire in her nipples. Nnnngggggh!...damn! An involuntary moan escaped through her gritted teeth…..He straddled her head, facing her arching, now thrusting body as he continued to crush her nipples.

Vanessa was only aware of his throbbing cock in her face, any movement from her aggravating the thrusting of the purple head against her clenched teeth…”fuck him, I wo….nnnnnnggggh!” Another moan felt all the way from her gut….His dick pushed against her lips, teeth… she gasped the cock head forced itself into her mouth, pushing against her tongue, thrusting deeper and deeper, gagging her! NNNNNGH!! AGAIN! Her mind in a turmoil, she was only aware of the fire in her nipples and her gagging against the intruder forcing its way deeper to her throat.

Her cunt was all squishy, gaping at fresh air, her feint pubes matted from her own body juices…fuck him…  ass muscles clenching in a wild frenzy of pain induced pleasure….Her nostrils flared wildly in a desperate attempt to suck in air. Her hips were now thrashing up and down, side to side in a wild passionate dance of desire mixed with a stubborn denial. Her finger nails clawed at the sheets, only to release and prop her ass up as her hips gyrated ever higher….nails digging into her own tight ass cheeks.. Involuntary the fingers clawed at her , separating the cheeks, opening her ass.

His cock leaked a musky taste in her throat as he suddenly released her nipples to slump over her and grab her ass cheeks, pulling her hips higher, lifting her feet from the mattress, placing her weight on her shoulders as his mouth stuck to her matted pussy fur, tonguing her throbbing, wet cunt, not tonguing…sucking, biting, nibbling. Her head was at an awkward angle, still forced against the mattress by his throbbing cock down her gullet.

Whoomph! The first orgasm hit her in the pit of the stomach, rippling throughout her entire body in a sea of shockwaves turning her muscles to jelly, her jaw slacking around the cock, enough to draw a ragged breath as she let out a gut wrenching mhhhhhhh! Groan…followed by a breathy “jjjjeeeeeeeeeezzzzzUSSS!!!” Her hands fluttered at her sides, grabbing, missing, scratching at is back and shoulders draped over her jerking stomach…her whole universe was reduced to her pulsating cunt….spluttering through her frantic breaths around the meaty intruder in her throat….

And that was only the beginning….

Back in her cell, her daydream over, Vanessa looks down at her thighs, the whisper of blond pubes peeking between her tanned upper thighs. Rivulets of sweat ran from her face down her chest, some droplets forming on her nipples before dripping on her thighs. “God, I am sweating like a pig.  Maybe its a good thing these cunts stripped me naked…”

A sudden noise at the heavy door snapped her out of her thoughts. Her head snapped up, her aching shoulders snapping back as she turned her head towards the door.

Two Mexican officers in brown uniform entered the holding cell, and moved straight towards her. “Come Senorita, it is time for your court…you must put this on.”

Naked since her degrading strip search, Vanessa was actually grateful for the cover the grey linen garment promised. One of them walked up to her, behind her and undid the handcuffs binding her wrists. A flood of relief rushed through her shoulders as her arms fell limply to her sides. “Cover those tits, hombre slut” a guard chortled. Some Spanish comment made both guards giggle.

The rough material scratched her skin as it dragged over her head, to fall in a tight fit over her body. Scarcely reaching her thighs and covering her breasts, the sleeveless garment still offered some modesty. No such luck for her feet though.

Mendez gripped her wrists and clamped the cuffs around them, fortunately in front of her. Her confined wrists were now resting on her mound of venus, faintly visible as a bulge against the too tight dress.

Each guard grabbed an elbow and dragged her out the door, her feet scrambling for a hold as she was propelled down a long passage, past the charge office where she was stripped and searched by a female officer, although the whole procedure was observed by every male officer in the building.

Defiantly she stared them in the eyes as the rough fingers ran over her body, into her mouth, a finger digging along her teeth in the back of her mouth. A knee moved between Vanessas legs, forcing her feet apart, opening her to the mens stares. She did not see some of them holding their crotch in their hands, pressing against their unfurling arousals at the forced unfolding of her nudity. The strong wardress scraped her fingers down Vanessas spine and chest, pausing very briefly to rough up her nipples before sliding down, further down.

Vanessa allowed a sharp intake of her breath as rough fingers exploded into her dry cunt, first one, then two…Digging into her well for any hidden objects. They were unceremoniously pulled out, and Vanessa was roughly turned around and pushed against the rough stones. Her nipples felt the roughness first, then rippled stomach and hip bones felt the scratching stone.

From behind, her legs were kicked apart again, her nether globes parted. The feint light reflected on the fine downy blond hairs on her ass and spread thighs. Some male voice excitedly offered to spread her ass cheeks further, grabbed her tightly on both cheeks, thumbs digging into the firm flesh and dragged the globes apart. Her rose pink bud twitched in the light, clamping as if to avoid the inevitable….

HHHHNNNNNHHH! A moan escaped from her lips as the fingers clawed into her asshole, her body thrust forward as a reaction to the invasion, crushing her sensitive nipples against the rough stone. The female officer hissed in her ear “Stand still, Puta! We have to see what drugs you hide in these dirty holes” 

Fresh morning air blew into her face as she was dragged into a courtyard. The brisk pace didnt relent as she was dragged across the rough pebbles underfoot, her soles and toes feeling the sharp stones bruising her delicate skin. The officers boots crunched across the courtyard towards the heavy doors ahead.

It wasnt what she expected. There was no chance of a fair trial in this dingy room. No lawyer. No consulate representation. The small room consisted of a few chairs, a row of tables at the front. The judge was nothing more than another uniformed officer, flanked by a male and female officer, all dressed in the dull khaki uniforms.

“Are you Vanessa Ratcliffe from South Africa?”

A nudge in her ribs prompted her to answer. “Yes”

“Are you aware of the charges against you?”

Another nudge, followed by a knee in her thigh

“Umph…yes but…”

“No talking, only answer the questions, hombre”

“Officer senorita Sanchez, did you find contraband on this woman?”

“Si, Majore. A bag of marijuana was taken from her luggage. A strip search showed nothing”

“Senorita, drug trafficking is a serious charge. We know you did not work alone. Who is your accomplice?”

Her mind raced. Craig. Tracey. They are somewhere in Mexico city, working for her release. These wogs must never know they travelled together…they mustnt kn…”Ugh!”.A short cuff in her ribs took her breath away, knees buckled as she struggled to keep her balance. In her desperation to keep her footing, the short skirt rode up her legs, exposing her buttocks, the bottom fold of her round cheeks showing. In her desperate attempt to maintain her dignity, her bound hands clenched at the front seam of the dress and wriggled it down, past her protruding labia.

“I repeat, for your own good, who assisted you in this heinous crime?”

“I..I..didn….”. “Silence! Take the prisoner to Cell B. We will see her Friday for judgment. Make sure she is taken care of. I want answers from her”

Day 2: Cell B. Monday.

The two guards at her sides sniggered at some comment made by the female officer, and from nowhere, a length of chain appeared. The leg irons rattled at her feet as her ankles were clasped in the cold steel confines. The chain was no more than a metre in length, preventing any thoughts of turning around and running to hell and gone….Instead she found she was limited to a scuffling shuffle as the guards led her out of the stuffy room. The judges decision in broken English turned in her mind…Cell B…She will be taken care of…what did it mean? No ways will she betray Craig or Tracey…no ways.

The wrought iron building seemed to simmer in the mid morning heat. The heavy doors opened to a courtyard, surrounded by barred doors…the cells! In the centre of the courtyard, a series of heavy wooden posts were planted in a square formation, their purpose obviously clear.

At three of the posts, a naked woman was tied, facing outwards, in such a way that the women were facing each other. Not that they had the time to admire each others beauty….

Their wrists were tightly bound to steel rings high above their heads, jutting their naked breasts up. Their ankles were secured to the sides of the broad beams, effectively spreading their legs wide open, the tightness of their bonds grinding their naked asses to the rough texture of the beams. The merciless sun beat down on their exposed bodies. None of the tied prisoners acknowledged the new arrival…The whip wielding guard made sure of that.

Crack! A soft wail followed the snap of leather against bare flesh. Vanessa looked from where the sound came, and saw a weal forming across the tight tummy of one of the unfortunate wenches. A young girl, no older than early teens, puffy breasts and a small triangle of soft downy fur between thin thighs, sagged in her bonds, face contorted in a spasm of pain and despair. Was it sweat, no!..A rivulet of urine trickled down the inside of her thigh, forming a small puddle at her left foot.

  Vanessa was unceremoniously dragged to the row of open cell doors. As her eyes adjusted to the dark cell, she could see the barred window high in the wall, the rough cement walls and floor, including the heavy steel rings in the walls and floor…

When Vanessa awoke, she was bound uncomfortably to the floor, chains running from the rings in the floor and walls to her ankles, wrists and neck, on her back, naked. Effectively spread eagled, her joints ached from the strain of the chains linking her to the heavy rings. Her head felt groggy from the chloroform, her back tender against the rough floor.

What was it that woke her?

Three guards towered above her naked body. From her vantage point, her eyes struggling to focus through the misty effects of the drug, she saw them naked from the waist down……

She tried to force the sounds through her dry throat…”God! Pllleeeeze noooooo……”

The first guard dropped to his knees between her trembling thighs. grabbed at her tits, pinching her hard nipples between thumb and finger…His two colleagues moved to her side, touching, pinching.

Then it began..The guard between her thighs pushed his erect cock against her cunt lips, prying them open, deeper into her, scraping against her dry vaginal walls. She felt his hard cock entering her, slowly at first, then the thrusts increased to a frantic pace. The pinching at her tits intensified, her body jerking at the onslaught against it….not a sound escaped her dry lips.

Her body reacted to the invasion…her musky cunt juice leaked and lubricated the engorged cock ploughing into her. The guards movements increased, jerking her body in her bonds, scraping her butt and back against the rough, unrelenting concrete floor. His comrade, the one to her left, was overcome by the naked, lean body jerking in front of his eyes. He had to find release, and blonde sluts are a scarce commodity in Mexico…

As Vanessa gulped for air, the second guard thrust his erect cock in her mouth, pressing her tongue down. The gagging effect only gave him more space down her agonized throat as he plunged deeper. “This cant be happening” Vanessa thought as she drifted into a subconscious, but aware level….feeling the pair of cocks at both ends of her body taking ownership of her, cutting out her mind, reducing her to a skewered piece of shaking, groaning, shackled mouth and cunt…for their pleasure. It was as if she could see her own ravissement (how she misses her French teacher now!) from above.

The guard between her thighs sucked a deep breath, followed by a throaty groan… He shuddered as his cock swelled and exploded in a shower of spunk shooting against the walls of her cunt. His face contorted as he thrust faster at each eruption of semen. As he withdrew for another thrust, his cock slipped out of her, by now, greasy cunt, and the next load spattered across her taut stomach and pert tits, splashing against her skin.

As the guard withdrew, he was immediately replaced by the third, who, encouraged by the spectacle unfolding in front of him, had by now rubbed himself to a pre cum state of arousal…It wouldnt take him long to explode between her stretched legs…

Vanessas body writhed in the chains pinning her to the ground as the second attack on her cum soaked cunt started. It didnt last long…The attacker soon sucked air through his teeth as his erect cock exploded. He immediately withdrew from her gaping cunt and shot his load over her prone body. Globules of warm cum spattered against her heaving stomach and chest, and a few drops splashed on her throat and tight jaw, still accommodating the ever feverish thrusting cock in her mouth.

The guard fucking her throat was highly excited by seeing his comrades fucking the blonde slut, and soon he reached his peak. His balls contracted as he shot a full load in her mouth, down her throat as his cock head thrust forward down her gullet. Vanessa choked on the musky cum forced into her mouth, blocking her instinctive intake of breath, smothering her, as if drowning…White foam forced itself through the corners of her cock filled mouth, burning through her nose, dribbling over her chin.

Her chained hands formed fists writhing in their confines as she struggled for breath, her chest heaving. The splashes of cum over her body formed greasy streaks as it formed rivulets down her sides. Vanessa eventually caught a raspy, shuddering breath as the vile liquid settled down her throat, and her breathing settled to a rasping groan from the onslaught on her now raw body.

She could not see it, but her wrists and ankles were chafed from her pulling against the chains during the rape. Her mouth and cunt were sticky from the semen mixing with her body fluids. Her thickened tongue ran over her parched lips…..”water.., please” she rasped. The guards sniggered as they ignored her plea and turned to leave after they corrected their uniforms and zipped their flies.

There was no night or day…Time passed in a haze of thirst and musky, sticky cum stains over her cramping outstretched body. The light in the cell burned the whole time…she lost all track of passing time. She became aware of pressure in her bladder…”I am desperate for a piss…”

The female officer burst into Vanessas line of vision. “Time for supper, Hombre bitch. Did you enjoy the lunch my compadres brought you? ”The officer stepped over Vanessas prone body, her legs on either side of Vanessas strained neck muscles. Vanessa tried to avoid looking straight up the strong legs, meeting at the black pubed crotch shadowed under the tight fitting skirt. “I brought you a little present, bitch”

Out of sight, Vanessa heard a little whimper. The officer standing over Vanessa squatted, her spread thighs opening wider as she squats lower, Vanessa saw the cunt lips above her peeling open the more the legs spread. A feint musky odour invaded her nostrils as the pussy hung centimeters above Vanessas face. The smell of arousal penetrated her nostrils.                

The officer shifted her body, placing her knees next to Vanessas head, against her stretched shoulders, effectively clamping her head between her muscled thighs, and her pussy millimeters away from Vanessas dry lips.

Vanessa sensed movement between her spread thighs… Soft hands brushed against her thighs, then on her hips. A tickling sensation as long hair fell over her groin, spreading over her sparse pubes and sticky thighs. All she could se was the spread moist cunt lips millimeters from her face…

She gasped softly through parched lips as a tender flickering tongue brushed against her vaginal lips, sliding softly upwards to find her clit. Soft lips brushed against her cunt as the tongue lapped at her clit…”uuunhh”. Involuntary her hips gyrated at the gentleness she hasnt felt for a long time, her cunt lips felt raw from the previous attacks…soothing strokes made it feel so much better.

The muffled voice brought her back to reality…”Suck me, Puta”  The crotch above Vanessas face wiggled lower, the strong thighs supporting the pussy straining as they lowered. The musky odour of arousal was overwhelming, and with her mouth and nose virtually covered by the moist cunt lips, she had no choice but to force her tongue through parched lips.

The tip of her tongue tentatively lapped against the nether lips, her first real taste (well, Becky doesnt count, we were only about 9 years old, then) of pussy. The tentative laps began licking strokes, the taste of the pussy juices flowing from the dark patch of trimmed pubes becoming more alluring. Vanessas chin, top lip and nose became sticky from the musky sticky liquid oozing from the gyrating cunt lips above her face. Her own hips were reacting rhythmically to the soft breath and tongue teasing her own less than clean cunt.

Her breath once again became a soft grunt in her throat as her body was once again being ravished, albeit seemingly tender. The officers voice was muffled by her own vibrating thigh muscles on either side of Vanessas head: “Dont you dare orgasm, dirty bitch! This is for me!” with that, the officer thrust her hips forward, sliding her cunt over Vanessas mouth and chin. Vanessas tongue lapped at the perineum muscle between the wet cunt lips and the wrinkled ass muscle, now also clenching in its pre orgasmic throes…The hips thrust faster and faster, the officers breath coming in quick short bursts….

Vanessa felt the soft licking motion against her own pudenda increase in fervour…faster…harder…causing her hips to grind in their confines…her ankles and wrists fighting their bonds, hands curled in helpless fists. Her hips arched upward to force her bulging cunt into her tormentors tongue…her clitoris a urning, needful nubbin…hard, erect…sooooo sensitive to touch.

Her bum muscles clench and release as her hips thrust up and down as her body slides towards that inevitable orgasm, fuelled by the constant attention to her clit, now the centre of her being, along with the thrusting, sticky, musky cunt in her face…

The muscled thighs clamping her head twitched, shuddered and spread wide open as the owner groaned her ecstasy. The muscles formed hollows where groin meets thighs as the officer thrust her hips up…shuddering in her pounding orgasm. Small jets of almond tasting cunt juice spilled over Vanessas searching tongue.

Vanessas body itself was arching in its bonds, writhing in its frantic search for that final release which just couldnt come….

Thwackk!! A resounding slap against flesh startled Vanessa. The fingers gently stroking her spread thighs and hips suddenly clawed and gouged at her skin. Vanessa jerked at the sudden change in caress. She could not see, but rather sensed the unknown person between her thighs jerk at the painful stroke. This was highlighted by a sharp intake of breath, followed by an exhalation of warm air over Vanessas clit and course pubic curls. Instinctively Vanessa jerked in her chains, causing a rattle of metal against concrete….At that split second, all possibilities of a gentle orgasm had disappeared like mist before the sun.

The thighs around Vanessas ears spread wider, and supported by strong calves and a muscled arm pushing onto Vanessas chest, rose to a standing position, still spread over her face. Vanessa was left prone on the ground, in chains, spread, empty…eyes wildly trying to make sense of the sudden change in circumstances…

The female officer shouted obscenities at the figure hunched between Vanessas thighs.. soft sobs escaped the figures lips. Vanessa saw the officer raise an arm, then the shadow of an object swishing through the air. She closed her eyes in anticipation of the blow, turning her head as far as it would in the chain holding it….CRACCKKKK!

Vanessa jerked her legs, yet felt no impact. A scream arose between her legs…A girls voice in agony!

  “Get up, Bitch! How dare you orgasm…I saw your body move, Slut! Get up!” the officer screamed. “Both you bitches are to be punished” She squatted next to Vanessa and undid her chains. She was dragged to her lifeless feet, arms lame. The blood rushed painfully back into her limbs and she doubled over, her knees weak. The officer grabbed her by the hair and pulled her up. “You bitches take chance, you shit!”

Vanessa looked up and saw the figure of the young person before her and gasped softly. Inge stood dead still, staring wide eyed at the officer.

The 13 year old girl stood there shyly, her eyes brimming with tears from the strokes she received, hands clasped behind her head, elbows outwards, in some trained slave position that Vanessa hasnt seen before.

Vanessa looked at the girls body. Straight long blonde hair hung to her slender soft shoulders. Her tiny breasts lifted by the position of her arms were accentuated by the puffy pre teen nipples, erect from her arousal. The blond sheen on her arms glittered in the dull light in the cell. The fine flanks and tummy joined at the hips, where the protruding hip bones formed a valley in which her prominent mound of venus, bare but for a wisp of soft pussy fur, unshaved, was barely visible as a shadow over her tight pussy bulge. Standing with her legs apart, Inges legs were athletic, soft muscled thighs covered in fine downy hair, meeting in fine knees, spreading down to strong, bulging calves. Small feet with lovely toes stood squarely, supporting the statuesque body. Tall, lithe…a fuck machine.

God, was this the girl that licked me?” Vanessa thought. A hand shoved Vanessa towards the girl. “take the position slut!” the officer barked. Vanessa stood in front of the girl, and copied her stance. They met each others eyes, pools of fear and uncertainty. Another shove, and Vanessa and Inge stood against each other, face to face..breast to breast, elbow to elbow, legs and hips millimeters apart.

The officer rushed up, and bound their arms together as they stood. Pushed them closer and wound rough rope around their thighs and ankles, effectively binding them together as one. She stood back to admire her handiwork.

The small mature woman tied to the tall child.

Vanessa felt pity somehow, and, reaching her head sideways, kissed the childs cheek softly. “Its okay … its going to be all right” she whispered.

A white pain exploded across Vanessas buttocks, driving her hips forward. Her coarse pubic mound ground against the soft mound between the girls legs. Fire and velvet. Again. Higher this time, across her shoulder blades, her forward move grinding her tight tits against the soft mounds. Her thigh muscles tightened to keep her balance, rubbing against the girls soft skinned muscles.. “Oh…” she breathed. Fire and velvet.

The blows continued, causing a bizarre rhythm of fire and velvet. Both the woman and child sighed in their contorted rhythm as the officer circled their tied bodies, raining blows over their bare skins … one for you, one for her. The thrusts of their hips, grinding their cunts together, then their tits … Vanessas body betrayed her once again. She tightened her gluteus muscles, forcing her groin into the girls, her clit rubbing against the smooth tight skin of the girls pussy mound. Soon both were covered in a fine sheen of sweat, sliding against each other at every blow.

By now both had lost all vestiges of decency as they ground openly against each other, whimpering their arousal louder and louder at every blow against their bodies. The officer placed the whip handle between their cunts, and as one, they rode the handle like bitches in heat, as, in fact, they were reduced to. They crushed the handle between their bodies, Vanessas engorged clit scraping against the ridges of the handle, small electric shocks scoring through her body.

The relentless beating continued, and with it the two bodies writhed against each other in their macabre dance of pain. The shackled bodies shuddered in their shared orgasms brought on by the continued whipping and their forced thrusting against each other…

At last the blows raining against their bodies stopped, and the two women were separated and tied against the cell walls, in a sitting position, facing each other. Their bonds forced their shoulders back against the rough stone walls, uncomfortably pushing their tits outward. Their ankles chained to the rough floor, spreading their legs wide open, scraping their raw, welted asses against the rough cement floor. Their matted hair hung over their faces as their heads bowed in exhaustion. They both soon fell into a restless sleep, drifting between the escape of sleep and the discomfort of their whip weald backs and asses.

What would he morning bring…

Day 3: The First Interrogation Tuesday

Both women were suddenly awakened by buckets of water splashed over their strained bodies, the cold water shocking their bodies back to reality. Vanessa lifted her aching neck to look at the girl across the small cell. Through her matted hair hanging over her eyes, Vanessa looked at the young childs spread thighs, her eyes drifting to the pussy pouch spread open between the wide straining thighs. In the shadow, Vanessa saw the matted pussy fur above the swollen, spread lips of the young girls cunt. Drops of water stuck to the sticky fur and lips, also running down, forming a small puddle on the floor, where the childs raw, rounded buttocks met the rough stoned floor…Water?..or piss? Vanessa thought involuntary.

Vanessa looked down at her own body. She was surprised to see the fine gold chain around her left ankle and toe rings on both feet still there…silent reminders of a time and place so far removed from where she finds herself…and of Craig. Damn him!

The wardens untied the women and dragged them to their feet. The girl child moaned as her strained muscles ached under her weight.

“Senorita sluts, today you are going to tell us stories” the one guard said sinisterly. His partner laughed as the women were dragged out of the cell, their legs still lame from the uncomfortable position they were chained in for the night..

Vanessa and the girl were dragged into an office leading from the courtyard and each bundled into an uncomfortable wooden chair. Facing each other, their arms were quickly bound behind the chair backs, jutting their breasts outward. Their knees and ankles were roughly spread wide and chained to the sides and legs of their chairs.

There they were, naked, facing each other again, spread for each others view. The girls eyes were terrified, looking around the room as far as her tied body could allow…shaking from fear. Vanessa felt the same way, she thought. The warden approached the women, and Vanessa noticed the lengths of piano wire in his hands. He turned to Vanessa first, slapped at her breasts, before tweaking each nipple between finger and thumb. Vanessa winced at the sudden pain, but was also ashamed at the reaction of her body. Her hips jutted forward as far as the bonds holding her in place allowed, and her nipples hardened to hard little peaks. She felt her cunt juice wetting her nether lips. “Fuck!” she thought.

A long whine escaped her lips as a sudden searing pain scorched her breast, then the next.

The guard had fastened the piano wires to each breast, closing the small loops at the end of each wire around each erect nipple, the wire traps digging deep into her tight nipples. The guard bent down, and tweaked at her spread pussy lips, now sticky from her shameful arousal. Vanessa clamped her eyes shut as his rough fingers jerked and pulled at her, pinching her bare lips as he did her nipples. Another scream echoed through the room as a sharp stinging pain cut through her genitals. The guard had attached another length of thin wire to her pussy lip, using a sharp toothed little clamp at the end of the wire.

Vanessa dragged in a sharp, hissing breath as the pain permeated her whole body. Her chest and tummy heaved as she breathed heavily to overcome the all invading pain.

Seconds later, Vanessa heard soft moans across from her…through teary eyes, she looked at the girl child no more than a metre away from her. The guard had attached the other ends of the wires to the girls body. The two women were now linked to each other, both grimacing at the sharp pain in their tits and pussy lips…The wires were so taut, when the girl jerked back at the pain, the strain of the wire pulled at her nipples, causing a ripple of pain coursing through Vanessas tied body.

A voice out of Vanessas sight startled the woman and girl. “Aaah, my puppet sluts are ready for games, si?” 

The tall, dark figure of the prison commander exploded in Vanessas view. “ us. What is…” Before Vanessa could finish, the commanders gloved hand exploded against the side of her face, causing her head to jerk violently sideways, stretching the thin wire attached to her nipples..pain shot through her face and chest.

“Shut up SLUT! Speak only when I tell you, hombre bitch” the commander hissed at her.


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