BDSM Library - The Subjugation of Scully

The Subjugation of Scully

Provided By: BDSM Library

Synopsis: FBI Special Agent Dana Scully is captured and trained as a sex slave
Admin hitlist for Wednesday, May 31st:

The Subjugation of Scully


Three things:


1.    Obviously I don’t own the rights to the X Files characters, this is pure fanfic, so no commercial reposting please.

2.    Similarly, I hope no one reading this thinks it’s alright to really go out there and start kidnapping FBI agents. Let’s keep a fingernail grip on reality please people!

3.    This is my first ever attempt at writing fiction, so any feedback (no matter how negative!) will be appreciated. Email me at please. And now, on with my tale…


Chapter One


FBI special agent Dana Scully struggled to suppress a yawn as she walked along the hallway towards her apartment. It had just been ‘one of those days’; she and her partner, Fox Mulder, had recently been assigned to investigate the disappearance of a number of young women and, although there were a number of unusual aspects to the case (just about enough, indeed, to merit calling the case an X file), Mulder’s repeated assertion that the women in question had undoubtedly been abducted by aliens was unsupported by any evidence whatsoever. Scully had spent yet another fruitless day trying to get her partner to see reason in this case and, as she prepared to enter her apartment, she was struck with a vision of herself forty years into the future, a tired little old lady still pursuing Mulder on his endless series of wild goose chases. “I’m going to die an old maid,” Scully said to herself, only half jokingly, as she opened the door to her apartment.


Tired and distracted as she was, Scully was taken with almost ridiculous ease. They were waiting for her just inside the door - two men clad completely in black, including black ski masks and black leather gloves. Scully froze for a vital second at the sight of one black-clad intruder standing right before her and then, before she could react, the man stepped forward and drove his fist into her stomach, driving all the air out of her lungs with an audible ‘whoosh’. As Scully doubled up in agony the second assailant stepped smartly behind her and covered her mouth and nose with a soft cloth. With her lungs screaming for air Scully acted instinctively and was unable to prevent herself taking a deep breath, meaning that the chloroform on the cloth quickly took effect. Cursing herself for the ease with which she had allowed herself to be abducted, FBI special agent Dana Scully slid rapidly into unconsciousness.


Her captors then worked quickly, fastening her hands behind her back with metal handcuffs and restraining her legs in a similar fashion. Before they then slipped her unconscious body into a large canvas sack the leader of the two-man team took a moment to inspect his latest acquisition, stroking Scully’s flaming red hair back from her face. “This one’s a real beauty,” he thought to himself. “I wonder if she’s been acquired to order or if she’s intended for the auction block. I wouldn’t mind buying this one myself… if I could only afford it.” After a discrete cough from his associate, however, the leader of the acquisition team forced his mind back onto his work – dawdling was a sure way to get noticed and caught. The two men lifted the canvas bag containing the inert form of Dana Scully and began to carry it towards the apartment building’s service staircase. No one had noticed their entry to Scully’s apartment, no one had notice the unobtrusive, unmarked van parked round the back and no one noticed their departure in its with their human cargo. FBI special agent Dana Scully had, to all intents and purposes, simply vanished.


Chapter Two


When she awoke Scully was unable to move for several minutes. An attempt to open her eyes was quickly reversed due to the bright lights of wherever the hell she was and an attempt to sit up was rapidly aborted due to the nausea it brought on and so Scully decided that it would be best to lay where she was for a while, during which time the horror of what had happened to her slowly sank in.


All FBI agents are well schooled in the numerous cases where females have been abducted by men, however, and so, after a few minutes where she remained curled up into a ball with panic washing over her, Scully began to get a hold of herself. The abduction of an FBI agent would inevitably lead to a huge manhunt just as soon as she failed to turn up to work. No abduction, however efficient, could be carried out without leaving any traces at all, she reasoned, and so, Scully tried to convince herself, the authorities would inevitably find and rescue her shortly. All she had to do was survive long enough to be rescued, she reminded herself, and her FBI training meant that she knew exactly what kind of behaviour was required to keep the psychos who had kidnapped her from killing her for as long as possible.


With her initial panic passing, Scully began to assess her immediate predicament. She was lying on her side on a hard but smooth surface. She did not appear to be injured, apart from the nausea, and she appeared to be fully clothed. Slowly she opened her eyes, and saw...


She was in a small windowless room painted completely white. There was only one door in the room and this was so well set into one of the walls that it was very hard to actually make it out. The most interesting feature of the room, however, was the set of vertical bars that divided the side of the room where Scully was from the side where the door was. They appeared to be standard ‘jail cell’ bars, thick iron bars set about six inches apart with, again, a single padlocked ‘door’ set in the middle.


Apart from the bars the only item in the room was what appeared to be an animal’s litter tray in one corner of Scully’s side of the room. Crawling over to the tray Scully discovered that it was, indeed, filled with what appeared to be cat litter.


Having completed an initial inspection of her prison, which hadn’t taken long, Scully then began to examine herself. Her gun, badge and cellphone had all vanished but she was still wearing all of the clothes that she had had on when captured, which was a blessing of sorts. Oh, and there was a strange prickling sensation at the nape of her neck. She reached one hand back and felt a small scar. Now, how had that happened? An injury during her abduction perhaps? Scully contemplated shouting for help but soon decided against it. Her captors would be most unlikely to leave her ungagged anywhere where a cry for help would do any good and her FBI training quickly reminded her that her chances of survival would be maximised if she remained non-confrontational and gave her captors no reason to believe that she was not co-operating fully.


With nothing else to do, Scully then knelt down in a corner of the room and waited. The after effects of the chloroform soon wore off and, in spite of her desperate plight, it wasn’t long before boredom actually managed to set in.


Unable to track the passage of time, Scully had no idea how long had passed before anything happened. The first she knew was a sharp click that woke her from a sort of bored daze; this was caused by the door opposite her opening and a man entering Scully’s cell.


The traditional response of an abductee in this situation would have been to jump up and run towards the bars, screaming for help and shouting to be let out but Scully knew better than this. She knew that outbursts of hysteria in front of the kind of madman who would kidnap a women would dramatically increase the chance of her being killed and so she remained where she was; on her knees in a corner of her cell, attempting to appraise the situation as calmly as was possible under the circumstances.


Chapter Three


Harold Sheep loved his job. He had, at one stage, thought that nothing could ever replace the army in his life but the ‘profession’ that he had found himself practicing once he had got too old for the Marines was actually better than life in the military, he had to admit. How many reluctant young ladies had had the pride and arrogance painstakingly removed from their natures after a course of his obedience training, he thought to himself, as he entered the cell of his latest pupil, 250? No, probably more than 300 by now.


Forcing himself to concentrate on the job at hand, Harold began to appraise the young woman who would, under his instruction, soon be converted into an obedient little bitch. This one was intelligent, because she hadn’t began to scream or shout as soon as he had entered the cell, he observed. Neither was she cowering in terror at the back of the cell, as so many did, but was, rather, appraising him with admiral coolness. So she was also a brave and stubborn one. Harold smiled to himself. Breaking in the intelligent and the independent was what made his job such fun; their ultimate surrender, no matter how inevitable (and it was utterly inevitable), was just so much sweeter than subduing a slut who put up no resistance at all.


And it did no harm that this one was also a beauty. That wonderful mane of copper coloured hair, that alabaster skin, those amazing eyes… Harold shook himself inwardly. It was time to go to work…


Chapter Four


“Don’t say a word, just stand up and approach the bars,” Harold said, approaching the metal ‘grill’ that separated the room into two. Scully, after just a moment’s hesitation, did so. “Now take off your jacket and drop it on the floor on my side of the bars.”


In response to this simple instruction Scully made her first mistake. Instead of simply obeying she began to try to engage her captor in conversation. “Now look, I…” she began but before she could say another word there was… Pain. No, not pain. Agony. No, not even agony, but something beyond what she had ever previously understood about suffering. An indescribable horror that reached into the very core of her being.


Scully came too after what must have been a brief blackout and found herself lying back on the floor that she had just risen from. “Bad, isn’t it?” said her captor, smiling down at her in the manner of a cat that has just cornered a mouse. “But what…” Scully began to reply, before being cut down once again by pain beyond her worst nightmares.


“Now one of the first things you are going to have to learn is no talking without permission,” Scully’s captor continued. “Oh, and doing anything other than obeying my orders, instantly and without question, will also send you back to hell. Now, stand up, take off your jacket and drop it on the floor on my side of the bars.”


Sent almost into a state of shock by the fact that her captor apparently somehow had the ability to inflict pain without even touching her, Scully struggled to her feet, removed her jacket and dropped it through the bars as instructed.


“Good girl,” her jailor said, smiling. “Now, I am going to spend a few minutes telling you what has happened to you and what will happen to you in the future. Every now and then I will also be ordering you to remove certain items of clothing and drop them on top of your jacket. Should you fail to do so promptly or make any attempt to speak or even move, unless it is to remove some clothing, then you get hurt again. And again. Until you learn that there really is no viable alternative to obedience. Is that clear?” Scully nodded dumbly. “Good, her captor continued, “then I’ll begin…”


Chapter Five


“The reason why disobedience brings such agony is because while you were unconscious we performed a small surgical procedure on you,” Scully’s captor continued. “You’ve felt a slight itching sensation at the nape of your neck since you work up, haven’t you?”


Scully could only nod dumbly in response. “Well,” Harold went on. “I’m afraid to tell you that you have been given an implant. Alien technology.”


“Yes, they really do exist,” the bitch trainer laughed, in response to Scully’s involuntary gasp of astonishment at this piece of information. “You have been fitted with a ‘slave’ implant, whilst I have a ‘master’ implant. I have no idea how they work but I do know that a simple thought from me sends you into hell. Now remove your top.”


With Scully’s mind a whirl her captor’s instruction simply failed to register with her and before she knew it she was once again down on her hands and knees moaning in pain. “Take off your top, slut,” Harold continued in a calm voice. “Now.”


Scully struggled quickly to her feet and slipped her plain cotton top over her head and dropped it on top of the jacket on the other side of the bars. “Good girl,” said her abductor, smiling as he took in his latest pet’s perfect tits, encased in a lacy black bra. The psychological profile that he had had prepared on this latest acquisition had indicated that there was a strong possibility that Dana Scully was a latent slut and her choice of underwear was one piece of evidence that appeared to confirm this.


“Now, where was I? Ah yes, your implant. As I said, just a thought from me causes you suffering. A great deal of suffering. And I will think that thought over and over again unless I get obedience. Instant, unquestioning obedience. Nod your head if you understand.”


Despite being partially in shock due to her ordeal Scully still had just about enough of her wits about her to nod dumbly. Alien technology? Had Mulder been right all these years? And, most important of all, why had she been given an implant? What plans did her captors have for her?


Before she could continue with this terrifying train of thought, as though able to read her mind (and perhaps he could!), her abductor then said: “So, I suppose you’d like to know why you have been taken.” Scully could only nod dumbly once more in response to this.


“Very good indeed,” noted her captor with a smile. “Well, my pet, you have been abducted not by some lone nut who has left a convenient chain of clues that will lead the FBI right to you, oh no. You have been taken by a very large, well organised group of powerful men who have captured innumerable women in the past and who have gotten away with it every time. We left no clues when we took you and if, by some freak chance, the investigation that your partner Mulder and assistant director Skinner will undoubtedly launch starts getting too close to home, we have the power to destroy FBI computer records, cause evidence to disappear, witnesses to change their stories, and so forth. Rest assured, you are ours for life now.”


As her captor paused for breath Scully allowed the horror of what he had told her to sink in. In her years spent investigating the X files with Mulder she had more than once come across evidence of a conspiracy of men, a government within a government, who were effectively above the law and the dreadful suspicion that it was these men who had arranged for her kidnapping began to gnaw at her.


“And our plans for you are as follows,” Scully’s trainer continued. “The rich and powerful men who own and control our organisation have little time for such ridiculous concepts as freedom and democracy for all. Many of them enjoy owning female human pets and you, my dear, have been acquired for that very purpose. I hope that you are savouring this conversation we are having - it will be the last time in your life that anyone addresses you as a human being. From this moment on you will be trained to be an obedient bitch puppy, willing and eager to serve its master in any way required. You will not believe it possible now, of course, but your spirit will be completely broken and your personality totally re-modelled. In just a few short weeks you will be a willing slutpet, hungry for your owner’s cock, with all thoughts of escape and disobedience gone from your mind. Now, remove your skirt.”


Once again Scully hesitated, as the utter horror of her situation began, slowly, to sink into her but another short burst of pain soon had her sliding her knee length skirt down to her ankles, revealing to her appreciative audience of one a pair of hold up black stockings and a pair of black lace panties that matched her bra.


Scully’s captor was then silent for a few moments as he drank in the amazing view. Yes, he thought to himself, the psychological profilers were definitely right. Any woman who wore underwear like that but, at the same time, appeared to have no sex life at all, was definitely a repressed slut. And, under his guidance, that horny little beast would soon be coming out to play. Scully stood there before him awkwardly, too scared to move or try to speak. Her captor noted approvingly how well the high heels that she habitually wore matched her now skimpy outfit. She truly was a beauty – the senior shadow government figure who had ordered her abduction certainly had excellent taste, he thought to himself. “Now, time to begin teaching this bitch a proper lesson in obedience,” Harold said to himself as he took a step closer to the bars that separated him from his helpless captive…

Admin hitlist for Wednesday, May 31st:

The Subjugation of Scully


Chapter Six


“Grasp your hands together with your fingers entwined,” the trainer told Scully. “And then put your hands behind your head.” A by now thoroughly terrified FBI agent complied more or less instantly. “Now take a step forward,” her tormenter continued and his new pet did so straight away, until her tits were almost touching the bars that separated them.


“No, not quite like that,” Harold said, reaching through the bars and moving Scully’s hands from the top of her head to a position where they were clasped together at the nape of her neck. She flinched slightly at the first touch of her captor but was too paralysed with fear to pull away properly. “Now, push your elbows backwards as far as they will go… Good girl, now stand with your legs about two feet apart… Excellent, now look down at the floor. Never make eye contact with me or anyone else in charge of your training without permission.”


With Scully now suitably posed, Harold took a step backwards to survey his latest plaything once more. Normally he waited until his new pet in training was stripped completely naked before teaching the animal some basic display positions but the red-headed bitch in front of him looked so alluring in a combination of skimpy black lace lingerie and three inch heels that this time he decided to break his own rule.


“This is position one, or ‘display’,” Scully’s trainer explained. “Whenever anyone commands you to ‘adopt position one’ or ‘display’, you will instantly pose yourself in this fashion. Do you understand?”


Once more, Scully nodded dumbly, a look of utter misery on her face. Harold then pulled a small walkie-talkie out of his jacket pocket and spoke into the device, “Send in Sugar now please.”


A few seconds later there was a click and the door behind Scully’s trainer opened and a young woman carrying a tray walked into the cell. Scully gasped in astonishment at the sight – not least because she recognised the woman. Her name was Margaret Johansen and she was one of the women whose mysterious disappearance Scully and Mulder had been investigating prior to the FBI agent’s abduction.


Scully’s mind raced to remember as much about Margaret Johansen’s background as possible. She had been a lawyer, a rising star in the legal firmament, having won several high profile cases where powerful captains of industry and politicians had had their careers ruined after having been found guilty of sexual harassment in the workplace. But then one day she had simply vanished.


And now, here she was, obviously a fellow captive in this madhouse. The young woman who had just entered Scully’s cell was completely naked apart from a pair of six inch high heels and a black leather dog collar around her throat and the redhead noted that the report’s of Johansen’s beauty had not been exaggerated – she was simply stunning. Nearly six foot tall in her heels, she had ash blond hair that fell nearly to her waist, a magnificent pair of gravity-defying tits and legs that went on forever.


“Put the tray on the floor and adopt position one,” Harold told the naked blond. The voluptuous slut did so immediately and was soon posed in exactly the same manner as Scully in a position that displayed her many charms to maximum effect and allowed her owner full access to any part of her body that he wished to play with.


“I think I see from your expression that you recognise Sugar here,” Harold said to Scully. “Or, rather, to be more precise, the independent human being that Sugar used to be before she was allowed to benefit from my training programme.”


Harold moved to stand in front of the posing blond and gently slipped his hand between her legs. “She’s been with us just about six months now and is almost ready to be delivered to her new owner, who just so happens to be one of the wealthy industrialists whose life she made rather more difficult with her endless sexual harassment lawsuits. I understand that he intends to keep her in the same kennel as his German Shepard, Bruno.”


As he spoke the pet trainer began to gently stroke the tall blond bitch’s pussy and in just a few seconds this treatment brought forth a low moan of lust from the animal being handled.


“How in the name of God can she react that way?” Scully asked herself, gazing in amazement at the scene playing out before her. “She’s just been told that she is to be handed over to some sadist who intends to keep her in a cage with a dog but all she can do in response is get off on some pervert who’s stroking her cunt.”


“I know you don’t believe it now,” the pet trainer said, turning away from his blond bitch back towards Scully. “But in just a few short weeks you will be every bit as responsive to the touch of your superiors.”


At this Scully wanted to shout, to scream her independence but she had already had enough shocks from her slave implant to understand how futile and painful such defiance would be. So she continued to stand there, posed like some ten dollar lap dancer, her shame and humiliation burning through her cheeks.


Harold returned to stand once more before his new redheaded plaything, amazed at the level of self control that she was able to exert. Most new pets had descended into blind panic long before this and had to be shocked almost into unconsciousness in order to bring them back into line. But this one was a clever one, and a brave one. She hadn’t panicked. She had clearly understood that obvious signs of resistance would be a complete and extremely painful waste of time and had decided to play along, for the time being.


The human animal trainer pondered this situation for a moment. A slut who co-operated more or less fully from the beginning of its training was both easier and yet, in some ways, more difficult to tame. The ones who fought the hardest were, in actual fact, often the easiest ones to bring to the state of total, unquestioning obedience that was required of them. It was a simple question of Pavlovian conditioning. Inflict enough pain on a bitch and the obedience required to make the pain go away becomes instinctive. Couple this negative conditioning with mind-blowing orgasms when the slut is well-behaved and you soon have an eager little pet on your hands. Clever sluts like Scully, who appeared to be much more docile and submissive on the surface, however, were often much harder to break because their superficial level of obedience kept their lives relatively pain-free and gave them more time to think, to plan defiance and, ultimately, escape.


“Still,” Harold thought to himself. “No slut has ever outfought or outthought me yet, no matter how hard they have tried. And my 100% success rate ain’t going to be broken by this cunt!”


While her tormentor had been musing Scully had spent her time gazing at the floor, as instructed, and taking in the contents of the tray that the tall blond woman had brought into the cell a few minutes earlier. This contained a pair of six inch high heel shoes, identical to the ones the blond was wearing, a black leather dog collar that was, again, exactly the same as the one being worn by the former lawyer, and two dog feeding bowls, one of which appeared to contain water and the other some kind of formless mush.


“Now, my pet, I want that bra off you,” said Harold, snapping out of his reverie and returning to the task at hand. “Take it off, drop it onto the rest of your clothes and resume your display position.” Scully did so immediately, despite the yawning chasm of fear in the pit of her stomach as her tits were revealed for the first time.


“Excellent,” her trainer continued, after a few more seconds of delighted contemplation of the succulent flesh now seductively displayed in front of him. “Now I want you to turn around 180 degrees and pull down your panties. Drop them on the pile too and then resume your position once more, except this time facing away from me.”


At this Scully nearly baulked but just stopped her involuntary rebellion in time and was soon revealing her perfect, apple-shaped ass cheeks to her ecstatic abductor. “Memo to self,” Harold thought, as the sight of Scully’s truly luscious ass almost caused him to faint, as most of the blood in his body rushed into his prick. “Must make sure that I am the one who gives her her first ass fucking.” Then, without a word, he picked up the six inch heels from the tray and slid them through the bars. “Your shoes off, these ones one,” he ordered peremptorily.


Once Scully was suitably shod her trainer ordered her to turn around once more and drop her hands to her side. Then he picked up the dog collar from the tray and, slowly, began to buckle it around the kidnapped FBI agent’s neck. As he did so he gazed deeply into the redhead’s eyes. This act was hugely symbolic for the pet trainer and probably the moment he enjoyed best in the whole taming process. Looking into Scully’s eyes he saw fear and hatred but he knew that, one day soon, these emotions would be replaced by lust and adoration.


“There, that’s better,” he said, standing back to admire his handiwork. “Now resume position one.” Scully obeyed and then stood there, in the classic display position of the slave-bitch, heeled, collared and available for use. “Time to teach you another position,” Harold said, after another few moments spent allowing himself the luxury of drinking in the magnificent view. “When I say ‘down’ or ‘position two’ you drop down onto all fours, legs well apart, gazing down at the floor as usual. Now, bitch, ‘down’.”


Scully complied with the instruction and, once she was in place, her trainer pushed the two dog feeding bowls from the tray towards her. “You won’t be aware of this because you have, of course, spent quite a while unconscious lately, but it is quite late in the evening now and your first proper training session will have to wait until tomorrow morning,” her owner explained. “So first of all you will eat and drink and then get a good night’s sleep, because I can assure you that tomorrow will be VERY hard work for you.”


Scully gazed down at the two dog bowls. She knew, without being told, that she was expected to eat and drink like an animal, without using her hands, and so, temporarily broken by her ordeal, without further ado she began to do so. The mush in one bowl tasted like… well, mush, and the contents of the other bowl was simply water. Suddenly realising how ravenously hungry she was Scully wolfed down the contents of the two bowls in just a few seconds, much to the delight of her captor, who had noted approvingly how she had not needed to be told how to eat and drink like a little bitch.


“Now go and relieve yourself,” Harold said, nodding in the direction of the litter tray. At this Scully once again almost baulked. After all the humiliation she had suffered since this sick pervert had entered her life the idea of going to the bathroom in front of him was somehow the worst thing that he could have suggested. Her owner noted this, however, and for the first time in quite a while activated her implant, sending her writhing to the floor in agony. “Remember, slut, no thinking or defiance, just obedience,” he admonished, and Scully was soon scuttling across her cell to squat over the litter tray in the corner.


“Good bitch,” her trainer crooned once she had finished. “Now, lie down in this,” he added, pulling out a thin blanket from one of his jacket pockets and pushing it through the bars. Scully did so, although the rough material of the blanket appeared to be hardly preferable to sleeping on the hard concrete of the floor.


Scully’s captor continued to watch her as she curled up in the blanket, while the naked blond pet who had brought in the tray continued to stand as posed, looking down at the floor with no apparent interest in Scully or, indeed, her owner. “What is he waiting for?” Scully asked herself, before noticing that she was suddenly feeling extremely sleepy. “It’s the food, they’ve drugged the food,” she thought, before slipping into blissful unconsciousness.


Chapter Seven


Wade Davies surveyed the clipboard he was holding. “Redheaded bitch in cell 26 – take to training room B and administer first fucking in captivity,” the orders he had just picked up from the trainer dispatch room said. He whistled to himself as he strolled down the corridor towards his prey. He too, like Harold Sheep, was an ex-military man who had discovered that the job of abducting and training young women as sex slaves was right up his street.


“Send slut Honey to training room B with the following equipment,” he said, speaking into a walkie-talkie pulled out of a jacket pocket, before reeling off a list of items that he thought he might need to bring this new puppy into line. Entering cell 26 he discovered a slut still fast asleep – which wasn’t at all unusual given the quantity of tranquilliser she had consumed with her evening meal last night. But that didn’t mean that he could waste half the morning waiting for her to wake up of her own volition. “Time to wake up bitch,” he shouted, which brought Scully back into her current world of pain with an abrupt start. Sitting up the FBI agent moaned in fear as the events of the previous evening came rushing back. “No talking!” Wade warned, although, to be fair, the bitch had not actually showed any signs that she wanted to communicate in anything resembling human speech. “Use your litter tray right away and then we’ll be off.”


Scully sat for a few moments, her head bowed in misery as the knowledge that what had happened to her the previous day had not been just a terrible nightmare. Then, once again accepting that obedience was undoubtedly the most practical option for the foreseeable future, she squatted over the litter tray until her bowels were empty.


“Crawl over to the door of the cage on all fours,” her new tormentor said, and Scully quickly obeyed. Wade then produced a key from his pocket and unlocked the door in the bars that divided Scully’s cell into two. He then produced a dog leash from another pocket and bent down and attached it to Scully’s collar.


“Now, just in case you’ve forgotten any of your basic instructions from yesterday, there is to be no talking and instant obedience to any order given to you, do you understand?” Scully’s latest trainer asked her. The redhead nodded dumbly in acceptance, wondering bleakly to herself if this simple act was to be the only way in which she would be allowed to express a thought or opinion ever again. “Excellent,” said Wade, smiling, before giving a sharp tug on Scully’s leash and leading the petite bitch puppy out of her cell and towards her fate.


As the pair walked along the corridor outside her cell, Scully forced herself to stay calm and try and learn as much about her surroundings as possible. The corridor appeared to contain about 30 cells, 15 to a side. The far wall was just that, a wall, with no doors or other features, whilst she was being led towards a set of metal bars that appeared to lead to another corridor that ran perpendicular to the first. It was, in fact, just like any other jail, she thought. Her trainer opened a door in the bars with a key and then locked it again behind them. After a short walk (although Scully’s knees were already beginning to hurt since she was not, of course, at all used to crawling around on all fours) they then entered a room that had ‘training room B’ on the door, she noted.


Inside the room was a tableau that instantly etched itself permanently on Scully’s brain. The room they had entered appeared to be a bizarre hybrid of torture chamber, doctor’s surgery and gymnasium and, in addition to numerous pieces of equipment, it also contained a naked Oriental woman, posed with her hands clasped behind her neck and her legs spread wide in what the FBI agent was rapidly learning was the natural position of a well-trained and obedient slut. And once again, Scully realised with a start, it was the case that she recognised the petite Asian because she had also been on the list of female abductees whose disappearance the FBI had been investigating. She was (or had been, Scully reminded herself ruefully) one of the most successful young business people in the country. Chee Moon-Leng, that was her name, Scully thought. She had dropped out of high school at 16 but that hadn’t stopped her making her first million by the time she was 20 and at 25 she had been heading rapidly towards her first billion, due in large part to an aggressive style of management and ball-breaking deal making that had made her no friends in the traditional, male-dominated business establishment. But then she had gone on a sailing holiday and had simply never come back. And now here she was, just another puppy in the kennel of bitches being kept by the shadowy government organisation that Scully had once sworn to destroy.


Scully’s train of thought was broken by a sharp tug on her leash, however, as her trainer ordered her up and into the kind of chair used by doctors for gynaecological examinations – but with one important difference. This chair, as Scully soon discovered, had leather straps that were soon used by her captor to restrain the FBI agent’s wrists and ankles.


Fear had become a virtually permanent companion to Scully since her capture but she felt a deeper pang of dread at being restrained for the first time. What agonies did these bastards have planned for her now?


“You start working on her tits whilst I get her shaved,” she heard her captor say to the young Oriental who had remained silent and motionless whilst Scully was restrained in the examination chair. The naked Asian slut then came over and looked down into Scully’s eyes. The redhead looked back into the dark brown almond shaped pools and saw none of the anger and fear that should have been there but saw, instead, an expression of pure lust.


“Quickly now, Honey, get to work, those tits look like they are in desperate need of some stimulation” Wade admonished, and the former businesswomen tore her gaze away from Scully’s and began to contemplate her heaving bosom instead.


Scully had never had any lesbian experiences and had never even dreamt of having her breasts handled by another women. Her tits had, indeed, only ever been fondled by the extremely small group of long-term lovers that she had had and their generally inexpert maulings had not left her with the impression that her breasts were a particularly responsive erogenous zone. As the Asian slut bent forward and took a nipple gently into her mouth Scully was, therefore, astonished to feel a sensation of pure pleasure run through her body. As she worked the nipple of Scully’s left tit into her mouth, Honey reached her left hand round and began to gently fondle the redhead’s right breast, sending more shockwaves of pleasure through the restrained women’s body.


“I can’t be enjoying this,” Scully thought to herself, desperately trying to maintain her sanity as she was erotically caressed by the naked Oriental. This is rape. Women don’t enjoy rape. And I’m not a lesbian. I don’t want to be touched by another women. I can’t be enjoying this.”


It became harder and harder for Scully to concentrate on these thoughts, however, as the flawless and succulent flesh of her firm tits was expertly manipulated by a slut who was a true expert in how to arouse women and who had been extensively trained to devote her entire being to bringing pleasure to another, when necessary, with no thought for her own satisfaction.


Wade looked on, smiling, as he detected the very first signs of a mental crisis in Scully that would, one day soon, bring her to the very brink of surrender. He recalled the words of his teacher, back when he himself was being trained as a slutmaker. “Women in modern society are brainwashed virtually from birth to believe that physical pleasure in a sexual act is impossible without consent,” his tutor had explained. “And the shock to the psyche that they experience when we begin to demonstrate to them that this is not actually the case is one of the most important weapons we have. Once a pet in training realises that we can make her cum, and cum, and cum again, whether or not she wants us to, she begins to doubt the image of herself that has been imposed by society. ‘Maybe it’s true, maybe I really am a perverted little slut,’ she begins to think to herself and that thought is often the hole in the dyke that we can use to bring the dam to the point of bursting.”


Looking down at the amazingly erotic sight of the naked Oriental pet expertly teasing the titflesh of the bound woman, Wade noted with glee that the expression on Scully’s face was exactly what it should be at this stage in her training. The undoubtedly pleasurable physical sensations that she was experiencing were, somewhat paradoxically, causing extreme mental anguish in the soon-to-be-obedient pet bitch. “And this conflict is being produced just from a little tit action,” Wade thought to himself. “Now, I think it’s time to introduce myself to this cunt’s cunt.” And, with that, he strolled around to the far end of the examination chair where FBI Special Agent Dana Scully’s naked pussy lay exposed and helpless, completely at the mercy of her captors. And they, of course, had no mercy…

Admin hitlist for Wednesday, May 31st:

Chapter Eight


Wade gazed down at Scully’s exposed cunt, pleased to see that ‘the collar matched the cuffs’, as the old phrase has it. Still, the training centre had a policy that all of its sluts would be kept permanently hairless below the neck and so the restrained woman’s small patch of red pubic hair would have to go. Wade could, of course, have got one of the tamed bitches like Honey kept on at the centre as servants to perform such a basic task but he had always rather enjoyed the chance of being the first trainer to become acquainted with a new puppy’s cunt.


Reaching for the necessary equipment from a nearby trolley he began to lather the area around Scully’s cunt. But before beginning to shave her pussy bare he stood next to the FBI agent’s head and bent down close to her, whispering: “Now, I don’t want to cut you, so I suggest you stay quite still whilst I get you properly shaved.”


Staying still was, however, proving to be increasingly difficult for Scully as the tamed Oriental pet working on her tits continued to expertly coax pleasurable sensations out of the swollen orbs. She forced herself to remain motionless as she felt the razor begin to denude her nether regions, however, and was as smooth as a billiard ball in just a few moments.


Her tormentor then returned to a position next to her head. “Honey, time to start work on her cunt,” he ordered and the Asian female obediently moved away from Scully’s tits and positioned herself between the restrained female’s involuntarily spread legs. “Start with the cunt lips only – no penetration and no clit action,” Wade continued, before turning his attentions once more to Scully’s face.


“The thing is, my pet, we know what you really are,” he said to the distressed woman beneath him. “We don’t just snatch any old woman off the street, oh no, we make a point of only choosing the most suitable.”


This was not, of course, a strictly accurate comment, since the shadow government considered it a point of principle that it could abduct and enslave any woman it wished, but an important part of the training process used to turn proud, independent women into obedient pet sluts was an extensive programme of mind games to convince the puppies in training that they really were submissive sluts at heart and that genuine submission and obedience really were their most sensible options. Every brainwashing technique ever devised by the CIA, the KGB and the Chinese intelligence services was available to the slut trainers if need be, as were a huge range of drugs that could be used to subdue and alter a woman’s mind. Wade, however, was something of a romantic in this area – he preferred to get a pet-in-training’s own body to betray it, wherever possible, as the first and most important stage in a new bitch’s subjugation.


As her trainer spoke gently to her, telling her what a repressed slut she was and how she would soon be enjoying and even needing the almost relentless fuckings that would henceforth be her fate, Scully felt the touch of another woman’s lips on her now denuded cunt lips for the very first time and, as had been the case when her tits were caressed so expertly, the first sensation she experienced was one of simple pleasure.


“No,” Scully managed to say, with a gentle moan, before Wade silenced her with a surprisingly gentle finger to her lips. “Now remember pet, no talking from you… Yes, I know that you want to beg and plead and scream but I’m afraid that resistance just isn’t allowed.”


“Here, this will help keep you obedient, for the time being,” he continued, reaching for a large red ballgag on a nearby trolley. “Now, be a good little pet and open wide.”


Scully tried to resist, tried to fight against the horror of what was happening to her but one more burst of pain from her implant soon had her accepting the intruder into her mouth in a meek and docile manner. “Now, that is so much better,” her torturer laughed as he buckled the gag behind her head. Scully could only moan incoherently in response as Honey, the petite Oriental slut continued to lap gently at her cunt lips.


“Now, I think her clit could do with a little attention, and you can also check to see if she’s wet yet,” the dominant male in the little tableau being played out in training room B ordered his willing Asian assistant. Honey obeyed instantly, as she had been trained to do, and the bound and gagged Scully was soon writhing around helplessly as her clitoris was exposed and then gently licked whilst first one, then two, then three fingers were gently inserted into her cunt.


If the sensation of having her tits fondled by another woman whilst in bondage had been bafflingly pleasant the experience of having her cunt played with by a female who was undoubtedly a true expert in pussy licking was beyond anything Scully had ever experienced before. “I can’t be enjoying this, this is rape,” the rational part of her mind tried to tell her, over and over again, but another, more primordial segment of her brain insisted on telling a very different story as the pure physical sensations that she was experiencing would not be denied.


“So, slut, is she wet then?” Wade asked. In answer, and without breaking her cunt licking rhythm, Honey simply held up her left hand so that Wade could see the tips of her fingers glistening with pussy juice from the bound woman’s cunt. “Honey says you are very wet and willing,” Scully’s trainer whispered into her ear, eliciting another muffled groan of despair (or was it lust?) from the restrained female. “And soon you will feel even hornier... when I fuck you… because, you see, we took you because our psychological profilers said that you would make a perfect slut, that you are a repressed nymphomaniac and that a short programme of obedience training will soon teach you your proper place in the order of things.”


Scully struggled to focus on the words that were cruelly, subtly insinuating themselves into her consciousness. “It can’t be true,” she thought to herself. “I’m not some kind of sex-crazed slut and, even if I were, that can’t justify kidnapping and slavery.” Honey’s talented tongue was making rational thought harder and harder for the helpless FBI agent, however, and, as time passed, Scully could begin to feel an orgasm building.


Wade, too, was experienced enough in the ways of wanton female flesh to recognise the approach of an orgasm in one of his captives and he began to stroke Scully’s mane of copper-coloured hair back from her face as her first cum as a slave bitch moved inexorably closer, because he soooo wanted to see the expression on her face when she was forced to surrender a part of her independence for the very first time.


And when it came it came big time. As only Scully’s wrists and ankles had been restrained when she had been mounted on the examination chair the captive FBI agent’s whole body bucked like a bronco as the intimate caresses of the Asian slave came to their logical conclusion. The look of horror, of despair, and of pure lust, all inextricably mingled on the face of the gagged woman, gave Wade a moment of pure joy as she writhed in her bondage. “I just can’t believe I get paid to do this job,” he thought to himself as Scully’s orgasm eventually began to subside.


Honey looked up at him expectantly, her work for the time being done and her owner gestured for the Oriental pet to crawl toward him. A near permanent and often (in consequence) rather painful erection is an occupational hazard of the slut trainer and Scully’s recent domination had given Wade a boner to be proud of. Honey’s talented and apparently tireless tongue soon began to take care of that little problem, however and Wade stroked the long black of hair of the formerly successful businesswoman as she sucked him off, wondering idly as he did how many years of service she would be able to provide before she became too old to be considered attractive. The women abducted and trained by Wade and his colleagues fell into three categories: women like Scully who had been kidnapped to order by a specific individual; women who were trained and then placed on the auction block for sale; and women like Honey, whose world class pussy licking skills meant that she would effectively spend the rest of her days as an assistant in the training centre, teaching reluctant slut after reluctant slut the joys of enforced lesbian sex.


Whilst her tormenter received some much needed relief, for the first time since she had woken up in her cell the previous day Scully had a few moments to think about her predicament. Her captors obviously had no intention of murdering her, she thought, but a life enslaved as a domesticated pet being repeatedly raped by her owner was hardly an improvement on death. However, as long as there was life there was hope, her train of thought continued, and so she began to methodically consider her options. There was no way she could effect an escape by overpowering her captors because a simple thought from any of them could incapacitate her in a microsecond. Breaking out of her cell at night, similarly, didn’t seem like a viable option – she was no Harry Houdini and, besides, if last night was anything to go by her captors intended to keep her drugged overnight.


However, the well-trained sluts like Sugar and Honey (“No! Their names are Margaret Johansen and Chee Moon-Leng,” Scully reprimanded herself) were apparently allowed to move around wherever the hell they were all being held unsupervised. So all she had to do, the captive FBI agent reasoned, was convince her abductors that she had been fully trained and broken to slavery and she too would be allowed to move around freely, significantly increasing the chances of escape.


Having reasoned thus far Scully knew what she was going to have to do. A chill ran through her as she cold-bloodedly calculated that she was going to have to learn to obey, to act exactly as a well-trained submissive slut would in order to win her captors’ trust and learn how to escape. She would have to convince men who were presumably trained to spot such subterfuge that she was really wet and willing and ready to please in any way that they wanted whilst yet, at the core of her being, remaining an independent woman, a human being for whom slavery was a fate not to be tolerated.


Which would be hard, a small voice inside Scully suggested. She had already been given one mind-blowing orgasm by her trainers; if they continued to tempt her with such strong sensations of physical pleasure could she resist the allure of genuine surrender long enough to escape their clutches?


She might yet be rescued, Scully reminded herself, as Mulder and Skinner would naturally be doing all they could to track her down. Mulder had, however, spent almost all his life looking for his abducted sister with a rather conspicuous lack of success, his FBI partner ruefully reminded herself, so relying on those two to rescue her was probably not a sensible option. She was going to have to do it herself…


Chapter Nine


His erection temporarily subdued by his Asian pet, Wade focused his mind back on the job in hand. Freeing Scully from her bonds he ordered her to assume position one and was rather surprised when she complied with something resembling enthusiasm. He had read BDSM fiction where women were converted into obedient sluts after one brief but intense fucking session but, in the real world that he occupied, This Never Happened – training of even the most naturally docile victim invariably took months before one could say with certainty that the slave was fully trained and 100% obedient. His new redheaded pet’s newfound desire to please, therefore, set a few alarm bells ringing.


Not that a little enthusiasm for the task would do any harm in the short term, however, he thought, as next job on the list was to teach Scully how to pose like the slut that she was shortly to become. Wade, the once proud FBI agent and the tamed bitch Honey, therefore, spent the next several hours teaching Scully the many positions that she would have to adopt instantly on command. If the pet being trained resisted a command or made a mistake or even just failed to adopt a new pose with sufficient enthusiasm then Wade activated her implant and it wasn’t long before Scully could be manipulated by her owner to offer her delightful body in almost any manner that he could imagine.


Scully lost all track of time as she was trained to obey. Conflicting emotions tore through her as, on the one hand, she struggled to be as obedient as possible in order to convince her captors that she could be trusted whilst, on the other, the way in which she was being forced to display her body to a complete stranger who had absolutely no compunction in touching her intimately whenever he felt like it was such a wholly alien concept that sometimes her mind instinctively rebelled.


It was only when the door to the training room opened and another naked women entered carrying a tray with several dog feeding bowls on it that Scully realised how hungry she was. The woman carrying the tray was another beauty, Hispanic in appearance this time, but Scully did not recognise her as one of the abductees whose disappearance she had recently been investigating.


“Ah, lunch,” said Wade as he too noted the entry of the Latin beauty. “Chilli, line the bowls up on the floor then I want all three of you bitches down and ready to eat – position six.”


The two tamed females, both Latin and Asian, instinctively dropped into position and, after a second of hesitation, Scully did likewise. All three women looked up expectantly at Wade. “Okay, sluts, eat,” he commanded and all three immediately began to tuck into the mush contained within their bowls. Wade noted with satisfaction, as Harold had done the night before, that Scully did not need to be told how to eat like a bitch; indeed, her feeding ‘technique’ with her hands splayed on either side of the bowl and her ass raised high as her head dipped into the food was well nigh perfect.


“Honey, take the feeding bowls back to the kitchen and then go to the dispatch room for reassignment,” Wade ordered his Asian pet and the Oriental slut obeyed silently. The bitch trainer then surveyed his two remaining charges, both of whom had stayed obediently down on all fours once they had finished their midday meal. “Chilli, lick this slut’s cunt,” he then ordered, after a few moments of reflection. The Hispanic creature moved to obey instantly and was soon lapping tentatively at Scully’s pussy from behind. The captured FBI agent stayed frozen in position, once again a soul in torment as several conflicting emotions battled for control of her psyche; she didn’t want to be licked out by another woman but, on the other hand, she did want to convince her captors that she was behaving.


And after a minute or two she noticed something else; her latest lesbian sex partner was considerably less expert than the Asian slut who had torn such a strong orgasm out of her earlier that day. The tongue bath of her cunt that she was experiencing was still pleasant but Scully soon found that a part of her wanted to reach back and move the Latin woman’s head down slightly and instruct her to spend more time on the clit and less on the pussy lips. “Christ, what am I becoming?” Scully thought to herself in astonishment, once it had registered that she was actually contemplating co-operation with her latest playmate. “I must not enjoy being forced to engage in lesbian sex. I must stay in control.”


The slut called Chilli’s tongue, although inexpert, was persistent, however, and as time passed it became, once again, harder and harder for Scully to resist her ministrations. And then yet another new threat entered her world. After having watched one of his sluts work on the other for several minutes, Wade decided that it was high time to teach the redheaded bitch a new trick. Selecting a low stool, therefore, he sat before Scully and unzipped his pants, revealing a penis that was once again fully erect.


“Time to check out your cocksucking skills, little one,” he explained to his victim, noting her expression of horror as it became obvious what was about to happen to her but also observing with some satisfaction that she did not pull away from her impending fate or attempt to speak.


Scully had known, of course, that this was going to happen sooner or later and had, in fact, been quite relieved that her first forced sexual encounters had both been with women but the psychological leap required to take her trainer’s cock into her mouth hadn’t got any smaller because of this. The very, very small number of men on whom she had performed oral sex in the past had practically had to ask for the service in writing with several weeks notice and even when she had granted her permission it was not a task that Scully had ever performed with any great enthusiasm. Yet here was an erect cock and it was going into her mouth right there and then and she was going to suck it and suck it well or its owner would inflict terribly pain on her.


Accepting her fate Scully slowly opened her mouth. “That’s it, good girl,” Wade whispered softly as he gently slid his member into the now gaping orifice. “Now suck it in and out, nice and slow.”


Scully did as commanded and soon found a rhythm that seemed to keep her abductor happy and that she could stick to without having to think too hard. And this was important because the tongue of the Latin lesbian was continuing to work away at Scully’s cunt and had somehow finally found her clit. The pleasure in her loins began to build towards another orgasm as she continued to suck on her captor’s cock. With her mouth full and her breath coming in shorter and shorter bursts as she approached orgasm Scully started to black out; she tried to dispel her oral intruder to get some air but Wade wasn’t having any of that and firmly grasped the back of her head, forcing his cock deeper. Forced to breath only through her nose, Scully tried to up the pace of her cocking sucking in order to get the job done and some air into her lungs. As it happened, both Scully and her owner came at the same time and the FBI agent experienced something close to nirvana as a huge orgasm coupled with a measure of oxygen deprivation sent her into a place that she had never previously known existed – she would have called it Paradise had the pleasure not been inflicted on her by force. She found herself swallowing her rapist’s cum almost instinctively – something she had never down with previous sexual partners – but then found herself falling away, down into a very dark pit.


Wade observed her faint with a smile. They were all sluts inside, of course, he knew, but the psych profilers had been dead right with this one – she was an absolute natural. He wondered how long before he could make this slut beg for the chance to suck his cock – and mean every word of her plea – a couple of weeks? Days? It sure would be fun finding out, he thought to himself. “This one needs to be groomed,” he said to the Latin woman who, having licked Scully to orgasm, was sat obediently on all fours awaiting further instructions. “Wait until she comes round and then take her to the bathhouse. I’ll meet you there.” And, with that, Wade left the two bitches alone in the training room. There were a couple of points he needed to talk to Harold about. The new redheaded nympho needed a name, for example. “I think ‘Rusty’, the pet trainer thought to himself as he headed towards the centre’s administration block. “Yes, ‘Rusty’ would suit that randy little bitch down to the ground.”

Admin hitlist for Wednesday, May 31st:

Chapter Ten


Scully came round slowly. She felt relaxed. Incredibly relaxed. It was as though every cell in her body had been lovingly massaged. She was… Her return journey to consciousness was completed with a start and the horror of her situation hit her once again with the force of an express train. She was a captive. The helpless victim of a group of men intent on turning her into an obedient sex slave. How the fuck could she be feeling so relaxed?


The FBI agent sat up and took in her surroundings. She was still in the training room where she had been forced to suck and be sucked and the fully trained slave slut called Chilli was still there, waiting patiently on all fours, but the sick freak who had forced her to eat his cock was no longer in the room. Thinking fast, Scully recognised a great opportunity to get some useful information about her surroundings. “Quick, before he comes back, tell me what you know about this place and how we might be able to escape,” Scully asked of her naked companion. “For example, how…”


Her questioning was cut short, however, by a sharp slap in the face from the naked women in front of her. Chilli then followed this up by placing a finger to her lips, a stern expression of reproach on her face. “No,” Scully pleaded, “don’t do that. Don’t give in to these madmen. Don’t give up hope. We can still get out of this hell. We can…”


Her attempts to reason with the tamed bitch who had so recently sucked her cunt and made her cum were ended, however, when Chilli reached for the red ballgag that had been used to silence Scully during her first cuntlicking episode earlier that day and, with a surprising amount of speed and strength, leapt onto the disobedient redhead.


Scully attempted to fend off her attacker but Chilli had absolutely no intention of playing fair and a punch to the FBI agent’s solar plexus soon sent the air rushing out of her lungs, leaving her mouth wide open. With the gag inserted and buckled and Scully still in no position to fight further, the Hispanic pet then attached a leash to the collar around the redheaded bitch’s neck and began to pull her out of the training room. Scully attempted to rise to her feet to follow her tormentor but the Latin lovely was having none of this and immediately pushed her charge back down onto all fours.


Thus Scully was once more led around the bitch training complex like an obedient little pup, her mind once again in a whirl. Why had the Hispanic girl failed to respond to her questions? Were the sluts kept as servants here really so well trained that they had fully accepted their fates? Would she too one day be brought to such a high state of obedience?


After a short walk Scully was led by her naked temporary mistress into what appeared to be a large communal bathroom that contained several bathtubs and shower stalls. The room also contained five people. Scully recognised the man who had introduced her to her fate the previous evening as he turned to her and smiled. “Hello there, little bitch, so you’ve finally woken up then?” he asked. “My colleague tells me that you came harder and longer than any new bitch he has ever trained, so I suppose you deserved a little break. But now it’s time to proceed with your training. We have a visitor to the training centre today – someone who is most eager to meet you. But first you will have to be suitably prepared.”


With that Harold gestured to the naked Latin bitch who had brought Scully to the bathhouse and the Hispanic lovely soon had the redheaded animal positioned in one of the bathtubs. She then began to bath Dana, gently but firmly lathering soap into every nook and cranny of the reluctant young woman’s naked body before rinsing her off with a shower attachment.


As she was groomed, Scully used the opportunity to take in the scene around her. Apart from herself and the naked woman who seemed to be taking every opportunity to caress her in an intimate fashion and the trainer the four other people in the bathroom consisted of two pairs of naked sluts – with one of each pair methodically bathing the other. Scully recognised Sugar (“No! Margaret, her name is Margaret,” she reminded herself once more) from the previous evening but the other three women were strangers to her.


After greeting her, Harold had fallen silent and so the bizarre bathing ritual continued in silence until all three sluts being groomed were completely clean. The bitchmaker then had all six women line up before him in the standard ‘display’ position. He inspected them slowly and thoroughly, taking every opportunity to handle their firm tits and curvaceous, pouting asses.


“Right,” he began, once he was satisfied that every slut in the room had been properly prepared. “You, Chilli, take these three back to their cells and then report to the dispatch centre for further orders.” As he said this he gestured at the three naked women that Scully had failed to recognise. “Whereas you, Sugar, and you, Rusty, you come with me. Now get down.”


The tall blond creature that had once been a successful lawyer and a champion of women’s causes obeyed instantly, falling down onto her hands and knees in preparation for a leash to be attached to her collar but Scully stayed standing, temporarily confused by the orders she had just heard. Rusty? Who the hell was Rusty?


Harold smiled at her confusion. “Yes, I do mean you, little one,” he said, peering deeply into the bewildered redhead’s eyes. “Dana Catherine Scully died two days ago. You are now, and will forever more be the obedient pet bitch called Rusty. I suggest you get used to it. Now, DOWN!”


Rather than bring more pain upon herself at this command Scully dropped onto all fours and was soon leashed and crawling once more behind her owner, albeit this time with another naked pet for company. As she went through the motions of obedience, however, her mind was in a reel. Her enforced renaming, although seemingly a small thing on the surface, was having a profound affect on the abducted FBI agent. “They’ve even taken my name,” the tormented women thought to herself. “They don’t intend to leave a single shred of what I was before my capture left in place, do they?”


Chapter 11


Distracted by these thoughts, Scully was too preoccupied to immediately take in her surroundings as she was brought into a large room and found herself up on her feet and posed in the basic ‘display’ position before she even realised that her short journey had come to an end.


“So here she is,” said a voice behind her, but Scully was far too well trained, even at this early stage, to turn around to see who had spoken. “That FBI bitch who had been starting to give us such serious trouble.”


“Yes sir,” Harold replied, his deferential tone a very marked contrast to the dominant persona he instinctively adopted when addressing a captive slave bitch. “We took her two days ago – this is only her first full day of training but I can tell you that she is already progressing very rapidly indeed.”


“Is she now?” the owner of the other voice enquired, coming into Scully’s view for the first time. She saw a silver haired man in late middle age wearing an old fashioned pinstripe suit and radiating an aura of confidence and control that could only mean one thing – power.


“So how many cocks has she had up her so far?” the older of the two men asked. “None, yet,” Harold replied. “She has sucked one cock and had her pussy licked twice but her first fucking is scheduled for later this afternoon – unless you would like to do the honours yourself, of course!”


“Well now there’s an idea,” the older man said, laughing, as he approached Scully. “She really is a beauty, isn’t she, and you say she’s really a repressed nympho?”


“Oh yes, absolutely,” Harold said, nodding. “You should see her cum – it’s like watching a champion bronco bucking to shake of its rider!”


Scully blushed as red as a fire engine to hear herself spoken about in such tones but she remained silent and in position, her hands clasped behind her neck and her legs spread wide.


“Is that so?” said the old man, moving to within touching distance of the posed submissive. “Maybe that’s why you’ve been giving us so much trouble. Maybe you were subconsciously looking for a dominant male to teach you some proper manners.”


As he spoke the man stared deeply into Scully’s eyes and the captive woman could not repress a shudder. The eyes she was staring into were not those of a human being, a person who would understand emotions such as love, compassion, pity. No, the eyes of the man who, it seemed, would shortly be raping her were those of a machine. Cold, calculating. Pitiless.


“Yes, I think I will have her,” the man in the pinstripe suit said to Harold the pet trainer. “Please leave the two of us alone for a while. I’ll call you when I’ve finished with her.”


“As you wish sir,” the pet trainer replied, before leading the blond bitch Sugar out of the room on a leash.


The old man stood in front of Scully, taking in the truly magnificent view of a once haughty bitch that had been taken down a peg or two. He reached out and began to roll one of his captive’s pouting nipples between his fingers, noting with a smile how rapidly the taut little bud became hard. “Oh yes, you are quite the slut, aren’t you?” he said, almost in a whisper. “I’m sure you’re going to give me the ride of my life.”


Scully stared back at the man who was about to violate her, terror in her eyes. She couldn’t move – he would hurt her if she did. And, besides, only a couple of hours previously she had vowed to pretend to be as obedient as possible in order to win her abductors’ trust and maximise her chances of escape. This sickening old man was soon going to stick his prick up her cunt but she was simply helpless – unable to do a single thing to prevent this atrocity from taking place.


“Position 12,” the old man barked, and Scully’s intensive training session that morning meant that she had adopted the required pose before she fully realised that she had been given an order.


Position 12 involved a slut bending over and grasping her ankles, with her legs spread wide, giving anyone who wanted to take advantage of the situation full access to her cunt and asshole.


Her latest assailant circled her slowly, taking in a view that, in his world of sexual sadism, rivalled that of the Grand Canyon. Scully’s ass particularly took his fancy and he began to look around the room where they had been left alone for a certain kind of training aid. Although they were not in a proper training room but, rather, stood in one of the rooms where the trainers and visitors to the complex would relax, given the nature of the business that was undertaken at the site almost every room had some instruments of correction left lying around and the old man soon spied a riding crop left abandoned on a table.


“Now, my dear, I’m going to warm that delicious backside of yours up a little before your cunt gets to see some action,” he warned his victim, looking down at Scully looking back up at him between her legs. “But you will hold your position until I say otherwise and you will not speak or even cry out because if you do I will activate your implant and you will feel pain several orders of magnitude greater than anything I can inflict upon you with this little riding crop.”


“He has an a ‘master’ implant, of course he has a ‘master implant,” Scully thought to herself, gritting her teeth at the suffering that she was undoubtedly about to endure. “I must obey. I must stay in position and remain silent. I must.”


The first stroke from the riding crop, when it came, brought an involuntary gasp from the doubled up recipient but she held her position and tried to analyse the sensation. Yes, it had hurt but, as the man had said, the pain was nothing like the suffering-beyond-agony that Scully had several times suffered when her ‘slave’ implant had been activated. “I can get through this,” she thought to herself. “I can get through this.”


There was a long gap between the first and second strokes of the riding crop on Scully’s perfect, ripe bottom as her tormentor took a moment to admire his handiwork. The first stroke had left a bright red welt across her buttocks and it was truly a work of art as the red of the mark contrasted perfectly with the snowy whiteness of the slut’s backside.


The old man laid a regular pattern of stripes with the riding crop on the upturned ass of his nubile young victim and then reached between the legs of the redheaded slut and gently began to stroke her pussy lips. After a minute or two of this treatment he then began to whip Scully again, before once again returning his attentions to her cunt.


After the individual pain signature of the first stroke, the subsequent lashes had begun to merge into one great well of pain in Scully’s mind and she hardly noticed the start of her captor’s more amorous ministrations at first, at least not consciously. As the regular pattern of pain from the riding crop and gentle stimulation of her cunt continued, however, Scully became aware of a strange sensation. The pain in her ass was transforming into a weird kind of heat and that heat was beginning to move from the outer layers of ass flesh into the centre of her cunt.


As this process continued Scully’s involuntary gasps of pain at the beating she was receiving began to transform themselves into short moans of pleasure. Noting this with pride the old man temporarily in charge of her training thought to himself: “Well, I may not be a young man any more but I can still bring a submissive little bitch to the edge if I want to.”


And with that thought he decided that it was time for a good hard fucking. “Slut, position six,” he commanded and Scully, in spite of the advanced state of mental confusion that her recent treatment had brought about, was soon posed as ordered, down on all fours with her forearms pressed down on the floor and her ass raised high.


Her face was pressed down into the ground, as she had been trained, but behind her Scully could hear the unmistakable sound of clothes being shed. “It’s going to happen,” she thought in a panic. “I’m going to be fucked, raped, by this filthy old pervert. Oh God, no.”


If God heard her silent prayer he decided to ignore it, however, and Scully soon felt the erect prick of her rapist pressing against the lips of her pussy. The old man then paused for a second, savouring the moment of victory, before thrusting forward and burying his cock in Scully’s cunt up to the hilt.


He moaned in pleasure at the tightness of it and then began to thrust in and out at a regular pace, noting with considerable satisfaction that, in addition to being suitably tight, the cunt of the troublesome FBI agent that he and his organisation were currently in the business of taming was suitably moist.


Scully, meanwhile, was busy praying for death. But not because the forced entry that she was currently experiencing was causing her physical pain; indeed, quite the opposite was true. The combination of the riding crop and gentle caresses on her pussy earlier had left her wet and ready for a good ride and that’s what she was getting. Once again her mind recoiled in true horror from the way in which her body was betraying her. She was being raped. By a man old enough to be her father. By a man who had mercilessly beat her with a riding crop just a few moments before. And she was loving it. Or, rather, to be more precise, her cunt was loving it.


After several minutes where her pussy was relentlessly filled with pounding cock Rusty the slave bitch, the slut who had once been FBI Special Agent Dana Scully, felt the mother of all orgasms begin to rise out of the very centre of her being. She was going to cum, and cum harder than she had ever done before. She was going to cum after having been abducted, physically abused and then raped. As her rider spilled his seed into her and Scully’s orgasm hit like a tsunami the horny redhead for the first time truly understood what fate had in store for her. She had to escape and escape soon or, she realised with a sinking feeling in the pit of her stomach, her captors would be able to convert her into a willing slave bitch, obedient and docile and hungry for her owner’s cock. There was a part of her being that was a slut, a nymphomaniac, she acknowledged for the first time. Otherwise how could you explain the tremendous orgasms that she was having in captivity?


As her rapist rolled off her with a satisfied sigh, Scully stayed frozen in position, outwardly silent but inwardly screaming and screaming and screaming as she was introduced to a very special part of hell.

Admin hitlist for Wednesday, May 31st:

Chapter Twelve


Harold was used to having an erection. Hell, his prick had been virtually permanently rock hard ever since he had first begun to tame reluctant young ladies. The rod that he currently sported was, however, something else. He, alongside several other pet trainers, had witnessed Scully’s very first fucking in captivity from the administration block via the CCTV cameras that monitored activity in every room within the training complex.  And the show that the slut had put on for them as she had writhed and wriggled whilst impaled on the cock of the senior shadow government figure who had taken advantage of his seniority to be the first man to fuck her since she had been abducted had been truly awesome.


Every woman taken and tamed by the organisation that Harold worked for was ‘persuaded’ to experience mind-blowing orgasms after some training, of course, but the slutmaker couldn’t recall any of the previous several hundred young ladies that he had ‘taken under his wing’ cumming so hard on just their first full day of training. No, Rusty the new slut was something very special, Harold thought to himself, and it was time to treat himself.


When he had stripped the little redheaded sex monkey for the very first time Harold had sworn to himself that he would be the one to give the slut her first assfucking and, as the cameras revealed that her rapist had dressed himself and left the room, without so much as a word to his now defeated victim, he decided that there was no time like the present. “After all,” he thought to himself. “We don’t want to run the risk of some other bigwig coming in here and claiming that prize for himself, now do we?” Throwing certain essential items into a holdall, therefore, Harold virtually ran towards the room where Scully still lay on the floor, her ass raised skywards, immobile apart from the uncontrollable sobs that coursed through her body.


The fact that her rapist had, with his conquest of her cunt now complete, dressed and left the room, leaving her alone, had just about registered on Scully’s mind but she was quite unable to move, to rise from her demeaning position on the floor with her head lowered and her backside offered up for use. The strongest orgasm she had ever experienced, along with the revelation of what that might mean about her true self, had sent her into a state of shock and she found herself unable to do anything apart from stare at the floor and think. “They’ve forced me to let another woman lick my pussy, and I liked it,” she thought. “They’ve forced me to suck a man’s cock and swallow his cum and I liked it. They’ve forced me to bend over like a naughty schoolgirl up before the headmaster and receive a beating, and I liked it. They forced me to accept the prick of that disgusting old pervert up my cunt and, may God have mercy on me, I liked it. So what am I? What the fuck am I? How can I possibly be drawing pleasure of any kind from these experiences? I have been abducted. Raped. I am a free women. An independent human being. A medical doctor. An FBI agent. I have a mind. And a damn fine one at that. And free, independent women don’t get off on being kidnapped and raped. Yes, some women may have rape fantasies but surely no modern female actually wants rape to happen, or enjoys it when it does. That ‘s just a sick fantasy dreamt up by inadequate, delusional males. Women do not enjoy rape.”


“Except you, you fucking nymphomaniac slut,” a voice within Scully’s mind answered her. “Can you deny that your captors are making you cum harder than any of the men with whom you voluntarily had sex could manage? Can you deny that the orgasms they are drawing out of you are, in fact, more intense than any pleasure you had previously though was even possible? You are a slut, a nympho, the stereotypical submissive sex machine of every man’s fantasy. Why deny it to yourself?”


“Shut up, shut up,” Scully screamed, rising from her prostrate position and clutching her hands to the sides of her head. “I’m Dana Katherine Scully, FBI special agent and medical doctor. I’m not a slut. “These people are abusing me, torturing me, playing mind games with me… but I won’t give in. I am Dana Katherine Scully. I am Dana Scully. I am Dana Scully…”


Scully’s torment was, temporarily, broken up by an almost apologetic cough from the doorway. “Now slut, I’m pretty sure that you understood that talking with permission, even to yourself, would not be tolerated,” said the trainer who had left her alone with her elderly rapist just a few minutes previously. “Bad bitch!” he admonished, simultaneously knocking Scully off her feet with just a thought by activating her implant. “I will have you silent.”


On previous occasions Scully had soon learnt to obey anyone capable of inflicting the ultimate agony on her that the alien technology could produce but this time the sheer terror that coursed through her veins made the rational decision to submit rather than suffer impossible.


“No!” she screamed, rising to her feet again and hurling herself bodily towards her tormenter. “I’m Dana Scully, I’m…” Another burst of beyond-pain literally lifted her off her feet and deposited her once more on the floor but, once again, she rose and began to stagger towards the slutmaker standing in the doorway. “I’m Dana…”. A third burst of agony send her spiralling to the brink of unconsciousness but something within her refused to accept the comforting presence of blackness and made her push herself up onto her knees again. “I’m Dana Scully,” she mumbled, almost to herself, as she began to try and crawl towards the monster who was responsible for her suffering.


Harold was impressed. Not many sluts in training could withstand three consecutive blasts of implant-induced pain and still be capable of any serious attempt at motion, not even the rather pathetic crawling that was all that Rusty could currently manage. “Yes,” he thought to himself, “training this one is going to be an absolute joy.” As he contemplated the mumbling, suffering woman attempting to reach him on all fours the slaver knew with absolute certainty the his latest bitch represented the best of both worlds from the pet trainer’s point of view. “Intellectually, she really is one of the most stubborn, independent, intelligent human beings I’ve ever met,” his internal musing continued. “Breaking a spirit like that would be an act of nothing more than vandalism were it not for one thing – she is also a true slut. She may have repressed this side of her personality all of her life – she may well be quite unaware that it even exists. But it’s there and I am going to use it to get Dana Scully to tame herself. Yes, that’s it, I am going to show her, in graphic detail, exactly what she is. And then, one day, once she has learnt that the truth isn’t ‘out there’, it’s in her soul, and it isn’t particularly pretty, she will surrender to me.”


Harold’s reverie was then interrupted by the fact that Scully had very nearly succeeded in reaching his feet. She was as weak as a kitten, however, and so the pet trainer, dropping the holdall that he had been carrying, simply reached out and grasped the leather collar that the redhead had had buckled around her neck since she had been forcibly stripped the previous evening. Giving the collar a sharp tug, the ex-Marine soon had Rusty slumped full-length on the floor and, moving with surprising speed for such a large man, Harold then moved to straddle the helpless woman, sitting down on her lower back facing her head.


He then grasped the head of the struggling slut beneath him and reintroduced her mouth to the red ballgag that was starting to become an almost constant companion to her suffering. Scully’s arms and legs thrashed pitifully at her sides as she was once again comprehensively silenced but that was by no means the end of her trainer’s plans for her. Reaching again into his holdall Harold withdrew two long tubes of leather. Grasping Scully’s right arm he soon managed to work one of the tight-fitting sleeves onto her hand and up towards her armpit. The end of the leather sleeve was a fingerless mitten and metal D-rings were attached to the garment at wrist and elbow.


Repeating the process with her left arm, Harold soon had both of Rusty’s upper limbs encased in skin tight leather. He then forced her left arm back behind her back and across towards her right side until he was able to clip her left wrist ring onto her right elbow ring. Once the process had been repeated in mirror image, so that the D-ring on the right wrist of Scully’s bondage was firmly attached to the elbow ring of her left armholder, the slutmaker sat back for a second to review his handiwork.


The bitch beneath him was now utterly helpless, with her arms restrained behind her and her lower half unable to move because of the presence of a rather large male presence pinning her down. Harold then rose temporarily, only to resume his position astride Scully’s ass but this time facing towards her feet. Reaching once more into the bag, this time he drew out a stout stainless steel bar, about three feet long, with stout leather cuffs at each end.


Scully continued to try and kick her legs feebly but it was hardly a contest as Harold attached one end of the spreader bar to the helpless redheaded slut’s left thigh, just about her knee, and then, after firmly prizing her legs apart, repeated the process with her right thigh.


Rusty’s trainer then rose and headed towards a well stocked drinks cabinet set into one wall of the room where he intended to introduce his helpless captive to a whole new sensation. Pouring himself a large shot of bourbon he turned once more towards his victim. Scully’s attempted assault on him a few minutes previously had got her body almost to the room’s door and that wasn’t where he wanted her at all, so grasping her thrashing feet he dragged the moaning woman over towards one of the room’s several couches and positioned her so that her head was facing the sofa. He then picked up his drink and sat, gazing down at the bound female beneath him.


“My, you do have spirit, don’t you?” he said, staring into Scully’s wonderful eyes as he did so and seeing in them, for the very first time since her capture, no emotion more complex than terror. All of the disgust, all of the cunning, all other emotions other than simple fear had, for the time being, departed. The profile of Scully that Harold had had prepared before her abduction had indicated that it was highly likely that she had ever indulged in anything resembling bondage with her previous sexual partners. Scully’s sex life before her kidnapping had, in fact, as far they had been able to determine, been quite spectacularly dull.


Harold wondered idly how it must feel to be so helpless, tightly bound and lying at the feet of a man who could and would do anything to your body that he wished. Reaching once more for his bag of tricks the trainer then produced a small vibrating dildo and a tube of lubricant and placed them on the floor in front of Rusty. Scully’s eyes flickered downwards, incomprehension on her face. What was she thinking, Harold wondered. Was she expecting to be raped in her cunt once again.


“They’re for your ass, little one,” he said, looking into his pet’s eyes and noting with satisfaction how they widened in shock at the news. “ I could just shove my prick right in, of course, but that would probably hurt you too much for you to enjoy the experience, so I’m going to give you the benefit of a little preparation first. And then I’m going to stick my prick up your ass, good and hard.”


Bound and helpless as she was this information brought forth a renewed burst of struggling from Scully but this was, of course, to no avail. No, the slut was going to take it up her beautiful little backside for the first time and there was not a thing she could do to prevent it.


Harold began to smear lubricant on the dildo, humming quiet to himself as he did. Scully continued to writhe ineffectually as he did.


Due to the temporary lull in proceedings the panic that had caused her so much grief earlier began to fall back to a more manageable level of fear, however, and Scully was, at least temporarily, able to think with a reasonable degree of rationality once more. “Alright, don’t panic,” she thought to herself. “He’s going to fuck you up the ass but for some reason he doesn’t want you to suffer. It’ll just be a rather unpleasant sensation, like being examined by a proctologist, nothing too much to worry about. Just stay calm.”


His work lubricating the dildo complete, Harold then moved around to Rusty’s forcibly spread rear end. “This will go much easier if you relax your buttocks,” he said, talking to the back of the head of his restrained victim. Scully, resigned to her fate, realised the sense in these words and actually did her best to obey.


As the tense muscles beneath his hands eased visibly, which he noted with a smile, Harold took aim with the dildo at the awesomely tight little rosebud that stared up at him and began to push. Scully tensed involuntarily at the first touch of the cool sex toy but tried to force herself to relax as her torturer relentless pushed it in further, and further, and further.


Harold then selected a remote control from his holdall and resumed his position sitting on the sofa looking down on the freshly impaled Rusty. Taking a sip of his bourbon he then pushed a button on the remote. Scully started as the anal intruder that she had recently succumbed to began to vibrate but once again forced herself to remain calm. Despite her strict bondage and despite the fact that she had just had a foreign body inserted up her ass for the very first time she was not in any real discomfort at present. In fact…


“Oh fuck no, not again!” Scully’s mind screamed at her as, as once again, horror descended. Because the gentle vibration within her tight little bottom wasn’t hurting at all. Quite the opposite, in fact. It was nice. The thin membrane that separated her anal passage from her cunt was being quite deliciously stimulated by the presence of the well-lubricated toy and once again Scully’s nervous system was reporting back to base with sensations that could in no way be described as painful or unpleasant.


Reaching down, Harold put his hand under Rusty’s chin and forced the captive slut to raise her head and look him in the eye. If he was right about this horny little slut, and he knew that he was, then about now it would be dawning on her that yet another episode of enforced kinky sex was about to produce sensations that before too long she would really, really need in the way that a long-term heroin addict really, really needs that next fix of junk.


Scully, once again, began to struggle feebly as the anal intruder relentless continued to stimulate her back passage, although her trainer could not tell yet whether this was because of lust or loathing. Truth be told, of course, it was at this stage a bit of both but as time passed the unmistakeable flush of arousal appeared to Scully’s face as the man who was dominating her played with the remote control, altering the frequency of vibration to exert the maximum possible influence on the woman in tight leather bondage beneath him.


“Excellent,” said her trainer, smiling down at his captive cunt. “Now, if I remove your gag are you going to be a good little girl and suck my cock?” Flushing an ever-darker red Rusty acknowledged her acceptance with the smallest of nods and Harold needed no further encouragement. Taking one last gulp of bourbon, he soon unzipped his pants to reveal a penis that was hardly in need of oral stimulation to bring it to full tumescence.


The slutmaker then reached behind Scully’s head and unbuckled the ballgag. He was half expecting her to try and speak again and was extremely pleased when, instead of attempting speech, her only response to being ungagged was to silently open her mouth wide.


Harold took full advantage of the opportunity that this offered but only for a few seconds. His self-control was legendary amongst the other trainers in the slutmaking complex but he soon realised that if he allowed himself too much time in the whore’s mouth he would not be able to do what he had come into the room to do in the first place.


Moving to behind Scully, therefore, he pulled her hips up and back towards his raging hard-on. Removing the still vibrating dildo with one hand he guided his prick into the still lubricated anal entrance with the other.


At the first taste of an erect male penis in her ass Scully gasped in pain. “No, don’t, it hurts,” she managed to pant out before her rapist reached round and cupped a hand over her nose and mouth. “Mfffff,” was all that Scully could now say as the prick that was spreading her bottom began to saw in and out. “Silence, slut,” Harold commanded, but in a surprisingly gentle voice. “Just relax and enjoy the ride.”


It suddenly occurred to what was left of the rational part of Scully’s mind just how exhausted she was. Had it really been only that very morning that her training had begun? How many mind-blowing orgasms had been coaxed out of her since then? Wouldn’t it be better just to relax, to give in, just for a while, just until she could get some strength back and regroup?


With these weasel words the section of her mind that wanted to surrender won a temporary victory over the remainder of her psyche and Rusty relaxed, allowing her body to get into the rhythm of her first ass fucking. After just a couple of minutes, however, she recognised the unmistakeable groans of a horny man about to come and, sure enough, before she knew it, her trainer had dumped his load into her ass.


But she hadn’t had time to cum herself. She heard her rapist sigh with contentment as he withdrew and zipped himself up. But she hadn’t had time to cum herself. “Scully looked over her shoulder and up at the man who had just violated her. “Please…” was all she could say, in a very quiet voice. “Please what, little one?” her torturer asked, in an amused tone. “What can I do for you?”


“Please… Sir, I need to cum,” Scully confessed, blushing so deeply as she did so that her skintone almost matched that of her hair. “Can you please make me cum.”


“Well, yes, little pet, I can make you cum,” Harold replied, trying hard to contain his exultation. “But I’ll only do it if you tell me what you are.”


There was a pause. A long moment of silence. And then, almost too quiet to be heard, a voice: “I’m a slut.”


Harold pulled Rusty’s head up by the chin once again. “I’m sorry, I didn’t quite catch that,” he said. “Say again.”


“I’m a slut, Sir,” Scully said again, this time so loud it was almost a shout. “You can fight back tomorrow,” the now dominant voice within her mind said. “Later. Once you have got you strength back. Once you have formulated a proper plan of escape. Once you have had the orgasm you need.”


“Yes, bitch, you are,” Scully’s trainer said, smiling. And, with that, he reached down between the bound redhead’s widely spread legs and took hold of a clitoris that was standing out like a rosebud in the first flush of springtime.


Scully’s whole body vibrated at this contact and, as the man who was training her began to caress the over-stimulated bundle of nerve endings between her legs, she began to feel the first wave of a by now familiar sensation sweep through her. When the cum hit, Rusty’s whole body arched like a bow about to be fired. Harold ceased his ministrations and gazed down at a body that had unquestionably just been given the ultimate in satisfaction. As he did so, however, he heard another whisper from his helpless pet. “Oh God no, please no,” Scully whispered to herself as her latest orgasm began to subside and rationality returned. “What have I done? What am I becoming?”


Harold smiled to himself at this latest victory and began to hum to himself once again as he started to pack up the tools of his trade.

Admin hitlist for Wednesday, May 31st:

Chapter 13


Rendered almost catatonic by her ordeal, Scully put up no resistance as her bondage was removed and she was led back to her cell on a leash, crawling on all fours like a good little bitch puppy. Her evening bowl of mush was waiting for her there and she positively wolfed it down, eager for the relief that oblivion would provide and, sure enough, just a few seconds after finishing her meal she felt the chemically-laced food begin to do its work as she began to slide once more into a very dark pit…


and then awoke. “Come on bitch, up and into position one,” she heard a voice say. “Now!” Looking up from the floor where she had slept Scully saw the man’s whose cock she had been forced to suck the previous day standing on the other side of the bars that divided her cage into two.


The previous day!


In a flash all of the memories of the hell that she had experienced the day before flooded back into her mind and she moaned in terror. “No” Wade shouted. “No sound. Also, instant obedience.” And, with these words, he activated Scully’s implant and the abused FBI agent soon found herself scrambling to avoid the pain by jumping to her feet and standing with her legs spread wide and her hands clasped behind her neck, as ordered.


With the slut posed as required, the pet trainer took his time inspecting the human animal before him, his hands lingering long on its firm, fleshy tits and equally succulent ass. “You put on one hell of a show for us yesterday cunt,” he whispered into Scully’s ear. “We were all very pleased with your performance. Good girl.”


Scully flushed bright red at the words of the patronising bastard before her. “They had me off balance yesterday,” she thought to herself. “I didn’t know what to expect from these pricks. But today will be different. Today I’ll be ready for them. Today they can make me do things but they can’t make me enjoy them. I swear to God.”


Wade smiled as he observed the internal conflict that was obviously taking place in Rusty’s mind. “They all think they are special, he mused inwardly. “Unique. Better than other women. Other people. But they aren’t. The patterns of thought and behaviour that they exhibit as we begin to train them are really rather depressingly limited. This bitch thinks that if she concentrates really hard she can avoid succumbing to the highly-addictive orgasms that we intend to give her but does she really think she is the first cunt we have ever tamed who tried to resist with every fibre of her being? We have drugs, we have psychology, we have pain – any and all of these can be used to produce any effect in a slut’s mind and body that we desire. And, of course, in this case, we also know that the animal’s own body will betray its mind, if stimulated in the right way.”


As he contemplated the futility of Scully’s planned resistance Wade continued to ‘inspect’ her body, bending forward slightly to suckle on her tits, whilst stroking her pussy lips with one hand and running his other gently up and down her back. In spite of her resolve not to submit and the burning hatred that she harboured for her captors Scully was forced to admit that the man handling her certainly knew his way around a woman’s body. She mentally shook her head at the paradox – the small number of men who she had previously had sex with had all done their best to bring her as much pleasure as possible but they had all, without exception, she was forced to admit to herself, been crap. Utterly, completely crap. But this monster in front of her (and now behind her, touching her, stroking her, controlling her!) somehow had the gift of understanding Scully’s body better than even she did. He knew where to touch her and how and when and he was patient and even gentle, provided that she was well behaved and stayed in position as ordered.


After several minutes of being handled Scully started to feel a growing warmth in her loins. “No!” she screamed inside, yet again. “No. I won’t enjoy having this monster’s hands on me. Being pawed like this is making me sick to my stomach, not aroused. I hate what is happening to me, I hate what is happening to me, I hate…”


Scully’s newfound mantra was stopped, however, by her trainer’s decision that she had apparently had enough stimulation for one session. “Down,” he commanded and, once Scully was on all fours, he attached a leash to her collar and led her out of her cell.


Once fed, bathed and shaved, Scully was then subjected to a repeat of the rigorous training session that she had experienced the same time the previous morning with her trainer ordering her to instantly adopt the many provocative positions that she was required to master and punishing her for failure or lack of enthusiasm. “They’re conditioning me like a fucking lab rat,” was about the only conscious thought that Scully had time to think as she was relentlessly drilled in the postures of a well-trained slut.


After two hours of hard work Scully’s trainer left the room, only to return minutes later with the Asian slut called Honey in tow. Scully’s heart missed a beat as she recalled how the horny Oriental had licked her pussy and made her cum the previous day. “I won’t enjoy it today,” she began to say to herself. “These bastards aren’t going to beat me. I’m not going to get off on having another woman play with my cunt. I’m not going to let it happen.”


Laughing to himself at the expression of determination on his newest pet’s face Wade began to make the necessary preparations for her latest defeat. Scully’s hands were cuffed in front of her and her legs were kept wide apart by a spreader bar attached to her ankles She was then bent over a waist-high pommel horse and her cuffs were attached to an eyebolt in the floor. Thus immobilised, Scully could only await her fate, whilst doggedly reciting her mantra: “I am not going to like this, I hate these bastards and what they are doing to me. I am not going to like this…”


“Alright Honey, get to work,” Scully heard her torturer’s voice behind her say. “I want an orgasm out of this slut in under five minutes or you’ll get to spend 24 hours in the hole.”


The naked Asian pet jumped quickly to work on hearing these words and was soon subjecting Scully’s cunt to another exquisite tongue bath. Although resolved to resist these ministrations Scully was troubled by something, however. “The hole, what the hell is the hole?” she thought to herself. “If I resist then poor Moon-Leng will be punished and 24 hours of punishment in some place called the hole doesn’t sound like a picnic. Christ, what can I do?”


The captive FBI agent’s resolve weakened temporarily as she realised that, in order to avoid subjecting the once successful Asian businesswoman to what sounded like a horrific punishment, she would have to submit and allow herself to be brought to orgasm and, as she did, Honey’s talented tongue made contact with Scully’s clitoris for the first time. “Oh,” Scully moaned, allowing herself to enjoy what was happening to her, just for a moment. But then a second thought occurred to the soon-to-be-slut who still thought of herself as an independent woman with a mind of her own. “My escape plan, I’d forgotten about my escape plan,” she thought, through a rising tide of lust as Honey continued to do what she did best. “I have to convince my captors that I have accepted my fate as a docile pet slut in order to be allowed to roam around this place on my own and find a way out.”


“Oh yes,” Scully moaned the next time the tongue working her cunt flickered across her clit. “Oh God yes!” This moan of lust was only partially because the sensations that she was experiencing were undeniably pleasurable, however, because the feisty redhead had hit upon a simple plan to maintain her independence in the face of the determined assault on her sex from her captors: she was going to fake it.


Scully’s moans of lust grew progressively louder over the next few minutes and then, when she judged that they were getting dangerously close to the five-minute mark, she let rip. “Oh yeeessssssssss!” she screamed. “I’m cumming!!! Oh Christ Almighty, I’m cumming!!!!!” As she yelled out her faked surrender Scully arched her body the way she had done in earnest the previous evening and then, after holding the pose for a few seconds, slumped into her restraints.


Honey the Asian slut sat back on her haunches as Scully went through her performance and when she was done Wade came around to the front of Scully and unhooked her handcuffs from the eyebolt in the floor. Then, sitting on a chair in front of the restrained slut, he pulled Scully’s head up until they were looking into each other’s eyes.


“Pathetic,” he said, the disdain obvious in his voice. “You call that a convincing orgasm? You couldn’t convince the fucking Pope that you had just cum with that sort of performance.”


Scully gazed back at her captor in shock. She had thought that her pretend orgasm had been utterly convincing but her trainer had seen right through the pretence as though she had been a little girl playing make-believe.


“Now, Honey, get back to work,” Wade commanded, holding Scully’s upper body horizontal as he did so by pulling her chin up with one hand and reaching beneath her to fondle a provocative nipple with the other. “And this time Rusty, you deceitful little slut, you will give yourself fully and without restraint or little Honey back there will suffer more pain than you can even imagine.”


A chill ran through Scully as she felt her cunt once again begin to experience the touch of the Asian pussylicker. “What the fuck should I do?” she thought desperately to herself. “I swore I wouldn’t allow myself to cum again at the hands of these fiends but if I don’t then the poor creature behind me will be tortured. Can I sacrifice her just because by so doing I might possibly increase my own chances of escape?”


As her train of logic reached its inexorable conclusion Scully realised that she was going to have to give in (“Just this one more time,” she thought to herself.) in order both to save the unfortunate Oriental pet from needless suffering and to convince her male torturer that he had won.


Forcing herself to relax, therefore, Rusty opened her mind to the delicious sensation of having a truly first-class cuntlapper going to work on her. Honey’s tongue oscillated wonderfully between clit and cunt lips and her delicate Oriental fingers began to insinuate themselves gently deep inside Scully pussy, which actions soon began to draw genuine moans of lust from the helpless redhead.


As he sensed that Rusty’s first real orgasm of the day was starting to come closer Wade stroked her hair back from her face and looked deep into her eyes. “That’s right pet, just let it happen,” he crooned. “Resisting does no one any good, now does it? Just let the orgasm happen, let it live, let it breath.”


Just as Scully was on the brink of surrendering to her needy cunt, however, her trainer ordered: “Honey, stop,” and the Asian pet did so immediately. “Wha… ?” Scully gasped, gazing up into her abductor’s eyes. “Now ask for it,” he explained. “Beg. And make sure your plea is genuine or Honey gets it.”


Scully’s mind froze for what seemed like an eternity to the suffering captive. After having surrendered to the cuntlicking that had brought her to the point of orgasm she really, really did need to cum, and soon. And she didn’t want her fellow victim to suffer on her account. But to beg for the chance to cum? And mean it (because her trainer would surely know if she was lying)?


Once again Scully’s highly-trained mind analysed the situation as rationally as circumstances allowed and once again she was forced to conclude that surrender, albeit of a temporary nature, was the only sensible option.


“Please, Sir,” she eventually whispered. “Please may I cum?”


“Tell me what you are first,” Wade replied as he continued to fondle Scully’s wonderfully perky tits. “I’m a slut, Sir,” the captive redhead beneath him answered promptly, repeating the conversation she had been forced to participate in the previous evening. “Yes, I know that, slut,” Wade laughed. “I want to know what else you are.”


Scully paused for a moment, her mind racing, and then: “I’m a bitch, Sir. A whore. A cunt.”


“Oh, good girl,” the slutmaker said, smiling, “You are a fast learner. Now, tell me what your name is.”


“Oh, you sadistic prick,” thought Scully, but she didn’t say it. There was another pause that seemed to go on forever and then, in a very small voice, the redhead conceded utter defeat. “My name is Rusty, Sir, and I’m your bitch.”


The beaten woman then tried to hang her head in shame but her trainer was having none of it and continued to hold her head high, gazing into her eyes and savouring the luxury of such a complete victory.


“Honey, come here,” he then said, breaking out of his reverie. “I want you to play kissyface with Rusty here and also see that those nipples get the stimulation they deserve. I think I can take care of this cunt’s other needs.”


And, with that, the male trainer and his Asian pet swapped places and Scully soon felt the tip of Wade’s prick pressing against the by now very well lubricated entrance to her cunt. She was then temporarily distracted, however, by the arrival of Honey’s delicate Oriental lips on her face. In spite of all the shameful sexual acts that she had been forced to participate in since her capture there was something horribly intimate about the thought of kissing another woman and Scully tried to move her face away from that of the Oriental slut but Wade noticed this immediately and warned, “Kiss her, Rusty, and with all the enthusiasm you can muster, or you don’t get to cum.”


Conceding yet another in what was turning out to be a very long list of defeats, therefore, Scully opened her mouth wide and was soon involved in a serious tongue wresting match with the eager tamed submissive. Once satisfied that his newest trainee was doing what she was told, Wade thrust home. “Christ, what a great cunt!” he shouted as his prick penetrated Rusty’s pussy until it was buried up to the hilt. “I’m going to make sure I fuck you at least once a day, every day, for as long as your training lasts, and I’m sure I won’t be the only one who will need regular access to your charms. You are surely the hottest slut we have ever had in this place. I can’t believe this is only day two of your training.”


Scully’s cheeks once again burned in shame at these words but another part of her mind simply didn’t care any more as she felt her latest orgasm begin to rise within her. Her rapist’s prick was by no means on the small side and the sensation of a good hard dick filling up her pussy was producing feelings that would have been of pure joy had it been a lover producing them.


“But it isn’t a lover who is getting me off big time, it is a man who is going to turn me into an obedient slut if it is the last thing he does,” the restrained redhead thought to herself through the haze of her rising lust. “Is this really my fate? Is there any way I can escape?? Help me, God, help me please.”


Once again, however, the Almighty either did not hear Scully’s plea or chose to ignore it and seconds later yet another tidal wave of orgiastic pleasure hit the bound woman. The contractions in Scully’s womb that this produced set Wade off, in turn, and he shot his seed deep into her cunt with a loud moan of satisfaction.


Chapter 14


And then Scully’s training continued, except apparently now her owners were happy that she could be relied upon to pose herself on command because the latest session in the re-education of Dana Scully consisted of teaching her to dance. She was led on a leash into a training room that had been mocked up to look like a lap and pole dancing club and, once inside, Scully’s trainer handed her a small bundle of clothing.


Scully realised with a start as it became clear that she was supposed to get dressed for her latest ordeal just how quickly she had got used to being naked in the presence of her captors; indeed, the idea of putting clothes on again seemed rather strange. Knowing that she would suffer if she refused, or even hesitated appreciably, however, the abducted FBI agent soon began to dress in the obscene outfit provided, ‘helped’ throughout the process by an eager trainer.


Once Scully had been dressed to please her owner led her over to one wall of the training room and had her stand in front of a full-length mirror. The female who looked back at the FBI agent from this mirror was barely recognisable as the poised, intelligent, educated career woman who had been taken into captivity barely three days previously. Scully’s gasped as the reflection revealed a hot and horny slut, dressed in a black lace push-up bra; a microscopically short tartan kilt that did almost nothing to conceal a pair of black thong panties; a pair of black fishnet hold-up stockings and the six inch high heels that she had been forced to wear since her capture. And there was also something else: the old Dana Scully would never have dressed like this in a million years but the reflection looking back at her from the mirror was that of a smouldering slut who was used to getting great sex but was always in the market for more. Scully could, at the moment, have been dumped on any streetcorner or in any seedy bar or ‘dancing’ club and fitted right in.


“And now,” Wade said, grinning as he admired the wonderful view, “time to teach you some, shall we say, dance steps. Randi, up!”


At this last command a woman who had been kneeling in a far corner of the training room out of Scully’s line of vision leapt to her feet and positively ran over to where her master was standing. Scully noted that this latest pet slut was, yet again, a real beauty with cheekbones sharp enough to cut yourself on and a petite, slender figure that would have most men salivating. She was also dressed in exactly the same outfit as the redhead.


“This is your dance teacher, Randi,” Wade explained to his newest pet. “Believe it or not she was once a famous Russian ballet dancer, feted the world over, until one of our most senior members took a fancy to her. She was his personal playing for almost three years until he tired of her and sent her back to this training complex to help with our remedial slut training work.”


As the pet trainer spoke Scully stared at the Russian pet standing before her and, as the dominant male casually referred to her capture and use the FBI agent swore that, just for a second, she saw an expression of agony cross the Slavic beauty’s face.


“Now, Rusty, little bitch,” Randi here is going to teach you how to dance for the amusement of your betters,” Wade said, gesturing towards the pole in the centre of the room. “By the time we have finished with you, you are going to have learnt so many essential skills. You should really thank us, you know!”


Scully’s hatred for the laughing bastard in front of her flared anew at these sarcastic comments but she neither said nor did anything, knowing that obvious resistance would only bring pain.


The Russian dance mistress then began to teach her how to strut and strip like a cheap whore whilst an appreciate audience of one whooped and hollered at each successfully accomplished bump and grind, sipping from a bottle of beer as he did so.


After an hour of so of basic training, by which time Scully had managed to master the basics but was scarcely performing with the enthusiasm required, Wade decided that it was time to break down another barrier.


“Randi, position five,” he commanded and the Russian pet, who was by now completely naked apart from her collar and heels, immediately lay flat on her back with arms and legs spreadeagled. “Now Rusty, you have had your pussy licked several times since we began your training and I think it’s only fair that you began to return some of those favours, especially since Randi here has worked so hard teach you how to be a hot little stripper slut,” Scully’s trainer said, grinning.


The redhead felt a dull weight of pain in her gut at this announcement. She had know, of course, that sooner or later she would be ordered to lick another slut’s pussy but it was still a task that she viewed with extreme distaste. “But I must obey,” she thought to herself. “And I must try to make it convincing. At least I won’t cum myself when I’m bringing this Russian bitch off.”


And so the once proud Dana Scully got down on her hands and knees and positioned her head between the widely spread thighs of the Russian dance teacher. After a moment’s hesitation she then began to lick at the shaved slit in front of her, noticing as she did that her trainer had joined the two women on the floor and was taking a close interest in proceedings. “That’s it, get into a nice steady rhythm,” he advised as Scully began to lap away and Randi began to moan quietly to herself. “Now move your tongue up a bit and begin to tease this slut’s clit. Now slide a finger inside her cunt.”


Scully did as commanded and noticed as she did that the moans of the woman spread beneath her were starting to become both louder and more frequent. Concentrating on the task at hand, Scully felt almost proud of herself – here she was successfully bringing another slave slut off whilst remaining in full control of her faculties.


Even as she thought this, however, she felt a hand begin to stroke her thigh. “Now, my pet, you didn’t think that I’d forget your pleasure, did you?” her trainer asked as his hand moved gently up to her cunt. “As you bring Randi here off I am going to ease you steadily towards orgasm and please don’t forget the lesson you learnt this morning – you will give yourself fully and freely because I will be able to tell if you don’t and it will be Randi here who will pay for your crime.”


At these words Scully felt something close to total despair. Her captors were completely fucking relentless, she thought, and they were not going to give her an inch. As the moans of the Russian pet became louder Scully tried to concentrate on bringing her off as quickly as possible in order to escape the consequences of yet another enforced orgasm but Wade’s manipulation of Rusty’s cunt and clit was far more skilful than the redheaded pet’s very first attempt to suck off another woman and so soon both bitches were moaning and writhing almost in unison.


As her latest orgasm hit Scully felt as though she were on another plane of existence, looking down on the tableau of which she was an integral part from above. She felt controlled. Her tongue was busy lapping at the pussy of another helpless slut. She didn’t want it to but the man behind her had ordered her to do it and she had no alternative but to obey. And this same man was expertly teasing her cunt into complete, abject surrender. She didn’t want him too but, once again, she simply had no choice in the matter. Her options were limited to the point of non-existence. She had to obey. No choice. No alternatives. No hope. Rusty’s latest orgasm was, of course, the strongest yet, something that she wouldn’t have thought was even possible after the truly spectacular cums she had experienced beforehand.


Wade looked down at the two satisfied women beneath him, his cock as hard as rock within his pants. He wanted Rusty to satisfy him and he knew, of course, that in this case what he wanted he could have. But first, he thought to himself, I’d like to see the slut dance…

Admin hitlist for Wednesday, May 31st:

Chapter 15


And this time he wanted to see the slut work her ass like she really was working for tips in a strip joint. Her first hour of ‘dance’ training under the guidance of the tamed Russian bitch Randi had got her well drilled in the basic steps and positions but Rusty had hardly performed with the kind of enthusiasm that her trainers required and so, Wade thought to himself, perhaps a little extra encouragement was needed.


Walking over to a wooden chest where various items of clothing and numerous training aids were kept, therefore, the slutmaker selected another filthy little outfit for his latest trainee to wear and also a pair of vibrating dildos and a tube of lubricant. Once he had made his choices he returned to where the two temporarily sated sluts lay prostrate on the floor and ordered them both up and into position one. Both obeyed instantly and then Wade slowly, lovingly, began to dress his latest pet puppy to please once again. After stripping her completely naked apart from her collar, this time even removing her six-inch high heels, he first inserted the two dildos; he was particularly gentle with the anal sex toy, making sure that Scully’s back passage was well lubricated before sliding the intruder firmly into her backside. Rusty jerked slightly as she was penetrated but was already far too well trained to put up any real resistance and just stood there as the violation took place and, after her first anal penetration the previous day, she had to admit to herself that second time around the entry had been slightly easier, although the alien presence in her rectum still felt more than a bit weird.


No lubricant was required for Scully’s cunt, of course. Indeed, her pussy was so wet from her latest mind-blowing orgasm that the large dildo Wade pushed steadily into her threatened to slip out again as soon as he removed his hand. “Clench your cunt muscles together and keep it in slut,” he warned. “If it slips out you’ll suffer, believe me.”


Scully struggled to comply, her resistance temporarily broken by her ordeal. Wade then stepped back a pace and contemplated his by now firmly plugged trainee bitch. He then produced a pair of paper-thin black leather hotpants and had Rusty put them on; this he matched with a boob tube in black lycra that only just held Scully’s perky tits in check and, finally, he dressed his new favourite slut in a pair of thigh high black PVC boots with six inch heels.


With his bitch dressed to perfection for her soon-to-be-familiar role as a hot little pole dancer the slave trainer began to circle her slowly, leisurely, drinking in the truly superb view. The lycra top was so tight it appeared to have been spray painted on. Rusty’s enticingly erect nipples were clearly visible and, indeed, seemed to be threatening to burst through the thin material that was struggling to contain them. And the black leather hotpants, similarly, performed the task of keeping the slut’s two dildos firmly in place whilst also being so tightly formed around Rusty’s fabulous ass that they rather weirdly seemed to reveal more of her charms than when she had been fully naked. And the boots… Well, Wade had always had a thing for sluts in kinky boots and these thigh-high PVC beauties were simply fantastic, with the ultra high heels stretching their wearer’s legs and tightening her already hot little asscheeks until (as her owner checked to confirm) both ripe peaches were are hard as rock.


“Now you are going to dance for me,” Wade commanded. “And this time you’re going to dance like you mean it, like this is the job you’ve dreamed of having ever since you were a little girl.” The trainer then took the tamed bitch Randi aside for a few moments to give her more detailed instructions on how Rusty was to be trained to perform for him; once brought up to speed on her owner’s requirements, the Russian slut then began to educate the hot and horny little black-clad redheaded bitch before her in exactly how to perform a bump and grind dance routine in the manner that would maximise the eagerness of a (hypothetical) male audience to shove ten dollar bills into her crotch.


There was still something lacking in Scully’s performance on her first trip down the catwalk, however. Trying to dance in six inch heels was not the easiest task in the world to perform and the sheer agony in her feet that she had been left with after her first hour of basic dance training had, for the time being, enabled Scully to regain her focus as an independent human being; she was performing as instructed because not doing so would lead to punishment but her heart was most definitely not in it.


Fully aware of what would be going through the slut’s mind, however, Wade reached for the all-important remote control units for the two dildos as he regained his seat at the end of the catwalk and began to conduct a small experiment. Scully started as the intruder in her ass began to vibrate slowly; but once again, after a few seconds, she was forced to admit that the sensations it produced felt strange but not at all unpleasant. She continued with her programmed dance routine, bending forward to shake her tits in her tormenter’s face whilst leering at him with a fake plastic smile plastered on her face, as she had been taught.


And, as she did so, Wade turned on the second dildo and her cunt too began to buzz with joy. Scully felt a jolt of lust pass through her as the two toys that penetrated her holes began to duel with each other to produce the more intense stimulation. Wade, for his part, was in seventh heaven as he carefully tested a range of vibration frequencies to see which ones were most likely to produce the desired results.


With her short routine completed, Scully stood as instructed, tottering on her heels as she was forced to bend forward to showcase her barely restrained tits whilst simultaneously pushing out her leather-clad ass as far as she could without toppling over, and all the time maintaining a smiling face that almost but not quite managed to conceal the agony of the mind within. Wade took in the spectacular view for a long moment and then spoke a single word: “Again.”


And so Scully was forced to produce her performance on the catwalk a second time. And a third time. And a fourth. And all the while the two demons within her continued to do their sadistic work, stimulating the nerve endings contained within the walls of her cunt and ass and producing feelings of arousal that surged through her whole body.


And as the same routine was repeated, over and over, Scully’s mind could not help but focus on what was happening down below. Wade’s experiments with the vibration frequencies of the two dildos had been completed to his satisfaction some time during the third performance by the slut in training and he was now happy that he could bring the bitch to the brink of orgasm and then hold her then indefinitely, before pushing her over the edge whenever he chose.


Scully’s much-abused mind shrieked in grief once more as it realised that her body was once again on the brink of betraying her. She tried, and not for the first time, to resist but it was hard, so hard, as she was forced to spend a good part of her attention focusing on getting her dance steps right and keeping her trainer happy with a convincing performance, meaning that she was unable to devote too much effort to maintaining self control. “How can this be happening to me?” she thought to herself through the dense fog of lust. “I had a mind blowing orgasm just a few minutes ago and already I’m craving another one. Just because there are a couple of mechanical sex toys buzzing away in my cunt and ass placed there by a sadistic pervert. What kind of slut am I, for God’s sake?”


Once Rusty had completed her short dance routine for the fifth time Wade stood up and looked into the desperate slut’s eyes as she stood posed to order. “You get to cum when I see genuine enthusiasm in your performance,” he told the bitch before him. “No holding back, no faking it, no doing it just to avoid punishment. I will permit you to orgasm only when I genuinely feel that you are really dancing like a little stripper slut who actually wants the men in the audience to give her a good fucking. And don’t think you can outlast me in this - you will perform your routine as often as it takes to get the results I want - because I’ve got all fucking day.”


Scully’s heart sank at these words. How many times had she been forced to admit defeat already that day? How many more times would her captors feel the need to demonstrate to her that they could make her cum at will, and even make her beg for the privilege? As her routine was repeated over and over again fatigue began to add new harmonies to the relentless tune of lust that the two vibrators were playing within her. She couldn’t stop or agony would follow. She couldn’t do anything except obey and keep dancing, performing the same routine over and over again until her tormenter was satisfied with it. And he would not be satisfied until she has succumbed to his control, once again, and begged him for permission to cum - but this time not with her mouth but with her body. Her body doggedly continued its appointed task as her mind desperately sought an avenue of escape. But, of course, no such escape route existed.


As the marathon dance session continued and exhaustion and near uncontrollable lust slowly ate away at her mind Scully actually began to hallucinate. The training room where she was being tortured became a real dance club. Her appreciative audience of one became a sea of grinning male faces. The silence became a cocktail of noise as her newfound audience began to egg her on with whoops of encouragement. And Scully suddenly realised how good it felt to be a slut. She had always despised women who dressed like cheap little tramps, displaying their bodies to be leered at by men but now, finally, she understood why they did it, she grasped how good it felt to have men stare at you with undisguised lust. And, as the illusion strengthened and the twin dildos within her continued to keep her at the very gates of paradise, Rusty’s conscious mind shut down, the dance steps that she had been painstakingly trained to perform were forgotten and a part of her soul that she had never known existed awoke for the first time.


When she reached the end of the catwalk for the umpteenth time, therefore, instead of turning round and strutting back up, as she had been trained to do, this time the redheaded sex slave bent forward and pulled down her tight lycra top, revealing her succulent tits to the audience. Scully’s mind was now so far gone that she could actually, genuinely hear the roar of appreciation from her collection of imaginary customers that this produced and she was pleased to hear it – after all, wasn’t her hot little body just as good as any other sluts, if not better? Wasn’t her performance as a dancer every bit as horny as some white trash little tramp who had never even been near the FBI or medical school? Wade, the only man who was actually in the room, smiled silently to himself at this latest development. He knew where Rusty was right now and it was a place that he knew she would be spending a lot of time in in the coming weeks.


And so the amazing show continued. The boob tube came off and Rusty spent several minutes shaking her newly freed tits at the non-existent audience. Then came the hotpants, which were slowly, seductively slid down her thighs and over her PVC boots to thunderous applause from her ghost audience as she faced away from them with her ass almost falling off the end of the stage.


And then, the piece de resistance. Rusty sank to her knees and, pulling the still vibrating dildo out of her now exposed pussy, took the cuntjuice covered sex toy into her mouth and then, kneeling erect, crossed her hands above her head, threw her head back and thrust her tits forward, offering the audience a spectacular view of her whole body, glistening with sweat and flushed with lust as she sucked seductively on the fake penis that was now effectively gagging her.


Rising from his seat Wade approached the naked sexpet before him. He had intended to bring his new pet to orgasm by increasing the vibration frequency of one or possibly both of the vibrating dildos once he had been satisfied that the cunt had been performing as required but something about Rusty’s amazing performance gave him a different idea. She truly was a marvel – a slut who after just two days of training was performing like a bitch who was on the brink of being fully obedient and a completely uninhibited nymphomaniac, which normally only happened after several months of very hard work.


Standing in front of the slut, therefore, Wade decided to try something. He looked deep into the glazed eyes of the posed bitch and a needy little animal looked back at him. “Cum for me slut,” he commanded and, somehow, these words managed to penetrate the befuddled brain of the defeated beauty who knelt in submission at the end of the catwalk, naked apart from her kinky boots.


And so she did. Her ordeal in the ‘dance studio’ had, temporarily, turned FBI special agent Dana Scully into something that wasn’t strictly human and the grunts and groans of pure animal lust that were forced from her throat by the order of her owner were just that, animal, as her orgasm hit like a freight train. And then her pure abused body gave in and she passed out, falling forward into the arms of the man who had stripped away her humanity and a welcome pit of darkness.


“Christ Almighty,” Wade said out loud in response to Rusty’s latest swoon. “Is she going to pass out after every orgasm? Shit, we really need to teach this slutpuppy some self control.”


He sighed. He had really been looking forward to fucking his new pet once she had finished dancing but she appeared to be out like a light, which gave him the options of either waiting until she woke up, which could take some time, fucking her while she was unconscious or obtaining relief some other way.


“Tomorrow I’m going to nail you as soon as I possibly can,” Wade said, looking down and the prostrate form of Scully. “Just you wait.” And then he summoned Randi over and had the tame slut suck him off. But it wasn’t really the same…


Chapter 16


Scully awoke of her own volition on the third day of her training. At least, she supposed that it was a new day, since there was no means of telling whether it was morning, noon or night in the windowless room that contained her cell, but it had been late afternoon when she had passed out after her performance as a dancer and she felt well rested and refreshed. Indeed, she couldn’t ever recall feeling quite as good after a night’s sleep – there was a strange feeling of relaxation and a tingling sensation throughout her body that she couldn’t recall ever experiencing before...


Pulling herself together, Scully noted that her ‘standard’ six-inch stiletto heeled shoes had been put back on her feet instead of the PVC boots that she had worn to dance and she still wore her collar but apart from that she was naked. Her cell (at least she supposed it was the same one) contained nothing apart from a litter tray and a bowl of water. Her ‘tour of inspection’ completed, and given the fact that she had the unusual luxury of not having to jump up and immediately perform to the orders of one of her trainers, Scully availed herself of the opportunity to take stock of the past 48 hours or so.


She was a slut, she admitted to herself. The pigs who had abducted her had transformed her into a total slut. In just two days. It was not an admission that she enjoyed making but the calculating, rational part of her mind that had dominated her personality for most of her life would not let her deny it. Her captors could make her experience amazing orgasms virtually at will, it seemed, and in her heart Scully knew that she could never go back to being the work-obsessed sexless creature that she had been just a few days previously.


But accepting that the sexual genie had now been let out of the bottle and probably was never going back in again actually gave Scully new strength because her rational assessment of what she was and how her life would have to be lived from now on found it quite easy to visualise having most of her ‘old’ life back but with the added spice of sex, sex and more sex in her private free time. Mulder never needed to know about the side of her personality that had been revealed in the past two days. Washington DC was a big city with, Scully was sure, a thriving BDSM scene. Once she was free she could be a hardnosed FBI agent by day and a submissive, cock craving slut at night, purely in a safe and entirely consensual arrangement with a dominant male (or female, a part of her brain reminded her!).


Once she was free…


“Ah yes, the hard part,” Scully thought to herself, feeling strangely cleansed by her internal confession. “How the hell do I get out of this place?” In all of her captivity so far, she recalled, there had been no signs of ‘the outside’. She had seen no windows, no natural lighting of any kind; indeed, no doors that led or appeared to lead to the outside world. It was quite obvious that she needed a lot more information about where she was before she could sensibly plan an escape attempt.


Which brought her back to her original plan for escape – which was to convince her captors that she was tamed and obedient. Looking back at the previous two days Scully realised how futile and stupid her attempts to stay in control of herself had been. The best way to proceed, she now reasoned, was to be a good little pet, on the surface, and always do what she was told and even freely accept the delicious orgasms that she was apparently regularly to be granted but never, ever to forget inside her mind that she had once been a free, independent woman and would be again, or would die trying. “I’m better than them,” she thought, steeling herself inside. “They have awoken the slut inside me but they will never make that slut obedient, at least not without coercion. I will never, ever give myself to them…”


Scully’s train of thought was then interrupted, however, by the door to her cell opening and a woman entering. “Position one,” commanded the latest sadist to enter the captive FBI agent’s life and, after two days of highly intensive training, Scully found herself up on her feet and posed as ordered before the strangeness of it hit home – she had just been taken charge of by a woman. A woman who was wearing clothes and who spoke with the voice of someone who was used to being obeyed instantly and without question. For some reason Scully had assumed that all of her captors were male but clearly that was not the case.


“I hope you slept well, little one,” Scully’s newest trainer said, drawing a long fingernail painted jet black down the posed submissive’s tit and scratching her nipple, drawing a short gasp of pain from her captive. “From what I can tell the boys have been going far too easy on you so far but I can assure you that I am made of much sterner stuff. Indeed, in one sense your real training programme only begins with me.”


As the women who would, it seemed, be about to make Scully’s life even harder talked the naked redhead took stock of her latest adversary. She was taller than Scully by at least a head. She appeared to be in her early 40s and she was wearing a grey tailored pant suit that, Scully could tell, had obviously cost a fortune over a white silk blouse that had probably cost even more. Long black hair was piled up on her head and she spoke with what appeared to be a slight French accent. And she had eyes. Two dark brown eyes that examined Scully as a scientist would examine an insect under a microscope, causing the helpless captive to shudder inadvertently.


“From what I have heard of your training so far you have only been whipped once, and then not very hard or very long,” the female pet trainer went on. “So today will be your first real introduction to pain. Now pet, down.”


Scully shuddered again as she dropped down onto all fours in preparation for a leash to be attached to her collar. She had expected another day like the previous two, with dominant male trainers bringing her to orgasm after orgasm in return for instant obedience but that was apparently not what fate had in store.


Once the naked redheaded pet was safely on the end of a leash the female slut trainer turned and left the cell and Scully could do nothing but follow whilst trying hard to quell the fear that had instinctively risen up within her. She didn’t like pain. True, the first man to rape her in captivity had whipped her briefly with a riding crop and she had, of course, been shocked by means of her implant on numerous occasions but those times had only been when she had disobeyed her new owners, who had otherwise never inflicted pain upon her for its own sake. Now, however, she was in the hands of a woman who seemingly had every intention of inflicting pain upon her for no other reason but that she wanted to.


Scully had, of course, once again sworn to be an obedient little bitch in order to win her captors’ trust and so, she tried to tell herself, she was going to have to accept pain if that was what it took. Nevertheless, as she crawled to God knows what fate behind her sadistic trainer, Scully once more tried to pray to her hitherto unresponsive deity to make her suffering as brief as possible. “Oh Mulder, where are you?” she then thought as she was led into one of the complex’s training rooms. “Please don’t leave me like this any longer, please come and save me, please…”

Admin hitlist for Wednesday, May 31st:

Chapter 17


Once in the training room Scully’s new mistress had her kneel erect with her hands clasped behind her neck and then began to give her a thorough inspection. As the hands of the woman who had promised to introduce the captive FBI agent to a whole new world of pain began to run gently but firmly over her body Scully soon began to feel the increasingly familiar signs of arousal, despite her fear. One hand of the woman handling her cupped Rusty’s left breast, with the thumb inscribing a circling motion around a nipple that seemed hardly to need any encouragement at all to spring to full erection. The pet trainer’s other hand then traced a path down the naked slut’s face, brushing back her mane of red hair as it did so.


“My, you really are a beauty, aren’t you?” Scully’s captor asked rhetorically, as her roving hands began to move steadily south. “Wonderful hair, amazingly clear eyes, flawless skin… An absolute work of art – physically at least. And, once we train your mind to properly grasp your new status, then you will truly be a masterpiece.”


Scully stayed immobile and silent as the female trainer continued her physical examination but her mind began to race. She could sense an aura of pure will emanating from the woman who was probing her body so intimately and expertly; an aura that she found utterly compelling. “What would it be like to have a relationship with a woman like this out in the real world?” Rusty thought to herself as her body was expertly coaxed into the state of lustful readiness that its true owner desired. “I would never have thought it just a day or two ago but I think I could be happy – truly happy – with my work during the day and a life as the pampered pet of a dominant older woman like this by night.”


Her trainer’s wandering hands had by now found their way between Scully’s legs and the kneeling pet gave a small involuntary gasp of lust as a probing finger began to gently tease her cuntlips apart. “Ah, I see that the boys weren’t exaggerating about you, little one,” Rusty heard the French-accented voice of her captor whisper in her ear. “I have only been handling you for a minute or so and already your body has moved into a state of high arousal. You truly are an absolute slut and I think that you already know it. But you are not yet an obedient slut, are you?”


“Are you, little one?” Scully’s trainer asked again, an insistent note suddenly in her voice. “I don’t understand… errrm… ma’am,” Scully replied hesitatingly, once she had realised that a response was required. “I am trying to obey. Please don’t hurt me. I am trying to do what you want.”


“Precisely my point,” Rusty’s trainer observed, smiling like the cat who has just caught the canary. “You are trying to obey – which, by definition, means that you are not obeying. Obedience is not an act, or even an action. It is a state of mind. You have worked out that doing what you are told brings immense pleasure and not doing what you are told terrible pain and have adjusted your behaviour accordingly but you are nowhere near obedient. You will only be truly obedient when you realise that it was always your destiny to be owned, when you understand that spending the rest of your days as a pet, an animal, something both less than and more than the human being you used to be, is the only way that you can ever achieve true fulfilment. One day you will realise that you are responding to your owner’s commands instantly and without question and to the best of your ability not because you fear pain or even because you crave the physical satisfaction that acquiescence brings but because pleasing your owner is the thing that brings you the greatest satisfaction of all within the very heart of your soul. And that, little slut, is obedience.”


All throughout this lengthy speech Scully could feel her body begin its preparations to betray her once again. But, at the same time, her mind did its best to rebel against the words that it was hearing… and yet, and yet… As her orgasm approached Rusty could not help herself from imagining a possible future – a future where she had her life back as a respected FBI agent but had fallen under the spell of an older, dominant lesbian. If her owner in this imaginary world had even a fraction of the natural air of authority about her that Scully’s current captor had, and if her ‘consensual’ owner out there in the real world one day announced that it was time for her pet Rusty to leave the world of human beings, of careers, of independence, and become a full-time, 24/7 pet, would she have the strength, the willpower to resist? Or would she just meekly say, “Yes, Mistress,” and immediately quit her job and prepare to spend the rest of her life owned like an animal, just because that was what her owner wanted?


As Scully gazed into the eyes of the woman who was painstakingly edging her along the path towards yet another earth-shattering cum she shivered inside at the vision of herself voluntarily surrendering the last of her humanity to a mythical mistress. Because the vision was all too real. And because her current situation was, of course, all too real. She had been taken captive by a group of men and woman who had already revealed the latent slut within her with almost ridiculous ease. And if they wanted to brainwash her into believing that a lifetime of total obedience was really the best existence she could ever hope for then could she really resist, alone and friendless as she was?


Scully’s current tormentor was known amongst the slut trainers in the complex as The Countess, only half-jokingly, due to her foreign accent, impeccable manners and natural air of authority. The exchanging of personal information between training staff was actively discouraged, however, and so no one apart from those at the very top level knew that she was genuinely a member of one of Europe’s leading aristocratic families – that she was, in fact, actually a countess in real life.


Felice (her real name) looked down with joy at the distressed pet beneath her. Little Rusty reminded her in many ways of the very first human animal she had tamed, back when she was just 15. The bitch in question had been a 16-year old maid at her family’s chateau, the daughter of two of the family’s long-standing servants. Once the little slut had caught the eye of the eldest daughter of the master of the house her fate had been sealed; Felice had soon convinced her that a failure to obey her every whim would result in dismissal and ruin for the entire family and so within just a couple of days of her employment beginning the reluctant 16 year old girl had learnt to spend most of her waking hours naked and collared, waiting on her young owner for the chance to indulge in a little pussy licking.


Since those halcyon days, almost 30 years past now, The Countess had tamed many, many reluctant young ladies and there wasn’t much about the mental anguish that each of her pets experienced as they were converted that she didn’t know about. But that didn’t stop each one from being special, different, unique in some small way.


And what made the horny little redhead beneath her distinctive was that she was clearly only now, as a captive, beginning to understand how her body truly worked. The Countess had reviewed the training tapes from the first two days of Scully’s captivity and what was most remarkable about them was the constant expression of wonderment on the slut’s face as orgasm after orgasm hit.


And now it was time to introduce the reluctant pet to another brand new sensation (“Well almost,” The Countess thought to herself as she remembered Rusty’s first fucking at the hands of the old man after a brief session of discipline with a riding crop.) – the delicious texture of pain when applied in a raw sexual context.


“Would you like to cum, little one?” The Countess asked, staring deep into Scully’s needy eyes as she did so. “Yes please, ma’am,” Scully replied promptly, and accurately. “Well, I shall grant you that privilege, and probably quite soon, little one, but first you do need to be spanked,” The Countess said, smiling slightly to herself as the animal beneath her flushed instinctively at this news. “Now, come here and drape yourself across my lap.”


With these words Rusty’s trainer walked across the training room and sat herself down on an overstuff divan against one of the walls. Scully hesitated, just for a second, but then rose and walked slowly over to her tormentor and then clumsily began to position herself across her mistress’ knee, as ordered. “Better to just obey and get this over with,” she thought to herself, and was rather surprised to hear the woman above her say: “No! That is not the attitude I expect of a slut about to receive a bare bottom spanking from her mistress. Now go back to where you were originally and then come back again – and this time I want to see you moving like a bitch who is eagerly anticipating her punishment because if a mistress wishes to inflict pain upon one of her pets then the human animal in question must learn to offer herself with active enthusiasm.”


Confused by these words Scully clumsily clambered to her feet once again and moved back across the room. Then, turning, she paused for a moment to gather herself. She did not want to be spanked but it was apparently required that she pretend that she did. Steeling herself inside, Rusty plastered a plastic smile onto her face and began to walk seductively across the room, swinging her hips in a lascivious manner as she did so, just as she had been taught in dance class the previous day.


“No” her trainer barked once again, however, this time before she was even half way across the room. “It is painfully obvious to me that you are faking it. I want the real thing. And I want it now.”


Scully returned once again to her starting position, thinking desperately back to the previous day when she had been forced to perform the same dance routine over and over until, eventually, her conscious mind had been forced to yield to the slut within and she had given herself completely to her trainer. She knew that she could certainly perform like that again, that she could swagger towards the woman who would then spank her bare ass with genuine enthusiasm for the orgasm that would surely follow her beating; but that wasn’t what her torturer wanted. No, this woman wanted Rusty to offer herself gladly for the spanking itself, with no thought for what might or might not happen thereafter. Except Rusty didn’t want to be spanked.


With her mind unable to square this circle Scully stood frozen on the spot, terrified that disobedience would bring agony from her implant but unable to move because she knew that she could not obey in the way that her captor wanted.


The Countess stared at Scully for several long seconds. And then picked up a walkie-talkie lying on a nearby table and spoke into it, just out of Scully’s earshot.


She then resumed her place on the sofa and held up a hand and commanded her pet bitch to: “Stay!”


The two women then gazed at each other in silence for a minute until the door to the training room opened and the tamed Asian pet called Honey came in, on the end of a leash held by the pet trainer who had taught Rusty to dance the previous day.


“You of course remember Honey here, and in particular her talented tongue,” The Countess said to Scully, gesturing as she did towards the obedient Oriental. “And of course Wade here will be a very familiar figure already. And they are both here to assist in developing your understanding of just how powerless you are in this situation and how the sooner you surrender completely the better it will be for everybody.”


“If you please,” she continued, gesturing towards the male pet trainer as she did so and Wade, smiling, immediately began to rifle through a nearby box of equipment until he found what he was looking for.


“Honey, ‘present’,” he said, rising, and the Asian slut instantly dropped to the floor with the palms of her hands and her forearms flat on the ground and her tight, olive-skinned ass raised high, with her legs spread wide. Wade then moved to behind where the Oriental animal was displaying herself in a position of total vulnerability and Scully saw for the first time that he was holding what appeared to be a cattle prod.


“Now, my pet, this is what is going to happen,” The Countess went on. “The little Asian slut here is going to suffer, and suffer a great deal, until I get the obedience I require from you. Now, come over here and drape yourself over my lap for a spanking.”


Scully’s heart froze as cold as ice at these words. Poor Honey was going to be tortured and it was her fault. “I have to think like a submissive, just for a few minutes, until this is all over,” she thought to herself. “I’m a sick little slut. I really want to be spanked. I’m a sick little slut. I really want to be spanked. I’m a sick little slut…” And, repeating these words to herself over and over again, Scully began her walk over to the seated sadist. “No!” said The Countess once again, before Scully was even half way across the floor. “Try again.” And with these words she gestured to Wade, who had no hesitation in applying the cattle prod to the unprotected anus of the Asian submissive.


Honey shuddered visibly at the touch of the prod and emitted a low moan but did not scream or lose her position. “That was the lowest setting and this slut had been extensively trained in pain management techniques,” Wade said to Scully, smiling as he did. “But even she can’t hold out against level three, which we will reach very soon unless you do what you are told.”


Scully made several more attempts at crossing the room towards her fate in the following minutes but each of them failed and soon the tamed Oriental, for all her training, was screaming and crying on the floor as the cattle prod did its work on her sensitive asshole and pussy. Scully noted, however, that after each assault by the prod the Asian slut immediately resumed her ‘present’ position; there were no attempts to cover herself from the next attack or plead for mercy or, indeed, do anything apart from obey and stay posed as her owners’ required.


And then, as Scully steeled herself for one more try, she looked down at the abused slut beneath her and was astonished to see the prostrate Oriental look up at her and actually smile through her tears. “You see how eager Honey here is to be of service to her owners,” Wade said, looking into Scully’s eyes as he noticed the exchange of glances between the two sluts. “We are as Gods to her, now that she is fully trained.” “And Goddesses,” he added hastily, after a highly political cough from the seated Countess. “Now, Honey, go and show this stupid Caucasian bitch how a slut should offer herself for a spanking.”


At this command the Asian pet rose instantly and visibly composed herself for a second. Then she began to glide across the floor towards her fate, her every movement oozing sexual tension. As she reached the seated female pet trainer she then began to drape herself over the lap of the woman who would soon be spanking her with the exaggerated manner of a performer in a classical Chinese opera. And all the while her face glowed. Scully could never remember seeing such pure joy in the face of, well, anyone. Ever.


And then the Countess began to spank the obedient Oriental slut. Scully watched with a combination of horror and fascination as the middle-aged trainer began to turn the ass of the tamed Asian animal a delicate shade of pink. Then, however, she felt two strong hands grasp her and turn her away from the fascinating sight. “I was going to fuck you good and hard after your dance session yesterday but unfortunately you passed out before I had the chance,” Wade explained as he grasped Scully’s buttocks and lifted her up into the air. Scully looked down as he spoke and noticed with shock that he had already unzipped his pants, revealing a rampant erection. She was going to be rap…


Before the thought was even fully formed Wade lowered the weakly struggling female down onto his cock and impaled her up to the hilt. Well prepared as she had been by the ministrations of The Countess Rusty was already soaking wet and answered her latest penetration only with a loud moan of lust, wrapping her legs around the waist of her rapist as she did so.


“Thank God I’m being fucked,” Rusty thought to herself as Wade walked her towards a convenient wall and then began to thrust away. “Once I’ve cum then I can clear my head and think and it appears, thank God, that Honey’s torture is over, at least for the time being.”


Scully’s trainers had no intention of letting her off the hook so easily, however, and, as her orgasm approached, her rapist took hold of both nipples and gave them a sharp tweak each. The pain that this caused temporarily sucked the pleasure out of Rusty’s latest fucking and she could almost see the orgasm retreat into the distance as her pert tits continued to be abused.


“You only get to cum when you have properly offered yourself for a spanking,” Wade whispered in the ear of the slut he was busy taking. “I’m only fucking you because I want to cum inside you. Christ, you’re such a stupid slut you don’t even seem to have realised that your pleasure in being fucked is purely incidental. You exist from now on solely to please others. Your betters. That is all.”


And as she was fucked, good and hard, Rusty several times felt her cum approach, only to be forced away by pain as her rapist controlled her, playing her like a flesh and blood musical instrument. And after a while Wade came with a deep sigh, leaving Scully once again on the brink of something very special. The pet trainer dropped his now well used fucktoy like a rag doll once he had done and Scully just lay where she had fallen, too stunned and scared to try anything active.


“Now pet, why don’t you try crawling over here for a well deserved spanking?” Looking up, Scully saw The Countess still sitting on her divan with Honey now sitting at her feet, her own spanking presumably all over with.


And so she did. The knowledge, newly reinforced, that her captors could turn her orgasms on and off like a tap had, once again, temporarily broken her will. She needed to cum. She had to cum. But her cums were in the hands of powerful people – people far more powerful than she was. Tears began to pour down Scully’s face as she crawled to her fate. How much humiliation and pain could she stand before she gave in? This was, what, only the third day of her training? What kind of creature would she be after three weeks? Or three months?


Looking down at her prey The Countess saw not the expression of absolute obedience that she knew would, one day, be written on Rusty’s face but the tell-tale signs of yet another defeat were all that she had been hoping for and so she decided to proceed with her new pet’s latest lesson.


“I am going to spank you now, slut, and I will keep spanking you until you cum,” she explained to the horny redhead once the latter had assumed the correct position across the lap of her mistress. I will not touch your cunt or clit during this process, so it is up to you to produce your orgasm solely from the sensation of receiving some much deserved discipline.”


And with these words Felice, aka The Countess, began steadily to turn Rusty’s ass a bright shade of pink. Some trainers preferred to drug their charges into submission, others to rely on the implanted alien pain givers, but The Countess knew that nothing could replace the horrible intimacy of a bare bottom, over-the-knee spanking to introduce a new slut to the complex world of pain/pleasure.


As she was disciplined Scully struggled to remember the sensations she had experienced when whipped with a riding crop two days earlier. Then her rapist had alternated laying a pattern of stripes on her defenceless ass with a prolonged assault on her cunt but today that apparently wasn’t going to be an option. As her spanking went on, however, that sense of a strange kind of heat migrating from her backside into her anus and then her cunt returned and she once again began to feel her passion build.


But could she cum without any direct stimulation to her cunt? With her conscious mind once more battered into almost total submission by the ruthless enforcement of her training programme, at this vital time Scully’s subconscious once again stepped into the breach and she began to fantasise about Mulder and Skinner standing there, watching her being disciplined. “What would they think of me now, if they could see me as I am?” Scully managed to think as the mixture of pain and pleasure that she was being introduced to edged her closer to a sensation beyond her ability to describe. “Oh God, if they were standing here right now, they could see me stark naked, being spanked like a little girl and, Christ Almighty, getting off on it. Jesus, no, this can’t be happening, I can’t…”


At which point Rusty’s abused mind finally gave in to the needs of her body and she came, bucking and writhing under the hand of her female abuser.


“Excellent,” said The Countess as Rusty’s latest orgasm began to subside. “And now, after your very first spanking, I think it’s time to proceed with your piercing…”

Admin hitlist for Wednesday, May 31st:

Chapter 18


“Right you are,” answered Wade, moving towards a cabinet standing against one of the wall’s of the training room whilst Scully looked up in renewed horror at the face of the woman who had just introduced her to the concept of orgasm through discipline. “Piercing? No, you can’t…” Scully began to plead, before she was abruptly cut off by a burst of agony from her implant. “Silence, slut!” The Countess commanded, as she inflicted a burst of agony on her new pet sufficient to send it to the brink of unconsciousness. “You will speak only when spoken to. And if your owner wishes you to be pierced, or tattooed, or otherwise physically modified in any way then you will accept this with joy in your heart. Do you understand?”


“Yes… Mistress,” Scully answered with a heavy heart as she returned from the edge of oblivion. Inside her head a voice kept repeating: “You must do what they say, you must convince them that you are fully obedient. Whatever it takes, you must survive with your sanity intact and work towards escape. Lots of young people nowadays have a few piercings, it’s no big deal. Just submit willingly and get it over with.”


And so Rusty was posed in the standard ‘display’ position whilst Wade assembled a trolley adorned with various implements of torture. “We don’t normally begin to physically modify a new slut this early in her training but you are progressing so fast that we have decided you are ready,” Wade explained to the posed pet almost conversationally as he prepared the instruments. “Of course, animals that we keep here permanently or ones that are destined for the auction block we don’t modify at all but your new owner has given us a very specific list of instructions about how your body is to be modified for his pleasure and that includes piercing.”


With the preparations complete Wade stood aside, as piercing an unwilling slut was a job that fate had made The Countess a natural for. Picking up a long needle the tall woman approached her prey. “Now, remember, my pet, however much this hurts it is as nothing to the pain that I can inflict via your implant, so you must always stay exactly as posed and make every effort not to scream or cry out. Do you understand?”


“Yes Mistress,” Scully responded, through gritted teeth. “You must endure, you must endure,” the voice inside her head kept saying. “You can get through this.”


And when it came the pain as Rusty’s left nipple was pierced was less than that of the implant, although it still hurt like hell, and so the posed slut was able to obey her trainer’s command and hold still and silent. “Excellent, good bitch,” Felice whispered as she slid a silver ring through the newly opened hole in her pet’s nipple. “I knew you could take it. Good girl.”


For some unaccountable reason Scully felt a small current of pleasure run through her at the praise. “No,” the dissident voice inside her mind tried to tell her. “Don’t respond to praise from these sadists. You are not a pet dog. You do not enjoy being patted on the head.”


As Scully’s other nipple was also pierce and ringed, however, The Countess continued to praise the obvious obedience of the slut posed before her, whispering into the pet’s ear how well she was doing and also stroking the belly of the naked woman before her, and a part of Rusty’s mind could not help but be happy that she was pleasing her Mistress. As her septum and navel were also pierced, in order to escape from the pain the captive FBI agent’s mind started to drift off into a fantasy land where she was the pampered pet of a dominant lesbian like The Countess and Scully was reminded once again that she could all too easily imagine herself succumbing totally to the demands and whims of such a Mistress.


Only when the woman piercing Scully picked up a new needle from the trolley and bent down between the posed pet’s legs did Rusty’s mind return to full alertness. “Oh Christ, no, they aren’t…” her mind told her, with only pure shock preventing her from bolting. “No, not my…”. At which point pain almost as agonising as a burst from her ‘slave’ implant hit Scully and she almost blacked out. Wade, who had been watching the whole performance closely, admiring the high level of obedience that Rusty had already learnt as he did so, stepped forward to prevent the readheaded bitch toppling over as her legs turned to jelly. “Don’t worry, slut,” he whispered into her ear. “I know it’s agony now but all the sluts that we have given clit-piercings to say that the pain is soon replaced by near continual pleasure. In this, as in all things, what we are doing is for your own good, even though you don’t realise it yet.”


“For my own good?” Scully’s conscious mind just about managed to think as another silver ring was slipped through the hole that had been cut through the hood of her clitoris. “Oh, these fucking sadists. They kidnap me, they rape me, they torture me and now they mutilate me and yet they still want me to believe that they have my best interests at heart.”


With Rusty now pierced in nose, nipples, navel and clit, The Countess stood back for a moment to admire her handiwork. “Remind me again,” she asked Wade. “What other modifications to this slut have been ordered by its owner.”


“Nothing too dramatic, actually,” the male pet trainer responded. “Its tits are going to be expanded and there will be some tattooing but no really major surgery is scheduled.”


“Some pet owners have their animals’ vocal chords removed, for example,” Wade explained to Scully, again in bizarrely conversational tones. “Others have their sluts surgically modified so that they can only walk about on all fours. Your owner, in contrast, wants you kept recognisably human. Well, at least physically, that is.”


“Now, what’s next on the list?” the male slut maker asked his female counterpart. “Fetishwear training, followed by the slut’s first photographic ‘modelling’ session,” Felice answered.


“Photographic modelling?” Scully thought to herself. “Why do they want me to be photographed?”


She said nothing, however, as she was led on a leash out of the training room where she had been spanked and pierced and into what was, for all intents and purposes, a professional photographer’s studio.


“And now, little bitch, it is time to introduce you to the wonderful world of fetish clothing,” Wade said, leaving Scully down on all fours as he opened a suitcase that had been left on a table behind the array of camera equipment. “Many of our organisation’s members enjoy seeing the new pets in training being dressed to please and, as most of them are far too busy to make more than the occasional trip to visit us in person here at the training centre, we regularly send them photographic evidence of how things are coming along. And sometimes, if a new slut proves to be a truly spectacular model, her photographs somehow find their way into certain specialist magazines.”


“And I think that you could be very special indeed,” Wade added, lifting Rusty’s head up and gazing into her eyes. “Yes, I can easily see you adorning the pages of many a specialist publication in the not too distant future.”


Scully shuddered in horror at the thought of her body being on display to God knows how many perverts across the world. Was her captor bluffing or did this kind of thing really happen? Just how many of the ‘professional models’ who allegedly adorned the pages of fetish and S&M magazines were actually captured sluts like herself, forced to pose to please by their abductors? “Oh, and in your case we have yet another option,” the naked slut’s trainer added, continuing to savour her discomfort by staring at her face close up as he did. “Given that you are such a natural performer, sexually speaking, once we are close to completing your training we can begin to send photographs and videotapes of you in action to your friends and family – just to let them know that you are alive and well and, in fact, despite your abduction, happier than you have ever been.”


Wade laughed out loud at the expression on Rusty’s face as he disclosed this information to her. Every stage of every slut’s training was, and would continue to be, captured on tape by the hidden cameras that permeated the training complex and many a wilful little madam had had the last resistance knocked out of her by the knowledge that a ‘greatest hits’ tape of her most enthusiastic fuckings had been sent to all of her friends and family. Somehow, in spite of all the training tools that were used on a new bitch, the knowledge that if, by some bizarre chance, her old life were restored to her, everybody she knew and cared for in the ‘real’ world fully understood that she was a submissive and depraved slut at heart was the final nail in the coffin, the last straw that convinced so many fully trained bitches to surrender, finally and absolutely, and accept their new lives as the only ones they could ever lead.


With Rusty seemingly in a state of shock at the news that she was to be photographed and filmed for the pleasure of many, many others, Wade had no difficulty in dressing the redheaded bitch in her first ‘modelling’ outfit. First of all her shoes were removed and a pair of skintight leather boots that reached almost as high as her cunt were pulled onto Rusty’s legs. The boots in question had heels almost nine inches high, which meant that their wearer would essentially be walking on the tips of her toes, but sluts dressed in footwear of this kind rarely did any walking, of course!


Secondly, Rusty’s arms were encased in black leather tubes that reached all the way up to her shoulders. These tubes ended in tight mittens that rendered the wearer’s hands virtually useless and D rings at various points along each tube meant that the wearer could be restrained at her owner’s pleasure in a number of imaginative ways.


Next up a tight black leather corset was fitted around Rusty’s already slender waist. Then, her normal collar was removed and a high posture collar fitted around her neck. With this last item completed, Wade had Rusty pose in the standard ‘display’ position and then took a few moments to admire the truly spectacular view. The creature before him was a vision, he thought to himself as he circled the posed submissive. The animal had been separated by her fetishwear into areas of tight black shiny leather that divided and highlighted areas of creamy soft white flesh. The high-heeled leather boots lengthed and tightened Rusty’s legs, forcing the exposed cheeks of her ass to tighten up in a manner that made Wade want to spank her right there and then, just because he could if he really wanted to.


Moving round to the front of the fetish slut he had just created, Wade almost whistled in wonder at the sight that greeted him. The lower rim of the black leather corset and the tops of the two thigh-high boots formed a triangle that contained Rusty’s moist, hairless pussy, a view capped off by the twinkling of the silver ring that adorned the bitch’s newly pierced clit. The corset narrowed pleasingly from the hips as Wade’s gaze moved north and then began to flare out again as the slut’s wonderfully perky and newly pierced tits spilled out over the top. And, finally, the high posture collar forced the slut to hold her head high in what appeared to be a prideful manner. The overall effect was that of a pure animal, a wild and untamed filly that needed to be tamed, broken. Fucked.


As she was dressed in this obscene outfit Scully put up no resistance at all. Inside, however, her mind raced. What could she do to avoid this latest indignity? She had already rationalised her behaviour so far in captivity by forcing herself to believe that she could one day have her old life back with no one on the outside world (ie Mulder) having any detailed idea of what she had been forced to do since her capture. But if photographs became widely available, not to mention videotapes of her fucking and sucking with wild abandon, then she was doomed. How could she have a career as a FBI agent, hunting down and arresting low lifes, if any and every scumbag she arrested recognised her as that sexy submissive bondage slut in the magazines and porno videos under his bed? And what if Mulder, in the course of trying to track her down and save her, came across these pictures and videos? Could she ever go back to working with him if he ever learnt what she was truly capable of?


And yet, and yet… On the other hand, Scully reminded herself, she had to co-operate if her escape plan was to move forward. The sooner she could free herself the less likely it was that anybody she knew would ever learn what she had been forced to do after her kidnapping. And so, once again, the rational, calculating part of Dana Scully’s mind counselled willing submission and obedience to her owner’s will, but only as the most effective way of maintaining any long-term hope of escape.


“Now, are you going to pose to please, like a horny little exhibitionist slut who can’t wait to show off her wares to an appreciative audience?” Wade asked his leather clad pet. “Yes Sir, I am. I’ll do whatever you tell me to,” Scully answered, in what she hoped was a tone of total submission.


“Oh, really?” her trainer replied, coming to stand right in front of her again. “Why?”


“Why?” Scully echoed. “Yes, why?” Wade repeated. “Oh, well… “ Scully stammered. She had not expected to be interrogated about her newfound desire to please her trainer. “Because I’m a slut, Sir,” she eventually managed to say. “Bullshit!” the slutmaker in front of her shouted, laughing out loud as he did so. “You don’t think you’re the only new pet who has managed to work out how things function around here, do you? There’s no way on earth that you can be fully obedient and happy to accept your new life, not after three days, even if you are the randiest little slut we have ever trained here. At least, not until you have been ‘warmed up’ a little first. No, you have seen that tamed bitches like Honey and Sugar are allowed to roam around free and you think that if you work hard to convince us that you have surrendered then you too can have the run of the place and thereby find a means of escape. That’s why you now appear suspiciously eager to please, isn’t it?”


A horrible sinking feeling in the pit of her stomach made Scully think that she was going to be sick. Was she really so transparent? Could her new owners really read her mind so easily? And, if they could, did that mean that there was no escape from her captivity? No escape, no hope of escape, and not even the idea that escape could even ever be possible would be allowed her?


Smiling inwardly at the look of utter despair on Rusty’s face, Wade took hold of a provocatively pouting nipple ring and led his new slut to an area of the studio where red silk sheets had been draped artistically on the floor. He then had her kneel on the floor, still apparently in a state of shock, before rooting around in a box behind the camera area until he found what he was looking for.


“Here,” he said to Rusty as he tossed her the item he had found. “Take this and get busy.”


Scully had instinctively caught the item hurled at her and only when she had it in her possession did she realise that it was a vibrating dildo and that her tormentor obviously wanted her to use it to masturbate herself.


The only trouble was, after the pain of her spanking and piercing and the horror of both discovering that her naked body was to be put on display to a very large audience indeed and that her trainers were fully aware of her escape plan, Scully had never felt less horny in her life.


Fearful of punishment, however, the abused FBI agent moved the black shiny dildo down her belly towards her cunt, clumsily struggling to maintain control of the tool between her mitten-clad hands. As it reached the top of her pussy, however, it accidentally brushed against the clit ring that she had had installed just a few minutes previously, sending a jolt of… something… through her. Scully, as a highly educated woman, had a vocabulary far superior to that of most citizens and yet she was quite unable to describe the sensation she had just felt. She knew all about pain from her ‘slave’ implant and her captors had, over the past few days, clearly explained to her exactly what pleasure was and yet the touch of a large dildo on a newly pierced clit was neither of these things, and yet both of them, and yet more than both of them put together. It was pain/pleasure, pleasure/pain and something more, something new, something for which humanity had no words.


Experimentally, Scully brushed the head of the dildo over the ring again and gasped in astonishment as the new sensation was repeated. “Remember what we told you, slut,” Wade, who had been watching the start of Rusty’s performance, said. “If a clit is pierced just right then a slut soon becomes quite fixated on the pleasures that stimulation of the organ in question can provide. “We don’t care that you are trying to fake obedience in an attempt to escape. All we need is time and your inherently slutty nature and nymphomaniac body will do the rest for us. I’m letting you control the dildo now, bitch, but just imagine what it would feel like if we took that control away from you. Just imagine what it would feel like if we constantly took you to the brink of paradise but then brought you back. Time and time again. What would you do in order to be allowed to cum?”


“I would surrender,” Scully thought to herself through the rising tide of her pure, animal lust, as she struggled to keep the vibrating monster clamped between her leather-clad hands teasing her clitring. “They know it, I know it, so why even pretend that it isn’t true? They are breaking me and I can’t stop them. And, God help me, I’m not sure any more that I want to stop them.”


As Rusty’s mind moved one step closer to ultimate surrender her hands managed to establish a clumsy rhythm – alternately thrusting the vibrating dildo into her by now moist cunt and then flicking the tip of the beast against her engorged clit. And after a few minutes of this she forget where she was. She forget who she was. She became, not for the first time since her capture and most certainly not the last, a creature of pure lust as the rational part of her mind shut down completely so that the animal within could assume full control and maximise its pleasure.


Grinning once again at how easily the slut had submitted, Wade began to take pictures. Rusty, oblivious, continued to hump away at the dildo. When he was satisfied that he had enough shots of her kneeling erect, Wade simply posed his bitch in a new position and the wanton female flesh beneath his hands objected not to this, provided that she was allowed uninterrupted access to the black monster that was now pistoning in and out of her pussy at breakneck speed. Wade photographed his pet from the rear, presenting, on her back with legs spreadeagled, standing but bent forward at the waist, in every position he could conceive of in the short period before he sensed that Rusty’s latest cum was imminent. And that’s when he decided that it was time for some real training. “Position twelve, slut,” he ordered as he grabbed the vibrator from the busy hands of Rusty.


“NO!!!” she screamed as the keys to paradise were snatched away from her. “Position twelve, slut,” the pet trainer repeated, raising his voice as he did so. “Now, or you don’t get to cum for a week.”


Rusty hesitated, on the brink of a serious rebellion. She had been so close, so very close to a truly mystical experience, a veritable glimpse of heaven. And that had been snatched away from her but it could be regained, so easily, if only the fiend in front of her gave her back her dildo. But all reason had not quite abandoned her. As she took a step towards her trainer she remembered the pain that he could inflict with a simple thought.


And so then, turning her back on the smiling man who was training her, she spread her legs and bent double until she was able to grab her own ankles.  “Good girl,” Wade said, smiling, as he approached the posed submissive. “You are learning. I was actually expecting some rebellion then but you are a clever little thing. And, in spite of what I said earlier, well on the way to being fully trained. Now, little slut, would you like to cum?”


“Yes please, SIR!” Rusty almost shouted. “This slut would very much like to cum, if you please, SIR!”


Virtually all of Wade’s days working as a slutmaker were good but this day with this slut was turning into something very special indeed, he thought to himself. He, like all the pet trainers in the complex, was trained to spot certain subtleties in a pet’s speech patterns, enabling an experienced trainer to tell when an animal being tamed was going through the motions of being obedient because that was what was expected of it and when the absolute submission being offered was the real deal.


And so now, for the moment, he knew that Rusty was his, body and soul. He ran his hand up the slut’s leather-clad thigh and rubbed her firm ass, marvelling at how something so firm could also feel so soft. And then he continued on up, teasing the bitch’s cunt lips apart and, finally, taking hold of the silver clit ring that had so rapidly become the very centre of her being.


“I already have your body, little one,” he said, looking down at Rusty’s lust filled eyes gazing up at him through her widely spread legs. But I will only permit you to cum if you also offer me your soul.”


“I am your slut Sir, your bitch,” Rusty said without so much as a moment’s hesitation. “I will work hard to please you in every way and when I submit to your will I will do it gladly because I now know what I really am… Now Sir, may this horny little nympho of yours please cum?”


As he unzipped his pants and removed his erect member Wade, for some reason, remember a chapter in the report on FBI Special Dana Scully that the centre had had prepared before her capture. As part of her psych profiling, operatives had approached her in various situations to gauge her reactions to certain stimuli and Wade recalled with a grin the report of one colleague who had had his face slapped after propositioning Scully in a bar. “My, if he could see her now, after just a few days of appropriate obedience training,” the ecstatic pet trainer thought to himself as he sank his tool into Rusty’s welcoming cunt.


And down on the floor, where what passed for Scully’s brain lay attached to the body of a leather-clad submissive nymphomaniac, there was also some thinking going on, although not quite on so high a level. “Rusty getting fucked, Rusty like,” were the only coherent thoughts emanating from the mind within the skull of the redheaded bitch. “Rusty like a lot.”

Chapter 19


"So she's completely ready then?" asked the latest recruit to the slut training centre's staff, gazing down at Scully's tightly restrained body. The once proud FBI agent was quite unrecognisable as the smartly dressed, poised professional woman who had been taken by the slave trainers; she was encased in a skin-tight rubber suit that covered every inch of her form, with the exception of two small nasal holes to enable her to breath and zippers covering her mouth, ass and cunt, so that anyone who wished to could have access to any of her holes at any time. And she hung, suspended by chains from the ceiling, her arms firmly restrained behind her back, her legs forcibly spread, her moist openings at just the right height for penetration by a passing sadist.


"Oh no!" laughed Harold, who was responsible for teaching the centre's latest slutmaker the ropes, often quite literally. "She's come very far, very fast, this little slut, but we're aren't at the finish line yet, young man."


"So what else do we need to do to her?" his pupil, who rejoiced in the name Skywriter Smith (hippie parents, don't ask!) inquired. "She seems completely tame to me."


Three weeks had passed since FBI Special Agent Dana Scully had been abducted and her training as a docile and obedient sex slave had proceeded apace in this short time, so much so that Sky, who had joined the team of slut trainers just two weeks previously, had only ever seen Scully as a wildly enthusiastic little bitch desperate to be fucked by any and every man and woman she could offer herself to.


"She only appears tame," Harold explained to his young protegee. "She is now a complete nymphomaniac thanks to our efforts and she knows that she won't be allowed to cum unless she is totally obedient at all times. Which is a vital first step in any slave-slut's training, of course. But somewhere in that sex-crazed brain there is still a dream of freedom, of the independence that she once possessed."


"It is only that, of course, a dream," the senior bitchmaker added as he tugged at the zipper covering Scully's ass and removed one of the buzzing vibrators that had been keeping the bitch permanently on heat until her holes were needed by her owners. "After what we have done to her in the past few weeks she could never resume her former life as a FBI agent, or at least not for long. It would, in practice, be only a few days before she'd end up fucking a colleague, or a suspect, or one of the forensics guys at a crime scene, or a passing homeless person. Or whoever. And getting herself fired. Her whole existence is, from now on, going to be focused on fucking and sucking and cumming and holding down a responsible job in law enforcement at the same time would be quite impossible in the real world."


"So what else do we need to do to her?" Sky asked, eager to learn and take his place as a full-time slut trainer, a job he had dreamed of having since adolescence but one that he had never thought he could ever actually do.


Harold sunk his erect penis into Scully's hot and wet rear entrance and thrust home, producing a deep sigh of contentment from the trainer and some rather weak struggling from his helpless bound captive. "We need to do just one more thing," he explained. "We need to deprive her of hope. Hope is all that she has left - hope that she can one day either escape or be rescued and return to her former life. So we need to demonstrate to her that this can never be. And we go about doing that by... "


Chapter 20


Rusty moaned loudly into the penis gag that filled her mouth and attempted to thrust her ass backward to impale herself more deeply on the prick of her latest rapist, producing the weak struggling visible to her captors. She had been suspended like this, imprisoned in a world of total sensory depravation, with no sight, no sound, for how long now? Hours? Days? And how many times had she been fucked in that time? Dozens? Hundreds? How ever many it had been, the number wasn't enough, she thought to herself, if thinking is what her limited brain functions could be described as any more. Over the past three weeks Rusty the slut had come to dominate the personality that had once thought of itself as Dana Scully. And Rusty liked being fucked. Rusty lived to be fucked. When Rusty didn't have a cock inside her of a tongue or finger teasing her clit she felt empty, unfulfilled. Which sense of loss led to obedience of an enthusiastic nature that gladdened the hearts of her captors.


And yet Harold was right. There was still a part of her brain that dreamt of freedom. This dream had, over the course of her training, gradually evolved into a vision of life as an endless series of fuckings with just the occasional moment spent as a professional person, a human being respected by her peers. And yet this deranged fantasy remained hidden inside her as a warped version of what her life could be, if she could only escape from the madmen who had abducted and abused her.


Little did she know that her captors were, even then, plotting to deprive her of this last vestige of hope. No, with the earpieces of the rubber suit that encased her muffling out all sound, little Rusty could only enjoy the latest anal assault from her principal trainer, her body rising rapidly to orgasm and her mind oblivious to the horror that was being discussed just inches away.


Chapter 21


"Step one," Harold explained to Sky, his voice starting to pant as his own orgasm aproached. "We turn off the orgasm tap. Since her capture little Rusty here has been cumming several dozen times a day, on average, and she is now addicted to her orgasms worse than any heroin junkie or crackhead you ever saw, and I do mean ever."


"So it's no more cumming for this little slut, at least not for a while," the pet trainer grunted as he shot his seed into the ass of his latest victim, before pulling his prick out and closing the zipper covering Scully's ass. "The next few days for our Rusty here will seem like an eternity spent in the deepest level of Hell, I'm afraid."


And with that Harold and Sky left Scully alone in her bondage, her latest orgasm so close and yet so very, very far. Inside her rubber prison Rusty waited patiently, confident that another prick would soon be filling one or more of her holes and that this time she would be permitted to cum. Reality, however, had quite another fate in store.


Chapter 22


If she had been handed a suicide pill Scully would have swallowed it, right there and then, she admitted to herself. Because she hadn't been allowed to cum for three whole days. The Scully side of Rusty's personality inwardly shook its head at this fact. Previously Scully had masturbated rarely, often only once a week or even less when busy on one of Mulder's wild goose chases. But now just 72 hours without an orgasm had left her praying for death. And the worst thing was that her captors refused to tell her why they had turned the cum tap off or when, if ever, it would be turned on again. Her attempts to ask what was happening, like her attepts to beg for the chance to cum, merely resulted in her owners activating the paingiving implant in her head, reducing her to a screaming ball of tortured nerve endings. Her time since she had been released from her rubber bondage had been more or less routine, with extensive training in posing to please, dancing to tease and accepting bondage and discipline with something resembling enthusiasm, whether genuine or faked. But she had not been fucked for three long days. And any attempt to play with herself had brought harsh punishment. And her captors had even taken to restraining her at night, so that she could not masturbate under cover of darkness.


Scully's craving for suicide was being generated by the scene that she was being forced to watch. Whilst she remained nude apart from her collar and heels and sat at the feet of one of her trainers with her hands cuffed behind her back, in front of her a row of sluts were being put through their paces by their masters and rewarded with fuckings for demonstrating the appropriate enthusiasm for obedience. "Why not me?" she thought to herself. "Why can't it be me that they are fucking? I'm every bit as obedient as those stupid sluts."


Scully looked wordlessly up at Wade, who held her leash, imploring him with her eyes to favour her with his cock. Wade, however, pretended to ignore the pitful sight beneath him, at least for a while. Finally, however, he looked down at his helpless pet. "Is there a problem, little slut?" he asked, smiling sadistically. "Why yes, Sir," Rusty replied promptly, in what she hoped was her most alluring, little-girl-lost voice. "This slut would very much like to offer her holes for a good hard fucking by her Master, if it pleases you Sir."


"Not just now, pet," Wade replied. "You'll be fucked when it suits us to fuck you, not when you think you need a good hard fucking. We decide what you need, now don't we?" "Oh yes, Sir," replied Rusty, breathlessly. "But I so want to please you, Sir. If I have done anything wrong then please tell me what it is - I am trying so hard to be an obedient pet slut for you, Sir. I am so grateful that you captured and trained me, Sir. I just want to be the best bitch possible for you."


Wade smiled inwardly at the extent to which the once arrogant FBI agent had been reduced to a grovelling, desperate nymphomaniac. He had seen it all before, of course, with some sluts in training taken almost to the brink of insanity by just a few days without orgasms and, not for the first time, he rejoiced in the level of control this gave him over wanton female flesh.


"So would you do anything to please me, little bitch?" he asked the slut on her knees beneath him. "Anything at all?" "Oh yes, Sir, I will do anything you ask of me but please, please, please let me cum," Scully begged."Please."


"You know, you should really be careful what you wish for, you stupid slut," Wade responded, a sadistic sneer on his face. "Because I have a little job for you and if you do it well you will be granted one orgasm - but are you quite sure that you'll do anything in order to be allowed to cum?"


"Yes Sir, I'll do anything," Scully responded, her tone suddenly bleak as she contemplated the lengths that she really would go to in order to experience an orgasm. "Anything at all."


"Very well," Wade answered. "I think you're about ready for the next stage of your training. And with that the slave trainer uncuffed Rusty's hands from behind her back, rose and walked from the room, with his tame and obedient pet bitch crawing dutifully along behind him, the Holy Grail of a cum awaiting her, or so she hoped. But at what terrible cost?

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