BDSM Library - Missy’s Misfortune

Missy’s Misfortune

Provided By: BDSM Library

Synopsis: A very shy, innocent young girl ask for help from her guidence counsellor. Instead, gets led to a unknown world of female slavery
Missy’s Misfortune

                               Missy’s Misfortune


The bus seemed to be taking ages to get to the city, Missy thought, it was only 30 miles from her home town but she seemed to have been on it for ages. Even though it was past 6pm the sun through the windows was still hot enough to make her feel slightly uncomfortable in the school-uniform she was wearing under her long coat.


Her mind drifted back a couple of days to that moment at school when she’d finally decided to sort out the problem she’d been wrestling with for months.  It’s perfectly normal for 15 year old girls like Missy to have feelings for boys, but unfortunately for Missy not all 15 year old girls attend such a hard-line Christian fundamentalist school as her. And this was the root of the problem, how could she get advice on such things without incurring the, metaphorical, wrath of God on her head.


The only bright spot on the horizon was Miss Bailey, her English teacher; although she was well over twice Missy’s age she always seemed not quite as hard-line as the other teachers and, Missy eventually decided, would probably be sympathetic to her problem. So it was that at the end of English two days before the bus ride Missy hung around after class to talk to Miss Bailey.


Miss Bailey was jotting down notes for her next class when she became aware that one of the girls had stayed behind, looking up she saw it was Missy, she smiled at the clearly nervous teenager.


“Yes, Missy, how can I help?” Miss Bailey asked, sensing the question wouldn’t be about Hamlet.


“Um, Miss Bailey, can I talk to you about a personal problem?”


“Well, you should really try your Counsellor first”


“I can’t Miss Bailey; I don’t really feel I can open up to him.”


“Well, this isn’t how things should be done, but as long as you know any advice I give you is only my opinion it should be OK” she smiled again at Missy to help her relax. “If this is going to be really personal perhaps you’d like to shut the door.”


Missy nodded and walked over to the door, Miss Bailey watched her as she went, taking in the auburn hair touching her shoulders, her slim frame, the bra straps showing through her white blouse and her bare legs mostly hidden by her regulation school-skirt which ended just above the knee and which Miss Bailey fervently wished was a lot shorter. Because Miss Bailey had a secret which could finish her career in any school in the country let alone one like this; she was a lesbian. She kept it well hidden of course, discretion was the better part of lust in her view, and she only showed her true self in the company of other women who shared her particular tastes which were extreme dominance and young girls, preferably together. She felt a familiar and welcome tingling in her pussy as she watched Missy close the door; she’d detected vulnerability in the girl which had already set her mind racing.


Bringing herself back to the matter in hand she leant back in her chair and gestured to Missy sit opposite her.


“OK, Missy, what’s the problem”


“Well, it’s a bit embarrassing” Missy started to go red as she tried to explain her predicament to the older woman, although Miss Bailey had always seemed the most approachable of the teachers, there was suddenly something vaguely intimidating about her.


Miss Bailey smiled again, “Take your time, Missy”


“Um, it’s this boy who lives on my street, I really like him and I think he likes me and a couple of week’s back we kissed and that, and I don’t know what to do.” It all came out in a jumble.


Miss Bailey’s eyes widened in shock “Missy, you’re not pregnant are you?”


It was Missy’s turn to look shocked now. “No, we’ve never done that.”


Miss Bailey relaxed and mentally filed away Missy’s admission of virginity. “So, how can I help?”


Missy looked down at the floor. “I was sort of wondering if you could give me advice on how not to get pregnant.”


“Can’t you just ask your parents?”


“I daren’t, if they even knew about kissing Kevin, they’d go mad, as far as they’re concerned the answer to everything is in the Bible.”


Inside Miss Bailey’s mind a very wicked plan was beginning to form, but it would take a lot of luck.  She frowned at Missy. “    You’ve put me in a very difficult position here, Missy, school rules say that if any pupil asks any teacher for advice about contraception then the teacher has to report it to the Principal.”


Missy looked terrified and Miss Bailey knew the first part of her plan had worked.


“Don’t worry, I won’t do that. As it happens I may be able to sort this out for you, but it’ll take a couple of days, reckon you and Kevin can wait that long?” She asked teasingly, but Missy didn’t seem in the mood to appreciate it.


“He’s on vacation in Europe for a month, so yeah, I guess.”


“That’s good, now this is what you’ll have to do.”


Miss Bailey told Missy of a friend in the nearby city, a Doctor, who would be happy to supply her with the contraceptive she wanted, but that she’d need to see Missy in person to prescribe it. Because of Missy’s age it would take about 2 days to arrange an out of hour’s appointment. In the meantime Missy wasn’t to talk to anyone about it, not another teacher or another pupil, it would be best too if she didn’t even write about it in her diary if she kept one. The list of instructions went on and on and Missy found it hard to keep up with them. The length of the list also obscured the one thing Miss Bailey was most concerned about; absolutely no-one was to know where Missy was going.


Missy thought some of the instructions were a bit unnecessary but if it meant she could get some contraception at the end of it would be worth it.


Missy walked out of school that day on a high, Miss Bailey had been really kind to her and seemed genuinely concerned with her welfare. Miss Bailey too walked out of school on a high, Missy was totally unaware of the impending trap, and the whole scenario she was developing seemed too good to be true.


She went home that night and spent an hour on the phone to a few friends to make the required arrangements, then went to bed and fantasised about her plans for Missy.


Two days later, at first break Miss Bailey summoned Missy to her office and after a few pleasantries got down to the matter in hand.


“OK, Missy, you haven’t told anyone about our talk the other day?”


“No Miss Bailey, no one at all.”


“Good, now I’ve spoken to my friend and she’s very sympathetic to your plight and is very willing to help. Because of the huge risk I’m taking with both mine and her careers there are a few more instructions you need to follow, you OK with that?”


“Yes, Miss Bailey, I’ll do anything, I really appreciate the help you’ve given me.”


Miss Bailey smiled at her. “Oh, it’s not trouble really, Missy, I’d do anything to help one of my girls, that’s the trouble with this place it may be a good place academically but it stops you girls becoming what you should be.”


She carried on before Missy got a chance to ask what that meant. “You’ll have to get the bus to the city, I can’t give you a lift there in case we’re seen together, here’s $10 for the fare. I’ll be able to give you a lift back because it’ll be dark, we should be back by 9 at the latest. It’s important that you’re folks don’t even know you’re going out so sneak out in time for the 5.30 bus. When I drop you off just tell them that I was giving you extra help on your course-work after school so you’ll have to wear your uniform, but because my friend can’t legally see under-age girls you’ll have to wear a coat over your uniform, is that OK?”


Missy suddenly realised she didn’t have a long coat and looked a bit worried.


Miss Bailey understood instantly. “That’s OK, before you leave school today, dump all your books in your locker and come here, you can take my coat home in your bag. When you arrive at the bus depot in the city, leave by the main entrance and head for the car-park, I’ll pick you up there and we’ll go and get you sorted. Is that OK?”


Missy nodded and smiled “Thank you, Miss Bailey”


“It’s my pleasure, Missy, I think you’re incredibly brave as it is, after all you had no idea how I’d react.”


“I was pretty sure I was safe, Miss Bailey, you always seemed to be so kind to us girls.”


Miss Bailey smiled back, if only you knew, she thought.


The hiss of the brakes on the bus jolted Missy out of her reverie, startled momentarily she looked around before realising she was at her destination, hurriedly she moved down the aisle and off the bus.


Suddenly Missy felt very vulnerable, she knew what she was doing was wrong and she felt everyone around her knew too, quickly she headed for the entrance and the car-park beyond. For a few frantic seconds she looked around trying to find Miss Bailey’s car, before she saw her teacher waving to her from across the car-park.


Miss Bailey had actually seen Missy long before she waved, but seeing the worry on the young girl’s face had given her a strange sexual thrill, and it was only the need to get the girl into the car as quickly as possible that made her act.


“Hi Missy, you OK?”


“Sure, Miss Bailey” Missy grinned back at her.


“Cool, there’s been a slight change of plan, my friend just called and said it’s easier of we see her at her house instead of her surgery, it’s just out of town, is that OK?”


“Yeah, that’s OK.”


Miss Bailey smoothly moved the car out of the car-park and headed towards the Interstate out of town, she felt as if she was on fire with the excitement of what was about to happen, she only had one last thing to check.


“Are you sure no-one knows you’re here now?”


Missy nodded. “No-one, my Mom was home when I left, but she didn’t see me.”


A brief flash of alarm crossed Miss Bailey’s mind.


“You’re sure?” Her voice betrayed a bit of her alarm, but Missy, busy watching the scenery didn’t pick up on it.


“Sure, she was in the bath”


Miss Bailey relaxed, the trap had worked.


Soon the city gave way to the countryside and Miss Bailey was turning right and left down various back roads until Missy was quite lost.


Miss Bailey made one last turn and the car was on a sweeping driveway, at the end of which stood a very large house.


Missy couldn’t contain herself. “Wow, that’s some house.”


Miss Bailey grinned. “There’s a lot of money in medicine, certainly more than in teaching.”


The car scrunched to a halt on the gravel and they both got out and walked towards the door, Miss Bailey rang the bell and they waited.


The door was opened by a woman about the same age as Miss Bailey. “Hi Christine” the new woman said and Missy was temporarily perplexed by this use of Miss Bailey’s first name. “And you must be Missy; Christine’s told me all about your problem.”


“Hi” was all Missy could manage, there was something intimidating about this woman who was now stepping back to invite them in.


“Let’s get your coat off, shall we?” the woman demanded rather than asked and started to open the buttons before Missy could help. As soon as it was open Miss Bailey slipped it from Missy’s shoulders and walked to the coat-rack to hang it.


The house owner took a step back and Missy felt herself blush as the woman clearly looked up and down.


“Hmm, Christine, she’s just as pretty as you said.”


Miss Bailey took mock offence. “As if I’d lie to you, Mel.”


Missy now began to feel a distinct unease at the way the conversation was going, she’d never heard a doctor talk that way before. She shuffled from one foot to the other as Mel’s gaze continued to take in the school-girl in front of her, Missy’s hair in it’s pig-tails made her look younger than her 15 years, and feeling very self-conscious in her uniform she was unable to meet Mel’s gaze and looked down, her hands reaching for the hem of her skirt as if to pull it lower to cover the bare flesh on show above her knee.


“How delightfully submissive.” Mel laughed, increasing Missy’s discomfort, just what was going on here she wondered. In her confusion she looked to Miss Bailey and was re-assured to see her teacher smiling at her as if nothing was wrong, yet her hand was slowly opening the zipper of the bag she carried from her shoulder.


Before Missy could say anything Mel took her hand.


“OK, young lady, shall we see if we can sort out your sex problem for you.”


Again Missy was surprised to hear a doctor talk in this way, but let herself be led towards one of the doors along the hallway, she felt Miss Bailey’s hand in the small of her back guiding her almost as if to prevent her having second thoughts.


Mel opened the door and led Missy in, for a second she hesitated in the doorway but felt herself literally shoved into the room by Miss Bailey’s hand.


What had caused Missy to hesitate was what she saw in the room; 5 women all sitting on chairs or sofas, all watching her.


Missy’s arrival caused a curious reaction among the women.


“Hey, wow”


“She’s a pretty one.”


“Can’t wait to get her over my knee.”


“Bet she’d look good tied up.”


Missy’s jaw dropped, she may have been a bit sheltered for a 15 year old, but she knew sexual talk when she heard it, and she was hearing it now. She stiffened and tried to back out of the room but felt Miss Bailey grip her shoulders and prevent her moving, Mel still had grip of her right hand but her grip was now like a vice on her wrist. She tried to turn round to run but Miss Bailey now had a firm grip on her arms and was drawing them back behind her, she struggled as much as she could against the older woman’s fierce grip.


“Please, let me go” There was a hysteria creeping into her voice as she writhed in Miss Bailey’s grasp, the fingers of her captors hands were tight on her forearm now, the nails digging into her flesh through her thin school blouse. “Miss Bailey, you’re hurting me.”


During all this Missy hadn’t noticed that Mel had let go of her wrist, but suddenly she felt something cold and metallic on one of her wrists, without seeing it she knew it was a handcuff, with a strength born of desperation she made one last wild bid for freedom – this was now a terrifying situation – but she was powerless against the two stronger women and with a sickening feeling in her stomach she felt the other bracelet clip onto her other wrist and she knew she was caught.


Miss Bailey now pushed her forward into the room and she stumbled to the floor in front of the semi-circle of women. Tears filled her eyes and she started sobbing as she half raised herself. She turned to look at Miss Bailey with a wounded, fearful look, but all she got in return was the teacher’s lustful gaze.


Mel walked over to her and gripped her hair and started pulling her to her feet. “Get up, bitch” she barked in a harsh voice.


Missy tried to comply but with her arms cuffed behind her was unable to stop herself being hauled up sharply by her hair. The pain and shock made her burst into tears; instinctively she knew she was in real trouble.


Mel stared at her for a minute waiting for the tears and wailing to stop, and when they didn’t she nodded to Christine who moved over and once more gripped Missy’s shoulders as Mel started to undo her school tie, pulling it quickly from its collar, then passing it to Christine who swiftly tied it round Missy’s head, pulling it into her mouth, gagging her sobs.


In a few minutes Missy’s crying stopped and Mel stood next to her and faced the group of women. Through her tears Missy looked at the women, trying to find a sympathetic face, she glanced from one to next but, like Miss Bailey, all she found was lust. One or two blew kisses at her, but not out of kindness. They were all a lot older than her, all but one of them was older than Miss Bailey and Mel, the oldest was nearly 50 Missy guessed, still quite slim and pretty but nearly 50 none the less.


Mel finally spoke, one arm around Missy’s waist.


“Well, now our little slut has finally calmed down, I’d like to thank you all for coming to our little auction”


The word ‘auction’ hit Missy like a slap in the face, an auction was something they did to cattle not school-girls like her, her head started spinning. This simply could not be happening.


“Our prize today has been very specially donated by our good friend Christine, and I’m sure you’d all like to thank her for supplying such a delightful young thing.”


There were various murmurs of agreement with this.


“Good work, Christine.”


“She’s a real treat, can’t wait to get my hands on her”


Miss Bailey smiled and nodded at the congratulations thrown her way, and then raised her hand to still the talkers as she spoke.


“She is a beauty, isn’t she, I’ve watched her for years, but never thought I’d get the chance to do this. Can I just add two things before Mel starts the bidding? One, she’s a guaranteed virgin. And two and this is most important, absolutely no-one knows she is here, so whoever buys her gets a girl the cops will not be looking for.”


One of the women, her blond hair almost falling over her eyes, raised her hand.


“Yes, Jenny.”


“Does she have any sexual experience at all?”


“Just a bit of kissing with boys, as I understand it, isn’t that right Missy?”


Missy stared at the floor, she realised now why Miss Bailey had been so explicit with her instructions about not letting anyone know what was going on, and the worst thing was she had gone along with it, effectively she’d abducted herself.


Jenny spoke again. “Any experience with girls?”


Miss Bailey shrugged. “Doubt it, her family is very strict Christian, and I’ve never heard any rumours at school about her. So whoever buys her will have to break her into the pleasures of our world. Hell, she might enjoy it, but frankly, do we care?” She laughed as she said this, and the others joined in.


Mel waited for the laughter to subside. “OK, now as you all know, the rules of the auction never change, highest bidder wins her outright and can then do with her as she pleases, there is a lot of money to be made out of prostituting these girls, but just tonight the winner has to share her property with the rest of us for free.”


Missy’s throat was dry behind her gag, certain words kept bouncing round her head; ‘property’ ‘auction’ ‘prostituting’, a horrid idea was now screaming in her head. None of the women was making any attempt to hide their faces, Miss Bailey was really relaxed about the whole situation, and in other words none of them seemed at all scared of any consequences. This could only mean one thing; she wasn’t ever getting out of this.


Mel’s voice broke into her panic stricken thoughts again. “So if you’d all like to examine the merchandise for a few minutes, and then we can begin.”


The women almost as one rose from their seats and crowded around Missy, who shrank from their touches as best she could, much to their amusement, until Mel yanked her head back by the hair and ordered her to stay still.


Missy felt fingers grabbing at the buttons on her shirt, undoing them from underneath her neck right down to her belly, then a rush of air on her stomach as her blouse was pushed open, showing her flat belly, she felt women’s fingers on her skin trying to squeeze her lean flesh, with her eyes clamped shut she couldn’t see which of the women was leaning forward to kiss and nuzzle her neck, but she heard their words.


“Hmmm, gorgeous.”


“Wow, sure she’s 15, Chrissy? She seems well stacked.”


“God, look at those nips. Can’t wait to get my lips round them.”


There was general laughter at all these comments, but still Missy kept her eyes shut as if trying to deny this was all happening.”


Missy felt her nipples being pinched and pulled, so hard that she staggered forward, her eyes watering as the women took it in turns to twist her large nipples between their fingers.


Again her tormentor’s voices spoke:


“Jeez, Chrissy, if you only knew how wet I am just feeling this little bitches tits.”


“Maybe later you’ll let me know, Jenny”


General laughter.


Then Missy felt her head being pushed from side to side, fingers pressing against her cheeks.


“Good bone structure.”


Missy’s eyes suddenly snapped open in shock as she felt a hand grip the inside of her thigh and squeeze.


“Spread your legs, little slut” a voice hissed from behind her ear and without thinking Missy shuffled her legs apart, to her dismay she heard approving murmurs from the surrounding women.


“Hell, she takes instruction well.”


At the same time Missy’s hair was grabbed in a tight fist and a hand on the back of her now loose blouse pushed her upper body forward, involuntarily she staggered forward to try and remain vertical but felt a sharp pain as her hair was yanked back.


“Just bend over, slut.” The same harsh voice yelled at her, and fearful of the consequences of disobeying.


Missy felt a rush of cool air on her ass as her school skirt was flipped up onto her hips and then heard the gasp as her white cotton panties were exposed, almost she felt fingers and hands all over her ass, pressing, pushing and pinching. At the same time her head was pulled back again which let some of the women to continue mauling her gorgeous young breasts.


A sudden sharp smack on her ass jolted her forward and the groping hands gripped onto her breasts to steady her. She opened her mouth to protest, but the intimidating presence of so many women crowded around her kept her silence.





“OK, ladies, if you’d like to take your seats again, we’ll begin.” Mel broke up the group grope and Missy opened her eyes to see the women sitting again, one or two of them had their hands under their skirts and were stroking their pussy’s while smiling at her. “The bidding will open at $2,000. Any advance on that?”










The bidding went up and up, but slowly most of the women dropped out until only 2 women were left Jenny and the eldest.





Jenny stared intently at Missy as she digested the older woman’s last bid; she shut her eyes as if calculating something.


“Going once” Mel said dead-pan


Jenny opened her eyes again. “One second, Mel, the video facilities are still here aren’t they?”


Mel nodded. “Yep, videos of your property can be made and sold.”


Jenny’s smile showed her mind was made up. “$5,000”


The older woman shrugged and shook her head.


Missy felt her head swim again, she was being auctioned off like a piece of meat and there was nothing she could do, she started to cry into her gag for her Mom.


“Going, going, gone” Mel concluded briskly, and Jenny punched the air and beamed at the room, murmurs of congratulations and expectations could be heard. Everyone knew they’d get to sample Missy soon.


Jenny went over to the woman she’d just out-bid. “Sorry, Elizabeth, I had to have her, no hard feelings?”


“Good God, no honey, I prefer blondes anyway. Guess my slave will have to wait a bit longer for company.”


“Thanks hon, I’ve fantasised for years about having a school-girl to abuse, never thought it would happen.”


Elizabeth smiled at her, “Enjoy you, baby, raping a virgin is the most intense thing.”


Jenny went over to see Mel and they went to a desk at the side of the room to finalise the transaction, the other women talked amongst themselves, a couple of them went out of the room and returned with some bottles of champagne and glasses and everyone toasted Jenny’s success, and then they toasted Christine for doing such a good job of Missy’s abduction.


While all this was going on, Missy was left standing alone in the middle of the room, feeling totally desolate. She was still unable to believe it had actually happened, that she was now the property of someone else. Surely at some point she would be released, but then she remembered all the missing girls across the country, suppose they weren’t run-aways? What about that girl Bev from her Church Choir? Everyone assumed she’d just run away. What if she hadn’t? Maybe it wasn’t men who’d abducted them, and even now they were being held by their new owners? How many of the missing ever came home?


She glanced over at Mel and Jenny by the desk, clearly they were finishing up. Both smiled, and then Jenny threw her arms around Mel and kissed and hugged her, then walked over to the sofa and picked up a shoulder bag and then moved, unsmiling, towards Missy, who visibly trembled as she approached.


“OK, slut, let’s start your training.” She grabbed Missy by the shoulders and pushed her towards the door which Elizabeth opened for her, to a cheer from the other women Jenny pushed Missy out of the room and down the hallway.


Tears were streaming down Missy’s face, almost blinding her as Jenny now moved in front of her and grabbing her hair started pulling her up the stairs. At the top of the stairs Jenny turned right and pulled Missy towards one of the doors, pushed it with her foot and dragged her slave inside.


She positioned Missy in the middle of the room and closed and locked the door. She stood in front of the crying girl and spoke softly to her.


“Right, slut let me explain a few things to you. You are now my property, I paid good money for you and as a result I can do whatever I like to you. You may as well forget your life up to now, you will never return to it, I will train you to be my sex-slut, that will be your life from now on. I will rent you out to people who will do as they like with you, whether you like it or not is none of my concern. I’m a lot older than you, as I’m sure you know, but don’t think I will get older and let you go, when I reach an age where I feel I can no longer keep a slave I will simply sell you to another owner. Do you understand?”


Missy simply stood there, unable to take it in. Suddenly Jenny’s face contorted in fury and she slapped Missy hard across the face.


“When I talk to you I expect a reply, slut”


Missy staggered sideways with the force of the blow, but stayed on her feet, she tried to speak into the gag and nodded as Jenny opened her shoulder bag and emptied the contents onto the bed, Missy’s eyes widened in disbelief as she took in the various items, some of them, like the flogger and the strap-on dildos she could guess at, others were totally unknown to her but looked sinister and cruel.



Jenny followed her gaze and smiled at Missy’s confusion and fear. “Don’t worry I’ll introduce to all of these in time, meanwhile look at this.”

She picked up the flogger and took a few practice swishes with it. “This can really hurt, and I can promise you it will hurt you, but maybe not today, that’s up to you. I’m going to remove your gag now; it’s a sort of intelligence test. You know how isolated this house is, so screaming won’t help you, instead it will merely make me use this on you, so if you’re clever you’ll stay silent. Nod if you understand.”


Missy had flinched when the flogger swished through the air, and nodded her understanding of the threat. Jenny tilted her head to one side and undid the knot in the tie and pulled it out of Missy’s mouth.


Missy gulped at the air as the saliva coated fabric was removed from her mouth, the temptation to scream was almost overwhelming but one look at the flogger in Jenny’s right hand ended that thought.


Jenny fixed her eyes with her stare. “Right, these are the rules you’ll live your life by from now on. You only speak when spoken to you; if you need to speak first you ask my permission. You will refer to me as ‘Mistress’, I will not tolerate anything else. I will call you whatever I like, I gather your name is Missy, yes?” Missy nodded. “Not any more it isn’t, your name now is Slut. Got that?” Jenny twitched the flogger in her hand. “What’s your name?”


Missy stood in silence, then SLAP, Jenny slapped her face again, screaming at her “I asked you a question, slut”


Missy’s face crumpled in fear as Jenny shouted at her, but she still managed to blurt out “Slut”


SLAP, another stinging blow landed on Missy’s face, “Slut, what?” Jenny shouted.


“Slut, Mistress”


“Good slut. Now, I’m not going to start your training today, instead I’m going to have a bit of fun.” Jenny slid her arm around Missy’s waist and guided her towards the bed, Jenny sat down on the bed and crossed her legs, her black mid-length skirt rode up as she did revealing just a hint of the tops of her stockings. “All my life I’ve wanted to abuse a school-girl, but up to now all I’ve been able to do is dress up various subs like one, but now I’ve got myself a real live school-girl slut.” Her arm snaked round Missy’s waist again and pulled her forward over her knee. Missy found herself over Jenny’s legs, her face only inches from the ground. Jenny gripped her cuffed hands and pulled them upwards which made her ass point higher.


Jenny rested her hand on the skirt covering Missy’s ass, and squeezed it gently. “And all naughty school-girls should be spanked”


Missy tried to move off Jenny’s knee but was easily pulled back. “Please, let me go, please I won’t tell anyone, I promise.” Missy was virtually howling now.


“When I start your training tomorrow, you’ll pay for speaking without respect or permission, but in the meantime I want to enjoy this.” Jenny hissed as she started to lift Missy’s skirt up and bunched it around her waist; she smiled as she saw the white panties the young girl was wearing. She couldn’t resist sliding her fingers under the edge of the fl material. “Oh these are so sweet.”


Her fingers twisted the material pulling the material tighter between Missy’s legs; Missy winced as the material was pulled tighter, and then yelped as Jenny swiftly pulled them down to her knees.


“Much better.” Jenny murmured, as she raised Missy’s wrists high in the air again with one hand and gently stroked her ass-cheeks with the other, her fingers sliding down the school-girls slender thighs. Missy squealed again as Jenny pinched the inside of her legs. “Spread your legs, slut.” The pain as Jenny’s nails dug into her young, tender flesh, quickly made Missy obey and she shook as she felt Jenny’s finger tips gliding slowly towards her pussy.  Missy felt a sort of electric-shock as Jenny gently placed one finger tip on her pussy lips, then just as gently removed it.


Suddenly, without any warning, SLLAAPPP. Missy jerked upwards as Jenny’s hand smacked her ass, just as quickly she was pushed down again and Jenny rained more blows down on her. Missy screamed and struggled but all in vain as Jenny gave her a prolonged spanking. Whenever Missy kicked her legs too much Jenny would concentrate stinging blows on them until the backs of her legs were a bright red. As she struggled in Jenny’s grip she almost fell off her lap, but Jenny made sure she didn’t by pulling her blouse from inside her skirt so she could pull her back by her waist. Jenny relished the feel of her hand on the soft skin of the girl’s waist; she squeezed it, loving its firmness, before resuming her assault on the girl’s ass.


As Jenny’s slaps rained down she got a gorgeous view of Missy’s pussy as her legs thrashed wildly about, and she suddenly she stopped the spanking and roughly thrust two of her fingers into the girl’s pussy. Missy screamed and tried to clench her legs together to prevent this violation, but Jenny simply dropped the girl’s wrists and grabbed her hair and yanked it back. “Don’t you fucking dare do that, bitch.” She snarled the words at her terrified slave.


Angry now she suddenly rolled the girl onto the floor making her wail even more, she dragged her up by her hair and, as Missy stood miserable and afraid, swiftly unzipped her school-skirt and let it fall, pulling Missy out of it, she pulled her panties right down and off also, ordering her to kick her shoes off as she did so. Jenny pushed her onto the bed and positioned her on her back.


Jenny was incredibly turned on by the spanking she’d just handed out, the way Missy had thrashed about told her how much she’d hurt her, and that she’d probably have to be tied over a trestle before she could be caned. But in the meantime it was time Missy learnt what her tongue was for.


Missy lay on the bed naked, apart from her socks, from the waist down, totally at this woman’s mercy. She knew better than to speak or scream, dumb with terror she just laid there watching as Jenny started to undress. There was no finesse in the way Jenny stripped off; she was extremely aroused by the sight of the half-naked school-girl, helpless on the bed in front of her. Now naked herself she climbed onto the bed and knelt astride Missy, her hands resting on her young breasts.

Suddenly she ripped open Missy’s blouse in a flurry of popping buttons and gazed down at the half-cup bra and the treasure they contained. Missy had not been a late bloomer, and her breasts were beautifully firm and large, Jenny couldn’t have been happier with them, she squeezed them through the lacy fabric, before pushing the bra up.


“Hmm, slut, what lovely young breasts you have”


Jenny lowered her head and flicked her tongue over the small nipple, then covered it with her lips, kissing the soft flesh, then suddenly biting hard, her pussy tingling as she felt Missy bucking under her. The pain shot through Missy’s body as the older woman bit her breasts, one after the other, laughing at her feeble attempts to escape, taunting her with threats of how what some of her friends might do would be 100 times worse.


By now Jenny could feel an orgasm slowly building, moving swiftly she re-positioned herself astride Missy’s neck, her pussy only inches from the tearful girl’s face held tight by her thighs.


“Please, don’t, please don’t” Missy sobbed and closed her eyes, she knew what disgusting act the woman wanted her to perform and she’d fight it with all her strength.


Jenny curled Missy’s hair round her fingers until she had a fierce grip on the girl’s head which she lifted off the bed until her mouth was virtually on her pussy.


A strong scent filled Missy’s nostrils but she still refused to open her eyes until Jenny leant back and twisted one of her nipples.


“Open your eyes, slut” Jenny ordered, her voice trembling with the excitement, and she twisted the nipple again until Missy obeyed. Missy was staring at Jenny’s shaven pussy, glistening with her excitement, her head held tightly and painfully by her hair.


“Lick it” Jenny panted, but Missy shook her head; she was not going to do this no matter what.


Hurriedly Jenny pinched Missy’s nose with her free hand forcing the girl to open her mouth, and as she did so Jenny pulled her mouth onto her waiting pussy, clamping it there with her thighs. Jenny let go of Missy’s nose and returned to her tortured nipple, gripping it firmly between thumb and forefinger, but not twisting it yet.


“Lick it, slut, lick it”


Now she twisted Missy’s nipple savagely again.


“Lick it” she panted, pulling the girls mouth harder onto her pussy, her juices already smearing over Missy’s face. Missy could feel the woman’s pussy lips on her mouth, her juices seeping between her lips; the pain from her nipple was almost unbearable. Although the woman’s thighs were covering her ears and pressing on her cheeks she could still hear her urging Missy to “Lick it, lick it.” Nails dug into the flesh of her breast, gouging the soft flesh, this was too much. Slowly she pushed her tongue out into Jenny’s pussy.


Jenny had been on the verge for a few minutes now, the whole situation of having a school-girl totally at her mercy, one that she could do anything she liked to, was like a drug. Forcing this innocent young thing to lick her was a high she’d never experienced before, and when she felt Missy’s tongue hesitantly pushing between her pussy lips she came instantly.


Her whole body tensed, her nails dug deeper into Missy’s breasts, her other hand tightened it’s grip on Missy’s hair, her thighs clenched tighter on her face and as Missy opened her mouth wider to scream  Jenny flooded it with her juices.


“Oh God, oh God, fuck, fuck, yessss, oh shit” Jenny raised her face to the ceiling as she started to ride Missy’s mouth, loosening her thighs so she could drag her mouth over her pussy, the girl’s plaintiff screams merely prolonging the orgasm. Slowly, so very slowly, the intensity ebbed away, bit by bit Jenny regained control over her body, she let Missy’s head drop, her sweat covered fingers had stuck to her hair so she jerked the girl’s head unintentionally as she pulled free. She looked down at Missy gulping at the air as she sobbed, her face glistening with Jenny’s orgasm, she slumped backwards her whole body still trembling.


She rolled off Missy who was sobbing and spluttering and took a couple of shaky steps on the floor. Although she’d just had one of the most intense orgasms of her life she knew there was one more thing she had to do before taking her slave downstairs for her friends to enjoy.


Missy rolled onto her side, curling up into a foetal position, her eyes closed tightly as she sobbed, totally unaware of what Jenny had planned. 


Missy felt Jenny get back on the bed, then she was roughly grabbed by the shoulders and pushed onto her back, Jenny was pinning her down by the weight of her body, her knees were pushing Missy’s thighs apart. Missy struggled again until a few sharp slaps on her face stopped her futile efforts.


Missy lay there her face stinging, terrified into silence and immobility, until she felt something cold and hard pressing against her pussy. Now she struggled wildly, kicking and screaming until Jenny slapped her again.


“Shut up, bitch, you’re mine now, remember, and I can do what I like to you, so let me fuck you now.”


The slapping was unnecessary really, as Jenny was far stronger than Missy and easily prevented her from struggling too much, and using the girls struggles against her in that it helped slide the lubricated strap-on inside her. Missy felt it pushing in, felt it’s size and cried.


“Please stop, please stop” She whispered, but Jenny merely laughed and pushed further in. Suddenly a pain shot through Missy’s pussy and she arched upwards, actually lifting Jenny with her.


“Oh slut” Jenny panted “Did I just pop your cherry?” Now she began to thrust in and out. Slowly at first, then faster as the pressure from the strap-on teased her clit towards another orgasm. Missy felt her strength fading, her constant, pointless struggles against the older, stronger woman had left her almost exhausted, and she could only move feebly under Jenny’s body, and then the only movement she made was in time with Jenny’s thrusts which were deep and fast now. The pain of losing her virginity had gone, but the pain of the strap-on pushing in and out was almost as intense.


Suddenly Missy felt Jenny stiffen as before and push in as far as she could go, then she felt her tremble on top of her and her entire weight was resting on her now.


Jenny came, holding her deep thrust, her hands reaching under Missy to grab her ass so as to pull her as far as possible onto her phallus. Her mouth was on Missy’s neck and she couldn’t resist giving her a hickey as she came.


Jenny lay on top of Missy for a minute or so, her strap-on still buried deep within her slave, as she gathered herself together. Then as her orgasm passed she pulled herself out of her, and staggered slightly as she stepped off the bed. Missy continued to sob as Jenny took off the strap-on and threw on some of her clothes. She slung the bag over her shoulder and reached down to grab Missy’s hair and pulled her off the bed. And led the screaming girl downstairs to where her friends were waiting for her.


Jenny dragged and pushed Missy along the hallway to the door of the auction room, paused briefly to move Missy in front of her before opening the door and pushing the naked school-girl into the room.


The women inside cheered and clapped as Jenny followed the stumbling Missy in.


“Way to go, lady.”


“How was she?”


“Did you pop her cherry?”


Jenny smiled at the applause as she raised her hand to still it.


“She’s good, her tongue needs some training but I guess I have a lot of time to do that, and, yes, I did pop her cherry. Elizabeth?” Jenny nodded at the older woman. “You were right about that. So now, ladies, she’s all yours. The only thing I ask is that you leave her ass-hole to me, apart from that enjoy. I need a drink.”


As Jenny wandered over to the side-table to pour a glass of wine for herself Missy looked up, an expression of pure terror on her face.


Jenny turned just as she reached the table. “The only thing I’d say is that seeing as Chrissy got her for us I think she should have first crack at her.” This met with general approval and, grinning, Chrissy got up and walked towards the naked girl who was crying and shaking her head.


“Please, Miss Bailey, please.” She whimpered. “Please let me go, I won’t say anything, I promise.”


Chrissy laughed “No chance, Missy.” She walked right up to her and calmly took hold of one of the girl’s nipples between her finger and thumb. Missy winced as her teacher started to pull her across the room by her breast, giving her no chance to resist.


Chrissy led the poor girl on a wide tour of the room past the assembled women who took the opportunity to slap Missy’s ass as she was led past. Some of the blows were mere taps; others were severe and made Missy scream loudly.


Finally after a couple of tours of the room Chrissy let go of Missy’s breast; the sharp pain Missy had been experiencing replaced by a dull ache.


Chrissy mocked the obvious distress on Missy’s face. “Oh, poor baby, did the nasty women hurt you, here, let me kiss you better.”


Gripping Missy’s breasts with her hands Chrissy lifted one as she lowered her mouth to take the girl’s nipple completely into her mouth. At first Missy only felt Miss Bailey’s tongue circling and jabbing at her nipple, then felt the teacher’s attentions switch to her other breast.


Again, Missy felt her teacher’s tongue and lips all over her breast and nipple, she shifted uncomfortably from one foot to the other, but at least the ache was slowly easing.


Suddenly she felt a sharp pain as Miss Bailey took her nipple between her teeth and bit and pulled on it, simultaneously Chrissy dug her nails into Missy’s other breast.


Missy staggered back at this but bumped straight into Mel who had silently approached while Chrissy was kissing her breasts.


“Stay still, slut.” Mel ordered, but pulled Missy back into her. Missy’s bare ass was pressed into Mel’s crotch; but she could feel something there, it was cold and hard. What Missy couldn’t see was that Mel was totally naked apart from a strap-on.


Missy struggled in Mel’s grip as Chrissy bit hard again on her breast. Briefly she opened her eyes and her screaming stopped momentarily; all the women were in various states of undress; some totally naked, others had just removed their skirts or jeans. Their fuller and older bodies contrasted with Missy’s girlish frame. She shivered and moaned as Chrissy took her nipple between her teeth again and pulled it back as far as she could. Missy’s instinctive reaction to follow was prevented by Mel’s grip on her shoulders.


Chrissy let go of the nipple and looked with satisfaction at her work; Missy’s breasts were now coated in her saliva, the olive tanned skin red and imprinted with teeth marks.


“God, Missy, I’ve been waiting to do that for so long. You have no idea how many times I’ve masturbated over the idea of doing that to you.”


The thought of her teacher lying in her bed bringing herself to an orgasm as she fantasised over Missy’s breasts made the school-girl almost physically sick, but worse was to come.


“And do you know what else I dreamed of doing to you?”


Without waiting for the reply she didn’t need Chrissy gestured to Mel to push Missy towards one of the couches. Talking as they went Chrissy filled her former pupil in on her intention.


“I’ve always wanted to have you between my legs, licking my pussy.” As she was saying this she was fumbling with the button on her jeans and then she pushed them down her thighs and hurriedly stepped out of them. She sat down on the couch and spread her legs, as she did so Missy felt Mel’s hand on the back of her neck and felt a sharp kick on the back of her knee.


“Get on your all fours, slut.” Mel shouted and forced Missy down onto the carpet on her knees at first, then pushing her head down until she was on all fours between Chrissy’s spread thighs.


Chrissy wrapped Missy’s hair between her the fingers of one hand and started to pull the girl’s face towards her pussy. With her other hand she slid her wet thong to one side of her pussy as Missy’s face, contorted with disgust, was pressed against it.


“Ahhh, yes, lick it, lick it.” Chrissy leant back on the couch, her eyes closed in bliss as she felt Missy’s mouth and nose pressed against her pussy lips. She twisted the girl’s hair a bit tighter. “Get your tongue in there, you little bitch.”


Missy tried to scream as her hair was pulled but Chrissy’s pussy muffled her attempts, and she tasted Chrissy’s juices in her mouth as she opened it. A couple of heavy slaps landed on her ass and then she felt one of Mel’s hands on her hips. Next she felt something cold and hard being pushed between her pussy lips as Mel guided her strap-on inside her pussy still sore from Jenny’s earlier fucking.


Mel started to thrust in and out, each push forcing Missy’s mouth against Chrissy’s pussy. Her hair was twisted again by her teacher and she was again ordered to use her tongue on the older woman’s wet pussy.  Her lips were already well coated with Chrissy’s juices and each thrust from Mel’s strap-on had the effect of jarring her lips open allowing the juices to seep into her mouth.


Mel moved one hand onto the back of Missy’s neck to hold her face firmly between Chrissy’s thighs and slipped the other underneath the young girl to cup and squeeze and pinch her breasts. She looked at Chrissy but the teacher had her head back, eyes half closed with bliss was oblivious to everything save the young school-girl with her face buried in her pussy.


The sight of this and the backward pressure of the strap-on on her own clit from Missy’s tight, young pussy  was bringing Mel closer and closer to an orgasm and she squeezed harder on Missy’s firm breast producing a muffled squeal from Chrissy’s pussy.


Mel stayed silent all the while, the only sound she made was a low grunt each time she thrust her phallus inside the trapped girl. She noticed Chrissy suddenly stiffen and knew that Missy’s tongue had hit the target.


Missy’s tongue had finally been forced between into action, it slid up and down the wet pussy lips making her teacher gasp loudly, then reluctantly, but with no alternative as her hair was twisted yet again, Missy pushed the tip of her tongue between the older woman’s pussy lips.


Chrissy went rigid; her thighs clamping on either side of Missy’s face, her upper body arching backwards, head tossed right back a low hissing sound escaping from her clenched teeth as she came.


At the same time Mel came too, her hands squeezing Missy’s soft, firm hips, as she buried herself one last time inside the girl.


Chrissy slowly relaxed her body, opening her legs, releasing Missy’s face. She looked down at the abused girl’s face wet with tears and her own come juices. She breathed heavily and rapidly as she let go of her pupil’s hair, letting her slump down onto the floor. Chrissy lifted one leg over Missy and, rather shakily, stood up. She wobbled over towards to where Jenny stood, leaning against the drinks table.


“Jesus, Jenny, you’ve got a good one there.”


Jenny grinned widely. “I think so.”


Mel also came down from her high; she sat back, her legs bent double underneath her. Almost as an afterthought she pulled out of Missy’s sore and abused pussy allowing the girl to curl up moaning incoherently.


But her ordeal wasn’t over; Elizabeth sat down on the couch next to the sobbing girl. Just into her 50’s Elizabeth had had years of experience of raping and abusing young girls and she knew exactly what she wanted to do to young Missy. She was beginning to wish she’d out-bid Jenny for her now; she’d lost count of the number of girls she’d had over the years but Missy excited her like few others, maybe it was the girl’s deliciously large breasts, or perhaps her olive skin. Or, more likely, it was the combination of everything that made her so sexy coupled with her total innocence that was just too inviting; Elizabeth knew that the more innocent the girl the bigger the thrill.


Grabbing the girl’s hair she dragged her quickly over her bare lap ignoring Missy’s pleas for mercy.


“Mel, if I could ask you to spread her legs by the ankles, thank you.”


Mel complied with the request, taking hold of Missy’s ankles and spreading her legs as wide as she could; this gave her a glorious view of Missy’s sore and swollen pussy.


Missy hadn’t even kicked her legs as they were spread; she was in a sort of half-awake, half-unconscious state, unable to object anymore, just wanting it over.


Another of the women, wearing nothing but a strap-on, walked over to near Missy’s head and with no show of concern lifted Missy’s head by her hair and slapped her face until she got some response. As Missy tried to speak the woman forced her strap-on into her mouth.


“Suck it, little slut.” She hissed.


Elizabeth, meanwhile, was squeezing some lube from a tube onto her right hand, rubbing it liberally over her fingers until they glistened and gleamed.


She delicately placed one greased finger tip against Missy’s puffy pussy lips and gently eased it in, Missy tried to protest and squirm but the moving in and out of her mouth, and Mel’s firm grip on her legs kept her near silent and totally immobile.


Elizabeth slowly eased a second finger inside her, and slipped a third tip into. She began to push the three fingers in as far as she could, spreading them wide and adding her thumb as well.


Missy felt as if her abused pussy was being split as Elizabeth started to flex her fingers inside her, she gagged on the strap-on in her mouth and tears of pain started to flow down her face. She made one attempt to kick free of Mel’s grasp but it failed miserably.


Elizabeth smiled at the obvious distress she was causing the young girl and pushed her little finger into Missy’s pussy, now she had all the digits of one hand inside her and she slowly eased them forward.


Missy screamed loudly behind her phallic gag as Elizabeth pushed her hand in up to the second knuckle, then paused and spread her hand as wide as she could inside Missy’s pussy, Missy began to really kick wildly now, and Mel had to call one of the other women to help restrain her legs.


Elizabeth knew she’d reached Missy’s limit; she stopped pushing in and slowly twisted her hand round inside the pain racked girl. She knew from experience that getting a young girl to take a whole fist, even one as slim as hers, took time. Only once, with a terrified 14 year old had she been able to get her fist completely inside on her first attempt.


Now she contented herself with just keeping her hand in Missy for a few minutes, gently flexing it now and again, appreciating how Missy was being forced back on her fingers by the violent assault on her mouth.


Missy’s face was contorted in pain now, regardless of how the strap-on inside her mouth was causing her cheeks to bulge outwards with each thrust. She tried to spread her legs wider hoping that would ease the pain from Elizabeth’s fist, but it only made it worse as the woman’s hand managed to move a fraction further inside her.


Missy started to sob  and cry like a baby now as she was assaulted at both ends; her body being tossed around like a rag-doll. She felt a hand softly stroking her hair and face.


“Get used to it, slut.” Was all the owner said as she gripped Missy’s hair tighter and continued to violate her mouth with her strap-on


Elizabeth flexed her fingers one last time, her pussy on fire as she watched Missy’s feeble struggles; she knew that when she got home her current slave would get the fisting of her life. Then, very slowly, twisting her hand slightly as she did so she began to slide her fingers out from inside Missy’s traumatised pussy.


At the same time the woman raping Missy’s mouth took her strap-on out allowing Missy to gulp for air; she moaned and whined as Elizabeth slipped her fingers right out. Seeing Missy’s mouth open Elizabeth suddenly rubbed her sticky hand over the girl’s face, forcing her fingers inside her mouth, her other hand gripping Missy’s hair to hold her face steady.


“Taste what a worthless fuck-slut you are.” Elizabeth barked at the school-girl across her lap and pushed her fingers deep into her mouth, smearing the girl’s chin with her palm.


Nodding to the women holding Missy’s legs to let go Elizabeth rolled Missy off her lap and she landed with a bang on the floor making everyone laugh.


Elizabeth stood up and walked across the room to where Jenny and Chrissy were standing, their hands still inside their panties from watching the fisting. All 3 women now casually looked at Missy lying on the floor, curled up in a foetal position, her sobs alternating with retching sounds.


“Hell, Jenny.” Elizabeth started. “Wish I’d bought the little cunt now.”


Jenny smiled. “I’m sure we can come to some arrangement, hon.”


The women laughed and drank their wine, totally oblivious to the young, violated, school-girl crying to herself on the floor. Mel, still wearing her strap-on, nodded to one of the others, a thick set woman in her 40’s and they moved towards the sobbing Missy.


Mel grabbed hold of Missy’s hair and pulled her body up while the other woman slipped her arms under the girl’s shoulders and the two of them lifted the wailing school-girl onto the couch; the two women swapped places as they climbed onto the couch so Mel was kneeling between Missy’s legs while the other woman was near her head.


Without any warning Mel lifted Missy’s legs up and over her shoulders and pushed her strap-on into the girl’s pussy. Missy screamed as she felt the thick shaft penetrating her swollen and abused pussy but almost immediately the other woman straddled her face with her legs, pressing her pussy down onto Missy’s open mouth.


Missy instantly felt the woman’s warm juice spreading over her lips, she gagged at the feeling coupled with the woman’s wiry pubic hair rubbing on her lips and chin but her weight prevented her squirming clear. Mel was now slamming herself into Missy with rapid strokes which made the girl’s body jolt with each thrust. This caused Missy’s face to push against the suffocating pussy rhythmically which made the woman wetter and wetter as the school-girl’s moving mouth was forced against her pussy.


Jenny now put down her glass and skipped over to the three-some and, kneeling down on the floor dropped her mouth onto one of Missy’s breasts.


Slowly at first she pulled one of Missy’s dark nipples into her mouth with her lips, then began to press her teeth onto it, pulling it further up, loving the way Missy’s firm, full breast followed the nipple.


Missy arched as best she could but he body was almost completely immobilised by Mel holding her legs over her shoulders and the woman slowly suffocating her beneath her wet pussy.  As Jenny began to bite her tender breasts Missy tried to scream again but only allowed the woman to grind her pussy into her open mouth; the strange (nice?) tasting juices dribbling down onto her throat making her swallow at the same time as she gasped for air.


Jenny heard her slave’s gurgling and smiled to herself as she ran her hands over Missy’s flat stomach, feeling the muscles ripple as the poor school-girl tried to struggle free of her attackers. Quickly her fingers reached their goal; Missy’s pussy lips.


Mel was still thrusting in and out but Jenny pressed her finger in firmly and soon found Missy’s clit.


Missy’s eyes shot open under the woman’s crotch; a strange shock-wave went through her. Totally against her will a change came over her, the touch on her pussy was nice. But it was not nice; it wasn’t what she wanted, but it knew what it was doing.


No, not like this, she thought. She knew what was happening to her, but it shouldn’t be like this. Not as 3 women old enough to be her Mother raped her.


But Jenny’s finger was circling on her clit; all her years of experience were dragging Missy reluctantly to an orgasm. Missy pushed her head back but the woman’s crotch pressed down on her; the sweet juices still flooding her mouth.


From her pussy all Missy could feel was Mel’s thighs slapping against hers - her own juices had now let Mel get right inside her- and Jenny’s finger teasing her to her first climax. From her breasts all she could feel were a frenzy of lips, tongue and teeth on her young flesh.



“UMMMMGMGGHGHHHHJHJH” Missy screamed against the wet, wiry hair of the woman above her as Jenny coaxed the orgasm from her; teeth bit hard down on her breast as her owner proved her dominance once again.


Jenny slumped down as Mel and the other woman slowed their assault too.


“The little slut came” She panted.


“Fuck, so did I.” The woman astride Missy’s face said.


Jenny knelt up again as the woman unsteadily clambered off Missy’s face, slowly the owner stroked the juice covered cheeks of her sobbing, gasping slave.


“Such a good slut, you’re going to make me a fortune” she drawled.


Mel, still buried deep in Missy’s abused pussy, nodded.


“Women will bust the bank to fuck this little slut.”


Missy turned her head to one side, away from Jenny, slowly she began to slip into unconsciousness







Missy’s misfortune pt2

Missy sat on the chair. Not as she would normally sit on a chair, but straddling it, her breasts either painfully pressing against one of the bars of the back rest or, if she moved a bit falling over the top of the bar which would then dig into her soft flesh.

There were two other differences between now and her usual way of sitting down: firstly, she was tied to the chair by her ankles to the chair leg and her wrists to the top of the chair back. Secondly, she was naked, but this was almost becoming normal now. The last time she’d seen her clothes was a few days ago when her teacher, Miss Bailey had arranged her abduction and eventual auction to her new ‘owner’ Jenny.

Missy’s eyes began to water in self-pity as she remembered how she’d been spanked, groped, fucked and generally raped by Jenny, Miss Bailey and their perverted friends for hour after hour on that terrifying night. Since then she’d been mercifully left alone, the only people she’d seen had been Mel, the owner of the big house she was being held prisoner in, when she came in to feed her and her owner Jenny who came in just to gloat over her new slave.

Jenny had taken great delight in telling Missy that she wouldn’t be naked for ever, she’d be given her clothes back when one of Jenny’s female friends wanted to rape a schoolgirl. The thought of this made Missy cry out with fear which made Jenny laugh out loud.

But after a few days passed and Missy had been left alone she began to think that maybe the women had come to their senses and were possibly going to let her go. That was until a short while ago when Mel and Jenny had burst into the room with a chair and rapidly forced the terrified youngster onto it and bound her wrists and ankles.

Both women then felt Missy all over, Mel taking great pleasure in twisting and mauling Missy’s gorgeous breasts, remarking how large they were for a 15 year old. Jenny meanwhile grabbed a fistful of Missy’s hair and pulled her up as far as she could go and then proceeded to spank her ass while Missy screamed and pleaded in vain until the tears streamed down her face.

Eventually the women stopped their depraved assault and over the sound of Missy’s sobs began to talk.

“Well, Jenny, we really ought to discuss how much rent I should charge you for keeping your slut here.” Mel almost laughed.

“What did you have in mind, hon?” Jenny sounded almost serene about it all.

“Oh just free use of her whenever”

“Sure, no problem. There are a couple of things I want to be the first to do to her, but you can probably guess them, otherwise no problem.”

Mel laughed and nodded.

“Yeah, I can guess those, I’m happy to wait in line for my turn. Any idea what you’re going to call her?”

“Probably nothing, just call her ‘Slut’ when I need to get her attention.”

Laughing together the two women left.

Missy hung her head in humiliation and shame about the way her two tormentors talked about her as if she wasn’t there.

But she was there, and painfully so, the wooden legs of the chair were chaffing her ankles and the back boards were digging very painfully into her breasts

She had no idea how long she was left alone like that but it seemed ages when suddenly she heard the door open behind her and recognised Jenny’s now familiar voice.

“OK, slut, let’s get your training started.”

Missy tried to turn her head to the sound of the voice, she’d already learned to her cost how much these perverts valued ‘respect’, but Jenny was just out of view but Missy could hear the sound of things being put on the floor.

Missy heard the clack of heels on the bare concrete floor of the room as Jenny walked towards her, then she felt fingers firmly gripping her hair and lifting her slightly, she let out a small scream of pain.

“Shhhh, slut” Jenny murmured as her free hand started to grope Missy’s breasts making the petrified girl pointlessly try to avoid her touch. This only produced a sharp twist on her hair.

“Keep still.” Jenny’s hissed as her hand began to slide down onto Missy’s hips and then under her ass, her fingers pinching and slapping the flesh as Missy squirmed in vain. All the time Jenny was murmuring and cooing as she pulled Missy’s head against her.

“Ah, my little one, what pleasure you’re going to give me over the years.”

Letting go of Missy’s hair Jenny let the poor girl sit down again as she moved round in front of her. Only now could Missy see that all she had on was a black and red basque, Jenny’s breasts and trimmed pussy were totally visible and she seemed to take pride in showing herself to her slave.

The sheer hopelessness of her predicament suddenly made Missy’s face crumple in tears and she desperately started to plead with Jenny through her sobs.

“Please let me go home, I want to go home.”

A very hard vicious slap from Jenny’s right hand on her face brought her pleas to an end as her chin was gripped tightly by Jenny’s other hand.

“This is your final warning, you little bitch, never ever talk of your previous life to me again, do you understand? Otherwise I’ll flog you to within an inch of your life, get it” Jenny spat these words out only a matter of inches from Missy’s terrified face, and the frightened school-girl meekly nodded her understanding.

Letting go of the girl’s face Missy stepped back still scowling.

“You’re pissing me off already; you’d better be good from now on. Right, your training is about to begin and I’m going to start by making you understand the link between your pain and my pleasure. I guarantee you by the time I’ve finished with you today you will be begging to lick my pussy.”

As she was talking Jenny was walking towards the door behind Missy, when she next came back into her view Missy could see she was holding a dildo in one hand and a bottle of oil in the other. Missy’s eyes bulged at the sight which made Jenny smile.

“I have a bunch of these things with me of various sizes, this is the smallest” as she was talking she was squeezing some of the oil onto the black shaft of the dildo, “I’m going to fuck you with it, then I’m going to move onto the next size and so on.”

Missy shook her head and tried to move but her bonds were too tight for escape as Jenny moved round and squatted beside her, grabbing Missy’s hair she pulled the girl up a few inches and positioned the dildo on the seat. Missy felt the cold, slippery tip of the phallus being positioned against her pussy lips, and then Jenny released her grip on her hair and for a second Missy tried to maintain her position so as to avoid the dildo pushing into her. Then she felt Jenny’s hand on her shoulder pushing her down and slowly she was pushed down onto the waiting cock.

Missy let out a scream as she felt the tip push her lips apart before sliding into her, in truth it wasn’t a particularly large dildo, only 5” and quite slim, but the shock and humiliation of the act was too much for Missy to bear.

“Up and down, slut.” Jenny instructed as she now slipped her hand under Missy’s armpit and raised her up before pushing her back down repeatedly onto the dildo. Missy’s screams had now calmed down into a low whimper as she felt the oiled shaft pushing into her as she became as powerless as a rag doll in Jenny’s firm grip.

After a while Jenny raised her up and held her there as she quickly removed the dildo and let the wailing girl sit down. To Missy’s horror Jenny re-appeared in front of her with an even bigger dildo; this one was about 10” high and about 2” thick, her sobs became a long cry of despair as Jenny, grinning evilly the whole time, slowly and deliberately poured some oil onto it.

“Please, no, that’s too big” Missy whined to no avail.

“Shut up, slut.” Jenny told her in an almost sing-song voice. “Alot of the women who’ll be paying to use you have bigger strap-on’s than this, so you’d better get used to it. You seemed to cope with the first one ok. Now stand up.”

Missy wasn’t really given an option about this as Jenny yanked her to her feet by her hair and moved round to her side in one movement, Missy shivered as she felt the tip of the monster being placed just between her pussy lips, then clenched her eyes shut as she felt Jenny’s hand starting to press on her shoulder. Try as she might she was simply not strong enough to resist the older woman’s downward force.

Missy screamed loudly as she was pushed remorselessly down onto the waiting cock, she felt as if she was being split apart as it forced her lips apart and then pushed inside her.

From her position squatting down next to Missy Jenny was getting more and more aroused at what she saw. The mere sight of the young girl tied naked and helpless was a turn-on anyway, but watching the obvious distress on her face as she was forced to fuck herself with the dildo Jenny was holding under her was making Jenny very wet indeed.

Jenny moved her hand to squeeze Missy’s breast, twisting and pinching the nipple as her other hand moved up to grip Missy’s neck and continue the up and down movement of the poor girl.

Tears were beginning to fall from Missy’s face as her pussy was forced up and down on the dildo under her, instinctively she twisted her body to try and avoid Jenny’s fingers abusing her breast, she started to scream at the top of her voice until Jenny’s hand on the back of her neck grabbed her hair and yanked her head back sharply.

“Shut up, little slut, this is nothing to what’s next.”

Still gripping Missy’s head by her hair Jenny lifted her free of the dildo and removed it from the chair. She released her grip on her property and Missy slumped down on the seat sobbing uncontrollably oblivious to the pain in her breasts as they landed on the chair’s back bar.

Jenny smiled at Missy’s plaintive sobs, she stood for a second watching Missy’s young body shaking as she cried and was unable to resist fingering her wet pussy; she knew it would only be a matter of a minutes before Missy was begging to lick it.

Jenny couldn’t describe the sheer sexual thrill she got from simply owning such a gorgeous young thing as Missy, she knew as soon as she’d seen the 15 year old at the auction that she had to have her. Missy’s breasts on their own, so large for her age, was reason enough to own her, but the girls olive skin, giving her an air of Latin American mystery, was the clincher;  she’d always fantasised about two things, one was actually physically owning another female as a sex slave, the other was abusing and raping a young teenager. Now, thanks to her friends she’d been able to fulfil both fantasies in one go. The idea of renting Missy out to others of similar perverted lusts was simply the icing on the cake.

Placing the dildo on the floor, she picked up her final toy. This, she knew, would break (possibly in more than one sense) Missy completely.

The toy in question was more of a giant plug than a dildo, it was cone shaped tapering from a base of about 8” diameter to a phallic tip of 2”, Jenny doubted whether there was any woman alive who could take it all; Missy wouldn’t stand a chance. Just to ensure Missy’s capitulation Jenny decided to give it to her without lubrication.

Missy let out a quick shriek of fear as Jenny appeared in front of her carrying the toy. Before she got a chance to do anything else Jenny grabbed her hair with one hand and lifted her up as far as she could stand. With her free hand Jenny placed the plug under her pussy, and then she took hold of both of Missy’s shoulders and started to push her down onto the massive cock underneath her.

Missy tried as best she could to stay standing this time but she simply couldn’t fight against Jenny pushing her down as hard as she was. She felt the large tip of the cock push between her pussy lips, she clenched her eyes shut as she was slowly impaled on more and more of the cone shaped plug.

Jenny didn’t pull Missy up and down this time; rather she merely kept pushing the school-girl downwards as hard as she could. Looking down she could see Missy’s eyes wet with tears despite being clenched shut in her agony, Jenny’s pussy felt as if it was on fire now. She slapped Missy hard across the face and yelled at her.

“Call me Mistress, slut. Call me Mistress, you little cunt.” Her breathing was getting shorter and shorter as her excitement rose.

Missy felt her head spinning from the slap, the agony from the abuse of her pussy was being accentuated by the pain of her breasts being pushed down onto the cross bar of the chair’s back; much as she wanted to not say it she knew she couldn’t endure this pain much more.

Another slap.

“Call me Mistress, you worthless whore.” Jenny was panting each word now. “Beg to lick my pussy.”

Missy felt as if her pussy really was being split now, she knew she couldn’t take any more of the plug into it but still Jenny kept pushing her down onto it.

“Come on bitch; beg to lick your Mistress’s pussy”

The back rest of the chair was now digging into her nipple; it had been bad on her breast, this was unbearable. It felt like red hot needles being slowly slid into her soft flesh, this was too much.

Suddenly, like a dam bursting, Missy gave in, screaming her surrender.

“Let me lick your pussy, please Mistress.”

“Beg again, slut.”

“Please Mistress,” Missy’s words were hard to distinguish from her incoherent sobs, but eventually she managed to string them together. “Please let me lick your pussy.”

Swiftly Jenny let go of Missy’s shoulders and, gripping her hair, guided her face to her very wet pussy.

“Lick it, bitch” She grunted as she pushed her pussy towards the girl’s lips.

Missy felt the wetness of Jenny’s excitement as her face was pushed against her pussy, her nose filled with the scent of her owner’ arousal. With her pussy still burning from the giant plug seemingly on the verge of tearing her in two she poked her tongue onto Jenny’s pussy lips.

She felt fingers pushing between her face and Jenny’s thighs and then pulling the pussy lips open so she could get her tongue deeper inside; the hand in her hair twisted it hard holding her face completely rigid as her tongue worked up and down inside Jenny’s slit.

Jenny began to shake now, although Missy wasn’t yet much of a pussy licker (alot more training needed, she thought) she was so aroused that getting her off was never going to be a problem today. The school-girls tongue ran up and down her slit again and very briefly flickered over Jenny’s clit. That was it.

She threw her head back as her orgasm swept over her, her whole body shook and she had to steady herself on Missy’s shoulder as her legs trembled.

“Yes, yes, yessssss, shiiitttttt, Oh, you slut, you fucking little slut. Oh, God, Oh God.”  Then Jenny merely mouthed words as she was consumed.

Slowly, very slowly Jenny released her grip on Missy’s hair, she kept the girl’s face in her pussy as the last tremors of the climax ran through her, then she stepped back letting go of Missy’s head as she did making the girl suddenly fall back on the plug under her at which she screamed again.

Her face flushed, Jenny smiled evilly at her slave.

“I told you I’d make you beg to lick my pussy, didn’t I slut?”

As she was saying this she leant round and pulled the plug from under Missy making the girl wince and moan some more.

“Did you enjoy that slut?” She asked teasingly

Missy sobbed her reply.  “No, you sick bitch”  She felt so degraded that she no longer cared about any punishment Jenny could inflict on her. What could be worse than the pain in her pussy now?

Next second Jenny grabbed her hair again and pulled her head about violently.

“I’m getting fed up with your attitude, slut. You clearly need more instruction than I thought. You will pay for that outburst in two ways. First, you will remain like that till tomorrow, and secondly tomorrow I will introduce your ass-hole to the joys of my strap-on.”

As a parting shot she gave each of Missy’s nipples a final savage twist before, with a final muttered “Fucking slut” she stormed out.

The light in the windowless room was suddenly switched off leaving Missy in total darkness; the only sound was her sobs as her tears ran down her face to mingle around her lips with the sticky juices of her owner.

Jenny leant back on the sofa as she slowly came down from her high; her hand was still clamped round Missy’s slender wrist holding the young girl’s hand inside her panties, her fingers deep in Jenny’s now sticky pussy

Missy’s Misfortune PT3



For a few days after the session with the chair and the dildo’s Missy was left alone. Not completely alone of course, she was still fed and watered, but she was not molested, even by Mel when she brought her food in. She tried to ask Mel what was happening? why was she being held here? why was she kept naked? Why were her hands always tied behind her back? but Mel maintained a stony silence, even as she fed Missy mouthful by mouthful. She’d found from experience that this was the best way to start the break-down of new slaves.

Then one morning about an hour after Mel had brought her breakfast in Missy heard the sound of the door being unlocked and Jenny and Mel entered. Jenny was carrying a brown paper package, Mel was carrying 2 nasty looking leather riding crops. Having learnt that her questions were always unanswered Missy watched the two silent women with nervous apprehension. Suddenly Jenny spoke.

“Well, slut, aren’t you going to greet your Mistress?”

Missy merely sulked and turned her head away. Next second she heard a swish and felt a streak of red hot fire on her bare leg as Mel gave her a vicious blow with one of the riding crops.

“Show respect to your Mistress, you little bitch.”

The sudden pain ended Missy’s brief defiance and she cringed as Mel lifted the crop again.


“Good, good morning, Mistress.” Missy stammered, watching the crop in Mel’s hand.

“Good slut, I see you still need plenty of training though. Still, we have plenty of time.” Jenny briskly told her as she started to open the package. “Thought you may like to see this” and tossed news-paper onto the bed.  Mel moved over  to her and  unlocked the hand-cuffs freeing her hands for the first time in days. Gratefully Missy rubbed her wrists where the cold steel had dug into them as her attention was directed to the front page of what was her local paper. Her stomach tightened as she read the headline:

Police follow new lead in hunt for missing girl

Underneath was an article about her disappearance and how the Police were following ‘a significant new lead’. Following information supplied by her school the Police were interviewing a 40 year old local man. Jenny could see the confusion in Missy’s eyes and grinned maliciously.

“Let me explain what that means; Chrissy felt it was her duty to tell the authorities that you came to see her recently and said that your Father was creeping you out: looking at you in a strange way, etc. Our wonderful Police took the bait and have hauled your Father in for questioning.”

Missy looked up, shaking her head.

“My Dad has never done that.” Her voice was almost breaking into sobs as she spoke.

Jenny shrugged. “Doesn’t really matter, does it? Nice picture, by the way.”

Missy glanced back at the article, there was a bit about the devastating effect her disappearance had had on her family and there was an accompanying picture of her Mother and younger sister. Her eyes misted over at the sight of them, and the realisation that she’d probably never see them again.

“Your sister’s cute.” Jenny went on. “Say’s here she’s 13, a bit young for me but maybe in a couple of years I may make a move for her. Actually your Mom’s not bad too, bit old for me, obviously, but I’m sure she’d do”

Mel laughed. “Imagine having all 3 as your slaves? Wow, that’d be something else.”

Jenny purred her agreement at this suggestion.

Missy shook her head again and closed her eyes.

Jenny noticed her eyes closing and smiled. “We thought you might appreciate the last paragraph, too.”, and Missy opened her eyes and focused on the last bit of the article.

“Christine Bailey, one of Missy’s teachers, issued a statement last night which reads ‘Missy is a lovely girl and her disappearance is a terrible shock. We’re all praying for her safe return, and just hope nothing bad has happened to her. Missy, if you’re reading this please get in touch, no one is angry with you, we all miss you and just want to know you’re ok.’”

Missy felt as if she was going to faint as she read Miss Bailey’s words, she shook her head as her eyes misted over again.

“Chrissy is so thoughtful.” Jenny laughed as she threw the rest of the package onto the bed, Missy looked at it in wonder; it was her school uniform.

“Get dressed slut.”

Well, it was sort of her uniform; there were no socks and no bra and her regulation white cotton panties had been replaced by a very skimpy black thong, but they were the first clothes she’d seen since this nightmare began  and she obediently began to put them on.

It felt strange to button the blouse up without a bra, her nipples rubbed against the fabric making her remember that the blouses were actually nearly see through and now her large, firm breasts would be on display as if she was wearing nothing. She stepped into the flimsy thong, she’d never consider wearing anything like this normally; decent girls didn’t wear this sort of stuff. She was very conscious of both Mel and Jenny staring at her intently as she pulled the thong up.

“Wait.” Mel suddenly ordered and Missy froze. “Let me help you with that.”

Before Missy could object she felt Mel’s hands all over her ass and crotch, ostensibly nestling the thin strip of material between her ass cheeks but really taking the opportunity to grope the young girl’s private regions. Finally she stepped away.

“There, that’s better.” She said, breathing rather heavily.

With her face red with the humiliation Missy reached for the skirt, it looked slightly different but it was only when she pulled it up that she found out how different.

It had been altered so that instead of ending the school-regulation 2 inches above her knees it now ended barely below her ass. She stared dumbfounded at the length, gripping the hem and trying to pull it down further, vainly trying to keep her modesty.

Jenny purred her approval as she stared lustfully at Missy’s olive complexioned legs. “Gorgeous, slut. Chrissy has always complained that the skirts you girls wear leave too much to the imagination, I think she’ll approve of my alterations. Now turn around for me.”

Out of the corner of her eye Missy saw Mel idly wave the riding crop and hurriedly turned a couple of circles for Jenny. Her face reddened with shame as she noticed Jenny playing with her pussy under her short skirt, a satisfied smirk on her face.

Missy noticed Mel glance at her watch and then raise her eyebrows to Jenny who nodded.

“Right, slut, come with us.” Jenny ordered as she headed for the door, leading the way with Mel following behind Missy.

Jenny led them downstairs and along the hallway towards the front door, for a second Missy thought they were going outside but just before they reached it Jenny led them into a large living room, bare apart from the carpet and a large couch in the middle. The sun streaked through the window briefly dazzling Missy who hadn’t seen daylight for over 2 weeks. The beauty of the scenery outside, the simple beauty of nature contrasted with the depravity of the scene inside the house; a terrified school-girl and two lecherous older women.

Jenny and Mel went and sat down on the couch and stared at Missy in her new ‘uniform’, lascivious smirks on their faces, both women slid their hands under their skirts as they looked the young girl up and down. Missy looked away, not wanting to meet their lust-filled gazes, she felt dirty and degraded standing before them in a sick parody of a school-uniform.

“What a little slut you are.” Jenny cooed as her fingers slid between her pussy lips before, without warning, barking a command at the humiliated girl. “Come here, slut.”

Head bowed, not wanting to make eye contact, Missy trudged slowly towards Jenny, who was sitting on the left side of the couch. As she reached her Jenny grabbed her arm and moved her round to her side. Her other hand slid up Missy’s thigh and fingers slid under her thong.

“Now, slut, this is where you learn something important. Do you know what it is?”

Dumbly Missy shook her head, squirming slightly at Jenny’s touch on her pussy.

“From now on you are to ask your Mistress to punish you. Do you understand?”

Missy’s mouth actually dropped, she really didn’t understand.

Out of nowhere she heard the swish of Mel’s crop and before she had a chance to even cringe felt the vicious swipe on her leg.

“Don’t play dumb with me, you little bitch.” Jenny hissed “From now on when I summon you to my side like this, you are to say ‘Please Mistress, will you punish your slut.’ Now, do you fucking understand that?”

Swish, a second searing burst of pain on her leg made Missy yelp.

“Owwww, yes.”


“Yes, what?”

“Owwwww, yes Mistress.”

“Good slut. Now ask me.”


Mel raised her crop a fourth time but the threat on it’s own was enough. Before Mel could swing it down Missy blurted out.

“Please Mistress, will you punish your slut?”

Missy hung her head in despair, as Jenny made no reply for a few seconds before suddenly pulling the girl over her lap. Jenny pressed her hand onto Missy’s skirt pushing her down so she could feel Missy’s legs pressing against her thighs under her short skirt. She ran her hands down the back of Missy’s thighs, nails raking the dusky skin, then up the inside of her legs, pushing them apart.

As her fingers reached the hem of Missy’s skirt she flipped it up revealing her ass. Jenny gasped as she saw how her ‘uniform’ actually looked on the girl. The short skirt was delightful, but the sight of the thong nestling snugly between Missy’s ass cheeks with her skirt flipped up, the black material contrasting with the white of the blouse, all conspired to make Jenny’s pussy purr.

Unable to control herself any longer Jenny raised her hand and brought it down hard on Missy’s vulnerable ass, the shock and the pain made Missy jerk about and try to stand but Mel swiftly grabbed her hands and held her down as Jenny spanked her jiggling ass.

Missy screamed and wailed as Jenny’s hand landed again and again. There was no pattern in the spanking, it was just driven by lust, lust that was making Jenny’s pussy start to throb. Looking down at the red blotchy flesh of Missy’s ass Jenny knew her time was near. She nodded at Mel who let go of Missy’s hand just as Jenny hauled her to her feet.

Jenny wriggled her skirt up to around her waist and grabbed Missy’s right hand and guided it into her panties. Instinctively Missy tried to pull her hand out from Jenny’s pussy but one wave of Mel’s crop made her stop.

“Masturbate me, slut” Jenny panted, spreading her legs and pushing her wet pussy against Missy’s fingers. Jenny’s hand gripped Missy’s wrist tightly, holding her fingers against her growing wetness.

“Put your fingers inside me, slut.” Jenny hissed, her eyes shut in ecstasy. Her wet pussy lips parted as Missy very reluctantly pushed two fingers inside her. One of Missy’s fingers brushed Jenny’s clit and that triggered the orgasm.

“Yessssssss.” Jenny arched her head back as she came over Missy’s fingers, she shuddered, eyes glazed and unfocussed.


She leant back on the sofa as she slowly came down from her high; her hand was still clamped round Missy’s slender wrist holding the young girl’s hand inside her panties, her fingers deep in Jenny’s now sticky pussy. Part of Jenny’s extreme pleasure was the idea that a 15 year old school-girl, her very own property, had just masturbated her to orgasm in her new school uniform and she’d done it at Jenny’s order.

Jenny clenched her eyes shut for a few seconds more as she pressed her thighs tightly onto Missy’s hand, almost squeezing the last drops of her juices onto the girl’s fingers. Slowly she opened her eyes, opened her legs slightly and released her vice-like grip on the girl’s wrist. She fixed Missy with an icy stare.

“Lick your fingers, bitch.”

A look of complete disgust flashed across Missy’s face briefly which changed immediately into fear as Jenny snarled viciously.

“Do as I tell you, you worthless whore.”

Without warning Missy heard a swish and felt a searing pain across her bare thigh as Mel’s riding crop whipped her leg.

“Obey your Mistress, slut.”

Missy winced as the crop struck her, leaving a darkening stripe on her olive skin but, seeing the stern looks on the faces of the two women on the couch tentatively raised her fingers, glistening with Jenny’s juices, towards her face.

Missy’s face seemed to crumple as the indignity of licking this pervert’s stickiness from her fingers came closer and momentarily she hesitated until Mel drew back her crop again as a threat. Very reluctantly, and as tears filled her eyes Missy opened her mouth and slipped her fingers inside.

“All the way in, slut, lick them clean.”

She closed her lips around her fingers, tasting Jenny’s come juice yet again, but this was the most humiliating so far because to her shock both Mel and Jenny were gently masturbating themselves as they watched Missy cleaning her fingers.  Her face dissolved into tears as her helplessness and sheer degradation was, almost literally, rammed home to her, and as if to twist the knife, her obvious distress seemed to make the women more aroused.

“Suck it all off, slut” Jenny urged as she squirmed in he seat, her hand moving smoothly between her legs at the sight of the young girl licking her juices from her fingers.

“Both sides, you worthless whore” Mel panted as she masturbated herself to a climax.

Finally satisfied, Jenny nodded to Missy to stop.

“Stand there, slut, until we need you again.”

Missy nodded miserably, holding her hands in front of her; furtively she glanced at the riding crops the women were idly swishing, fearing them yet at the same time wanting them in her own hands to repay the pain she’d suffered. Realism kicked in; there was no way out of this place she could see.

Mel and Jenny were whispering and giggling to themselves; something told Missy the whole situation was odd - as if they were waiting for something but she had no clue as to what. Dumbly she watched as Mel walked from the room and returned with two glasses of white wine, one of which she handed to Jenny.

She sat back down on the couch next to Jenny who turned to ask.

“I’ve always wanted to know how you got into this, Mel; it’s all just too gorgeous to be true.”

Mel laughed and took a gulp of her wine.

“Well, truth is, Jenny it was a combination of luck, lust and opportunity. Guess it was about 10 years ago, I’d just bought this place and was already really into the whole dom/sub scene, as you know I’ve always liked the younger girls but at the time it was just playing at it, you know?”

Jenny nodded as she drank.

“I’d had loads of parties here and I think I’d realised how ideal this place was to indulge my fantasies in as it’s so isolated. Well, at the time I was working voluntarily as a Doctor at a Drop-In Centre for the homeless in the city, call it Liberal Zeal if you like.”

Jenny almost snorted into her glass at this.

“Hell, Mel, you don’t come across as socially concerned.”

Mel smiled and shrugged.

“Never get my sex life and working life confused.  But that one time I did. It was winter of ’95 I think, and this girl came into the Centre, Evy I think she was called and she was gorgeous, young, blonde, slim, sort of Pixie faced. Well, she claimed she was 16 but I thought she was more like 14-15, but the Centre had a policy of not insisting on age disclosure, which is fair enough. But, oh Jesus, she was so pretty, she was like all runaways that age, seemingly very hard but you just know she’s as scared as shit just below the surface, you know?”

Jenny nodded as she took another swig of wine; she’d used a few of these sorts of runaways as prostitute subs in her time.

“So, I gave her the examination,” Mel continued “And it was one of the very few times in my medical career that I actually got turned on by a patient. Christ, everything about her was gorgeous, her breasts - not large, but just sort of perfect, her ass, God knows how I stopped myself spanking it right there, her legs, Jeez, everything, Hell; I wanted to fuck her there and then. But, I told myself, “this is your livelihood, you fuck this up for a cheap grope and what then?” so I restrained myself.”

“So what did you do?” Jenny asked, perplexed.

Mel shrugged, “I did my job, the only thing she needed was a warm place to sleep and a hot meal, all I could do was give her a few Aspirins and send her on her way. You have no idea how bad I felt watching her go. Course I knew it was only a matter of time before she got into drugs or prostitution but what could I do?”

It was now Jenny’s turn to shrug. “So what did you do?”

“Nothing, didn’t have to. When I left the Centre that evening who should I see huddled in a shop doorway but Evy. Now by this time it was snowing and she looked very blue and very down. I went over and asked her what the matter was and she said the Homeless Hostel had turned her away because she couldn’t prove her age - they had a less Liberal attitude than us, you see- at that point she burst into tears. Now at this point I was genuinely torn, on the one hand she was a girl in clear need of help; on the other hand she was a girl I would do anything to fuck. So I compromised, I offered her a bed for the night. I put my coat around her and sort of hurried her to my car, luckily ‘cos of the weather there weren’t many people about and I don’t think anyone noticed us.”

“And then?” Jenny smirked.

Mel smiled. “Got her home, gave her a hot bath, left her alone in the bath; heck, didn’t want to come across as a lecherous old dyke, and after her bath I cooked her a nice hot meal and a lovely warm drink which I laced with a sedative I had in my Doctor’s bag. When she came round she was stripped and bound on my bed.”

Jenny leant forward. “Did you?”

“Shit, yeah, I raped her pussy, her ass and her mouth for a week, spanked her, caned her, just about worked out every fantasy I’d ever had on her”

“Did she learn quickly?”

“Well, put it this way, when I first raped her she had a foul mouth, by then end of the week she had a sweet tongue”

Both women laughed at this as if it was the funniest thing they’d ever heard, Missy, who’d heard the whole story too, was struck with a deeper dread - they’d been doing this for 10 years?

“So what happened next?” Jenny asked.

“Truth is, Jenny hon, I got worried. I had to work full time, and thought it wasn’t wise to leave Evy alone all day, even though she was behind at least 3 locked doors.”

“So what did you do?”

“You know Elizabeth, the woman you outbid for this little slut” Mel swiped her crop in Missy’s general direction, making the young girl cower apprehensively, Jenny nodded. “I’d always heard rumours among our group that she had contacts in the ‘real slave’ underground, not the play-subs we’ve all used, you understand, but the real ones, the ones held totally against their will.”

Jenny nodded; her pussy was now starting to tingle.

“So I rang her up and asked her over and, well being honest, owned up to my predicament.”

“How did she react?” Jenny was wide mouthed now.

“As if Christmas had come, she likes young, blonde girls, remember? She, ‘sampled’ the goods” Mel laughed mirthlessly, “Then offered me $500 for her.”

“Did you take it?”

“Shit yeah, at the time I thought I’m getting $500 for raping a girl for a week. Course I took it. Now, it’d be a different matter. Elizabeth asked me how I’d acquired her and when I told her she became very keen and offered me a business partnership.”

Jenny drew back, a puzzled look on her face.

“Think about it, Jenny, Elizabeth knew I’d found the ‘El-Dorado’ of the genuine slaves; girls who no-one would know were missing, and I could tap the seam.”

“Sorry Mel, I don’t follow you.”

“Jenny, remember that sick fuck up in Seattle, the Green River killer?

“Yeah, but what’s he got to do with it?”

“Nothing, but the point I’m trying to make is his victims were all run-aways and prostitutes, if he hadn’t killed them no one would have noticed they were missing. What Elizabeth realised was that I had a way of getting to those girls. And once they were got, we were made.”

Mel shook her crop at Missy again. “She’s a bit different, she’ll be missed, but that’s why Chrissy took such steps to ensure there were no traces to us, but she’s not the first school-girl we’ve taken, and she sure as hell won’t be the last. Want to know the most risky one me and Elizabeth pulled?”

Jenny shook her head very intrigued.

“Remember that Wilkins girl about 5 or 6 years back?”

Jenny nodded, sure she did, Jody Wilkins was a 5 year old girl who went missing from a local Mall on a shopping trip with her Mom. She gasped.

“You’ve got her?”

Mel chuckled at this. “Not now obviously. What happened was this: Elizabeth was in the Mall just shopping and was putting her stuff in her SUV and this cute little kid wandered up crying and all that, wailing that she was lost. Elizabeth said later that it was just a spur of the moment thing, but no-one was around, so she told her she’d help her find her Mom. Well, she brought her here, so at that point there wasn’t a lot I could do but help out.”

“But you’re not into girls that young?” Jenny objected.

Mel nodded. “No, and neither is Elizabeth or any of us. No one wanted to buy her or have anything to do with her. So Elizabeth got in touch with all her contacts, and I mean all, and eventually we sold her to a Brazilian woman. Guess how much for?”

Jenny shook her head and shrugged.

Mel spoke very slowly “Half a million dollars?”

Jenny’s eyes almost popped out of her sockets. “You’re kidding, someone paid that much? What the hell for?”

“Think about it Jen, this woman obviously had the time and money, she was getting a 5 year old, cute American girl she could spend the next 10 or so years training to be the perfect sex-slave, she’d never complain or want to escape, she’d be conditioned to do whatever this Brazilian wanted whenever she wanted. That’s some catch. This young slut,” Mel nodded at the petrified Missy in front of her, “Will have to be watched and guarded at all times; but that, in a strange way is a lot of the turn-on, knowing she’s held totally against her will. But the Wilkins girl, when she’s slut’s age can be left totally unsupervised, she can be raped without even knowing she’s being raped.”

Jenny frowned slightly. “Doesn’t that take some of the edge of it?”

“Maybe, but the Brazilian woman will have the most obedient, conditioned sex-slave anyone could ever get.”

Missy hung her head at this; her hopes of ever getting home were zero. They were even less than that when she heard the next bit of conversation.

“So what happened to Evy in the end?” Jenny asked, turning the conversation back to the original subject.

“Last I heard a couple of months ago she was in Canada, still a fuck-slave to her present owners.”

“Present owners?”

“Sure, remember we all like different things, we like young girls, other women like late teenagers, others like fully grown women. Evy’s been sold on loads of times since I had her.”

“Any idea if she likes it?”

“Couldn’t give a fuck, Jenny, to be honest. Her whole purpose in life now is to be raped and fucked and abused by whatever women she’s there for. Elizabeth told me once that when she’s totally ‘fucked out’ she’ll more than likely be smuggled to South America where Christ knows what her fate will be. I don’t care really.”

Missy’s mind reeled at this. Would she be a sex-slave for 10 years? What then? Surely the fact that Mel and Jenny were talking like this in front of her meant she had no chance of getting out ever. Tears began to flow down her cheeks again, they ran freely. More free than she’d ever be again.

The two women lounged back on the couch, evil, self-satisfied grins on their faces as they gazed lustfully at Jenny’s slave. Mel’s cell phone bleeped, after studying the message she turned to Jenny, a sly look in her eyes, and asked.

“Mind if I tie her and have some fun?”

“Hell, no, be my guest.”

Missy cringed and took a couple of hesitant steps backwards as, cat like, Mel sprang off the couch and advanced towards her and grabbed her hair.

“Where do you think you’re going, slut, your owner has given me permission to have some fun with you.”

Missy’s eyes closed as her hair was yanked sharply, suddenly she felt her wrists being grabbed together behind her and a thin strip of plastic looped round them, she struggled futilely as Mel pulled the cable-tie closed, the edge of the plastic digging into her flesh making her scream shrilly.

Mel placed her hands on Missy’ shoulders, pulling the frightened girl back into her, Missy could feel Mel’s lips on her ear; hear her whispering her perverted intentions to her. She stiffened as Mel slid one hand down to her skirt and began to ease it up, she shivered as she felt Mel’s fingers on her thigh, Christ, what was the sick woman going to do?

Suddenly the doorbell rang; Missy saw a look of panic flicker over Jenny’s face as she looked at Mel. Mel dug her nails into Missy.

“Don’t make a sound, understand?” She hissed and the frightened girl nodded her understanding. To emphasise the threat Jenny made sure Missy saw her pick up the riding crop as Mel left the room to answer the door.

As the door shut Jenny got up from the couch and walked over to the school-girl, she fiddled with the buttons on Missy’s blouse as she whispered harshly.

“Just keep quiet, you make a noise now and you’ll really know what pain is. Just keep quiet and soon we’ll all have some fun, just do as you’re told, slut.”

Missy had to fight hard to stay silent, one scream and she might be free, the visitor couldn’t ignore a young girl screaming ‘Rape’, no one could. But what if the visitor was one of the women from the auction? What would happen to her then? She stifled the noise within and nodded meekly at Jenny.

“Good slut.” Jenny cooed at her as she squeezed Missy’s full breast’s through her blouse.

From the hallway Missy could hear voices, soft at first, then getting louder and more agitated, she glanced at Jenny and saw a look of blind panic on her face. Missy felt a surge of happiness at this; her tormentor was scared.

Without any warning the door was flung open and Mel was bundled into the room.

“Jenny, it’s the…” was all she managed to blurt out before the visitor pushed in behind her.

It was a female Police Officer – Missy’s ordeal was over.

Missy burst into tears again, but this time they were tears of relief, of hope, of security.  Through her tears she saw Jenny standing open mouthed, staring at the Officer behind Mel.

“Get away from the girl and move to the wall.” The officer ordered in a voice that brooked no argument.

As if sleepwalking Jenny took her hands from Missy’s breasts and moved towards Mel and the Officer. Missy stayed facing the other way but the words she could hear were the sweetest she’d ever heard.

“I’m arresting you for the kidnap and sexual abuse of a minor.”


As the Officer read Mel and Jenny their rights Missy felt her head spinning; soon she’d be home with her family, Miss Bailey and all the other sick women would be arrested, with what she knew she might even be able to free some other girls this lot had kidnapped.

Suddenly she felt a hand on her shoulder; as if waking from a dream she glanced round to see the Officer standing next to her. She smiled at her liberator who smiled back. The Officer was in her mid 40’s, slim build, a fairly attractive face under her cap resting on her black hair, she had kind, blue eyes, which were at that moment the most marvellous thing Missy had ever seen.

“Are you Missy?”

Missy was too overcome with emotion to speak, and could only nod.

“We’ve been so worried about you, hon, but you’re safe now. I’m Officer Hayes”

Missy shot a glance at Mel and Jenny who were backed against the wall, their hands behind their backs as if cuffed. The only thought in her head was revenge, she wanted to attack them there and then, instinctively she tried to raise her fists but realised they were still bound.

“Could you untie my wrists, please?” She sobbed to the Officer

“I’m sorry, hon, I can’t. I have to wait for the back-up officers. It’s all to do with evidence, I’m afraid. Don’t worry they’ll be here in a couple of minutes.”

“Oh ok” Missy tried to hide her disappointment, it struck her as odd that she had to remain tied, but in a few minutes she’d be free.

“I have to ask you a few questions in the meantime, is that ok, Missy?” As she asked this her arm slipped down around the girl’s waist. Missy nodded her agreement.

“Ok, are these the two women who abducted you?”

Missy shook her head. “No, it was my teacher Miss Bailey.”

Officer Hayes appeared a bit baffled by this, her hand squeezed Missy’s waist in a way that faintly disconcerted Missy; she’d had enough of being touched by strange women lately.

“So who are these two?”

Missy dissolved into tears again. “One of them bought me at the auction.”

“Have they molested you?”

“Yes,” more sobs, “they raped me”

“OK, Missy, I know this may be uncomfortable for you, but I’m going to have to ask you to describe what they did to you. Can you do that for me?”

Missy was starting to feel very uneasy, where were the back-up officers mentioned earlier? Why was she being asked all these details? Why was she still bound? Nevertheless, she did her best.

Through her sobs she told her sorry story.

“They auctioned me in front of about 8 other women, she,” Missy nodded towards Jenny, “paid the most, and told me she was my new owner, then she took me upstairs and did things to me.”

“Did she spank you?”

Missy didn’t answer, surely, she thought, a Police Woman shouldn’t be asking a question like that. Before she could think any more about it, Officer Hayes grabbed hold of the hem of her skirt and pulled it up. Missy squirmed in shock but the Police Woman grabbed her round the waist with her other arm.

“Just need to see if you’re marked.” Officer Hayes murmured as she gazed at Missy’s ass, still red from the spanking Jenny had given her earlier.

Missy felt the Officer’s hands on her ass cheeks, her fingers slipping under the edge of the thong Jenny had made her wear. She tried to break free of the older woman’s strong grip.

“Please, don’t do that, Maam.” Missy whined as she felt fingers starting to press between her legs.

“Shhhh, Missy.” Was officer Hayes’s only response as she moved behind Missy, her hand now sliding round to her crotch, her other hand holding Missy across her chest, her fingers pressing and kneading her breasts.


Missy felt a finger tip slip inside her thong and push between her pussy lips, she gave a frightened yelp.

“Did they touch you like this?” Officer Hayes whispered in her ear, “How many fingers did they use, one or two?” At this she pushed a second finger into the girl’s pussy.

Missy began to struggle now in real fear, whatever was going on was not good, and didn’t feel much like a rescue. She turned her head to look at the Officer, the dreadful truth dawning on her.

“You’re, you’re not a cop.” She screamed and thrashed about wildly in ‘Officer’ Hayes arms. As she turned out of the corner of her eye she saw Mel and Jenny move away from the wall, their hands hadn’t been ‘cuffed, they were laughing at her; it was all a trick, a sick, evil, twisted trick.

“No, no, let me go, let me go.” Missy was screaming almost hysterically now as the other two women reached her, Jenny slapped her face hard, grabbed her hair and yanked it sharply.

“Shut  up, slut, ‘course Stephie’s a cop, it’s just she’s a cop who likes little girls like you, now just calm down and let her do what she wants, she’s paid good money for you.”

The realisation that Jenny had actually prostituted her out made Missy scream louder until Mel clamped a hand across her mouth.

“Sit her down on the couch.” Stephanie ordered and the two other women each grabbed one of Missy’s arms and pulled her backwards until she stumbled onto the couch, she tried to get up but the two women were simply too strong. Jenny pulled her hair again and yelled at her to sit still.

“No.” Officer Hayes instructed. “I prefer it when they struggle.” Too often, she thought, the young run-aways she normally targeted at the Central Station, and the teenage shop-lifters were too scared of her authority as a Police Officer to resist the very personal searches she liked to inflict on them. To get her hands on a young girl like Missy, one who couldn’t report her to her superiors, and one who struggled and screamed while she was molested was pure heaven.

Roughly Stephanie took a grip on Missy’s bare knees, pushed them apart and knelt between them, her hands then sliding up Missy’s kicking legs pushing her skirt up around her waist. Rapidly she started to unbutton the girl’s shirt.

“Let’s see these tits of yours that Jenny told me about.” She pulled Missy’s blouse open and gave a gasp of approval. “Wow, sure she’s only 15, Jen hon?”

Stephanie’s hands started to squeeze and grope Missy’s breasts making the girl struggle vainly against Mel and Jenny’s grasp.

“God, they’re fabulous” Stephanie muttered as she took Missy’s  nipples between her fingers and thumbs and  began to pinch and twist them. From behind Mel’s hand over her mouth Missy screamed in agony as Stephanie pulled and squeezed her nipples.

“Mmmm, she’s certainly feeling that. Have you clamped the little slut’s tits yet, Jen?”

“Not yet Steph, it’s on my ‘to-do’ list.” Jen laughed as she kept a firm grip on the writhing girl.

Stephanie leant forward and started to kiss and lick the girl’s breasts. The feel of the firm young flesh on her lips and tongue was almost overwhelming, she slipped her hands onto Missy’s thighs, her thumbs beginning to rub the girl’s pussy lips. Through her mouth she could feel Missy struggling as best as she could, a faint trickle of sweat caused by the girl’s exertions ran onto Stephanie’s lips. As her thumbs began to press into Missy’s pussy through her thong a new muffled shriek could be heard behind Mel’s hand.

Stephanie’s own pussy tingled as she pressed one thumb tip between the lips of Missy’s pussy, opening her mouth wide she bit hard on one of the young girl’s breasts. Missy arched backwards, screaming, as the pain from Stephanie’s teeth pressing on her breast burned into her, she shook her head trying to get free of Mel’s hand gag so she could scream as loudly as she liked. Instinctively she tried to close her legs to prevent Stephanie’s thumb pushing any deeper inside her but only got an elbow jabbed painfully into the inside of her thigh from the kneeling Police Officer and another sharp bite on her breast.

Suddenly Stephanie stopped her assault on the girl and stood up, Missy still had her eyes clamped shut but wondered what had happened. In truth Stephanie had only paused because she was now so carried away she just wanted to fuck the school-girl.

Reaching for the zipper on her skirt she pulled it down and let it fall to the ground, she stepped out of it and ordered Missy to open her eyes, which she did after a quick hair pull from Jenny.

Missy dumbly stared at the half naked Officer, she took in the black stockings she was wearing and the flash of white thigh at the top.

“This is for you, slut.” Stephanie said coldly and lifted her blue blouse.

Missy screamed again at the sight; tucked inside the top of Stephanie’s left stocking was the shaft of a strap-on, the harness firmly around the Officer’s waist. To Missy it looked huge, black and menacing. Stephanie gestured for Mel to take her hand from the girl’s mouth; she wanted, no needed, to hear Missy begging for mercy.

Slowly Stephanie pulled the shaft of the strap-on from her stocking top and waved it lazily from side-to side in front of the terrified girl who now started to babble almost incoherently at the sight of its enormous length. It was a full 10” long  and nearly 3 inches thick.

“God, please no, please don’t use that on me, please, oh God, please.” Missy’s voice rose to an almost inaudible shriek as Stephanie stepped towards her jerking the phallus rhythmically as she did. Mel and Jenny gripped Missy’s head firmly and pushed it forward; they’d guessed what Stephanie was going to do.

Stephanie gripped the girl’s face with one hand, holding the shaft of the strap-on with the other, the tip only inches from the girl’s mouth.

“Suck it, bitch.”

Missy clamped her mouth shut in defiance for a few seconds until Jenny with an exasperated “Oh for fuck’s sake” pinched the girl’s nostrils shut. Within 5 seconds Missy was forced to open her mouth to gulp in some air, as she did so Stephanie shoved the strap-on inside it.

Missy gagged as the thick plastic shaft first filled her mouth, then hit the back of her throat, she felt 3 hands on her head guiding it backwards and forward along the ‘cock’.

“Suck it good, slut.” Stephanie told her. “It’s the only lubrication I’m going to use when I fuck your little school-girl pussy.”

A new sense of horror flashed through Missy’s mind now, surely even these sick women could see that she could never take anything that large ? Surely they wouldn’t do it?

She gagged again as the tip of the strap-on hit the back of her throat again, her mouth was filling with saliva now and she was making strange gurgling and slurping sounds as the hard, nylon ‘dick’ was pushed in and out.

Stephanie smiled as she saw the glistening coat of saliva on the shaft of her strap-on as it eased in and out of Missy’s mouth, she was getting close to coming as the base of the shaft pressed onto her clit. But she wanted to be really inside Missy before she came.

Pulling out, she curtly ordered Mel and Jenny to flip Missy over onto her front. As they pulled and twisted the struggling girl into the new position Stephanie reached into her pocket and produced a tube of lube which she hurriedly squeezed onto the crown of her strap-on and rapidly spread it up and down the shaft.

When she felt it was lubed enough she turned her attention back to the girl now standing with her back to her but bent over as the two women were pulling as if to drag her over the couch. Reaching down Stephanie took a grip on Missy’s ankles and lifted her legs in the air. Missy screamed in fear as the other women lowered her face down onto the couch as Stephanie slowly forced the girl legs down onto the floor so she was kneeling with her face buried in the couch’s cushions.

Kneeling down between Missy’s legs Stephanie flipped the girl’s skirt up and slipped her thong down her legs. Missy gave a low moan as she felt Stephanie slip one arm round her waist to steady her  before she placed the large tip of the strap-on against her pussy lips.

Missy screamed and struggled as Stephanie began to slip the greased tip and shaft inside her.

“Come on, bitch, ride my cock” Stephanie panted as she started to thrust in and out, looking down to see the glistening, black shaft bury itself inside Missy’s pussy. The sheer size of it seeming to force the girl’s lips wider than seemed possible. The inevitable resistance of Missy’s tight pussy meant that the rubbing on Stephanie’s clit was increased and she knew she was near to coming.

Tears were flowing down Missy’s face and dampening the cushions her face was pressed into, the searing pain in her pussy was like a red hot knife being pushed into her again and again, she really felt as if she was being opened up down there this time. She screamed, a long low scream, into the muffling cushions.

Stephanie could hear the girl’s cries and it was music to her ears, she increased the speed and strength of her thrusts, slapping Missy’s ass with her free hand.

“Take it, slut, take it.” She gasped, tightening her grip on the girl’s waist. “Take it, you like getting fucked, don’t you? You like being my slut, don’t you.”

Stephanie’s voice was getting hoarser and hoarser as she thrust faster and faster.

“Take it like a good slut. Love to fuck you school-girl bitches. Ahhhhh, Love.To.Fuck.You.Ahhhhhhhhhhhh”

The last words were timed with each thrust of her strap-on until Stephanie came, her free hand resting on Jenny’s ass, nails digging into the flesh as she shuddered.

For a few minutes there were only two sounds in the room; Missy’s low screams and Stephanie’s hoarse panting, until Jenny broke in.

“Wow, Steph, you ok?”

Stephanie looked up, a blissful smile on her face, she nodded unable to speak.

The Officer looked down at Missy, the young girls body wracked with sobs. Almost tenderly she stroked her hair, then viciously pulled her strap-on out relishing the short yelp this produced.

Slowly she rose to her feet, her hands still shaking after her orgasm reached for Missy’s hair and hauled her upright and twisted her round with a shuffling of knees to face her.

“There’s one last thing a good school-girl slut does when she’s been fucked.”

As she was saying this Stephanie was pressing the tip of her strap-on against Missy’s lips. With a final show of defiance Missy kept her lips closed and tried to turn her head away but one hard tug of her hair collapsed her will.

For the second time that day her mouth was violated by the huge strap-on, this time coated in her juices. Again she gagged as the phallus hit the back of her throat but, as before, she got no sympathy from the hard woman standing before her cooing her delight.

“Mmmmmm, Jenny, you’ve got yourself a real treat here.” Stephanie said appreciatively as she stroked Missy’s face, feeling her cheek bulge out as the strap-on was forced into her mouth yet again.

Jenny slipped a hand under her skirt and stroked her aching pussy, she was so aroused by the sight of Stephanie raping her little Missy she desperately needed some release, but she only stroked herself a couple of times; she could wait. When Stephanie had gone she’d have all afternoon to abuse the sobbing girl. Hell, Jenny thought, she needed punishment just for refusing to suck Steph’s strap-on again.

“Christ, I know it, Steph. She’s a hot little bitch.”

Stephanie pulled the strap-on almost right out and glanced down at it, satisfied that Missy had cleaned it to her satisfaction she pulled it out completely and pushed Missy away so she slumped onto the couch.

Hoping her ordeal was finally over, Missy watched the women through half-closed eyes as they talked. Stephanie was fumbling with the harness of the strap-on, loosening it so she could work it down her legs and step out of it. Missy stared as Stephanie pulled her skirt back on and zipped it back up, it was almost surreal how her rapist had metamorphasised into a Police Woman.

“Want to stay for some lunch, Steph hon?” Mel asked casually, as if this sort of thing was routine.

“I’d love to, but I told the Station I’d be off duty for an hour only.”

“Just one thing, Steph.” Jenny laughed “You got the money?”

“Shit, I almost forgot. Let’s see, $100 wasn’t it?”

Jenny nodded as Stephanie rummaged around in a pocket before producing a wad of bills which she gave to Jenny who immediately pocketed them without counting.

“Worth it?” She asked, raising an eyebrow and jerking her head in Missy’s direction

“Jeez, yes.” Stephanie walked towards Missy and leant over her. “I’ll be back to use this little slut a lot.”

Missy just wanted to die, she’d just been raped by a cop and right in front of her eyes her owner had taken the cash for the privilege, she shuddered as she realised this was only the beginning.

Naturally the women had planned the money hand over just to further humiliate Missy, to ram home to her that all she was a slave for women to abuse as they wanted to, and to earn money for her owner at the same time.

Stephanie walked back to Mel and Jenny and gave each one a quick kiss on the lips, then without even a backwards glance at Missy left the house to defend the community against the forces of crime and vice.

Mel and Jenny exchanged glances.

“Wow, that was intense.” Jenny finally said

“Wasn’t it just, plus you got some of your investment back too.”

Jenny laughed. “Easiest $100 I’ve ever made.”

She paused for a second. “You as horny as I am?”

Mel nodded, grinning and looking at Missy.

“Shall we have some fun with the little bitch down in the Dungeon?”

“Mmmmm, sounds good to me.”

Both women moved swiftly towards Missy and dragged the screaming girl out of the room and down the stairs.









"Now I know we used our strap-on’s on your pussy this weekend, but there’s one last thing I have to do to prepare you for your new life


                           Missy’s misfortune pt 4


The two women dragged Missy from the room bathed in mid-day sunshine, down the hall-way and as they held the struggling, sobbing, school-girl by an arm each, Mel kicked a door open. Missy froze as the door swung open; it just seemed to open into a nothing of darkness.


“No, no, please, I’ll be good, I’ll do anything you want, please don’t throw me in there.” Missy shrieked, her voice rising as Mel and Jenny pushed and pulled her into the doorway.


“Stupid, fucking, bitch” Jenny muttered as she pulled the unwilling girl towards the blackness. Suddenly the dark entrance filled with a dazzling light as Mel found the switch. The light showed a wooden staircase with banisters both sides which Missy now found herself pushed onto. Jenny grabbed a fistful of her hair and jerked her hair back.


“Listen you little slut bitch, I’ve had it up to here with you now. You talked back to me the other day, today you refused to do as your customer told you, and now you’re whining like a fucking baby. When we get you downstairs you are going to wish you’d never been born.” Jenny’s voice was harsh and icy, and Missy had no doubt she was going to suffer now.


At the bottom of the stairs Missy was turned around and to her horror saw the room was like a medieval dungeon, (deliberately so, Mel found this had a genuinely terrifying effect on the young captives.); rough stone walls, chains hanging from the roof, various implements of torture attached to the wall - some bright and shiny, others black and sinister, plus various benches and trestles with clamps and restraints attached. She stiffened against the older women’s grip as she took it all in; the unrestrained dominance, the knowledge that in here she was going to suffer more pain and degradation than she’d ever known.


“Come on, slut.” Mel announced grimly, pulling her towards the centre of the room. “You’re not the first girl who’s been down here.”


As Missy dug her feet in to try and resist Mel’s dragging Jenny slipped her hand down under the young girl’s short skirt and roughly pressed her fingers against Missy’s still sore pussy.


“Mmmm, slut, still wet from when Stephie fucked you, bet you really enjoyed that, didn’t you?” Jenny murmured in her ear.


As Jenny expected Missy reacted to her fingers by instinctively moving forwards exactly where Mel was trying to drag her. It only took a few gropes from her owner before Missy was right where the women wanted her. As Missy squirmed in their grip the two women silently took a wrist each and lifted it up to a waiting manacle and despite Missy’s desperate struggles and screams easily clamped the cold metal ring around Missy’s slim wrists.


Pointlessly Missy shook her wrists against their metal restraints as the two women slid close to her, their hands pinching and fondling her olive skin in symmetry; working their hands down her lithe body onto her thighs and then down onto her calves before each seizing an ankle and pulling Missy into a star-shape as they clamped shackles onto her legs.


Missy panicked and screamed loudly as she found herself spread eagled at the women’s mercy but a couple of sharp slaps on her face rapidly subdued her.


Jenny gripped Missy’s jaw tightly in her hand, her eyes flashing with a dazzling malevolence.


“Right, slut, I’ve had it up to here with your attitude, now you’re going to discover what disobeying me means.”


Missy’s eyes showed her fear; she tried to offer grovelling apologies to her Mistress but her jaw was held shut by Jenny’s steely grip.


With a scowl Jenny moved to the girl’s side and gripped her waist with her left arm, her free hand alternating between caressing and pinching Missy’s ass.


“Please, I’m sorry, I won’t do it again. Please don’t hurt me.” Missy wailed as she felt Jenny’s nails digging into her ass cheeks.


“Too late for that now, slut.” Jenny hissed in her ear. “Hmmmm, such a gorgeous ass, maybe I should fuck it right now.” Her finger’s slid between Missy’s ass cheeks, one of her finger tips pressing against Missy’s virgin hole making the young girl thrash wildly in her chains.


Suddenly Jenny swung her hand back and started to rain hard slaps on Missy’s behind.


“Owwwww, please, owwww” Missy shrieked in protest as she rattled her chains in a pointless attempt to escape.


Relentlessly Jenny carried on spanking her slave, watching with aroused satisfaction as the olive toned skin of her ass turned a blotchy red, hearing with aroused satisfaction as Missy begged, screamed and sobbed with each slap.


Mel now reappeared from the other side of the dungeon and stood in front of the sobbing school-girl, she reached out and pulled one of Missy’s large nipples, making the girl’s eyes snap open. Missy felt a new wave of unease as she noticed the sadistic grin on Mel’s face as she held up her other hand.


Missy stared blankly at the shiny metal objects in Mel’s hand; they looked like 2 safety pins except they were extremely narrow – barely ¼ of an inch wide and they were linked by a silver chain.


Jenny had stopped spanking her now and pressed her body against Missy’s as she whispered in her ear.


“Know what they are slut?”


With a mounting sense of dread Missy shook her head, her mouth was dry in apprehension. Whatever they were she sensed they were meant to inflict pain on her.


“Show her Mel.” Jenny cooed.


Very slowly Mel started to stroke one of Missy’s nipples, gently pulling it towards her, massaging it between her thumb and forefinger in such a way that, to Missy’s shame and horror, it began to respond to Mel’s finger work.


“Slut likes having her titties stroked?” Mel asked in a soft voice, her other hand opening one of the pins.


Missy gave a low gurgle in reply, after the pain of Jenny’s spanking Mel’s gentle caress was having a disturbing affect on her young body, she closed her eyes and tilted her head back as Mel delicately pulled the brown nipple further forward.


Without warning a bolt of pain shot through Missy’s body, her nipple felt as if it was on fire. Dumbstruck she opened her eyes and looked down at the source of the pain; attached to her nipple was one of the ‘safety pins’,  her nipple painfully squeezed into it’s vicious grip. Missy felt dizzy with shock as the worst pain she had ever known started to throb through her breast. She screamed in agony and writhed against the metal shackles holding her.


The two women laughed at her reaction and Mel, none too gently this time took her other nipple in one hand and clipped the other nipple clamp onto it.


She stepped back, hooking her finger under the clamp’s linking chain as she did, giving it a sharp tug causing sharp jabs of pain, like needle pricks, in Missy’s breasts.


Tears coursed down Missy’s face as she sobbed and begged for the clamps to be removed but Jenny’s only response was to start spanking her again, each slap making her breasts jiggle causing her even more pain.


Missy clamped her eyes shut and howled as Jenny’s hand assaulted her ass while Mel tortured her by flicking the linking chain of the clamps.  Jenny was extremely aroused now and, hitching her skirt up, began to rub her pussy against Missy’s thigh, her arm round the girl’s waist pulling her closer. As she approached an orgasm she muttered in Missy’s ear.


“Sexy fucking slut, like your titty clamps?  Just the beginning for you, slut. Going to do as you’re told in future?”


Missy nodded tearfully as she felt Jenny’s wetness on her thigh through the older woman’s panties, then she jerked her head as Mel twisted the chain making both clamps pull harder on her abused nipples.


“Want us to put some weights on your clamps, slut? Or have you learned your lesson?”


The initial sharp pain of the clamps had by now given way to a dull throbbing ache, but the idea of more pain being inflicted on her made Missy shake her head while blabbering that she had learned her lesson.


Mel gave another twist of the slender chain.


“Tell your mistress how sorry you are, slut.”


“I’m truly sorry, mistress.” Missy sobbed in a faltering voice as Jenny slowly rubbed her pussy up and down her tethered thigh.


“Mmmmmmm.” She murmured as she came down from her orgasmic high. “I think slut here needs a while to reflect on her misbehaviour, what do you think Mel?”


“Right, Jenny. Shall I get the ‘candlestick’?”


“Good idea, hon.” Jenny exclaimed, a sadistic tone in her voice making Missy fear the worst.


Mel returned dragging a metal pole on a heavy base. Missy’s wet eyes widened in terror. Her mind racing with fearful ideas of what it could be used for.


Mel positioned the pole directly under Missy’s pussy and fiddled with a knob on the side which enabled her to adjust the height.


Jenny meanwhile had gone to one of the tables along the wall of the dungeon and walked back in full view of the terrified girl brandishing a vibrator.


“I’m not convinced you’re fully aware of the consequences of disobeying my instructions, slut. My little friend here is going to give you an intensive course in obedience.”


“Please, mistress, please I’m sorry, I have learnt my lesson, honest.”


Jenny squatted down in front of the chained girl and put the vibrator in the hollow cup at the top of the pole.


“Save your breath, slut, you’ll need all your energy soon enough.” She murmured as she spread Missy’s pussy lips as Mel raised the pole so that the vibrator was pushed into the girl’s pussy.


Jenny flicked the switch and the phallus immediately started to work on the school-girl.


“Noooooooooo” Missy howled as she felt the first effects of the vibrator on her pussy still sore from Stephanie’s fucking. She knew that inevitably it would make her come and that she couldn’t do anything about it. Wildly she tried to move off the teasing phallic tip but her chained position made any movement virtually impossible, plus any wild thrashings on her part reminded her of how tightly her nipples were clamped.


She looked at the two women in front of her, her crying eyes pleading for mercy. She found none, only the lustful looks of the older women as they watched their young toy struggling in vain.


Mel slipped a hand under her skirt and rubbed her pussy as she watched Missy’s body shaking as the vibrator edged her closer to an orgasm. Missy gave one last imploring gaze before she snapped her head back, eyes shut, as she was forcibly orgasmed.


“Seeing as you’re having such fun, slut, we’ll leave you to it.” Jenny laughed and both women turned to leave.


“Noooooo, please, please take it out, please Mistress.” Missy whined as the Jenny and Mel climbed the stairs in silence, ignoring her desperate pleas.


At the top Jenny turned. “We’ll be back in a couple of hours, slut. Don’t scream too loudly, you’ll only attract the rats.”


Missy shut her eyes again, she heard the door shut. Then the light went out. Soon the only sounds in the room were the low, relentless buzz of the vibrator and Missy’s short breaths and sobs as she was forced to come again and again until her pussy burnt like it was on fire.


When Mel and Jenny returned later they found Missy barely conscious and bathed in sweat; she gave little response as Jenny knelt down to switch off the vibrator and lower it out of Missy’s sore and abused pussy. Jenny smirked as she saw how swollen and red Missy’s pussy lips were and she couldn’t resist twisting them with her fingers making Missy moan in pain.


“Hope you learnt your lesson slut.” Mel told her as she started to unchain Missy’s arms and legs but Missy gave no reply, merely slumping to the ground as her weary arms were freed.


Eventually both women dragged the semi-comatose girl from the dungeon and back to her room where they undressed her and, after cuffing her wrists behind her back left her alone to cry herself to sleep.


Mercifully for Missy she was left alone for the next 48 hours apart from Mel bringing her food and taking her to the toilet, but she knew this respite would be only temporary.


Missy was sleeping as best she could with her hands cuffed behind her; at first she’d found it very uncomfortable but now she was able to drift off for a few hours at a time.


She was jerked awake by the sound of her door being unlocked and she sensed someone entering the room; the light was still off so Missy had no idea which woman it was. She felt her visitor sit on the bed and shake her shoulders to wake her.


“Wake up, slut.” Missies recognised Mel’s voice in the darkness at the same time as she felt the hand slide round onto her breast and start to pinch and squeeze one of her nipples. “Come on, slut, wake up.”


Missy felt Mel’s other hand pushing between her thighs, two of her fingers pressing into her pussy still tender from the auto-fucking the vibrator had given her a few days previously.


“Please, no, please stop.” Missy whined as Mel’s hands continued their assault on her, she writhed on her bed as Mel got onto the bed, her body pressing against Missy’s back, her hot breath on Missy’s neck.


The darkness was adding to Missy’s fear as Mel pushed her fingers between the girl’s pussy lips, instinctively Missy clamped her legs together but this only resulted in Mel giving Missy’s nipple a savage twist and pull.


“Open your fucking legs slut.” Mel hissed angrily, her lips only inches from Missy’s ear. The tone of the voice and the severe pain in her nipple subdued Missy’s resistance and she nervously relaxed her legs.


At once Mel’s fingers wormed their way into Missy’s pussy and started to rub her clit, at the same time Mel’s other hand renewed it’s mauling of the girl’s breasts.


Missy’s body shook with resigned sobs as the older woman molested her, to add to her humiliation Mel’s fingers on her clit were beginning to turn her on.


Mel felt the slight wetness in Missy’s pussy and pressed her body harder against the naked school-girl.


“Come for me, slut.” She panted as she rubbed her own crotch against Missy’s tied hands, she could feel Missy’s fingers through her skirt and her pussy was on fire now.


“Come for me, slut, come you worthless little bitch.”


Missy felt her nails digging into her breast as Mel started to thrust her crotch against her hands, she was powerless to resist the effect the woman’s fingers were having on her clit. She cried and shook her head as Mel expertly aroused her. She knew that the sooner she came the sooner this assault would be over, but the degradation of being masturbated by the older woman was too much to bear.


“Come for me, you fucking bitch.” Mel hissed, her breath hot and moist on Missy’s neck, her fingers alternating between rubbing and gently pinching the young girl’s clit.


“Nooooooooo.” Missy cried out as she started to come, her wail of despair smoothly changing into a breathless gasp as she came onto Mel’s fingers.


Mel ground herself against Missy’s hands as she felt the girl come; she pressed her hand against Missy’s pussy, the knuckle of a third finger pushing into the wet lips. She orgasmed, clutching the sobbing school-girl to her as she did.


“Sexy little slut.” She cooed into the captive girl’s ear.


Still holding Missy tightly she listened to the humiliated sobs of the girl, the clear distress adding to her thrilling sense of dominance.


After a minute or so to recover Mel disentangled herself from the crying girl, wiping her sticky fingers on Missy’s firm thighs as she pulled them from her abused pussy.


Mel climbed off the bed and padded across the room to the light switch, she blinked as the light came on and looked over at the bed and felt a renewed sense of arousal. Missy was lying on her side, her back towards Mel, she’d drawn her legs up under her and her body was being wracked with sobs. Mel smirked to herself, thinking of the fun she’d be able to have with that firm, young body after the fun planned for that evening.


Despite her eyes being shut as she cried Missy sensed the light had come on, she felt even more panicky now; what other depraved acts would Mel do to her next. Pointlessly she flexed her wrists against the now warm steel holding them together, the soreness where the cuffs rubbed her skin just seemed to emphasise her helplessness in the hands of these perverts.


Missy felt Mel’s hand on her shoulder again and she gave a short squeal of terror which seemed to amuse Mel no end.


“Don’t worry, slut, there’ll be plenty of time for more fun later.” Mel told her in a matter-of-fact voice. The way these women could rape and abuse her one minute and then chat quite normally the next was just another aspect of her ordeal that terrified Missy.


“Your owner phoned, she’s given me some instructions about you. I’m to get you ready for a little party she has planned for tonight.”


Missy felt her stomach knot in fear at this; she knew that behind the innocent word ‘Party’ was a personal nightmare of abuse and rape.


Mel carried on. “She wants you nice and clean, so she’s asked me to get you bathed. Now it’s up to you. Be a good little sex-slut for me now and I’ll let you wash yourself in a nice hot bath, if you don’t please me then I’ll just stick you under a cold shower for 15 minutes. Which do you want?”


The chance of having a nice, hot bath with all its memories of her previous life far outweighed the shame and humiliation of performing sexual services for Mel, and Missy gratefully took the offer as Mel knew she would.


“I’ll do anything you want.” Missy snivelled, her crying temporarily stopped.


“Good slut.” Mel beamed. “Just remember, you’d better.”


Missy heard a click as Mel unlocked the cuffs on her wrists and released her arms from the metal rings. Gratefully Missy rubbed her sore wrists, wincing at the red stripe left by the merciless steel.


“Over there is your uniform.”  Mel told her, pointing to the far corner of the room. “Put it on and wait for my return. I’ll only be about 10 minutes so don’t make me pissed off by not being ready. Understand?”


“Ye, yes.” Missy’s voice showed how much fear Mel and Jenny had already installed in her.


Missy, still rubbing her wrists, watched Mel leave the room; she heard the click of the lock as her prison was secured. She looked over at the uniform lying on the floor. She dreaded having to put it on; to be a parody of a naughty school-girl for her tormentors, knowing how much it turned them on to actually be molesting and raping a genuine school-girl. But she also knew that Mel had ordered her to put it on, and she had no doubt that her punishment would be severe if she disobeyed.


Briefly she had the idea of attacking Mel when she came back in, overpowering the older woman and escaping to the police, but then reality set in; Mel was bigger and stronger, she had little chance of overpowering her unaided. And what would happen if she tried and failed? What vengeance would they wreak on her?


Missy’s eyes misted over yet again as she slowly walked over to the uniform and started to get dressed.


When Mel returned she found Missy sitting apprehensively on the bed exactly as instructed. Mel smiled a lascivious smile at the poor girl as she walked towards her. She tossed a strap-on dildo onto the bed next to her; Missy glanced at it, her stomach churning in dreadful anticipation, before her gaze returned to Mel.


Mel was wearing only a bath-robe which ended a few inches above her knees, her legs looked tanned and firm. In one hand she carried her ubiquitous riding crop.


“Stand up, slut” Mel purred, helping Missy to her feet and positioning herself right behind the girl.


Missy froze as Mel’s hands roamed over her uniform, squeezing, pinching, and prodding the girl’s supple, young body. She felt Mel’s chin on her shoulder.


“What I want you to do, slut, is to walk to the centre of the room and turn and face me. Understand?”


Missy nodded, momentarily distracted by Mel’s fingers slipping under her skirt.


“Do it, slut.”


Missy followed Mel’s instructions and when she turned saw that Mel was now sitting on the bed, legs crossed, idly swinging her crop.


“Mmmmmmmm, you look so hot dressed like that, slut.” Mel told her, and Missy felt her face redden with embarrassment.


“Turn around”


Obediently Missy turned.


“Gorgeous. Lift your skirt, slut.”


Missy reached round and lifted her short skirt, revealing her ass, bare apart from the thin string of her thong.


“God, what a beautiful ass you have.” Mel drawled. “I must ask Jenny if I can give it a good caning soon.”


Missy’s head swam at the idea of being caned, surely Mel was joking, wasn’t she?


“Turn to face me.”


Missy completed the circle.


“Unbutton your blouse, slut.”


Seeing the way Mel was swishing her crop through the air Missy didn’t want to antagonise her at all and she swiftly began to undo the buttons on her tight, white blouse.


“Open it; pull it out from your skirt.” Mel was finding it hard not to betray her mounting excitement through her voice as Missy’s large breasts were exposed.


Missy stood, head bowed in shame, her breasts on full display to this woman who was old enough to be her mother.


Mel slowly laid her riding crop on the bed and slipped her hand inside her robe.


“Play with your breasts, slut.” Mel’s voice had suddenly got deeper.


Stunned, Missy hesitated and looked up, noticing for the first time that Mel was starting to masturbate while watching her. For a second she felt giddy, and then she was brought back to reality.


“Play with your fucking breasts, slut. Remember your promise.”


Her face burning with shame, Missy slowly raised her hands to her breasts, cupping the large, firm globes in her hand, lifting them upwards.


“Mmmm, good slut. Now play with your nipples.”


Almost as if she was not connected to herself Missy took her nipples between her fingers and thumbs and gently stroked them.


“Pull them outwards, as far as they can go.”


Missy obeyed her grip tightening as she pulled her large nipples outwards, almost as if she was offering them to her instructress.


“Keep pulling them, don’t you dare let go, slut.”  Mel’s was panting slightly now, her fingers under her robe stroking her wet pussy as she lustfully noticed the flash of pain on Missy’s face as the girl dutifully hurt herself at the older woman’s bidding.


“Keep them there, slut. Now twist them.”


Missy winced but obeyed, twisting her own nipples until her eyes watered at the sharp pain.


“Keep twisting, slut.” Mel gasped, her fingers pressing gently on her clit.


Missy’s face was contorted in agony as she struggled to obey the painful instructions, but fearful of the consequences of disobeying she kept torturing herself.


“Ok, slut, let them go.”


Instantly Missy complied and released her grip on her nipples, feeling a great release as the pain subsided to a dull ache. Mel purred at the sight of the pain on Missy’s face, and the red marks around her nipples.


“Lift your breasts as high as you can slut.”


Slightly baffled Missy cupped her breasts again and pushed them upwards as if towards the ceiling.


“Now slut, lower your face and lick your nipples.”


Missy felt her head swim; lick her own breasts? Just so this woman could bring herself off? For a second or two she hesitated.


“Don’t make me crop you, slut.” Mel continued in the same tone. “Just lick them.”


Very reluctantly Missy lowered her head and stuck her tongue out; she flicked the tip across one of her nipples.



“Mmmmmm, very good slut.” Mel cooed, her fingers moving rapidly under her robe. “Now the other one.”


Missy switched her tongue to her other breast, dabbing at the sore nipple, coating it in her saliva. Her face red with shame as, out of the corner of her eye she saw Mel masturbating herself.


“Very good, slut. Now let go of one of your breasts, good, now slip your free hand under your skirt and play with your pussy.”


Again Missy hesitated but a quick, shamed, glance at Mel’s face told her what would happen if she didn’t follow the older woman’s instructions. As if in a trance she slipped a hand under her very short skirt and started to rub her pussy.


“Suck your nipple slut.”


Missy closed her eyes in self-disgust as she started to suck on her own nipple, suddenly noticing with horror that it began to grow in her mouth, but she knew she dared not stop.


“Bite it, you little bitch.” Mel’s voice was getting hoarser as her excitement grew as she watched Missy grip her nipple on her teeth.


Mel was in heaven now; in front of her Missy was licking  and biting her breasts and masturbating to order, as she fingered her own pussy she knew she was very close to coming, but wanted to actually be raping the school-girl when she did.


She stood up and opened her robe and let it drop to the floor.


“I hope you’re properly fingering yourself, slut.” She suddenly asked.


Missy nodded, even though she was lying; her skirt, though short still covered her pussy and Mel had no way of seeing that the young girl’s hand was hovering fractionally above her pussy.


Mel shrugged, she suspected Missy wasn’t telling the truth and secretly hoped that she wasn’t. She picked up the strap-on from the bed and stepped into the harness.


“I hope you are slut, as in a few minutes I’m going to fuck you and the only lubrication you’ll have is how wet you’ve made yourself.”


Missy’s eyes widened in horror; she knew she was dry. Desperately, she slipped her fingers under her thong and tried to think of something erotic.


Mel pulled the last of the straps tight making her false phallus secure and moved towards Missy.


Missy took a step backwards in terror, trying to fend her attacker off with outstretched arms. Mel laughed and brushed the girl’s arms aside and grabbed her hair.


Missy screamed and tried to fight her off, but it was a futile effort, the older woman’s fuller, more mature body simply had too much strength for Missy’s more slender, girlish frame and the girl found herself being dragged towards the bed despite her struggles.


“Please, please, don’t, let me go, you bitch, you sick bitch.” Missy’s protests trailed off into a series of sobs as she was pushed face down on the bed.


Mel pressed her body on top of her victim, her weight pressing Missy down into the mattress. She pressed her mouth close to Missy’s ear.


“You’ll regret calling me that, you worthless piece of trash.” She hissed.


Missy shook with fear as she felt Mel’s hand pushing her skirt upwards and then pushing her thighs apart. She screamed as she felt the tip of the strap-on press against her thong, pushing it into her ass-hole. God, not that.


Mel snarled in her ear again. “Maybe I should rape your ass-hole for your bad language, slut? Would you like that?”


Missy shook her head. “Please, not that, please, I beg you.” She sobbed.


Mel laughed dryly; she knew she’d promised not to sodomise Missy until Jenny had, but Missy didn’t know that and she wanted the girl to be very afraid.


“Say sorry, slut. Say ‘I’m sorry, Mistress. I’m sorry I’m a worthless piece of fuck-slut.’”


Mel gave a slight push against Missy’s hole to reinforce her threat, making the young girl scream loudly.


“I’m sorry, Mistress. I’m sorry I’m a worthless piece of fuck-slut.” Missy wailed.


Mel felt her pussy throb as Missy debased herself beneath her. Time to fuck, she thought. Kneeling up she gripped the girl’s hips and lifted her ass into the air and flipped her skirt onto her back. Hooking her thumbs inside Missy’s thong she rolled the flimsy piece of string down the girl’s thighs.


Missy buried her face in the mattress as her thighs were pushed apart and then she felt Mel placing the tip of her strap-on against her pussy. Missy gave a garbled shriek as Mel gripped her hips and pushed herself into the girl.


Mel roughly began to thrust in and out loving the shrieks coming from her victim, the lack of lubrication meant each thrust was causing maximum pain to the school-girl, and soon the only sound Missy was making was a low, continuous moan.


Missy cried and gasped for breath as each painful thrust from Mel caused a new jolt of pain; her pussy felt red-raw, she felt as if she really was being split open.


Mel showed no sign of slowing down; she dug her nails into Missy’s smooth skin as her frenzy mounted.


“Like this, bitch? Do you like it? Do you like me fucking you, slut?” She panted; her own arousal was nearing its pitch now.


Missy buried her head under her arms, an incoherent jumble of words and noises came from her mouth as her body jerked forward with each savage thrust of Mel’s hips.


“You’re my fuck-slut, you’re a piece of trash, we’re going to fuck you whenever we want, slut.” Mel’s words were getting faster now as she began to come.


“Slut, little slut, fuck-slut, yes, yes, yesssssssss.”


Her nails dug deeper into Missy’s olive tanned skin as she gave a deep thrust and held herself in. Then gave a couple of smaller thrusts as she came, her whole body shaking. Draping herself over Missy’s back, she slipped her hands under the girl to squeeze and pinch her breasts.


Missy gave one last moan as Mel’s fingers squeezed her breasts, her salty tears seeping into her open mouth as she lay there.  Then she screamed again as Mel pulled out of her and rolled over onto her side, hugging herself as she cried.


Mel, breathing heavily, glanced indifferently at the girl she’d just raped sobbing in pain on the bed. Totally detached, she undid the clasps on her strap-on and stepped out of it, put on her robe and left the room without saying a word.


Missy lay curled up crying to herself, her arms wrapped around her, her pussy felt red raw from Mel’s brutal rape and the pain was doubled by her sense of total despair at her future life. Was this all there was ever going to be?


A while later Missy heard the door to her windowless room being unlocked and Mel came in with some food which she made sure Missy eat after some reluctance. Then she led the naked girl out and down the hallway to another room.


Mel turned to Missy as she opened the door. “I promised you that you could bath yourself.”


The door swung open to reveal a plain white tiled bathroom consisting of just a bath and a toilet. A shaft of sunlight through the skylight showed it was daytime; the first indication of time Missy had had in days.


“You have one hour to get yourself cleaned up for your owner.” Mel told her as she ushered the girl inside before locking her in.


Missy was too grateful at first just being able to soak in a bath to worry about anything else; the warm water helped sooth the ache in her pussy, but then she started to get seriously concerned about things. What monstrosity were Jenny and her evil friends planning for her next?


Mel returned on time and threw a towel on the floor.


“Time to get out, slut”


At first Missy didn’t move, but when Mel threatened to dry her off herself she got out rapidly and towelled herself off trying to ignore Mel staring lustfully at her.


Back in her room Missy found Jenny waiting for her, she stiffened as she saw the woman who’d enslaved her but Mel prodded her in the back and hissed.


“Greet your mistress, Slut.”


Jenny raised an eyebrow and produced a riding crop from behind her back and Missy needed no further prompting.


“Good evening, Mistress.”


Jenny beamed at the naked girl in front of her. “Good evening to you, slut. I hear that you were very good for Mel today. That’s good; it shows you’re beginning to accept your position.”


Missy shook her head but Jenny ignored her and carried on.


“I’ve brought a TV and VCR, there’s something I think you’d like to see.”


Missy followed the direction the remote in Jenny’s hand was pointing and saw that, indeed, there was now a TV with a VCR connected in the room.


Still puzzled Missy watched as the TV came to life followed by the whirling of the VCR.


“I taped this off the news last night.” Jenny calmly announced as Missy heard the familiar tune of the local news program. Then her world collapsed as the newsreader started to talk.


“Good evening, Police this afternoon charged Mr. Ray Milano with the murder of his daughter Melissa ‘Missy’ Milano. This followed what police described as ‘a significant breakthrough’ this morning.”


Missy sat down on the bed in disbelief; on what grounds could the police charge her Father with her murder? Her eyes filled with tears at the idea of her Father in a jail cell and the rest of the tape simply passed her by.


Jenny saw Missy’s face crumple with the news and knew she wasn’t taking any more in, wanting to complete Missy’s mental disintegration she started to fill in a few gaps.


“Bet you’re wondering how this happened aren’t you, slut? Well, we’ve been rather busy in the last few days setting your Dad up. Firstly Chrissy e-mailed him some information from the PTA at your school which was routine enough but she’d attached a virus to it which downloaded loads of pornographic pictures of young girls. Neat, huh?”


Missy’s jaw dropped as Jenny carried on.


“Remember that car crash your Father was in a while back? He was treated at the same Hospital Mel works at.”


Mel butted in here. “I probably saw you if you came to visit him, funny world, isn’t it. Anyway, we still had some tissue samples from him, so I sort of ‘borrowed’ them for Jenny.”


Jenny took up the story again. “Remember the underwear you had on before I bought you? I put the samples on them and dumped them in the countryside and made sure a concerned citizen tipped off the police.  Course, once they Police were focussed on your Father it was only a matter of time before they looked into his PC and found all the pictures of underage girls.”


Mel laughed at the obvious distress on Missy’s face.


“As you know, slut, Texas is rather keen on enforcing the death penalty for murder.”


Missy burst into more sobs at the idea of her Father being executed for her murder, surely that couldn’t happen, could it?


Jenny read her thoughts well. “We’ve got a few more pieces of evidence up our sleeve to ensure the police believe you’re dead, so basically slut, you no longer exist. Oh cheer up, for Christ’s sake, you know how long the law takes to execute anyone here, I’m sure whoever owns you in 10 years or so will let you watch the news broadcast of your Father’s execution.”


Jenny stared at Missy, crying on the bed, for a minute, before turning off the TV. Time to get the evening’s entertainment started, she thought.


“Your uniform is over there, put it on.” She snapped and turned away.


These words barely penetrated Missy’s ears; she was still torn up by the way these evil women had framed her innocent Father. Why couldn’t they just be satisfied with kidnapping her, why did they have to try and destroy her family too?


“Do as you’re fucking well told, slut.” Jenny yelled at her, real anger in her voice


Missy felt Mel drag her off the bed and push her towards the clothes on the chair and she knew she had no choice but to obey.  Reluctantly as always, and with the same sense of shame, she put on the uniform Jenny had designed for her very conscious of the two women ogling her as she did.


Missy was still puzzled by what Jenny’s intentions were; her owner was wearing a loose fitting skirt and a blouse – she didn’t look like she meant to do anything to her slave, but somehow Missy doubted it.


Once she was dressed Jenny walked behind her, grabbed her wrists and cuffed them ignoring the school-girl’s pleas. Then Missy was escorted by the two women down the hallway and stairs to the room where she had been auctioned off. Her stomach knotted in panic when she was led inside. Miss Bailey and Elizabeth were sitting on the couch facing the door, grinning wickedly at her.


Missy froze but Mel and Jenny marched her to the centre of the room. Mel stepped back from the shivering, terrified girl as Jenny gripped her shoulders and stood in front of her.



“Now I know we’ve used our strap-on’s on your pussy already, but there’s one last thing I have to do to prepare you for your new life. Do you know what it is?” Jenny raised an eyebrow as Missy dumbly shook her head. “I’m going to rape your virgin ass-hole” She calmly announced.


A desperate cry of fear began behind Missy’s gag and she moved forward from the wall, her eyes wide with fear, but Jenny merely laughed and pushed her back with one hand while unzipping her skirt with the other, it dropped to the floor revealing her stockings and suspenders and, tucked into the inside of one of her stockings, the plastic dick of a strap-on. Jenny swiftly stepped out of her skirt and seized hold of Missy as she tried to run.


“No use struggling, slut” Jenny grimly told her as she grabbed a handful of hair and dragged her towards the couch, Missy was screaming as loudly as she could into the gag with fear and pain as her hair was twisted hard and she was bundled towards the couch. Miss Bailey and Elizabeth stood up leaving the couch empty as Jenny dragged the struggling girl closer. Jenny pushed her down onto her knees in front of the couch, and pressed her upper body down onto the cushions, muffling Missy’s screams even more.


With her heavy breathing revealing the state of her excitement as much as her wet pussy Jenny knelt besides her victim and pinned her down by her neck,  with her free hand she hoisted the girls short skirt completely up revealing her bottom. It was too tempting to resist, and for the umpteenth time that weekend she spanked Missy’s bottom hard.


Her excitement mounting at the sight of Missy’s helplessness, her bound hands clutching at nothing, and her legs kicking feebly, Jenny was almost intoxicated at her power over the girl. She abruptly stopped the spanking and moved round to be behind her, pushing her legs apart with her knees, spreading her cheeks with one hand, making Missy give one last display of resistance as she realised what was imminent.


Jenny leant forward, her body pressing the slight girl further into the sofa’s cushions, Missy turned her head to the side to breathe and Jenny placed her mouth close to her ear as let go of Missy’s neck and slid her arm under her waist.


“Ready, little slut” she hissed “Remember, the more you struggle, the more it will hurt, and you’re going to have to get used to this from now on”


All the time she was saying this her other hand was placing the tip of her strap-on against Missy’s rectum, and pressing hard against the unyielding sphincter.


In desperation Missy garbled something into her gag as she felt the hard, plastic tip pressing against her, trying to violate her hole. She shook her head in terror and tried to resist it, but Jenny was remorselessly pushing into her, the arm round her waist holding her firmly in place, almost like a butterfly under a monstrous pin.


Jenny grunted as she pushed, she’d deliberately decided to use no lubrication as she sodomised Missy to maximise the pain and subsequent submission, but it made for hard work as she pushed relentlessly into her terrified victim. The struggle Missy was putting up wasn’t as great as she’d expected, but as she pushed harder and harder against the girl’s anus the muffled shrieks grew in volume.


“Come on, you little whore, take it all” Jenny panted as she pressed more, and saw the tears running down Missy’s face from her eyes screwed shut in pain.


Missy felt as if she was being split open, despite her best efforts she suddenly felt the tip of the strap-on slip inside her, and heard Jenny sigh in pleasure, the pain re-doubled as the wider shaft followed the tip, stretching her ring wide.


Jenny came as the tip finally forced it’s way inside Missy – the pressure on her clit from the strap-on’s battle to get inside her pinned victim had been divine and the release as she finally got in was tremendous, and she dropped forward onto Missy’s back and for a minute she stayed in that position, then lifted herself up again and carried on pushing her way deeper in. Now she was inside Missy she started to thrust in and out, forcing the shaft deeper and deeper into Missy’s ass, making her scream and shake as the pain shot through her.


Missy tried to arch up but Jenny grabbed her head and pushed it back down, her fingers twisting Missy’s hair around them, giving her a painful grip on the ravished girl.


“Come on, you bitch, take it all, be a lezzy ass-whore” Jenny virtually snarled this as she jerked back on Missy’s hair, twisting her head to show a face contorted in pain.


With a final thrust Jenny got the whole of the plastic phallus inside her, her hips were now pressed against Missy’s bottom and she ground her flesh against that of the sobbing girl, she lowered her self onto Missy’s back and whispered in her ear.


“Good girl, I knew you could take it, I knew you’d like it”


This was a clear lie, as Missy’s sobs made all to clear, but Jenny couldn’t give a damn about the girls feelings, all that mattered was her own pleasure and she ground her hips against Missy’s ass again and again until she came a second, and a third time.


Only then did she slowly ease herself out of her victim, which was equally painful for Missy.


Jenny knelt back behind her sobbing victim, and gave her bottom one last, heavy slap, and then she lay back on the carpet, shattered.


Pulling herself together Jenny turned to the other women who had spent the assault fingering themselves and also securing their strap-ons, lubricating the thick shafts in preparation.


“Come on Mel, fuck this slut.”


Missy moaned as she heard this but had no chance to move before she felt Mel’s hands, first on her hips, then on her ass cheeks, spreading them before pushing the greased tip of her strap-on into Missy’s abused hole.


“God, I wanted to do this to you earlier, slut.” Mel hissed as she pushed her phallus deeper inside the young girl, making her scream again and again. Mel slid one hand up Missy’s back and took a fistful of her brown hair, pulling her head back as she thrust in and out of the girl’s ass.


Tears were streaming down Missy’s face, and her eyes were clenched shut due to the pain from her hair being pulled and the searing pain as her ass-hole was spread wide by Mel’s thick shaft. Missy’s wailing was only slightly increased by Mel’s other hand pulling and pinching her nipples through her blouse.


Mel’s thrusts became more brutal as she could feel an orgasm approaching; she stiffened, her nails digging into Missy’s olive tanned skin again as she came.


Mel stayed in that position for a few seconds before easing herself out and sitting back on her legs gazing at Missy’s ass in front of her, getting aroused again by the site of it convulsing as Missy sobbed.


Mel hauled herself to her feet and high-fived Chrissy as they swapped places like some sort of deviant tag-team. The teacher knelt down behind her former pupil and placed the tip of her strap-on against Missy’s oiled hole.


Missy gave a low moan of fear as Chrissy started to push herself inside her, slipping an arm around the girl’s slender waist to hold her prey still.


Missy froze with shock as her former teacher leant forward and whispered in her ear. “Mmmmmm, I’m going to enjoy this.” As she was saying this her fingers were curling round Missy’s hair and as soon as she had a tight grip pulled Missy’s head right back as far as it would go. “If I visit your Dad in prison I’ll be sure to send him your love.”


With that Chrissy drove her strap-on deep into Missy’s ass. Missy gave an ear piercing scream as her teacher pushed straight in without any pause. This sound only served to increase Chrissy’s lust and she started to pound in and out of Missy, at the same time she slid her free arm round Missy’s waist and pushed her fingers between the cushions and Missy’s pussy. Chrissy managed to press a finger between Missy’s lips so that her thrusts into the girl’s ass was forcing her pussy onto her finger.


Missy felt Miss Bailey’s finger tip slip between her lips and felt it wiggling about, brushing her clit. Despite the pain from the forced sodomy the sensation of her pussy being rhythmically pressed against the older woman’s finger was having an effect on the young girl.


Chrissy grinned and turned to the other 3 when she realised her fingering was working.


“Your slut’s getting wet, Jenny.” She panted, still slamming herself into Missy. “Looks like she’ll be a natural.”


The 3 spectators whooped and cheered as Chrissy drove herself completely inside Missy’s ass so that her thighs were slapping against Missy’s ass cheeks.


Her finger went into spasms on Missy’s clit as she came, her breasts pressing down on Missy’s back as she let go of the girl’s hair.


“God, what a fuck, what a fuck.” Was all Chrissy could mutter as she gently came down from her high. Missy buried her face in the couch, her sobs were now one long semi-hysterical moan, and she made no movement as Chrissy pulled her strap-on out; like a fucked-out rag doll.


Elizabeth stepped forward to take her turn; kneeling beside the motionless school-girl instead of behind her she ran her hands over her abused ass, down between her legs, rubbing the edge of her hand against Missy’s pussy.


She laughed. “The little slut is wet; guess she does like being an ass-whore. Who’d have thought it?”


Without warning she raised her hand and brought it down on Missy’s ass making the girl yelp and jerk about. Taking hold of Missy’s neck to hold her steady Elizabeth started to give Missy a severe spanking, landing blow after blow on the young girl’s olive cheeks and thighs. The tight grip Elizabeth had on Missy’s neck prevented her from making any attempt to avoid the spanking although her ass jiggled and moved about as best it could.


“Stay still, slut.” Elizabeth snarled, aiming a few swipes at the inside of Missy’s thighs which produced noticeably louder squeals.


Elizabeth was getting very aroused now and suddenly stopped the spanking and swiftly moved round between Missy’s feebly kicking legs. Gripping Missy’s hips with one hand she placed her strap-on against Missy’s abused and enlarged ass-hole with the other and pushed it easily inside just a fraction, then she gripped hold of Missy’s hips with both her hands and started to push and pull the young girl onto her plastic dick.


“Come on, slut” She panted “Ride my cock, little slut.”


Elizabeth had a lot of strength in her arms and she had not trouble in dragging the young girl up and down her greased shaft as she screamed in agony.


“Ride it, you whore, lezzy ass-whore.” Elizabeth’s words were getting hoarser as the pressure from Missy’s weight mounted on her clit.


Slowly Elizabeth inched her hands up Missy’s body so that soon she was able to lift Missy backwards off the couch and effectively impale her on her strap-on. Missy shrieked loudly as Elizabeth’s arms wrapped themselves around her, holding her tightly onto the plastic phallus, which was now being jerked upwards inside her.


Jenny and the others watched mesmerised as the larger, older woman, threw the slender girl in her arms around like a toy.


Elizabeth’s words became more and more garbled as she started to come.


“Slut, ride it. Ride it. Slut. You fucking slut. Ride it. Ahhhhhhhh. God, God, yesssss, oh you slut, you worthless slut.” She buried her face against Missy’s shoulder as she came, biting the girl through her blouse.


As she sat back on her legs Elizabeth loosened her tight grip on Missy and guided her to the floor, pulling her strap-on out as she did. Then she stood up a bit shakily, but smiling broadly at Jenny and her friends, not giving the abused girl a second look.


Walking over to her friends Elizabeth said loudly. “She’s some fuck, Jenny, that was one of the best ass-fucks I’ve ever bought.”


“You’re welcome, honey.” Missy’ owner and pimp giggled in reply.


Missy lay on the floor gabbling incoherently, her ass felt as if it had been ripped open. She closed her eyes not wanting to see anything else, ever.


Her hopes that she would be left alone were quickly dashed as Jenny hauled her to her feet by her hair, Missy tried to stand quickly but found it difficult because of her tied hands but was still hauled painfully up.


The other 3 women acted as if Missy simply didn’t exist now, they’d had their way with her and she was no longer in their world. They chatted amongst themselves as Jenny led the raped girl from the room.


Back in her room Jenny undid her cuffs and told her curtly to undress. Missy eyed her mistrustfully as she slipped the blouse from her shoulders and stepped out of her skirt. Her ass was still aching from it’s gang-rape and she didn’t put it past Jenny to ravish it some more.


“Lie on the bed, facing the TV.” Jenny ordered as she herself started to undress before moving around the other side of the bed after placing a mirror on top of the TV.


“Give me your hands, slut.”


Missy felt a pain in her stomach as she put her hands behind her for Jenny to bind together using a thing cord; she knew she was about to get fucked again in either her sore ass or her pussy, or possibly both.


Missy felt Jenny climb onto the bed behind her and then heard the dread buzz of a vibrator followed by the pulsating tip being drawn idly over her shoulders, she felt Jenny’s full breasts pressing into her back as her owner pressed herself against her.


“Right slut, there is a video I want you to watch, see the mirror on top of the TV? If you make any attempt to look away or anything like it I’ll leave this vibrator in your ass overnight. Do you understand?”


After the experience in the dungeon Missy understood only too well.


“Yes, I understand.”


“Yes what?” Jenny’s icy voice was close to her ear, the vibrator trailing down the front of her body.


“Yes, Mistress.” Missy stammered in fear.


“Good slut.” Jenny cooed as she retrieved the remote from under the bed and clicked the TV and video into life.


For a few seconds the screen was routine fuzz then suddenly Missy recognised the inside of a car, the camera was clearly hand held so Missy couldn’t see who was holding it but she quickly recognised Elizabeth in the front seat and Mel behind the wheel. The video was clearly a few years old as both women were looking younger, Elizabeth in her mid 40’s, Mel in her mid 30’s. At first Missy thought there was no sound until the person holding the camera spoke as the lens focussed on Elizabeth as she turned round to speak to whoever.


“I still don’t understand why she can’t just take a Mexican girl, hell, there’s enough of them.” Missy recognised the voice and laugh of Miss Bailey, her former teacher.


“I asked her the same thing, Chrissy, seems Mexican street girls are used to being brutalised, she says American girls aren’t.” Elizabeth explained in a chatty voice.


“Maybe she had a bad experience with an American girl once.” Mel laughed causing the camera to swing onto her.


The screen went black for a second, then it was back to the interior of the car again, clearly some hours had passed as it was now night time and they were driving through a city.


“There are a few here she’d go for, Elizabeth, but there’s too many people around to risk it.”


The camera panned along the street taking in the passers-by, lingering on a few young girls.


“Yeah, it’s a shame, but I don’t want to get caught doing this. Let’s swing by in a couple of hours.”


The screen went black again, then came back to life, they were still driving in the city but a different part.


“This is really beginning to piss me off, hon.” Mel said to Elizabeth. “We’ve been driving around for hours now and seen no-one we can take. Shall we just call it a day?”


“Guess so.” Elizabeth said in a resigned tone.


Miss Bailey kept the camera going on the journey out of the city, the conversation drifted in and out. Miss Bailey talked about a few of the girls at school she had her eye on, judging by the names, none of whom Missy had heard of, the video had been shot before she started at the school. Elizabeth and Mel talked of girls they’d abducted and sold off, relishing the fun they’d had with them.


Soon the city faded and it was just the dark highway home. Suddenly Mel spotted something.


“Wow, what’s she doing out here at this time.”


The camera focussed on a young girl hitching at the side of the road, she put a hand over here eyes as the headlights dazzled her as the car came to a halt. Elizabeth wound her window down.


“Hi Honey, want a lift?”


The relief on the girl’s face as she realised the car contained only women was evident.


“Sure, I was getting a bit scared out here.”


“Hop in.”


The girl got into the back seat next to Chrissy who played the camera onto her; she was young, about14 or 15, shoulder length blonde hair, pretty with an innocent smile. She was wearing a denim jacket buttoned right up and a short brown suede mini skirt with bare legs beneath and a pair of pixie boots on her feet. She smiled nervously at the camera as the car pulled away not noticing Mel and Elizabeth checking the mirrors for any other vehicles before smiling knowingly at each other as they saw the coast was clear.


“What’s with the camera?” The girl asked Chrissy.


“Just a hobby of mine, hon.”


Elizabeth turned around in her seat to talk to their new passenger before she could ask any more questions. “So what’s a young thing like you doing out here at this time?”


The girl turned from looking at the camera not noticing that it was now zooming in on her thighs. “I missed the bus from the city, I’ve been to a concert and it ended a bit later than I thought.”


“Who was playing?”


“Kid Rock, he’s delish” the girl giggled.


“What’s your name, honey” Mel asked, glancing into the mirror.




“How old are you, Julie?”


“Nearly 15” she said with an almost defiant tone.


“So 14, then.” Elizabeth laughed.


“I’m surprised your parents let you go on your own at your age.”


“That’s why I was getting worried, they don’t know I’m here, they think I’m at a friends house, so I have to get home before the morning.”


Mel flashed a knowing look at Elizabeth.


“Where do you want to go, Julie.”


“Flatiron Roads, do you know it.?”


“Think so, I’ve got a map in the trunk. If I stop for a minute could you nip out and get it?” Mel said turning to Elizabeth.


“Sure.” Elizabeth nodded and winked.


The car stopped and Elizabeth got out and got the map from the trunk but instead of getting back in the front seat she opened the back door and got in next to Julie who looked suddenly nervous.


The car pulled away again, Chrissy focussed the camera on Elizabeth sitting next to the small girl like a predator about to devour it’s prey.


“So, Julie, you must be pretty grateful to us for stopping.”


“Sure am.”


Elizabeth slid one hand onto the girls slim knee “Why don’t you show me how grateful you are?”


“What do you mean?” Julie asked nervously, staring at Elizabeth’s hand as it squeezed her knee and started a slow move up her thigh.


“You’re a pretty thing, I like pretty young girls like you.”


“Please stop touching me.” Julie’s voice was getting a bit agitated now.


Missy felt the sickening feeling in her stomach again; she knew she was watching an actual abduction, she wanted to shut her eyes, to pretend the whole thing wasn’t happening but the persistent buzz of the vibrator as Jenny played it over her skin reminded her of what would happen if she dared disobey.


Missy felt Jenny’s hot breath on her neck as her owners teeth nibbled her ear, whispering all the while.


“Isn’t it so horny, watching this?” She pushed the vibrator between Missy’s clamped thighs. “Keep watching, slut, or else.”


Missy’s eyes were glued to the screen regardless of Jenny’s threat, mainly like a sort of car-crash moment in that she was unable to look away, but also just the tiniest amount, and she hated to admit it to herself, she was getting aroused by Julie’s plight.


On the TV Julie was trying to move Elizabeth’s hand from her leg, suddenly Elizabeth slapped her face very hard.


“You listen to me, you little bitch. I want to have some fun with you, and if you try to stop me how’d you like it if we kicked you out here and some bunch of red-necks came along and raped you in their pick-up? You want that?” Elizabeth yelled right into  Julie’s face as the girl cringed and shook her head. “Now, are you going to let me have some fun with you before we drop you home?”


“You promise you’ll drop me home if I do as you say?” Julie’s voice sounded on the edge of tears.


“Sure we will, honey.” Elizabeth lied blithely, “What do you think we’re going to do, sell you to some Mexican woman. Now, why don’t you unbutton your jacket and let me see your titties.”


As Elizabeth said this she slid her hand completely under Julie’s short, brown skirt and pushed her legs apart. Chrissy zoomed the camera in on this as a clearly uncomfortable Julie started to unbutton her jacket, starting to cry as she did.


Elizabeth shifted position so she could get a good look as Julie opened her jacket; the t-shirt underneath clearly showed her young breasts beneath. The camera panned onto Julie’s chest as Elizabeth started to remove Julie’s denim jacket from her, ignoring the girl’s protests, pulling her forward in her seat, moving her like a rag-doll as she efficiently stripped the jacket from her.



“Let’s see what’s under here.” Elizabeth muttered, almost to herself as she started to pull Julie’s t-shirt free from her skirt and up, revealing her breasts.


Julie began to scream and struggle so Chrissy clearly had to stop filming for a few seconds as she helped restrain the teenager, the sounds of Julie being overpowered were still caught on the tape. Initially Missy could make out the screams and curses of the trapped girl, rapidly followed by the sound of slaps and the angry voices of the older women and Julie’s subsequent muffled sobs.


When the camera came back on it showed a totally different picture; Julie’s hands were tied and lifted above her head by one of Elizabeth’s hands. Julie’s skirt was now pulled up to her waist showing her white cotton panties. Elizabeth’s other hand was inside the girl’s panties, clearly fingering her pussy. Julie’s t-shirt was around her shoulders and her bra had been pulled down showing off her small, firm breasts and Elizabeth was sucking and biting the young girl’s nipples as she fingered her.


Some object had been pushed into Julie’s mouth muffling her screams of protest, but over the sound of them she could hear Miss Bailey taunting her.


“Guess you’re not going home after all, little one. We’re taking you to our place to really have fun with you.”


Mel’s voice cut in from off camera. “Is your garage door open, Liz? I don’t really want to drag the little slut across the driveway.”


Elizabeth lifted her head from Julie’s breasts, a small string of saliva temporarily linking her lips and the firm globes.


“Sure, just pull right in.” Turning to Julie she smiled grimly. “You brought this in yourself slut, if you’d only let me my fun with you, you’d have been home by now.”


This only produced a further burst of screaming from the young girl, but Elizabeth merely shrugged and took her hand from inside the girl’s panties and licked her fingers ostentatiously.


“Hmmmm, I love the taste of young pussy.”


The screen went black again for a while, but Missy could still hear the sounds of Julie being abused; her sobs and muffled shrieks and the lewd laughter of the 3 women.


The scene then jumped to a brightly lit bedroom, the camera was steadier now and Missy guessed it was fixed. On the bed Julie was naked and tied in a star-shape on her back, she was gagged now with a dressing gown sash, her eyes wide with terror as she watched the 3 women, naked now, prowling round her like wolves.


Elizabeth sat down on the bed near Julies head and stroked her hair.


“Scared, honey?” She sneered, and when the restrained girl nodded merely added. “You’d better be.”


Then she picked up the phone on the bedside table and dialled.


“Hi, Juanita. Good news, I’ve got one for you. 14. Yeah, she’s a cutie, picked her up out hitching. What? Well, as soon as possible really, but if it’s alright with you we’d like a bit of fun with her first. That’s kind of you. OK, see you about mid-day. Umm, I think we agreed on $5,000, didn’t we? OK, see you then, take care, honey, bye.”


Elizabeth stood up and turned to the other two. “She says we can do what we like to her.”


Mel and Chrissy grinned and made lewd comments aimed at the tied girl. The 3 women went to a wooden chest in the corner of the room and rummaged about for a bit, before returning with their chose ‘toys’.


As Elizabeth lay on the bed next to Julie and started to flick and twist her nipples making the tied girl writhe against her restraints, Mel stepped into her strap-on and tied it secure.


“Ever been fucked, slut?” she asked the terrified girl as she climbed onto the bed and knelt between the girl’s spread legs.


The shocking realisation of what was about to happen to her suddenly galvanised Julie into life and she started to scream into her gag and thrash about wildly.


Mel giggled at the young girl’s fruitless struggles and leant forward over her, one arm supporting her weight as the other guided the tip of the strap-on against the girl’s virgin pussy. Julie arched her back, screaming loudly and wildly into her gag as she felt Mel start to push the rubber phallus into her.


Slowly Mel lowered herself down onto the struggling youngster as she penetrated deeper and deeper into her. Julie screamed suddenly as Mel thrust through her hymen, grinning as she took the girl’s virginity.


Elizabeth got off the bed, playing with her own pussy as she watched Julie’s slight form pressed  down onto the bed by Mel’s more mature body, the older woman’s full breasts squashing against the young girl’s smaller, more firm ones.


Mel thrust in and out, grunting with a deep passion, clearly relishing the tightness of the girl’s pussy, almost burying the slight girl beneath her, dropping her face to kiss and bite her shoulders as she fucked herself to an orgasm, shaking and tensing as the joy of taking the young girl’s virginity made her come rapidly.


She lay on top of the traumatised girl for a few seconds, her face nuzzling the girl’s neck before pulling herself out of her with one, quick movement making Julie wince and scream. Mel glanced, satisfied, at the trace of blood on her strap-on as she climbed off the bed as the other 2 women approached , evil lust clearly marked in their eyes.


To her disgust Missy suddenly noticed she was becoming wet watching this, her thighs were willingly parting to let Jenny’s vibrator press against her pussy lips, she hung her head in shame at how these evil women had already, in such short time, degraded her to such an extent that the sight of them gang-raping a 14 year old was turning her on. In her ear she could hear Jenny whispering.


“I can tell it’s turning you on, slut, it gets better.”


On the screen Missy could see Miss Bailey doing something to Julie’s head, her naked, well toned body, temporarily hiding it. Then she stepped back and Missy could see the girl was now wearing a dildo on her face held in place with a series of leather straps which made her face look like it was already behind the bars where the poor girl would spend the rest of her life.


As Miss Bailey got onto the bed, kneeling astride the girl’s shoulders Elizabeth was spreading some lubricant on her hand watching as Missy’s teacher gripped the dildo in one hand and guided it onto her pussy, the girl’s terrified eyes flashed for a second before Miss Bailey buried her face beneath her crotch and started to ride up and down on the girl’s face.


Elizabeth continued to rub the lubricant onto her hand as she watched, almost mesmerised as Chrissy face fucked the youngster before stepping close to the tied girl and placed her lubed hand on Julie’s inner thigh.


For a split second she stared at the familiar sight, to her anyway, of a smear of virginal blood at the top of the girl’s thigh before placing two fingers in between the girl’s ravished pussy lips loving the feeling of the girl tensing up vainly as she started to ease her fingers inside her.


Elizabeth could feel Julie’s body jolting each time Chrissy came down on her face dildo, it helped brace the girl’s pussy as Elizabeth slid a third finger inside her before locking her thumb and little finger together and sliding all her digits in.


The pain Julie felt as her pussy was stretched by the 40-something woman’s hand could clearly be heard as she screamed and tried to twist herself away from this new violation.


Elizabeth grinned to herself as she flexed her fingers inside the captive, she pushed her hand in a bit further until her knuckle ridge pressed against the girl’s stretched lips, the muffled shrieks from under Chrissy’s pussy reached a new crescendo as Elizabeth threw caution to the winds and started to slip the whole of her greased hand inside the girl’s tight pussy.


Miss Bailey was still riding up and down on Julie’s dildo mask, the screams coming from behind the rubber phallus, and the frenzied movements of the girl’s body under her told her that Elizabeth was doing something extreme to the young girl and this thought produced another surge of pleasure in her pussy, she rubbed one of her breasts and twisted her head back to see what abuse Elizabeth was inflicting on their toy.


She came almost as soon as she saw; Elizabeth had her whole fist inside the girl right up to her wrist, she smiled at Chrissy as she turned her arm slightly producing another long, piercing scream from the victim. Chrissy clamped her thighs tightly around Julie’s face as she took the rubber cock deep inside her as she shuddered to an orgasm, her hands grabbing hold of the girl’s blonde hair to steady herself. She could feel a wetness on the inside of her thighs, but whether it was from her own juices or Julie’s tears she couldn’t tell.


Missy finally shut her eyes, Jenny had teased her pussy lips with the vibrator long enough and she was coming as she watched Julie being raped. She tried to stay as still as possible, to hide her shame and degradation but Jenny, pressed tight against her naked body knew she was orgasming.


“Mmmmmm, slut, you like watching this, don’t you?”


Missy wept silently, shaking her head as she came, feeling the vibrating tip pushing in between her pussy lips. Her last bit of dignity, her knowledge that she was morally better than these perverts had just been stripped away.


“I knew I could make you my lesbian slut, mmmmm, gorgeous slut you are. Keep watching mind, slut, there’s something coming up which you’ll find really interesting.”


Reluctantly, but also compelled by something deep, inside Missy opened her eyes again and carried on watching Miss Bailey riding Julie’s dildo gag, watching as her former teacher clamped her thighs tightly around the young girl’s face as she came, knowing, as Jenny eased the vibrator in and out of her, that it wasn’t just Jenny’s synthetic fucking that was making her come.




Missy’s Misfortune pt 5

Missy’s Misfortune pt 5

Missy lay on her side, still sobbing at the humiliation of being forced to orgasm while watching a 14 year old girl get gang-raped by these women. She could feel Jenny pressing herself against her back, the older woman’s stiff nipples pressing against her flesh. Jenny’s hand was still holding the vibrator just inside the girl’s pussy as she lifted one of her legs over Missy’s thighs and ground her pussy against the girl’s ass.

Missy could feel the wetness of her owner’s pussy rubbing against her behind, she knew the older woman was getting off on her obvious distress as much as what they had been watching on the screen. She felt Jenny’s grip on the vibrator loosen slightly as it was eased further into her.

“Clamp your legs together, slut, keep it there.” Jenny half cooed, half snarled into Missy’s ear and the terrified and broken girl meekly complied, pressing onto Jenny’s hand as slid out from between her thighs.

Jenny ran her free hand over Missy’s young and abused body, loving the feel of the school-girl’s firm, soft flesh. She squeezed the girl’s legs, her fingers pressing lightly onto Missy’s firm muscles before running her hand upwards, over her slut’s flat stomach to her breasts which she started to squeeze and knead, twisting the nipples between her finger and thumb making Missy cry out in a low voice.

Shhhh, slut.” Jenny whispered in her ear. “Watch the TV, there’s more to come.”

The screen went blank again giving no clues as to Julie’s final fate, though Missy could guess it was to be one of endless sexual drudgery. The next scene suddenly appeared; it was a large suburban living room, the curtains were drawn so Missy was unable to tell the time of day. A group of women aged between 30 and 50 were sitting round the room chatting and laughing, smiling whenever the camera focussed on them.

Missy didn’t recognise any of the women until the camera lighted on Elizabeth, but apart from her all the others were strangers. Judging by their accents they weren’t American and Missy guessed they were Canadian. The bits of the conversation the microphone picked up were totally inconsequential, just daily trivia and TV talk. Missy squirmed as the vibrator continued to torment her pussy, her ass pressing back against her owners pussy. She knew the video would soon show some new depravity but the blandness of the scene meant the vibrator pushing inside her was dominating her thoughts.

On the screen the camera swiftly panned round as a door opened and 2 terrified young girls were pushed violently into the room. The 2 girls were clearly twins, about 15 or 16 years old, and like most twins at that age their appearances were as identical as their looks; their hair was red and curly, and reached down to their shoulders, they had pretty faces with a fair sprinkling of faint freckles, their green eyes showed their obvious fear at their surroundings.

The camera zoomed in on the girls as they stood holding each other for comfort, they eyed the camera apprehensively as it panned up and down their identical emerald green t-shirts covering their young breasts which were markedly smaller than Missy’s full pair. The camera continued its journey down their bodies, lingering on their cut-off jean shorts and lightly freckled legs, taking in their ankle socks and sneakers, before zooming in on one of the girl’s crotch.

“So, who are these 2 little sluts, and how did you catch them, Hilary?” Elizabeth’s voice could be heard asking above the general lewd comments being made about the 2 frightened teens.

The woman who had pushed the 2 girls into the room in the first place now stood next to them and raised her hand for silence.

“First things first. For anyone who hasn’t met her yet may I introduce my very good friend Elizabeth who’s visiting us here in Vancouver all the way from Texas. I’m sure you’ve all heard of her.”

There were various murmurs of greeting and appreciation which Elizabeth modestly waved away.

The woman by the girls spoke again.

“Now for the main course. These 2 little sluts are Keri and Teri; they were on their way to visit their Aunt here when I managed to persuade them to come with me to get raped.”

At this the girls started to cry and hugged each other tighter, one of them was about to speak but Hilary slapped her leg hard, leaving a vivid red mark on it which reduced her to quiet sobs.

“How did you persuade her, Hilary?” Elizabeth laughed.

“Well, I should point out that the little sluts are from the wilds of British Columbia and were a bit trusting, which is never a wise thing in the big city. I was behind them in the queue in the diner at the station and I heard them talking about finding a cab to take them to the Mountebank area. So I told them I was from Mountebank and could give them a lift if they wanted. The stupid sluts were so naïve they said yes. Guess their hick parents had warned them about getting lifts off strange men, but never strange women. ‘Course, they had no idea where Mountebank is, so it was easy to get them out here and trick them into coming into the house. I locked them in the dungeon until now.”

One of the girls, the same one who had tried to speak a few seconds earlier, now found her voice.

“You, you said you were going to take us to our Aunt’s. Please can we go now?” She sobbed.

Hilary eyed her coldly, “We’re all the family you have now, you little cunts.” She hissed.

“Now.” She blithely carried on. “Perhaps you 2 little sluts will show us what you have to offer us?”

The twins looked totally non-plussed; their fresh, innocent faces showed a mixture of confusion and fear.

Hilary rolled her eyes heavenwards. “Oh for fucks sake, you dumb bitches. Strip for us. Strip and dance as you do it. Can someone give us the music?”

Someone must have pressed a button at that point as some soft, slow music came on, vaguely Jazzy and intimate; the contrast between the mood of the music and the situation the twins were in couldn’t have been sharper.

The twins still stood, hugging each other, dumbfounded. The more forceful one spoke.

“But we can’t undress in front of you, it’s not right.”

From out of shot a woman stepped smartly into view and flashed a riding crop hard across the girl’s legs, she screamed sharply and lifted her leg off the ground, her hand rubbing where the crop landed, a thin red weal already there. She looked round, tears in her eyes, her sister clinging to her even tighter now.

“Are you going to do a strip-tease for us? Or do we have to hit you some more? Look, do you know who I am?”

The girl’s shook their heads apprehensively.

“Do you know the address of this house?”

The girl’s shook their heads again.

“So, there’s no danger of you telling the police about us. Do a strip-tease for us and I promise I’ll drop you near your aunt’s house afterwards.”

The twins looked doubtful. “You promise?”

“Sure, I promise.” Hilary smiled.

“You just want us to do a strip-tease for you? You won’t touch us or anything?”

“I promise.” Hilary lied.

The volume of the music increased slightly as the two terrified girls looked first at each other, then at Hilary, then one of the girls whispered something to the other one and, slowly and very self-consciously both girls started to dance to the music.

Hilary narrowed her eyes and raised her riding crop, “You’d better do than that, you sluts.” she hissed.

As the girl’s saw the riding crop twitch in her hand they started to move more gracefully and in time to the music.

“Turn around please.” A voice ordered from the audience in a tone that didn’t permit argument and both girls turned as one.

“Wiggle those asses, sluts” The same voice continued and both girls obediently wiggled their denim covered asses to murmurs of lewd approval.

“Wow, that’s a hot ass.”

“Can’t wait to have that over my lap.”

“Come on slut, shake it for me.”

Suddenly the more forceful of the girl’s stopped dancing and turned on her audience in a sobbing fury.

“Stop it, just stop it.” She half yelled, half sobbed. “We’re not doing it, just let us….Owwwwwww” Her voice tailed off into a low moan of pain as Hilary and another woman stepped forward and whipped their crops viciously onto her bare thighs.

She stood there in tears, rubbing the vivid red welts on her pale skin. Hilary, her face contorted with anger slapped her hard across her face and, as she staggered back, grabbed a handful of her red hair and jerked her head towards hers.

Her sister screamed loudly until she was silenced by another crack of a crop.

“Listen, you fucking slut.” Hilary said in an icy voice. “The sooner you do this for us the sooner you can go. Or would you rather we kept you here and tried out a few of the things I showed you in the dungeon?”

Keri’s eyes widened in fear, obviously Hilary had showed both girls some torture implements during their confinement, and the threat of using them seemed to be enough to quell her rebellion.

“So what’s it going to be, slut?” Hilary’s voice stayed icily flat.

“We’ll dance.” Keri stammered

“And strip?”

Keri nodded as best she could with her head tightly held by the older woman.

Hilary let her go and walked back to her seat her face like thunder. “Put the music back on.” She ordered as she sat down.

This time the twins started dancing immediately, gyrating their hips in time to the smooth tune, their eyes fixed resolutely on the ground, avoiding any contact with their depraved audience.

“Take off your t-shirts, sluts.” Hilary ordered in a matter of fact voice, swishing her crop through the air to emphasise the request.

Both girls gripped the bottom of their green shirts and started lifting them upwards, as the twin’s young breasts were exposed there were a few audible gasps of approval in the room.

Keri and Teri weren’t wearing bras, so their small breasts were instantly on display; both girls breasts were what could be called ‘late-starters’ compared to Missy’s much fuller pair. The camera zoomed in on Teri’s chest so closely that Missy could see the pattern of freckles scattered across it, and the girl’s pink nipples.

“Now your shorts, sluts.” Hilary continued, her voice showing her rising excitement as she watched the teenage twins degrade themselves for her and her friends.

Keri and Teri showed a brief second of hesitation until Hilary’s lazy twitching of her riding crop reminded them of the consequences of not complying; almost as if it was a rehearsed part of their choreography both girls reached for the buttons on their blue denim cut-offs and popped them open, the twins then pushed the shorts off their hips, doing a little wiggle as they did which produced a few more lewd shouts from the women.

As she pushed her shorts down her slender thighs Keri realised she was pulling her panties down with them revealing her pussy with its thin, red pubic hair.

“The carpet matches the curtains.” Someone shouted out with a laugh.

“The Boss Woman will love these two; she has a thing about young red-heads.”

This remark totally flummoxed Missy. The Boss Woman? Was there someone behind all this?

Keri tried to pull her panties back up but Hilary moved swiftly to swipe her crop across the girl’s fingers.

“Leave them, just take them both off.”

“But, you’ll see my. Owwwwww” Keri’s attempts to keep her modesty were cut short by another vicious swipe and her face crumpled in a mixture of tears and shame. Her sister, still silent, was crying now after seeing how easily her more dominant sister had been silenced; she knew she’d have no chance of objecting.

Hilary raised the crop a third time but didn’t need to use it now as both girls hurriedly slid their shorts down their legs and stepped out of them. They’d stopped dancing now and were simply standing in front of the lustful women.

Keri was still sobbing, one arm across her chest, the other attempting to cover her pussy, naked apart from her ankle socks and sneakers. Teri still had her pale blue cotton panties on to protect her modesty, her arms were crossed in front of her breasts, and she too was crying and shaking with fear.

Hilary whooshed the crop through the air a few inches from the terrified girls, making them blink and cringe backwards instinctively.

“You two little sluts will now do exactly as I tell you. Just remember, once this is over you’ll be taken to your Aunt’s house, but if you don’t do as I tell you, or show any hesitation I’ll keep you here. Understand?”

The twins nodded dumbly, Keri, shifting her weight from one foot to the other looked as if she was going to say something, perhaps it was dawning on her that this had gone too far for the girls to be released, perhaps she was just going to whinge. Either way she didn’t get the chance to open her mouth before Hilary carried on.

“I want you to dance some more, but this time I want you to touch yourselves. Keri, I want you to play with your little titties. Teri, I want you to put your hand inside your panties and stroke your little pussy. OK? Right, remember what happens if you don’t obey me? Ok, get on with it.”

The two girls looked at each other for a second, exchanging sick looking, resigned glances before complying with Hilary’s latest perverted order. Swaying to the soft music, Keri began to rub her hands on her breasts, cupping them, then letting go, in response to suggestions from the audience she gently stroked her nipples, all the while her eyes were clamped tightly shut in her humiliation.

Teri, her own eyes tight shut, her face red with shame, slipped her hand inside her panties and started to move her fingers over her own pussy; she knew all about masturbation but as far as she was concerned there was nothing erotic about dancing like this in front of all these women.

The women, on the other hand, were clearly getting very turned on; the camera panned over them – most of them hand their hands either down their jeans or underneath their skirts, a few were even playing with their own breasts just as Keri was.

Seeing that both the twins had their eyes shut Hilary made a silent gesture to the women and, almost as one, they silently stood up and quietly made their way towards the dancing girls.

The first thing Keri and Teri knew of the women’s approach was when they suddenly felt hands groping them. Both girls shrieked, eyes snapping open as they tried to move away from the women mauling them.

Each of the girls was surrounded by 3 or 4 women, their hands roaming, squeezing, pinching, and stroking the young captives. Teri seemed frozen in terror as the women explored her, one of them slipped her hand inside Teri’s panties but even this failed to register on her face.

Keri on the other hand was screaming and struggling against the women surrounding her. One of the women grabbed hold of her arms from behind, pinning them against her back but she still kicked wildly as she yelled and sobbed.

“You said you’d let us go, you said you wouldn’t touch us.” She yelled as her kicking legs were grabbed and lifted off the ground. From out of shot Hilary’s voice could be heard.

“Get the slut on the couch; I’ve had enough of her shit.” The camera panned over to Hilary and revealed she was naked from the waist down, and was in the process of tightening up the clasps on a strap-on.

As Keri was dragged struggling and screaming to the couch she caught sight of Hilary moving towards her, the phallus around her waist swaying with each step. Keri’s eyes widened in terror and shock.

Nooooooo, oh God, please, no, please don’t. Please, please. We won’t tell anyone, we promise. Oh God, please let us go.” Her voice tailed off into a high pitched scream as she was dumped onto the couch on her back, her arms held tightly above her head, her legs pulled apart by different women. She struggled feebly as Hilary climbed onto the couch, kneeling between the teenager’s spread legs. One of the women appeared with a gag and offered it to Hilary who shook her head.

“No, I like to hear them scream.”

She leant over Keri, smiling malevolently as the girl screamed again.

“Does little slut want my cock?” Hilary leered, her face only inches from Keri’s, one of her hands starting to position the head of the strap-on against the girl’s virgin pussy.

The camera had moved around now and was close to Keri’s tear stained face as she begged and pleaded in a low voice. Hilary merely laughed and fiddled around with the strap-on a bit more. When she was satisfied it was in position, she started to push herself inside the helpless girl.

Keri screamed and struggled furiously as she felt Hilary’s synthetic cock push between her pussy lips, she tried to slide sideways so that the older woman would be forced off her, but Hilary held her tightly as she buried her strap-on inside her.

Suddenly Keri gave a louder, shorter, scream and her head snapped back. Missy guessed that Hilary had taken her cherry just as Jenny had taken hers. A loud cheer from the women holding the girl’s arms and legs confirmed it.

“Way to go, Hilly.” One of the women shouted to the group huddled around Teri. “She got her cherry.”

The sight of her sister being raped, and her own situation of being surrounded and groped by a bunch of women all old enough to be her mother seemed to have sent Teri into a state of physical shock, she stared blankly ahead as the women pinched and pulled her nipples, not even reacting when one of them bent down and took one nipple between her teeth and pulled it.

One of the women tormenting Teri, Missy saw, was Elizabeth. She had her hand inside the girl’s blue panties, her fingers moving rhythmically under the thin material, she leant forward and started to kiss the motionless girl, before drawing back for a second just to slap her face.

“Give me your tongue, slut.” Elizabeth barked at her, and then pressed her lips back onto Teri’s mouth, all the time working her fingers inside the girl’s panties.

Clearly Teri wasn’t responding as Elizabeth wished as she suddenly broke away and took her hand out of the teenager’s panties. She started to unzip her skirt, slid it down her stocking clad thighs and stepped out of it.

“Get the little bitch on her knees, I’ll show her what her tongue’s going to be used for from now on.” She muttered.

Teri was pushed abruptly down onto her knees in front of Elizabeth; this seemed to break her state of shock, as for the first time she started to struggle against her captors. One of the women grabbed a fistful of Teri’s red hair to keep her head steady as Elizabeth took one step and brought her pussy close to the girl’s face.

Teri tried to recoil away from the sight of Elizabeth’s glistening pussy lips, but was held in place by the grip on her hair. Elizabeth now placed her hand on the other woman’s to guide Teri’s mouth onto her pussy.

“Lick it, slut, make me come.” Elizabeth cooed as she pressed the teenage captive’s face into her pussy.

It was impossible to tell from the screen whether Teri did lick Elizabeth or not, in truth she didn’t need to; Elizabeth had many years experience of getting off just on the lips of her victims, and she continued to grind her pussy lips against Teri’s mouth and chin; knowing that soon the girl would have to open her mouth to breath.

That second arrived and in a frenzy Elizabeth pulled the girl’s head harder into her wet pussy, arching her own head back as she came, gasping as she felt Teri’s lips moving rapidly over her pussy lips, feeling her own juices trickling out of Teri’s mouth and onto her thighs.

The camera panned back to the couch where Hilary was still fucking Keri who was still struggling, although with less and less strength. In between thrusts, Hilary was panting into Keri’s ear.

“Like it, slut? Like being fucked by us? You’ll be doing this alot for us, better get used to it, slut. How’s your ass? It looked real hot when you were dancing for us, how about I fuck that too?”

Hilary knelt up suddenly, ripping her strap-on out of her victim. She stood up quickly.

“Turn her over, I want her ass.” She said in a breathless voice.

Keri started to scream and struggle again as the women effortlessly pulled her onto her side and then onto her front and again spread her legs. Hilary slipped one arm under Keri’s waist and lifted her up a few inches and pushed a cushion under the girl’s hips forcing her small, tight ass into the air. Then she climbed back onto the couch and knelt between Keri’s slender thighs.

Keri was still futilely struggling against the women holding her; Hilary stared transfixed for a few seconds as Keri’s ass moved deliciously in front of her. Then she slipped one hand under the girl’s waist to steady her target as she leant forward to press the tip of the strap-on against Keri’s tight, virgin hole.

The camera had moved around in front of Keri now and was watching the girl’s tearful face. She screwed her face up in agony and let out a low, long scream. Missy knew that Hilary had forced her strap-on into Keri’s anus. The girl shook her head in pain as she cried and tried again to struggle free, but rapidly even her struggles ceased as Hilary began to press her body onto Keri’s back, pushing her down against the couch. Soon the only movement in Keri’s body was from the thrusts of Hilary’s hips as she brutally sodomised the innocent teenager.

The camera panned back to Teri who was now naked and on her back on the floor, a woman in her late 40’s was straddling her head with her thighs and was pulling her face up onto her pussy with one hand, while her other stroked her own breasts.

All the women could be seen now undressing, some were stepping into strap-on’s and were waiting in line behind Hilary as casually as if they were waiting for a bus. The rest were waiting to make use of Teri’s tongue, some were gently fingering their pussies as they waited, keeping their state of excitement high.

The video seemed to go on and on showing the brutal indignities inflicted on the twins. Keri was flipped onto her back and raped again and again; her head was pushed over the arm of the couch so as each woman finished fucking her they could move round and force her to suck their strap-on’s clean even as the next woman was raping her.

Teri’s mouth was put to use on pussy after pussy, then breast after breast, some of the women would straddle her face, others would lie on one of the couches and Teri’s face was forced between their legs. Occasionally the camera would zoom in on the twins during their abuse. Teri’s face was smeared in pussy juice, her eyes puffy with tears, her nose and chin glistening. Her breasts showed pinch marks and when she was turned around for the camera Missy could see hand-prints on her ass where the women had slapped her if they didn’t think she was moving fast enough.

The camera zoomed in between Keri’s thighs, a combination of sweat and pussy juices had removed almost all of the hymen blood. Her pussy lips looked red and sore, her red pubic hair matted with sweat and pussy juice.

Eventually, when everyone had abused the twins to their hearts content, the women drifted back to the couches, grinning euphorically and panting a bit breathlessly, showing no concern for the two girls. Teri was curled up on the floor, crying hysterically. Keri crawled over to her and placed her arms around her to try and reassure her, but this had no effect on her and really only served to make Keri burst into tears too.

The women watched the scene with detached amusement; the misery and degradation they’d inflicted on the helpless teenagers simply didn’t bother them at all.

Missy felt Jenny’s hands pressing on her breasts and her breath on her ear.

God, isn’t Elizabeth so imaginative; now you’ll see why only one of the girl’s was fucked and the other had to give oral.

Back on the screen Hilary was looking at Elizabeth who nodded back, Hilary then got up and walked towards the crying girls, Keri looked up with terrified apprehension as she approached.

“Right, slut.” Hilary began. “That was not bad for a first attempt at being a lezzy fuck slut, but now we’ve got a proposition for you. Want to hear it?”

Keri looked at her blankly, but stopped crying for the moment.

“We’ve always wanted to see a bit of lezzy incest, so the proposition is this: put on a strap-on and fuck your sister here. What do you say, slut?”

Teri, still lying curled up, wailed even louder at hearing this, and Keri recoiled as if she’d been slapped.

“No way, I won’t.” she sobbed.

Hilary smiled at her. “We thought you’d say that. But let me put it this way. Either you fuck your sister, or we all take turns fucking you and her in the ass for the next 3 hours. So what do you say now?”

Keri’s jaw dropped open; her revulsion at the suggestion was battling with the knowledge that Hilary definitely meant it.

From the women someone shouted out “Say no, honey, don’t give in to her. I want to fuck both your asses.” This made everyone burst out laughing, and others joined in urging her to defy Hilary. Keri’s face showed all the emotions running through her: anger, despair, fear, shame and disgust. She looked up at Hilary through her tears and summoned up one last bit of defiance.

“If I did that, how do I know you wouldn’t fuck us both afterwards anyway?” She sniffled in a miserable tone.

Hilary considered the question, a broad grin on her face. “Well, slut, you wouldn’t know. But I do know what will definitely happen if you do say no, so I guess you don’t really have a choice.” She bent over slightly to grip Keri by the arm and pulled her to her feet and, despite the protests and foot-dragging pulled the reluctant teenager towards the gang of women.

“Ok, she’s said yes. Can we have a strap-on for this slut please? And can a couple of you put the other slut on one of the couches, please?”

Gleefully 3 of the women scooted over to Teri and unceremoniously dragged the crying girl to her feet and propelled her towards an empty couch all the while reminding her in malicious detail of her fate.

“Lucky slut, gonna get fucked by her own sister. Bet you can’t wait, huh?”

Teri’s renewed sobs and pleas for mercy only seemed to amuse the women all the more as they pushed her down on her back onto the couch, holding her arms above her head and her legs apart.

Meanwhile one of the women had slipped of her strap-on and eager hands were tightening it onto Keri. The straps needed quite a bit of adjusting for the teenager’s much slimmer waist but the women were well practiced in putting these things on and very swiftly Keri was the ashamed owner of a synthetic dick. She stared down at it almost in disbelief, shaking her head and crying.

Before she could do anything else she was dragged across the room and pushed onto the couch so she was kneeling between her sister’s legs.

The twins looked at each other; one fearful, the other sorrowful. Teri shook her head, tearfully begging her sister to stop and for one second it looked as if Keri was going to refuse to go through with it, but then Hilary stepped forward and grabbed her red hair and shook her head sharply.

“Just fuck her.” She snarled as she pushed the struggling teenager down on top of her sister so that their faces were only inches apart, their breasts pressing together. “Kiss her first.”

Hilary pushed Keri’s face down onto Teri’s so that their mouths met although their lips stayed firmly shut. The older woman slapped Keri’s ass with her free hand and in a matter of fact voice ordered the girls to open their mouths.

There were murmurs of approval as the twins opened their lips and started to kiss, Hilary meanwhile slipped a hand under Keri’s waist and fiddled the tip of the strap-on into position against Teri’s pussy.

“Right, sluts, start fucking.” She ordered to cheers and whoops from the women crowded around the couch. “And keep kissing, let’s see those tongues go.”

At first Keri simply lay on top of her sister not moving at all until one of the women brought a crop down on her ass which made her jiggle.

“Last warning, slut. Get on with it, or else.” Hilary ordered wearily but with enough menace in her voice to remind Keri of the alternative. Her hand then pressed down onto Keri’s ass forcing her to penetrate her sister.

Teri broke away from the kiss to scream as she felt her sister forcing her way inside her but Hilary pushed Keri’s mouth back onto hers.

“Fuck her, fuck her.” Hilary repeated, her voice showing how aroused she was. Other voices picked up the words until all the women were chanting it and various hands were slapping at Keri’s ass until she started to move her hips up and down, raping her sister at the women’s command.

Teri’s face was screwed up in agony as her sister continued to fuck and kiss her, Keri’s mouth held tightly in place by Hilary and the thrusts of her hips were controlled by various women; as soon as she seemed to slow the speed of her fucking hands or a crop would slap her ass until she was back to speed.

Both girls were crying uncontrollably by this point, Keri’s tears falling onto the face of her sister to mix with hers but they received no mercy from their tormentors. Elizabeth appeared from the group of women and climbed onto the couch between Keri’s legs, she leant forward one hand guiding the tip of her strap-on towards the girl’s ass hole.

For a second Elizabeth pressed down on Keri’s ass, pushing her deeper into her sister but halting her thrusts. With her target now stationary Elizabeth pressed her thick, plastic dick into Keri’s tight ass making the girl break her sister’s kiss and scream loudly as the older woman gleefully sodomised her, her waist pressing down on Keri’s ass, her thrusts transmitting themselves right on into Teri’s abused pussy.

So the video went on, the twins were abused and raped until both were only semi-conscious and then they were finally left alone.

Missy felt Jenny pressing her pussy against her ass as she kissed the girl’s neck.

“Watch this next bit carefully, slut, you’ll learn a lot from it. You saw the way Keri was screaming and struggling as she was raped? This is her 3 months later.”

As Jenny was whispering this into Missy’s ear the screen blanked for a second as the scene changed. The setting was a smaller room, again with the curtains drawn. 5 women were sitting in a rough circle and once more Missy didn’t recognize any of them, making her wonder how many were involved in this depraved trade.

The women were sitting patiently as if waiting for something or, as Missy guessed with a sickening feeling in her stomach, someone.

The door opened and a woman Missy recognized from the tape of the twin’s rape entered, followed a second later by one of the twins.

Keri was naked and all fours, around her neck was a collar like a dog might wear. Her owner was leading her with a dog chain as if she was a pet. The girl looked older, although if Jenny was telling the truth only 3 months had passed, and Missy could only guess at the depths of sexual abuse she must have endured in that time to produce the resigned look on her face.

Her owner led her into the circle and Missy noticed that Keri’s expression never changed even when the women started making obscene comments about her.

Keri crawled obediently behind her mistress until she was directly in front of one of the women.

“You may speak, slave.” Her owner brusquely told her.

The girl turned her head towards the woman and, in a young voice which betrayed absolutely no emotion, said. “I am Mistress Judy’s slut; I am here to be your fuck-toy. Would you like to fuck my pussy or ass, Miss?”

The woman grinned with childish pleasure at the words and clapped her hands together.

“Hmmm, well, fuck-toy, I think I’ll fuck your little pussy.”

As she said this she half rose, half slid off the chair and knelt behind the chained slave. She hitched her skirt up around her waist revealing a strap-on dildo around her waist. Placing one hand on the girl’s hips she guided the shaft of the strap-on into her pussy with the other. The camera showed Keri’s face as the woman buried her strap-on deep inside her; apart from a slight biting of her lip the chained slave gave no outward display of emotion or pain.

The woman’s thrusts started to speed up, her hips slapping against Keri’s ass as she pushed herself as deep as she could into the captive, one hand clenching on the girl’s hips, nails digging into the young flesh, the other hand gripping her red hair tightly and pulling Keri’s head back.

Missy felt Jenny’s hot breath on her ear as her owner whispered to her. “See what a good slave she’s become; that is how you’ll be soon. No more resisting us.”

As she said these words Jenny’s hand slid back down between Missy’s legs and started to violate her slut with the vibrator. She was clearly getting very aroused by the scenes on the video tape.

On the screen Missy could see the woman fucking Keri was getting close to orgasm, she had pulled the girl’s head right back, making Keri clench her eyes shut in pain, yet still the slave made no sound as her pussy was brutally fucked by the older woman.

The woman’s eyes shut as she threw her head back and came, she hissed through her teeth as she pressed herself against Keri’s ass and held her plastic dick right inside the young girl.

She slowly pulled herself out if Keri’s abused pussy and gave her a light slap on her ass to show she was finished with her.

“Thank you for fucking me, Miss.” Keri told her in the same measured tone she’d used earlier, and then she was led to the next woman.

“I am Mistress Judy’s slut; I am here to be your fuck-toy. Would you like to fuck my pussy or ass, Miss?”

The woman, a slightly overweight blonde, with close cropped hair looked down excitedly at the school-age girl offering her body to her.

“I think I’d like to fuck your ass, you worthless whore, but I’d like to give it a hard spanking first.”

At this Keri stood up and laid herself over the woman’s lap, she did this very smoothly with no hint of hesitation or reluctance. Missy’s felt a stab of despair in her stomach as she saw how completely Keri had been broken; she also saw, when the camera zoomed in momentarily, the clamps attached to the girl’s small nipples, and various red welts on her young breasts.

The blonde woman rested her hands on Keri’s ass and started to maul and knead the cheeks, twisting the flesh and viciously pinching the tender inside of the girl’s thighs, raking her nails along the backs of her legs, slipping fingers inside her pussy, all of which the captive girl passively accepted with only a few low moans.

Without any warning the woman suddenly drew back her hand and landed a mighty slap on Keri’s abused ass, then another, then another. Each blow producing a sort of low grunt from the young girl but otherwise she showed no reaction.

Whether it was this passivity, or whether the blonde woman was naturally like this, was impossible to tell from the video, but she seemed to lose all control and rained down blow after blow on Keri’s defenseless ass, sometimes even using both hands as if the slightest hint of white, unmarked flesh was a personal affront to her.

The camera moved round from Keri’s reddening ass to her face, her eyes dully acknowledged the camera, silently pleading for release. But whoever was filming had only moved so they could film the tears on her face.

“Wow.” A disembodied voice said. “She’s really feeling this.”

The blonde woman laughed through her heavy breathing.

“Little bitch won’t sit down for a week after this.” She muttered as her hand continued to rain hard slaps on the girl’s cute ass.

Abruptly she stopped and nodded at the girl’s owner who jerked the dog-lead to indicate Keri should get off the woman’s lap and take position on the floor so she could be sodomised.

Jenny pushed the vibrator deeper into Missy’s pussy as they watched the blonde woman step out of her skirt and kneel behind Keri. Jenny was deliberately circling the tip of the vibrator on Missy’s clit as the older woman pushed the tip of her strap-on against Keri’s tight ass-hole.

“Come for me, slut, show me how much you’re loving this.” Jenny cooed into Missy’s ear as she pulled on one of her nipples with her other hand.

Missy’s eyes misted over as she watched the blonde grip Keri’s neck through her red hair and force her head down towards the carpet as she started to force her strap-on into her ass.

Keri gave a long, low moan and Missy realised she was being dry-fucked and she knew how much that hurt.

The tears were starting to trickle down her face now as her helplessness hit home. On the screen Keri was shaking her head in pain as the blonde woman raped her ass with relish; deep inside Missy she could feel Jenny’s vibrator and fingers starting to tease an orgasm out of her. Jenny knew she had her where she wanted her; she waggled the vibrating tip all over and around Missy’s clit, urging it to betray her.

The blonde woman now had a snarl on her face as she pushed in and out of the young girl, grabbing her red hair and pulling her upwards so suddenly that Keri struggled to get her arms to support her.

Missy felt one of her nipples being pulled and rolled exquisitely slowly by Jenny’s fingers as the first tremor of her orgasm flashed through her.

Jenny felt the movement and laughed.

“See slut, you love to see her being raped, don’t you?”

Missy cried and shook her head slightly as she came, on screen Keri’s face was tear streaked and twisted in agony as the blonde woman came, burying her face in the girl’s red hair, her hips pressed hard against Keri’s ass, feeling the flesh glow from the spanking she’d given.

Missy wept silently as her body shook, her sensitive pussy unable to sooth itself as Jenny kept the vibrator working on her clit.

On the TV Keri, her eyes puffy and red was being led to the next woman and despite Jenny’s warning about the consequences of not watching Missy couldn’t bear to see the girl abused again and closed her eyes.

A jolt of pain shot through her as Jenny viciously twisted her nipple.

“Watch the fucking TV, slut.” Jenny hissed, her voice menacing and low.

For the next 20 minutes Missy was kept on the edge of another orgasm by Jenny’s skilful handling of the vibrator, and all the while the school-girl and her owner watched Keri ask each of the women on the TV to rape her.

“That’s how you will be when I’ve finished training you, slut.” Jenny told her, laughing. “Asking to be fucked by my friends and saying thank you afterwards like a good slut.”

Missy felt sick inside; she had no doubt Jenny meant every word.

The TV went blank for a split second before a few seconds of jerky camera work gave way to a shot of a naked girl. She looked young, as all the victims on the tape seemed to be; about 15 or 16 and like Missy had a sort of olive complexion and large, firm breasts. She was tied to an X-shaped, wall mounted board and was totally naked apart from a leather hood over her head with a the zipper covering her mouth open.

From off-camera someone shouted “Slut”, and the girl’s head jerked up and looked around blindly. Into shot walked a woman wearing just stockings and suspenders, she turned round and grinned at the camera and Missy immediately recognized her former teacher Miss. Bailey.

“Time for some titty torture, slut.” Miss Bailey announced in a matter of fact voice as she walked towards the pinned girl.

The girl thrashed about on her board against her bindings, shaking her head from side to side and screaming.

“No, no, please God, no, please, please.”

Missy knew the voice. It hit her like a hammer, she knew the voice. Her head jerked up off the mattress, her eyes fixed on the screen looking for some other clue as to the girl’s identity; because try as she might she couldn’t put a name to the voice.

Jenny sensed something had happened by Missy’s reaction. She moved the vibrator about inside her slut and pinched her nipples.

Mmmmm, slut, a friend of yours?”

Missy winced as the fake cock pushed her abused, sensitive pussy lips apart again.

“Who is she? I know her.”

Jenny kissed her ear and neck as her fingers pulled and twisted Missy’s sore nipple.

“Don’t worry; I’m sure we can arrange for you to meet her.” She buried her face in Missy’s hair as she ground her pussy against Missy’s ass, her wetness smearing itself over the young girl’s ass-cheeks.

Missy was transfixed by the scene on the TV now; she watched as Miss. Bailey cupped the girl’s breasts in her hands; Missy could hear her teacher murmuring appreciatively as she gently squeezed and kneaded the firm, young flesh.

“Wow, slut, your titties are so fucking big, I always wondered what they looked like under your stupid clothes.” Miss. Bailey mentioned in passing as her fingers began to slowly stroke the captive’s small, light brown nipples making the girl weep in despair. “What gorgeous nipps, too. Oh, my, I simply have to see how they taste.”

With that Miss. Bailey lowered her head to the girl’s chest and, opening her mouth, flicked her tongue lightly over the top of the small nipples, circling each one in turn, licking the dark aureole before sucking like a baby.

The captive girl moaned through her mask making Miss. Bailey take her mouth from the girl’s breast for a second, a small string of saliva still connecting her lips to the nipple.

“Thought you’d like that, slut, I could feel your nippy getting excited.” She laughed. “Do you like me sucking on your big titties?”

With that she renewed her licking and sucking of the mystery girl’s breasts, but every time she started to suck one nipple she was pulling it outwards, opening her lips to show the small button size nipple clamped firmly between her teeth. As she pulled she shook her head like a terrier shaking a rat, making the restrained girl scream loudly.

Missy could see Miss. Bailey’s right hand slip between the girl’s legs and briefly cup her pussy, before starting to rub it, increasing the speed of her hand as she increased the speed of her biting and pulling of the girl’s breasts.

Miss. Bailey pushed two of her fingers into the girl as she bit hard on one of her firm breasts producing an ear splitting shriek from her victim which made the teacher look up.

“Fucking bitch.” She muttered and, grabbing the girl’s leather hood, drew the zipper across the mouth immediately muffling the girl’s garbled protests.

Missy started to cry again, she could only guess the agony the girl was going through inside the leather mask; the intensity of the darkness made worse by the heat of her own breath, the muffled sounds as Miss. Bailey slowly and crudely explained how she was going to attach a couple of clamps to ‘your huge fucking titties.’

The teacher resumed her abuse of the girl’s nipples, alternating kissing and biting them, pulling them as far as they’d go one minute, gently licking and rolling her tongue around them the next. And all the while her fingers were moving inside the girl’s pussy. Missy knew it was only a matter of time before the girl’s clit betrayed her just as her own clit had betrayed her.

The speed of Miss. Baileys movements increased as her own orgasm approached and as it did she pushed herself hard against the girl, her mouth clamped wide on one of her breasts, her two fingers pushed as far as she could manage inside her. The girl’s screams had by now become a series of low, muffled sobs.

Miss. Bailey pressed herself against the sobbing captive for a few seconds before stepping back and unzipped the mouth of the leather mask. As the girl gulped at the cold air Miss. Bailey roughly smeared her lips with her own juices snarling at her as she did so.

“See how wet I can make you, bitch.” Pushing her fingers inside the girl’s mouth she ordered her to lick her fingers clean, twisting a nipple with her other hand to emphasize the demand.

Missy felt Jenny’s tongue flicking over her ear, as the hand of her mistress reached round to grab one of her breasts, squeezing it tightly, her sharp nails digging into Missy’s olive flesh.

Mmmmm, slut, what gorgeous breasts you have, I don’t want you getting jealous that I might prefer the titties of that stupid slut we just watched. I wonder if your little sister has nice tits and dark brown nipples just like you, perhaps you get them from your Mom.” She twisted Missy’s nipple between her finger and thumb. “Maybe I’ll find out one day.”

The screen faded to black again, before suddenly coming back to life. This was different, though, the video was shaky and not well lit, and it just seemed to be a clip of some trees.

“You’ll like this bit especially.” Jenny whispered in her ear as her fingers gently teased Missy’s nipple. “Mmmm, your nipples are enjoying this, aren’t they?”

Missy wept again, this time in shame, because it was true; they had responded to Jenny’s fingers even though she’d tried to fight it.

“Oh, God, no.” Missy thought. “These perverts were changing her.”

Something on the screen caught her eye, whoever was behind the camera had finally found what they’d been panning around for and it rapidly zoomed in on it.

The person was filming an ordinary suburban back-yard, or more correctly they were filming a group of teen-age girls in a swimming pool. One of the girls was climbing out of the pool, her hair flat and wet down to her shoulders, her light olive tan skin shinning against the bright sunshine,  her bikini bottoms had turned almost sheer with the water and her nice, young, firm ass was very visible. The woman behind the camera started to give a commentary.

Yesss, show your ass to your future mistress, can’t wait to have it over my lap.”

Missy felt like a hand had gripped her stomach and was starting to squeeze it, for the second time on the tape she recognized a voice, it couldn’t be, could it?

She started to get very animated, bucking and writhing against Jenny’s grip. She knew the woman who was filming this young girl and drooling over her as she did so.

Shhhh, slut.” Jenny laughed gently, hugging her tightly. “Watch this.”

The voice on the tape continued the commentary. “Come on, baby, turn around, show your future owner your precious little titties.”

The young girl reached the top of the ladder, the rivulets of water poured down her back and legs. She turned around as if to jump back in.

Missy felt the hand on her stomach clench very hard.

The girl was her 13 year old sister.

“Yea, little slut, shake your titties for me.” The voice carried on, a little breathlessly as Missy watched her sister take a short run up before jumping back into the pool, her breasts shaking as if in response to the commentary. The camera zoomed in on her breasts in mid-air as they wobbled against the flimsy wet material of the bikini. The shot froze; all Missy could see were her sister’s breasts.

Jenny held her very tightly as Missy thrashed about on the bed, screaming and yelling.

“Stop it slut, do you want this shoved up your ass?” She shouted into Missy’s ear to try and calm her down, pushing the vibrator hard into the girl’s pussy.

The threat had some effect; Missy stopped her bucking, but carried on sobbing. Jenny smiled as she continued to verbally torture the poor girl.

“That’s your little baby Sister Christina, isn’t it?” She sneered. “Mmmmm, she has a gorgeous little body; you can see why she’s a cheerleader. I’d love to play with you both.”

Missy’s eyes were clamped shut by now, but it’s unlikely she could have seen anything for the tears blinding her. Jenny carried on regardless

“We know everything there is to know about your sister, what bus she takes to school, what time she gets home, what days she does her cheerleading practice, and we can take her any time. But know what we’re waiting for?”

Missy shook her head as she wailed.

“It’s a sort of insurance policy; if some smart-ass lawyer gets your dad out on bail, we’ll take her. That way the woman on the tape will get her hands on your sister’s lovely tits and ass, and it will definitely guarantee your dad will go to the chair. Hell, at that point I may as well abduct your mom too, I’m sure she’ll be lonely in that large house.”

With a final flourish Jenny twisted the vibrator inside Missy’s abused pussy making her give a wild squeal of pain.

Through her tears all Missy could see was her sister’s breasts, all she could think of was the woman who wanted to get her hands on them. She was the last person anyone would ever suspect.


Missy instinctively squirmed away as Joan sat next to her on the couch but suddenly felt the older woman’s arm encircling her waist, pulling her towards her

                      Missy’s Misfortune pt 6


If Missy had been inclined to be philosophical in her desperate plight she could have produced a huge work on the concept of Time. For her, Time was almost an irrelevance; endlessly locked in a windowless room with no glimpse of daylight for what seemed like ages her existence was measured in terms of the sexual violations Jenny, Mel and the others inflicted on her. And by now these had been so numerous that she simply had no idea what time it was, what day it was, even what month it was. All she could do was wait for the next bout of sexual humiliation.


As always when she brooded on her miserable existence Missy started to cry to herself and it was in that state that Jenny and Mel found her when they suddenly entered the room, not that the young girl’s tears had any effect on the two lecherous women. For them, the sight of a naked, captive, school-girl sobbing on a bed, solely there for their sexual cravings over-rode any sympathy they might have felt.


“Sit up, slut.” Jenny ordered in her harsh voice, and Missy, still snivelling, hurried to obey, and noticing a newspaper in her owner’s hand. Her stomach sank further; a newspaper usually meant they were going to inflict some mental torture on her.


“Right, slut, now I have your full attention. In a few minutes Mel is going to take you for a bath, in the meantime I have a news story you might be interested in.” Jenny said this as she brandished a copy of Missy’s local paper in front of her captive.


Fearfully Missy glanced at the front page and immediately started to sob again. The front page picture was of her Father, handcuffed, being led from what looked like a court building. At least it looked like her Father; his face looked dreadfully bruised and battered, above the photo the headline confirmed it: ‘Murder suspect arraigned, cops launch investigation into prison beating.’


Her eyes clouded with tears Missy turned her head away and refused to read any more. Jenny merely laughed and shrugged as she took the paper back from her sex slave.


“Seeing as you’re too distressed to read it I’ll save you the trouble. It says here; ‘Santino ‘Sonny’ Milano was yesterday arraigned on a charge of the first degree murder of his daughter Melissa, known as Missy, who went missing in July. Mr Milano’s lawyer entered a plea of not-guilty on behalf of his client who was unable to speak on his own behalf due to injuries sustained while in custody. In a separate development the local sheriff’s office announced it would be launching an investigation into the injuries sustained by Mr Milano and have not ruled out criminal charges against State employees. Police also confirmed that although they are certain ‘Missy’ Milano is dead no body has so far been found.”


A wave of black swept over Missy as Jenny gloatingly read the story. Her own Father was being framed for her murder, and was even being beaten up in prison. The black feeling swamped all her thoughts, she felt dead.


“Why can’t you let the police know he’s innocent, he would never hurt me?” She wailed.


Jenny gave a mirthless laugh. “Suits us fine to have him in jail, means no-one’s looking for you, but don’t worry, slut, we won’t let him go to the chair. We’ll need him on the outside when we want to take your sister.”


This reminder that her sister was already under surveillance by these perverts almost broke Missy.


“You sick bitches.” She moaned, but this only made Jenny laugh out loud.


“Oh, slut, you’ll regret those words when I fuck your ass with my biggest strap-on.”


The black wave of despair crushed Missy again and blocked out any sound.


Roughly she was jerked back to reality by Mel grabbing her hair and shoulder.


“I said fucking move, slut.” She snarled as she hauled the naked girl from the bed. “It’s bath time, you ever ignore me again and your days of bathing yourself are over, got it.”


Miserably nodding Missy allowed herself to be dragged from the room and down the hallway, bathing herself was the only dignity left to her and to keep the privilege she was prepared to do virtually anything.


Even on the way to the bathroom, however, she was not spared any humiliation; Mel groped her tits and ass, lewdly telling her how much she was looking forward to Missy eating her out.


Mel’s obscene stream of suggestions was only cut off by their arrival at the open bathroom door.


“You know the drill, slut. I’ll be back for you in half an hour with your towel. Be ready.” Mel reeled off the instructions in a matter of fact, bored voice and then locked the door behind Missy.


Missy would have loved to soak herself for hours in the hot water and bubbles but she could well guess how Mel would punish her if she wasn’t ready on her return. So, reluctantly and prematurely, Missy hauled herself out of the hot cocoon of water and sat shivering on the edge of the bath for Mel to bring the towel.


Missy looked up sullenly as Mel unlocked the door and came into the steam filled bathroom, offering a white hand-towel to Missy. The wet girl took it and started to dry herself, trying hard not to notice Mel leering at her. The size of the towel made it impossible for Missy to cover herself as she dried and so she had to endure Mel’s lustful gaze as she dried her breasts and between her legs.

“Mmmmm, I could watch you do that for hours, slut.” Mel cooed, “But your owner wants to talk to you, so come on”


She forcefully led Missy back down the hallway to her prison and shut the door behind them, taking the small towel from the teenager. Up to this point there was no indication of what the two women had planned but laid out on the bed was her school-girl uniform and the familiar knot of fear tightened in Missy’s stomach. She was being prepared for someone.


Jenny was sitting on a chair against the wall, idly tapping a riding crop against her crossed legs.


“Get dressed slut.” The tapping of the leather crop underlined Jenny’s dry words and Missy knew better than to disobey.


The knot of fear tightened and squeezed some tears of self-pity out of Missy’s eyes as she mechanically moved to the bed and started to dress, slipping the white blouse on, buttoning it over her large breasts. The white material of the blouse, deliberately a size too small for Missy’s full breasts was pushed slightly open by her mounds and her olive skin contrasted with the glaring white cotton. Stepping into the black skirt she pulled it up and fastened it round her waist and, gripping the hem, vainly tried to pull it down further than the few inches would allow.


Very self conscious, Missy stood by the bed staring at the ground, her hands still grasping the hem of her skirt, she heard steps behind her and felt Mel grab her hands and pull them behind her. She gasped instinctively as she felt the cold metal of a pair of handcuffs clamp themselves on her wrists and click shut with a dry rasp.


Her eyes, wild with fear, flashed sideways as Mel rested her head on Missy’s shoulder, her hands lightly gripping the girl’s hips.


“Let’s give a little show for your owner, shall we.” Mel murmured, her hands moving onto the front of Missy’s blouse, her fingers slipping the buttons free.


A rattle from the other side of the room made Missy look up, Jenny had dropped her riding crop and uncrossed her legs. One of her hands was between her stockinged legs as she stared intently as Mel undid Missy’s blouse, opening it to reveal the school-girl’s full olive breasts, their large, dark, nipples in the middle of the teenager’s brown aureoles acted as a homing beacon to Jenny’s lustful gaze.


Mel pressed her body against Missy’s, her hands pulling the girl back against her as her fingers began to stroke Missy’s nipples, almost tenderly, with none of the viciousness that normally accompanied these women’s assaults on her. Missy squirmed back against Mel as the older woman’s expert fingers worked their erotic magic on her nipples.


Jenny uttered a low moan of pleasure and shifted in her seat as her fingers rubbed slowly along her pussy lips to her clit. In front of her an older woman was playing with the tits of a school-girl for her pleasure. She could see Mel’s fingers gently pressing and rolling the girl’s nipples, and the nipples were definitely growing under the doctor’s handling. Jenny’s eyes caught Missy’s distressed gaze and she smirked wickedly as her fingers slipped between her wet pussy lips.


Missy could feel Mel’s breathing getting faster and shallower as she continued to caress the school-girl’s nipples, her free fingers stroking Missy’s large mounds. A tear of despair ran down Missy’s face as she realised her pussy was beginning to respond to Mel’s ministrations. The perverted doctor pressed her self against Missy’s back, the top of her crotch pushing against Missy’s bound hands.


Jenny was close to coming now, she noticed the muscles in Missy’s thighs clenching and she guessed that Mel’s teasing of her breasts was igniting fires in the girl’s pussy. Two of her fingers rubbed over her clit as she thought this and she came, arching back in her chair, a series of strangled gasps escaped her mouth as she rolled her head back.


Mel smiled as she saw Jenny orgasm, immediately she let go of Missy’s nipples; this gentle treatment of a captive teenager was totally against her nature and did nothing for her. Smiling to herself she knew she’d be able to work out her frustration later that day.


Jenny coasted down from her orgasmic high, her breathing returning to normal, her hand slipping from under her skirt.


“Mmmm, thanks honey, you looked fantastic.” She purred to Mel who smiled back in acknowledgement as she started to button up Missy’s blouse. “You staying around this afternoon?”


“Nah,” Mel replied. “Elizabeth’s slave-sitting for Mary-Lou and she’s asked me over to join in the fun.”


Missy felt sickened by the casual way the women discussed the upcoming abuse of some poor unfortunate.


Jenny stood up. “Is the slave the one we were talking about the other day?” and Mel nodded.


“Yep, Mary-Lou’s only away for a few days, she’ll be back for the party.”


Missy’s heart sank again; she knew she’d have a special invite for the ‘party’.


As she finished buttoning Missy’s blouse Mel gently pushed her down so she was sitting on the bed as Jenny walked over. She leant over her slave and lifted her face with her a finger under the girl’s chin.


“Right, slut. In a while a woman is coming to see you. She’s paid a lot of money for you so you’d better let her do whatever she wants to you, understand?”


Once again tears of frustration and humiliation filled Missy’s eyes, she didn’t even need to reply, and Jenny knew that she knew the consequences of not pleasing her client. The word client was totally appropriate now; she was just a lesbian prostitute, whored out to whatever kinky dyke wanted to fuck a genuine school-girl.

Jenny stood up and walked towards the door, she turned to Mel.


“When you see Elizabeth can you ask her is she knows of any breakers in this area, she told me once of one in Montana who guarantees she can break any girl, but she has to have the slave for 3 weeks, and Montana’s a long way away?”


“I think there must be, I know Susie had her slave broken and she certainly didn’t send her away for 3 weeks. You thinking of having her broken?” Mel asked calmly, and once again Missy felt crushed by the way she was talked of in the 3rd person, as if she wasn’t even in the room.


“Maybe, if she disappoints Joanie I think I will. I’m a bit sick of constantly telling her to be good.” The conversation faded as the women left the room still chatting.


Missy heard the door lock, and she shivered with real fear. What did ‘being broken’ mean? One thing was for sure, it was bound to be unpleasant.


Missy sat there for about 20 minutes, the usual emotions she always felt before these sessions were running through her: fear, humiliation, helplessness, and a total and utter feeling of worthlessness. She knew Jenny, Mel, Miss Bailey, Elizabeth and all the others were right, she was nothing but a worthless whore. Her previous happy life had vanished with her abduction, all she was now was a sex object to a bunch of depraved women, and there was nothing she could do about it.


She glanced at the door in dread as she heard the key move in the lock before it swung open.


“Well, hello there.” A soft voice said.


Missy looked blankly at the speaker. She was a woman in her late 40’s dark short hair over a not pretty, not ugly face. She was wearing a dark blouse and a short denim skirt showing a lot of her slightly overweight legs. In one hand she carried a hold-all; Missy knew only too well what sort of things would be in it.


“My, don’t you look so adorable in your little school uniform.” The woman went on as she shut the door and placed the bag on the floor. She started to walk towards Missy on the bed.


“I’m Joan, by the way.” The woman introduced herself as she got closer, already Missy could tell her breathing was showing a lot of excitement.

Joan was in fact almost in a frenzy of lust already; the mere sight of Missy sitting on the bed in her perverts dream of a school-uniform; her hands tied behind her back making resistance an impossibility had already made her pussy wet. Her darkest fantasy was about to made flesh.



Missy instinctively squirmed away as Joan sat next to her on the bed but suddenly felt the older woman’s arm encircling her waist, pulling her towards her.


“Shhhsssshhh” Joan gently scolded her as her fingers began to pull Missy’s blouse out from her skirt; her finger tips then gently squeezing Missy’s firm, young  flesh.


“How old are you, little slut?” Joan whispered as she softly kissed the terrified girl’s cheek.


“Fif, fifteen, maam.” Missy stammered and felt Joan’s hand squeeze her tighter.


“God, Jenny was right.” Joan gasped, her other hand slowly starting to move up Missy’s bare leg, slipping down between her thighs as her fingers pushed Missy’s short skirt upwards.


“I’ve wanted this for ages.” She panted, her lips close to Missy’s face. “An actual schoolgirl to rape.”


The last word hit Missy like a fist. No matter how many times these perverts raped her the shock and degradation never lessened. She tensed in Joan’s grasp as the realisation that this woman meant her real harm sank in.


The older woman merely gripped her tighter with her encircling arm and forced her other hand between Missy’s clamped thighs, laughing softly, yet showing her increased arousal; like all the women she loved it more when the girls struggled.


“Where do you think you’re going, little slut?” She cooed softly into the terrified school-girl’s ear, “I’m gonna fuck you real good, and there’s nothing you can do about it with your hands tied like that.” She said, needlessly reminding Missy that her hands were cuffed behind her back. “Now, open your fucking legs slut.” This last bit was hissed violently making Missy obey almost instinctively and she felt Joan’s fingers clench and unclench on her inner thigh.


Joan was already incredibly horny; the sensation of having her hand under a school-girl’s skirt, feeling it’s way up a firm, young leg towards her pussy was a fantasy come true for only the second time in her life; but unlike the first time, when she’d trapped a young girl in cubicle in an Museum toilet she wouldn’t be interrupted by the girl’s teacher coming to look for her just as Joan’s fingers had started to rub against the terrified girl’s pussy. No, this time she wouldn’t be stopped; no one was going to stop her molesting and fucking Missy to her heart’s content.


Missy gave a sharp intake of breath as she felt Joan’s finger’s press against the thing fabric of her thong, pushing the wisp of material against and between her pussy lips, she squealed as Joan started to kiss and nuzzle her cheek and tried to struggle free of the older woman’s grasp.


Joan leant her full body weight against Missy, slowly pushing the girl down onto the bed. The fingers under Missy’s skirt were now slipping under her thong, pulling it tightly into Missy’s pussy as Joan continued to rain kisses down on Missy’s face and mouth. Joan’s other hand, now freed from its job of holding Missy gripped the front of the school-girl’s blouse and began to pull at it roughly.


Missy both heard and felt the buttons fly off as her blouse was jerked open; her eyes were clamped tightly shut as Joan’s lips smothered her face and lips; she felt the older woman’s tongue pressing against her lips but for the moment she resolutely refused to let it in.


Joan wasn’t bothered by Missy’s reluctance to return her kiss; she knew she had all the time she wanted and by the end of it Missy would meekly do anything she wanted, in the meantime the girl’s resistance, feeble though it was, merely served to wet her pussy.


She glanced down at Missy’s open blouse and gave an audible gasp of pleasure; she hadn’t expected Missy’s breasts to be so large for her age and to see them, naked and vulnerable so close was pure heaven.


She pushed Missy flat onto her back and ordered her to lie still, she pulled her hand out from between Missy’s legs and propped herself up with one arm either side of Missy’s trembling body. Quickly she pulled the now buttonless blouse to the sides so Missy’s young breasts were totally exposed.


For a minute or two Joan did nothing except gaze in rapture at the school-girl’s breasts, her face, a mix of lust and wonder, contrasting with the fear and humiliation on Missy’s.


The silence was broken only by the breathing of the two females; Joan’s was short and clearly excited whereas Missy’s was an almost sobbing series of pants. Joan’s gaze was totally fixated on Missy’s olive mounds and her large nipples.


“What wonderful titties you have, slut, I can see why Jenny bought you now.” Joan’s praise merely rubbed Missy’s fate in all the more. Slowly the older woman shifted her weight so she could start to stroke Missy’s breasts, slapping Missy’s face as she tried to squirm further into the mattress.


“Do you want me to tell your owner you disobeyed her?” Joan snarled at her, her eyes flashing with anger.


The woman’s hand returned to Missy’s breasts, stroking, kneading, and pinching the firm, young flesh. She gripped one of Missy’s breasts and slowly started to squeeze it, her nails starting to dig into the flesh. The pain shot through Missy and tears filled her eyes as she groaned as she felt Joan’s five nails pressing into her breast made all the more tender from the almost endless abuse she’d suffered since her abduction.


Joan grinned as she saw the pain on Missy’s face. Damn, she thought, if only she’d remembered to bring some nipple clamps. Releasing her grip on Missy’s breast she smiled approvingly to herself as she saw the 5 half moon indentations of her nails on the young girl’s olive toned skin.


The older woman now positioned herself astride Missy, hoisting her skirt up so her pussy was pressed against where the girl’s short skirt had ridden up to the top of her thighs, Joan could now rest her weight on Missy allowing her to play with the girl’s breasts as she pleased.


Very slowly and deliberately Joan took Missy’s nipples between her forefingers and thumbs, she smiled wickedly as she saw the fear in the young girl’s eyes and started to squeeze and twist the nipples and at the same time pull them upwards; her face a mixture of excitement, sadism and lust.


Missy arched her back as best she could under Joan’s weight pressing down on her as her breasts were savagely pulled upwards, she gave a short scream of pain as Joan increased the grip on her sensitive nipples, through her pain she was also aware of dampness on her thighs where Joan’s pussy was pressing down on them.


Joan felt as if her pussy was squeezing pumpkin seeds as she mauled, pulled and pinched the schoolgirl’s breasts, relishing the feel of the soft, olive flesh in her hands, loving the way she could feel Missy’s firm thighs wriggling against her pussy as the captive girl cried and writhed under her.


Giving Missy’s breasts one final, sadistic assault Joan ran her hands upwards over the girl’s chest, slipping inside the fabric of the open blouse, onto Missy’s shoulders. Pinning her down firmly by each shoulder Joan leant down so her face was inches from Missy’s.


Missy’s eyes were clamped shut from the pain of Joan’s maltreatment of her breasts so she was unaware of how close the older woman’s face was until she felt her warm breath on her face causing her to give a short squeal of shock and fear as her eyes snapped open.


Joan fixed her gaze, her face flushed but unsmiling and Missy felt very afraid as she felt the woman’s weight on top of her.


“Please don’t hurt me.” Missy pleaded, looking for some warmth in her molester’s face but finding none.


“But I like to hurt little girls like you.” Joan laughed in a mirthless voice before pressing her mouth onto Missy’s.


Missy tried to turn her head away to avoid Joan’s kiss but was unable to avoid the older woman’s lips covering hers, her tongue slipping inside Missy’s open mouth.


Joan ran her tongue all over the inside of Missy’s mouth, playing with the girl’s own reluctant tongue.


“Little bitch.” Joan thought, “I’ll get her tongue in action soonish.”


Breaking the kiss Joan started to kiss Missy’s face, then down onto her neck and bare chest, giving little kisses all the way onto Missy’s breasts.


Parting her lips Joan took one of Missy’s dark brown nipples into her mouth, swirling her tongue around it, flicking the top of it with the tip of her tongue. Opening her mouth wider the older woman took as much of Missy’s breast into her mouth as she could manage.


To Missy’s horror and disgust she could feel her nipple responding to Joan’s tongue, desperately she shook her head from side to side in her helplessness, she tried to think of anything to make her body stop.


Joan could feel Missy’s nipple swelling inside her mouth causing her to smile to herself. Of course, she didn’t really care whether Missy enjoyed the experience or not; she was only here to get raped after all, but the humiliation of Missy having her body betray her was an added turn on.


Momentarily Joan took her mouth from Missy’s full breast.


“Little slut’s enjoying this.” She panted, before taking Missy’s engorged nipple between her teeth and pulling it upwards as far as it would go before letting go. She repeated this, alternating from one breast to the other, sometimes just kissing and sucking the schoolgirl’s nipples and breasts, sometimes biting the firm olive flesh, sometimes biting the nipple so hard Missy screamed loudly in agony and tried to sit up only to be held down by Joan’s hands on her shoulders.


The feeling of Missy’s young body on her lips and the sounds of Missy’s suffering were almost overwhelming Joan, she knew she was close to coming. She sat upright suddenly and with one hand undid the few buttons on her blouse, with the other hand she grabbed Missy by her hair and hauled her into a sitting position.


“Come on, slut.” Joan’s lust was almost making her words incoherent, “Suck my titties.”


She pulled Missy’s face, contorted with pain and fear, close to one of her breasts, twisting Missy’s hair until the girl opened her mouth to scream and then pushed her breast between Missy’s lips.


“Oooohhhhh, yea, mmmm, suck mama’s titties, you fucking slut.” Joan babbled, her head leaning backwards as she felt Missy’s lips on her flesh.


Missy felt the older woman’s breast fill her mouth; the nipple felt enormous on her tongue. Dimly, through her pain, she heard Joan’s order to suck her breasts and she knew enough not to disobey. Very reluctantly she began to play her tongue over the woman’s suffocating mound, she could hear Joan gasping and panting as her tongue flicked over and around the woman’s stiff nipple.


Joan looked down approvingly and the realisation of the situation brought her orgasm closer; she had a real schoolgirl, in a real uniform, by her hair and was making her suck her breasts. This wasn’t a role-playing sub like so many times before, this was the real thing. She felt a preliminary tingle in her wet pussy as she felt Missy’s tears on her breast and her tongue on her nipple.


“Ahhhhhh, yesssss, you little bitch slut, lick it good, ahhhhhhh” Joan’s last words trailed away as she started to come.

Letting go of Missy’s hair she roughly pushed her down onto the bed, quickly straddling her shoulders, the girl’s tear stained face between her thighs, inches from her on fire pussy. Gripping Missy’s hair again she jammed the girl’s mouth against her pussy lips, clamping it in place with her legs. As she came completely she started to ride Missy’s face.


Missy felt as she was suffocating as her mouth was pressed against the woman’s pussy, the pressure from Joan’s thighs on her face was painful enough, but worse was the heavy scent and juices from the woman’s pussy as it ground against her mouth.


She could feel Joan’s juices smearing over her lips and tried as hard as she could to keep her mouth closed but the older woman twisted her hair in a frenzy.


“Lick my pussy, bitch, swallow it.” Joan hissed through her gasps, knowing Missy was trying to avoid letting her come juice into her mouth. Suddenly she felt Missy’s mouth open and her own floodgates opened too.


Missy felt Joan’s thighs tighten their pressure on her face as the woman came into her mouth. Some of Joan’s juices trickled to the back of her throat making her gag instinctively which only served to press her mouth harder against the woman’s pussy which seemed to be made of liquid.


It felt to Missy as if her mouth was totally full of Joan’s juices; some of it was even in her nose which was also pressed hard into the woman’s pussy. Desperately she tried to free her face to gasp some air but any movement was impossible


Instinct now cut in and Missy began to let the woman’s juices down her throat, which only completed the vicious, erotic circle because as Joan felt Missy’s gulping motion the realisation that she’d forced a school-girl to swallow her juices prolonged her orgasm all the more.


Missy tried to breathe, gasping for air but she was held to tightly by Joan’s thighs and pussy and the older woman had no intention of letting her young prey go until she was done, she clenched her legs tighter on Missy’s face as she rose up slightly on her knees one hand playing with her own breast, her words were now just a series of garbled gasps.


Missy felt as if she was suffocating; her face pressed hard into Joan’s wet pussy, her cheeks crushed and sweaty from the woman’s thighs, her mouth seemed full of her juices. Desperately she clenched and unclenched her fists, bound uselessly behind her and tried to thrash her body about in a vain attempt to shift Joan’s superior weight.


But all her struggles were in vain and it was only when Joan’s prolonged orgasm came to a long, slow end that Missy’s face was freed from the woman’s legs, for a second Missy’s face remained stuck to Joan’s pussy until it too broke free.


Joan smiled down at the young girl lying under her hips; Missy’s face was red and glistened with the juices smeared over it, her mouth was wide open, gasping for air. Slowly, but with no tenderness, Joan reached her hand out and stroked Missy’s damp cheek.


“Such a slut, such a fucking slut.” She panted, still coming down from her heights, totally oblivious to Missy’s distress.


Missy was too busy getting fresh air into her lungs while simultaneously trying to cough up the juices that had got into her throat to notice Joan’s words. Not that she’d have cared if she had registered them; she knew to expect twisted compliments from these women, usually as a prelude to further degradations.


As Missy would have feared Joan was already moving on to the next part of her molestation of her school-girl prize; with her body still tingling and trembling slightly she lifted herself of the sobbing and spluttering girl. Kneeling on the bed she pushed and pulled Missy onto the floor making her scream as she did so, and then dragging to her feet by her hair.


Joan now sat on the edge of the bed, her legs apart. She positioned the girl almost between her legs and looked Missy up and down. The girl’s very short skirt showed off most of Missy’s olive, firm legs and the woman lecherously ran her hand under the skirt to feel and squeeze the girl’s ass-cheeks. Missy’s blouse was still hanging loose where Joan had ripped it open earlier and her large, firm breasts, still red and marked from Joan’s earlier abuse of them. The older woman felt a renewed tingle in her pussy as she looked at her handy work and her hand moved up from Missy’s ass to encircle her waist and pulled her towards her in between Joan’s legs.


Missy gave a frightened mewl as she was pulled towards the older woman but otherwise gave no resistance; in the minds of these sick perverts, she knew, girls like her were no more than human rag-dolls to be used and abused at will. So she made no attempt to refuse as Joan dragged her close.


Joan’s mouth made straight for Missy’s breasts, her tongue slowly drawing patterns on the girl’s large nipples and brown aureoles, sucking them between her lips, rolling them from side to side. Turning her eyes upwards so she could  watch Missy’s face she slowly gripped a nipple between her teeth and started to pull it outwards. She kept pulling even after Missy’s nipple was stretched to its limit, clamping Missy once again with her legs to prevent her stepping forward to ease the pain.


To Joan’s perverse pleasure a look of agony swept over Missy’s face as the older woman tightened her grip on the girl’s tender nipple, her lips pressing onto the olive flesh as she began to shake her head from side to side like a terrier until Missy screamed in pain.


“Ahhh, poor baby doesn’t like her titties being sucked?” Joan mocked in a baby-talk voice as she switched her attention to Missy’s other breast and repeated the abuse until the young girl was in floods of tears.


Suddenly the older woman stopped her maltreatment of the school-girl’s breasts and, grabbing her by the waist, spun her 90º and bent her over her knee, holding her there with a hand on the back of her head and with her other leg across the back of Missy’s knees.


Missy gave a low sob as she felt her short skirt being flipped up, and with her eyes staring at the carpet only a few inches away heard Joan murmuring.


“God, why do all you little school-girl sluts have such sexy asses?”


Missy felt the woman’s hand roaming all over her ass, knowing that the flimsy black thong Jenny made her wear left nothing to Joan’s imagination, she felt fingers slipping between her thighs and tried desperately to clamp them shut only to receive a sharp slap to remind her of her situation.


Joan gazed enraptured at Missy’s ass, she traced the faint outline of a few marks left over from a previous whipping, her nails trailing along the fading red marks.  Roughly she forced her two fingers between Missy’s thighs vigorously rubbing the girl’s pussy through the flimsy material of her thong. Deftly she hooked the fingers under the black fabric and pulled it back making it vanish between Missy’s pussy lips producing another yelp of pain from the abused girl.


Joan moved her fingers along the full length of the thong for a few times gradually increasing the pull on it, twisting it so the material was forced deeper between the girl’s labia. She seemed fascinated by the contrast of the black thong and the pinkness of Missy’s pussy as the wisp of material rolled one way and another.


Missy clenched her teeth to restrain her cries as the pain in her pussy increased until suddenly Joan yanked the thong swiftly to one side, and with a slight tearing sound, ripped it off completely.


“Does my little school-girl want a spanking now?” Joan asked her voice slightly breathless and trembling. Missy gave no reply, save for a fearful gulp.


Joan’s tone now adopted a slight of irritation. “Do you want me tell your owner that you didn’t give me my moneys worth? Now, you fucking worthless piece of shit, tell me you want me to spank you?”


This reminder of how she was now little more than a prostitute to these women was one of the most humiliating things for Missy, but she knew that if Jenny found out Joan was displeased with her in any way the consequences would be long and painful. In a small, crushed voice she whispered.


“Please spank me.”


“Well, slut, if you insist.” Joan chuckled and raised her hand.


The first slap was hard but not unbearable, merely making Missy grunt, but making Joan purr approvingly at the sight of her hand print on Missy’s flesh momentarily.


The next few were appreciatively harder and Missy gave a low sob as her body jerked with each blow, Joan soon settled into a rhythm, almost hypnotised by the little jerks Missy’s ass gave as each blow landed but spreading the smacks so very soon the girl’s skin was mottled red.


Missy was now wailing very loudly and trying to kick her legs about but Joan kept a very tight grip on the struggling teenager throughout her assault on her ass. Of all the spankings Missy had received since her enslavement this was the hardest; the woman seemed to have hands of concrete.


Joan was now once again close to an orgasm as she stared grimly at Missy’s reddening ass jiggling on her lap. She rounded off her punishment of the teenager with a few hard slaps on Missy’s smooth legs, relishing the new outburst of weeping this produced. Time to fuck this little slut, she thought.


Abruptly ending Missy’s torture she brusquely helped the crying school-girl to her feet, moving her round as she stood up before pushing her down onto the bed on her back.


Missy’s tear stained, red face made no impression on Joan, the older woman was fired up now and only had one thought; Missy’s total sexual humiliation.


“Stay like that.” Joan hissed, her voice betraying her mounting excitement, but the tone allowed no argument and Missy stayed motionless in fear, though she had a sickening feeling as to what was coming next.


Joan started to undress rapidly, shedding the few clothes she was wearing as she moved to her bag and retrieved her strap-on. She walked back to the bed and stepped into its harness; while she buckled it up she spoke in short bursts.


“Know what this is, slut?”


“This is my fuck-buddy.”


“I use it on little sluts like you.”


She poured some sort of oil onto it and gripped the black nylon shaft in one hand and spread the liquid up and down in front of Missy’s apprehensive gaze until the synthetic, black, cock glistened.


“Looks big doesn’t it?”


“Gonna get it all inside you now slut.”


Joan took a long look at Missy lying passively on the bed; she had kept the girl in her school-uniform just for this scene and she lustfully took it all in: Missy’s blouse was open showing her abused breasts and her short, pleated skirt was rucked up around her waist showing her pussy.


“Mmmmmm, slut. I’m going to enjoy this.” Joan murmured as she climbed onto the bed and parted Missy’s knees, pulling her thighs apart.


“Please, please don’t do this.” Missy sobbed as Joan leant over her one hand supporting her weight as the other positioned the tip of the strap-on against Missy’s pussy.


Joan chuckled and shook her head. “Gonna fuck you good, little slut. But there’s one thing I want you to do. Keep your eyes open as I fuck you. Do that and I won’t fuck you in the ass. Understand?”


Missy shivered and nodded, although normally she shut her eyes when these sick bitches fucked her keeping her eyes open seemed a fair exchange for not being anally raped.


She still cried out as Joan slid the strap-on inside her and rocked her head back, but kept her eyes open as the older woman eased herself into her inch by inch, deliberately slowly, draping herself with equal deliberateness over her captive.


Missy bit her tongue as the greased phallus pushed deep inside her, spreading her pussy lips as it slid in almost to the point where she felt she would split. Gradually Joan lowered her weight onto Missy’s slender body, her breasts pressing against Missy’s abused nipples until she was fully inside the school-girl and her face was inches from hers.


She lay on top of the teenager like that for a minute or so, occasionally moving her hips from side to side to waggle the strap-on inside her prey, all the time her eyes were fixed on Missy’s which were beginning to fill with tears again.


Slowly the older woman drew herself out of the anguished school-girl and paused.


“Keep your fucking eyes open slut.” She panted and thrust herself back in violently making Missy groan loudly and move about under her in a way the older woman found fantastically erotic.


Joan now started to fuck Missy rapidly, in and out in fast, rough actions, all the time keeping her eyes locked on the terrified girl’s, gleefully watching how each of her thrusts made the girl’s slight frame judder.


Missy stared up into Joan’s face, but the older woman’s eyes held none of the tenderness a lover should, it contained a mixture of lust and dominance. Each slap of the woman’s hips against Missy’s drove a half grunt half sob from the young girl, and each thrust made her pussy ache.


The tears in Missy’s fearful eyes were now pushing Joan towards the edge of an orgasm, the backwards pressure on her clit from the strap-on drove her over it. She broke her stare and threw her head back, hissing her words through her teeth.


“Shit, yes, yes, yes, yesssssssssssssssss” As with one last thrust she came.


And kept coming, it was a deep orgasm, deeper than her previous one and as she shuddered and gasped she knew what she had to do. Still shaking, she pulled herself out of Missy making the young girl scream again; hurriedly she moved from between Missy’s legs and rolled the wailing girl onto her front.


With a sickening sensation Missy guessed what was about to happen. Joan slipped one arm under Missy’s waist and hoisted her ass up.


“Noooo,” Missy screamed, “you said you wouldn’t, you said you wouldn’t” her voice rising in fear as she felt Joan press the head of the strap-on against her ass-hole before her head was pushed down into the mattress.


“Shut up slut, how you going to stop me?” The woman panted as she pressed the glistening tip of her plastic dick against Missy’s tight hole with one hand while pressing down on Missy’s neck with the other.


Now Missy really struggled, given strength by the sheer injustice of it; she had kept her part of the bargain, she’d looked the bitch in the eye as she was fucked but the older woman had welched on the deal. It was wrong.


It was also futile. With her hands bound behind her she couldn’t hope to succeed. Especially when Joan leant on her back, her weight crushing Missy’s resistance. The brief fight put up by her school-girl victim only made Joan’s orgasm more intense, she loved the feeling of Missy struggling underneath her, the sounds of her screams muffled by the mattress, the sensation of the strap-on pressing hard on her clit as she pressed it hard against Missy’s tight ass-hole.


The next few minutes were the greatest sexual moments of Joan’s entire life; slowly she opened up Missy’s ass and forced her strap-on inside. Missy’s screaming became hysterical as she felt like her anus was actually splitting. With her strap-on embedded within the young girl, Joan was able to use her free hand to slip under Missy and start to pinch and squeeze the school-girl’s breasts, digging her nails into the flesh, pulling the nipples, twisting them, pinching them viciously as the most intense orgasm of her life devoured her.


Missy was still sobbing and screaming incoherently, her ass felt as if it was on her fire and Joan was inflicting severe pain on her breasts, slowly she sank down onto the mattress under the weight of the older woman whose short breaths she soon felt on her ear.


“Fucking slut loves to get fucked up the ass. Love to fuck you girls up your sexy ass, Fuck, yessssssss. Love it when you try and stop me. Little ass-whore.”


Missy merely shook her head from side to side, how much longer would this life of sexual abuse go on?


With no tenderness Joan slipped her strap-on from Missy’s ass and eased herself off her victim. Missy curled herself into a ball and cried as Joan walked to her bag to retrieve a towel and wiped the shaft of her strap-on. She glanced back at Missy on the bed who was repeating the same phrase over and over through her tears.


“You said you wouldn’t, you said you wouldn’t.”


Joan scowled as she took off her strap-on. “Fucking little slut,” she thought. Then, as she put the discarded strap-on in her bag she noticed a toy she’d nearly forgotten. “I’ll shut the little bitch up”


Grabbing her toy Joan bounded to the bed and grabbed Missy’s hair making her scream hysterically again. Before Missy could do anything else she felt a rubber stub pushed into her mouth, she was rolled onto her side and she felt Joan fastening a buckle behind her head. She opened her eyes and realised she was wearing a dildo gag; her screams were now muffled but had no less intensity.


Joan squatted above Missy’s face, she didn’t care that Missy’s eyes were tight shut now, or that the girl was still screaming hysterically. Missy’s face was about to fuck her.


She gripped the shaft to steady it as Missy moved her head from side to side and lowered her still wet pussy onto the shaft, slowly she eased it inside her until her crotch was right on Missy’s face and Missy could smell how much her rape had aroused Joan.


“Mmmmmmm,” Joan cooed as she gripped the headboard with both hands and started to lift herself up and down on Missy’s phallic gag smoothly and slowly until she came again, grinding her crotch down onto Missy’s face as she did.


Finally spent Joan climbed off her prey and started to dress watching the abused and sobbing school-girl as she did a very satisfied smirk on her lips. Once dressed she picked up her mobile and dialled a number.


“Jenny, hi, it’s Joanie. Yep, all finished, God, she is just unbelievable, thank you so much for letting me do her. Yep, no problem, shall I leave the money with her? Ok. By the way, I’ve left one of my toys in place if you want a bit of fun with her. Ok, I’m on my way down now. Love you.”


Joan picked up her bag and rummaged in it for something before walking to the bed and throwing a collection of $20 dollar bills over Missy, smiling as she sneered.


“There you go slut, guess you earned that for your owner.”


Then she was gone, locking the door as she went, leaving a sobbing Missy lying on the bed staring at a rubber cock attached to her face covered in Joan’s juices. At the tip of the phallus President Jackson stared back at her from his numerous faces. She tried to breathe calmly through her nose despite her sobs, dreading what Jenny would do when she came up.


She shifted onto her back but found that 2 holes cunningly placed in the mouthpiece of the dildo-gag allowed a trickle of Joan’s juice to enter her mouth and she spluttered and coughed as best she could to stop it slipping down her throat. She rolled onto her side again wishing, as she did so often lately, she was dead.


Maybe half an hour later, the door unlocked and Jenny and Joan entered, both carrying glasses of wine. The two women sat on the bed either side of the curled up Missy and ostentatiously clinked their glasses together over their victim.


Idly Jenny gathered up the scattered $20 bills, gently cooing her approval to the distraught school-girl.


“Slut must have been very good, Joanie’s even tipped you.”

“She was worth every damn cent, Jenny, I’m still horny now.” Joan confirmed with a satisfied grin.


“Well, we’ve got all afternoon, let’s finish our wine first.” Jenny replied, her hand now stroking Missy’s dildo-gag. “Mmmmm, I could use this right now though, I’ve got all horny myself seeing slut like this.”


Missy moaned and gurgled behind the gag until Jenny leant over and gave her a sharp smack on her already sore ass.


“Shut up, slut, speak when you’re spoken to. Now Joanie, tell me how you got into all this.”


“Well,” the dark haired woman replied. “From what I understand, I got here the same way your slut did.”


Jenny looked quizzical for a second.


“I mean Chrissy, slut’s old teacher. It’s quite a story.”


“Do tell.” Jenny encouraged her, re-filling both glasses from the bottle Joan was carrying.


“Yes, Chrissy introduced me to all this, and probably saved my life too. What happened was this. I’d always been attracted to teenage girls from as far back as far as I can recall, school-girls in uniform were a particular fantasy of mine, I used to frig myself to sleep endlessly thinking about what I’d like to do to one if I could trap one.”


Jenny raised an eyebrow as she sipped. Joan saw the questioning look and smiled.


“Sorry, forgot to say, sometime in my 30’s I think, I started to fantasise about dominating young girl’s rather than just having sex with them. And that moved on into wanting to have them against their will, raping them, if you will. Anyway, never thought I’d get the chance but the urge was literally tremendous, almost overwhelming and last year it did overwhelm me.


I was in a museum in the city, it was about mid-morning and I was just wandering around this museum, just me and a party of school-girls on a day trip, guess they were about 14 or 15 year olds, all dressed up in their sexy little uniforms, bare legs, shortish skirts, although not as short as this little fuck slut’s though.”


Missy was listening intently to the woman’s story; something about it was naggingly familiar. The movement of the dildo-gag in her mouth from Jenny’s constant stroking of it now became secondary as she concentrated on Joan’s story.


“I guess there must have been about 30 girls and only one harassed teacher who had her hands full trying to keep them all together. So I sort of tagged along behind this group, pretending to look at the exhibits but mostly sneaking furtive glances at them, you know?”


“Sure do.” Jenny agreed “Love to do that in the mall.”


Joan chuckled. “Me too, we ought to do it in shifts. Anyway, most of them looked like right dorks, real straight A types, but there was one girl in particular who I kept looking at most. She was sexy but in a totally didn’t know it sort of way, you know?”


“Yeah, like some of the sluts know they’re hot and dress and act it, others are just so innocent; they have no idea how cute they are.” Jenny added, slapping Missy on her ass “Slut here was like that, they’re the best ones to do simply because they haven’t a clue.”


Joan nodded and sipped her wine. “Well,  this one was like this. Brown, curly shoulder length hair, fresh face with just a few freckles, beaky sort of nose but not weird looking, lovely blue eyes, and her tits. Wow, just like slut’s here, really big.”


Missy groaned behind her gag; she knew exactly how this story would end, and worst of all she knew the girl; it was her best friend Jessica and now Missy would be forced to listen to the real reason she’d run away from home.


Ignoring Missy’s groan Joan went on.


“So I was following these girls around, and it sounds odd now, but my pussy was wet just watching this one in particular, you know how it is? You just want some girl so much your pussy runs away with you?”


Jenny nodded and licked her lips as Joan continued.


“Of course, I knew there was nothing I could do, I mean I couldn’t just walk up to the teacher and say ‘hi, mind if I abuse one of your girls?’ But in my mind I could do what I wanted and I was fantasising about what I’d do to this girl. And this is where I got overwhelmed by my urge to rape a school-girl.”


“What happened?” Jenny asked, Missy already knew.


“As I was watching her, all my wicked thoughts running through my head, she suddenly split off from the group and headed to the restroom. Didn’t ask the teacher’s permission, just went. It was weird, I was just sort of on auto-pilot but I followed her. I still can’t explain it; it was just like a switch being thrown in my head. One minute I was day dreaming about having my fingers in her panties, the next I was following her into the restroom determined to actually do it. She didn’t even hear me behind her as she just sort of ambled towards one of the cubicles and I just followed her in.”


“Wow.” Jenny whispered. “Did she scream?”


“No, I had my hand over her mouth straight away, my other arm around her stomach, I was telling her not to struggle but I loved it when she did.”


Jenny nodded. “Yeah, I love it when they struggle; it’s so sexy to feel their bodies wriggling against yours.”


“Yeah, it sure turned me on, especially when she started to kick her legs and showed her thighs, she had the same sort of olive skin as slut here, I love that in girls, my pussy was dripping. Could have been slut’s sister, now I think about it”


Jenny cut in here. “Nah, her sister would only have been 12 then. We’ve had our eye on her for a while, don’t think it could have been her.”


Joan’s eyes widened. “Wow, you’re going for the set.” She laughed as she said it.


Missy lay there, almost not there; the two women seemingly oblivious to her presence. She knew exactly what went on in the cubicle that day although she had missed the trip due to sickness. Jessica had tearfully told her all the details a few days later: how terrified she’d been when this old woman had barged into the cubicle with her and covered her mouth with her hand, how the woman had threatened her to keep her quiet and kissed her face, how she’d struggled helplessly in the woman’s arms, and how, when terrified, she’d given in to the woman’s instructions to keep still the woman’s hands had felt her all over and slipped under her skirt and started to touch her ‘there’, how she’d begged Missy to keep it quiet at school as the other girls would think she was weird or even a lesbian.


“How far did you get?” Jenny asked, fascinated and turned on by Joan’s story.


“I finally calmed her down, threatened to kill her if she screamed, and groped her all over, squeezed her titties, God, they were fantastic. Had my hand under her skirt, all over her legs and on her pussy. And then her damn teacher came into the restroom looking for her and shouting her name, Jessica I think it was”


If Missy had her eyes open at this point she’d have seen Jenny give a start at this name, but otherwise she showed no reaction.


“I was terrified.” Joan frankly admitted, “I let go of the girl and made a shussing gesture across my mouth and let her go. I was in real trouble, and I knew it. The girl seemed to be in a state of shock as she walked out of the cubicle, I stayed in, sort of hoping they’d just leave. I heard the teacher scolding Jessica for leaving the group without permission but Jessica said nothing. Then I heard the teacher telling her to wait outside, and then I heard her footsteps coming down towards my cubicle.”


“Christ.” Jenny whispered in a serious voice. “How did you talk your way out of that?”


“Didn’t have to. The teacher pushed open the cubicle door and looked at me, I thought I was done for, thought I’d get arrested and jailed, basically I’d be ruined. For a second I felt as if I was going to die. The teacher didn’t say anything, merely opened my hand-bag and rummaged around for some id. Then she spoke ‘Joan is it?’ I nodded dumbly. ‘You like molesting little girls do you?’ At that point I thought she was about to go running to security. What happened next was a jaw-dropper. ‘You’re in a bit of hole here, Joan. Stay here for half an hour then get out of the museum. I’ll keep the girl quiet and call you in a few days. I want to talk to you.’ Then she was gone, taking my purse with her.”


This part of the story was, of course, new to Missy. She knew how the teacher had saved Jessica and told her to wait outside, she knew how when the teacher had come out of the restroom to talk to Jessica she’d told the girl that Joan had escaped, and that was now clearly a lie. With a sickening feeling she now knew why the teacher had stressed to Jessica that she had to keep this attack from her parents as if it got out all school trips would be cancelled and Jessica wouldn’t want that on her conscience, would she? Now she knew why the teacher had lied to Jessica and got her to keep quiet; because the teacher was Miss Bailey.


Oblivious to Missy’s dawning realisation Joan carried on with her story.


“So I waited the half hour, and snuck out. I was terrified on the way out, kept thinking the teacher may have told security, wouldn’t look any of them in the eye – probably looked more suspicious by trying to avoid suspicion. My legs almost gave way I was so scared but I got out and literally ran, got home and just burst into tears. I was so scared and relieved. But even then the memory of what I’d done still got me wet and I had to frig myself off thinking about how I’d nearly fulfilled my fantasy. But I was still a bit apprehensive that the teacher had my purse, thought she’d try and blackmail me or something. Anyway, a few days later the phone rang and it was the teacher wanting to meet me, that’s all she said. So we agreed to meet in a bar downtown.”


“I’m right in guessing the teacher was Chrissy, aren’t I?” Jenny butted in.


Joan smiled. “Exactly, any other teacher and I’d be doing 5-10 in the State Pen, as they say, but I guess she recognised a kindred spirit. So we met up in the bar, I was still terrified about what she’d do, but she came straight out and told me to relax, and that we had similar tastes. Guess she had to be cautious normally, seeing as she’s a teacher, but she knew I was hardly in a position to take the moral high ground.”


“Did she tell you of our group straight away?” Jenny asked, intrigued.


“No, guess she was vetting me, seeing what sort of person I was. At first, she just used to supply me with porn, just vanilla stuff but women and young girls together, then a few months later some consensual bondage stuff, all the time seeing how I reacted, asking me what sort of stuff really turned me on. We even hired a few underage prostitutes from near the rail station, just so she could see how I’d perform I guess. Finally a few months ago she brought a tape round and it was some women literally raping two young girls, I mean really going for it.”


“Were the women Canadian?” Jenny inquired, clearly thinking it was the same tape her and Missy had watched together.


“Think so, the girls were red-heads, twins, I think, which sort of made it sexier. God it was hot, it was everything I’d ever wanted to see and do. All the way through Chrissy was watching me to see my reaction, and the look on my face told her what she wanted to know I guess, namely that I was really into this stuff. That’s when she told me that there was this group of women who liked to rape and abuse young girls, enslaving them etc. At first she just said she knew of them but could get some more tapes if I wanted, ‘course I jumped at that. I’ve got loads now, cost a fortune mind. I’d love to meet Elizabeth; she’s so brutal with the little sluts. Then last week she owned up and told me she was in the group and how would I like to join and rape a school-girl. I was like a kid at Christmas at that point. So here I am. I mean, I should have realised she was part of the group before she said she was.”


“Why so?” Jenny queried.


“Because one time we were talking she told me that that time in the restroom she knew what I’d been doing to her pupil because she recognised the shocked look girl’s have when they’ve just been molested for the first time.”


“Wow, that’s some stroke of luck, meeting Chrissy like that. Has she ever mentioned what happened to Jessica?” Jenny said as she silently gestured at Missy who had her eyes shut in despair. Joan nodded and both women got off the bed and started to undress, still talking.


“No, I never asked to be honest. I’d love to have another go at her though, bit of a long shot I guess.” Joan said as she shed her clothes and put on her strap-on again.


“Well, meeting Chrissy like that was a long shot, so you never know.” Jenny said with a knowing laugh as she pulled her top over head, letting her naked breasts hang free.


Missy lay on the bed, her eyes shut as she thought of Jessica. She could have told the women what happened to her, how she’d gone from being a bright, bubbly girl to being sullen and moody, how she’d dropped out of the church choir and had furious rows with her parents as a result, how she’d even lost touch with Missy and finally how, one day, she’d simply vanished. Run away was the verdict, and Missy could believe it.


This was what hit Missy the worst; she and Jessica had been friends since Pre-School, they’d been inseparable right through school, shared sleep-overs, told each other about secret crushes on boys in the neighbourhood, swapped Justin Timberlake cd’s and posters, she’d loved Jessica as her best friend in the whole world, and she’d lost her because of the woman who’d just raped her.


Missy could have told the women all this, but she knew they simply wouldn’t care about their victims. In their world girls like herself and Jessica existed only to serve the perverted needs of these women.


But she couldn’t tell them even if she’d wanted to, seeing as she was still wearing a dildo-gag. Suddenly she felt Jenny grab her hair and shake her back to reality.


Missy opened her eyes to see Jenny naked, climbing onto the bed, and standing astride her face.


“Come on slut, time to fuck your mistress.” Jenny said in a low voice as she squatted down on her slave’s face, guiding the tip of the dildo-gag into her wet pussy, thrusting herself up and down on Missy’s face, grabbing her hair to pull her face up and down in and out of her owner’s pussy.


Dimly through the pain Missy felt Joan slip her hands under Missy’s knees and lift them up before slipping her strap-on into Missy’s abused pussy, brutally fucking the young girl in her excitement.


Missy felt as if her mind was unhinging; the physical pain of being abused seemed to fade to nothingness. What hurt now was the damage these women had inflicted on her life; her family was in tatters, her Father would be on Death Row (if he lived long enough, that was), her sister was being stalked by the circling predators, and now she’d discovered it was the same women who’d made her best friend run away from home.


For the next hour or so the two women raped Missy’s face, pussy and ass, all the time Missy’s mind was fixed on her best friend. Behind her phallic gag, under the pussy of whichever woman was riding her face at the time, Missy only had one thought: Jessica







Missy’s Misfortune pt 7

                         Missy’s Misfortune pt 7



It was dark and Missy’s head kept bumping against the tyre jack whenever the car went over a bump and her breasts were rubbing against the spare tyre. She’d never been particularly claustrophobic but this experience was making her that way, she tried to remain calm and take deep breaths but the duct tape over her mouth meant all her breathing had to be done through her nose. Almost literally rubbing salt into her wounds the rough carpet in the car trunk was itching her naked body something chronic.


Since Joan had worked out her fantasy of raping a school-girl on poor Missy, and also let slip to Jenny that it was she who was the reason Missy’s best friend, Jessica, had run-away from home, Missy had felt as if mind was collapsing. That her Father had just been charged with her murder and had been badly beaten in prison had further reduced her to a state of extreme depression.


Fortunately for her fragile mental state she was left relatively alone over the next few days. Apart from Mel or Jenny coming to feed and water her as if she was some sort of exotic pet, she was not molested or prostituted out. But this afternoon she sensed something change. Mel and Jenny seemed very tense about something; this made Missy feel very apprehensive; such mood changes usually involved pain and humiliation for her.


Her fears only increased later; she was taken to bathe and on her return to her prison Jenny, already clearly aroused by something, covered her mouth with duct tape while Mel used the same stuff to bind her wrists. She was then frog-marched, naked, down the stairs and into the garage where a car was standing with it’s trunk open. Missy was blindfolded and her ankles were bound together, as were her thighs. She didn’t know who wrapped the tape around her legs but she did know they deliberately brushed their fingers over her pussy.


She started to scream from behind her gag as she felt herself being picked up by the two women who had been conspicuously silent all the while, and placed in the trunk of the car.


In the dark of her blindfolded world she felt the car moving, bumping along the roads, turning, slowing down, speeding up; all the things that normally happen on a car journey seemed amplified in the darkness.

Missy tried to shift her position to avoid the tyre jack bumping her head but bashed her knee against something solid so resignedly she decided to stay put, after all the journey couldn’t go on for ever, could it?


But what would happen when it ended? She couldn’t believe the women were going to release her; she knew too much, as they say. Was she going to be killed? Although this idea terrified her, and brought tears of self-pity to her eyes she was still clear headed enough to discount it. Sadly she knew that to these women she was worth more alive than dead. With dread she remembered how Mel had told Jenny that slaves were routinely sold on to new owners, was that where that where she was headed, a new auction?


Suddenly a noise shattered her thoughts and set her heart pounding: it was a Police siren. Missy felt the car slow to a halt and heard a door open and slam shut, and then she heard a female voice oddly distorted by the metal of the trunk.


“Do you know why I stopped you, Ma’am?”


“No officer, what’s the problem” Missy recognised Mel’s voice. This was her chance, Missy realised, make enough noise by kicking the inside of the car and she’d be free.


“You have a defective tail light, Ma’am, may I see your licence and insurance papers please.”


Errr, yeah, sure, one second.” The schoolgirl heard the car door open again as Mel rummaged in the glove box for her documents.


Missy shifted herself around in the trunk as best she could so she could kick against the side of the car, then a cold fear gripped her. These sick bitches had tricked her before with a cop, making her think she was being rescued. What if this was another set up? Imagine the delight of her captors if she cried out for help only to find herself being raped by her would be rescuer? She kept deathly still; she wasn’t going to play their games.


The other car door opened and Missy heard Jenny’s voice.


“Hey, hiya, Roberta, how’s things?”


“Hey, Jenny” Missy now knew she was right to keep quiet; clearly Jenny and the Cop knew each other. “Yea, things are good, you?”

“Oh, pretty good, Roberta. You’re not going to give my friend a ticket are you?”


“Well, I was going to, but seeing as it’s you, I’ll let it go. But you’ll get the light fixed first thing in the morning, won’t you Ma’am?”


“Sure thing, officer.” The relief in Mel’s voice was tangible.


Missy felt a weight pressing down on the trunk, her whole body was frozen with fear as the women chatted idly for a few minutes.


“Of course, I should check the trunk.” The officer said and Missy’s stomach knotted in fear and dread of the anticipated rape. “But, hell, I’m off shift in half an hour, it’s been a real shit night so I’ll let it go.”


“Thanks, honey, you have a good night now.” Jenny’s voice was pure charm; if she was showing any disappointment at Missy’s refusal to play her game she was hiding it well.


“You too, Jen.”


“Oh, I will.”


Missy heard a car, presumably the Police car, move off tooting its horn as it went before she felt Mel’s car pull away a few minutes later. For the first time since her abduction Missy smiled inwardly; she’d won a small victory over her captors.



The journey seemed smoother now, as if the roads were better quality, she could also hear a lot more traffic around her. Then she felt the car slow and head down a steep slope and stop. Doors slammed and the trunk opened, hands roughly pulled her out and stood her up. A knife slipped between her legs and sliced through the tape binding her thighs and ankles, and then her wrists were similarly freed.


Missy rubbed her wrists to ease the pain the tape had caused. She immediately sensed a different atmosphere between Jenny and Mel; they looked positively scared and were talking animatedly to each other. Clearly something very bad had happened.


“But that was your job to check it, Mel. Christ, she’ll kill us when she finds out.” Jenny snapped at the Doctor who glared back at her.


Missy stood there trying to look as unobtrusive as any naked school-girl can, as if finally noticing her Jenny suddenly turned on her.


“And if you think you’re going to get some sort of reward for keeping quiet when we got stopped, you’re fucking mistaken slut.” Jenny screamed at her, almost just to relieve the tension inside her.


A tiny seed of doubt inside Missy suddenly blossomed into life; she felt light-headed as the realisation hit her: the being stopped by the Cop wasn’t a set up; it had been the real thing. She could have been free, but had unwittingly kept herself a prisoner.


Noticing the look on Missy’s face Jenny gave a short, mirthless laugh as she guessed the reason for the school-girl’s shock.


“Way to go, slut, you just missed the only opportunity to go free.”


Mel was still agitated and ignored Missy completely, talking in a worried tone to Jenny.


“Suppose we simply don’t tell her; I mean apart from us 3 who knows? And the slut’s not going to get a chance to tell her.”


Jenny weighed up the option for a minute before dismissing it.


“No. No good, Roberta’s a friend of Stephanie’s if Elizabeth got to hear of us being stopped from anyone else then I think she really would kill us. No, we’ve got to tell her. Christ knows how she’ll take it. It’s not often I’m actually afraid but right now I’m terrified.”


“Me too.” Mel muttered gloomily before grabbing Missy and pushing her forward through a doorway. “Come on, slut. At least we’ve got the consolation that if we’re in trouble what’s going to happen to you will be worse.”


With Jenny leading the way and Mel following behind Missy was propelled along corridors and up stairways. The mood between Mel and Jenny was still tense and for once they didn’t even make any lewd comments about Missy. The only time either spoke was a wistful remark from Jenny.


“I guess we’ll miss tonight’s show now, shame really, it was such a fantastic idea’s of Elizabeth’s.”


Missy’s stomach gave a sharp jab of fear; anything involving Elizabeth was usually extremely depraved and painful for the girl involved. Finally she was led through one last door and was halted.


She could hear various women’s voices, and with a sickening feeling she knew she’d arrived like a lamb to the slaughter. She felt Jenny’s hands fiddling with the blindfold at the back of her head and then it was removed.


At first the dazzling lights blinded her as her eyes struggled to adjust to the swift change, then she saw where she was.


She was in a night-club of some sort, not a very large one though. A brightly lit bar ran down one side of the room, glistening with glass and chrome, most of the tables were against the other wall set back in little alcoves, chairs on the smoked glass table tops showing the club probably wasn’t open. At the other end of the room was a raised stage below a lighting rig and in front of the stage were a group of tables which were clearly in use as the chairs were grouped next to them all facing the stage.


At the end of the bar nearest the stage was a group of about 10 women who turned as one as Mel and Jenny brought Missy towards them.


With a sickening feeling Missy realised that while she knew some of the women, some were strangers who might wish to do God knows what depraved perversions to her.


As the 2 women pushed a reluctant Missy towards the group various comments were directed at them.


“Glad you could make it, Mel and Jen. Mmmmm, I see your slut’s still looking as hot as ever.”


“Can’t wait to feel her tongue again.”


“Wow, her breasts are bigger than I imagined, how do they taste, anyone?”


“They’re as gorgeous as they look.”


Missy blushed furiously as the women carried on making comments about her as if she was unable to answer herself. She looked up in sullen anger, her eyes roving over the group; Mel had been right, they were all here: Miss. Bailey, the bitch who’d orchestrated her abduction and had framed her beloved father, Officer Hayes, who’d played the sickest trick on Missy by pretending to be her rescuer before cruelly raping her, behind the bar was Elizabeth, the oldest and most twisted of the women, Joan, the museum molester who’d not only raped Missy the previous week but was indirectly responsible for making her best friend Jessica run away from home.


The rest were women she didn’t recognise, all were in their late 30’s to 40’s, some slim, some not so slim, and for the first time since her enslavement Missy saw a Black woman amongst them. Missy shivered involuntarily – any Black person, male or female, bothered her. All the women were taking a great interest in the naked school-girl in front of them.


“Are the Canuck’s here yet?” Jenny asked Elizabeth as she ordered drinks for her and Mel. “Better give me a water for slut here, too. She’ll get pretty thirsty later.”


“They’re out back.” Elizabeth replied, not looking up as she poured the drinks. “Just sorting out a few things. Right,” she carried on, setting the drinks on the counter, “If everyone’s got their drinks let’s get the show started.”


Missy stared wistfully at the glass of ice cold water sitting teasingly on the glass counter of the bar, waiting for Mel or Jenny to remove the tape from her mouth to allow her to drink it.


But they did no such thing, seeing the expression in Missy’s eyes Jenny smiled. “Wait a few minutes, slut.” As she picked up the glass and motioned for Mel to move Missy on.


As the women took their seats facing the stage Mel directed Missy onto the stage and stood her facing her audience before returning to one end of the bar where Jenny had taken Elizabeth to one side.


Missy shuffled uneasily from one foot to the other, well aware that the women were drinking in her nakedness, their eyes flicking from her large, olive tanned breasts to her firm, smooth thighs and onto her pussy. Their hands idly stroking their pussies.


She waited for some sort of instruction but none was forthcoming which only increased her apprehension.


The silence was abruptly shattered by a loud yell from Elizabeth which made everyone look round worriedly.


“You didn’t do the check? How many times have I told you about that?” She was shouting at Mel and Jenny who were standing sheepishly in front of her. “Get into my office now.” She stormed off behind the bar, the other two women following nervously behind.


An eerie silence descended on the room as everyone listened in an embarrassed fashion to the sound of Elizabeth giving Mel and Jenny an almighty dressing down. The exact nature of their misdemeanour was not known, but every one of the women knew that something major had happened. Even though the office door was shut her words were still crystal clear.


“You fucking idiots. How many times have I told you about transporting the sluts? You always check everything on your vehicle. Mel, frankly I’m amazed at you of all people.”


The sound of a mumbled explanation from one of the women was interrupted by Elizabeth in full flow.


“Do you know how close you came to getting the whole Society arrested? That slut knows enough to put you, me and everyone in the place behind bars for life, and I have no intention of going to jail because the two of you are too fucking careless to follow basic rules, no, actually follow basic common sense.”


Elizabeth’s voice now dropped like a hurricane finally blowing itself out, and only the sound of talking could be heard.


Finally, a glaring Elizabeth came out of the office leaving Mel and Jenny still in it; she took the stage and stood behind Missy, her hands groping for the girl’s breasts, her head just over Missy’s right shoulder. Still red faced and breathing heavily she spoke to the assembled audience.


“Well, ladies. I’m sorry for my little outburst just then. I hope it didn’t alarm anyone. Before we get to the main attraction tonight I’d just like to explain what’s happened. Mel and Jenny were responsible for transporting this slut here tonight. Now, as you all know, the Society has very strict rules about transporting sluts and one of them is to check all lights on your vehicle before driving. Mel and Jenny didn’t do this, and got pulled over by a traffic cop for a faulty tail light.”


There were gasps from the audience and quite a few of the women paled visibly, Elizabeth held one hand up for silence, before replacing it on Missy’s breast, she took each nipple between the finger and thumb of each hand and pinched them viciously making Missy howl with pain into her gag.


“By a million to one shot the Cop is a neighbour of Jenny’s and she let them go without discovering the slut in the trunk. Quite why the stupid bitch kept quiet I don’t know, but luckily for everyone she did.”


Missy’s eyes filled with tears of self-pity as well of pain as Elizabeth reminded her of how she’d spurned the chance of freedom.


“About the only thing Mel and Jenny did right was owning up to it straight away; if I’d have found out any other way the consequences for them would have been very serious. As it is I’ve explained their punishment to them. Firstly, they’re banned from the fun tonight, and one future party, and secondly I’ve confiscated Jenny’s slut here for a week. Now, normally as you know to rent someone’s slave is usually around $1000 or so a day, Jenny and Mel will receive no money for this. That’s an end to the matter; both Mel and Jenny are very, very sorry for their mistake and have asked me to beg your forgiveness. The slut behind me will be very, very sorry too when I’ve finished with her.” This brought a ripple of relieved laughter from the audience; Elizabeth’s cruelty and depravity was a byword.


Missy swayed as if she was going to faint; she had a deep fear of Elizabeth anyway and now she was going to be her property for a week.


One of the women, one Missy had never seen before, spoke.


“Is she still available to rent this week, though?”


“Sure is hon.” Elizabeth smiled. “I want her for myself until Monday but anytime after that just give me a call. You’ve got my cell-phone number, yes?”


The woman nodded, smiling wickedly. “Expect my call one minute after midnight Monday morning.”, which made everyone laugh; except Missy, of course.


“So the matters dealt with and now we can get on with our entertainment.” Elizabeth breezily continued before letting go of Missy’s breasts and stepping in front of her, talking as she did.


“Ok, you worthless whore. Welcome to my club, shut tonight for a private party. Tonight you’re part of the main event, you will do whatever we tell you to. We’re not so dumb as to think you actually enjoying being our toy and we realise you may not like to do some of the things we have planned for you tonight, but luckily Officer Hayes, whom I believe you’ve met, has very generously supplied her Tazer as a form of encouragement. Isn’t that right, Steffi?”


“Got it right here, Elizabeth.” Stephanie waved her regulation issue Tazer to show Missy this was no idle threat.


Missy shivered, she’d seen enough of America’s Most Wanted shows to know what an awesome weapon a Tazer was.


Elizabeth went on. “Should either you, or the other sluts here tonight, fail to obey a single order, or show any sort of disrespect, you will both get a blast from Steffi’s toy. Have I made myself clear?”


The double significance of Elizabeth’s words hit home as Missy nodded rapidly. There were other girls here, other unfortunates who’d been taken to be used by this group of perverts.


As she thought about this she was aware of Elizabeth peeling the tape from her mouth and offering her the glass of water.


“Drink this all slut, you’ll need it.” She half laughed as she said it.


Gratefully, but still aware of her approaching trauma, Missy gulped as much of the ice cool liquid down as she could before the glass was taken from her and her wrists were tightly bound behind her back.


Elizabeth stared intently at Missy’s breasts for a moment before fishing around in the glass and retrieving an ice cube.


“Mmmm,” she muttered, “Guess these could do with perking up a bit.”


With that she pressed the cube against one of Missy’s dark nipples. Missy winced and attempted to shrink back away from the burning impact of the ice only for Elizabeth to grab her hair to hold her steady. Silently, Elizabeth slowly and deliberately rubbed the cube over Missy’s nipples; pressing the buds back into the flesh until the cold seared the young girl’s abused flesh, then moving the ice to the other breast.


To Missy’s shame her nipples were beginning to stand proud now from the effect of the ice cold water which was trickling down from her breasts, over her flat stomach towards her pussy.


With the cube now down to only a sliver, Elizabeth pressed it hard against Missy’s pussy making the girl cry out one more futile time before it finally vanished.


Elizabeth admired her handiwork with a smile; Missy’s nipples now stood erect and glistening. She was ready to perform.


From behind her she heard a door open and bare feet coming across the stage towards her. Missy heard the audience whoop with delight at what had appeared.


Elizabeth gripped Missy by the shoulders and turned her around and she gave an audible gasp at what she saw.


On either side of a well-dressed 50 something woman were two red-haired girls; it took Missy just a few seconds to recognise them as the twins she’d been forced to watch being raped on video. She glanced at their eyes but got no response at all; their eyes were dull and lifeless.


On the video she’d seen of the twin’s abuse they’d been fresh faced but now their appearance was of girls who’d been ground down by the life they’d had to endure. Missy noticed the girl’s nipples were pierced with numerous rings and their breasts bore the vivid weals of many savage beatings. They both had piercings in their pussies too.


Elizabeth let Missy look in silence for a few seconds before resuming her role as a perverted ring-mistress at a circus.


“Ok everyone I’d like to introduce my friend from Vancouver, Hilary, and two of the sluts she and her little circle up there have in their stable. Tonight’s performance is a little thing Hilary and I thought up a while ago. Instead of one of us raping slut here,” she gestured towards Missy at this point, “we thought it would be more interesting if another slave-slut raped her instead. Then Hilary mentioned they had a set of twins and so we finally fixed this up.”


Turning to Missy, Elizabeth carried on. “In case you were wondering how we can persuade our Canadian sluts to rape you I ask you study the state of their little titties and pussies: piercings and whip marks. Well, simply, every time one of the stupid sluts disobeyed an order, or was disrespectful, or didn’t satisfy one of her clients she was forced to watch her sister receive a new piercing or suffer some extreme torture. They were slow learners apparently, but now they understand the consequences of displeasing anyone. So given a choice between raping a girl they’ve never seen before or watching their beloved sister get tortured, which do you think they’ll choose?”


Before Missy could reply to this rhetorical question Elizabeth deftly slipped a hood over Missy’s head, buckling it tightly at the back of her head. For a second or two Missy panicked as she felt her air-supply cut off until Elizabeth unzipped the mouth of the mask.


“Would someone like to help Hilary prepare her two sluts?” Missy heard Elizabeth say amidst various other voices, the muffling effect of the leather hood distorting the sounds in her ears.


“How’d you get them down here, Hilary.” She recognised Miss Bailey’s voice though.


“I’ve got a specially adapted land cruiser with two hidden, sound proofed boxes. They’re incredibly cramped so the little sluts could only travel in them for about 7 hours, so the trip took about 8 days.”


All the while Hilary and Chrissy were having this conversation they were fixing a strap-on onto each girl, who were standing patiently showing no sign of emotion at the scene around them. Hilary and Chrissy continued their talking as casually as if they were drinking coffee over the kitchen table instead of preparing to force 2 teenage girls rape a 3rd.


“Did you sleep in the cruiser?”


“No, I’ve got enough friends all over the place who were more than happy to put us up for the night in return for the chance to spank, fuck and lick 2 nubile little teens like these.” With that she pulled the clasp tight and gave the teenager a playful smack on the ass. “So little Keri here and Teri have had an eight day fuck-fest tour of the USA.”


A silence descended over the audience as they settled down to watch the show; on stage the two red-heads with their synthetic dicks attached were standing just to the left of a hooded, cuffed and naked Missy. If the twins had any sympathy for Missy they didn’t show it; in truth the traumatic suffering they’d endured since their abduction had driven all pity from them – the only people they cared about were each other.


Missy was breathing quickly now, the blindness caused by her hood increased her apprehension in the silence in the room. Suddenly she heard Hilary’s Canadian accented voice.


“Right, let’s begin. Keri stand behind the slut, Teri stand in front of her. Remember, only talk to her if I tell you.”


Missy heard the girls walking towards her and take up the positions; she shivered as she felt Keri press gently against her from behind.


“Teri start to kiss the slut’s tits, Keri push her legs apart and place your strap-on between them, press it against her pussy and tell the worthless whore to close her legs to keep it there.”


Although there was no need for Keri to relay the instructions the young Canadian was so subjugated that she immediately rattled the words out.


“Shut your legs on my strap-on, whore.” It was a voice devoid of emotion or pity and it chilled Missy to the bone as she pressed her legs together trapping Keri’s plastic cock hard against her pussy lips.


At the same time she felt Teri’s lips kissing her breasts, showering each one with little kisses, the girl’s hot breath playing over Missy’s olive skin.


Without saying a word Hilary started to mime and mouth her instructions to the twins so Missy would have no warning about what was to happen. She let out a short gasp as Teri ran her tongue in a long line over Missy’s breast and onto her nipple, simultaneously she felt Keri grip her hips with her hands and slowly start to move her strap-on in and out between Missy’s legs.


Missy whimpered in despair as she felt not only her nipple stiffening under Teri’s tongue but also her pussy lips becoming slightly moist as Keri’s synthetic shaft rubbed against it.


In response to Hilary’s silent urgings Keri started to thrust faster and faster and increased her grip on Missy’s hips, holding the hooded school-girl as still as possible while her twin continued to tease the olive skinned young girl’s breasts.


Without any warning Teri suddenly bit hard on Missy’s right breast, Missy’s head jerked back and let out a high pitched scream of agony, now the surprise was gone Hilary went back to speaking her instructions.


“Teri, chew those gorgeous titties, Keri hold the slut for your sister. Teri, use your nails on the tit you’re not biting.”


Missy tried as best she could to break free of Keri’s grip to escape the absolute agony Teri was inflicting on her breasts. Sharp, needle like pains were shooting through her firm flesh as the Canadian girl dug her nails into Missy’s left breast before squeezing and twisting as hard as she could on the girl’s dark brown nipple.


Missy staggered sideways taking Keri with her as Teri’s teeth dug into the tender flesh of Missy’s breast before suddenly moving to her nipple and clamping down on it, shaking and twisting it.


With an animal shriek of pain Missy jerked herself free of Keri’s grip and tried to push Teri away.


“Grab her arms Keri; pull her down to the floor.” Hilary calmly reacted to Missy’s bid for freedom.


As Missy stared blindly about her she felt her arms pinned to her side despite her struggles, she felt Keri’s smallish breasts pressing into her back as the Canadian grimly tried to hold her still for her sister.


“Teri, I didn’t tell you to stop.” Hilary’s icy tone reminded the young girl of the consequences of disobedience and she stepped forward to continue her abuse of Missy’s breasts.


“Please, no, please no, oh God, please, owwwww” Missy sobbed through the unzipped mouth of her leather hood as she tried to struggle free again as Teri’s teeth and fingers again started to torture the girl’s large, full breasts.


“Get her down on her back.”


Missy felt Keri pulling her backwards as Teri grabbed her round the knees to lift her off her feet. In her blind world this was totally disorientating for Missy and she yelped in fear as she felt herself being lifted then laid on the wooden floor of the stage.


“Keri, pin her shoulders. Teri, spread her legs.”


Missy felt Keri’s knees press down onto her shoulders, pushing them against the cold wood as she felt Teri’s small hands grip her thighs just above the knee’s and push them roughly apart. Even through her mask she could sense Keri’s legs close to her face.


“Please stop, please let me go.” Missy babbled, her voice sounding strangely disembodied in her ears because of the mask. But her desperate please fell on stony ears; the twins could only see each other and they knew how much the other would suffer if one disobeyed.


“Teri, lick her pussy.”


“Nooooooo.” Missy howled and tried in vain to thrash her legs free of Teri’s grip.


For a split second Missy was aware of just hot breath on her pussy before Teri’s tongue started probing her lips, still embarrassingly wet from the rubbing of Keri’s strap-on.


Keri increased the pressure on Missy’s shoulders to hold her as still as possible for her sister to orally rape her.


“Make the slut come, Teri, remember what you’ve been taught. You have 90 seconds to make the slut come or Keri will have a new ring, understand?”


Teri’s tongues slid along Missy’s slit from bottom to top,  at first not penetrating it, just licking the school-girl’s outer lips; it had taken quite a few months of intensive training and punishments for her to learn the desired technique, but as Hilary’s threat to her sister sank in she knew she had to move faster.


Using her fingers Keri spread Missy’s lips and darted her tongue straight onto Missy’s clit, making the masked school-girl jerk her hips instinctively as soon as she felt Keri’s tongue make contact on her now sensitive clit.


As Keri’s tongue began to lick and curl around Missy’s clit Teri leant forward and began to very gently, almost sensuously, with Missy’s breasts and nipples.


Missy began to squirm as best she could under Teri’s weight and Keri’s tongue and lips, but she knew her body was starting to respond to the erotic assault of the twins.


“No, no, nooooooooo.” Missy screamed as Keri’s tongue worked it’s harshly taught wonders on her clit. She tried to thrash herself away but Teri simply leant harder on her shoulders while her twin gripped the inside of the school-girl’s thighs to keep them reasonably still as she started to stab at Missy’s clit.


Teri’s tongue muscle was starting to ache now as a slight feeling of desperation began to creep in to her mission; she had to save her sister from another torture session at all costs so she re-doubled her efforts on Missy’s pussy. Surely, she thought, the Texan slave couldn’t resist mush longer. In her mind was only one name: Keri. She had seen her sister suffer enough; she had to make this bitch come.


Missy’s hips were writhing like a dancer’s now; mainly to avoid the torment of Teri’s tongue but also because that tongue was getting her closer and closer to an orgasm she didn’t want. She didn’t care if one of these slaves would get punished for her failure to come or not; the biggest thought in her mind was not to give the bitches in the audience the satisfaction of doing what they wanted.


But still, Keri’s tongue kept flicking on her clit, her lips hard on her pussy lips, and Teri’s slim fingers were playing so delightfully with her nipples that she was being overwhelmed.


“30 seconds” Hilary drawled, pretending disinterest although like all the women she was enthralled by the site of the two red-headed twins bringing the olive skinned school-girl to an orgasm.


Teri  was stroking Missy’s nipples gently between her fingers now, her calm, smooth actions totally hiding the knot of fear in her stomach; she knew Hilary’s threat was no bluff, she had to help her sister make this girl come.


“20 seconds”


For a brief second Missy thought she could do it; for one brief moment of hope she flooded her minds with inconsequential thoughts hoping to block out the sexual stimulation the twins were inflicting on her.


“15 seconds”


Then she lost. Keri’s tongue flickered around and over her clit, then slowly rubbed itself along it. Missy’s hips bucked and her shoulders heaved against Teri’s weight as she felt her nipples being caressed in an almost loving fashion.


“Noooo, aaaahhhhhh, mmffffffffffff” was all she could gasp as Keri took her to a shattering orgasm, arching her back as best she could under the twins restraining presence.


Spontaneously a burst of applause spread from the audience; it was slightly delayed as most of the women had to retrieve their hands from inside their panties, but it was genuinely appreciative of the show the sluts had put on.


“Well done, sluts.” Hilary beamed, “You saved your sister some pain there, Keri.”


The twins smiled at each other over the now sobbing Missy; their bond was still as strong as ever.


“Right get the slut on her feet.” Hilary barked and the two sisters hurried to obey, pulling and pushing Missy to her trembling feet.


Missy now felt as humiliated and as broken as she ever had; in front of an audience of sick perverts she had been brought to orgasm by a pair of sisters enslaved like her. As Keri moved around behind her to pin her by her arms she simply babbled through the mouth-hole of her leather mask.


Meanwhile Teri was taken to one side by Hilary who started to rub some lubrication on her strap-on while whispering some instructions to her. Once Hilary had finished she gave the red-head a sharp slap on her ass and sent her back towards Missy and her sister.


“Right,” Hilary continued, “Keri lie on your back with your legs apart, good. Now Teri push the slut down onto Keri’s strap on in a squatting position.”


Missy felt movement around her and cried out with fear as she felt herself being forced downwards by Teri’s hands on her shoulders. She screamed loudly as she felt the tip of Keri’s strap-on push between her pussy lips but was now so low down she couldn’t shift clear as she was pushed all the way onto it.


A low murmur of satisfaction spread round the room from the audience as Missy was forced onto the red-head’s plastic dick.


“Very good, sluts. Now Keri grab the slut around her waist and pull her towards you.”


Missy felt 2 thin arms slip around her and pull her abruptly forward, she was dimly aware of the sensation of her breasts pressing against Keri’s then she was held totally still.


“Please, please let me go.” She whispered tearfully in her blindness but got no response save for the Canadian girl’s short breaths.


“Move your strap-on inside her, Keri” Hilary ordered briskly and the girl swiftly obeyed, swivelling her hips to move the thick shaft inside her captive. Missy gave a low, garbled moan as she felt herself being fucked by another woman’s slave.


Silently Hilary was now motioning Teri forward to take position behind Missy’s exposed ass hole.


“Hold her tight, Keri.” Hilary urged before making a gesture to Teri.


Missy felt Keri’s arms tighten around her, crushing her onto the girl underneath. Then she felt the tip of a strap-on against her ass-hole.

Desperately she tried to struggle free, giving a loud scream of fear, shock and terror as she felt the plastic tip pressing against her ring.


Teri gripped Missy’s hips and started to push her shaft into Missy’s tight hole; she felt no hatred for the Texan girl, just a desire to protect her sister. So she pressed her greased strap-on against Missy’s exposed hole ignoring the school-girl’s screams.


The audience was very aroused now, they’d expected a good performance but no-one had expected to see Missy get fucked in two holes at the same time. More than one of the women had already brought herself to orgasm at the sight.


Tears were running down Missy’s face inside her mask as the second strap-on slowly began to force her ass open, she moaned as she attempted feebly to escape Keri’s tight grip. Inch by inch Teri forced her shaft deeper and deeper into Missy’s ass, the tightness of the girl’s hole squeezing the lubrication back down the plastic dick.


“Keep fucking her, Keri.” Hilary panted, like everyone else she was enthralled with the sight of Missy taking both synthetic dicks; it was better than she and Elizabeth had dared to hope.


Missy was now screaming constantly as Keri began to hump her hips up and down, feeling her own dick buffeting against her sisters through the thin separation  inside Missy’s pussy.


A searing pain shot through Missy as Teri pushed herself completely inside her, for a second or two both girls stopped, leaving Missy impaled between them like a rag doll.


“Fuck the bitch hard.” Hilary hissed.

The twins thrust themselves in and out of Missy rapidly, jerking the girl about between them, ignoring her screams for mercy until they tailed off into a series of grunts forced from her helpless body by the twins assault.


An almost collective orgasmic sigh came from the audience as the scene unfolded; 3 teenage girls linked in one fuck, the meat in the sandwich now almost lifeless between her red-headed attackers.


Visibly tiring now the twin’s thrusts were getting slower and slower, and Missy’s moans had become feebler and feebler; all 3 girls were near exhaustion.


“Ok slut’s, that’s enough.”


Obediently the twins stopped their fucking of Missy; Teri eased herself out of her ass and Keri released her grip on Missy’s body, letting the girl’s sweat covered torso slide off her.


“Ok, you two stand over there.” The voice of the Canadian woman ordered the twins and immediately Missy felt their hands lift from her body and she sensed, more than heard them, move away from her.


She rolled onto her side in a curled up position, coughing and spluttering inside her mask, the heat inside her hood was stifling now, and the enforced darkness seemed to magnify the traumatic humiliation of having just been raped by a set of twins who were sex-slaves like her. The pain in her ass-hole was so searing she thought she must be pouring blood from there.


“Right, slut, on your feet.”  Elizabeth’s voice, cold and unemotional, cut through Missy’s self-pity and the school-girl found herself pulled unceremoniously to her feet she jumped slightly as she felt fingers unbuckling the hood behind her head, then it was jerked clear of her face.


Missy felt a cool rush of air on her face as her eyes, still stinging from her tears caused by the pain of being speared by the strap-ons of the Canadian twins, adjusted to the bright lights of the club.


Once adjusted she glanced around the semi-circle seated in front of the stage; the women stared back at her with a mixture of lust and satisfaction in their eyes, most had their skirts and dresses rucked up around their waists and they had clearly been masturbating at the show Missy and the twins had put on.


Missy felt slightly disorientated by the fact that where Mel and Jenny should have been sitting were now just two empty chairs. Over her shoulder Missy heard the sound of a slap as the Twins were hurried off-stage by the Canadian woman who was about to rape the unfortunate red-headed girls in one of the back rooms.


Missy shivered as the women continued to stare at her; she shifted uneasily as they lustfully took in her abused body. The Black woman in particular seemed to be taking a particular interest in her and this made her even more uneasy; she had a deep fear of Blacks.


What had happened was an unfortunate combination of a casually racist family upbringing and an unfortunate experience on a bus when she was 10 years old. It wasn’t that her family were overt, cross burning members of the Klan; rather they lived in an all white neighbourhood and just radiated the casual inherited racism that can sometimes bring. So Missy was already conditioned into that sort of thinking when the bus incident happened.


She was on a bus on her own going across town, the bus was nearly full and Missy was the only person occupying a double seat on her own.  She was aware of how full the bus was and how lucky she was to be sitting on her own when she noticed with horror that another passenger had just paid his fare and was heading down the bus towards her.


When you’re 10 everyone looks big, but this man was enormous, and he was Black. If Missy had had a great interest in football she’d have thought he was some sort of defensive lineman, as it was she just thought he was a giant and she was terrified of him.


She was too petrified to even speak when he politely asked if the seat was free and could only shake her head dumbly as he sat down next to her. She pressed herself against the side of the bus as he sort of expanded into the space next to her, but even with her slight frame squeezed into as small a shape as she could his body was still pressing against her. And he’d draped his coat over both his and Miss’s legs.


Under the coat his leg was pressing against hers, and where her skirt ended above her knee he seemed to be rubbing his leg against hers. Whether this was her imagination or not didn’t really matter; in her mind it was real and her fear was rapidly changing into full blown terror.


For 2 agonising stops the man next to her was pressed against her, each shifting of her position rubbed her bare leg against his trousers. Almost in shock she stared fixedly out of the window, only once daring to turn to look at him. As she did so, he turned his head towards her and smiled a broad, white smile, but this did nothing to re-assure the young girl.


Now she felt fingers on her leg; she tried to squirm away from his touch, but where could she go? Frozen with terror she sat like a rabbit petrified by a Cobra as his fingers slipped up her leg and rested on the hem of her panties.


One finger tip slipped under the thin cotton material and pressed onto the join of her leg and hip. Missy’s eyes watered as she turned to look at the man, he grinned again, but his finger stayed where it was.


But it didn’t move away either for about 10 minutes until, as the bus started to slow down the man suddenly drew his hand back, picked his coat back up, and left the seat to get off the bus.


When he finally left the bus Missy was almost rigid with fear, she knew nothing had happened that she could tell anyone about but at the same time she knew she couldn’t say that nothing had happened.


Now, back at the club, all this came back to her as she and the Black woman locked eyes.  For a moment Missy was all alone on the stage as Elizabeth retrieved something from behind the bar, and for this moment the only person the school-girl could concentrate on was the Black woman. She looked as if she was in her 40’s, her skirt was pulled up around her waist and Missy could see from her firm, solid thighs that she kept herself in pretty good shape for her age, her face could have been called pretty if it was smiling, but, and Missy knew this was a bad sign, it looked stony and impassive.


Missy jumped with alarm as she felt Elizabeth’s hand on her shoulder, and to the schoolgirl’s mounting dread beckoned the Black woman onto the stage.


In her hand doing the beckoning was a newspaper and again Missy knew this was a bad sign.


“OK, ladies, for the second part of our show I’d like to introduce you all to Naomi. Now, I know you all know her of course, but I’m not sure you all know what she does. Would you like to explain to everyone what you do for a living, please Naomi?”

The Black woman smiled as she turned to the audience as if a contestant on a TV game show. “Sure thing, Elizabeth. As you all know, I’m Naomi Castle and I’m the State’s Chief Prosecutor.”


Almost as part of a double act Elizabeth fed her with lines.


“And what case are you currently working on?”


“At the moment I’m prosecuting some sicko called Sonny Milano for the brutal murder of his sweet innocent daughter.”


This caused a wave of laughter around the room which doubled as a shocked Missy shouted that Naomi was a liar.


Smiling indulgently, Elizabeth held up the front page of the paper she was carrying. Under the headline “State charges Milano with 1st degree” was a picture of Naomi talking into an array of microphones with the caption: “Chief prosecutor Naomi Castle speaking outside the courtroom after the indictment of Mr. Milano on a charge of 1st degree murder.”


Missy’s jaw literally dropped at the same time as head swam light-headedly; this was almost too obscene even for this group of perverts. Until now she’d assumed that the authorities were simply being hoodwinked, now, in front of her, was living proof that the State knew her Father was innocent.


With her eyes clouding over with tears Missy shook her head and stared morosely at the floor as Elizabeth spoke as if nothing unusual had happened.


“I understand, Naomi, that one of the reason’s you’re here today is to give slut here a sort of plea-bargain.”


“Right, Elizabeth. Look at me slut.” Naomi’s voice suddenly became harsh forcing Missy to look up instinctively. “Well, slut, my offer is this. You let me do exactly what I want to you without objecting, you do exactly what I tell you to, as soon as I tell you to, no matter what. And when I get back to my office I’ll review the evidence against your Father and maybe realise we should drop all the charges. How does that sound?”


Missy started to tremble now, she was about to be sexually abused by a Black woman, and for the life of her Father she’d just have to endure it, desperately she tried to argue her way out of it.


Shaking her head again, Missy tried to be defiant. “Screw you, bitch. Your promises mean nothing.”


A stunned hush fell on the audience at Missy’s outburst. Normally there would only be one consequence for such disrespect and Officer Hayes stood up, looking at Elizabeth for permission to use her Tazer.


Scowling, Elizabeth held up her hand to say no before grabbing Missy’s hair making her squeal.


“Listen, bitch, what you seem to forget is that you have a sister who we have our eyes on, and not only us. One of the Canadian women saw the video of her and has already offered quite a lot of cash for her. So you better reconsider Naomi’s offer or your little slut of a sister will be heading north within the week.”


Missy’s eyes filled with tears, and not only from the sharp grip Elizabeth had on her hair, she knew she was beaten. She’s seen the way the Canadian women treated their slave-girls, how they’d brutalised the Twins into submission, and she had no doubt they’d do the same to her sister.


From the audience she heard Miss Bailey’s voice. “Tell her to go to hell, Missy; I want to get your sister’s tongue on my pussy.”


Even Elizabeth laughed at this before shaking Missy’s head again. “Well?”


Hating herself as she said it, Missy miserably muttered her agreement.


Elizabeth let go of her hair with a final scowl, spitting out the words “Fucking slut” as she left the stage.


A grim faced Naomi now approached the trembling Missy.


“Right slut, let’s see if we can get your darling Poppa out of jail. Now, from now on you are to call me Ma’am, and everything you ask me must be said loud enough for the audience to hear. Understand?”


“Ye, ye, yes” Missy stammered with fear. Without warning she felt a sharp blow across her face as Naomi slapped her.


“Yes, what?” She hissed


“Yes ma’am.” Missy replied to Naomi’s satisfaction.


“Now slut, before I prepare myself, I want you to ask me for permission to masturbate for my friends.”


For a split second Missy was too stunned to respond, but a quick raising of Naomi’s eyebrows reminded her of what was required, and in as calm and clear voice as she could muster found herself saying. “Please ma’am; may I masturbate myself for your friends?”


“You may slut, but also ask permission to play with your titties too.”


With a reddening face Missy tried again. “Please ma’am, may I play with my titties too?”


Naomi nodded as she started to undress completely, watching as the olive skinned school-girl turned to face the audience cupping one breast with her left hand while slipping her right between her legs.


The women made various lewd and obscene comments as Missy, eyes shut in embarrassment, played with her pussy and breasts, pulling and twisting her nipples in the way she knew these women liked, gradually Missy became aware that the comments from the women were stopping and being replaced with low murmurs of approval. Baffled she opened her eyes and realised that most of the women were no longer looking at her but at something behind her.


As her hands slowed their movements she felt Naomi pull her wrists behind her and hold them together as she felt the now familiar cold kiss of steel and it’s accompanying click as a pair of handcuffs bound them together.


“Turn around, slut.” Naomi’s voice ordered from behind her and instinctively Missy obeyed.


Missy was in no way sexually attracted to women, which made her situation even worse of course, but even she had to admit to being impressed by the sight facing her: Naomi was now totally naked apart from her high-heeled shoes, it was obvious that she worked out a lot and took a lot of care of body, there wasn’t an ounce of excess fat on her body, her dark brown legs were firm and muscular, her stomach flat and toned and her breasts had no droop at all in them -  their large, very dark nipples already showing her excitement. The inches of her heels pushed her height to 6’ and she towered over Missy like a bird of prey.


Naomi beckoned the trembling school-girl towards her and mechanically Missy obeyed. When she got right up to Naomi the Black woman leant forward and whispered in her ear.


“I love to abuse pieces of White trash like you, who’s the slave now? OK, beg to kiss my titties.”


In a loud, fearful voice Missy did as she was told.


“Please ma’am. May I kiss your titties?”


“My beautiful, black titties?”


“Yes, ma’am, may I kiss your beautiful, black titties?”


“You may, slut.” With this Naomi gripped Missy’s hair and pulled the girl’s head towards her breasts.


Missy felt her face pressed against the dark brown skin of Naomi’s full breasts, she opened her mouth almost as a reflex and Naomi manoeuvred her nipple into Missy’s mouth.


Naomi gasped with pleasure and leant her head back as Missy’s lips closed on her nipple. To Missy’s disgust the woman’s nipple grew even larger in her mouth as it pressed against her tongue, almost in shock Missy opened her eyes but all she could see was the dark skin of Naomi’s breast.


Instinctively she let out a startled yelp despite having her mouth pressed onto the woman’s breast, she struggled in Naomi’s tight grip as the Black woman moved her face from one breast to the other.


“Tell everyone how much you love to kiss my black titties, slave.”


Missy knew this was her only chance, slender though it was, to save her sister and her father from this group, her face contorted from the pain caused by the iron grip on her hair and with her lips wet from their forced kissing of Naomi’s breasts she did as she was told.


“I love to kiss your black titties, ma’am.”


“Beg me to let you lick my pussy.”


“Please may I lick your pussy, ma’am.”


“Beg harder, slave, and louder.”


“Please ma’am, may I lick you pussy.” Missy’s voice went up  as ordered.


“You may, slave. But first continue worshipping my breasts.”


For the next few minutes Naomi moved Missy’s mouth from one breast to the other, until her dark brown skin glistened with the young girl’s saliva. Small grunting and squealing noises came from Missy each time the older woman’s large nipples were forced into her mouth and her tongue began to ache from having to continually lick Naomi’s large, firm breasts.


“Very good, slave, now you’ve got me nice and wet, I want you to kneel in front of me.” With this Naomi guided Missy downwards with her hand still in her hair until the school-girl was kneeling in front of her spread legs.


“Beg to lick my pussy, slave.” Naomi drawled in a seductive tone, her hand holding Missy’s face inches away from her shaven pussy, the pink contrasting with the dark fold of her lips. The scent of the woman’s arousal filled Missy’s nostrils and she was aware of Naomi’s firm, muscular, dark thighs either side of her head.


Missy was already hating herself even more for doing as Naomi was telling her but if there was just one chance in a million that these women might not take her sister or have her father executed then she had to take that chance.


“Please Ma’am, may I lick your pussy?”


“Is it a beautiful pussy, slave?”


Silence, then.


“Yes Ma’am, it’s a beautiful pussy.”


“Good slave, you may lick it now.”


This granting of permission by Naomi was unnecessary as Missy had no choice in the matter as the Black woman pulled her face slowly and deliberately towards her crotch.


Yet Missy fought back as hard as she could, there were certain bounds she wouldn’t cross and this was one. The audience could see Missy’s neck muscles straining as she fought against Naomi’s hand and Elizabeth’s lips pursed in annoyance at the sight, she motioned Stephanie to the stage with her Tazer, only adding the proviso.


“Lowest setting, hon.”


Officer Hayes crept up the steps onto the stage, she made eye contact with Naomi who grinned back and eased her grip on Missy’s hair slightly, allowing the young girl to believe she might be winning in her attempt to keep her dignity.


Stephanie winked at Naomi as she set the Tazer to it’s lowest setting and jabbed it smartly onto Missy’s right breast.


Missy howled with shock and pain as the electrical charge shot into her breast; she jerked upwards and her for a split second or two she couldn’t breathe in or out, she had no time to look round to see where the pain had come from as Naomi slammed her face forward into her crotch.


Missy, still trying to scream, screwed her eyes shut as her nose and lips were pressed into Naomi’s pussy made even wetter by Missy’s breath as she had obeyed her instructions.


“Push your tongue in slave.” Naomi cooed, her head thrown back in ecstasy as she felt the young girl’s lips make contact with her pussy. She gasped in short breaths as the girl’s tongue slid easily between her lips, lifting Missy’s head brought her tongue onto the lawyer’s clit and she trembled as she felt Missy’s tongue probe and lick at it.


For the women in the audience the show was fantastically erotic; the sight of the young school-girl, hands restrained behind her back, kneeling between the legs of the older woman, her head being moved up and down by the tight grip the woman had on her hair was one thing, but the contrast between the olive skin of the slave and the dark brown flesh of her mistress merely served to almost double the pleasure.


A breathless hush descended on the group watching the performance broken only by the rustle of clothes as another woman slipped her blouse open to caress her own breast. Naomi’s head was right back, eyes shut, as her legs started to quiver.


Missy was alternating between licking Naomi’s clit one second and then pulling her head back despite the woman’s tight grip simply so she could grab some air. She felt the lawyer’s pussy getting wetter and wetter and out of the corner of her eyes she could see her strong, dark thighs quivering. She knew the older woman was about to come and prepared herself for being forced to swallow her juices.


Naomi’s fingers twisted in Missy’s hair as she let out a series of strained gasps, her juices smearing over Missy’s lips and face, the effect of the girl’s tongue on her clit powering her orgasm.


Missy started to lick faster at Naomi’s pussy; her eyes clenched tightly shut due to the combination of the pain from the Black woman’s grip on her hair and the dreadful situation she was in.


Of course the more Missy licked, the faster her tongue lapped at Naomi’s juices and flicked over her clit the more prolonged the woman’s orgasm became making Missy’s tongue work even harder and faster which only made the lawyer come all the more.


Naomi rubbed Missy’s face into her pussy until her orgasm was done before easing the girl’s head slowly backwards so that a glistening string was still linking her pussy and the girl’s lips; she held Missy’s face immobile at that point.


“Look up at me, slave”


Obediently Missy ran her eyes swiftly up, over Naomi’s dark brown, over her breasts, still coated in Missy’s own saliva, until her eyes made contact with her tormentors.


They locked stares; one triumphant and lustful, the other subdued and fearful.


“Tell us all how much you enjoyed my pussy, slave.”


Knowing what was at stake Missy opened her mouth to comply; as she did so the glistening string between her lips and Naomi’s pussy broke and swung down onto her chin. Missy saw a satisfied smirk break over Naomi’s face, but she still remembered her lines.


“I loved licking your pussy, ma’am.”


How much lower could she go, Missy worried in her despair.


The Black woman let go of Missy’s hair which at least gave the girl a chance to rest on her legs.


She heard rather than saw Naomi walk away from her and the clack of her heels as she stepped off the stage. Missy heard the approving comments from the audience of perverts.


“Wow, Naomi, that was something else.”


“God, you looked like you enjoyed the slut.”


“Hurt that fucking bitch”


Ominously for Missy she heard Naomi’s reply.


“You ain’t seen nothing yet, ladies.”


Missy, still with head bowed and her back to the audience heard Naomi’s heels on the stage steps as the Black woman returned, she also heard the sound of something being placed on the stage.


Suddenly she was jerked to her feet by the lawyer’s hand in her hair; her eyes screwed shut in pain Missy yelped as she was dragged upwards and turned around.


“Open your eyes, slave”


Despite the fearsome grip on her hair Missy opened her eyes slightly, to her disgust she now saw just how the audience had been taking her show: all the women had their skirts up or their jeans down, all had their fingers inside their pussies; at least one couple had their fingers in each others pussies, some were stroking their breasts.


A wave of something near to nausea swept over Missy at the realisation that she was just an exhibit to these women; her lower lip trembled and she was about to burst into tears when Naomi pulled her hair downwards.


Naomi was sitting on a chair as she dragged Missy over her crossed legs, concentrating the school girl’s mind wonderfully; her head was pushed towards the floor and despite the turmoil of her feelings she noticed how the black leather of Naomi’s shoes contrasted with the dark brown of her skin. Apprehensively she tensed her ass cheeks for the spanking that was bound to follow.


For a few seconds Naomi did nothing except lightly rest her fingers on Missy’s cheeks, knowing that each second she delayed merely made the dread worse for the poor girl. Then she started to squeeze and rub the girl’s ass cheeks, spreading them wide then pushing them together.


“Look at the audience, slave, tell them how much you love me to play with your ass.” Naomi’s voice reminded Missy of her position.


With her face burning with shame and embarrassment Missy turned to face the audience.


“I love it when my mistress plays with my ass.” She stopped abruptly as she felt Naomi’s fingers running along the lips of her abused and hurting pussy.


“Do you love this?”


“I love it when she plays with my pussy.”


“Beg me to spank your white ass, slave.”


Her face reddening even more, Missy mumbled the words.


“Please Ma’am, spank my white ass.”


“Louder slave, I don’t think the audience heard you.”


Now in a clear voice, Missy repeated the cruel request.


“Please Ma’am, spank my white ass.”


“Spoken like a real slave.”


With one hand gripping Missy’s bound wrists, lifting them up so her head was forced further downwards, Naomi took her hand from between Missy’s legs, smiling slightly at the girl’s juices glistening on her fingers. She raised her hand and brought it down sharply on the teenager’s ass.


Missy bucked and writhed over the Black woman’s lap as the lawyer repeatedly slapped her ass; the extreme angle her head was forced down at meant, that as she moved she felt herself slapped in the face momentarily by her own breasts.


Naomi looked down, very pleased with her handiwork; she loved to smack the asses of these white sluts, loved to see their pale skin redden with her hand prints, love to squeeze the nates of the little tarts between slaps and squeeze them as if she kneading dough. Because Missy’s skin was naturally olive tanned the reddening of her skin wasn’t as pronounced as when she spanked a whiter skinned girl but the effect was no less erotic; Missy’s cheeks were glowing and as she shifted her hips to try and avoid the raining blows Naomi was given a ringside seat view of the school-girl’s pussy lips moving and sliding, fleshy pink and glistening. Naomi’s own pussy throbbed at the sight. To make the girl wriggle more Naomi aimed a few sadistic swipes at the back of Missy’s thighs; then as her legs parted slightly, landing a few on the school-girl’s sensitive inner thighs. All of which, of course, made the captive teenager scream and sob louder to everyone’s great delight.


Imperceptibly, as far as Missy was concerned, Naomi’s slaps became slightly slower, her fondling of the girl’s ass and thighs gradually increasing in duration and severity. Like a bird of prey circling over it’s victim Naomi’s right hand slid all over Missy’s ass cheeks and thighs, pressing between them, brushing lightly, but deliberately against her pussy lips before moving off to maul and spread her ass cheeks, then moving back down her legs and raking her nails up the school-girl’s inner legs, forcing her olive toned thighs apart until finally Naomi’s fingers pressed against Missy’s pussy lips and slipped delicately in-between them.


For a few seconds Naomi contented herself with gently moving two finger tips along the slit of Missy’s pussy, then she extended her thumb and pushed it between the girl’s ass-cheeks.


“Now beg me, slave. Beg me to stick my thumb in your ass, tell us how much you  love it.”


Her stomach almost turning at the thought of what she was about to have to do for her sister and father she  mumbled the words.


“Please stick your thumb in my ass, ma’am.”


Naomi brought her hand down sharply one last time on Missy’s ass cheeks.


“Let everyone hear how much you want it slave.” She ordered harshly “Beg me to stick my black thumb in your white ass.”


Knowing she had no choice Missy shut her eyes as she repeated the words.


“Please stick your black thumb in my white ass, ma’am.”


Naomi looked down at the slim frame of the school-girl over her lap, she’d already had one mind blowing orgasm from her and was determined to get more. Slowly she sucked on her thumb to moisten it. She spread Missy’s ass cheeks with her left hand and re-placed her right hand between the girl’s thighs, pressing her finger tips between Missy’s abused pussy lips she rested her thumb against her ass-hole, still slightly dilated from being sodomised by Teri.


Missy gave a low moan as she felt the tip of Naomi’s thumb pressing against her anus, for a split second she thought of rearing up, telling all the women to go to hell, that she wouldn’t put up with this violation any more. But she knew they had all the power over her; and not just over her but over her family too.


She felt Naomi increase the pressure on her hole and she whimpered with the renewed pain; she tried to spread her legs a bit wider as if this could alleviate the agony she was feeling.


Naomi started to move her fingers gently inside Missy’s pussy, feeling their way gently towards her clit. At the same time she continued to press her thumb remorselessly against her ass-hole, easing the digit in.


Missy gasped with shock as she felt Naomi’s thumb slip into her ass, unwittingly she started to slowly gyrate her ass around Naomi’s thumb which also meant that the Black woman’s fingers were rubbing harder against her, now sensitive, clit. Missy’s gasp turned into a low moan as she felt her pussy becoming wet under Naomi’s fingers.


Naomi could feel the affect her hand was having on the girl and a broad smirk crossed her face.


“Tell the audience how much you love my thumb in your ass, slave.” She urged.


In short gasps Missy managed to blurt out. “I love your thumb in my ass, ma’am.”


Naomi’s fingers inside Missy’s pussy were now playing with her clit, with a sudden shock Missy realised that, for the first time since her ordeal began, she was actually enjoying what one of the women was doing to her. The thumb in her ass wasn’t as big as the strap-ons she was usually fucked with and it was moving in a more rhythmic  manner, Missy’s whole body was now moving back and forwards with the movements of Naomi’s thumb. Because of Naomi’s crossed legs Missy’s head was further down than it would have been from simply being over the Lawyer’s lap and as a result with the more extreme pushes of Naomi’s thumb her breasts were swung very near her face. Briefly again Missy had the odd sensation of being slapped in the face by her own breasts, her sore nipples rubbing her chin.


Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit, Missy thought, she was going to come.


Naomi grinned at the audience as she felt Missy’s juices start to ooze onto her fingers, the women gave a collective groan of pleasure as they heard Missy’s short, breathless gasps; they knew what had happened and a few gave a spontaneous burst of applause.


Missy, still orgasming, heard the applause and blushed even more. The humiliation of being reminded that she was only performing for these perverts was too much to bear.


Yet still she shuddered through her orgasm, her mewls and gasps drawing amused laughs from the women in the audience who could tell when a slave really enjoyed an orgasm.


Naomi, still smiling serenely to herself, let Missy’s climax play itself out, teasing it as far as she could as Missy clenched her thighs around her hand, and her rectum closing on the Black woman’s thumb.


When Missy finally came down and slowly unclenched her thighs Naomi slid her hand from inside Missy and brought her fingers to her mouth.


“Hmmm, I love the taste of slave pussy.” She drawled in her best Deep South voice as she licked the school-girl’s juices from her fingers for the audience to savour.


Missy was still on a post-orgasmic high and cooed gently as she felt Naomi lift her unsteadily to her feet; she barely noticed the stickiness on the Black woman’s fingers on her skin.


She smiled, guilelessly at her molester, temporarily forgetting her surroundings. Naomi smiled back at her, warmly, as she led her towards the back of the stage.


“Very good slave, you are doing wonderfully.” She whispered in Missy’s ear “One more little act for these perverts and we’re through. And on Monday I promise I’ll get the judge to dismiss all charges against your father, and I’ll have a word with Elizabeth about not taking your sister.”


Missy’s head swam, perhaps Naomi wasn’t as bad as the others, her heart jumped, her father would soon be free, and her sister would be safe.


“There’s just a couple more things you have to do, will you do them?”


Eagerly Missy nodded, she was getting attached to Naomi and wanted to show her appreciation. The Black woman leant forward and whispered the final instructions to the young girl.


With her mind reeling with 1000 different thoughts Missy made her way to the front of the stage as Naomi prepared herself for the last act.


Missy stopped at the edge, feeling the gaze of the perverted women upon her. Her face glowed red with the shame of what she was about to say, but if it saved her family then it would be worth it. She took a deep breath.


“I’m a worthless lesbian slut, my only purpose in life is to be used by my mistresses until they are satisfied. I am to be hurt, spanked, abused and fucked in my pussy and my ass until my mistress  and her friends are finished with me.”


A loud cheer broke out from the women at this; seeing a young girl debase herself in front of them was just another sexual thrill to them. Missy hung her head in shame until Naomi called to her.


“Come here slave.”


Missy turned to face Naomi. The Black woman was sitting on the chair beckoning to the school-girl. Missy’s eyes were transfixed on Naomi’s right leg; around her thigh was a strap, and on top of the strap was a large, black, plastic dildo.


Missy’s jaw dropped with disbelief, the dildo looked very large as it glistened under the stage lights. As if in a trance she felt herself walking towards Naomi who was grinning maliciously at her.


As Missy drew close to her Naomi lightly gripped her hips and manoeuvred her between her spread legs, her hands holding her gently, but firmly in place.


“Beg me to suck your titties slave.” Naomi’s voice was harsh now, allowing Missy no chance to refuse.


“Please Ma’am, suck my titties.”


“Suck your what titties, slave?”


For a brief second Missy looked confused, then as she looked down, and out of the corner of her eye she couldn’t help but notice the menacing looking phallus strapped around Naomi’s leg, she saw how large her breasts were. Drawing a deep breath, guessing this was what Naomi wanted she spoke again.


“Please Ma’am, suck my large titties.”


Naomi snaked an arm around Missy’s waist, pulling the girl towards her like a spider devouring it’s prey. Instinctively Missy’s upper body swung backwards to keep her balance but the older Black woman pulled the girl effortlessly to her mouth.


Naomi’s lips closed around Missy’s flesh, drawing the girl’s dark brown nipples into her mouth, sucking, nibbling, licking the hard, bullet like nipples, her saliva spreading over Missy’s olive tanned mounds as she swapped from one breast to the other.


Yet again, to her horror and shame Missy felt her nipples growing hard with the effect of Naomi’s tongue and lips, simultaneously she felt the lawyers hand on her waist slip down onto her sore ass and start to caress and fondle her cheeks, then starting to slap them, mauling and squeezing her battered flesh between blows.


Each slap on her ass forced Missy forward momentarily against Naomi’s devouring mouth and as the speed and intensity of the smacks increased the lawyer gripped the school-girl with her legs as she started to use her teeth on the girl’s breasts.


Missy squealed in agony and tried to back away from the Black woman’s mouth but found herself trapped between her firm, muscular thighs.


The audience could see Naomi’s hand spanking and mauling Missy’s ass relentlessly; they couldn’t see exactly what Naomi’s mouth was doing to the young girl’s breasts but it was clearly painful, which merely added to their arousal.


Naomi’s teeth gripped on one of Missy’s nipples and twisted on it making the girl scream louder and twist against the lawyer’s thighs. Naomi, keeping the tight grip on the teenager’s nipple raised her eyes upwards to see Missy’s reaction.


The school-girl’s face was twisted in pain and tears were starting to run down her cheeks. Naomi’s pussy tightened at the sight and she shook Missy’s nipple like a terrier shaking a rat until the girl gave an ear-splitting shriek and arched her head back.


Abruptly Naomi released her grip on Missy’s abused breast and loosened the grip her legs had on the girl’s body. She pushed the sobbing youngster from between her legs and rapidly positioned her either side of her right leg; directly above the dildo strapped to her upper thigh.


Missy’s only reaction at this point was to wail like a child until Naomi spoke.


“Beg to fuck my dick, slave.”


Inwardly Missy cringed, but still she knew she had no choice; after all Naomi had promised her Father would go free for this.


“Please Ma’am, may I fuck your dick.”


“Louder slave.”


“Please Ma’am, may I fuck your black dick.” She sobbed, the words almost garbled as they came out.


“Yes slave.”


With that Naomi slowly, yet firmly, guided Missy’s hips downwards onto her phallus; Missy gave a low moan of dismay and pain as the greased tip pressed briefly against her abused pussy lips before sliding between them.


“Move up and down slave.” Naomi cooed in her soft drawl.


Missy began to lift herself up and down on the lawyers dildo, the Black woman’s hands lifting and lowering her hips at first until she got her own momentum. The thick, black shaft, sliding in and out of her pussy, spreading her lips wide with each penetration.


Missy groaned, not with pleasure but with pain as she continued to slide up and down on the synthetic dick, she was unaware at first of Naomi’s hands leaving her hips and sliding up over her firm, olive toned stomach onto her breasts, first just stroking then pinching and squeezing her young, firm mounds.


Missy’s face contorted in agony as her body seemed to be assaulted by pain all over but she still kept moving; she still thought of her sister and father.


“Beg me to play with your titties, slave.” Naomi ordered, her voice made strange by the effect of Missy’s slim body’s rhythmic movement on her leg.


“Please. Play. With. My. Titties. Ma’am.”  Missy’s words came out in short bursts as she continued to impale herself on Naomi’s cock.


Naomi now began to squeeze Missy’s sore nipples and dig her nails into the girl’s olive flesh making Missy squeal and squirm, but didn’t interrupt her up and down movement. Then she began to lift her leg up and down in time with Missy’s movements, jerking the girl’s slim body around like a rag-doll.


In a panting voice, knowing Missy’s eyes would be screwed shut, Naomi gasped new instructions.


“Open your eyes, slave, tell the women what a lesbian slut you are, how you love it when I hurt your titties while I fuck you.”


Missy’s head cleared; one last time, she thought, for her family. She opened her eyes and her mouth but at first the words failed her. The women were all nearly undressed, the two who had been masturbating each other were now kissing deeply, others had their fingers very deep in their pussies now, blouses open, shirts off, breasts freed from bras and being stroked. Hilary had re-appeared with one of the red-heads and was standing behind her masturbating her with one hand while stroking her breasts with the other and whispering into her ear.


To the audience it looked like a mother bouncing her child on her knee; only in the most erotically depraved manner possible.


“Say it slave.” Naomi grunted, her own arousal very clear.


From somewhere Missy found the will to talk.


“I’m a lesbian slut; I love it when my mistress hurts my titties when she fucks me. Owwwwwww”


At the word ‘me’ Naomi gave a vicious, sadistic twist on Missy’s nipples making her scream, then she hugged the young girl to her, pressing her lips onto Missy’s sweat sheened back as she came, her teeth pressing softly onto her shoulder.


Knowing it was over, Missy slowed her movements to a halt, her pussy was painfully sore, as were her breasts. Tears were flowing down her cheeks and she was sobbing now; partly through the humiliation of being a part of a sordid sexual performance for these perverts, even Naomi had called them that, but also of relief because now her family would be safe.


Naomi  very slowly lifted the weeping girl from her dildo and eased her down onto the floor, standing up and stepping over her towards the front of the stage.


The women, themselves slowly coming down, applauded, haphazardly at first as they pulled themselves together, then more generally in recognition of Naomi’s wonder show.


Smoothing down her skirt Elizabeth, a bit breathless, stepped onto the stage, turned to the audience as she took Naomi’s hand.


“Wow, Naomi, that was spectacular. Ladies, let’s show our appreciation.”


Naomi grinned modestly as the women clapped, whooped and cheered her performance.


Missy lay on the floor, almost grinning to herself too, she had won, she knew that.


As the applause faded Elizabeth spoke.


“So Naomi, any thoughts on the Milano case?”


“Sure, we’re going to go for a trial date on Monday.”


The audience laughed at this, Missy’s eyes shot open.


Elizabeth spoke again.


“Hilary? Come see me later this weekend, we’ll sort out the details of getting this slut’s sister to your friend.”


Missy began to scream and scream, thrashing around on the floor. She’d been lied to again, they were still going to destroy her family, she didn’t care what they did now.


She screamed and kicked her legs for ages until Elizabeth nodded to Steffi who stepped up with her Tazer, the power wasn’t set to lowest now and Missy jerked in a different way as the electric charge shot through her, leaving her temporarily stunned and breathless on the floor.


As she lay on the floor, her eyes shut in agony and black despair Missy was dimly aware of instructions being whispered hoarsely between the women, followed by the sound of furniture scraping on the stage floor.


Before she had a chance to open her eyes to see what was happening she was pulled roughly to her feet by at least two pairs of hands, possibly three but the speed it all happened at prevented her counting too well.


Despite her screams of fear and protest she found herself  hauled onto her feet, her wrists unbound, and then she was bent double over some sort of padded beam; without giving her time to react or struggle she felt hands grasp her wrists and ankles and secure them to the beam’s supports.


Looking around through her chestnut hair which had fallen briefly over her eyes Missy realised that she was draped over a trestle, she lifted her wrists and ankles in a futile bid to see of they could break free but found they were tightly bound to their respective corners of the trestle. Her legs were spread wide and she knew her pussy and ass-hole were on display. She shivered as she sobbed, she knew her ordeal wasn’t over.


Across from her, forming an informal triangle were two other trestles both with restraints attached to their legs. Even as she focused on the people behind them she knew who their occupants would be.


The group of people Missy was now looking at were the  Canadian twins, Elizabeth and Hilary, otherwise the stage was empty. The older women were whispering instructions into the twin’s ears, smiling and nodding as they did. The looks on the twin’s faces never changed despite the apparent good humour of the two women; they looked deadly serious as they listened to the whispered orders.


Together the Canadian red head’s were lead to their trestles by Hilary and Elizabeth, bent over and attached to the restraints. Neither made any attempt to resist or struggle, or even look up to catch Missy’s eyes; if they were even aware of the Texan girl’s existence they didn’t show it.


The women stood up and Elizabeth stepped towards Missy as Hilary, standing between her twin slaves gently stroked their red hair.


Missy’s eyes flickered rapidly from the twins, who seemed oblivious to their predicament and stared only at the ground, to the two sadistic women clearly orchestrating the whole thing.  Hilary saw Missy’s eyes darting around and waited until the teenager’s made contact with hers, and then jerked her head sideways towards the audience.


Missy’s jaw literally dropped open with shock; all the women were standing next to the stage, all naked and all wearing strap-on’s around their waists. The school-girl was about to scream a terrified protest until she felt Elizabeth’s hand clamp over her mouth.


The silence was filled by Hilary’s Canadian accent.


“Now for the finale, ladies. Here are our 3 sluts, all laid out for your delight. As a matter of courtesy, seeing as they’re the whores they are, I want each one to ask to be fucked. Keri?”


With absolutely no hesitation the first red head replied.


“Please, Mistress Hilary, let these women fuck my pussy.”


“Very good, little one.” Hilary purred, her voice soft and sensual. “Teri?”


As if repeating something learnt in the classroom the other twin uttered the same words.


“Please Mistress Hilary, let these women fuck my pussy.”



“Over to your worthless tramp, Elizabeth.”


“Thanks Hilary, what wonderfully obedient slaves you have there. Now, slut,” Elizabeth pulled Missy’s head up by her hair. “Ask nicely to have your pussy fucked. For your family’s sake.” This last phrase was delivered in a taunting, sarcastic manner.


Like a fish rising to the bait, Missy swallowed it hook line and sinker. There was no way she was going to play their game any more.


“Fuck you, bitch” Missy snarled, her strict Christian upbringing forgotten now; well, she thought, what could happen? She could hardly be sent to Hell for cursing: she was already there.


“As you wish, slut.” Elizabeth replied, still gripping Missy’s hair. “But I guess I should warn you that you’ll regret those badly chosen words over the next week.”


She let the young girl’s hair drop and stepped towards the stage front.


“Ok ladies, you all heard our Texan slut let us all down in front of our guests from the north, so the drill will be this. Each of you will fuck the Canadian girl’s pussies in turn, then our Texan slut will suck your strap-on’s clean before you fuck her ass. Ready ladies? Ok, let’s go.”


Missy reacted violently as the impact of Elizabeth’s words sank in; she strained against the restraints on her wrists and ankles in a desperate fear of what was about to happen. She felt  one of Elizabeth’s hands grip her hair as the other covered her mouth.  In a cold sweat of fear she watched as Hilary  poured some lubricant on one hand and slip it behind the first of the tied twins; only the forward movement of the young red head’s body and a slight look of discomfort on her face showed that Hilary’s fingers were spreading the thick, cold gel around her pussy lips.


Out of the corner of her eyes Missy could see the women waiting in line to mount the steps to the stage then, as Hilary removed her hand and went to repeat the lubrication process on the other twin, the first woman - one Missy had never seen before- stepped behind the prepared red headed teen.


Now crying tears of frustration behind Elizabeth’s hand gag Missy watched as the 40 something woman placed her hands on the girl’s hips and started to push herself in and out of her. The tied Canadian gave a pained look as the woman started to knead her hips as she thrust violently in and out, but didn’t cry out.


Elizabeth  knelt down, so her head was next to Missy’s as the woman continued to fuck the young girl bent over the trestle.


“Mmmmmm, doesn’t it look horny, little slut, but don’t get jealous, it’ll be your turn soon.”


As Missy watched with mounting dread the first woman closed her eyes in sexual bliss and stopped thrusting in and out of the first red head; slowly she pulled herself out of the captive adolescent and moved to behind her sister. In a sort of grim parody of a production line the next woman, Missy’s stomach heaved as she recognised Joan, her rapist of a few days previously, stepped into position behind the first twin and started to fuck her just as the other woman started to penetrate the second twin.


Missy glanced sideways down the line of women waiting to have their turn at the tied girls; they were all here: Black Naomi, who blew a kiss at Missy as their eyes met, Miss Bailey, who had slipped her arms around Naomi’s chest and was gently stroking her nipples. Further down the line, past a couple of women Missy didn’t recognise stood Officer Hayes, her eyes fixed on the ongoing fucking  of the Canadian twins.


Glancing back towards the Canadian twins she was met with the full sight of two mature women behind the slim, teenage twins; their full bodies slamming again and again into the girl’s bodies, jerking their small frames hard against the padded boards of the trestles.


Missy’s moment had arrived; the first of the abusers had finished fucking the second Canadian and was walking towards her on slightly shaky legs, her eyes glowing with perverted lust.


Missy clamped her mouth shut behind Elizabeth’s steel grip; she wasn’t going to make it easy for these sick bitches. As if she could read the girl’s mind Elizabeth moved her fingers onto Missy’s nose and clamped her nostrils shut. Missy’s eyes shot open in shock at this and her pupils bulged as she saw the stranger’s strap-on inches from her mouth.


Instinctively as she felt her air supply cut off she opened her mouth and at that instant Elizabeth removed her hand from her mouth and the woman pushed her synthetic cock deep into Missy’s mouth.


Missy gagged as the tip of the shaft hit the roof and back of her mouth; her head jerked back as far as it could until the woman gripped her hair to hold her still, then she spoke.


“Just suck on it, child.” It was a soft, Southern purr. “Wow, I’ve seen you at Church so many times, always wanted to fuck your hot little body since the first time I saw you, suck it good, little child, oh my, oh God.”


Missy struggled pointlessly against her restraints as the woman cooed her abusive words all the while jerking her strap-on in and out of Missy’s mouth. Then Missy felt sticky fingers pushing between her legs, spreading her ass cheeks wide as Elizabeth eased a lubed finger into her already abused hole.


Vaguely, through her half shut eyes, Missy was aware of another body next to the first woman, she felt the shaft raping her mouth pull out before another one slipped in as another hand grabbed her hair and started to pull her mouth up and down the shaft, forcing her to taste the juices of the Canadian slaves.


Then it happened: she felt her ass cheeks being spread by someone’ hand and the tip of a strap-on pressed against her ass-hole. Desperately she tried to wriggle free as if such a thing was possible seeing as she was tied by all four limbs and her head was held tightly by the woman whose strap-on she was currently sucking unwillingly.


Tears of pain, frustration, humiliation and sheer helplessness welled in her eyes as she felt the strap-on slipping easily into her well lubed and dilated ass-hole; she attempted to scream as she felt the woman’s false dick sliding in and out of her hole. Missy’s legs jiggled, her feet rose up on their toes, her hands clenched into fists and then unclenched but the pain in her mouth as Joan raped her mouth, and the pain in her ass as the unknown woman pushed herself fully inside her; her hands gripping and squeezing Missy’s hips as she did so, never eased.


So it went on; one after another the women forced her lick their ‘dicks’ clean before raping her school-girl ass-hole, which burned as if on fire all the way through.


Missy still recognised some voices; Naomi leant over, when fully inside her, to assure her that her father was as good as fried, Miss Bailey kept telling her, as she sucked on her strap-on, that she hoped her sister was half as good, and Officer Hayes, while giving Missy the roughest ass-fucking of the night, grunted that she was looking forward to fucking her Mom.


Finally the last two women were Hilary and Elizabeth; the Canadian was deep in Missy’s ass as Elizabeth dragged the girl’s mouth up and down her shaft. Elizabeth twisted the girl’s head to one side and smiled down at her.


“What a gorgeous slut you are; wish I’d bought you, but no matter, you’re mine for the week.”


With that she pulled out of Missy’s mouth and moved round to bugger the school-girl


Now her mouth was free Missy could scream all she liked, and she did as Elizabeth forced her strap-on inside her, twisting the girl’s hips and ramming her own against the girl’s olive tanned ass.


Missy’s screams died quickly; Elizabeth was the last of the women to abuse her ass-hole and her ring had felt like it had been on fire for an hour. She was certain she had been split by the women and now she just moaned softly and miserably as the pain levelled out.


Elizabeth thrust herself in and out of Missy’s ass for a few more times but even she knew the girl was ‘raped out’. Slowly and reluctantly she drew out.


Looking round at the exultant women she took a deep breath; the evening’s performance had been superb even by the Society’s standards and she knew she had Missy at her mercy for the week.


“Wow, well, ladies, I think we can all say that was something else,” her voice was panting as she said this, her face flushed and her black bob hair cut smeared with sweat.


General murmurs of approval and sighs of sexual ecstasy met this announcement.


“Hilary, thank you so much for bringing your sluts down here.”


“No problem, Elizabeth, we’ve had the best time ever.” As she said this she gestured at the tied twins as if they had a voice in the claim.


Draped over her trestle, the tears from her eyes mixing with the snot coming out of her nose as she cried, Missy tried to ignore the  burning pain in her ass-hole.


As if from her deepest nightmares she heard Elizabeth’s voice again.


“Get the slut ready to travel.”


















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