BDSM Library - Beast Within

Beast Within

Provided By: BDSM Library

Synopsis: She grew up in the mountains. She is wild, dangerous, and she will lead to female domination of the society.
   					Beast Within

   It began early one fall evening, the equatorial regions were the first
unwitting recipients.  The fine ashen dust gently drifted down from the heavens,
coating everything with a grey blanket.  At first the scientific community
warned  of potential dangers, but the lab tests revealed the powder was inert
and that it was probably caused by a distant cosmic explosion.  Soon the
atmosphere was filled with the fine dust that lingered for several days before
it filtered down to the surface to raise havoc with the sensitive electronic
equipment that was so abundant there.  The religious community claimed it was a
sign of the second coming, while the apathetic majority dispelled the dust as
another in the continuing series of government deceptions to snarl traffic and
postpone the budget negotiations.  Within a month, the incident was all but
forgotten by all except a few eccentrics who were never really taken seriously.

   But as the dust settled into the planets abundant fresh water preserves,
contaminated with a host of plant life and industrial waste, it began to mutate. 
Drawn back into the clouds to fall as rain, it continued its cycle until, one
day, it became to heavy and was landlocked forever.  It began to wander as a
formless, translucent creature, instinctively joining with others of its kind. 
Soon, those who were not destroyed by natural selection began to converge in a
crystal clear lake high in the mountains where, by proxy of the season change, a
violent thunderstorm was developing.  The lightning struck the lake repeatedly
congealing and transforming the creatures into a sentient, intelligent life form
that quickly moved towards the shoreline to find the trembling form of a young
woman.  Engulfing her quickly as she cowered from the fury of the storm, the
creature quickly adapted to her life functions and established its residence in
her higher brain functions where it awaited its opportunity to reproduce.

   William Boysen had received his degree in forestry conservation at the top of
his class, and could have chosen any one of a hundred different parks in which
to begin his career as a ranger.  He chose, instead, a small town on the edge of
the National Forest with a scant population that was poverty stricken overnight
due to the latest round of federal budget cuts.  Although the towns’ community
spirit was unparalleled, the economic pressures had forced those who were able
to move out of the area, leaving behind a tattered few who survived on welfare
or retirement annuities.  One such family, the Groves, had helped homestead the
town back in the 1880's, and with the birth of their only daughter Amy, saw
their family line draw to a close.  The Mother died later in the year despite
fervent attempts to save her, leaving behind her husband, permanently disabled
by leukemia, her young daughter, and an exhausted bank account. 

   Amidst the beauty of the towering firs, Amy grew into early maturity,
savoring the tranquility that nature so openly provided.  The leukemia, that had
crippled her father, finally claimed his life when she was seventeen, and she
managed to exist on a scanty allowance from the pension fund, often supplemented
by part time work at the towns’ only general store, and gifts supplied by
natures bounty.  Often, when she was not in school or at the store, she could be
found near the pristine waters of Crystal Lake, gathering berries or fishing for
some of the lakes’ abundant trout.  The lake itself was known to few including
William, who often visited the tranquil waters to see Amy from afar; pulling in
a prize trout, or basking, naked, in the warm afternoon sun. 

   Bill had grown quite fond of the beautiful young creature that frequented his
paradise.  She was shy, yet determined, and always had a warm greeting for him,
even a hug from time to time when the occasion warranted such.  Since much of
his time was spent alone, he was quite detached from the routines of the
township, and spent much of his free time exploring the wilderness, and making
friends with the abundant wildlife hidden there.  Knowing of his love of nature,
Amy felt a kinship towards him, and secretly longed for a more intimate
relationship, but would change the conversation abruptly whenever it reached an
intimate level.  He was careful not to embarrass her, and never let on that he
had seen her sunbathing by the lake, although she secretly had her suspicions.

   After the storm, as the local residents were clearing the fallen tree limbs
and debris that had rained down from the tempest, they noticed that Amy, was
obviously absent, and a quick search of her home revealed she was nowhere to be
found.  The alarm went out to the surrounding communities, and Bill immediately
joined the search.  After hurriedly checking some of the local trails, he
hurried to Crystal Lake, to find her drenched and exhausted form among several
downed trees.  Taking her unconscious form gingerly in his arms, he began
stumbling towards the sounds of a nearby search party.  After several hundred
yards, he realized he would be unable to carry her much further because of the
dense undergrowth, but his calls for help went unheeded as the twilight set in. 
Assessing his position, he decided to make camp for the night, and begin anew at
first light.

   His first attempts at a fire were useless, as the kindling was still too
damp, but, with avid determination, he was finally able to light the surrounding
area with the flames from a weak campfire.  Obtaining water from the lake, he
continually bathed her delicate features with cool water while assuring that her
life signs continued to gain strength.  As he studied her delightful form in the
firelight, he reflected back upon when he had seen her sunbathing, her firm
breasts aglow with a light tan, and her sinewy legs ever so graceful in the
serenity of the forest.  As his thoughts became more intense, he unconsciously
took the liberty of running his hands gently across her form, savoring her firm
and delicate composition while his repressed fantasies began to emerge.  Her
eyes suddenly fluttered open with a look of absolute confusion, and her hand
clamped onto his wrist before he could withdraw.  The silence between them was
deafening as Bill sought some form of explanation and Amy considered her

   But Amy was no longer resident within, and any explanation would have been a
waste of both time and energy.  With the swiftness of a panther, she leapt upon
Bill, temporarily knocking the air from his body.  As his eyes bulged obscenely
while gasping for breath, she pinned his two thighs under her legs that now had
the strength of ten men and began tearing at his uniform.  Her formerly closely
trimmed fingernails had changed into claws, and with every swipe at his
clothing, there were four deep slash wounds.  Within moments, only a few scant
fibers shielded him from her onslaught as she mounted his hips furiously, and
started jamming his flaccid genitals into her dripping pussy.  Once fully
engulfed, she tightened her vaginal walls unmercifully, crushing his gonads
simultaneously with a muffled popping sound. 

   Bill screamed with what little wind he had left, and tried to push her away,
but her legs just locked around him more securely, as her pussy began to draw
his battered manhood deeper into her womb, tearing the base away from its furry
mound.  Shaking his head from side to side, he felt panic engulf his thoughts as
the pain became too intense to bear and sweat covered his body.  Within a few
moments, his struggle ended, as the his genitals were drawn deep into her belly,
completely severed and accompanied by copious amounts of life blood.  He
expired, his mind still reeling in shock, as she quickly rose from his mangled
body and disappeared into the woods.   She would spend the rest of the night
trembling in a rocky enclave, trying to reason why she had so swiftly eliminated
someone she was drawn to.

   The morning awoke with the melody of songbirds and the gentle lapping of the
lake water against the shore.   Further down along one of the trails was the
disfigured ranger, drawing flies and other assorted insects as he contributed to
their cycle of life.  A nearby mountain lion would soon claim the remaining
carcass for her young.  Suddenly, the air was shattered with a muffled scream
released by Amy as she crouched along the gentle waters and delivered a large
bloody glob that rolled into the water and disappeared.

   Glen stumbled across the lake quite by accident.  As he was hiking up a
previously unknown trail, he had heard a shrill scream in the distance and
figured it to be someone in trouble.  Hurriedly he rushed up the steep inclines
and switchbacks, hoping to render assistance, or at least to find the source.  
But as he entered the clearing, all he could see was the beauty of the lake, and
his concerns were immediately put to rest by the tranquility there.  Hiking
around the perimeter, he came to a small clearing, and set up camp there. After
a bite of jerky, and some instant coffee, he shouldered his trusty Winchester,
and headed towards higher ground in hopes of spotting a deer trail. 

   As he thundered through some particularly dense undergrowth, he spotted her
sitting abreast a rotted tree stump, idly chewing on some kind of wild berries
while humming a simple melody to herself.  She was naked save a small indiscreet
cloth wrapped around her hips that barely hid the small furry treasure there. 
Her breasts were small and perky, crowned with tiny brown nipples that stood
erect in the gentle breeze.  Her legs were long and went from her heels all the
way up to her firm behind.  No cellulite, no fat, only pristine virgin material,
awaiting his attention and exploitation.  With a quick yelp, he thundered
through the remaining underbrush, only to be met head on by her flailing arms as
she leapt at him, tearing the shirt from his back as she threw herself head
first into his belly. 

   Gasping for air, Glen fell backward, as she finished disrobing him, only to
grab his hairy man meat and begin tearing at it with her oversized fingernails. 
In panic, he grabbed his trusty firearm and blindly pointed it at her, as he
released the trigger.  The shock from the noise was deafening, sending birds
fleeing into the thin air, and wildlife scurrying in a frenzy.  The bullet had
entered the underside of her left breast, tearing through the soft flesh, and
exiting hear the shoulder blade.  Amy fell back in pain; momentarily oblivious
to the force that drove her to attack the wayward hunter.  Collecting his
thoughts, Glen quickly tried to reload, again to be met by her headlong assault,
and a second attempt to cram his genitals between her legs.  He screamed, and
tried to fire a second round directly into her skull, but she was too nimble and
knocked the gun away, as her pussy began to draw his manhood into her furry
furrow.  He started to struggle, remembering the lessons he had learned in hand
to hand combat while he was in 'Nam.  Her strength would not allow him his
freedom, and soon he felt the warmth in his loins building as his manhood began
to swell, and his balls were squeezed together in the warm and moist environment
of her womanhood.

   Sensing his growing weakness, she used her finely honed muscles to
deliberately milk his genitals towards a gut-wrenching orgasm, only to squeeze
the muscles as tightly as she could with the first orgasmic spasms.  His balls
burst through his scrotum in a bloody mass, and his straining cock hemorrhaged
in several places including directly under his glans which was explosively blown
into the open yaw of her throbbing womb along with the residue of his once proud
organ.  Glen screamed one last time, as he struggled to remain conscious amidst
the searing pain, and the loss of blood.  His body convulsed repeatedly trying
to force the last of his life-giving blood into his starving brain, but it was
entirely too little, to late, and he expired amidst the light sounds of her
footprints as she disappeared back into the forest. 

   As the day gave way to nightfall, the delicate figure was once again found by
the waters edge, giving birth to another bloody globe that rolled into the water
and disappeared into its depths.  On the morrow, with their gestation cycle
completed, they would find their way to the mouth of a small stream, and send
their mutated seed bounding over the rocks and rapids towards the sea.  But on
the morrow, weakened by her loss of blood from the wound and childbearing, she
would succumb to the brutality of nature, when the young mountain lion, with
three young ones to feed, would find her sleeping in a small alcove along the
waters’ edge.  Her fate would be sealed quickly, with one quick bite to her
young jugular, and her remains would never be found.

   They had nicknamed themselves the dynamic duo for their combined victory in
snaring the two most 'eligible' men from their schools’ undefeated football
team.  Terri and Shannon were two well-known, well endowed cheerleaders, who
loved the chase but never allowed their escorts into their personal treasures. 
They were rude and shrewd, and were laying in the warm sand in their skimpy
two-piece suits soaking up the last warmth of and Indian summer in the
Northwest.  The babbling creek behind them  was drowned out by the roar of the
incoming tide, With their legs spread wide to allow the surf to bath their
genitals, the spoke to one another in hushed tones, enjoying the erotic extremes
of the suns’ warmth smothered occasionally by the surfs refreshing chill. 

   The two transparent orbs suddenly emerged from the shade of the overhanging
firs, and rolled along a sandy furrow and into the surf unnoticed.  Utilizing
the strong undertow, they positioned themselves in line with two sets of open
legs.  Onboard the incoming wave, they were perfectly obscured until the reached
the fibers that separated the sea from the virgin pussies.  Simultaneously
forcing their way past the flexible barriers into the warm red caverns beyond,
they imbedded themselves amidst the multitude of fleshy folds, absorbing the
protein rich secretions as they were slowly ingested on the cellular level. 
Shannon was the first to notice as she began to idly scratch at the irritation
followed by Terri, who discretely tried to hide her irritation as she pulled her
suit deeper into her crotch.  Soon they were both scratching in a frenzy, as the
orbs completed the absorption cycle into their new hosts.  The irritation ceased
as quickly as it began, and the two girls stared wide-eyed at one another; both
speechless and amazed.

   After a quick discussion, they decided to shower at a nearby park, and,
wrapping the towels around themselves in a mock show of modesty, they headed
down the beach.  As they rounded the first bend, two 'geeks' from their school
rounded the same bend towards them.  They were skinny, and "brainy," and had
always been viewed with the eyes of repulsion by the "beautiful people" of the
school.  But things were different now, and before the two computer nerds could
formally greet the two stunning cheerleaders, they were on their torsos, tearing
at the swimsuits in a frenzy while onlookers stared in stunned disbelief. 
Amidst the avid protest of their two victims, Terri and Shannon set about
filling their needy wombs with man-meat.  Within a few brief moments, it was
over, as the crowd separated to allow the two panicked cheerleaders through,
leaving behind two male victims curled in a fetal position with raw torn skin
dangling from the base of what had been their reproductive organs.  By the time
the ambulance had arrived, they were rigid and blue, in sharp contrast to the
blood colored sand on which they lay. 

   Satiated yet terrified, the dynamic duo watched the crowd from a wooded
enclave nearby.  When the patrol car arrived, descriptions were given and next
of kin were notified as the corpses were bagged and unceremoniously tossed into
the back of the coroners station wagon.  Several statements were taken, and as
the crowd slowly begin to disperse a stray dog begin licking at the discolored
sand.  Soon it was joined by several other canines, but the real clean-up
occurred later in the evening when the hermit crabs emerged and meticulously
eliminated all remaining signs of the struggle.  The beach was closed, and the
lifeguard went home after securing the showers and beach equipment.  The two
patrolman lingered until the beach appeared deserted, trying to make some sense
of the attack, and somewhat unnerved by the first-hand descriptions duplicated
by so many observers.

   As the patrolmen entered their car, two pair of hands pulled them into the
back seat, where the two fugitives immediately dropped their dripping crotches
on to their victims mouths.  As their muscles began to spasm more forcefully,
the officers felt their faces being literally pulled away from their skulls, and
before they could respond defensively, they were suffocated in the goo that was
once their neatly shaven faces.  The two girls drug their mutilated corpses into
the woods, and removing their gun belts proceeded to engulf the lifeless
genitals with their ravenous pussies.  Within a few brief moments, the officers
lost their reproductive organs in a mixture of slurping and tearing sounds. 
They were then dragged to an abandoned campfire, where their bodies along with
all the evidence was burned to a cinder with the help of some BBQ starter fluid.
The two rinsed themselves off in the surf and sat down to consider the days
activities.  It was not until they were fully aware of their immediate danger,
that they decided to split up, and meet in an abandoned warehouse near the
center of town.

   As darkness fell upon the small bayside community, muffled screams could be
heard from the abandoned fish warehouse a block away from the main pier.  In a
dark corner, Shannon gave birth to her first alien, staring at the roughly
spherical bloody mass in wide-eyed horror.  It gave no sound but smelled
horrific as it rolled aimlessly about the floor, brushing against the dormant
equipment only to change its direction and roll towards the center of the
building.  The nurturance instinct took over, and she crawled over to the
struggling life form, embracing it in her arms while cooing nonsense to its
quivering shell.  Terri arrived shortly thereafter, with her tiny sphere wrapped
in a stolen baby blanket.  They knew what they must do, and calmly strolled out
into the brisk night air in search of candidates.  Soon two of their fellow
cheerleaders had their own crotch companion and set off in search of a male

   By the next morning, half of the town was either supporting the new life
form, or lying in a pool of blood with their genitals savagely torn from their
bleeding torso.  The grizzly scene would repeat itself over and over again,
until much of the world was soon under the control of the glistening orbs.  But
just as the last remnants of mankind appeared doomed to extinction, a light
flaky dust began to fall from the atmosphere, covering the planet with a blanket
of white.  Its appearance, although somewhat unremarkable, was human kinds
saving grace as it contained a unique inert chemical compound that immediately
induced the hosts to shed their alien companions, which would split open and
disintegrate as soon as they hit the ground, not unlike a balloon popping when
introduced to the head of a sharp pin.   Soon the ground was covered with the
half ingested remnants of male genitalia, as the air was filled with sobs from
the female hosts. 

   It was hard to believe that the fate of the planet would now depend on the
few remaining male donors, who were outnumbered at a ratio of over one hundred
to one.  Seizing the opportunity, females soon controlled the government and
economic institutions, and quickly captured their unsuspected counterparts,
placing them in especial encampments where they could be completely controlled. 
With their masculinity stripped from them, they became nothing more than sex
slaves to the favored women in the newly formed society.  As they succumbed to
the selfish conspiracies of their captors, they became keenly aware of the beast

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