BDSM Library - An Ocean of Misery

An Ocean of Misery

Provided By: BDSM Library

Synopsis: Sara and Kara are twins. Their dad is a judge. They get what they want. The main thing they want is a full use slave for their summer cruises. They get a special one this time. He enrolls as a senior right after January first. They quickly get use of him before school is out. They train him well. Will the ocean cruise be misery for him?
                 An Ocean of Misery

This is a femdom story with parts written from both male and female points 
of view. Some scenes are graphic and depict torture including scatology.

A judge has beautiful twin daughters.  He adores them and will do anything
for them.  What they desire most is having a full service slave for their
ocean cruise they take every summer.  The slaves in the past have not
enjoyed their cruise and the yacht has docked at summer's end with one less
passenger than when they departed. This slave may be different.  The twins 
discover his usefulness before the end of their senior year of high school.  
Joe becomes a part of The Lady Dragon Fires basketball team. His cleaning 
skills are enjoyed by the team.  Joe is enjoyed even more by the twins.
Will Joe make this summer cruise,..... will he return? 
No part of the characters or story is true. If you would like to comment,
please do so.  My email is  Please do not send 
attachments.  Neither this nor any of my stories have been proofed or
edited by anyone therefore it is likely they contain errors.  I doubt if
there are errors in the story line.  If you find errors of any kind please
email me and I will correct them.  Thank you for reading my stories.
If you mouse click after Hale/  in the address bar, erase all to the right,
click enter, you will be directed to the chapters in the correct order 
as well as my other stories.

                   Chapter One

Hiya suckers!  I am Sara.  My sisters name is Kara.  We
are identical.  You can not tell us a part.  Our own parents
have problems doing that.  Sometimes we get confused!  For
example, I have a date with a guy I have went out with before,
but I want to do something else.  No problem.  Kara goes out
with him! Cool uh?  Some of the guys have questioned us about 
this.  They know it is possible.  We just chide them for not
being able to reconize their own girlfriend.  Well, don't you
think they should know the girl they are dating?  We call them
dumb dumbs.  Boys are you know.  We have been playing games 
with them since forever.  We play with adults too.  Especially 
teachers.  They are the dumbest of all.  Most of them pretend
they can tell us a part.  We go right a long with them.  Smile
and say.
"How can you do that, you are so smart!  You are as good at that
as our parents.  You are so awesome! They have no clue and are 
wrong as much as they are right."

We have no classes together. Some twins take all their classes 
together. That is so stupid. Sometimes I go to a class twice, 
sometimes Kara goes twice. This is really cool on test day! 
We trade when we do that. Our test scores fluxuate, sometime 
75-80, sometimes 95-100. Averages pretty good, uh?

Guess you want to know what Kara and I look like, so I will paint
you a photograph of us. I will use use words for my brush.

I am 34B-22-35. I weigh 120 lbs, I am 5' 7".  My
inseam for pants is 34".  I am very firm and quite
strong but not a body builder type.  I am in the school 
weight program.  It is required for sports.  The B's are 
identical and are almost C's.  They have the lift you would
expect them to have.  I (we) are very commited to
physical fitness and the care of our bodies from head
to toe.  I have shoulder length plus, black hair with
natural auburn streaks, and a lot of it.  My favorite
arrangement is long spiral curls, it is a little curly
naturally.  In games and practices it is piled on my head 
and looks kinda like a pony tail coming from the top of my 
head.  Really cute.  I, we have large wide set dark brown 
eyes, naturally long thick lashes.  A lip line similar to 
Heather Locklear but fuller lips and a more pronounced curve. 
My teeth are perfectly straight, OK so I wore braces
once! High cheek bones. Kinda triangle face.  My skin
is a golden brown with almost no blemishes.  My
fingers and toes are long and straight with very nice
nails on each. I have a little natural facial hair but it 
is always removed and not to much on my arms. My legs are 
always nice. My bush is trimmed 3/4" X 1 1/4" beginning
immeadiately above my slit.  (None on the sides).  Are ya
droolin yet!

Last year we had Mrs. English for English. She is an old bitch, 
spinster, no wonder.  No one would have her.  She is new here, 
I bet there are a lot of happy students wherever she came from.
She thought she was on to us. She started giving different test 
to different classes!  Have you ever heard of crap like that.  
Well, it caused us not to do so well once, that's all.  There 
are a ton of guys that delight in helping two gorgeous damsels 
in distress, LOL. We have guys that beg us to allow them to do 
our homework. Guys that we do not date, would not date.  They 
just value a few minutes of being near us, talking to us, and 
even hear us say words to them.  When we call one of them by 
name he comes close to getting his rocks off.  

Twins have lots of advantages in social life as long as they
are not the type who gets hung up on, individuality.  We do
not.  We love each other deeply. I know Kara is absolutely 
gorgeous, she knows I am absolutely gorgeous.  We dress exactly 
alike.  To hell with this, "Be your own self crap". 

We are starting star guards on our high school basketball team.  
We are seniors. I am eighteen today.  Kara is only seventeen 
and will not be eighteen until next year!  Impossible you think.  
Well You are wrong!  Kara will be eighteen tomorrow, January first!
That is so cool.  We are only five minutes apart.  I was born
at 11:58, Kara at 12:03. She got all the stuff for the first 
baby but we shared.  We share everything, I mean everything.
Maybe only one of us will get married and we will share one
husband.  That way both of us can play around! Like we are 
going to do that! Uhmmmmm, hold that thought!

We do share intimately. We always share our personal potty.
Yeah we have had one. We have always had one. There is an endless
supply. Know how we get them? Our dad does that. He adores us
and would do anything for his gorgeous daughters. He has nobodys
appear before him. He is a judge. Sometimes he will let one off
on parole if the guy is the right type. My dad is very good
at telling that after the presentencing investigation. If the guy
fits the personality profile qualifications he may get lucky.
Lucky is what his name becomes with us. All of them have been 
called, "Lucky".  Would you like to be "Lucky".  Some of you, 
maybe. Who knows you may sit in our daddy's court someday. :) 

Kara and I had been, "messing around with this guy". When I talk 
about,"Messing around with a guy," I am talking about messing around 
with his mind.  I, we, get inside a boys head and drive him crazy.  
Before he realizes what is happening we have him crazy with lust.
He will do anything for us, even commit murder if we wanted him to. 
Well this guy was a nobody. (That is the kind we choose, for obvious 
reasons.)  His name was Joe.
The name fit him, plain and simple. He had been in trouble with
the law, minor stuff.  My dad was his judge. He told us about him.
Sicked us on him so to speak. He enrolled in school last Jan.
We owned him in a few weeks. He could not believe his good
fortune. All it cost him was his body, his soul, and his life.
A small price to pay for what we gave him.  He was sooo lucky!
I mean for a guy that would be twenty-one the day after graduation
who was never going to amount to anything.  His elevator did not
go all the way to the top.  You know, he was a brick shy of a full 
load. His going on a summer cruise with us was unbelievable!
He was a ward of the state, lived in a foster home.  The state
would lose all interest in him when he turned twenty-one.  Yep,
one day he was a kid who could not care for himself, according to 
state statutes. The next day he was a full fledged adult solely 
responsible for his own fate. His fate was sealed.  He did not 
know that though.  Even his senior year high school experiences 
never gave him a clue.

I bumped into him in the hall, I had stood around the corner
waiting for Kara's signal for almost five minutes.  She signaled
and I lowered my head, raised my books, rounded the courner and 
wiped his ass out. He went down flat.  His books flew everywhere.  

I said. "I am so sorry." Then I laughted. He was wearing wire 
glasses, they were bend and setting on his face cockeyed. It was 
so funny. Kara took a pic with her phone. His nose was bleeding a 
little, not from the inside but from the outside where his glasses 
cut him. Those glasses were not made for impact! I turned on my
left foot.  All of my weight was on it. It was on his hand.
120 lbs of girl muscle turned on his hand.  He screamed in pain.
I smiled secretly to myself.  I refrained from a laugh.  That 
requires control. There I was, a Goddess, standing on the nobody's
hand.  He was in pain groveling at my pretty feet.  Both of us
were at our rightful place.  Even with him screaming I shifted my 
weight so I could come down with a little bounce.  He moaned that 
time. Oh, that felt so good. I love it when a nobody is suffering 
at the hands, or feet, of a superior. I love it even more if that 
superior is ME 
A crowd was starting to gather so I reluctantly stepped off his hand.  
The skin was torn, bleeding, and looked like it may be swelling.  He 
would have pain to remind him of me for a while. I love it, just 
love it! I made it look good for those around me.

"I am so sorry,let me help you. I stepped on your hand too. That
does not look at all good. I am sorry, uh uh uh, well what is your 

He was having a little trouble regaining composure.  He was trying 
very hard to keep from crying, I think. I would have laughted if he 
had. He finally managed to say, "Joe, my name is Joe".

I reached down my hand to help him up. You should have seen him.
He thought he had crashed through the gates of heaven and I was 
an angel.  Boy did he have a lot to learn! Beauty does not mean 

Kara walked away leaving him in my very competent hands. When I 
said, "hi," his glasses steamed up. No, really, they did! The fool 
had no idea I had caused him all that pain on purpose. He had a 
hand that may required medical attention just because it was on the 
floor and I wanted to see a little pain register on his pathetic 
loser face.  

I helped him with his books. I asked, if he was new in school,(I knew 
he was), what class he had 1st hour, if he knew where it was located.
I had the same class so, I walked him to class. I handed him my
books and said, When a guy walks with ME, he carries!" This guy 
could barely talk.  He would have carried me.  He would have loved
to carry me! I giggled a lot, that did not help his speech any.
His hand had already stopped bleeding. I did not hurt it as much 
as I wanted to. I sat by him in class. I introduced him as a new 
student. Of course I told the class how I met him. One of the guys 
said. "If you survived a collision with Sara Abreu and are not in the 
hospital, you are one tough dude!"

Everyone laughted. He turned a few shades of red. I let him carry
my books. I was hoping the extra books would make his hand hurt a 
little more.  Pain is good for some guys.  It builds character! :)
I took them from him when we got to my locker.  I got Kara's next 
hour books and handed them to him.  I went to the ladies room and 
got my 2nd hour book from Kara.  You know what she did.  She 
walked out first and walked to her next hours class with Joe calling 
her Sara. We did this to him for three days before he caught on.  
Kara and Sara sound so much alike we made him believe the ones that 
called us the right name said the wrong name.  He did not know there 
were two of us.  The other studens helped.  Everyone enjoyed the 
joke.  On the surface it was a harmless joke.  For us it was helping 
Joe make the first step.  A giant step down a one way road.  A road 
of pain and humiliation for him, convenience, fun, and pleasure for 
us.  He had been chosen to play the part of our, "Summer Boy".

Know what we do ever summer?  We take a cruise.  My dad takes
a couple months off from the extremely stressful job of being a 
judge and making life or death decisions.  We sail to various ports.
We have been everywhere.  We have a 130 foot yacht, complete with
a crew that has been with us as long as I can remember.  They are
well paid.  They have a great life and appreciate it. They think
we are the greatest people in the world.  Hey, we are! They would
do anything for us. Loyal people are a must in todays world dad
always said.

Back to loser Joe. The day he discovered we were twins, we 
introduced him to another phase of his training.  We let him wash 
our car.  There was a big game and we simply did not have time.  
We wanted our car to be clean because we were going on a double 
date after the game for sandwiches and cokes.  We had had this 
date for weeks, since the last day of school before break.  We 
always kept our dates.  We are always honorable and truthful.:)
We told him how much we appreciated his cleaning our car up really 
good.  We even let him clean our car the day after too.  We put 
our panties under the seat for him. Not the ones we were wearing, 
much dirtier ones.  We wanted Joe to have a memory of us.  He 
cleaned our car good again. Gone was the dirt, gone were the stale 
fries, gone were two pair soiled panties. He had taken the bate. 
Joe had just taken One more step towards an ocean of misery.

We had cafeteria at the same time. We let Joe carry our trays while
we flirted with the guys. He had to go back through the line to get 
his food. By that time we were almost through eating.  We were leaving
just as he got there.  Kara said, Joe would you dump all of our trays 
when you finish eating, we have a few thing to do.  We will be in the 
student lounge.  All eight of us left our trays for Joe to take care of. 
I flashed him a warm smile and let him watch my ass as I walked away.
Kara's and the other two girls asses looked good to.  Kara and I looked 
back just as we were exiting the cafeteria, he was still staring at our
asses.  He would get many a close look.  He would learn every little 
inch of them by heart.

Just as the bell was about to ring he came in the lounge. Scott and I
had just finished a quick kiss, Kara was still holding Todd's hand. Joe
knew he was not our boyfriend and would never be.  He love to be in our
company though. Just looking at us and hearing us speak awed him.  He
always had this worshipful look in his eyes when he looked at us. We let 
him walk down the hall with us. Yeah, he carried Kara's and my books.  
The students were starting to whisper about the twins and their slave. 
Hey, we deserve a slave, we are royalty, Joe is nothing. He gave Kara 
her books. She walked in her room and he continued to walk down the 
hall with me. I let him walk a little behind me so he could look at 
my ass. I wanted him to, that ass would own him. Maybe it already does!

"Joe," I said to him as we were sitting down. "I want you to carry my gym 
bag home and wash my uniforms for me. Kara wants her's washed too. We 
have a game tomorrow night."

I said this just loudly enough for Donna to hear. Donna was a 6' power
forward. She was only a sophomore but played on the varsity.  She was
good. Good runs in the family.

"Joe, would you be a dear and wash mine too?" She asked with a big smile.
Donna was not goddess material, princess maybe.  She was kinda pretty 
though in a big sort of way.  She was 5" talker than me and 50 lbs heavier.
If she had stepped on Joe's hand, and did what I did, it would be in a cast!

"Yes, Donna, I can wash them at the same time."

Good news traveled fast. Joe had 12 sets of girls uniforms to wash by
the days end.  He would have more from now on. The Varsity had acquired
a slave. At practice we told our coach how Joe asked to be in charge
of our uniforms.  She made Joe assistant manager.  Joe would get to do
all of our uniform laundry. He would be responsible for making sure we
had the right color uniforms clean, and on the trip or in our locker
room if it was a home game.  Joe would also get to clean our locker
room and our bath, shower and toilets. Coach Hughes was surprised when
we told her Joe wanted to do this for us.  Joe already knew he would
tell her he wanted to. Coach Hughes was 6'5" and was huge, yeah, Coach 
Hughes was huge!

Have you ever seen a basketball girls locker room, shower, and toilets
after a game or hard practice. It is a mess. Lots of girls do not 
bother to flush.  The place smells of sweat, stinky socks and shoes,
urine, and even shit sometimes.  We were not very tidy for the janitor.
We would be a lot less tidy for Joe. All of the girls knew he was 
slave material. You know, made to be used. Anyway, Joe washed the
twelve uniforms, did a fabulous job too.  From then to the end of
the season he had varsity and jv uniforms to care for.  Of course
we started leaving him our panties, sport bras, and socks. Kara told
me she walked in on him yesterday.  She caught him.  He was laying
face down on a bench, socks under his nose and panties in his mouth.
I asked her what she did.  She said she just said, "Hi, Joe, having
fun with those.  Here I forgot to leave these for you," She said she 
tossed him a pair of her panties and laughed as she walked away.

Well......we are normal girls, almost. We can keep secrets. It is
just all of those people we tell that can not keep them. By the end
of the next day every girl on the team knew about that little 
incidence.  If Joe ever had one ounce of respect, he lost it. He was
the basketball girls slave.  All twenty-two of them. In a week he 
was getting remarks like, "Does my panties taste better than Sara's?  
Which taste best, petite or large?  Do you know whose panties you are 
eating? Love my socks, do you?

This escalated of course. Within a couple games we were wiping
our ass on our panties if we could take a dump after a game. After 
a hard workout, it is a natural thing. He got a lot of shitty 
panties! Our panties always came back nice and clean. We knew he was 
eating our shit, we just knew it! Many started pissing on their
panties too. You know, just the crotch. Kara and I liked to leave 
a glob of cum in ours. We were using Joe in the most degraded way,
well.......almost, he was just becoming more experienced for his
stroll down an ocean of misery, lane.

There was the time before we went to state. We had been ranked number 
one all year. Three days at the capitol playing on the same court the 
university played on.  We won 4th my sophomore, third my junior year.
This year we were winning first. Everyone knew it. Joe got to go
with the team. He had done an incredible job keeping our uniforms
and our facilities clean. Never had our locker room, showers, and 
toilets been kept so clean. We had that joke we told Joe a lot.
"Joe, I swear those toilets look so clean you could eat out of them!"

We were more than a little suspicious he really had. Kara and I had
a plan. We put a video camera in the tile above stall number three.
I took a dump there just before time for Joe to come to clean for us
(They were not numbered, just the third stall).  He was coming to 
clean them as I was leaving. No one could enter The Lair if we did 
not want them to. If the lock was flipped from the inside no one 
could enter except Coach hughes. Even if the lock was not flipped 
from the inside the numbers had to be entered correctly for the door 
to open. On the third incorrect try it would not open from the 
outside without a key from Coach Hughes.

I timed my exit and his entrance, yep Kara and the cellie!  Good
accidents are planned. The ones that just happen usually are not so 

"Hi Joe, good thing you did not get here sooner. You would have 
caught me in stall number three. Darn, I bet I forgot to flush.
Sorry Joe." I laughed, my low throaty laugh.  My voice is lower
than most girls. I can be sexy soft, very loud or very demanding.

"That is ok, Sara." He said. "I am used to that.  You ladies are
not the tidiest people I ever knew, but you sure can play basketball.
I appreciate being assistant manager. I have always thought you 
and Kara had a lot to do with that. Thank you. You and Kara are

"Thank you Joe, I hope you still think so after you go in there!"

Oh, I can't wait until I see the video, I thought. Never have I
looked forward to seeing one anymore than I looked forward to 
seeing this one. I smiled again as I walked away. Joe had went
inside. He did not even wait to see me and my gorgeous ass walk 
away. I guess there was something else from me he wanted to look at!

Kara and I came back to school. The gym was always open until 10:00
Either boys and girls had practice every night except Saturday and
Sunday.  The boys state championships were one week later than ours.
They were practicing.  We would leave tomorrow for state.

We went straight to the camera. We rewound the tape while still
in the locker room. The place was so clean and tidy.  Maybe Kara
and I would help the girls get another slave, or I mean assistant
manager next year. If he knew what was going to happen to this one
he probably would not be interested! We were so excited. Sure
enough it shows Joe as he opened the door. We giggled, it was
obvious by his expression that there was an unpleasant odor!
He looked in the commode a few seconds. He put his hand to his
belt.  He unfasten it and zipped down his pants. He let them 
fall around his knees. His shorts were down in a flash. His dick
sprung out. He had a hard on already. We joked about him jacking 
off so much in the toilet that every time he smelled shit he got a 
hard on! He dropped to his knees and started jacking off.  As he
jacked off, he slowly lowered his head to the toilet. Both of us 
were fingering ourselves. Watching Joe was making us so hot.
The camera picked up his moaning sounds. He pushed his head farther
into the toilet.  My gosh his whole head was in it. His face had
to be near my shit. Darn we could not see if he was actually eating 
it. Oh I hoped he was. He stayed in that position until he got
his rocks off.  He raised up and put his clothes back up.  His face 
was still facing the floor.  I wish we could have mounted a camera 
to pick up that angle. Not possible though. Maybe we should have 
had mirror tiles in this floor! His head started to raise!.....He 
turned his head towards the door away from the camera. We still
could not see his face. He walked out of the stall and over towards 
the sinks. We could hear water running and........the unmistakable
sound of gargling. Why would he be gargling if he had not taken at 
least one bite?  We thought that was all that was on the tape of 
any value but, he came back in the stall, bent over and put his head
in the commode and took a deep breath and held it. How does he
do that! The stench had to be awful that close to my shit and
in a confined area like the commode. It is bad enough in the
room, but having your head in the toilet, UGHHHHHH! Both of us 
were wet.  We pulled off our panties. We each had a spare pair 
in our locker. We left ours on the seat of stall number three.
Just so he would know they were ours we put our initials on the
waist band of our lady jockeys. Joe would find them there when he
cleaned again. That would not be until we returned from the games 
at state. The cum would be very stale but unless I miss my guess, 
Joe will still enjoy them. With every action he draws closer to 
his ocean of misery. Kara and I will enjoy him tremendously!

                 An Ocean of Misery

                    Chapter Two

I laid in bed thinking of all the things I wanted to do to Joe.
Believe me there were a lot! My standing on his hand was 
nothing. Just a little treat of things to come. He did not
know that. If he had, he would have run for the hills, I think.
One can never be certain where men are concerned. Some have
this, I want to worship a Goddess, complex. I know Joe has
it, evidenced by his head in the toilet, among other totally 
reprehensible acts he has committed. I do not know how 
ingrained in his psyche it is. The guy is not sane! Who cares 
though. We will use him up and discard him like the nothing 
he is. He will have his summer on the open seas, then it is, 
goodby Joe. 

We boarded the bus and left for the state final four. It was
great. The whole school let out. Many saw us off. Some 
followed us and many others made their own way to the capitol 
city just to watch us win the state championship. We won third
last year without a senior on the squad. Kara and I have 
improved a lot. A couple others have improved greatly.  Donna
is a lot stronger. We are going to kill them just like we have 
killed everyone all year. This year, we have our own private 
slave.  Even Coach Hughes refers to Joe as being our slave
when it is just us girls around. I do not know why we don't
just say it out loud to the whole school. All the students
know it. I can not believe that nosey old maid English. 
She tried to warn Joe about Kara and I. He told her to bug 
off. Joe is almost twenty-one! He knows what he wants. He is
having the time of his life. He is the only male on this bus!
Even the bus driver is female.  

The state capitol is almost four hours away. We stopped at a 
McDonalds for lunch. We gave Coach Hughes our orders. She 
turned them in and paid for them. Joe had a copy of our orders.  
He brought our food to us. He also got refills for us. I think
he was disappointed because he could not clean the toilet 
after all of us used it! I think he is in to cleaning women's 

We won our first game that night. I had eight assist. One down 
and one to go. When we got back to the rooms we celebrated a little.  
Coach Hughes had got a separate room for Joe. About 10:00, I 
looked at Kara, she looked at me. I think we got the same idea 
at the same time. We do that a lot. We sneaked out and went to 
Joe's room. I knocked on his door. No answer. I knocked
louder. I heard a voice say. "Who is it?"

"Sara and Kara, let us in."  That did not take long. The door
opened and there stood a very surprised Joe.

Kara asked him, "Joe have you ever hooked up with a girl?"
Both of us pushed him aside and went in. We were horny and
Joe spelled relief. We had a big game tomorrow night and
We were going to get ate out just a little tonight. We had
big plans for Joe tomorrow night. We would celebrate. Joe
would be the entertainment.

"No, but I want to," Joe said.

I like honesty. It is especially desirable in a nobody,... to
a point.

"I will put this on you." I told him as I pulled a scarf I tied 
in my hair for practice. I put in around his head blindfolding 
him. He complained but I told him he could not see us naked 
until we were ready for him to. It was a priviledge he would 
have to earn. At a high price too. We were modest, and proper 
young ladies. He was about to be rewarded for all the thoughtful 
things he had done for the Lady Dragon Fires.

We quickly undressed. Both of us laid on the bed side by side.  
Our asses rested on pillows, his pillows. When I moved my pillow, 
guess what was under it, yep, our panties form the Lair! The 
little sneak had entered the Lair this morning before he boarded 
the bus. He brought them with him. I picked mine up, my initials 
were on the band, They were clean! All the cum was gone. I looked 
at Kara's. He had been inhaling hers and eating mine! That is so 
cool! I love this guy! I showed them to Kara, it sure was hard to 
keep from laughing at him. What a loser! 

We had Joe on his knees. He looked so useful in that position. A
natural! Kara slid down the bed and placed her legs over Joe's 
shoulders.  We had to instruct him on how to do so much.  It 
subtracted from our pleasure a lot. He was better with me but he 
had a lot to learn about cunninlingus.  I thought about just 
using him for a toilet. I do not think he will ever be any good 
at eating pussy. His tongue is to short and will not roll. We 
will certainly have all the skin cut from under his tongue. If 
he swallows his tongue and chokes to death we will spend the 
summer without a summer boy. I know that may sound like a cruel 
thought by me. Ask me if I care. Kara and I so deserved a guy 
to use and abuse for our pleasure on our cruises. We must 
have more tongue than he can give now. He is so limited.  

This use of Joe will removes all of the stress of school and 
the big game tomorrow night. Just thinking of some of the things 
I will do to this pathetic excuse for a human is making me cum 
more than his mouth and tongue are capable of enducing.  If I 
could just sink my nails and teeth in him.  I would love to put 
my feet in his stomach and push as hard as I could to feel his 
shin cut in the path of my toe nails. I would like to tell him 
to raise his head then backhand him as hard as I could with all 
my rings on my fingers. Seeing the tears flow from his eyes 
would make my orgasm more intense. Then I would place my pussy 
over his eyes, make him open his eyes to receive my hot cum.  
Grab his cock and pull it off if he did not leave his eyes open 
and permit my heavenly jucies access to all of his eye.  After 
it is there for awhile I would piss in his eyes to wash out the 
cum. Joe will receive that and a whole lot more this summer, 
including the pubic hair treatment. Ohhh, he is doing much better 
now. He has found my clit and is licking it very fast.  

"Joe, that is sooo good." I moaned as I reached orgasm in his mouth,
I squeezed his ugly face so hard. I wish he could see the look of 
my superiorty as I moved my thighes on his face. I could resist
no longer, even though I knew it would leave marks on him. My nails 
went to his back and I raked up hard. My nails are short but very 
strong. He would have marks there for a long time. I gave one last 
moan and released his face. He was gasping for breath. I almost
suffocated the worthless shit face. While he was gasping for air
Kara squatted above his face and cut the cheese.  Boy did that stink.  
You should have heard him cough and splutter as the methane gas 
entered his lungs. Both of us laughted at him. The ass hole did not 
even protest. Plus the bulge in his pants grew. See, I said he had
masturbated so much in our gym toilet that every time he smelled 
shit he got a hard on!

"Come here," I told him as I grabbed his hand.

"Don't touch that blindfold panty eater!" Kara told him as we
led him to the bathroom. We started removing his clothes. He
said a few protest words, but not very strongly. Maybe the stupid
ass hole thought we were going to fuck him. We were, but not like 
he thinks.
"Get in the tub and lay face down. Your back is cut pretty deep 
and we know just what it needs. If you move, you will get no more
of our panties, none of the other team members panties either."
Kara told him.

I chided in with, "I won't leave you anything in stall number three 
either. I know how you enjoyed that little gift from me."  

He started to speak.

"Don't bother with any explanations, we have it all on video, we 
know everything." Kara said laughing. "If you move or remove Sara's
scarf before we leave we will show everyone in school our toilet 
stall number three movie staring, Shit Face Joe.

That was just to funny. I could hardly clime up on the edge of
the bathtub. I got a foot on either side of the bathtub. I cut
lose and pissed all over his back. Piss is good for a wound you 
know. He protested a little but Kara was watching his mouth.
As my piss ran off of him into the drain his tongue was out licking
it. This guy wants to drink my piss. Well, he will get to, in 

When I finished pissing on the twerp Kara did the same thing. She
was right. He began lapping her piss as soon as it ran off of his 
back and got near his mouth. He is so sick. This guy is weird with 
a capital W! 

We put our clothes on and left. Neither of us said anything to him.
Who wants to talk to a sicko. I bet he sucks on my scarf which became
saturated with our pee. He probably licked the tub clean after we 
left. I am beginning to think he is to sick to be our summer boy.
I mentioned my thoughts to Kara. She laughted and said.

"Don't be silly, Sara. He is exactly what we want. He will do all
that sick stuff willingly from the beginning. I bet he would serve
us any way we wanted right now."

I doubt that, she was just making a point about how good he would be 
this summer. If I did to him now what I will do this summer he would
run, parole or no. He is crazy, worthless, and weird but he is not
stupid. He has a life preservation wish that all people are born
with. He does not want to commit sideways! When we are almost 
through with him, well.....that is different.  

I slept beautifully. Kara said she did too. I needed what Joe provided.  
I wish all the girls could have used the, "Joe Stress Reliever"! 

There is a lot of pressure playing for a state championship. Joe 
certainly relieved a lot of stress for us last night. It cost him 
nothing. We do not think less of him, how could we? We already knew he 
was the lowest thing on earth. We enjoyed using him though. Even though
we all knew he was eating our panties, it was terrific to see proof.

At breakfast we met Coach Hughes. She told us she knew we visited
Joe's room for a little while. She told us we were eighteen and
adults. She hoped we did nothing foolish. I told her what we did
she sounded amazed at first. But maybe she was amazed that we would
do that to him. She smiled with a forlorn look, then said.

"You ladies are smarter than I gave you credit for. Maybe after 
school is out I will teach him a few things about serving women."

We were surprised at that. But if one gives it thought, she has 
to have femdom tendencies to accept Joe as a locker slave for all 
of us girls. She encouraged him to be our, "assistant manager".
Call it what you want, Joe was our slave. She encouraged all of 
the girls to allow Joe to be our slave. Everyone showed him less
respect as the season progressed. He was eating all of our panties.
Everyone knew that. We never mentioned that to Coach Hughes but
she had to know.  Why would we start leaving our panties and socks
behind with our uniforms? Surely she caught him doing weird stuff
with our panties and socks. She had more access to the room than 
any of us. Well, maybe not more, but as much. She was in there a 
lot too, like any good coach. She is an excellent coach. She knew 
what was going on about everything else, so she had to know, she 
just had to. I bet next years team gets an, "assistant manager", 
early in the year! I will have to tell dad to keep an eye out for 
slave material, he did so good on this one.

We lost the championship game. I went down with a severely
sprained ankle in the first minute. Joe was the first one on the 
court. His eyes held as many tears as mine. The trainer knew
instantly my season was over. Joe helped me off the court. I
let him. He was so upset. He attended me in everyway. Well
everyway allowable on the court in public. I could have certainly
used a pee toilet. I needed to go badly after being hurt so much.
I let him carry me to the locker room. He could not go inside.  
The trainer helped me, female of course.

I was wrapped and iced. The trainer said it was not serious and 
that I would be ok in a few days. That did nothing for me now.  
Who cares about next week. This is my last high school game.  I 
went back out on crutches the university provided. I sat on the 
bench and watched us lose by 3 points. I was devastated. Never 
have I been so sad. If I could have played only a quarter we would 
have won. Donna made a desperation attempt that would have sent the 
game into overtime. It bounced off the rim. If I had been in the 
game we would have beat them by 10-15 points. Everyone said so.  
All of us girls cried and cried. We did not celebrate. Coach Hughes 
did her best to cheer us up, especially me. She said I was to hard 
on myself. Joe stayed on all fours the whole trip back so I could 
rest my leg on his back. Now was he a good slave or what?

When we got back home Joe stayed on all fours and gave me a ride
to the door of the bus. My dad met us there and helped me off the 
bus. I was being babied, I knew that but it hurt less if I had
help. Joe asked if he could go home with us and help me tomorrow
which was Sunday. Dad agreed and call the foster home where he 
stayed. Since my dad was the judge, and for other reasons, he could 
do anything. 
There were only two more months of school. I was already looking forward 
to our summer cruise. When we got home Joe got on all fours at the
door and carried me inside. I admit it, I liked riding him.  If
I could have him all week I would stay home and recuperate. Maybe
I will suggest that to Dad tomorrow.  What his little girls want, 
his little girls get. It has always been so.  

Joe carried me to my room. He asked me if I wanted him to carry me 
to the bathroom. I had my own private bath. I told him yes in
the sweetest voice I have ever used to address him. He carried me 
in the bathroom and stopped in front of the commode.

"Do you need me for anything, Sara, anything at all?" He asked.

Why not go for it I thought. I know he is beging for it.

"Joe, sitting down on that thing will be hard for me, no place to 
put my foot in comfort. You want me to be comfortable, don't you?"

"Yes, that is why I asked to come home with you. I mean it, 
anything at all, anything without bounderies. Just ask. I could
refuse you nothing anyway. You are so beautiful, Sara. I want to 
do everything I can to make you confortable, all of you."

Now could he have been any more plain about it. He was asking to 
be my personal potty. Well wasn't he? I knew I was going to use him.
I wanted to, he wanted me to. Why not?

"Yes Joe, you can do something special for me. You know, like in
the motel when I was peeing on your back. I know you were tasting 
my pee. Now I want you to drink all of it. You can sit there and
I will straddle your face."

I sat on the commode, cover down.  

"Untie my shoes for me Joe."

He could not wait to comply. He was like totally tuned to my needs.
This was going to be an awesome experience. Never have we ever had
anyone who wanted to do a disgusting, degrading act like this before.
We have always made them.

"That is it Joe." I said as I unfasten my jeans.

"Pull them off Joe."

I held out my legs as he carefully pulled my jeans off.  He was 
flushed with anticipation or embarrassment, who cared which one.
He looked at me, total worship. He was trying to look only at my 
face because he was so embarrassed to look at my crotch, where he 
obviously wanted to look. I put my fingers in the waist band of my 

"We have to remove these too, Joe. Help me get them off."

You should have seen him. His hands were shaking as he wiggled
my panties off my ass and down over my legs. His nose was close
enough to smell my crotch. As I helped him by bending my knees
so that he could get the panties over my feet, I spread my thighes.
Joe looked right at my pussy. I bet he had never seen one before.
This one was very beautiful, shaved with lots of black and auburn
bush above my pussy. He was mesmerized. I watched him look at it.
He licked his lips, so help me, he did. I raised up and slipped my
leg over his shoulder. He knelt down as I swung my other leg over 
his other shoulder. He certainly had the view he craved now!
I reached for his head as I moved forward to position his mouth 
over my pussy. He was so willing. He really and truly wanted
to swallow my piss. I started slowly. I would pee and then stop.
Pee and then stop. I did that a whole lot before I was finished.
He did not let one drop escape. When I finished, he licked my 
pussy like it was candy.

"Thank you Goddess Sara," he said.

That was the first time he had addressed me properly. I loved the
sound of it, "Goddess Sara". How sweet it was.

This was not all I had to do. I had to shit. I was sure he had
tasted my shit while he was in stall number three. I could not
see it but his head was so far into the stool, he had to. Why not
I thought. So he says, no, and I show him how pissed (no pun) I
am. I thought about how to go about it. It was to disgusting to
discuss. We are talking about one human, well almost, eating the
shit of another, Goddess.  That is acceptable. :)

I dismounted his face turned around and backed up with my ass.
I lowered my ass. As I did I looked down between my legs. Can
you believe he had tilted his head back AND opened his mouth.
He wanted to, he really wanted to.  Ughhhhh, that is so disgusting!
That is horrible. I can understand it when a guy is being forced 
and given a ton of pain, but wanting to! Like I would have ever
believe that possible!

I smiled a smug little smile as I lowered my ass hole to his open 

"Joe, if you put your hands up and make me a seat I will be more 

"yes, my Goddess," he said and instantly his hands were on my ass 
making a seat for me so I could shit in comfort. This guy is to 

"Lick me with the tip of your tongue, Joe." I sweetly commanded.

Instantly I felt the tip of his tongue exploring my rosebud. I
pushed down with my abdominal muscles and out came a fart. I said
nothing, just reached for a bath towel and draped it around my 
waist. It really stunk. Must be the bowl of chili I had with
my burger. He gasp a little, no complaints. He was holding my fart 
in his lungs!  My gosh, he is incredible. I pushed again.
Another fart escaped only to be sucked down Joe's windpipe and
into his lungs where he again held his breath.  I smelled nothing 
that time.  This is the way to take a shit, believe me!  I pushed 
again. A turd entered his mouth. I waited to give him time to 
swallow all of it.

"Are you ready for more, Joe?" I asked him, still sweetly. There 
will be time for the tough talk later.  Right now this is working 
beautifully. I have a very willing toilet.

"Yes, Goddess," he answered.

I gave him more. I pushed a little harder this time. A larger
amount entered his mouth. I heard him gulp as it went down.
That is so repulsive, isn't it?  He wanted it, he actually wanted
it. I continued to shit in his mouth and he kept swallowing.
No complaints, no revolt, just dedicated compliance by a guy
who knew his proper place in life. Never have I felt so superior.
I felt like a Goddess, I really did. Joe called me, "His Goddess".
Well I am not his anything. I do believe I am a Goddess though.
Joe has proved that beyond any doubt. I am a Goddess and Joe
is my toilet slave. I am not going to stop using him either.
Joe is being my toilet until he is used up. I do not know how long 
a guy can be a toilet if he is given antibiotics, stomach medicine, 
vitamins, etc.  I will know after Joe. That is the road he will
travel. Willingly I believe, if not, I know how to make him.  His
live would be shorter if I have to make him though. It will be
better for him to continue as we are.  Me enjoying my potty, and
him enjoying, eating and drinking all that comes his way.  I will
tell Kara tomorrow.  If he wants to serve her in the same way,
great.  If not, well I will just use him twice as much. :) I
wonder if I took two big dumps in a fifteen minute period would
he question if I was Sara both times. :) Ohhhhh, I love that tongue.
He licks so tenderly. He worships my ass, I know he does.  Kara
and I are identical.  He will love her ass too. This pig just
loves to be used. It is great, I love it. So much attention.
His tongue may not be the greatest for eating pussy but it sure
is terrific for licking ass.

"Carry me to bed slave, you can take my panties to inhale but
don't you get any shit on them. That stuff stinks. Not everyone
likes the scent the way you do. Something else slave, don't you 
dare brush your teeth, wash your mouth or drink anything until
tomorrow.  I will sleep with a warm tingling feeling knowing you
are tasting my shit all night long. Tomorrow I will let you
wash down the residue of my shit in a special way. A delish golden
stream will replace the yucky brown stains in your toilet mouth."

I had to laugh at that one. He had this dejected resigned look.
I have seen it many times when we broke a slave and he realized 
his future was written in blood, his! But what happen next I have
never seen.  He looked at me and worshipfully said.

"Thank you Goddess for allowing me to care for you and serve you 
in this manner. I will always try to insure your life is great.
I will serve you in any and all ways you wish. I am completely
yours for life. Thank you Goddess Sara."

I just looked at him, wrinkled my nose and said, in my haughtiest

"You stink. Sleep in the bathroom of the guest room tonight.
We will find suitable arrangements for our new toilet slave tomorrow.
Kara and I will love using you as our toilet.  I do not think you are
good enough to be the toilet of such beautiful ladies, but, you will
have to do for now. There are a lot of things you will do for us
besides enjoying the fine cusine coming from our bods.  If you 
are really good, work hard, and serve us well, maybe you will get
cum to swallow. Would you like that shit mouth?"

"Oh yes, Goddess, please I will do anything for your and Goddess 
Kara's cum."

"OK, but for now, put these on and go." 

I handed him two sets of cuffs and showed him how to fasten his left 
wrist to his right ankle and his left ankle to his right wrist. I 
pointed toward the door. I watched him slowly crawl out of my bedroom.
As soon as he left I hobbled to the door and locked it. He was harmless
in that position, I think any position! Still I wanted my bedroom door 
locked with anyone in the house deranged enough to want to be a toilet
for two girls just because they are beautiful.

I laid in my bed, my ankle hurt. Still I stared dreamy eyed at the 
ceiling for awhile. The thoughts of tomorrow and the days to come
with Joe, danced in my head and I could not sleep. I have never 
experienced this before. This is true worship of one person for 
another.  Surely he knew he was giving his life to us.  One thing
is for sure, we would take it!  Boy, would we ever take it. He can't
be the only man in the world like this.  If they are out there, daddy
will find them for his two princesses. If there were ever true Goddesses 
in the world, Kara and I are. If there never were, then we are the 
first. I drifted off to sleep with a smile on my face in spite of the 
pain in my ankle.

                  An Ocean of Misery


                   CHAPTER THREE

     I am Kara, I got up Sunday morning about 9:00 Am. 
I put my gown on over my thong, brushed my teeth and hair, 
and went looking for Joe. I found him in the guest bathroom
curled in a fetal position. A closer look and I noticed
he was cuffed hands to feet. I nudged him firmly with my
foot.  He groaned and looked up. Ohhh, what a stink. I
knew what Sara hand done to him. How did she get him cuffed

"Joe, you stink something fierce. I can't stand to be in 
the same room with you. Were you Sara's complete toilet?"

He only nodded.

Well, this is your lucky year. I have to used the toilet.
It is obvious you have prior toilet experience!"

I laughted at my joke, a little bathroom humor to delight 
the soul.

"On your knees and tilt your head back. Yuck, that stinks!"

I removed my gown and thong. I did not bother to blindfold
him.  It was obvious what he was going to be for the rest of
his miserable pathetic life. Who blindfolds a toilet?

I squatted over him, aligned my peehole with his open mouth.
Yuck, he did not even protest. This creep wants to me my
toilet. I realeased some pee in his mouth.

"Rinse your toilet mouth and swallow." I commanded him.  He
followed my instructions. I laughted. I could not help it,
well I did not want to either.  I have used lots of guys for
my toilet. It still gives me an incredible power rush.  There
is nothing like looking down and seeing a mouth open to recieve 
your waste.  But he was not protesting at all.  He was as willing
as all the rest have been after being totally broken. No way 
could Sara have broke him in one night.  I would have heard the 
screams. He rinsed, swallowed, and opened for more! Unbelievable!
I looked at him with a smirk on my face and peed another mouthful
for him. He again rinsed and swallowed.  

"Gargle this mouthfull, Toilet."

I pissed, he gargled and swallowed. Perfect, absolutely friggin
perfect. I was either getting used to the shit smell or we were 
washing it down to his stomach where it belonged, the stink was 
not as great. 

"OK Toilet, swallow as fast as you can, if I have to stop pissing
one more time I am giving you a hard kick to your balls.  Got it?"

He nodded yes, mouth open and empty.  I fixed the empty part. He
gulped down my piss like it was his favorite drink.  He was
disgusting.  How could he willingly be a toilet.  Yuck!  As I
had these thoughts I could feel my face wrinkle in disgust.  I
had an incredible urge to kick him in the balls. But only
after I used him.  He ate Sara's shit, well.....he was going to
eat mine too. I finished pissing. The sewer mouth kept up.

"Blot me gently with paper, Toilet, and eat the paper."  

I held still while he blotted me. He did that so tenderly.
I was moved, but only for a second, this is what he was created 
for. I watched him all the while I was pissing in his mouth.
He wanted it.  As unimaginable as that seems, he wanted it!

"Thank you, Goddess Kara." He said.

Did I hear that correctly. I have beaten guys within an inch of 
their lives to hear those words. "Goddess Kara"! I felt like
a royal princess, no make that a real one hundred percent
Goddess.  I certainly had power over life and death, just like
dad, or a Goddess.

"It pleases me you know your place, Toilet." I told him as
I turned around and sat on his upturned face. I felt his open
mouth cover my asshole. I pressed down with my weight to make 
a better seal and pushed a fart in his mouth.  I laughted.
Here this pathetic boy had drink all of my piss.  I was
sitting on his face, about to take a dump, and he was inhaling
my fart. I farted again. I know he is a sub human at best,
still yet, the power, ohhh, I love the power. I pushed a turd
out, I could feel his mouth work and heard a gulp as he 
swallowed my shit. I put my hand to my pussy and squeezed my
own hand.  I released my squeeze and shit some more.  Joe 
swallowed.  I don't know how much I shit, but all I could.
If I paused a little between turds, he would start licking.
He lapped on my ass.  I sat on his face enjoying the wonderful
feeling of power I had over this, this.....thing. I have never
dreamed there was anyone who would willingly submit to such 
disgusting and degrading acts. How can anyone eat shit?  Drink 
piss....,nah, that is disgusting too. I do not care though.  We 
were going to end this pathetic assholes life in The United 
States this summer. There are to many dumb, ugly, stupid men 
here anyway.  Sara and I, with dad's help have been doing our 
civic duty for years. It always made me feel great to see their 
lives finally amounting to something and being a useful member 
of society. Our dad taught us that if a person can not be rich, 
he should consider it a priviledge to serve. To serve in what 
ever capacity he could. He has told us a lot of times that these
pathetic beings were fortunate to be used in such a manner.
Joe cerainly has made me a true believer. Not that I was not 
before, know, there were small doubts.  Especially 
when so much torture was required to make the lesser beings 
serve in the way we wanted them to. No doubts here. This ass 
licker loved it. He licked my shitty ass like it was candy.  
After what just came out of it, he should know, candy does 
not come from there! I laughted again. I got off his loser 

"Were you laughing at me, Goddess Kara?" Joe asked.

"There is no one else in the room, do you see anyone else?"

He shook his head from side to side.

"Well.....commode mouth, of course I am laughing at you.
You are the lowest creature on earth. I have just pissed
and shit in your mouth. You swallowed all of it and you 
liked it too. Yuck, you are disgusting. You stink too.
Wash your mouth out. Use the guest toothbrush, nooo not
the new one. See that one in the waste can, use it.  
Looks like it is one the maid has been using for cleaning.
It certainly is good enough for you. Hurry, then and go 
see if Sara is awake. If she is not, kneel in front of her 
bathroom until she awakens. She is injured. You had
best serve her with everyting in your power. Now get
your ass in there. Don't walk, crawl, you are not good
enough to walk in this house."

I gave him a swift kick in the ass as he crawled by me.
I wanted to kick him in the balls but missed. I moved 
quickly jumping on his back. He made a loud, wooof,
as his stomach bottomed out on the floor. I doubled my
fist and hit him on both shoulder blades.

"Crawl, Toilet." I commanded.

We got to Sara's room, the door was locked. I got off
of him.

"Kneel here. If anyone walks by and asks what you are
doing here. You tell them you are a full time toilet for
Goddeses Sara and Kara. You are their slave because you
worship them. If it is one of my parents, ask if you may 
serve them while you wait for Goddess Sara to awaken and
use you for her toilet."

I made him repeat that four time before he got it right.
He is so stupid. He is not good enough to serve us. He
will suffice though! :)

I was going to go in her room and see if she was awake.
My cellie rang while my hand was on Sara's door. It was 
Sara, see what I mean by the earlier remark about us 
having the same thoughts at the same time?

                    Sara Awakens

I woke up. I laid in bed for a few minutes thinking how 
proud I was of myself the way I handled Joe last night.  
I would have still been broken hearted over the loss at 
the State Tournament if there had been no Joe.
See how lesser creatures can serve if they truly devote 
themselves to making their superior's live better. If 
this "nothing" can make my life better by taking away some 
of the sadness I would have had today without him to 
serve me in such disgusting ways, then his otherwise
worthless life is worth something.  See how that makes 
sense. The nobody becomes somebody. That is the true 
order of the world. It is so clear, I am sure you agree.

I wonder where he is. I called Kara on her cellie. She

Kara, have you seen Joe?"

"Yes, Sara, how did you get Joe cuffed, and how did you get 
him to be a complete toilet?"

Sara answered. "He put the cuffs on himself. I had already
used him. Kara, he is a born toilet, really. It required
no effort to get him to swallow everything. Both of us can
use him full time starting now. Why wait until this summer.
Take these keys, remove the cuffs but leave his hands cuffed.
Tell him to get his ass in here, I have to piss. He already
knows he gets to drink it. The shit for brains has been looking
forward to my golden nectar all night while savoring my delish
fecal matter. I will tell you more later, right now I have gotta 
pee. Send him in." 

I turned to Joe.

"Joe, I have to unlock you." I held my breath and unlocked his 
left ankle. I fastened the cuff to his left hand and removed
the other cuff completely.

"You had better hurry in there, Sara does not like to wait."

He hurried to Sara's room.

"Goddess Sara," he said as he fell on his knees by her bed. "May
I carry you to the bathroom?"

"Joe, what ever have you been eating? You smell like shit. Lucky
for you I am going to help you with that little problem."

"Kara what have you done to Joe?" 

"Do you mean Toilet Joe?" Kara asked followed by that low 
sultry laugh. "I found him this morning and made very
good use of him. Your offering will be his lunch. I fed him 
breakfast this morning.  He loved it too. How did you break 
him for toilet use so quickly?"

"There was nothing to break. He wanted it. I think he has wanted 
it from the first time he saw us. I will give him something to 
drink. He will have to wait on lunch!" Both of us laughted.  

Joe was going to brighten our lives. All it was going to 
cost him was his.  His life was worth nothing before he 
met us, now, "presto", his life had value. See how much
better this is for him.  Why would anyone want to be
worthless and a drain on society when instead they can make 
someone happy and make a positive contribution?

I gingerly got off the bed using only one leg to lift my
body.  I gently put my weight on my hurt ankle. I could 
stand it.  Maybe I could have played. I took another step.
I almost fell.  That answered that question in my mind.
I hopped to the door and unlocked it.  Joe had heard me
and was on all fours like a puppy waiting to come in as 
soon as his mistress opened the door.

"Get your ass in here, and be quick about it. Stop I want
a ride to the bathroom." 

I sat on his back and he carried me to the bathroom.

"Well, get in the correct position, toilet. I have to piss 
and I do not have all day. Do I need to kick your face?"

That got him scurrying to assume the position on the floor,
head tilted a little and mouth opened. I straddled his
face and started peeing. I looked down at him. He was
looking up at my face. Total worship in his eyes. He
is crazy. Bonkers! I would pause my stream to let him
keep up. I have never enjoyed pissing in a guys mouth
half as much as I enjoyed pissing in Joe's mouth. This 
is the ultimist in power trips. I don't think I can take
a dump yet but maybe I can fart. I am sure this idiot
will love it. How he can do this, I don't know, I don't
care. He is a worthless worm and I am going to use him
for my pleasure.  My pleasure includes full toilet service.
There is nothing like having a devoted toilet slave.  If
a guy will be your toilet, he will do anything for you.

Kara and I discussed all of the things we would do to him 
in the future. We let him listen, why not. If we said we 
were going to chop off his head, he would put it on a block 
for us. As we discussed him we carved our names on his chest 
with our nails. Not our full names, just Sara and Kara.  It 
looked so good. He lay there while we worked on him. We 
could see pain in his eyes and on his face. He would squint 
his face but make no sound.

"Slave get yourself over here." I told him pointing to the 
other side of the bed. I was going to watch a movie and
I needed Joe for a foot rest. He went where I told him.
Both of us put our legs across his back. Joe was being 
useful. Everyone could be useful if they tried. I like
having a guy kneel down in my presence while I use him
in some way. Joe is making a very good foot rest. I
told him so too. He was soooo pleased. Any words of
praise from us and Joe goes bonkers. I put my foot to
his mouth and he began licking my foot. I let him enjoy
licking and kissing my foot. He even sucked on my toes.
His tongue moved around and inbetween my toes beautifully.
He will be nice to have when I have run in the sand.
The sand will be good for him too. He will need some
roughage in his diet to act as a stimulus to peristalsis.

We watched our movie. Joe moved to much. Kara went to
the basement and got a couple whips. From then on when 
he would move both of us would give him a good lash. Her
whip would hit his ass, mine would hit his neck, head, 
ears, and would wrap to his face. I would hit him twice 
because of the inconvenience of moving my foot from his
mouth so to hit him. Hey, I could not hit my own foot!
I simply will not tolerate a slave causing any 
inconvenience to me.  His only purpose in life is to
give us pleasure and be a convenience for us. I hit
him a lot harder than Kara did too. I only had to hit him
four times. The last two lashes I gave him brought blood.
Not pouring, just welts that I could see blood in places.
He never even required a kleenex. There would be marks 
there for a while.  In time to come he would get a lot 
more. There is so much power in the ability to treat
a guy like this. I always get wet when I am inflicting
pain. It is not the idea of pain. Not at all. It is
the realization that I have the authority and power to
do so. It helps me to appreciate my status in life. Joe
has made both of us wet. He will reap rewards for enduring 
a little pain. Joe is a big winner. We will remind
him of that often when we are allowing him to be in pain
for us. He will tell us he appreciates it. I hope he
does to because if I ever found that he did not, he 
would be in for a lot of problems! :) I have to smile at 
those thoughts. What more problems could he have! :) He is 
being used up by two teen girls who enjoy using him up!

"Hi dad." both girls said as their dad walked in their 

"Hi twins," He answered. "I see the two of you are being
good to Joe. Are these young ladies treating you alright, 

"Yes, Your Honor, they are treating me very good."

"How did you get those marks on your skin?" He winked
at the girls as he asked.

"I was being to wiggly. I deserved it, your honor."

"I am glad to hear that Joe. I think their mom and I
have done a great job of raising these girls. They 
are very special to me. I would not want to hear of
any complaints about you or your service to them. I
expect you to do whatever they ask. I know my daughters 
would never be unreasonable. They are young and twins.
I know I have spoiled them a little too. That is because
I love them so much. Sometimes they may become a little
rambunctious. If they do, you just be extra nice to them 
and it will pass. You are very lucky my daughters chose 
you to give their love and affections to. Yes, you are 
very lucky. In fact, that will be your name while you are
with us, "Lucky". Do you like that name, Lucky?"

"Yes, Your Honor, very much."

"That is good, Lucky. Would you like to stay with us.
I can arrange it so you can stay here, help sara while
her ankle heals, and who knows, maybe you can continue 
to stay here and be a personal, well......what word am I
searching for"

"Toilet," both girls said at once and laughted. Kara
beat her heels on Joe's back as they laughed.

"Now girls, you know better than that. Act nice. We have a 
guest present."

"He can be our personal servant." Sara said, still giggling.

"How does that sound to you, Joe?" Judge Abreu asked. "Would
you like staying here and being a personal servent to these 
two lovely girls?"

"Yes Your Honor." Joe/Lucky answered, as the twins smiled 
at their father. Joe had made another step towards his
ocean of misery.

"You know, Lucky, if you are really nice to Sara & Kara,
they may want you to go on cruise with us this summer."

"Really, wow, I never dreamed of that. On your YACHT?"

"What do you think, daughters, is there a possibility?"
The judge asked.

Sara and Kara were now smiling from ear to ear.  Their
faces were flushed.

Sara answered. "Uhmmmm, that is possible. We had not thought
about it. He would have to be really, really good. He is 
being pretty good, but there are a lot of improvements he 
must make."

"Well twins, you all can decide. It is your decision 
whether he goes with us this summer or stays behind. You
girls have fun, you take care of that ankle. Lucky will do
anything to help you, won't you Lucky?"

"Yes, Your Honor, you know I will!"

As the Judge walked away, Sara said to Lucky, "Are ya hungry?
I have some warm and very fresh food for you. It is about your
lunch time."

Kara laughted as she said, "Lucky, I bet is just like what 
you had for breakfast. You loved breakfast, didn't you?"

"Yes, Goddess Kara. Everything that comes from a Goddess is

"I like the way you think, Lucky. You just might get really 
lucky this summer. It is a great way to spend the rest of your 
life even. Sara and I love it. We have a ton of fun."

Lucky was all smiles as he positioned himself for Sara to sit
on. Sara sat on his back and he carried her to the bathroom.
She got off his back and held on to the door facing. 
Lucky raised up on his knees, tilted his head back and opened 
his mouth.

"No stupid. Help me get undressed first. You will not be
so anxious when the scent hits you. Remember the fart, well
this is going to be a lot worse!"

Lucky helped her remove her clothes. He readied himself for
her again. He sat on the floor. She stepped a straddle of 
his shoulders and lowered her pussy to his open mouth. 

"Always give my pussy a couple big licks, then kiss it."

Lucky licked Sara's pussy with the flat of his tongue twice, 
making sure it was very wet. Her cum was gooey and sweet.
He kissed her lips tenderly one at a time. He placed his 
mouth over her pussy and waited. He had a short time to wait.
As soon as the flow started, Lucky started swallowing.
Her piss was not nearly as strong as it was this morning,
Lucky thought as he gulped it down in big swallows. When she
finished he again licked her tenderly. As she was getting off
of him to turn around he said.

"I love doing this for you Goddess. You are incredibly sweet.
Even if you were not so sweet, I would do it because you and
Kara are the most beautiful girls I have ever seen. Thank you
for chosing me."

Sara said nothing, she just looked at Lucky with a smirk of
superiorty, and laughted a low sultry laugh. She placed her
asshole over his waiting mouth. Lucky placed his hands on her
ass cheeks and lifted so that her anus was positioned about 
five inches above his mouth. He watched as her rosebud opened
and a large brown object appeared. About the time the horrible
scent assailed his nostrils Sara threw a towell over her ass
and his head. It took all of his will power to hold his mouth 
open and watch as the large brown object rapidly descended.
Just as it reached his lips her sphincter closed and the turd
dropped into his mouth. The turd was still extended above his 
nose. Lucky pushed his tongue against the turd and felt it 
flatten against the roof of his mouth. All of his taste buds
were alive and shared the bitter bile taste of Sara's shit.
Lucky swallowed. The remainder of the turd dropped back farther
in his mouth. A few chews and he could swallow it too. He 
grunted, opened his mouth and watched as another thinner but 
longer one entered his mouth. He quickly squished it with his 
tongue and swallowed as more shit pushed against the inner part 
of his mouth. He cut the turd again and swallowed. He was then 
able to chew the remainder. Even as he chewed he saw more 
headed his way. He repeated the procedure. He was feeling light 
headed. Probably due to the lack of oxygen he thought. His part 
of the world was saturated with methane and stunk something 
fierce. He heard the fan come on. He took a deep breath. He 
could feel the room go around. He tried to call out but could 
not hear his own voice. His head went back and bumped the wall.
Sara did not get off. She felt his body go limp but sat a 
little while longer. She knew if she got off and took the towel 
away the stink would be to great. Besides that is what he was
for. No one could expect a Goddess to smell shit. Sara laughted
as she moved her anus back and forth over his nose. She got
off and looked down at him. A smile played on her pretty mouth.

Even though the scent of her shit was still in the room, she
watched Lucky. He had enjoyed all of her he could then passed
out from sensory overload brought about by his mortal body's
contact with the waste from the body of a Goddess. He would
come to......this time. She had seen it before. He was a long
ways from being used up. Hey, his ocean of misery had not begun

                  An Ocean of Misery

                    Chapter Four

                Through the Eyes of Joe

I have always had problems with school work. I am not
stupid. Books are not my thing. My parents sent me to 
a private school until they died of a drug overdose.
I became a ward of the state. My parent always said we 
had money if we did I sure could not find any of it.
Maybe it was stolen. Anyway I was seventeen. I was 
placed in a foster home and enrolled in high school.
They gave me some test and put me in as a freshman.
Seventeen and a freshman! I bounced from foster
home to foster home four times. I ended up in a small
high school. But I was at last a senior with only 
one-half year to go and with new foster parents. Boy 
that is a misnomer. Parents! What a laugh. I finally 
got this judge who seemed especially interested in me. 
He said although I had been in some minor scrapes with 
the law, he could help me if I really wanted it. He 
thought one of my problems was I had always been in a 
large school and remained lost in the shuffle. He said
he lived in a town where he thought I woud get the kind 
of attention I needed to be a success in life. He said 
he knew the foster parents very well also.

As foster parents go, the Wojohowski's were alright. 
They had no other kids. They were older, more like 
grandparents without much caring. They were alright 
though. I am not complaining about them. They spoke 
very highly of Judge Abreu. They refered to him as, 
"His honor", and said I should too, out of respect. I 
did. That pleased them and it was a little thing.

The first day at the new school I got flattened. Bowled
over like a bowling pin. By a girl too. Then she stepped
on my hand. If that was not enough, she turned, bounced
or something. It hurt like hell. I know I seen a sneer
on her face before she said she was sorry. I never believed
she was. I later found out she was not at all sorry. She
was a twin too. I could not tell them apart. They were
as identical as any two things could be. Beautiful hardly
describes them. Goddesses fit them better. They thought
they were Goddesses too. Right from the start they had me
carrying books, food trays, emptying food trays for them
and their friends. It did not take long for them to
enslave me either. Now I did not object. I have never
seen such beauty. I was gladly doing things for them so 
I could be near them. The things they had me doing was 
nothing compared to the pleasure of being near them.
I do not know how they got me the assistant manager 
position. They had something to do with that. They had
to. How else would Coach Hughes have known me. Even if
she had known me, how would she have known I was interested
in the position. Hey it was a lot of work. It started when
I washed some uniforms for the twins and some of their
team mates. Presto, I got to be assistant manager. I was
placed in charge of washing all ot the girls uniforms.
I loved that. There is nothing like the scent of a
girls sweaty uniform. I especially like the shorts. When
Coach Hughes seen what a fine job I did with the uniforms
she asked me if I would like to keep the locker room, showers,
and toilets clean. She said the janitor just did not do the
cleaning to her satisfaction. I jumped at that opportunity!
So my duties were instantly expanded to cleaning the girls area
of the gym. I could not go in until the girls had finished
with the facilities. I will always remember the first time.
I was so anxious to go in the room where all of these girls
had been. Just to see their showers and toilets was a thrill.
I had an instant hard on when I walked in the place. The scent
was so wonderful. many scents intermingled with each other.
I could even smell various perfumes. I had all of the girls 
uniform numbers on their roster plus I had memorized the 
prettest ones. So I knew which uniform belonged to which 
girl. I went through them until I found Sara's and Kara's.
I place both shorts to my face and inhaled deeply. Pure 
heaven. I knew I had to have a lot more from these Goddesses.
I remembered the panties they left for me in their car. I 
kept them. I did not mean it as stealing. I needed them to bury
my face in everynight. I had never had anything so sweet.

I had stayed with foster parents that had two daughters once.
That was the home before the one I have now. I got their
panties every chance I got. I would mouth wash them too.
They were not anything like Sara and Kara Abreu. They looked
alright, average plus. They were thirteen and fifteen. Marisa,
the thirteen year old had almost no figure. Misha did not
have any tits but her ass was pretty good. Anyway, I got caught.
Their mom caught me and I was moved out. I tried to explain
how I thought her daughters were special. She never stopped 
yelling until the state people from family services came for 
me. I was sure lucky I got sent before Judge Abreu. Their mom 
wanted me sent away to the, "Big house" she called it.

Back to the gym. I kept the shorts to my face as I looked in 
the toilet stalls. There was piss in all of them. None were 
flushed. One had shit in it. I had no way of knowing which of 
these lovely creatures it came from so I pretended it came from
both Sara and Kara. I knelt down in from of the commode,
pretending the Goddesses were commanding me to. I placed my 
head in the stool and inhaled. The scent was not strong 
enough. I put my hand in the water. Taking hold of a turd,
I lifted it clear of the water. Ohhhh the scent was devinely
awful. I placed the turd to my lips, pretending the Goddesses
were ordering me to, I kissed it. The scent was so bad. I
could hear them laughing and ordering me to take a bite.
I slowly opened my mouth. I placed my mouth over a portion 
of the turd. I could not close my mouth. I tried, it was to
awful. I could not do it. Doubts entered my mind. It was
not really Sara's or Kara's. If I knew it was, I would eat
every bit in the stool. I did not know, could not know.
I dropped the turd back in the commode. It made a, plop,
as it hit the water and quickly sank to the bottom. I
scurried over to the sink and washed my hands with soap.
I washed my lips too. I looked in the mirror. There was 
brown on my nose. I used soap on it to. 

I went to work and cleaned the facility. I had it spotless.
I gathered up the girls uniforms and took them home with
me. My foster parents had told me I could wash the uniforms.
They knew I would be late getting home on game nights. There
was a lot to do if it was done right. I felt very priviledged
to be trusted with such an important task.

The next morning I was called out to Coach Hughes' office in
the gym. She was very pleased. She said after seeing what a 
great job I did she knew she could trust me to be sure all of 
the girls uniforms were cleaned, pressed, and look outstanding
for all of the games. She was putting me in charge of 
ascertaining the correct uniforms were on the bus for away 
games and in the locker for home games. She would not have
to be concerned with that and neither would the girls. She
and the girls had a state championship to win. I was now a
part of that team. I was so proud. She even took me back
in the locker area and pointed with pride at the girls
uniforms, each hanging in the correct locker. The lockers 
were spotless as was everything else. I had come to the gym 
at four that morning and put the finishing touches on 
everything. I was glad I did. That is why I was being trusted
with such an important position. The news of how the uniforms 
and the girls facilities looked spread quickly. Before noon
all of the girls had been to the gym and saw their area.
I was a hero to them. Several told me they would have a 
surprise for me. They would not tell me what it was. They
had a home game tonight. I would learn what it was then.

I could not wait until the end of the game. I was so anxious
to see the surprise the girls had for me. They sure looked
great. Their uniforms were so nice. The won the game big time
too. They were all happy and laughing. I waited until all of 
them were through. I watched as they came out of the locker
room a few at a time. They laughed as they left. Some looked
back at me and smiled, some giggled as they smiled. Some
whispered to a team mate, looked at me and giggled some more.
I could tell they were talking about me. Probably discussing
what a great service I was doing for them. I knew they 
appreciated me. I watched them leave and though they looked
so good. Most of the JV girls had decent asses. Some had
great asses. I loved looking at girl's asses.

The twins came out last. They never got in a hurry except
when they were on the court. They were explosive then. They
told me their lair was empty. They often referred to it as
The lady Dragon Fire's Lair.

I entered, empty it was not, there were uniforms scattered 
everwhere. Could it be! It was, panties! The girls had left 
me the panties they were wearing during the game! That
was their surprise for me. That was so sweet! Do you see
why I enjoy being assistant manager so much? Twenty-two
uniforms complete with panties. These little angels had 
left their panties for me! I was in heaven. I could get the 
uniforms cleaned tomorrow night. These panties required 
special attention. I gathered all of them up and stacked 
them in order according to their uniform number. I already 
knew I would mouth wash everyone of them. This was the true 
definition of heaven. All those panties. I gathered up
all of their uniforms and panties, put them on a bench
and started cleaning the facility. It was about 10:00 PM
now.  It would be after midnight when I was through cleaning.
These dolls deserved the best. Even though some of them
were not very pretty. they were girls. That made them
special. I could not resist licking each of the toilet
seats. There had been Lady Dragon Fire Asses on those seats!
I know their urine settles more to the bottom. Maybe I will
bring a straw tomorrow evening and take a few sips from the 
bottom of each toilet. It was a little after 1:00 AM when
I finished cleaning.  I would have finished sooner but I
stopped twice to jack off. As soon as I got home I was
going to eat Sara's panties and inhale Kara's. I knew
I was the world's luckiest guy.

Coach Hughes had been nice enough to supply me with a 
duffel bag to put the clothing in. I lovingly folded the
uniforms and stacked them in the bag so as to maintain the 
correct uniform number order for the panties. I wanted
to know which girl's panties I had in my mouth or under
my nose. All would be cleaned of course. After I had mouth 
washed all of them I would hand wash them. Iron the ones 
that needed ironing and bring all of them back to school.
I would put each girls panties in her locker all nice fresh
and clean for her sweet little pussy and ass. 

I would look forward to cleaning all ot them again. Being
assistant manager had its rewards. Coach Hughes had already 
told me if I did a good job I would get to wash their practice 
uniforms too. They practiced everyday. If the girls would leave 
me their panties every day I could mouth wash twenty-two panties 
a day! It would not be long until I would have the strongest 
tongue in the whole world!

After practice I entered the Lair. Practice uniforms everwhere.
It was more of a mess than before. It even looked like the
girls were making an effort to make a mess. Someone had even
dumped a notebook. You know, the three ringer binder type.
Just held it up and swung it around. There was paper scattered
over a hugh area. I looked at some of the pages. It was Donna's.
The pages had some class notes, mainly just drawings, 
scribblings about her and Jake Myers, her boyfriend. There was
also a crumpled photo. I looked at it. It was one of her and 
Jake. Written on the back was, "Jake & Donna 4 ever". I suppose
some forevers last longer than others.
I gathered all of the uniforms, folded them, and placed them
on a bench in order by number. Not only did I have twenty-two 
panties, I had twenty-two bras, almost all were sport type, and
44 socks. Most of these had a stronger odor than the panties!
Girls feet stink! I took a few minutes and layed down on 
the uniforms. I put a pair of Sara's panties to my mouth and 
Kara's socks under my nose. I put my hand over my genital area.
I was hunching my hand, licking Sara's panties, and inhaling
Kara's socks. I heard footsteps, Omg, I heard foot steps.
I looked up just in time to hear Kara say.

"Hi, Joe, having fun with those.  Here I forgot to leave these 
for you." 

She tossed her panties at me, they landed right on my face. She
was laughing all the way out of the Lair. I was suspended in
time. I could not move, I could not speak. I lay there for 
awhile, her panties were still on my face. After time, I do not 
know how long, I could smell the aroma of her pussy. The crotch
had landed as square on my nose as if she had carefully placed 
them there. What was I going to do. I would lose my assistant
manager's job for sure. Coach Hughes was not going to let a
pervert be around all of these girls. I was still laying there
when the door opened and Coach Hughes walked in. I bounced up.
Sara's and Kara's panties hit the floor. Kara's socks landed 
nearby too. I tried to speak. I only stuttered.

"Joe, what in heavens name are you doing with my basketball 
girls clothing. Joe, it looked to be like you were having
perverted fantasies. You are not one of them perverts I have
read about are you? Well Joe, are you?"

I tried to speak. My mouth would open but no words would 
come out. I couldn't even stutter. After beating the air 
with my jaws for forever, a grunt came forth.

"Joe, I do not know how to punish you. But I will try, you
have to be reprimanded for this discretion you know. Get down 
on your knees."

As I was stumbling to comply she walked a few steps back to 
the door and locked it from the inside with her key. No one 
with out a key could enter.

"Joe, that looked perverted to me. In fact, I know it was. It
does appear to be harmless though. You are doing a great job
here. The Lair or the uniforms have never looked better. I
can not allow this though. How old are you Joe?"

"I am 20, be 21 as soon as school is out, I managed to say."

She reached for one of the sports bras. Camile's. Camile 
had little need for one. I doubt if she had A's! She was
very cute, had a little well formed ass, and so sweet.

"Put this over your eyes Joe," she said as she handed the
bra to me."

I looked at her. I did not know what to say or expect. I 
could not talk anyway. I stretch the garment over my head.
I could see nothing. I knew what Coach Hughes looked like
though. She was near forty. She had defined curves, but
she was HUGE. We are talking Amazon. I heard the unmistakable
rustling sound of clothing. I knew in my heart what was coming,
I just could not believe it. I could believe it as soon as
the smell hit me. a lot stronger than the girls panties. A lot!
She said nothing just pushed her hairy pussy in my face. I
knew what I had to do though. With lot of effort my mouth
opened and my tongue came in contact with a pussy that I
could have crawled back into a few years ago. I heard her
moan a litle and felt her hands, larger than mine, on the 
back of my head pulling me tightly against her. I licked 
her again and and was greeted with several hairs. I started
to try to get them out, or at least to one side of my mouth.

"Don't mind those, Joe, you will have a mouthful of them 
anyway. If you have any thoughts about keeping your assistant 
managers position you had better give me really good head.
Damn, you have never ate pussy, I should have known when I 
seen your face buried in those little panties. Well you are 
eating this one!"

She was hunching my face, I was moving my tongue in and out.
Cum started entering my mouth. I tried to back away. I could 
not. She had a death grip on my head and was moaning loudly.
Her rythym increased. She was slamming into my face. I had
to swallow that gooey stuff or drown. The scent over powered 
me. Surely the girls pussy did not stink this much. Her
body shuddered, she gripped me harder. I thought my neck would
break. She moaned louder and sounded like a yes, yes, yes.

"Lick and swallow, Joe."

I did. That was the first time I had actually ate a woman's 
pussy. My mouth was gooey, my tongue was gooey, even my throat 
felt like it had goo clinging everwhere.

"I can tell you now, Joe. If you ever plan to eat one of those 
girls you had better get a lot better at eating pussy. If you
don't, it will be one time per girl. Maybe not that many, they 
will tell each other what lousy head you give.They have 
boyfriends that do a lot better job, you can count on that. My 
girls are the most popular in school. I want you to be liked, 
Joe. I am going to help you. You ever mentioned it though and 
I will squash you like a bug. I can do it to. Do you believe? 

"Yes Coach Hughes, thank you." I said. I really meant it too.
The smell was strong. Her cum was not that bad though. I was 
still licking and continuing to swallow. I was still getting

"That is enough Joe. One more thing. Women like for a man to
show he cares for them after he has eaten them out. Lick this

She pulled away from me for a couple seconds and I smelled
shit as she backed her ass back against my face. 

"Open your mouth and lick out my ass hole. Lick it like you 
love it. While you are eating out their ass sometimes they
will cut the cheese. Don't you dare stop licking when that 
happens. If your arms are around them you squeeze harder,
inhale, hold it as long as you can but never stop licking.
If your arms are not around them you put your arms around 
them. When the scent is all gone you thank them for the 
breath of high quality air, kiss their rose bud lovingly, 
then return again to licking and sucking on their ass. 
Got it"

"Yes Coach Hughes," I answered with only a slight pause 
from licking.

"Good," she said as she cut the one of hte stinkingest farts
I had ever smelled. I gagged and started coughing. She 
turned around, grabbed me lifted me clear of the floor and 
started shaking me violently.

"That is not what I told you ass hole. I am insulted!
Now get back to my ass and worship it, really worship it.
Have you ever worshiped an ass before? No I guess not." 
she said as she slammed me to the floor.

"No, coach," I answered when I could breath again. Her
ass was back to my face.

"I am giving you another chance just because I value
your labor. Don't ever insult me or one of my Lady Dragon 
Fires like that, EVER."

"Yes coach, I answered as I continued to lick out her 
stinky ass.

"That is enough for now, get this place cleaned up.
Looks like the ladies mean for you to do a lot of 
cleaning for them. Do it, and do it good. Oh yeah,
Joe, here is the lock combination. Be sure you yell
loudly before entering. The girls do not always flip the

I heard her walking away. Before I got Camile's sport
bra off my eyes she was gone. I got lots of practice 
eating pussy. Coach Hughes believed in practice. She 
loved teaching me. She managed to visit me to check on 
my cleaning about every day. 

I cleaned the place spotless as was becoming my trademark 
and left there about eleven with a load of laundry.

                     An Ocean of Misery

                       Chapter Five

                   Through the Eyes of Joe
All of my free time was now being spent doing laundry, 
cleaning the Lair, and attending classes. Mrs. Wojohowski
told me the next morning if I took in anymore laundry 
and cleaning I would have to drop out of school or give 
up sleeping. She also told me Donna was her grandaughter.
She said they had had conversations about me. Donna 
thought it was really neat how I was doing all that 
stuff for the girls basketball team. Donna said she was 
washing her own uniforms before you were kind enough to 
help her and the girls. 

"I told her you would be glad to do all of her laundry. 
I knew you would love doing it. She is such a beautiful
girl. She will bring it by this evening after school.
Try to be here so you can tell her how much you 
appreciate her allowing you to do it. Young ladies are
sensitive about things like that. They are sensitive 
about their bodies and their bodidly discharges. I want 
you to put her at ease. Tell her you have been eating 
her panties and how much you like them. George and I 
have a meeting this afternoon. I do expect you to be a 
true gentleman with Donna. Just tell her what I said to 
tell her and let her lead. She will tell me everything.
I do not want my grandaughter to be disappointed. Remember
she leads, you follow. Well you best get to school and 
put yesterdays clothes back in the girls lockers. They 
sure look good. They may not show you Joe, but they do 
appreciate what you are doing. Girls can be cruel, and
usually are when they are that age. Just don't pay much 
attention to what they say when they are talking about you. 
Their smirks, and giggles don't mean they don't like you. 
It is just their way of letting you and everyone else know 
that they feel superior to you. It is important for them to 
feel superior. They are superior, Joe. You must make them 
feel more so. Show me you have learned from this conversation 
and show my grandaughter how special and superior she is."

Boy, That was a load. It could mean almost anything. I did 
not know what was forthcoming. I did not know Donna was any 
relation to Mrs. Wojohowski either. Donna's last name was 

Donna drove up not more than five minutes after I was 
left alone. I rushed out to her car to carry her laundry
in the house.

"Hi Joe," she said to me with that large smile. Donna
was pretty I thought. Her mouth was large and when she
smiled you could see a million teeth, top and bottom.
It was one of those smiles that kinda gushed out and hit
you full force. The better you knew her, the prettier she 
was. She was a forceful type person, very outspoken. She
had a truly beautiful ass. I thought it was better than
Jennifer Lopez's. Her panties were the ones I always ate 
third in order right after the twins. She was fixed up
more today than usual. She was more than pretty. Donna
was a beautiful girl.

"Hi Donna, you look really great! Your grandma told me 
you were coming over and bringing me something to do. I
was thrilled when she told me. I am so honored. I will
adore doing the laundry of a beautiful Lady Dragon Fire.
Thank you for thinking of me in such a special way. Is 
there anything I can do for you before I start on your 
laundry. I came out to carry it in for you."

Usually I am not so talkative to girls. I did not stutter.
Maybe because I had some time to prepare some of what I 
was going to say to her.

"You can do my laundry tonight. There is something you can
do. First though, take my laundry inside."

She open the trunk and I got a big basket piled high with dirty
clothes. She was driving her parents Lincoln Town Car. Good 
thing, this basket would not have fit in her Miata. 

She led the way in the house. That was great. I carried the
clothes basket off to my side and admired her ass. It was
one of those large but perfectly formed derrieres that a
guy would follow anywhere. My dick was hard from my looking 
at her ass and thinking about the delish seat covers I had 
eaten. I knew I would get to eat some more from this basket.

I took the basket to the laundry room and rushed back out to 
her. She was in the dining room. 

"Can I get you something, Donna?" I asked, visably awed by her.

She was wearing that superior face that all of the Lady Dragon 
Fire basketball girls had when they looked at me. 

"Yes, you can do a lot for me. First get me a glass of granny's 
ice tea. On the rocks, slave."

The, "slave", was almost as long as the entire sentence. She
was looking straight at me. Her large brown eyes were dancing
with signs of mischief. I handed her a large glass of iced tea.

"Thank you, slave." Donna cooed.

Again the, "slave," was a very long word.

"Slave, hand me the controls and you get on the floor there."

I handed her the tv remote as she pointed to the floor in front 
of her. I sat on the floor facing her. She was dark complexioned
and had long sexy legs. Her white shorts and red sleeveless top 
accentuated her complexion beautifully. 

"On your hands and knees, slave, I need a foot rest. MTV has
this special I want to watch. You can be my little ol foot stool.
Arn't you pleased to do something for me?"

"Yes," I answered as I dropped to my hands and crawled towards 
her a little. I was in place before she stopped giggling.

"Ohhh, I do like that! Joe, you are a natural in that position."

She placed both legs on my shoulders, her heels were resting 
on my ass. My face was not far from her crotch. That did not
seem to bother her. It bothered me a lot. I was getting a huge
hard on. It started as soon as I seen her and continue to grow
a little with every word she said and every move she made.
She shifted her ass a little and crossed her ankles. Her left
heel was in the crack of my ass and her right leg on top of her 
left. Everytime she moved her heel dug in my ass a little bit 
more. I watched her face and her crotch. She knew I was staring
at her but did not seemed to mind. It was more like I was
just a piece of furniture. I do not think she would enjoy
wiggling her heels in a piece of furniture's ass though. Her
heels were starting to hurt my ass. I squirmed.

"Hold still slave, foot rest do not move."

She giggled, enjoying her humorous remark. I looked at her
face. She glanced at me for a second. A smile played on her
lips as she squared back up with the tv, putting weight on
her heels which dug in my ass a lot. That hurt. I made noise.
She looked at me, frowned, moved her right leg off of her left 
one and brought it down on my ass cheek. That hurt!

"I am watching my show! Shut up!"

She put her right ankle over her left one pretty hard, which
caused me more pain. I made noise again.

"Joe, why are you whimpering?"

"Your heels are hurting me." I said.

"Well stupid, come forward, and my heels will not be in your 
ass. If you are that stupid, maybe I best not trust you to 
wash my good clothes unsupervised."

I crawled forward. She was making me do just what I wanted.
My face was now only an inch or so from her crotch. Her scent 
was familiar to me but stronger than I remembered her panties 
being.  Somehow it was more arousing now that I was so close 
to the real person. I could feel my dick grow and could feel 
my tongue get thick. She was intently watching the tv. My 
right hand went to my crotch. I was not aware of doing it. It 
was involuntary. I was so engrossed in her pussy and the female 
scent of her. My tongue went out. 

"Joe, JOE, JOE!" She shouted.

I became aware of my actions. I looked at her face. She was
trying vary hard to be stern but the corners of her lips kept 
going up and her eyes were sparkling the way they always do 
when she is laughing.

"Granny is not going to be pleased when I tell her about your 
ur...actions. She is not going to be pleased at all. You are in
serious trouble Joe.....yep, really serious."

I started apologizing. Everything I said only made it seem 
worse than it already was. Donna looked sterner with every 
sentence. I shut up and looked at her. The corners of her
mouth were twitching.

"Joe, I know what you were thinking. I know where your mind
was. Well forget it. I am telling granny."

"Please don't, Donna, please. I will do anything, anything
at all. Please don't tell her."

"That is, 'Please Princess Donna', to you slave. Well....."

"Please Princess Donna." I said, I was sincere too."

"Slave, go get three pair cotton panties out of the clothes 
basket and bring them to me. Hurry!"

I scurried to the laundry, found three cotton panties and
brought them back. 

"Put them over your head, slave. Just cover your eyes so you 
can not see."

I obeyed her.

"Now slave, if you move those panties, no amount of begging 
is going to keep me from telling. I may even say you tried to 
rape me. Judge Abreu is very close to me as well as being my

"Yes Princess Donna, I will do anything you say."

Uncle, no one's family tree forks in this town, not any of the 
elite anyway. How do I keep getting myself in these situations 
I wondered. This is the story of my life. I have never really 
done anything but I am always in trouble.
I heard the same rustle of clothing I heard with Coach Hughes.
I knew what was about to happen. I was going to enjoy this.
Donna was a real doll. 

"Bring that head forward Joe." She said as she placed her hands 
on my neck and head. she pulled me right up against her crotch.
I could smell her scent. It was stronger than Coach Hughes. It
was the strongest feminine odor I have ever experienced. It was
wet to. 

"Joe, eat me, dummy! Eat me good. Swallow everything. Tell me
how good it smells, how good it taste, tell me Joe."

I started licking her. The taste was strange. So strong. I was
delighted to go down on Donna but this taste was not good. I
wish I could see. Could her and her grandma pulled a switch 
on me. Uhgg, that would be awful. I could feel my dick go limp
in spite of my licking pussy. I had an idea.

"Princess Donna, would you please squeeze my face with your 
beautiful thighs. I want to feel the pressure of your legs on 
my face."

"I like to be eaten with my legs spread just the way they are."

I heard her snicker. Omg, what if I am eating out Mrs. Wojohowski?
The voice came from the right position though. I swallowed. No
wonder the odor was so bad. That was blood. Donna is having her
period and I am swallowing her menzes. It was awful. The flow 
continued now mixed with cum. I wish there had been a lot more 
cum and a lot less menstrual discharge. If you have never eaten 
out a girl during her period, don't! This tasted worse than shit.
Finally her body shuddered. I continued to lick and swallow. The
cum mixture was heavier now but there was still that awful taste
mixed in too. in spite of the awful taste, I was relieved to know 
it was Donna and not her grandma.

"Slave that is only part of what I am doing to you. I have got
to pee. I am not missing any more of my show because of you and 
your perverted problems. Get your mouth tight over my pussy and 
don't you let one drop escape. Have you ever drink a girl's pee?"

She giggled when she asked that and never expected an answer. She 
was just humilating me for her pleasure. She is the main one Mrs. 
Wojohowski was telling me about. I bet the old lady knew this was 
going to happen.
I pressed my open mouth over her pussy and she started to piss.
Her piss was a lot stronger than the mixture of water and piss I 
had collected through a straw out of the girls toilet. Also the
ever taste of menstrual flow was present. This was not going as 
I fantasized. This was not at all pleasurable for me. Donna, on
the other hand was having a blast. She would piss and stop, piss 
and stop. She quit after the longest time. My stomach was churning.
Is it any wonder considering what had entered it.

"Lay your head down on the recliner. Yep, like that."

Omg, was she going to do what I thought she was going to do. Yeah 
she was. I could smell shit just a second before her asshole settled 
over my mouth.

"No, please Princess. I can't do this."

"Shut up! No, don't shut up, open up,  your mouth that is. Just 
don't talk. Your mouth was made to be used. See how nicely it fits 
over my asshole. I hope you like the taste of shit!"

She was laughing, laughing. I could not believe that. Has she done
degrading things to people before? She had to, when? She is just 
sixteen. A fart exploded in my mouth.

"Inhale you worm. If I smell anything I am punching you in the stomach 
with my fist."

I inhaled, my lungs burned, my throat even burned. It was awful.
I thought nothing could be worse than this. In a couple more seconds 
I knew I was wrong. I felt it push against my mouth. I knew what
it was. I pushed my tongue against the side of it. The turd was 
crushed against the roof of my mouth. My taste buds rebelled. I 
still managed to swallow. She kept shitting in my mouth like I was 
only a commode. She was laughing. I do not know if she was finding
my predictment amusing or if her tv show was that funny. One thing 
for sure, my plight was not upsetting her.
She finished. I ran my tongue up inside her ass hole, why not. It 
could not be any worse. After what I have been used for, nothing can 
be worse. I heard her dialing her phone.

"Hi granny, I am leaving now. I have homework to do yet tonight. 
I feel really good, yeah, just like a Princess. Yeah, Joe gave
me the royal treatment. Bye, I love you."

Donna was laughing, not giggling, but laughing!

"Joe, this is a small town, Coach Hughes is my aunt. I will
be seeing a lot of you. You can take my panties off your face

She was really laughing like she had just heard a funny joke.
I pulled her panties off my head and looked at her. I could
not meet her gaze, not after what she had just used me for.

"Look at me." 

I raised my eyes to meet her's, she was so beautiful. No matter 
what she had done to me, she was still beautiful.

"Still think I am a Princess, Toilet?"

She said, "Toilet," the same way she had said, "slave", earlier.

I told the truth. "Yes Princess Donna, you are a Princess, the
most beautiful Princess I have ever known."

She threw back her head and laughted at me.

"Ohhhh Joe, can you imagine what the Lady Dragon Fires will do 
to you if I tell them about this evening!"

Donna wrinkled her pretty face. She put her hand up, pinched her 
nose, shook her head and said, "ooooh". 
She walked to the door, stopped, turned and said. "Still like my 
ass, loser?"

I could hear her laughter all the way to the car. I was sick.
I barely made it to the bathroom. I knelt to the porcelain god
and puked my insides out. I was puking when Mrs. Wojohowski
walked in.

"Couldn't you at least turn on the fan. I will expect that to 
be cleaned Joe. Why are you sick? Did you eat something that 
did not agree with you?"

I could not answer, I was to busy vomiting. I know I heard her
laugh under her breath as she walked out.

                    An Ocean of Misery

                       Chapter 06

                 Joe's Thoughts - continued

I went to the gym early again. I tried to get there and get
the girls clothes in their lockers before anyone else arrived
at school. I do not know why, I think the whole school knows.
I am ridiculed a lot. I stay out of fights which would get
me kicked out of school. I have only a short while to go. I
do not know why people can not mind their own damn business.
It is my life and if I want to be used by pretty girls, what 
concern is it of theirs. I was sure used yesterday. I do not
know what will happen when I see Donna today. I have had 
fantasies about such use but never knew anyone actually did 
that sort of thing. I still do not feel good. I ate a little
breakfast. I am not sure I should have. What Donna did to me
does not agree with my stomach. That was an awful experience 
from one point of view and very erotic from another point of
view. I start to get a hard on thinking about it. If she walked
up and said I want to shit in your mouth right now, I think
I would let her. I know I must be weird, pervert, etc. That is
what I have heard in whispers about me ever since I started 
doing little things for the Lady Dragon Fires. I still say
screw the ones who talk about me.

The Lair looked so clean and smelled so fresh. I lovingly 
placed the girls clothes in their lockers. There was a place
to hang their uniforms and shelves that extended one half 
way across the locker. There was one empty shelf for me to 
gently lay their panties, bra, and socks. When I got to 
Donna's locker I hung her uniform and my thoughts were on 
yesterday. I kissed the ass of her shorts. I kissed
each of her articles of clothing before laying them on the 
shelf. I stood back and admired all of that in the locker.
There used to be a picture of her and a guy on her locker 
door. There was none there now. I closed my eyes and I could
see a picture of us there. I knew that was never going to

I put Sara's & Kara's things in their locker. There was some
trash in Sara's that I missed yesterday evening I guess. I 
picked it up and threw it in the trash can. No one could 
expect a goddess to pick up after herself.
I kissed their clothing too. They smelled so fresh and clean.
I preferred their scent after the girls had worn them. It
became erotic and made my dick throb.

There was a home game tonight so the girls did not have 
practice. They were expected to arrive early and shoot around.
Several of the girls would shoot a minimum of fifty 3 point 
shots before game time. Sara and Kara shot from 100-200 every
day. They were good. Donna was getting pretty good to.
I saw her in the hall first thing. She looked right at me,
smiled and said, "Hi Joe". No indication of yesterday at all.
Lunch time came. Sara, Kara, and Donna gave me their lunch
orders. By the time I got them their food, I had no time to 
eat. There were several trays to dump anway. I mentioned
that I was hungry during last hour. Donna heard me and treated
the statement as if it was directed at her. She slipped me
a note which said. "Meet me in the Lair after class, I will
feed you. I need to go badly."

I read it and looked at her. She put her hand on her tummy
and mouthed the word, "hurts". Her pretty forehead wrinkled.
Her gorgeous mouth did not smile. I looked back at her again 
and she was rolling the back cover of her notebook. She was 
making a funnel.  

As soon as class was out I headed for the Lair. Coach Hughes 
had it locked. The room remained unlocked and was 
entered by a code. The Lair could be entered by only the Lady 
Dragon Fires, Coach Hughes or me via both code and a card key. 
I entered the Lair. A second after the door closed, it open 
again. Donna walked it. 

"I have to go so bad." She said with over dramatization.

She was already taking down her shorts right in fron of me!

"Hurry Joe, slide under the bench with your head on the 
other side. Hold your head up, yeah that's it," she said
as I slid under the bench from the side and held myself up.

She was already removing her panties and sitting down. I
knew I was expected to get my mouth up to her ass. She
reached in her bag and pulled out the funnel that she had
made during our last hour class. She jammed the small end 
in my mouth sat over it and shit came out not much thicker 
than the piss that was gushing forth also. I had had very 
little time to admire her naked beauty. What was coming 
out of her made yesterday's offering smell and taste 
wonderful. There was no way I could swallow this. I could 
not even stand to breathe it.

"I am through, go get me some toilet paper, Joe."

She looked at me for the first time since she put the 
funnel in my mouth. She gasp like in total disbelief.

"I can' have not swallowed any of it! I feel insulted."

She sounded like she was about to cry. That is stupid.
Why would she cry because her runny waste was so awful. I
couldn't bring myself to swallow it! I thought I heard a
sniffle. I started swallowing. One big gulp after another. 
There was nothing to chew. The consistency was not much 
greater than orange juice with lots of pulp. I managed to 
get all of it down. I was sure it was not going to stay down 
long. I took the funnel from my mouth and ran to the nearest
toilet stall and brought back paper. I dropped to my knees
and said.

"May I please lick you Princess Donna. I was just waiting 
until you were finished so I couild swallow it all at once. 
I thought that is what the funnel was for. I love being 
your toilet. You are so beautiful. Please say you will use 
me again. I know I am not worthy, but I want to serve you
in the most intimate ways possible."

I used paper to blot her pussy and wipe her ass since my
tongue still had her waste clinging to it when I licked her

"Are you sure, Joe? You are not lying to me are you?"

"No, Princess Donna, I could never lie to you." 

I could feel my stomach rumbling. It was not in very good 
shape before this ordeal. I had no food since a little 
breakfast, now this, this mess. I knew I was going to vomit.
Donna had her clothes on, I did not get a good look. I know
that is hard to believe but think of my state of mind. It
was not conducive to looking at nudes, no matter how
beautiful they may have been.

"Looks like you have very little to do here. I am leaving.
If I need to I am coming by grandma's before my game. I am
not coming unless you really want me to, well, do you?"

"Yes I do, please come by before your game I will be waiting 
for you. If you can only pee, I will enjoy it."

She looked at me and gave me her Donna Smith full mouth 
smile. She looked so devine. I knew I could not hold that
stuff down much longer. I am not sure I want to either.

"Bye Joe," Donna said as she walked away. As sick as I was
I watched her ass until it went through the door. I ran for
the toilet and dropped to my knees and worshiped the 
porceline god again. This was even worse than yesterday.
I was so sick. I did not think I would ever quit. It did
not take long to bring up the smelly waste I had just 
consumed. It came up hard and fast. Then I had dry heaves.
When I was able to stop I was weak. My stomach hurt like 
crazy. My throat was sore all the way down to my stomach.
I stood up and everything went around. I grabbed on to the
stall door and sank to the floor. The room went around and 
around. I closed my eyes, please don't let me vomit anymore
I thought. I started feeling better, The smell was bad, like
really bad. I reached for the commode handle and flushed.
The stink stayed. I raised up and looked in the stool. The
sides were splattered. I would have to clean it. I could not 
let the Lady Dragon Fires see it like that. I staggered to 
the cleaning closed and came back with disinfectant and a 
cleaning rag. I have never used gloves of any kind. 
Considering what I have done and what has been done to me,
using gloves for hygiene would be oxymoronic, now would it 
not? I looked at my watch after cleaning the toilet. I had
been laying on the floor for more than an hour. I washed
my mouth. I had my own locker where I kept a few things.
Listerine being the most used item I kept there. I gargled
and stumbled out of the Lair to go home. 

When I arrived Mrs. Wojohowski asked where I had been. I
told her I had been doing some last minute cleaning. She
said she had prepared something that would be good for
my upset stomach. I had said nothing about an upset 
stomach. She gave me a cup of hot tea. If this stays down
I have some soup to give you.

The tea made me feel a lot better. Go get ready for the 
game Joe. If you do not vomit by then I will give you
some soup. I went to clean up for the game. Missing a Lady
Dragon Fire Game was not an option. One or more of the 
girls may need me.

When I came back in the dining room Mrs. Wojohowski had
a cup of soup for me. She was talking to Donna. I looked
at Donna and said hi. She looked radiant. She was all 
aglow. She had on make up, which she would remove the most
of, before the game. She was so beautiful. I wanted to 
fall down and kiss her feet.

"If you will be alright George and I are leaving. We have
some shopping to do before the game. Donna said she was
going to give you a ride to the game."

She gave Donna a hug and left. I looked at Donna. I looked
at my soup.

"Drink your soup silly, you can look at me while you drink.
I did something for you that you had best appreciate. There
is a Burger King Cup on the back of the toilet. I left you
something from me. It is still warm. Hurry, drink your soup 
and have a drink of my pee before it gets cold. You can sip 
on it."

How was I ever going to drink her piss with out vomiting 
again. I drank all of my soup. Donna smiled really big and
said, "well Joe. My pee is waiting for thee". She giggled.

"Bring it in here, I want to watch you drink my pee, I love
watching someone do that. It is soooo cool!"

I brought her cup of piss back in the dining room. It had 
a lid and straw. I could still smell her piss though. I was 
not looking forward to this at all.

"Drink some, Joe." Donna giggled. "Drink a big swallow then 
sip on it. Lets go to the game. I want you to sip on it all 
game. I want to know a boy is sipping on my pee while I play 

"Donna, it won't last that long, there is not enough of it."

"When we come out of our lockers to start the second half, 
you go to the Lair! You will find more pee. See I am taking 
this cup I will have more for you. I like you Joe. All my
life my cousins, the twins have had their way with boys. 
You, though, are mine. That is awesome. I am going to use you 
so much! I am thrilled you want me to use you. Thoughts of you
and what you are doing will make my panties very wet. You will 
know as you sip my pee how turned on I am. You can think about 
the delish taste that will be waiting for you in the Lair. Oh yeah, 
you did a good job on my clothes. You can do all of my laundry now. 
I am taking you on cruise this summer. I will share you with the 
twins but you are mine. All the other guys have belonged to the 
twins and they shared with me. This time the summer boy is mine
and I get to offer him up for sharing."

"Which of us is the most beautiful and sexy, me or the twins?"

"You are, Princess Donna, I have never done for anyone what I 
have done for you. But I do not not know what you are talking 
about, Princess? I do not understand."

"Don't be concerned about it. Just serve me with all of your
heart. If you ever forget that my pleasure matters most of all
I will be very unhappy, granny will be unhappy too. I know
how much you like the twins, especially Sara. That is OK. You
can serve them. You have to. You have to serve all of the 
Lady Dragon Fires. When I say serve, talking about us, I am
talking about the intimate service you have performed. You
know. Being my toilet. I do not want you being anyone else's
toilet without my permission. I think Aunt Kathy will use you.
That is OK, she is the one that told me I could do this stuff 
to you."

"Don't you say a word to anyone, especially not to the Abreu's.
You do and you die, boy! This is our secret. It will keep
me so hot to know you are drinking my pee at games, in school,
here, everywhere. Do not be concerned about eating my shit.
You will get used to it. It just takes awhile. In two weeks
it will not make you sick anymore. You are going to be sick a 
lot in the next few days. It just goes with toilet training.
Trust me!"

Donna rattled all the way to the game. We were only a few 
blocks but she took the long way around. I was surprised she 
would let other kids see us together. I was not in her class.
I was along way from it too. I was still sipping her pee when 
she let me out. She drove around to the side so she could
come in the player entrance. It was a status thing more than
anything else. If you were a Lady Dragon Fire, here, you were 
automatically a vip. That was driving old lady English mad.
She did not like favortism. In fact she abhored it. If she
stayed at this school she would treat the Lady Dragon Fires
like the goddesses they were. If not, she was out of here.
I had heard people talk. I just learned in the last couple 
days, the in's in this school are related. The superintendent.
all three principals, all three assistant principals, and
several teachers are related to the Abreus and Smiths. It 
was very near like they were the hierarchy and the others 
were subservient to them. I knew very well that I was one
of the subservients. That is the reason I was getting along 
so well in this little town.

Well, The Lady Dragon Fires won again. They have not lost a 
home game in over three years. If the state championship were 
played here they would be the predominant team of the decade. 
I went to the Lair when the girls came back on the court at 
half time. There was a Route 44 size Burger King Cup on the
shelf under a mirror. I reached for it and noticed a note 
under it. I moved the cup over to get the note. The cup was 
full and the outside was warm. The note said. "Enjoy, Donna,
Sara, & Kara."

So far I had not become sick dringing Donna's pee. I had
a lot more to drink now. I carefully removed the lid. I wished
I had left it on. There was menze residue mixed with piss.
That sight lingered in my mind as I sipped on the piss. I
thought about pouring it down the drain and putting water
in the cup. I know none of those girls would taste it to 
check on me! I did not though. I took another sip with the 
lid on. It was not so bad. This was, after all, piss from
very beautiful girls. I felt my dick grow as I took another
sip. I walked out of the Lair and returned to the gym with
the straw in my mouth. The three girls were watching for me.
They all flashed a smile at me and whispered to each other.
Sara put her hand over her mouth, I could hear her giggle
when she caught a rebound, as I was walking along the end 
of the court. She passed the ball to Donna who drove to the 
basket in a trot to continue their layup warm ups. Donna
made the basket, looked straight at me and said loudly enough
for some of the Lady Dragon Fires to hear. "Have another sip, 
I drink all of it, I did not get sick again. It created a warm 
feeling in my stomach. My stomach was rolling a little but I 
attributed that to lack of solid food. When the game ended
several girls hit me on the back, a form of congratulations,
except they all hit harder than necessary. When Elvira, the
6'3" post player hit me I went forward several steps and 
almost dropped what was left of the pee.

Donna and the twins came up to me. A couple of them slugged me 
on the shoulders and the other one beat me on the back.

"Are we not awesome, Joe!" They were always happy after a game.

"You are the greatest, " I said. Meaning every word of it.

"Is that good pee?" Kara asked.

One of the boys had arrived on the scene by then.

"What are you drinking, Lair Slave?" He chided. "Did Kara say

"No silly, I said tea. Give him a drink, Joe." Kara said.

"Want a drink?" I asked. Handing it to him.

"No thank you, I hate pee, or I mean tea."

The girls giggled all the way to the Lair.

                     An Ocean of Misery

                       Chapter Seven

Besides constantly serving Coach Hughes, giving her oral 
sex, I was used by Donna as her full time toilet. Her
grandma was so happy, she said her grandaughter had not 
come over so much in years. She said she knew I was doing 
very special things for Donna. She said I made being a 
foster parent worthwhile.

About a month later I was about to enter the Lair and met
Sara as she was coming out. She told me she had neglected
to flush. I could not wait to get inside. I went straight 
to the third stall. Sure enough, there it was. A turd from
the beautiful bod of Sara Abreu. I took a deep breath, I
could smell shit. I know my nose wrinkled but not from 
disgust. It just stunk. I unfasten my belt, unzipped my 
pants and let them fall to the floor. I put my hand on my 
dick which was already hard. I knelt down to worship the 
porceline god and give thanks for her shit. I have 
wanted to taste her shit since I first laid eyes on her
unbelievable body. I was thrilled. I took a deep breath,
through my nose as I lowered my head into the bowels of 
the commode which I may forever enshrine. The shit odor 
was stronger but I hardly had to remind myself that this 
came from the body of the world's most beautiful creature 
and that I was fortunate to be near anything that come from 
her body. All the times I have licked and cleaned her 
panties had prepared me for this glorious moment. I moved 
my hand faster as I lowered my head in the shrine. The water 
was cold on my face as I closed my mouth over her shit. I
took as much as I could in my mouth and raised clear of the
yellow water. I savored her shit as I pumped my dick. The 
stink was terrible. The taste not bad, other than being 
bitter. I am glad I was mentally prepared for this. I would
not want to be a disappointment to my Goddess. I swallowed 
and lowered my head quickly for another big bite. As my head 
cleared the water that time I cum all over the place. I knew
unless I could eat all of her shit from the Shrine of Sara,
I could not really be her toilet. I put my head in the water 
again and continued to do so until all of her shit was in my 
stomach where it belonged. I wished that I had the courage to 
tell her that I wanted to be her full time permanent toilet.
I know she would tell her dad and Judge Abreu would have me 
committed to some institution where I could never eat panties 
again. There would certainly be no one like the Goddesses I 
was serving here. No, I must be content to serve the Lady
Dragon Fires with my best effort and be content to enjoy
these moments whenever they presented themselves.

I got up and went to my locker, got my mouthwash and gargled.
I washed really good and did a through inspection to make 
sure no tell tale signs was smeared on my face. I had to have 
my lungs full of the sweet wonderful scent of Goddess Sara's 
shit. I went back in the stall, put my head in the toilet and 
inhaled again, holding the air in my lungs to get the utmost 
benefit from the scents of a Goddess. From moments like these 
are the times that enable life to be lived to the fullest.

The Lady Dragon Fires went to the State Tournament. I was the
only male on the bus! I know it was a reward for all of the 
cleaning I have done for them. I enjoyed the trip up there so 
much. I took all of the girls their food. That was putting a 
lot of trust in me. Even though the JV girls were not going 
to play, they all went. The hardest part was watching all of 
those cute little asses go in the toilet and not be able to go 
in and clean for them. 

I am careful not to let anyone know my true thought about things 
like this. The majority does not think these are normal thoughts. 
I looked up the words, normal, pervert, etc. They say nothing. 
Look them up for yourself. Made me feel a lot better about myself 
and my desires. I know lots of people have fantasies they do nothing 
about, not me. I was living them and would continue to live them 
for the remainder of my life.  When I am eighty, I planed to have
my tongue inside a female's body. If I could chose the way I die,
I would chose to choke on a big turd emitted from a gorgeous female
ass. I would want my last breath to be saturated with methane straight 
from the bowels of said gorgeous body.

I will always remember the night at the state tournament. I went to
heaven that night. The twins came to my room! The Abreu Goddesses!

Kara asked me, "Joe have you ever hooked up with a girl?"

I could only answer one way because I could not tell them about all 
of the special service and attention I had been doing for Donna and 
Coach Hughes.

Then they pushed the door open and walked passed me! I was stunned.
I told them I had not but wanted to. Who would not want to eat 
these two! They obviously did not know all that others had done
to me. I gave a feeble plea about the blindfold. Sure I wanted to
see their gorgeous bods. I wanted more to taste them even more.
They had me kneel at the foot of my bed. They laid side by side.
I felt two legs go over my shoulder and in a second my mouth was 
treated to the sweetest most wonderful spot on earth. I felt
inadequate. I wished I had received more practice and instruction 
from Coach Hughes. If I had that to do over I would ask her to teach 
me more and gain knowledge. I knew then that a guy can never 
have enough knowledge about cunninlingus. I vowed to become the 
best pussy eater the world had ever known.

I know I done better on Sara. I thought I had been a disappointment
to Kara. They were in a hurry too. Plus I think they were afraid 
Coach Hughes would catch us. I was not as afraid of that as I would 
have been a short while ago. I just know I will get a chance to make 
it better for My Goddesses. They deserve a lot more than I could ever 
hope to give them.

When Sara moaned and told me I was good. Well....that may have been
the happiest moment of my life. To be told you are good by a goddess,
that is everything. Her soft thighs pressed tightly against my face.
I did not mind the pressure. It was OK when her nails removed skin 
from my back. I knew enough then to realize that was done because 
My Goddess was in the throes of rapture. When a guy can get a goddess 
in the throes of rapture, no sacrifice is to great. 

Sara almost suffocated me. I was gasping for breath when Kara farted
square on my face. When I inhaled her fart I thought I was going to 
die. That is when I decided that was the way I wanted to go. I just 
was not ready at that time! Did it stink? Of course it did. That was
OK though. It was expected to stink. No matter how beautiful a girl is, 
I have already learned, shit smells pretty much like shit. It is much 
worse when their stomach is upset the way Donna's was that time though.

I felt my dick grow even more when the fart hit my nose. They said 
enduring words to me. They called me what I was which was a compliment.
Sara even held my hand on the way to the bathroom. I hoped she wanted
to use me as her toilet. That would have been so terrific. Neither
of them did though. I must admit I was disappointed. Instead they had 
me get in the bathtub. Both of them pissed on my scratched back. I 
could feel the pain as their urine went into the cuts. As it flowed 
over my back to the drain, I got to lick it several times. I would 
have loved to drink all of it. I made sure the blindfold soaked up 
all I could get it to. When the girls left I licked the bathtub and 
sucked all of the Goddess Pee from Sara's scarf. I jacked off more 
as I swallowed their glorious golden nectar. I vowed to forever 
remember that night. By what my Goddesses told me, I was pretty sure
I would get to serve them in the most intimate ways possible, yes, be 
their toilet. If they had me on video while I worshiped at The Shrine 
of Goddess Sara, they knew I wanted to eat their shit. Whoa, if they
had that on video, they would have used me for their toilet. I got 
really down then, what if that was repulsive to them? What if My 
Goddesses would never allow me to be their toilet? Woe is me if that 
be true. The only thought that soothed me were thoughts of Princess 

I cried when Sara hurt her ankle. I carried My Goddess. I would have
given her my ankle if I could. I would have given her my life if it 
would have cured her so that she could play. She was so sad. All of
my beautiful wonderful Lady Dragon Fires cried. Some just boo hooed. 
That was the saddest time of my life. Coach Hughes did a great job. 
She knew they had played their hearts out. Still they lost. Goddesses 
Sara and Kara were Seniors. They would get no second chance. See why 
I would have gladly given my life to make it all right for them. They 
would have been so happy if they had won. There is little soltice in 
knowing you are the best after you were awarded second.

I carried My Goddess to the bus. I stayed on all fours in the isle
so Sara could rest her leg on my back. I would have done that if the 
floor of that bus had been molden lava. I was hurting all over by the 
time the bus got us back home. Judge Abreu followed the bus home. 
Sara and Kara could have rode back with him but when I told her I 
would stay on all fours in the isle to provide a rest for her ankle, 
she wanted to do that. Sara was so sweet. I knew how demanding she 
could be. I loved her for it. If only she would allow me to serve her, 
really serve her.

She allowed me to carry her to her room. When she asked me to carry 
her to the toilet I was shocked. Just to enter Goddesses Sara's 
Toilet, ah, of which dreams are made. I have received so much pleasure 
already. I had to give My Goddess every opportunity to enjoy the 
pleasures of owning her own human toilet. If Princess Donna liked it 
so much, there must be pleasure for a beautiful girl in having and 
using one, I reasoned. I went for it. She seemed very reluctent at 
first, then gradually she accepted the idea. Maybe because she 
could not sit on the commode with out hurting her ankle. I did not 
want her ankle to hurt, but if it was that sore, maybe I could get 
her accustomed to having a personal toilet to do intimate things 
for her. Maybe she would get attached to the idea and want me for 
life. Ohhh, dare I dream.

My hands shook, I was really nervous, this was the opportunity of
a life time when she asked me to remove her panties. My hands 
touched the warm smooth flesh of her ass. The ass of a goddess. 
I would get the pleasure of kissing it many times I prayed. She 
did not blindfold me. I tried not to be so obvious but this was 
a goddess of the highest order. I loved the black pubic hair. It 
even had auburn in it like her hair. Her lips were perfectly 
formed. I knew how they taste but I had never seen them before. 
I fell so in love. I will never be able to do enough for My 
Goddess, never.

Her piss was sooo good. Don't anyone tell me it was piss like 
anyone's piss. Not true, this was special. I even thanked her.
She looked at me. I know she liked me a lot, a whole lot. She 
got off my shoulder and turned around. I was only inches from 
her gorgeous ass. I loved the little brown pucker hole that was  
before me. I tilted my head back and opened my mouth. I wanted 
My Goddess to be certain what I was more than willing to serve 
her intimately. She did. She asked me to form a seat for her ass 
with my hands. I instantly had a goddess sitting on my hands. 
I had a goddess who was going to use me for her full and complete 
toilet. I was in heaven. When she asked me so sweetly to lick her 
ass, I entered a new level of heaven.

Instantly I felt the tip of my tongue exploring her rosebud. I
was enjoying the scent and taste of My Goddess very much when I
heard the sound and felt the air come out of that lovely little 
hole. The air kinda swooshed all around my tongue right into my 
mouth. I quickly inhaled knowing she would not enjoy the smell 
of her fart nearly as much as I. That was proved. She wrapped a
large towel around her ass and my face. I knew Sara had had chili
for dinner. I reaped the benefits of it. I held my breath so her 
fart would dissipate within my body. While I was holding my breath 
she did it again. I exhaled then inhaled again as quickly as I 
could but I know I did not get all of it. I felt sorry for 
My Goddess if any of that reached her cute little nose!

The moment I had been waiting for arrived. I watched as a large 
brown turd poked it's head out of her rosebud. The little hole 
stretch so much. It was a wonderment to watch it open, just as a 
flower opens. I opened my mouth as wide as I could. I could only 
hope it was large enough to receive Goddess Sara's turd.

She waited on me, she was being so sweet and considerate. Is it any 
wonder I adore serving her? I heard her say in a very sweet voice.

"Are you ready for more, Joe?" 

"Yes, Goddess," I answered.

She gave me more and gave it to me faster. I gulped it down. She
continued to feed me. I am so glad I had had prior experience doing 
this. Donna had trained me good. I licked Goddess Sara with long
loving licks then rimmed her good. I took the liberty of kissing 
that sweet little hole when I was through licking. She made no 
comments about that. she just said.

"Carry me to bed slave, you can take my panties to inhale but
don't you get any shit on them. That stuff stinks. Not everyone
likes the scent the way you do. Something else slave, don't you 
dare brush your teeth, wash your mouth or drink anything until
tomorrow. I will sleep with a warm tingling feeling knowing you
are tasting my shit all night long. Tomorrow I will let you
wash down the residue of my shit in a special way. A delish golden
stream will replace the yucky brown stains in your toilet mouth."

As if she had to tell me that. I was going to enjoy the scent and 
taste of Goddess Sara's shit all night long. I had dreamed of this 
moment since I first saw her.

She was so pleased with me, she laughted. It felt good to know 
my Goddess appreciated me and what I done for her. I said.

"Thank you Goddess for allowing me to care for you and serve you 
in this manner. I will always try to insure your life is great.
I will serve you in any and all ways you wish. I am completely
yours for life, if you will have me. Thank you Goddess Sara."

Goddess wrinkled her cute little nose and said to me in her 
superior voice. 

"You stink. Sleep in the bathroom of the guest room tonight.
We will find suitable arrangements for our new toilet slave tomorrow.
Kara and I will love using you as our toilet. I do not think you are
good enough to be the toilet of such beautiful ladies, but, you will
have to do for now. There are a lot of things you will do for us
besides enjoying the fine cusine coming from our bods.  If you 
are really good, work hard, and serve us well, maybe you will get
cum to swallow.  Would you like that shit mouth?"

"Oh yes, Goddess, please I will do anything for your and Goddess 
Kara's cum." I answered. I know what she said might sound harsh to 
some of you. I knew My Goddess was just showing her appreciation of 
me but wanted me to know how superior she was. Like I did not 
already know that. Goddesses have that right. Hearing that tone of 
voice must be expected by a person who is inferior. I am way down the 
food chain compared to Sara Abreu.

She tilted her pretty little head to one side and said in her 
hautiest voice, I love her voice. It so depicts the Goddess she is.

"OK, but for now, put these on and go." 

She handed me two sets of cuffs and showed me how to fasten them.
She is so sweet. I could not expect one so beautiful, a Goddess 
and all, to be half as sweet. 

I crawled to the guest bathroom and went to sleep with my mind 
on the beautiful Goddess whose shit I could still smell and taste.

                     An Ocean of Misery

                       Chapter Eight

Kara awakened me. Yeah the other Goddess in this house. She
used me harshly but that was alright. Mortals should expect 
to be used when in the presence of Goddesses. After Kara used
me I was used by Sara. Both of them were using me as their foot 
rest when Judge Abreu came into Sara's room and gave me high 
hopes. I just know I am going to get to serve these goddesses 
on an ongoing basis. One thing bothers me, a lot. What and how 
am I going to tell Princess Donna. She is way to beautiful to 
be hurt. I know her wanting me as HER slave is/was a competitive 
thing more than anything else. She wanted to show the Abreu Twins 
that she could get her own slave. I thought about her a lot. I 
would be severely punished for my indiscretions, rightly so. I 
trifled with her affections and she fell hard for me. She really 
enjoyed using me in various ways. She deserves a guy to use and 
abuse. I can not complain about how she chooses to punish me. She 
is so beautiful. Her ass is a dream. I hope I can convince her 
that I want to be used by her a lot. I love her beautiful body. 
She taught me how to be a toilet. Without her help I would not 
have been able to serve Sara and Kara in the manner I have done. 
They would have been very disappointed in me and may have 
dismissed me entirely.

I was unable to distinguish between Sara and Kara. I did not know 
which was which until Sara was hurt. Now it is easy. I am falling
in love with Sara. I love both of them. I adore doing things for 
them, but I am really falling for Sara.

I love their voices. Both are, well, like Goddesses. They have a 
superior quality that helps keep me focused on who they are and 
who I am. When they tell me what they are going to use me for, it
is disgusting for them to even contemplate such a thing. It is so
far beneath them and their station in life. I think they know 
they are expected to use lesser creatures like myself for whatever 
gives them pleasure. They have never gone into that with me, but 
I expect them to. Mrs. Wojohowski touched on it. Coach Hughes 
kinda mentioned it too. I think Judge Abreu was making it pretty 
clear that I am expected to serve his daughters in any way they 
please. They even used the word, "Toilet" in his presence. 
Even though he kinda laughted it off, he knew what his daughters 
were using me for and that they intended to keep using me. I know 
this summer cruise thing is about them taking me along as their 
slave, toy, and toilet. What they do not seem to realize is, I 
want to be used by these Goddesses. While they are performing 
their natural bodily functions and using me as their waste disposal 
system I am in heaven. 

It was really hard on me when Princess Donna first started using me 
as her toilet. The first week I spent as much time vomiting as I 
did eating. The second week was no picnic either. After the second 
week I never got sick anymore. During this time of adaptation is 
when I discovered her mom was a doctor. Donna kept giving me medicine. 
She told me she could give me pills that would prevent my vomiting but
if she did my body would not adapt so as to be able to accept human 
waste. In order for me to be everything I could be, it was best I let 
my body adapt.

How am I going to face her? She is so beautiful. She will be hurt
and, I think, very angry. She spent a lot of time training me.
She enabled me to be able to serve my Goddesses. I owe her so
much. I have given her so little. Yeah, I have a lot to be
punished for. I have seen Donna angry. I will see that anger 
directed at me. I have no right to expect any but the most severe
punishment. I will take it like a man. I am the one who jilted
Donna. She has a right to punish me and go on punishing me to her
satisfaction. I know I am a sicko, but I hope one of the punishments 
I will receive from Donna, is a full wide open mouth bite from her. 
I have dreamed what it would be like to watch as her beautiful teeth 
sunk into my flesh and watch as she removed a plug from my body. I 
know the pain would be excruciating, but for what I have done to My 
Princess, do I deserve less pain? I think not.

"Lucky," my revelry was broked by one of the twins voice, "You may
carry me to the bathroom and bathe me."

Oh my gosh, did I hear that right. Bathe her! I quickly turned so she
could slide off the bed on my back. To bathe her I would have carried 
her around the world a few times. Judge Abreu was right, I am lucky!
My new name was fitting.

I felt her weight as she settled down on my back. I carried her to the
bathroom and started running water for her while she sat on me. 
The weight of her fabulous ass on my back was an indescribable treat. 
I was in esctasy. She and Kara talked while her tub was filling. Just
listening to their voices was more pleasure than I ever thought I 
would receive from life. It mattered not of what they spoke, just to 
listen to them was reward in itself.

Sara had checked the water a few times and I adjusted it to her liking 
While adjusting her bath I rested my chin on the tub. Each time I would 
lift my hands she would playfully bounce causing my chin to strike the 
edge of the tub. Both girls would giggle when my chin hit.

She told me to remember the temperature she liked her bath. I would have 
anyway. She is so beautiful. 

When the tub filled she stepped off of me. I knew I was being forward
with Sara, I still had to ask.

"Goddess Sara, may I please use my tongue to bathe you before I use the

Her quick glance towards Kara was priceless. It was so goddess like. Her
smug little smile was just one more thing to demonstrate her superiorty.
When she said I could, I was overwhelmed with joy. Much more joy was 
forthcoming when she said. 

"Start with these, Lucky," she cooed, as she cupped her tits in her hands. 
I placed my mouth over a nipple that was already extending as the areola 
receded. I licked but also sucked just a little.

She pushed my head back and spit in my face.

"This is not for your pleasure. Just lick. Kara, do you think one of us 
should kick him in the balls every time he shows an indication of sexual 
pleasure from serving us?"

"I think we should consider it, in the meantime, let's fit him with our 
special device. Then when he starts using his main brain, the one in 
his balls, he will receive lots of pain to remind him of his station 
in life that he has been so fortunate to achieve."

Sara looked at me. "Lucky, you are so that. I could have any guy 
serve me. I chose you. I know you are not worthy of your elevated 
status. Do you realize how for above your former self you now are?
Like light years! You were freaking nothing. Now you have the 
opportunity to do something really and truly special with your 
worthless life. You get to dedicate it to the pleasure of goddesses.
You get back to tongue bathing me and it had best be good. I want 
to see you in like total concentration of ME."

I returned to licking Sara. I licked all of her tits and inbetween 
them. She held her arms up so I could lick her arm pits. From there 
she guided my mouth to her belly button where I spent a few minutes 
loveningly tonguing it out. I was hard as a rock. I hope neither 
of the girls notice. I would like so much to touch my throbing cock 
but I do not dare. I already know these beautiful goddesses can be 
extremely cruel. I also know they care nothing about how much they 
hurt me. I wanted to be the plaything of a Goddess, well, now I am.

"Go to my feet." Sara commanded and my face was instantly there. I
begin paying homage to her gorgeous feet. Her toes were long and 
straight with beautifully painted nails. I licked each toe as if it
were ice cream. Sara, Kara, and Donna have unpleasant smelling feet.
Make that stinky feet. I suppose it is all the time they spend in 
tennis shoes. I have noticed, however, since I have been doing their 
laundry they have less feet odor. I suspect their socks were not 
always washed so regularly.

"Kara, please kick him for me."

I had instant pain in my side from Kara's foot. I never seen it 
coming. She kicked me hard enough to cause me to fall over from a 
sitting position. My side hurt.

"You were enjoying my devine little toes to much. Move along to 
the rest of my feet. You have a lot to lick, a lot to wash for me, 
then you get to do Kara."

I stayed with Sara while her ankle healed. She missed school Monday
and Tuesday as did I. I went to the gym early Monday morning because
Sara said there was something there she and Kara wanted me to have.
I got their little present. Two pair very smelly and cum soaked panties. 
The cum had dried but my mouth could bring back the moisture. It would 
not be nearly as good as what I was currently enjoying. I hurried back 
to the Abreu's with my new found treat. I went to the guest room and
started adding moisture to Sara's panties. I buried my nose in the 
crotch of the ones marked KA and put the ones markes SA in my mouth.
I loved the silky slick feeling as my tongue drifted over Sara's cum.
Kara erotic scent was a huge turn on for me. In no time I had reached
climax. Sara's panties were not nearly clean. After cleaning myself up
I started licking those sweet panties again. I have heard that is 
when you really do worship a goddess, when you can continue to mouth 
wash her panties after you have just climaxed. I cleaned her's and was 
working on Kara's when Kara walked in.

"Like those, uh?" She chided as she gently kicked me in the side.
"Raise up, I want to pee. I woke up asking myself, 'Why not go give 
Lucky some of your delish morning pee?' I am and you are
Lucky!" She said as she straddled my face. 

I opened my mouth as her pussy settled over it. Her flow started
instantly. I was pretty good at drinking piss from a girl and Kara
was an experienced giver. She loved going pee in my mouth. It always
ended with me going down on her. In the few days I have been here I 
believe both of these goddesses have used me as their full and complete 
toilet. The more I serve them, the more I enjoy it. They are so superior
to ordinary people, but then I suppose that is why they are goddesses.
Kara would always look down at me as I served her in this manner. Her
nose would wrinkle, her lips would smile, her eyes would sparkle. All
in all she would look like I always expected a goddess to look. When
she would speak to me in moments like this, her aloof manner would show
through. I loved her attitude. She used it on me too. When she walked
away, I always knew I was serving a goddess as I was meant to. She
did not tell me everytime, but both of us knew it. Lots of times when 
she got to the door, she would look back at me, knowing my eyes were
glued to her ass. She would wrinkle her cute little nose, squint her 
eyes closed, open her mouth showing more bottom teeth than upper ones,
and make a little sound as air escaped that gorgeous mouth. I never
knew what it meant, if anything, but I loved it. When she did that I
was proud to know I was her toilet.

As much as I loved Kara, I loved Sara even more. They are so much 
alike yet there are differences. I think Kara is the nicer of the two,
but I have always preferred girls who were not so nice. Kara is not
overly nice, but nicer than Sara or Donna. Sometimes I find myself 
wondering if either of these girls would really hurt a guy just for 
the pleasure of doing so. I certainly hope not. But the time Sara 
stepped on my hand when we first met, I thought I seen her smile as 
she looked at the pain on my face. She seems to want my punishments 
to be more painful, like when they would lash me for moving when I was 
their foot rest. Sara hit more and harder. She said it was because I 
was causing her to move her leg, the one that was hurt. I am still
deeply in love with Sara. I want her for my goddess. I want to serve 
her always. If I must withstand a little pain for her to have the 
utmost pleasures, I will do so.

When I went back to school Donna met me right off. 

"I left my laundry at grandma's house on the way to school. I will
expect you to take care of it. There are panties and socks for you.
I will meet you at her house after school."

She walked away leaving me wondering how I was going to handle this 
little predictament. These three were always together at school. Plus
there were always others. I was never going to be alone with either 
of the Abreu twins. My luck changed for the good after lunch. Sara
told me to meet her in the Lair. It was not seeing much use now that
the season was over. I met her there and she told me. "Lucky I have to
go really bad, you know how I hate public facilities. I want your 

I could never refuse a request like that. I dropped to the floor and 
assisted her removing her panties. She put her pussy to my mouth and 
I closed over it ready for my treat of goddess golden nectar. She 
pissed in my mouth as casually as if I were a real porceline god.
When the flow stopped I licked her pussy. Sara was the worlds most 
beautiful goddess. I knew it even as she turned and placed her 
asshole over my mouth. I opened wide knowing I was about to have my 
second lunch. I was treated with the first of four smelly turds. I was
becoming proficient at eating from her body. I could crush the larger 
turds with my tongue and swallow quickly getting myself ready for 
another. The stink was awful, it did not improve. I just kept things
in prospective. I was serving a goddess in the ways I could. Sara
and Kara said it was meant to be and I believe them. They enjoyed it
so much. 

Sara gave me permission to continue to do Donna's laundry and be of 
service to her anyway she wanted. I did as My Goddess asked. Donna 
used me at her grandma's. I mean really used me. I ate pussy, drink 
piss and eat shit. Once again The Wojohowski's had to go shopping 
and to a movie. Donna and I were alone. It was 10:30 before she 
left and I went to the Abreu's. She has never once mentioned my
leaving her for the twins. I never had the nerve to bring up that 

I compared the twin's attitude when I first met them with their attitude 
after they had me to use for a few months. They were WAY more goddess 
acting. I was doing good for them, I was helping them attain the station 
in life for which they were intended. I heard some whispers, even 
among the elite, that the twins were becoming real bitches. They found 
a new game they liked. Before school when students gathered at tables 
outside under the palms, Kara and Sara liked to have me kneel before 
them while they used me as a foot rest. Just before the last day of 
school Sara had her foot in my face and I was licking her foot. She
reached down, slipped her shoe on and said in one of her haughtiest 
"There is some dirt on my shoe, lick it off."

I was licking her shoe before I thought. I automatically obeyed My
Goddess without question. I heard a, "Haump". I looked up and Mrs.
English was standing there. I quit licking and looked up at her. I 
could feel the red in my face.

"Hi Mrs. English," I said as several snickers joined in with the 
laughter of the Abreu twins.

"That is not a fitting example for a senior to set for the 
underclassmen. Spit her shoe out and stand up like a man, NOW!"

"Mrs. English, Lucky is my personal attendant. I asked him to attend
to the dirt on my shoe and he did so. Please go to your class and
do not be impertinent again. Lucky, lick my other shoe."

I started licking Sara's other shoe as I heard Mrs. English walking
away. I felt sorry for her she had been put down and humiliated by 
a high school senior. All of the elite knew she would not be back 
next year. She had complained and tried to make a personal crusade 
out of the elite's treatment of the other students. No one cared
about the other students. They were abused and made fun of as the 
elite wished. They could accept it, move away, whatever. If they
quit school and stayed in this town they would be treated this
way for life. Many thought they had no choice. They were trapped 
by fate. Me, I had a choice and I was taking it. I was going on 
cruise with the twins and Donna was coming along too. I was going 
to have the time of my life. I did not need old prudes like Mrs. 
English giving me advice about stuff they did not understand.

"You missed that spot on the bottom, Lucky. Look at my shoes and 
try and do a good job."

"I heard one of the guys say,"I think that is dog poop!" Laughter
broke out again. Of course it was not. It was only dirt.

The last day of school Mrs. English called me into her room. 

"I am leaving, Joe. This is my last day too, I have another 
job a couple hundred miles from here. I have observed the 
relationship between you and several girls in school. It is not
a healthy relationship, especially not for you. The Abreu girls
abuse you constantly. Joe they are using you as less than a slave.
This is not a game to them. They know what they are doing.
Don't you have any pride, how can you let them degrade you like 
that episode out front I witnessed. Don't tell me it was a game 
either. Joe those girls are going to break your heart or worse.
I know what I am talking about. I saw another young man take a
similar route. I suppose you think they are some kind of 
goddesses, they are not. They are ordinary but extremely spoiled 
girls. Joe, run, don't walk away from them. I think you are in 

"Mrs. English, you tried to break up my relationship with them 
a few months ago. You are just angry because Sara talked to you 
the way she did. I felt sorry for you. I know she can be a bit
abrasive at times, but she is special. She may be a goddess. 
She is certainly close. I know what I am doing. I enjoy serving 
them. This has been the best few months of my life. I adore those 
girls. I think I love them."

I walked out with Mrs. English shaking her sad face. 

                    An Ocean of Misery

                       Chapter Nine

The big day came at last. I eagerly loaded luggage on the yacht.
This was some boat. I quickly learned not to call it a boat. I
said boat and was instantly hit by three beautiful girls. They
laughted but told me this was a YACHT. Not a boat, not a ship 
but a yacht. This thing even had a crew. Judge Abreu was not
the pilot, he hired someone to do that. He took the wheel once
we got out to sea, but just for awhile. I was installed in a 
little room. I say installed because I was attached at my ankles 
and wrist to chains. I was laying on the floor but I had a plastic 
covered mattress. The girls put me there after we got out to sea. 
They told me it was necessary for my initiation. They said I would 
be free of restraints if the initiation went well. They never said 
what,"well" was.

I heard multiple footsteps and three gorgeous females bounced into 

"Hey Lucky, we came to play with you, miss us?" Kara laughted.
Sara stook her foot in my face. "Lick," she commanded.

"We are installing this little device before you do any serious
licking on us. We have seen what licking us does to you. You have no 
control, Well, you will be taught control. This is the thing to 
do it. It is special made for us to use. Comfort is not a feature 
as it is with some other security devices. Take a look at this."

She held it up for me to see. She turned it over and around in 
her hand so I could get a full view of it. It was metal. There was 
a tube with a sleeve that looked to small to go over my dick when 
it was soft. I knew it was going to be in there though. This sleeve 
was in a larger tube that had little needles in it There was a box 
with wires running to the sleeve and to the cage my balls were 
going in. There was also plastic around part of it. 

I had to ask. "What is with the box and wires."

The girls laughted out loud all at once.

"Oh, this is a FUN device! A nine volt battery goes in the box. I 
have one of the remotes here. See that outer sleeve, the one with 
all the sharp points. Well.......some of those points receive current 
when I press a button. The voltage is variable, We only like the 
maximum though!"

More laughter......"See the wires going to the cage, they will
puncture your balls a little, not far, it won't hurt much."

"It won't hurt us anyway," Donna sneered looking into my 
horrified eyes.

Maybe this worship of a goddess is a little more demanding than 
I was prepared for.

"Lucky, the remote has a switch to direct the current and there
are buttons to push so we can give you shocks to either of your
balls, your cock, or all at once. We can also program it so when 
your cock gets hard, the current starts to flow. We like to do that!
Kara said.

"Wanna Know why, Lucky?" Sara asked in her sweet sexy voice. She 
really sounded like the Goddess she is.

"Uh huh," I answered between licks of her foot.

"When the automatic current flow kicks in, you get harder, the
harder you get, the more current you receive and the more you 
are stuck with the needles inside. The more that happens the more 
you scream. The more you scream the hotter I become and the more 
of your tongue in my pussy I demand. The more you eat my pussy 
the harder you get. Isn't that beautiful. It gets even better."

Both girls were enjoying the telling of this and the horrified 
looks on my face way to much.

"The more turned on I become the more I moan with pleasure.
My sexual throes and your pain excites Kara who wants relief
when I am finished with you. You get to experience it all over 
again. It gets even better."

Both girs were laughing uncontrollably now. Sara's foot was 
bouncing on my mouth she was laughing so hard.

"When there several ladies enjoying your little performance
when the last one is finished with you, I am ready to go again.
The order doesn't matter. That is just a preview of cumming 
attractions! That is c-u-m-m-i-n-g! Donna is ready to punish you.
You expected her to, did you not?"  More laughter.

"She is pissed!" Kara stated with joy. We love her like a sister.
She asked if she could put your thing in the sleeve. She wants to 
make sure it is extra tight. Then she is going to allow you to eat 
her. Just like she trained you to do. She said you always got 
really hard."

"Our little Lucky may not be soooo lucky though," Kara baby talked.

"Princess Donna, are you really going to do that to me," I asked her.

"You freaking right we are. We are going to enjoy you more this 
afternoon than all the times in the past. I will get so hot 
with your tongue inside me licking my clit all the while you are 
trying to scream from the electricity running through your things.
I will be in ecstacy! You will be in hell! This is merely a preview 
of the whole cruise, you cheating asshole!"

I looked at the face of this gorgeous goddess. Her beautiful 
brown eyes flashed. The expressions on her face were ones of ecstasy
and excitement. She was in paradise telling me how much she was 
going to enjoy my pain.

It was obvious I was able to turn on these beautiful girls. I liked
seeing them happy. What they did to me to attain their pleasures
was of nothing in the past. Now, I am not so sure. I know I was 
created to serve superior beings like these. But I think these girls 
are about to cause me more pain than I can handle.

The girls started removing my clothes. I had only swim trunks. They cut 
them off and I was laying there naked. Sara said it was important for 
the next part of my, "How to serve a Goddess Training". She always 
had this half smile half smirk that displayed her superior contenance.

When they had me stripped Donna held up the device and said.

"This is for you."

"Hurry, Donna before he starts to get hard. That thing of his gets 
hard quickly when he is around us. I will feel safer when it is 
enclosed." Sara said.

"Sara, how could you not trust me!" I exclaimed.

Donna was working to get my penis inside the tube. My comfort was not a
major concern to her either. Her nails cut me twice. When I winched, 
she giggled. She got that thing on me quicker than I thought she could, 
I do not know how everything fit. I heard a,"snap" as she locked it.

"Sara, where is the key?"

"What key?" Sara giggled. "There is no key, that was a permanent lock.
Look at it. Do you see a place for a key?"

Donna tugged on it hard enough to pull me forward. Then she burst out
in one of her humungous laughs.

"Oh, Sara, I love it, turn it on!"

Sara pointed the remote at me. The girls were smiling in anticipation.
I felt the current surge through my genitals. It would go through my
balls. Stop. Go through my cock. Stop. Flow all the way through. Both
girls were playing with the remote, looking at my tortured gentials,
and laughing.

"That is the lowest setting. We want you to increase the voltage all 
on your own! This will be so much fun. Like awesome! Uhmmmm, I wonder
how long it will be before he can control that thing of his?" Sara

"I hope he never can, I want to see the asshole in constant pain this 
whole cruise or at least to the buyer." Donna sneered at me again.
I was now securely locked, naked, and at the mercy of three high 
school girls. I was becoming very concerned. They were so pretty.
They looked at me and smiled so sweetly. No way were these beautiful 
creatures capable of inflicting a lot of torture on me, no way. They
pushed some buttons and I was hoisted up. My wrist cuffs and ankle cuffs
were attached to chains that pulled me up until I was about three feet 
off the floor. Donna straddle me. I did not know when she had removed 
her clothes. She was the perfect Amazon. I had tasted her pussy several 
times. I licked my lips thinking of its sweetness. As her lips touched
mine, I got the first noticable shock and felt the prick of the needles 
inside that tube. I had forgotten about it until then. I would not 
forget it again.

Donna settled down on my mouth. All of her 170 lbs. was on my face. My
neck bent back from her weight. When she started to move on my face my
dick got larger. I was being stuck more and more current was flowing
through my cock. I tried to cry out in pain but her pussy had my mouth
blocked. She started to bounce on my face. I thought my neck would break.
I was receiving cum but could not swallow. My mouth felt like it was 
already full. I felt the electricity flowing through my balls. One of
the twins had pushed a current button. They were timing it with Donna's 
bouncing. Everytime Donna would come down on my face, the twins would 
push a button sending current through my balls. My cock would swell.It 
would get pierced and shocked. I felt her block my nose with her body.
I could not breathe. I could not signal that I could not breathe. I was
frantic. She raised off me a little I could breathe again. I gasped air
in my lungs.

"I raised up so you could swallow, I don't care if you never breathe you want to swallow my cum or not?"

I swallowed a full mouthful. It was so gooey. I felt like everything 
from my mouth all the way down my throat was coated. This was the first 
time I had ever felt the presence of cum in my stomach. I looked at
her beautiful face. I saw her pussy only an inch from my mouth. She 
looked so beautiful. I loved the taste of her cum. I stuck out my 
tongue as far as I could as she settled back down on my mouth. I pulled 
my cum coated tongue out of Donna's pussy and sucked on it, then licked 
some more. My cock was trobbing in constant pain from the needle like 
devices and the current. Sara, Kara, or both had quit shocking my balls. 
I was wet with perspiration, no Donna was wet, I was drenched. I guess 
from the pain of the torture device on my genitalia. I tried to raise
my head. I could not. She was to heavy for that. My neck felt like it 
had been bent back forever.

"That is enough for now, you Lucky thing! You will get more of my cum.
Trust me!"

She got off my face. I raised my head. It hurt so much. I could not hold 
it up. I let it go back down. When it did my mouth opened. Donna spit in 
"I am going to hurt you, I am going to hurt you a lot."

I heard the motor and felt myself being lowered. My head touched first 
and then the rest of my body. This position hurt my neck. I guessed whatever 
position I was in my neck would hurt. Donna stepped on my chest. All of her 
weight was on me. She took a step onto my stomach. I could not breath. She 
stood there awhile then turned and stepped off. I gaspped for breath again 
as she kicked me in the side and I felt a powerful jolt of electricity go 
through my balls and cock. No matter how beautiful these girs were, they 
meant to hurt me. I wanted to cry as this realization hit me. It would do 
no good. No one who cared would hear. Even worse, it would probably fuel 
their animal desires to inflict even more pain on me.

When I opened my eyes again I could see Donna's face. I was looking up 
and could see all of her teeth. She was flashing me a very large smile. I
now know how a small animal feels looking into the eyes of a snake. I could
not take my eyes from her mouth. She had one of the largest mouths I have 
ever seen, but all of her teeth were shaped perfectly. Her canine teeth 
were a little longer than the rest, but not by much. She had a truly 
beautiful mouth and gorgeous teeth.

"Lucky, you have always been fascinated with my mouth. Would you like to 
feel my teeth a little? -----Um, I think you would. We will see about that.
Twins, does he look like he wants to feel my teeth?"

They both answered yes, between giggles. I looked at them. They were
naked. Both had a hand on their pussy. Sara had a hand on her breast also.

"Raise him up in a standing position." Donna said as she looked at me.
Her eyes and mouth looked hard.

When I had been raised up she slowly and tantalizingly approached me. Just
before she got to me she began slowly opening her mouth. One of the twins 
handed her a cloth and she wiped it over my left arm muscle. Her wide open
mouth kept getting closer to my arm. I tried to shift away from it. I was
able to move away a little bit. Of course that made no difference, she 
just took another step forward. I could not cry out, I was stunned or 
mesmerized by her mouth. I felt her breath a few seconds before I saw her 
lips go over my arm muscle. Her eyes were smiling as her teeth tightened.
I heard a gasp come from the twins direction. Donna's eyes looked 
lovingly into mine as her teeth tightened more and pain started shooting 
through my arm. I was aware that I was making cries but it seemed to come 
from someone else. I looked at my arm. Blood was coming out around her mouth.
She bit harder. I was drenched with perspiration. I tried to keep from 
crying out but was unable to. I could hear my screams. Nothing in my life 
ever hurt so much. The last thing I remembered before fainting was when 
she took her mouth away and there was a huge hole in my arm where my muscle 
used to be. 

I was awakened by the strong scent of smelling salts. Donna's face slowly came 
into focus. I passed out again when she put a hot iron to my arm. I smelled 
salts again, this time I reconized the scent of burning flesh. I was in a 
sitting up position on a blood drenched mattress. There was a terrible throb
in my arm. With every heartbeat I felt the pain. I know I am crazy because
when I looked at Donna, I could think only of how beautiful her mouth was.
I could hear the girls voices discussing how I would be no good for a while. 
They were going topside to get some sun. All three of them made a point of 
stepping on me as they left. They were laughing and completely unaffected 
by my pain. I picked up nerve enough to look at my left arm. It looked
horrible. There was a big hole where my flesh had been. It was burned, 
red and nasty looking. There was a small seepage of blood. By looking at 
the place I thought I could not have much of that left. I wanted to sleep.
I was exhausted. My arm throbbed to much. I wanted to cry out but was
determind not to.

Later, I heard footsteps. I opened my eyes and looked at Judge Abreu.

"Son, looks like the girls got a little rowdy. Man, I bet that hurts 
like hell. This place sure is a mess. I will free you and you get busy 
and clean this place up. This is YACHT, son. Don't let it get like this. 
It is disgusting. I know your background, but you must learn how to keep 
this place clean. I see they put their favorite toy on you. That thing 
sure will be bothersome for you on this cruise. Yes it will, three 
gorgeous young ladies and,---"chuckle"---, that thing!"

He took off the straps and I fell on the mattress. He was whistling,
an old country song I had heard my dad whistle, "Yesterday When I Was
Young", as he walked away.

I awoke, it was dark. My arm still hurt. I was really in pain. I got up,
bumped into a wall with my sore arm. I yelled in pain. I found the 
light switch and made my way to the toilet. I had to sit down. There 
was a small current going through my dick from needing to piss. They 
had left the device on. I looked at it. There was no way of turning it 
off without the remote. I pissed and thought my dick would go down and 
the current would quit. It was getting larger and I was getting more 
current instead. I wondered how long the batteries would last. I looked
up and there stood Sara. She was beautiful. She was in a pink nightie
with pink panties. Just a glimse of her bush showed. She was smiling as 
she walked towards me. My dick really started to rise in spite of the 
pain in my arm. I flushed as she straddled my face. My arm hurt more 
as she settled her weigh on me.

"I gotta pee, Lucky." She cooed. "That bite looks positively awful. That
girl sure has a big mouth. I bet Kara and I both together could not 
remove so much of you with one bite."

Her warm piss started flowing in my mouth. I could smell a very aroused
Sara as her piss flowed from her pussy and down my throat. She had not 
bathed since whe got so hot watching me being tortured by Donna. When 
she finished I licked her lovingly and kissed her pretty lips. Her pussy
was so perfect. Her leg bumped my arm as she dismounted. I yelped in pain.
She smiled down at me. She did not say she was sorry. I knew she was not.
I was in for a cruise unlike anything I ever imagined.

"I bet my teeth would leave a much cuter hole. Don't you, Lucky? Would 
you like for me to bite your right arm. You don't need much muscle in your
arms, just enough to do cleaning. Your mouth and tongue are the only real 
muscles you need on this cruise, or for the rest of your life, for that 
matter. I have needs, you said you wanted to satisfy my every need.  I 
need to be able to look at you and see a hole in you that my pretty teeth 
made and remember all the pain you endured for your special Goddess. Do 
you remember wanting to, 'Satisfy my every need,' Lucky?"

She could sound so sincere and so sweet when it pleased her. It was like
she was in a play and was acting out a part. I looked at her, wrong thing 
to do. I was helpless when I saw her beauty, not just her face but any 
part of her goddess body.

"Yes, I remember, Goddess. I want to please you. That is what I am for."

"Right answer, slave!" She laughted that low sexy laugh as her pretty
foot kicked my stomach playfully but hard enough to cause pain.

"Lucky, I need you to dry me." Kara called out from the tub area. 

I saw her standing outside the tub, naked. Her tits so proud with 
their out and up look. Her nipples were hard. She held a riding crop 
in her hand. She was alread aroused, thinking about whipping me I 
suppose. These chicks get way to much pleasure from hurting me. I
could feel the stiring in my loins even before the towel touched 
her body. I felt the current too. She giggled and lashed my legs with 
her riding crop. I felt the sting of several strands of leather. It 
was strange to me why pain administered by these girls would cause me 
to become hard but it would. They knew it. Sara hit me again, harder 
this time. I continued to dry her body. She turned so I could dry 
her back and her ass. I knew I was in trouble as soon as I saw that 
ass. It is perfectly shaped, smooth dark skin, no blimish anywhere. 
I looked at it a good 30 seconds before drying her back. I could 
feel my cock raising up. The current flow was tremendous. I could not 
stiffle a scream.

"Allow me to help you Kara." Sara said as she lashed my back with 
her crop. I cringed in pain but did not stop drying Kara.

"I love the way looking at our bods turn him on. See how he bounces 
just from looking at your ass."

"On your knees to dry my legs and feet." Kara ordered me. 

When I got on my knees she saw my dick was still hard. Both lashes 
started hitting my back at once as the girls were whipping me without 
mercy. With all the pain my cock went back to normal size. I was glad 
for that. That current was hurting me as much as the whips. I looked
up where I was drying. Staring me right in the face was a beautifully 
formed pussy. I felt a hard jolt. When I jumped both girls giggled 
and hit me with their riding crops.

"Now you get to tongue bathe ME, Lucky!" Sara laughted. "I am holding
this lash. If you get hard, you get shocked, if I see you are getting 
shocked, I am going to hit you with this crop. I bet I get to hit a lot!
Wanna bet?"

"Well, Lucky, If you had not lost weight you could carry me to my 
bathroom. You can crawl behind me on three legs! I know how much you 
like looking at our asses. Then you will get to bathe me if you can 
control yourself a little."

I crawled behind her, each step I made with my left arm was excruciating. 
Even with the pain my dick continued to get hard and I continued to get 
shocked by that infernal device. When we got to her bathroom she told me 
to stand and start licking her tits. Of course my dick started to rise. 
As soon as it did I felt the lash on my back and buttocks. I licked more,
got harder, squirmed from the flow of electricity and the prick of the 
pins. She noticed, of course,and gave me more lashes. By the time my mouth 
reached her pussy I could see the white honey. Only my quick reaction 
prevented it from dripping on the bath mat. I loved the sweet taste of 
Sara's cum. She gave me some lashes because I was arousing her and gave
me some more because I was constantly trying to get hard. She was not 
striking me very hard, just enough to keep up the burning sensation alive. 
I knew she could strip the hide off me, if it pleased her. 

When I finished my tongue bathing she allowed me to wash her while she 
was in the tub. That was the most wonderful thing. To hold the cloth and 
rub it over her body, to hear her delightful moans of pleasure at being 
pampered. She stopped striking me with the whip. She laid back and closed 
her eyes. She was delighted to have me bath her. She would whisper sweet 
words of encourgement like, that is nice, oh yes, things like that. She
could probably have stripped all of the skin from my body with her whip 
and I would still have remained hard. There were ocassions when she 
would put her hand to her pussy and play some. She would catch herself 
and quickly take her hand away. She wanted the sexual relief but she 
wanted me to provide it to her. See how sweet these Goddesses can be.
When she was finished with my bathing her she made me leave. I did not 
get to dry her. She did allow me to lick her pussy a few times. I love 
her cum. I knew I would get lots of cum from three beautiful ladies 
very shortly. The device hurt so much, yet I long to serve them. I knew 
it was going to hurt. I also knew I could with stand pain if it provided 
pleasure to these beautiful dolls.

                     An Ocean of Misery

                       Chapter Ten

The next morning I awoke and headed to Sara's room. Common sense 
would dictate that I hide from her, not seek her out. I can not
explain it even to myself, I just longed to see her. I missed her.
As I neared her room I could hear voices.  Sara and Donna were 
talking. I stopped before I got to the door and moved against the wall. 
The door was open and I could understand them. Yeah, I was evesdropping. 
I knew I could not stay long in that position or Kara would catch me. 
I listened long enough to know they were discussing me. I heard them 
giggling about the fun they were about to have. I heard Donna say how 
small the cylinder was. They joked about my genitals, electricity, 
pain, and pleasure. I knew I had listened long enough. I knocked on the 
open door. Sara looked at me and smiled. I looked at Donna. Her 
expression conveyed her feelings toward me. I was in deep shit. Her 
large brown eyes were like fire. I would not have been surprised if 
daggers had shot from them into my heart. Both girls looked at me, 
neither spoke. I could not stand the silence. I said.

"Ah, two of the three most beautiful ladies in the world, I am honored
to be in your presence."

"Cut the shit and get yourself in here asshole." Those words came 
from Donna. There was no beautiful smile jumping out of her mouth either.

Sara pointed the remote at me. Both girls were smiling in anticipation.
I felt the current surge through my genitals. It would go through my
balls. Stop. Go through my cock. Stop. Flow all the way through. Both
girls were playing with the remote, looking at my tortured gentials,
and laughing. I saw Kara come in.

"Hey you, this is a joint thing! How could you start without me. You
know I want to enjoy the show as much as you all do. That looks so 
cute on there. All guys should have one of those permanently installed
and each girl have a remote so that when she activated it, all the 
guys in range would receive that pulsating feeling they seem to enjoy
so much. Well let the fun begin!"

The three girls sat on the bed facing me. They took turns with the
remotes. They were all dressed. I doubt if I could have know which 
was Kara and which was Sara except I knew Sara was already in the room.
They would run current through my left nut into my right, then into my 
dick, reverse the current and laugh as I danced before them. 

"Stop for a minute, let me rest", Sara said. "Have you ever seen anything 
so funny as his dick bobbing in the air as he jumped about?"

"I loved it when you reversed the current quickly and he stumbled! That 
was so funny! He acted like the current was propelling him. Donna laughted.

"I wonder if we could get a science grade on this?" Kara teased. "Well---
it is a lot better than that crap about Pavlov's Dog. Certainly more fun 
to watch! O.K., give him some more current! I love this!"

The girls continued to play with the remotes and me until I collapsed on 
the floor. They kicked me as few times before steping on or over me on 
their way to where ever.

I lay on the floor, I was exhausted. I was also thirsty and hungry. I 
raised up and looked at my genitals. My balls were swollen so much that 
part of them pushed out of the cage. I was thankful that the device 
holding them did not work like the thing my dick was in.

I heard footsteps. I turned and there was mrs. Abreu. I had seen her
almost not at all. I had had no contact with her what so ever. She
was older. She had been pretty when she was young but she must be 
over forty. I continued to stare. She still had a good body
but, well----she was old. When she stepped close to me I could smell 
alcohol on her breath. Was she a boozer? 

"Is that the way you dress in front of my daughters?" She asked in a
raised voice.

"They made me like this, Mrs. Abreu. May I put on some clothes?"

"To late now, don't you think? You must be punished for behavior like
that. If you are so unashamed of naked bodies, I will teach you a thing 
or two. Get in the bathroom."

She gave a thrust with her arm, finger extended in the direction of the 
bathroom door.

"On the floor you shameless creature.---- No stupid, sit in front of the 
commode. Put your arms behind you,---- what a stupid asshole you are. 
Around the commode stupid. Young boys are so ignorant these days."

I did as she ordered and watched, not moving as she pulled a set of 
cuffs from behind her back and snapped over my wrist.

"See what I meant about being stupid. I have to use the toilet. What 
do you do?  You block it! You are soooo stupid!"

She started removing the bottoms of her bathing suit. It was a two 
piece with a matching robe. It appeared to be very expensive.

She stepped towards me. I looked up and could see a huge pussy
above me. It was not shaved and looked black as the night. She
threw off her robe. I watched in horror as that big hairy thing
was lowered to my face.

She looked down at me.

"Well----open your mouth. Do I have to tell you everything. I have
got to piss, do you understand, PISS, stupid. You are swallowing 
it all."

I opened my mouth while holding my breath. I closed my eyes and
tried to pretend it was my beautiful Goddess Sara. As soon as her
pussy touched my mouth the flow started. I gasp as I swallowed the 
first mouthful. She paused, I was glad because I needed air. I 
inhaled through my nose and was greated with the strong musky odor
of rotton fish. I almost gagged. Lucky I did not because the flow started 
again. I could taste the alcohol in her piss. When she finished she 
did not move. I knew she was waiting for me to lick that smelly 
hairy thing. I moved not a muscle. I felt sick at my stomach. There 
was a lot of difference between being used as a toilet by a goddess 
and having an old woman piss in your mouth.

I felt the pain as her nails cut into me. She increased pressure 
until I started to lick. It was awful, plus I had hair in my mouth.
She started to grind on my face, omg, she was going to make me eat 
her. She kicked me in the stomach.

"Stupid, I know you have been toilet trained. I know you have ate 
pussy before, a lot of times. Do you want me to get the riding crop 
and remove all the skin from your worthless stupid body?"

I did not answer but started licking and tonguing her pussy. She
began grinding my face again. I went to work on her clit. She started
moaning and hunching my face harder and faster. Omg, I was being 
shocked! My dick was getting hard. That penis of mine was getting 
aroused from eating out an old woman! Her breathing became faster.
She cut a fart just as I was inhaling. It was sickening. Smelled like
something had died. I squirmed and tried to free my face but she had 
a hold of my hair and was holding my mouth to her pussy while really 
face fucking me. She started to gasp and moan as she had an orgasm 
on my face. I swallowed her cum. This time I licked her before she
pinched me. My mouth felt like a hairball. I also had hairs hung in 
my throat. She got off me. That was a relief. I took a big breath
of fresh air. 

"Well stupid, if you had inhaled and told me how delicious was the
aroma of my pussy, just maybe I would have took my morning dump in 
the commode. You did not, so-----guess where I am taking a dump?
Open wide, toilet mouth."

I saw her look back and smile as she lowered her ass to my face. I 
opened wide as her asshole settled over my mouth. I remembered the 
scent of her fart. I wished there was a way out of this. There was 
none. I was secured. There was no use in fighting it. I resigned
myself to my fate and tried to concentrate on such things as, "This 
was the mom of my Goddesses, she is a very attractive lady, for her 
age, she was once very beautiful, like Sara and Kara. I then felt
it as her turd pushed its way into my mouth. With tears in my eyes, 
I crushed it with my tongue and quickly swallowed even as more was 
being expelled from her body. She raised up off my face a little as
she threw a towel over her waist and my face. The fart was delish 
compared to the scent which assaulted my nostrils. I knew she had
raised her ass off my mouth just so I would have to smell what I 
was eating. She began shitting again. It was much harder to swallow 
now, and tasted a whole lot worse. My brain had received the 
information about what I was eating and was rebelling. Her shit 
felt so heavy in my stomach. I knew I was going to vomit. I had 
no idea what she would do to me when I did. She may even kill me.
I continued to swallow her shit. After an eternity she quit. I 
forced my tongue in her asshole and rimmed her quickly. Maybe she 
would leave before I vomited up all of her waste. I felt her weight 
being lifted from my face. I had closed my eyes as if to make the 
stench less. 

"Open your eyes, Toilet. When you get the opportunity to look at 
the intimate areas of a beautiful lady, look! Or are you to stupid 
even for that? You do not have to beg me to use you as my toilet 
again, I will."

Her eyes sparkled as a smile twitched at her lips. She turned 
toward the door. I felt the current surge through my dick as it 
grew while I watched her ass walk away.

I guess I have always known what a perverted, deranged freak I was.
If not, this certainly proved it. How could anyone get a hard on 
looking at the ass of a forty year old woman who had just pissed 
and shit in your mouth. Answer, no one but the most depraved. I
realized then that I was no longer sick at my stomach. I was not 
hungry either. I sure was thirsty though. Mrs. Abreu had left me 
cuffed to the commode. I could not get a drink, not even out of 
the commode. I was so thirsty. Drinking her piss had made me more 
thirsty. I looked up. There was an eighteen or so Latino standing
in the doorway of the bathroom looking at me with a quizical smile 
on her face.

"You stink," she said in accented English. She reached for the Lysol.

"Open u mouth." She said as she aimed the can toward my face.

"Open u mouth, close u eyes."

I must be getting very used to following orders given by women 
because I did as she told me. Of course she sprayed in my mouth.
I had sense enough not to inhale. I opened my eyes and she was 
standing right in front of me. I was looking at another even 
blacker haired pussy. 

"I know what Abreu's use u for. I use u too. U tell, I deny, then
I kill u."

She was very pretty and had a knock out figure. She was only about 
5'2" but had sparkling black eyes, wide mouth with beautifully 
displayed white teeth. 

"I will not tell, serving you will be my pleasure." I told her.

What else could I say. I was going no where until someone turned me 
loose. She was standing in front of me.  Only a few inches separated 
her pussy and my mouth, she had on no panties. It was obvious what 
she was going to do me. 

She flashed a very pretty smile at me, gave a cute little twist with 
her ass and snuggled her pussy up against my open and waiting mouth.
I looked up at her face as I licked her pussy for the first time. She
had a smile still on her face. I kept licking her and watched as her 
eyes closed and her lips parted. I could see her pretty white teeth. 
I though how beautiful she was as my tongue used all of its recently
learned skills on her pretty fulled lipped pussy. I enjoyed listening 
to her breathing and moans as she gyrated on my face. I reviled in 
the pain as her nails gripped my ears. I withstood the shocking as 
long as I could and let my dick grow in appreciating of this beautiful 
Latino's pussy. I started moaning from the current. This excited her 
even more as she worked off on my face. When she reached her orgasm 
and climaxed I was still swallowing her cum. I loved every second of 
it. I was getting better at handling the pain or the batteries were
getting weaker. I knew not which. When she finished she did not move 
away. I continued to lick her. I looked up at her, she was watching me.
A pretty smile danced on her lips. 

"I think u like me, no?" She smiled, as she lifted her pussy a little 
off my mouth. She wanted an answer.

"I think I like you a lot," I answered.

"I do all to u the others do and u no tell? I want to muy mucho."

"I want you to, it will give me much pleasure," I told her.

She had that quizical look again as she asked, "U sure?"

As if no one could possibly want to be used as a toilet by a girl, no 
matter how beautiful she was.

"O.K, I do to u. I use u. U eat, u drink, all!"

When she said, "All", she spread her hands while still straddling 
my face. Her body settled down again on my face. My mouth was open 
wide, it was aligned with her pee hole. I had a very short time to 
wait with her pussy firmly planted on my opened mouth. I was looking 
up at her. That smile began to form as her piss began to flow. This
was my first taste of a Latino's pee. I would have smiled if I could.
I could get used to this. Her pee was not at all unpleasant. The way
she looked as she was peeing was so sweet. Not a haughty look that 
said, "I am superior and you are nothing but a toilet." But a look
that said, I think you are special for letting me do this to you, I 
like you for it. I knew then what I was missing with the twins and 
with Donna. I also knew it was to late. Like a guy that marries the 
wrong sister. There is not much room to turn.

"I weesh I could take it off. I know it hurt u. I can not."

"I know, it is OK," I answered as she was turning around to place 
her asshole on my mouth.

I kissed the little pucker hole as it settled in place. I put my
tongue in and tasted her. I felt the movement of her as a turd
pushed out of her ass into my mouth. I purposfully tasted her shit
just to see if there was a difference. There was. I could taste 
the hotness of the spicy foods she ate. It made her waste taste 
better. I could feel the current surge again. I was getting a hard 
on from being used by this cute little Latino. She completed her dump
and I lovingly licked her ass. I gave it a quick kiss as she got up.
She turned around and looked down at me.

"I use u a lot if u want." She said to me wearing that quizical

"I want very much to be used by you, what is your name."

"I am Concepcion," she answered, and smiled.

I smiled back and she reached for the spray. She sprayed my mouth
and face with that stuff again. The taste of her was taken away
by the Lysol. I preferred the taste and smell of her shit.

"Oh, I have theeese." She said as she bent to unlock my wrist.

She walked away as I admired her ass before getting me a huge drink 
of water.

                     An Ocean of Misery

                       Chapter Eleven

I had little time to ponder about Concepcion. I heard the
laughter of the three girls as they bounced into the room.

"Oh Lucky, you must be starved, you poor little doggie. We
will fix that."

They all laughted at their joke. Sara came straight to me.

"I get to use you first. You are so lucky. I think it is 
awesome that you discovered your true calling in life and 
discovered you were made to serve ME." 

Her bikini bottom was quickly dropped when she untied the 
strings on both hips. She stood there, I saw her eyes were 
glued on my dick. She was watching it grow and gleefully 
anticipating the pain caused me by the torture device 
fastened on my dick. She did a slow 360, stopping again to 
look at my dick which was causing me a considerable amount 
of pain. The other two were chanting.
"Go Sara Go, watch the current flow, make it hurt, make it grow,
yeah Sara, go go go!"

" I have to go pee, girls, I can't hold any longer, I am about 
to float."

"That is OK, his thing will get even harder as he drinks your pee.
He is just a toilet. He loves being our little ol shit house.
Don't you Lucky?" Donna teased.

They were right about me growing, I could not help it. When my 
mouth came in contact with Sara's pussy and I smelled her feminine 
aroma, I cried out in pain from the electricity. I could hear all
of the girls giggling and joking about my inabilitty to control
my thing, as my mouth filled with Sara's pee. I swallowed and 
swallowed. She was right, she had been about to float. When the 
flow stopped I took a couple deap breaths and licked the last 
few drops from her. I looked up at her. She had that, superior look. 
Sara was beautiful, no doubt about that. I watched as she turned 
up her pretty little nose.

"What a freaking loser you are, Lucky. You are so fortunate that we 
take the time to use you as our toilet. If you were not our toilet,
you would be like freaking nothing!"

She puckered her pretty lips and spat on me. Most of it went in my 
mouth but some landed on my face. Even that made my dick grow which
provided all three of them with amusement. I watched as Sara bent 
over with her ass in my face, retrieving her bikini bottom. Yeah,
more pain for my tortured dick, more amusement for the girls.

Instant replay was here. Kara was doing exactly the same thing to 

"Lucky will become accustomed to us. He will never learn to 
control his thing. He will still be in constant pain at the cruise's 
end." Kara said as her pussy touched my mouth. Her flow began 
immeadiately. I swallowed big gulps, letting my mouth fill then 
swallowing. I gasped for air the best I could in between gulps 
as my mouth filled with her golden pee.

I licked her pussy when she quit peeing. I liked doing that 
although it hurt my dick a lot now. I could not keep my dick 
from getting hard. I guess I did not want to enough. I liked 
thinking of the twins as goddesses. Those kind of thought 
always brought the pain.

"Well don't let him lick forever, Kara, I needed to go a much 
as the two of you. I like to see him in pain too, but I have 
got to go PEE!"

As soon as Kara got off, Donna straddled my face.

"Get your mouth in place this second. The only good thing about 
going last is I get to take my dump as soon as I finish giving 
you your elixir of golden nectar."

"Omg, where did you ever hear that?" Sara chided.

"I don't know, but I thought it fit Lucky the Looser."

"Cut it out you two. Kara said. "Like stop it. Lucky is not a 
looser. He is a winner. He gets to serve three beautiful 
goddesses all the rest of his life with us. He gets to drink 
and eat from our beautiful finely toned bods. Plus he gets to 
swallow tons of cum. Like you think he is not Lucky! Well, I 
know he is lucky, he will think so to when I take a big dump 
in his mouth!"

Donna placed her asshole against my mouth. She started instantly. 
She shit and shit. I had already consumed the waste of two women. 
I was full before these three pissed in my mouth. I did not
think she would ever quit. Donna had always shit a lot. This time 
she out did herself. With each mouthful I swallowed I felt like 
it was backing up in my throat. When she finished I was glad to 
lick her. I hoped the twins did not have to take a dump too. I 
did not have room for it in my stomach.

Sara sat on my face immeadiately. She positioned her cute little 
brown hole over my mouth and about blew my face away. She bursted
out laughing as she threw a wrap over my face. It really stunk.
She started taking a dump before I caught my breath and recovered 
from the methane. She took a really large dump too. I was so full.
Sara reached down and patted my stomach. 

"He looks pregnate. Donna, did you do THAT much in his mouth? Look
at him."

"We are stretching his stomach that is for sure. That means you 
will get hungry between feedings, Lucky. Oh well, maybe mom will
use you too."

"Dad said he would rather have him stretched. The larger capacity
the better the price in Bora Bora."

Whoa, what did I just hear? Surely I misunderstood. It sounded like 
the Abreu's were planning to sell me! To whom, and for what? I never
imagined such a thing. I was talking to the judge about this, that 
is for sure. I licked Sara when she finished. Replay again. Kara sat 
down on me and started as soon as her ass touched my face. I tried 
to mumble and tell her to go slowly. I could not even mumble, she 
kept my mouth full of shit. I do not know how I swallowed it all. 
I knew I was going to vomit it all up. I licked Kara when she was 
through. She got off me and Donna sprayed me down with Lysol. I 
inhaled some of it. I coughed and coughed.

"Look at his tummy bounce, it is so full." Sara said. "Maybe we 
should go get mom to come and use him. I wonder if we can burst 

"If you are concerned about vomiting, don't be, like it is never 
going to happen. We are giving you stuff to keep you from vomiting.
So no matter how much or how toxic your meal, it will stay in the 
holding tank, (your stomach), until it moves out naturally."

"Make sure the stink does not get out in the yacht, either. Boy 
will it ever stink." Donna said.

"Something else, Lucky, we know how to keep your body deodorized.
Otherwise no one could stand being near you. You would smell like 
an outside toilet." Sara said. "Kara, do you remember that outside 
toilet we saw in the countryside in the Appalachian Mountains a 
few years ago, you could smell that thing from the road!"

"Yeah, that is what you would soon smell like if we did not take 
care of our little toilet! You are really lucky to have three lovely
ladies to care for you." Sara said as she wiggled her bikini clad 
ass in front of my face and laughed as I winched in pain from the 
current going through me.

"Well you digest all of your delish food. We are going to sun. 
Don't you just adore our tan. Dad keeps everyone off the top 
sunside so we can tan nude, no tan lines! Arn't we gorgeous?"

I looked at Sara as she said this. I could feel the current as 
my dick throbbed.

I headed to the lower cabin which was mine and went to the toilet.
I turned on the exhaust fan and boy did I need to. What an awful 
mess of mixed odors. My stomach was down a lot when I finished.
I had to dump it three times. I sprayed a lot to deoedize the 
place. I exited quickly and closed the door behind me. I was at 
the door fixing to leave my little bedroom when the door opened 
by itself. Concepcion was coming in.

"I see u go in. I pee in u mouth?"

"Yes, please," I answered her as I went to my bed and laid down 
with my head in the middle of the bed.
She smiled as she slowly saundered towards me, stripping as she 
approached my bed. The eye candy was almost more than my poor 
tortured dick could handle. I do not think she how much pain 
she was causing me. She straddled my face with a knee on either 
side of me.

"Up," she said.

I raised up a little and she bent her knees placing her feet back 
under my arms. She placed both hands under my head. I received a 
new experience in eating pussy. She was very sexy and enjoyed ever 
lick. She squealed and moaned while fucking my face unmercifully.
I thought she had forgot about peeing. Maybe this is what she really 

"I pee now." She said in a matter of fact type voice. She looked
at me as I swallowed her offering. My mouth and throat was so coated 
with her cum I could not speak until I swallowed a few mouthfuls.

"U so good at that, have u much practice?" She asked when she finished.

"The twins have used me for more than two months plus Donna had 
previously used me" I told her.

"I like using u. I like u for my own. No share. U and me. I find way.
I be good to u. No torture. Throw that away." She said as she pointed 
to my dick.
I smiled at her, "I would like that too. You are very sweet. I loved
swallowing your cum."

"If it u and me, u still swallow everything. U be toilet, complete."

I liked the way she waved her hands when she spoke. I knew very well
what she was saying. She wanted exclusive use of me but she was still 
going to use me as her toilet. I did not think that was possible. I
found myself dreaming of it though. The three Goddesses were just to 
cruel. I loved serving them but they wanted me in pain all of the time.
I did not enjoy pain. I endured it for them, but I did not like being 

"Lucky, I have song, it will be hit in Mexico. If it go big in U.S.
I buy U. U go with me. U serve me. U be slave for me."

I nodded my head in agreement. She turned around and sat her pretty 
ass on my face. She squirmed until my nose went in her ass hole.

"I no meet one like u. U umm special."

She continued to wiggle around on my nose. I could smell shit very 
plainly. She farted and giggled.

"I do to u a lot."

She was ass fucking my nose! I could hear her breathing increase. Her
knees would almost come together. Her hand was on her pussy. She had
just had multi orgasms on my mouth and now she was getting off on 
using my nose to ass fuck herself.

"I have look out, we no get caught. They catch us, they fire all of us. 
They kill u slowly. They very bad. Two year ago they tortured boy.
They ate him up. Then use him for shark bait. He alive when shark bite 
him. I get u away from them before they hurt u more."

She touched the hole in my arm. 

"That hurt?"

"Yes," I answered. "When will you know about your song.

"Dad check every day on radio. I know soon. I buy u soon. We all get off
next port. Acapulco. U no say nothing. Trust me."

"Why not get off anyway"?

"Not honorable, no do that, we be bad if do that. Dad has new captain
y crew for Abreu's. They no miss us. We just help to them. I nothing
to girls. I know them long time. I make lots cruises. They use lots boys.
Like they use u. U only one that like it. U serve me many years. 

She got off my nose and placed her pussy at my mouth again. She enjoyed 
another orgasm. I got a little cum but not much. Concepcion could go
dry afterall.

"I go." She said and bounded out the door. I barely had time to wash 
my face and smooth the bed. I had Concepcion's shit on the tip of my 
nose. I wet my finger and wiped it off. I put my finger in my mouth
and sucked it clean. I was sitting on the bed when sara came in.

"So, there you are, our rooms need cleaning, get your lazy ass up and 
go to work or we will make shark bait out of you. What is that smell?"

Fortunate for me that I had sprayed the room with Lysol.

"I had to use the bathroom, a lot, Goddess. I thought it best to spray."

"Crawl behind me, Lucky. I will let you admire my ass all the way to 
my room. May the current be with you!"

She was laughing all the way. She had one beautiful ass. I was in
pain all the way.

                     An Ocean of Misery

                       Chapter Twelve

The three goddesses I thought I loved so much treated me horribly
continously. One day they put a boxing helmet and jock strap on me. 
They put me in a military laundry bag and strung me up. They took 
turns punching and kicking me. There was no place on my body that 
was not bruised. As I yelled in pain I could here them laugh and 
taunt. Each one would tell me who was inflicting pain on me. When 
Sara said.

"Hey Lucky, his is your beautiful devine Goddess Sara fixing to 
kick your worthless ass big time." She punched me in the stomach 
and kept on hitting me. I thought I would die of a broken heart.
It was more than the pain, it was the way she said it. I knew I 
was nothing to her. I thought she valued me, maybe even loved me.
I knew then, she did neither. When they were through with me they 
left me strung up. Judge Abreu came and lowered me down.

"Boy, I say there son, they sure beat your ass good this time. 
You should never piss off the ladies. I hope you have learned 
from this. They are true goddesses and they intend you to always 
know that. Son, you are going to end up as shark bait if you 
continued to displease those lovely ladies."

If I had displeased them I knew not how.

I was left to rest a few hours. I lost all track of time. I hurt 
everywhere. I heard their voices and they walked up to me. 

"Get your lazy ass up and start cleaning this place. You are 
susposed to work when you are not entertaining us. Do you want 
another trip in the punching bag?" Kara asked in a haughty voice.

"No Goddess Kara," I replied rather weakly. 

With considerable pain I got up and started cleaning. They laid 
in the sun talking, laughing, and hurling insults at me. When I 
walked close to them they would kick or hit me. Once Donna kicked 
the legs from under me. I fell and they dog piled me. They thought 
that was a lot of fun. I did not. I do not know how many times I 
was hit and scratched.
I cleaned most of the night after they had tortured me during the 
day. Then they started having me carry them all over the Yacht. 
I was used as their toilet constantly. I do not think either of 
the three ever used a commode. They called me the head of the ship
with emphasis on, head. When they were not torturing me they 
used me to sit on. They always sit down hard. I was in constant 
pain. They even had a contraption like a porta potty but with a
larger base. Whenever they needed to cut the cheese they would 
demand I get in that thing instantly. No matter how fast I got
my head in place it was never fast enough. The one needing to 
fart would sit on the seat and blast away at me. That thing was 
almost air tight. They would sit there until I passed out, or 
almost did, from lack of air. I inhaled all of their farts. 
They thought that was hilarious. I saw Concepcion very little
and than only at a distance. I know the girls suspected some
thing or was just taking no chances. I received a surprise 
one morning. I was always awake early because I had so much 
to do to get the girls sunbathing area the way they wanted it.
On my door was a plastic bag. Inside it was a pair white
panties. I knew they were from Concepcion. I was late getting 
on deck that morning. The panties were so good. I knew I was 
never in love with Sara Abreu. Concepcion had everything Sara 
had and was a lot nicer person. It had been a week since I met
Concepcion. I longed for her even more after the panties.
I knew I would have a part of her presence, at least the 
essence of her. The ninth day Judge Abreu came to see me.

"Hi son, you are doing a good job getting the deck ready for
the girls. They will not be here today though. They are going 
into town to shop. I am sure you noticed we docked last night.
That is Puerto Madero. The women are going shopping in 

"Son I think it is time you get some new experiences in life.
You need to soak up some foreign culture. You will be going
with Jose, my former Captain. His cousin is going to take
on Jose's duties. I hate to see Jose go but his daughter needs 
him. We know her as Concepcion but the world will know her as Sela.
She is a singing sensation sweeping the Unithe States. She has been
received a little attention in Mexico but not all that much. She 
is taking the States the way Santa Anna wanted to. Anyway she has a 
lot of money now. She wanted you. I explained to them how our family 
had invested so much in you and had high reguards for your future.
They assured me they would carry on in like tradition. So son,
what I am saying is, you are going to have a new home. Pack your
things, you will be going ashore within the hour."

"Your honor, are you selling me?"

"Don't ever say those words again, son. People do not sell people!
I have a lot invested in your training as do the girls. Sela
just had her dad pay us for your training. They will resume your
training now. I hope you have the good sense to reconize this as 
a golden opportunity and make us proud of you. I never want to 
hear anything bad that I may have to have the court come looking 
for you. That would mean prison, son. You would end up as a big
man's boy. Do you know what I mean by that, son?"

"Yea sir, your honor. I know what that means. I will never do
anything to cause you not to be proud of me. I appreciate all 
you and those three gorgeous girls have done. I hate to leave 
because I will never find anyone who is as beautiful as they 
are, no sir, not ever. Do I get to say good by to them?"

"Unfortunately no, they have already left and you will be gone 
with Sela before they return. So pack and get ready for new 
adventures. I think you are flying out of here today. I do
not know where for sure but I imagine Acapulco. Jose lives 
there. Yeah son, you are going to be a member of the jet set!"

I packed. That did not take long. I had almost nothing. The
only thing I valued was Concepcion's panties. I had quickly 
grown attached to them. I was thrilled to be going to her.
Many fantasies occupied my mind. I know the judge did not
know I was lying to him. I could not wait to leave this hell 
hole. They may remember this as their summer cruise on their
yacht, I will remember this as an ocean of misery. 

I came top side ready to go. I tried to look sad for the 
judge's benefit. Plus I had a feeling if he knew I wanted
to belong to Concepcion, Sela, he would not allow me to
go. I trusted him for several months but I have lately
realized he does not have my best interest at heart. You
can not imagine how badly I have been treated by the three
vixens. Mrs. English was right! However if I had not become
Sara and Kara's slave I would never have met Sela. I knew
my life had changed for the better. Ah, Sela, I liked her
name too. The judge said I would be going everywhere with
her. I was going to be in heaven serving this beautiful 
Latino Doll. The judge's voice brought me to the present.

"Walk up to the table over there. I am going to do something 
for you." The judge said. "Bend over and put your chin on 
the table. Don't move. Now drop your pants and shorts."

I was accustomed to obeying orders. I did as I was told
and waited for his dick up my ass. Instead I felt his hands 
on my balls. I heard a couple clicks.

"You can raise up now. I removed this. The ladies will want 
to put someone else in there. You would not be able to leave 
the yacht with this on you anyway. Heh, Heh, you would have 
no balls and no dick! I know they told you it could not be 
removed. It is easy if you know the secret. It had to be 
turned off first though."

"Lets go son. Clime in the boat. Off we go for your new
adventures. I wish you the best son. You have pleased my 
daughters and niece immensely. I hope you do so for 
Concepcion too. You will find the Latino's have a stronger
feminine odor. Don't let that bother you. Once you get past
the smell, you have it licked!" He laughted at his joke.
I just quietly rode to the dock.

"I have some things to attend to back at the Yacht. That is
Jose over there. He will take care of you now. I figuered
a settlement for you. I paid you but I had to deduct your 
fair share of the cruise. If you ever come into any money 
son, I would appreciate if you would pay me this bill."

He handed me a statement with a lot of numbers. The bottom 
line was I owed him $3349.72. I sure hope he does not hold 
his breath until I pay him. Second thought, I wish he would!

The judge waved to Jose and returned to the yacht. I started
walking towards Jose. I had seen him a few times but had never 
spoken to him.

"Buenos Dias, Lucky." He said as I approached him.

"Hi sir," I answered.

He pointed to a car and said, "We are taking that car."

I got in. We did not talk as we went to the airport. 
Another Latino was driving. I presumed it to be his relative
that was going to work for the judge.

We were dropped off at the airport. I saw Sela. There were
three girls, Sela, and Sela's mom. I later learned the girls 
were sisters. I did not know how to act. I walked up to them,
bowed and said, "I am very please to be your servant, Princess

"I accept you as my slave, now and forever," Concepcion said.

The three girls giggled. Mrs. Morales said. "Bueno." They 
continued to talk to each other. I did not understand anything 
of what they said. The girls were constantly looking at me, 
speaking to each other, looking back at me and giggling. 
About all I understood, other than Sela's answer to me, was 
the name I had been given by Judge Abreu, "Lucky".

They piled their bags on me. I could barely carry them. I was
bend down almost touching the payment. I just followed the 
beautiful legs of Sela. 

We boarded the plane and flew to Acalpuco. I got to sit by 
Sela. When we got in the air she handed me a pair of her 
thongs. They were purple, they were beautiful. Like the 
reverence I had for my Goddess Sela, I felt a reverence 
for her thongs. I knew where they were just a short time ago
It was so considerate of her to change just for me. They
were fresh and wet. She said she changed just before we 
boarded. I put them to my face and inhaled her intoxicating 
aroma. I had them cupped in my hand so no one could see them. 
I held them there and enjoyed her scent for several minutes. 
She looked at me and smiled. I was in heaven. I took them 
away from my face and quickly arranged them so I could get 
the little crotch in my mouth. The material used to cover 
her pussy and ass was so tiny. I wished the crotch was 
larger but thankful for the tiny bit of sweetness they 
contained. I took the crotch in my mouth and sucked on it. 
I was doing this when Sela fastened her seat belt and 
motioned for me to do the same. I put her thong in my 
pocket and made ready to land. Just knowing I had a pair 
of her panties in one pocket and her thong in another 
gave me a warm tingling feeling. My dick was so hard. 
It seemed that it had gotten increasingly larger from 
the time I first saw My Goddess. It felt so good to have 
a hard on and not be shocked or hurt.  

They got their baggage and piled all of it on me. I was
playing the part of their pack mule I guess but was just
happy to be near Sela. We got in a limo and road to their
place. I wondered how we managed all of that and no crowds.
No fans. I asked Sela and she said no one knew of this trip. 
Everyone though she was in the states. Also when she 
performed she looked different. I would see soon. She said 
if I liked her looks now, I would die when I seen her stage
appearance. When we got in her room she showed me pictures
of her. OMG, she is really beautiful. I just stood in front
of her picture admiring her beauty. I lowered myself to my 
knees in front of her photograph and said. "I am yours
Goddess Sela."

"Lucky! I am over here. That is just a photograph. This 
is ME!"

I knew that. Also what happened to her broken English. I
turned to her. She looked more beautiful than I had ever 
thought before. I guess it was because I had seen Sela's 
picture. I had no problem telling they were the same person.
I can see why no one reconized her though. I knew as she
became better known, that would not happen so easily.

"Lucky, you remember all you said to me, what we talked 
about, don't you? I do expect and must have all of those 
things. I will treat you a lot better than the Abreu's 
treated you but I have to have your services. I tried it, 
I liked it, I can now afford it. There is absolutely 
nothing like it, nothing. Get on your knees to me. Beg
me to use you for my pleasure."

I slowly lowered myself and as my knees touched the floor 
at her feet I looked into her eyes. They were as if a 
light had been turned on behind them. The tilt of her face 
and her expression showed she was a Goddess, someone to 
be worshiped. She smiled down at me. She activated her cd 
player and her hit song started to play. She began to 
remove her clothes. I placed a kiss on her feet. I was 
ready to worship at the lovely feet of Sela forever.

Author's note. 
This ends the story, "An Ocean of Misery" A sequel is
in the making. If you liked my story, don't applaud, 
just throw quarters!

Review This Story || Email Author: Jim Hale