BDSM Library - Irish Master

Irish Master

Provided By: BDSM Library

Synopsis: A young lady accepts the offer of an Irish gentelmen to be trained as his slave.
Irish Master

Irish Master, Pt. 1

It started on the day that I found a four leafed clover pin laying on my desk
in my study. I was curious as to who had left it there since I lived alone. It
was an unusual one. Made of green emeralds with a diamond in the center. Very
beautiful, but still, who had invaded my property? 

Grabbing a bat from the closet, I went through the house investigating. I found
nothing missing or so I thought until the next morning when I noticed that all
of my underwear was gone from my drawer and my laundry hamper or so it seemed.
I was forced to go without since the pair that I left in the laundry last night
seemed to have also disappeared. I was not about to call the cops over a few
items of missing undies. 

When I got home from work that day the phone rang as soon as I got home which I
picked up and answered.

"Hello," I said. 

A man's voice with an Irish lilt replied, "Did you find my pin?"

I replied, "Yes, but who gives you the right to break into my house and leave
that and steal my underthings?"

He ignored my question by saying; "I see you did not wear the pin. I may have
to punish you later for that."

My mouth gaped open and I slammed down the phone. Who was this pervert? The
phone rang again and I ignored it for a while, but it kept on ringing and
ringing until I got irritated and picked it up and opened my mouth to give him
a piece of my mind. 

He did not let the words come out. "Don't do that again missy, or I will not be
nice to you. Your punishment will be harsh. Listen to what I have to say first.
I have been watching you for some time. I've seen the dirty magazines you've
read, you naughty girl. BDSM magazines. You desire to be tied up and I desire
to make you mine. I will make a deal with you. Meet me tomorrow at 10 P.M. at
O'Malley's on First Street. Wear your pin or I will not come up to you and
talk, but I will break into your house and punish you instead."

My heart raced with the irony of this. Why would I go meet with someone to
negotiate a relationship like this?  My curiosity overcame my fear.

"Agreed," I said and I heard the phone click into the receiver. 

I laid in bed tossing and turning all night debating whether I should go or
not. This is crazy, he has broken in but not touched me yet. He could have done
that anytime he wanted, why didn't he? What is his purpose?

The next day seemed to drag by slowly and I could not seem to concentrate on my
work, and finally feigning a headache, I left and went home. I managed to get a
nap in before going to O'Malley's and I did remember to put the pin in my hat.
I wore cute little beret that I had picked up somewhere and I found an outfit
to match it.

I looked pretty good wearing high heels, short skirt and a solid green shirt. I
went in and sat at the bar and ordered a drink. I needed something to brace
myself for this.

It was not long before I caught a man looking at me with a slight smile on his
face. He was not a bad looking man. He had blue eyes, in his late 40's, salt
and pepper hair, and a good build for someone his age. I liked what I saw and
smiled at him.  He got up and came over.

He stood there for a while before he said, "Good Missy. You wore the pin. You
will learn to serve me well. Come over to a table by the corner so we can talk

He extended a hand out to me. Still curious, I took it and he led me to a booth
in the corner. He ushered me in and he sat down right beside me. 

He turned to me and said, "Do not say a word" I felt his hand slowly start at
my thigh and work it's way up my skirt, all the way up.

He chuckled. "I see you had no time to go get some new panties. Just as well, I
would of took those too." 

His hand lingered in my pussy area, a finger reaching in to feel the juices
that he was producing with this motion. 

He pulled out his hand and licked the juice off. "Mmmm, tasty. It is all the
drink I be needing in the world."

His eyes then changed from a light smile to a more serious look. "Here is what I
have to offer. Spend a week with me as my submissive. You will see I am a
fair Master and not too cruel if you do not cross me. If you do, I will punish
the sassiness out of you. I mean what I say, do not try it. I will let you
think on it for a bit before you answer." 

With that, he bent down and kissed my lips deeply. My head swam with the
kiss and I knew that at least I should give him the chance to fulfill my
fantasies, but I feared that a chance meeting like this was too dangerous.

"Should I or shouldn't I do this?" ran through my mind. 

My desire overcame my fear and I looked at him. "I will submit, but you should
know, I have never done this before. All I have done was read about it and
desire it, but have never done it yet."

He smiled and said, " I know. It is one of the reason's why I chose you. I
desire to train someone right from the start. To do things my way and not have
someone else's rules and thoughts on their mind. I have my own ideas and ways
about this lifestyle and I do not want some submissive saying that this is not
the way it is supposed to be. It is MY way. I am a Master, not all are going to
be the same Missy. Each has their own likes and dislikes and should not be
judged because the are not going along with the tide. You will see in time that
you will like my way. Right now, it might turn you off but in time, you will
see that I am right in doing the things I do. You will like it."

He added, "I will start off soft with you at first, but later in the week I
will add more pressure on. I will go slow and see how far your limitations go.
We will chat about your desires on the way home. Shall we begin tonight?" 

I thought, why not? It was the weekend after all, so I nodded my head in

"Give me the keys to your car. I walked here. We will go to your place to pick
up a few things you be needing and then go to mine and begin."

End of Part One.

Irish Master, Pt. 2

I sat in the passenger seat watching my future Master while he drove to my
place. I kept on asking myself, "Why was I doing this?" It was really crazy to
agree to submit to a complete stranger and I really felt uneasy and frightened
at the decision I had made. 

But, I was not about to let my fear get the best of me and pushed the crazy
thoughts to the back of my mind. He broke the silence by asking me about my
desires. I told him about what turned me on from what I had read and my desires
to try it. The whippings, pussy and ass, my breasts being tied, being forced to
have sex with many men, being fucked with large objects, and being pierced in
my pussy and tits.

He smiled at these words and said that he could grant all of these things to me
in time.

We arrived at my place and I finally saw how he was able to get in. He had a

He looked at my face and grinned; "You never knew who owned this place before
you, did you? Well, it was me.  I moved because the neighbors were too
close to me. I wanted a place more private so I could have a dungeon. But, I
missed the old place, so drove by to take a peek at the new owner and I liked
what I saw right away. I kept on coming to see if you were married and from my
observations I could see you were alone. So then, I snuck into the house. You
never changed the locks to the doors, you careless girl. I thought of raping
you, but then, I found the magazines and I had another idea. I have been a
Master for over 10 yrs for real. I have had submissives in the past and I was
taught by one of the best in this lifestyle. Believe me, I know what I am doing
and I am constantly still learning more. I will not hide anything from you,
Missy. By the way, that will be your name from now on. I can get extreme at
times, but I do respect the limits of a submissive. It is a gift they give me
by submitting. I do not abuse that."

I was comforted by those words and continued on into the house to pick up a few
things. He stopped me before I got to my clothes. He picked them out. A few
suits for work, but otherwise, nothing else. He told me I will be naked from
the time I enter his house and no clothes to be worn anytime except when I leave
for work. 

After he picked out the suits and packed them away he came up behind me and put
his arms around my body. He whispered into my ear, "hold still and
don't move, do not touch me either." 

His hands undid my blouse and opened the shirt. I could feel his breath on my
neck and he lightly ran his hands over my breasts and fingers lightly rubbed
the nipples to hardness and then he felt them with a little more firmness. It
was really turning me on and I closed my eyes and moaned a little bit. I could
hear him lightly chuckle, but he said nothing and continued on.

The handling of my breasts became rougher yet and he started squeezing them
with a firm hand and then, he grabbed my nipples and pinched hard! I yelled and
he told me, "No noise. Hold it in." 

I tried the best I could to keep silent, but every so often a moan would escape
my lips as he pinched and pulled on the nipples. He came around to the front of
me still playing in that manner. He grabbed one breast hard and slapped it with
his other hand once and then did it to the other. Back and forth like that.
Painful as it was, it was also stimulating. 

He grabbed both of them in his hands and suckled them and bit them until I
thought I was going to collapse with these feelings, but he held me up. He was
really enjoying what he was doing. He stopped and stood up and grabbed my head
with one hand and started kissing me hard. The other grabbed my ass and pulled
me into him grinding my groin into his so I could feel his hardness and
get an idea of what rewards awaited me if I was good. 

I did not have to wait long. He pushed me to the floor and forced my legs apart
and undid his slacks and jammed his hard cock into me and fucked me hard.

"God! I was waiting to do this for a long time." He held off for a long time
enjoying the fuck and I was too. I enjoyed a good, hard fuck.  He could feel
that I could and told me to hold off on cumming until he said so and continued
with his fucking until he gasped, "NOW!" 

I did not need no any further encouragement. I wailed and came hard. My cries
mixed with his groans as he filled my orifice with his cum and it flowed out
onto my pussy and legs. He collapsed on top of me, kissing me on my lips, neck
and breasts and laid there until our breathing came back to normal.

I laid there looking at him and thought he had fallen asleep on me, but he
finally moved and got up and extended out a hand to me and helped me up also.
He led me to the bathroom where we showered together to clean up and we dressed
again and finished getting the few necessities I would need packed and out to
the car we went again.

The drive was out of the city to a place in the country, which added to my

He told me he walked to the bar. He saw my face and explained that a friend
drove him to town this morning. We finally arrived at our destination. 

He was right, it was a private place. Very nice building with lots of rooms I
could see. He got out of the car first and came and opened the door for me.
He stood there and looked at me and then ordered, "Take off your clothes, now."

I blushed, but complied and handed him the clothing. I felt vulnerable standing
there naked and wanted to cover myself with my arms and made moves to do so,
but he stopped me from doing that.

"No. Stand there and let me see you. No one else is here. No need to worry. No
one will hear you scream." He chuckled at my reaction and said he was kidding

He went to the trunk of the car and got my bag and he also took something else
out of the car. A collar and a leash. He placed the collar on my neck and
attached the leash to the collar and with a jerk, he led me into the house. He
set the bag at the door and continued on with me into the living room. He sat
down in an easy chair and made me kneel in front of him.

"Now Missy. We will explain my rules to you. To break these rules means
punishment which you will probably not like.

Rule number one is how you will greet me when I come into the house. You will
kneel face towards the door, eyes downward, and hands crossed behind your back.
You are not to say a word to me until I say you can. Is this clear?"

"Yes," I replied.

He lightly slapped my face and he said, "You reply, Yes, Master."

"Yes, Master," I gulped and thought, "what did I get myself into?"

He looked at me and assured me he will do many things to me but, he will also
watch to see where my limitations are and then, he explained safe words. He
told me these are to be used only if I felt I needed to. 

Green was go. Not necessary. If I am silent, he will assume it is green. 

Yellow was caution, you like it, but it is painful and take it at that level to
get used to it.

Red was STOP. Be sure that it is RED first though. He asked me if I could
handle this. I told him yes. I desire to be trained and he was assuring me with
every step here that the training will be slow and at my pace.

"Last rule. I will give you assignments daily. These will be done without
hesitation. I will not give you anything I know you cannot do. You do them or
take whatever alternative I give you. Can you accept these rules I give you or
do I take you home right now?"

I looked at his face. I liked the handsome face and wanted to know more about
him. Nothing he told me seemed out of line so far and I replied to him, "I will
accept these rules and I will do my best to please you Master."

He smiled and enjoyed these words coming from my lips. He bent forwards and
kissed me. 

"We will begin your training tomorrow. Tonight we rest."

Picking up the leash, he stood up and I thought he would lead me to the bedroom
but instead, he picked me up and while kissing me, he carried me there and laid
me on the bed where we made sweet love off and on most of the night. 

Bliss. I could learn to like this.

End of Part 2

Irish Master, Pt. 3

"Wake up," a voice whispered in Missy's ear, "the training starts now."

Missy's eyes fluttered open and she momentarily forgot where she was but then
remembered last night's lovemaking and smiled and stretched. 

She rolled over to look into the eyes of her Master and smiled at him. She
replied, "Good Morning, Master."

The man smiled at her and said, "That's a good way to start the day.
Remembering how to address me. Let's see how well you do for the rest of it. Up
and at em!" He said, and punctuated it with a smack on the cheek of her ass.

He then attached the leash back onto her collar and pulled her out of bed and
led her by the leash to the bathroom where she was made to bathe him, comb his
hair, shave and apply cologne on his face. Then she was allowed to clean
herself while he sat naked on the toilet with the seat down watching her. While
he sat, he asked questions about her job and if she had liked it.

Missy did not really like her job, but it made good money and she got along
fine with her coworkers so she saw no reason to leave it. When Missy got out of
the bathtub she was greeted with a towel and he briskly rubbed her dry and used
another one on her hair.

He then blow dried it for her and ran the blowdryer down over her breasts.
Sometimes getting close enough to her to almost burn, but he always backed off
before that happened. Missy loved the feel of the hot air flowing over her
nipples and his hand rubbing the breasts and pulling and twisting her nipples. 

He could see she was enjoying that too well and decided today she wouldn't be
allowed to cum that easily. She was going have to work for it. 

Setting the blowdryer down, he looked at her and said, "Wait here." He left the
room and came back a short while later holding an enema bag and an inflatable
butt plug. Missy felt a little nervous. "We are going to clean you out," he
explained, "but, I am going to make you hold it in until you beg for release
and I am going to make you beg for quite some time. Turn around, Missy." 

Missy hesitated fearing the pain of stomach cramps. Her Master sternly looked
at her. "I said, 'Turn AROUND!'" He reached over and grabbed her hair and
pulled her over to the toilet and made her bend over it and told her to hold
still. She heard sounds of water flowing and the sound of the bag being filled.
She felt the tube being inserted into her tight asshole and then the feeling of
warm water as it flowed into her. He told her if she felt like she could not
hold anymore to let him know and he would stop for a bit until she got used to
the feeling. But, he said, do not release the water. 

Missy soon found out how he did this. He did not stop until all the water in
the bag was inside of her and she felt something cold and slippery being rubbed
on her asshole and then the point of the plug as he rubbed it on her anus until
it relaxed and opened for it. He gently inserted it into her and with a final
shove, it went in. 

It made her yelp a little in pain for it was a fair sized plug. She heard the
sounds of pumping and felt the plug get bigger in size. Almost to the point of
tearing her before he stopped. He then grabbed her arm and led her out into the
bedroom again and bound her wrists behind her with cuffs and then looked at
her. He was still upset that she had hesitated and she was going to know the
meaning of obedience.

He made her bend over his lap with that plug in and she got what she thought
was the spanking of her life. It was accentuated with the rules that he is to
be obeyed without hesitation.

Between the cramps in her stomach and the fact that her ass was on fire, Missy
was crying in pain and begging for the plug to come out.

"NO." He said, "It stays in for a bit yet." 

Missy whined and writhed on his lap and she could feel his hardness grow as she
had did this. His hand was rubbing her ass now. Feeling the heat that he caused
by the spanking. His fingers slid down to feel her cunt and insert into her
hole and get some of the wetness to taste. He loved more than anything the
taste of pussy juice and he planned on getting plenty of it today without
letting her cum for quite some time.

Missy was almost bawling because of the cramps and she kept on begging him to
take it out. Finally, he told her. "Until you beg properly it will stay in. On
your knees, place your forehead on my lap and beg in a proper manner." 

Missy did as told between gasps of crying. She begged, "Oh please, Master, take
the plug out and give me release." 

"Louder. You have to really want this," He said.

Missy begged louder and louder yet before he decided to let her go to the
bathroom. He uncuffed her and he took a string and tied it to the plug and made
her sit on the toilet. With his hand on the string, between her legs, he yanked
hard. Missy yelled because he had not deflated it and it hurt worse coming out
than it did going in. But, she felt so good to be allowed to expel that water
and to clean herself out. 

When she finally got all the water expelled. She cleaned herself and wiped her
ass with a washrag and then came back out to the bedroom where he was waiting
for her.

He grabbed the leash again and led her down the stairs to the basement. This
was the first time Missy had got to see his dungeon. 

The wall was filled with whips, floggers, canes, and crops of all sorts and
sizes hanging on it. She could see furniture too. Some she recognized like the
St. Andrew's Cross. He had some stocks and spanking benches and a wooden pony
also. This is where he led her. To the pony. All it was a wooden pole attached
to each end on a post. He made her mount this.

He tied her ankles down when he was sure that when she sat, her pussy would end
up on the pole. He then tied her wrists up above her head, leaving the rope a
little loose. He stood behind her and played with her breasts and told her she
will be on this a while and that he has plans to make her cunt very sore today
starting with this. 

He took some rope and grabbed one of her breasts and wrapped the rope around it
and then over to the other breast. Around the breasts and up around her neck
and back down around her breasts again and behind her back where he secured it
tightly. Her titties stood out in bulging mounds. The sensations heightened
because of it. He suckled on the nipples and played with them with his hands.

Missy's legs were getting tired and she wanted to rest. Her cunt came down on
the pole between her legs making her yelp for it hurt and bruised her. It made
her stand back up on the tips of her toes again. She knew then that every time
that her legs would not hold her up that her cunt was going to be hurting.

Her Master then walked over to a box and brought out some clamps and approached
her. They were adjustable clamps. He applied two to her pussy lips with ropes
hanging from the ends of them.

Then he used the rope to tie them apart. Missy whined at this for she knew the
reason. It was so that when her pussy came down on that pole it would be right
on the inside of her cunt and not the outside. He then took a couple of other
clamps and applied these to her nipples and attached weights on them. He smiled
and walked to the wall and picked out a flogger. 

He looked at her and said, "I like the way weights sway when I whip a lady."
With that, he pulled his arm back and brought it down on Missy's ass. Missy
cried out and jerked.

"Yes!" He said, "Just like that," and with a laugh he started flogging her. On
her ass and back. Sometimes landing on her tits and the front of her pussy.
Missy was crying out for him to stop and sometimes she forgot about the pole
in-between her legs and came down hard on it making her cry out even harder.
Her Master really enjoyed seeing her struggle against the bonds but also
watched her to make sure it was not too much. He remembered this was the first
time. He would enjoy raising her pain level each day.

He tired eventually and set the flogger down. He came towards her and inserted
one finger between her cunt lips and wiggled against her clit and felt her
wetness. He grinned when he took the clamps off her tits. 

For the pain of them coming off is worse than being put on. The feel of the
blood rushing back into them was intense and burning. He rubbed the nipples and
help stimulate the blood flow back into them. He then took the clamps off her
pussy lips and undid her bonds and pulled her off the pole and led her over to
a chair. 

The chair had a dildo inserted on it. He made her sit down on it with the dildo
stuffed deep inside her cunt. He tied the legs apart, and her arms behind her
back. He redid the ropes around her breasts so it brought blood back into them.
They were getting pretty blue about then.

With her legs apart, he had the first chance of the day to play with her clit
with his tongue and his fingers. He wasn't through with the floggings yet
either, but wanted her to rest up a bit. He reminded her of the safe words to
be sure she remembered them.

The next flogger he used on her was made of a stiffer leather and he used it
mostly on her titties for he did enjoy the way titties jerked and jiggled when
whipped. Missy had tears flowing down her face, but did not call out any safe
words until the last few minutes. She yelled out "Yellow" in which her master
continued at the same hardness, but a little slower and then he set the flogger
down and proceeded to tongue her clit again for a bit. 

The switching back and forth from pain to pleasure was really intense for
Missy.  She really wanted to cum so bad. She begged for it, but he always said

He untied her from her chair and took her to a long bench. He made her lay down
on her back and tied her hands above her head. He tied her down so she could
not move. Her legs were tied apart and the clamps came back on her cunt lips,
tied apart again. 

Missy wondered what he was going to do and did not have to wait long to find
out. He took a wide strapped belt from the wall and swung down and it landed
right on her cunt. It made her jerk and her eyes popped open and she gasped.
This stung, but it really didn't hurt too bad. It almost felt good. Her master
kept on flogging her cunt like that. Harder and harder on different areas of
her cunt. Sometimes on the sides of her legs, sometimes right on the clit. The
pain alternated from stinging to burning and Missy was loving it. 

She was begging for more and her cries intensified her Master's whipping. He
was enjoying watching the pussy juice flow out of her cunt and knowing how good
that was going to taste. His cock was growing large and hard, almost like a
rock inside of his pants. Oh, how good the fuck is going to feel later, he

He kept on until he could not stand it. He threw his flogger down and dove
between her legs. Sucking and slurping up that great tasting juice that this
slave of his was giving. Still telling her she could not cum, he tongue fucked
her and lapped at her cunt. Pulled on the lips and bit them. 

Missy was crying out for release and begging for it and he would not let her
cum yet. Why?

She was soon to find out. Her Master got up and went back to the box. He got
the biggest dildo he had in there and a vibrator. He slammed that dildo up her
cunt. He was about to do something with the vibrator too, but looked like he
just remembered something and went back to the box and brought out another
dildo and some lubricant. He rubbed the lubricant on the dildo and proceeded to
shove that one up her ass.

Missy felt stuffed. Her Master grabbed the end of the dildo up her cunt and
hard fucked her with it painfully. He then grabbed the vibrator and turned it
on and rubbed that on her clit making her bawl and beg to cum again. He still
said no. He was hard fucking her cunt and the vibrations were almost too much
for her to handle. He yanked the dildo out of her and undid his pants and hard
fucked her that way and telling her she could cum now. 

Missy did. Almost screaming with the intensity of it which was joined by his
guttural growls in return. 

Missy was covered in sweat and shaking. She did not know if she was cold or
just tired from this. She could feel him undo her bonds, but she felt light
headed and unsure of where she was. She was being carried. Back to the bedroom.
He laid her down and laid down beside her. It was time to bring her down from
the euphoria that the session caused. He just laid there holding her and
petting her hair. Saying nothing, but enjoyed watching her smile and cuddle
next to him. 

"Thank you, Master" was the whispered words he heard before she fell asleep.

"Top O' The Mornin'" is what he was thinking as he lightly kissed her head and
lightly whistling an Irish tune, he went downstairs for some coffee and


Irish Master, Pt. 4

It had been a couple of days since the first session. Each day the 
pain level had been raised a little more. The pain was more intense 
and sometimes terrifying. But, the comfort of knowing the safe words 
were there if needed kept Missy from panicking as of yet. The hours 
of the sessions seemed to fly by. It never seemed enough for her. She 
wanted more each time. Ready for each adventure with the impatience 
of a child who could not wait for her birthday to come.

The fifth morning of the week was going to be a special one for her. 
This one the Master would hint at her with glee, but not get into 
full details of the session.

The day started out with the usual. She would bathe her Master, 
taking special care of the genital area, shave him and towel dry him 
and apply that sweet smelling cologne on his face. He would then give 
her an enema and either help wash her or sit and watch her bathe. 

He made her dress this time up in an open faced bra and thigh high 
stockings with a garter belt to hold them up and high heels. Over 
this, a loose fitting dress that he bought for her. As he led her 
downstairs by her leash, they heard the doorbell ring. Master led her 
over to the door and made her answer it. She really did not want to 
have anyone see her in the predicament, but in order to avoid 
punishment, she did as she was told. There was a man at the door 
dressed in a black suit and tie, sunglasses, and a chauffeur's cap.

Her Master looked at her and said, "We are going for a trip today, 
Missy. Are you up for it?"

Missy, had not been out of the house since she arrived earlier that 
week. She felt a ride would be very nice and nodded in agreement.

The chauffeur led her to a limousine and opened the door for them. 
Missy felt the drivers hand lightly brush her ass as she climbed in 
and heard the two men chuckling and whispering together before her 
Master got into the seat next to her.

They started on down the road. Missy asked where they were going but 
the Master told her it was a surprise. They got onto the interstate 
and were driving a few miles when the Master ordered her to take off 
her dress. Missy was blushing, but did as she was told. She was then 
told to undo his slacks and get on her knees and give him a blow-job. 
Missy loved his cock. It was nice and long and loved how it felt in 
her mouth. She willingly complied with this and was really getting 
into it. Going down in deep strokes and when she came up flicked the 
head of his cock with her tongue.

A truck horn blasted. Missy jerked and was about to look up, but 
Master put his hand on the back of her hand and made her stay there. 
A truck was going along side of the limousine and could see 
everything going on inside. He kept pace with them for quite awhile.

The chauffeur was laughing. He said, "Ryan, he is talking about you. 
Every truck in sight is slowing down hoping for a peek." Her Master 
laughed and said, "Well, let's give them a show then." 

She heard a sound of something opening and could feel a light breeze. 
She could not see what it was, she was made to stay there and finish 
the blowjob. She could
hear horns honking and shouts coming from the trucks as they rolled 
on by. Missy felt excited by this, it made her nipples hard and she 
proceeded to give her Master what she hoped would be the best blowjob 
of her life. It was not long before her master came and she was made 
to swallow the sweet creamy cum from his cock. Missy was allowed to 
sit up and see what the sound was. 

The limousine had a sunroof and it was open. The truck drivers could 
see right in and there was one now who was appreciating the site of 
Missy sitting there in her undies. Missy smiled and waved at him as 
the sunroof was closing.

Her Master said, "I hope our exit off the freeway is soon Mac, before 
the news of what is going on gets to the cops." 

Mac replied that it was the next exit which was maybe a couple of 
miles down the road. Mac turned onto it and they started rolling down 
some back roads in the country. Mac knew where they were heading. He 
had done this before for his friend. Never with such a pretty lady 
though. He hoped his friend would give him a piece of that too. There 
were times he was not allowed to touch them. He got paid for his 
services instead with cash. Then there were times when he could fuck 
them and slap their tits to his heart's content. He liked doing that. 
He thought of that as he drove down a long, well hid driveway to a 
place that only he and his friend knew about. 

His friend bought this piece of property with many acres around it 
when they discovered it years ago for sale. The person who wanted to 
sell it originally wanted to sell it in lots, but since the man made 
a generous offer, sold it all to him instead. 

They entered an open area where there was a small cabin bordering a 
beautifully sized pond. It was peaceful here in the summer and the 
day was perfect for what his friend had in mind.

Mac got out of the car and opened the door for his friend, Ryan and 
Missy. Missy was still in her under things for her Master did not let 
her put the dress back on. Master took a hold of the leash and 
brought her and Mac into the cabin for the first part of their 

Missy was led to the middle of the room where she was cuffed by her 
wrists to a beam above her and made to stand there while her Master 
went and got a few things. He returned with a bag and rope. Putting 
down the bag on the floor, he took the rope and proceeded to bind her 
tits. He wrapped it around her tits crisscrossing it while making 
sure the nipples were out in the open, but had rope on each side to 
cause friction during her struggles. When done, there was enough left 
over to tie one end on the beam over her head down through her pussy 
lips and back up and tied securely on the beam on the other side. He 
wiggled the rope back and forth sideways to see the effect and then 
stood back and admired his work and turned to his friend.

"You want her, don't you?"

Mac licked his lips and told him yes, that he did. Ryan explained the 
limits he set for her and with a bow and a wave of his hand he 
said, "Go ahead. Have a little fun."

Mac did not waste his time. He went straight for what he liked best. 
Playing and hurting titties. He walked right up to her and gave them 
a hard slap. Missy yelped and sharply drew in her breath. Mac did not 
stop there. Back and forth he slapped them watching her twist and 
turn and enjoying the way her cunt lips moved with the rope between 
them. He then grabbed one and squeezed it very hard and bent down and 
bit the nipple hard. While sucking and biting this nipple he reached 
over with his other hand and grabbed that one and twisted and turned 
the nipple making Missy moan with the burning and pinching pain it 
caused. He was enjoying her moans for it excited him more. His cock 
was getting very hard too and looked forwards to her finding out that 
his was way bigger than her Masters' and it made women feel like a 
virgin again during the fuck. He stopped and stepped back and looked 
at her. Missy looked back catching her breath wondering what the man 
was going to do next. He did not stand there very long.  He went to 
the bag that he had brought in with them. He pulled out a large 
bottle brush and walked over to her and showed it to her.

"It can be pleasurable or painful, it depends on how you use it."

To show her, he drew the brush lightly over her nipples. Up and down, 
forwards and across making her almost dance to it for it made her 
nipples hard with the scratching feeling that it gave. He then drew 
back and gave her tits a smack with it. Missy jerked and grunted. The 
hard bristles almost felt like wire when it hit her breast. Mac liked 
this reaction and did it again to the other one.

Back and forth he smacked them. Alternating them with the light 
strokes and rubbing the tits with his hands also. He then looked and 
smiled evilly at her as he lightly drew the brush down across her 
stomach making her sharply draw in her breath as the bristles tickled 
her abdomen. He did not stop there, he kept on going slowly downwards 
to her pussy and drew it slowly across the front of her lips. This 
made Missy's stomach get tight. Knowing how this thing scratched and 
how hard the bristles were, what was he going to do with that thing? 
All Mac did was smile and run it back up to play with her tits again 
and then back down to the pussy to run it across her belly and cunt 
lips for the longest time before he attacked with it.

He turned the brush inwards and jammed it between her lips rubbing it 
back and forth hard and smacking her cunt with it. The bristles hurt 
like wire in this sensitive area which Missy made sure he knew about 
by struggling against the ropes and crying out because of the intense 
pain and sensations it caused. Before she could get into a 
comfortable level of subspace he pulled the rope between her lips 
aside and turned the brush upwards.

"Oh noo! He is going to fuck me with it!" Missy yelled.

Missy could hear her Master and Mac laugh at her cries and pleas for 
mercy as used one arm to grab and steady her hips and with the other 
hand he rammed the brush into her and twisted and shoved the brush up 
and down inside her pussy and twisted it also. Master got up from his 
chair and came over to play with Missy's tits. 

Slapping and squeezing them to add to the torture. Mac had continued 
fucking her with the brush, but he also started eating her pussy. 
Flicking and sucking on her
clit and lips. This, despite the pain, was exciting her. Her cries to 
stop were not heard as the fucking, tit torture, and pussy eating 
continued on. With Master sucking and pulling on her tits and she 
getting forcibly aroused by the clit lashing, Missy was close to an 
orgasm. Master ordered Mac to stop.

"Not yet, I want to try something on her first." He said. Mac yanked 
the brush from her cunt and brought it up to her face. He made her 
lick on the brush to clean it of its juices while Master went to the 
bag and pulled something out. Missy tried to see what it was but Mac 
was in her line of vision and she could not see what her Master was 
holding onto. He went behind her before she could see it. She could 
hear something drop to the floor. Her Master spoke,

"You are going to have to trust me Missy, that I will not seriously 
harm you now. Remember your safe words if this is too much."

Missy heard a swishing sound and a loud crack. It hit her with a 
tremendous force and she screamed with the pain. It was a bullwhip. 
There was a long pause to allow her to ride with it before her Master 
lashed out again with it. He was an expert with the whip. He knew 
where to strike so it would not hurt her seriously. He struck just 
hard enough to raise welts on the skin, nothing more. He had, a few 
times, cut the submissive he was whipping. But that was only upon 
agreement from the submissive first. 

The pain was intense and almost made Missy faint. Seeing the room 
spin around, she started panicking from it and from the pain the whip 
was causing. She just about lost her senses and almost forgot her 
safe word. When she did remember, she screamed, "RED!" She kept on 
yelling out that word as her Master dropped the whip and ran to her. 

Between Mac and he, they quickly got the ropes and bindings off of 
her and lowered her to the ground. Her Master wrapped his arms around 
her and rocked her as she sobbed and cried, "I'm sorry" over and over 

Soothingly, he whispered to her that it was all right and held her 
until she quieted down and dozed off to sleep.

While she slept, Mac and Ryan chatted. Not sure if the session could 
continue today or not, they debated on if they should carry her to 
the car and go home.

"We will ask her when she awakes" Said Ryan. "She has continued a 
session before after a rest. If anything, she is strong willed. She 
will at least satisfy us, I know that much."

Deep down, her Master was frightened by what just happened. He had 
not seen her panic like that before. He was frightened by the 
feelings he felt for this one. No other submissive made him feel like 
this in all the years he had been into this lifestyle. What was 
wrong? Why does she make me feel this way? He thought. He did not 
have time to answer his own questions for Missy started to stir from 
her slumber. He went to her and shook her lightly. Missy's eyes 
fluttered open and she seem confused to where she was.

"What happened?" She said.

Her Master sadly smiled and said, "You had a panic attack. We cut you 
down as quickly as we could and brought you down from subspace. We 
let you sleep and it will be your choice now if we continue or just 
call it a day.

Missy looked at her Master. She adored him. Now more than ever. She 
knew now that he would respect her limits and watch over her. She 
still did not feel like continuing the painful part of the session 
though, but was aroused by looking at the two handsome men in her 
sight. She smiled and told them of her decision.

"I do not think I can take anymore pain today, but can we continue 
having sex?"

Master laughed and looked at his friend. "Mac, you see. I have quite 
a submissive here. 24 hours a day she is horny. No matter how tired 
she is, she loves a fuck. What do you say?"

Mac was game for anything. He wanted to fuck her since the moment he 
laid eyes on her.

Mac replied, "How about outside. The day is warm and sunny." 

They all smiled in agreement as Master helped Missy up and led her 
outside to a grassy place by the pond. They laid her down onto the 
grass and Mac knelt down and started to play with her tits again. 
Gently this time and looked at Ryan. He
was a good buddy. Shared everything with him even if it was just 

He grinned and said, "I think I have yet to bring this lady to a 
climax and I do not want to end the day until she does. There are 
more pleasurable ways of torturing this wench other than pain."

Mac showed her by bending down to suck on her nipples. Lightly 
nipping them and blowing on them to watch them rise up. Missy's 
Master was rubbing her sex with his hand. Grinding it and rubbing and 
feeling her clit get hard under his fingers. He lowered his head to 
lick and taste the juices and spread the lips apart to get to her 
clit. His tongue flicked back and forth across her clit making it 
harder yet and hearing Missy moan out with pleasure aroused him more 
now than her cries of pain did earlier. He dove deeper into the lips, 
sucking and pulling on her clit and reaching in her vagina with his 
tongue to fuck and get some of the juices. 

Missy squirmed under the attention she was getting to her tits and 
cunt and wanted to give some in return which did not take long for 
Mac moved around to her head and placed his dick onto her lips. This 
was the first time that she got a full view of his dick and Mac 
grinned at the look she had on her face. It never ceased to make him 
laugh at their facial reactions to his dick. Missy started by licking 
on it. She was not sure she could fit it inside of her mouth, but she 
was sure going to try. She was right though, it would not fit so she 
settled for licking and pleasing the head which Mac did not seem to 
mind if Missy could judge from the grunts and moans he was doing. Her 
Master was pulling on her arms and raising her up to a kneeling 

"If your mouth will not fit him, let's see how your cunt will hold 
him. Fuck her Mac, I will take the backside."

Mac came around and placed the dick on her cunt hole. He rubbed it 
around, teasing Missy with it before gently pushing upwards inside of 
her. He was big, Missy thought, but if I relax......

She was moaning with pleasure and if Mac knew what she was thinking, 
he would have been right. It did make her feel like a virgin again. 
It was tight and it hurt going in, but she could take it and pretty 
soon Mac had filled her up and was fucking her. Slowly at first to 
loosen her up but as she did, he fucked faster. As soon as he got a 
good rhythm, she felt a push on her asshole. Her Master grabbed her 
hips and forced himself hard into her asshole and started fucking her 
furiously as Mac was. They had a good pace going. As her Master was 
going out, Mac was pushing in. Missy was in heaven from the fuck and 
knew it would not take long before she would be cumming and knew it 
would be a hard, long one.

The men fucking her knew it was coming on too and increased the pace. 
Missy went over the edge. Yelling out in her orgasm and tightening up 
on both orifices making the men grunt with pleasure and release their 
load too. Missy's holes sucked both of them dry and she almost wasn't 
able to let go of them when they tried to pull out. When they did 
pull out, they collapsed with Missy onto the grass to rest for a 
while. Her Master told Mac to get dressed and start the car after a 
while. After he left, he looked at her.

"I am going to let you rest tomorrow. During this time, I want you to 
think about it. The week is almost up. I want you to decide if you 
want to stay and be owned by me or go back to your house." I will not 
say or do anything to you at all tomorrow until you decide." 

Mac came back and told him the car was ready. Ryan and Missy dressed 
and walked out to the car. Missy was silent. She had a lot to think 
about and the ride home was quiet and peaceful. She sat and watched 
the scenery and cuddled
against her Master's shoulder. She already knew what her decision 
would be but wanted to make sure it was the right one. So many things 
have happened to her this week. Heaven, it had to be heaven.


Irish Master Pt.5 "The Marks of a Submissive" First Half

The day had finally come for Missy to make a decision. To stay with 
this man and become his submissive or go home and never see him again. 
The thought of not seeing him ever again brought tears to her eyes. In 
one week she had developed feelings for him. More than she ever 
expected to have in a relationship such as this. She only, when she 
started this, wanted to experience the real life of bdsm and to 
actually learn how to submit and experience pain instead of fantasize 
about it. How easy it was to develop more than experiencing fantasies. 
This was a live man who not only trained her, but treated her 
decently. Unlike some of her past relationships. He took care to make 
sure that it was not just he that was satisfied in a session. Looking 
at her Master while he read his paper brought feelings swelling up 
inside of her. He was true to his word. He did not say anything to her 
all day today or touch her. He wanted her to rest and reflect about 
this past week. 

She knew the answer to his question. She loved this man whom she has 
learned to call only "Master". She wanted to spend as much time as she 
could with him and learn to know him better. She moved her lips to 

"Master, I have made a decision."

He raised his eyes from the paper and lowered it to gaze at her. "Yes, 
what is your choice?"

"To stay" She replied, "I love you and respect you and want to learn 
to please you. I cannot leave now."

The Master smiled, "You please me already Missy, but it now pleases me 
more with your answer. Are you prepared for what lies ahead then? For 
I will have some things done to you so everyone knows you are owned by 

Missy frowned and curiously asked, "What sort of things Master?"

He replied, "The Marks of a Submissive." I will have a tattoo put on 
you and some other things done to you to show you are mine. Tomorrow, 
is when we will do this. I am going to invite company over. We will 
make a celebration of this for not only will I announce that you are 
mine, it is also St. Patrick's Day." He grinned with glee, stood up, 
and did a little Irish jig in front of her which made her laugh to see 
the sight.

He went over to her and drew her up into his arms and held her tight 
and twirled her around. He was happy and delighted she wanted to stay. 
He worried with the bullwhipping of yesterday that she might change 
her mind. He would still do that to her at times, but with more care 
and slowly build up her tolerance to it. He kissed her and told her he 
needed to make a few phone calls and lightly patted her ass and told 
her to go to bed for she will need her rest and he will join her 

Missy went up the stairs and could hear her Master on the phone 
speaking to someone about tomorrow. She was a little fearful of the 
tattooing. She knew it could hurt but happy and willing to submit to 
it for this man and be his.

The night was spent in sweet lovemaking and slumbers and to Missy went 
by too quickly. The next day she was told absolutely no clothing on at 
all . Not even the collar which surprised her. She had not been 
without that collar since she came into the house for the first time. 
This was now strange to her not to feel that piece of leather around 
her neck. What did he have planned?

It was afternoon before her Master ordered her down to the basement. 
He made her lie down on her back on a table to which he bound her 
wrists above and apart over her head and her legs were up in the air 
and apart. He grinned at her and said,

"The party starts as soon as the guests arrive. In the meantime," He 
paused and raised up an object for Missy to view, "Lets get you 
prepped up for it."

Missy looked at the object and seen that it was a vibrator that had 
adjustable speeds. Her Master set it on low and lowered it slowly 
towards her pussy starting first just below the navel and running it 
slowly down and around towards her cunt lips. He ran it over them, up 
and down before bringing it up to her clit. The vibrations were just 
enough to get her aroused but not enough to get her to climax which 
Missy started begging for. Her Master was laughing at her telling her 
she was so impatient. He moved the vibrator away from her clit and 
down to insert into her cunt hole. He kept it on the low speed as he 
inserted it in making her moan louder as he slowly fucked her with it. 
He inserted it all the way in and took a clamp and grabbed her two 
pussy lips and clamped them shut over the vibrator so it would not 
come out. As soon as he had done this, he heard the doorbell ring. 

Looking at Missy, he jokingly said, "Do not go away, I will be right 

Her Master left to go answer the door leaving Missy to moan and squirm 
over the wonderful vibrations that were going on inside her. She could 
hear him speaking and a woman answering as they were coming back down 
the steps. He came down with a beautiful, tall, long red-haired woman 
who led by their leashes, two men dressed in nothing but green colored 
leather thonged underwear in  honor of the day. The woman herself was 
wearing a long fur coat in which one of the men was helping her off 
with and he draped over his arm until told that he could hang it up on 
a peg by the wall. The lady had on underneath the coat, a green 
leather chained teddy and thigh high boots with spiked heels. She was 
laughing and talking to Missy's Master and making light conversation 
while pretending that Missy was not there. When she did turn to look 
her way, she smiled and spoke,

"So, this is the main attraction of the evening." She turned back 
grinning at her host, "Ryan, I must say, your taste in women is 

The red-haired lady slowly walked over to the table and ran one, long 
fingernail up and around her tits. She was sensually licking her lips 
while gazing down at this body. She ran her nail up and down across 
those breasts and then down to Missy's pussy and slid the fingernail 
between the lips to lightly finger the clit and press against the 
clamp holding her hole shut. She then ran it back up under Missy's 
hood flicking the clit as she did so and bent down to look at it like 
she was examining the area smiling like she knew a secret that Missy 
did not know. 

When she straightened back up she smiled at Ryan and told him, "I see 
we have a lot of fun in store for us. Many things I could do to this 
area if you let me."

Ryan smiled back, "No, just do what I asked of you tonight. Perhaps in 
the future we will consider it."

The lady shrugged and nodded her head in agreement. She looked back at 
Missy and introduced herself as Mistress Hera but told Missy just to 
address her as "Mistress" for the rest of the night. The doorbell was 
ringing again as more guests arrived. More Dom's coming with their 
submissives who were all dressed in green leather. All types were 
there. Masters with their female subs, (some had males) Mistresses 
with submissives of both genders with them. The room was full of them 
laughing and talking while their subs kneeled on the floor not 
speaking unless spoken to. Some came over to gaze at Missy who wiggled 
in her torment and smiled at her Missy was blushing at everyone 
looking at her nakedness. Among them, she recognized Mac from the day 
before who grinned at her knowing that he was going to get a second 
chance at her tonight. Missy remembered his cock very well for it was 
still sore from the fucking that he gave her.

"It's time for the party to begin." Her Master said, "As you all know 
to the reason why I invited you here." He turned to Missy, "This 
submissive has decided to put herself into my care and to submit 
completely to my desires and learn how to please me. I want to 
celebrate this day and have witnesses to see her proof of submission 
and to see what a fine gift I have. We will now begin." Master Ryan 
went to a box and handed out paddles to every Dom in the room and had 
them line up in front of Missy. He took the ropes that bound her legs 
and tightened them so Missy's ass was up in the air and when  he made 
sure the bindings were secure. He turned to them and said, "17 smacks 
each with the paddles. 17 smacks standing for the date of St. 
Patrick's Day." 

Missy's eyes widened because she looked at the line. There was 17 
Dominants in line and each of them was going to paddle her. The rest 
of the submissives were ordered to count the smacks as each came up. 
Her Master began. Softly at first to warm up her ass and then with 
more force. Missy tried not to cry out as the paddle came smacking 
down. It stung and burned and felt like fire that was getting hotter 
and closer to her. When he hit 17, he stopped and stepped away to make 
way for the next one down the line. Each of them striking her ass 17 
times. Laughingly, some of the Dom's were keeping count along with the 
submissives for they were enjoying the game and the struggles Missy 
made against her bindings. Down the line they went and by the time 
they were all done Missy was crying out with each strike and was 
relieved when was over. Master Ryan came up and felt the warmth of her 
ass. He rubbed and then grabbed the cheeks and pulled them apart and 
squeezed them like he was trying to get a handful. He bent down and 
Missy thought he would taste her like he had done so many times before 
but he smelled her musk and breathed it in deep like it was 
sweet-smelling perfume which, to him, was. He smiled while breathing 
in the scent but tonight he was going to share her with all of his 
friends and he, as the host, would be last in line. He looked at 
Mistress Hera and told her that Missy was hers to toy with now. 
Mistress was rubbing her crotch with a desire for she wanted this 
bound lass now and knew that Missy had never tasted a woman before 
tonight and was honored that she was going to be the first one. 

The Mistress walked up to her and ran her hands up and down Missy's 
body. Harder this time. Feeling, pinching, pulling on nipples and cunt 
lips. She bent down to suck on one of the nipples which made Missy 
gasp and her eyes widened. A woman had never touched her sexually 
before. She did not know what to think of it. She tried to relax her 
mind and think about it, but the sensations were too strong. She was 
too aroused by the vibrator in her cunt and the feelings of excitement 
that this woman was raising by touching and sucking on her. The 
Mistress reached down and took off the clamp which brought a burning 
feeling to Missy for the clamp had been on there a long time. The 
Mistress removed the vibrator also and inserted her fingers into her 
cunt and ran them around inside of her to get some of the juices that 
were produced by the sensuous torture that her Master and friends had 
caused. She raised the fingers to her lips to lick and taste the 
juices and smiled and spoke, "You are right Ryan; she does have a 
sweet tasting cunt. Now, perhaps it is time she knew what one tasted 
like also...

To be continued.......

Irish Master Pt.6 "The Marks of a Submissive" Second Half

The Mistress told one of her submissives to unbind her and take her 
over to the spanking bench in the corner. Master Ryan had many pieces 
of bondage furniture. He loved this lifestyle so much that collected 
just about any piece or toy imaginable for play or torture. The piece 
of furniture looked like a sawhorse in general, but Master Ryan made 
some alterations on it for comfort and long-time play.

They tied Missy down bent over the bench with her arms and legs 
securely bound to the legs of the horse. She could see that there was 
a place for the Mistress to sit down in front of her and that is where 
she was right now. Bending over to rub and massage Missy's back way 
down to her backside and she used her nails to scratch her way back up 
to her shoulders. The Mistress spread her legs and rested them on the 
slave's back with the spikes of her boots digging into her as she 
wiggled her bottom towards Missy. She reached down to the crotch of 
her teddy and unsnapped it and pulled the outfit off , started to rub 
and play with her own nipples and said, "Come on now sweetie, eat my 
cunt and be a good girl." Mistress shoved her pussy towards Missy's 
face with startled her and caused her to cry out. She was not sure if 
she wanted to make love to a woman. Mistress grabbed Missy's hair and 
forced her cunt into her face and sharply said again for her to eat 
it. Missy struggled against it for the pubic bones hurt her mouth from 
the grinding that the Mistress was doing to her.

"Eat it!" Master Ryan said and accentuated the order with a hard lash 
of a whip across her backside. 

Missy cried out, "I do not know how." 

The Mistress replied, "How do you like yours ate? That is how you eat 
mine and I will direct you also. So, now EAT IT! Stick out your tongue 
and lick my clitty NOW!" Missy, sobbing, did as she was told and soon 
was busy working on the Mistress's pussy with directions that she gave 
her. The Mistress was enjoying the attention being given to her and 
soon was moaning better than any woman in a porno movie could ever do. 
The sounds where driving her male submissives mad with desire for they 
knew if they were real good tonight they would be awarded by her also. 
It was not only arousing them, but the rest of the room as well as 
many of them came in  to feel and rub Missy and bend down to watch her 
tongue that sweet cunt that most of the people in the room knew so 
well. The Mistress directed Missy to tongue-fuck her hole and lick her 
cunt like it was a lollipop. She was going wild with gyrations, 
grinding her cunt into Missy's face with madness and desire. Her legs 
started to shake as the first wave of orgasms started build up and 
with a cry that she was cumming, she grabbed Missy's hair again and 
pushed her cunt totally into her face and dug her spiked heels deeper 
into her back making Missy scream and cry out and caused the Mistress 
to cum even harder. The Mistress's cries of ecstasy filled the room as 
she fell back into one of her submissives arms to lay there in 
exhaustion and comfort until her breathing came back to normal.

"God Ryan! She has potential. I'd say hang onto this one. But, she 
needs to be punished later for not obeying my orders right away. For 
now though.." She had got off the place where she was sitting and 
moved around behind her. Missy could hear her doing something. Like 
she was putting something on. Her teddy perhaps? She could not see 
what was going on. When she tried to turn to look, her Master held her 
head still. 

"Always curious, aren't you? Well, you are going to remain that way." 
Master Ryan placed a blindfold over her eyes. He explained that she 
was not going to see any of the people who do things to her now. "But, 
I will let you in on a secret. It will be the Mistress first." 

Missy could hear the Mistress moving up to her and feel something push 
against her cunt hole and press inwards. "My God, it is big---and 
long" Missy realized with shock as Mistress kept on pushing slowly 
inwards and inwards stretching her cunt hole apart and filling Missy 
up to about as far as the Mistress thought she could go but kept on 
going a little further until the whole length of the strap-on dildo 
that she was wearing was inside pushing against Missy's cervix. She 
jerked forwards making Missy yell out that it hurt.

"Yes!" The Mistress sharply said and slapped the slave's ass, "It is 
supposed to hurt. I am going to fuck you like you are going to be 
raped now, cunt! How do you like them apples?"

Missy began to wail and struggle as the Mistress began to start 
furiously pumping in and out of her. Pulling it almost out and ramming 
it back inside of her. Faster and faster. Missy cried out for her to 
stop but that only added fuel to the fire that still burned inside of 
her for Missy's cries and struggles only aroused her again and make 
the desire to fuck even stronger. She slammed that plastic dick up 
into her and out again. She slapped Missy's ass like she was riding a 
horse to make it go faster. The fuck hurt and it filled Missy's head 
full of the pain but she knew it was not bad enough to call out safe 
words and rode with it. Soon, she could feel the pain lessen and she 
could enjoy it more and her sex started filling with the desire to cum 
again and soon she was begging for it but told not to which made her 
bawl and beg louder for release while struggling against the bindings 
that held her. Mistress rode her for a long time and Missy could feel 
hands other than Mistress on her now. Rubbing and squeezing and 
pinching her all over. She knew the others had come in for a closer 
look and could feel other cocks rubbing against her now. One had 
touched her lips and pressed inwards as a hint that she was to suck it 
now. Missy complied and as the cock went into her mouth she felt the 
man's hand grab her hair and force his cock deep into her mouth 
banging against her throat which made her gag until she breathed deep 
and took it in. Between the fuck and the blowjob she was giving she 
lost all track of her senses. She was one big fuck toy and that is all 
she knew. She could feel the Mistress stiffen, tightly grab her ass 
and cum again. She felt the woman collapse on her back and feel the 
lady's hair softly spread out over her. It felt nice and soft and 
Missy wanted her to stay there for she loved the feeling of it on her 
back. But the other dominants pulled the Mistress off of Missy so they 
could take their turn. One by one the Dom's fucked her. The still 
blindfolded Missy knew which one was Mac for she now knew that cock by 
heart. They fucked her cunt, they fucked her ass. They fucked her 
mouth. Her Master had given her permission to cum when it was he 
fucking her which Missy gladly did with abandon. Crying out louder 
than the Mistress ever done. She lay limp against the bench and her 
bindings for the session had totally drained her. She could feel the 
ropes coming off and her Master holding her, leading her to a table 
and laid her down. Some lady submissives were ordered to come over and 
lick the creamy cum from the fuckings off of her cunt. Missy laid 
there limp for she had no strength to move away from a woman licking 
and sucking on her now. It did not matter for she realized now how 
much she liked it and wanted to do it again. She laid there with her 
legs spread feeling soft tongues playing with her cunt and moaning 
against the pleasures that it caused. She realized a woman was softer 
in eating a pussy than a man. It tickled and aroused her and made her 
cum again with pleasure. When the submissives were done cleaning her 
off with their tongues, they let Missy lay there untied to rest while 
the crowd stood around and talked, ate food that the Master and Missy 
had earlier made for them and drank green punch for the Master did not 
allow alcohol during a bdsm session. One of them brought punch to her 
to drink for she needed the fluids to keep up her strength.

When finished, Master ordered two female submissives to take Missy 
upstairs and bathe her for the second part of the celebration was soon 
to begin. The water felt good and warm and it relaxed her completely. 
She allowed the ladies in there to do everything to her. She noticed 
that they took antibacterial soap to her pussy and nipple area and 
cleaned those with extreme care. She wondered why for a bit but shook 
the questions out of her mind and allowed herself the luxury of doing 
nothing but sit in the tub and be bathed by someone else. They took 
her out of the water and dried her off with a towel,used a second 
towel and dried her hair,plaited it into a French braid and they then 
took her by her hand and led her back down the stairs. As she entered 
the dungeon area she could see that they prepared another place for 
her to be bound. They made her sit down in a gynecological table. But 
before they tied her down, her Master had a surprise for her. It was 
wrapped in a box and he gave to her to be unwrapped. When she opened 
it, it was the prettiest collar that she had ever seen. It was made of 
soft black leather with the initials of her Master in diamonds 
embedded in it and also a design made in emerald stones, of a 
shamrock. The design was similar to the pin that she had received on 
the first day and it was just as beautiful. It brought tears to her 
eyes to see it. She gave the collar to her Master and got off the 
chair and on her knees before him to allow him to put it around her 
neck. She moved the braid out of his way so he could buckle it on and 
with a tiny padlock, he locked it shut and put the key on a chain 
around his neck. The only time the collar would be off now is when she 
went to work. Otherwise, it would remain on as a sign of who owned 
her. She was then ordered to stand again and sit back down on the 
table and lay back. She could see that there were places to put her 
legs and the Mistress and Master placed them there now. They strapped 
her down tight. Not only her legs; but around her chest, arms, and 
head.  Missy could not move and started to fear what might happen now. 
They swung the legs apart and secured them so it would not move 
anywhere. They tickled her to be sure that she could not move and when 
satisfied, the Mistress went over to a bag and suitcase she had 
brought with her. A stool was brought and placed between Missy's legs 
and a submissive came up and started to stroke Missy's hair and talk 
to her to try to ease some of the fear that was now rising in her. The 
Mistress came back over and started pulling tools out. Some she kept 
with her. A small package she gave to and ordered her slaves to take 
to sterilize. Missy felt clamps applied to her cunt lips and could 
feel them being pulled apart and watched the Master and Mistress talk 
about what was to happen. The spot where the tattoo was to be. Missy 
then knew that this was going to really hurt.

"Right about here do you want it Ryan?" Mistress pointed to a spot.

Ryan looked closely at the area and pointed and said, "A little more 
in this area I think would be best."

"All right," Mistress nodded, "I will do that."

The Mistress put on  some rubber gloves and started cleaning the area 
with gauze and iodine to make sure no germs were going to be a 
problem. Took a design that she drew earlier and showed to her friend, 
Ryan, for approval, and placed it on Missy's cunt lip and peeled it 
off. The design, was a 4-leafed clover with Missy's and her Master's 
initials in each of the leaves. She then took out her tattooing tools. 
She loved doing this. The screams that a submissive made when she 
marked this area was music to her ears. She loved this house. A person 
could scream as loud as they wanted and no-one gave them a problem. 
She made sure that all of her equipment was clean and sterile and she 
plugged her tattooing gun in a socket that was below the chair and 
began. Missy could hear a buzzing noise and then it touched her. Missy 
screamed. The cunt lip is a tender area to be tattooed and the pain 
was more than Missy could bear. Her Master told Mistress to stop. 
Missy, sobbing, caught her breath and looked at her Master. Despite 
the pain she wanted this. She wanted to show him how much she wanted 
to be with him and submit. She looked at him and told him to let her 
do it no matter how loud she screamed. Master looked at the Mistress 
and nodded. The buzzing continued and the Master gently pushed the 
submissive aside that was holding her head and replaced her hands with 
his own and he bent down while stroking her hair and started kissing 
her all over. The attention she was getting from him took her mind off 
the pain a little, but not enough, it was not long before the pain 
caused her to go into a level of subspace from which she passed out. 

When she came to, the buzzing was still going on and the pain was 
still there but not as bad for she was light and floating from the 
feeling of it. The Mistress had just finished putting the finishing 
touches to the design and leaned back to admire her work. A lot of 
blood she noted, but still a good design. They undid Missy's upper 
bonds and let her sit up and look at it in a mirror and admire the 
work. Weak and wet with sweat, Missy looked at it and smiled. She 
adored it. She always loved tattoos and this had to be the best one 
yet that she had seen. She was laid back down and rebound. She did not 
know what was next. She saw that the two slaves of the Mistress had 
returned with the package they were told to clean and disinfect and 
this was placed on a small table next to the Mistress. 

The Mistress looked up and smiled and asked, "Are you ready for some 

Missy did not know what else was in store but she knew that her Master 
had planned this. She bit her bottom lip and nodded to go ahead. 

The Mistress bent down towards Missy's cunt again and took a needle 
nosed clamp and placed it on the hood of Missy's cunt and pulled it 
tight. She secured the clamp to the leg of the stool she was sitting 
on with a rope and took a flashlight to view the areas she was about 
to do next. When satisfied to where to place them, she marked the area 
with a marking pen and went to work. She took a 14 gauge needle and 
carefully reached inside the hood and pushed the needle outwards. 
Missy cried out. It was odd to the Mistress that such a thin area of 
skin can be so tough to poke through and she always delighted in the 
pain it caused because it made the clit stick out like a little penis 
waiting to be sucked. The needle came through and Missy stopped 
screaming. She could not hardly feel it now and wondered what was 
next. The Mistress put a receiving tube against the needle and pushed 
it on through until it was the tube inside of her hood. Master grabbed 
the end of the needle and pulled it away from Missy's leg before it 
poked her in that area. Mistress then took a barbell and pushed it 
through the tube and pulled the tube out and placed a ball on the end 
of the barbell and screwed it shut and tightened it with needle nosed 
pliers. She then did the other side of the hood. Their plan was that 
the balls would rub against her clit when they heal to provide 
constant stimulation. When done, she got up and went up to Missy's 
chest and proceeded to pierce Missy's nipples too. That hurt worse 
than the hood piercings for Missy's nipples where the size of a large 
raspberries and it took a while for the needle to come through the 
other side. In that area, the Mistress put rings with a little tiny 
clover dangling from it on each nipple. The affect was beautiful and 
she loved it as much as Missy did. After admiring the designs and 
piercings, Missy asked her if she could kiss her in gratitude and the 
Mistress leaned down and kissed her long and hard and stroked her 
hair. It was her pleasure to do this for Ryan for she had never seen 
him as happy before. It was like he was almost floating on air right 
now and knowing his past, she was glad he finally found some happiness 
which was well deserved.

Mistress Hera gave Ryan instructions to aftercare and how days it will 
take before she has anymore sessions and packed up her things and 
left. She was tired, but still horny. Her two slaves were good tonight 
and they would be well rewarded for their services and wanted to go 
home to get started on that before laying down to sleep the next day 

Missy remained bound to the table on which she was laid watching the 
rest of the company play their own games with their submissives and 
wishing she could join in on the fun. Master Ryan played a good host 
and provided whips and floggers for them to use before coming over to 
Missy to undo her bindings and pick her carefully up and take her 
upstairs to bed. He laid there watching her and seeing her smile with 
complete peace on her face and finally saw her doze off to sleep but 
not before one last kiss and word.

" Thank you Master for this day. I love you."

Ryan petted her hair and lightly kissed the top of her head before 
going back down to his guests. He knew that this one was forever and 
finally he was at peace with himself and hoped that he never had to 
feel unhappy again....

The End.


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