BDSM Library - The Winner

The Winner

Provided By: BDSM Library

Synopsis: An original boot fetish story.

The Winner

I had been gambling since I was a kid; and I like to consider myself good at it. I can remember playing card s w ith my friends at school for small amounts of money. It was very unusual for me to lose. Some kids even ran a book on me. Which I took a cut of. I found gambling to be a good way to make money, and with things been tight at home my parents turned a blind eye to it. As a kid I picked up the name Lucky. I don't know about luck. I don't even think I have got it. Most great gamblers are mathematics genius I'm not. Still today at the age of 24 I can't recite some of my time's tables. My skills of wining I put down to an ability of been able to read people. Some times it's like I can feel them to such a point that I can sense how they are going to react next. A skill that is useful in life as a hole. Any way like the best, one-day luck runs out.

I left school with a few thousand; an achievement that I feel shows more than the few grades I gained. So I wasn't going to be a scientist or a doctor, like I cared. While my mate s w ent to college I got a job in a casino collecting empty glasses. I didn't do it for the money, I did it to try and watch some of the action, and to try and get in on it. It didn't take long before I made new friends. I soon started stopping around after my shifts just to talk to the boss. An old fat gray slightly bolding kind of a guy. But don't get me wrong he was sharp. Sharpest person I have ever meet, and funny. H e could take all your money and make you laugh about it all the way home. In fact you could even woke up the next day, still laughing. Now here I am aged 17 and hanging out in quite a good casino, I thought at the time. Friend s w ith the boss, and getting to talk day in day out with pros about cards. And getting to make money. And I mean money. I would pick up £150 a week basic, an extra £70 a week in tips and then I would gamble after hours, normally playing cards and pick up any were between an extra £100 to a £1000 a week. I was the envy of the town for my age. I thought I had every thing the fittest blondes, brunets, cars, drugs, drinks, clothes and my own flat. H ow cool was my flat, I had surround sound even before my old local cinema did.

After a bit I got deeper in. My boss released I was good at cards. And started taking me around with him. I fitted in well, and they all liked to test my name out, Lucky. I just kept cleaning up. When I turned 18 I was made assistant manager of the casino. The best present any one could give to a gambler. My parents sent me a card. I had kind of stopped seeing them by this point, I kept telling my self it was because I was to busy. But the real reason was I had changed too much.

When I had grown accustomed too the running of the casino my old boss felt I was ready to take control a bit more. Feeling the strain of thi s w orld he would leave me in charge for weeks on end while he went off on holiday s w ith hi s w ife. While he was a way I would always try and improve profits so he would be proud of me. By this point I saw him as a father figure in my life. And he spoke of me as a son.

But all my drive and luck could not foresee that I was in for a fall. By the age of 19 I was betting thousands a week on the side. And I wasn't alway s w ining any more. I owed a few people money but no stress as I could just pay back what I owed next week. That' s w hen my luck ran out.

She was tall, almost as tall as my 6ft 4” with long shoulder length golden blonde hair, Deep blue eyes, Thin, with a great bust, And perfect skin. I know I was in love with her before I even spoke to her. And when I did I nearly clasped. To here her speak is to here angels sing. Soft with a hint of control beauty in waves.

Angel as I named her was every thing I wanted in a lady. The 1 st time we made love I was hooked for life. And she knew it. Angel was a gambler a s w ell; she had got to be were she was now, running the best underground high stakes casino in area by the same path as me. We had loads in common.

H er drive to win was immense she would stop at nothing, And even though I was her lover and had been living with her now for over a year I soon owed her thousands. But she liked that any way. After moving in I quickly found out that she had quite a controlling side to her personality. But I didn't mind I was in love. It started quite slowly; maybe she wanted her back scrubbed or some food cooked. Then it progressed to her coming home and asking for a foot rub or asking for a massage. Pretty normal stuff really, but after a bit I noticed changes in her towards me, She stopped asking and started telling me. I tried speaking to her about it but she just laughed it off, saying that some one like me needs a bit of guidance. Then one night she came home drunk, to find me a sleep in the lounge. She woke me up. And just started screaming at me. Saying how lazy I have become and that I owed her thousands and she wanted me to start paying her back. I didn't know what to say I was just amazed at her anger towards me and I must admit I was a little frightened to. After what seamed like hours her shouting stopped and she started to calm down. By this point I was just saying over and over again “what can I do to help”?

“You can start by getting on your knees before me and begging for my forgiveness”

I didn't like the sound of this; I was siting quite happily on our chair while she was standing before me. Angel had never raised her voice to me before. I had seen her tearing strips off her staff before so I know what she was capable of. So far I had been lucky with just her shouting.

I got on my knees before her and looked up at her, hopefully thi s w ould calm her. It didn't, She flamed up again screaming that I should beg her for forgiveness. I started to beg, asking her to forgive me for running up big debts and for apparently been lazy. This seemed to make her happier. “Do you still love me?” She asked me. I was stunned “I have always loved you and will continue to do so for ever” She started to smile down at me now. She was so fantastic to look at, you would do any thing just to see her smile.

“You know what lucky, I believe that you do love me, but a lady needs to be shown sometimes, and you don't often show me any more. You have let your self go a bit, I can't even remember the last time you won a game against me. You owe me thousands; you hardly ever go to work. And I just don't think we have much in common any more”

What does she mean? I was really frightened now. “ Does this mean your leaving me? I asked, with a lot of desperation in my voice.

“No, things are just going to have to change a bit around here. I want you to start doing what I tell you to do; it's for your best. One day you will thank me. And also we will have to talk about how you can start to pay me back what you owe me. OK lucky”

“OK” I replied. “Now I really mean this Lucky, I want you to do what I tell you. I don't want you to even think about it, just do it. Do you understand?”

“ Yes angel I understand, You are just trying to help me. I will do what you want”.

“Good little Lucky, You're starting to understand. Now while your down they're in front of me on your knees, I would like you to clean my boots, they are a little dirty from the walk from the car park to work”.

I started to stand up to fetch the boot brush and polish.

“What are you doing Lucky, Why are you standing, stay on your knees and bend down until your face touches my boots”.

I didn't know what to think at this point. I said I would do any thing she asked of me to make her happy but thi s w as going a bit to strange for my liking. I tried looking up to say some thing, But she just shouted, and I mean shouted down at me, “stick your fuckin stinking lazy face to my boots NOW!

I placed my face to her boots, What the hell was I doing.

“Now lucky do as I tell you or there will be trouble. I want you to start by cleaning my boots”.

“ H ow can I with out cleaning

“ H ow dare you interrupt me like that. Use your tongue. I want you to lick them clean.

“You want me to lick your boots clean, H ow is that going to help me get my self back on top?” I said startled.

“Because you need to learn some respect for me, You have been living off me for nearly a year now. And I just want some pay back. I want you to do what I say, When I say it. Now lick clean my fuckin boots.”

I bent forwards again this time not hesitating; my tongue started on the front tips of her black leather stiletto heeled designer ankle boots. As I Licked at her boots, I tried to look up at her, occasionally in-between licks I managed to catch short glimpses of her face, and the bitch was grinning down at me.

“Looks like your enjoying your self down there, lucky.” She said sarcastically, “ If you start behaving your self, I will let you please me, OK.”

I mumbled my response, Not that I really wanted her to hear what I said.

“ Little Lucky, The kid with such ambition, such drive, and fire, And what has it all amounted to little Lucky? I will tell you, KEEP LICKING. You have amounted to nothing, just like your family, Tell me does your dad lick boots as badly as you?”

I couldn't even reply to this, I might have killed her. But I knew I couldn't. I still loved her, crazy I know but it was the truth.

“ Right now lick the sides, get that mud off my boots, I wont them really clean.”

I bent round more so I could lick the side of her boots, “Come on lick harder I want to feel that useless tongue of yours. Don't forget the heels, roll on to your back.” I did as she said, She moved so she was standing over me, a leg ever side of my stomach, She looked down at me directly in to my eyes. Then said with no emotion “Suck my heels, like you make me suck your little cock”

She moved one leg over to my face. And pointed her heel towards my mouth, “Beg to suck my heel clean. Or I will stamp down on your balls, NOW BEG!”

“Please Angel let me suck your heels” I couldn't believe how low I had stooped. She giggled like a little schoolgirl. “OK little Lucky you can suck my heel clean.” H er voice was mocking, but I knew she meant it. Again she moved her heel towards my mouth, as she pushed it in I began to suck. I could taste the dirt as I sucked hard, but that wasn't the worst thing about this humiliating act. The worst was seeing her smiling at me. She was really enjoying this. I don't know if it was the fact that I could see her happy, or as Angel tells me, it's because I'm a naturally born submissive. But I was also starting to enjoy this situation.

“You can stop sucking now little Lucky, and don't forget to say thank you for letting me let you clean my lick clean my boots.” I thanked her. And the strange thing was I meant it.

“Now get that hard cock of your out, I feel like sucking it, But don't cum until I tell you.”

I looked down, my cock was straining against my trousers, I was really turned on. As I pulled it out angel dropped to her knees. Soon I was off loading under her wonderful technique. She pulled me out, and seductively licked her lips. “Did you hear me say you could cum yet Lucky”

“No, It's just your so good, and I got” “Shut up” She cut me dead. “Now for disobeying what I said you can please me any way I feel all night, Now get on your knees and go down on me until I say stop.” As I sunk to my knees for the second time that night I felt my self harden again.

By the morning I was burnt out. Angel was looking great with the glow of after make love still radiant on her perfect face. She got out of bed and stood naked looking at me. I felt a bit uneasy looking at her; it was like she had changed a little over night. I had seen signs of her controlling nature before but never aimed directly at me. H er smile slowly deserted. She could sense that she was unnerving me. “I have left something for you to sign, it's on the chair. Don't stress it's just an agreement to pay back the money you owe me, I got our solicitor to draw it up a week ago. Sign it while I get a shower.”

She left the room. I raced over to my chair and picked up the document. As I picked it up and started to read the 1 st of many pages I started to think of our

Solicitor. A female of middle age, still attractive if you liked that hole power dress thing. Good body, Brown hair and what looked like great legs. I had thought (on the often occasions that I spoke to her), about giving her one.

The 1 st page was just the normal kind of legal junk; I had sent a few of these out my self in the past. To sad people that have owed me thousands. Just a legally binding contract stating the amount owed, and the re payment plans.

But page 2 looked different, Were you would place your occupation, was already filled out, It stated that I was employed to the company ran by Angel. The 1 st I have heard about that. The next difference was there was a new part added stating that until full repayment s w ere made I was the property of Angel. By page 3 I was scarred, Page 4 crying, Page 5 considering running away to join the Army. Page 6 considering toping my self. Page 7 Angel had got out of the shower and come up behind me.

“Sign the 1 st part now then we can go over to the solicitors and you can sign again to make it legally binding”

“You can't expect me to sign this Angel have you lost the plot”

With this she kicked me hard, right in the balls. I bent forwards in pain like I have never felt before. And started to cry.

“Wipe you tears away and sign”

As I signed I became hers.

“Now get washed and dressed. We have an appointment for 9:30 at the solicitors.”

Angel drove us to the solicitors, she hardly ever drove, but thing s w ere starting to change. We arrived on time. Angel just told me to get out and wait upstairs for her while she parked. As I walked up stairs all I could think about was that humiliating contract that our solicitor and Angel had contrived. H ow could I face her? Slowly I reached the top of the stairs. As always the reception area hadn't changed. The same old boring replica antique furnishings. Same old leather bound books placed on the wall-mounted bookshelves. More for looks than any real value. And the same receptionist, short, young fresh from school look, short blond trendy cut hair, well dressed in a suite to match her bosses (who she looked up to)

Designer (looking) pointed ankle boots that could hurt. Nice body. If a little to fin. Pert breasts. The only downfall to this girl was her personality. You didn't have to hear her speak to know this girl was a bitch.

“ H i me and my partner have an appointment at 9:30 with Mrs. Freeman.”

“Just let me cheek that sir, please take a seat and wait” As I sat down I heard her buzz through on the phone to Mrs. Freeman.

“Yes Mrs. Freeman I have A gentle man hear who says he has an appointment with you at 9:30 ,” a small gap I looked up the secretary was looking at me “Sorry Sir I forget to take your name down, What is it?”

As I told her she started to smile. “Oh yes Mrs. Freeman it is him.” She placed the receiver down while starring at me. “She will see you in 5min, Lucky.”

I was beginning to become unnerved by this young girl. She stopped smiling at me and said, “I hear you have been summoned by your partner, Lucky.” She began to giggle. Angel broke the tension by walking through the door.

She walked over to the secretary and kissed her on her cheek, as though they were good friends.

“ H ow are you Sara?” “I'm good Angel, I bet you can't wait to get the forms signed, What you going to make him do 1 st for you?” The both looked over at me smiling. I couldn't believe that this young secretary had been told about this embarrassing situation I had got my self into.

“ I already started on him last night.” “What did you make him do?” Sara response was too eager for my liking.

“Let's just say he will make a good boot cleaner.” I looked up at Angel. Unable to hide my glowing embarrassment, I put my head down. “Are look at him he's gone all shy, by the way Sara how is your slave getting on?” Did I just hear Angel ask Sara about a slave ? With this thought my head began to spin.

“Sara that's a nice top your wearing under your suit, were did you get it from?”

“I got it when I was away on holiday, I made my little slave buy it for me a s w ell as every thing else I wear.” They both started to giggle again.

“ And were did you get those lovely boots from?”

“ I sent slave out one day to buy me new shoes and boots, I told him if he bought me nasty cheep ones I would make him eat his own cum for a week.

H e bought me 2 pairs of court shoes and 4 pairs of really nice boots. I was so happy; I have trained him well. I still made him eat his own cum for a week though, just for my own amusement.” The look on Angles face was one of amazement. Angel had recognized her solicitor one night at her casino, feeling it was polite to say hello. She went over to talk. And they just really hit it off. 6 hours latter they were very drunk. Releasing they had to sober up Jackie Angels solicitor came up with the idea of going back to her office for coffee. Jackie's office was only up the road and it was only fair to return the hospitality. So off they went hand in drunken hand, laughing all the way. The warm office air and several drinks none been coffee they both crashed out in a drunken but happy state. Angel woke to find her self on a firm but comfortable antique leather chair. H er body felt stiff but warm because of a soft wool blanket placed lovingly around her. Looking around the room Angel realized were she was “Morning” Angel jumped, by the door was a tall blond good-looking young girl Jackies secretary. “Sorry didn't mean to frighten you, I heard what you too bad girls got up to last night, I thought you might need these,” Angel could hardly mumble because of the restraints of her hangover. But was pleasantly surprised to see a steaming hot cup of fresh coffee, and a box of painkillers. “Thanks” Angel kind of managed.”

2 cups latter, a quick wash and half a box of painkillers Angel could speak.

“Good night was it? Your Angel aren't you by the way?”

“I'm the one and only very sick feeling Angel. I think it was a good night?”

“You have to watch Jakie she like a drink and a laugh, She left me a note to tell you, She's sorry she couldn't be here to wake you but she's had to go out. But she said she would phone you tonight.

Angel was taking all of this in when Jackie's phone rang. H i 0121 308 ==== how may I help you? “I thought I told you not to phone me while I'm at work. I don't care. Get on with your jobs, I want my cleaning doing, Shopping done, I want a new top for Saturday and start my dinner for tonight. Now don't phone again.

“Do you always talk to your boyfriend like that?” Asked a shocked Angel.

“Only when he misbehaves, You have to hold a real tight leash with them or they will play up. I find a good whipping normally works. H ow do you teach your slave ?”

“My slave I haven't got a slave , Are you telling me that you treat your boyfriend like he's your slave ? Tell me more I'm interested”

Angel spoke for hours to Sara about slave training, and the more she heard that day the more she liked. When Jackie arrived back late she found Angel still here and talking to Sara about turning Lucky in to her own slave . “I'm glad to see you to getting on so well. Now Angel come in to my office so we can talk about ways to turn that boyfriend of yours legally into your property.”

Pore old Lucky, Angel thought as she began to laugh with Jackie and Sara.

The buzzer on Sara's desk crackled and spurted in to life. “ Sara please send Angel and Lucky in now I'm ready”

“Come on lucky it's time for you to sign your ass to me. By the way Sara your lovely boots look like they could do with a bit of a clean, when lucky comes out I will have him lick them clean for you if you like?”

“Thanks Angel” Sara then looked towards Lucky. “ H urry back I want my boots licked clean, slave .”

A s w e entered the solicitor's room I could here Sara laughing again. I turned around to see her blow a kiss at me just as the door closed. My mind was racing, turning over the word slave over and over again.

“Thanks for coming Angel please take a seat” Angel sat down. I followed then sat down in the chair next to her. Angel turned to look at me with a dirty look on her face. “No not you Lucky you come here and stand on the side of my desk.” I was so shocked I jumped up and walked over to the side of her desk. “Right then Lucky, it seems that you have been a very naughty boy. Do you relies how much debt you are in? Well my self and Angel have decided that instead of financial settlement. Which we feel you could never complete. You will be given the opportunity working it off. Now I feel it's in your best interest to just sign, theirs a pen and Angels contract. NOW SIGN.”

I was shocked by her abruptness. But still signed.

“Good glad to see you can still be reasonable Lucky. Right then from this present time and up until the year 2008 you are the sole property of Angel.

You will do any thing she says, with out any question. You will continue for as long as she wants to please her in any way you can. You will address her in private as Mistress Angel. I am to be addressed as Mistress Freeman, And Sara as Mistress Sara. Your new name is slave . Which i s w hat you have now become. Angel you may now sign a s w ell to legally bind him to you.”

Angel signed really quickly then passed it over to Mistress Freeman how signed a s w ell then she stood up and walked over to the safe. “Angel would you mind if we kept this legally binding slave contract here, were it will be safe.”

“Feel free Jackie, I trust you. And slave ry boy here knows my combinations on all off my safes, so it's for the best. Can't have slave ripping up the contract now can we?”

Jackie placed it safely away, then turned and sat back down, I was still standing on the side of her desk with my head bowed in shame.

“Now then Angel what can we make your slave do to show you his respect for his new Mistress.”

“Well I got him to lick clean my boots last night, and I enjoyed looking down on him and seeing him kiss and lick clean my dirty boots.”

“Did you make him suck your heels? I always enjoy making my slave s really suck my heels clean. Theirs a real dominating feeling I always feel by watching a slave suck and lick clean my boots. I daily make a slave clean the pair that I'm wearing. It keeps my boots clean and it keeps the slave groveling at my boots.”

“I like the idea of my slave groveling at my boots. I made him suck clean my heels. And I really enjoyed watching that. Don't worry I will make him clean my boots lots, I did really enjoy watching him lick them clean.”

Angel stopped talking and looked at me “ Sorry slave I almost forgot about you then, I was giving you an order wasn't I? To test your respect for me.”

Angel lifted her legs and placed them on Mistress Freeman's desk. H er boot s w ere directly next to were I was standing. I looked down; today she had on her expensive white leather high heeled knee boots. To match her white knee length skirt and suit top. She looked great. “Look at my boots slave .”

I looked again at them. I could see that there was some mud splashes around the top of the heels. And also on the toe area. In places some of the mud was still wet, like on the black sharp looking heels.

“Before you lick my boots clean slave , I want you to thank me.”

“Thank you Mistress Angel” “Thank you for what slave ?”

“Thank you Mistress Angel for giving me the privilege and honor of licking clean your wonderful boots.”

Angel looked up at Jackie. “You see I think he will make a good slave ”

“Your right. And you Angel will make a great Mistress.”

“Now my slave start cleaning my boots. And lick them good I want to feel your tongue through the leather.”

As I bent over the desk to start cleaning Angels boots, I could feel them both starring at me. I could taste the mud on her boots, but I knew I had to lick them or there would be trouble. As the mud came off the sides Mistress Freeman started to order me were to lick next.

“Lick front of her boots. That's it all the way up the shaft. Lick around the toe area next. Come on slave lick harder, It's an honor to be able to clean such wonderful boots as your Mistress's.”

Angel was laughing and occasionally moving her boots slightly to make the job harder.

“You can stop now and look at me slave .” I looked up at Angel. “Say thank you slave ” “Thank you Mistress Angel for letting me clean your boots”

“But slave you haven't finished cleaning them yet.” Mistress Freeman said. Angel and I both looked up at Mistress Freeman. “ H e still has the soles of your boots Angel to lick. The best part of any boot cleaning service”

“Now lick your Mistress's soles clean” I looked at Angel, hoping she wouldn't expect me to do that. But I found no help there. “O, I forget about my soles. And now I think about it I did stand in some dog shit on the way up here. Clean it off NOW.”

So again I found my self, bent over the desk. But this time I was licking clean the soles of her boots.

“Get that shit off slave , look you missed a bit, come on we haven't all day. OK slave you can stop now, they look clean. Now thank me.”

“Thank you Mistress Angel.”

I was a wreak with humiliation.

Next they had me stand up and strip off. Mistress Freeman tied a white towel around my waist. It just about covered my private areas. They both made me dance for them. Every time my towel fell down sent them both in to laughter.

Then Mistress Freeman got up and went to one of her cabinets. Out of the cabinet she got a small whip out. The whip looked like a black stick bound in leather with about 9 black leather tails coming off it. It looked like it could hurt. “ H ere Angel you will need this for his punishment. It will sting but not really hurt him. Slaves need to be whipped daily. It's good for them. Lets them know you're in charge.”

“Thank you. Looks like fun to me. So where and how would you advise I whip him?”

“Sara's the best one to answer this, she love s w hipping slave s.”

With that Mistress Freeman pressed her intercom.

“Sara can you come in a minute please. We need your expertise on whipping a slave .”

“ Now slave , your Mistress has demonstrated to me your loyalty to her. But Sara hasn't witnessed it her self. Now I know that Sara hates an ungrateful slave , so if you want to save your ass get on your knees in front of the door so Sara can see your submission to Angel when she comes in.”

I got up fast from the desk and got down on my knees next to Angel's chair.

Angel looked at me and gave me warm smile. “I'm happier now that you are really mine. Work well slave and I won't treat you that badly.”

“Thank you Mistress I will not let you down” I couldn't believe what I was saying.

As I sat on my knees next to Angel I could hear Sara's heels coming closer to the door. I was really nervous behind her good looks hid a bitchy look that I knew could cause me trouble. Then she came in and stood right behind me.

“So slave now it's my turn for some fun. I'm going to teach you all about been whipped by a superior. Say thank you slave ”

“Thank you Mistress Sara.”

“I see you have already taught this slave the correct way to address his superior.”

“We have also taught him how to lick boots correctly a s w ell.” Mistress Freeman replied to Sara.

“Good after I have shown Angel how to whip her slave he can then clean my boots. I do like a slave groveling on his knee s w ith his tongue around my boot heels. Now slave get across the desk, and pull that towel off.”

I pulled my towel off, Mistress Freeman looked down to my cock and a smile crossed her face. I blushed as I walked around and got on to the desk.

“Lye face down 1 st slave . I want to show your Mistress the glow of whipped ass cheeks. Angel can you please hand me your whip.”

All three of them came around me I felt so small just lying there naked waiting to be used as a whipping demonstration.

“Right 1 st angel I like to make the slave look at what I'm going to whip him with. Slave look at my whip. Looks like it could hurt doesn't it?”

“Yes Mistress Sara.” “Well slave it is. Now Angel I like to make my slave thank me after I have whipped him. You don't have to but I love to see my slave really degrade him self to me. It all helps to control them.”

“I will expect my slave to thank me all the time Sara. I agree with you, I want to completely humiliate and degrade my slave until he will do what ever I say with out any question.”

“Good. Now watch this”

The 1 st hit from the whip was OK it hit directly across my cheeks. In fact it felt quite nice. But after a few hits it began to sting. Then Sara began to really whip me. You could tell that she was enjoying it, and by the laughter from the others it was obvious that in fact they were all enjoying her show.

“Angel look at his cute little cheeks now. See how they glow. Place your hand across you should feel some heat from them. Don't worry whipping does no long term damage.”

Angel placed her hand on my cheeks and gave a little pinch. This made me cry out. They all laughed again.

“Now I often find that after whipping a slave , there small dicks have gone hard. Turn over slave .”

As I turned over I winced a bit under the burning pain caused from my whipping. Embarrassingly I had become aroused. I tried to hide it by covering up with my hands.

“Move your hands slave let Mistress Freeman and Mistress Sara see what I own”

I placed my hands by my side. Sara moved around so she could see me better. H er hand moved over to my hard cock and closed around it.

“It's nice and long but not very wide is it slave ?” “No Mistress I'm sorry.”

H er hand started to move up and down slowly stimulating me. I let out a sigh.

“Angel, some Mistress don't let their slave s cum. I like mine to, I think milking a slave daily also helps in the aid of his control.”

“I always milk my slave daily Angel, I like to see the dread in his eyes as he cum's.” Angel looked up at Jackie puzzled. “Why is their dread in his eyes as your slave cum's?”

“Because slave should eat his own cum” Jackie smiled as she replied to Angel.

“Would you mind if we show you now Angel?” Sara asked.

“I think for all the years I have eaten his cum, I feel that it is only fair that he has his turn. Go ahead and make him cum.”

I felt repulsed, Sara's hand movements started to speed up. I was already close to an orgasm.

“Slave do you like Sara's hand around your cock. Does it feel good to have her toss you off? Don't you just want to shoot all your sticky white cum into her lovely warm hand? Sara tightened her grip and moved her hand up and down faster and faster. Think about your cock in her mouth slave . Think about her drinking all your cum down.”

With that I started to shoot my cum. Sara cupped her hand around the end of my cock and continued to pull slowly. “As you fill my hand up slave thank Mistress Freeman for talking dirty to you.”

“Thank you Mistress Freeman.”

Sara stopped pulling on my cock and lifted her hand away to show Angel and Jackie my cum. “ H e shoots quite a bit doesn't he?” “Yer and I normally swallow all of that.” “Well not any longer unless you like to. Slave sit up and face me. I sat up. Get on your knees and open your mouth. Now I'm going to make you lick all you're cum off my hands then I want you to thank me and Mistress Freeman and your Mistress for been aloud to cum. If you don't lick it all up or we are not happy that you are really grateful I will whip you like you have never been whipped before. Do you understand slave ?”

“Yes Mistress Sara” She lifted her hands to my mouth and I began to lick up all of my cum. When Sara was happy she let me thank every one in the room.

“Now get on the floor next to my boots and start licking them clean. Slave.”

I got down off the table and knelt next to were Sara was standing. I could feel them all looking at me. I didn't want to be here and I didn't want to lick Sara's boots. But if I didn't she would whip me again. So down I got until my mouth was nearly touching the front of her ankle boots. I opened my mouth and as my tongue slid out I tasted leather again. When Sara decided her boot s w ere suitably clean she ordered me to suck clean her heels. Mistress Angel and Mistress Freeman moved closer to watch me suck and lick Sara's heels. As I looked up at Angel she smiled down at me as I moved my look towards Mistress Freeman I could see that she to was smiling. Sara stopped me and told me to kiss each Mistress boots once before standing up. After kissing all of their boots I stood up slowly still embarrassed by my nakedness.

Sara pointed out that my cock was hard again. Mistress Freeman said it was obviously that licking clean ladies boots turns him on. Which was a good thing Sara added quickly.

The three of them spoke about me and about other things openly for about an hour. I just stood there silent and still naked. Then Angel ordered me to get dressed and wait for her in her car. As I left none of them said anything to me. As I waited in Angel's car I thought about my new life as a slave .

Tired from the day's adventures I fell asleep.

“Wake up slave . I said wake up.”

I quickly came to, “Were are we?”

“Were are we what, slave ?”

“I'm sorry were are we Mistress?”

“I have decided to give you the privilege of buying me some new clothes and shoes.”

I thanked her not really happy but at least it will give me a chance to act normal I thought.

“Now come around my side and open my door slave ”.

I jumped out and held open her door. She pushed past me arrogantly and told me to lock up then follow behind her. 1 st we went into her favorite shoe shop. It was a trendy small designer kind of shop. We were the only people inside apart from the owner and a sales help. The older of the two ladies I recognized immediately. Angel often bought shoes and boots from this store and knew the owner well, the lady that I recognized. But who was that other girl. She looked more like a schoolgirl than staff. Angel walked right up to the owner. “ H i Amanda, how are today”. “Can't complain, I'm selling lots of boots because of the cold weather. You must see the new designs I have just got in”. “I would love to see them. By the way who's your new helper”.

“Oh you mean Sandy . She's on work experience. She's a nice girl. Very cleaver and she love's boots”. “So she will fit in here well then”.

“So Lucky how are you? You seem very quite today. Afraid Angel's going to spend all your money”?

I was about to reply when Angel asked to have a quiet word in the back with Amanda.

“Yer OK” Replied a puzzled Amanda.

“Slave wait for me here” Whispered Angel

I waited for what seemed like ages. Every so often I looked up to see the work experience girl smiling at me. She was cute about 16. Brown hair. Not very tall. Dressed well in a black tight top that was cut low but not sultry looking. A black skirt that almost touched her knees and long black leather knee boot s w ith platform heels. She looked like the type to brake a million hearts. But not in a nasty way.

Eventually Angel came out of the back room with a smiling Amanda. Amanda had changed the long skirt she had on when we came in and replaced it with a very short black leather skirt. She had also removed her black court shoes and put on some black leather thigh boot s w ith 6-inch heels. When I looked at her I almost fainted. I could tell by the way she was dressed at looked at me Angel had told her.

Angel and Amanda walked right up to me. Amanda just starred at me in a way that made me nervous. “Sandy can you lock the door then come over here please”. “Yer OK” Sandy came over and looked at the way Amanda was dressed in interest. “Are those thigh boots” “Yes they are. But I like to call them Bitch boots”. Amanda smiled at me. I looked down at her boots. “Do you remember yesterday Sandy , was telling you about some men,

That have a boot fetish?” “I remember, I think it's funny. Aren't men sad.”

Amanda smiled at Angel. Angel then nodded her head towards Amanda.

“Watch this Sandy . Slave see my black leather thigh high boots?” “Yes Mistress” “Well I want you to get down on your knees and lick them clean”.

I got down on my knees and Sandy began to clap slightly and laugh.

“Just before you start slave listen well to me. I want you to slowly lick clean every single part of my black leather thigh boots. Then I want you to kiss them too. After that you can clean the soles and then suck hard and clean all 6 inches of my heels. OK?”

“Yes Mistress, thank you.”

“Now lick them clean slave ”.

I began to clean her leather boots. I licked every part lovingly the leather was real soft and the smell was very erotic. As I cleaned her soles I became very hard.

“Now suck all 6 inches of my heels”. When I had cleaned and sucked both her boots clean I was made to stand up. Sandy looked straight towards the bulge in my trousers and giggled. “Sandy would you mind being a dear and looking after Angel's slave while we go for a coffee?” “No I don't mind at all”. “Good we shouldn't be any longer than one hour”. I watched Angel leave with Amanda then I turned back to see a grinning teen age girl looking at me.

“Slave lock the front door, then come over here.” “Yes Mistress”.

As I walked to her I kept thinking about what she had just seen me do.

“Now I want a good look at you take your top off and your trousers.” I did what she said. “Looks like licking clean Amanda's leather boots turned you on a lot slave . I think I will have to help out that bulge in your boxers”. Sandy lent over and grabbed my hard cock through my boxers; she slowly released it through the gap at the front. I groaned out loud. Sandy tightened her grip around it and started to pull me off.

“So slave do you like licking clean ladies leather boots”. “Yes I groaned”.

“When you came in you looked at me in my black leather platform knee boots didn't you slave ?” “Yes again I replied.” “Amanda told me that men with a boot fetish might a s w ell be called your slave . Because they will do any thing just to lick your boots. So boot slave did you think about cleaning my boot s w hen you looked at me?” “Yes Mistress I did think about licking clean your platform knee boots, when I was looking at you.”

“Good boot slave . The problem is there not dirty, so there is little point in you licking them. Wait a min, now if you cum on them with all your sticky hot cum you could always lick that off. Would you like to do that my little boot slave ?” “Yes Mistress.” Sandy stopped and moved over to a chair, as she sat down she called me over to kneel before her boots. She then commanded me to pull my self off over her boots. As I pulled she just kept saying “harder harder slave ” As I came onto her boots she sighed out loud. Then she looked at her boots covered with my white cum. “Slave put your cock away and lick your mess off my boots. As I bent over I could smell the mix of cum and leather. I started by licking the front of her platform I looked up she smiled down at me. Then she commanded me to scoop up some of my cum in my mouth from her boots and show her. I did this, which made her sigh again. As I returned to licking her boots I noticed her hand slip under and up her skirt. She moved her legs apart a little. As I licked her boots harder I could hear here pleasing her self. H er boot s w ere now clean she felt me move away for her inspection but she was enjoying her self too much to bother. Instead she simply lifted one leg and I began to clean her platform sole. As I licked I could clearly see her pleasing her self. I was amazed to see how wet she was. When I pulled away she lifted the other sole and pushed it into my face. As I licked I could taste the dirt of outside. But I didn't care, as I licked around the side of the platform boot heel, she looked at me. She was very close to orgasm. Then her body rocked with the force of a young inexperienced but enjoyed orgasm. H er sighs and still deep breathing were evidence of her pleasure.

She smiled down at me. The warm after glow of sexual energy that we both felt rapidly departed with a knock at the door. “Go open the door slave while I sort my self out”. I stood up on shaky legs and walked over to the door on way I turned round to see the incredibly kinky Sandy straighten her short skirt. The sound of the door been knocked again brought me back to my senses. I opened the door to be greeted by Amanda and Angel pushing through. “When you see me slave you should get on your knees and greet me with a kiss on my boots, Now get down and lick um”. As I got down I could here them all laughing at me. As I got near to Angel's boots I could smell dog mess coming from under the soles. “There's good little slave doing what he's told, by the way little slave 'y I walked in some dog poo poo on the way back especially for you. You can lick that off now”. Angel lifted one of her soles and placed it on top of my mouth. “Lick” I opened my mouth and placed my tongue on her sole. The taste of dog shit, mud and little stones filled my mouth I felt sick but still carried on. Amanda and sandy bent down a little to watch closer me licking the shit from Angels boot. “ H e is a completely broken man isn't he?” “Yes, just as a slave should be. Now lick my other sole slave .” “So Sandy what did you and slave get up to while Angel and I were out. Be honest we want to know.” Sandy looked at Amanda a little embarrassed. “I, I made him lick my boots.” “Is that all Sandy , Amanda thought you might have found a good way to humiliate my little slave . I don't mind just say what you did.” “It's just I feel a bit strange telling you what we got up to, you are his girlfriend after all?”

“Not any more Sandy ” I looked up at Angel what was she saying? “ H e is now my slave , I am his Mistress. H e will do what ever I tell him. And yes once he was my Man. But for a long time I have seen him for what he really is. A Sad little no good male that needs to be used and abused to please me. Now I don't mind, but I do want to know what you made him do for you. OK.” Angel smiled at Sandy . Sandy could feel the warmth in her look she trusted her. “OK, I made him strip for me.” Amanda smiled “Go on” “Then I made him get his dick hard and pull off over my boots.” “Did he cum?” You could tell Amanda was getting into this. “Yes all over my boots.” Angel and Amanda both looked down at Sandy 's black leather platform boots. “Did he cum much, it's just they don't look that dirty. In fact they look almost polished?” “I made him lick his cum off them. You don't mind do you?” Sandy 's pleading soon subsided with Angel beginning to laugh. “You made him pull off over your boots, then made him lick his cum off them? You know what I like this girl Amanda”. “I thought you would. I don't know about you but I wouldn't mind seeing him lick his cum off some boots. What do you think Angel?” “I don't mind at all, slave get me some boots from the back like Amanda's size 5 then bring them over to me”. “Yes Mistress”.

As I walked to the back room I heard them giggling and congratulating Sandy on been a natural Mistress. As I entered the dark back room I was greeted by hundreds of boxes. One side stored shoes the other side-stored boots. It was easy to find the thigh boots because of the organizing set out that started with ankle boots at one end and thigh boots at the other. In between had calf boots and knee high boots in styles of practical to fashion.

I choose the black leather thigh high boot s w ith 6 inch heels. That looked like Amanda's. As I lifted them out of their box I couldn't help but feel how soft the leather felt to the touch. I also couldn't help notice the price of £400 for them. “ slave , stop pulling your cock over all of my boots back there and hurry up”. Amanda's domineering voice drifted in to the back room making me tidy up and run back to them. “Ah look at him running Amanda, how desperate he must be to lick his cum off my new boots. Isn't that sweet?”

I handed the thigh high black leather boots to my Mistress Angel, then got on my knees in front of them. “And what am I going to do with these, slave ?” “Put them on so I can cum on them, then lick them clean Mistress.”

Amanda moved forwards fast towards me placing her left boot in to my groin. The pain shot around my body, making me feel weak. I was breakable.

Stumbling I pleaded for her to lift her bitch boot and take away my surprised pain. I looked up and caught Sandy 's face from my watery view. She smiled at me then laughed. “I don't know about you girls, but I didn't feel any kiss's on my boot s w hen he got back. And how exactly are you going to lick your Mistress boots clean when they are in her hands. You should have asked to put them on her wonderful feet for her. Also we all should have heard you thank us as you got down on to your knees. Some men would give up so much to be were you are slave , show some respect.”

Amanda lifted her boot and placed the tip of the pointed toe to my mouth, I opened up and she pushed in side as far as she could. I looked up in sorrow as I sucked hungrily on her leather boot. My tongue licking feverishly followed as Amanda pulled her boot out. “You will learn slave .”

“Sorry Mistress Amanda, Sorry Mistress Angel, Sorry Sandy.” Sandy kicked me in my chest. “Mistress Sandy to you”. “Sorry Mistress Sandy.” I trembled. I quickly kissed all of their boot s w ith a passion. For such a young girl Sandy could hurt you with surprising force. Angel walked over to the trying on seating area and sat down, still holding her new boots. I followed on my knees. Which were starting to hurt now. I lifted my hands and begged to put her boots on to her beautiful feet. Angel handed me the boots and placed her original booted leg into my lap. I unzipped her white high-heeled leather knee boot, and slid her foot out. I kissed her warm sweaty foot and inhaled the wonderful smell. Angel pointed her foot up so her sole faced me. I pushed my tongue out and licked from her heel to the underside of her toe. I could taste the salt and traces of leather, mixed with a nice foot smell. I could also see Angel's enjoyment, with quick, cheeky stolen glances up her knee length skirt. I'm still a man. Angel bent her foot back and offered me her toes; I took them fast in to my mouth, savoring every one. Angel bent back slightly and let out a sigh.

I repeated thi s w ith her other white leather boot. Amanda and Sandy were quiet, just happy to watch this loving act that a slave can perform willingly for hi s w onderful Mistress. Angel placed both feet in to my lap resting against my hardening bulge. I opened up one of the thigh boots and helped Angel guide her slender perfectly manicured foot into the wonderfully sexy black boot. I zipped it up and over her thigh gently. She placed her booted foot back on to my growing hardness. The feel of perfectly designed boot heel resting against my balls and gentle force pushing on my cock made me lose were I was. With my sigh she pushed down. The pain brought me back.

“Not yet slave you still have my other foot to prepare”. Angel whispered in a seductive tone. Amanda told me to hurry up, Sandy giggled. I looked up into Angel' s w arm face my hold was broken by the sight of her licking her full red lips. In a sultry fashion. I longed to cum over them again. A feeling I excepted I wouldn't get to enjoy again.

I placed her other foot in to the expensive boot. Noticing how well the toe area tapered to a thin slender black leather point. The sides of the boots raised gently to a wonderful mass of black leather that begged to be licked by any one that witnessed. The foot arch was elevated in contrast quite dramatically to a thin black 6-inch heel that could hurt any one it came in contact with. I slowly took in what I wa s w itnessing; the sight made me feel very weak with sexual arousal. She stood up; Angel was still wearing her white business suit. Designer white knee length skirt and matching white jacket. The boots rode high up in to the skirt so you couldn't see the tops of them. The contrast between the white and black was amazing. It was a look of pure power that nearly sent me to the floor crashing in faint, from the over exposure to this pure sexual sight. Angel smiled down on me. “Do you like, slave ?”

“Yes” was all I managed to mumble, before I lunged my wanting tongue at her very sexy and corrupting boots. Eagerly I licked tasting leather after leather. Sucking and kissing my stood up Mistress leather booted feet, I was in paradise. “Look at him go, the little boot licking slave really seems to be enjoying him self, I think I must get a pair of thigh boots. Do you think they will entrap my boy friend and make him my slave ?” Amanda looked at Sandy happy with what she had just asked. These last 2 hours had taught her how to handle men and you could tell she liked it. H er boyfriend of present and the hundreds that follow will be in trouble at the hands of this growing Mistress. “Not all men like boots unfortunately, but you can spot the ones that do quite easily. For a bit Sandy , wear boots every where. Any man that you see, check their glances. If their eyes linger on your boots for a second or more you more than likely stumbled upon a potential bootlicking slave . I always find that sitting on a train is always a good place to wheel in a catch. Trust me you can find slave s very fast.”

“Do you like the taste of my leather boots, slave ?” “Yes, very much Mistress” Sandy and Amanda stopped talking and looked at me ready for the show. “Slave get your cock out and hold it over my boot shaft.” “Thank you Mistress.” “Now slave jerk off slowly over my black leather thigh boots.” Angel moved her right boot pushing it between my legs and under my balls. She lifted slightly the front of her boot causing slight pressure upon the underside of my balls. A rush of sexual tension cascaded through my body. I sped up my hand movement. Making me buck slightly. “Not yet slave , slow down.” “ H e looks desperate to cum over your boots Angel.” “ H e is but I'm not ready yet, come and sit next to me Amanda, Sandy can you see alright?”

Sandy moved forwards a little and crouched around the side right next to were slave was performing. “Yeah I can see fine now.”

“Right Amanda. I think slave should cum on both of our boots together then he can lick clean both of our boots in one go. What do you think?” “Good with me.” Amanda pushed her boot forwards moving my left knee apart more. She placed it next to Angel's boot. The sound of my jerking off and leather rubbing together, was becoming too much for me. I felt my cock harden more and Angel applied more pressure to the underside of my balls. Amanda moved her free boot over and on to my left leg, the heel caused slight pain but I was so close now, to care. She gently rubbed on top of my ball s w ith her boot tip sole. “Slow down slave , not yet. I want to here you say that Women are the superiors and that your role in life is now to grovel and serve you superiors in any way they chose of you. Say it slave .”

I trembled out “Women are my superiors,” I breathed in hard “And my new role is to serve them and grovel before them, thank you Mistress.”

“Well that was close. Now I want you to cum over my boots and Amanda's and I want them covered in your warm sticky white salty cum, NOW CUM.”

I sped up I could feel my cum rise. I quickly looked at Sandy I noticed perspiration glistening on her brow. She smiled. I turned to Amanda, my back arched. “On my leather boot shaft a s w ell slave .” Amanda pressed down on to my balls. Faster I pumped my body now in auto drive. I turned to my Mistress, Angel. I felt my cum ready to explode. “You are going to lick your cum off our boots, slave . NOW CUM!”

My cock exploded all of its hot sticky captured continence, the force surprised me. I shut my eyes as my back arched. I could feel my cum pump out and out over both their leather boots. My mind cleared with my expelled seed, return soon to the sound of laughter, Sandy 's laughter. I looked up at her; she stopped and stuck out her tongue mockingly, mimicking a licking up action. I looked at Sandy's and Amanda's boots; both were splashed all over in my white cum.

“ H e does shoot a large amount doesn't he?” Angel said to Amanda with out moving her sight from my spent cock, her boot shaft and my cum.

“ H e does shoot a big load, but that's really good. Means more for slave to lick up and eat.” Amanda looked up from her cum splattered to my tired looking face. She placed her tongue out and mimicked a licking up action mockingly just like Sandy had. “ You know what I learnt today?” “What?” Amanda looked too sandy. “I learnt that I really do love seeing a man, eat his own cum in front of me.” Sandy 's voice drifted off into a slight giggle, but not this time from her inexperienced youth. Now it was from experienced enjoyment.

Angel broke the silence that followed, by commanding me to lick off my cum that had started to run by now. I bent and began cleaning both their boot s w ith my tongue. Enjoying the mixed aroma of my salty cum and their new leather. The softness of the leather, of their boots felt pleasant to my now worn tongue. Sandy 's platform boot s w ere made of hard leather that hardly bent to the touch. But Angel's and Amanda' s w ere so soft that you could feel the leather move with each loving stroke. “You can tell he enjoys cleaning our boots because, you can feel his tongue working through the leather. Slave take your time licking your cum off our boots, we want you to enjoy the taste.” Angel was getting very dominant fast. “Slave I want to see you scoop up a large amount of cum with your fingers, do it now.” I stopped licking and placed my hand on Amanda's boot, I found a large area still not licked that was coated and scooped up a large amount. “Good now bring it up here so I can see and smell you're cum. You don't mind me stopping him for a few seconds do you Angel?” “No, Why do you want to taste his cum?” “Not quite what I had in mind.”

I lifted my hand to show Amanda, she looked at it for a few seconds then made me show scooped contents to Sandy . Embarrassingly I moved my hand over for her to see. “Good, now slave I want you to tell us all, what a good little cum swallowing whore that you have become. Then beg to be aloud to lick clean your hand. ” I have become a good little cum licking whore, please Mistress Amanda, Mistress Sandy and Mistress Angel let me lick my cum off my hand.”

Kneeling down, looking up to them, with my hand held out, covered in my cum. I was greeted by cold faces. “You may suck your fingers clean, now.”

I placed my fingers in my mouth and sucked, I felt stupid, small and hurt. I was been used as a tool, to mend all the hurt men had inflicted on these women. When I had finished sucking my fingers in front of them I continued to clean their boots. When I had finished I pulled back, but kept my head down in shame. Amanda and Angel inspected their boots. “Not bad my slave . Stand up, clean your self up and wait for me by the cash till.” I wanted to get out so fast that I nearly ran to the till. I looked back all three of them were joking and talking about me. Angel looked right up at me a smiled. The warmth from her glow slightly elevated my broken spirit. She stood up and walked over to me. She pressed up against me; I could feel her chest in my back. I could feel her warm hand press round and clasp lightly around my waist, her breath warm but sweet on my cheek. I fell in love again. “I'm going to the car, pay for my boots then join me.” With that she walked out, my gaze lingered after her. “That will be £400, slave .” Amanda was behind the till. She was grinning at me, I turned round Sandy was by my side. I handed my credit card over. “Considering how in debt you are slave I thought you would have cut these up? But then, the more in debt you get, the longer you will be Angels, so keep using them. It's for the best”

Sandy wrapped up Angel's boots and placed them in a small designer bag. “ Sandy grab your coat it's locking up time any way, we can both escort slave out.”

Sandy handed me the bag and I waited while she grabbed her coat. Amanda sat down and made me pull off her boots and place them back in the back room. Then she made me put her court shoes back on. With that she stood and walked Sandy and me to the door. Amanda turned and looked up at me. “Kiss my shoes and Sandy 's boots good bye, slave .” I bent down and kissed with passion Amanda's black court shoes and Sandy 's black platform boots.

I looked up. “You are a better slave then you were as a partner, Angel is now lucky. You can go slave .”

I was relived to see Angel's car; I felt like collapsing, sleep was all that filled my thoughts. As I sat down I heard Angel speak softly to me, but to be honest I didn't hear her. Soon we arrived home. I don't remember opening Angel's door or carrying her into the house. Sleep soon recaptured my body and mind.

I woke. I felt for Angel, she had gone. I lifted my groggy head and looked around. No sign of her. I called out, but no reply. Good. I got up and walked in to the bathroom. The surprise waiting for me in the bathroom woke me, fast.

Morning slave . Good to see you finally got up. Today I want you to wash, tidy the house, prepare what food your cooking for me tonight, get my new boots out of my car and don't touch your dick or jerk off.


I'm working late so when you have prepared and cooked my food, bring it to me at work for 9pm .

And clean this mirror.

The message was spread right across the mirror in bright red lipstick, at the bottom she had signed it with a kiss. Shit, it would take me hours to clean.

I went down stairs, to fetch something to scrub the message off. On the way to the kitchen I noticed muddy footprints on the floor Angel's mine and was that a third print, who' s w as that? Small a lady's print. So what 1 st the mirror or the prints. Soon it would be decided for me. I turned into the dinning room. Through the frosted glass in to the kitchen I could see a figure sitting down. I burst in “What the, what are you doing here?”

“Is that any way to treat your Mother in law, Lucky. Morning.” “Sorry I was just surprised. Any way how are you?” “I'm good Lucky, in fact I'm very good, Angel explained her new arrangement between you and her yesterday, and to be honest I was a little shocked. Just like I imagine you were. But the more I thought about it, the more I thought good on you girl. Angel phoned last night while you were asleep and told me every thing that happened yesterday.” Everything” “Yes Lucky everything, Daughters don't keep secrets from their Mothers you know. Any way it sounded like so much fun seeing you degrade your self, I just wanted to see for my self. So were are Angel's new boots?” I went bright red with embarrassment. “Why are you embarrassed little lucky, sounds like you had so much fun in Amanda' s w onderful shoe shop. Amanda, a friend of mine a s w ell, also phoned last night, she was filled with such good reviews of you. Now get Angel's boots from her car.” “Yes, Mistress.”

That was all I need Angel's mum never really liked me. To be fair, recently I did let my self-go. Angel's mum or Jane to her friends, was a tall, blonde thin lady with a well kept athletic body considering her giving birth to four children? Angel being the eldest. She dressed well; today opting for a black long gracefully flowing skirt, white tight knitted jumper that showed her ample chest off. Black leather gloves and slight platform leather boots to match. She dressed younger than maybe she should but she pulled it off well.

Angel's car, by the way up in till yesterday was my black sleek sports car. That would cost the normal person two years salary, I brought it a couple of years ago to the delight of Angel and my friends. Angel's car before deciding that mine was also now hers, was a sensible 5 door boring run about town type of car.

I unlocked the door and lent inside to fetch the boots. I lifted them out and locked up. “What's taking so long” Jane was getting impatient. I rushed back in to the kitchen. “So let me look at them” Jane was still seated at the kitchen table sipping from a hot looking coffee. I unwrapped the box and pulled out the thigh boots. The leather was so soft to the touch. “Ah they look domineering don't they? A bit slut looking for me but I bet men would just fall at the feet of any lady wearing them. Pass them to me.”

Jane lent forwards and felt the leather, I could tell she was impressed by the soft feel. She snatched them and inspected closely. “Great stitching on them you can tell they're expensive.” She pulled them closer to her face and inhaled the leather aroma. “The smell of leather has always had an effect on me. It really is erotic. You can't smell you're cum though, you must have done a good job of licking them clean.” I was shocked, never had I heard Jane say any thing like that. “Follow me in the lounge.” I followed.

Jane made her self at home in the lounge. I stood in front of her chair, “Angel said that you had some jobs to do and asked if I would mind checking in on you to see if you were doing them correctly. She said that I could have some fun with you a s w ell. So what you know I said yes. Now take down your boxers.” I looked down I was still in my sleep clothes.

I pulled my boxers down. “Don't worry I have seen it all before.” Jane leaned forwards and inspected my cock. She wrapped her hand around my flaccid pole and laughed. Then she grabbed my balls in her free leather gloved hand and the cold made me jump a little. I looked down. I could see sticking out of the bottom of her skirt two nicely rounded black leather platform boots. “Ah you are looking at my boots, I see. Tell me do you want to see them properly?” “Yes Mistress I would like to look at your boots.”

Jane released my ball s w ith her one hand the other stayed locked around my now slightly hardening cock. She lifted her skirt slightly. “Look at those plat form boots, do you see the chunky heel?” “Yes Mistress.” She pulled my four skin back and ran a finger over my head. I jolted with pleasure. She pulled up her skirt higher. “Look at my wonderful legs enclosed by the black leather shafts of my kinky boots. Imagine your tongue running along that expanse of leather.” I looked down in amazement I could see her boots clearly now. Black leather crinkle boot s w ith high platform soles and chunky 4-inch heels. “Tell me what you want to do to my boots, slave .” My cock had now hardened fully in her hand. “I would love to get on my knees Mistress, and lick and lick you're wonderfully kinky black leather platform boots.” I was pleading; I didn't care any more. Jane pulled me forwards; my cock was inches from her mouth. She looked down at it, the hardness twitched, begging to be sucked her tongue came out and licked right across my uncovered four skinned head. I groaned loudly and my knees bent slightly. “Keep telling me about licking clean my boots slave .” She tuck my very hard cock whole in to her mouth, she could deep throat. “ I want to lick your black,” She was great at giving head. “Leather boots, I mean platform leather boots, Ah” I groaned, Jane was looking up at me, I couldn't take much more of this. She pulled my cock slowly out of her hot great giving mouth, a line of warm pre cum stretched from her red moist lips to my cock. She licked it free. “Carry on slave telling me about you worshipping my lovely boots” She greedily sucked me back in to her mouth. I felt faint but great. “I want my tongue around your leather boot shafts licking them clean. I want to lick your chunky platform high heels, I want to lick them all day and all night.” I could feel her tongue pressing against the underside of my cock in her mouth. She sped up sucking and sucking. I looked in to her blue eyes. I felt the rise; I was about to shoot. The hand that was holding her skirt shot up to my but. I felt her finger find then push against my hole. She inserted her finger while still sucking. “I want to lick, lick your leather boots, platforms, Ah, Ah, I want to taste the leather, I'm going to cum.”

The built up tension spilled over in to her excepting mouth. She pulled me cock out, a few last spurts of sticky cum shoot on to her pretty face. She smiled up at me, my cum glistened on her cheek and lips. “Slave look at my boots.” She lifted her skirt once again and I was greeted by the expanse of her footwear. Jane pulled her finger out of my anus. She pushed me back. And lent forwards. Looking over and down at her boots. She pulled the skirt up and over her knee. Then pulled both boots tight, up on her shapely legs. The crinkles tightened and I could see that the black leather, finished just below her thighs. Then she dribbled what was in her mouth, and on to her now tightened leather boots. Then she let go of her tightened boots and they went back to the crinkle affect around her ankles and knees. I looked down in shock, I could see my cum and her spit mixed together in the groves of the crinkles, toe and platform area. “Whoops look what I have done, slave my boots are now dirty, you better clean them, ha.” “Yes Mistress.”

I got down on to my knees, and smelt, what was beginning to smell normal to me. Leather and cum. “Before you start licking, don't you think you should thank me, and I think you should beg a little, to lick such kinky boots?”

I looked up and into her warm face.

“I'm sorry Mistress, Thank you for pleasing me. Can I please lick your wonderful black lovely leather sexy platform kinky boots? I really want to kiss and lick them.”

“Grovel a bit slave .”

“Please let me, I really want to lick your boots, please I need to lick your boots. I will do any thing for you Mistress, please I beg, let me lick your wonderful sexy kinky platform boots.”

“Very good slave . Lick um.”

I licked like there was no tomorrow, the leather tasted wonderful. I started with her toe area. My cum and her spit didn't even slow me, I just gobbled up all with every long hard worshiping lick. “Lick here slave , like there, get that cum off, come on I want them spotless, lick harder I want to feel your tongue.” Mistress Jane seemed to enjoy guideing me. “Lick my boot shafts now, don't touch my boot s w ith your hand, slave . Just use your tongue. Get that cum out of the groves, lick harder, faster.” She was really working me. Thi s w as revenge for me telling Angel that her mother was bitch, one day in an argument Angel and I had about nothing. I knew she told Jane. Because we didn't see her for four weeks after that. And when we did she hardly spoke a word to me.

Whack! I felt pain. She had slapped me right across my bottom. “Lick my boots harder, slave . Get that cum off.” Whack! I felt the second sting fly right across my backside. I licked harder very quickly. “That's it slave , lick or else I will hit you again.” I licked her boots from the top to bottom then I licked the platform heels and her soles. Jane stuck a boot in to my chest and pushed me away. I fell back. “Let me inspect my boots, slave . Not bad, but I will make you a better boot polisher. So thank me.”

“Thank you Mistress, for letting me lick your wonderful platform boots clean. And for teaching me how to lick superior Women's boots.”

“I haven't taught you yet, but I will, you boot licking little slut.”

“Thank you,”

“Now stand up” I stood, Jane stood up a s w ell, her skirt fell back over her leg covering most of her clean boots. She pulled me close to her and held me. “Now lick my finger clean.” I placed her finger in my mouth and tasted for the 1 st time my shit. “Suck it like a good slut, slave .” I sucked her finger in and out of my mouth, licking it clean. “Stop, good slave .” She pulled it out and moved her now cleaned hand on to my fleeced cock. Jane looked in to my eyes “Angel said that you were now just her sex toy. What do you think about that slave ?”

I was hurt and didn't know what to say. “She also says that she is toying with the idea of pimping you out. I told her that it's a great idea. And that I would help. I know loads of ladies that would pay to humiliate and use you. You still have an OK body, which we can tone a little. Gym for you now once a week I think. In fact that gives me an idea, I want some one to meet you. Don't stress I will get her to come over here so you will still have time to do your chores. Go do them now, slave .” I walked out not saying a word. Don't speak if you have nothing nice to say I was always taught. And thi s w as one of those times. As I searched the kitchen draws trying to locate something to scrub the mirror with I over heard a bit of conversation Jane was having on the phone. “You know you were joking the other day about needing a slave , well.” I didn't want to hear any more. I found a scrubbing pad and went up stairs to scrub the mirror. As I cleaned the mirror I began to drift away with thoughts of warm late sunny lazy days, walking hand in hand with Angel. We were happy, especially me. There is always one in a relationship that is more in love/need than the other. I was the one more in love. Angel is the most attractive person I know, and she was friendly. But now I am just her toy to trade and sell. My thought had turned bad. The sound of the doorbell braking my concentration was a needed escape.

“Come in, how are you?” Drifted up stairs, I didn't recognize Jane's guest voice. But I knew it would be some one I would rather not meet. “ H e's upstairs, I warn you know he's naked.” H er guest laughed. I heard footsteps, the sound of heels clicking on the wood floors, Then the stairs. Then the hall. Then me.

“Get on your knees slave , head down.” I didn't have time to see Jane's guest. “Angel's boyfriend?” H er puzzled voice sounded soft. “ H e owes Angel loads of money, so they came to this agreement. Look at him no longer as Angel's boyfriend, now he's her slave . And he will be until he can pay off his debt to her.” “Seems a little strange to me?” “And me to, but what a fun way to pay off his debt, for all of us.” I was looking down at the floor all I could see of Jane's guest was her boots. Gray leather ankle boot s w ith a buckle around the top. Nice conservative styled fashion boots. The long slender sculpted heel s w ere about 4 inches in height.

“Slave kiss my friends boots.” “What?” Jane's guest was surprised by this command. I wanted to kiss them, so I bent forwards fast before she changed her mind. The leather felt quite hard and I could see some splashes of mud on the sides and around the heels but it felt good to kiss her boots.

“Why does he do that?” “ H e will do what ever you tell him to do, try!”

“Kiss my boots again slave .” I was still bent over, hoping I would get the chance to kiss them again. This time I used more emotion. I kissed the toe fronts, right on the slight point then I kissed the sides pressing hard so she could feel my kiss. “That feels quite nice, doesn't it?” “Yes it does feel good having a man grovel at your boots. Your boots look a little dirty; it's hard keeping them clean especially with our weather, slave lick my friends boots clean while we talk.” I started to lick the gray leather; I could feel her push her toes hard against her boots so she could to feel my tongue working better. As I licked I could here them discussing prices for loan of me. “For 1 day we will let you have him cheap and if it's for a interesting reason we might let you have him even cheaper. What have you in mind?” “I was thinking about having a coffee morning, just a few close friends over, I think he could be a good talking point.” “I see well for that kind of function we could let you have him free as a demo model, it could bring in more work for him you see. Would you want him wearing a costume of any kind?” I licked around her boots to her heels, which I licked up and down. “Lift your one boot up and place your heel in his mouth, he can suck them clean then.” I felt her leg raise and position her heel over my mouth. I sucked it in fast, sucking on it in a sexual fashion. I could see Jane watching me perform this act; I still couldn't see her guest face. She pulled her heel out then replaced it with the other one. “Good little heel sucker.” “Were happy with him, he also cleans and does any job needed around the house, we would like it if you used him and thought of him as little more than a slave .” “I think I could grow to like this, will you ever sell him?” “Not yet but Angel may want to one day.” She pulled her heel out and placed it back on the floor next to her other boot. “Slave carry on licking clean her boots.” “Will he perform sexual acts, not for me you have to understand, but incase my guests at my coffee morning get carried away.” “ H e is your slave to do what ever you like with, apart from kill him that is.” “ H ave you used him in a sexual manner?” “ Let's just say he ate his cum for me today.” Both women laughed for some time about this. “Are my boots clean yet slave ?” “Yes Mistress.” I had licked all of the mud and dirt away along time ago I was just licking now for my own enjoyment. “Slave get a Glass and join us in the lounge.” “Yes Mistress” there was only one clean glass, which reminded me I was to do the washing before I went to meet Angel tonight. There was still plenty of time. As I walked into the lounge I could see Jane's friend, A short bodied, brown haired, middle class housewife type. That voted conservative but knew nothing of politics apart from what her neighbor's views. Wealthy husband that spent most of his day s w orking to afford her life style and the rest of his time playing golf. She was of a dyeing breed in this country. H er clothe s w ere by an expensive designer. But wouldn't win any awards. Black trousers complemented by a black simple jumper. A gold chain hanging around her neck was the only flashy show of wealth. H er skin was clear and white hiding her year s w ell. She was attractive in a plain way. I was surprised by the look of interest from her towards me. I thought she would have been offended by the sordid conduct that I had to offer. H ere I was been bargained off in a slave auction. “Slave come forwards and get on your knees in front of us.” I got down and presented myself I was exposed to these two Ladies. I felt unprotected and small. “Get your self hard slave , our guest has to inspect her product.” I touched my limp pole with my hand, holding it would normally feel great but under these conditions it felt humiliating. Luckily for me I felt a slight rise, I looked at Mistress Jane's boots, the black leather looked so kinky, soon I was hardening. “Why does he stare at your boots?” “ H e has a boot fetish, it helps him to get aroused very fast.” “So when he was licking my boots he got turned on?” “Yes.” “Interesting, I think I might make it compulsory for all my lady's to wear boots to my coffee morning then, imagine his arousal in front of seven booted women.” “Now that could be interesting.”

I didn't Like the sound of this, When I was in the boot shop three Women had managed to all most knock me out from over exertion. Imagine what seven would do to me, I knew I was in for a hard week. “Your cock looks hard now, stand up slave and show our guest your product.” I stood up and moved forward, Jane's friend looked right at my hard cock, it twitched with growing desire. Right in front of her face. I wished I wasn't turned on. My body had let me down. “Can I touch it?” “Feel free, do what ever you want with him.” She lent forward and gently stroked my shaft, I groaned. Then she locked her fingers tightly around it moving her hand in a back wards and forwards motion. H er image was one of innocence but her hand experience proved differently. Soon I was beginning to buck; my increased groaning was sign of my coming orgasm. She let go “I don't want him to cum on my clothes.” “I understand, slave get back on your knees, good, hold your cock, keep it very hard, now jerk it off for us.”

There I was, on the floor with two women looking down at me, cock in hand. “Are you ready to cum yet slave .” “Nearly Mistress.” I felt the rise back in Jane's friend's hand, but I had tried to put it off. But again, the feelings had arisen. My back arched, I groaned, my hand sped up. I looked up. Both were just looking at my cock been pumped backwards and forwards. “Shoot in to the glass, slave .” The pressure was too much, again my eruption crashing upwards released all it's goods in to the glass. I kept pulling trying to release the last spurts. “Stop slave and pass me the glass.” I wasn't quite finished, but both seemed happy with my demonstration. I handed the quarter filled glass up to Jane. She held it up to the light so she and her guest could see its contents clearly. “ H e shoots a lot don't you think?” “Yes, can I have a closer look?” Jane handed her the glass; she held it up again to the light, “Looks very clear and white.” Mimicking the actions of a wine taster she smelt what was in side the glass. “A good year I feel.” Both laughed. I just stayed on my knees looking down waiting for my next task. “ H and it back to slave now.” She passed me the glass and smiled at me warmly. I held it, nervously, releasing what I was going to have to do with the glass. “Slave drink half of the cum.” I slowly moved the glass up to my mouth, “Come on we haven't got all day slave .” Jane's guest was transfixed by my actions. H er smile didn't make me feel any better. The warm cum dripped in to my mouth. I swallowed, and then I had second swig of the runny salt liquid. It made me heave a little. “Swallow it. Right good, now pour the rest on to my boots and our guest if she doesn't mind, do you.” “Will he lick it all off?” “Yes, there will be no staining if that' s w hat you mean, in fact it gives your boots a good shine, after he has licked it off.”

“Pour away than slave .” Both women stuck their boots out and placed them together side by side in front of me. I pored the cum right over the boot shafts covering both of there boots. Jane and her guest looked down, both it seemed found this to be a funny sight. “ Lick our guests boots clean 1 st , slave .” I bent and licked really hard. H er boot shaft had that arousing taste of sexual cum and expensive leather. Every so often she moved her boots, to get a better view of my tongue on her leather. You could tell she was starting to enjoy this demonstration of female power domineering over the weaker male species. She lifted her boot up; I slid underneath, with my mouth under her heel she slid it in, moving it up and down in a proactive fashion. I could see her face from this angle. She was enjoying her self. She pulled her boot heel out only to replace it with the other. I sucked until she was content. Then I licked the cum from Mistress Jane's boots for the second time that day. I had to admit the sight of Jane's black leather platform boots did really turn me on. When I was finished Jane and her guest stood up. Jane walked her to the door and they said their pleasantries to each other. Jane then arranged the time and date for me to be loaned out to her. I stayed on my knee s w ere I was left still naked. The door shut and Mistress Jane's heels clunked away on the floor towards me. “What are you doing slave , you still have chores to do. Finish cleaning, Then start on Angel's dinner. Now move.”

I was glad to get away from Mistress Jane for a bit; doing my chore s w asn't that bad it gave me time to think. Not that I had much energy left for thoughts. What I had just done in front of Mistress Jane and her guest was unbelievable. H umans live to rules. This i s w hat keeps the fragile society we call life going. Neither of them would have dreamed of doing what they had made me do, to lets say their husbands. But because I have now been placed out side of their society. They felt safe to use me for any thing. (A note to all reading. Watch out.) After cleaning, washing, dressing and hovering I was ready to cook. Now I can't cook, any thing longer than 4 minutes in a microwave is too much for me. But here I am again trying something new.

I open a cookbook, Roast chicken, vegetables. Open up chicken take out bit s w ash in side, cut wash and steam vegetables. H ave to bake for, sod this. Pizza, 15 min over phone ready. The sound of her boot heels clicking. Won't she leave me alone for just 5minutes?

“I see that you have managed to clean off that wonderful message my daughter left for you, your house work needs a bit of practice, but not bad. Cooking time!” “I have decided to order pizza.” “You don't decide any thing, slave . Ask me if you can order pizza?” “Please Mistress can I order Pizza for Angel, my cooking is so bad and I don't want to insult her with some burnt offering.” “OK, after all the pizza will stick you more into Angels debt. You are going to be her slave for a long time.”

“Thank you Mistress.” I phoned for Pizza, extra large bacon and chicken, with side order of wings, bottle of coke and the classic cookie dough and cream ice cream. £17 latter adds at least another 6 hours to my slave role. But worth it. “So that's Angels food sorted what are you going to eat. H ow about dog food?” I don't think a slave should ever disrespect their Mistress. But how close really was now. “Kiss my boots. Now!” I bent down fast and kissed each boot. “Do it like you mean it slave !” I was surprised. I kissed harder. “I can read you like a book, slave , I knew what you were thinking. H ow dare you think about me in a bad way! We own your body and mind.

You will be grateful for what ever you're told, DO YOU UNDERSTAND!”

“Yes Mistress, sorry.” I mumbled in between licks of leather boot. The doorbell rang. “Stand up and answer the door.” I jumped up and ran to the door. I could see it was a female through the frosted glass front door. I looked behind me, Shit; Mistres s w as standing right behind me. “Get the door.” afraid I opened, “ H i Lucky, your normal, that a be seventeen pound, please. H ow's Angel?” “She's great ah” I began to stumble a bit. The girl knew me well; I was as regular at ordering pizza, as breathing. H er name was H arriet, tall thin, dark hair tightly pulled back into a ponytail, cool looking.

“Are you alright, Lucky?” H arriet looked at me then looked at Jane. “I'm not disturbing any thing am I?” She grinned at me. “No ah nothing of the sort, I'm ah I'm just, Give me the pizza.” I slammed the door. “Don't you want your change?” “NO!” the sounds of her calling me jerk all the way back to her car drifted up to us. “Sounds like she knows you, Jerk, I mean, slave .” “Pass me Angel's car keys, lock up and join me in the car. Don't forget the pizza, Jerk.” I hate you I thought as I smiled at her, “That will cost you, slave .” H ow can she tell what I'm thinking, she must be better at reading people than I used to be. I could hear her heels click all the way to the car. I locked up. Slowly I walked to the car and got in. “Belt up slave .” Like a little child I put my belt on. She turned the key the car started, pulled into gear, not using the clutch, grind my fuckin gears you bitch, I thought. “Don't have bad thoughts little slave .” I give you bad thoughts. I smiled back. And off we went, and fuck me she drove fast and I mean fast. The car dealer said that my car now Angels does 0 to 60 in 4.2 second s w hen I bought it. Well mate, Jane just proved your calculation s w rong. By the time we got to Angel's office, twenty plus speed cameras had just about photographed every angle of, the car registered to me. “Oops, sorry, do you think you might lose your license, slave . And get a BIG fine, I'm really sorry, you could fight in court and prove it was me driving. But that would upset you're Mistress, my daughter. Do your self-a favor pay the fines.” “Considering how in debt I am I could have done with out you playing the A team in a car registered to my name?” “Are you cros s w ith me, slave ?” “Just a little.” “Well I know how to make it up to you. Kiss my wonderful black leather platform kinky boots.” I bent and licked. BANG! The pain shoot through me. A hard kick to my balls kept me down. “YOU DO NOT GET UPSET WIT H YOUR SUPERIOR MISTRESS. UNDERSTAND?” “Yes” my weedy reply. “Get up and deliver this pizza to Angel.” I walked into Angel's Casino. A flash looking hallway covered with twinkling lights guided you through into a large welcoming area. Kerrie walked up to me. “Business or pleasure tonight.” “I can't afford to play here any more so I guess its business, is Angel in her office.” “Yeah, shame you can't play here any more, I miss you.” Kerrie, smiling, walked off. “Don't flirt with the staff unless told, slave .” Jane had parked and walked in just as Kerrie walked off. “Do you think she would still fancy you if she knew what you had become? In fact what would all of the staff think of their best customer if they knew?”

“The pizza getting cold Mistress, I better get it to Angel.” I walked passed all the roulette tables filled with mugs spending all their wages. Never lands on your number. I carried on walking, past the slot machine s w ith old women holding cups to hopefully catch jackpots, up the stairs and around the barrier dividing the VIP room from the normal casino. The big spender room hadn't changed. Poker the smell of mathematical opportunity hits a player fast. All the normal crowd, I wave to some, trying to hurry passed. My carvings almost getting the better of me. “Lucky.” Shit, big John . A large gay man with silver hair, harmless but annoying. “Lucky you big shit, it's me you son of a gun.” I hate people who say things like son of a gun. Lucky for me I didn't owe him any money unlike some in this room. “Got a hurry, John , got Angels pizza, don't want it cold. Next time maybe?”

“Lucky she, has you whipped, boy.” I laughed back with the rest of the room. If only they knew. I pushed through the big wood doors at the end of the room. Angel's secretary, middle age women, with blond hair, well kept figure. With not much baggage to the eye. Charming more than intelligent.

“Angel's expecting you, slave .” She grinned at me. Angel had told her. They got on but I didn't know that well. As I pushed through the doors I looked up above was a sign in gold lettering saying Angel H artley licensee.

“Bring my food over here.” Angel pointed to her desk. I went over. She had her head down looking into her flat screen monitor. I could she was using MSM messenger. And chatting with a girl named Raver chick. “Smells like Pizza, so I see my Mother didn't manage to get you cooking then?” “No. You know I'm no good at cooking Mistress, I could burn coffee.” The glow of her screen made her grin look almost sinister. I had never thought about Angel in that way before. H er screen flashed a message from raver chick who was asking for photos of me. Angel replied. Cool I will take some in a bit. H er fingers looked so long and slender on her keyboard, I remember my Mother describing them as piano hand s w hen she complemented them to Angel. Angel logged off. And looked up at me, she smiled then grabbed a slice. “It's cold.” “Sorry Mistress, I won't let it happen again.” “You better not. Chuck out the wings. No good to me cold and as for the slush style ice cream. I should whip you for trying to poison me. “I'm really sorry Mistress, really.” And I was, because I knew I would regret it. “ So slave why did I get to see my mother kicking you in your ball s w hen I looked out of the window a minute ago?” “I disrespected her, Mistress, I'm sorry.” I was really for it now. “Why did you disrespect her?” “Because she drove through every speed camera she could find at 110mph, in my car.” Angel began to laugh. “It's in your name, so you will get the fines, ha. But by the way, it's now my car. I think we should leave it in your name, just incase I go a bit fast like my mother.”

Angel looked back at her monitor while grabbing a second slice of my favorite pizza. I stood behind her so I could see what she was up to. I could smell her hair. The scent was good and clean. She had tied it up tight in to a hard looking power style it matched her well made designer gray pin stripe suite. She looked like she meant business. And she did. She ran the most successful casino out side of London . Gamblers flocked from all around just to lose their money in front of Angel. She logged back on. The high pitch sound of a modem kicked in soon it settled. A message from raver chick flashed up,

H i what you up to?

Nothing much got my slave here.

H i slave get on your knees!

H e's on his knees. Do you want to see him, if so dial up my web cam?

A message came up on her screen. Raver Chic wants to view do you except?

Angel clicked Ok.

Can you see him ok?

No can you move the camera on to your desk?

Yes cool.

Angel moved her camera so it faced me directly.

H ow's that?

I can see him. H i slave .

I waved back.

What would you like him to do?

Take his top off.

“Do it slave .”

I pulled my jumper off.

Can you turn on a sidelight so I can see his chest better please?

Angel lent over me and switched on her desk lamp. The light hurt my eyes. I pulled back a little.

Move him forwards again I can't see him

Angle pushed me forwards and then slapped my face hard

I felt that over here. Do as your told slave .

Can you make him stand up? Slowly the cam is a little jerky.

“Stand up slowly slave ”

I stood up as slow as I could. The cam still on the table was level with my belt.

Undo your belt.

Flashed on the screen.

Pull down your pants slowly

I pulled them down and placed them carefully behind me.

Pull down you boxers.

I pulled them off and placed them next to my pants.

Not a bad sized cock?

It's ok isn't it?

Get it hard.

I touched my cock for the third time today. It got hard fast, soon it was standing up on it's own.

Jerk it off for me slave .

I pulled back my foreskin then pumped it like there was no tomorrow.

Don't move so fast, the cam blurs.

I slowed down; I could feel my orgasm coming any way.

“Are you about to cum, slave .” Angel knew the signs. “Yes. Mistress.”

H e is about to cum.

All ready! Is he that fast in bed with you?

No he's quite good, it's just he gets turned on been treated as a slave .

I see, catch your cum in your hand slave .

I shoot hard and fast into my left hand. A small amount dropped on to Angel's desk. “You can lick that up in a minute.”

What did you just say to him Angel?

H e dripped some of his cum on to my desk, I just told him that he can lick it up in a min.

Lol. Slave show me your hand.

I pushed my hand up to the web cam and moved it so my cum would glisten in the light.

Pull back from the cam a little and stick your hand up to your mouth.

I pulled back and did what she typed.

Come forwards a little. Angel can you focus your cam a little.

I moved a little and Angel twisted the ring around the out side of the cam.

H ow's that?

Better. Slave lick your cum off your hand and swallow it. But do it slowly.

I began licking my hand; every so often a message would come up on Angel's monitor giving me instructions to show my hand or what angel to lick from.

I have to go now Angel; I will be back on later if you want a chat. Bye.


Angel logged off; she turned in her seat and looked up. “Stop licking your hand, and lick your cum off my table.” I bent over and tried to lick my cum up. I found it hard to do, because of the high polish on the table. “Stop smearing it in. Eat it!” Angel wa s w atching me clean her table intently. “That will do. Get on your knees and crawl under my desk. H er desk was a large and solid looking. From the front you couldn't see me cramped in between Angel's legs, the front and the sides of the desk were made of solid dark oak that complemented the hard looking polished top. “Kiss my boots.”

I pushed my back against the desk wall as hard as I could so I could bend my head down a hard task in such a small area. I think Angel realized this, since she lifted her 1 st boot slightly to help me kiss. H er long slender foot was encased by her beautiful, butter soft, black leather, pointed, high fashion, ankle boot. She begged me to buy her these boots. I remember nearly a year ago now. We were out together just doing some lazy window-shopping. Until we passed Amanda's shop, there they were, In the window. Angel never could just walk passed a shoe shop. And I could never say no, to Angel.

I kissed the leather softly, worshiping the moment. Angel placed her boot down and lifted her other. I kissed again this time with even more passion. Unnoticed she placed her boot down. “Undo my belt and pull my trousers down slave .” My face light with joy. With eager equal to waiting for Christmas as a child. I unhooked her expensive Italian belt. Slowly with impatient hands I pulled down her tight suit trousers. H er black thong filled me instantly with desire. “Pull my trousers over my boots slave . Then pull my thong off.” “Yes Mistress.” “And don't let the fabric snag on my heels.” I placed her boot in to my hand, the leather so soft, it felt as though it could melt in my grip. Carefully I pulled her trouser suit over her boots and heels then free, from her holiday sun bronzed legs that begged to be kissed. H er thong came away in shaky hands. I could smell her pleasure. She was turned on. “Go down on me, slave .” It had been ages since Angel had let me please her thi s w ay. I snuggled my head between her warm thighs and licked her wetnes s w ith delight. As soon as I started I stopped. She tasted different? “Did I say you could stop, slave ?” From between her golden legs I looked up. She was grinning. I began to stumble, I couldn't think. Tears began to form. “Well what did you think. You were the only one, to have fun with others?” “What!” was about all I could spurt out, from between my trebling mouth. My view of her distorted, from behind my heart broke tears. “Did you really think I was using you for my pleasure?” Angel laughed. “Now stop that crying, and lick the cum out of me!”

She had been with some one else. And now I was to clean his cum out of her. “Who was he?” I looked up at her. Anger warmth melting my cold tears.

“None of your business. H ow dare you ask me your SUPERIOR ! Who I choose to please me.” H er soft leather boot didn't feel so soft as it crashed between my legs. I doubled over. “Now lick me out.” With pain all around and in my body I licked another mans salty sticky wet semen out of her. H er slender hands locked in my hair and pushed me face and tongue deeper into her. “ H arder, H arder.” She groaned with pleasure. H er thighs contracted and released against my head. She bucked towards me pushing out of me. I felt like I was suffocating around. With one last push of my head. She groaned then released her hands form my matted hair. She bent down and looked at me. “That was good slave . Now come out from under there. And place these bags on the floor over there.” I came out and stood up. She was pointing to the far corner of her room. I took the bin bags and walked with shame over and placed them on the ground. “Not like that. Over lay them. So we don't get any thing on my carpet.” Any thing on her carpet, what was she up to now? I dreaded to think. Angel bent over her desk to grab her intercom, her butt looked amazing. “Sally can you come in here, please.” You could hear Angles secretary's heels clicking towards the door. “Don't you think you should put your trousers back on, Mistress?” “You don't think unless I tell you to, now lye with your head facing up on top of theses bags.” The secretary walked in and locked straight on to Angel's nakedness, she blushed and stumbled. ”Is this a bad time Angel, I, Ah, can come back, when your dressed, I need the toilet any way.” She turned looking very flustered and started to walk out. “Stop!” Angel commanded more than asked. Sally stopped and turned slowly looking startled “I'm sorry Sally to shout, I wanted to show you my slave at action. You don't mind do you?” “I, Ah, don't know?” She stumbled back. “Sally did we ever discus that raise you asked about last year?” “NO!” “Well its about time, come over here and sit at my desk.” Sally walked over and sat down. When seated happily, she aloud her eyes to drift from Angel, and on to me. “Your raise how does 10% sound.” “Good, but 15% sounds nicer.” Angel

Laughed at Sally's cheek. “12% and that's it.” “Deal, thanks Angel.” Sally looked happier now. She smiled at me. I smiled back. “So why is he lying over there on top of the bags?” “A surprise for him, I will show you in a minute.” Angel turned her head round to see me. “Take all your clothes off, slave .” Sally's face lit up. Angel just stood up and walked over to me. “Sally come here and get a better look.” Sally joined Angel by the side of me, Sally's eyes darted from my cock to my chest to my embarrassed glowing face. “Place your heels over his mouth like this.” Angel pushed her heel to my mouth I sucked it in.

Angel pulled it out as I sucked. “Good heel cleaner, he can lick your boots clean a s w ell.” Sally moved closer and with shaky balance she lifted her 6” stiletto heel above my mouth and intensely watched as I greedily sucked it in. She watched with an even greater growing delight as I eagerly performed oral on both of her mud splattered heels. Angel pointed out my hardening cock to Sally. Sally laughed then looked down at her heels. “So will he clean my boots a s w ell as my heels?” “Yes, I will get him to lick them in a min.” “Slave open your mouth and swallow every thing I give you.” Angel walked up and stood legs ever side over my head, then she bent down. “What are you doing Angel?” “Watch.” Golden trickle of warm urine shoot from Angel and landed in my mouth, both women giggled. “Open wide slave .” With that she released her warm load on to my face and into my mouth. I nearly choked. Spurting up apart of her urine on to my chest. “Swallow it all slave .” Sally laughed at my predicament. I couldn't feel any lower. “Do you still need the toilet, Sally? “Yes, but I couldn't.” She looked down at me covered in Angles piss. “Yes you could, it's fun, and slave enjoys it, don't you?” Angel kicked me. “Yes Mistress, I enjoy been used by Women in any way that amuses them.” “But I don't need to go the same as you Angel, urinate I mean, I need, well you know?” “That's OK, Slave eat any thing that Sally gives you.” Sally still unsure about thi s w alked next to my face. I wanted to look at her boots, but I didn't dare move from fear of what Angel might do to me. Sally moved her right leg over my face. I looked up. I could see up her short leather skirt that she had on no underwear. She sat down and wiggled forwards pulling her cheeks apart till her anu s w as placed over my mouth, then I felt some one press there heel on to my hard cock. It hurt. Angel. She pressed down. I opened and pushed my tongue out and up her anus. Sally groaned, Angel released some pressure from my cock. I licked and licked her passage until I could start to taste what was coming. I could hear muffled talking from above. Angel drove her boot-heel down again. The pain made me buck opening my mouth wider I pushed my tongue right up her. Sally groaned, then emptied her warm, big, surprise in to my mouth.

Angel ground her heel in. I swallowed. Sally jumped off me. H er smile was beaming. You would have thought she just won the lottery. “ H ell I have never done any thing like that before?” She chuckled to Angel. Angel looked at me. “Lick Mistress Sally's but clean.” On my knees I moved over to Sally. She lifted her skirt, turned round then thrust her cheeks to my mouth. I parted them then licked and pushed up her passage to clean. Sally groaned and groaned her legs slight buckling at her knees. She pushed harder and harder against my face. Then she pushed me away. “Wow that feels great, Angel have you had him do that for you?” “Not yet, but I will. I'm sorry to stop the party but I have some more work to do. Slave go next door with Mistress Sally and get cleaned up, then do what ever she tells you to do for the next half hour or so.” “Right slave follow me, stay on your hands and knees and crawl behind my boots.” Angel watched in amazement as I crawled behind Sally to the door just an inch form her boot heels. She was happy with what ease she had managed to turn Sally in to a humiliating and a very domineering Mistress.

Sally sat at her desk chair and twisted it around so she was facing where she left me. Next to her desk still naked and still on my hands and knees. I looked up at her. Sally looked down at me, with out speaking for what felt like a minute or two. Then. “Look at my boots.” I looked passed her leather skirt and on to her black leather stiletto knee boots. “Do you want to fuck me slave ?” My cock twitched, she placed her right boot tip under it. “Yes, Mistress. I would love to.” She bobbed her boot up and down knocking the underside of my pole. It got harder. She moved her boot from under and placed it resting against my pole, it hardened even more. She placed the other boot on the other side and trapped my hard cock between “Do you like my boots, slave ?” She moved both boots forwards then backwards slightly stimulating my hardness. She repeated her movements; the leather boots pulled my fore skin back then moved it forwards again. ”Oh yes.” I groaned

“So you like me jerking your big hard cock off with my black leather 6” stiletto knee high fuck me boots?” “Yes.” My back arched. “You will lick off any mess you make.” “Thank you Mistress.” She sped up as I spurted my white sticky cum up her leather boot shafts and on to her uncovered legs. “Lick your mess off my legs then lick my boots clean.” Sally looked passed her legs and up to her black leather skirt. “I don't believe it your cum has even shot on to my skirt.” Sally lifted my head and guided it to a puddle of cum right on the middle of her black leather skirt “Do you have a boot fetish or something?” “Yes Mistress. I love Lady's boots.” “ Well that explain s w hy you got so turned on. Any way hurry up and lick this mess up then get hard again, I still want a fuck.” As I licked my still warm cum from Sally's leather lap I glanced up to see her watching my action s w ith real interest. “In all my years I have never seen a man eat cum and here you are eagerly licking it off me, as though it's honey or something. I have been going with the wrong men. slave you missed a bit there!” She pointed to the left of her skirt the white of my cum now transforming to a slight transparent runny liquid was still very visible due to the contrast of the black mat leather skirt. She pushed my head over to lick it up then pushed down hard. My face pushed in to her soft left thigh. The soft leather stretched leaving my sight in darkness; the smell of cum and good leather filled my nostrils sending me to an arousal that could make you feel weak. She pushed down harder, I heard something muffled about cum. I licked hard, she released the pressure. I could feel cum splattered from her skirt cooling my hot face. It felt good.

She let go of my head I lifted a small way and licked the front of her skirt all over. Sally groaned. “Now my legs!” I bent more and worked my way down her smooth soft wonderful legs, I paid extra attention to the inside of her legs. A groan sounded again. “My boots, and hurry.” I licked over the grove from leg to leather boot and all the way down her shaft to the toe point. Making sure I collected and ate all my sticky cum. I moved on to her next boot. Starting with the toe point, I bent right down until the side of my face touched the ground then I licked the very leather point. Sally moved her boot forwards pressing the point against my kissing lips I opened my mouth and she pushed the leather into my mouth. I moved my head backwards and forwards on the leather toe mimicking the motion of an oral action I looked up, Sally's hand had drifted between her legs and was pleasing her. I took her boot out of my mouth and went to stand up. H er left boot lifted and swung over my shoulder pushing me down to my knees then held me there like her leather captured prisoner. “Blow my leather boot again!” I sank right down again and took as much of her boot in my mouth as I could. “Suck harder!” I pushed my tongue out and up against her ruff covered dirty boot sole. Then I moved faster sucking and licking in and out in and out. I looked up. Sally had sped up her hand movement I was scared that her increasingly louder groans might draw some attention. I looked to her face her eye s w ere shut. I moved to her red covered shiny lipstick lips, you could she her pink inviting tongue dart out slightly at one of the corners, she looked lustful.

H er eyes opened and caught mine. We locked. She licked her lips in a sultry fashion I almost came again. “Suck my black leather boots like the dirty little slut you are, suck um, suck harder, that's it, don't stop, don't stop.” She groaned out at me. H er legs opened more and her hand movement dragged my attention from her eyes and those lush red lips. A finger slipped up her tight wet pussy, you could hear her wetness. While sucking still I averted my eyes to hers again she had shut them. Then she stopped. H er finger squelched out she opened her eyes “Stop blowing my boot slave , stand up and fuck me!” My aching mouth opened and she pulled her damp boot toe out. I jumped up and moved onto her. “NO! I'm on top of you, get on the table.” She pushed the continence of her table on the floor then pushed me on. She grabbed my hard twitching cock and pulled her self with her other hand up and on to the table. She moved her legs either side of mine then pointed my hard pole up, she sat down till my cock was at her tight wet entrance she guided her self on bouncing knees onto and down my very hard shaft. We let out a groan together. She lent back and moved her right hand around and on to my balls. She tightly grabbed them, then twisted. She lent moved back forwards again and seized the side of her desk with her left hand for balance. Then she lifted and fucked me. Fucked me hard and fast. “Tell me when you want to cum! Don't cum up me.” “OK Mistress.” “Say Mistress again.” As she moved up and down I felt great. “Mistress, thank you, Mistress for fucking me.” She started to groan over and over again softly increasing in volume every so often. She pumped harder. H er deep green eyes shut. “Slave, I love calling you that, s l a v e,” She prolonged it the last time in between groans. “What am I to you slave ?” “You're my Mistress, my wonderful beautiful Mistress.” She let go of the desk and snatched my arm; she dragged it up and placed my hand to her shirt-covered breast. I let go and opened her shirt slightly and squeezed my hand in and under her black silk bra. Erect nipple pressed into my warm soft hand. I squeezed she bucked and moaned. “Slave, slave call me your Mistress!” “Mistress, I'm so happy you're my Mistress and I'm your slave . Use me and my body in any way you like.” I panted at her. Sally dragged her long red nails across and around my twisted balls, I pumped up and she ground her body down harder making my aching cock full of cum almost explode. “Mistress I'm going to cum!” She pulled my throbbing pole out and held it tightly, she closed her hand over the end. My hot cum shoot up and filled her tightly clenched fist. While her other hand stroked my balls. My cum stopped she let her tight grip of my balls go. Then she opened her cum filled hand and looked down at it. H er palm was filled, with her free hand she dabbed her long fingernail in; the red was completely covered in a thickly covered white. She Giggled. Then turned her cum covered finger upside down and used her nail as a scoop to collect cum. She lifted the long nail to my mouth. “Suck it.”

I took her cum filled nail and sucked it hard into my mouth “That's it, suck it all up!” She pulled her finger then pushed I sucked and sucked, she pulled it out then scooped more cum up from her sticky palm. She pushed it back in to my warm mouth; I willingly excepted her gift, in return sucking it clean. “That will do.” Sally pulled it out and inspected her clean long red nail. She bent down and lifted her left boot a little then she smeared her leather boot shaft with the left over cum from her palm. I looked down. The black leather mat knee boot shaft shone slightly from the light sticky cum sheen. Sally looked at me gazing at her boot. “Do you like my boots?” “Yes Mistress, I think there wonderful.” “Before you lick your cum off my boot, thank me.” “Thank you Mistress for letting me lick your wonderful boots.” I lowered my head to her boot toe and kissed her leather passionately the mixing aroma of cum and leather was starting to arouse me again. “Not bad, now thank me for letting you lick cum from my leather boots.” “Thank you so much, wonderful Mistress for letting me lick cum from your boots.” The beaming smile on her pretty face said it all. I lifted my face to her cum smeared boot shaft and breathed in deeply, my limp cock began to harden.

Sally locked her hand around the back of my head and pushed my face hard on to the cum smeared boot. I pushed my tongue against the black, tasting cum and leather as one. I licked with all my might; I wanted her to feel my tongue through the leather. She pulled me away from her boot. Unfortunately for me I had been too eager to clean, all the cum was now licked up from her leather shaft. “Get back on the floor were you belong and down on your knees.” I climbed shakily from the table and sunk to the floor. Sally moved back into her chair. Swinging it round too face me again. She opened her legs “Move forwards a little slave .” I crawled a couple of inches to her. She moved her booted legs either side of my crouching body. Then closed them against my flesh. The leather of each boot pressed gently in to my legs. She looked down, her focus on my hard cock. H er right boot lifted from the side of my leg, I looked down. H er boot tip moved to my closed legs, pushing my legs open she rubbed the leather boot seductively up my thigh then stooped resting over my aroused pole. She pushed down applying pressure to the hardness; I let out a sigh. She laughed. Then she moved her left boot up so her sole faced my lips. I looked to the stiletto; the long dark metal tipped point made me feel weak from desire. “Please Mistress can I suck your heel?” She pressed her boot down. I looked towards the pain. Then with pleading eyes I looked back up and into Sally's deep clear eyes.

H er lifted boot sole moved even closer to my lips. I stuck my tongue out the tip just touching the boot sole, Sally pushed her boot forward, the force bent me back a bit. She moved her boot in a smooth up ward movement. My tongue followed cleaning submissively. From the top to the start of the heel arch I licked. She pulled her boot away then repositioned so the black stiletto was pressing against my waiting mouth. Then she looked at me, with intrigued eyes. I looked on. “Please, please can I suck your heel off. I want it in my mouth so bad. Please Mistress, let me blow it!” I drooped my vision to the stiletto heel and I opened my mouth licking its metal shaft up and down. “You can suck it, slave .” Greedily I gobbled it in to my welcome mouth and deep throated it up and down. Sally had turned me on so much, making me become this greedy sucking whore. H er boot pressing down on my very hard cock began to move mimicking my backward and forwards movements. I sucked harder, she pumped my cock faster. H er heel bobbed against my throbbing ball s w ith every upward shaft of my cock. I felt like the dirty little submissive bootlicking sex slave that I had become, and I didn't care. I felt my cock harden, ready for cumming, Sally moved her boot away, she could tell. I stopped sucking, “Did I say you could stop, salve!” “No, sorry Mistress.” I mumbled from a full mouth. I continued to suck while pushing my tongue against the underside of the sexy heel. “Stop and stand up!” I sucked hard as she pulled her heel out. I smiled at her “Don't grin at me now stand up!” I jumped up and stood naked between her open legs. I could feel her tightly pulled leather skirt pressing against my legs. She snatched my twitching cock and linked her fingers around its hard shaft. Delicately she pulled my foreskin back then gently ran a long red sexy fingernail over the bell head. I shuddered from sexual want. She moved her head bringing her sticky looking lushes red lipstick lips to my cock tip. The warmth pressing against my desperately aching hard cock nearly sent me over the edge. “Are you desperate to cum for me again slave ?” “Yes, yes, please Mistress!” H er free hand lifted and snaked around my full balls. She ran her long fingernail's over them, making me groan out loud. She had turned me in to her begging sexual wreak. “Would you like me to suck your big cock off?” “Yes, so much, I will do any thing for you Mistress, Please suck me off!” H er warm wonderfully giving mouth parted and sucked my growing even harder cock in. My increasing groans and sigh s w ere of delight. I needed to cum; I wanted to shoot my seed in to this Mistress giving warm mouth. I felt the start of my increasingly closer orgasm. H er lips tightened and she sped up sucking me in deeper and deeper, I was going to shoot in her mouth I could feel it. H er nails rubbed over and over my ball flesh. My cum was begging to explode in a cascade of white sticky mass from my solid viand pole. I couldn't hold back any more. “I'm cu. She pulled cock out before I could say that I was ready. NO! She looked up at me, “Sorry were you just about to cum? I didn't stop you from shooting did I?” She stooped just before I reached an orgasm; She let go of my hard cock and squeezed my balls mockingly. “Just think all that cum trapped in there. I bet your aching to release; just one touch of my fingers on your twitching hard cock would be enough to make you spill your cum on to me, look down at my black leather kinky knee high boot. Just think about your hard cock pressed between my leather boot shafts pumping and pumping?” She rubbed her fingernail over my cock tip. I bucked and shuddered. “Please let me cum, Mistress.” I got down on my knees in front of her. “Please, please let me cum, I need to cum.” “NO!” She looked at me sternly, “Stand up, tidy up my desk, then go back to Angel.” I stood up feeling dreadful. I turned to look at the mess on the floor that we had made then I looked back at Mistress Sally.

“Tell me slave , did you really think I was going to let you shoot in my mouth?” “No Mistress, I'm sorry.” I tidied her desk in silence, my balls still acing, but I didn't plead again for release. Sally just stayed seated watching me clean up around her; I left the paper lying at her feet till last. I bent and scooped it up “While your down there slave , kiss my boots.” I kissed each of her black leather knee high boots in turn. Then I stood and placed the spilt paper back on to her desk, and thanked her. “Go back to Angel!” I walked back to Angel's office with my head hanging down and an arousal that wouldn't go.

Angel was sitting down at her desk; her Mother had joined her. They were chatting and laughing, about me. “So your back slave ?” Angel and Jane watched my limp cock bounce as I walked towards the desk. “Yes Mistress.” I stood next to them head facing down in shame. Jane moved her left platform boot forward; I bent and licked across the toe area. She pulled it away and replaced it with her right boot. I licked it a s w ell. Angel turned her chair around and placed her boot forwards. “Recognize these slave ?” She had changed in to her black leather thigh high boots. She could tell by my face expression I did. “My mother had to drop them up to me, because you left them in the car when you brought my food up.” A fierce pain in my chest exploded from a kick from my seated Angel. Jane laughed. I quickly bent kissing and licking Angel's boots, trying to show remorse. “Sharpen up slave or I will make your life hell!” I looked up at Angel “Yes Mistress, sorry.” I returned to kissing her boots. “Mother tells me that she has found some women to pimp you too slave , I think it's a great way for you to pay back what you owe me?” “Yes Mistress.” I mumbled in-between lovingly kissing her boots. “Get dressed.” I stood. “I don't remember Mistress Angel telling you to stand up, she just said get dressed.” I got back on my knees and crawled over to my clothes. Jane was finding it amusing watching me try and navigate the office with out standing up. I picked my boxers up from the floor. “I don't think so.” I turned too look at Jane, “Put your underwear down, I don't want you to wear underwear any more?” I looked to Angel hoping she would think differently, she looked at me, “You really are having a hard time.” Then she just laughed. I pulled my trousers on, then found my T-shirt; I found it hard to pull my clothes on with out standing this just added to their amusement. Fully clothed I crawled back. Angel shut her PC down then looked towards her mother “Well I'm done here, are you coming back to mine or going home, mum?” “I better get back. Can you give me a lift?” “Fine with me, slave grab my briefcase then follow us on your knees.” Angel followed her Mother to the door. I turned and found Angel's red leather case next to her desk picked it up, then caught up, still on my knees. “ H urry up.” Angel held the door; I crawled through to the delight of a watching Sally who had turned from her desk. Angel walked up to Sally I followed with my nose just inches from her heels. Angel stood still. I began to lick her heel still trying to gain favor for forgetting to bring up her boots. “Sally I'm beat I'm going home now. Just finish what you're up to then you can go.” “Thanks Angel.” Sally looked down to Angel's boots and smiled at the sight of me licking the heels, while they talked. “Where did you get those from, I love them.” “There sexy aren't they slave brought them. Oh by the way did you have fun with him?” Angel kicked her boot back knocking me on to the floor. Sally laughed “Oh ye s w e had fun, didn't we slave ?” “Yes Mistress thank you.” I replied while getting back on to my knees. Sally pushed her left boot out in front. Angel and Jane watched as I crawled forwards and kissed it good bye. “Good s l a v e.” Sally mockingly panted towards me. Angel just laughed then turned and walked out. “Slave stop worshiping Sally's boots and come on.” Sally pushed her hand down my front and patted my limp cock then blow me a kiss. I groaned out loud then turned and crawled after Jane who was just walking out the door. I caught her up. “Stand up and follow.” I stood and walked in silence past the card games lucky for me know one I knew was playing in there now. Down the stairs through the hall and out to the entrance. It was dark outside the cold early morning air felt good. I rested against the brick wall trying to gain strength. Jane moved towards me with menace in her eyes. She span in front of me then lay back using me to rest against. I could feel her wiggling her butt against my cold limp cock. With out any underwear I felt quite exposed to her actions. “Are you tired slave ?” “Yes Mistress, I haven't eaten much to day and making me feel really run down.” Jane moved her body forwards a little, she slid her hand behind her and I soon felt it resting against my slightly hardening cock. “Well your no good to us if you get ill, I will tell Angel to feed you.” She gave my cock a squeeze “Thank you Mistress.” Jane's hand was still resting on my now visibly hard cock as Angel screeched to a holt in the car in front of us. She smiled at us then waved us to hurry up. Jane let go of me and walked to the car door, I followed trying to cover my obvious arousal. I open the door for Jane and pulled the front seat up so she could climb in the back, “I hope your not suggesting I get in the back, slave ?” “No Mistress, I'm sorry.” I lent in back; leaving my unguarded backside sticking out Jane smacked it. Quickly I pushed the empty cigarette boxes and screwed up cheeseburger wrappers from my old life to the floor and dived in. Angel turned her head, towards me. “You can take my car to the garage in the morning and tidy it, you left it in a right state!” “Yes Mistress.” Jane elegantly climbed in she pulled her skirt so it wouldn't get caught in the door then closed. She placed the seat belt over her then smiled at Angel, “Let's go.” Angel didn't need to be told twice, I looked back and through the small back window in time to see Angel's casino hidden from a thick layer of fast driven tyre smoke. I panicked and span my head back. She drove like a loon. Tyre screeching brakes burning hand brake turning. Angel was having a great time and by the look on Jane's face so was she. Now if you could see mine that would tell a different story.

We arrived in one peice out side Jane's. It felt good to be still. Angel leaned over and gave her mum a kiss good bye on her cheek. Jane lent over to me and patted my head. In a patronizing fashion. She was still a bitch. “I will phone you in the morning, mum, to arrange what day s w e can pimp slave out?” “Ok, but not before, this morning I like the cookery man, what's his name? Doesn't matter. Slave” I looked up. “Behave, for your wonderful Mistress.”

I nodded my head and smiled but inside I was thinking, please just leave. Jane got out; I lent the seat forward and climbed out and stretched my legs. I looked over the car roof and on to Jane. She was just opening her house door and walking in, she turned and blow a kiss to Angel, then looked at me. H er hand moved up in the air, then she mimicked a whip movement. I quickly pushed the seat back and jumped in to the front. Angel smiled at her mum then laughed. My eagerness to leave fast was greeted by Angel spinning the wheels away leaving just a tail of smoke. I turned the stereo on a Motown classic filled the car surround. I stretched back into my seat, tired. Angel turned the stereo down in-between rapid gear change “So slave have you had a good day?” “Yes Mistress. Thank you.” “So how do you feel about been rented out to Jane's contacts?” “I don't feel any thing any more, Mistress.” “Are you annoyed that I have been seeing some one else, slave ?” Angel span the car to holt. She pulled up then turned to me; I locked on to her beautiful face. “I'm not happy that you have slept with some one else.” I could feel my self begin to cry softly. “Look, We have been over for ages. You just didn't understand. The thing is I still like you, and apart of me still loves you, but not in the way you wish.” I just looked at her stunned. H er hand moved to my warm face, the soft touch sent my mind rushing with thoughts of her with other men. She brushed my tears away and smiled warmly at me. “I'm going to keep you though, so don't worry. Like I said I'm happier thi s w ay, your mine and you, cant, leave, me! This is the important fact. Now don't be upset your make me feel sad.” “I'm sorry.” Stumbled out between wet sobs. Angel started her car. We stayed in silence for the rest of the journey. When we arrived home Angel got out and tossed me the keys, which I caught in one clean hand sweep. “Get my case out then lock the car.” I walked to the boot and opened, grabbed her case then shut the boot pointed the black little box that hanged from car key ring and pressed. The sound of central locking filled the garage. I walked in to Angel's house. And placed her case by the door ready for the morning. “I'm grabbing a shower. Make some food for your self, eat it then come up stairs and wait for me in the bedroom.” “Thank you, Mistress.” I ran in to the kitchen, ripped open the fridge and prepared to sacrifice its contents. I was starving “Oh by the way slave your draw for food is at the bottom of the fridge, mother prepared it for you today.” The sound of water from the shower up stairs crashed in. My draw of food, I thought to my self as my eyes drifted from ready prepared microwave dishes past fresh Chinese chicken, onto chocolate puddings and fruit corner yogurts. And down to my food draw at the very bottom. I pulled it open knowing it would be bad considering Jane had prepared it for me. And wouldn't you know it. An apple, four strips of raw carrot, a half-eaten garage style ready prepared sandwich, cheese and tomato. And a semi eaten bad looking chocolate bar. I could kill her. I took the food out and placed it on the kitchen table. Pulled the chair up and sat, looking down grimily at my feast. There was a note on the table I picked it up and read. Slave, it was from Jane. Slave I have left you your food. I licked the chocolate bar all over then placed it back just for you. Eat it all. Signed Jane. I looked down, trust me if I wasn't so, so hungry I would go with out. I sat and quickly eat it all. Including the sticky bad looking chocolate. I stood and went to the cubbuard to get a glass so I could have a drink. I could here Angel still in the warm shower as I stood next to the cold water tap down stair s w ondering if I should turn it on. But I so needed a drink; I giggled and turned it on. All most immediately a scream shoot out from up upstairs, “Slave! Do you think your funny?” “No Mistress, Sorry I didn't think.” I giggled silently. “I will make you think in a minute, turn the lights off down stairs then come up.” I placed my cup in the dishwasher turned the lights off then bounced up the stairs happily, Angel wa s w aiting for me on the landing. “And you can wipe that smirk from your face, right now.” She slapped me hard. “Get undressed then wait for me in the bathroom!” I walked in to the bedroom and placed my clothes in the wicker laundry basket. Angel was looking in the mirror brushing her hair when I joined her. I could see from her reflection she was still annoyed with me. “ H ave a shower, you stink.” I lent over and turned the shower dial to hot, Angel wa s w atching me. I moved to get in “I don't think so slave .” Angel turned and pushed past me. She lent in to the shower and turned the dial to blue, cold. “Now you can get in.” I lent in then jumped back out. It was freezing. Angel pushed me back in. “I said now you can get in!” I gave up and got in. Angel went back to the mirror and continued to brush her golden hair. I could see her reflection every so often look towards me to see how I was doing. I was cold but cleaning. “Can I please come out now, I'm clean?” “No I'm not done yet!” I lent against the shower wall trying to avoid the water hugging my wet body with my arms for warmth. Angel turned to me and laughed. I looked down at her beautiful body wrapped up tightly in a thick white towel. “You can come out now, dry up then crawl into the bedroom.” I waited till she went then jumped out and snatched the nearest towel, tightly wrapping it around my cold body I sank down next to the radiator with teeth chattering. I dried and warmed, brushed my teeth then crawled to the bedroom. Angel had dropped her business suit and thigh high boots on the floor; she was lying in the bed ready for sleep. “Place my suit neatly in the cupboard and put my shirt out for washing, then place my boots next to my others!” I picked up her expensive tight suit and crawled over hanging it up carefully next to her others. Angel looked up and watched me. I crawled back and picked up her shirt I crawled and put it in the laundry basket on top of my clothes. Then I crawled back for her boots. “Bring my boots over to me.” I delightfully picked up the very soft black leather thigh boots and crawled them over to Angel's side of the bed. She took them from my hands and turned the soles so the stiletto heels faced me.

“I want you to suck the heel.” She pushed the heel in to my mouth and watched closely as I sucked on it. She pushed and pulled the boot in a fast thrusting movement making the heel move in and out of my mouth. I sucked hard. “Use your tongue on my heel!” She pulled it out of my mouth and moved even closer to see me lick up and down her long sexy heel with my tongue. “Oh yes that's it slave lick it.” H er free hand moved between her parted legs. I could feel my cock harden and press against the bedside. “Move your head to the side a little so I can see better!” I turned and continued my worshiping tongue action on her long stiletto heel. She pushed the heel back into my mouth, and groaned as her hand delved deeper between her legs. I looked at her as she pushed the heel deeper into my receiving mouth. H er lust filled eyes locked to mine. She moved her hand holding the boot backwards and forwards faster making the heel jerk in and out. I nearly gagged, her free hand found her wet tight pussy and entered. Shutting her eyes she let out a loud sigh. My bulging cock desperate for release twitched wildly against the wood bedside. I sucked and sucked her thrusting heel like I was on some sexual auto drive. In a sexual frenzy she rubbed and fingered her self to a near shuddering climax. She stopped pushing the boot heel in and out. With wild wide eyes she gazed at me then commanded me to jump up and jerk off over her heels. I leaped on the bed and grabbed my pulsing hard cock and hand pumped it at an electric rate. Soon I was groaning cock in hand lent over her black leather thigh high boot heel. Angel shut her eyes again arching her back she let out loud whimpers and sighs as her finger brought her to her 1 st shuddering orgasm. I pumped my solid cock wildly at the site of her sexually endorsed trembling body. I looked down to see her finger slowly re enter her soaked tight pussy. She looked up at me, while continuing to build to a second orgasm. “Cum over my heels!” She wildly shouted. I looked down at her cast off boots. “Shoot you're cum all over my heels!” She panted and groaned out again. My cock was twitching in my incredibly fast pumping hand. I lifted her 1st boot with my free hand and placed it down in front and under my soon to cum pulsing cock. While still hand shafting my cock I placed the other boot over the 1 st then moved it up so the stiletto heel was under were I was going to spurt. I felt the rise and my arched solid apart from my hand that now pumped like there was no tomorrow. Orgasm filled my thoughts as I shook, My balls released and the cum climbed, I looked at Angel who had stopped fingering her self. Busy now watching me jerking off over her heel. I hit the no turning back point, and looked down to her heel. My cock released its continence spraying hot cum all over her now sticky white stiletto heel, some of the cum dripped down and onto the black leather thigh high boot shaft underneath. Collecting in pools of cum. Angel rapidly began to please her self again but now watching me intently. I pumped the last of my cum onto her heel and down onto her boot shaft. “Suck all the cum from my heels, slave !” Angel shouted at me, She groaned as I lifted the cum dripping stiletto long heel to my mouth and sucked it in hard. H er free hand shot out and locked it's self around my semi hard cock, she ripped my fore skin back intensely rubbed her fingers around my exposed purple cock head. The last dregs of cum spurted out and landed on her clenched hand she looked at it smiled gripped tightly. Arching her back she shut her eyes and shook to another orgasm ripping through her naked body. “Keep sucking your cum from my heel!” Angel blurted out; she opened her eye s w ide, leaving her fingers inside her still she let go of my cock and moved on to her knees then bent forward. Resting on her free hand and her knees she budged forward so her face was next to mine, She began to touch her self again. “I like to see you going down on my heels.” I could feel her soft warm breath on my cheek. I sucked the cum sprayed stiletto in deeper, I could taste the salty spray as I eagerly licked it off. I felt Angel's lipstick covered lips press against my ear a shiver of delight ran through me. “Now lick your cum from my other boot.” I bent down and began licking clean the cum drenched black leather boot shaft. I had began to love this mixed taste of sexual release. Angel pulled her finger out of her then placed it next to my cleaning mouth. The smell of female drifted and joined in with the other sexual scented aromas. I sucked her finger in and cleaned it willingly. She pulled it out then sat up right on her knees. "Finish licking your cum up from my boot, then brush your teeth again place my boots away and then you can join me in bed.” Angel kept looking at me as I quickly sucked up and swallowed all of the cum from her black leather boot. I licked once over, around were I spilled just to clean the last drips. Then lifted the other boot and sucked in the stiletto heel one last time, I heard Angel groan slightly. I looked up still with her heel in my mouth. She smiled. “Put them away now slave , and get ready.” I pulled the heel from my mouth making a loud slurping sound.

I turned away from Angel then climbed off the bed and down on to my knees. The wood floor felt warm to my now hardened skin as I crawled to Angel's pile of shoes and boots. Carefully I placed her thigh boots down, making sure they were flat, so not to crease the expensive soft leather. The boots had a wonderfully erotic sensual leather form to them, finding it hard to turn from their pull, I crawled away. After my teeth had the once other I was ready for bed. I jumped up on my side of the king-size bed. Feeling Light-headed from the days adventures I drifted off to the comforting sensation of Angel snuggling up to my warm flesh. “Good night slave .”

I wa s w oken abruptly by a sharp kick to my leg; startled I looked over to the fresh none makeup face of Angel. H er beaming smile quickly made the pain disappear, “Morning, my little slave .” “What time is it?” my response, groggy to say the least. “Time has no importance to you any more, just worry about me, OK?” “Yes Mistress, I'm sorry.” “Good, now go get me a fresh coffee.” I climbed out, to be greeted by the cold morning house. “Slave, What you doing? On your knees please.” “Sorry.” I bent down and groveled out, to fetch her drink. Out side the room and out of sight I bobbed up and ran down the stairs, the pounding foot steep s w ould alert Angel, but how she expects me to navigate stairs on knees I don't know. The cold kitchen was uninviting, I switched the over head strip light on and waited while it flashed then settled to the unflattering horrid artificial glow we are accustomed to. I looked out side; the garden was covered with a light frost. Turning away fast, I shivered. I found the coffee beans, right next to the beautifully designed western packaged Indian teabags. The contradictions of our society could always rise my spirits. More a wake a happier I managed to grind, taking in the wonderful smell, boil and pore into two cup s w ith out hurting my self, achievement I felt, considering the time of day. Balancing the very hot drink s w ith all the finesse of a ballet-dancing hippo I climbed back to my waiting Mistress. “On your knees!” “But I can't.” “On your knees now!” she cut me short. I placed my cup down and crawled hers over. “Be careful it's hot.” “No you don't say, and I thought the steam rising from the cup was just an effect?” Angel gained her looks from her Mother, her humor I have no idea? “Why did you get your self a coffee? Did I say you could have one?” “No Mistress.” “Bring it here, NOW!” Shouting in the morning, I could never get used to that. I captured my cup, then surrounded it to Angel. She placed it next to her cup to cool. “My Mother is collecting you at 9 this morning and delivering you to her friends house, something about a coffee morning or something. I want you washed and dressed by 8:30 and waiting by the door for her.” Angel picked her coffee up lifting it to her nose 1 st inhaling the vapor then sipping the refreshing warm liquid. She looked up and frowned at me. “Don't let me down today, slave . Do what ever is asked of you. And with out question!” I thought back to Jane's friend, I was afraid. Angel finished her drink, placed it back down next to mine. Then lifted my cup smiled at me then sipped from it. “It's cold, here you can have it.” I watched in horror as she pored the cold continence on to the highly polished wood floor. “Drink up, slave .” She laughed, as I bent to slurp off the floor. I looked up in between licks and sucks to see her face full of a malevolent glow. She really was having fun. I licked last up then shamefully turned and went to wash. “Use cold water.” Turning the tap to cold I slivered and shivered in. While I wa s w ashing I heard Angel stir then potter down stairs. I got out and pulled the towel from last night around me. The doorbell rang, Jane was early. Shit. I dried then walked down stairs to be greeted by them both. Angel wa s w earing her long black Chinese silk robe. Jane wa s w earing a smart looking black suite jacket with matching trousers and a white silk tight shirt. She formal but good. She had opted for little make up. Making her good looks, fresh and natural. I looked past the cold gaze intended to intimidate me and down to her boots. She placed one out ready for my greetings. Silently I bent to a grovel and kissed her black wonderfully crafted leather unmarked designer ankle boot. I noticed a gold shiny buckle and chain motif tightly placed around the boot shaft. Making them powerful looking but sensually arousing a s w ell. She replaced her 1 st boot with the second. I bent round slightly to be able to kiss more profusely. From this angle I could see the heel closely, 4 inches of thin black metal stiletto that I would beg to suck. “That's enough, slave . Stand.” I looked into Jane' s w arm face, locking to her deceiving eyes. “Morning, H ow are you, in fact don't reply, I don't care how you are. H as he been feed yet?” Jane turned to Angel, “Not yet.” I watched Jane's mouth turn, to a smile. Then turn to me. “Put some bread in the toaster and get the butter out.” I found the bread and placed it into the silver colored brushed aluminum toaster, I watched the bars in side begin to glow then turned and opened the refrigerator door the glow came on just to be followed by the chill. I found the butter. Noticing my food shelf had nothing in it. “Did you enjoy your food last night slave ?” I turned and placed the butter on to the table then looked to Jane. “Yes thank you, Mistress.” She laughed at me. “Did you see what I prepared for him, Angel.” “Yes, when I was helping my self to some strawberry cheese cake.” Angel laughed, the toaster jumped and spat out its containment. “Get a plate then, for your toast.” As I grabbed a plate then placed my toast on to it, I thought what is she up to now? Jane could really make my life a hell and with out even trying. “Butter it.” I thickly scraped a golden layer of butter on to a slight burnt, white thick crust toast. I lifted it to my mouth, drooling to the thought of good clean food. “Put it down.” I looked at Jane. “You're a growing boy, slave you need more than just butter on it.” Angel looked as shocked as I did. “Pull that towel down.” Angel shock recovered fast turning to a smile. “Mum don't forget the time.” “Plenty of time dear. Slave get your cock hard.” I looked at her as my hand moved on to my semi morning hard cock. Soon I was hard. ”Place your toast on the chair then toss off over it.” I picked it up with my freehand and did what Jane asked. “ H ave fun mother, I'm going to get ready for work.” Angel walked out. I began to masturbate over my food. Jane walked behind me; pressing her body to mine, she looked over my shoulder and down on to my hard hand manipulated cock. I could feel her breasts pressing hard into my back. H er lips pressed to my ear her breath soft but fast, “That's it jerk all your cum on to your food.” H er right hand snaked round and locked to my balls, then stroked. I could feel leather, her sexy ankle boot rise up and down on my flesh leg. “Explain what your doing for me slave .” My hate rate sped up and breathing to match I said “I'm pulling my cock for you, over my food so I can cum on it, then eat it in front of you.” The feel of her breasts in my back, her leather boot rubbing up my leg and her hand stroking my balls, soon had me spurting large amounts of cum over my toast. Jane licked my ear making me shudder from a ticklish delight. “Good boy.” I looked down at the toast. Large white patches of sticky cum rested on top. A limp long bead of cum hung from my cock Jane let go of my balls and with a finger she pulled it away then rubbed it in to the already drenched cum toped toast. Jane pulled away from me moving the plate from the chair and passing to me she sat down. She looked at her finger. The one she had used to smear the last dredge of cum on to my food. She offered it up to me; I sucked it in and cleaned it for her. She seemed happy. “Eat your breakfast.” Jane watched intensely as I took bite after bite of cum soaked toast. When I had finished I placed the plate into the dishwasher; I heard Angel walk in and turned round. She looked gorgeous; she had left her golden hair down for once, opting for a softer image, than the normal power dressed execrative style she wore. She wa s w earing her tight red low cut jumper that left little to the imagination but yet looked stylish, and a long black figure hugging skirt that showed her womanly curves off brilliantly. Angel noticed my attention to her; she mockingly mimicked the actions of a catwalk model and turned around to show me her back. The skirt had slight that rode high up the back to help with ease of walking, I noticed she wa s w earing 5 inch high heeled black leather tight boots that went to just above her knees. “Do you like?” The sigh I let out was answer to her question. “Good I hope my date today likes it as much as you, slave .” My hart sank. “Well you will be having fun today so I thought I would. If you're a good slave today, I might let you clean me out again, after my date, just like I did yesterday!” Jane looked at me, I couldn't speak, I just watched Angel say good bye to her mum, turn then go. “Get changed then come back down stairs!” H eavy hatred I climbed then changed in to my suit. Once back down, Jane gave me the once over then guided me out to the car. “Belt up and hold tight!” Jane was driving me over in her own car, so she opted for a more sensible driving pace today. Traffic light past Traffic light, Junction to Junction we traveled. I didn't care I was just thinking about Angel, going with another man. A stinging sensation to my cheek brought me back from my self inflicted sorrow, Jane had slapped me, and hard. “Concentrate I asked you a question.” “Sorry Mistress, I didn't hear you.” “I know, that' s w hy I slapped you. I said you are to behave and do what you're told at the party, OK!” “Yes, yes Angel has already told me this.” “Don't speak to me in that tone, have you forgotten what you are?” “Sorry Mistress.” I sharpened up, while checking the red patch on my face from the slap. The rednes s w as going down luckily, I lifted the mirror back up into the roof compartment. And looked out the window. We had arrived in small privet looking housing area. Long front drives led up to large American looking expensive large houses. Jane's friend had money, and that was for sure. We pulled along slowly looking at the numbers trying to find 222. We were the wrong side of the road. Jane spun the family hatchback around with controlled perfection. And we headed back the way we had come. 220 then 222. We found it. The house was surrounded by a large 7ft solid black painted fence. Jane drove up to the gate pressed the electric window switch and waited, with elegance she slid her arm out and with leather gloved hand pressed the intercom to contact the house. Seconds passed. I hoped Jane's friend had forgotten and gone out. “ H i the static sounding female voice climbed from the intercom speaker, no such luck. “ H i Liz, let me in I have your present for the day here.” “Come in then.” The gates jolted slightly. Electric. Then opened to a smooth welcome. The driveway was made up of golden styled gravel, the new stuff that people with to much money and not much taste opt for. The grass on ever side was immaculately kept. Perfect green, roses of red yellow and pink. Filled the hedges and evergreen trees played the role of hiding the inside of the security fence. I took nearly 2 minutes to drive from gate to house, the house was massive, four story mock Tudor mansion. It took glance after glance just to take it all in. “Impressive isn't it, slave .” “Yes.” Was all any one could say. “Get out and open my door.” Jane pulled up. I jumped out and ran round. Still trying to take all of this house in. Jane pulled the keys from the ignition then turned the steering wheel lock to on. Elegantly she raised from the car tossed me her keys then barged past, to ring the front door bell. I locked up and walked to Jane, The massive solid looking wood front door opened with a grace something that heavy shouldn't have. Liz greeted us. I walked in trying not to let the decoration of this house distract me too much. But it was hard, every were you looked was a one off antique or painting. We walked from stone floor hallway, with the clicking of both their heels sending arousing pulses through my body. To room s w ith thick soft carpets and comfy looking furnishings. “So how do you keep thi s w onderful place tidy and dusted, Liz.” “I have four members of staff to help, two full time live in and two part time. I have sent them all out today, so we won't be disturbed. Slave wait here for us, I need to have a word with your Mistress!” “Wait on your knees!” Jane added to the amusement of the watching Liz as I bent to my knees. They walked off to a room down the corridor. For about half an hour I silently waited, then Liz walked out followed by a happy looking Jane, Liz walked up and stood in front of me. She looked down at me then smiled, “My lady's and I will have fun with you today, slave . Now say good bye to your Mistress!” Jane placed her boot out I lowered further and kissed her leather ankle boot, She replaced it with her other booted foot, lifting the front of this second boot up and resting on her heel, meant I could suck in the leather rounded boot toe area slightly. I heard Liz start to laugh, “That' s w ill do slave , be ready for picking up by 7:00pm and behave for Mistress Liz.” Jane turned to Liz “If you have any problem s w ith him, just phone me on my mobile, Liz can you see me to the door please I might get lost in here?” Liz smiled then walked off with Jane, I heard them talk about me by the door, I waited, soon I heard Liz walking back. The sound of her heels clicking on the stone hallway, my cock began to harden. Silence, she was on carpet. I could feel her walk up behind me she stopped, I turned around not knowing were to look at her 1 st . She looked fantastic. Liz had died her hair dark red; I looked up and watched her glossy vibrant looking hair shine and glimmer in the natural lights. She now had very sexy hair. I moved down to her face dark red lipstick and smouldering dark eyes greeted mine, she could tell I was approving, in silence I carried on taking her transformation in. A crisp tight clean white shirt covered her body; her breasts shapely controlled from underneath stood proud. A black knee length leather skirt with slit from the bottom to the middle riding up the back. To aid with walking. Gold chain belt more for show than use. H ung loosely around her small waist. I took breath in then dared to look further down and on to her legs. The divide from bottom of her skirt to the tops of her boot s w as none existent, her chosen boots rode high up and in to her skirt so you couldn't see the tops. They were thigh high boots that was for sure. Channels, groves and creases of lose soft black leather hung around her legs. In a controlled shapely manner. I looked to her ankle s w ere the boots so soft had creased around; I nearly fainted at the sight of such sexily covered legs. “You like, slave ?” “Yes, please can I lick them?” Was all I managed to stumble out? I moved slightly closer to her booted legs trying desperately to catch the sent of leather, I placed my hands around her leather creased covered ankles, Letting out a faint sigh, as I felt my hands sink in to the soft leather. I looked up at her, releasing she was truly superior to me and with pleading eyes I begged out, “Please Mistress, please, please let me worship your boots. I will behave and do every thing you say in front of your guests, just please let me kiss your boots!” “If I let you lick my boots now I will have to punish you for asking me instead of waiting for me to tell you. Do you understand, slave ?” “Yes Mistress, but I don't mind you can punish me any way you like, it would be worth it to be able to worship such wonderfully bound leather legs as yours!”

“Good slave , I hoped you would say that, just before you start licking my boots, I want you to know your punishment, so you can prepare a little for it. I have a strap on upstairs, slave , and I wish to use that on you in front of my guests latter. Now slave lick my sexy boots clean!” I bent and kissed and licked her leather thigh boots, when I reached the tips of her pointed boot toe area I looked up at her taking her standing form in, from this degrading angle. Liz lifted her boot up; I placed my mouth under and licked up pressing my tongue to her boot sole. “Lick to my heel, slave then. Suck it in!” I slid my damp slave tongue to her heel then closed my warm sucking mouth around the thin long black 6 inch heel. Liz pushed her boot down, and I began to choke, she lifted and placed her boot down to the side of my head, her laugh drifted down. I looked up at her she looked tall and commanding from here. “Come on my little heel sucking whore, you should be able to take my hole 6 inches?” Liz placed her heel over my open mouth again, then rammed it in and out repeatedly. She pulled the heel from my mouth, “Now lick the back of my boots!” Liz turned and I crawled back to my knees, behind her. Bending to the bottom of her heel I stuck my tongue clean out then licked up the heel shaft. Finding the start of the stitching just past the heel at the base and back of the foot. I placed my tongue in the grove and licked up to the top of the leather skirt. Then back down the way I came but on her other sexy boot. “Lick the side of my boots and up the front!” “Thank you, Mistress.” I pressed my tongue hard against her booted feet and could feel her pressing her toes back from underneath. “That will do for now, slave stand up and follow me.”

I stood up “Did I say stand, Follow on your knees!” “Sorry Mistress.” I got down; “Keep your face near to my heels, now come on!” I crawled after Liz, trying to keep as close to her boots as possible. Every so often she stopped and ordered me to lick up and down her heels. We went up stairs and in to her massive bedroom. A four-poster bed stood at the far right end of the room, draped in a flimsy almost transparent white cloth, lucky for my tired knees her carpet was thick and warm. Liz walked to a vanity table switched on the overhead shielded light and sat down. “Wait at my side, slave .” She pointed to her left, I crawled and waited. Liz looked into her the vast mirror picking up a brush she fiddled with her long dark red hair. I bent and licked her left boot from pure submission to this incredible Women. Liz carried on with her hair, then retouched her make up. As though she hadn't noticed my actions. H er boot toe tip raised and moved slightly towards my direction, I looked up. Liz wasn't looking at me. I bent down to the boot tip, having to crawl slightly under her table to reach; she moved her leg a little I squeezed in more. I could smell the soft leather; I placed my tongue out to taste, my cock hardened. I lent in more. Opening and sucking in the booted toe, I greedily kissed.

“Suck more of my boot in, slave .” Liz pushed her boot forward spreading my worshipping mouth apart, the pain was bearable for such a delightful honour. She pulled her boot from my mouth and turned her sole up to my face, I licked out fast and hard to the kinky booted sole. Forcing my tongue against as hard as I could, she moved her boot up and down, cleaning it against me. “My guest s w ill be here soon. I need to change. Next to the bed at the far end is a door go in there and to your right is a walk in wardrobe, on the left are my work suits look for the grey wool one with black trim on the sleeves and jacket collar bring it to me.” I crawled out and to the door, I looked to the left, a wash room, to my right a door, I pushed open and stammered in shock. Angel had a lot of clothes, Bit Liz had a shop full and I mean department shop full, The bedroom, was bigger then most peoples lounges. H er wardrobe was even larger. The room had poles of different lengths and high's dependent on what was hanging from them. The right was for casual clothes that cost smart prices. I realised it would take me hours to find any thing in here so I rushed to the left and found the divide dedicated to suits, twenty I searched till I found one matching Liz description. The wool felt soft to the touch, I took it from its hanger and lifted it to nose from curiosity, it smelt clean with slight traces of sweet designer perfume from last time it wa s w orn. I crawled back clutching my find with pride. Liz smiled at me, “I wasn't sure if you would find it. Good slave , put it on my bed then help me take my boots off.” I placed the suit down on her bed letting my hand drift for slightly to long on her white soft bed quilt. I turned, Liz had moved round on her stool to watch me crawl back to her, I moved up to her boot, which she lifted and placed by me, Liz rode her skirt up to the tops of the boots, I could now see that they were very high thigh boots, they were made of lose leather especially around the knees and ankles to aid movement. And also give that very sexy crease and crinkle look. Zips from mid calf to the tops helped with taking off and putting on the boots. I found the top of her boot zip. And undid it a little. I looked up, Liz blow me a kiss. I locked on to her dark red thickly covered lipstick lips and watched as she slowly parted then closed her mouth in breath. I looked down to her sexy black leather thigh boots and felt my cock stir. Liz moved her free boot between my legs and pushed her sole down on to my cock, she slowly moved the sole up then down manipulating my growing hardness. “Carry on taking my boot off.” Seductively she whispered to me. I touched the leather boot again found the zipper, I felt faint. I pulled the zipper down further this time seeing naked soft thigh appear. H er other thigh boot pressed down on my hard cock and moved backwards and forwards faster and faster. I groaned up at Liz, she blow me another kiss. From her lush dark lips. I pulled the zip all the way down and pulled the leather back. Releasing her thigh. Cheekily I placed my left hand on to and high up her inside thigh near the bottom of her skirt. I could feel body heat drifting out and over my hand. She sighed; I slid my hand in and higher up the inside of her black leather skirt. My cock still been masturbated under her boot felt like it was ready to explode. I looked up at her smiled then said, “I'm going to cum.” She slapped me in the face then pulled her boot from my still full twitching cock. I looked down fast wielding from the unexpected blow. “You won't cum yet! Now take my boots off!” I took my hand out from her skirt and pulled her boot off fast. Then I took the second one off, that just seconds ago was teasing me to a near orgasmic climax. Liz stood up and sternly looked down to my crouching self, “Pull my skirt down!” Liz turned her back to me and I reached up and tried to pull it down from the top. “Are you stupid, release the zipper at the top or you will rip damage it.” “Sorry Mistress.” I felt for the zipper at back near the middle top and pulled it down the few inches it went. Not far but enough to then be able to help her wiggle out of the sexy black skirt. H er white underwear covered her sexy large bottom. I longed to see it. She turned around in just her underwear and crisp white shirt and looked down at me. I smiled at her she, “Stand.” I stood; she moved and pressed her body onto mine. I could feel my cock straining to be released from trousers. Liz pushed her panty and shirt covered body harder on to it. She looked up and smiled at me. Then pulled away and patted my aching hard cock with her weeding ringed hand. “Good to see you like me, slave .” Liz giggled slight. “Pick my skirt up and put it were my suit is, you can tidy everything else away latter, bring my suit to me!”

I bent, while I was picking her skirt up off the floor I couldn't help but quickly kiss her feet. “I like that, slave , you can give my aching feet a massage latter.” I stood happy that I had pleased her, I placed the skirt down neatly on her bed then passed the suit to Liz. She jumped in to the trousers and zipped them up, then turned to look in the mirror giving me a great chance to look and long after her shapely backside. Liz caught me looking at her lustfully. “I might let you kiss it latter”. H er hand patted her backside, I laughed. If only she knew. “Pass my jacket.” I handed the jacket and helped her put it on. She pushed her hand down her back and ruffled her hair out and back down her back. One last turn in the mirror and she was ready. “Now boots, come with me!” We walked to the door near the bed and through down to the left and into her walk in closet. She walked to the far end I followed eager, There was another door, at the end of the room on the left, you couldn't see it easily because the last row of clothes before the door were thick winter style jackets that jetted out some. She turned the door and opened, immediately you were hit by the sent of leather. She walked in I had to stop my self from just pushing past her. Row after row of boots and shoes filling the room opened up to my eyes. “Would you like to lick clean all these, slave .” “Yes!” I panted; Liz laughed at my natural reaction. “Now which ones do I chose, Ankle I think but do I go for black or grey, what do you think slave ?” “Black, Mistress!” “Good, over here then.” She walked up to the far end of the Ankle boot selection that most of housed al least forty pairs all brand new looking. “Black, right.” She looked up and down trying to decide. “What heel s w ould you go for, let's say if you were licking, slave .” I felt faint again. “4inchs or 5inches, I have some 6 and 7 inch heeled boots in knee highs but not right for today?” I looked at her nearly shaking “5inch heels are great.” “Right then that leaves me just three pairs, thanks slave you're a real help, you know.” “Any time, Mistress.” Liz pulled up the 1 st pair of 5inch high-heeled ankle boots. Soft looking black leather with a gold band running around the top of the heel with a matching gold band and buckle around the shaft. I watched her fingers move over and around the leather. I groaned. She looked up then down to my trousers, the bulge was very visible. H er hand shoot out and stroked my bound cock. I looked down in time to see her long natural fingernails pause on the hardness then pull away “You can wait a minute, cant you big boy.” She teased. Then placed the boots back and picked up the second pair. “What does your hard cock think of these.” She rubbed the side of the boot hard over my bulge. “There great!” I sighed out. “I'm not sure, They're sexy alright, but maybe not right for a coffee morning.” She held them up to me for one last inspection. Sleek fashion ankle boot s w ith long stiletto heel. The boot toe point was covered by a thin triangle shape of silver metal. That looked dangerous if kicked with. And points on the back for what looked like spur could go. “Do you have spurs to go for these boots?” I asked half joking. “Yes there around here some were. I will find them and use them on you one day. Great fun, I promise?” Fun for whom I thought. Liz lifted the last pair of 5inch ankle boots. Silky looking leather Black with contrasting thin grey leather band around the leg top. And grey sculptured chunky heels. A string tie effect adorned the back zig zaging up to the top. But thi s w asn't how they were fastened, zips on the inside housed this job. They were smart but still quite sexy. Liz sat down on to one of the row of chairs in the middle. She placed her foot out and slipped it in. Zipping the boot up, she repeated the process and stood up. “ H ere, now!” She pointed to her left boot. I bent and kissed. “Kiss the front, then the sides, then the back, then the heel, wait while I lift my leg then suck my heel in!” I did what she asked crawling around her booted foot. Then I lay on my back and waited for her heels. “Suck that heel good, that's it suck it in, suck more, get these 5 inches right in!” She bobbed her heels up and down cleaning the dust off with my mouth. “Right I'm pulling it out now, suck really hard on it, slave .” She pulled it out. “Now do the same with my other one!” When I had finished she sat down and inspected her sparkling clean boots. “Stand.” I stood with my belt at her seated eye level, she looked at my twitching trouser bulge. “Time for your costume, slave .” What costume? I soon didn't care as I felt her undoing my trousers. “You don't wear any underwear?” was her surprised response to my nakedness. “Well there goes my costume idea. Don't worry I will find something else Steep out. And pull your top off!” I ripped my top off in frenzy and nearly fell over kicking off my trousers. Liz laughed, “Settle down, slave .” I calmed and stood with my hard cock jetting out just inches from her sexy mouth. Liz opened and slid her mouth over but not touching my cock. I could feel the warmth of her mouth, but not the pressure of a blowjob; my cock had other ideas and twitched up and on to her open mouth roof, the warmth shoot through my naked exposed bell head and arousal caught my body. She looked up and as she locked her eyes to mine she locked her mouth around my cock. I groaned. She slid me out through her tight mouth. “Would you like to cum for me slave ?” She reached up and gently patted my balls. “Yes, I'm aching to cum, because of you.” “And so you should, slave . Now stand up lets find you a costume!”

Liz stood and walked out I followed, wondering what costume, I was going to be made to wear. We turned out of her closet then back into her bedroom. I followed behind her, I felt good about my submissiveness towards this great Women. Walking out of her room she turned and looked up at me. “Are you nervous, slave ?” “No!” I lied, unconvincingly. She smiled, two perfect rows of white teeth, beamed. “Shut my door!” I turned and pulled the chunky gold door handle. Liz walked on. I caught her up at the top of the stairs. I watched her elegant hand slide on to the banister and help glide her down the stairs. She turned. “ H urry up!” I ran after her. Liz walked in her kitchen and walked around as though she was looking for something or just lost. “I don't know were the cook puts things, look for a cooking apron.” What for? Not my place to ask I thought, but surly she didn't want to cook any thing? “Look behind the door!” I pushed the oak door shut so I could look. H anging on pegs, hung four different aprons. Liz looked over, “Good, slave , hold them up so I can see them clearly.” I picked up the 1 st one turning it for viewing, plain white but with food stains on. “That's no good, get a clean one!” Liz seemed annoyed, she had a short temper, I was just beginning to learn that. The next one was black with long white string hanging from the sides for tying. “No.” I placed it back, and picked up the 3 rd Pink with flowers on it, a design worthy of a bad sixties film. “4 th one!” She shouted. Plane white, clean, with white string for tying. “Bring it here!” I moved fast handing the apron to the impatient Mistress, “Turn.” I turned placing my back to Liz. “Bend over, place your hands on the floor.” The light blue floor tiles felt cold to the touch, Liz walked up close to my behind. H er clicking heels arousing my soul. I felt small and exposed, bending naked in front of Liz. I felt her hand rest on my backside. Then glide off, “Just checking your butt, slave . Stand.” I jumped up, happy to be out of that embarrassing predicament. Liz placed the apron over my head and tied it tightly around my back. The back of my body but especially my buttock s w ere exposed, the front covered by the thin easy to lift fabric. “Turn!” I span round, watching the front of my barely covering apron fly up. “That's better, now you just need a few last touches!” Liz walked over to a cubberd directly above the metallic kitchen sink. She opened and rummaged through. I looked down at to the back of her boots; she lifted one up and was balancing on her heel. I watched closely as she swayed it to the left then to the right. The cubberd closed, I looked up. “Come here.” She was holding a long ball of thick red see through plastic covered string, the type you can buy from any good hardware store. For hanging washing up. “I said come here!” As I walked to her, I watched her face to try and read what she had in mind, if cheeky grin was anything to go by, I wasn't going to like it. Liz viciously garbed my waist and pulled me tight to her side, her strength surprised me. “ H old the apron up!” I lifted; she looked down and laughed. “My guest s w ill love this.” She pulled a strip of rope and with other hand snatched and tightly grabbed then lifted up my balls. The rope she placed around my balls then over the top of my cock. And knotted it. She let the ball fall to the ground; She ran her hand down the hanging string, till there was about a meter of flex hanging from my balls then she cut the rope, the excess fell. “Drop your apron.” I let go, Liz still holding the free end of the rope walked away from me. Soon I felt my balls been pulled towards her, “That's better now you have a lead, come boy,” She pulled on my cock lead. I had no choice but to follow. She led me back up stairs, by the tight rope. Liz found her new toy to be real amusing, pulling it hard every so often just to hear me yelp. She pulled me into back into her room, then lifted the front of the apron, just to look at her handy work. “I wonder if it will hurt when it gets hard?” I thought it would. Liz stroked my luckily fleeced cock. “Don't you want to get hard for me?” Mockingly she moved her warm hand around my restricted cock. She bent and placed her mouth next to my now slightly and painfully hardening pole. I looked down intensely at her. H er lipstick-covered lips close to my now aching member caught my attention. The string felt like it was tightening around my cock. “Does it hurt a little slave ? It's not quite hard enough yet, what would make you wonderfully big cock real hard? Maybe I should suck it in to my warm, mouth!” My hardness let me down. The restriction cut in as my hardness bounced up. Liz still with her face next to my hard shaft, looked up at me. And caught her eye. “I would love to suck your big hard cock, until you shoot all your cum in to my mouth and over my face.” H er left hand moved up and felt my tightly bound balls and stroked and rubbed her thin fingers all over, “I want your hot sticky cum!” if any one was down stairs, they too would have heard my sexually charged groans as clearly as Liz did. Liz let go and laughed. “You men, you're so easy to turn on.” Still holding on to my cock leash, Liz dragged me over to her bedside draw; She opened “Close your eyes!” I heard her lift something. “Open.” Worried I opened, 8” of hard plastic cock shaped strap on greeted my unbelieving eyes, my jaw dropped. “Wait to you feel it up your arse.” Liz bent back in to the draw and found some lubricant. Then turned and smiled innocently at me. The intercom ringing down stairs broke my shock. “One of my guests is here!” A happy, huge strap on holding Liz turned and ran, free hand dragging my cock leash, a jolt of pain, and I ran after her. “Who is it?” Liz let go of the intercom, waiting for a reply; “I hate these things, yes hello can you here me?” “I can here you fine, C harley . Come up.” “I brought Sandy along with me is that Ok?” “That's fine, we are both waiting for you!” “I thought David was away on business?” I puzzled reply. “My husband is, just wait I have a surprise, now hurry up!” Liz walked to the front door and opened it, “Slave do me a favour, will you grab the front gate remote, from the side there.” Liz let go of my leash and I walked over to the side unit were she pointed. “That's it bring it here!” I handed it to Liz, Who snatched it, then pressed. I looked out of the window next to the door and watched as the heavy gates slid open. Then a small blue family car came in to view. The car pulled up near the front door. And Liz waved to the middle aged blond haired C harley . I didn't need to see her daughter clearly to recognise these cute looks and brown hair. Amanda' s w ork experience girl. I softly whispered to my self. Liz looked at me, what did you say, slave . Something about Amanda, do you know her?” “I have met Charlie's daughter before. She was on work experience at a shop Angel goo's to.” “A shoe shop?” “Yes, how did you know?” “I meet Jane through Amanda. Oh by the way Amanda is coming over a s w ell today!”

C harley and Sandy walked up to the door, “ H i, how are you?” C harley hugged Liz then kissed her cheek. Sandy said hi then stared at me with a smile creeping on to her young face. “Liz I don't mean to be rude, but why is a half naked man standing in your hall.” C harley looked me up and down then gave an uneasy laugh. “Don't worry about him he's just.” Liz looked puzzled but then quickly added “A butler!” “Nice uniform!” Sandy piped in. C harley gave Liz a knowing nod, then. “What ever you say, Liz?” They all laughed, apart from me. Liz stopped laughing and glared towards me “Turn around and show off your uniform for our Guests.” I turned, feeling their eyes burning in to me. When my exposed back came into view Sandy giggled. “I expect David didn't hire him.” Liz looked to C harley who was still lusting towards me. “No, I hired him for the party, a good conversation starter I thought?” “You're right, Any way were shell we put our coats?” “Sorry I completely forgot my manners, Sl,” Liz cut the word half way through replacing it with “ Butler .” C harley didn't notice, but Sandy knew to well. “ Butler , take their coats at once and place them on my bed.” I walked over and took from a smiling C harley one thick white winter coat, Sandy held her denim coat out and I bent to reach. Quickly C harley slapped my naked butt, the sting echoed around the large hall; I jumped nearly dropping the coats, “be careful!” A stern Liz corrected me. I looked to C harley , “Sorry.” I bent my head. “No harm, so Liz when are the rest coming?” “Any time now, please Lady's follow me to the lounge, would you like any thing to drink?” Sandy looked to Liz, “Excuse me, can I be excused for a few minutes, I need to use the toilet.” “You don't need to ask, dear. Go with the butler, he will show you were it is.” I walked up stairs, Sandy followed. “You have such a nice polite daughter, C harley .” Drifted up stairs, Sandy laughed then smiled deviously at me. “So where's the toilet, slave ?” “Through here Mistress!” I guided her into Liz bedroom, placing the coats on to her large bed, I felt Sandy 's soft hand grab my butt. “Turn round slave .” I turned, “Kiss my boot!” I bent and took in the sight of her white leather fashion ankle boots tucking out of a pair blue tight designer looking jeans. “Now lick the sides.” I licked out with my tongue pressing firmly against the hard white leather. “Suck my heel.” She lifted her boot and tilted it to one side so she could watch me suck her thin 4inch heel in and out. She giggled. “Is Angel here?” “No, Mistress. She has lent me to Liz for one day.” “I see, I might ask to borrow you.” H er reply was flippant but still worrying. “Where's the loo, any way? I'm about to piss my self!” “Through here Mistress.” I guided her in to Liz on suite bathroom, and turned to go, “Excuse me, slave , did I say you could go?” “No, Mistress, sorry.” “Good come over here and suck my boots clean some more.” I walked back and bent to my knees, in front of loo seated Sandy . She placed her right boot tip up so I could suck it in. I bobbed my mouth up and down on the white leather boot toe tip. Sandy smiled and laughed down, “Suck harder, that's it good, now really blow my boot!” I wildly pumped my head up and down, sucking in harshly, to the applause of my young Mistress. “What's going on in here!” I pulled back wildly and turned in dread. Liz was standing there tapping her heels in anger. “I was just.” “Shut up slave . I was making him suck my boots clean.” I looked to Sandy as startled as Liz. “I meet him before, at Amanda's shop. So I know what he is. So you don't need to worry, Liz. I asked him, he didn't come on to me.” Liz's heels stopped taping, she was calming down. “But what would your Mother, think?” “I don't know, and I don't tend to find out, can we just keep this a secrete?” “I think it's for the best if we do!” “Thanks Liz, by the way I like the leash you have given him.” Sandy 's hand shoot under the front of my apron and came out holding the red plastic rope, “It was dangling down when we came in, I don't think my mother clocked it, but I did striate away.” Liz laughed. “Right you two hurry up back down stairs.” “Ok” Liz walked out, and Sandy pulled my leash making me jump. She laughed again, then thrust her boot up and under my apron, slowly placing the cold sole on to my hardening cock. “Lift the apron!” I lifted and Sally looked down, She bobbed the rope up and down and watched my cock bounce with it, she giggled. “Stand.” I stood, making my hard shaft jet out in front of her face. H er free hand moved up and her fingers locked around my constricted shaft. I hardened suddenly tightening the grip the rope had around me. “I missed your cock.” H er hand moved up and down, stroking me to a restrictedly painful hardness, I sighed in pain and arousal. She let go the apron fall back, she stood and grabbed some toilet tissue, she bent and cleaned then straitened her clothes, “Come on slave we better get back?”

Sandy took hold of the lead tied around my cock and led me back down the stairs, when we got to the hall she let go. The sound of her cute white ankle boot heels taping away down the marble floor enhanced my growing arousal. I looked down, the light from the windows cascading through was making the shiny leather around the back of her slim ankles glimmer with the movement of her graceful stride. She had strut, of power, a rare gift in some one this age. A s w e neared the lounge, voices and laughter drifted out, while we were up stairs more of Liz guests had arrived. My increasing nervousness departed by the shock, of feeling Sandy 's hand rise up and pat my only just deflated cock. She stopped moving. With her back to me her pushed backhand pressed down harder, my body responded. It shoot up, she squeezed her grip around my apron covered growing hardness. Giggling out loud while H er hand rubbed up my shaft, sending me into shivers of delight, I groaned. H er hand slid back down. Leaving my very hard cock, very visible through the thin apron fabric. Sandy turned so she was standing too the side of me, she moved closer; I could feel the warmth of her body press to mine. She looked down and smiled at my visible arousal, delicately her elegant fingers slid down and up and over my throbbing cock. I almost buckled under the sexual tension. Sandy pushed her soft pink heavily lip-glossed lips to my ear; H er warm sweet breath made me shudder, her roaming hand once again lingered over my twitching desperate to be released shaft. “You better go and say hello to all of Liz's guests.” The whispering Sandy let go of my solid cock and walked off and into the lounge. I looked down there was no way I could walk in there in this obvious state of arousal. “ Butler were are you?” Liz's stern voice shoot out from the room in front of me. I could here her guest laughing. “I'm just coming, Miss.” I looked down again; hoping my hardnes s w ould descend. No luck. The sound of hard clicking heels approaching made me look up. A cross-looking Liz was charging up to me. “What do you think your doing, slave !” I looked at Liz. “I'm sorry Mistress. Liz grabbed my arm and tugged me to the lounge door. The laughter and joking in side the room abruptly stopped. Liz guests four so far not including C harley or Sandy. Looked with intrigue at my face, Lust at my uniform and laughter again when they looked down and found my still obviously hardened covered cock. C harley was the 1 st to speak, with all eyes locked to my hardness. She said. “Look how he's standing to attention for us, Girls.” The room burst to eruptions of laughter only subsiding fleetingly for other shout outs of innuendoes aimed at my visible arousal. I placed my head down in shame. Wishing the ground would just open up and swallow me hole. Liz walked up and took hold of my arm then she led me around the room for the inspection of every Lady sitting down. “Janice I would like you too meet my new servant.” Janice ginned up at my face quickly moving her gaze back to my hard twitching apron covered cock. Janice was middle aged stern looking but with undertones of attractiveness that softened her slightly. H er long dark hair controlled neatly by a red hair tie at the back. She had the look of a teacher at school that when you were young you would have been frightened of. But even then a strange part of you would be attracted too her. She was dressed in a conservative manner consisting of a crisp white tight shirt with the only sign of looseness been the open neck. A long flowing cotton black skirt to her boot shaft covered ankles. My gaze lingered on her wonderfully sexy boots. Janice looked down to see what I was staring at. She caught me gazing lustfully at her black soft leather lose slouch boots. I gazed in to the black leather creases forming and un forming from little natural movements around her sexy ankle. “ H e has a boot fetish, this i s w hy you told us all to wear boots.” “Yes.” Liz's response said it all. Janice pulled her long black skirt around a little so the slit up the back would let her one boot come free from the skirt. I looked down groaning slightly to the sight of a high black leather boot shaft popping out from the cotton skirt. The black leather boot stopped just below her pink knee. I looked deeper and up on to her sexy looking thigh. The room had gone silent. Janice looked up and locked on to the even bigger growing bulge at the front of my apron. H er free hand slipped down on the shiny leather, and slivered over the leather boot shaft. I watched intensely as her long slim French manicured nails slid in to and out of the leather slouch groves that formed naturally around her ankles. She was teasing me with her boot. H er fingers slid on slowly in a seductive fashion. Till they stopped on the three-inch thin squared shaped black heel. Janice was enjoying my predicament immensely. She was a natural tease loving the power it gave her over the easily aroused weaker male. She had me now and she knew it, oh so well.

When Liz had phoned Janice up a couple of days ago, The conversation had seemed a little strange to Janice. Liz had been vague about the party arraignments and had insisted on boots been worn. But to be honest Janice just put Liz's erratic behaviour down too the loss of her husband. Most people were told by Liz that her husband was just away on business. But Janice found the truth out one late drunken night from a crying Liz. H er husband had cheated on her continually through out there twenty years together. Every time Liz found out about his latest conquest he would brake down tearfully and beg for forgiveness. Which he always found? But this time was different. H e had decided to divorce hi s w ife and wed his newest younger find. Liz stuck a brave face on and apart from that one long night she had been strong, but was the strain showing now?

Janice looked at me. The sexual lust in her mind cleared and she looked at me clearly, realising what she was seeing. Janice had never married, never wanted too, but she had had a long line of easily dispensable partners. And this seen in front of her of a half naked, aroused young male with a boot fetish was reminding her a lot of her sweet James. A male nearly thirty years her senior that she found gazing on to her leather encased booted feet in a sleepy old small pub one night. She looked back trying to find his attention, but he was lost too the world of black leather. Janice looked down to her stylish pointy leather boot, wondering what it was that this attractive young boy found so interesting. She twisted her foot slightly too if she could see anything abnormal on the leather, nothing. She placed her booted foot back, puzzled but at the same time noticing her admiring friends gaze following her leather coated boot. She bobbed her boot up and watched in amazement as his head on the other side of the room followed. She placed the boot down.

She had to admit she was intrigued by this strange lad. Picking up her glass she stood up, noticing his stare still to her boots. She walked over to him; about half way he looked up and began to get quite flustered. Janice smiled and his embarrassment drifted away to be returned by a beaming smile. Placing her self down next to him she turned and looked in to his blue eyes. “Why are you staring at my boots?” James face shoot red with embarrassment. “I didn't, I mean I wasn't?” a stumbled James tried to reply. “Don't give me that your eye s w ere locked like supper glue and you were practically drooling a s w ell?” James smiled uneasily in to Janice's stern face. H e had been found out, deciding that there was no point in hiding it he opened up to the bemused Janice. “What do you mean you have a boot fetish?” James turned in more to Janice so she could hear hi s w hispers clearer. “I mean I like, well more then like, I get aroused by the sight of a beautiful Lady wearing boots. I know it's strange but it is how I am.” “It's strange or right, but tell me more.” Janice moved in closer a s w ell, James could feel the increased warmth from some one siting closer, but thi s w asn't just any one. No, thi s w as some one from his dreams. A stunning Lady, talking to him about his fetish, boots. As he opened up to her about what he likes to do he felt his own body began the natural process of sexual arousal. Janice noticed his hardening cock. She placed her hand at his knee and slowly glided it up between his slightly parted legs to his aching shaft. Janice moved in even closer pressing her now also sexually aching body on to James. “Would you like to lick my boots clean, slave ?” Janice's boot toe rubbed up James designer dark blue jeans covered out side leg. H er hand tightened around his solid shaft. “Yes Mistress, I would love to lick and suck your boots clean for you, please let me kiss your leather covered feet.” Janice let go of his hardness and stood up; James looked up with saddened eyes, thinking he had upset his new sexy Mistress. “Well drink up then, slave , there is a lot of work waiting for you to do back at mine.”

Janice and James relationship lasted nearly two years, a triumph in some people's eyes. In that time Janice found out a lot about the male species from her young blond haired slave boy. She enjoyed the attention he lavished on her, but like most of her toys she tired of him. Making him lick her boots and suck her heels for the last time. The tearful Jame s w as sacked.

Janice looked up in to Lucky's eyes. That same broken male look that James had when she 1 st meet him. A look to be found sexy and then used by any dominant Females. This partly naked aroused male in front was no butler, no servant and not even a hired brave striper. This young man was a slave to any Female that could see it in him. But were did Liz get him from? And how did she know him? Questions to be asked latter, but for now fun. Janice gazed in to Lucky's empty eyes. The look that Lucky found in return was one that made him feel fear. H e could tell that she knew what he was and that she was about to show all. “Stop looking at my boots and start cleaning them!” The room went silent, guest's eyes moved swiftly from surprised glances at Janice to eager interest towards this broken man. I looked up to Liz; she wouldn't expose me like this to a room of strangers. She laughed. Then turned to address the room. “Lady's for how long have we lived in a society ran by the weaker sex!” Startled and all most bemused glances returned from the seated Female audience. “I have found that the male if treated correctly can be controlled, Maggie are you happy with your husband? Liz looked to thi s w ell dressed dark haired, middle aged Lady. “Yes, I love him.” Liz frowned to this reply; she new as did the others that he was lazy and took her for granted. “So were is he now?” “At work. And to be honest I don't know were your going with this, but I'm not enjoying your integrating me like this?” “At work you say? Phone him?” The room turned to the no longer smiling Maggie. “I'm not going to phone him! H e's at work.” “Phone him!” Maggie glared at Liz. “Look we all know that you have been having trouble with your husband, I'm sorry but don't take it out on me!” Liz was annoyed but she understood this attack, after all she was on very rocky ground. “Please just phone him for me.” The pleading in her voice unsettled the defensive Maggie; they had been friends for a long time. She bent from her seat and reached down for her mobile from her expensive leather handbag. “If it will make you happy I will phone him, but so what exactly?” Maggie dialled and placed the receiver to her ear. “Just say H i!” Maggie looked to Liz the strain was showing on her face, she wondered how many sleepless nights crying did it take to unbalance her friend thi s w ay? “ H e's not picking up, oh, hi Jake, just me, can you give me a call when you get this? Love you.” “Nice message you left on his Answer phone? H e must be to busy to pick it up to you?” Maggie glared up at Liz. She might be hurt about her husband but there was no need for been such a bitch. “ Vic ky can you please pick up and pass me the cordless phone next to you?” The small thin attractive young Lady with long flowing naturally curly light brown hair. Looked too the black metal coffee table with smoked glass top, she lent over and picked up the grey coloured digital cordless phone and passed it to Liz. Liz hit 1471 and then pressed 3. “Can every one be quite please, and Vic ky do you mind been an angel and just pressing the speakerphone button?” Vic ky amused by this bizarre display lent back to the table. After a few seconds she found speakerphone and pressed, just in time to catch the last few rings. “ H i darling.” A strong male voice, Maggie's husband filled the room. All looked to Liz. “Why did you take so long answering?” “Can you turn the speaker phone off I can hardley hear you. Were are you?” “I'm doing some laundry, I can't hold the phone at the moment. Any way you never answered me why did it take you so long to pick up?” Liz's flirty voice hid her lie s w ell. “Doing your laundry? I thought you paid some one for that?” “I do, but they're off for the week!” “I see, I hope your not getting slack with your staff and by the way I'm sorry about keeping you waiting just thought you might be my wife trying to phone me again?” H is deep gruff voice couldn't hide the slim of his personality. “So any way sweet cheeks.” Liz cringed at this attempt of flattery. “I here your no good husband has done the right thing for once and made room for me. So do you fancy running away with me thi s w eekend?” Liz noticed the tears beginning to flow from her saddened friend; she felt her pain for it was the same, she held in her self. “No and don't ever phone me again!” “Sorry I didn't mean to upset you, I admit it was a cheep stunt dragging your husband in like that. It's just I want to be with.” Liz hung up. She walked over to the phone base and re placed the receiver, making sure she flicked the ringer to off. She turned and felt her hart brake at the sight of her friend. Maggie stood trying to hide her upset. Stumbling on her 4-inch boot heels she had worn at Liz's request she moved to the door. “Don't go!” Maggie turned to the person that made her wake up to what she had already known but had hidden so well all these years. “All men will cheat if you let them? But so can we!” The room amazed looked to Maggie then to Liz. “Your husband is scum, he has tried to get me in to bed for years now. But just for your own peace of mind. I have and never would touch him. Because I respect and love you as a friend and as a Women.
“Now stop crying over him, and get even!” Maggie looked on to Liz's face, now seeing something different, “What can I do?” “I don't know, yet?” Liz answer didn't really help Maggie, but there was a new strong dominant glow to her friend, this did help. “Sit down and watch. And by the way the rest of you, apart from you Sandy.” Liz smiled at the cute but hard young girl. “Can think what you like about your own relationships, but trust me if you're not in control he will play.” Vic ky looked to Liz. “What do you mean by control?” “It would be easier for me to just show you.” Liz walked back to the middle of the room and grinned at me. “Come here, slave .” The buzz in the room that had slowly drifted and settled back was blown back by the word slave . A knife cut the tension. C harley glared disapprovingly towards her grinning daughter. Liz noticed this and was amused by C harley 's ignorance if only she knew, but now wasn't the right time. “Sandy please can you wait up stairs for a little bit, grab any food you want and watch cable TV, you can have a nose through my clothes a s w ell if you want, see if there is any thing you like?” Sandy was annoyed but she understood, her mother would never approve. Sandy stood “Bye.” She stormed out playing the put on annoyed teenager role so well. Quickly Liz turned to C harley recognising that worried look on her face she jumped in “Don't worry about her, she be fine, she will just eat all of my ice cream, then find my most expensive designer tight top and decide that's the one she wants.” C harley laughed extinguishing her worry, after all teenage strop s w ere the norm.
“Slave keel at my boots here!” Liz pointed to the right so every one could see me clearly. “Lady's this is a broken man!” Intrigued eyes bored in to me, as though I was I performing display at a circus. Liz looked down to me. “Would you ever be unfaithful to your owner if she demanded you not to be?” I looked from one Women to the next, intense looks of intrigue waiting on my reply, I turned to Liz. “Never Mistress!” H er smile made me feel good, I had pleased her. “Good slave . Now I have been put in charge of you for the day.” Liz looked up to her friends. “A long story, I will explain latter?” She looked back to me. “What will you do for me?” A pin been dropped could be heard, I tensed, breathed in, then “Any thing you ask, Mistress!” The seated audience cheered, even Maggie seemed to be looking happier “Lick my boots. Slave.” I bent trying not to see all the women around, who were so eager to watch. As my tongue withered out and touched Liz's black leather ankle boot the room exploded with unexpected repressed energies. Chair s w ere soon forgotten as Lady after Lady climbed to see clearer this broken male. The cheers, laughter and Insults followed me around the leather tongue cleaned boot. Liz lifted her boot up; I rolled my body and placing my head under her descending heel. I knew to well what to do. As I sucked and blow her heel I could see Lady after Lady crouch down next to me intently watching me perform this oral act on her long thin heels. “Look he is getting turned on by sucking her heel!” A draft of cold air surrounded my body as the apron was pushed up, exposed I lay sucking frantically submerged in this sexually charged frenzy. Cold unforgiving hands twisted and snatched my hardened shaft. Sending me near to a shuddering orgasm. Laughter at my predicament just embraced my embarrassment. I could be used, and they knew it. I had become a nothing. A tall lady that I didn't know bent down close to my face. H er shapely sun touched features beamed out from between long shafts of blond hair. She placed her softly manicured hand to my cheek mirroring my sucking up and down movements. “Suck the heel deeper.” She whispered I moved my head up fast taking more of Liz's heel in. “Good, now suck harder.” I smile filled her warm face as I sucked faster. The continually changing hands around my aching cock began to wildly pump my shaft up and down. If my mouth wasn't full of boot heel, they could have laughed at my sexually releasing groans. Liz pulled her boot from my begging mouth. “Get on your hands and knees!” H ands quickly dropped from my solid shaft to allow me to turn over for my teaching Mistress. I turned and waited on all fours. Clapping filled the room. “What should you say, slave ?” The room went silent. “Thank you, Mistress. For letting me kiss, lick your amazing boots, and thank you for letting me suck your boot heels!” I was panting, the tension was almost to much for me, every were I looked I could see wonderfully sexy boots. My hardnes s w as beginning to hurt. I was aching and very desperate to cum. “Your cock looks very swollen, does it hurt been tied up like that?” Liz picked the end of my lead up and pulled it tight. “Yes Mistress it does hurt a bit!” The women all laughed out. “Men are led by their cocks. So why shouldn't we lead them by it?” Liz walked back a little, the lead tightened I crawled forwards to release some of the tension. “Look Lady's see how he follows.” Liz dragged my lead over to the nearest Women. To ashamed to see who it was I just stared at her boots? Brown leather slouch boot s w ith a short block black heels. A white skirt flowed over the top of the boots. But I could tell they were knee-highs. “Kiss my friends boots, slave .” I lowered till my face nearly touched her leather. I breathed in deeply letting the sexy aroma have its affect on my senses. I pushed my lips heavily in to the slouch soft brown leather shaft. The leather crinkles pushed in under my touch till my lips could feel her sexy leg underneath. Then I kissed deeply. In return to my offering I felt her push her boot back harder on to my kissing lips. I opened my mouth and pressed my tongue as hard as I could against her boot. The other women gathered round again. I felt Liz tugging on my cock lead. I pulled back and looked up to her. She was laughing with the rest of them. “Lick her boots up and down!” She spat out. Eagerly I thrust my tongue onto the top of the leather toe tip. I heard the rustle of fast movement above, almost fighting to get a closer look. I licked the tip and then slowly I continued to lick all over her leather covered rounded toe area. “I want him to lick my boots!” “And I do.” Some of the Women above were getting impatient. “Don't worry we have plenty of time, he is going to lick clean all of our boots.” I felt my ridged cock twitching wildly underneath my crouching submissive body. I sped up my licking, but making sure I was pressing hard enough. So she could really feel my licking tongue through the leather boot shafts.

When I had licked her boots clean all over; Liz pulled me to one side, so her friend could inspect her cleaned brown leather slouch boots. H er friend bent down and inspected closely. I watched her intently as she ran her long pink fingers over the smooth brown leather. “ H e has done a good job!” Liz smiled at her friend, who then in turn turned to me; she lent out touching my face with the same hand that had just seconds ago been touching her boot. I locked in to her dark eyes, hoping for some compassion. H er gaze drifted down to my twitching aching solid cock. She looked back up, letting her hand slid from my face; I gazed back once again. Then she laughed in my face. She stood up, Liz seeing this as a sign she pulled on my lead. The pain made me stand immediately. She dragged me to the next Lady who was seated waiting and ready for me. I kept my head bent down. I didn't need to look up to realise that the seated Lady was attractive, I noticed her immediately when I 1 st came in to the room, she was young about twenty-four. H er great body was enclosed tightly by a trendy stretch kind of red low cut top. H er long legs filling figure hugging boot cut black jeans. Spiky long stiletto heeled pointed toed black hard looking ankle boots, shoot out from the bottom of her jeans. They were the style of boot that Female pop stars and trend following Women wear. They looked good, she looked good. Liz pulled me closer to this seated goddess. H er hand shot up and enclosed around my hard shaft. Tightly she puled my fore skin back, then ran her fingernail around my sensitive exposed head. I groaned, to the delight of the audience. She started to stimulate my cock with fast hand movements of obvious experience. My knees bent a little, feeling slight weakness from thi s w onderful caused sexual sensation. “Would you like to cum, slave ?” Eagerly I turned my head to Liz. “Yes Mistress. I would love to cum.” laughter and cheers amid at me filled the room. “Well beg thi s w onderful Lady to allow you to cum, slave .” I turned to the young lady, H er naturally fresh pink lips parted to leave a wonderful smile. H er hand sped up on my aching shaft. Blushing down on this Goddess I pleaded. “Thank you so much, Wonderful Mistress, for touching me. Please I'm so desperate to cum, please let me cum, please.” She laughed but carried on jerking me off. “I want to see him cum.” Liz turned to C harley seated over the other side of the room. “And I do.” H er gaze broken by another seated Lady. “We can't see from here, make him kneel in the middle and jerk off for us all.” Liz turned back to the young Lady who had stopped the satisfying fast movement but yet still kept a tight hold of my solid cock. Liz looked to me. “Slave go kneel in the middle over there!” The Girls tight hand slid off, making me buck again, so desperate to release it's built load. I walked over and kneeled were Liz had pointed. Liz walked next to me and bent down. “C harley move round there a bit so you can watch. And before we begin slave go grab a glass from the kitchen, second shelf up from the sink.” I turned “Yes Mistress.” Stood up and walked to fetch the glass. “ H urry up, slave we don't have all day!” I quickly snatched the nearest glass and ran back cock bouncing to the delight of the now rearranged and seated audience. “Kneel there!” I bent down and kneeled making sure all could see me clearly. I looked up C harley was opposite, Maggie who had forgotten every thing for now was resting on the C harley 's seat arm, The young trendy dressed Lady had pulled her seat round so it was on the other side of C harley . The wonderful brown booted Lady was standing behind the chairs talking to a second standing Lady, with dark short hair, Middle aged, short with what I could see, over the chairs, a nice full body. Every so often they looked over to me. Janice who had recognised me for what I was early on was perched on the young Lady's chair arm, smiling away enjoying the show. Liz pulled her chair round placing it next to the resting Maggie. Liz looked at me, I looked back, I was about to be really humiliated, and I knew it. I looked down to Liz sweetly covered lipstick lips and watched intently as they moved slightly ready for speech. The room hushed. All eyes now on me. Liz lips parted more; I eyes burning from the wait, for my humiliation their enjoyment. H er teeth white, clean and sparkling, I breathed in. “Slave.” here we go I breathed out. “Slave hold your cock for us.” Bill owing laughter from the seated audience broke the tension. My hand what seemed in slow motion cast down and around my. I missed; Liz had pulled on the lead at the last minute, making my cock dart from my aim. All found this to be hilarious. My face burnt red. “Sorry slave , grab your hard cock!” I looked to Liz as my hand firmly landed and locked successfully this time around my aching bound shaft. Liz placed her end of my cock lead on the floor, then blow me a kiss. Relived I nodded my head to her. “Stroke your self slave , but do it slowly to start!” I moved my hand up feeling the lose four skin move underneath, groaning I pushed back, my shaft hardened more, pre cum glistened at my end very fast to the delight of all watching. I continued to pump up and down, moving my gaze from one seated Lady's leather boots to another. My groans of sexual tension increased, as did the pressure that I held. Intensely I watched booted ankles leather crease with slight movement, I was feeling so weak, and so in need of release, “Please let me cum, please?” I bubbled and spat out from a real need. My weedy cry's just fuelled their thirsts for my humiliation. “What will happen to your cum, slave ?” All eyes locked to Liz, mouths shocked dropped but eager to hear more, I sighed and bucked a little as my hand continued to pump my near ready to release pulsing shaft. My balls tightened. “I will eat it.” Shock turned to cheer, to happiness, to laughter, to intense burning looks aimed at my naked body. Eager to see me eat what I shoot. “Pump faster, slave !” I sped up, “Are you really going to make him eat his own cum?” C harley looked to Liz with interest and devious intent. “Yes.” I moved my hand down my shaft and tightened up making my pre glistening covered head swell more. My back arched, my balls realised, the warm great feeling of near orgasm flooded my body and mind. The room released my nearness and quite calm filed the air only been broken by the sound of my pumping, “Please can I cum?” my whisper s w ere heard by all and greeted by Liz. “Shoot in the glass!” I looked down to Liz's black ankle boots, widely I thrust my hand back and contacted with the glass, I yanked it in front of my ready to erupt solid shaft head. My vision blanked to the site of her Ankle boots. Were the leather creases slightly around the ankles, I pumped, thinking about leather. I pumped thinking about her leather, I pumped, here it comes, I sped up, harder I pumped, my thoughts still to her leather black, my back strait, as my cock goes solid, H er leather black, leather, ankle. My groans and whispers is all that sounds in the air. Leather. Pump, Black, Pump, Liz's, Pump. Boots. My body rips in and shake after shake my hard shafted and pumping begins to expel it s w arm sticky content. My eyes blasé shut gently begin to soften and open, Buzz sound filled ears lock back to reality and focus in on the sound of electric applause. I calm and open my eyes seeing black leather ankle boots. Liz's boots. I drift my sight down to the glass and look at my contents, sticky filled thick white cum fills the base of the glass. I look back to Liz. She blows me a kiss, I look to Maggie, she's just laughing at me, I turn to C harley , I watch as her tongue snakes out and licks her thickly coated lips, I blush. I look up over the chair to the brown booted lady; She laughs at me, then mimics a cup drinking action, to remind me that I will drink all what I shoot in to the glass. I turn to her friend she smiles, I look down to the young Lady, she laughs then sticks her tongue out at me. I look back to Liz tightly holding the glass. “ H old the glass up so every one can see!” All eyes in the room lock to me holding up the glass twisting it as though it was some prize. The natural buzz of a room full of existed spectators, broke when the sound of the door bell echoing up from the hall crashed in clearly. All turned to direction of the sound. I stood a little startled wondering the same as all. Who could that be? Liz calm as ever turned to me, “Pull your apron back round and go and see who it at the door?” I pulled the apron back round not bothering to tie it at the back again. “Yes Mistress.” I called as I left the room. As I walked to the door I noticed I still had my glass filled with cum still in my hand. I neared the door, half expecting to find some one standing there I remembered the massive fence at the bottom and the only way in by using the inter com. The door sounded again; abruptly I found the intercom and pressed, “ H ello, how may I help you!” I waited the static sound of the speaker clicked in. I looked at it the wire mess covered speaker as though something visible would happen. “It's me, Amanda, I was invited to Liz's party, I just got hold up a little, Who are you, you don't sound like Liz butler?” Amanda, My mind raced back to that day Angel had taken me to her shoe shop. She was great looking, but a bitch, just what I needed. I pressed the control above the speaker to talk back, it clicked, “ H ello Mistress, its me Angel's slave . Lucky!” The return of electric static. “What are you doing here? Let me in!” “Yes Mistress.” I pressed the gate release switch, and turned to the window to see the gates slide open. Amanda was driving a very sleek low down German, red sports car. I watched as the car glided up and pulled to a stop. She turned the perfectly tuned engine off and pulled the mirror down from above to touch up her hair and make up, which both needed no improving. I opened the door and watched as she turned and a wicked leer filled her face. H er door smoothly slid open and one black leather boot with chunky 4-inch heel appeared, to be followed by a second likeable leather shaft. Amanda was as sexy as her choice in footwear and clothes, today was no exception. As she climbed out of the car I noticed she wa s w earing a powerful looking grey business suit jacket, with matching skirt, both made from thinly woven expensive wool. Underneath her jacket she had on a tight white cowl-neck jumper. I lowed my head to look at her erotic boots. I shivered sexually in side at the sight of the soft black knee boots. I allowed my eyes to drift up from the rounded toe to the smooth shafts then on to her sun blessed shapely thigh, my mind raced instantly to thoughts of hard sex. Involving me and thi s w onderful Women. Who was filled with a naturally bright burning sex appeal. “Stop drooling, slave , and what's that you're holding behind your back?” I snapped out of my joyful daydream. Amanda was in the doorway waiting to come past me. I quickly jumped out of her way, she walked in. H er heels clicking on the marble floor echoing through my mind. I didn't say what was in it, just showing her was enough, “Your cum, I take it?” I blushed “Yes Mistress, I was about to drink it in front of Liz's guest s w hen you arrived!” Amanda pushed her boot forwards, I bent and kissed and licked all around her left knee boot. “Looks like I'm just here in time then, lick my other boot, that's it just there.” I sucked in and pressed my tongue against the outside ankle of her right kinky boot. Tapping of heels from behind made Amanda turn, braking my leather bond. I replaced my lips to the back of her boots around and on the stitching just above the chunky heel. I could see Liz's boots had joined us. She was standing in front of Amanda. I looked up to see Amanda and Liz kiss each other's cheek. Liz looked down. “Angel organised him for me, he makes a good greater.” Liz looked back to Amanda, I started to kis s w ildly the back of Amanda's other boot. She lifted her heel; I slid under and after some effort and stretching I managed to squeeze the chunky heel in. “Yes he, is a good slave . I here you were just going to make him drink his cum, I want to see that.” Amanda pushed her heel up and down fast cleaning it well in my stretched sucking mouth. “Right lets, go then. You know all my guests I think?” Amanda stuck her arm over the ready to move Liz “Wait one minute I just want him to clean my other heel. “Fine, Sorry. Slave hurry up and suck all the dirt from Amanda's heel!” Amanda pulled her heel sharply from my sucking mouth. She replaced it instantly pushing her second heel down and in hard. I nearly choked. Spluttering and shaking, Amanda pulled her heel up a little, both laughed. “Remember to lick the underside of the platform heel, slave .” I looked up to my instructor, Liz. While moving my tongue over the ruff heel base. “That will do.” Amanda pulled her clean heel from my mouth. And started to walk to the lounge with Liz. I followed still clutching the cum filled glass. Amanda walked in and greeted every one in side the room. “Go back to kneeling in the middle slave !” I kneeled were Liz had instructed me too. The Lady's settled. Liz stood up and walked to my far side so every one could whiteness clearly what she was about to do. Amanda joined the two Lady's standing behind the moved chairs. “Pass me the glass, and take off the apron!” I handed the glass to Liz, and pulled the apron from my body and over my head, placing it neatly behind I turned back, and waited. Liz was looking in to the glass. The cum had now liquefied. This seemed to amuse her. Every one went quite. Liz walked closer to me then placed her left ankle boot in front of my knees. Then she bent. H er hand holding the glass moved over to her boot, every one watched with burning eyes, wondering what next she was going to do. I had a good idea. Liz stretched her foot out making the leather boot tighten. She pressed the glass to the top of her boot, and then turned the glass up and began to pour and drip my cum out. Every one looked on in amazement and wonder as the runny white liquid ran down the black leather twisting in to every grove and crease. She turned to me and laughed. “ slave lick your cum off my boot!” The silence erupted as I bent and placed my tongue to the base of her boot and licked up catching a large run amount of my own cum. “Lick it all up.” “Thank you.” I mumbled in between lavish licks. The seated guests had all pretty much stood up now to get a closer look. I could see pointy boot toe tips all around moving up and down. I licked and licked getting my tongue deep in to the stitches and groves sucking all my wet cum out. A stray hand shot under me and snatched at my limp shot cock. I jumped but carried on licking clean. The hand I didn't know whose began to stroke trying to harden me again. It didn't take much soon the hand slipped down and loosely cupped my tightening balls. Liz pulled her clean boot from my mouth. Maggie placed her hand under my chin and pulled my face round so all could see me. “Look at the cum splattered around his cheeks, you dirty little cum loving whore!” Every one laughed. Maggie pushed my head back down and on to her boot toe. That she had turned up slightly so I could place my open mouth around it. Then I felt another pair of hands start to push my head up and down on to the boot toe, making me suck it in then out. “Suck it you slut!” I sucked her booted toe off, simulating oral. The hand around my balls started to move mirroring my movements. Making my cock harden. Liz walked around to my exposed butt. I felt her part my cheeks and push a finger up me. I groaned on to the boot toe that was stuck in my mouth. My head moved ups and down faster and my tongue licked out pressing up against her dirty sole. Liz pushed two fingers up, I could here them all laughing uncontrollably. I shuddered. The lady with the brown slouch boots stood next to my face. Waiting for her boot licking. I moved my free hand up and gripped on softly around the crinkle soft leather ankle. I ran my hand up and down the leather shaft. Liz's fingers pumped in and up my butt repeatedly. Groaning again, uncontrolled saliva ran from my mouth and over the boot toe top. “ H ow dare you dribble on my wonderful boots, slave . Lick it up!” Maggie shouted down, then pulled her boot from my mouth. I lappet up all that was dribbled from her leather. Maggie snarled back at me “I'm sorry Mistress.” She pulled her boot away, to be replaced by the brown slouch boots that had been waiting. I licked away. The Lady fondling my balls had began to pump my now very hard shaft. I moaned away quietly in to the soft brown leather shafts. Liz pulled her fingers from my butt and walked around to my face she I watched her bend and place the two used fingers to my leather filled mouth. I moved my head a little then sucked her fingers in. She responded by thrusting them back and forwards fast. The brown booted Lady laughed, “Carry on sucking my boots, slave .” I returned to the brown leather. And Liz stood and walked out. I cleaned the brown boots all over, including licking the soles and in the grove was the boot is joined to the sole. Janice walked up when I had finished cleaning the brown boots. “You have been longing to lick my black Knee high boots haven't you, slave ?” I looked up at Janice. She was right. The sleek black leather tight shafts looked erotic to my eyes. “Yes Mistress I have been longing to lick and kiss your wonderful boots, please let me clean them?” The room all started laughing, not at me for once though. The Lady jerking me off stopped, Janice turned to the door. Every one but me turned I looked up and round wondering what they were all looking at. Liz.

Liz bound in the room looking very happy, “Slave, stick your butt in the air and then carry on licking Janice's boots!” I was shocked. “Yes Mistress.” Stumbled out of my shaky lips. As I turned back to Janice's Black knee high boots all I was thinking about was the 6-inch plastic cock sticking out from Liz. She had her strap on. H er other hand holding Vaseline. The laughter continued as Liz paraded around showing all her pride. Then she stopped behind me. I quickly licked and licked at Janice's leather boots hoping Liz wouldn't do it. I couldn't take it. “Please don't!” My leather boot covered mouth muffled my cries. I felt the thickly coated Vaseline fingers of Liz's intrude up and deep in to me. I groaned and groaned inhaling leather scents deeply. The movement up me was making me feel weak, very weak. I licked slower but more passionately in away. Liz pulled her fingers from me. Janice tilted her boot toe up and I quickly moved my mouth over the leather, taking the tip down in to my mouth. Liz pushed the strap on to my opening. The room hushed, Janice pushed her boot deeper in to my mouth to muzzle my cries. Gently at 1 st Liz eased and stretched me open to slide the shaft up my aching opening. I nearly blacked out. Janice pulled the boot tip from my drawling mouth then pushed both her boots close together, and slid them under my chin. I rested my face on the leather, and groaned deeply and loudly as Liz entered me. When she was deep enough for her pleasure, she pulled it back slight but not so it was out of me. Then she slid it back up.

As she shafted in and out to the applause and laughs of the audience, I breathed deeply. Sighing and groaning muffled by pushing my face deeper and deeper against her soft leather boot shafts. H ere I was bent over my butt sticking up in the air. Been filled and pumped full by Liz and her hard male braking strap on. My face, bent down and resting on to this middle aged Lady's boots. My gripping hand s w hite knuckles pressed cold to the floor. To be steeped on by sharp fast moving heels. Adding to my humiliation and near faint dizzy light feeling Liz started to slap my naked butt cheek s w ith every hard thrust. H er guests applauding volume turned up a notch. Liz was fucking me, and very hard. Every one in the watching room was loving it? But me. My feeling of pure submissive weaknes s w as shattered with Janice deciding that my muffled cries should be enjoyed by all. Pulling her boots from under my face left me with just the floor for my falling chin. The top half of my body slumped down. Leather boots passed my dazed eyes; I licked out not really able to hit any thing. Liz pulled her strap on out abruptly, “ H ow was it for you, slave ?” I twisted my floored head round and looked up teary blurred eyed at my powerful looking Female taker. “Good, Mistress. Thank you.” My quite response drifted not really heard. Liz un strapped the intruding male imitating device. “ H ow want's ago?” Offering the toy around to the many willing participants. Maggie the loudest deemed most eager was chosen. Snatching the 6-inch rounded hard shaft from Liz, Maggie steeping in to the harnese with ease then been helped to tighten quickly. Looked down and smiled, curiosity filed her. Placing her fingers around the shaft she began to stroke and caress it. “Crawl to me, slave !” I turned, beginning my crawl to this new domineering Lady. Looking in to her eyes filled with cold made me shudder. A sharp kick to my back from the booted trendy young Lady sped me up. “Bow before me!” I placed my face then lips to Maggie's boots. “Look up!” Still crouching I turned my face up and stared at this monuments plastic cock stroking Lady. “Suck my cock, slave .” She laughed down. Sending the room in to grinning silence. I unbent my cowering torso and slid up facing her shaft. “Suck it!” With a huge thrust forwards she entered my waiting mouth. H er free hands garbing the back of my head, pushing forwards forcing more and more of her pumped shaft in to my fully giving orifice. “Lick it.” Pulling out hard to stop my choking. I looked up and in to her eyes and licked her protruding shaft from the tip to the base in sultry fashion. “Does the little cock sucking whore, want me to fuck his ass?” I didn't. But knowing I had no say in the matter, I agreed. “Stand up, and walk over there. She was pointing to the seated C harley . She smiled then beckoned me over. Enjoying the view of my bouncing cock as I walked to her. Then Maggie walked over with every one watching. “Turn round, slave and face C harley !” I turned back round, and looked down at the grinning seated Lady. “Open your legs. Wider!” Maggie thrust her boot to my left inside foot and pushed my stretched legs apart even more. I nearly toppled back to the delight of the audience. “Place your hands down on the sides of the chair!” Maggie pushing with her palm at the base of my back. Forcing me forwards. “Spread your arm' s w ider apart, bend your body down more. Then stick your butt out!” I bent over more so my face was inches from the laughing C harley 's. I could feel her warm sweet breath on my cheek. By pushing my back up more. I could expose my naked butt more. But Maggie wasn't happy. With ruff hands she moved underneath and between my spread legs and grabbed round my balls and pushed up. My butt jumped up as though electricity had been shoot through me. I felt C harley 's ripping laughter on my cheek again. “That's better, slave .” Maggie levelled the strap to my hole. The cold plastic pressed against ready to enter sent a shiver down my naked spine. C harley pulled her face back so she could stare in to my eyes. I locked on. Maggie eased the plastic shaft in a little. My lips parted and my mouth opened expelling a groan. C harley looked to my lips then back to my slut expression. Maggie thrust in deeper; I closed my eyes, sigh releasing from my opened mouth. Soft fingers touched my lips, the shock making my eyes fly open, C harley 's red gloss nail varnished finger nail s w ere tracing the out lines of my panting open lips. She looked deep in to my sexually filled aching eye s w ith sheer interest. Maggie pumped in more, making me buck a little. “Loosen up, slave .” Trying to release my contracting muscles to loosen was hard. The position, been bent over helped a little. H appy with her new entered depth Maggie began to thrust in and out. To the claps and sounds of the enjoying crowed. C harley moved her face close to mine again. She opened her lipstick mouth and gently kissed my aching groan full mouth. She wasn't kissing out of passion, more from interest. She could feel my animal instinct as I groaned and breathed uncontrollably in to her mouth. C harley pulled away moving her gaze from me to my heaving chest, then down. To my hard shaft. H er right hand moved round and found my exposed shaft. C harley looked back to me. Staring in to my eyes as she ran her long finger nails over and over my twitching shaft. Maggie kept pumping and pumping. Made weak from the sexual intense feelings. “Fuck him harder Maggie!” C harley shouted passed me and up to my taker. Maggie responded by shafting in real hard. Quickly C harley grabbed tight my cock. I cried out in both pain and enjoyment. With her other free hand C harley pushed my head down and on to her left boob. I licked out at the fabric-covered boob widely desperate to suck and lick at the hardened nipple I could feel underneath. C harley started to jerk my aching cock off at a speed that would please even the most ungrateful. Maggie noticing C harley 's hand action. Began to immediately mimic her thrust for thrust. I groaned out and on to C harley 's hard nipple, My open mouth still desperate to try and find away in through the restraining top. C harley closed her long dark lashed eyes and let out a sexual groan. Opening again once the built tension had passed. Maggie tired but still enjoying thrusting in and out of my hole. Bent over and rested the front top half of her body. Leaning and presseing against my warm flesh back. Using now just her high leg muscles to buck in and out of my stretched back hole. I could clearly feel her lungs heaving in to my back. C harley looked to Maggie, they smiled at each other enjoying this control they both now felt. But Maggie could no longer keep up with C harley 's rapid hand movement. The pace would tire any one. Soon the strap on thrust had withered to just the occasional soft bucking shaft. C harley still not tired pumped away hard at the slave 's solid twitching cock. In fact she sped up more, feeling the now increased hardness as a sign of near completion. I groaned and sucked away like the animal I had become still desperate to try and free her hard nipple. That I could feel so cruelly traped behind fabric. Feeling the 1 st sign's of near orgasm now my self I cried out over and over again. “Please can I cum, Mistress, Please!” C harley moved from Maggie's vision and looked down on to this man that was so desperately trying to lick and suck at her nipple and boob. “Not yet.” H er hand tightened and sped up. Freeing her other hand she moved it round and placed it under the front of my ready to cum cock. The feel of her jerking me off wildley and the occasional knock and nudge from her hand waiting to collect my offering was to much. “Mistress, Please let me cum, Please!” I shouted out. “NO!” C harley screamed back. I tried as hard as I could to hold on but my body just didn't want to know. My legs softened slightly. Making the resting Maggie panic and jump off my back, ripping the still deep inside plastic cock out of me. I groaned out in pleasure that made me feel weak again. C harley pumped and pumped. My balls released and the warm feeling filled my body. “I'm cumming. I can't help it, Mistress?” H er waiting free hand shot round my exposed vain filled hard cock head And pressed hard against to control and collect any spray. H arder she pulled on my fore skin, faster she pushed back, jerk after jerk. Then all in a second Spasm ripping through and up my muscle-tightened body, uncontrolled deep breathing forcing down and on to her boob. Eyes ripping shut. Then. A second of blind mute silence. Shattered. “Yes!” I cry as the feeling. The feeling of release. C harley quickly caught the pumping white sticky liquid. H appy with what she had done she slowed her expertly performed moving hand, just been used now for pushing out the last dregs of cum. “Thank you, Mistress. Thank you so Much!” I breathed out deeply as I opened my tightley shut orgasm eyes. I looked up at her and felt her hands move from my now softening cock. “Get on your knees slave . In front of my boot's!” I looked at her hands the right one was clenched shut tightly holding my sperm. I got down and bent to my knees. Placing my head down, looking directly at her boots. C harley lifted her right boot up and placed it down on the edge of the seat using the heel to balance on. It was now level with my chest; I looked on to it noticing the fine creases forming then diapering with every little movement she made. She moved her clenched fist filled with my seed and placed it next to the outside of her leather black boot. A preparing silence feel on the room. I breathed in deeply thinking about been able to lick such fine boots. H er clenched fist began to open; all eyes fell to see the content. A small amount of cum dripped down and fell on to the seat next to her boot. C harley looked straight to me. “Suck that up now!” I bent and sucked my cum off the fabric immediately, then turned back in time to see. C harley twist her boot to the left exposing a part of her black boot sole. She began to giggle. Using her palm as a way to spread the cum over the leather she began smearing it on. Starting with the sole, dragging her hand under and up to the black leather toe then up and around the crinkled and grooved leather ankle and then what was left spread around the leather boot shaft. The splattered cum on her boot glistened in the rooms light. C harley bobbed her boot about so all could see what she had done. Vast noise filled the silence; the room was buzzing again. “So lick it clean!” I bent till I felt the cold of the black sole touching my lips. I opened my mouth and pressed my tongue to the cum covered smooth plastic, and licked clean. The task underneath was easy because she had not worn these boots much out side. Making the surface scratch and grove free. I worked my way up to the out side grove joining the leather to the sole. Sucking in deep I managed to clean out the cum that had trickled down and in. And at the same time I licked the dirt that had got caught up in it. When cleaned I moved round to the bottom of the ankle just above the heel. C harley looked down. She liked what she was looking at. A naked grovelling male slave . Licking away at her boots. She lifted the boot a little way from the seat enjoying watching the slave follow so eager to lick at her leather. It made her feel powerful. A feeling she haden't felt before. H e would do any thing she said, and she loved it. I was so happy that C harley had let me lick her wonderful boots, that I wanted to show her my worship, I did this by, pressing my tongue down real hard so she would feel my slave licks through the leather. C harley responded by pressing her foot hard against the inside of her boot. Feeling his tongue licking away through the leather felt nice. If only her husband was submissive. She thought. I licked back to the front of her black leather ankle and stuck my cleaning tongue deep in to the natural soft creases to scoop out all the cum. I sucked round to the front then up I licked till I reached the top of the wonderful expanse of the leather shaft. I licked back down sucking in any missed seed. C harley looked down to inspect my progress, she smiled at me as I licked away. I couldn't smile back but she could see I was happy. When I reached the still cum splattered pointy leather toe I opened my mouth wide and moved it over and took the boot tip deep in side. Then like a sex starved male slut, I sucked backwards and forwards on her leather toe, sucking and eating all the cum wildly. The crowd cheered C harley on, with gibes aimed at me calling me a slag and a whore. When I had sucked the boot all clean, I quickly licked all over one last time to make sure I didn't miss any. I didn't want to leave the heady smell of leather. But it was clean reluctantly I pulled back and kneeled down waiting on C harley 's inspection. She bent over so she could see her clean boot. “It's clean enough, but you still have my palm to clean!” pushing her open palm near my mouth. She liked seeing him move forwards, with out question to clean her palm. She smiled down as he lavished his licks upon her cum dried sticky hand. Soon it was clean. She placed her palm to my cheek and squeezed

C harley 's soft opened hand felt good pressed against my warm cheek. I smiled at her. H appy that I had pleased her. H er smile she gave back warmed me even more. “Who wants to use him next?” I turned fast to see the now standing Liz offering me out, to the next unruly Female Mistress. All called out wildly. Amanda jumped up raising her want, visibly from the rest of the crowd. “ slave come her.” I turned back to C harley looking deep into her eyes, hoping for her to need me more. No luck was found. With her face turning to laughter, just like the rest. I turned back and fought of all the humiliation the beautiful Amanda had caused so far in my short slave life. I shuddered from a sexual rush release caused from remembering that day in her shop, her boots had been so wonderful and empowering sleek black soft leather thigh high boot s w ith the longest and thinnest stiletto heels I have ever seen. H ow my body had ached at the site of her leather encased long athletic legs. And now as I crawl on my hands and knees past leather boots after leather boots. My body begins its cruel sexual reminder of my need and desire to lick the boots of Lady's. The sensation of my cock hardening once more as I reach and look down at the knee-high black leather boot s w ith 4-inch chunky heels. I bend more bringing my pink slave lips to her black soft leather shafts. The smell of strong expensive leather fills my nose. I inhale deeper enjoying the heady experience offered by this incredible Mistress. My impatient need to taste becomes too strong to hold back. I move even closer. In a delight felt not by many. My lips connect softly to the left leather ankle right on the middle spot just above the smooth curve from the joining toe area. My mouth opens a natural action more than a thought one. My tongue moves forwards desperate for a French kissing action against the small leather creases. I press my mouth closer on to the boot closing my exploring tongue inside. With only her boot to press against. My cock twitches freely to the delight of the now calmed viewing room. “Kiss my other boot!” her stern voice surprises me; I jump back from the worship of her left boot, feeling strangely unfulfilled. I bend and begin my second long kiss on her right booted leg. “If you had it your way, slave . You would kiss them all day, wouldn't you?” I look up noticing her grey business suit jacket, and matching skirt, H er powerful dressed look broken up slightly, by the tight white cowl-neck jumper that she wore underneath her jacket making her look very feminine. “Yes Mistress, I would love to kiss your boots all day!” The intrigued watching audience began to laugh. “Well that would bore me, I want you to jerk off your cock until you cum over my boots. Then you can beg me to allow you to eat it off them. Now begin!” The room light up in a wild mass of approving noise. As I began the humiliating task of again publicly pumping my shaft over a Lady's boots the audience moved round to see better. I could feel pointed boot tips pressing in to my back from on lockers peering over my shoulders and down on to my manipulating hand. “Touch your ball s w ith you free hand.” A request shouted from the brown booted lady standing the right of me. “Pump your hard cock faster.” I looked up C harley was now standing behind Amanda. She was taller so she could see over this domineering Lady quite easily. “Sit up a little.” Still on my knees and still pulling on my increasingly hard shaft I pushed up a little. “That's it.” Amanda slid her left boot toe tip under and up against my hand that was creasing my balls. The feel of her leather toe knocking with every shaft against my hand was becoming too much. She pushed her boot in further and harder. “Sit back down.” I sat immediately feeling the pointed toe tip pressing up against my butt. “Move your hand away from your balls.” I slid my hand away; my balls dropped the slight distance to her leather-curved ankle. “Now jerk off your cock against my boot faster.” I speed up in a wild sexually charged motion. With ever-faster thrust my balls slapped hard against her rubbing black leather shaft. My groans and sigh s w ere becoming increasingly louder and more frequent. They all knew I couldn't last much longer. “Come on, slave harder faster.” Amanda slid her right boot next to her left ready to catch the erupting splatter. “Think about all this leather, slave covered in your dripping hot sticky white cum!” My body shock. My hand movement increased. H arder. “That's it slave get ready to pump your big cocks continence all other her boots.” The brown booted lady's shouts echoing around my near blanking head. “Cum, slave , cum.” Liz added getting in on the increasing action. My free hand shoot out and snaked round the back of Amanda's left Knee-high boot. I grabbed on to the back of the shaft feeling her sexy leg pressing against the black leather. My cock throbbed with the touch of her boot. Nearly blacking out I pumped on feeling the increasing need to release coming very, very soon. “I want you're cum on my, b o o t s, slave .” The prolonged way she said boots span round in side me. My balls let go making the coming splurge begin its rising journey ready for it's hot sticky release. Liz bent down to my side using my left shoulder to rest on. She lent in pressing her warm lipstick sexy red waxy lips to my ear. She whispered in to my near blank pre orgasmic mind. “Every one in this room knows you love boots. Black boots. Whit boots. Leather boots.” My mouth opened wide filled with aching groans. “I think I want you to lick all of my boots clean, And you know how many boots I own.” Liz' s w hispers carried on sending me nearer and nearer a shuddering conclusion. “My boots, leather boots,” I pumped feeling the 1 st shudder. “Black boots. Boot heels” The 2 nd shudder, Amanda pressed her boot in harder separating my balls tighter to each side of her boot shaft. “Boots. Boots my sexy kinky black boots. Cum slave , cum.” Liz followed this last whisper with a lick of her warm tongue against my ear lobe. The sound of the cheering Lady's faded in my ears as I was sent in to my orgasmic shudder. The feel of my cum releasing felt like a gift to be worshipped. The sound of the cheering floating back in to my head brought me out of the last delightful shudder. I opened my eyes. My rapidly deflating cock spat out its last dregs of salty cum on to her leather shafts. I looked on to were I would be eating off. I had covered her boots considerably. The splattered cum started high near the tops of her boots Then the trail ran right down and deep, in to the creases that form around the soft leather boot covered ankles. “One good use for males is to make them lick there cum from your boots.” Liz still resting against my shoulder addressed the room. Soon chants of eat it. Eat it. Replaced the claps and random shouts. I looked to Amanda, She looked so happy. Smiling down from her still standing position on to me. I remembered what she had asked me to do. “Please Mistress, Can I please have the honour of licking clean and also the joy of eating my cum up from your sexy empowering boots?” She laughed down at me crouching below looking so open to attack. “No not yet.” The audience seemed as unhappy by Amanda's response as I was surprised. “I really need the toilet. Lye down, slave . That's it just there.”

The room hushed. The disbelief in what the audience was about to watch could be felt. I lay down, Angel and Sara had performed this degrading act on me before, I knew what to expect. But thi s w as new to the room. Amanda walked over; her long perfectly manicured fingers reached under her skirt and pulled her black tight silk briefs down to her booted ankles. Gracefully she stepped out. She bent and lifted the briefs into her hand. The audience's attention captured by the action kept quite, full of interest instead of the before near disgust. Amanda tossed black shimmering in the light silk briefs on to my naked chest. I could feel a slight warmth from them. She turned so her back faced my sight. Lifting my head a little so I could see what she was doing. The hushed audience began to softly buzz with wonder. After all men at some time had hurt every one of them, their exseptence that this man was just a slave to do with what ever they liked had now become there reality. Amanda moved her right booted foot over and down on to the other side of the naked slave . She looked back and to help guide her self back to hi s w orshipping mouth. “Slave stick your head back down now!” She had longed to do this ether since her 1 st real boyfriend of nearly twenty years ago had shown her on a cheep market bought German porn film. Then she had been turned off by the seen. Too much for an inexperienced late teen. But unlike the boyfriend that seen stuck in her mind. As the year s w ent on she had become more and more aroused by the thought of empowering the male and making him please in ways she new he would not enjoy. H er sleek black leather boots carefully moved up the naked flesh of the slave . She was now directly above his hairless chest. Many times in her past she had passed the idea to her chosen lovers. All had shown real dislike and never did she push for fear of loosing the one. But now single and nearing her forties it was time to change. And this man beneath her booted feet desperate to please instead of desperation to be pleased was to change all. “When I bend down slave I want you to place your open mouth under me to catch what I give you.” She was above my face. I looked up her tight but respectably smart grey business styled suit skirt. I liked the naked flesh that I could see. Looking back over her shoulder she began her crouching descent on to my tired warm face. H itching her skirt so all could see. H er smell was incredible. Intoxicatingly erotic, arousal filled my body and mind. She was shaven a surprise for all a s w ell as me. H er body contacted to my mouth, her warmth and obvious enjoyment from thi s w as noticeable to all but especially to me. Resting against my open mouth ready to realise a desire placed in her head from all these years ago. She pushed her left chunky boot heel in to my side. I could feel the soft leather of the boot shaft pressing in to my ribs. It felt good the leather so warm and sensual. “Get ready, slave .” I inhaled stealing her sent deep and filling in to my nostrils. I pushed my waiting tongue out and up, to let her know I was ready. She pushed hard back against it. I pulled it back and opened my mouth wider to which she sealed against happily. Then she let lose. Soon my mouth was filling up fast with her warm gift. Swallowing was hard from a lying down position. But trying hard I managed, not wanting to spill any. My sound was muffled so I was unaware of the joy this pure submission was bringing. Amanda rubbed her boot against my side, lost to a world she had ached to feel. The warmth and smell had become stronger. I knew she was nearly finished. Lifting from my mouth a little so the last drag s w ould spurt and drip on to my face. She knew how to humiliate so well. “Lick me clean.” The muffled order rang in to my ears. I swallowed nearly choking this time the last of her liquid down. Then I lifted my mouth to her and licked up in and around her tasting again her strong but pleasurable taste. She stood yanking her skirt back down and in to place. “Stand, slave .” I rose to the cheers and looks of the other Women. “You still have some piss on your face, use your fingers and lick it up!” Lifting my hard hands I felt her dampness all around my mouth and cheeks. Scooping it up and sucking my damp fingers in to my mouth. I noticed that the brown booted Lady was pressing her hand to her skirt. I looked to C harley ; she to was stimulating her self through the tight restricting clothing she wa s w earing. I turned to Liz; she licked her red full lips tauntingly in a seductive manner. “I haven't finished with you, slave !” Amanda broke my concentration, I remembered her boots covered in my cum. As I turned to this cruel but unbelievably sexy Mistress. She was seated. All looked at her as I looked down to her booted feet. The cum had dried, leaving a slight glistening trail all up and over her soft tight black knee boots. “You left my boots in a mess, slave . Now I want you to lick clean all your dried cum from my leather. Get on your knees and crawl to my booted feet and begin cleaning. Laughter as bent from all watching, made me feel worthless. Amanda had sat at the far side of the room on purpose. Making me move on my knees past all the giggling and taunting Lady's. I reached her boots and bent lower, the smell of cum and leather hit me hard. I had shoot a lot, now it was hard leaving its very visible path against the mat black leather. “Lick my boots, now!” Amanda bent her body forwards she moved her hands, locking them tightly around the back of my head. She pulled me on to the right leather shaft hard. I opened my mouth pushing my tongue against the warm leather. The taste was different than normal, more salty. She increased the pressure on the back of my head. All I could feel and taste was leather and dried cum. “Lick.” I pushed my tongue harder and harder against the leather speeding up my lavish licks. Up and down her boot shaft I went. Till it shone. “Now clean the ankles!” I licked in to the shallow groves. Feeling some of the cum flaking away. She let go of my head and pulling at the top of her boot she tightened the leather around the creased ankle. I licked faster and harder. Till I reached the toe area. Licking carefully around the base of the front to the side cleaning fast any last remains of my splattered seed. I licked back till my mouth was in front of her pointed sleek leather toe. I licked at the point. She raised the front of her boot from the ground. Quickly I sucked in the leather and wildly performed oral motion. Sucking it in deep till my cheek s w ere filled with her boot. Amanda patted my head. “Good, slave .” She mocked. “Now clean my other boot!” I pulled out, and looked to her second splattered leather shaft. Repeating my worshipful licks on her second boot soon had it shining. “Just my soles then I'm done with you, slave .” I pulled back and waited as she lifted her left dirty sole. I moved forward and looked up at her as I licked out. She smiled as she pushed her hard sole harder on to my open mouth. “Lick it all off.” I could feel the ruff tread filled deep dried mud from outside. She was enjoying my predicament a lot. “I might ask Angel if I can hire you out for a few days, slave . I think you could be useful in my shoe shop. And I know of a few regular customers that would enjoy your services. But for now keep licking at my sole. That's it, you're a good slave .” She patted me again on my head. “Lick up and around my heel.” H er heel had dried splashes and splats of mood and rain. But I managed to lick it spotless. “Good, now my other sole.” She replaced her cleaned boot with her right. Turning the sole up and on to my mouth. I began at the top and dragged my slave tongue all the way down to the delight of Amanda. Then back in to the groves and then on sucking deeply on to the stacked chunky heel. She placed her boot down. “That will do.”

Amanda stood up pushing me to the side. I stayed there crouching fearful of what she would do next. “I have to go now, Liz. But thanks for the fun.” Liz stood and walked to Amanda. “No thank you for your novel approach, I will see you to the door. slave pick up Amanda's briefs and come with us.” I crawled over to the black silk briefs. “Stand up and walk or it will take all day!” I grabbed them noticing how sexy they felt. Jumping up I walked behind them to the door then into the hall. The marble floor on my feet never noticed with their hard heels clicking seductively along. Liz opened the door. “Slave hand the briefs back to Amanda, now!” I hadn't noticed that I was still clutching them, rapidly I handed them over to her. She snatched. “Turn round and bend over, slave .” I did what Amanda ordered. Pain shoot through my body from my butt that now was red from the glow of her powerful smack to my back. The stinging sound echoed out and down the hall. A couple of the Lady's came out to see what had happened. I looked up. The wonderful brown leather slouch booted Lady and Maggie had come out. “What's going on, is every one ok?” Liz turned “Don't worry, just Amanda giving the slave a smack good bye.” Amanda laughed, “Bye all.” She turned and kissed Liz on the cheeks then walked out. Liz turned to me and rubbed her hand softly over my red stinging backside. “Did that hurt, slave .” Still bent over looking towards the brown boots in front of me. “A little, Mistress.” Pain shoot out across my naked butt again. “Good.” Liz laughed. She slapped me as hard as Amanda did. “Liz I have to go now a s w ell. But thanks for today.” The brown booted lady walked down to the door. She stopped just in front of my face. “You like my boots a lot don't you slave ?” While gazing in to the brown slouching leather. “Yes, Mistress. I think they are wonderful boots. Please can I kiss them?” H er right boot bobbed up and down resting on her heel in a fashion that made desires of lust help forget the pain of the slaps. “You may kiss them good bye, slave .” I leapt out and landed my mouth so desperate to taste her leather. The shaft s w ere I chose too wildly kiss, felt soft and moved under my tongue. I could feel her legs pressing against the shafts. “That will do, slave .” She pulled away leaving me too kiss air. She walked passed giving my exposed red cheeks a slap. Sending me back in to a stinging pain. “What did Amanda mean by hiring him? Were did you get him from?” Liz turned to the chest of draws next to the door. She slid open the antique chest and pulled out a card. “ H ere phone this number and say I gave it to you.” The brown booted lady bent and kissed Liz cheek as she was handed the card. “Thank you. H e could be useful to me while my husband is at work." Still bent over I couldn't see her leave but I could here her boot s w alking away and on to the gravel out side. “Well if every one is leaving I should go too?” Liz turned to Maggie. “You don't have to if you don't want too? “I should, I have things to do. But today was very educational. Can I have one of these cards?” “Sure I have been given loads to hand out. If you need some one to talk to latter just phone me, I'm always here for you, you know?” The warmth in her voice has real. “I know. slave you may kiss my boots good bye.” I lowered and pressed my lips to her leather, savouring the taste. She pulled away and walked out. “Right then, slave . What now? Laughter from upstairs drifted down. Liz and I both looked up. Sandy stood at the top, looking down. She had seen all the action at the door and had enjoyed it. “Can I come down now. I have missed all the fun?” Liz looked to me she was cross. “No your mother is next door. The sound of heels clicking from down the hall made us all look up. C harley had heard her daughter. She walked to us in both a panic and amusement. “Well that's that?” She looked up to her daughter. “Grab your coat were going.” “But the Mum I don't want to, I want to stay and harass the slave , just like you lot have been!” She has stubborn. “Any way I have seen him and used him before at Amanda's shop.” C harley turned to rage. “Well have you now madam?” “Don't call me that. I'm nearly seventeen, as in an adult. I can do what I like.” C harley 's anger turned to shock, she had a point. “Just get your coat were leaving.” C harley had lost and knew it. She turned and stomped off to fetch her coat and a dress she had chosen from Liz's massive collection. Soon the bumping above moved towards the stairs, were she stomped down resembling a young child frowning a fit. She reached the bottom, to the delight of her Mother. “Just wait till I tell dad about today.” She smiled to her mum. “You will do no such thing at all.” “Well you see if I'm a child in your eyes, I will act like one. And I do think that Daddy would like to here this story?” “Ok, ok you win, Liz give me one of these cards. I will hire him for you every so often, as long as you say nothing!” Sandy looked to her Mum, she looked sad, this intern made her feel sad, “Good.” Was all she could reply? C harley resenting it grabbed a card from Liz. Then she turned to me and gave my still red butt a massive stinging slap. “Bye, slave .” She spat out. Then turned and walked out. Sandy followed “Bye, slave . I will see you soon.” Liz laughed. “C harley ,” She turned around and looked to Liz. “I'm sorry.” “Don't worry I don't really mind hiring him, I will use him a s w ell after all. Bye.” “Bye.” Liz waved them off from the window next to the now closed door. “Fallow me.” Liz walked back to the room. The guests left were getting ready to leave. “Are you all leaving me now? Liz voice was filled with amusement rather than worry. “It's getting late, I said I would drop every one off on my way home.” The youngest Lady in the room said out loud answering for every one. “Ok, well thanks for coming, I hope you all had fun?” She lent forwards handing out the cards advertising my service. Every one took one. “Thanks today was fun. I might hire him out for one of our staff party's.” Liz looked puzzled, “Were do you work again?” The young attractive Lady looked up to Liz. “I started my own PR Company advertising manly for large media companies. I only employ Females, who I know I can get on with. I think they might find the idea of a naked male slave around the office fun? I will see. Any way thank you for inviting us. You will have to come out for dinner one day, H ow about early next week, I know a great new Italian that has just opened in town.” Liz smiled, “That would be great. Phone me to arrange a time. I will walk you all out, slave crawl behind us.” I bent and followed as instructed. When we reached the door, I kissed each pair of boots good bye. Then waited while Liz said her good byes. She shut the door after waving the last Lady off. Then turned to me. She looked to her watch then back to me. “Your not been picked up for an hour. Go back to the room and tidy it up quickly.” Liz walked in front of me I followed when we reached the room she sat down in to a chair and watched me tidy and straiten the room up around her. “That will do, pick the glass up.” She was pointing to the discarded glass that I shoot in early. I crawled in front of her and picked it up. She watched intensely enjoying my every move to her command. “Lick out what you can of what's left of the cum continence. I peered in the was hardly any left just a smear left down one side were I had poured the cum in to my mouth. I turned the glass round and pressed my tongue to the dried hard splatter and licked it away. “Good, now put in the dish washer in the kitchen under the cooker.” She followed me in. When I had placed it in the top shelf of the washer and closed the door she ordered me to turn and face her. Liz looked down on to my naked body her gaze drifted to my limp cock. “Touch your self.” With my right hand I began to hold my limp shaft, pulling at my four-skin, It responded by hardening. She moved closer so she could see clear. “Thank you. Mistress.” H er boot heels clicked on the tiled floor as she moved to me. I looked down, her black ankle boot s w ith stiletto heels looked wonderful. My cock hardened more. “That's it slave really jerk off your cock now, pull it back hard I want you to cum for me.” I nearly shoot by what she said. H arder and wilder I grabbed around my hardness for her pulling and pushing on my four skin. “ H arder!” She moved closer placing her left boot sole and heel on to my crouched left leg. She pressed down, making me flinch from the pain of the stiletto.

“I want to see you spurt all over my boots, slave .” I looked up, she looked tall and powerful from my lowered position. She looked to me. “My boots! slave .” My smile broke bending my head quickly, realising she didn't want any distraction from what she was enjoying, my hardened cock. The feelings of near orgasmic release and pain from her long sharp heel began to mix and mould in to one. Cries and groans emitted from my quivering mouth filing the room with sexual tension. If I looked up I was sure to see Liz, touching her self. Or at least a look of desire on the now distant face. I looked to her boot gazing deeply on to the leather shaft, slight creases in the leather appearing and disappearing with the amount of pressure she aloud while pressing down on to my leg. As I gazed deeper and deeper a trance like feeling took over my mind. The stimulating sexual feeling caused by jerking off my shaft so intensely seemed almost separated from the desire to be close and taste her leather. Perspiration filled my brow flowing down my hot cheeks; tired breath shoot from my panting opened mouth filed with tension and desire. “I want to see you're cum trickling down my boots!” Liz panted out. I knew she was now been caught up in the motion a s w ell. H er boot moved from my leg. I looked to the red mark left from the stiletto, now longing for the pain. My hand pumped harder causing my body to tighten. Liz moved closer soon. She pushed her left boot in and up to my left inside leg. “Move your legs apart more. Slave.” H er voice full of urgency a s w ell as desire. As I widened she pushed her boot harder against my leg. The feel of smooth warm leather sliding up my widened leg sent uncontrollable shivers through my body. H er right boot moved in now a s w ell filling the gap. The smell of leather boots and cock filled my senses. Making my recklessly jerked off shaft harden and aching groans increase.

The near orgasm was obvious. So Liz moved her incredibly sexy boots away from my legs. Placing them so the soft shaft s w ere just in front of my twitching cock. The tip of my head knocked against her booted leg with every outward shaft. Leaving trails of glistening pre cum on the leather. H er left boot tilted up slightly instantly I felt the warm leather pointed boot toe press up against my bouncing balls. Thi s w as too much. My back arched. My vision intensified. All I could see was soft creasing black boots. My scent s w ere filled with the leather. The feel of her booted toe rubbing against my cum filled balls and my cock head knocking against leather again and again with every thrust. Warm ran up my body as I tensed harder and harder. My mouth widened feeling almost locked. “Cover my boots, slave .” The word slave filled my mind as my eyes shut and my body shock. Then I released “Oh Mistress. Your boots, your boots, than, thank, you, Mistress.” Words groaned and stumbled from my mouth as cum erupted and poured down on to her boots. I didn't want this very short feeling to end. But it did. I regained control. Continuing to pump the last spurts and spits from my cock while slowly opening my eyes, to be greeted by white splattered cum covered boots. “Good, slave . You can now stop!” A line of cum hung from the left boot to my cock. I let go. My spent shaft dropped to her boot and began to shrivel. Liz pulled away and inspected her glistening boots. “Crawl over and lick your cum up.” I lifted and bent over so I could crawl. I felt stiff but the little movement helped. I could feel her looking at me. As my face came directly over her boots. Liz let out a laugh. “Go on lick it up.” I bent till I could smell the salty cum and leather. As my mouth touched the left booted tip I opened and pushed my tongue out running it against and round the bottom grove that joins the sole to the boot. There wasn't much cum here apart from the small amount that had trickled down from higher up the leather shaft. I licked up, pressing my tongue hard against the leather toe area. Again not much here apart from splashes. Licking up the leather shaft soon changed all this. “That's it, lick that big bit up.” I pressed down harder; Liz helping by pressing in union her leg hard against the inside of the boot. The taste of cum and leather filling my mouth as I licked harder against her boot. Licking around the ankle I found a massive splatter that had trickled and snaked down from higher up the ankle boot. It had filled the creases that you find around the ankles of soft leather boots. I scooped out the cum. “Show me your tongue, slave .” I looked up as ordered as stuck my tongue out. Liz stared down on to the tongue smiling at the cum that covered it. “Swallow it.” I looked to her eyes as I swallowed it. “Carry on licking my boots clean, slave .” She laughed as I bent and continued my licking.

Liz looked down, after some time. She seemed happy with my work. “All your cum is off now you may stop, slave .” Liz pulled her pointed boot toe from my mouth, making a large sucking sound as it came out she giggled. “You have done a good job today, slave . Now I just want you to do a few more tasks for me before Jane picks you up.” She turned around. “Crawl behind me!” She walked out of the kitchen I crawled after her as fast as I could. Noticing the clicking of her wonderful boot heels She made with every step. When she reached the stairs she turned and smiled. “ H urry up, slave .” H er tone was mocking but still with slight warmth that gave me hope. I crawled faster then climbed up the steep stair s w ith my face inches from her black heels. I could smell the leather from her boots. When we reached the top she stopped still in front of me. I was still balancing between the top step and the landing. “Kiss the back of my boots.” I lent forward trying not to lose my grip and slide back down the stairs. My pink used lips contacted to the back of her left boot. I kissed right on the stitching Then pushed my tongue out and licked up the boot then back down. I twisted my face round to the right boot and licked up and down the stitching then kissed round the black leather base that joins to the shiny heel. Liz broke the kiss by walked off; she didn't even look to see if I was pursuing. I crawled up last step down the corridor and in to her warm bedroom. I couldn't see her. “I'm in here, slave .” H er voice drifted from the open door that led to her shower and the room she kept her clothes in. I moved towards the door at the back of her room. H er deep white carpet felt good on my aching red knees. I reached the door. “Walk, slave or it will take you all day!” I jumped up happy to be walking. Past the door I looked to the right hopping she was getting ready for a shower. She wasn't in there that meant she had to be in her clothes room quickly I moved to the left door that was open slight and walked in. I couldn't she her at all. Were was she? I was growing a little impatient from this hide and seek game. “Down her, stupid.” H er voice echoed up from the base of the room. Then I remembered her boot room to the back on the left. It couldn't be seen unless you walked to very end and even then it was slightly hidden by all the discarded leather hand bags and old now unused clothes that littered the floor. As I reached the room I could see the door wa s w ide open. Liz stood, glaring out while waiting for me. “What took you so long!” Any warmth that was found in her voice early was lost now. “Sorry Mistress I couldn't find you.” My trembling reply seemed to calm no anger from her cold face. “Get here!” I ran to her and waited, to afraid to look in to her face. Liz leapt around and behind me with a speed that shocked me. Soon heat exploded and fired around my back as she slapped out hit after hit to my naked butt cheeks. The sudden unexpected pain made me cry out. “Shut up slave , when I tell you to come to me, I don't expect you to take your time. “I'm so sorry, Mistress. Please forgive me.” My pleas seemed to calm her anger a little. “Turn and face me.” I turned; her opened hand shoot up and contacted with my face. The slap echoed around the room. I shut my eyes and all went silent. Then a burning sting under my left eye were she had hit me brought me back. I opened and looked to her. H er lipstick red sensual mouth was open in amazement it closed to a smile. I looked up her eyes had that glint that you get when you know something. Now she knew she was more powerful than me. As she began to laugh I sank to my knees from desperation I slid my arms around her legs and hugged on as I slivered down. “Please, don't hit me, Please.” I sunk lower and lower till my stretched out arms rested and hugged around her legs just above her ankles my crying face pressed in to her soft black leather ankle boots.

“Please don't hurt me, please.” My muffled cries blurted in to her boots. Liz kicked me away. I dropped to the floor. “Look at you, what kind of excuse for a man are you. Turn over.” Moving on to my back I looked up through tear blurred eyes. Liz looked my body up and down, then moved. “Open your legs, slave .” She placed her right boot on the outside of my leg then lifted her left boot up and over then down so it was on the inside of my open legs. She moved up looking down with a smile on to my tear-streaked face. “ H ow upset can you really be, slave when you have a raging hard on?” I looked down to my cock, she was right. “Did I say you could move your head, slave . Do you wont to give you one of these again?” She lifted her opened hand up in to the air and simulated slapping my face. “No Mistress.” I shuddered. “Now that's better, slave . Just do what you're told and you will be ok.” She pushed her left boot to the inside of my leg and slid it up. The warm leather felt great on my naked flesh. My cock began to twitch with hardness. “That's it, slave get it really hard for me. I wont to sit on it.” Sexual tension ached through my body. Liz pulled her tight work suit trousers down. She pulled her left leg from it then balanced and freed her right leg a s w ell. Chucking the grey trousers to the floor. “You can pick up my clothes in a bit, slave .” Liz lifted the black ankle boot that was seductively rubbing up and down the inside of my leg and placed the sole directly on top of my solid hard shaft. She pushed her foot up and down manipulating my cock with her boot. Every time she thrust the sole up her hard slim heel knocked in to my aching balls. “Don't cum till I say you can, slave .” She pulled her boot away from my shaft. And ripped down her silk brief. Then moved so she stood over my cock, Yet still facing me. “ H old your cock up.” I snatched out and found my shaft, bending it back from my chest so it stood straight up and directly under her wet pussy. Liz lowered down till I could feel her hot flesh gently pushing against my hardness. She bent her hand round and pushed mine away taking charge of my cock. Then eased her self on to it and down. The deep sigh we both let out would have echoed around her house. With bending knees and savage thrusts Liz pumped her flexing body up and down, on my hardened shaft. “Don't you dare cum yet, slave .” She shouted in between near primal grunts and aching moans of high sexual charge. Panting together in time, I felt a join rising to this incredible Women, filled with such energy and desire. I looked up to her face full of twisting and contracting images of lust. So far from her normal formal stature. If I knew not of my place now, I might be having thoughts of love towards this bucking creature that was causing such emotion to curse through my trembling body. Thrusting down her long red sexual hair shoot up to land softly with every near orgasmic up wards shaft. Feeling her tighten I look to her eyes in time to see them shut, and for a second so does time for her. H er body trembles and tightens more around my solid vain pumped cock, My need to explode up wards and in to her has magnified. But I must not forget my place to this Lady. As hers to service and not to think. H er dark eyelids open and a wild glint has returned to her near black eyes. With intense force she moves up to the tip of my cock yet still inside. Then she thrusts down. Letting out breath till it is replaced by a groan so long and frenzied I nearly let go of what she has ordered me to hold back on. Over and over she rides me pumping and pushing harder with a wont of desire. H ow could her husband have left this? I wonder. I smile at her, her smile back different now than from before. “Yes, oh, slave , thank you,” H er pleas and cries of pleasure, her perspiration flowing down her soft face. Turning her cascading long red hair dark when mixing with the sweat. I grab up, pushing my left hand to her face to hold her as she fucks me so hard. I pushing her matted hair back so it hangs over her shoulders. Liz grabs my hand and forces it down to her still clothed covered boob. I let go and intensely force my hand down her suit jacket and under her white tight shirt. Rapidly I push my hand up the against her warm flesh. Till I find her boobs, and nipples so hard. I rub my fingers round and over her nipple. Sending shudders down her flesh. Bucking harder on to my cock I shudder a s w ell. The need to pump in to her becomes too much for me. Not caring what punishment thi s w ill bring I pull my hand free and grab on to her twisting her around and under me, still with my cock deep inside I begin to thrust in and out of her. Liz smiles up at me, Luckily she seemed not to bother. My pace pumping in and out of her tight wet pussy could not last that long. I knew this and she did too. But both our faces showed little care for this caught up in this erotic moment. “ H arder, slave . H arder!” I do as she commands. “That's it, slave . Fuck me!” I feel her long fingernail fingers glide down my side to my thrusting legs, under and to the base of my cock feeling her dampnes s w ere my shaft pushes in, then to my aching cum filled balls. Ready and desperate to release they're warm sticky hold.

With one hand holding me up as I pump on, my other pushes and finds her boobs again under her shirt. She locks her fingers around my balls and rubs and scrapes her nails across. Again I feel tightening against my cock. Liz's eyes shut again and her body tremors under me. I press my finger tight against her nipple. And enjoy her orgasm but yet wishing it could be mine. H er body slows and she lets out a sigh, she opens her eyes and smiles up at me blowing me a kiss then breathes out deeply warming my face. “Pull your cock out, slave . I'm happy.” What! Fly's through my mind, Yet still I stop. I look to her. She can read my face. Then laughs at me. “I'm satisfied, slave . Pull out!” H er voice was gaining strength again. I pulled out, causing a loud slurping sound, both mocking me and my hardness that ached from its stiffness. Liz still holding my balls looked to them. “Did, slave want to shoot?” her mocking tone matched the smile on her face. “Yes, Mistress.” She ran a long red fingernail over my ball, sending me to a shudder. I groaned out. Making her laugh again. “Would you like to shoot for me now, slave ?” H er smile turned to me. “Yes, Mistress. Please let me cum.” My panting from her touching should have been evidence, but I pleaded to her any way. “Well I don't care what you wont! I'm going to grab a shower, stay here don't touch your cock at all. And while I'm getting washed you can start to lick clean all my boots in this room. Start over there.” She pointed to the black thigh boots she had on early when Jane dropped me off. Liz stood up and walked to the door. Then she turned to me. “By the way, slave . I know what you're thinking, that the minute I leave you that you will, jerk off that hard cock of yours. Well look up there.” I followed Liz's hand to the top left corner by the door. Facing down on to the room was a small security video camera. “My husband had them fitted years ago when we moved in. I will watch the tape when I have finished showering, If you have done any thing to my boots but lick them, I will slap and smack you till you cry for forgiveness. Do you understand me, slave !” I looked up from the floor were I lay still. “I understand, Mistress.” The words she wanted to hear came from my mouth in a defeated whisper. “And tidy away my clothes.” Liz puled her arms out of her jacket and dropped it to the ground, then she undid her shirt and draped it over the jacket. My gaze fell to her bra and her nipples that stood out from underneath. She smiled placing a long slim hand behind her and in one smooth move undid and letting the bra fall to the ground. I nearly drooled at the sight. Liz looked down to my again hardened cock. “Imagine cuming over these, slave .” She ran her fingers over and around her boobs. Then laughed and walked out. I looked down to my cock; it was twitching crying out to be touched. Then I looked up to the black video camera in the corner noticing the wire coming out of it and into the wall. She would watch my every commanded move latter. Nothing I could do. So as ordered I crawled to her trousers, briefs jacket shirt and bra and collected them. I stood up and walked in to her clothes room. My shaft still hard tormenting me longer. I placed her clothes down were her dirty laundry went, ready for the cleaner to pick up in the morning. The sound of running water from the room next door filtered through. I thought about her soft touch, creasing up and down her flesh while washing in the clean warm water. This thought made my cock ache more. I looked down and in a natural instinct went to hold my shaft. But then I remembered what she said. I looked to the Four Corners of the room. Just above the door stood the camera leering out me with it' s w ires transmitting my every move plugging in to the wall. I dropped my hand back to my side and quickly moved back to her boot room. The smell of leather still the 1 st thing to hit you on arrival inside reminded me of my place and job to do. H er thigh boots. Made of soft leather yet so powerful when worn lay were she had taken them off. I moved to them, getting down on my knees in front. I lifted them and looked to the opening were Liz shapely legs had been just hours ago. I pushed my face close and in hailed in deeply. The mix of leather and Liz was erotic. I lifted the boot higher inhaling deeper and deeper her scents. Thinking of the camera I moved it away. But letting the cold leather boot fall to my aching shaft. It draped over pressing down onto it, causing my cock to bend slight under the leather weight. I shuddered annoyed at my blatant arousal that I knew Liz would enjoy watching latter. I lifted the other thigh high boot and began to lick it clean. The leather tasted so good. This really was an award for me. To be able to lick such a fine Lady's boots. I ran my tongue around the pointed toe sucking it in then out to trying so deeply to taste what I crave. Then I bent round slight to the stall that sat in the middle. I stretched the thigh boot out across it and began the joyful task of licking up the long soft black shaft. When I had done this side I turned it over and made my way up the zip sided long shaft. When I reached the top. I couldn't help my self from licking round the band of leather that runs around the inside of the top of the boots. The leather here tasted different, but I still lapped it up. When I had finished it I placed it down carefully on the floor. I could feel my cock pushing and bouncing from its hardness against the boot that I had rested on my lap. I didn't want to move it, but it would have looked strange to Liz if I didn't do it next. I looked down as I lifted it away. My cock bounced up still so hard. A thin glisten ran round my swollen aching shaft head, from the pre cum the boot had caused. I streched the boot across the stall and looked up and down the black leather shaft. There it was a line of pre cum smeared around and in to the leather from my rubbing cock. Liz would know what this glistening wa s w hen she played back the tape. I was in trouble and knew it. Nothing I could do now. So I bent and licked around and over the pre cum licking up all of my small sexual release. Then I worked my tongue around the rest of the boot. Enjoying so much licking around and sucking in then out on the leather toe area. The thing was these boot s w ere clean before so they didn't really need much to make the leather shine. So I turned picking up the other clean thigh boot from the floor and looked to were they belonged? The last shelf to the right had a pair of thigh boots hanging up. Next to them was an empty space containing a hanger? I crawled over and hung up the thigh boots. Making sure they hung straight and looked smooth. I looked to the thigh boots next to them. Letting my hand slide down the smooth white leather. Till my fingers reached the chunky platform sole. “No good for you, slave . You're cum wont show up on them?” I turned in shock. Liz stood at the door tightly wrapped in a thick white towel. “So, slave how many boots have you licked clean?” She walked over to the middle of the room leaving wet footprints on the carpet as she walked. Then she sat down on the stall crossing her long shapely legs in a smooth motion. “Sorry, Mistress. I have only cleaned your black thigh high boots.” She looked back crossly at me. I lowered my head to her red painted toenails. “You could have cleaned at least four pairs in that time, slave . Did that slow you down?” She pointed to my hard cock; it twitched in front of her so visibly letting me down. “Grab me some black knee highs from the four-inch shelf. Now!” I jumped up and quickly found the four-inch shelve filled with boots and shoes matching that heel size. I looked across from the top Ankle boots to calf to knee high boots. I snatched at the 1 st black pair I could see. I moved them over to Liz and kneeled in front of her. Put them on me. She uncrossed and pushed her left leg out. I zipped open the boot placing it under her foot. She slid in. “Zip it up!” I zipped the boot to the top. Then repeated the proces s w ith the other boot. “Do you like these boot's, slave ?” I looked closely at them. They were tight around her legs so no creases showed. They looked very new. The leather sent they gave off was strong having their affect quickly on me. She lifted her right leg up to let me see closer. The toe area was round and smooth with the soles been flat. Turning her leg a little she helped me to see the heel. Long two-inch wide and four-inch long black seamless heel. “So do you like them?” I broke from the leather boot to her still cross looking face. “Yes I do, I like them a lot Mistress.” She pushed the boot up and towards my face more. “Suck on my heel.” I turned my head so I could get my mouth to the base of the long thin heel. Then sucked it in. Liz moved her other boot to my hard cock. Placing it down on top of it making it press back flat against my body. “Blow my heel then, slave !” I moved my mouth up the heel shaft then back down sucking on it like a pro. Liz started to give me a boot job. On my much need to release cock. Immediately I began to react to her stimulating boot movement. Groaning on to the heel in my mouth I sucked it in thrusts of in and out motion. She placed her hand, to the back of my head locking her fingers around my hair, then pushing me deeper and deeper on to her heel. I nearly choked. She could tell. Responding by speeding up the backwards and forwards movement from her boot sole pressing on to my cock. I heard laughter as my head was so brutally pushed on to and back from her heel. “That's it, slave . Suck off my heel. Suck it good. Like the slut you are.” My cock couldn't take much more of her boot sole pulling my four-skin back and to so fast. I could feel my cum rising. I breathed deeply and sighed on to her heel. “I'm going to cum.” The mumbled words making no such sense with a mouth full of her heel. She speeds up her sole on my cock and the pace at which she fucked my mouth with her heel. My balls let go at last erupting up sending my body off into a much-needed orgasm. My eyes closed. My back arched. My breathing stopped. Then blackness. The heel in my mouth stopped. “You have cum already, slave . What a shame I wanted some more fun with your body?” H er laugh brought me back. I opened my eyes; she ripped her heel from my mouth. I looked down to her boot pressing against my cock. I could see a little bit of cum shining up at me from around the edges of her boot toe area. It had spread up from her sole. “Now you have something to clean, slave .” She lifted the boot so the sole was directly in front of me. Cum had covered the sole. Running every were filling up the groves to help with grip and trailing down to the arch before the heel. I speared no time before I licked out from the base of the heel arch dragging my tongue to the other end. I scooped as much cum as I could up. Then retraced my movement back to scoop up some more. “Did you shoot much?” Liz voice interested yet at the same time mocking. I looked to her opening my mouth wide and pushing my tongue out so she could see the cum smeared against it. “Yes I see, good. Cary on licking it up.” I continued licking deeper and deeper into the tread till all the cum was licked up and eaten away. H er hand moved down parting her towel between her legs. I stopped and watched. Liz tilted her boot forwards so the toe faced my mouth. She groaned I looked quick to her hand it had disappeared deep up her towel and was moving around slightly. Opening my mouth wider I sucked her boot in. She pressed it in deeper then thrust it back and forwards over and over again. I placed my tongue against the sole licking and pressing against the moving boot. My eyes jumped from her eyes gazing at me to her widening and groaning mouth then to her legs and towel covered hand pleasing her self. She sped up as her back rigid tight. H er groans and sighs increased and her eyes glared on to me sucking her boot in and out of my tightly stretched mouth. Then her eyes shut and her hand stopped. She pressed her boot hard into my mouth and kept it there. I licked the under sole wildly as I watched her body twitch and jerk full from her orgasm. H er mouth locked in motion. Moved letting out its releasing sigh. Liz's eyes opened and stared at me. Then her hand moved out from her towel. She her fingers covered in her dampness to my mouth I lifted back from her boot and licked her fingers then sucked them in. She pulled them back. I looked up to her. “You won't be able to get a hard on for a bit, slave . Will you?” She was right I was very tried. “Well you can go down on me then.” H er leg s w idened and she pulled up the white towel. I bent between her legs and licked out how Angel had taught me. Soon Liz was groaning again and her body shock slightly every so often when I applied more pressure. H er right leg moved and locked around and pressed down on to my naked back. Pressing me closer against her dampness. My mouth was covered by her juices, turning me on. I licked harder and faster my tongue not tiring from all the practice from licking boots. Liz's groans and sighs increased. Bucking and shaking against my mouth and tongue. Then she tightened and cried out in release. Both her legs shoot round and tightened against my back pressing me harder against her. “Don't stop, slave . Don't!” H er cries to continue muffled in with cries her of a shattering orgasm. She settled a little her opened mouth closing for breathing making way for more new building groans. I continued licking, pleasing and trying my best to please her as much as I could. H er legs around my back loosened, I carried on soon she had placed them back tighter this time as a second erupting orgasm blast through her thoughts. “Don't ever stop, This, I feel so. Good, great. Slave.” This time she shock more her mouth wider filled silent wide with not even breath escaping. Then the sigh and continued groans. She pushed my face away hard my tongue still sticking out. Letting me know to stop. Surprised I looked up. She was glowing with a beaming smile. “That will do, slave . I need to get dressed come and help me.” She pushed the towel down over her legs then stood. I pulled back and stood a s w ell. She walked to the door then turned. “Thanks. You're a good, slave .” I smiled back almost as much as she did? She walked out I followed. “I want something that will go with these boots. You can help me.” I looked to her black leather knee high boots. They looked great with her standing there pulled tight high up her leg. “ H ow about a leather skirt?” I hoped, more than trying to ask and help her. “No I don't think so tonight, slave . I'm having some friends over latter and well one of my guests husband does like to leer and I don't want to encourage the Muppet.” I laughed at her use of thi s w ord it didn't seem to fit her. She laughed back then smiled at me sweetly. What about these, which one. She had picked up a black dress that was close fitting more than tight. You could wear it to work or out at night. Classy yet still sexy. “No I don't think so. Go with the black skirt and a shirt.” Liz put back the dress and kept hold of the long skirt then moved over to her shirts. “Which colour?” I looked to all the colours and styles she had and that was a lot. “White and something a little tight to show off your great figure, you can't be a total angel tonight?” Liz grabbed a white shirt then turned smiling. “What like this?” “Yes that is great. Do you have a thick leather, black belt to place around your waist or something like that gold chain you wore when Jane dropped me off? It will really stand out” Thinking to my self that I watch too much day time television to know all of this I walked over to Liz. She seemed happy with my help. And her cheeks still glowed from me pleasing her just shortly. H er slim hand moved up and long fingers brushed my cheek. “You smell of me.” I looked shocked by her bluntness. “Don't worry, slave I like it. Now come on I need to get ready.” I walked after her through the door and back in to her room. She pointed to the left corner. Even the bedroom had a video camera in it. Just above the bed. “I will enjoy watching the videos latter, After my guests have left. I especially can't wait to see you getting pumped with my strap-on by all these Women. What did you think, I wouldn't have them down stairs a s w ell?” I felt a little sick by all of this. “I didn't think any thing, Mistress.” She laughed out then turned and walked to the bed placing the clothes on top of the sheets. “You can lick my boots more, while I put on my make up.” She skipped over to the tall mirror and pulled out the stall from under the desk. H er make up was scrawled across in some kind of order I couldn't make out. But what I could see were all the designer labels sticking out. She had expensive taste. Liz sat down. Pushing her booted feet well under the desk. She turned to me. “Well get on your knees and lick my boots then, slave .” She pointed down to under the desk. I dropped to my knees and crawled over then stuck my head as far under the desk as I could. Liz pulled her left tight black leather knee high boot back so I could worship it while she prepared her face. I began a lavish worshipful lick down her enslaving kinky boot shaft. Liz seemed happy with my attention I was giving her booted foot and she continued to apply her make up. I made sure my lick s w ere felt through the leather by licking down really hard. Every so often in between I kissed the boot. Liz lifted her foot so I could lick around the toe point and suck it in easier. Then she placed it down. “Come out, I'm done.” I crawled out and looked up. “Stand, slave .” I stood; Liz looked great, her lips shone from the pink lip-gloss and light smoky coloured eyes. A natural look. “Get my clothes from the bed.” I walked over and picked up the long black skirt and white shirt. Liz bent and opened a draw next to her make up desk. She looked in then pulled out a simple looking white bra and matching briefs. She stood letting the towel drop to the stall. Then turned to face me. I looked to her boobs. And felt my shaft harden. “ H and my the skirt. Then!” I blushed. While handing it to her. “Sorry. Mistress.” She steeped into the white briefs and pulled them up. Then she snatched the skirt from my clutches and pulled it on. Making sure it was straight and hung well. She pulled the bra up placing the front round her back 1 st then she did it up twisting it back round when done. “Shirt.” I handed the white shirt and watched intently as the fabric took the shape of her body. She turned and looked in the mirror pulling thi s w ay and that way at her skirt, shirt then hair. Until happy. “ slave , get my gold waist chain from that draw.” I could see from her reflection she meant the draws near her bed. I walked over and opened the top one. I was surprised by what I found. It was full of handcuffs, chains, scarves, and whips. “Not that one.” She had turned and was glaring at me. “The one next to it.” I pushed the draw shut fast and opened the one next to it. There it was the gold waist chain she was asking for. I reached in and grabbed it then turned and placed it in to her warm hand. Liz turned and undid the clasp on the back of the chain. Then she pulled it around her and did it up. Twisting the clasp to her back. “Well!” She turned to me. “You look great, Mistress.” She smiled. “Come here.” I walked over. Till I stood in front. She lent out and touched my hardened cock. “Doesn't take long for this to get hard. Go back to that draw you opened 1 st and get out one of my strap-on's. They should be near the bottom.”

I turned and walked back and opened the 1 st draw again to peer in. After a bit of sorting through the various toys she had I found what I was asked for. Under the long woven black leather whip lay the pink plastic strap-on? I reached in deeper and snatched for it. It was longer and slightly thicker than the last one Liz had her guests had used on me. I placed the thick black fabric straps in my hand and turned. Liz looked at it then with a devious smile she looked to me. “You will enjoy that, slave . Follow me down stairs.” Liz turned and walked out the door. I walked after her looking down to the floor trying not to think about what I had in my hand. Liz reached the stairs turned and grinned, she looked menacing. “ H urry up slut!” She laughed then walked down the stairs. I walked down still with my head hung. When she reached the ground her boot heels began to click with every stride she took. We walked in to the kitchen then into the lounge. Liz went over far side and sat down on to a single chair. “Kneel down in front, slave .” I walked over then bent in front of her. Once again I waited, right in front still naked, kneeling just inches from her boots. But this time I had an object that would amuse Liz but humiliate me completely. “Pass me, my strap-on, slave .” Liz' s w hisper echoed around as I handed it to her in dread of what was about to happen. Liz snatched it from my shaking hands. “What' s w rong are you afraid of me? Turn around and show me your butt.” I turned and bending my back up a little so she could look down on to my cheeks still red from hers and others smacks from earlier. “Pull your cheeks apart more, I can't see any thing. “That's better, now just a little bit wider. Remember this is a little bigger from the one you took so well earlier for me, slave .” I pulled a s w ide as I could. My body began to shake. Not ready for what she was about to do. I heard the chair creek as she pulled forwards. Then I felt a cold finger press to my hole. “Look at this cute little butt.” H er mocking eased no worries for me. I waited as she pressed her finger harder against me. It pressed in. I groaned she laughed. I pulled my hands hard against my cheeks to try and open deeper to help and try and ease the pain. She found this to be really funny. “Stick your butt up higher. I can't be bothered to reach, slave !” I lowered my head more. Resting my chin against her knee high black boots. I turned my face to the right a little and was immediately hit by the intense aroma of strong leather. I licked out hoping thi s w ould take my mind away from what was about to happen. I couldn't reach. “What are you trying to do down there, slave .” Liz had noticed. She pushed her finger in deeper “Trying to lick your boots, Mistress.” I groaned out. Made weak by what she was doing to me. She said nothing but moved her right boot forwards just a bit. I pushed my open mouth against her booted toe, happy for the relief. Liz pulled her finger out fast. The sensation made me groan out, making her laugh. “You squirm all you like, slave . I'm still going to push this.” She prodded my exposed raised butt with the cold plastic strap-on the fabric straps slapped against my cheeks. “Up you!” She finished her sentence. I licked out with my tongue letting the leather fill my taste senses. “I would wear the straps but I can't be bothered to get sweaty again. So I'm just going to stick it up you then play with it a bit.” I shut my eyes. She pressed the plastic to my hole. It sent a shiver visibly down my back. “Stay still or I slap you!” I froze. For some time Liz just rubbed and prised around, in and out my hole to loosen me. “Relax or it will hurt, slave !” An order hard to do. When you're on the verge of been penetrated by a large plastic cock. She pushed in hard more than half in one go must have entered. I nearly shrieked out. Stopped only by pressing my aching open mouth against her warm leather boot. “Stop your whimpering!” She puled it back to the rounded tip which she left still in me. I groaned out. “You see you like it really, you little slut.” I sighed deeply as she thrust back in. My tongue limply licked across the leather. I felt weak from been taken so brutally by this strong Mistress. Liz soon built up a rhythm. Using the straps rapped around her hand to thrust the base deep up and down stretching me wider apart. My breathing had increased only slowing to release savage grunts and groans. I couldn't lick out any more. My tongue like the rest of me, in shock. Liz pushed up harder than before. But didn't pull it back. Instead she just left it up me. I could feel her fingers tapping away on the plastic at the base. “Jane will be here very soon for you. Stand up.” I went to move my hand to pull out the plastic shaft. Quickly Liz slapped it with some force. “What you doing? I just said stand up, slave !” I went to reply and she kicked her left boot to my naked back. I slumped back down then slid to the floor. When I moved the sensation of the plastic shaft deep inside me made me groan. Using my hands to help me to my knees I bent up. The straps hanging down rested on the floor. Intensely Liz watched me as I tried to stand. When I fell a little she giggled enjoying my troubles a lot. On shaky, wide apart legs I surged up I had stood. “Face me!” I moved round, the feeling of having it pressed so tightly up me sent tingles of pleasure and pain through my whole body. Open mouthed I sighed in front of her. “Walk around a little for me.” I looked at her allowing my self-just a glimpse of the enjoyment that crossed her beaming face. Turning slowly I walked forwards resembling something like a penguin with my restricted walk. “Stop. Push it back up!” Liz had noticed unfortunately that the shaft had slipped a little while I moved. To my vast discomfort I bent my right arm round and with my own hand pushed it back up. Till it hurt too much. “Come on keep walking around, push it back up if it falls back down again!” I paraded around for some time only slowing to insert the shaft back up. Liz enjoyed watching me groan with nearly every steep I was taking. H er fun was stopped by the sound of the doorbell ringing down from the hall. “Looks like Jane's here. Get the door, slave .” I walked to the door leading to the hall. I was tempted to pull out the shaft on the way; thinking been naked on answering the door was enough humiliation. But I realised from earlier Liz was not afraid of publicly punishing me for not obeying her strict orders. As I walked down the hall I heard the sound of heels clicking on the hard floor behind me. “Come on, slave . H urry up, you don't want to keep her waiting all day, do you?” Yes I did, wa s w hat I wanted to say, but only a groan caused from the shaft escaped my panting mouth. I reached the intercom next to the door. I pressed, “ H ello, how may I help you.” I let go and waited, the intercom speaker buzzed with static. “It's Jane. Time for you to come home. Let me in, slave .” I turned to Liz. I was still belonged to her till Jane had me. “Let her in then, slave .” She smiled at me. I turned to open the door feeling Liz's hand rap around the base of the shaft that still lay up me. She twisted it round as I unlocked the door. I shut my eyes and let out a sigh. Opening again I could see that Jane had opted on bringing my old car. Just to annoy me I imagined. She drove up fast pulling to a holt suddenly just out side the door. Sending a spray of gravel flying. Not to the amusement of Liz. Jane looked out of the car window she noticed my nakedness then turned and smiled in a knowing way to Liz. Liz laughed forgetting to my annoyance the spewed up gravel drive way. The car door opened. I looked down to the ground just behind the open door ready to see what foot wear Jane had on. A red leather shaft lifted up at the back by a chunky tall black heel. Steeped down from the car. I looked to Jane's face. She had noticed me staring to her boots. She laughed out. “ H ow was he, Liz?” Liz now standing a little to my side. In front of the open door. “Great. My guests and I had lots of fun with him. Please why don't you come in, it's cold out side.” Liz shivered then smiled to Jane. Jane jumped out of the car completely stood round then turned and locked the door. The sound of gravel from under her boots increased as she reached the door. “I bet the slave is cold.” Liz laughed out. “Please come in.” Jane walked in and turned to me. “You better not been any trouble for your Mistress, slave ?” I looked away and down to her boots. “No, Mistress. I don't think I was any trouble?” I stared deeper in to Jane's boots. Red leather what looked like ankle boots stuck out from under her black tight jeans? She had changed since she dropped me off earlier. The contrast from the black to the red was quite mesmerising. I looked on in a near trance. The shaft running up from the rounded toe area was smooth untouched by creases even around the ankles? The boot s w ere new and the leather soft. “No he behaved really well.” What Liz and Jane talked about meant nothing to me now. I let my eyes drift back down her boots to the toe then under. A short platform sole of about 2” raised the boots from the ground. Jane's left boot raised at the tip. Resting on her heel. I watched in delight as she placed the front sole back to the ground repeating the process a few times. “Well then, slave ?” I looked up startled, Liz had left and only Jane stood looking at me. “Well then are you going to kiss my boots, you know the normal greeting I taught you to do. On my arrival, slave .” I dropped to the floor forgetting about the strap-on still up me. It pushed deep, making me cry out with groans and sighs. “Don't tell me getting on your knees in front of me, now turns you on a s w ell?” Out of breath I said nothing. “Not yet Jane, Look at his cute butt.” My head whipped round to Liz standing at the top of the stairs clutching on to my clothe s w ith one hand while the other draped over the banister. She started to walk down as I turned back to Jane's boots. I bent to lick in turn making my butt stick up and out. “Why does he have straps hanging from his butt?” I lowed my face right to her boot shafts till the smell washed up and crashed into my senses. Opening my mouth over the left boot shaft. And unable to control my actions I licked out spreading my tongue across her smooth leather boot. “I placed a strap-on up him. I was using it earlier in front of my guests and it amused me. So when they left I pushed it back. Any way I thought you might like to see?” Liz was now standing behind me. “Can't that hurt him?” I jumped feeling something applying more pressure to the shaft up me. I turned. “No it just makes the little whore groan when he moves.” Liz smiled down at me. She was pushing the strap-on harder into me with the tip of her left kinky black knee high boot. “Carry on licking my boots, you little butt fucked slut.” I bent back round to Jane's red leather boots. And continued to lick her left leather shaft. Jane laughed and Liz joined in. When I had licked her left boot from the top that I could see just bellow her jeans to the toe tip that I licked so carefully around. I moved on to her right boot. The sudden pain that shot up my body from my butt made me lick out hard on to Jane's boot. Letting out a groan with my mouth pressed tightly against her boot shaft. Silva ran from my mouth and down her boot. “That really gets him moving doesn't it?” Liz looked away from her boot that was still pressing against the shaft. “Like I said I thought you would like it.” Jane pulled her boot away from my mouth. I looked up “Don't drool over them, slave . Lick your spit up now!” I lowed back down and began to lick clean again. “Sorry, Mistress.” I mumbled not to well as I licked the spit from the red leather boot. “I'm sorry to do this but I have guests arriving any minute.” Jane took the hint. “That will do, slave . Stand up and get dressed, now!” I licked across the shaft one more time then kissed and stood up slowly, trying not to think about the sensations moving through my body caused from the plastic shaft. “Turn so you have your back to me, slave .” I turned round and faced Liz. “That's good now bend over a little.” Jane's hand slid down my back till it reached my stretched hole still filled tightly with the shaft. Jane locked her long fingers around the straps that hung bellow; She tugged slightly, causing me to groan out into Liz face. Liz looked back taunting me by blowing kisses. Jane pulled it back to the tip, causing a quiver of pleasure to run through my body. Then slowly she pushed it right back up. Faint sighs and moans escaped from my open mouth making my tongue fall limp, hung motionless over my bottom damp lip. In one fast hard move Jane snatched the strap-on from out of my aching hole. My leg s w ent limp and I shut my eyes. Quickly I regained control of my tired body. I opened my eyes. “Put your clothes back on were leaving.” I stood from my bent position reaching for the clothes Liz offered to me. I turned to Jane she looked down her sight locking to my hard cock that stood solid. H er hand lifted and her long finger nails brushed the length of my hard shaft. “You really have become a whore haven't you, slave ?” I looked to her with the embarrassment visibly present on my face. “Yes, Mistress.” My reply weak. “Just hurry up and get dressed, slave !” I placed on my clothes managing to nearly fall over while pulling up my trousers. “Be careful, slave .” Jane seemed stressed, I knew I was in for it when she had me alone. When I was fully dressed Jane ordered me to go wait in the car while she just spoke to Liz, for a few minutes. I turned to Liz bent and kissed her black leather knee boots on the toe areas. Then I stood she smiled. “You will be seeing a lot more of me soon. But till then bye, slave .” I smiled back she was stunning and how ever cruel she treated me I was happy to serve her. Jane pushed me to the door. “Go and wait like I told you!” I turned fast opening the door I walked out. “ slave , you will need the keys?” I turned back to Jane in time to see her chucking the keys in to my direction. I lunged to catch, missing by just inches. “You clumsy fool. Pick them up!” I bent down and scooped the key s w hich used to me mine in to my right hand. Then stood bowed my head to Jane turned and walked round to the passenger side. Unlocked and got in. The car door shut to the expensive heavy sounding thud I had come to expect from my old car. Locked tightly in the warm cockpit I stretched back and out onto the leather racing bucket seat. I turned to the driver' s w indow. Jane and Liz seemed happy. From what I could make out through the dark tinted window. I stretched the day's adventures having their toll on my body. Closing my eyes I drifted off. The drivers slamming woke me up. “Don't go to sleep unless you are ordered to from now on!” I shuck my self-together “Sorry, Mistress.” I splurged out. Jane started the car. “Liz has given you a present. She said that you behaved so well today she will let you keep that strap-on you had in when I arrived. To keep you stretched and all. I looked down to the shelf under the steering wheel on Jane's side nothing my eyes drifted back to my side expecting to see it hanging out from my shelf. I looked back to Jane with a puzzled look on my face. She laughed then looked down to the drinks holder that stuck out from the central car column next to the stereo. I followed her gaze. And there it was half sticking out from the holder. I looked down on to the pink plastic shaft and shuddered. I felt repulsed yet at the same time deeply turned on. The car lunged forwards then with a whole steering wheel lock turned to the right Jane span the car round. I looked out of my window. Liz stood at the door. She smiled then waved good bye I looked down to her kinky knee boots aching for them. She slightly raised her booted foot at the front resting on the back heel. Taping it back down a s w e drove away. I looked back to Jane; I let my eyes drift down her body to the start of her legs. I looked on round and down till I could see her red leather platform boots pressing in and out on the car peddles. Noticing with her every down push on the pedal slight creases lined across between the toe and shaft area. “That's it, slave . Long to lick my leather boots.” Jane's voice filled with mock and eroticism. “Open your fly and pull your cock out, slave .” My left hand slid to my trousers. Unzipping my fly then pulling my hardening cock out. Unaware for any one that might see in while waiting at traffic lights. I stared on, taking in the erotic sight of her red boots flexing and pumping away. “Think about how good you would feel, slave as your big cock releases all it's sticky white cum over my red leather knee boots.” H er last two words ran through my mind. I thought they were just kinky platform ankle boots. We came to a stop. I looked out the window; we had reached the lights just before town. Lucky for me no one stood out side looking in. Jane's hand moved from the gearstick steeling my attention. I followed her hand till it reached just above her knee. She snatched at the black jeans getting hold of a good amount to leaver her jeans back. My eyes dropped to her boot as the left jean raised my hart beat sped up. The long red leather shaft slowly appeared. The lights changed. Jane pulled her left jean back down covering most of the boot. But it was to late I knew what was behind and under her jeans now. My mind raced as the car pulled away and into town. “Now you know what my boots look like, think about shooting your cum all over them, then watching as your white sticky cum drips down my boots till it pools near the toe area. Were you can lick it off my boot s w hile I watch you.” In between turning then pulling away from a junction, Jane looked down and let out a faint laugh. “I'm sorry, slave . I forgot all this talk about licking leather knee high boots, releasing and splattering all over the leather shaft s w ith hot white cum. Really turns you on. Well I have no intention of leting you release in my presensce tonight so you can forget about that right now, slave !” My cock twitched in desperation, Jane stroked up and down the hard shaft lightly with her red long fingernails, every time we stopped at lights. More to tease and frustrate than please. I looked away and out my window. To painful now to look to her sexy boots now I knew she would not let me release my load. “Don't sulk, slave . I am sorry that I taunted you about my boots, knowing I wasn't going to let you shoot over them tonight. To be honest I imagine you have cum a lot today already, you must be tired. Am I right?” What was she up to, I thought as I answered her. “Yes, Mistress I have been made to cum a lot to day, and I am very tired.” I looked down My cock's stiffness had loosened a little. Soon it would be limp again. “I thought as much!” Jane changed up a gear and her boots moved on the pedals “And I like to see a lot of cum, spurting from your rock hard cock, just before it splashes down on to my kinky leather boots.” My cock twitched then hardened again. Sticking strait up and out of my opened fly. Jane placed the car into 4 th then dropped her soft hand to my cock and squeezed before placing back to the gear stick. She changed down a gear. At least her speed had calmed. “The best bit for me though is just after you have covered my boots in warm cum and it begins to run down the shaft and fill up the leather creases and groves then cover them. I look down to you so naked with cock still hard. Ordering you to lick and scoop out all what you have shoot on to my boots. Pressing your tongue so hard into the folds of leather and sucking then eating the cum. Till my boots. Leather kinky boots shine. From your boot licking service.” Jane's hand fell to my cock. She laughed when she felt it was solid. And so turned on that her touch made pre cum glisten around my cock head. “You're nearly home, slave .” She let go of my cock. Pulling into the road that leads off mine. Round the bend and up the hill. This journey done nearly every day. “Put you cock away then do your fly up.” Jane pulled into my road. Slowing when near the house. She turned on to the drive, applying the brakes softly for a change. We parked. Jane turned to me. “Angel will be back latter. Let your self in, H ere are the keys. Then get some food ready to cook for your Mistres s w hen she arrives home. I don't know when that will be? I have to go off now and do some small jobs to do. Don't forget your present from Liz. I will enjoy using that tomorrow when I come over.” She laughed as I opened the door and bent to get out. “Your forgetting some thing again, aren't you slave ? I looked to her, what did she mean. H er hand moved down a finger opening from the clenched fist pointing to her red boots. “Sorry, Mistress.” I lent over ready to bend my body round and down. “Don't be stupid, slave . You can't do it from that position. Get out of the car walk around to my door and wait!” looking away as I climbed out. Glad that I planted these evergreen trees four years ago. They had really grown well covering the front drive from any nosing on Neighbours. Shutting the door I began to walk around the front of the car. Jane's eyes locked to me the whole way. H er door slid open. I moved to it. She pushed it wide. I moved in between the opened door and the car.

Jane pulled her right boot from the accelerator were it was resting. I bent down pushing my back to the open door. I lent in and down further. Till my lips could touch on to the red leather. I kissed down making sure Jane could feel my worshipping kiss through the leather. As I pulled away my tongue flicked out and across, tasting the soft leather underneath. “Lean over and kiss my other, slave .” The right boot slid back to the accelerator while her left pulled back and lifted off the car mat a little to help me reach. I still had to lean in far, but my kissing lips soon tasted her boot. This time I licked for as long as I could. Managing to get as far as the platform toed edge, then right back and up the leather shaft. As I pulled away. I noticed the leather taste lingering in my mouth; already I was desperate again to lick her boots clean. “Go in side, slave . And prepare Angel's dinner.” I pulled away from my crouched position. I stood up and started to walk to the house. The car door slammed shut. I turned back. The car began to reverse. I turned back. “Stop. Come here. Now!” I turned back. Jane in a near screech was calling me over, wildly. I ran to see what was troubling her. I peered in to the now open car window. “You forgot this, slave . Bye.” H er hand holding the big plastic strap-on. Let go. It fell to the floor. Jane reversed back and off the drive. I bent to pick up the plastic cock. The car swung round. I took hold of the fabric straps looking up at Jane. She looked back, I stood, and she drove off. My neighbour from across the road, Stood at the edge of his drive, watering his flowers. Well pretending to water them, really standing on tip toes so he could see over and into my garden. I looked to him. H is bored old grumbling face looked back. I smiled then raised the one finger to him. “Well I never!” Echoed across the road as he stormed off to tell his suffering Wife what riff raff now live in the street. I turned. Tired yet happy in fact laughing for the 1 st time that day. I walked. All most skipped up the drive and to the door. Placing Jane's key in the lock. I turned and pushed the door open. I turned one last time and looked up into the white turning grey cloudy ski. Looks like rain, I thought as I turned back and walked in.

The hall looked dark and felt cold. I placed my hand to the wall and slid it up till it touched the light switch. Switching it on and waiting as the energy saving bulbs flickered then slowly brightened. I walked along the hall till I came to the facing wall that housed the switches to the stairs and landing. I clicked them on. The house light up. Now to sort the heating. Turning to my right. I opened the door that led into the dinning room. I walked through in to the kitchen, Shivering on entry. And thinking, why didn't I set the timer for the boiler before I went out? Tempted to open the fridge and eat all that it contained. But remembering the punishment I would receive if found out stopped my thoughts. I walked on passed the fridge and around the table that stuck out right to the middle of the room. Then to the boiler hung on the far right side wall. I lent over to see the timer closely. Not set at all. Turning the dial so it would start now, but not knowing when Angel would be back I set it to run on for six more hours. With the heating set I walked back to the hall and to the lounge. I opened the door. Noticing the sound of the radiators coming to life in the room. I walked across the thick carpet turning on all the sidelights as I went. Until I reached the settee. Were I fall deep in to it. And then deep in to sleep.

I woke annoyed by light that shone through the window. “Morning.” I turned startled by a voice I couldn't picture. “Who are you?” I asked startled. “One of Angel's friends. I have heard all about you?” Laughter filled the room. I felt like my head was pounding. As I tried to look her up and down. Dark long hair with some natural blond hints came down each side of her sleek pretty face. She was aged about 35 to 40. Attractively pleasing. I would say she was short about 5ft something. Maybe even shorter. But it was hard to see with her sitting down opposite me. I looked to her top. A knitted black jumper not tight but still showing little hints of a good body underneath. The grey trousers she wore to complement looked smart yet still sexy. Then I looked lower. Boots. Black, matt leather. That looked like ankle boots. But you can never be that sure when worn with trousers. I looked on closer. “Angel said you had boot fetish. You can keep staring if you like?” I looked to her. She smiled at me; my face lit up partly from embarrassment and partly from the warmth I felt in her return. I looked back, knowing she knew what I was gazing at. Stitching ran up the middle of the boots. From the black leather toe are to right up and under wear I couldn't see. I started think about how it would feel as I ran my tongue up and over it. The boot s w ere smart and sexy. The soles flat with the back just raised by, small kitten heels about an inch in height sticking out from the back of her boots. “Cute aren't they.” She tapped her boots together indicating they were what she was talking about. “Yes. Mistress.” I whispered out not wanting to steel my sight from them. “Come over here.” H er voice seemed sweet and quite. I bent my legs round dropping them to the floor. They felt stiff. I moved to stand. “No crawl over on your hands and knees.” Surprised a little by her order. I bent to my knees and began to crawl. She clapped out seeming happy by my act. I moved to look up and she her clearer. “Keep your eyes to my cute boots.” I placed my head back down. And looked to the black leather coming clearer as I crawled closer to her. As I reached her she crossed her legs. With her left leg draped over her right made her left ankle boot hang in the air. About face level with my crouching position. I crawled right up. I could smell the leather from her boot. As I looked down right on to the smooth surface. Just inches from my lips. She bobbed her foot up and down making the leather boot toe just clip my jaw slightly with every up move. “So you like boots then?” I inhaled deeply; letting the leather sent just inches from my nose. Fill me again. Causing me to nearly drool. “Yes, Mistress. I love leather boots.” Embarrassed I admitted openly to her. “Angel employed me last week to work as her new PR. Any way last night I wa s w orking late and over heard Angel chatting with Sally. When I asked her about what I thought she had said. She told me all. I was shocked at 1 st but after some wine chatting and laughter with them both I just had to see you. Angel said to take the day off and to keep you company. She thought you would need a rest after yesterday?” She laughed. “ H as Angel told you every thing?” I pleaded more than asked hoping she hadn't. “Every thing, slave !” She lifted her boot up again and softly brushed the toe against my chin.

“So would you like to lick my boots, slave ?” H er softly spoken voice made me feel weak from desire. “Yes.” I panted out, feeling my cock harden at the same time pushing against my trousers. “Take your clothes off.” Again her soft near whisper voice had a direct approach that demanded respect. I pulled my top off, folding it neatly and placing it to one side. Then I slid to my side so I could unfasten and pull down my trousers. Placing them neat and next to my top. My socks I wiped off. Dropping them on top of my growing clothes pile. I kneeled back to my original position, inches from her raised boot. H er left boot moved uncrossing her legs then placing her boot back the ground. But instead she rested the sole lightly on top of the visible bulge pressing against my boxer shorts. She tapped my covered cock; my mouth released a groan. “You will need to take these off a s w ell?” tapping my cock again. Letting me know she meant to take off my boxers. I slid back then rapidly filled by a sexual lust yanked down my boxer shorts and slid them off. Not caring were they landed. I moved back. Shuddering in desire as I felt her cold boot sole press down onto my hard cock shaft. Bending it back a little against my warm body.

“So tell me all about what you got up to yesterday, slave ?” H er boot still pressing against my shaft slid down seductively then slid back. I groan lifted from my lips as I moved to look at her. “Mistress Jane dropped me off in the morning at Mistress Liz's house.” I looked to her lips. Dark red lipstick glistening from just been licked in a sultry fashion. H er boot pressed hard against my cock. The sudden force sending shivers of shock through my body. “I know all this. Angel told me. But what she didn't know and what I want to know i s w hat did you do, while you were there?” I looked back up to her dark eyes. “Do you want to know every thing, Mistress?” She pressed down hard again. This time using the cute kitten heel to affect by pushing it hard into my right ball. I flinched. “Yes, slave . Now go on.” As I started telling her the pressure of the small heel lifted slightly. I noticed her mouth loosen eventually it-hung open in amazement, by what I told her. “Do you like to lick cum from leather boots, slave ?” She finally asked. A smile slowly creeping across her pretty face. I gazed deep in to these dark eyes of hers. Wondering if I should answer. “Yes, Mistress. I enjoy licking cum from Lady's boots.” H er face light up by the animation of her laughter. H er right hand lifted and came to rest on my cheek. She squeezed in a caring way. “You really are under Angles thumb aren't you? But then who am I to complain.” H er reply more a statement than a question that she wanted me to answer. I looked down enjoying the way light from the open window glimmered across the side of her right black ankle boot. She stooped laughing, noticing me staring at her boots she slid my cock between them, then began to stimulate my hardened shaft. “So, slave . If I let you cum all over my boots. Then let you lick them clean. What will you do for me?” I looked back surprised by what she asked. “I am a slave . I will do any thing you ask me too.” She smiled back. “Good answer.” H er boots moved up my shaft clamping my cock in the middle tightly. I groaned out loud. My enjoyment amusing her more. She slid her boots back down. The sensation of the warming soft leather making me shiver and twitch in delight. She moved her look from my face and down to the cock between her expensive black leather ankle boots. She gazed deeper wants noticing the pre-cum escaping from the cock and sliding on to her boots and down the insides. The sight in a way was erotic. Even though she had never thought of any thing like this before. The pace at which she thrust her boots up and down against his cock increased causing more pre-cum to glisten as it slid down the black leather further. She felt her self dampen. As sigh quietly slid from her lips. The slave to busy close to orgasm to notice. H er right the one she had just minutes ago stroked hi s w arm face with. Slid and rested between her tight grey trousers. She knew he could smell her from were he was but he seemed to take little notice of her even when her hand began to press down and release in time with her boots sliding up and down his very hard cock. “I'm going to cum, in a minute, Mistress. Please can I cum?” No way she thought he even asked permission to shoot. “Not yet, slave .” H er voice as near a pant as the slave on his knees naked in front of her. She was enjoying the pre-cum that was beginning to build up on her boots. And wanted to see him release. But not just yet as her hand as rhythmic as before pressed down between her legs. Causing a second groan to escape her dark red lipstick lips. I need to cum; the pressure that she was causing to build in side of me with her boot s w as becoming nearly too much. The leather as regular as clock work shafted up my cock then back down. Slight pain was caused each time, but the sexual enjoyment felt from those soft cute kitten heeled black ankle boots made me forget everything very fast.

“Please let my cum, Mistress.” I mumbled. “No!” H er reply hard unlike her voice at all. I looked up open-mouthed panting as a sigh released from my mouth. She panted back. Sweat beginning to form against her forehead any natural blond streaks near the front of her face now dark. Matted with perspiration tangled and sticking to her hot face. A groan coming from both our open mouths. H er eyes slid shut closing on me. I looked down her breast and nipples pressing against black knitted jumper. Lower I looked her arm snaked around her lap with hand and ringed finger pushing and needing against her inner thighs. “Go down on me, salve.” H er boots stopped moving. My cock ready to explode longed after these last few thrusts from her giving kitten heel boots. H er eyelids shoot open. Near blazing down in to mine. H er hand lifting then unbuckling the thick black leather belt and gold buckle sliding it back then rapidly yanking the zip of her trousers down. “Pull them off. Now, slave .” My sight and hands looking down to her boots and the trousers. I didn't want to pull her boots off to take her trousers down. “Pull them over my boots.” She read my mind. My hands rushed to the bottom of her grey trousers. Garbing at the slight flares and yanking them down in a passion I knew she felt a s w ell. The small kitten heels didn't snag against the inside of the trousers. I placed them in a heap on top of my clothes. While turning back I lent forwards moving my head between her warm thighs and my face against her very damp pussy. My boot licking tongue slid out and up. Causing her to squirm and press hard against my face. I licked till she was bucking and groaning against my tongue, then kept my rhythm constant till she increased in volume. Then I speed up slowly licking harder and faster. H er dampness smearing against my face till I smelt of her. Deeply I inhaled her sent sending my cock back to its solid hardness. She jolted, I nearly had her. H er body tensed hands rushing to the back of my head, her fingers griping and twisting at my hair. Sweat running down her body till it reached her thighs. The taste. My hardness. H er boots and heels digging in to my legs. Groans heavy panting from above. Twitching like from little electric increasing. Then her body solid. Gripped hand to my hair frozen in a movement. H er open mouth silent. Chest not moving. Then groan and rapid breathing, she is back. I flick my tongue, she twitches. H er hands grip loosens and she pulls me away. “That will do.” H eavily she pants out. A glow to her face new caused by me. I smile she beams back. “I see Angel has taught you well, slave .” I laugh a little. For the 1 st time in ages. I look down to her boots, now hurting my legs as she still is pressing down against them hard. Noticing my look. She lifts releasing the pressure. Leaving the pattern of the soles and heels pressed into my white legs for me to look at.

“You need a shower, slave . Go and wash, dress then come back down stairs.” I looked up at her form my kneeling position. A look of desperation crossed my face. She looked down to my cock. H ard and twitching before H er. I stood her gaze still on my shaft now level with my standing to her face. She moved forward till her mouth nearly touched my cock. I could feel her warm breath increase as she gazed further along my shaft. H er warmth beginning to make me shudder from sexual wants. H er lips, dark red opened. The lipstick gave a glimmer in movement like freshly licked. Intense I looked down on to her dark hair then closer and closer to her mouth that could make me shudder and climax so quickly. H er tongue pink soft moved out slowly seductively. Till it reached my slightly exposed cock head. I longed to feel the dampness. And warmth of her mouth around my hard shaft. Then her tongue flicked across and down pressing so tightly against my solid aching cock. I shuddered, nearly releasing from her one move. She pulled back, looked up and gazed into my face. “Do you want to cum for me, slave ?” The look on my face should have told her. “Yes, desperately. Mistress. Please let me cum.” H er right arm moved till her hand was in reaching distance of my hard cock. H er finger s w arm. Wrapped around stroking and teasing. Till I groaned out. She let go. “Go and wash and don't touch your cock. That's for my amusement. slave .” I turned knowing there was no point in trying plead. With a cock that ached and balls so desperate to release I walked out. As I got out of sight I looked down. Still hard. I moved to touch it, but stopped remembering my place. I walked up stairs to the landing then in to the bathroom. The room was cold. Angel had left the window open to help clear the steam. I shuddered. Leaning in to the shower cubical I hoped that there was still some warm water left. Turning the tap to hot I was pleasantly surprised to feel the 1 st jets of warm water crashing down from above. I turned and walked to the wash basin putt the plug in and filled half way with steam rising hot water. Toping up the last with cold. I shaved then fondled out behind for a face towel finding it I pulled it back rubbing it across my smooth shaven face. I placed it back then walked to the shower and jumped in. The water was to hot. A surprise I would have longed for last shower. Quickly turning the dial to blue. Relief as the water-cooled. I washed my hair with some of Angel's fruit shampoo. I smelt good. Then my body some sport shower gel. Not so good. But masculine. As I turned the tap off a last jet of water always freezing cold- shoot out making me jump. I ran to my towel and shivered into it. I rubbed my neck, hair back then legs dry. Trying not to knock the hardness that still stood. And ached to be relived. Dry I turned and walked out. Voices from down stairs echoed up. The Lady waiting for me down stairs I recognised but she was talking to some one else asking a question? The reply. H it me like a bolt. Jane was here. I ran to the bedroom. And pulled on the clothes Angel had put a side for me. Tight black trousers. With a zip fastening. For quicker access. One of Jane's ideas. And a tight white T-shirt. No socks and no boxers. I see that now I was not allowed underwear. I moved to the door and then stairs. Jane's laugh was echoing up to be followed by the other Lady's. I walked down. A little afraid. “Morning, slave .” I walked over to Jane. “Morning, Mistress.” I kneeled in front of her boots. Today she wa s w earing her black leather Ankle pointy boots. With four inch black stiletto heels. That tapered to shiny chrome heel tips. The boots could hurt you a lot. I bent lower and kissed the leather covered toe area of her right boot. “They are a little dirty, slave . So they will need a real licking today. I looked to the sides, Splashes of dried mud shot up from the sole splattering right up to leather shafts. I crawled round and began to lick. The other Mistress laughed. “ H e can clean mine after yours?” I licked across the leather boot from the toe to the start of the rise before the heel arch. The mud crusted and fell off. Most parts in to my mouth. “You missed a bit.” I looked up. Jane was pointing to near the front. “I'm going to a meeting, make them shine!” I bent back and pressed my tongue hard against the warm leather. Dragging it around the boot. The leather tasted good. And smelt wonderful. My cock hardened pressing tightly against the black fabric of my trousers. I licked up the shaft. The ankles had slight creases around them wear the leather had softened with age. The mud now cleaned away from the sides. Only licking to shine.

“Now lick the other boot, slave .”

I crawled round and lowed again to a position that made them both laugh. Licking form the side I cleaned all the mud splats from her left boot. “Are you touching your self?” In shock I looked down between my legs. I was stroking the bulge between my leg s w ith out even releasing. “Sorry, Mistress.” I splurged out. “ H ow dare you, touch our cock. With out been told." I licked her boot harder hoping to calm Jane's anger. “ H ave you been milked today, slave .” Sexual frustration ran through my body. “No, Mistress.” She laughed. “Good so you will have a lot to lick up in a bit.” The other Lady giggled slight. “I can't believe you make him eat his own cum?” I licked up Mistress Jane's boot shaft. “ H e makes the mess, so he should clean it up.” They laughed. H er heel I knew what to do. Placing my head underneath she lowed. I closed my mouth around the black long thin heel and sucked it in. The metal tip felt cold against my cleaning tongue. She puled it up then thrust it back down deep in to my sucking slut mouth. I choked a little, She yanked it out. “My other heel.” Crawling back round then placing my mouth under her right heel. She lowed it and I sucked it off till it shone. Jane pulled it out. But kept her sole in the air. I looked up. The black underneath was covered in mud. I licked up a bit unsure. She pulled her boot sole back dragging it a long my tongue. Then pushed it back till I my lick had reached the whole length. I rolled out from under her sole. “Is it clean already, slave ?” She sounded surprised. “Yes, Mistress.” She smiled down. “You're getting better, slave . Now lick the other sole.” H er left boot raised I rolled under. She placed it down hard against my tongue then whipped it along and across till licked clean. I rolled out then crawled to the front of the boots. Keeping my head down in respect for this Domineering Lady. H er left boot raised up. Balancing on her stiletto heel. I moved my open mouth to her toe, greedily sucking the leather pointy boot in to my mouth. It felt good slurping away pressing my tongue hard to under sole. The sent and taste of leather all around me. “Quit a sucking whore isn't he?” Jane asked. “Yes.” The other Mistress. Replied surprised by the sight but also enjoying the submission of the male. “I would like to see him suck off a male. But Angel doesn't like the idea.” I felt sick. Jane really did want to degrade me. “That would be funny. Especially if you got a really well hung man.” Jane laughed. “I will talk Angel round. But you might be able to speed up the process. Seems she has taken a shine to you.” My sucking on her boot slowed down to try and hear what they were saying. “Now the other.” Jane pulled her boot toe from my mouth. I moved round to the left one. And sucked it in. “I know some men that are clean and would pay good money to have him suck them off. And like you said it would be fun to watch him do it.” The leather nearly choked me again as Jane pushed the boot in deeper to enforce the fun at seeing me suck. Drool ran from my mouth and smeared across and down her boot. “Lick that up now! slave .” She pulled the toe from my mouth. Causing a sucking sound to fill the air. My mouth still open moved to were she placed her boot down with a thud. I sucked across the top. Collecting all of my spit from her boot. She kicked me away. I rolled over. “Stand up.” I stood. Their eyes dropped to the hardness pressing against my trousers. “Please take a seat, over there.” Jane pointed to the soft chair in the corner of the room. I didn't need to look up to know she didn't mean me. The other Lady walked over. I leather chair creaked as she sat down. “Crawl to her boots, slave .” I moved over. My legs kneeling legs positioned in front of her black leather kitten heeled ankle boot. I gazed down enjoying the leather. “Kiss my boot, slave .” H er order in that soft voice sent desire to course through my solid shaft. I bent and kissed the leather so soft to my lips. Then raised and bent in a bow like movement to her other boot letting my lips linger slight on the leather toe area. Feeling it flex underneath as her toes pressed up. I sighed out. Feeling my breathing increase. “Lick them, slave . Lick them clean.” My mouth opened as my tongue slid out and licked across the smooth shaft. “But they are clean. Wouldn't you like to have something on your boots for him to lick?” She giggled. We all knew what Jane meant. “Good idea. Pull your cock out and jerk it off over my boots. Till you cum all over them, slave !” What she said made me shudder and groan out loud. My hardness hurting behind it's tight restraint. My fingers shoot down and unzipped my trousers. My cock aching shoot out. Both Mistress. Eyes looked down locked to the hard twitching shaft.

I began to touch my aching cock in front of this Mistress cute little kitten heeled black boots. I didn't bother looking up for I knew she would be looking with Jane to my hand busy shafting away on my near ready to explode cock. “Make sure you spray all over her boots, slave !” The sound of Jane ordering me in that authority tone and the word boots echoing around my mind as I shafted back and forwards my near orgasm just increasing my groans and audibly rapid breathing. Soon my back was arching along with my leg muscles tightening. I was used to been milked rapidly on a daily basis's this short spell away from my regular routine was enough to gain a large build up. And Jane knew this as she teased and denied me yesterday. Keeping me on the edge of no return then laughing as I begged to be aloud to cum and release my sexual frustration over her boots only to lick it back up. Now was my time. As I looked deep on to the black leather. Knowing that soon I was to lick my cum from the smooth warm surface and to suck those toe points in then the best to lick and worship the cute kitten heels. I wondered if she would laugh as I licked clean what I shoot for her. Or would she want to touch her self right were I had gone down on and made her groan from delight.

“Cum for us, slave . Shoot all over the black boots.” I shuddered the sound of Jane's voice commanding me to submission. The look of the black chic boots. The heels so cute. My mind raced along with the urge to release the pressure that had risen so tensely. Running through my body ruining my concentration. A new shudder took my body, shutting my eyes as my hand rushed up and down my hard shaft desperate to help expel my desire. I opened and looked back down the boots greeted me once again. As sighs of intense sexual want and breaths uncontrolled released. Jane moved I looked round she had bent forwards and moved to my left side. She was looking down on to my cock which was a near blur from the continues rapid thrusts from my right hand. I looked up braking my vision of boots, black leather, Jane. Then to the Women, who I was about to release over. She looked down now to my face. Smiling at my vague lost look, that only purest desire can cause. I felt the rise. H eat filled from my releasing balls. At last, my face raced back down to what I was going to explode over. “That's it, slave over my boots. Cover them.” The voice soft. The last thing I heard as my eyes shut and spasms rocked through from my tight muscled legs to my back then up. Breathing stopped as the world closed down for seconds that should and wanted to last for hours. My hand slowed eyes loosened their grip from the now post orgasm that was leaving a shuddering mind. Sound's of laughter wa s w hat awakened my senses. Eyes opening wide looking right up into the seated Mistress's. H umour filled her face making soft looks twist to a more sinister look. She had felt power and was now taken. I turned away and found Jane. H er laughter suddenly stopped. The look of control unnerved me but held locking onto me at the same time. Slowly her mouth opened. The Mistres s w ent silent. She too locked onto Jane. Lips covered in red sticky gloss parted wider, then a tongue so pink came out and slid round her bottom lip making the before gloss glimmer even more. “ slave .” She whispered as I gazed longing to feel that tongue that so seductively showed it's self to me. “Are you ready, slave . To lick her boots clean.” Again Jane' s w hispers sending growing desire down to my spent shaft. I came round braking the control she had gained over me. The seated Mistress laughed once again. The thought of this young man grovelling at her cum covered black ankle boots amused more than aroused her. But she had to admit finding a small amount of sexual enjoyment from his intriguing submissiveness. I looked to the boots. The glistening cum stood out from the blackness of the leather. I was shocked by the amount I had expelled. I felt hand touch my left shoulder, Jane's. “Now slave be a good boy and lick the boots clean.” The seated Mistress laughter turning to a near giggle. H er middle aged seemed younger now with the naked boy here for her pleasure. I bent. All eyes locked to me. Jane still holding my shoulder pushing me down faster. Till my face touched the leather, feeling the cum smear on to my warm face just before, the sent of leather and cum mixing filled my lungs.

I licked the cum away from the shafts till I reached the soft black leather underneath. Then opening my mouth wider and allowing long kisses to form were before I had licked so worshipfully. Lowing my head more to gain access to the sides I found parts around the lower shafts on the out side of her left boot were some cum had trickled down. I continued to lick away following the natural flow of now cooling male seed. Once I reached the grove round the base of the boot were the sole connects. I licked in trying my hardest to push deep into the slight grove. The boot lifted up my eager tongue raised to keep connected. Laughter from above caused by my desperate action untouched my desire to taste the warmed leather so sweet. Licking on till reaching the pointed toe then taking it deep into my open mouth. This Mistress so new to power soon found her place, by pushing harder deep into my sucking mouth. Then pulling the boot back but not out. Soon she was mimicking an act oral using the boot a s w ay to humiliate and belittle to the delight of the watching Jane. “ H e really is a little sucking whore!” The boot crashed harder back into my mouth as the Mistress laughed at Jane's mocking tones. The boot ripped from my mouth. I looked up in shock my mouth still wide open making me look desperate and stupid. “My soles need a shine, slave .” The voice of the seated Mistress still soft but filled now with a confidence that before was absent. I puled back twisting my body till I lay under the left raised kitten heeled ankle boot. She pushed down and hard on to my face. As though she had little care about hurting me. I opened my mouth while feeling a little afraid. Soon she was rubbing the sole up and down my against my warm tongue with out a care in the world for the slave under her. Voice from above drifting in and out from my lower position. They were chatting about nothing of any importance. After what seemed like ages to me the boot lifted with sole clean. To be replaced by the right boot black sole. Once again I need not to move my mouth with H er opting instead to sway the boot sole over my tongue using it simply as a cleaning tool. “Lick the heel.” The order from who I don't know made me change my position. Back to a kneeling stance. The Mistress placed the boot high up till the sole faced me. I bent a little so I could reach the small cute heel. Not enough to suck in but plenty to lick round. The smooth plastic heel shaft felt cold to my ever increasing moving tongue.

“That will do, slave stand up!” I looked up. The seated Mistress had grown bored of my servitude. Feeling a little deflated as though I had let her down I stood as asked. H er gaze never on my face stayed locked to my cock. Now beginning to harden again. H er sight not helping to hide my embarrassment. “Get ready slave , your going shopping!” I turned fast to Jane. She mentioned shopping. I could tell from her leer I wasn't going to enjoy this. My mind raced back to the shoe shop. Followed by a smile creeping on my face. Maybe it wouldn't be that bad? I bent over to reach my trousers that were still wrapped around my legs I pulled them up zipping away my spent cock. The seated Mistress now unable to see my shaft stood happy from the show. She looked down to her shining boots twisting the left ankle round gracefully to observe in more detail. “You have done a nice job on my kinky boots, slave ” The sound of her saying boot s w as enough now to start a growing stiffness between my legs. Jane looked down noticing the affect her soft voice had on me. “Come on we don't have time, slave go to the front door and wait for us.” Jane laughed out her voice filled with amusement as much as dominance. When I reached the door I turned back just before walking through trying to catch a glimpse of my superiors. The were talking to busy to notice me gazing at there faces longing to kiss theses soft lips. Desperate to feel normal again in a way even though I felt sexually enhanced like never before. My eyes drifted down to there bodies moving with breath. Jane's chest so full tightly bound behind a suit made for work. I longed to see them released. To feel to be able to function as a male. “So you will look after him till Angel phones you?” Jane's voice snapped out of my trance. “Yes that's fine like I said early I want to take him shopping.” I looked to the other Mistress. H er face had lost it's sexual grin and returned to soft trustful looking. “Buying any thing nice?” Jane was grinning as she spoke. I looked back and waited for a reply interested in were I was being taken. “A slave needs a whip. Angel asked me to get one for him!” Both looked round directly to me still perching around the door almost spying on them. “I said wait at the front door, slave !” was all Jane could manage before laughing. I turned and moved to the front door very fast, annoyed with myself for hearing what I did. I waited by the door in pure silence thinking back to the pain I had felt in the office from a whip on the day of en slave ment. While staring at the carpet in my dream world I had not noticed them both walking up next to me. Startled by the sudden realisation of not been alone I jumped. “Your in for a big a shock once I whip you, slave . Now open the door!” Jane was right, I knew she would whip me till I cried no more. In fact I bet she couldn't wait till she felt leather bound handle in her right sweaty palm posed ready to swipe against my slave flesh. “The door, slave !” Jane's voice full of anger made me jump back to my duty. I turned snatching at the metal handle pulling it down till the door jolted then moved slightly open. I pulled wide holding it as Jane and the other Mistress stepped out. The sound of heel s w alking down the drive took over all over sounds I might of heard. I walked out pulling the door shut behind me. The turned to lock the door. Giving it a small push just to check before happy. The sound of a car starting behind made me turn. Jane was driving off. She looked to me then turned as she moved from my sight. “ H urry up, slave we haven't all day?” I turned to the Mistress in ownership of me today. “Sorry. I just thought?” She turned and looked back to me from her car. “You don't think, you do!” She opened the door to her small red mass produced hatch back and got in. She was right. I looked at her as I walked to her car parked badly at the bottom of the drive. H er smile one of knowing she had something new in her life pleased all the same. I smiled back. “So are you getting in?” Like I had an option. I thought as I pulled the handle that felt like it wanted to brake and listened in horror as the door with rust at the base squeaked the swung open. I looked down to the cloth worn seat covered with cigarette burns and disregarded cartons. “Don't mind the mess, in fact you can tidy my car up latter, slave .” H er smile beaming again as I climbed in to a car that felt like it should be destroyed or already had been?

“Nice car?” I turned and said as I pushed empty cartons and drink cans to the floor. She laughed. “Like I said, slave you can clean my car and wash it later.” Just what I alway s w anted from life, to tend cars that needed putting out of their misery. I thought, as I finally found a place to sit or should I say sink into. But the battered seat with slight staining was comfortable. Making a pleasant change from my worn knees. Pulling my belt on half expecting it to snap then pushing the vanity/shade back up and away from blocking my view, I was ready. H er thin arm moved down with fingers finding the key. The car started how I imagined. As in just. After some splutters and bangs from the back that I didn't want to ask about the car eventually settled on an erratic hum. I turned to look at her face; embarrassment of the car was not present in fact her smile had not shunned at all. She was happy in a way that could make any one happy. “I hope Angel's paying you alright?” She turned and looked to me surprise and question covering the happiness briefly. “I just meant the car?” I waved my hand around in attempt to show the car. She just looked at me still in question. Then her face broke. “I get you! The car, Just my 1 st car that's all. I'm attached to the old beast. I can't bring my self to replace it.” H er smile beamed back but now a little glow of embarrassment forming to her high cheeks. “Sentimental not a trait I connected to the PR trade?” H er hand slid to the gear stick the other entwined around the sport steering wheel. “I'm Female don't be deceived.” H er mock held power not to be laughed at more enjoyed. I smiled feeling a little worried. Then remembering what we were shopping for feeling afraid. “Lets go.” H er hand griped with a tension that could hurt around the metal leather covered gear stick she ripped it back the sound of gears crunching maybe not enough clutch or just worn. The car creaked. H er fingers locking with the steering wheel turning slightly white from the presser. H and brake off. She turned to look out the mud splattered back window. Then the car moved. Once reversed into the road she turned our eyes locking for seconds before looking out front. H and slid down. Smooth controlled change the car jerked a little then a creak from the back. We were off. I looked down to my floor mat taking in the litter. Cartons of food take away Chinese manly mixed with large milkshake strawberry drinks empty only a trace of pink lining lingering. Cigarette boxes. A light designer smoke of American origin gold and white tempting packaging amid at the young or the trendy female. Small champagne bottles. I laughed at this. These were the type that real cool bars served. Were you would see attractive models slurping a bottle with a straw. Never would you expect to find empties rolling around on the floor of a battered old car. The car slowed “Which way do you think?” I looked up a s w e pulled up. “I don't know were your going?” It amazes me sometimes how quickly a face can change in appearance. Thi s w as one of them. “Very funny, you fucking slut. I want to go to town. I'm new round here. Now help me?” I was taken back by the speed of her anger. “Sorry, you have to take the 1st exit from the roundabout your about to come up to. Then drive till you see signs for the city.” A smile formed to her face were an apology should have come, but she knew I need none. And this made her more happy. We drove off followed by the creaks and splutters I had forgotten about. I looked back to the floor to see what treasures I could find. The sound of a lighter clicking made me jolt back looking up. H er left-hand fingers locked around an expensive thin gold lighter. A cigarette hung from her mouth the filter I could see already smeared in a rich ring of red lipstick. H er hand raised the flick then flame she moved in but still watching the road then light. Lungs pulling her chest tight brought in. Then back a long line of continue s w hite grey smoke pored from her open tight mouth. She turned noticing me gazing. The last drags of the 1 st exhale still emitting hitting me bang on in my face. I breathed in then choked. As always a smile found her face. Then she turned “1 st exit from the roundabout?” I looked forward. “Yes, then follow the signs.” The car pulled I lent to the right going with the natural force of gravity a s w e moved into the roundabout, too fast. And then into the wrong lane. She indicated puling back fast right into the left lane, cutting up perfectly a family saloon with caravan in tow. I laughed to the sound of car horns been blasted. I smiled at to her. She laughed. Then we turned off. My body now been forced to the left. I looked back at her. Noticing really for the 1 st time her body position as she drove. She looked like a nutter. H ow I never noticed this before I don't know. H er back was forwards and far from the seat both hands locked to the wheel her face almost at the window. Cigarette hanging from her mouth. Gearshifts forced to a crunch then a jolt as she fired off the clutch to fast. And speed. The car shouldn't go this fast. But in-between all of this unnerving sight was her looks. And the fact that she looked like she really enjoyed driving. The signs for the city came up on the side of the road stealing my attention away from her. In between over taking, swerving, gear-changes and horns been blasted soon we arrived at the turn off. The city could now bee seen on the horizon. A journey taken many times but always a new experience felt by me as the tall towers and shopping complexes came into view. Angel's casino was the far. Nestled neatly in-between clubs and bars. The entertainment streets a distance away from town joined by back roads filled at night by taxis and trendy cars. People lining the pavements dressed up and ready for an adventure. It had been some time since I had enjoyed this area. We drove through in silence. In till. “The shop I want is by Angel's. She told me about it and wanted me to take you.” Ok I thought. The shops at this end of town consisted of newsagents and a few adult book shops. And I bet not one stocked a book. “Right then I need some directions. It's off broad street. Angel said it's next to were you park some times, she said you would know.” I did. Then I thought the only shops down there were really seedy. “Right take the next left then drive down to the bottom.” She pulled over to the left lane luckily empty then swerved tightly into the narrow alley with cars parked on both sides.

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