BDSM Library - The Firm

The Firm

Provided By: BDSM Library

Synopsis: Suzie had tried to keep out of the limelight when her information got the drug dealers at school into trouble. But they worked out who had dropped them in it - and now it's payback time.
The Firm

Her mind had uncharacteristically been on other things during the lessons that
morning. It was a gorgeous early summer's day outside the classroom windows, and
all she had was yet another tedious but unchallenging series of algebra problems
to bore her shitless. The result of all the daydreaming had been a promise made
to herself that she'd spend the last hour or so of the afternoon after school
sunbathing - the free time was supposed to be for exam revision, but she was
getting to grips with it all now and was feeling the pressure to achieve
lessening: she could afford a few hours relaxation for once. Get home, get out
of this rotten sodding school uniform (God, why did they have to be so snobbish
- what was wrong with ordinary clothing?) and into some nice normal jeans. Or
even better, a swimsuit in the garden.

The morning inched by. Lunchtime came at last, and virtually the whole school
trooped outside with their bags of potato crisps and coke cans and sandwiches or
whatever. The younger lads seemed mostly interested in playing football, the
older ones in chatting up the girls. And as always, the younger girls stood
around as giggling groups of friends, sarcastically slagging off any boy who
dared speak to them. Those who were old enough to smoke legally were doing so
openly in the playground: it was against the school rules, of course, but nobody
did anything about it. And those who weren't old enough were smoking too, more
surreptitiously. Suzie sat on one of the benches eating her lunch with Robbie,
the latest of a series of shy young men to be attracted to her slim figure and
what her mother called her "English Rose" complexion: pale skin, big gray-blue
eyes and chestnut hair. Not that she necessarily cared all that much for Robbie
- he was a bit of a geek, to be honest - but at least he was manageable and not
too pushy, and having one boyfriend for company did help keep all the other
no-hopers at a distance. So they talked a little in the sun while Suzie watched
the world go by.


At the end of the lunch break, she put her blazer back on and went back inside
the ugly concrete school building, heading for the girls' toilets before the
next classes started. A couple of cubicles were occupied, but there was no need
to wait, even though Trisha and Nikki and Jenna were standing around nattering.
Suzie moved quickly, not being very friendly with her three over-exuberant
classmates and knowing she'd probably get water splashed at her or whatever.
Nothing nasty - it was too good and too posh a school for much bullying and so
forth to go one, especially among the final year students. But Suzie did find
them a bit intimidating: unlike most of the school, these girls liked to think
of themselves as rebels. Open and frank about the fact that they had sex with
their boyfriends. Always clashing with the teachers about the dress code -
inappropriate makeup and jewelry, or not wearing a bra, or heavy boots instead
of the required practical shoes. And they used drugs, too. It had been a big
scandal when that came out: three of the boys and these three girls in the
senior year had been involved not only in using coke but in distributing it
within the school and the local area. A very high-class school, with plenty of
rich parents paying fees to keep their kids out of trouble... this was the last
thing the Headmaster and governors wanted. The odd joint was inevitable, she
supposed - they were always in evidence even at the relatively innocuous parties
she and her friends went to, and Suzie had tried it more than once herself. But
the harder stuff and the hard drinking and sexual shenanigans that went with it
(well, according to the brags and boasts afterwards) were something strictly for
the "in crowd". Not surprising, she supposed - well-to-do kids with time on
their hands, more cash than common sense... But once it started moving into the
school grounds and the three lads and three girls involved were dealing stuff to
other kids, Suzie and her friends had gotten scared of it. There were threats
and beatings for a couple of lads, one who'd not paid up had been hospitalized
and another couple of children had left the school; rumour had said that the
parents had complained to the Headmaster but no names had been named and he'd
refused to believe it.

After her little sister had confidentially mentioned to Suzie that a couple of
the girls in her class, fifteen year olds two years lower down the school, had
offered her a line, Suzie had gone one further. She'd screwed up her courage to
buy the stuff herself - ten pounds of her own scarce cash - and after a week or
so to avoid suspicion, she'd gone directly to the headmaster with it, even
though he terrified the kids just about as much as the dealers did. Trembling
inwardly, she told him that the pupils were frightened and he was going to have
to clear it up (without her name being mentioned) or her next visit would be
with her parents to the police. She had left his office absolutely astounded by
the fact she had dared to face the man, let alone tackle the subject. But she
had seen him blanch when she produced the little silver foil twist and unwrapped
it on his desk: she'd been in control of the discussion from that moment. She'd
felt about ten feet tall.

The police had been round to the school within the week, quietly and in plain
clothes - masonic handshakes all round to keep it out of the local papers, Suzie
supposed cynically. Slowly but surely, pieces of the truth came out, or as near
as she could tell when trying to separate the wilder rumors from the tales that
were soon circulating. A positively scandalous amount of stuff had been found;
semi-official police warnings were given to nearly twenty pupils. The gang of
six running it were officially cautioned (Jenna's father turning out to be a
fairly high-ranked policeman, which must have embarrassed everyone concerned, to
put it mildly) and in all likelihood the ringleader Viv would face some kind of
charges; he hadn't been expelled since his mother was on the school's board of
Governors, but that might happen yet. The sooner the better.


Suzie heard the three girls outside her cubicle whispering and scuffling,
shooing a couple of younger kids away, but thought nothing of it. She
straightened her clothes and came out to wash her hands, seeing to her surprise
that Nikki was ferreting around in the equipment cupboard by the door, passing a
roll of silver-coloured duct tape to Jenna. Hadn't Jenkins locked the cleaning
cupboard? No, Nikki was using keys...

The fact had barely registered when the three girls jumped her. About five
seconds was all it took for them to wrestle her to the ground and put a strip of
the tape over her mouth.

"We know you're the one who talked," Trisha hissed. "Templeman's older brother
found out for us." He was one of the three lads involved. "Don't deny it,"
continued her classmate, dark brown eyes blazing furiously. "It's not worth it.
We know."

Nikki produced the stick of an extended long-handled squeegee or similar from
the cupboard, which she and Jenna forced down one sleeve of Suzie's blazer
jacket, across the back of her shoulders and then out of the other sleeve. About
seven or eight feet long, it protruded at both wrists.

The yellow and black plastic plaque saying "OUT OF ORDER - PLEASE USE OTHER
TOILETS" was found and hung on the outside door. Lights turned off. Door itself
locked from the inside. Suzie was getting scared now. Very scared. Unless the
janitor came round soon, nobody would know the four of them were in here: what
had the three girls got in mind?

"You see, Suzie," said Nikki, almost spitting the words out, "You've got us all
into big trouble. With the cops, with our parents, with the school."

"The firm of Waters, Templeman and Hardwick is really very pissed off at you,"
added Jenna, referring to Viv and his two sidekicks, known throughout the school
as the Firm since a sarcastic history teacher had said that their little clique
sounded like a firm of solicitors. "Especially Viv. And he reckoned you needed
to be taught a lesson."

The three of them stood back from Suzie and surveyed their handiwork. She stood
there helplessly, arms outstretched and uncomfortable.

"Like a fucking scarecrow," said Nikki.

They laughed harshly.

"This is going to be way out," sniggered Trisha. "Never seen nothing like this
before. Really cool."

More grins and sniggers.

"OK," said Jenna. "All set. You can come out now."

The last cubicle door unlocked. And out came the firm: Viv Waters, Terry
Templeman and Stu Hardwick.


Suzie tried to scream. But the duct tape did its work.

At a gesture from the ringleader, Templeman produced a roll of banknotes.
Ostentatiously, he counted out five tens for each of the female accomplices and
handed them over. "Thank you ladies. You can leave if you want, or you can stay
for the fun."

There was no sign of the three of them leaving.

Suzie's fear mounted.

Viv stepped forward. She backed away, but Trisha and Jenna held her in place by
the simple expedient of grabbing the ends of the broom handle. The solidly built
young man placed his face right next to hers, hard brown eyes glinting. His
right hand came up to her face and stroked gently down her cheek and jawline,
before gripping her chin firmly and forcing her to look at him.

"You shouldn't have talked," he said quietly and calmly, quite in contrast with
the way the three girls had nearly spit out their venom-laden words. "Quite
apart from getting me into a lot of hassle, for which I may yet end up with a
criminal record, you've cost me rather a lot of money."

"Yeah," added Hardwick. "Nearly a grand a week. Couple of hundred for Viv, and
half that for me and Terry."

Viv looked down into Suzie's eyes, from mere inches away. "Yes, I know it
doesn't add up. Not Stu's strong point, numbers. But he's right. The people who
provide me with my supplies get the rest. You're going to cost them, let's see,
maybe twenty K a year if I can't build the trade up again. They're not good
people to be on the wrong side of, and for that kind of cash, they get very
angry. Very angry indeed."

He took his hand from her chin, and slid it inside her jacket, cupping her left
breast through the white school blouse. She was both mortified and terrified,
but unable to do anything about it. Not that she was particularly prudish -
she'd sunbathed topless in the past, and had let Robbie and a couple of others
cop a feel, but this casual intrusion was uninvited and intimate. And scary.

"Yes," she heard Hardwick whisper to Templeman. "Yes."

"Now," said Viv, the unwelcome hand squeezing and massaging her breast lightly
and absently, as if his mind was on other things. "This little session isn't
happening. Got that? One word, and some very unpleasant gentlemen, much nastier
folk than my little Firm, might get involved. Houses burn, cars crash. Mummies
get mugged and hit over the head, daddies get knifed tackling burglars. Little
sisters fall prey to the local psycho."

His nose was all but touching hers. "Nod if you understand."

She understood.

Oh my god, she understood - but she couldn't believe what she was hearing.

"Good girl." Viv took half a step back, then slid his other hand inside her
jacket as well, palms of each hand crushing her breasts through her clothing and
then tweaking the nipples harshly with his fingertips. Trisha and Nikki winced,

"Nice tits, girl. But Terry, you're the one who knows about knockers," said the
ringleader. "If you'd care to give your expert opinion?"

Viv stood aside and let the little olive-skinned sidekick come forward,
explaining: "His brother runs a night-club in the District, you see. Lap
dancers, exotic dancers, hostesses by the hour. You get the picture."

The small young man took off his glasses and wiped them nervously. Suzie could
hear him whispering. "This is sexual assault, you know."

"Sure it is. Got any difficulty with that?"

Suzie tried to make eye contact with him. He wavered.

"We could get locked away."

"Only if she tells," said Waters with a meaningful and menacing glance in her
direction. "She can't. She won't."

Hardwick just laughed. "You told us you fancied her. Christ, Terry - how often
do you get a chance like this - she's tied up like a bloody scarecrow. Free
meat. Go ahead."

Templeman's desire and his pride outweighed his natural caution, not wanting to
look a wimp in front of his mates or his girlfriend. His gaze shifted from her
pale face with its big gray-blue eyes and dark chestnut hair and eyebrows, down
to her slender figure. Suzie had lost the battle.

Fumblingly at first, but with increasing eagerness, he unbuttoned her blouse and
then pulled it out of her skirt so that he could part it as open as the jacket
and the constraining broomstick would allow. Desperately embarrassed, Suzie
tried to wriggle free, but she was unable to do anything about it. Indeed, she
realized to her increasing disgust, it was only titillating the three lads more
as they watched her movements. Christ, when she got out of this they'd be in
trouble. She'd call their bluff, go straight to her father. This had to be a
joke, scare tactics. They'd surely not dare...

The two girls holding her arms gripped her more tightly as she redoubled her
struggles: Terry Templeman certainly wasn't joking. His fingers were round at
her back, fumbling for a moment until he realized belatedly that her bra was one
of those center-clip jobs. He undid it with a surprisingly expert motion, and
suddenly Suzie was standing there with the little creep's hands on her naked
breasts making her shudder with distaste as the five interested onlookers
watched him. An inch or two shorter than she was, he had little difficulty
bending down to explore her left breast with his mouth, sucking greedily on the
nipple. Suzie was livid - embarrassed and humiliated, but above all angry.

"Lovely breasts," said Terry finally. "Not as big as many of the punters like,
perhaps, but she's quite tall and thin, so it suits her frame. Better at close
quarters than at a distance; we'd probably use her as a lap-dancer rather than a
have her as a stripper on stage."

If he was trying to scare her, he was doing a damn fine job.

He stood back and the three lads eyed her slender figure hungrily. Small pale
breasts, beautifully firmly shaped and with soft pink nipples - Suzie looked
very temptingly defenceless and was all too aware of it.

"I'll have some of that," said Hardwick. "Mind if I cop a feel too, Trish?"

His girlfriend shrugged. "Just don't get a taste for it, Stu." She laughed. "Bet
the little geek's never gotten her tits out for the lads before. Enjoy."

Suzie was flushing redder and redder with a mixture of anger and mortification
and fear.

Hardwick stepped over and groped at her eagerly, being so much bigger that he
ended up kneeling down to explore her torso at closer quarters.


The door rattled sharply.

"Oh shit, not again" said a girl's voice.

Everyone froze, then looked at each other and started gesturing frantically.
Suzie realized that this might be her only chance. She tried to scream or make a
noise, but the two girls holding her arms kept a tight hold, and Stu Hardwick
grabbed her legs in a rugby tackle so that she couldn't kick or stamp.

"Bollocks," said another. "They're always busted."

The footsteps retreated.

The moment had passed.


Viv let his breath out noisily.

"Right. Where were we?"

He looked at the scene. "Stu, you seem to be in about the right place. Take the
little bitch's skirt off." Jenna helped unbuckle it and undo the zipper at the
hip. The dark blue regulation skirt dropped down her long legs to the floor. Viv
tapped him on the shoulder and the big guy moved back.

"Gentlemen," said Viv. "I don't know about you, but I'm getting a little cramped
down here. Soldiers, attention please." A grin of recognition crossed their
faces - and Trisha's too, Suzie noticed.  The three stood like cadet soldiers
and saluted her. "Privates... on parade!" whispered the buxom brunette hoarsely.
It was obviously some kind of party-piece. In a half-synchronized pantomime, the
three lads unbuckled their belts, unzippered their flies and whipped out their

"Gentlemen," said Viv. "Load your weapons."

A few seconds of stroking later, and all three were displaying unashamed
erections; their three girlfriends all laughing like mad, doing their best to
keep the volume down. Suzie was shocked. It had already gone too far, but this
was beyond the pale.

"I'm not sure she realizes just how serious we are," said Templeman, looking at
the anger flashing in her eyes. "Look at her face - she's pissed at us, not just

Viv chuckled quietly and stepped over to her, holding his trousers up with one
hand. "Think we don't mean it, eh?" Suzie shook her head demurely. He continued,
waving a thick wad of banknotes in her face. "This is very serious, Susannah my
dear, very serious indeed. The cash makes it very serious. Terry, the

Templeman concentrated for a moment, then recited a string of details. Her
address and phone number, her parents' licence plates. The route the girls used
when walking home. The code for their burglar alarm. A description of the inside
of the house. Surely they hadn't been in there?

Viv Waters stood there and fondled her breasts lasciviously, making her shiver
unpleasantly. "You just haven't got the message. The stakes are high, and we're
doing this because you needed a lesson taught and we can get away with it. You
were going to spill the beans about this little interlude, because you thought I
was bluffing: you don't believe we could arrange the accidents we mentioned
earlier. You think my associates won't protect me. You're wrong. Here's the deal
- by the time you get home this evening, your house will have been ransacked.
Tomorrow, your father will be involved in a crash with a stolen car and the
perpetrators will not be found. At some point in the week after that, your
mother will have her bag snatched. And little sister Katie, whose boyfriend is
already getting her onto crack, will find herself in such need of a hit that
we'll have her selling herself in the District clubs in no time."

He looked her in the eyes. Suzie saw no sign of a lie. She looked round at the
others - they were amused at the situation, sure, and maybe even a little
shocked at the crude statements. But they weren't laughing. Viv continued: "One
phone call is all it would take. And then your family life and your home will
never be the same again. So think about it, while me and my friend here" (he
thrust his hips forward and pointed his erection at her) "show you exactly how
much of a bluff this is."

He knelt in front of her, hands on the white socks at her ankles. Suzie
quivered, suddenly almost peeing herself with fear as the strong hands slid up
her calves, up the outside of her thighs, up to take hold of the waistband of
her knickers at the hips. This had turned very nasty - not only for her, but
there was a risk for the rest of her family too.

Templeman was licking his lips, Hardwick mouthing "Do it" over and over again
silently. Suzie cringed, willing the ringleader's nerve to break. But it didn't:
Viv tore the black cotton panties clear down to her ankles.

Six sets of eyes ogled her shame and immodesty, those of the boys in particular
fixed on the thick triangular bush of the same smooth chestnut brown as the
unruly mop of wavy hair her head. Templeman in particular had his hand on his
dick and looked like he'd come any moment. Suzie tried to squat down on the
floor with her knees together, as the only way of protecting herself from their

"Oh no you don't," said Viv.

They hauled her to her feet, and at Viv's instructions two of the girls eased
her clothes off her shoulders, so that the jacket and blouse were now pinning
her upper arms and elbows behind her back. Simply by forcing the broomstick back
across the wash table surface and sitting on the ends of the stick, above two of
the four washbasins, they succeeded in bending Suzie over backward so that she
was propped with the back of her head against the mirrors and her buttocks on
the edge of the basin, slender hips thrust up enticingly by the weight of her
legs. Viv walked up to her, bent to remove her knickers from round her ankles
and then kicked her long pale legs slightly apart so that he could stand between

He placed his right index finger on the middle of her forehead, and ran it down
slowly between her eyes and over her nose, to her lips. The classic pose for
silence, an unspoken message: shhh - not a word, remember?

The finger ran down chin and neck, past the delicately protruding collarbones
and between the pale breasts and on down to the stomach. It was a simple gesture
that would have been a friendly and erotic intimacy between lovers, but the
finger sliding down to her navel just made Suzie shudder. It was made all the
more lewd by the fact that it was taking place in the harshly unsubtle setting
of the girls' toilets and that two of her classmates were holding her down and
three more watching eagerly.

Suzie looked away to the side, past Jenna, only to see the whole scene again:
the door of the cleaning cupboard had a full-length mirror, and it was open at
just the angle to let her see. A slim pale-skinned figure, naked from the socks
up to where the open blazer and blouse were falling off the shoulders. Hips
forced enticingly upward in a parody of a pelvic thrust, presenting the deep
brown patch of hair helplessly for the attention of the muscular young man with
his trousers and underpants round his knees.

Viv followed her gaze and enjoyed the scene too as he deliberately caught her
eye in the mirror. The finger moved again, down over the upraised mound and
softly into the crinkle-haired triangle of her bush.

"You fucked with us," he said. "So now we're going to fuck with you."

He kicked at her ankles again, parting her legs slightly. Now absolutely
terrified and totally convinced of his seriousness, Suzie clamped her knees

"We're going to rape you," he said simply.

"Stuart, Nicola - a leg each if you please." Stu and Nikki came over obediently,
lifting her legs up. Hardwick hooked a meaty forearm under her calf, taking hold
of the ankle with his other hand. Nikki copied him.

Viv looked at Suzie, square in the eye. "Right then, you little bitch, let's
have a look at your cunt. Spread her."

She wasn't strong enough to fight the four of them. They splayed her wide.

Her three male classmates drank in the sight delightedly. For several seconds
there was silence - they had eyes for nothing else. Not Suzie's pretty face or
big eyes or her long limbs, no longer even her roughly manhandled breasts. She
lay there defenceless as the lads gleefully committed every wrinkle and hair of
the anatomy of her genitals to memory.

Suzie looked up at Jenna, who was still sitting on her outstretched right hand.
Pleading with her using her big pale eyes. Jenna was going out with Viv, they
were an item: surely the big blonde girl wasn't happy at seeing her boyfriend do
this? But there was no sign of that in the small and heavily made up green-brown
eyes opposite. Perhaps she simply didn't feel threatened by it - it wasn't as if
Viv had been caught making passionate love to Suzie. He was just going to use
her for his own pleasure.

Jenna's gaze soon switched back to Viv, standing between Suzie's spreadeagled
legs with his trousers and underpants round his ankles, stroking his dick into
an even more obscenely burgeoning erection.

And then he took her. It didn't take long - he was hard and ready, and she could
do absolutely nothing to stop him. Viv stepped forward, and she felt him stroke
his prick up and down her slit a couple of times to get the position right. She
tried to squirm away, but it was hopeless. An attempt to make eye contact and
plead with him somehow. But her was just looking down with obvious delight at
the sight of her uncompromisingly exposed vagina and the prick probing at her
entrance: no mercy forthcoming. Then she felt her lips stretch as he shoved
himself inside her a little, pushing against her first-time tightness. Shit -
that hurt! Nikki winced as she saw him withdraw slightly bloodied.

"Jeez, Viv, she really was a virgin."

"Not any more," he gasped, and then he was ramming himself home repeatedly to
his full length as he came deep inside her.


Terry Templeman went next. "Oh, I've had my eye on you for a while," he said as
he took out his schlong. "Never thought I'd get to do this though."

No trace of his nervousness now: the sight of the prize had cured that. His
smaller physique was easily made up for by the viciousness with which he took
her, groping her breasts violently and probing mercilessly at her clitoris with
his dry bony fingers.

And then Hardwick and Templeman swapped places and the hulking blond young man
eagerly violated her as well. He was bigger than the other two, and Suzie was
squealing beneath the tape over her mouth and squirming in discomfort as he
shafted her nonchalantly.

"Hardwick by name and hard wick by nature," joked Trish to Nikki from her
position sitting on Suzie's other hand, as Nikki held Suzie's leg firmly and
looked down wide-eyed and positively wincing as she saw the penis grinding home.
"Now you know what I like about the guy."

Another rattle of the door! Someone else trying to get in.

They all held their breath.

Now on the point of coming, Hardwick withdrew his angry red dick from Suzie's
bruised body. But too late: he climaxed anyway, wide-eyed and open-mouthed to
the silent merriment of all the onlookers. A thick squirt of ropey semen shot
out, catching Suzie in the face and hair, even spattering the mirror behind her.
Two more lines of jism were ejaculated less powerfully, only reaching her torso,
and then he deposited a couple of white sticky dollops on the chestnut-coloured
vee of her pubic hair.

Grinning sheepishly at the others, who were still creased up with silent
laughter at the sight, he shrugged and grinned too, using his forefinger to
smear the goo across Suzie's breasts and massage it into her bush.


"What do you reckon, Terry?" asked Viv when Hardwick had finally finished his
messy handiwork and was standing in front of the washbasin next to her, washing
the semen and the flecks of blood off his still substantial erection.

"She would get fifty a trick in my brother's club," said Templeman. "Assuming we
rebuild some of the lost business, I'd suggest once a week for each of the three
of us until start of the next school year would just about pay her debt."

The six of them laughed.

But Suzie realized all to well that the undertone was deadly serious. They had
just offered her the deal that would protect her family. And she was trapped.

"Girls, clean up the evidence and straighten her up," said Viv, and turned away.
"Suzie, we'll let you know when we want you next week."

Having satisfied themselves for now, the young men had lost interest in their
young victim. Or were feigning disinterest deliberately in order to make her
feel small and insignificant: as if Suzie were just a toy to be played with.
Hardwick was uncomfortably trying to get his still half-erect penis back into
his pants, the other two were tucking their shirts in and zippering themselves
up again as they chatted, back to looking and acting like any other middle-class

The broom handle was removed from her jacket and the duct tape was ripped away
painfully. Jenna was putting the closet straight and locking it behind her.

"Good old Jenkins the Janitor," said Nikki conversationally. "One of our better
customers, and always ready to lend a hand for the odd few quid."

Suzie stood up straight, pulling down her skirt protectively. Painfully flexing
her strained arms and straightening her clothes, looking blankly at the ground
and trying to come to terms with what had just happened. She saw Viv pick up her
knickers from the tiled floor and pocket them.

"Little memento," he said with a grin. "Now, it's time for all seven of us to
run along to our next classes. Off you go, girl. We'll let you know when we want
you next week..."

She stumbled away down the long empty corridor, shocked and disbelieving, trying
not to listen as the echoes of the laughing and chuckling voices got fainter
behind her.

Review This Story || Email Author: Jean-Michel Maserati