BDSM Library - The New Boy

The New Boy

Provided By: BDSM Library

Synopsis: Charlotte and her slave boy Jason have lived alone for several months. Now, Charlotte has decided it is time for her slave to have a playmate...
~ The New Boy ~

	Jason had served his mistress, Charlotte, for almost two months.  He
thought that she was a wonderful mistress and he adored being allowed to serve
her.  Rather than fitting the usual stereotype of the dominant female, Charlotte
was small, young and childish.  She treated Jason like her favourite toy.  Some
nights, she would be cold and cruel, forcing Jason to crawl about the house on
his hands and knees, and making him sleep on the cold floor of the dungeon, just
to remind him that he was "hers".  Other times she would be sweet and
affectionate, petting Jason and calling him her "pet", and inviting him to sleep
in her bed.  Nights like that were relaxing for Jason, and he often woke up to
find Charlotte lying against him, impassively innocent in sleep, and he imagined
that he could hear her purr. 

	One evening, Charlotte was lying in bed, almost sound asleep.  Beneath
the house, in the dungeon, Jason was awake and uncomfortable; his leash attached
to one of the many hooks on the black plastic covered walls.  It was cold, and
he was wearing only brief pair of Charlotte's black satin underpants.  He didn't
know how long he had been down here or whether his mistress had intended to
leave him here all night or had simply forgotten him.  Feeling shaky, he reached
up and unhooked his leash from the wall.  He knew it was incredibly disobedient
to let himself out of bondage, but he was cold and lonely and he didn't care. 
Quietly he made his way up the steps into the house, then up the stairs again
into his mistress' bedroom.  Charlotte was stretched out on the bed, on her
stomach, with her elegant bare feet resting against one another.  Jason
clambered across the mattress and snuggled under the covers, against her warmth. 
Sleepily, Charlotte toyed with one of his long silken pigtails.
	"What are you doing up here?" she asked, without opening her eyes.
	"I'm cold," Jason said mournfully, trying to get closer to her warm
skin.  Charlotte edged away from him.
	"I know," she said. "You're freezing me. If you're cold, Pet, get
something out of my closet to wear."
	Jason eagerly climbed back out of bed, and went quickly to the large
built in closet.  He opened it and searched through the sweet-smelling clothes
until he found Charlotte's old school dress.  He pulled it on, and did up all
the buttons.  Charlotte was a narrow little girl and the dress was tight across
Jason's back.  He found some soft, thick black stockings, and sat on the edge of
the bed to carefully smooth them up his legs.  There, he thought, smiling.  He
climbed back into bed and nuzzled up to his mistress.  She put her arm around
him, still half-asleep, then rolled him over until she was spooning him, one arm
snaking around his chest and stroking gently. 
	"Are you being a pretty little schoolgirl again?" she asked, amused, as
she noticed what Jason had chosen to wear.  He nodded.  She kissed the back of
his neck and he made a soft little noise.  The tight dress and the silky
stockings were arousing him.
	"Jason," she said, warningly, "Don't forget, you have been very bad. You
let yourself out of bondage, didn't I say that was something you must not do?"
	"I know mistress, I'm sorry," Jason said, feeling worried, but at the
same time, a little more excited.  Charlotte continued to stoke his chest,
occasionally running her nails across his sensitive nipples and making him gasp. 
She reached behind her to take something from the bed head, where she kept a
collection of silk ribbons, leather straps and belts. 
	"Give me you're hands, please," she said.  Jason obligingly put his
hands behind his back, holding his wrists out for the bonds.  His mistress
looped a thin leather belt around them, pulled it tight and buckled it up.  She
sat up and pushed him until he was lying forward, on his stomach.  In bed,
Charlotte liked to wear long black petticoats.  The satin and lace made her look
like a little doll.  Quietly, she selected another belt from the bed head.
	"Jason, I'm going to punish you," she said.  He nodded.
	"Thank you, mistress, it's just what I deserve," he said, feeling hot
and dizzy with anticipation.  Charlotte smiled to herself.
	"Remember what you have to do?" she asked.  He nodded again.  She poked
him.  "Tell me."
	"I have to count out loud, and say thank you for each one," he said, his
voice muffled by the satin sheets beneath his mouth. 
	"Good," Charlotte said as she pulled up Jason's skirt.  She smiled as
she saw he was wearing her underwear, and that it was cutting into his soft
white legs.  She sat up on her knees so she would have more leverage, and began
to swing the belt.
	"One," Jason said, breathlessly, as the cool leather slapped softly
against his skin.  "Thank you, mistress."
	Charlotte swung the belt again, again hitting him gently.
	"Two. Please hit me harder, mistress, I deserve it."
	Charlotte obligingly struck him twice, a little harder, across his lower
back and then across his thighs.
	"Four...thank you." Jason was sounding very breathless.  His face was
pushed into the mattress and with each delicious sting of the belt he became
more and more aroused.  "Please...harder?" he asked, tensed expectantly. 
Charlotte hit him once more, the belt striking Jason's backside with a loud,
sharp slap.  He gasped, then moaned, nuzzling his face against the sheets.
	"How many, Jason?" Charlotte asked, when he didn't say anything.
	"Five." Five hits were all Charlotte usually gave him in punishment.
"Please, mistress, hit me once more, very hard, because I was so disobedient."
	Charlotte grinned gleefully, and brought the belt down once more.  It
cracked against Jason's flesh with a vicious slapping sound.  He cried out, then
began to moan as the warm stinging flooded across him.  Charlotte put the belt
away, and pulled Jason up onto his knees.
	"Now, you won't be bad anymore?" she whispered into his ear.  He shook
his head, and she smiled and gave his earlobe a long, slow, lick.  He shivered,
and one of her hands wandered across his chest to scratch against his nipple. 
Jason moaned again, louder this time.  Charlotte kissed his neck, then nudged
his face so he would turn around to let her kiss him on the mouth.  Her other
hand was inside of his underwear, stroking softly.  Jason's eyes rolled back in
his head.
	"Something tells me you like being bad, because it means you get to be
punished," Charlotte said, amused.  Jason made a soft little noise, which
sounded like he agreed.  He didn't feel capable of speech in his current state. 
He began to thrust softly against his mistress' hand, wanting terribly to come
and to feel that wonderful dizzying bliss, but he knew it wasn't his place to
ask, especially after he had been so bad. 
	"I know what you want," Charlotte said to him.  Her hand began to move
faster and more forcefully against him, while she eased the fingers of her other
hand into his mouth.  He sucked and licked them eagerly, moaning and panting
softly.  He was getting close, so close, feeling wonderfully tense and sensitive
everywhere.  Suddenly, Charlotte's hand stopped.  She pulled her fingers out of
his mouth and said,
	"Well, you're not getting what you want that easily. You have to ask
first. And ask nicely, or I might just go back to sleep again."
	Jason mewled pitifully at the injustice of his broken rhythm.  Charlotte
began to stroke him again, but softly, and slowly.
	"Please mistress..." Jason began, and her hand moved slightly faster.
"Please...would you please let me come...?"  Charlotte smiled and her hand sped
up.  Jason moaned, again feeling the familiar, delicious, tingling vagueness. 
He came uncontrollably, his eyes tightly closed.  Charlotte frowned, thinking
off the mess that was going all over her clean dress, but she loved to hear
those with soft, sweet little gasps he was making, feeling him completely at her
mercy.  She pulled her sticky hand away, wiped it on the back of his dress, and
untied his hands.  Jason lay down on his back, smiling serenely, and made a
contented gurgling noise.  His mistress stretched out beside him, and decided
she would go back to sleep.

	The next evening, Charlotte again lay on the bed, one knee bent, and the
other leg out straight.  She was dressed in a plain black sating chengsom, with
high boots made of soft PVC, which had enormous lift soles.  Jason lay with his
head in her lap, stroking the top of her silky white leg with his long, feminine
fingers.  Charlotte toyed with one of his long silken pigtails.  She had forced
him to wear his hair like this since his first day. 
	Charlotte's bedroom was dark and warm.  The heater hummed on the wall
and the white walls lit up occasionally as headlights from the road outside
flashed through the gap in the black satin curtains that were pinned across the
window.  The large wrought-iron bed where Charlotte and Jason lay was the only
piece of furniture in the room.  Above the soothing hum of the heater, Jason
heard his mistress sigh.  He nuzzled up to her exposed thigh, and kissed it
	"Sleepy mistress?" he asked.  She stoked his cheek and smiled.
	"Not quite, Pet. I'm just thinking," she replied.  Jason sat up on one
elbow to look at her, curious. "Tell me... how would you feel about having
another..."she paused and smiled devilishly, "...playmate?"
	Jason's eyes lit up, and Charlotte smiled to herself.  He blushed,
embarrassed at his eagerness, and ducked his head into the rumpled black satin
sheets.  Charlotte laughed at his shyness, and tickled his neck with her
fingers.  Jason blushed brighter and tried to hide his face under her leg.  She
leaned back, and resumed playing with his hair, lounging across the black satin
pillows.  It was getting late, and they were both feeling sleepy.  Jason yawned
and his mistress ran a hand carelessly up and down his neck, feeling his soft
skin and the rough edges of the leather collar she forced him to wear
constantly.  Jason was wondering what it would be like if Charlotte did decide
to get a "playmate" for him.  He imagined having another slave in the house, and
thought about having three in the bed instead of just two.  His mind wandered,
and he realised he was getting hard over the idea.  Embarrassed, he shifted
slightly, hoping his mistress wouldn't notice.  Lately she has taken to
punishing him if she saw he was thinking deviant things.  Again he was dressed
in Charlotte's underpants, and they did little to disguise the results of such
thoughts.  Jason turned his mind to something boring and hoped that his erection
would go away before his mistress, who seemed to be asleep, woke up and noticed

	Meanwhile, a sleek sliver car wound its way smoothly around the curves
of the wet road.  In the back, in a cage meant for transporting a large dog,
Koibito was curled.  He scowled as the car turned another corner, jolting him
against the uncomfortable metal bars.  His master, the driver, turned around to
check on his passenger. 
	"What are you frowning for?" he asked.  Koibito decided now was not a
good time to be difficult.  With effort, he made his beautiful Asian face
smooth, closed his eyes and pretended to be asleep.  His master grunted, turned
back to the wheel and muttered to himself,
	"I don't know what Charlotte wants with you. I feel sorry for that poor
girl, she's going to have trouble with such a disobedient little bitch."  He
turned a corner particularly viciously and Koibito's head smacked against the
side of the cage. He swore, in Japanese, under his breath. Anything would be
better than being stuck with a butcher like you, he thought to himself, glaring
at the back of his master's head.  Koibito had been owned by this man since he
was a child, when he had taken a liking to the spirited young 'bishonen' and
bought him from the Tokyo brothel where he lived, in the way someone might buy a
nice shirt.  Koibito hated being a slave, hated being owned by this man, but he
had ended up in a foreign country where he had no legal right to be.  He
couldn't just leave, and his master knew that.  He had been trapped.
	The car pulled into a driveway and stopped, and Koibito's master got
out.  He opened the back door and roughly pulled Koibito out of his cage.  As
his leash was attached to the leather collar around his neck, Koibito took the
opportunity to look around.  They were outside a small, old, townhouse.  The
safety light had clicked on to light up an overgrown garden.  So this was to be
his new home.  He smiled and sighed with slight relief, but a tug on his leash
made him realise that his sigh was more than a little preemptive.  Koibito saw
the anger in his master's eyes and instinctively dropped to the ground, clinging
to his master's feet.  He hated himself for behaving this way, but he knew the
alternative would not be worth keeping his pride for.  His master kicked at
Koibito's knees, forcing him to lie flat on the wet driveway. 
	"I'm sorry master," Koibito said, pressing his face into the mud and
leaves that had collected on the cement. 
	"You will be," his master said, his voice full of malice. "Until you
step into that house, you are still mine, and I am going to make you remember
	Koibito felt a cold dread and knew he was about to be raped.  He found
himself remembering that first time, when he was just a young boy, the pain and
his master's rough movements and heated gasps.  It was to make him learn his
place, or so his master said.  Koibito thought to himself, as his tight black
bondage pants were pulled down, that his master was nothing but a power-hungry
sadist. He did not cry out as he was penetrated but closed his eyes tightly,
biting his tongue as the hard thrusts drove his narrow little hips into the
	"You are mine," his master gasped, over and over, until he came.  I'm
not, thought Koibito fiercely, as he felt the hot mess spilling out of him and
was pulled back onto his feet.  He realised he was crying as he pulled his pants
back on.  He sniffled and tried to stop, knowing that if he allowed the tears to
fall he would incur even more severe punishment.  It felt like the rape had made
him bled, and he walked with difficulty as he was led across to the door.
	"Stop crying, you little whore," his master muttered as he rang the

	Inside, Charlotte sat up with a start when she heard the bell.  She
clambered off the bed, pulling on Jason's leash so he would follow her.  They
went downstairs to open the front door, revealing a tall, cruel-looking man with
a small figure crouched at his feet.  Charlotte bent down to him, and touched
his hair gently.
	"You must be Koibito," she said kindly.  The boy looked up.  Later,
Jason would find him beautiful, but all he saw now was a small boy of about his
age, with long, straight, dark hair, his oriental eyes swollen and teary red
slits in his forlorn face.
	'My god, what did you do to him?" Charlotte was asking Koibito's master.
	"He is a disobedient little slut. You're going to have a lot of trouble
with him," he replied, scowling at Koibito.  Charlotte frowned.
	"That's my problem now, not yours," she said. "Come with me so I can pay
you, then get out."  She took Koibito's leash and handed it to Jason.
	"Take him upstairs for a shower please, Pet," she said.
	"Yes mistress," Jason nodded.  He led Koibito along gently, noticing the
pained way in which the boy walked.  As they headed upstairs, Jason searched for
something comforting to say.  He patted the smaller boy's shoulder
compassionately, and said,
	"Don't worry, Mistress Charlotte won't hurt you like that, ever."
	"Not like that butcher," Koibito muttered.  Jason looked at him, feeling
sad, as they stepped into the cold bathroom.  The bathroom was large; it had an
old bathtub with feet and a separate modern shower.  Jason helped Koibito
undress; trying not to look at the mess of blood and come that stained the back
of his underwear and the insides of his legs.  He ushered the new boy into the
shower, then stripped off and climbed in beside him.  The shower was built to be
big enough for more than one person, and there were loops high up on the tiled
wall, which a leash or something else could be attached to.  Koibito stumbled
slightly when the hot water struck him and Jason put an arm around his shoulder
to support him.  Koibito was chilled from being outside, and he wriggled under
the warm water gratefully.  Both boys were lean with narrow waists and jutting
hips.  Both of Koibito's nipples were pierced and Jason pulled at one of the
rings playfully, making Koibito squirm away and giggle.  After they were
completely clean, Jason handed him a razor and helped him shave the light
dusting of hair from his underarms.  He motioned for Koibito to shave his pubic
hair, and handed him the razor.
	"She likes us to do that," he explained, although Koibito had submitted
without question. "It's cleaner." Koibito nodded and they rinsed themselves then
stepped out of the shower.  Jason helped him to get dry, and shook his head when
Koibito started to put on his sodden and stained bondage pants.
	"Just wrap a towel around yourself," he said, and did the same.  They
refastened their collars, and Jason took hold of Koibito's leash. 
	Koibito wanted terribly to kiss Jason, to cling to this slim, pale boy
with his soft pigtails, the first person that had shown him a simple kindness. 
But instinctively, he knew that he shouldn't.  Jason was a slave, and they were
not free to do such things without permission.

	When the two boys returned downstairs, Koibito's former master was gone,
and Charlotte was seated elegantly on the sofa.  She beckoned Koibito to sit at
her feet, and stroked his hair soothingly. 
	"Thankfully that gone," she said to Jason. "Poor little
pet, how did someone as sweet as you end up with that bastard? Well, never mind.
I promise that I won't hurt you. Of course if you're bad I will have to punish
you, but I will never hurt you in the ways he did."
	Koibito listened warily to Charlotte's childlike voice.  He just
couldn't forget the many times his master had misused him, despite the fact that
he knew this girl wouldn't inflict such senseless violence.  Charlotte filled
three glasses with red wine and handed one to each boy. Jason sipped his drink
slowly, knowing that anything aside from water was a rare luxury and often had
to be earned with extensive servitude.  Koibito drank quickly, the wine staining
his lips and the inside of his mouth deep red.  Charlotte smiled to herself as
she took their glasses back to the kitchen.  She returned with Jason's leash,
and clipped it to his collar. 
	"Up," she said to Koibito, taking hold of his leash as he got to his
feet unsteadily.  The wine had made him dizzy.  Charlotte led her two slaves
downstairs into the dungeon.

	Koibito looked around the black-plastic walls of the converted basement,
feeling worried.  This wasn't the most extensive set up he had seen, but there
was a rack of various sized and shaped whips on one wall, and many cupboards
which he guessed would contain various interesting things.  Charlotte noticed
that the two boys were still wearing towels, and pulled them over to the
clothing rack in the corner. 
	"Get dressed," she ordered them.  Jason quickly found a pair of
Charlotte's underpants, and pulled them on.  He handed a second pair to Koibito,
who did the same.  Charlotte smiled, then led them both into the centre of the
room.  She pushed Jason to the cold floor, and placed the bottom of her enormous
boot on his shoulder.  The slit sides of her chengsom fell back to reveal a
long, silky, pale leg.  Koibito's eyes went from this to Jason, who had begun to
kiss and lick his mistress' feet devotedly.  The sight of Jason prostrated on
the ground, his hands reverentially caressing Charlotte's ankles, that soft pink
tongue against equally soft leather...Koibito made a soft little noise which
caught his new mistress' attention.  She stepped behind Koibito and held him,
one arm around his waist and the other across his shoulders.  His brief
underwear was stretched out by his erection.  Charlotte smiled and traced one of
her long, delicate fingers across the hardness.  Koibito shivered, and her other
hand found his nipple ring and pulled.  He moaned.
	"I think he likes you," she said to Jason, playfully.  "Do you,
	"Yes mistress," he gasped as Charlotte's hand wandered further inside
the tight satin of his underwear.  She smiled at Jason.
	"You have an admirer, Pet, are you pleased?"
	"Yes mistress, if it pleases you," he replied dutifully.  She smiled
wider, and pulled him to his feet by his leash. 
	"Kiss him," she said.  Jason carefully found Koibito's soft mouth.  He
had never kissed a boy before and he was surprised at how nice it felt.  The two
slaves kissed each other awkwardly at first, then eagerly.  Koibito's mouth was
sweet from the wine, and as he felt Jason's tongue inside his mouth, he began to
pant softly.  Jason stopped kissing him, and smiled at Koibito, who nuzzled his
face into the smooth skin of Jason's neck, kissing and biting gently.  Charlotte
began to kiss the back of Koibito's neck as Jason pulled away and lowered his
head to begin licking at Koibito's pierced nipples.  The slightly rough tongue
against the sensitive flesh and the cool steel rings made Koibito whimper
softly.  He had never been touched like this before, solely for the purpose of
his own pleasure.  His previous master had only used the boy for his own
satisfaction, not caring if Koibito enjoyed it or not.  Now here he was, with
his new mistress holding him forcefully, but not roughly, skilled hands and
mouths stroking at his tingling skin.  When he moaned again, Charlotte stopped
and pulled his hands behind his back.  He vaguely felt the satin of the black
ribbon she was tying his wrists with, and looked down to see that Jason was
crouching at his feet, just before she tied a blindfold across his eyes.
	"So, how do you feel?" Charlotte asked.  Koibito made a blissful noise,
but his mistress was unsatisfied with this.  She pulled his nipple rings
sharply, making him gasp and open his eyes wide beneath the blindfold.
	"Answer me with words," she commanded.
	"I'm sorry mistress," he said, flushing slightly.  "I feel very..."
Charlotte began to playfully stroke him again, and he gasped, "...very good...I
feel very good."
	"Just good?" his mistress said, disappointed.  "Let's see if we can
change that, shall we?"  Koibito nodded enthusiastically, his narrow little hips
moving softly, unconsciously, and his oriental mouth making shapeless sounds. 
Charlotte pulled Jason's leash until his face was resting against Koibito's
abdomen.  Jason kissed the soft flesh, the warm belly button and the sharp,
jutting hips.  Jason's mouth felt cool on Koibito's desire-heated skin; he was
seared by each touch.  He made a slow trail down the delicate stomach to the
damp, tightly straining underwear.  He raised his head to peer uncertainly at
Charlotte, and Koibito cried out.
	"Don't stop," he moaned.  Charlotte slapped his backside, and he jumped.
	"You be quiet," she said. "He will keep going when I tell him. Be
patient or I will leave you here, tied up, all night."  She looked at Jason, who
was on all fours in front of the new slave boy.  She scratched her fingers
absently across Koibito's nipples, and began to kiss and suck at his neck. 
Without looking up, she said to Jason
	"Keep going."
	He looked at his mistress, uncertainly.  He had never done this to a boy
before and he was frightened.  The blindfolded Koibito squirmed impatiently, and
Charlotte looked down at Jason.
	"What are you waiting for? Keep going," she said.  She stepped behind
him, placed her and boot on the back of his neck, forcing him down.  Shakily,
Jason pulled down Koibito's underwear, and, feeling unsettled, began to lick at
the tender, engorged flesh.  He gasped softly, and Charlotte smiled.  Dizzily,
Jason ran his tongue along the length of Koibito's erection, lingering at the
tip.  He turned to smile at his mistress shyly, a thread of sweet-tasting
precome sticking to his mouth.  She returned his smile, and nodded for him to
continue.  He lowered his head and began to dutifully suck Koibito.  As he cried
out at the touch of the careful mouth, Jason felt unsure.  He was almost certain
he doesn't like boys, but there was something thrilling and arousing about this. 
His mistress pushed her boot into his neck to force him down further upon this
exotic new slave boy.  Koibito cried out with pleasure and raised his hips in
response, then began to move them rhythmically.  Charlotte watched her slaves
get aquatinted, and Koibito began to bite his lips, trying to hold off his
orgasm.  His mistress was surprised that Koibito had been trained to do this. 
As she watched him, silently, he began to moan loudly, partly from pleasure and
partly from despair.  Struggling not to come while Jason's delicate mouth sucked
and licked at him, he pleaded alternately in Japanese and English.
	"Onegai... please mistress... Onegai... aijin, please...please..."
	Charlotte smiled at this sweet agony.
	"Yes, go on then," she conceded, feeling sympathetic.  Koibito cried out
loudly and came almost instantly, gasping rapidly as Jason made an effort not to
choke.  Charlotte kept her boot forcefully on his neck, and he swallowed the
sweet, warm mess as it flooded his mouth.  When Koibito stopped his luscious
moaning, she pulled Jason away and helped Koibito to lie down on the floor.  As
she untied his hands, he curled into a ball, smiling drowsily.
	"Isn't that sweet," she smiled.  Jason nodded, touching his mouth, which
felt numb.  He was incredibly turned on.  He could still feel his mistress' boot
pressing into the back of his neck, forcing his mouth against Koibito.  The
sound of Koibito's grateful orgasm was echoing in his ears.  Charlotte began to
kiss Jason.  He hesitated obediently until she said,
	"You may kiss me back," then he returned her slow, soft kisses with his
tired mouth.  She noticed he was aroused, and smiled.
	"Mm, Jason. What am I going to do with you?"
	"Anything you want, mistress," was his reply.  Charlotte looked pleased,
and poked Koibito with the toe of her boot.  He rolled onto his side, smiling
	"Wake up now," she said to him.  He sat up groggily.  Charlotte
reattached his leash, and removed his blindfold.
	"You could learn a lot from watching Jason," she said. "He is a most
exceptional pet."
	Jason smiled shyly, and bowed his head at the praise.
	"In fact, Jason is going to show both of us just what a good servant he
can be. Are you hungry?"
	Koibito, surprised, nodded.  He hadn't eaten since early in the morning. 
Charlotte smiled.
	"Good. Why don't you go upstairs, have a shower and clean yourself up,"
she walked to the clothes rack and selected a dark red chengsom, which was sown
with gold Sakura flowers. "Put this on afterwards, then come downstairs to the
dining room."
	Koibito nodded, and walked off to the bathroom.  Charlotte turned to
Jason, who was waiting quietly, unsure of what was about to happen.  She rifled
through the clothes rack and produced a short, black silk dress, which he put
on.  There was white lace around the collar and the sleeves.  It was unlike the
outfits he normally was forced to wear, but the silk felt cool against his skin,
and it fitted almost perfectly.  He got the feeling Charlotte had been planning
this in advance.  She handed him a white apron, which he tied around his waist
as she clipped two white bows into his hair.  She stood back to admire her
handiwork.  Jason, in his tailored French maid's outfit, looked divine.  Her
eyes fell to his long, bare legs, and she frowned.
	"I think you should have some stockings," she said, and as he was
carefully clipping the tops of his fishnets to his suspender belt, she added,
"and some boots."  Jason had a pair of PVC lift boots similar to the ones his
mistress was wearing.  He sat down on the floor and began to pull them on. 
Charlotte looked in one of the cupboards and selected a red ball gag.  She held
it up to him.
	"Proper little servant girls should be seen and not heard," she said,
pushing the ball into his mouth and carefully fastening the straps around his
head.  He nodded, and she took leash and led him upstairs.

	Koibito came down to dinner fresh and clean, looking androgynous and
beautiful in his chengsom and bare feet.  Charlotte sat at the head of the small
table, which was set with exquisite oriental kitchenware. 
	"Take a seat, Koibito," she said to him, and he sat down carefully,
smoothing his dress out beneath him.  Jason came through from the kitchen,
balancing a plate on each hand. 
	"You see, Jason is going to serve us, to show how obedient he can be.
And," Charlotte held up a long riding crop, "if he isn't obedient, he will be
	Koibito nodded, and began to eat the food that Jason set carefully in
front of him.  Charlotte took her plate, and pointed at the floor.  Jason sat at
her feet, waiting until they were finished and he would be needed.  He looked at
his mistress' slim, elegant crossed ankles, and at Koibito's sculpted bare feet. 
He felt tired, although he was used to doing things at all hours of the night. 
He wondered if he could lie on his side and have a nap until Charlotte needed
him again.  He tried to yawn, but the gag, which was slick with saliva, wouldn't
allow it. 
	"Jason," Charlotte asked, "Why are you all slumped over like that. Sit
up, or I will have to hit you."
	He tried to mumble sorry, the realised he couldn't.  Bowing his head
contritely, he got back onto his knees.  Charlotte and her new slave boy
finished their meals without event.  As Jason was clearing the table, he dropped
a fork.  It clattered to the floor loudly, and he bent to pick it up.  When he
stood up, Charlotte yanked up the back of his silken skirt to revel the lacey
stocking tops and seductive suspenders.  She slapped him twice across his
backside, then dropped his skirt and nodded for him to continue.  He exited to
the kitchen, and Charlotte yawned.
	"Are you tired, Koibito?" she asked.
	"A little," he said. 
	"Mm..." Charlotte sighed. "What a pity, we are all dressed up with
nowhere to go. Oh well." She called Jason back into the room and removed his
gag.  He put a hand to his sore mouth, and said,
	"Thank you, mistress."
	"That's alright, Pet. How did you like serving us?" she asked.  He
smiled, and she lifted the front of his apron and his skirt, exposing underwear
stretched tight by his erection.  She smiled, and he blushed.  Slowly, Charlotte
got up from the table, taking hold of Jason's leash.  She took Koibito's leash
as well, and led the two boys upstairs.  They all climbed into bed together. 
Koibito fell asleep almost instantly, snuggled up behind his new mistress. 
Charlotte was again spooning Jason, stroking him softly through the silk of his
maid's dress.  He breathed heavily and hotly, and she began to suck at his
fingers suggestively.  He moaned.
	"No, my dear, not tonight," she said. "I'm tired. Go to sleep like that,
and maybe I will want to play when I wake up."
	Jason nodded, and Charlotte stroked his cheek softly, trying to relax
him.  He sighed sleepily, feeling tired and soothed by his mistress' stroking. 
He wanted to play now, but it was nice to be dressed this way, with his heavy
boots weighting his feet and the suspender belt tight about his waist. 
	"So, how do you like having a friend?" Charlotte asked, as Jason drifted
off to sleep.
	"Lovely," he mumbled, then closed his eyes.  His mistress smiled,
snuggled in between her two slave boys, she concluded it had been a long
evening.  In the morning, there would be more fun.  But for now, they would

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