Story Codes:
M/f M+/f S/M torture Heavy
Innocent girl is captured by a couple who have set up a business making torture movies. She is tortured twice, whilst they film, then they go off and have a heavy BDSM scene between themselves, then come back and torture her again. Finally she is 'released', by fixing her to the back of a bus so that everyone sees her. It would come into the 'serious torture' category, but not snuff or mutilation.
Size: 126 kb |
Added on: Sep 25, 2001 |
Total 186446 readers |
This month 130499 readers |
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Whole Story
(WARNING: the story may be very long and may take long time to download)
Part 1 |
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(added on Sep 25, 2001) |
Part 2 |
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(added on Sep 25, 2001) |
Part 3 |
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(added on Sep 25, 2001) |
Part 4 |
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(added on Oct 20, 2001) |