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Average (?): (9/10) |
Rating: (9.5/10) |
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Rating: (9/10) |
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Apr 22, 2011 |
I have no idea why I haven't paid more attention to H. Dean's stories, other than the fact that they are generally disturbing to me. This is a well-crafted tale, though it does require a bit of suspension of disbelief (subject matter notwithstanding). It's possible that I enjoy that feeling of uneasiness I get from reading this type of story, but it doesn't preclude the fact that I enjoy H. Dean's writing. This will go on one of my "shelves." (9/10)
- Replied by:
H Dean
(Edit) (Apr 22, 2011)
- I'm a bit mystified as to how to respond to this review. It made me laugh - mostly because you said all the right things - I like that my tales are disturbing and make you uneasy and I am glad you seem to enjoy feeling that way.
Anyhow, thank you for the review and the lofty review rating. It does a man's heart good to know he is appreciated - especially when he is disturbing.
- Replied by:
(Edit) (Jun 19, 2011)
- You really are an overachiever, Mr. Dean! At the risk of stroking your ego overly much, I can't stress enough how impressive it is that you respond to so many of your reviewers... and, I must confess, it's a bit of a thrill, like meeting a celebrity. Regardless, it certainly makes me more inclined to review your stories, and the above response from you is especially satisfying. Now, would you stop making me lavish praise upon you??
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Feb 13, 2009 |
This is crap. I mean, how do you want us to start foaming at the mouth, screaming bloody murder, while gathering a lynch-mob and searching for the tallest tree to be able to string the author to the highest branch by a rather stringent bunjee-cord, when there's nothing to fume against? Just look at it: syntax is okay, there's next to no spelling errors and the geezer seems to have his grammar under control as well... jeezz. There's no fun in it any more. H. Dean could at least have screwed-up the chronology of the chapters, but nooo, not even that little pleasure was granted to us. Bah... Mr. Bloody perfect. We might as well start writing ourselves, to at least have someone to rip apart. Oh, by the way, I liked the story. Didn't like Jerry though. JJ (9/10)
- Replied by:
H Dean
(Edit) (Feb 18, 2009)
- Well, Jimmy, what can I say but thank you for reviewing this tale. I have warned you about my older tales - errors and more errors - so don't be surprised to see a huge difference as you flip backwards through the pages.
I am glad you liked the story. I have attempted to write what amounts to the same story several times but from differing angles. I was rather fond of this version and plan on writing more. As for Jerry...well, he has his reasons. I hope to get those reasons on the page some day. Dean
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Jan 28, 2008 |
Ordinarily this type of story does not appeal to me. However, it was written so well that I was drawn in to it and had to finish it. It is very well done. As I contemplated what I could say in this review, at first I thought of suggesting it was similar to a Rod Serling piece taken to a maximum extreme. However, that would diminish this great writing. It is unique. (10/10)
- Replied by:
H Dean
(Edit) (Jan 28, 2008)
- I guess I must have cuaght your attention - two story reviews from you in three days, or so. First of all, I do appreciate you making your way through my library. As for your lofty rating of my piece, I can only bow in thanks. As for your comments regarding Rod Serling - you have made my month.
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Jan 29, 2007 |
You wrote this story in such a way as to allow me to entertain the notion of this horrifying and peculiar tale. No small feat considering the subject matter. And very well put together, I might add. Brilliant how you described the finished piece through the "framed art's" point of reference. I look forward to reading the Epilogue. (9/10)
- Replied by:
H Dean
(Edit) (Jan 30, 2007)
- I am very glad to know that this little story accomplished its intended purpose. I am even more pleased that the ending was well received. It was an ending I had struggled with, changing it several times before I was satisfied. The epilogue will be forthcoming. I just need to fine tune it a bit, to give it that proper ending. Thank you for the review and positive rating.
J's blu
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Dec 20, 2006 |
*sneaks in quietly* sorry i am late Sir! :) of course i would be here to give You good review!! when have You ever dissapointed? even if i DO NOT like what You do to the poor girls! i keep hoping that one day, one of them will be rescued by that Knight in shiny Leather! blu (9/10)
- Replied by:
H Dean
(Edit) (Dec 20, 2006)
- She may be saved by that knight...someday. Though, I am sure he will be even more of a bastard than her original captor. Thanks for the nice review, Blu.
- Replied by:
J's blu
(Edit) (Jan 18, 2007)
- You changed the ending again! i think this one is the best.
- Replied by:
H Dean
(Edit) (Jan 18, 2007)
- Glad you like it. There is an epilogue coming that will close this portion of the story. That will be posted in a few days. I hope to have another O'Connell adventure up soon. Though, I am not certain if I should post them under this banner - as a continuation - or under a different banner. What do you think?
- Replied by:
J's blu
(Edit) (Jan 18, 2007)
- hhhhhmmmmmmmm, i think that as You listed this as "CHRONICLES" You should list them here. different sub headings maybe. this one is - One Man's Art. the next will be: .. .. .. desk? table? NO statue! :) i will love whatever You give us.
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Dec 19, 2006 |
I just love art!!! (9/10)
- Replied by:
H Dean
(Edit) (Dec 19, 2006)
- Hah! You will love this, then. Just wait until the ending.
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Dec 19, 2006 |
I like it. Detailed without being dull, intriguing to find out what happens next. More please! (9/10)
- Replied by:
H Dean
(Edit) (Dec 19, 2006)
- Thanks for the good words. A few more chapters are on their way - the story is completely finished and I am merely giving this tale it's final edits. So, stick around.
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Dec 13, 2006 |
Just one word.....outstanding! Please don't stop. (9/10)
- Replied by:
H Dean
(Edit) (Dec 14, 2006)
- Thank you very much. This tale is finished and only needs proper editing - which I am doing chapter by chapter. I hope you enjoy this story's outcome.
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Dec 9, 2006 |
Interesting story idea, and very well written. Looking forward to the next chapter. (9/10)
- Replied by:
H Dean
(Edit) (Dec 10, 2006)
- Thanks very much. I hope you find the rest as intriguing.
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Dec 9, 2006 |
This is an excellent start. I know I am very curious as to what the work of art will be! Well done mate Aussiegirl (9/10)
- Replied by:
H Dean
(Edit) (Dec 9, 2006)
- G'day, to you Aussiegirl. Thanks for the positive review. I do hope you find the canvas painted to your satisfaction.
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Dec 8, 2006 |
Please continue with this story! (9/10)
- Replied by:
H Dean
(Edit) (Dec 9, 2006)
- Thank you for the encouragement. THe tale is already done and I am only editing it chapter by chapter as I submit it. Chapter two should be submitted today or tomorrow, so hang tight.
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Dec 8, 2006 |
A wonderful start! Hehe.. How far can the living art theme be taken? (9/10)
- Replied by:
H Dean
(Edit) (Dec 8, 2006)
- Thanks for the early and kind review. As for how far the living art theme can be taken...well, I don't know. But I know that living art stories always disappointed me. Mostly because they required such a substancial suspension of reality. This story is my ego deciding I can make it plausible and real for my readers. Do let me know if I was successful in that endeavor.