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Sexy Revenage Author: Alwayshorney20
(Added on Feb 7, 2006) (This month 48122 readers) (Total 58292 readers)
This story is about a women seeking revenge on her husban.

Ratings and Reviews:
Number of Ratings: 12
9 Votes
9 Votes
9 Votes
9 Votes
9 Votes
9 Votes
9 Votes
9 Votes
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9 Votes 2 Votes 1 Vote
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
75% 17% 0% 0% 0% 0% 8% 0% 0% 0%
Weighed Average (?): (2/10)
Average Rating: (2/10)
Highest Rating: (7/10)
Lowest Rating: (1/10)

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Reviewer: bracemaiden (Edit) Rating: Feb 17, 2006
There are many opportunities for improvement. I would suggest using a checker before posting chapter 2. The checker can improve your writing skills dramatically, or even give a fresh perspective. Break up the sentences more.
"Writing skills bordering on illiteracy" is the definition of a 1. This was above that. (2/10)

Reviewer: Mad Lews (Edit) Rating: Feb 12, 2006
Story? we don need no stinkin story. But then it's only chapter one and it could always get better

Reviewer: csr (Edit) Rating: Feb 8, 2006
This is the best story I've ever read.
LOL!!!!! (1/10)

Reviewer: isabeau (Edit) Rating: Feb 8, 2006
well i usually only write positive things also but wtf? i'm wondering if some kid didnt write this story. (1/10)

Reviewer: shoes (Edit) Rating: Feb 8, 2006
worst story ever (1/10)

Reviewer: jip (Edit) Rating: Feb 8, 2006
no comments (1/10)

Reviewer: Foxysake (Edit) Rating: Feb 8, 2006
Horrible, Rewrite and revise is all I can tell u (1/10)

Reviewer: bdanials (Edit) Rating: Feb 7, 2006
I usually try to write constructive criticisms in my reviews, but this is the 1 time in 1000 where that is nearly impossible. In the words of my College Writing professor: "WTF?". This story was little more than a long paragraph of run-on sentences which do not form a cohesive thought which could pose as a story. You may want to rewrite this story and make use an editor to make it both readable and look like a story. (1/10)

Reviewer: yossarian (Edit) Rating: Feb 7, 2006
Bilge. Utter bilge. Garbage. Tripe. Nonsense. Your story was bad enough to compel me to login and I only regret there isn't a zero on this scale. (1/10)

Reviewer: GarrickBailley (Edit) Rating: Feb 7, 2006
awful (1/10)

Reviewer: Lady Lance (Edit) Rating: Feb 7, 2006
I don't know what that other guy was doing giving your story a 7. At only one extended paragraph, it can't even be called a story! The thing is barely legible and makes no sense whatsoever. Ugh. (1/10)

Reviewer: mkemse (Edit) Rating: Feb 7, 2006
story wasok but in the synopsis you mispeled husband, you left of the "d" at the end (7/10)
Replied by: bracemaiden (Edit) (Feb 17, 2006)
Perhaps you missed something. The author "mispeled husband" was the only grammatical error you noticed? Perhaps you've read a few too many tonight!

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