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Review This Story || Author: Dan Butler

The Science of Slavery

Part 5


Tina awoke to find herself in the same situation that Nancy was when the ordeal
started. Bound to the chair, eyelids sewn open, mouth sewn closed, etcetera. 
Nancy had a few alterations to the way she was bound.  A tube was stuck through
her sewn lips.  Nancy could feel the tube go down her throat to her stomach. 
That meant food was in order!  The only good thing as far as she could see in an
ocean of bad things.  And the good thing wasn't really even that good.  The
other alteration was the milking device, which appeared to be epoxied to her
nipples.  The girls exchanged frightened glances, then it hit them: this was not
Nancy's basement.  It was a different basement.  They were at a different house. 
Footsteps approached, and sure enough, along with Nancy's parents there came a
few different people.  They all looked very angry, and they all carried cattle

Nancy's father spoke first.

"I thought you might have gone to Tina's, Nancy.  You should have ran far away
when you had the chance.  But alas, you only got two more people involved in
your problem.  Thanks to you, and seriously, thank you Nancy, one is dead and
the going to share your fate. That's right.  You got her involved. 
Everything that she experiences will be your fault, especially her death.  She
has already been fed a new version of all the medicines.  A one time only
dosage.  In a few weeks, Tina will also have four tits, and three daughters
inside her, and a few less eggs." Nancy's father stepped back, allowing one of
the new people to take the spotlight.  Nancy did feel responsible for getting
Tina involved.  How could she let this happen to her best friend?  She looked at
Tina, who made the most forgiving face she could to make Nancy feel better about

The woman who stepped forward next was tall and beautiful, with an air of evil
around her.

"This time there will not be an escape.  You both will be put into separate
stalls, and you will be chained to the wall by a welded on collar, welded on
bracelets, and welded on anklets.  This means that those cells will be the last
rooms you ever enter.  You will each live there for ten to fifteen years before
you are slaughtered."  On cue the other new person, a man, stepped forward.

"Of course, this will not happen until you have both had another week of sleep
deprivation.  For Tina, this also means food deprivation.  When the week is up,
you will be incarcerated.  You will even be impregnated, milked, and deliver
babies from within your cells."  Finished, this man stepped back.  Nancy's
mother now spoke.

"The final part to this plan will be the sewing shut of your eyes.  It is better
looking than just blinding you, the knowledge that you could see but are not
allowed to shall add to the experience."

The four adults pivoted the girls so that they were facing each other.  Their
expressions were the same.  Desolate sadness and fear.

"Look well at each other, for this shall be the last time you see each other
ever."  Tears began to stream down the girls' faces.  Both girls struggled
violently against their bonds.  Quickly, the four adults were using the cattle
prods, and Nancy and Tina were forced to submit.  The other man came close to
Nancy and pulled out a pocket knife.  He made a series of long but very shallow
cuts all over nancy's breasts, stomach and crotch.  They bled a little, but the
bleeding was soon made trivial as the man applied salt to the wounds.  They
stung like hell, and Nancy writhed and made muffled noises of pain with her
mouth.  Tears streamed from her eyes, but she could do nothing to ease the pain. 
Tina received the same punishment.  Nancy cried harder as she watched her best
friend being tortured.  Because of her.  Had it not been for Nancy, Tina would
be home right now, her father alive.  The man saw all of the tears in Nancy's

"Here, let me dry those up for you."  He dashed some salt in her face. 
Unbearable, simply unbearable pain.  Nancy passed out quickly, only to be
revived a second later by a splash of frigid water.

Then, they were turned back to back, and left alone in the bright light for a
whole week.  A week more torturous than any Nancy had experienced.  Her eyes and
cuts stung all week, as did Tina's.  Both girls lost enough blood to make them
feel even weaker than they would have felt from just this torture.  Also, to
know that her lover was behind her, and yet she could not see or call out to
her, was almost as unbearable as the painful swelling of Nancy's abdomen.

Review This Story || Author: Dan Butler
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