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Chapter 6 Brenda punished

Chapter 6. Brenda punished

Skip worked all morning apart from a coffee break. Larry had helped to take the
door off and more or less left her on her own. He had to go out for over an hour
or so lunch was delayed. On his return he took a pail of clean water, the mop
bucket, rubber gloves and bleach in put them inside the door of the cell. Brenda
tried to rush from the room but Larry pushed her back inside despite the smell.
"Brenda, you'll get lunch when you've cleaned this place up. I'm going to leave
the door open so you can get more water if necessary and you can empty the

"Sod you!" She stood and deliberately kicked the pail of water so much of it
spilled. Larry's reaction was swift. Before she hardly knew what was happening
Brenda found her hands again cuffed behind her back and lying face down on the
bed. Turning to face him defiantly, Brenda screamed when she saw him remove the
wide leather belt from the loops of his trousers.

"No Larry, please. Don't hit her with that. I'll clean it up." Skip spoke

"Sorry Skip. Go and wait outside. She's got to learn and it seems she has got to
learn the hard way." With his left hand he held Brenda's legs to the bed and his
right swung the heavy belt. It landed hard and painfully across both cheeks of
her arse. Her scream should have raised the floor above. Again the belt landed.
Her arse was already bright red for most of its area. The next stroke landed
across the tops of her thighs.

"Stop, stop please! Please stop! I'll do it! Just stop. You're killing me."
Larry finished with a fourth stroke. For a short while he left her on the bed
before releasing her wrist cuffs again.

"As I said, Brenda, you'll get lunch when this place is cleaned up." He left the
room and taking Skip with him went to lunch.

A few tears were in Skip's eyes as she sat at the table. "What's up Skip?"
Harriet asked.

"I've just seen Larry wallop Brenda, Miss Harriet and I'm afraid one day I'll do
something to get a hiding like that."

An hour later, when they returned to the cellar, Brenda had started to wash the
floor. Not much had been done but she had the gloves on and was pushing some
water around with the mop. Larry looked in but made no comment. He went to see
how Skip had progressed with the toilet door while he was out. She was doing
quite well although her skill level wasn't high. She explained some of the
problems she had and Larry was able to help her overcome them. Before he left he
whispered, "Let Brenda work on her own for another quarter of an hour and then
if you still want to help her, do so. It's entirely up to you whether you help
or not. Don't let her bully you into it though."

He looked in on Brenda again before he left. "Looks like a very late lunch for
you girl," he remarked. She started to say "Bastard" but only muttered the
words. Returning a little later the floor was clean. It was later that he found
Skip had done much of the work but had made Brenda do a fair share. After
feeding Brenda, he again cuffed her wrists but kept the cell door open to allow
the smell of the bleach to dissipate.

"You can move around outside, Brenda but don't interfere with Skip's work,"
Larry told her.

"May I use the toilet instead of the bucket?" Larry was a little surprised that
she even asked. In the event, she didn't move around much. Her arse muscles were
far too sore so she laid face down on the bed for most of the afternoon.

Before taking Skip upstairs for teatime, Larry uncuffed Brenda's wrists but
locked her cell door. "She ought to have a bath or shower, Larry," Skip
suggested, "Especially after having to clean up that mess."

"I guess you're right but I am loathe to let her near Harry for the time being.
Would you be prepared to give her an all over wash, warm water this time? Don't
take any nonsense from her. Feel free to give her arse a whack if she acts up."

"Yes, please keep her away from me," Harriet confirmed, "I don't think I could
stand seeing her yet, at least not in my part of the house."

"I think you ought to come down and see what Skip is doing and you can take a
look at Brenda's arse to see if it goes some way towards compensating for your
injuries. She won't want to sit on anything hard for a week. Mind you it is only
her arse that hurts."

Larry carried Harriet sitting in the crook of his arm. Brenda started to say
something when they looked in the door but wisely decide to keep quiet.

"Stand up," Larry ordered, "Turn round."

"My God, you really did hit her," Harriet looked at the bruised and colourful
arse in front of her. She was quiet for a few moments and then said, "Larry,
please don't hit her any more unless she really deserves it for something she
does here. Don't punish her for what she did to me. I suffered and am still
suffering. I have no wish to inflict that on anyone, not even my worst enemy.
You have to punish her if she misbehaves, that I know. It is probably the only
way to make her understand, but please, no retribution punishment."

"You amaze me Harry, I thought you would have wanted this little bitch
thoroughly thrashed. You even suggested she be dropped down a well, now you say
to leave her." Larry was puzzled. "But okay, I'll respect what you say but if
she doesn't do as she is told or kicks the piss bucket over again, I'll repeat
the dose with my belt. You hear that Brenda?"

"Yes, Sir." Things must be improving, Larry thought, if she calls me 'Sir'.

Later when Skip started to wash her friend, Brenda started to protest just as
Larry walked in. "I ordered Skip to give you a good washing. She is to do it and
if you give her any crap she has my full permission to swat your arse as hard as
she wants. Understood?" Brenda nodded. "Skip make sure you wash everywhere, in
all the crevices. Enjoy yourself. I'm leaving the cuffs on so she won't be able
to resist you." With that he left.

Skip took him at his word, first washing Brenda's back and migrating down to her
arse and between her legs. She didn't consider herself a lesbian but had played
with a couple of other girls before she took more interest in boys. However,
with a helpless, naked girl in front of her, she took the opportunity to play
and finger her sexually. Brenda called out, "Stop it you les," and received a
fairly gentle slap on her sore bum cheeks, causing her to cry out. Skip turned
Brenda over and played with her breasts and worked down to her clit. Here she
spent some time squeezing and manipulating the little nubbin. Brenda became
sexually aroused and finally climaxed. The stimulation had aroused Skip too, but
she had to remain unfulfilled.

"Would you like a bath or a shower tonight? Larry asked when he collected Skip
from the cellar. She chose the shower.

"You could do with one too," Skip tentatively suggested, noting that Larry was
in his shorts and vest after having worked out in his own gym. Larry agreed and
quickly removed his few clothes and started the shower going. They waited for a
few minutes for the water to get up to temperature and then he picked Skip up
and carried her in with one hand under her crotch.

"You're wet," he remarked, "Did washing Brenda turn you on?"

"I guess so," Skip smiled. They washed each other and by the time the water was
turned off, Larry had a full erection with her paying particular attention to
his cock and he making sure she was very clean between her thighs.

"Now look what you've done," he laughed.

"Do you want to try and do it with me? Would Miss Harriet mind if we did?" For
an answer he led her to a spare bedroom, pulled back the bedclothes and gently
lifted her into the sheets. It was chilly but with the duvet pulled back over
them and the closeness of their bodies they soon warmed up.

"Oh it's so nice to lie on sheets again. Have you any idea of what it's like to
just have coarse blankets against your skin all night, Larry?"

"We'll just have to see if your performance can earn you sheets and maybe even
pillows," Larry laughingly replied. Skip opened her legs. She hadn't actually
been fucked many times and never in the comfort of a bed. Mostly it had been
standing upright in a doorway. Larry put on a condom and massaged her slit with
the end of his cock for some minutes until her juices had begun to flow freely.
He entered. Slowly. Skip cried out but it was more surprise than pain. Holding
his bulk off her small body he entered part way and then started to gently pump
back and forth into her. Gradually as the lining of her cunt stretched and
became more able to accommodate him, he thrust deeper and more forcibly. Never
had she felt so excited by sex. Before long she wanted to beg his the push
harder but refrained. "I don't want him to think I'm a whore," she thought just
before a climax overwhelmed her. Shortly after Larry shot his seed into the
rubber and still impaling himself inside her rolled her on top of him and the
pair rested for a while. Their sweat ran together until slowly they cooled off.

"Thanks. Larry," Skip murmured as she slipped off of him.

"Thanks to you as well, Skip. I enjoyed it too but remember, this isn't love.
It's enjoyable fucking. Sex."

"Yeah whatever. It was good but I think I will be sore there for a while. Nice
soreness though." Skip waited a moment then added, "But did it earn me a pair of
sheets? Or could I spend the night here?"

Larry laughed out loud, "I don't think you really did it just for sheets! But
yes, we'll find you sheets and pillows. Sorry though, I don't think at this
stage I can let you sleep here."

"How many fucks to buy that?" Skip giggled. Larry gave her a playful smack. Skip
turned serious. "Larry? Would you agree to me phoning my parents to tell them
I'm okay? I am sure they will be getting worried now. I've been away for a day
or two before but not as long as this."

"I'm been thinking about that too," Larry admitted, "Can I trust you not to give
away where you are? And can you get them to let Brenda's folk know?"

"They'll be less worried. There's only her mum anyhow. Bren's run away before
but I can get mum to phone her too. No doubt you will be close enough to me to
snatch the phone away if I start to say something I shouldn't. You've got my
mobile so the call wouldn't easily be traceable."

Larry went and got her phone. "Answering machine," Skip remarked after she had
dialled. She left a message to say she was okay and would be staying away for a
bit. She also asked them to phone Bren's mum.

"It's getting late," Larry observed, "We'll make some hot chocolate and take you
back downstairs. I should have put Harry to bed a while back."

"How'd you earn these, you snidey bitch? And why aren't you cuffed and hobbled
like me?" demanded Brenda when they were settled in bed for the night. "I
suppose you opened your legs and let him fuck you. You're nothing but a whore,
bitch" Brenda was annoyed at being left alone for a long time.

Skip didn't answer directly. Pulling the bedclothes back she planted two hard
smacks on Brenda's already sore bum, causing her to yell in pain and start
verbally abusing her again. "You want another couple Bren?" Skip enquired.
Brenda shook her head, no. "Well then just shut up. Start to appreciate what I
have been able to get for us. Yes. We did fuck and it was great. I'm sore and
tender down there but I would do it again if I get the chance. He's big but he
was quite gentle and took a long while so I came before he did. While you keep
fighting him, you'll just be sore. Sore arse and sore in the head."

"I'll be reported missing soon, so we may be rescued."

"No, I phoned home and said we were okay." Brenda was silent at that remark.
Skip held her as they snuggled under the covers again, "Look Bren, there's no
need for us to fight. We did a terrible thing to Dwarfie and now we are paying.
I'm really sorry for what we did to that poor woman and this is a way to make
amends. I am sure we are over the worst part. We know he's boss. Once we accept
that and try to cooperate it will get better. Even Dwarfie said he wasn't to
hurt us any more for what we did to her."

"You didn't get a belting this morning!"

"I didn't kick the piss bucket over!" They were silent for a while until Skip
said, "Bren, I think deep down you are actually sorry for what you did. You just
wont admit it. Your pride at being in control of everyone clouds your

"Maybe," Brenda sleepily replied, "I did feel a little guilty when I saw her the
other day."

"Then admit it Bren. Tell them you're sorry."


"You fucked her, didn't you?" Harriet questioned Larry when he put her to bed.

"Yes. I'll tell you all the details if you want when I get to bed too." Harriet
wanted to know the full story and she got it. Larry cuddled her and felt between
her legs. She was wet.

"I'll be glad when I am well enough for you to do it to me," she said, "For now
would you mind just massaging me there. It feels so nice, then I will do it to
you if you wish." Harriet thought to herself, "If I am to compete with those
young girls for his affections, then I will have to give myself to him even if
it causes me some pain." She knew he would not do anything he knew would hurt
her so hesitated before suggesting, "I will suck you too if you'd like that."

"Of course I would like it Harry. I just haven't wanted to force you to do
anything. How about if we do it to each other?" Carefully Larry rearranged
Harriet's body on top of him, her mouth at his cock and his was between her
stubby legs. Tentatively each started to mouth the other. They lay like that for
a long time until Harriet had climaxed twice and Larry was ready to come. He
warned her but she just kept her lips closed around him and took his seed in her

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