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Review This Story || Author: Cathy

The Adventures of Karen

Part 34 Preparation

The Adventures of Karen - Part 34 - Preparation

As Ken walked from the room Greta turned to her husband, reclining casually in
his chair.  'Come my dear, you have work to do.  Now!'

'My dear?', Karl was puzzled at her sharp attitude, and wondered if, and indeed,
how, he could have offended her.  'What is you desire my sweetness?'

'Just get that frame set up for me will you, I want to place slut Karen on it
for a time now.'  Greta gestured across to the gleaming tubular metal
contrivance which Karen had so lovingly slavered over a few days previously. She
could see a novel use for it in her little demonstration and it made sense to
show all of her friends how inventive she could be.

'Bring it over towards us here, will you my dear and set it in the upright
position for now.'  She nodded approvingly as Karl adjusted the machine by the
remote control.  'Now set up that chair just in front of it, just about an arms
length away from it.'

Karl moved over a spare chair, a hard wooden chair that none of the guests
favored, and placed it in position.

'Good, that will do for now, thank you my dear.'  Greta smiled at her husband,
smiled with her mouth but not her eyes, a subtle distinction that Karl did not
detect.  She leaned over and picked up the house phone to instruct Ken to bring
Karen back into the room.

A few moments later the door opened and a naked Karen padded in followed by Ken,
still in his brief loin cloth.  Karen looked flushed and her hair was still
slightly damp, evidently having had a refreshing hot shower.

'Is she nicely cleaned up for us?'  Greta called across to Ken.

'Yes Mistress, I supervised slave Lisa while she washed her and prepared her,
just as you would expect.'

'Excellent!'  Greta responded, thinking as she did do, that she was making a
habit of using that word, but, then it was a response that brought out the best
in her slaves, so why worry.  'Excellent indeed!  Bring her across now.'

Karen walked cautiously towards the contraption and stood nervously to one side.

'Nothing to worry about my dear, nothing at all.  You are going to have a nice
rest and let someone else do all of the work.  Just stand in front and let slave
Ken strap you on to our little device.'

Karen moved obediently in front of the machine and adjusted her legs a little
further apart so that Ken could strap each ankle to the appropriate metal tube. 
Once her bare ankles were fixed she raised her arms and let him strap her wrists
to the upper part of the machine.  She stood expectantly as Ken fixed a wide
leather strap around her waist holding her firmly in position before, as a final
refinement, he placed a soft leather collar around her neck.  Karen was now
fixed firmly to the contraption, with her head fixed, preventing her from
looking in any direction other than forward.

'Well done, you have learned your lessons well my dear.  Just wait while we make
you more comfortable.'  With that Greta stood up and picked up the remote
control device from the floor.  With a few deft movements she brought the lower
members forward until Karen's legs were almost parallel to the floor.  After
looking approvingly at her naked form, a few more adjustments made the whole
device tip slightly backwards into a gentle reclining position.

'Hmmmmmm, nearly there I think.  I trust you are still comfortable my dear?'
Greta smiled gently at Karen, a smile noticeably more intense, more genuine,
than the one she had favored her husband with earlier.

'Yes Mistress, thank you Mistress.'  Karen spoke quietly, looking directly into
Greta's eyes.

'Good.'  Greta made a few more adjustments to the posture so that the tubes made
Karen's legs bend slightly at the knees, so that, in profile at least, Karen
looked as if she were sitting comfortably in a normal chair, rather than in a
chair that both held her firmly and fully exposed in every direction. Greta
walked in front of the recumbent body and looked longingly at the smooth shaven
area between Karen's thighs.  'Ahhhhh!  Of course!  Just the final touch and
we're all finished I think.'  With that Greta made a few more presses on the
remote control adjusting the device so that Karen's legs were moved further
apart.  Widely apart, exposing fully her smooth labia.

'How does that feel now?'

Karen murmured her approval, her eyes staring at the ceiling.

'Oh, how silly of me, you need to look at me properly.  Let me adjust your head
now.'  As she spoke she made a small adjustment so that the pad supporting
Karen's head tilted forward ensuring that Karen could now look down the length
of her naked body and directly at Greta.

'There you are, everybody, slave Karen is in position.  What do you think so

The men in the group looked longingly at the naked exposed body, held, it
seemed, completely open ad ready for their attention, while the women, for
different reasons looked and approved of the way she was held.  Defenceless.
Helpless.  Exposed.

Marie stood up and moved the wooden chair forwards slightly so that it was
placed centrally between Karen's naked widespread legs.  'Yes, Greta, you have
made a good job here I must admit.  She is totally helpless, totally exposed but
at the same time she is quite comfortable.'  Marie looked across at her husband
who nodded his agreement.  'Yes I like it, she is nicely constrained but not
being punished, a nice touch really.'

'Thank you my dear, I appreciate your remarks.  I'm glad you approve, but I must
say that I did wonder if I should have been more severe, even though she is
being used to provide pleasure to us all here.'

'Not a problem Greta.'  Jeff called across,  'Time enough to be severe when we
want to punish her, and in any case, I'm sure she will react nicely to being
held like that.'

'Oh, she will, she will, never fear.'  Greta smiled broadly and looked at Marie. 
'Shall we move on to stage two now?'

'Of course!'  Marie stood up once more and touched the still kneeling Alix on
the shoulder.  For the first time Alix looked up at her Mistress and then across
to the sight of the naked widespread Karen firmly fixed to her restraints.  She
stared open-mouthed at the way Karen had been lewdly arranged.

'Well done, you have trained her well!'  Agnes could not resist a comment.  'I
have been watching her closely and not once did she lift her head or attempt to
see what was going on around her.'

'Thanks for the compliment.  I do feel sometimes that the best form of restraint
is actually no restraint.  I know it sounds a little odd but sometimes restraint
can be just as effective in the mind as on the person.  You all saw how slave
Alix behaved.'

'True indeed, true indeed!'  Greta joined the conversation. 'You'll see another
demonstration of that soon when we bring slave Andy in here later.  But, sorry
Marie, please carry on '

'Thanks, come here Alix, I want you to sit in this chair.'

Alix stood up and walked slowly across to the wooden chair placed between
Karen's legs.  She looked nervously at the sight of Karen's smoothness, already
showing signs of moisture, as she settled in the chair.  Marie moved to stand
beside her and gave her instructions in a low whisper.  No one in the room, not
even Karen who was closest, could understand what was said.  Karen stared
intently, aware that whatever was being discussed was inevitably going to
involve her in some way.  Around the room the guests leaned forward in their
chairs eager to know just what was being planned.  All of them except Greta, who
was fully aware, indeed, had refined the plan with Marie earlier.  She merely
leant back in her chair and admired her unimpeded view of Karen, open and

Marie finally stood up.  'Understand?'  She spoke in a normal voice.

'Yes Mistress, I will do my best to please you.'  Alix looked up at Marie and
then across to Karen.

'Good, just wait until I give the word.'  Marie turned and returned to her seat,
making herself comfortable.  She looked across at Greta who nodded slightly.


Alix wriggled nervously on the smooth wooden seat and eased herself forward. She
lifted her right leg and extended it towards Karen.  Towards Karen's glistening
labia.  As she extended her leg she adjusted her position slightly so that her
toe brushed lightly against the smooth moist flesh.  Karen, her head held firmly
in position, could not avoid looking at the bare foot, the naked toes, moved
towards her unprotected labia, towards the hardening bud of her clitoris as it
eased its way between the soft folds of smooth moist flesh. She shuddered
involuntarily at the first touch of the bare big toe on her sensitive flesh.

'Stop!'  Marie called across.  'You will have to move the chair slightly so that
you can reach properly.'

Alix looked over her shoulder and nodded.  She stood up and moved the chair
forward a few inches before she resumed her position.


Again she lifted her leg and allowed her bare painted toes to brush against
Karen's rapidly moistening flesh.

From her position Karen had a perfect view as Alix lifted her leg.  A view which
Karen found totally erotic.  A view of a bare foot, a smooth bare sole, moving
towards her most sensitive flesh.  A smooth bare toe gently rubbing her hardened
clitoris and pressing firmly against it.  Despite being firmly strapped into
position, she still made a desperate struggle to ease herself forward, to thrust
her wetness against the probing bare foot.  Sensing her desperation Alix,
mindful of her earlier instructions, gently teased Karen, brushing her bare toe
along the wet slit, between the engorged labia and then removed it exposing the
smooth bare sole to Karen's fascinated gaze.

Karen looked pleadingly at Alix who smiled slightly as she changed her position
and brought her other foot, her other bare foot, up to tease the warm slick

'Please........'  Karen couldn't help herself, and, afraid of being punished,
looked across at Greta.

'No my dear, don't worry about us, we all want you to enjoy yourself.  We want
to see and hear you enjoying yourself.'

Karen looked gratefully at her Mistress before she stared back at Alix.
'Please..... please.....'

Alix pushed her tongue between her teeth teasingly before she murmured.  'What? 
What's the matter?'

'Please, don't stop, it feels so good.'

'What does, tell me and perhaps I can help.'  Alix smiled at Karen as she
realised that everything was happening just as Marie had whispered to her

'Please, keep rubbing me, just like that, it feels so good.'

'Like that?'  Alix raised her right leg again and probed between the wet labia
with her big toe.

'Oh god.....yes.......'  Karen was showing more signs of arousal, her voice
thickening and her already large nipples erecting noticeably.

Alix was beginning to enjoy the sensation of probing a wet and willing cunt with
her bare toes.  It was a pleasure that until a few brief minutes ago she had
never even thought about.  A pleasure that she could never have imagined. The
feeling of having a naked, an attractive naked, girl enjoying being probed by
her bare toes was beginning to arouse her as well, making her own juices flow. 
Despite being watched, despite her normal modesty, she could not resist lifting
one hand to her left tit and fondling the nipple.  The erect nipple. Not as
large, or as dark, as Karen's but a nipple engorged and aroused.  It was a
feeling that was incredibly sensual, and, in response she began to probe more
urgently with her toes as the juices began to flow copiously from Karen's
sensitive cunt.

'Oh god, more more more more......'  Karen was getting nearer to an orgasm, an
orgasm she had never herself thought possible just by being stimulated by a bare
toe, a bare foot.  Although she had always had a deep and satisfying foot
fetish, although she had always found the sight of a bare female foot, or a
female foot shod in erotic shoes intensely erotic, she had never really
considered having what could only be describes as a toe fuck before.  Fingering
herself, fingering other girls, then yes.  Wonderfully exciting.  Fisting
herself, being fisted, fisting others, again another wonderful pleasure.  As for
feet, smooth bare feet, smooth soft soled bare feet, a pleasure she had only
previously explored by stroking and kissing. Stroking toes.  Licking toes.
Licking between toes.  Sucking toes.  Especially sucking toes. But this!  Being
stroked by bare toes.  Having her clitoris rubbed by bare toes.  This was a new

Greta smiled happily.  Karen was getting even more deeply enmeshed in her own
sexuality.  Even better, it seemed that both she and Alix were new to the
experience of toe fucking.  The sight of the probing red painted toe teasing and
rubbing between Karen's wet and swollen labia was intensely arousing. Incredibly
arousing.  More arousing than even she had thought possible.  As she stared at
the two girls enjoying new-found pleasures she mentally willed the slender naked
Alix to further heights of stimulation.

Almost as if sensing Greta's thoughts, Alix lifted her other leg and began to
use both bare feet to stimulate Karen.  Carefully, she used each big toe to
separate Karen's slick, swollen labia, exposing the bulging clitoris and the
wetly inviting slit below.  Karen gasped with pleasure and tensed her muscles in
reaction to the intense stimulation.

'Stop!'  As Alix explored the smooth wet flesh Agnes stood up and, looking at
Greta, walked over to the spread-eagled naked Karen.

'Does anyone object if I offer a small improvement to our entertainment?'

Greta smiled slightly, annoyed that her visual pleasures were being interrupted. 
'Well, not if Marie doesn't mind.  After all it really is her little effort
after all.' Greta looked quizzically across at Marie.  'My dear, have you any

'No, I don't think so, but that does rather depend on what Agnes has in mind.'
Marie stared at Agnes. 'Well, can you explain?'

'It's only a very small refinement, my friend, and it does nothing to stop your
delightful slave carrying out her instructions.  You see, I couldn't help
noticing one or two things about the slut Karen.'  Agnes paused and reached out
to Karen's painfully swollen nipples.  'Look at these delightful buds, they tell
us so much about her feelings, don't you think.  So hard, so firm and s-o-o-o-o
sensitive too.'  As she spoke Agnes pulled Karen's nipples simultaneously,
digging her nails into the sensitive roots and tugging them as hard as she

'P-p-please Miss, you're hurting me so much.'  Karen's eyes watered with the
unexpected pain inflicted on her swollen nubbins.

'Nonsense, you know you like it.  A lot.'  Agnes released the reddened flesh and
turned to Marie.  'Didn't you notice how she tries to get the maximum pleasure
from your slaves sweet painted toes?'

Marie nodded.

'Well, did you notice that as she gets more excited by the caresses she tries to
curl her toes in pleasure.  As we all do in such circumstances of course!' Agnes
smiled broadly.  'Well, why not use her reflexes to help her punish herself? 
May I?'  Agnes walked over to the well equipped shelves at the side of the room.

Walking back she brandished a pair of small serrated nipple clamps and a couple
of lengths of thin leather thonging.  'Just watch and see what I'm going to do. 
If anyone objects then I'll stop of course.'

Karen flickered her gaze into Agnes' eyes.  'Oh no, not you my dear, you'll do
whatever we tell you and put up with the consequences.'  Agnes brought her face
near to Karen's and flicked her tongue at her.

Greta moved to the edge of her seat to see exactly what was intended.  She was
well aware that Karen belonged to her and she was not entirely happy with anyone
else, not even one of her dearest friends, taking over her training, her
punishment, her torment.

Agnes carefully applied the clamps to each of Karen's swollen nipples, adjusting
them with sliding collars so that the gripped each nipples firmly, without
excessive pressure, relying on the serrated inner pads to ensure that they could
not easily be pulled off the sensitive flesh.

'Now, here's the clever bit!'  Agnes smiled as she began to tie one of the
leather thongs around Karen's right big toe, taking several turns around the
base of the toe before tying a neat knot.  Testing the bond by tugging none to
gently Agnes moved with the other end to Karen's right nipple, lifting the clamp
and passing the thong through the looped end.  As she did so she began to pull
the thong tighter, causing Karen's nipple to extend.  Realising that she could
ease the tension to some extent Karen raised her foot as far as she could within
the constraints of her tightly strapped ankle.

Agnes looked at Karen's arched foot and smiled.  'Good girl, exactly as I
wanted.'  She patted Karen's head.  'Now I can tie it - just so.'  With Karen's
foot arched upwards she tied the leather thong neatly to the nipple clamp.

Checking her handiwork Agnes repeated the process with Karen's left foot, tying
the big toe tightly before fixing it to the other nipple clamp.

Karen remained in her restraints, her nipples now firmly clamped and secured by
thin thongs to each big toe, her bare feet arched upwards.

'Now my dear, let's see what happens when Marie's little slave continues to work
on your wetness, let's see if you can resist your impulses this time.' Agnes
looked back at Greta and the Marie, both of whom nodded their approval. 'Go on,
little slut, work on her cunt again and try and make her cum!'  Agnes bent over
and whispered in Alix' ear as she walked past.

'Do as she says, at once!'  Marie tried to reassert herself over her slave,
feeling irritated that Agnes had attempted to take over her control.

Alix took a few brief moments to regain her concentration, feeling quite
frustrated that her own pleasures, and those of Karen, had been so abruptly
interrupted.  She lifted her legs once more and allowed her long, red painted
toes to explore the wet crease that glistened before her.  Karen sighed with
pleasure as she felt the intimate caresses and felt the pulse beating in her
temples as the flush of arousal descended upon her.  Despite herself she began
to straighten her arched feet, to curl her toes in response to the pleasure she
was receiving.  Inevitably as she flexed her bare feet the tension on her
nipples increased, stretching them, lengthening them, tormenting them.  Despite
the insistent pleasures of Alix' bare toes, despite her increasing arousal,
Karen struggled to control her pleasure reflex, struggled to avoid increasing
the torment on her sensitive nipples.

Slowly, Alix sensed she was beginning to take control of Karen's emotions,,
beginning to lead her towards an inevitable orgasm.  Tentatively she gently, so
gently, slid one painted toe inside Karen's beckoning wetness, inside Karen's
engorged and aroused cunt.  Karen gave a sharp intake of breath as she felt the
soft, insistent intrusion.  Again she flexed her bare feet, her bare toes, and
again she tormented her own nipples in the process.  This time the pain of the
nipple clamps was matched by the increasing pleasure she felt around and inside
her copiously flowing cunt, between her slick and engorged labia.  Despite
herself, she maintained, and then increased, the tension on her clamped nipples.

Alix was watching Karen's contortions, her grimaces of pain and pleasure
closely.  As Karen began to slide towards her orgasm Alix, with a final,
tormenting wiggle of her painted toe, withdrew from the warm wet velvety folds
of Karen's clutching, tensing, cunt.   Aware of the denial Karen opened her eyes
and started at Alix.  'Please, please, please.  Don't stop! Make me cum! Let me
cum.  Please. Begging you, please.'

The watching group sensed the impending orgasm and as Greta wriggled on her
seat, as she crossed her legs and flexed her thighs in a surreptitious attempt
to stimulate herself, Alix once more returned her toes to the inviting wetness. 
This time she immediately intruded her toe into Karen, into the wet cavern that
seemed to be sucking her foot into it.  Karen closed her eyes in ecstasy, in
pleasure as she felt Alix insert, first her big toe, and then, incredibly, her
second, her third toe into her waiting, desperate, cunt.

'Ohmigod, ohmigod!'  Karen screamed almost in her spasms.  'Go on, do it, push
harder, please please!'

Alix paused and looked over her shoulder at Marie, who herself was flushing and
feeling an increasing wetness between her thighs.  'Mistress?'  Shall I do as
she asks?'

Huskily, her voice thick with emotion, Marie murmured, 'Yes, fuck her, foot fuck
her now!  Make the bitch scream and beg to cum.  Do it!  Now!'

Alix responded immediately.  With her naked, bare, soft, smooth right foot she
began again her assault on Karen's outstretched cunt.  Began again to insinuate
her smooth painted toes into the welcoming wet flesh.

'Ohmigod!  More!  Deeper!'  Karen began begging for release, her own bare feet
flexing, her own toes curling with pleasure even as the increased tension on the
thin leather thongs created an insistent tug on her already distended nipples.

Smiling to herself at her success in arousing Karen to a near screaming orgasm,
Alix gently moved her left foot so that the toe, the painted big toe, could
gently rub over Karen's swollen clitoris.

'Aaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhh.  Noooooooooooooooo!   Yesssssssssssssss!'  Karen was
incoherent now with her orgasm building and exploding within her, her whole
body, it seemed, pulsing with the combined sensations she was feeling.  The
incredible eroticism of having her wetness, her swollen cunt flesh, being
stimulated, tormented, by bare toes, stretched by bare toes.  The pain of her
swollen sensitive nipples being extended, being pulled and stretched by her own
efforts, by her own feet, her own toes.

'Yesssssss!  It's cumming, it's cumming, nowwwwwww.'  Karen tensed as much as
she could within her bonds, her fingers clenching and unclenching above her
head, her pulse pounding in her temples as her bound toes, her arched feet,
flexed and inflicted the special pleasures on her nipples, even as Alix gently
masturbated her swollen clitoris with her toe.

'Yesssssssssssssss!    Ohmigoddddddddddddd!  Yessssssssssssss!'  Karen screamed
her release, as her eyes rolled back in her head.  The tremendous orgasm finally
burst inside her, and she was totally lost within it, within the incredible

Slowly Alix withdrew her bare foot from Karen's flooding cunt.

'Stay!'  Greta spoke sharply.  'Stay as you are!'

Confused by the command Alix stopped and rested both feet, both soft smooth
soles, against the slick wet swollen flesh.  She could feel the blood pulsing
through Karen's veins as she waited for further instructions.

Karen became slowly aware of the change in sensation and uncomprehendingly heard
Greta continue to speak.

'Mistress Marie and I want you to keep your bare feet pressed into slave Karen's
cunt, pressed into the wetness.  We want you to feel the juices on your soles,
on your feet, between your toes.  Especially between your toes!'

Greta looked triumphantly at Marie.  'Now?'

'Yes my dear friend, I think the time has arrived!'

Greta nodded her head and picked up the house phone from the table beside her.

End of Part 34

(c) 2002 Cathy P

If you enjoyed this story then feel free to make, and keep, a copy.  If you
didn't enjoy it I'd love to know why, and how I could improve it.  If you wish
to post it elsewhere, then of course you can, (and will!), but remember to
credit me as the author.

Any suggestions for future stories involving Karen would be welcomed.

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