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Review This Story || Author: Cathy

The Adventures of Karen

Part 28 Stranger

The Adventures of Karen - Part 28 - Stranger

Lisa finished passing drinks to everybody, Karen settling for a simple light
wine.  She was conscious of the need to keep a clear head, the unknown was
waiting and she wanted, she needed, to be fully aware of what was going to

Marie looked at Greta and nodded.

"Yes my dear, I think it is time.  Just listen up everybody.  Marie, well Marie
and Jeff, have provided the means for our next little entertainment.

Karen looked up with interest, and wondered.  She looked across at Jeff and the
thought that had troubled all evening needed an answer.

"Mistress, may I ask, I just wondered..."

"Of course my dear, anything."

"Does, is, is Jeff, no, I mean, does Jeff work for Master Karl.  I'm sure I've
seen him somewhere."

"Yes my dear, you are right.  I'm surprised you and Andy hadn't noticed earlier. 
He's our senior Finance Director.  I'm sure Andy must have seen him at times. 
Marie used to work there as his secretary but now she spends most of her time
on, shall we say, other things.  Including his new secretary!"

What other things, Karen wondered, as she watched Marie leave the room.

The conversation in the room slowed as everyone waited in anticipation of the
next part of the evening's entertainment.

Suddenly, there was a low rumbling, the sound of wheels, in the lobby.  Lisa
went across and opened the door as Marie walked in, followed by Ken who was
pushing an elaborate trolley.  Elaborate in that it supported what seemed to be
a tall narrow frame, mounted in such a way that it could be turned and rotated
horizontally or vertically, in any combination, all independently of the trolley

What made it more interesting was what the frame held.  Tightly strapped, around
the head , waist and ankles, to a central pole within the frame, was a naked
girl.  Completely naked, apart from a close fitting, tightly laced, leather
helmet that covered her head completely.  There were two small, very small,
holes that allowed her to breathe.  In addition, just below her nose, a shiny
metal ring was holding her drooling mouth gaping wide.  As far as the onlookers
could tell she was completely blind to the room around her.  What they  could
not see was that her ears had been plugged and she was unable to hear anything
at all.  Naked, blind and deaf.  Totally helpless and vulnerable.

As Ken pushed the trolley into the room he paused and demonstrated the
versatility of the frame.  Effortlessly he rotated it so that the naked victim
was suddenly upside down.  As she was turned a plaintive cry, a gurgle could be
heard as she attempted to protest at her treatment.  As soon as she was vertical
Ken spun the frame on its vertical axis before he returned it, slowly, to the
correct position.

"Wonderful isn't it!? Marie was clearly pleased with her new toy.  "Mind you, I
have to thank Mike for his help.  You know how good he is in his workshop."

Greta called her congratulations.  "Tell us what it can do, what it's for."

"Well you've seen most of it.  What it means is that we can transport anyone
where we like, and, if they're hooded like this, they lose all sense of
direction, they have no idea where they are or where they're going.? She paused
and pinched the defenceless pink nipples as the girl hung there.  A muffled
squeal came out of the helmet, out of the gaping mouth.  "Mind you, you can see
that she does know where her tits are, but that's different of course."

"Excellent, I like it, I may want to borrow that later.? Agnes showed her

"Now, Ken, bring her across here and we'll put her on one of the benches."

Ken assisted Marie, as the naked hooded victim was unstrapped and helped to
stand on the floor.  She was unsteady after the disorienting ride and Marie
stood behind her, cupping her breasts as she steadied her.  Despite being
barefoot she was clearly a tall girl, slim with a narrow waist and firm hard
breasts.  Everyone in the room could see that she was much younger than the
naked Joy, standing in the corner with her husband still mouthing her labia.
The contrast between the firm uplifted breasts and the flatter, sagging breasts
was the more remarkable for the contrast between Joy's pale body and the younger
girls richly tanned flesh.  That was not the only difference.  Karen thought
that this girl was almost certainly a natural blonde, or at least the carefully
trimmed strip of pubic hair seemed to support that conclusion.  Even so, she
recalled some of her own experiments in her teenage years when she had
definitely had a least one patch of blonde hair, in contrast to her own chestnut
hair.  Happy days!  Karen sighed and continued to watch the proceedings.

"Now, let's lay her on here, just so.? Marie instructed Ken as she held her arms
for the leather cuffs that hung from under the corners of the padded bench. 
"Good, now her legs.  Nice.  Just a bit wider, let her feel herself being
stretched.? Ken fastened some narrow leather thongs just above her knees, so
that her legs were almost immovable although she retained a little freedom in
her lower legs. Marie checked the degree of movement and was finally satisfied. 
"You may go and finish your other preparations now."

Ken walked briskly out of the room.

"Just one thing more.? Marie looked across at Greta.  "Shoes I think."

"Definitely, they will be necessary.  Lisa!  Fetch us a pair of the highest
heels you can find."

Lisa left the room and returned shortly with a pair of shoes that appeared to
have at least six inch heels and narrow, buckled straps to fit across the toes
and around the ankles.

"Good.  Now put them on her and pull them tight, nice and tight.  Make sure that
they hurt her feet."

Lisa made no secret of her own pleasure as she held each bare foot and fondled
it before fixing the shoes tightly into position.  As she pulled the straps
tighter everyone could hear more guttural groans from the naked girl as she lay
helpless unable to avoid, or even see, the cause of her latest discomfort.

Marie watched her efforts with interest, sensing the arousal that Lisa had felt. 
"You may get a chance to serve me later, I think I could make use of a foot
slave, a female foot slave.  Let's wait and see.? She turned and looked back at
Greta.  "Do you like my little display?"

Murmurs of approval came from around the room, but Karen felt that she could
risk a comment.

"Karen, my dear.? Marie addressed her directly.  "What do you think?  You're
new here after all."

"I-I-I I'm not sure, really."

Marie smiled and turned and looked around the room.  "Well, my dear, you see it
really is so simple.  Once we have a suitable subject, like our little friend
over there,?she gestured towards the naked form spread-eagled on the bench, бо

we can do just what we like.  Nice isn't it??She looked at Karen, and, getting
no response, continued her comments.  "You see, just imagine if it were you over
there.  You would not be able to see anything at all, you wouldn't know if it
was night or day.  You wouldn't be able hear even the slightest sound.  And,
even better, you wouldn't be able to make any sensible sound.  Totally isolated,
totally helpless, totally exposed.  And of course, look at how the poor thing is
dribbling, drooling, slobbering.  How degrading it must feel for her."

Greta interrupted her.  "Marie my dear, I think we get the idea, or I hope so."

 She looked at Karen unsmiling.

"Yes, of course, I was just going to add that the feeling she must have of being
totally naked, not knowing if there is anyone, man or woman, or if there are
dozens, around her, is also so humiliating.  She is so delightfully exposed and
she can't do a thing about it."

Karl was getting impatient.  "Marie, you've sold the idea pretty dam well to all
of us, so do you think we could get on with things now?"

Marie nodded her understanding and looked at Greta.  "Shall we bring him in

Greta smiled broadly as she looked first at Karen and then at Marie.  "Yes,
let's get this show on the road.? She looked back at Karen and whispered, "I
wonder how your useless boy-friend will perform now.  Look!  Here he comes now."

Karen turned towards the door.

The door was open and Ken walked in guiding a naked male, a naked Andy, into the

Well, Karen thought, it surely has to be Andy.  The smooth body and the slightly
thickened cock certainly looked familiar, the build was about right, but, this
male was hooded.  Not completely hooded, but wearing some form of half mask made
of what appeared to be thick cloth or even canvas.  The outside was crossed with
reinforcing straps of the same material clearly visible and buckled tightly
around the back of his head.  There was no way it would  allow him to see even
the merest hint of light, but it neither covered his ears or his mouth.  It only
partly covered his nose and a strap just below it made sure that there was no
way the hood could be moved accidentally.  She could see that his mouth was not
constricted in any way. The sole intention seemed to be as an elaborate and
effective blindfold as all of his other senses were unimpeded.

Ken brought the hooded male in front of Greta.  "Is this satisfactory Mistress?"

She looked closely at the hood and suggested that a little tightening of the
straps would be in order.  Ken completed the tightening and moved over to stand
against the wall besides Lisa.

Marie looked at Jeff for his approval and turned to Greta.  "Shall we proceed

"Of course.  Perhaps you should give him a little tour before we let him loose."

Marie called Jeff over to help her as they moved Andy towards the naked form
lying in front of them.  Forcing him to his knees at the side of the waiting
female, waiting and quite unaware of events around her, Jeff grabbed Andy's
right wrist and placed his hand on the girls naked right breast.  Andy, deprived
of any visual stimulus, was clearly in full command of his tactile senses as he
felt a hardened nipple in the palm of his hand.  His cock began to stiffen
slightly as he rotated his hand across the flattened breast causing more
guttural moans from under the leather hood.  "Now the other one, see of you can
find it yourself.? Marie whispered her command as Andy slid his hand around, and
then across, the heaving chest before he again centered on a resilient nipple. 
More moans from under the hood as Andy began to knead this breast, began to grow
to a fuller erection.

"Enough tit play for now, I suggest.? Karl called across, before he smiled slyly
at his wife.  "Time for some of that later."

Jeff roughly pulled Andy to his feet and brought him around to stand between the
wide stretched legs and then made him kneel between them.  Again he grabbed
Andy's wrist and lay his hand on the sparsely covered mound.  This time Andy
needed no prompting as his thumb fell naturally over the shaven slit and onto
the small, still soft, clitoris.  He reacted to the sensation by trying to rub
his thumb between the labia and attempting to caress the bud directly.

"No more!? Greta called across, as she saw his cock bloom into a full and
throbbing erection.  "Set him to work, he gets nothing until we see him work on

Andy was confused and then hopeful.  Did this mean that he would be allowed to
lick, to taste the burgeoning juices that he had detected?

Jeff abruptly disappointed him as he and Marie held a wrist each and pulled them
slowly down the lower legs until he was holding each naked ankle, covered only
by the thin straps of the shoes.

"Now, you know what to do.  Get on with it!? Greta stood up and walked over to
stand behind him.  She looked around the group.  "He has already shown us his
special skills, so now it's time for him to show all of you.? She nudged him
with her foot, "Get on with it.  Now!"

Andy, already aroused at the sensations of nipples and clitoris, aroused by the
throbbing of his erection, felt even more pleasure as he realised that he was
holding bare feet encased with just thin straps.  He let go of the left foot and
focused his efforts on the right foot.  Holding the sharp teetering heel in one
hand, savoring the smoothness, the tapering point, he used his other hand to
explore the toes.  The naked toes.  The naked toes with the leather thong across
them.  He ran his fingers gently over them and traced his index finger gently
down the cleavage between each toe before he bent his head and ventured his
tongue to lick the smooth flesh.  Savoring the taste of warm flesh and warm
leather he forced his tongue harder between the toes before he gently licked the
smooth instep, highly arched by being forced into such a high heeled shoe.

He paused his effort, briefly and tentatively he moved his right hand to feel,
to stroke, his erection.  Hearing no comment he continued to slowly masturbate
as he licked the bare flesh, before he fumbled with the ankle strap, removing
the shoe and discarding it unseen on the floor.  He began to lick the bare sole,
lifting the leg as high as he could within the bondage that had been inflicted
on the naked, anonymous, victim.  As his tongue licked from smooth bare heel to
bare toes and back again, everyone in the room could hear the moans from under
the leather hood.  Despite herself, despite her confinement, it was obvious that
Andy had begun to arouse her.

"Good!? Greta walked back to her seat, "I think he deserves a reward."

"Agreed, perhaps we should allow him to fuck her?? Marie suggested, smiling at
Jeff s they stood to one side.  "It looks as if his cock is hard enough to last
for hours!"

"We'll see, shall we?? Greta smiled around the room.  "He hasn't managed to feel
the warmth and wetness of a woman since he came here.  Yes. we'll allow him a
fuck I think, and we shall enjoy seeing him perform.? She turned and looked
directly at Karen. "Won't we my dear?"

"If that is your wish Mistress, then I'm sure we will all enjoy that."

Greta motioned Jeff to help him up.  "Let him walk around his prize before we
put him into position.? Jeff helped Andy to his feet, his full erection bobbing
in front of him.  Greta stood up and nodded to Ken who immediately left the
room.  She turned to the group and motioned everyone to silence.

As Jeff brought Andy slowly around the hooded victim, Marie casually held his
cock and gently gave it a few strokes, making Andy gasp with the unaccustomed
touch.  While he was still distracted Ken had come back into the room bringing
with him Margo, who appeared to be naked under a thin robe.

As she realised who the newcomer was Karen managed to suppress a gasp of
surprise as Greta flashed her a warning look, holding her fingers to her lips.

Ken helped Margo to the other bench, alongside the naked hooded victim, and, as
she handed her robe to Ken she settled herself comfortably on the bench.  Ken
walked back towards the side of the room smiling broadly.

The guests were watching entranced with this new development, it was a new idea
from Greta, something that she had never tried before and they were intrigued to
watch how it developed.

Karen was quite fascinated, she had never knowingly seen a woman of Margo's age
so blatantly naked in front to of so many others.  Her figure was surprisingly
trim and her breasts, though quite pendulous, were still shapely enough, shapely
enough to interest Karen.  Her nipples were quite dark and, clearly, she was
obviously making use of her own waxing technique.  All in all, Karen thought,
Margo was an attractive woman, proof, it such were needed, that older women were
just as attractive as young girls. Perhaps more so, Karen thought.
After all, the woman who had introduced her to the delights of female love had
been around the same age as Margo and she had not seemed old to her.  Not at
that time.  Not even to a teenager, she thought wryly.

Meanwhile Jeff and Marie had managed to position Andy on his knees between
Margo's wide spread legs.  As they eased him forward into position he tried to
reach out and touch what he blindly assumed was naked flesh in front of him.

"No!? Greta snapped.  "You may fuck but you may not touch.  You can't see and
you can't touch, just fuck, and make sure you give us a good performance."

"Yes Mistress.? Clearly Andy was disappointed, but nevertheless the thought of
pushing his swollen flesh into a wet and, hopefully, willing female was enough
to satisfy him.

"And make sure she cums more than once before you make a mess in her.
Understand?? Greta added some subtle humiliation.

"Yes Mistress."

As he spoke Marie had grabbed his cock between disdainful fingers and guided the
swollen head in between the slick and puffy labia as Jeff held them apart.
Margo didn't object to be used, being handled, in this way.  She had been well
used to such things in the past and she had become to need such participation
before she could achieve a truly satisfying orgasm.  Several people around the
room craned forward to get a better view as Jeff's fingers exposed a proudly
erect clitoris, gleaming with the sweet juices that Margo had exuded.

Satisfied that the swollen glans had been inserted up to its rim Marie finally
released the now pulsing cock and moved back to her seat.

"Hold that position!? Jeff commanded, happy to take over command of the

Andy was willing to obey as he felt the wetness, the warmth, envelop his exposed
and sensitive flesh.

After an eternity of waiting, although it was barely five minutes, Margo
signalled silently to Jeff.

"OK now you can fuck her as hard as you can.  Just remember, no touching and she
has to cum at least twice before you even think about cumming."

Andy was silent.

"Well, where are your manners?? Marie called across.

"Than you Miss, thank you Sir, thank you.?Andy responded in what he hoped was an
appropriate manner and began fucking slowly deeper into the waiting cunt.

As he began to thrust, trying to balance on his knees, with his only point of
reference his cock deep within a wet and warm cunt, he began to feel a
tightening around his erection.  Surely?  No, surely not?  He paused as he
plunged to the deepest recesses and stopped and waited.  Yes!  Definitely!  No,
there was no mistake, he could definitely feel the warm velvety cunt contract
around his erection.  Clearly this female, whoever she was, had developed some
incredible vaginal and pelvic muscles.  As he held himself deep inside her he
could feel the clenching and unclenching around himself, almost masturbating
him.  The sensation was quite incredible as he keep still and enjoyed it.

"Keep on fucking!? Greta was aware of those intimate skills that Margo had
demonstrated so subtly.  After all, she had been kept informed every time after
her husband had fucked Margo in the past.  She was, according to Karl, the only
woman he had ever fucked who could work her cunt so incredibly and actually make
him cum.  Better even than Greta, she who had always prided herself on her
excellent muscle tone.  "Fuck her now, and don't keep stopping."

Se smiled at Karen and thought that surely she was a likely pupil to be taught
such special skills.  Perhaps she would employ Margo to teach her how to please
a man.  Or a woman!

Even as she mused and planned for future pleasures, Andy was continuing to
piston back and forth into the wet and muscular cunt that lay unseen before him. 
Unseen by him, but clearly visible to the onlookers, Margo was beginning to
reach an orgasm. Her eyes were staring, her mouth open and literally gasping for
air, her fingers and toes curled with the rising passion.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhh, ahhhhhhhhh, yesss don't stop, don't stoooopppppppppppp!"

Andy was aware of her pleasure as he continued to thrust back and forth, aware
that even in the throes of passion she was still exercising her pelvic muscles
around his swollen cock.

Both he and Margo were beginning to be covered with a sheen of sweat as their
combined exertions continued.  In a few more brief minutes she reached another
explosive orgasm, screaming her pleasure to all in the room.  As the waves of
pleasure swept through her she crossed her arms and gently lifted her pendulous
breasts from their position hanging slightly down each side of her rib cage
before she began pinching her nipples.  Nipples that were hard and swollen.
Nipples that were enlarged, but, even in their engorged state, not as big as
Karen's were, even when soft and unaroused.

Andy was beginning to feel the strain of his continuing thrusting, with all of
his weight on his knees and with no other firm support and he began to slow
down, still needing to achieve his own orgasm but, more urgently, needing to
rest for a brief moment.

"Don't stop, there is at least another cum left in her yet!? Marie was clearly
excited at the performance in front of her, her face flushed and her voice
hoarse with her lust.

"I know just the thing to get him going!? As she spoke Greta got out of her seat
and moved around to the silent, naked hooded female still strapped to her bench
alongside the sweating couple, unaware, in her silent world, of the frenetic
activity next to her.

Greta knelt down and rapidly unstrapped the remaining shoe, the remaining spike
heeled shoe.  Holding it in her hand she rubbed the heel across Andy's open
mouth, as he gasped for breath.  She turned it and allowed him to smell, to
savor, the smell of the warm leather and the hint of scented naked flesh, from
the foot that had so recently worn it.

"Here you are, a little present!? Greta spoke into Andy's ear.  "You can hold it
and lick it if you like, just as long as you keep on fucking!"

"Th-thank you Mistress.? Andy eagerly grasped the spike heeled shoe in his right
hand as he began to thrust yet again into Margo's seemingly insatiable cunt.  He
held it and fingered the smoothly tapered heel before he sniffed and savored the
aroma.  His thrusting increased in intensity as he began to lick and then suck
the heel.  Suck it like sucking a cock.

The group looked at his performance enthralled at his reactions, his obvious
pleasure in enjoying his fetish.

Margo began to moan again as, unseen, she began gripping the invading hard cock
even harder with her vaginal muscles.  Her third orgasm was building but this
time it was building as Andy's own orgasm was approaching.

Almost simultaneously the two began gasping and moaning.  Margo, hoarse from her
earlier orgasms, could only moan softly as she pulled her nipples in time with
the surges of pleasure spreading from her loins whilst Andy, experiencing his
first vaginal ejaculation since he had been taken by Karl and Greta, could only
grunt and gasp as his cum jetted deep inside the muscular cunt.

Marie got up and walked across.  "Don't pull out, stop in there until she tells
you to move."

"Yes Miss.?Andy could barely gasp after his exertions, even as he felt Margo
continue her incredible tightening around his cock, holding it deep inside her,
unwilling to let it go.

Marie smiled at Greta, "Time now, I think??and reached down to release the
leather hood from the naked female still strapped to her own bench, arms and
legs still secured firmly in place.

As she removed the constricting hood, and the plugs inserted into each ear, the
couples around the circle saw that the girl was indeed a blonde.  Short blonde
hair and a pert face, red from it's prolonged confinement.  She looked around
and blinked in the unaccustomed light before she tried to focus on the naked
couple beside her, slowly realising just what had been taking place so close to

"Shhhhh!? Marie stopped her speaking, "Wait!"

"Now everyone, I think it's time for the mask to be removed, to let the lovers
see each other properly.? Greta looked at Marie.  "Would you like to do that my

"Oh yes, oh yes indeed.? Marie smiled triumphantly as she walked behind Andy,
sill kneeling with his cock firmly gripped by Margo's well developed muscles,
still holding the shoe by its stiletto heel.

She undid the final straps and pulled off the canvas hood, as Andy, too, blinked
in the bright light.  "There you are, did you enjoy that fuck, slave?"

"Yes Miss, it was incredible, an incredible fuck.? He looked down at the naked
female before him.  "W-who are you?? Andy had expected to see, well he didn't
quite know what he expected, but the woman before him, clearly much older than
him, left him speechless.

"What's the matter?? Karl laughed happily.  "Didn't think of that did you?"

"Of course he didn't, my dear, of course he didn't.? Greta responded.  "But
now, I guess the only woman he will ever want to fuck again will be someone
like, in fact, someone exactly like, our friend."

She stood up again and walked over.  "Margo, meet slave Andy.  Slave Andy meet

Margo smiled happily, as she relaxed her tired muscles, unwilling to admit to
anybody that delightful though it was to use her special skill to hold and to
excite a male, it was nevertheless extremely tiring, even if it was incredibly
rewarding.  "You can pull out now, I shall use you later if Greta allows it."

"Oh I allow it all right.  In fact I insist!? She held Andy by the chin and
lifted his head.  "From now on, the only woman you'll fuck, and then only with
my permission, is Margo.  Understand?"

"Y-yes Mistress.  But....? Andy paused.  "But, what about ..."

"Forget slave Karen, you will do as I say, and, if needed, I'm sure Dave and
Lucy will be willing to train you.  You already know how good they are of

"Yes, we'll do it.  We can start any time you like Greta.? Lucy smiled happily
across the room, looking forward to some intensive slave training.  In her
corner, Joy looked apprehensive, memories of her own training by Lucy flashing
through her mind.

"Hold on folks, let's not forget our other guest here.  Marie, introduce your
little pet, will you?"

"Of course.  Everyone, meet Alix.  Alix meet everyone.? As she spoke the blonde,
Alix, strained to look around despite the uncomfortable position she remained

"Here, let me help, let me undo those straps and you can stand up and see
everyone properly.? Marie quickly unbuckled the four straps and helped Alix
unsteadily to her feet.  "Now here you are, you'll soon get to know us, know us
pretty well too, I guess."

Alix swallowed nervously.  "Yes Miss Marie, thank you."

"Of course, here's someone you do know, I think!? Marie turned Alix towards

They stared at each other in mutual recognition.


"You!? Andy could barely speak as he realised who was standing naked in front of
him.  "'re..."

"Of course she is, you fool!? Greta called across.  "Do you think we don't
know how you used to try and get your hands inside her bra, inside her panties,
whenever you went into her office?  How you humiliated her in public?  How
offensive you were to her?"

"Oh my god!? Andy whispered, his face white, still holding the shoe that had so
recently adorned Alix's foot.  "I do know you.....I -  I - I'm so sorry."

"Too late for that, you've already gone too far for mere apologies.? Greta was
triumphant at the latest humiliation.  "My dear, you know who was rubbing your
tits, your clit, licking and kissing your feet?  Sucking your toes?  Guess who. 
Meet mister wonderful here.? She gestured to Andy, kneeling, his cock hanging
limply downwards, still slick with the combined fluids from his ejaculation and
Margo's flowing juices.

Alix turned to Marie in bewilderment.  "What does she mean Miss Marie?"

"Simple my dear, Andy, sorry, slave Andy is just a slave here, a slave to Greta
and Karl, just like you are a slave to Jeff and me.  The only difference is that
he is a mere male, so he is lower than you.  Greta has told me that you can
borrow him later, to use him as you please.  There are plenty of ideas
downstairs, as you'll see later."

"Of course she'll see.  In fact, I think it's time we all went downstairs for a
change.  Don't you?? Greta stood and addressed the group.  As everyone began to
move she turned to Karen, and expressionless, pushed her back into her seat.

"Not you my dear.  Not you.  It's your turn to entertain us.  Wait here for
Lucy.  She's got some new clothes for you to try on.? Greta smiled across at
Lucy.  "That's right isn't it, something rather becoming I suppose?  I hope it
fits her/"

"Oh yes, leave her to me Greta.  I, personally, will get her prepared.  And, I
suppose, any final adjustments we can finish downstairs.  Don't worry it will
fit her, or, perhaps, she will fit it!"

"Of course!  C'mon everyone, let's get ourselves comfortable for the next
session.  Greta ushered the group towards the steps leading down to the dungeon.

"Ken, Lisa, bring these slaves down with you.  They can soon be made, shall we
say, comfortable.  Oh, and don't forget the other two will you?"

Ken shepherded the naked slaves towards the door as Lisa went to collect the
other two packages that had been brought earlier by the arriving guests..

End of Part 28

(c) 2002 Cathy P

If you enjoyed this story then feel free to make, and keep, a copy.  If you
didn't enjoy it I'd love to know why, and how I could improve it.  If you wish
to post it elsewhere, then of course you can, (and will!), but remember to
credit me as the author.

Any suggestions for future stories involving Karen would be welcomed.

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