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Review This Story || Author: J Nelson

Lawyers in Love

Part 4

Lawyers in Love - Part 4

This is an ongoing story with over 200 pages

A story by  JRN for the wife he adores...

Monday morning she say at her desk, but she couldn't concentrate on anything. 
Anything besides him.  He has called yesterday afternoon and they talked for
hours.  She even admitted driving by his house to him.  He in turn told Wendy
about seeing her at the restaurant.  She was crazy about him as he was her.  She
thought he was going to go into shock, when she slipped the blindfold back on
and slid his hands between her legs.  She could feel the warmth growing inside
her again.  No time for that now she thought, she had work to do.  The blindfold
was on the nightstand beside her bed.  She had slept with it on last night
having all sorts of erotic dreams.  They were going out again tonight, t his
time for dinner.  They had wanted to spend yesterday together, but they both
agreed that they needed the rest and if they met, that was the last thing they
would get.  She looked at the clock, five minutes had past since the last time
she had looked.  It seemed like hours.  Her secretary buzzed her on the
intercom.  Her next client had arrived.  Back to work.

He sat in his home office and drank his third cup of coffee of the morning.  It
was the only room in his house that was even close to unpacked.  He looked onto
the hallway at the wall of boxes that covered one full side.  When he had signed
for his belongings with the movers, the box count had been a few over five
hundred.  Three hundred of these had been opened and rummaged through for this
or that, but maybe fifty had been totally unpacked.  The new house was exactly
what he had waited.  Three bedrooms upstairs, one being a master suite, and one
he could use for an office.  Living room, dining room, kitchen, laundry off the
kitchen which he really liked.  Full basement that was a rare thing in this area
because of the water table.  Two car garage with a patio and pool in the back
yard rounded it off.  And of course a seven foot privacy fence around the back
yard.  Back yard wasn't really a good term, there was no grass at all in back,
just the wooden deck and the concrete around the pool.  The lot sized down here
were smaller than he was used to, but the less you have, the less you have to
take care of.  Most of his neighbors had lawn services that came and took care
of their yards, but for the half hour it took him to mow it, even in the heat of
the day, he really couldn't justify paying someone else to do it.  Jack looked
over the front of his property and ran jus hand through his hair.  He flipped
through the TV channels another time to see if he could catch the weather for
tonight.  There was really no reason for this, the weather had been almost
exactly the same since he had arrived.  Up to the low nineties every day with
high humidity.  Rain and thunderstorms every afternoon or early evening to cool
things off and then lows around seventy overnight.  Was this paradise, or was he
living in an oven?  The summers and autumns were tough but the rest of the year
made up for it from what the Realtor had said.  Being able to swim in the pool
year round was a definite plus.  He didn't thing that he would ever get used to
the idea of Christmas lights on palm trees, or listening to carols while it is
still eighty degrees outside.  He couldn't believe that this was happening to
him.  Things like this just didn't happen to him.  She was the most intriguing
women that he had ever met.  That mix of serious and sensuous.  Playful yet
intelligent.  Experienced and innocent.  Something just wasn't right.  She had
everything that he looked for in a woman.  She had things he had never dared to
look for.  What was he thinking with the blindford?  If she knew of his kinky
side, it could have screwed it all up.  But she had enjoyed it and become
hotter.  And that made her hotter to him also.  The connection they had made was
one that he never wanted to be broken.  They had talked about everything from
religion to children yesterday on the phone.  He was usually casual and just
thought people could take him as he is.  He was actually nervous about tonight. 
He was already trying to decide what to wear even thought they weren't meeting
for another ten hours.  The minutes seemed to be hours.  He had to keep busy or
this day was going to take forever.  Time to start unpacking some more boxes.

He wasn't early this time.  He decided that promptness was the way to go and he
arrived in front of her townhouse and seven o'clock on the dot.  He had actually
been parked up the street for twenty minutes.  The building was nice.  They all
were.  There had to be a hundred or so of them.  There were six units per
building and the complex looked very clean.  It was pink.  Why was everything
down here pink?  He had heard that the color schemes got even stronger in the
southern part of the state.  He pulled his car to the curb and went up to her
door.  Everything look straight, fly up, breath mint.  Here goes.  He buzzed her
intercom and waited for her reply.

She called down on the intercom and told him that the door was open and she
would be down in a few minutes.  He tried the handle and went in.  The front
hall was a red tile floor with a chair and a small table with a lamp on it. 
There was a painting of a beautiful field of flowers on the wall opposite the
stairs.  He looked down the hall to what appeared to be the kitchen.  To his
right was the living room.  He walked through the archway and surveyed the room. 
Nicely furnished.  Typical living room.  Couch, sofa, chair, entertainment
center.  It was tastefully done, but not as girlie as he had expected.  Coffee
table, end tables and a secretary desk, all in a honey colored wood to match the
entertainment center.  The colors were mostly earth tones that matched the
prints on the wall.  He sat down on the sofa to wait, nervously clutching the
flowers he had brought for her.  He couldn't believe he was still nervous.  The
thought of sneaking upstairs to surprise her crossing his mind, but he decided
against it.

She looked into the mirror and was pleased with the reflection she saw.  Wendy
ended up staying later at the office than she had planned, but didn't want to
push the date back.  She wanted to see him as soon as possible.  Rushing around
like a chicken with its head cut off wasn't her favorite thing to do, but she
had weighed it out in her mind and decided it was worth it.  You would think she
was meeting the president for all the care she was taking in preparation for
this evening.  She wanted everything to be perfect.  She walked over to her bed
and opened the drawer in the nightstand.  Which one to take?  The two blindfolds
lay side by side along with her other toys.  Should she be boring and take her
own fleece lined leather blindfold, or should she take the sleep mask that they
had used the other night and let him think that the kinkiness was his idea?  He
was bound to find out eventually.  Putting the blindfold in the purse, she
turned and checked over the final details in the mirror and started out into the

Jack heard her coming down the stairs and jumped up and went to the edge of the
room to greet her.  The first thing he saw was a pair of legs encased in dark
stockings ending in black high heels.  She looked dazzling, wearing a black silk
cocktail dress cut just above the knee, a single strand of pearls wound her neck
and long pearl earrings.  Her shoulders were bare and the dress seemed to be
molded to her body showing off every line and shape of her curvy frame.  Her
arms were strong, but not out of proportion to the rest of her body.  The tall
heels shaped her legs nicely.  Strong calves tapering down to slender ankles and
feet.  She clutched a small black purse with a chain strap.  He was awed.  He
greeted her at the bottom of the stairs with a kiss and handed her the flowers. 
"You look magnificent, these are for you."  "Thank you."  Sorry that I was
running a little behind schedule."  "That's okay, you'll be punished later" he
said with a wink.  "You promise?" she replied giving him her best flirtatious
look.  "Shall we go?"  He walked her to the car and opened the door for her. 
"Thank you."  He watched her legs as she got in and wondered if a garter belt
was hiding beneath the black silk.

They chatted about how their days had gone in the way to the restaurant and the
air between them was electric.  The restaurant was cozy.  The dim lighting
accentuated by the flickering candles on each table gave a romantic feel.  They
ordered some wine and made small talk as they waited for the server to come back
and take their order.  Their zodiac signs were compatible and they agreed to
someday have their palms read just for fun.  They started with cheese fondue and
it was delicious.  The main course consisted of an assortment of meats and
vegetables to dip in the boiling oil.  It was more than either of them could eat
in a week.

Jack gazed across the table at her.  She looked content and had a dreamy look in
her eyes as she popped another shrimp into her mouth.  He smiled at the feeling
that came over him just watching her.  She had a sparkle in her eye that told
him the evening was still young.

She was as impressed as ever.  He opened her door for her, pulled out her chair,
and did the ordering for them.  He even stood up when she left to got o the
restroom.  She had always dated a decent class of men, but she wasn't used to
being treated like this.  She decided that she liked it.  He had said that he
had a surprise in store for her tonight.  What was it?  He excused himself to
got the restroom as the waitress was clearing away the main course, and when he
came back he sat on her side of the booth.  She grabbed his arm and nuzzled up
next to him.  "I'm having such a wonderful time tonight."  She said.  "So am I. 
Is it the food or the company?" he said with a big grim on his face.  "Obviously
the food" she shot back.  "I don't think that I could eat another bite."  "You
have to same room for dessert." And what kind of dessert do you have planned?" 
She said seductively.  "Well, it does come with the meal. But I wouldn't argue
about having seconds on dessert later."  "Does this 'seconds' you speak of have
anything to do with the surprise that you alluded to earlier?"  "Well, if I told
you it wouldn't surprise."  "You're no fun! I hate not knowing, but I do love
surprises.  I brought my blindfold" she said, staring him dead in the eyes. 
"will that get me a hint?"  He didn't flinch "How thoughtful of you, but you're
still going to have to wait."  She tried to pout, but it turned into a giggle. 
She was having so much fun, it was like being twenty-one again.  She had tried
to fluster him with the blindfold comment but to no avail.  She was falling for
this guy and there was nothing she could do about it.  There was nothing she
wanted to do about it.

The chocolate fondue came and they took turns feeding each other marshmallows,
pound cake and fruit dipped in the scrumptious chocolate.  He ordered coffee for
them afterwards and they sipped it as they listened to the string quartet play a
soft collection of romantic music.  She let her mind wander as they quietly
chatted.  Was this surprise of a sexual nature?  She couldn't believe how
aroused she was just being with him.  Maybe chocolate was the ultimate

Jack paid the bill and they exited the restaurant.  The valet brought the car
around and Jack opened the door for her as the valet got out and came around for
his tip.  She got in and thanked him.  "Lets have that blindfold."  "Now?" was
her startled reply.  "Yes," She started to protest, but didn't want to make a
scene in front of the valet who was standing by the rear door waiting for Jack
to get in.  She opened her purse and pulled out the sleep mask and handed it to
him.  "No more seeing for a little while" he said as he slid it over her head
being careful not to mess up her hair or makeup.  She blushed knowing the valet
was standing there watching the whole thing.  She reached blindly to put on her
seatbelt but he stopped her hands and did it for her.  He closed the door after
giving her a peck on the cheek, tipped the valet and got in the car.  "Where are
we going now?"  "In a hurry to get somewhere?"  "Maybe and little embarrassed?" 
"Not a bit, we could sit here all night." but he could see the flush on her
usually vanilla shin.  They drove off as he took her hand and gave it a squeeze
before holding it.  "What happened to my hint?"  "we're going for a ride."  "I
figured that out.  Where are we going?" "that's all you get."  He put his hand
behind her neck and massaged it a little then started to play with her hair as
he steered the car with the other hand,  His hand moved its way down her bare
shoulder and arm, stroking her shin softly the whole way until he took her hand

She was sober this time, but the sensations were the same.  She could feel the
all too familiar butterflies in her stomach and the warmth growing between her
legs.  She thought that she had been aroused during dinner but now she was
really hot.  There was no way that he wasn't coming home with her tonight.  She
had told herself that it was a work day tomorrow and she had to be in court
early in the morning so no hanky panky tonight.  Her plans had changed now.  She
slid her hand slowly down her leg a little bit at a time.  Her fingers reached
the hem of her skirt and she pulled it up slightly.

He was having a hard time keeping his eyes on the road.  Did she think she was
being sneaky, or was she trying to turn him on?  Which ever it was it was
working.  He was turned on.  She had brought the blindfold on her own.  This
girl was a kinky one, maybe as kinky as he was.  Even more than he was?  He
doubted it.  Time would tell.  He watched her hand as it eased closer, and
closer to her crotch.  The tips of her fingers were now under her dress.   Just
as he thought her hand reached pay dirt, he grabbed her wrist.  "Starting the
party without me my dear?" he said as he pulled her hand back into her lap.  She
sighed deeply.  "I'm sorry" He wrapped his hand around both her wrists and held
them snugly in place.  "Let's see if I can keep these out of mischief until we
get where we're going."  "Please!" she whined.  She squirmed for a bit, but
after a while she gave in and settled down.  "Its for your own good you know. 
What perfectly respectable girl rides around in a car masturbating?"  "Who said
I'm a respectable girl" she purred.  "You just hold that thought til later,
we're here now."  He released her hands and one shot up to remove the blindfold. 
He grabbed her hands and held them again.  "That stays on for now."

He helped her out of the car and they took a short walk.  She heard him whisper
something to someone and then he held her arm as she climbed three stairs and
then onto a platform that sagged a bit as she stepped on it.  She was very
confused and had no idea where she was.  He sat next to her and put his arm
around her.  She felt the platform sag again.  "Do you know where you are?"  She
could feel his hot breath in her ear as he whispered to her.  "Not a clue"  She
felt a jolt and she heard the sound of hooves on pavement.  "how about now?" as
he tugged the sleep mask from her eyes.  As her vision returned to her she began
to take in her surroundings, but she already knew where she was.  A handsome
cab.  The carriage was beautiful.  It was all polished black and chrome with
supple black leather upholstery.  The driver was a young woman in her early
twenties wearing a tuxedo with tails and a top hat.  She turned and flashed a
smile at them.  Her horses were strong and muscular.  They were both a deep
chestnut color with black manes and cropped tails which twitched back and forth
as they trotted along.  The evening was warm with a light breeze blowing and the
stars were still shinning radiantly despite the bright lights of the city.  A
half moon just coming above the horizon glowed in the distance.  They were
downtown and the sound of the horses hooves on the pavement echoed off of the
old buildings.  "This is wonderful." she squealed.  "Thank you so much!"  She
leaned into him and kissed him on the cheek.  He turned his head and his lips
met hers.  The kiss lasted several minutes ad he sucked and caressed her lips
with his and then her tongue darted into his mouth wrestling with hers.

They parted the kiss and Jack sat back with a smug smile on his face.  "Will
this do for a little after dinner entertainment?" "As long as I can plan the
after, after dinner entertainment." "I'm so hit right now, you don't even know"
she purred into his ear.  "Maybe I do" he winked and casually put his hand on
her stocking encased thigh.  He rested his hand for a moment and then asked the
driver for a blanket.  "Under the seat" she replied.  He took the blanket and
shoot it out and placed it over their laps.  His hand then snaked under the
blanket and into her thigh.  "Not going to try and stop me?"  "Try to stop
what?" she smiled and turned her head away to look at the sites going by.  Her
hand grabbed his and pressed it again her panties.  They were lace and very
damp.  Her hand retreated but remained.  He stroked the outline of her labia
through her panties, his hand sliding over the slick material.  His hand moved
over and rubbed the tender flesh of her inner thigh, his index finger tracing
the top of her stocking until it got to the suspender for her garter belt. 
"Just as I thought" he mused.  He gave the elastic strap a little snap and her
head spun back around towards him.  "Hey, what's that for?"  "You were ignoring
me" he said.  "No, you are ignoring me!" and her fingers grabbed his and pushed
them back to the heat between her legs.  She smiled at him with a wink, her eyes
shining brightly the reflection of the passing lights.  He saw a gleam of her
white teeth as her tongue came out of her mouth and licked her glossy lips. 
"What's in it for me?" he asked coyly.  "Me, of course" she replied.

The horses clomped along as his fingers slipped beneath her panties and gently
spread her lips.  She let out a small, barely audible gasp as his finger entered
her.  It felt so good.  She closed her eyes and pursed her lips as she felt it
start to explore around inside her.  She was soaking wet.  His finger probed and
swirled as she felt her face becoming flushed. It brushed over her clitoris and
then again.  She felt another finger enter her and suddenly they were squeezing
her love button for either side.  First just a little pinch and then a slight
tug.  Her hand again covered his, this time pushing it harder into her.  His
fingers twirled and stroked.  She felt the pinch again and then he started
rubbing again.  First very slowly and then faster and faster.  Her intensity
grew as the speed of his fingers did.  She started to shift her hips to try and
put more pressure on her clit.  She came with a rush that she hadn't felt in
years.  Her head spun and she had to bite her lip to keep from screaming.  Her
hips bucked and her breathing changed to almost nothing.

Wendy didn't even remember the rest of the ride.  The carriage ride that is. 
The orgasm, or orgasms, she wasn't sure if she had several in a row or one long
one, she would never forget the rest of her life.  The driver had turned around
briefly because she had made so much noises in the end.  She didn't care, shoe
couldn't have helped herself stay quiet if she had wanted too.  He hadn't
stopped and it just went on and on.

Review This Story || Author: J Nelson
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