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Review This Story || Author: Cathy

The Adventures of Karen

part 20 The Cells 2

The Adventures of Karen - Part 20 - The Cells 2

Greta, her thoughts now clarified, regretfully turned the recorder off.  She was
sad to see the activities in the girls' cells come to an end, but she knew that
they would be tired and she knew that she wanted them fresh and well rested
before she started the final day of preparation.  After all she had to be ready
before the big party that was planned for the weekend.

Out of curiosity she decided to make a quick check of the male cells.  She
didn't expect much activity because both men, especially Andy, had had a very
exhausting time in the dungeon.   Ken had not had too much physical activity
but she knew from past experience that when he serviced Karl, (or herself!), he
always gave it everything, total concentration and maximum effort.

Greta and Karl had often discussed Ken's behaviour and his willingness to do
anything that was asked, or demanded.  They had decided that he was undoubtedly
bisexual and without any doubt he had shown, with previous slaves, that, as well
as enjoying being treated as a bondage slave, he had definitely got a mean
streak when he was given a chance to show his dominant side.  As to preference,
again they had decided that, given the chance, and knowing that he could be made
to suffer later, Ken enjoyed tormenting slaves of either sex.  Probably, because
he knew that he was always awarded with the chance to indulge in some long
lasting sex, he preferred the use of women, but, in terms of oral sex at
least, he was equally adept with cocks or cunts.   Or both in the same session,
Greta thought with a smile, thinking happily of a recent episode where she and
Karl had used him to satisfy them both.

She could see that there was little activity in Andy's cage, he was lying, naked
on his back, his well used, or at least, well tormented, cock lying limp and
shrunken against his shaven thigh.  He was just staring sat the ceiling, a
slight smile on his lips.  No doubt he was having some sweet recollections of
his day in the dungeon.

Greta turned to the screen showing Ken.  He was, as always, tidying things up,
he was quite obsessive about having things on the right place.  Greta smiled as
the thought came to her that he knew exactly the right place for his thing, if
nothing else.  Ken had evidently just had a shower, his naked body glowed with
the effect of a vigorous towelling and his hair was in that damp, slicked down
state that men usually adopt after a shower.  He looked across the room, and
seeing that the window, the cover between their cells, was still down, he went
to his bed and idly flicked his thick cock.  The fact that his cock was
exceptionally thick, even when he was not aroused, was something that had always
made him a desirable male slave. Greta did not feel that this, this almost
unconscious, cock play, was a transgression worthy of punishment, she knew that
Ken had always liked to play with himself, if not actually masturbate, and
because he had proven himself time and again as a good and reliable slave, she
and Karl granted him some indulgence.

As she was watching his long cock slowly thicken she became aware that Karl had
come into the room and was standing very close behind her.  He leaned forward
and slipped his hands around and cupped her heavy breasts, feeling their warmth
through the thin robe that she was still wearing after her session with Karen.

'Have a nice time my dear?' Karl bent over and kissed the back of her neck as
his fingers explored her hardening nipples.  'Was she all that we expected?
Did she perform well?'

'Yes, of course!  What else did you expect when I am the teacher!'  Greta smiled
up at her husband and pushed her heavy tits forwards into his hands, enjoying
the pressure.  'Do you want to see the tape?'

'No, not yet, there will be time enough later.  All I wanted to know is, can we
sell copies to our usual customers?'

'Of course!'  Greta was becoming exasperated by Karl's lack of faith in her
abilities.  He had not yet realised that, although their partnership, their
marriage and business relationship had started quite conventionally with him
being in control, things had changed.  Changed slowly and cautiously, but
changed nevertheless.  Greta was now firmly in charge, of both Karl and the
business.  She took care to control, to conceal, her power as far as possible
and always endeavoured to lead Karl to the decisions that she wanted.  After all
if he did what she wanted, why let him worry, let him be happy with the illusion
of power.

'Karl, my dear, you really must have more faith in me.  I know I am a mere
woman, but I do have a certain talent you know!'  She spoke quite firmly.  She
was beginning to feel that the time was drawing near when she showed Karl
exactly where he stood.  Perhaps sometime soon.

'Of course, my sweet treasure', Karl was at his most oily, ingratiating, best,
'you do everything to perfection'

Greta smiled, his time was drawing near.  She had no intention of ever treating
him at the level of a slave, but she did intend that she would be the one in
charge, and the one that made the decisions.  He would be subservient to her
wishes, and to her wishes alone.

'What have we got to do with slave Andy?', Greta changed the subject, ' Have we
finally shaped him in the best way?

Karl stood back from Greta, reluctantly letting her heavy tits fall back to
their accustomed, unsupported  place.

'Well, I suppose you liked the way he seemed to take to the foot worship, even
though it was only another slave he licked.'

'Yes, I like that in a slave, he did well, I thought, and the way he masturbated
and continued licking shows that he has an aptitude for such pleasures.' Greta
smiled at the thought of indulging herself of his services, 'I'm sure a number
of our, er...., special guests would enjoy humiliating him.'

'Oh, yes!', Karl nodded in agreement. 'What is the next stage for him, have you
made your mind up yet?'

Greta paused before answering, her mind alive with several possibilities.

'Actually, my dear, I have some ideas, but I feel that first we should perhaps
concentrate on building his dependence on the foot worship thing.  Do you

Greta smiled at her husband as she thought how easily he took her advice, even
when given in a subtle manner.

'Of course, my dear, just what I had in mind.  Do you want to proceed, or shall
I do it for you?'

'Oh no, you know I enjoy training our slaves.  In any case I had thought of
starting right now.  Slave Ken is looking bored in his cell and slave Andy is
obviously thinking if he dare arouse himself.'

'Go ahead, you can manage without me for  a while I guess.  I really should
spend a little time contacting some of our friends to check their interest in
our new project.'

'Very well, my dear', Greta felt triumphant, 'I agree that our new idea needs to
be developed, before our weekend party.  Don't forget we shall have some very
powerful people there who will be very interested.  We must have our slaves
ready for that event after all.  Of course, if you can manage it, we should
spend some time tomorrow extending slave Karen too.'

Karl nodded agreement and left the room.

Greta got up and walked down to the slave quarters.  She need a word with slave
Ken before she set him to work in further humiliating Andy.

As she walked down the corridor she reflected that it would be a good use of
Ken, after all Andy would find the whole process even more humiliating if he had
to learn, to take instruction, from someone he regarded as a fellow slave, an
equal.  He would have much to learn about his new life!

Greta spent some fifteen minutes giving Ken his instructions before she returned
to her room and settled in front of the bank of television monitors.
Using the correct remote control she raised the screen separating the two cells
so that Andy and Ken were now only separated by the steel bars which formed the
main wall between them.

On-screen Greta began to observe some activity.  Ken had walked over to the bars
and spoke to Andy.

'Hi Andy, how do you feel now?'

'Not too bad, still a bit sore and my balls ache and no mistake!'  Andy grimaced
as he hefted them in his right hand.

Ken frowned and spoke quietly.

'Be careful, you are not permitted to play or make yourself cum without
permission.  Don't forget that, you know what happened today.'

Andy nodded, he knew only too well, his ass was still burning from the
punishment, and, after the prolonged masturbation by Karen, and then his own
frantic jerking as he licked Lisa's bare soles, he thought that he would never
cum again, let alone get hard.

'Did you like licking slave Lisa's bare feet?' Ken asked, 'You certainly seemed
to to me, made you pretty hard I thought!'

Andy nodded again, the thought of that particular pleasure already giving him
some stirrings in his loins. There was no doubt that he had enjoyed it, even
though he knew the intention was to humiliate him in every way.  In fact, he
reflected, I like, I enjoy, being humiliated, I like submitting to the commands
of others.  His cock grew semi-erect.

Ken across the room, safely behind the bars smiled.  The plan was beginning to

'Why don't you come over here, perhaps I can help you.'

Andy was confused, 'Wh-what do you mean?'

'Mistress did say that you could not masturbate, but she didn't say that you
couldn't be masturbated did she?'

'No-o-oo, that's true.'  Andy could see some form of perverse logic here and
moved over to the bars next to Ken.

Ken slid his hand through the bars and gently touched Andy's thickening cock.

'Oh yes!', Andy gasped with pleasure, his earlier inhibitions about having other
males touch his cock now lost.  He wanted pleasure he wanted relief and he
didn't care how he got it.

'You know', Ken moved closer to Andy and spoke conspiratorially, 'I think there
is one part of the room where you can stand and not be seen by the cameras.  If
you stood there, and I think you would have to stand, I'm certain you could play
with yourself to your hearts content and not be seen by anyone except me.
Would that worry you?'

Andy swallowed and thought of the possibilities.

'Yes, er, I mean no!', he was a little confused.  Much as he liked Ken's gentle
teasing of his cock, there was no substitute for his own technique.  'Yes I
would like to try, do you think I should?'

'Of course, why not, you deserve a little pleasure.  Go and stand over there.'
Ken pointed to a spot near the end of the barred wall, near the corner, 'I've
looked carefully and the cameras cannot see that part of the room.'

Andy moved away and stood where Ken had indicated.  He looked nervously around
and began to play with his cock.

Greta, meanwhile, had sat back in her chair and adjusted the cameras. and
started the video recorder.  She knew, as Ken did all too well, that there was
nowhere in the cells that was out of range of the cameras.  She adjusted the
lens and zoomed in closer to Andy and his stroking hand.

Ken continued his persuasive talk.

'Finding a little difficult to get hard?', he asked sympathetically, 'Do you
want me to turn my back on you?'

'No, I think it helps if you look at me.' Andy replied, still attempting to
raise a firmer erection.  'It's just....just a bit awkward, I need some know...', his voice faded away in embarrassment.

' I understand only too well, I have the same problem sometimes', Ken was still
caring and sympathetic as he stole a crafty glance at the position of the hidden
camera.  'Why don't you think about licking Lisa's bare feet and toes?
That certainly got you going before!'

'I have tried that, but it would be better I could do it to her right now.'
Andy had to admit to his secret fantasy. 'I wish she was here at the moment, I
think I could cum buckets.'

'Well, she isn't so that's no help.'  Ken spoke quietly, seeing his chance to
ensnare Andy ever deeper.  'Look, I know, I have the same dreams sometimes and I
managed, weeks ago, to get a pair of Lisa's shoes and hide them in my personal
cupboard here.'

Andy looked at him, eyes widening.  'Hmmmm, that would be better than nothing,
can I look at them please?'

Ken smiled broadly, the trap was ready to close!  'Of course, and let's face it,
shoes, bare feet, all much the same thing really isn't it?'

'God, yes!',  Andy admitted his fascination, 'Go on, show me, please!'.

Ken nodded and turned away towards his cupboard, smiling in triumph.  The trap
had been set and was now about to be sprung.

He returned towards Andy, holding a pair of strappy black sandals.  They had
clearly be worn quite frequently because the insole was marked with the pressure
of bare toes, and the sole was slightly scuffed.

'How about these?'  He held them up through the bars.  'You like?'

Andy nodded and began stroking his cock more intensely.  As he did so, and as he
looked intently at the spike heeled shoes that Ken was holding, his cock
hardened and stiffened.

'Oh yes, I like!  I like!'  Andy spoke while he played with himself.  'I know
it's silly, but can I lick them do you think?  It would be almost as good as
licking those soft bare feet again.'

Ken played his part to perfection.

'I don't think I can reach without going in front of the camera.' He smiled
knowing that every action, every word was being faithfully recorded by his
adored Mistress.  'Shall I hold them for you to look at?  Will that help?'

Andy, disappointed, was beyond compromise, 'Yes, yes please, let me see them
properly, show them to me, display them for me.  Looks as if it seems to be

Ken could see that the stimulation was indeed working, Andy was working his cock
harder and his full erection had returned.

'Here you are, just look at the heels', he instructed Andy, 'just her shoes and
ignore me, ignore me, just concentrate on these spiky shoes.  Just look, and
listen to me!'

Andy stared fixedly at the shoes dangling from Kens left hand, unaware that,
with his right hand, Ken was himself indulging in a little self stimulation.

'Look at these lovely thin straps.  Just imagine how they cut across poor Lisa's
toes, her bare toes, her painted bare toes.'

Andy nodded and stroked himself with renewed vigor.

'Look at these straps, so tight around the smooth bare heels, imagine licking
the leather around her toes, around her smooth rounded heels.'

Andy was working, his eyes bulging.  'Go on, don't stop, go on.'

'Look at these lovely thin heels, these lovely thin heels, these lovely thin
spiky heels, these lovely thin shiny spiky heels.  Just imagine being allowed to
lick them now.  Would you like to lick the heel?'

Any was nearing yet another orgasm, his hand was vigorously working the length
of his shaft.

'God, yes I would!', he answered, his voice hoarse with emotion.

'Tell me, what would you like to do?'  Ken lowered his voice persuasively, happy
that his task was near completion.  All he had to do now was to get Andy to
confess to his fetish on camera, and provide Greta with the evidence she would
use later in a further humiliation.

'The shoes, show me, let me look at them.  I want to see the spike heels, so
high and so smooth and thin, show me.  I want to suck the heels, lick them.'

'So you shall, just imagine rubbing the smooth leather on your cock, on your
bare cock, it would make you cum!'  Ken could see that his words inflamed Andy
to greater efforts.

'Hold them towards me, let me see the heels.  I love to play with shoes, nice
soft leather straps, and really high spiky stiletto heels.  I like to lick the
heels, and suck them.   Oh, oh .....I'm going to cum.'  Andy was sweating, his
cock red-ended and bulging.  'Here it cums, its cumming.'

Andy continued to stare, his eyes fixed on the spike heels in Kens hand as small
drops of his cum spurted across the floor.  Only a few drops and it was apparent
that the ejaculation had ceased.  Clearly Andy was disappointed, but Ken himself
was well aware that even he could not fully ejaculate that frequently, even
though he could readily orgasm.  That was something that so few females had ever
understood about him, because they always equated orgasm with copious
ejaculation.  While the best, the most satisfying orgasms did work like that,
there was still an incredible pleasure in what he often called a dry-cum.

'Oh god, that was good!'  Andy released his cock and looked at Ken.  'Thank you
for that, I really enjoyed that.'

'My pleasure!', Ken smiled at Andy and threw the shoes through the bars across
the cell and on to Andy's bed.  'Here, be my guest, play with them later and
then hide them, you will enjoy that for sure.  When you've finished put them in
your drawer, no-one ever looks in there.'  Well, not usually, he thought, but
someone would soon be in for a surprise, certainly within the next dew days.

Andy nodded gratefully.

He walked unsteadily across the floor, his erection rapidly fading but his cock
noticeably red with the friction, the exertion.  He lay on his bed and picked up
the shoes and fondled the heels.

'Excellent!'  Greta spoke aloud in her room. 'Now we have him, utterly and

She stood up and left to go to her own marital bed and a relaxing evening with
her husband, who, no doubt, would be, as always, eager to please her.

End of Part 20

(c) 2002 Cathy P

If you enjoyed this story then feel free to make, and keep, a copy.  If you
didn't enjoy it I'd love to know why, and how I could improve it.  If you wish
to post it elsewhere, then of course you can, (and will!), but remember to
credit me as the author.

Any suggestions for future stories involving Karen would be welcomed.

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