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Review This Story || Author: InvisbleMan

Sincerely Slave

Chapter 5

   Sincerely Slave Chapter 5

I took off one first, then leaned over placing my mouth on the nipple, and
sucked in hard. She gave a startled reaction initially by backing a few
inches from the bars but quickly regained her senses and pushed herself
tight again. Sheila began to moan, as I sucked that rubbery nubbin in and
out. Then I went to the other and did the same. Her breathing became rapid
and it was easy to tell that she was terribly excited and trying to stay
where she was. My hand went down between her legs and a finger penetrated
her rapidly, finding her very wet. Her moans became louder and I backed
away taking the shaver from her hand and slammed the door.
Sheila backed away from the bars and turned to look at the monitor and
said, "You have done it again, left me excited and walked away." "Why
don't you finish what you've started?"
I was very surprised that she would say that, it was the statement of a
woman wanting to get screwed badly. Was this the same woman as only a week
ago? I typed in the screen, "So the clips and hair are off, now if you
want to eat, display an orgasm."
She stared but moved over to the box and took out the vibrator, sitting
down with wide spread legs. She parted her lips and pushed the vibrator
inside until it was nearly all gone. Her hand left it there and both palms
came up and massaged a breast. She seemed oblivious to anyone else
watching and after less than ten minutes, she began to shake and buck her
hips wildly. Was I to know whether she was real or faking a sexual
When she slowed her breathing, she looked at the screen and smiled.
"Doesn't this turn you on?" She remarked. Her hand kept rubbing her crotch
even after she returned the vibrator to the box.
I typed on the screen, "Dinner will be delivered once you have assumed the
position again."
She stood blindfolded herself, and posed exactly as desired, and waited
for me.
I brought her food inside and set it down on the floor, then went over to
her and put my mouth on her nipple again, sucking it deeply in my mouth.
She moaned again and whispered, "Why can't you do more than that?" I bit
her, but didn't say anything but moved over to the other nipple and sucked
hard on it too, biting it. When both nipples were sufficiently stiff, I
reached inside the bars to take her clipboard, stood and slammed the door
as I left.
Sheila took her food, and her beverage. She leaned back against the bars
sitting on the floor, and looked at the screen with legs spread wide while
she ate. She didn't speak because of her incredible hunger. Sheila looked
like a caged animal, eyes glassy but alert. She seemed to be thinking very
hard behind those blackening eyelids. Since capture she had lost some of
the freshness in her look but I figure it was due to lack of hygiene and
we would soon fix that.
While she ate, I studied her biography, which I will write about later.
When she had finished all of her food, she spoke to me. "Thank you for the
meal." "I was beginning to worry that you might not feed me enough and I
was starving." After speaking she stood, went to the toilet and sat down
with her legs together on the seat. She looked humiliated, knowing someone
was watching.
I typed into the screen, "It is time for your bath, and I must say you
probably feel you need one badly eh?" "I will bring in a bowl with water
and some towels but you have to assume another position this time." "I
want you to kneel on hands and knees, with your ankles at the bars." "I
will be placing cuffs on your ankles so don't move your feet unless you
want me to leave you alone for another twenty hours without food or
water." "Is that clear?" "Remove the bra, and get into position with the
blindfold on tight."
Sheila knelt and placed her ankles just so, then took the blindfold and
wrapped it tightly on before putting her hands flat on the floor.
I quickly entered the room and placed cuffs on her slender ankles but not
before moving her feet many bars apart. Then I grabbed the other set of
cuffs from the top of the cage, and unlocked the cage door. Once inside
the cage I put my hands on her shoulders and guided her upright on her
knees. I took each hand and cuffed them in front of her then pushed her so
her hands were flat on the floor. I left the room and returned with the
towels and bowl of water.
I used the voice box again, "You are to stay still while I bathe you."
"You are allowed to speak but you must do so very quietly, and if you move
your hands or knees you will be punished severely."
Sheila knelt still as my hands took a soapy sponge from the basin and
began to wash her. When the sponge touched her right shoulder, she was
startled but as I began to make suds by moving the sponge around, she
seemed to relax. Suds trailed the sponge down one side and then up the
other side of one arm. Then I went to the other shoulder and began to do
the exact same thing. When I finished her arms and shoulders were full of
bubbly suds. Once her arms were lathered, I re-wet the sponge, then began
to scrub her back and under her arms. I continued scrubbing her entire
back and the top of her buttocks before putting the sponge where I really
I brought it up underneath her chest and scrubbed her breasts. I didn't
use much force, only enough to make them sudsy and gently sway underneath
her kneeling frame. I could hear her breathing as I touched them and when
her nipples were brushed she moaned. I spent such a long time rubbing her
that the water had dried on the rest of her body before I realized! Then I
said, "Up," and when she responded I rubbed her pouching stomach with a
fresh sponge of water and soap. Her hands cuffed left her waist and she
voluntarily moved them up above and behind her head as my hand pushed the
sponge between her legs, cleaning her recently shaven lips. Again I think
that I may have spent a great deal of time there but she tolerated it
maybe because it felt good. She bent forward on hands once more while I
cleaned her buttocks and back of her thighs.
Once her entire body had been soaped, I took the sponge, with the basin
and closing the door while I rinsed it and the sponge completely out. Then
I returned with a fresh basin of water and began sponging her off exactly
as before. She was very pliable now but I though that she might just be
waiting for the right moment to come unglued. When I rinsed her breasts
and pussy, I used a lot of hard rubbing and it made both nipples and pussy
swell. I promised that in a few hours she would be able to wash her face
Now that she was clean, I uncuffed only her feet before exiting the room.
After I had put things away, I returned to the monitor, seeing she had
removed her blindfold. I typed this command. "Stand at the bars again with
spread legs and hold your hands up above you."
Sheila stood and assumed the blindfolded pose. When I entered I uncuffed
one wrist, looped the cuff chain over the top bar before re-cuffing her
wrist. Next I held one foot and after cuffing one leg to the side bar,
told her to hold her other foot far away as possible until I said
I left the room and returned with a riding crop! I unlocked the cage and
after entering, spoke to her using the voice box. "Slave, I am going to
see how much you are willing to do anything I say." "I have in my hand a
whip and am going to strike you with it." "If you can't stay in position
then you might find yourself hanging her for a very long time." "Each time
it strikes you, there will be a Thank You Sir from your mouth, is that
She stood on wide spread legs, hands high above her, chained to the top of
the cage and stayed silent. I decided to invoke some sort of a response
from her. My hand held the whip so that the tip was only inches from a
nipple and then I swatted it! Her body jerked in agony, now knowing where
or when the next blow hit. She even attempted to stabilize herself but
with feet spread so far apart movement only brought weight on her arms.
The muscle tension in them was very obvious as she trembled not knowing
about the next strike.
"I expected a response to my question, slave!" I torted in the voice box.
I could tell the anguish in her head by the expression on her face. She
immediately spoke in a crying voice, "Thank You Sir!" Placing extra
emphasis on the word sir.
My hand moves the whip which was very thin but about twenty inches long.
On the end of it was a triangular flap of folded leather about one inch in
size. The flick of the whip this time was aimed directly between her legs
on the bare pussy. It made a resounding smack, but she didn't have time to
hear that before the pain traveled up to her head.
The response this time was more struggling to maintain balance and keep
those long legs parted. There is no doubt that the sobs made were
accompanied with real tears but the blindfold kept them from showing. She
choked the phrase once more, "Sir, Thank You Sir!" and then added another.
"Please, Sir it hurts terribly there. I can't believe I deserve this."
I aimed the whip at one nipple and struck it and the opposite nipple in
succession before administering three blows to her pussy also. These blows
were both unexpected and so quick that she was were caught off guard and
screamed out in agony. However I might add that she said, "Sir, Thank You
Sir!" quite audibly afterward.
Those full breasts had pink areas around the nipples from the contact and
the pussy was almost a bright blush, however I needed to ensure that she
believed that anything I wanted to do I could, even administer endless
pain. I struck again and again giving enough break between blows to hear
her acknowledge the suffering, but ask for more.
When the breasts were hit, they didn't bounce except when they were struck
from below or in the lower third on the side. This whip didn't have
strength but it had the ability to make quite a sting! Those reddened
pussy lips were unable to move away from the tip and received their fair
share of contact.
I was impressed at the long duration she was able to take, and noticed
that the free leg never tried to cover that pussy even once. I however
wanted that to happen because it seemed to me that she would have to lose
one round in order for me to be in total control. My fingers parted her
lips and held them back as the tip of the whip was aimed and with a loud
crack it connected hard!

Review This Story || Author: InvisbleMan
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