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Review This Story || Author: Leonardo

Slave Girl of Rome

Chapter 4 Helena's painful Examination

Chapter 4

Helena's painful Examination

The physician's house was large brick structure with a red
tile roof. His fat female slave greeted them at the door
and welcomed them in. 

Helena's bare feet were untied so that she would not have to 
be carried in, but her hands were left tightly tied behind 
her back. Grass stains and dirt covered parts of her beige 
tunic, and the oversized undershirt-like garment had done 
nothing to protect her shapely legs from thorns and branches
during her run through the forest.

"Greeting Gaius, Claudia, how may I help you?" smiled the
physician as he got up from his chair.

"We have this young one with us and we need to know that
she is a virgin, also I want a complete examination of
her to be on the safe side." Claudia instructed as she 
held Helena at arms length in front of her.

"Very well," he said in a professional tone, "Untie her,
strip her, and help me get her on the table."

The table was a heavy wooden "Y" shaped structure, about 
three feet off the ground. Helena was forced down onto the
flat hard surface with her head towards the "Y's" base. 
Leather cuffs with chains were attached to her wrists and 
pulled up over her head. Each leg was then taken and strapped
above the knees and at the ankles to each extension. 
In this position her thighs were spread wide and her ass
was completely off the table and accessible.

"There now, let's begin shall we", he said as he reached
for his tray of tools like a hungry diner reaching for
a knife and fork.

The physician began his examination by forcing
open her mouth and checking her teeth.

"She has all of her teeth and they are in good
condition." he commented

Next his cold hands cupped her small breasts and
roughly felt and squeezed them. Then his fingers 
pinched, twisted and pulled on her pink, erect 

"Nice large nipples..." he whispered to himself

His hand roamed all over Helena's displayed nude
form, belly, thighs, feet, etc., making a comment
here and there as the examination continued.

Finally he concentrated on the region between
her thighs. He spread her ass cheeks with one
hand while he slowly penetrated her anus with
his middle finger. He felt resistance from
her tight little muscle ring but eventually
managed to push his finger to the knuckle inside
her. He moved the finger inside a bit and then
pulled it out. "She is very tight and will have
to be stretched if you plan on making use of
her in this region." he stated professionaly.

He then went over to a bowel to wash his hands
and was quickly back to finish examining the
final area.

"Claudia, could you help me please" he said.

Claudia smiled a sadistic grin and stepped up
beside the tightly strapped down slave.

"I want you to take her inner labia and full
them open while I check to see if the hymen
is intact." he instructed

Claudia still angry about the girls escape
attempt decided to start her punishment earlier
than planned. She pinched the poor girls labia
with her finger tips, squeezed as hard as she
could and stretched her vagina into a gaping
hole far to large for one so young. Helena
whimpered in pain as Claudia stretched her
skin several inches on either side

"It is not necessary that it be so wide."
added the doctor as he inserted a long metal
tool into her to check her virginal status. 

"She is a virgin", said the physician
momentarily. "While she is here, do you want
me to circumcise* her" he added.

* Circumcision was a common practice for female slaves, 
  and most probably originated from the Egyptians.
  Circumcision could take several forms from
  Sunna - removal of the clitoral prepuce; excision -
  removal of the clitoris and all or part of the 
  labia minora; to infibulation, or Pharaonic 
  circumcision which is the removal of the clitoris, 
  labia minora, and part of the medial aspect of the 
  labia majora.

"No," responded Claudia, "We are not planning on
using her as a house slave. We have other uses in
store for this one and she will need all or at 
least, most of her parts intact."

"Well, I'm finished here." said the physician.

"Good, then lets get her off the table and we'll
be on our way."

Helena was unstrapped, removed from the table and given
back her soiled tunic which she quickly put on. Walking
was a little painful due to the abuse she had undergone
between her legs. But it could have been much, much,
worse. If she had known what circumcision was, she
probably would have kissed Claudia's feet for refusing
to have it done to her.

The Estate

Helena again found herself in the back of the wagon, with
ankles and wrists bound by the leather cords that had
been originally donated by the soldiers on the road.

The trip to the couples estate was uneventful, but
bumpy as the little wooden, horse drawn wagon continued
on it's way up the cobble stone road to stop at the
front entrance of their large home and place of

It was made of brick with a red tile roof. The rooms were 
arranged around a central courtyard, and the windows and 
balconies all faced the courtyard, not the street. A standard
home design to keep homes safe from burglars. 

Gaius untied Helena's ankles and escorted her through the
large front door. 

There were paintings on the walls and beautiful mosaics on 
the floor. There was sparse but expensive furniture, and 
no carpeting. This was one of the larger homes of it's type.
Not only did it have multiple bedrooms, a kitchen, a dining
room, and a private bath, but it also had an atrium, a 
garden, a small temple, an office and even two toilets.

The three were greeted by a tall dark skinned Nubian male, 
an olive skinned Egyptian female and a light skinned Roman 
born female. All were slaves and all wore the same plain, 
cream coloured tunics with a small cord tied at the waist.

Review This Story || Author: Leonardo
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