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Review This Story || Author: PieterM

Population Control

Part 2

Population Control part 2 

"Anna." said Tina, "Why do we have a Population control law?"

"Because there are too many people," Anna replied.

"But that is only because all the people in Donesia are in Rotneb province, what about the rest of us in Donesia?" Tina explained.

"Oh, it is for forests because the world is warming." Anna explained, "The mens and womens and houses and cities have been abandoned, did you not know?"

"No, but the winters get longer every year." Tina reminded her.

"It is not for us to worry." Anna said, "For someone will miss Frogmilla and Galinka and they will come to cull us."

"Tina, why do we not go and see the Emporer Mr Baracobarma and plead that our friends should be saved and they should catch the wild animals in the jungles for meat?"

"Yes" Anna agreed, "Let us go while our bellies are full and anyway our bedroom smells so rank that the perfume of our farts makes me retch."

Ana and Tina quickly dressed and rushed out to the street as the Corpse cart trundled slowly by in the dawn and the eunuchs shuffled slowly to the fields as the girls rushed along the Toyico road to wards the Palace.

They slowed as the road got steeper and colder as it climbed towards the summit of the mountain and they came to the check point with the barrier across the road.

"Hello!" Anna cried.

"Hello!" Tina cried.

"One moment please," The guard replied.

"Should you not say "Halt!" Anna exclaimed.

"No, my gun has frozen," the guard replied "And my friend died during the night and I am eating him."

"Oh, we shall go on our way and say nothing!" Anna offered.

"Yes, perhaps you will have sex with me on the way back, I can let you have an arm each?" the guard suggested.

"Yes," Anna agreed, "I very much appreciate a good fuck up my ass on a cold morning, good bye!"

They continued up the steep road and at the next check point the soldiers were frozen stiff.

"He is frozen stiff Anna!" Tina replied.

"Surely not!" Anna replied as she pulled down her soldiers trousers and found his penis was curled up like a little shrew.

The cold was cold now so the girls quickly stole the soldiers clothes to keep them selves warm.

"Come Anna we are nearly there!" Tina said as they approached the Palace.

"We come to see his highness Barracobarma," Anna told the doorman as he opened the door after she rang the bell.

"He is not seeing ordinary stupid little schoolgirls." the man said pompously, "You need an invitation fromm the Ministry of Attack.

"I have a very sharp knife," Anna warned him as she lashed out and stabbed him in the chest.

"Oh yes I see, " he agreed, "Would you like a cup of?" he said as he fell to the floor stone dead.

"Anna," said Tina, "I would have liked a drink."

"Have you come to see his excellency Emporer Barracobarma," a more than averagely stupid secretary asked as she stepped over the dead doorman.

"Oh yes," Anna lied, "This gentleman fainted when I showed him my pussy."

"This way," the secretary said, "I shall eat him later." she opened the door to the Emporer's office.

"He is dead!" Anna exclaimed, as she saw the badly decomposed body of the omnipotent tyrant still in his superman outfit an slumped over his desk

"Yes," The secretary explained, "But we have to keep it quiet until we have a new Emporer."

"Then we shall have a work share," Anna exclaimed, "Tina shall run the country and I shall be her girl friend and spend the money!

"Anna," Tina exclaimed, "That is not fair!"

"But I have a knife!" Anna reminded her.

"Then let us run the country, what does this red button do?" Tina asked.

"It is the telephone for Merica to el presidente Palling." the secretary explained.

"So call her Tina," Anna urged as she pressed the red button.

Suddenly there was a groan and the ground shook and all around holes opened and missiles shot towards the sky, some were rusty and not all their engines worked and they crashed but others shot high in the air, with great high pitched squeaking noises.

"Perhaps the red telephone is the  telephone for the Mericans and the button is for New clear attack." she admitted.

The red telephone rang, "Did you order new clear attack?" a voice asked.

"No," the secretary replied, "Perhaps it was wrong number."

"Yes!" the voice agreed, "Only China President Wan Big Lye say we attack him and if he can get him Chinese made discount brand missile to work he attack us back.

The girls looked around and asked for a meal of rat soup and lentils to be sent up and before they could eat then there was a big bang and the whole city of Namahatsu exploded and disappeared in a huge cloud like a toadstool.

The telephone rang, "This is Priming Minister what shall we do?" he asked, "Wan Big Lye said please to tell him if we blowed up."

"We must tell him everyone killed all in Donesia and then cancel the population control and send our people all over round and in Donesia so they are safes."Tina ordered.

"Yes I shall do right now!" the Priming Minister agreed,

"And send two very fit soldiers to the Palace right now," Tina ordered.

"What about me," Anna asked.

"Make it six!" Tina ordered.

"Oh and order every mens to fuck with every womens all time." she added.

"Who say this?" the voice asked.

"Emporer Tinamatsula Gelai," Tina said.

"Is good, everyone will love Emporer Tinamatsula Gelai," the voice said as a Doe Gee Chinese rocket bounced off the Palace roof and collapsed in a shower of rust.

"We must be luckiest people alive!" Anna said as a hundred and fifty year old US Minuteman ICBM came through the roof at about ten times the speed of sound and blew them all into sub-atomic particles.

Good eh!

Nought out of Ten?

Its a spoof OK, it didn't really happen, don't get nightares or a stiffy or nothing, its supposed to be funny / sick in equal proportions.

To be continued?

Feed back if you please.

Review This Story || Author: PieterM
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