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Review This Story || Author: TJ Ryder

Terrible Twosome

Part 1

Terrible Twosome!

    TJ Ryder

    The attractive, late-thirties teacher in her much mended

tight dress frowned as she looked at the bulletin board at Briarcliff

College, the exclusive girl's school catering to the very rich, very

bad and mostly very depraved girls of the priviledged ruling class.

Being always anxious to make some extra money since teachers

were considered on a par of servants and chauffeurs by the arrogant

wealthy girls and the pay was pitiful, she always checked out the

bulletin board for extra income opportunities.

   A fellow teacher and confidante, Sylvia, who taught or pretended

to teach Biology to bored beauties doing their nails, noticed and laughed.

   "Running short on cash again, honey?"

   "Of course," Audrey sighed, "my car either needs a new engine or

I start walking!"  She didn't mention that since her last mistress left

the college she also had to live off campus, a two hour bus ride from

the slum studio she could afford.

   They walked together down the hallway, two shapely women in their

thirties in cheap dresses as dozens of gorgeous teenagers milled past

wearing diamonds and gold and Rolex watches.

   "What about the detention monitors?"

   "That sounds kind of boring!"

   "Well, only teachers can do it for one thing, so they have to pay

you by the hour!  I do two or three hours per week myself! So if a girl

has two hours of detention, you get 2 lb!"  Audrey paused at that.

   "Oh really?  That's not so bad you know! So, um, do I put my name

on a list or something along with my schedule?"

    "Yes, like that, or you can also contact the girls on the detention list

yourself and you get that from the dean's secretary!"

    "Mmmm, and then what, is there like a detention room on campus?"

she smiled, "like the brig or something?"

   "No, just reserve an empty classroom during the last two periods.

And Miss Agnes, the assistant Dean will drop the girls off and stop by

an hour later, to make sure  they actually do it and check them off

the detention time!  So they can't just show up and leave because they

would still owe the detention and you would not get paid either!  And also,

she usually makes sure they only bring books with them, no radios, ipod, phones,

magazines,  or anything else!"

   "Gee, that sounds promising, cuz you know some of the girls, well...!"

   Sylvia laughed, "that's why it's done this way!"

   "It sounds easy, I correct some papers and make some money!"

   "Well, ...!"

   Audrey paused, pursing her full lips, "I knew there was a catch,

some bitch is going to do her nails while sitting on my face, is that it?"

Sylvia laughed!

   "Not so much, but, some girls have some little games, harmless mostly!

Some will pick a certain teacher for their monitor all the time, and

we know something's going on, but as long as Miss Agnes sees nothing

it runs smooth!"


    "I know what your'e thinking, but it works pretty well.  I know your'e

in the market for a new mistress!"

    Audrey blinked.  "How?"

    "Come on, honey, everyone knows your last one left last semester!

I'm just saying that detention is sometimes like a

kind of audition in a dominatrix-dating service for an hour, and we get paid,

and whether we sign up again or not is up to you!"

   "Sooo, who's your naughty little mistress?"

   Sylvia smiled, "a sophomore named Tracey if you must know. She gets

detention almost once a week because she is one hellion!"

   "Does she, well... you know?"

   "I am her sub in a way but mostly I just help her do her homework!"

   "Are you also, ....?"

   Sylvia lowered her voice, "of course I'm her slave also, but we don't

dare do that in the classroom!  Anyone could peep in! Agnes has been known

to check, and besides, its 8th period!"

   "Oh really, so I'm not going to get my butt whipped either!"

   "Oh no. Agnes checks for anything even remotely like a whip or a paddle.

But that's not to say they don't have their nasty little tricks!"

she chuckled.  Audrey arched an eyebrow, wondering just what she meant,

but her nipples got hard at the image of several scenes in her head!


   Several days later during a empty third period,

Audrey emerged from a basement ladies room in East Wing, a ladies

room notorious among toilet dommes and subs for its privacy.

  Her face flushed, nipples hard and her pussy soaked

in her panties, licking her full lips as Sylvia walked by.

   Sylvia smiled, "I guess you don't need to join me for lunch today,


   Audrey smiled back, "and your'e down here for what, late breakfast?"

   "Actually you ask Iv'e already dined under my mistress' porta toilet!"

Audrey sighed!

   "I do wish I had my own mistress, " Audrey remarked as they walked down

the hallway.

   "Any prospects? And also, you doing detention yet?"

   "Actually Yes, to both, perhaps," Audrey smiled,

"you know a junior named Heather Redmond?"

   Sylvia rolled her eyes, groaning.  "One of the Terrible Twosome!

She's always with another domme, Stacey Lind! You didn't

pull THEM for detention did you?"

   "Well yes, why not?  In fact Heather seems nice!  She called me up last night

and said she and her friend had an hours detention to do this week and I

told her fine, as soon as we get an 8th period room!  I had the feeling she

knew I was sub also!"

   "Of couse she did! Really, did she say anything else?"

   "Well," Audrey paused, looking around, "she did say she only used

detention monitors who knew their place"

   "Uh huh, so how's that going?"

   Just then a luscious brunette teen came out of the ladies room

Audrey had emerged from and clicked by them.

   "I might just need to piss after last period, teacher!"

   "Just beep me Charlotte, thank you!" The women watched her shapely butt

swish up the hallway.

   Audrey looked at Sylvia's silent raised eyebrow for a second.

"She has her own slave but she's an office worker off campus though!" she

added in explanation.

    Audrey added, still absently licking her lips.

"As far as Heather goes, though, I mean you make her and her friend

sound so awful, but so far she seems nice and polite! I know she's

domme and of course I like that, but I think it might be off to

a good start!"  Sylvia gave a non committal shrug, not believing

it at all.

   "Well, who knows, maybe theyv'e changed!" she said doubtfully!

"I know theyr'e looking for a new slave since that guidance counselor

girl switched to a different school!"

   Audrey smiled, thinking maybe for once I'm getting lucky!


   Unfortunately Stacey's schedule could not handle a 8th period that

day so she left a message for Heather that it would be the next day.

   Walking out after the last period with her papers and schoolbooks,

she smiled as Heather and Stacey approached!

   "Hi Heather, and this must be Stacey?" she smiled politely.

   They just smirked, looked around to see if the dean or somebody

was noticing and Audrey sucked in her breath.  Uh oh!

   Stacey immediately put her in an armlock and using her knee,

forcing out her big breasts, as she gasped in pain.

   "Please, girls, please!" she pleaded.

   Heather slapped her across her face and frowned.

   "Listen teacher, you low class cunt!  You will never address us

by our first names or as girls or anything that pretends you are remotely

in our society, got that?"

    "Y-yes, yes, um, madame!"

   "Let's have some fun, Heather!  Try her out!"

   "Hmmmm," she smiled smugly, "no, she's kind of old you know!"

   Audrey groaned!

   "Beside she may not be worth it; let's get past

tomorrow's detention and then maybe we we'll use her!"

   "Oh come on, let's do something, look her nipples are like rocks!"

   Heather was tempted but she heard other students coming!

   "I told you she's a cheap slut! No, I want to take my time

and we have lacrosse practice in thirty minutes!"

   "SLAP!"  Ooohhhh! Audrey groaned

   "Remember what I said, teacher, let her go Stace!"

   Audrey sighed with relief as her arm and shoulder was

released, "Thank you madame!"

   "Wait till detention, teacher!"  Stacey said over her

shoulder as she held Heather's hand.

   "Hmmmm,'  Audrey considered their retreating shapes, "am I

missing something here?"  She realized she would have preferred

never to have signed up for detention monitor but now its too late.

She had to at least do this one with those two cruel queens and then,

(sigh) she could cancel the idea if it wasn't working out!


   "Working hard, Audrey?"  Sylvia smiled as she passed classroom

open door between classes as she was bent over her desk

hurriedly correcting papers.

   Brushing hair from her head, she looked up at he standing

in the doorway to her last classroom.

   "I figure on not getting much done during detention today!"

   "Good figuring! (laugh)" 

   Audrey sighed, 'she's pulling my chain!' she said to herself,

but her pussy was wet and nipples hard, as she looked up at the

clock, almost 3 pm, Detention period.  When the bell rang,

she gathered up all of her papers and books, stuffed them into

a shoulder bag, and walked across the quadrangle to the East Wing,

third floor, which was mostly empty at 8th period.

   "It's Jenkins history room!" she thought, and went inside,

went to the big teacher's desk and pulled out all her books

and papers again, hoping to have a few more minutes.

Finding it hard to concentrate when she heard foot steps in

the echoing hallway and stairwell, she was almost relieved when

she heard several steps of high heels, and Miss Agnes entered

with a clipboard followed by a demure Heather and Stacey.

   "Take your seats right there, ladies!" she pointed to two

seats directly in front of Audrey's desk!  Both girls did so

without protest, and Audrey smiled at them, but their faces had only

a little smug smile, she thought.

   "After detention, ladies, you may retrieve all the materials

not necessary for this at the office!"

   "Yes ma'am!"  Heather said, her hands folded on her desk.


   "And Miss Brown!"

   "Yes ma'am!"

   "Since this is your first time here!  You may not dismiss them until

I walk by and check them off, or you and they don't get credit for it!"

   "I understand!"  When Miss Agnes walked off with a warning look

at the two lovelies who just looked straight ahead, their books on their

desks, Audrey noticed neither said anything until they heard her on the

second floor!"

   "Well, ladies," she smiled, "I have some papers to finish correcting

but if you need any help with your homework...!" she tried to finish

when Stacey got up and walked to the door and jammed a chair under

the knob.

   'Um, ..what...?"

   "Oh, don't be concerned, Miss Brown.  We have a spy who will signal us

when she returns, 10 minute warning!"

   "Yes," Tracey smiled, standing over her now, "the door jam is just

so some moron doesn't walk in!"

   'Um, I see, but...!"

   "Now listen teacher!  We know your'e looking for a new mistress,

and our slave moved last semester, so wer'e only bothering with you

because we need a new slave!"  Heather crossed her shapely legs.

   "And, what choice do you have, anyway, teacher?" Stacey smiled.

"But if you don't pass our tests, or don't want to do them,...!"

   "Um," Audrey's cheeks were getting red, "well, um, madame, um, it's

true I need to move back on campus and my car...!"


   "Um, yes, well, in regards to what you said  I think perhaps

after class, maybe someplace outside the school...!"

   "Why?  Wer'e right here now!"

   "B-but, Miss Agnes said... and the floor is not empty you know

and ...!"

   "She can't see how we can test her, honey!"

   "I'll tell you what, teacher.  If you do exactly what we tell you

you might be accepted as our slave and you won't get into any trouble

with Miss Agnes!  I mean we could make you anyway, in fact if we weren't

needing our own personal teacher slave you would already know that,

so wer'e being very nice!"

   "Very nice!"

   Audrey lowered her eyes, sighing.

   "So its a deal then?"   Audrey nodded slightly.  She can't

afford to live off campus without a good car, and besides...!

   "Her panties are already soaked I bet!"

   "Say it teacher!  You'll do exactly what we say for the next


   "I'll, I'll, (groan) do what you say, madame!"

   "Now, that nonsense over with," Heather said, "stand up

and strip!"

   Audrey obediently stood up, and hesitated to unbutton the

first button on her dress!

   "SLAP!"  Stacey used her palm on her right cheek.

   "And," Heather said sweetly, "quickly do what we say!"

   "Y-yes madame!" she said, her eyes already tear stinging.

   Soon her luscious buxom body was nude, feeling so strange

being in a classroom like this before two fully dressed students.

   "OOoh, I told you she was a cow, honey!"

   "We'll have her moo for us soon!" 

   "Now, bring that chair over for us. Stace, do her hands!"

   Audrey was afraid they would tie her wrists behind her back

but also expected it.  Looking around, seeing they had nothing

to whip or paddle her with, there were no hooks on the ceiling

or in doorframes, but of course they couldn't because they

never knew what classroom detention would be in. 

   Stacey brought over a stool and had her sit on it, directly

in front of Heather's student desk.

   "Now, teacher, did you ever play 52 pickup?"

   Audrey weakly smiled, "Is that the card game where you throw

them all over?"

   "Yes," Heather smiled, "its just like that, except we don't

use cards!  Now if you start making too much noise we'll have

to gag you!"

   "Oh," Audrey said, "I'm sure I can handle it, madame!"

What did she mean by not using cards?  And then she

saw Heather open her book bag and take out a metal box of

what she thought were cough drops, and sprinkle them

all over the shiny desk top, but they weren't cough drops.

They were tiny sharp looking tacks!


   Both girls chuckled at her reaction.  "And don't

be concerned about infection.  We boil them after every use

so theyr'e perfectly sterile!"

   "Um, madame, " she said, "some of them are on their sides!"

   "Not a problem, just bend forward but press those cow tits

on the desk!"

   "She's going to need some encouragement," Tracey smiled

holding her wrists as she bent her forward a little, as Audrey

stared down at the sharp little points.

   "Don't push her yet, Stace, I think the old cow will do

it on her own!"

   Audrey hesitated, looked into Heather's amused eyes, and

leaned forward, her big swaying breast hanging over the sharp

tacks.  She went down lower, felt the first pinpricks and

sucked in her breath.

   "You have to press hard to break the skin, stupid!"

Stacey smiled.

   "T-thank you, madame!"

   She pushed down, and the sensitive breasts now were pressing

on the desk, "AAUUGHGHHGH!"  She felt them penetrating one by one,

some on their sides would not penetrate.


   "Shhhhhh, remember the gag!"

   (Gasp!)  "S-sorry madame!"

   Her face red, sweat beginning to form on her brow,

she moved back, looking down at maybe a dozen tacks stuck into

her breasts, with a few drops of blood dripping. Two tacks

fell off.

   "Not bad for a first try, now let's do some more, teacher!"

   "(Groan)  Y-yes madame!"

   MMPPFFFFFFF! Sweat popped all over her face and breasts,

making them slicker now, the tack stuck to her slick skin,

but when she came up again, she had maybe another dozen, but

some fell off again.  Now there were more blood drops on the desk

top as well as her perspiration.

   "That took a long time," Stacey smiled, "let's stand up now

teacher.  Come on, don't shake those tacks off cuz you'll just

have to collect them again!"

   "(Gasp!)  Yes madame!"

   "This time, teacher, you look a little tired, so wer'e

going to let you sit down!"


   "Don't make Stacey force you, teacher, just make it worse!"

   "No madame....!"  Turning her shapely bottom to the desk, she rose

up on her toes, moving backwards, and began to lower it.

   "AAAUGGGHHHHHHH!" She shuddered and writhed as her weight

pressed the desk top, feeling the pins one by one.


    "Stand up!  That's it teacher, stop crying.  Oh look maybe

another dozen, but oops, some are falling out!"

Several tacks fell off and bounced off and landed on the floor!

   'Mmmm, you picked up about a dozen but lost almost half!"

   "See teacher, you have to get them all in or you don't pass

the test! And we don't have all day!"

   "Yes ma'am!"

   The girls laughed as she earnestly tried to collect more,

but now her butt was pretty well dotted with embedded tacks, more

blood drops hitting the desk, and several more tacks were now

on the floor, and she was sweating pretty heavy.

   Audrey gasped as she raised up, sighing in relief!

   "Hmmm, that's a little better!" giggled Heather, who was leaning

back in her chair carressing her nipples as Audrey suffered.

   'Let's do the stool next!"  Heather shrugged.

   Audrey's pussy was soaked and her nipples hard from the humiliation

and discipline, but she looked with horror as the stool

was covered with tacks.

   "Guess what your'e picking up these with, teacher?"

   "Oh, pl-please. ...!"

   "I would avoid them touching your clitoris, teacher, because

if you cum before you pick them all, well, you won't enjoy the

doing it too much!"

   "Y-yes, t-thank you, madame!"

    Spreading her legs, she lowered her moist inflamed pussy lips

on the stool as both girls watched, licking her lips.


    "SHUT UP, teacher!"


    "That's a good slut, grind it in there, (chuckle)!"

    "MMFFFFFF!"  Audrey shuddered and writhed, red faced and shiny.

Finally she was allowed to rise, gasping and moaning.

    'Hmmmm, got most, better than the last pig we did, honey!"

    "Close only counts in horseshoes!  What about those!" she

pointed to the floor!

    Audrey moaned!

    "I-I can't madame! Not down there!"

    "Yes you can, kneel down and use your big tits!"

    Blushing with shame, she awkwardly knelt with her wrists

behind her, and bent forward, her big breasts arching down dotted

with metal tacks and some drops of blood.

    The girls giggled as she groaned and sobbed, trying to collect

them all, but after many minutes, the movement hurting the tacks

in her pussy and on her butt, there were still some tacks, and

a couple more fell off.

   "I-I'm sorry, madames!  I-I just can't get them all on,

and I can't get the ones on their sides!"

   "Well, I suppose you want us to help you, teacher!"  Heather


    "Y-yes, please, madame!"

    "Okay, because wer'e running out of time, we will,

but we'll decide where to put them.  Hmmmm" she paused, holding

up a tack between thumb and forefinger over Audrey's right nipple,

as she looked with horror. 

    "MMMMMFF{{FFFFFFF!" She gasped, writhing as Heather slowly

pushed it in.

    "I'm doing her other nipple!" Stacey grinned.  After several

more excruciating minutes, Audrey shuddered as she tried to be still

and Heather held up the last tack.

   "Last tack, hmmmmm, where do you think this one should go,

teacher?  Any particular place?  Hmmmmm!"  Audrey knew where it was

going to she just nodded, and stood up with her thighs spread,

her swollen drooling pussy and erect hard little clitoris presented.

   Stacey laughed, "I think she's played this game before!"

    "MMFFFFFFFFFF!!!FFFFFFFF!"  Gasping and groaning, Audrey was

finally told to kneel back on the floor.

   Heather smiled down at her.  "Since the cheap cow came like a

sow, we should at least give her a drink! And since piss is almost

sterile.  Audrey gratefull raised her mouth around Heather's creamy

pussy, felt the salty hot amber liquid hit the back of her throat.

Then she noticed Tracey take some photos with a camera, making her

blush with shame even more, naked, sweaty, tacks all over her body

drinking a student's piss.

   'That's just to make sure you never get out of line with us,

teacher.  Your pathetic little career in our camera!"

   "And all for what, to make a few more pennies a day!"

   "(Gasp)  Madame...(groan)"

   "What is it now!" Heather snapped, feeling like an ass suck

and maybe a cunt tongueoff and other games.

   "Madame, the clock, I should begin to clean up soon!"

   "Oh shit, she's right hon!"

   "Oh fuck, fine, untie the cunt.  And bitch I'd better

get every tack back!"

    "Yes, (sigh) thank you madame!"

   10 hurried minutes went by when Miss Agnes finally came in

and pursed her lips at the still red-faced Audrey sitting behind

her desk looking uncomfortable, then looked at the smug little smirks

of the girls who just pretended to be reading books.  Looking around the

room she didn't see anything out of place, and finally sighed.

   "Detention's over!"


   Complete illustrated story coming soon to




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