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Review This Story || Author: Lillith Devonshire

Lost in the Woods

Part 1

Getting lost in the woods has always been a favorite past time of hers.  She would often drive until she found a trail access park and head off for hours.  Mostly she stuck to the trail; rarely did she cross someone else and usually never another solo hiker.  Today was special; it was the first hike of the year for her.  Once she was a considerable distance off the trail she removed her top breast free to what ever sunshine may find its way through the canopy.  Her Tuesdays off were often time spent with him.  She had been more than a little saddened when he told her that he would be unavailable this week and that she should head for the woods.  She hadnt stopped talking about now much she wanted to head for the trails in the past few weeks and he knew she would be happy for the distraction. 

       Not long after she had removed her shirt did she swear she could have heard another car at the trail head she stopped and listened intently for a few moments before she was reassured that it was just her imagination.  Turning the music on her ipod up and picking up her pace a little she trucked off down the trail singing along, oblivious to anything but the sunshine and music.  

       He knew he was about half a mile behind her but he could tell he was gaining by the sounds of her voice as she sung along with her music.  He had been counting on the fact that she would bring her music.  He intended to follow at a far enough distance that she would not be able to see him; he wanted to make sure they were far enough that it would be hard for anyone to hear her scream.  His backpack was loaded flashlights, a small blanket, several bottles of water and a few small snacks to replenish her energy at certain points.  Along with him he also carried several lengths of rope and a roll of duck tape.  The trees would provide him with more than enough options for implements of torture.  He could see her all of a sudden up ahead her breasts bouncing free.  He was shocked he had never seen her so brazen anyone could wander up from the front or behind and catch her.  She would be so unaware of it due to the head phones.  She was taking a long swig from the water bottle she carried with her.  He knew she most likely had a few others with her as well as a book and her journal a small lunch even.  She popped the bottle back onto the carabineer at her waist and bounced off again he waited again giving her a few ample moments to put enough distance between the two of them, he figured a mile or so further and he would then work on catching her. 

       The walk thus far had been beautiful warm sun great music, occasionally stopping to take a hit off her pipe and take a swig of water.  She kept thinking of him.  She was sad he couldnt be there today but she was so happy to be here.  She wondered what he would think of her walking through the woods topless.  She smiled thinking of his shock with her.   She was normally so self conscious of her body, but out here she could be free.  More than once she felt herself twinge with passion throughout her belly and pussy.  She figured she had made it about 2 miles so far a good distance in the time in another two she would find a nice sunny spot and strip to nothing to lay in the sun stretched out on the towel she had brought with.  After the next few miles passed she watched for a clearing through the trees she wanted to be off the path just in case.  After a bit more she found a spot she thought would open up about 50 to a hundred feet off the beaten track into the  woods, to get that far the woods were thick and branches reached out and scratched her arms legs and torso occasionally causing her to cry out.  After a couple hundred feet she was sure she had made the wrong decision and that she wouldnt find a clearing like she though she would.  She looked around a little more decided to trek on a bit further just to give it one last shot,  it looked like there should be a clearing from the trail she was sure of this.  Soon enough, about another hundred feet, there was a clearing large enough to let some sun in but small enough  that it was secluded from all else a thick wood surrounding it on all sides. 

       He was trying his best to follow her through the thick he wasnt sure what the hell she was up to but he was pretty sure that this was going to give him the perfect opportunity to pounce on her.  Because the woods were so thick he was snapping branches trying to follow her had it not been for her headphones she surely would have heard him following.  As it was he was amazed she remained so oblivious.  He saw her stop for a second and he was scared she would decided to turn she would surely see him but after a moment she continued.  After a bit he saw her pass through a thick of bushes crouched low to the ground her arms wrapped around her breasts to protect them from the branches scrapping out at her.  After a moment he walked up to the edge peering though he saw her stretched out on a towel entirely naked her legs slightly splayed as she lay there on her stomach.  Her headphones were still on and her journal lay open in front of her as she scribbled rapidly across the pages.  He set his bag down and opened it, pulling from it a small length of rope about 3 feet long as well as the roll of duck tape. Closing the bag back up and hoisting it over his shoulder again he pushed through the bushes and into the clearing.

       She was lost in her writing stories of him fucking her, using her, abusing her.  She could write of nothing else.  It has been such a long time since she had such inspiration.  Her music was loud and erotic and thumping.  She laid there for a few seconds longer stretching, she set down her pen and closed the book reached into her backpack and withdrew her toy.  She didnt normally bring it with but she had woken up that morning and knew she would take it with her, her pussy already slick.  As she rolled over she looked up into the face of her Master.  Her eyes grew wide with shock as her mouth opened to scream he quickly placed a piece of duck tape over her lips silencing her. She wiggled to try and sit up and he pinned her down at the shoulders roughly.  “No pet, lay there dont you dare move.”  She lay still at his command as he took a length of rope from his pocket and quickly bound her wrists in front of her.  He leaned down and bent over her kissing her duck taped lips.  He knew how much she hated the stickiness on her lips. Her eyes pleaded with him to take it off.

       He reached down and picked up her pretty pink vibrator she had brought with and laughed.  “Was my baby all wet and horny from walking around the woods like a little slut?”  Nodding silently she looked up at him.  Her pussy was drenched now the head phones had fallen off and lay next to her but she could hear the music coming through them still.  He picked up her toy and turned it on running it circles around her nipples making them stand up harder than before.  “My little slut was going to hiking in the woods and make herself cum out here huh? You never told me about that little aspect of your hiking adventures.  Never told me that you go topless as well.”  She looked up into his eyes searching for a sign of disappointment all she found was amusement.  She was surprised that he was so accepting of her behavior.  He had always loved to show her off but what she was doing was selfish.  He took the toy and ran it up and down her lips she was slick with wetness and it moved easily up and down.  After a few minutes of teasing her he slipped it inside deep burying it in her pussy making her cry out against the tape.  He then took the roll of duck tape up again and ripped off a piece about 6 inches long and starting at the top of her pussy very neatly held her lips together and taped them shut the vibrator humming away in her pussy driving her crazy but never actually pushing her over the edge.  Her hips moved against the towel trying to work it in deeper and deeper. He slapped her thigh quick and sharp, “Lay still.” 

       “Luckily for you pet, I pay very close attention to detail when you tell me things.  It wasnt hard to guess which way you would be going and as soon as I saw your car I knew I was set, a few moments later though and I am not sure I would have been able to follow you on your little off trail adventure.  Good thing I had one planned already.” 

       He strode over the edge of the clearing and she turned her head watching afraid he would leave her here alone.  He reached up and snapped a switch on the branch above his head.  He held it in his hands flexing it, swishing it though the air in a figure eight.  She watched eyes wide as he wandered back over to her side.  Taking the switch in his hand he lightly tapped at the inside of her thighs.  “Spread them slut, wide as you can or I will find a stick that will work as a spreader bar and your pussy lips will taste the feel of this little stick over and over and over again.”  She quickly spread her legs as far as possible the muscles in her inner thighs pulling tight and taunt, with her hand bound in front of her it was pushing her breasts together and up.  She saw him move over to her backpack and start rummaging through it.  He discovered her camera, the extra bottle of water in bag along with the one she had already emptied, the rain poncho, and other miscellaneous small items noticing with satisfaction that the bag of chips she carried with her for a snack at some point had a long clip about 6in wide holding it closed tight.  Pulling the clip off the bag he brought it down on her nipples, catching each one in a corner it barely made it from one to the other so he took a piece of duck tape off the roll and secured both sides taping the clip down on each side.  Between that and the vibrator in her pussy she was drenched soon enough the moisture would cause the duck tape on her pussy to work itself off almost pain-free. After securing the clip on her nipples he picked up the camera clicking a few pics of her tied up and ready to be his little slut.  After he was done he picked the switch back up tapping the insides of her thighs causing her to jump.  She was so quiet he was so used to his noisy little slut.  She seemed to be fighting this more than he had ever seen her.  The tape over her mouth, though it would serve to muffle her cries slightly, was not enough to keep her very quiet.  He was used to her calling out in passion and in pain.  He picked up tempo and strength, snapping the switch down over the tape that covered her pussy lips making her wriggle her ass against the towel beneath her, her legs closing slightly only to have him bring the switch down hard and painful on the inside of her thigh again.  “I said spread them slut, and keep them that way. Dont make me remind you again or I will turn you over and blister your ass.”  

At this he knelt next to her and reached down pushing at the tape covering her pussy moving the vibrator around inside of her making her eyes get wide he could tell she was close to cumming. He continued to play with the toy with one hand while the other whipped away at her thighs making her moan and cry out under the tape.  He knew there was only so much that she would be able to do to keep herself quiet.  He liked how noisy she was.  Her little mewls of pleasure along with the sharp cry of pain he had become accustomed too.  With out any sense of warning he ripped the tape off of her pussy her ass bouncing off the ground her hips thrust high her weight on her shoulder and feet as she pushed her pelvic bone up and off the ground screaming.  He quickly brought the switch down on her now bare pussy lips in sever rapid blows, her screams were there now.  So much for the self will to control that factor.  He laughed as the vibrator fell out of her pussy and on to the towel below her from all her bouncing around.  Without so much as a heart beat of hesitation his fingers replaced the toy and reached up to play with her g spot.  The look of pure terror crossed her face.  “Do you want to cum for me slut?”  Her head shook violently with an answer of no. With a roar of laughter he began to work harder in her pussy.  She wiggled and moved under his ministration trying his best to get away from his probing fingers.  He could tell she was very uncomfortable and continued.  “Lay still slut, you ARE going to cum for me.” Again, her head shook violently back and forth saying no over and over again against the tape in her mouth.  She was saying something else as well but it was muffled by the gag.  He looked down at her lovingly, “Dont you want to please me pet?  Cum for me?  What has you so worked up that you dont want to cum?”  He pulled his fingers out of her pussy and started playing with her clit pinching it slightly between thumb and for finger.  Her hips were jumping on the towel she was still trying to pull away and more than before even at this he finally peeled the tape off of her lips half of the way.  “You had better have a good reason for making me remove this tape slut.” 

“Please Sir, I have to pee, I have drunk so much water, I will pee if I start cumming please let me get up and go to the bathroom.”

Laughter roared out of him mouth as he sealed the tape back down, not making the least of movements to allow her to get up and go pee.  He picked her toy back up and slid it deep in her pussy.  “Pee or no pee slut you are going to cum for me NOW!”  At this point he began fucking her pussy in earnest causing her head to go back.  He could tell that she was still fighting it trying to control her bladder. He felt a warm trickle run down her slit as he noticed she was now peeing.  The towel beneath her getting wetter and wetter as the moments went on.  He continued to pound away at her pussy and he could see her body begin to respond to him alone, one look at her face showed him how mortified she was, laying there in a puddle of her own piss as he fucked her pussy with her toy.  The tears streamed endlessly down her face as she came crying out finally in ecstasy at last.  Without missing a beat he pulled the toy from her wet pussy and picked his switch back up.  He brought it down hard and fast on to the tops of her thighs and her pussy lips causing her to wriggle, the tears were now going full stream.  He them moved up to her breasts, ripping the clip off of them with the tape in one fell swoop. He then proceeded to mark her breasts with welts from the switch, hitting her over and over again.  Once he was sure that there was no way she could take one more with out coming apart at the seams he stopped.  Leaning over her body he brought one nipple into him mouth tonguing it and flicking it gently, though the sobs that were now rippling through her body he could feel her respond to the gentle touch.  Keeps his mouth wrapped around the one nipple he brought his hand down to her pussy and slowly rubbed circles over her clit.  Her legs spread wider at this inviting him to touch her.  He wanted nothing more than to fuck her and quickly pulled up to a standing position, pulling his shirt over his head and tossing into the pile with her close he then moved his hands down to his waist line and began to undo his pants.  His cocks was straining against the jeans that he wore and as it was able to spring free and jut proudly from his groin.  She laid there moaning watching his strip naked she wanted nothing more than for him to enter her and make her cum.  Her eyes pleaded with him to hurry.  He reached down and untied her hands leaving the tape on her mouth he instructed her to get on her hands and knees.  As she did so she could feel him move into place behind her, pushing her ass back into him he brought down his hand sharp on her ass.  “Slut, I will fuck you when I am good and ready, reach back and spread your cheeks Whore.  You want a good fucking, I will give you one.”  She reached back, using her fingers to pull and spread her cheeks for him and she felt him toy with the entrance to her ass.  A cold trickle went down the crack of her ass as he dripped a small amount of lube there using his fingers to spread it around and push some into her.  Without warning she felt his cock head at her bud as he grabbed her hips took and aim and pushed. Her hands flew forward to help brace her against his thrusting as tears once again streamed down her face.  He had made it in, in one quick thrust, causing pain and fire to spread throughout her he began thrusting hard and fast.  The pain began to fade and all she could feel was him thrusting in and out of her.  Sliding a hand up between her legs she began to strum away on her clit now meeting him stroke for stroke.  He began slapping her ass hard as he fucked her making her cry out still against the tape over her lips.  Reaching down he grabbed a fist full of her hair picking up speed with the thrusting in her ass he fucked her hard until he cam, releasing her hair as he grabbed her hips to brace himself while he filled her ass with his cum. 

After a moment he slipped his cock out of her ass and instructed her to sit up.  As she turned to face him as she sat on the towel she could see the smile that split his face.  He reached down and pulled at the corner of the tape pulling at it ever so slowly until it was all the way off.  He bent down and kissed her grabbing a fistful of her hair and pulling her head back as he did so.  After thoroughly ravaging her mouth with his he stood up again his hand still wrapped in her hair he pulled her up to her knees and slipped his softened cock between her lips.  Eagerly she took his cock in her mouth to the hilt the soft flesh twitch inside her mouth as she tasted her on him. Her tongue working circles around the head in her mouth swallowing with his cock down her throat feeling the constriction. The sour flavor of her ass mixed with the sticky sweet of his cum and the lube was nearly gone after a minute or so of this attention.  She loved cleaning his cock after he had fucked her, loved tasting them on his cock.  She loved how he would get hard and aroused again until he came a second time down her throat or on her tits and face.  He stopped her this time though pulling her up to standing and wrapped his arms around her tight.  “Did you like your surprise Pet?”

“Yes Sir, thank you.”

“You are welcome my Pet, now, I have lots more fun stuff planned for when we get home, so get your panties back on and your socks and shoes.  That is how you will walk back to the cars.” 

“Yes Sir, thank you Sir.”

She pulled her panties on as he got dressed she wandered around getting all of their things picked up and put away.  The wet towel she balled up and shoved inside a plastic bag in her backpack her face red as she did so the shame flooding her a second time.  He watched her as she did this noticing how quickly and shoved the towel away.  “Slut, I want you to drink every drop of water left in that bottle over there and then the drink the full bottle you have in your back pack. You have 5 minutes to finish them both and I will finish getting our things together.”

Silently her face turning and even deeper shade of crimson she followed his instruction and had the bottles finished in much less time that he gave her.  Her bladder had already been somewhat full again and now the pressure was beginning to increase steadily.  As she finished the third bottle and placed the empties away in her bag they began the trek back to the trail.  With no jeans to protect her legs and her soar body was again poked and scraped at as they made their way.  It didnt help that he kept the switch in his hand and occasionally swung and landed a good clear shot on her ass or thighs making her whimper. 

He held the camera in his pocket and occasionally took it out to snap a photo of her walking through the woods dressed in so little.  He waited for her to have to go pee again.  She was new to piss play, and it humiliated her more than most he had encountered.  She seemed to be so mortified to do this in front of him and that gave him so much satisfaction.  He pulled one the full water bottles out of his bag and took a swig then called for her to stop.  “Pet, come take a sip, I dont want you to get dehydrated out here with all this hiking and play.”

She turned back and groaned. her belly and bladder were so full she could hardly stand to look at water.  She had been holding the urge to pee for a good five minutes already and wasnt sure she could stand another drop with out going. “Sir, please may I go pee?”  She made this request in an almost inaudible whisper.  “What was that Pet?” he asked, voice loud and mocking. “Please Sir, may I go pee?” she repeated only a bit louder.  Laughing slightly in response, “Yes Pet, go pee, but first take off your panties and put them in your mouth then I want you to go stand over there between those two trees and grab a hold of them to you are spread out good for me, the side of your feet should touch them as well so that you are a open for me to see.  Then you can go pee slut.”

She walked over head hanging low as she reached the trees she slipped her panties off and over her shoes balling them and pushing them into her mouth she grabbed a hold of the two trees she could barely reach the one in her right hand and had to stretch as much as she could to get a hold of it.  The trees were small and slightly wiry and pulled in towards her with her holding on them like this.  After a deep audible sigh her feet spread finding the base of the tree with her sneaker.  As she stood there she heard him shuffling around in front of her, her embarrassment kept her head low and she couldnt make eye contact at all.  Her eyes closed tight till she was seeing stars she finally let go and started to pee the stream was steady and as she began his voice shook her.  “Look at me now WHORE!” She looked up quickly and the first thing she noticed was the camera in his hands pointed directly at her.  She could feel her whole body go stiff she tried to stop the stream but she had to pee so badly she could no longer control it.  She was mortified as she stood there and looked at him in the camera she began to cry tears rolling down her cheeks.  After a minute the flow finally came to stop and she stood there for a second wiggling her ass back and forth to shake free what may have been stuck to her.  He continue to take picture after picture. She waited for further instruction and he finally slipped her camera back into his pocket and strolled over to her, running a hand down her cheek and wiping away her tears.  “So pretty when you are all red Pet.”  He pulled her panties from her mouth and pushed on her shoulders bring her arms down to her sides.  “Come Pet, panties back on, we are headed home where I have your second surprise waiting.”

Review This Story || Author: Lillith Devonshire
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