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Review This Story || Author: Wayne C. Rogers

Love Is More Than A Word

Part 2

It was a quiet Saturday morning with the temperature in the low seventies. The sky was blue, and the sun was out in all of its majesty with hardly a white cloud to be seen.

I was standing barefooted at the kitchen sink in an old pair of cut-off jeans, looking out the large glass window at Aaron, the pool boy. My eyes followed him as he slowly walked around the swimming pool, skimming leaves from the top of the water with a net at the end of a long, blue metal pole. It was the second week in October and leaves were starting to drop from the oak tree in the corner of the back yard, creating a mess in the pool. Aaron usually came out every three weeks during the summer months to change the chlorine tablets in the plastic duck that floated around in the water, and to clean out any debris that had built up in the pool's filter.

This would be his last visit until spring of next year.

I knew Lady Jennifer was going to be pissed off at having missed him. I mean the guy's an eighteen-year-old Greek God with long, brown, wavy hair that almost touches his shoulders, and he has soft hazel eyes that can melt a woman in her tracks. Though Aaron was now wearing a red "Running Rebels" T-shirt from UNLV, along with his usual kaki shorts and brown Topsiders, I'd seen him many times without a shirt on, and his six-pack abs would definitely make Brad Pitt envious with desire.

My Mistress wanted to fuck Aaron, but had been holding back all summer, refusing to make a move other than to occasionally tease him when she would lie topless out by the pool with nothing on but her black bikini thong. The poor kid barely survived those planned encounters. I think the only reason Jennifer hadn't gobbled him up yet is that she'd been waiting for him to turn eighteen, which had finally happened at the end of September. He was now prime bait for the hungry cougars that were hunting for handsome young stud muffins to sexually satisfy them.

Poor Jennifer!

She'd probably take her anger out on me, which was okay. It had been several weeks since my last whipping, and I was overdo for one. There were times when I needed to feel the cruel touch of the bamboo cane, or riding crop, across my naked body, cleansing me of my demons, purifying me so that I might serve my Mistress with more diligence and openness. This would also be the perfect weekend for a punishment session since Jennifer's two-year-old daughter, Vanessa, was spending it with her dad. When Lady Jennifer and I were alone in the house, she had a tendency to let go and to do whatever popped into her diabolical mind, no matter how wild or crazy it might be.

Anything was possible.

Last night, after taking the Little Princess over to her father's apartment, Jennifer had gone out on date with Carl. They'd been seeing each other for almost two months, usually at least once or twice a week. Though my Mistress thought Carl was an arrogant male chauvinistic pig who placed too much emphasis on the material things that he owned (not to mention his large cock), she loved fucking his brains out and would do it every chance she got.

Still, I hadn't expected her to spend the night with him.

Jennifer had implied to me before leaving last night that all she intended to do was have sex with him, and then come back home and get a good night's sleep. She wanted to be rested up when Aaron arrived this morning to make his final rounds.

I knew that something must've happened.

My guess was that she and Carl had smoked some reefer, fucked like bunny rabbits for most of the night, and then fallen into the kind of sleep that's usually brought on by good marijuana and fantastic sex. I figured that if she showed up before Aaron left, it would be a miracle. Glancing at the clock on the stove, I saw that it was 11:17AM. I gave Aaron another thirty minutes before he'd be finished for the day and out of here till next year.

I suddenly heard the front door burst open and then close with a loud bang as I was getting a cold Dr. Pepper out of the refrigerator. Lady Jennifer came storming into kitchen, her high-heels clicking at break-necking speed on the tiled floor.

"How long has Aaron been here?" she asked, sounding out of breath.

"Twenty-five minutes," I said.

"Thank God, I made it."

I took a sip of my soda and watched her walk quickly over to the sink and stare out the window with avid fascination. I could picture the woman I loved licking her lips in anticipation as she carefully planned her next move. My Mistress didn't have much time to set things up. About the only thing she could do was to step outside and ask Aaron point blank if he wanted to have sex with her after he finished cleaning the pool.

Jennifer was just ballsy enough to do it, too.

My eyes began to move up and down my Mistress, taking in her beauty and sexually like a starved alley cat in search of something to eat. I hadn't had an orgasm in nearly four weeks and I was about to go crazy. Jennifer kept me in a constant state of sexual heat by forcing me to wear a CB-2000 male chastity device at night, on the weekends, and whenever I was left alone. It hadn't taken this lady long to realize how much more obedient and attentive I was to her demands when orgasm denial was applied to my training. The longer I went without an orgasm, the more I tried to please her in whatever way I could, hoping that she would eventually have pity on me. Even now, I could feel my caged penis straining to expand as I took in her black sling-back high-heels, the gold anklet around her right ankle (the key to my chastity device hung from it), the black thigh-high nylons, the black Catholic school-girl's skirt that barely hid the dark top of her stockings, the long-sleeved dark-green silk blouse that was just a little tight against her full breasts. I also knew what she had on underneath the outfit. I'd watched her get dressed for her hot date the night before as Vanessa was taking a bath. I had watched my Mistress with pure lust in my eyes as she'd slipped into a pair of black-laced panties with a high French cut, followed by a matching bra. I suspect that Carl had been very pleased with her choice of lingerie to wear.

I put the can of Dr. Pepper down on the counter and then moved quietly up behind her. "How did it go with Carl?" I asked, getting down on my knees and running my hands gently up her gorgeous legs. I loved the way her legs felt incased in nylons.

If only I didn't have the damn chastity device on, I thought sadly to myself.

I ran my hands up under her pleaded skirt and felt the bare skin between her stockings and panties.

"What are you doing?" she said.

"I can't help myself."

"You just want to know how many times Carl and I had sex," she said, giggling to herself. "How would you like to clean up after two men today, instead of one?"

"Oh, baby, that would be so hot."

"I think so, too."

I lifted up the back of her skirt and softly kissed her panty-covered bottom. Lady Jennifer liked it when I did that. It was one of the ways I expressed my love for her. "How many times did Carl cum inside you?" I asked.

"I lost count," she said, wiggling her heart-shaped ass against my wanton mouth, delighting at the feel of my tongue as it caressed the cheeks of her bottom. "It was definitely a lot."

"Have you cleaned yourself?"

"No, I was saving it for you."

"Thank you," I murmured.

I wanted to pull her panties down so that I could bury the tip of my tongue into the delicious crack of her ass and worship her properly. But, I knew that my Mistress was eager to get outside so that she could talk to Aaron. As the old saying goes, "All things come to those who are patient."

I kissed her ass one last time and then stood back up. "Why don't you take Aaron a cold Dr. Pepper?" I said.

"Good idea."

Moving over to the refrigerator, I opened the door, reached inside, and took out another can of soda. I handed it to Jennifer. She smiled gratefully at me, then turned around and opened the back door. I watched as she stepped outside onto the patio and walked seductively over to Aaron, holding out the cold soft drink for him. I couldn't imagine any man resisting a walk like that from a beautiful woman. It was all designed to let him know that she was sexually available and that she was anxious to get it on with him. Aaron's eyes were already wide with expectation and glowing with a wild excitement at finally seeing Jennifer this morning. He was already eating her up in his mind as he reached out for the can of soda and thanked her. They talked for several minutes, and then his mouth dropped open in surprise for a moment, followed by a quick nod of his head. My Mistress turned around and walked back to the kitchen, her hot ass swishing from side to side, and a big shit-eating grin on her face. I knew then that she'd scored a bull's-eye, and that Aaron would be between her legs in less than thirty minutes with his hard cock buried as deeply into her as he could get it.

God, it made me so hot just thinking about the two of them together, moaning and grunting and panting and thrusting and screaming out in the throes of passion as one orgasm after another rippled through them. Once my Mistress had a taste of this young stud, she was going to want to see him as often as possible. Her panties would get soaking wet just by thinking about him and the pleasure his cock could bring.

"What on earth did you say to Aaron," I asked as Jennifer entered the kitchen and shut the door behind her. "Look at the expression of his face. The poor kid is still in a state of shock."

Jennifer glanced out the window and laughed when she saw the look on his young face. "Aaron's not a kid," she said. "He's a young man eager to fuck his first woman. And stop acting as if you feel sorry for him. I know exactly what you're thinking, Wayne. I can read you like a book."

"Then tell me what I'm thinking."

Turning around, my Mistress stepped over to me and shoved me up against the counter. She pressed her luscious body to mine, placing her arms around my neck, and then kissing me passionately on the lips. I groaned from the excitement of what she was doing, knowing that I was being played like a well-tuned piano. Her left hand dropped to the front of my jeans, and she gripped the hard plastic cage that protruded outward from inside of them. I could feel the blood rushing to my penis, but with the cage on, there was no way for me to get an erection. Jennifer's tongue pushed its way into my opened mouth, and I felt it probing and teasing me in the most unmerciful ways. I was so hungry for this woman. I wanted to devour suck her lick her ass...and to fuck her pussy as the other men had done countless times before.

Pushing away from me, Jennifer looked down at the bulge in the front of my cut-offs. She knew how hard my cock was straining against the plastic cage, and it pleased her. She literally had me by the balls and loved being able to squeeze them to her little heart's content. I belonged to her. I was her property, and she could do whatever she wanted with me, and I wouldn't complain or resist. My Mistress knew this, too. It gave her a multitude of reasons to tease me, to humiliate me in the most shameful ways, to physically hurt me with unbelievable pain, and to make me want her all the more. Few women ever experienced this kind of control over a man, and the power it generated was intoxicating.

Lifting her head, she looked into my dark eyes and said, "Do you really want me to tell you what's on your mind?"

"Yep," I said somewhat breathlessly.

"You're hoping to get lucky today, Wayne."

"I am?"

"Uh, huh."

"What makes you say that?"

Lady Jennifer laughed out loud at the stupid question. "I would think it's pretty obvious."

"Oh, yeah?"

"Baby, you've wanted to fuck me since the first time you saw me walking through the casino. Women know these things about a man. I could always sense you looking at my legs and ass, mentally stripping me. You probably had fantasies of bending me over the dice table and fucking me from behind like some dog in heat."

"How did you know?"

"Because I thought about it more than once myself."

"You did?"

"Sure," she said. "I used to imagine you forcing me face down over the side of the table, lifting my skirt up and ripping out the back of my pantyhose, and shoving your hard cock all the way into me."

"I never knew that."

"There was no reason for you to know about my fantasies. Still, I had them. Sometimes when I would come into the Box Office to run reports, I could literally feel the lust in your eyes as you tried to get a peek up my skirt. It used to make me so wet."

"Well, am I going to get lucky after Aaron leaves?"

"I haven't made up my mind, yet," she said. "I want to have intercourse with you, but"

"But what?"

"A Mistress isn't supposed to have sex with her slave. All the books and articles say so. Allowing a slave to perform oral sex on you is one thing, but intercourse is definitely a no-no. Once a slave fucks his Mistress, it takes away her power."

"What a bunch of poppycock."


"That's a word before your time. It means nonsense."

"I'm not saying no to the idea. I just have to think about it some more. We'll see how good you are today."


"Watch your mouth, or you may get a whipping instead."

"So, what did you say to Aaron?" I asked to change the subject.

Jennifer thought about it for a moment and then laughed at the memory of a few minutes ago. "I told that sweet young boy that I'd been in heat for him all summer," she said. "I explained how I'd been waiting for his eighteenth birthday to arrive so that I could give him a very special present."

"What did he say?"

"He wanted to know about the present."


"I told him that I was the present."

"It's a small wonder Aaron didn't faint at that grand announcement. I know that I would've."

"His mouth did kind of drop open a little when I told him what I was planning to do with you," she said with a mischievous smile on her face. "He was worried that you might unexpectedly pop in during the middle of our tryst."


"Actually, he used the term fucking to describe what we'd soon be doing."

"That sounds more realistic," I said. "And what exactly are you going to do with me while the both of you are experiencing eternal bliss?"

"I'm going to tie you up and put you in my bedroom closet," she said. "That really turned Aaron on. He likes the idea of you being made to watch while he takes me."

"This is starting to sound like a Jackie Collins novel."

"I know."

"Are you really going to tie me up and put me in your closet?"

"Absolutely," she said. "Aaron might be able to give you some helpful pointers on how to please a woman when I finally allow you the pleasure of fucking me."

"Oh, that hurts."


"Then why the shocked expression on his face?"

"Oh, that," she said, laughing to herself. "I told him that as part of his birthday present, I was going to put him across my knee and spank his bare bottom really hard."

"You're kidding?"


"Come on, Jen."

"I told Aaron that he's going to get a spanking before we have sex."

"You are so bad, lady!"

"I know," she said. There was a big, silly grin on her face that reminded me of a Cheshire cat. "Don't you just love me?"

"Yes, I do." I put the can of Dr. Pepper on the counter, then got down on my knees again and kissed both of her feet. "I love you so much, Jennifer. Sometimes it makes my heart hurt."

"Do you worship me, slave?"

"You know how much I worship you."

"Show me."

I lifted her skirt back up and kissed the crotch of her black panties, tasting the slippery residue of Carl's semen in the cotton.

"Very good," she said.

"You know how bad I want this."

"That will have to wait till Aaron leaves."

"I don't know if I can."

"You can, and you will," she stated, satisfied with my demonstration. "Now, get up and let's go to the bedroom. I need to get you ready. Aaron will be finished in a few minutes, and I don't want to waste any precious time. He still has a few more pools to clean today so he can't spend more than an hour with me."

I let her skirt fall back down and got slowly to my feet. My Mistress quickly led the way to her master bedroom. Once inside the large room, she opened her cedar chest and took out a pair of leather wrist cuffs, a pair of ankle cuffs, and a couple of locks. She ordered me to take off my shorts, and then enter the walk-in closet and lie face down on the shag carpet. It took less than three minutes for her to fasten my wrists together, and then my ankles. To make matters worse, she then locked my ankles to my wrists, making the position very uncomfortable.

"I like you bound and helpless," Jennifer said, standing there in front of me, her shoes only inches from my face. Moving the toe of her right sling back to my lips, she said, "Suck it, slave."

I opened my mouth and greedily took the toe of her shoe in and sucked it and licked it like the well-trained slave that I was. Lady Jennifer watched me for several seconds before removing her shoe from my mouth. She then lifted her skirt, pulled down her black panties, and stepped out of them. Squatting down, she told me to open my mouth nice and wide, and then she stuffed her underwear into it.

"You can suck Carl's cum out of the crotch while Aaron's fucking me," she said. "After all, I don't want you to feel left out."

Closing the white accordion doors to the closet, she walked out of the bedroom and down the hallway to get her new lover. I stared through the wooden slats in the two doors, anxiously waiting for what was about to happen. I didn't know who was the most excited out of the three of us.

Ten minutes passed before Lady Jennifer came back into the bedroom, leading Aaron by the hand. Even from the closet, I could tell how nervous he was. I thought it probably had more to do with the spanking that he was going to get than with fucking Jennifer. Sitting down on the end of her bed, my Mistress crossed her legs and stared up at him.

"Take off your clothes and shoes," she said.

"Uh, I don't know about being spanked," Aaron said hesitantly.

"What's to know? I'm going to give you eighteen smacks on your tight, little bottom as a way of saying happy birthday."

"Can't we just have sex?"

"No. You have to earn that privilege."


"Yes, Aaron."

"I mean, I haven't been spanked since I was like six years old," he said.

"Then it's time you got another one."

"Let me think about it for a moment."

"Listen, Aaron," Jennifer said. "You can either accept the spanking, or I can get out my strap-on and use that on you."

"A strap-on?"

"Yes, darling, a strap-on?"

"What's that?"

My Mistress smiled up at him. "A strap-on is an especially made leather harness that fits snuggly around a woman like a tight panty," she explained. "A six-inch rubber dildo is then slipped down into the front of the harness and two short leather straps are snapped over the base of it to hold it firmly in place while the lady fucks the man in the ass."


"You heard me."

"What kind of guy would want to be fucked in the ass?" he asked in shock.

"The man doesn't have a choice in this, Aaron. It's up to the woman to decide whether or not to sodomize him. You see, at the base of a dildo is a small piece of hard rubber that stimulates the clitoris while the female is giving it to the man through the back door, so to speak. The harder a woman fucks the man, the more her clitoris is stimulated. A lady can easily have several orgasms while doing this over the course of an hour."

"Does the guy get off, too?" he asked.

"No," Lady Jennifer said. "It's not about the man getting off. It's about the woman dominating him and humiliating him as she achieves her own orgasm. A man, however, is never the same once a woman takes him in the ass. He changes for some unknown reason and becomes much more submissive and obedient to her. It's like he's finally been broken and is now willing to do whatever she desires." "Does your slave take it in the ass?"

"Oh, you'd be surprised at the things I do to him."

"Like what?"

"Let's just say that I now have Wayne to the point where he accepts what I want to do, no matter how painful or humiliating."

"What if I don't want to be spanked or taken in the butt?" he said.

"Then no sex for you," she said. "Nor, will you ever see me again."

"Jesus, lady."

"No, my name is Lady Jennifer."

"God, I don't know about this."

"Make a choice, Aaron."

"Okay," he finally said.


"Yes. You can spank me."

"The weight of the world has been lifted from my shoulders," Jennifer said in a mocking tone of voice. "You mean that I can't bend you over and fuck you in the ass like some new fish in prison?"

"No way."

"Too bad."

"Nobody's getting back there," Aaron said, laughing.

"We'll see about that in the future. For now, I want you to take off your clothes

and then lie down across my lap."

"Yes, ma'am."

"That's a much better attitude."

"Yeah, whatever," he said, slowly taking off his T-shirt and kaki shorts. The kid acted like he was walking the Green Mile and heading towards his own execution, instead of having a wild sexual adventure with a beautiful, sexy female client.

When Aaron was down to his birthday suit, Lady Jennifer patted her lap, indicating for him to lie across it. He shrugged his shoulders, moved around to her side, and awkwardly got down across her lap. He held onto the edge of the bed for some kind of support. You could almost hear him groaning inwardly at what was about to happen.

"Place both your hands on the floor for support," she instructed, "and spread your legs a little. I want to access to your balls."

"How come?"

"I'm getting tired of all these questions."

"Yeah, but what are you planning to do to my balls?"

"I'm going to squeeze them and make you squeal like a little girl."

"I don't think so!"

Reaching down between his legs, Jennifer grabbed his testicles and gave them a hard squeeze, causing him to cry out in pain.

"Stop telling me what I can and can't do."

"That fucking hurt!"

"I know."

"Man, I never knew that you were such a bitch."

Join the club, pal! I thought happily to myself.

"There's a lot you don't know about me," she said to her new victim. "And, I want you to address me as Lady Jennifer."

"What's the big deal?"

"I want you to show me the proper respect."

"You need to smoke a joint and chill out."

Jennifer squeezed his testicles again.

"Okay! Okay!"

My Mistress shook her head in dismay. "This is going a lot slower than I expected," she said to herself, or maybe it was to me. I didn't know. "But, we're getting there little by little."

"Getting where?"

"Never mind, Aaron. You wouldn't understand even if I explained it to you. Now, prepare for your spanking."

I watched as Jennifer put her left hand down on Aaron's lower back to keep him in place, and then began to run the palm of her right hand gently over the tanned flesh of his buns of steel. I guess he liked having an even tan all over his sculptured body. My Mistress told Aaron that she was going to give him eighteen hard smacks across the bottom, and that she wanted him to count out loud each individual strike. If he got confused and missed a number, she'd simply start over again from the beginning. He was smart enough not to say anything.

"Do you understand?" she asked.

"Yes, Lady Jennifer."

"You're learning, little boy."

Raising her right hand high into the air, my Mistress brought it down with speed and determination, hitting his flesh with a very loud smacking sound that caused him to lift his head and to look back at her with a stunned expression on his face. Or, maybe it was just the shock of being hit by a woman.

"Hey!" he yelled.

"What is it?"

"That hurt!"

"It's supposed to hurt," Jennifer said. "I didn't hear you say one."

"What are you? A sadist or something?"

"I'm a something," she said. "Well, maybe I am a sadist, too. After all, I do enjoy hurting men and making them cry like little children. I guess I'll just have to start over with the spanking." She quickly raised her hand again and hit Aaron hard on the ass.


"My, you're a quick learner."

She then hit him a second and a third time.

"Two! Three!"

And so the humiliation continued with Lady Jennifer spanking both cheeks of his bottom good and hard, creating a nice red glow on the flesh. Aaron counted out each smack on the butt loudly and correctly, not wanting his tormentor to have to start over. It was truly amazing at just how fast pain could transform a person's behavior, especially one who was young and defiant. When my Mistress reached the count of eighteen, she surprised Aaron by continuing with the spanking. I'd suspected she might do something like this once she got started on that hot, muscled ass. Stopping at eighteen would've been difficult for any dominant woman. The pleasure was simply too great with a young, gorgeous stud like Aaron.

"You said that it was only going to be eighteen smacks to my bottom!" he protested loudly.

"I lied," Jennifer said. "Don't miss a count, or I'll have to start over."


"Thirty sounds like a nice round number to stop at, don't you think?"

"It's not fair!"

"Life isn't fair, darling. Get used to it."

And so the punishment continued with the last ten smacks of Jennifer's hand resonating loudly through the bedroom. I could just imagine how the sting of her palm hurt Aaron, both physically and mentally. He was learning at a very young age that the price for having sex with the woman of your dreams could be extremely high and utterly outrageous. Since the beginning of time a man has always had to pay for it in one way or another.

When Lady Jennifer finally finished with the first part of his birthday present, she allowed her new slave to stand back up. Aaron stood there in front of her with a dumb-founded expression on his handsome face, rubbing his sore bottom with both hands. It was as if he couldn't believe what had just happened. My Mistress tended to have this affect on men, and I was no exception. After seven months of living together, she now had me completely wrapped around her little finger. There wasn't anything that I wouldn't do for her as long as it didn't involve the hurting another person.

"Are we going to have sex?" Aaron asked.

"Yes, we are," she said, sliding back up on the bed and pulling her skirt up to her slim waist. "And, I'm going to expect great things from you."

The pool cleaner saw that my Mistress didn't have any panties on, and his penis began to grown swiftly in length and width. It was an impressive sight to behold. I could tell that Lady Jennifer was certainly taken with it.

"Give it to me," she commanded.

That was all of the encouragement Aaron needed. He forgot about his sore bottom and climbed onto the king-size bed, moving like a bat out of hell as he positioned himself on top of Jennifer, and she guided his full erection into the warm, moist enclosure of her womanhood. She couldn't stop herself from moaning out loud in what I assumed was a state of pure rapture at being filled by this young hunk of a man. My Mistress unconsciously raked her long fingernails down both sides of his back, making him drive his cock even deeper into her as he arched his upper torso and a groan escaped from between his lips that was filled with a mixture of pain and pleasure.

"I've been waiting for this all summer," Jennifer hissed through clenched teeth. "Fuck me. I want it all!"

Aaron drove his penis into her like a madman, grunting with the effort to give her something very special, something that would put him in a position of power to control this wild, beautiful female. He wanted her to cum in ways that she'd never dreamed of ways that would make any other man useless in trying to satisfy her internal needs. Though young, Aaron knew the power of his cock and how it affected women. He wanted Jennifer to become addicted to the pleasure that it could provide. He wanted to rock her boat in such a way that she wouldn't be able to stop thinking about him, or what was between his legs.

I watched from my prone position in the closet as Aaron's ass went up and down like a well-oiled machine. The sounds of their bodies slapping together with each downward stroke filled the bedroom, exciting me in a ways I could never explain to another person. My own penis was straining unsuccessfully against the bonds of its plastic cage, yearning to escape from its hellish prison, and desperately needing a mode of release that would quell its constant need for attention.

"Harder!" she shouted.

Aaron kneeled upward with his erection still inside of Jennifer, grabbing her stocking-covered legs, and placing them over his broad shoulders. This position gained him another inch of penetration, which he used to his full advantage, driving his cock repeatedly into the woman I loved, staring through half-closed eyes as her head turned from side to side in adulterated pleasure at the orgasms flooding her body. Lowering his face, he kissed Jennifer with a passion that was almost unbearable to watch, pushing his tongue deep into her opened mouth. She then grabbed his head and kissed him back, her own tongue probing and searching for dominance as intense moans of ecstasy were muffled by his mouth.

I could see his large cock moving back and forth like a blur into the wet, dripping vulva of my Mistress. Jennifer was multi-orgasmic, and when she started having orgasms, it was like a damn bursting open. The fluids would literally pour from her pussy. She'd told me once that her ex-husband accused her of having sex with another man one evening when she got home and he was eating her out. Her pussy was so wet that he'd thought he was lapping up another man's cum. Of course with me she didn't have to worry about that. Jennifer knew how turned on I got when cleaning up after one of her boyfriends. Since she enjoyed oral sex as much as she did fucking, it gave her the complete freedom to do as she'd always desired, which was to be a very naughty, naughty girl. Now, she didn't have to stress out about the main guy in her life going down on her and discovering a nice, big load of semen that was put there by someone else, and then leaving her in a fit of anger and blind jealousy.

I suddenly noticed a change in the sounds coming from the bed and instinctively

knew that Aaron was getting ready to cum.

Jennifer knew it, too.

"Don't hold back," she said to him. "I want it all."

Driving his cock into her a dozen more times in rapid succession, Aaron finally reached the point of no return and began to ejaculate his hot seed deep into her womb. I think that the sheer force of his ejaculation caused my Mistress to have another orgasm of her own. She unexpectedly cried out and then grabbed his ass with both hands, pulling him into her as deeply as possible, grinding her pelvic bone hungrily against his in a frantic attempt to completely drain his balls of their content.

I would have liked to believe that she was doing this for me, but I knew better. There's something unique in a woman's DNA that makes her crave the complete ejaculation of the man she's sexually attracted to, not to mention fucking. It probably had something to do with procreation and mating. Whatever the reason, Jennifer wouldn't feel totally satisfied as a woman, unless she was able to drain every last drop of semen out of Aaron.

My pleasure was secondary.

The one thing about being a young bull is that the ejaculation always seemed to go on forever. It would be a rough guess on my part, but I estimated that the elapsed time from start to finish for Aaron's orgasm was in the neighborhood of twenty-five seconds, which is pretty damn impressive. The semen simply kept erupting from his penis in quick squirts until there was a final sigh of relief on his part and he collapsed on top of Jennifer in a state of exhaustion. I wondered to myself how long it would be before the next bout of sex took place, knowing that it would depend entirely on how fast he recovered. When Aaron finally pulled his penis out of Jennifer, it was still fully erect.

"That was one of the best fucks I've ever had," Jennifer said, breathing hard from the exertion. She eased herself from off the bed, and then took off her skirt, blouse, and bra, throwing them down into a pile by the closet. Even though the doors of the closet were closed, I could see her smiling down at me as she left her stockings and shoes on and then climbed back on the bed beside Aaron. "I hope you can do that again?"

"Give me a couple of minutes."

"Only a couple?"

"That's all I need," Aaron said.

"I think I'm going to adopt you."

"We'd just be fucking every minute of the day."

"I could live with that."

The two lovebirds got comfortable and nestled within each other's arms as they rested for a few minutes.

"God, your penis is still hard," my Mistress said.

"I know."

"Does it hurt?"

"No," Aaron said. "I just can't cum right now. That's why I need a couple of minutes. I want to cum inside of you again."

"I hope so."

I could see that Lady Jennifer had her hand around his cock and was gently stroking it. She was so horny for Aaron that she couldn't let the poor guy rest. Even from where I was, I could see how anxious she was to get that piece of meat back between her legs.

"What if I sucked it?" she asked.

"That might speed things up."

Who was Aaron kidding? He just wanted to feel her mouth around his cock. Hell, it takes time for the body to rejuvenate itself. I'm a man, and I know from first-hand experience.

Adjusting her position on the bed, Jennifer lowered her head and took his penis into her mouth. Aaron let out such a sigh of pleasure that it made me wonder if he'd ever had a blowjob before. The head of my Mistress then began to bob up and down as she worked the length of his erection between her lips, taking her time and slowly coercing him back into a mental state of sexual arousal. I could hear the sucking sounds of her mouth mixing with the moans of pleasure that were coming from this young adult. He was definitely enjoying the special attention from Lady Jennifer. I couldn't help but wonder if she'd know when to stop, or if she was planning to suck him to completion.

"That feels so fucking good," Aaron said.

Jennifer mumbled something, but I couldn't understand what it was.

"Don't stop," he said.

Several minutes went by and then Jennifer stopped what she was doing and looked up into his face. "You'd better not cum in my mouth," she warned. "I mean it."

"Why not?" he said, laughing.

"Because I need to be fucked one more time before you leave."

"Then we'd better get started. You have me right at the edge of shooting my load."

"I thought as much."

"Get up on your hands and knees so that I can take you from behind," Aaron said. "I want to do you doggy-style."

She quickly did as he asked and in no time at all Aaron was kneeling behind her with his hard penis buried deeply inside her wet pussy. He held onto her hips as he drove his cock repeatedly into her body, moving fast for a couple of minutes, then slowing down in an effort to tease her and to make her want it that much more. For an eighteen-year-old, this boy sure knew what he was doing.

Jennifer's face was turned towards me, and I could see an expression on it that was filled with what seemed like total ecstasy. Aaron was already having more of an affect on her than Carl had in two months of sex.

My Mistress and the pool boy fucked this way for over twenty minutes. During the first half, I heard her scream out two different times from the orgasms that racked her body. Near the end, Aaron reached around to the front of Lady Jennifer and began to lightly finger her clitoris as he continued to move his cock back and forth inside of her.

She loved that!

There was no mistaking the three earth-shattering orgasms that gripped her in the final minutes before he finally emptied himself once again. Aaron came as hard the second time as he had the first, literally pouring a large part of his soul into her. While ejaculating for what seemed like an eternity, he leaned over Lady Jennifer and held onto to her for dear life. Even when my Mistress released a long sigh of regret and collapsed face down on the bed, muttering to herself about the injustice of life and how getting old sucked, Aaron held on and went down with her, stretching out on top of her back. His penis was still imbedded between her legs as if it had found a new home and was afraid of being evicted. He began to softly kiss her neck and shoulders. After a short while, he withdrew his semen-covered cock and placed it along the crack of her ass, moving it slowly back and forth, allowing the natural lubricate to prepare the way into the narrow crevice.

"You'd better not start something that you have no intention of finishing," she said.

"I want to fuck you in the ass."


"You heard me."

"What brought this on?"

"You and that strap-on," he said.

"The only people who get sodomized in this house are naughty little boys who don't do as they're told." Jennifer said.


"That means you're not sticking that big thing up my ass no matter how cute you are." My Mistress turned over and looked at him. "Now, if you want to fuck my pussy again, I'm all for it."

"I need to get going."

"It's just like a man to leave when he doesn't get what he wants."

"I've got three more pools to clean today."

"Sure you do, big boy."

"I'm serious."

"When can I see you again?" Jennifer asked.

"How about next Saturday around the same time?"

"My two-year-old daughter will be here. I'll send Wayne to the grocery store with her. That will give us at least an hour alone."

"Then it's a date?"


"Have you ever snow-boarded?" he said.

"What do you think?"

"Would you like to learn?"

"I'm a little old to be snow-boarding, wouldn't you agree?"

"Nah," Aaron said. "I can teach you how to do it. It'll be snowing up at Mt. Charleston by the beginning of November. We could spend the weekend up there at the lodge."

"Yeah, fucking and snow-boarding, right?"

"Why not?"

"I like the fucking part of it," she said.

"Well, think about it."

"I surely will."

"Can I take a shower?"

"Be my guest."

Aaron got off the bed and went into the master bathroom to pee and to take a quick shower. When Jennifer heard the water running in the shower stall, she glanced over in my direction from the bed and said, "You've got a lot of cleaning up to do after he leaves."

I tried to mumble something profound through the panties in my mouth, but she just shook her head in puzzlement and continued to lie there on the bed, more than likely thinking about the last hour and how it had affected her. It was ten minutes or so before Aaron came back into the bedroom and put on his clothes. His brown hair was wet and there was a big smile on his face. I could see my Mistress eating him up with her eyes. It was difficult to believe that she was still horny after all the sex she'd experienced the night before and today. Maybe I would get lucky before the afternoon was over.

"Are you going to walk me to the door?" Aaron asked.

"I'm too tired," Jennifer said. "Besides, you know the way out."

"I guess I'll see you next Saturday."

"I'm counting on it."

"Uh, are you going to pay me for cleaning the pool?"

Lady Jennifer laughed. "Some people would think that you've already been paid," she said. "But, that wouldn't be fair, would it?"


"Your money is on the end table closest to the front door. It's lying by the ashtray."


"Goodbye, Aaron."

"Goodbye, uh, Lady Jennifer."

"Such a smart boy."

Aaron smiled and then turned around and left. A minute later, I heard the front door open and close.

"I just want to lay here and sleep forever," my Mistress said. "After having Carl all night and then again this morning, plus Aaron for the last hour, I'm not sure that I'm capable of even moving a muscle. Maybe I should leave you tied up in the closet for the rest of the day while I sleep. Would you enjoy that?"

I did one of those Tim Allen grunts from Home Improvement.

"I didn't think so."

Moving like someone who'd just come out of a two-year coma, Jennifer got slowly off the bed and walked over to the closet. She opened the doors and knelt down beside me. Taking the panties out of my mouth, she unlocked the ankle cuffs from the wrist cuffs, and then removed the leather restraints from around my ankles. My hands, however, were kept locked together behind my back.

"Aren't you going to take off the wrist cuffs?" I asked.

"No," she said, helping me to stand up.

I didn't say anything else as she led me over to the bed and ordered me to lie down on my back in the middle of it. I did as instructed. My bound hands were positioned under my lower back, and it was very uncomfortable. While I did that, Jennifer went into the bathroom and got a couple of towels. She came back out and climbed onto the bed beside me.

"Lift your head up," she said.

I obeyed my Mistress while wondering at the same time exactly what she was up to. She laid the towels under my head, and then straddled my face with her vagina only inches from my mouth. I could see the wet, matted hair of her bush and could smell the strong, pungent odor of recent sex. There was even a thin, meandering stream of semen along the inside of her right upper leg that ended at the top of her stocking, wetting the dark fabric.

"Remember," Jennifer said, "this is what you wanted." She lowered her body to my waiting mouth. "I expect you to perform your clean-up duties like a good slave. I don't want to hear any complaints about how much semen there is. You're cleaning up after two men. Do that, and I might reward you."

That was all the encouragement I needed.

I slipped my tongue between the outer and inner lips of her sex and was suddenly stunned at how much semen began to ooze out of her. There was so much of the stuff that I had to force myself not to gag at the taste and quantity of it.

Jennifer stared down at me and laughed at my expression. "You're the one who wants to clean up after my boyfriends," she said. "So, lick it up, and I mean all of it." She began to move her pussy back and forth over my mouth, enjoying the sensation of having my tongue up inside of her, lapping at the contents from two different men. "Yes, that's it. Service your Queen like a good slave. Think of what it was like when Carl was doing me last night and then again this morning before I came home to fuck Aaron."

And so I allowed my imagination to over-ride the humiliation and disgust of what I was doing. I could picture Carl in my mind, riding Jennifer for long periods of time, driving his massive organ in and out of her, causing this lady to scream out as each orgasm shook her body to the core. I could hear the voice of my Mistress urging him to fuck her give it to her like a real empty himself into her so that her slave could have the pleasure of cleaning up after him. I knew that Carl was turned on by what I was forced to do. It excited him so much that sometimes he even had multiple ejaculations. He wanted to make sure that I knew just how well he was fucking the woman of my dreams.

"Eat it, baby," Jennifer moaned. "I saved it all for you."

This was one of the few times that I wished she'd cleaned herself before coming home. Nevertheless, I licked and sucked at my Mistress for over thirty long minutes as she held onto the headboard and rode my face like a broncobuster, achieving several intense orgasms in the process. The orgasms were so strong that she yelled out a number of times, grinding her pussy hard into my mouth and against my nose, almost suffocating me twice. When it was over, my face was not only covered with the fluids from her body, but also with Carl and Aaron's semen.

It was so humiliating.

"Did you lick me clean?" Jennifer asked, lifting her body up and looking down at me with a wild gleam in her eyes. "Don't lie to me, or I'm going to spend the rest of the day whipping your sorry ass."

"I could only reach so far with my tongue," I said.

"That's no excuse."


"How much cum did you lap up?"

"At least three tablespoons," I said, trying not to shudder at what I'd had to swallow. Semen doesn't taste good. If a slave is lucky, it doesn't taste terrible. I still had the taste of Carl and Aaron in my mouth, and suspected that it would be there for the rest of the afternoon. "There was too much. I could barely swallow what I managed to get."

"That's not my problem," she said. "You're my slave, and your job is to clean up the mess between my legs, no matter how much of it there is. I'm going to have to punish you for this."

"Yes, ma'am."

"Before I do, would you like something to drink to get that awful taste out of your mouth?"

"Yes, I would. Let me get a Dr. Pepper."

"That's not what I was thinking of."

"I don't understand."

"You will in a few seconds," she said, smiling like a cat that's got the mouse cornered. "Open your mouth, baby."

It's strange how fast enlightenment can come to a person when least expected. "No," I muttered, turning my head swiftly to the side. "Please don't do it. I tried to get all of the semen. Honest, I did."

"This isn't your punishment, Wayne."

"It isn't?"

"Your punishment is going to be much worse. Now, turn your face back up towards me."

"No," I said.

"That's a word I don't like to hear from a slave."

I didn't say anything.

"Am I going to have to hurt you?" she continued. "You know what I'm capable of doing."

I kept my face to the side and my mouth closed.

"What is it about a man not being able to accept his destiny?"

Reaching behind her back, Jennifer grabbed my testicles and began to squeeze them hard. I tried to buck her off my chest, but she rode me to the end like a trained professional. It took less than ninety seconds for me to finally look up at her face and to beg for mercy.

"One day you'll learn to obey my commands without fighting me," she said, laughing. "Don't I always win in the end?"


"Now open your mouth!"

I did and waited for the inevitable.

Positioning herself over my face, Lady Jennifer relaxed her body. It took a few seconds, but gradually a steady stream of urine began to flow into my opened mouth, forcing me to swallow as if my life depended on it. She didn't make any attempt to control the speed at which the fluid came out of her. It wasn't long before I was choking at the quantity of it. Shifting forward a little, she pissed on my face for a couple of seconds, and then moved back to my mouth.

"Swallow it, slave," she commanded.

I gulped down what was left of her urine, feeling the shame and humiliation of what Jennifer had just done to me. Few men actually enjoy being pissed on by a woman though it clearly signifies the power that the female has over them. My Mistress had taken an unexpected step forward in her ownership of me. If Jennifer could use my mouth as her toilet, then what else was she capable of doing?

"Did you enjoy that?"

"No," I said.

"Well, I did."

"I need to wipe my face off."

"Not just yet," she said. "It's time for your punishment. I want you to turn over and place your face into the wet towels."

She's going to whip me, I thought.

"Go on," my Mistress said as she climbed off of me. "Do it."

I turned over, letting out a sigh of relief as the pressure was taken off my bound wrists. Placing my face into the urine-soaked towels, I breathed carefully through my mouth and waited for more instructions.

"Get your ass high up in the air," she said.

When your hands are bound behind your back, it's extremely difficult to get to your knees under you from a prone position, especially when you're lying face down on a bed. You can't get any traction. Jennifer saw me struggling to obey her command and decided to assist me by grabbing my testicles and squeezing them hard again. It certainly sped things up from my point of view. Though I cried out a number of times in pain, I somehow managed to get to my knees and into the position that she wanted.

"Don't move," she said.

I raised up on my forehead and turned my head awkwardly around so that I could watch Lady Jennifer as she got off of the bed and stepped over to the cedar chest. I was curious as to what she intended to whip me with. I watched her open the top of the chest and search through her stuff. When she pulled out her infamous strap-on, I unconsciously shouted out, "Not that!"

"You're starting to sound like a broken record."

"Haven't you already done enough to me?"

"You should have let me sleep," she said.

"You can go to sleep now if you want. I don't care. I'm starting to feel kind of sleepy myself."

"I will after I've fucked you in the ass."

"Please don't," I begged.

"You can beg all you want, but it's not going to stop the inevitable," Jennifer said as she slipped on the leather, panty-like harness, snapping it in place and tightening up the laces on each side. A six-inch dildo protruded from the front of the harness like an accusing finger. "You know, I've had this rather unusual fantasy in the back of my mind for the last few weeks. It's about you. I may just carry it out."

"What kind of fantasy?" I asked with trepidation.

"I'm taking you to the Green Door over at the Commercial Shopping Center this Friday night. I'll have mom take care of Vanessa for us."

"What's the Green Door?"

"You don't know?"

"I've never heard of it."

"It's a sex club like the Red Rooster," she said, taking a tube of K-Y jell out of the cedar chest. "The club has different rooms set up for different fantasies. My ex-husband and I used to go there all the time."

"I didn't know that."

"There's a lot I haven't told you, Wayne."

"What's going to happen at the Green Door?"

"We're going to use their Dungeon Room."

"We are?"

"I'm going to place you in the wooden stocks that they have. You'll be bent over the section for the upper torso with your head and hands locked inside the stocks. A leather strap will be fastened over your lower back to hold you down on the bench, and your ankles will be cuffed to the rear legs of the apparatus. You'll also be blindfolded. "

"That doesn't sound like much fun to me," I said, feeling the beat of my heart increase with the sudden fear that gripped me.

"Oh, it will be. I'm going to have Carl meet us there."


"Yes, Carl."

"What's he going to do?"

"Well, while I take you from behind with the strap-on," Lady Jennifer explained as she got back on the bed and positioned herself behind me, "you'll be sucking his cock." She opened the tube of jell and began to apply some of it to my anus, pushing her finger inside of me to make sure that I was completely lubricated. "I can't wait to see you with Carl's cock in your mouth. Maybe I'll bring a camera so that I can take photographs of you sucking it to completion."

"I don't think so."

"Trust me, darling. You will suck Carl's cock. You'll suck it to completion, and then you'll swallow everything he gives you. There's going to be a lot of cum, but I know you'll able to handle it."

"No way!"

"Want to bet?"

I didn't say anything.

Jennifer finished lubricating the head of the dildo in silence. She placed the cap back on the small container of K-Y jell and tossed the tube over beside the cedar chest. Then, grabbing my testicles, she squeezed them till I was crying and begging for mercy.

"I bet you'd gladly suck Carl's cock right now, wouldn't you?" she said, squeezing my balls so hard that I thought she was going to rupture them. "Well, wouldn't you?"

"Yes, Mistress!"

"And you'd swallow his cum, wouldn't you?"

"Yes, Lady Jennifer!"

"Don't ever tell me again that you're not going to do something I want," my Mistress said in a cold tone of voice. "We both know that you'll do whatever I command, don't we? After all, you're a slave, and your only purpose for existing is to serve me." She jerked hard on my testicles as if to emphasize that point. "Are we clear on this, or am I going to have to really hurt you?"

"Yes, Lady Jennifer!"

"I didn't hear the rest of it, darling."

"Yes, we're clear, and I'll do whatever you want!"

"That's better. Maybe after Carl and I have finished with you, I'll let several other guys take turns fucking you in the mouth and in the ass. That might teach you to demonstrate the proper respect for me. There's always a bunch of horny men around the Green Door who'll fuck anything that moves. I could easily get a dozen of them to gang rape you. Would you like that?"

"No, Mistress!"

"What?" she said, squeezing my balls.

"Yes, Mistress!

"While you're getting it from both ends, Carl and I will be on the mattress in the corner, fucking like sixteen year olds. You can watch us. Maybe you'll even learn something from Carl. Oh, I forgot. You'll have a blindfold on and a nice big cock in your mouth. Well, you can listen to us. That should be entertaining. You'll be able to hear me cum over and over again. You know how loud I get when I have an orgasm."

Releasing my sore testicles, Jennifer placed the head of her dildo to my anus and began to slowly push it inside of me. I unconsciously found myself tightening my sphincter muscle, which was the worse possible thing to do when being sodomized.


"Try and relax," Lady Jennifer said. "Isn't that what every man says to a virgin just before he takes her cherry?"

"God, it hurts!"

"If you're going to cry like a baby, I might have to stuff my panties back into your mouth."

"I can't help it. The thing is huge."


"Please don't do this to me."

Lady Jennifer pulled the dildo out of me and got off the bed. Walking over to the closet, she retrieved her panties, and then came back to where I was. "Open your mouth," she said.

I looked at her with pleading eyes.

"Open your mouth!"

I reluctantly did as she commanded.

My Mistress wasted no time in stuffing the piece of black lingerie back into my mouth, and then repositioning herself behind me. "That should stifle your complaints," Jennifer said as she placed the head of the dildo back to my anus. There was now no hesitation on her part. She simply pushed the entire thing into me, listening with pleasure at the sounds of agony that escaped from my gagged mouth.

I couldn't believe the amount of pain that tore through me. If I hadn't had my hands cuffed behind my back, I would've bolted like a frightened deer.

Holding onto my hips, Jennifer fucked me hard with the strap-on, driving the dildo all the way up my rectum without mercy. Her strokes were fast and furious. She pounded the thing back and forth inside of me as if she wanted to punish me for being a man. The pain was so great that I couldn't stop myself from crying.

"Wait till Friday night," she said. "Maybe I'll have you put on a wig and some red lipstick and a pair of stockings and high-heeled shoes before you're placed into the stocks. After Carl screws me, I can take pictures of you being fucked by all of those sexually depraved men that are going to be there."

I moaned loudly as the rape continued. Eventually, I collapsed face down onto the bed with my Mistress still on top of me, banging away at my ass with the strap-on. She rode me for what seemed like an eternity, while at the same time whispering in my ear about how much she enjoyed taking my virginity. I didn't think I would ever have a normal bowel movement again. As Jennifer's orgasm neared, she drove the dildo harder into my rectum. I prayed that it would soon be over. I could hear her grunting with the effort of taking me just before the orgasm overwhelmed her, shaking both of us with its intensity. She cried out and then drove the dildo into me as far as it would go.

I cried out, too, but not for the same reason.

Lady Jennifer's body shook a couple of more times, and then she laid quietly on top me for several minutes as we both recovered from the ordeal.

"I should've done this sooner," she said softly. "I've forgotten out intense the orgasms are when I use the strap-on."

With the panties in my mouth and my face buried in the wet towels, there was no way for me to respond to her statement. It was probably better that I didn't. Maybe she'd forget about the Green Door and my humiliation. There was no way that I wanted to be gang-banged by several guys. I also didn't know what I would do if my Mistress forced the issue. I was Jennifer's slave and had promised to obey her every command, and I certainly didn't want to lose her. It would be a tough call.

"I need some sleep," my Mistress said. She slowly pulled the dildo out of me and got to her knees. "Would you like to suck this clean?"

I shook my head.

"I should probably make you do it any way, but I'm too tired."

Turning over on my side, I watched as Lady Jennifer got off the bed and removed the strap-on from around her waist. She threw it down by the cedar chest. Then, looking at me, she smiled brightly and stretched her body.

"That was fun."

Sure it was, I thought to myself.

She got the key to the handcuffs and unlocked them from around my wrists. As soon as I had freedom of movement, I took the panties out of my mouth, got off the bed, and went into the bathroom for a long period of time. When I finally came out, feeling somewhat relieved, I saw that Jennifer was asleep under the covers. The wet towels were lying on the floor beside the strap-on and the K-Y. I put the tube of jell back into the cedar chest, then took the dildo to the kitchen so that I could properly clean it and the towels to the laundry room so that they could be washed. When that was done, I went to bed myself for a few hours. I didn't want to sleep too long because Jennifer's ex-husband would be bringing Vanessa back home before five.

Still, I needed the rest.

As I dozed off, thoughts of the Green Door drifted through my mind. I said a silent pray to myself, hoping that Lady Jennifer would soon forget about what she'd promised to do to me.

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