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Review This Story || Author: fallenstar


Part 1

She always thought she would be safe.. always thought she would be loved... yet here she was was, wincing against the bright lights, blushing at the pokes, and gropes and stares, trying to forget she was being auctioned off..... put up for sale.. how could this happen to her? She had been happy for years... then he started acting strangely... and now.... he had her tied, sitting in a line of slaves ready to be sold to the highest bidder. She had no idea what she had done wrong... only that she was going to be leaving with one of these men..... or women, she thought with a shudder, forever. She could feel someone staring at her.. Everyone was staring, but this felt different... as though they were staring into her soul.. she wanted to look up and search for Whoever it was, but didn't dare.. she had Seen the beatings others had gotten for doing such.. even something as little as looking up would warrant a punishment.

* * *

He looked over the subs and couldn't believe his eyes.... there she was... he hadn't even spoken to her in years... yet there she was... kneeling naked, ready to be bought. He re-read the caption under her picture in the catalog----- "Sassy, rebellious female slave being sold by her Master of 5 years...... price: $400 (starting at----auctioned or negotiable for outright sale through Master)". He looked up at her again, gazing over her naked body, finally looking up to see her Master.. finally seeing the man that made her break contact with him. He felt a new wave of anger and jealousy flow through him as he thought of all the years that had been wasted. He let his eyes wander back to Her.. her hair had grown.. it was right around her hips.. still the multi shaded color... even from where he was he could see her Dark eyes... he never realized how much they stood out before. He shifted, suddenly anxious for the  "market" to open.

* * *

A blindfold was placed over her eyes. She felt her Master picking her up and pulling her somewhere. She felt cold as a chain was placed around her naked neck. A choker collar. The type the only closed with a slip loop.. so if you pulled against it too hard........ She heard the clanking of the metal as the chain was connected onto the wall. And then nothing. No more touch.. no more Master.. not Anything.

* * *

The bell rang for the opening of the sales and he made his way towards Her seller. He worked hard to control his emotions, not wanting this man to see what he had dealt with for years. Not wanting this man to even Guess at who he was, as improbable as it was. In what seemed just a moment he had bought her... for only Just over her asking all that was left was the paper work.........................................

"One last signature," he thought, "then she's Mine." He walked out of the office and saw her on the far side of the room.. naked.. chained to a wall and blindfolded.. his for the taking. As he stared at her he tensed as he realized her fear-- a slave next to her was being beaten. She was trying to Hide that fear, but he knew better. He had seen it before on her face.. and he had never forgotten how it looked. The last time it had caused an ending... This time.. a beginning.. "I won't make the same mistakes" he thought, "I won't let her get hurt like that again.....I won't let things end the same way..... if it Ever ends.", and strode quickly over to his new slave to start their life, once and for all.

* * *

She couldn't tell how short after she was chained that the beatings began. It sounded as though the slave was being beaten, and it was coming closer and closer to her.  She could hear the screams vibrating through her head. "Please not me," she thought, "please don't let me be next." She tried burying herself in her mind, but the piercing screams kept penetrating, bringing her intense fear back to the surface-- she didn't want them to see her fear--- whoever "them" was... they would act on it.. use it against her. She couldn't let that happen if she could help it. She was Already too vulnerable. She felt something, or some One grab her and screamed out loudly, thinking "Oh god, this Can't be happening!!!!!". "SHHH", she heard someone say, as something, a robe, or long jacket perhaps was placed around her. She swallowed and tried to calm herself. Whoever it was, a man, she thought from his/her grip, untied her hands and fastened them in front of her. She heard all the clanking as the chain leash was taken from the wall, and felt the tug and he began to walk away. "Come.", he said. She went without hesitation, not wanting the chain collar to do its work. A car door was opened and she was lifted carefully into the car. She assumed she was in the backseat from the rapidness in between the door closing and another opening and closing followed with the start of the engine. She hesitated, but called out softly "Sir..?" There was a long silence and she didn't think he had heard her. "..Yes slave?" he replied. "Where are we going, Sir?" she asked just as quietly. He replied, "To your new home... to My home." She asked "............Are you my new Master, Sir?" He answered with what seemed like an Extraordinary amount of satisfaction, "Yes slave. I'm your Master." She looked down and became silent, trying to let her Old life slip away, making room for this new Master.. who would have new customs, likes, dislikes..all that she must learn. She fell asleep trying to clear her mind for her new life.

* * *

He looked in his review mirror to check on her------- and saw her slumped against the door breathing deeply and evenly. "Asleep....... she could use the sleep", he thought. "She deserves it for what she's been put through today." Not that he was completely again what she went through.. after all, it meant He Owned her now... she was His.. but still.. if he could have found a less traumatic way.. he wouldn't have wished her to go through that. After awhile he pulled off into a deserted scenic overpass. As the car stopped he could see her waking again.... He opened her door and held a water bottle to her mouth. "Drink", he said, "It's only water." He held it to her mouth steadily so she could drink. He lowered the bottle as she drank nearly half of it. "That's all for now.... I'm going to take off your blind fold for awhile. You will Not turn around, or try to look at me yet. Do you understand?" She replied quietly, "Yes Sir, thank you." And with that he faced her towards the misting mountains, making sure she was close enough that she could see the calm river below. He stood behind her and slowly removed the blind fold. She gasped at the beauty of it---"It's Beautiful......", she whispered. He smiled at her words, even more pleased when she didn't try to turn around. "Stretch your legs. I will be watching. Do Not try to run, or leave." he caution, and backed away to his car. He knew he was taking a risk.. but he had to test her.. had to see if she would still obey.. if her Mind would react to his orders, remembering, even if she had not registered the fact yet. He watched as she walked slowly up and down the overpass, gazing out. As he felt fit, he walked back over and gently replaced the blindfold. He was very pleased that not Once had she tried to turn in his direction, and didn't put up any resistance with the replacement of the blindfold. He felt content as he placed her back in the car and drove off, determined to get home to continue his plans for the evening. He wasn't going to lose one Second now that he had her back in his arms.

* * *

She sat quietly in the back of the car, thinking about her new Master. She was surprised how it had worked so far.. he had seemed.. almost courteous. He had given her a jacket to cover her nakedness in front of others.. carefully gave her water.. stopped at that beautiful place so she could stretch.. it seemed too much. She never expected she would be sold to someone who would be so.... caring maybe?... and he had a warm voice... his voice.. it made her stomach flutter.. it kept nudging something, far in the back of her head.. it was like.. she had Heard it before.. but she couldn't think where, couldn't think Why this man, her Master was making her feel such things.. things she hadn't for so long, because it hadn't been Safe. Yet..... he made her Feel safe.. which was ridiculous!!! She didn't even know him! He had just Bought her.. she had no idea if she would be raped, beaten, tormented... yet somehow she felt safe with him.. She shook her head at all the thought going through her mind. The car was stopping. "We're here", she heard him say, "We're Home."

* * *

He pulled the key out of the ignition happy to finally be home. He opened her door and carefully led her out of the car, guiding her up the path to his door. He brought her into the living, "Kneel.", he said, as he pushed down on her slightly. He was pleased that she automatically assumed that kneel he remembered so fondly--- sitting back on her heels, legs spread, sitting straight and tall.. he loved it. He took off the jacket that had been covering her and smiled as he saw the blush staining her smooth cheeks. He uncuffed her hands and grinned as she placed then behind her back with no hesitation or direct orders from him. "Stay". With that he left her there to get his packages from the car. He brought them inside and went straight into his computer room. He flipped on the screen to see a live video of her. "Test two", he thought, "will she obey me while she thinks I can't see her." He sat at his computer and looked back over his logs, making sure he had forgotten nothing. After awhile he turned his monitor off and went to his kitchen to finish their dinner. He placed the food on the table and went back to the living room. As always, she was in the same spot he had left her. He stepped up behind her quickly and helped her up by her elbows. He watched as she stood, unsure of what to do. He smiled softly and brought her into the dining room.

* * *

She could smell the food he had cooking, and was getting stiff by the time he came back to her. She walked quickly as he guided her somewhere and sat her down. From the smell, she assumed they were in a dining room or kitchen. "Open", she heard him say, as she felt something against her lips--- it smelled Amazing. She opened hesitantly and was pleased by the taste. He continued to feed her this way, then held a glass to her lips. She smiled at this all, thinking that it all felt rather romantic... not at all what she had been expecting. As they finished eating, she was brought back into the living room and placed on a couch…

* * *

He sat her down on the couch and stared at her, taking her all in. He could hardly believe he finally had her.. For Real. He cupped her face in his hands and leaned forward to kiss her lips softly, lightly. He smiled as he felt her tilting her head up. He let his kissed trail, going up her jaw, around her ear, down her neck, and down to nibble her collarbone. He laughed softly at the sound of her moan. He sat back and stared at her again for a moment, deciding if he would say what he wanted.......... "I love you Kitty." he said, simply. She frowned at the word "Kitty". "Take off your blindfold Kitten.", he said slowly. He watched her as she slowly pulled it off, and saw her look of amazement. ".........Eric?" she said. "Yes kitten..its me...I love you.", he replied. She threw herself at him and hugged him close, not willing to let go. "I love you Sir."

Review This Story || Author: fallenstar
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