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Wayward Wife's Punishment

Chapter 44

                                Wayward Wife's Punishment - Chapter 44

       Little Rock came and went; now my car was on U. S. 65 going south.  It was the little hamlet of Wrightsville, population 300 or thereabouts, where I stopped to fill the tank. The little pumping station was ringed in darkness, but the operator was happy to take my money in exchange for gas. He warned me to take it slow and easy for the next three or four miles since there was some type of road construction going on down there. I thanked him for the tip and drove off into the blackness, headlights on high beam. It was less than two miles before I spotted those dream creatures, now clothed, stepping from behind a huge earthmover. There was a large man and three smaller figures. Without thinking, I pulled to the side of the road and waited for my passengers to approach.

       "Normally I'm not a praying man, but this time I did and here you are. Something told me to wait here and the messenger would arrive. So here you are and just in the nick of time. The sheriff is not far behind us and the little ladies need to be gone from here as fast as that machine can carry them."

       Without thinking I told them to get into the car and be quick about it. The three females got into the backseat, but their companion refused to move from where he stood. I leaned over to open the car door, but he shook his head.

       "I'll lead old Vlad a merry chase and you can put some distance between him and you while I'm doing it. Get across the state line and you have a decent chance to get them where they're supposed to be going, wherever that is. Don't you worry about ole Jethro. I'll be fine. I know this area a whole lot better than the sheriff does."

       With those words and a salute to the trio in the backseat, he disappeared into the blackness and we sped away, still being careful to watch for any obstacles for at least the next few miles. It was close to three hours with the morning sun coming up before we cleared the sovereign state of Arkansas and crossed into Louisiana. I'd changed highways about forty miles from the Louisiana border to throw off any Arkansas state troopers who might be looking for a man with a carload of females in the backseat. Some might think me paranoid, but I'd seen and experienced way too much in recent times not to worry about everything around me.

       At my insistence two of the ladies hopped in the trunk long enough for me and the other twin to make an appearance at the first island we found, a place called Bonita. There we took on some gasoline and what passed for food and drink. I would soon learn a great deal about Cajun cuisine and even enjoy some of it from time to time. Thanks to the detailed map I had the good sense to buy at some outrageous price from the same fellow who sold me the food, I was able to orient myself. However all I had to go on was the direction, south. I decided to have faith in my masters and wait patiently until they deigned to give me more to go on.  We were hardly in the car for a minute when the teenage blonde lovely, her name proved to be Terri Tolliver, began inhaling this strange smelling provender without even taking a deep breath.

       I for one had a hard time steering since my brain was now being seduced by these strange smells. This was quickly followed by a very brief serenade from the calliope, reminding me that her name, like so many of my past female encounters, had the same first letter in both names. In just the blink of an eye I suddenly felt very low on the food chain. I was on the verge of despair, reminding me of some of the old Testament types who wrestled with the concept of Jehovah. Then this strange revelation was gone back into whatever dimension it had originally occupied, and I was kept busy keeping my eyes on the road for a good place to exchange Teri for the brunette.

       My nervous system took another jolt when the diminutive brunette with the big tits announced her name to be Marie Mason. She babbled on about her husband Marty and how they had been traded into white slavery by Jethro, the man that had been their escort until I had taken over the job. Their new owner was a schoolteacher by the name of Mimi Marlow, who had all sorts of connections in and beyond the limits of the county. To make it even more complicated and interesting, the Tolliver twins were the other part of the swap. However that portion of the deal had never been truly consummated according to Jethro. Thus he had no compunctions about assisting in freeing them from the teacher. Unfortunately the sheriff's deputies managed to wrest her husband away from Jethro, and he was probably having terrible things done to his slim, almost girlish form by the minions of Vlad, the county sheriff. The only thing that saved my sanity at this point was another roadside store located in the thriving metropolis of Mer Rouge.

       We loaded up on additional quantities of the local product disguised as food. I also took this opportunity to open up the wonderful map of the state for which I had paid an exorbitant amount of money. The map was contained in a plastic envelope that broke apart as I fumbled to get it open. My first inclination, when I saw the bold, red magic marker connecting where I was to a little town called Belle Rose, was to think that I'd been sold a used map. Then I remembered how the envelope had broken apart. My chest grew tight and I felt flushed. Marie started to panic, thinking I was having a heart attack. I looked at her, shook my head and showed her my open palms to signal that I was in one piece, sort of.

       It took a few more minutes for me to recover fully. Fortunately everyone around us was either napping or dozing. I started the car and we took off, driving slowly to avoid drawing any attention. At last there was a side road that allowed me to park and let the trio get out so they could stretch their legs. I took this opportunity to study what my masters had given me as a guide; it was pretty straightforward. This time I also noticed a small card for a hotel the just so happened to be located at my destination. My guide certainly covered all the bases except the damage that was being done to my sanity. I heaved a sigh and calculated that with any kind of luck we could make Belle Rose before sunset. Could this be my ultimate destination, not if I had anything to do with it? There was this skinny Chinese babe with an enema fixation that had driven me to finally escape the cold and dark of Minneapolis, and I was bound and determined to play through until I saw her again.

       In order to retain my composure after too many shocks over too short a time, I rotated the threesome so that one always sat by me while the other two occupied the back seat. As the miles rolled by I asked questions of my ever-changing seat companion and slowly came to the c0nclusion that the trio was clueless about almost everything in which I had any interest. Still in all I had to admit that having a beautiful, well built female sitting less than a few feet away did allow me to fantasize when all efforts at adult communication failed. One thing became very apparent; these three were afraid of lots of things, some silly and some that were the stuff of nightmares. I certainly knew about the latter.

       It was fairly apparent that Marie had been through a lot ever since she and her husband, Marty, came down to visit Rhonda and Jethro. Having to deal with a full bladder for hours on end just to get to their hosts must have been murder. Then upon their arrival they were forced to strip naked and perform acts that were not spoken about in polite conversation. I pressed her for details just to keep the conversation going, and damned if she didn't! She and Marty took turns swallowing the contents of each other's full bladders while their humiliation was recorded so that it could be turned into a tape for sale to the large audience that Rhonda had for such material. Marie quickly skipped over being sodomized by Jethro but gave me lots of details about witnessing Rhonda sodomizing her poor husband with a huge strap on dildo while he whimpered and begged for mercy. She tried to skip over the water sports that followed, but I persisted and she obeyed. By now I realized she was quite submissive, a perfect wife for most men myself included. So she chattered on about she and her dear husband getting huge enemas and having to rid them into each other's face while naturally the action was recorded.

       Then without any prompting from me, Marie opened up and confessed that she had been having sex with her lawyer almost all the time she was married to Marty. He even forbid her from having sex with her husband under any circumstances and she did so except for one incident over which she had no control. I regretted listening to this tale of duplicity as it brought back memories of my dear cheating slut of a wife, Jill. Marie was so busy unburdening herself that she didn't notice the way my face changed as I clenched my jaw and turned my eyes into slits as I relived those terrible days. I cut off Marie just as she started to describe how she and her sweetheart of a husband were raped by gangs of teenagers. I had just about enough of her life as a slut for the moment. Naturally after another round with the twins I'd be eager for Marie's whining voice once more.

       Both Terri and Traci sometimes acted like they were brain damaged, and as their stories began to unfold after my prompting, it seemed realistic to assume that their occasional return to childishness was no act. That made me quite sad to realize that these beautiful teenagers had been so brutalized that their mental development had been stunted. I wondered what part they would play in the grand scheme of things being developed by those pulling the strings behind the scenes. At this point I went into my usual rant about "Why me? Why me?" Then I'd remember all the fun things, the weird things, the bad things, the sex and more sex with a variety of great and not so great sex partners. I was living the life! How many humans on the planet knew what I knew? How many of my species had almost a dozen separate, functioning entities living in their brain? Damned few, I'd wager.

       So here I was taking a detour to ferry three gorgeous creatures that between them might have one functioning brain. Meanwhile I still had this eerie feeling that there were a number of Arkansas deputies who had crossed the state line and were closing in on my precious cargo and me. That thought caused me to accelerate to well beyond the speed limit. My passengers thought this was great fun, and their excitement overcame my instinct for survival. In less time than it takes to tell, there was a red light in my rear view mirror. The long arm of the law had run me to earth. "What now?" I thought, pulling over to the side of the road.

       Out from the La Salle county police car stepped a tall, slim deputy wearing dark sunglasses, one hand on the holster housing a large caliber weapon. I was definitely overmatched. As the deputy came closer, her gait tipped off her sex. My eyes were glued to her tunic opened at the throat and down two buttons. It revealed the tops of a pair of tits fighting to be free of the bra confining them. My eyebrows shot up at the sight and I leaned forward to get a better view of what this deputy possessed besides that large handgun.

       "License and registration please. I clocked you at fifteen miles over the local speed limit."

       While I fumbled to come up with the appropriate documentation, she peered into the car and frightened the bejabbers out of my passengers. The three of them huddled together, staring up at this dark monolith of a policewoman, whose skin was the color of caramel. She studied what I gave her and then walked to the front of the car to check the license plate. Satisfied she went to her cruiser and called in what I'd provided. After a few minutes she returned and handed me my documentation. Then the more serious interrogation began. When I admitted that I'd picked up my passengers in Arkansas, she laughed. Now it was Marie and the Tolliver twins who answered her queries. I've noticed there seems to be some kind of unspoken communication that sometimes takes place between females that we males don't possess. This was one of those occasions when I knew it to be true.

       The deputy suggested that she and I take a walk over to her cruiser. I thought the jig was up at that moment, but trying to overcome her and make a run for it made little if any sense. When we got there she smiled for the first time and told me a very interesting story about a recent stop she made and the result of it. It seems she arrested two members of the Arkansas state troopers for speeding and being out of their jurisdiction. Since they had no paperwork to support their story about chasing some pervert who had kidnapped three young women and taken them across state lines in violation of the Mann Act, she disarmed them and called for backup. They were decidedly unhappy over this result, but currently their police car was impounded and they were being held in protective custody until this matter could be settled. She estimated that to take perhaps another half day.

       It was then that she asked my destination and when I told her Belle Rose, she took off her dark glasses and stared me in the eyes. I took the liberty of showing her the card indicating the hotel at which we should stay. The deputy shook her head and told me that place had a bad reputation among the townsfolk who claimed it housed people who practiced black magic and the like. Then she added a final grace note, telling me that if I met Helene Corday, I should tell her that Mariah said hello. With that she told me I was free to go and handed me a medallion for my use if any member of the various Louisiana law enforcement organizations stopped me.

       The voices in my head clamored to be the one that informed me that was no coincidence. That was as obvious as the nose on my face. For the next two hundred miles I listened to the strange stories that the Tolliver twins related. According to them they thought they were sixteen or thereabouts. They couldn't agree on just how many foster homes they had been placed since their parents died in a fire, leaving them with no close relatives and very little money. They did however agree that for the first three years one or more persons at every home they were placed sexually abused them. After a time I gave up trying to censor their vocabularies.


       Often it was the foster parents who fucked them bowlegged. Usually it started with the husband and then the wife joining in once the twins were broken and ready for the treatment she had planned for them. In some of the homes the foster parents sold their bodies to other people as well. In two they were also fucked and even whipped by the person who was responsible for supervising their foster parents. In every place they were it was home schooling, where they learned new sex positions, how to eat pussy, suck and lick assholes and give blowjobs. Corporal punishment was meted out for any infraction and for almost a year and a half their asses were constantly covered with welts in various states of healing. Their budding tits and shaved cunt mouths were also whipped and caned quite frequently. In one home after a good pussy caning they would be bound and gagged then gangbanged for hours by both men and women who paid for the opportunity to further degrade the twins. They claimed that the women were the worst because their strap-on dildos never got soft.

       It was a miracle they never got pregnant, but reading between the lines it was apparent that they both had a number of early term abortions done at home by local doctors who took most of their fee in pussy or their assholes. The worst place they stayed was only for three and a half months and they nearly died from the beatings, raping and torture they endured. The favorite torture, and it was used often towards the end of their stay, was to push the girl's head into a nearly overflowing toilet filled with turds and piss and then sodomize her until she lost consciousness. How they managed to survive and wind up with the Tolliver family, who treated them as human beings and truly part of their extended family, was a miracle to them. Until now I thought I had heard it all. It was unbelievable that such monsters could be alive and preying on orphans.

       When my seatmate was Marie, it was talk, talk, talk about her darling cuckold of a husband. She gushed about his faithfulness and understanding. Despite his noble characteristics, once her parents died she started having sex with her lawyer every few days. He enjoyed doing her in his office with the door open so his sluttish secretary could watch them going at it on his couch or the top of his massive mahogany desk. However she was always a little uncomfortable when they would stain the sheets in her own bed, insisting that they not be removed until she and her husband slept on them for at least one night. Marty never, ever complained about anything, even when she told him they could not have sex anymore for reasons she kept to herself. On occasion, as a treat, she allowed him the pleasure of masturbating in her presence while he lay on those stained sheets and she slowly played with her well-fucked pussy. His ejaculations were so powerful that his sperm sometimes could reach his neck. Usually she had a nice orgasm watching as he scooped up every drop of his sperm and swallowed it. She never let on that at those times she thought only about being fucked by her lawyer.

       Marie was certainly quirky when it came to her husband. When she wasn't describing how she cheated on him, she wondered just what those nasty state troopers were doing to him now. That was worse than listening about her orgasms while the well-hung lawyer's big thick cock opened her cunt to its limits.

       " I just know they strung him up like a piece of meat and took turns beating him senseless with rubber hoses. Poor Marty, he doesn't know anything about how the twins and I escaped from Mimi Marlow's clutches. My husband is shy about his physique; they probably stripped him to the skin and made fun of him until he was knocked cold. I wouldn't put it past that nasty sheriff Vlad if he didn't have his storm troopers hook Marty's balls up to a generator so they could fry them over and over until he told them all he knew. My husband is a real hero to protect me that way. By now they're ramming their batons up his tight asshole, and he'll be screaming his head off from the pain. "

       I glanced over to my companion to discover that she had pulled down her black harem pajama bottoms and was diddling her clit as the gash grease oozed from her cunt. Her eyes were shut and she carried on as if no one else was watching. It was at that point that one of the twins leaned over and observed that Marie did that to herself quite often, usually telling about how hard the lawyer fucked her in the ass or came in her mouth. She and her sister would bet when she climaxed, which was easy to tell since her whole body trembled and her nipples got real pointy. Without thinking I reached over and slapped Marie's big tits to break the spell she had created for herself. She got red as a beet and quickly covered up her swollen pussy. I would have bet money she was no more than a minute or so from her climax. She was silent for the remainder of the trip to Belle Rose.

                       (To be continued - lex ludite)

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