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Review This Story || Author: Aceith

Wicked Femdom Tales: Debbie and Sandy

Part 4

The following story is intended as sexual entertainment for adults only

Wicked Femdom Tales: Debbie and Sandy-part 4

Debbie and Sandy often enjoyed a night on the town, and their favorite hangout was a dance bar named 'The Main Thing'. It was frequented by singles mostly, and a fairly sophisticated crowd on examination, upwardly mobile young men and women who liked their booze and sex.

They both were bisexual, though the central purpose of their life was their own passionate and loving relationship. They considered that each of us had a right to pursue the unique  passions within us, without censure from anyone else.

They often did hetero sex with chosen men, and were inseparable, even in this. They would choose a hot, and invariably submissive male, and insist upon a night at their home, and commanded the whole scene, intimidating the pliable victim with physical and psychological force. Both women were students of the martial arts as well as their nursing skills, and were not far from acquiring their black belt rank in jujitsu, and could apply various kinds of persuasive techniques anytime they wanted to.

The submissive men usually became obedient after an angry confrontation by the two, and they enjoyed their prey for the rest of the evening with insensitive cruelty. This evening had been fruitful for them, and the man chosen was quite a hunk, and was informed that he must service both of them. Few men were able to resist their tender guidance once they had broken down the first barriers of resistance.

In this case the girls were strictly interested in hot, filthy sex, and not the usual forbidden activities that dominated most of their time. A good number of attractive men had escaped their torture chamber, without ever having been aware of it. Debbie and Sandy were probably the nastiest, most disgusting fuckmates that one might find, and when all was said and done, the unfortunate men enjoyed what would be the hottest, if  most painful sex in their lifetime.


Debbie kissed her dance partner in her sloppiest manner, and the flustered male was at a loss to know the proper way to react.

"Oh wow girl, you're gonna make me blush!" 

He was about late twenties, and very handsome, and was obviously of a submissive nature. Deb decided to land this one, and raised her hand briefly at Sandy, who was dancing with another hot male not far away.

Sandy responded at once, knowing that Deb had found the type they were looking for.

She moved over and stood very close to Deb's new friend. He had short brown hair and wore casual clothing. She looked at him with that paralyzing stare of hers, and he seemed mesmerized by her. She whispered into his ear....

"I know you're a fucking mommies boy, and therefore you're going to do exactly as we say aren't you hot stuff? 

He stared at her in utter shock and disbelief, and moved back a bit, not certain as to what exactly he should do. They were knockouts, both of them, though a bit older than he usually dated.

"What are you......"

She glared at him and cut him off sharply......"Tell me your fucking name!"

"Why it' name is.....A.....Albert."

Sandy and Debbie moved very close and Sandy grabbed the man's crouch and squeezed hard. He grunted and tried to pull away, but Sandy had him in a tight, embarrassing grip, and he grunted and scrunched up his face.

"Oh dam", he whispered, "I've got to tell you that hurts?"

Sandy looked dispassionately at him....."I want your fucking body Albert, and your self esteem, and everything else that belongs to you! You're going to come home with us for our entertainment aren't you."

He went blank for a moment,  and his mouth fell open. 

Sandy squeezed harder....."Listen you chicken shit bastard, you're going to walk out of here with us, and we're going home where my friend and I are going to abuse you sexually all night long. Don't refuse us, and I mean it,  or I'll find out where you live and come looking for you later, and I won't be so nice to you then. You wouldn't like me when I'm mad, I promise."

Albert had never been at ease talking to women, and had never been able to form meaningful relationships, and had been a fool in this respect for most of his life. Something about this stunning blond terrified him, and he stood looking dumbly at her, nodding his head up and down like a scolded schoolchild.

."How big is your pecker Al?"

The three were standing at the edge of the crowd, and the floor was filled with gyrating dancers, driven by the unique sound of a new wave disco beat.

Albert looked at her with a perplexed smile on his face, and swallowed hard.

"I......I don't usually mention that to women when I first m......"

Sandy pinched his nuts so hard he nearly doubled over. They were in the shadows so that no one really noticed. Debbie grabbed his ass and gripped his butt cheeks at the same time.

"You do what we say cocksucker, you got that?"

He stiffened, and looked down at the floor.

"Answer me you fuck!"

Sandy was becoming impatient now and Albert got the message fast....Sandy was deeply intimidating to most males, and especially to a submissive male.

"I have....I have ten inches, uncut."

Sandy brightened noticeably, and smiled in the slightest way.

"You're fucking kidding me Al baby.....ten fucking inches uncut?"

Albert looked at her meekly, realizing that he was once again in that pit of subservience that he had occupied most of his life.

Deb pulled his face back a bit and looked around into his eyes.

"This asshole is telling the truth Sandy, we fucking hit the jackpot."

Sandy loosened her grip a bit on his nuts and spoke to him as a nanny would to a child. "Albert sweetheart....when was the last time you fucked a woman?"

He looked at Deb briefly, and then down at the darkened floor.

"Well's been two years."

Both Sandy and Deb laughed outloud as several women stared at them, and Sandy repeated the embarrassing tidbit of humiliation loud enough for all to hear.

"You haven't had a piece of ass in two years?"

Sandy and Debbie laughed and fluffed his hair with their hands.

Sandy shoved the humiliated Albert hard toward the exit, and pushed him forward as Deb followed close behind.

He seemed in shock and the submissive and needful part of him kicked in, and he went with them without further intimidation.

They left the noise of the club and walked to their car with Albert in tow.

He stopped briefly.....his inner alarm apparently activated, and spoke haltingly to them.

"I....I really don't want to go anywhere, I've got to get up early tomorrow, but I'm flattered that you......whack!!!"

Sandy slapped him on the back of the head so hard that he stumbled, and nearly fell. It seemed to knock the sense out of him briefly, and luckily no one was around as Debbie opened the rear door Sandy shoved him into the back seat.

He lay back staring numbly at them, and when Deb slid in beside him, he merely looked at her in amazement. Deb slapped his face several times very hard, and he became semi conscious. His face was bright red from the beating, and he lay there not quite in possession of his senses. As Sandy drove off, Deb secured his hands behind him, and fastened a blinder over his eyes so that he could see nothing.

Twenty minutes later they arrived home, and pulled Albert unceremoniously from the car. They walked him into the house and into the sex room, and untied him, and shoved him down onto the large bed. Albert lay there in a stupor of shock, and as they stripped him off he gave no resistance.

Their obscenely equipped sex room was separated from the rest of the house, and far from their torture room which was on the other side and downstairs. They wanted  merely to abuse him sexually, and enjoy their abhorrent carnal needs at his expense.

Both of the women were desperately horny, and determined that they would use this bastard like a condom and discard him. He would not, however, suffer their heavy tortures on this occasion....that is, unless he became uncooperative.

The women stripped off and their hairy vaginal entrances glistened with pussy juice. The odor was pungent and startling to Albert.

They grabbed his wrists, and pulled them roughly to the upper corners of the thick, steel framed bed. They cuffed him to the heavy metal frame, and did the same with his ankles. He was completely spread eagled now, and at their mercy in a way that was dreadful to him.

Deb grabbed a hypodermic and filled it from a vial nearby. She flicked the tip, knocking a drop off, and swabbed Albert's arm before jabbing the needle in hard.

Albert jumped and yelled from the pain, and tried to pull away. This was a serious mistake, and Sandy quickly punched him in the face and he lay there quivering.

"Don't you dare resist you piece of'll do exactly as we command without hesitation."

After Deb had injected the large amount of fluid into his arm, she put the syringe back down and waited. In a few moments Albert had come to life, and he was apparently in the throes of some kind of sexual frenzy. He was breathing heavily, and his pisshole drained fluid copiously onto his pubic hair.


Albert's massive cock sprang to life, and stood out like a long sausage, bobbing up and down, and dripping cum. They flopped down beside him and Sandy grabbed his large balls roughly, kneading them between her fingers. He said nothing, but lay there  in a submissive trance.

Sandy grabbed his penis tightly and pulled upward. "Raise your ass up!"

"I said high you bastard!"   Deb slapped him.

Sandy quickly slid a lubricated vibrator up his butt to the hilt, and flopped him down again, and he tried unsuccessfully to raise himself off the sheets to avoid the insistent vibration of the powerful device.

Deb stroked his huge pecker up and down and smacked it hard with her fingers, making it flip completely to one side.  Albert screamed in pain, and pulled involuntarily against the cold steel of the handcuffs.

Sandy straddled him and mounted him, positioning herself over his enormous prick. She lowered her marvelous body downward, and slid his long hard penis into her surprisingly tight cunt. 

He groaned as Sandy used him, and displayed the servility that was so familiar to him.

Sandy fucked downward roughly, making a strange squishing sound in the process. Her mature and nasty cunt was running with a thick smelly syrup that oozed down Albert's pecker as she began to fuck him.

She arched her back and force fucked him in the most obscene way possible, and Albert nearly lost his nuts then as she used him. She pulled off again and sat back as Deb placed a special cock ring around the base of his huge dick. This made his gargantuan member even harder, and it bounced up and down as he grimaced in pain.

Then she took out a long cotton swab and coated the end with a thick paste. She slowly inserted the swab down into his amazing prick, and he yelled in pain as the cruel probe tortured his inner tissues. He was grunting and sweating by now, but in a few minutes the pain began to leave, and he went into a unique kind of pleasure mode, unknown to him in his experience.

The pleasure was so intense that his balls jerked involuntarily, in a vain attempt to empty out, and the back pressure made him yell in pain. His huge nuts were swollen to bursting, and Deb expertly massaged them, making sure his pleasure was punctuated by pain. The head of his immense pecker was hard and shiny, and very near bursting.

Sandy resumed her superior fuck position on Albert's massive sex pole, and slid roughly down again, and pushed her swollen cunt lips hard against his pubic hair. She began to fuck him hard, undulating her incredible body in a most disgusting way, and he once again tried to pop his load, but was unable to, despite serious pain, and yelled again as Sandy screwed him unmercifully.

Deb had to take a shit and went to the bathroom which was nearby. As Sandy force fucked the unfortunate man, Debbie sat and watched eagerly. She knew that she had something for Albert also, but it wasn't fucking. She planned on getting her cookies another way.

She farted and several splashes gave evidence to her efforts, and when finished she wiped very lightly and briefly so that most of her odorous stain would be left intact for Albert. She flushed and went back to the bed.

Sandy was in the throes of lust as she pounded her wonderful hips up and down on the gasping Albert, and her large perfect titties flopped up and down erotically. He screamed as he tried to ejaculate again, but was unable to expel his huge load of semen. His balls were so large and swollen that they were turning blue, and the girls knew they must release his load soon.

Sandy slapped poor Albert hard several times as she fucked him, making him squeal sharply, and his face was bright red, and the sweat poured from him.

The strange feeling of being blindfolded while being abused was overpowering to Albert, and he experienced a special kind of shame as he lay there.

Deb squatted over his mouth and lowered herself down, forcing her rancid asshole over his nose, cutting off his air.

Albert sputtered and gasped for breath, and tried to cum once more, and screamed as the thick feces stain entered his mouth and nasal cavity.

"Eat my shit you son of a my stinking fucking crap or I'll cut your balls off!"

Albert was fighting for his life now, and knew that he must do exactly as he was told or face an uncertain outcome in this astonishing situation.

He retched and began to lick Debbie's well formed butthole, and a look of satisfaction spread across her face as Albert cleaned off the disgusting fecal cream.

He tried to vomit, but was unable to, and continued removing the sickening crap accumulation inside Deb's deep, musky farthole.

Sandy pulled the grunting Debbie to her and they kissed long and passionately, looking deeply into each other's eyes.

Sandy was intensely horny, and kissed Deb's face and cheeks as she fucked her male plaything.

"Oh baby", she groaned, "I fucking love you!"

Debbie moaned loudly and looked longingly into her lover's eyes....

" darling sugar babe, I love you too!"

Debbie was so hot she began to excrete a pungent vaginal emission over Albert's lips, and he gagged and tried desperately to swallow it along with the putrid shit.

He retched and heaved once again, but found that he could not vomit.

Deb and Sandy sucked each other's tongues, and exchanged saliva as they neared orgasm.

Debbie was grinding her fetid cunt and asshole over the helpless Albert's mouth, and his whole head and face was a brown bubbly mass of thick, grungy paste. He gulped down what he could between retching attempts, and when Debbie and Sandy orgasmed together, he received a massive load of cunt sewage over his balls from Sandy, and into his oral cavity from Deb.

He struggled desperately as he swallowed the astounding mess, and was so sick to his stomach that he knew he would not be able to eat normal food for some time to come.

Deb then turned around and placed her ureter over his mouth and cut lose with a hot steaming gusher of warm piss.

"Drink every fucking drop you lowlife bastard, and don't let any get on the bed!"

Albert was a limpid pool of misery by now, and he opened his lips widely, gulping a mouthful of the salty urine. He just kept his stinking mouth wide open, and swallowed as the steaming piss splattered into his trapped oral cavity, being careful not to let any dribble any onto the bed.

Finally the girls fell off poor Albert's body, and sat beside him tormenting his raw, swollen prick and balls.

Sandy twisted his pisshole  tightly, and Albert screamed in pain.

"Hey Deb let's see what this stupid fuck has in his balls."

Sandy began to masturbate Albert painfully as she grunted in sarcastic lust,  and as he screamed,  Debbie pulled hairs out of his scrotum.

Deb quickly grabbed a rubber and slid it partway down over his thick cockhead, and within a short time Albert howled insanely, and jerked so hard that he spit out some of the brown gooey shit offal still in his mouth.

His massive pecker spurted a thick gusher of boiling seminal fluid into the condom, and it began to fill,  so that it bulged upward and began to enlarge from the massive amount of ejaculate.

Albert screamed again and again as he pumped his hips upward violently, and his incredible dick squirted a thick mass of his sperm laden reproductive fluid with each violent jerk.

Deb held the rapidly filling rubber so that it could accommodate his huge load, and soon it was near bursting as he lay there quivering, thin streamers of semen oozing down around his bruised cock and nuts.

She slowly lifted the engorged condom off his raw, swollen penis, and pinched the tip to hold the contents in.

Albert lay there shaking violently,  pussy juice and crap dribbling from his mouth.

Sandy held his head firmly and slapped him hard, and spit in his face.

"You're not done yet you pathetic piece of shit, you're going to drink your cum, and you're going to swallow all of it."

Sandy pulled a long needle out of a drawer nearby, and swabbed Albert's  nipples with alcohol. He was trembling noticeably now, and jumped in shock as the coolness hardened them.

Deb held the greatly enlarged condom over his mouth and grinned slyly.

"Open wide made the mess and now you've got to take care of it."

Albert was breathing heavily now,  and his limp penis lay over his tortured balls.

He opened his mouth widely, and his tongue came out,  and he resigned himself to his chore.

Sandy jabbed a needle lightly into the tip of one of his nipples, just enough to cause Albert to yelp in pain and surprise.

"Feed him girl!' she grunted.

Deb released pressure on the tip of the bloated rubber and a streamer of semen poured into Albert's mouth. A gusher of disgusting cum poured out, and Albert gulped a thick glob of his own reproductive fluid. Once again he retched, but managed to swallow the salty goo, and as he swallowed each mouthful, he pinched his face into a grotesque caricature of repugnance, and the two perverted women watched him closely, enjoying his disgust.  

Deb shook the rubber and splattered drops over Albert's face as the last of it was expelled.

"Good boy!", said Sandy as she lightly jabbed his nipples with the sharp needle.

Albert jerked in pain as she went back and forth, stinging his tender flesh, and finally she tired of her fun, and decided to let him off easy. Albert had no idea how close he had come to intractable pain at the hands of these two women, having no conception that the mild mistreatment he had received so far was in fact trivial compared to what could have been.

Debbie got up and went into the bathroom to clean herself off, and Sandy wiped her soggy vagina with a towel.

They checked his vitals carefully, cleaned him off,  and took him cuffed and naked, and still blindfolded to the car. Deb carried his clothing in a bag. He was in shock, and they shoved him in the back seat on a surface cover. Deb sat with him in the rear, and they took him back to the nightclub where they had picked him up. They found a deserted area and shoved him out onto the asphalt parking lot. He stumbled and fell, and lay there in a heap, moaning strangely, still exhausted and in shock.

Deb wrote their lipstick logo on his forehead, and got into the front with Sandy, and bent over and kissed her briefly as they drove off.

"That was fun baby.....I just love to make a man eat my crapola!"

Sandy looked at her lover and smiled lightly.

"He's a pathetic bastard ain't he sweetness.....nice cock and nice fucking though, I got to say. Dam!,  I like cock almost as much as cunt."

Deb grinned widely at her lover....

"Me too let's go home and get a snack and watch a good movie."


Another victim bites the dust and the girls are becoming more bold as time goes by.

Ah, the vagaries of their unbridled lust!

Just be careful men, check that dark parking garage carefully before you get into your car......beware of that one night stand with two beautiful and overbearing women......because Debbie and Sandy are out there, watching and waiting, and biding their time.

Will you be their next victim?

Be careful, be very careful!!!

Review This Story || Author: Aceith
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