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Review This Story || Author: Allene Blake


Chapter 17

                           Chapter 17

    In the next session Mike would be on his honeymoon so there
would be just the four of us.
    I decided since the first session had gone so well I would
get a little more elaborate for the second. First of all I began
plucking hair out of her pussy as foreplay for sex as we had both
missed the look and feel of her totally nude pussy.
    That night none of them wanted to be late. All three cars
pulled into the driveway within seconds of each other. As soon as
they walked in they started looking around for Louise. I told
them they would see her in a minute but that I would make drinks
while I explained some differences in this session. They all
looked disappointed as they assumed the changes would be less
exciting. They brightened up when I told them that Louise had
decided to take a double session as a test but since seventy did
not work out evenly for four people  I agreed to sixty eight for
this session which would give us seventeen apiece and  forty for
the last with Mike getting the extras to make up for missing out
on this one.  Then I said.
    " As to the other changes it will be easier to show you than
tell you about them. Follow me to the rec room."
    They were obviously impressed when they walked in and saw
Louise tied in an "X" position with her legs about four feet
apart. She was obviously stretched as the muscles in her stomach
and the tendons of her inner thighs were in bold relief. I had
brought out the leather padded cuffs.
    " She is wearing the ball-gag at her request so her screams
if she makes them would not stop us. We will be using these thong
whips as she felt they would spread the pain and leave lesser
welts than the switches."
 She was holding two thong whips looped over a small chain going
to paper clamps on each nipple which were stretched to their
maximum. The third whip was hung over a small chain going to
clamps on each pussy lip. The lips had pulled out and the bent
over whip had settled into her pussy slit to pooch out around it.
It was obvious it was pressing on her clit.You could see by her
rapid breathing and occasional shudders that made all the whips
move that the pain of the clips and the anticipation of her
whipping had made her excited.
 I explained,
    " Louise asked if we would give her Thirty-six, nine each, at
the first part and then to speed up the session on the end by
three of us lashing her pussy, breasts and butt at the same time.
We will cut cards for the end with high card taking the pussy,
next card the breasts and next her butt. Low card will provide
the cadence."
    They stared at her awestruck and again they all wanted to
feel her body and especially the shaved pussy, commenting on how
soft and pretty it was and how it made her both extra naked and
like a young innocent girl at the same time. Her little gasps as
they tugged on her nipple clamps and pressed the lower whip into
her slit added to their excitement.
    When Ben felt her pussy he discovered it was wet and said in
awe, "My God. She is excited about this! We don't have to feel
guilty about hurting her. She wants it!"
    All agreed with my plan, with Ben saying, " God yes, Lets get
on with it!" and Fred saying, With my luck I'll be counting
    As it turned out I ended up as cadence counter which I did
not mind as it would give me the control to speed the lashes as
they progressed as I knew this would take her over the top.
    They went over to her to remove the clamps to get their whips
causing new gasps as blood returned to the pinched skin.
    Ben was first and it became obvious no-one would be wimpy
this time as he concentrated all his nine lashes on the sensitive
area of her inner thighs, her breasts and pussy. When Fred did
the same I was afraid she would come too soon  so I placed mine
on her butt, the back of her thighs and her stomach. John had
caught on to the technique to get her off starting with fairly
easy uppercuts to her pussy increasing the speed and severity to
the end. It was obvious to everyone she was in full orgasm as Ben
said, " I can't wait to the end," and buried his prick in her
pussy. Fred looked at me and when I just nodded he dropped his
pants and stuck his dick in her ass. She moaned and gasped
through her nose as they jerked her hips back and forth to bury
their dicks. As soon as Ben came and fell back, John replaced
    They were so excited they came in a short time and Louise was
still pumping her hips after all of them had fallen back on the
couch, thirstily finishing their drinks. Ben asked, " Aren't you
going to fuck her, Al?"
    "No," I replied, " I have something else in mind. Go make us
some drinks while We let her down for a break."
    " When I took of her gag, she whined, " You were going to
give all of them to me at once. I will never know if I could take
them all. I wanted to know how brave I could be."
    " That's all right We will know how brave you are in a little
while. Meanwhile I need to get off. Get on your knees and suck my
dick. I want it all down your throat!"
    Without protest, she went down and was able to swallow the
whole thing with only a few gag responses." The guys drank and
cheered us on till I came down her throat and had her lick any
excess come off my dick and balls.
    " Jesus, I felt like such a slut. Sucking him off while you
guys were looking on. I deserve to be whipped!" I gave her a
drink while I said, " Since you know you deserve it, and you want
to see how brave you are. On the last part You won't be tied or
    " Oh wow! I doubt that I am that brave. What if I run or
    " Then. I said, " I will tie you hanging from your ankles so
You can't faint and give you eight more to your pussy."
    " No. If I scream it will mean I can't stand it. To really
test my bravery. I will try not to scream. If I don't, I will lie
on the floor with my legs spread for your eight."
    I did not get a chance to answer as the guys jumped in
agreeing this would be a great test and would be fair.
    I agreed saying, " All right Louise, I am proud of you. Even
if you don't make it. I know we all appreciate the guts it must
take to make the offer."
    Louise said, " Would it be okay if I just held on to the
ropes. I think it would help."
    No-one objected as she walked to the ropes hanging from the
ceiling reached up as high as she could and held on as she spread
her legs to bring tension to her body."
    I knew how she liked it so I started the count slowly. The
first triple lash created a "splat" that echoed in the room. I
increased the speed while they made them harder. On the last one
she made a " yip."
    I asked, " Was that a scream?" In answer she let herself down
on the floor and spread her legs. 
    The guys were in awe as Ben said" Don't be too hard on her."
and the others agreed.
    They were even more impressed as she lifted her hips to meet
the lash all the way to the end.
    Fred said " She deserves a reward for that!" And started
lapping her pussy. Ben and John started kissing and licking her
breasts. As I kissed her she stuck her tongue out so deep I
almost choked.
    Finally she whined, " Please no more. I can't come anymore!"
    I went to get us some well needed drinks. By the time I got
back Louise was sound asleep. We took her to bed and put lotion
all over her by now red and welted body. She never knew it as she
just made small moans in her sleep as we turned her over.
    Ben said, " This has been fantastic. The only bad part is it
is ruining my sex life at home. It is really hard to get excited
over straight sex anymore. The only way I can get it up is to
fantasize about whipping the wife."
     Fred said, " You might not have to just fantasize. I
discovered something very exciting about my wife Linda. You might
remember last friday was Linda's birthday. I gave her some nice
presents along with one for myself. A nightie that consisted of a
white sheer g-string and a half top of the same material.You
could read a phone book through the material. I saved this for
    When she had opened the other presents she said,' I don't
really deserve all these. I have not been that good of a girl.'
Evidentally that reminded me of our sessions as I told her that
her birthday spanking would make up for the times she was bad.
She replied, ' Yea sure.' which I took as a sarcastic answer as I
handed her the last present. When she took it out she said, 
 ' Wow, I guess this is one I won't be showing to Mom. I suppose
you would like me to model it for you.' I was quick to agree and
she said, ' Then lets do it right.' Then she pulled a dining room
chair under our track lights. When she turned out the main lights
it gave the effect of a brightly lit stage in front of me.  Then
she came out modeling first posing as a high fashion model with
the poses changing to more of a "Playboy" mode. Then she came
over to me, took off the top and laid down across my lap saying,
' I am ready for my birthday spanking now.'
    I almost came on the spot. Her ass was bare with just a sting
going up the crack of her ass. I started out easy but as she made
no protest I increased the severity. By the time I got to the
last of the twenty-five  her butt was red as a strawberry and my
hand was sore. Just as I was about to apologize, she got up
kissed me then pulled out my dick and sat on it. I can't remember
her ever being that wet. When she came I began to wonder if all
her orgasms prior to this had been faked.
    As we calmed down I tried to think of something to say to
encourage a repeat in the future. Before I could think of
anything she said, 'Jesus, I thought it may be kind of exciting
to have you spank my bare butt, but I had no idea I would have
this reaction! Do you suppose it was caused by the nerves so
close to my pussy were being stimulated, or do you just think I
am weird?'
    I told her that I did not really care. I only knew it excited
me too and that I was all for it. With that we went to bed and
made love one more time.
    The next day when I got home from work she said, 'I want to
talk to you about last night.' I was sure she was going to say
that the experience was too bizarre and we could not do it again.
After all we had always made love in the dark or dim light and I
seldom got a chance to see her naked. When she said her butt was
so bruised she could hardly sit down I just knew it was all over.
    She fooled me! She showed me a whip she had made by braiding
together leather boot strings as she said, ' I hit myself with
this and it stings like crazy but it doesn't bruise. See.' as she
raised her blouse and pushed down the top of her pants to show
some angry looking welts across her stomach below the navel.
    'If I don't have any permanent damage I thought we might do
some experimenting next saturday, unless you have to work.' 
    I told her I would not work saturday even if the Pope got
arrested for rape. I remembered the salve we had used on Louise
and went to the drug store to get some for her. Just applying the
salve on her butt and stomach was enough to get us turned on for
some great sex. I can hardly wait for saturday. This might be a
more common thing than we thought. Ben, I think you should try to
think up some pretext to spank your wife. It might turn her on
    I thought this was great. Now I knew of at least two other
women who got off on punishment. I doubted we would be lucky
enough to get Ben's wife as well but there was always a chance.
He was definitely going to look for a pretext. At worst she also
had a birthday coming up.     

Review This Story || Author: Allene Blake
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