During the next month she was whipped or punished in some way
nearly every day. I became a challenge to me to come up with new
ways to inflict enough pain for her to reach orgasm without
leaving permanent scars. I noticed that she could stand more and
more pain and the pain became focused on her breasts, pussy and
She missed being on exhibition so I bought a camcorder so we
could put her punishment sessions on tape. I would often come
home to see her masturbating or whipping herself while watching
the tapes. I did not mind the masturbation but told her she could
no longer hurt herself as I did not want to miss out on the
I also experimented further with forcing her to accept
punishment without attempting to stop or lessen it in any way. I
became inventive!
I attached a broom handle to the outside of a pulley of an
electric motor whose speed could be controlled by a rheostat. The
broom went into a pipe to keep it upright. I then cut the
broomstraws into a v shape which concentrated the pressure at the
center and at the same time sharpened the ends. I then had her
stand over the broom with her legs spread and told her if she
moved she would get ten lashes to her back or legs which for some
reason caused her pain with no sexual release. At first she would
have to back off when I increased the speed of the broomstraws
pricking the lips of her pussy. As she got into it she would
spread her legs to allow occasional sticks to her clitoris.
Eventually she could stand there until her orgasms would force
her to fall back to the floor. This of coarse would make her
pussy very tender so when I fucked her or she masturbated, enough
pain could be generated to let her orgasm again.
Eventually we both became bored with this so I made her kneel
on the coffee table and hold her hands on the top of her head
while I whipped her breasts. If she moved her hand I would switch
to her back. In a short time she could withstand more lashes to
her breasts than I wanted to give as again I never wanted to
cause any permanent harm.
While looking for new ideas I happened onto the dildo with
the electric spikes we had purchased. I used it on her and it
satisfied her very well the first few times. Then she made the
comment that she wished it was bigger. This surprised me as it
was already as big as my wrist. At the hardware store I spotted a
vinyl compound used to dip tools in to make them non-conductive
to electricity. I dipped the dildo in it a few times letting it
dry between dips. this way I was able to make it a little bigger
every time she used it.
This came to a sudden halt when I came home from work and
found her jamming the dildo into her pussy with all her strength.
She had almost turned her pussy into hamburger. We were able to
cure her with home remedies as neither of us wanted to explain to
a doctor what had happened. The more I thought about it the
madder I got. When her pussy was on the mend I tied her over a
fallen tree in our backyard and whipped her ass with the quirt
till I drew blood in several places Then left her tied there
overnight without fucking her or anything else to let her forget
the pain. When I let her loose the next morning we saw that all
the gyrations she made on the log in an effort to avoid the quirt
had rubbed her stomach on the bark hard enough to cause several
more cuts. She could not sit comfortably for two weeks and
everyday she renewed her promise to avoid anything that could
harm her unless I was there.
Since we could not continue on our present course of ever
more serious pain without risking a visit to a hospital I tried
to think of a way to satisfy her other big passion of
exhibitionism coupled to pain. I could think of no reason to
return to California and could find no way to get away with it in
our home town. Just then fate took us in hand.