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Review This Story || Author: willowblonde

My Dutch pet

Part 23

Chapter 23

  Lacing her fingers through your hair and pulling sharply upwards is the only indication Chrissie gives that she wants you to rise to your feet.  Awkwardly you do so and allow her to chain your arms above your head so you are suspended in the middle of the room from the ceiling.  You feel some small relief as she allows your feet to remain firmly on the floor.  At least your arms won’t be forced to support your weight.  You know a beating is coming, scared though you are of the impending pain there is nothing you can do but accept it.  Breathing deeply you try to steady your pounding heart.

  Standing in front of you she lazily strokes your chest with the tip of a fingernail as with a smile on her face she asks you if you are ready.  Raising your head to meet her eyes you swallow hard before replying in a firm clear voice ‘Yes Mistress, I am ready.’

  Raising an eyebrow in surprise at how in control you seem she says ‘Really? I don’t think you are’ before swiftly and unexpectedly kneeing you in the groin.

  The sudden searing pain in your unprotected cock and balls was definitely not something you were anticipating. Your scream of agony appears to have been the reaction she was hoping for as a huge grin spreads across her face.

‘See I told you you weren’t ready! Shall I wait until you are ready before I do it again?’

You are unable to answer her as your whole brain concentrates on trying to block out the agonizing fire burning in your groin.  Desperately but hopelessly you try to pull your wrists free from the restraints.  Not giving you any chance to recover or reply to her question she knees you again.  The pain the second time is indescribable.  You have never felt anything like it, not even when I whipped you to within an inch of your life.  The pain, this time, centred in the most sensitive part of your body is excruciating.  Involuntarily you let go of your bladder.  You are in such agony you don’t even feel ashamed at wetting yourself in front of her.  She has anticipated your reaction because as the first stream of urine hits the floor she grabs your cock, none too gently, and directs your urine into a bowl.  As you continue to writhe in agony suspended from the chain, unable to protect yourself, she throws the urine into your face.  The sting of piss as it drips into your eyes adds to your agony, but there is to be no let up.  She doesn’t intend to give you any opportunity to recover before inflicting the next torture on you.

  Again showing no concern to your discomfort or pain she tries roughly removing your cock piercing.  Unable to get a good grip on the studs either side of the piercing because you are ‘dancing around’ she has to give up until the pain has subsided sufficiently to allow you to stand still.  Tapping her right foot impatiently on the concrete floor she waits begrudgingly.  When you finally stop moving she makes her second attempt to remove it, this time successfully.  Your heart fills with dread as you wonder why she is taking it out.  You know that it certainly isn’t for your benefit.  You soon find out as she replaces the bar with another one, the same diameter as the original but this one longer so that the bar protrudes either side of your cock.  It takes a while for her to push the bar through and it takes all your willpower to remain still while the rod is forced through, as the end stabs at the inside of your tender penis as she fails to push it through in a straight line.  When it’s through she attaches a 10cm length of thin chain by the end links to each side of the bar before firmly screwing the studs back onto either end.  To the loop made by the chain she attaches an ‘S’ shaped hook and to this a small bucket.  Satisfied with her improvised cock torture equipment she asks ‘How much weight do you think the bar on your piecing can take before it rips through your cock?’

  Horrified at her words you can only stare at her wide eyed with dread and fear.  It was easy to imagine you could close your mind off to her and pretend you were in a different place while you were kept in isolation, and although you don’t care how she humiliates you or treats you like a dog the reality of physical torture is something else.  Your mind is forced to remain exactly where your body is to endure the hell that is about to come.

  ‘Shall we see?’

  Leaving you suspended helpless to your fate she goes out into the garden, but only briefly as it doesn’t take long for her to gather some stones of different sizes from outside.  Returning to the shed carrying the stones she creates a small pile of them on the floor 10ft away from you.  Picking up the first one she throws it over arm as if she was bowling a cricket ball, in the general direction of the bucket.  It misses and bounces off your thigh leaving a small cut behind.  It seems not only is she intent on ripping the piercing through the end of your cock she also doesn’t care if she stones you to death.  The stones litter the floor after carelessly cutting and bruising your torso and legs.  A few manage to land in the bucket, but not enough to weigh heavily on your piercing or your cock.  However, Chrissie doesn’t appear to be disappointed at her poor aim; in fact she was quite amused just watching you ‘dance’ every time a stone hit your naked flesh.  But bored now with that particular game she picks up several of the stones that lay around your feet and casually drops them in the bucket.  By the time she has finished you can feel the pull on your cock, at first it isn’t too bad but gradually the pain intensifies, as your cock is dragged downwards from the weight.  It is small comfort to realise that she has put just enough weight on your piercing to make your cock hurt but not to rip it to shreds.  You are sure that after this punishment to your poor cock, you will never be able to obtain an erection at all, let alone maintain one.

  As she moves behind you and you hear the shed door closing again you relax slightly as you realise there are no further punishments to endure, just the hell of your current one as she leaves you hanging there with the dead weight of a bucket full of stones dragging on your sensitive cock.

  How wrong can you be?

  You hear the whistle of a rubber hose being swung through the air just before you feel it contact your flesh.  The shock and pain force the air from your lungs as your body is thrown forward.  The bucket is jerked sharply forward with you and swings violently to and fro between your legs causing fresh pain with each swing.

  ‘Oh my God!!!, oh fucking hell!!!’ is all you can scream over and over again as the hose whips your back relentlessly.  Given no time to recover between blows your body dances grotesquely on the end of the chain.  Chrissie is careful in her beating of you.  She wants no bloody welts left behind.  She doesn’t want to risk infection in open wounds, not because of any compassion for you but simply because she doesn’t want you out of action for any length of time.  You will be ready to serve her whenever she wants you.  Angry red welts appear on your back and legs but the skin doesn’t break.  With each painful blow your cries become weaker, until your voice is so hoarse there is nothing left but the tears rolling down your face mingling with the sweat pouring off you.

  Your whole body is on fire and you are close to the point of losing consciousness, but Chrissie seeming to sense this stops beating you.  Moving to stand in front of you she leans close and kisses you on the lips. Breathing heavily from her exertions she gives herself time to regain her breath then softly whispers ‘you do understand why I had to punish you don’t you slave?’

  Through the pain you recognise the sudden change in her mood.  It scares you how she seems to switch her madness on and off.  It’s as if she wants you to accept that you needed and deserved to be beaten.  That it was your fault it had come to this and not hers.  Wanting to keep her in a good mood in the hope that she will release you without further torture you reply with a croaky voice saying what you know she wants to hear.

  ‘Yes Mistress. I deserved to be punished.  Thank you Mistress. I…I am sorry for being a worthless slave who is unable to satisfy you.’

  Cupping your face gently in her hands she smiles as she graciously accepts your apology.

  ‘Good, no bad feelings then, and I’m sure you won’t fail to satisfy me next time will you?’

  Torn between lying and receiving further punishment when she realises you can’t satisfy her or telling her a half truth and risking her immediate wrath you decide that if you are going to be tortured again you might as well get it over with now.

  Managing to inject sorrow and embarrassment  into your voice you reply ‘I’m sorry Ma’am I really am that I failed you but I…I…have… I have problems.’

  Her tone sharp she asks ‘problems? What do you mean problems??’

  ‘I’m sorry Ma’am.  I am so ashamed, but I…I….I can’t keep it hard.  It isn’t that I don’t want to, it just doesn’t work properly……’

  ‘What?!  You can’t keep a fucking hard on? For fucks sake!  I bet you managed to fuck her without any problems! I’ve a good mind to fucking beat you senseless.  Why the fuck should I lose out yet again??’

  Anxious to diffuse her anger before she lets rip on your poor battered body again you manage to summon up some more tears - not hard to do when your body is crying out in agony.

  Taken aback she asks why you’re crying when she’s the one who should be fucking crying.

  Hoping to God she doesn’t find out you are lying you reply ‘Please Mistress, I understand that you are angry with me, but please help me.  I promised you I would serve you faithfully and that is what I want to do, please believe me.  I have had this problem since Mis…since I was sold into slavery.’ 

Incredulously she replies ‘You mean you never fucked her either?’

  ‘Yes Mistress, I mean no Mistress I failed her too. She wasn’t interested in helping me though; she just made fun of me.  I am so ashamed of myself. I want to please you, please help me.’

  It seems that by making me seem like a bitch you have managed to diffuse her rising anger as she says with gentleness in her voice ‘So, she hasn’t had the pleasure of your cock inside her either. Hmm well maybe I can have something she hasn’t then.  Don’t worry slave, I told you I’m not a complete bitch, she may have humiliated you but I will help you and I know just the thing to solve your problem.  Ok let’s get you down because I need to go shopping.’

  Her sudden change in mood is unnerving but you aren’t going to complain.  You are grateful the tactic you used has worked.

  As soon as she removes the weighted bucket from your cock and releases you from the ceiling chain you collapse in a heap on the floor, your hands instantly going to your throbbing cock, cupping them over it in an automatic reaction to protect it from further punishment.

  Although she doesn’t give you a moment to recover she does allow you to walk back to the house instead of crawling.  Pulling you by the leash she sets off at a brisk pace forcing you into a hobbled run to keep up with her.  Once in the house she takes you to the utility room and secures you by the neck to the chain attached to the wall.  This time you are kept on a short leash, there will be no opportunity for you to walk around the room or even lie down,  all you can do is sit or kneel close to the wall.  You know that she is definitely in a good mood though as she hands you two strong painkillers to take.  Although, as she doesn’t give you any water to take them with, it’s difficult to swallow them.  The unpleasant taste left on your tongue nothing compared to some of the things you have been forced to taste in the past.

  Once she’s left the house you sit with your back against the wall, the coolness of the stone taking some of the heat out of your burning back.  Opening your legs as wide as the hobble chain will allow you gently take your throbbing cock in one hand and examine it carefully.  Surprisingly, apart from being an angry red colour it doesn’t appear to be physically damaged.  The bar and chain hanging from it disgust you.  For you, that alone has mutilated your cock beyond belief. You will never be proud of it ever again.  It is so tempting to remove the piercing for a while.  She surely won’t be back for a few hours and she will never know, but as your fingers move to undo one of the studs you hesitate.  What if she comes back early?  What if you can’t put it back in? What will she do to you? Why do you care what she does? Perhaps you will anger her so much she will vent her fury uncontrollably and put you out of your misery for good.  Then she won’t have a hold over either of us.  Even as you have those thoughts you know that you can’t do it. You have to endure whatever she puts you through, just for the faint hope that when your time with her has been served you will return home where you belong.  Hating yourself for being weak and afraid you sit there and cry.

  Your exhausted mind is in turmoil as you think about a life lived long ago.  How carefree and happy you used to be.  Your parents.  God how you miss them.  Do they ever wonder where you are?  Are they searching for you even now? Have they given you up for dead?  Your thoughts drift to your home in Den Helder, to the simple things like the beer festival held there every year.  Perhaps it’s that time of year now?  You don’t know; time has lost all meaning.  Everyone – your friends and family may this minute be drinking beer, laughing and enjoying themselves with their friends and neighbours, totally oblivious to your suffering.  What would have happened if you hadn’t abandoned me when you felt things were moving too quickly between us?  Perhaps our child would have lived and we would be happy now living together in Holland.  What if your ship hadn’t sailed to the Caribbean and you hadn’t gone to that bar?  What if I hadn’t been on holiday and fatefully turned up at the slave auction?  So many ifs, but no point thinking about any of them.  You cannot go back and change what has happened to you.  This is your life and you have no choice but to live it or die. 

Eventually you fall into a fitful sleep despite shivering with the chill that has seeped into your bones.

Review This Story || Author: willowblonde
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