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Review This Story || Author: rolf palsy

Twisted Teen Tales

Part 23

                       Twisted Teen Tales - Chapter 23

                                                        Fractured Family (part 7 of 10)

       Tina and Francine showed up carting a large leather roller bag filled with all sorts of drugs and instruments that they had liberated from the hospital during their tours of duty. They were most eager to get a good look at Bernice who was still bound so that either her cunt or asshole could be used. Tina, who was almost a head shorter than her companion but equal when it came to the tit department, observed that Bryce's sister looked as if she was a little underweight. He could shed no light on the reason until it dawned on him that he hadn't seen her fed since he arrived home.

       With her badly swollen tongue, Bernice was hard pressed to make any sense when she tried to speak, but she did manage to communicate the fact that she hadn't eaten in over four days. The two aides looked at each other and smiled. Then they told Bryce they had something his sister might like to eat if she was coaxed. He immediately knew that his nasty sibling was about to start wishing she was somewhere else, even a concentration camp run by sex-crazed Nazis would be better than here.

       Francine pulled out a long strip of cloth that was about three inches wide and perhaps six feet in length. She located a vial of dark liquid and carefully poured it onto the strip that quickly absorbed it. She remarked that the dental fixture used to prop open the teen's jaws was perfect for their purposes. As Bryce watched in fascination she folded the strip in half and then used what looked like part of a metal coat hanger to begin pushing the cloth down Bernice's throat. The girl struggled at first, fearing suffocation, but after being told to relax or she would choke, things went well for the next minute or so as more than a foot of the doubled up strip disappeared down her throat. Then the fun began.

       Whatever was embedded within the cloth now started to react with the warm, wet environment deep inside her gullet. The membranes located in the region of the impregnated cloth started to swell as they were attacked by the vapor issuing from it. Within seconds of the initial reaction Bernice began to gasp frantically for air, but it seemed to be trapped within the cloth and the swelling throat lining surrounding it. The aides leaned closer to absorb her terror and pain, giggling like children at her agony. Then she lost control of her bladder for the second time and soaked the bedding with a renewed torrent of acrid piss.

       While Francine kept a death watch on the strangling teenager, her companion whispered into Bryce's ear, assuring him that she would not die now, no matter how grim things appeared. So he relaxed and enjoyed the show as his sister's face turned blue then a ghastly shade of gray, her eyes bulging from their sockets and her entire body twitching, the skin crawling in places as she exhausted her air supply. Finally she lost consciousness and the aides clapped their hands gleefully and began counting out loud, stopping at twenty before Francine pulled the strip from Bernice's throat and the teenager began coughing and gasping for breath.

       They switched places and this time Bryce was the beneficiary of a very professional blowjob as Tina threaded the strip back down his sister's throat and watched delightedly as she went through the same agony as before, only this time faster as her resistance had been greatly weakened by her first bout with the effects of the strip's mystery material. Francine took another turn, but this time she cut the strip in half and pushed the two parts up the teenager's nostrils and into the back of her throat this time and poor Bernice went through the hellish assault on her lungs and nervous system for a third time, passing out very much quicker, and remaining unconscious for much longer as her weakened body was unable to recuperate at a normal rate any longer.

       Having wet the bed twice already did not sit well with the two aides, who decided that Bernice needed to be taught a lesson in manners so that she would not be tempted to create such a breach of decorum again, at least not in their presence. They untied the teen and let her brother make sure she didn't cause any trouble, not a problem since she could barely stand on her own after those three bouts with the strip torture. Regardless he put her in a choke hold and amused himself by choking her out as the aides stripped the bedding and gingerly carried it down the hall toward the bathroom, along with the roller. Bryce's eyes lit up, this was getting more interesting now. It was going to be a partial payback for what happened to him over a week ago.

       Bernice's hands were cuffed behind her back and attached to a metal collar they fixed around her neck, tightening it until she started choking. The dental  fixture was removed from her mouth and she was put to work sucking the pee from the bedding. To incentivize her to do a good job, her not so pert tits were whipped with a quirt whenever she slowed down in her efforts to remove the waste from the sheets. Meanwhile they were setting up her next torture using the contents from the mysterious leather roller. They produced a rather elaborate enema delivery system that was much more sophisticated than anything he had ever seen. It attached to a double bag that according to them held up to a gallon of various solutions designed to create havoc within the confines of the "patient's" bowels.

       Tina also modeled her favorite strap-on, joking that some of her male patients loved to take it up the ass from her after hours. It was custom made from a special composite material and featured the ability to both increase its length and girth. Bryce wondered what kind of men would enjoy taking a monster like that up the ass, even if it was attached to a good looking teenager with a great ass, big tits and a smile that would melt the hardest of hearts. Francine asked the youth if he wanted to take a turn whipping his sister's tits and he jumped at the opportunity. The two aides were most impressed by his energy and nastiness; enjoying this payback no end. He homed in on her pinkish nipples and did everything but whip the skin off those swollen nubbins, as the girls egged him on. Bernice must have gone up at least a cup size by the time he was done working on those once perky boobs.

       While Bryce had been entertaining himself at his sister's expense, the two teens were busily mixing up Bernice's initial enema, a witch's brew of glycerine containing a mixture of  ground chili peppers, tiny metal shavings and beach sand plus alum that would dry up the mucous membrane guarding her lower intestines. The carrier was so heavy that Bernice would find it a hellish experience to force the heavy liquid from her roiling bowels. This would be a minor inconvenience compared to the damage that the matrix materials were doing to her insides.

       Bernice took nearly two quarts of the devilish mixture bending over the tub. Bryce stood in the tub and had his sister suck his cock while she took the enema. The first wave of cramps also caused the first realization that something horrible was going on inside her body. The alum had started shrinking the membranes protecting her sensitive intestines. At the same time the metal shavings and sand began to abrade the weakened walls, opening them to an attack by the ground chili peppers that started eating away at the exposed flesh. Bryce had to be quick to avoid having his cock bitten in two by his sister. Her jaws clamped tight and then her teeth chattered as she underwent wave after wave of burning agony. The screams were deafening, so loud in fact that Francine had to stuff some of the piss soaked sheet material into the teen's mouth to stifle her.

       They watched dispassionately as Bernice thrashed in agony, her body shaking like a leaf in a wind storm as the metal and sand ripped away the weakened membrane guarding her intestines. Her face grew pale and then she passed out, still shivering from the agony she was experiencing. Tina shut off the flow and turned a few small switches in the jungle of  tubing to lock the enema shut, imprisoning the glycerine and its matrix to continue tearing away at her bowels.

       Francine casually mentioned that this particular enema was very popular at the hospital, used on major league troublemakers regardless of their age or sex. Tina chimed in and added that recently she had watched a skinny sixty year-old woman take three quarts and hold it for over an hour without too much damage to her insides. She claimed it was the  woman's husband who convinced the doctor that it would calm his wife of some thirty-five years down, which it did. By now Bryce was beginning to get very nervous about his sister who was still writhing despite the fact that she was unconscious.

       The aides joked about his concern, and called him a sissy for worrying. The youth could now see that his sister's belly was quite distended and she was sweating profusely. Tina observed that she looked like someone in the throes of giving birth to maybe twins or triplets, and laughed heartily. Francine finally suggested that they do something else to Bernice like force her to drink their piss as well as Bryce's, then dunk her in the toilet until she passed out. Tina thought that was a great idea and added that she and Bryce could then double fuck his sister with Bernice using her strap-on while the youth worked on her asshole to see how much blood he could pump out of that ruined back channel of his sister's.

       They roused Bernice and told her that unless she did as they ordered, she'd stay plugged until her insides melted. To reinforce what they said, Francine whipped her titties with the quirt and Tina punched her in the face a couple of times before Bryce stepped forward and told her to open up and not to spill a drop or he'd run her head into the tiled wall. The terrified and very confused teenager did as she was ordered and guzzled down the powerful stream that he loosed. No sooner was he finished then Francine stepped up and jammed her pubic mound against Bernice's mouth and peed up a storm. Little Tina finished her off by nearly drowning her in an ocean of piss that must have been aging in her bladder for half a day. No sooner was she done, then Bernice began vomiting. For this breach of conduct she was made to suck up evey drop while she was whipped with a leather strap and kicked repeatedly in the ribs and ass. All the time her insides were slowly being eaten away by the chili peppers, metal and sand. How she managed to survive this ordeal and remain partially sane was a testament to her youth and strength.

       They cut the girl some slack and let her void the enema, which was an agonizing process that made the eyes of the two aides glitter. Bernice panted and shivered as she strained to force the heavy liquid from her bowels that felt as if they were on fire. It came out in slow, drawn out spurts that splattered into the toilet bowl. To help her along, Tina and Francine took turns using the quirt on her welted tits, slashing those once pert and perky mounds of tight  flesh into droopy bags that might look more appropriate on someone in her fifties who had delivered and nursed a dozen children in her fertile years.

       The energy she expended ridding herself of this liquid fire made her so weak that she fell off the toilet and fouled the floor with a portion of what remained broiling her insides. This in turn led to the aides taking turns holding her head under the filth she had just released into the toilet. She passed out repeatedly and swallowed more and more of that noxious mess that began to burn her mouth and tongue as well. The most surprising observation according to Bryce was the small amount of blood that was mixed in with the enema.

       Tina piped up with the tale of one patient, a man who had broken both legs and was in traction. For one reason of another he proved to be a very difficult patient. This caused his nurse, a no-nonsense woman in her late fifties, to administer a three quart enema of the type that Bernice had just been given for five days straight. He lost approximately two pints of blood that she replenished after the fifth day when he had started to turn pale. He became a model patient after that experience, and his nurse was so pleased tht she would let the aides, including Tina, give him frequent hand jobs to keep him quiet and calm. Rumor had it that he even let his nurse train him how to properly eat her pussy when she worked the night shift in his ward.

       Bryce was now convinced that his sister wasn't in any serious danger, which meant she was still available for plenty of pain and torment. Unfortunately the aides had to leave early because they were working that evening. They did help him restrain his sister on fresh bedding, positioned with her legs up and back to very close to her ears, making her cunt and asshole available for as much fucking as he and his buddies could deliver over the next twenty -four hours or so.

       Bryce made a few calls to some friends,explaining the situation and inviting them and any trusted friends they knew to come over and do his sister until her cunt and asshole gaped. He also made sure that no one wore a safety in order to make it a more daunting experience for his exhausted and half crazy sister. In a half hour he had three cars parked outside his house and their five occupants were busy seeing how much cock Bernice could take at the same time. By morning his sister had taken eighteen guys, many of them more than once. It did give some of them pause when they'd pull out of her asshole to discover their pricks were coated with fresh blood. Bryce managed to convince every one that Bernice was safe and to go at her with everything they had since she was a miserable slut who deserved anything they could do to her and more.

       The next day Bob Granders came home without his little sex toy who was pooped after having almost nonstop sex with him and  many of his associates for the better part of two days and nights. She was thrilled to meet all these very important people and considered it the best weekend for making new social and business contacts since she had left college. He arrived just in time to witness his daughter easily taking two cocks in her loose, sloppy, dripping cunt, while a third dick, thick as a man's wrist, and nearly a foot long was pile driving deep into her bleeding asshole. Another two cocks were making a sandwich of her mouth, coming from either side and distorting her pale, haggard face with each thrust. Standing close by was his son, Bryce, taking pictures with his digital camera that he planned to post on the Internet. All told it had been a tremendous weekend for the male members of the Granders family,the first of many.

                       ( To be continued - rolf palsy )   

Review This Story || Author: rolf palsy
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