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Review This Story || Author: BusyNeuron

Cannibal Cruise

Chapter 8



This is a fantasy! Women are lovable persons and I would do anything to make them happy. I am a vegetarian myself.


Cannibal Cruise. Chapter 8.

Samantha can't help creaming her knickers. There it is, the 'Yoni Bagh', a floating fairytale palace illuminating with her lights Marseille's harbour. A flood of memories run through her mind, a kaleidoscope of images with associated sounds and aromas: Tempting full breasts, scent of fresh sweat, rigid penises, male and female faces contorted with pleasure, open mouths uttering passionate incoherent cries, luscious roasted female buttocks, exciting heady mixture of pussy secretions and semen, a gravy dripping pussy filet, excited moans, anguished, desperate cries from a dying woman,  the unbearably delicious taste of a crunchy, roasted human nipple in her mouth, the smell of fear, dripping pussies, shrill, pain-crazed shrieks, excruciating suffering turned into orgasmic passion, arousing aroma of roasting flesh, coming from a just open oven, a golden female body turning slowly over red-hot coals, her own clothes being ripped open, hands, hundreds of hands, caressing her body, teeth biting her bare neck, her anus mercilessly pierced,...

Wrapped in Pierre's strong arms, she comes again and again, lost in multiple orgasms. His sweet kisses bring her slowly back to the here and now. The 'Merideth', her nemesis turned womb for her glorious rebirth, is sailing other seas. This is the 'Yoni Bagh'. She is going to relive a momentous part of her life but now without limits or reservations. Free from lotteries, enormously exciting as they had been, free to indulge in all kinds of wild experiences, no matter how outrageous, perverted or cruel. She is eager to experience all that comes her way, eager to devise new, wicked ways to extract excitement and pleasure from life...

Yes. Oh yes! She and Pierre are going to be partners of 'Ambrosia luxury gourmet cruises'. Pierre will take some convincing, he is tenderhearted, like most men, but she knows exactly what to do. She playfully clenches her anal muscles. Pierre moans, his penis stiffening immediately... Giggles and outright laughter wake her out of her reverie.

They are all standing in the pier, a delighted group of friends watching the dreamy couple.

Blushing, Samantha disengages from a rampant Pierre, lowers her skirt and retrieves her torn knickers from the ground.

"Welcome to our pride and joy 'The Yoni Bagh'. Ah, there are our naughty princesses! Come down girls and meet our friends."

"Acha, captain Memsahib!"

A splendid coterie of beautiful Indian girls, attired in magnificent, shape enhancing, silk saris come down the gangway and surround the happy friends.

Introductions are a confusion of giggled Namastes while the Indian girls, gracefully raising their hands, palms together, avoid being kissed by their new friends.

"Don't be misled by their coyness. In India public display of affection is not seemly but wait until we are all onboard with our clothes off! Come let's all aboard."

"Hi Babita. What did you girls do these last days? Did you behave?"

"Certainly not Bettyji! We found Marseille's people almost as passionate and fun loving as us. I am afraid we have broken many a heart! We have also toured all dens of sin available. Quite a shock for us, poor innocent  girls!"

Amid giggles "Mumtaz bought some dirty movies!"

"Did she? Were they any good?"

"You bet! I mean... Disgusting really! Arab snuff movies... But well... you get used to it and... We somehow got to like them. Nadira insisted we watch them, she kept bothering us... touching, you know and kissing... Got us in quite a state!"

"Yes, we had to have an orgy there and then. We called for our dear sailors, pussy scent got them quite frantic... Lingam of Brahma, had we a romp!"

"We are quite fond of the dirty movies now. They are mighty pukkah really!"

"It was Babita who said the Moroccan women we have aboard could pass for Arabs and captain memsahib had said we could have fun with one..."

"Come on girls! I had just mentioned it and you all trooped into the kitchens asking for Aisha. And it was Mumtaz who thought she would play Kali, the destroyer, and you all wanted to be her nautch girls for the temple sacrifice scene. We all enjoyed the game!"

"It was better than in the movies! Poor Aisha lasted almost a whole day. A good sport she was!"

"We'll have her leg roasted for dinner. Guess what dear captain? Nanda, Mahima and Jaya are going to try Aisha's leg too! Fifteen cannibals out of thirty Indian girls!"

"That's my girls! I want you all to have a good time. Nothing like a happy passage!"

"Why don't you all meet us in the hall later? Jessy and I are going to show our friends the ship."

"Acha, Betty Memsahib!"

"As you can see the 'Yoni Bagh' is far smaller than the 'Merideth', but laid out in the same pattern. It is more modern and fully automated. I could sail it single-handed. We hire sailors mainly to keep the girls happy, but they are also quite handy as waiters or if a girl becomes rebellious.

Power plant and engines occupy very little room. Most of the space is devoted to lodgings and entertainment. Our Indian girls use quite comfortable communal quarters, a little cramped at first but quite adequate once lotteries start and girls are cooked. We'll give their quarters a miss. They are quite proud of them and will love to show them to you."

"This is officers' land, these are our quarters and there are also a few staterooms for our wealthy customers. You'll use this one. How do you like it?"

"Whoa! It is super! Look Justine, there is a bed for each of us and a big communal one to share!"

"Betty, dear, will you carry on? I have to update the log book and take care of some other things. I'll meet you later on at the hall."


"And this is where we keep the girls we buy for entertainment. Just a few to feed cannibal staff and keep the girls amused on the Bombay-Europe leg. Quite a lot on the return trip when we'll cater to more jaded -and wealthy- customers."

"Pretty gals, but the poor dears scarcely have room to move in these close rows of bunks. And they all seem to be asleep,"

"We don't have the room the 'Merideth' has. We keep them shackled to the bunks and drugged except for those we'll need in the next couple of days. We keep undrugged girls next door where they live quite comfortably. We feed them the same mixture we used for pre-lottery girls aboard 'Merideth' -clean bowels, no need for enemas. No trace of drugs after one day and quite lively the day of their debut!"

John caresses a juicy pussy and sniffs appreciatively his fingers.

"Crew wipes regularly the drugged girls' pussies. They pee, you know."

Sally kneads a full breast "They are top quality!"

"Oh yes. We could buy cheaper ones but we have a reputation to make! Compared to our Indian princesses they are sold cheap in Casablanca, Cairo, Aden... But we'll need many, four daily as an average. Even if the main dish is one of our princesses our clients would not be satisfied with just one pussy filet... And they'll want entertainment... We'll wake up five tomorrow for the 'Cruise inauguration extravaganza'..."

"How many are there next door?"

"Just Fatima. You heard what the Indian girls did to Aisha. We'll have some fun with Fatima tomorrow. Come let's meet her."

"Hi Fatima! How are you feeling today?"

"Fatima sleep, always sleep."

"You'll be better tomorrow my pretty. Come kiss these friends."

"Upon my word young lady, you are a dish! Come give us a kiss!"

"Fatima, my darling, what a fine cunty you have. Let me lick!"

"Let me feel your beautiful titties love!"

"Mon Dieu, what a lovely bottom Chérie!"

"Hmmmm, Ahhhh... Fatima likes...."



"You have seen all except for the execution and cooking hall where Jessy and the girls are waiting for us. It is smaller than that in the 'Merideth', more personal and cosy. Here you get more out of the experience... a heightened intimacy with the poor executed girls... Hope you like it!"

Execution and cooking halls have an aura of sensuality that invades anyone stepping inside. Add the sight of thirty naked, excited Indian beauties and the strong musk emanating from their juicy pussies and the effect is overpowering. Clothes fly from the newcomers and a frantic, wild orgy ensues.


"Dear Babita. I do declare, you and your sisters are really wild. I would take you all home with us!"

"Don't joke John sahib. We have what we have, let's make the most of the rest of the cruise" an impish smile "or until I am cooked."

"I know what you feel dear girl, I was once in your situation. Forget the future until the cruise is done. Try to enjoy every single moment!"

"I can't help it Sally memsahib. Bettyji has promised a job in 'Ambrosia' to any of us who survives this maiden trip. That, more than the prize, is my dream, recruiting girls for these cruises, sharing the excitement of  this project, belonging to the budding community of cannibals in Bombay, sailing again aboard the 'Yoni Bagh' -as representative of 'Ambrosia'... This cruise is the most marvelous thing that ever happened to me. I was vegetarian but took to eating human flesh as fish to water. I love orgies and sensual executions... This... this is the life!"

"Hush dear Babita. I survived a cruise, so did our friend Samantha and maybe you will too."


"It is Chef Mei Ling. She is going to cook what is left of Aisha. Come, let's see!"

"Roasted leg. Puagh!"

"Don't worry Sridevi, you'll get your Thali. But please eat a double portion in case we get to cook you one of these days!"

A kitchen assistant brings in Aisha's remains, lower body and head, on a trolley.

"Ayeeyah, captain Jessica. Look what these naughty girls did to poor Aisha! Dew neh loh moh! How can I cook great dishes from damaged goods?"

Indian girls hold their breath and look guilty while Jessica bends down to examine what is left of the body.

Aisha had dainty feet, toenails painted bright red, but the soles of her feet are badly charred. All the girls look elsewhere when Jessica looks up.

Aisha's shapely legs are covered with cigarette burns and her thighs show deep punctures 'Some nifty skewer work here' thinks Jessy.

Aisha's pussy lips are a veritable pin-cushion and her clitoris seems to have been bitten off.

'Let's have a look at her backside'. The poor girl's buttocks are criss-crossed with deep whip welts but it is her gaping anus that shocks Jessica. 'I could put my fist inside. God knows what the naughty girls have used!'

Aisha's head shows a silly grin, a tribute to the kitchen's esthetician's efforts to erase a rictus of agony.

"Emmm... Dear Mei Ling, my apologies. You are right of course, but... Girls will be girls. You know how it is when they get carried away..."

All girls breathe again, relieved.

"But I'll talk to them most seriously. They should be more careful next time!"

"Miss Mumtaz, would you please come with me?"

"Glubb... Yes captain memsahib, Madam."

Whispering "Uhmm... Mumtaz my sweet, could I borrow your dirty movies for a couple of hours? I believe I don't have them in my collection."

"Yes Madam captain, my pleasure!"

"Ahem... You have not recorded, by any chance, poor Aisha's last day. Have you?"

"Well... yes. One of the hall's 3D cameras happened to be on. I have added the recording to the movies memory stick."

"Good thinking! Thank you dear girl." Louder "And I don't want any more complaints from our gifted Chef, Mei Ling. Make sure you respect her work. Life is not just having fun!"

Mollified, Mei Ling directs dinner preparation. All of Aisha's remains will be cooked to feed the increased number of cannibal Indian girls and the new visitors.

Aisha's lower body is carefully washed -toenails' varnish removed-, her body cavities filled with apple mash stuffing and all of it is lovingly basted with one of Mei Ling's secret mixtures.

The Chinese Chef pushes the tray, with its succulent contents, inside a pre-heated oven and then busies herself with Aisha's head -Captain Jessica loves eating ears, tongue and lips the way she cooks them!

An irresistible aroma fills the hall. Cannibals, hungry from the recent orgy exertions, salivate. They'll have to wait a couple of hours. Cooking a perfect roast takes time and Chef Mei Ling is satisfied with nothing but perfection.

Nadira, Mumtaz and the visitors follow Betty on a tour of the 'execution and cooking hall', her pride and joy.

"I can't help but compare it with that on the 'Merideth'. This is smaller and we have limited resources. There are several 3D cameras but we could not afford 'viewing points'. They are not really necessary, it is so cosy and intimate here, that you can get really close to the action!

The hall is multifunctional. Floor and walls covered with hidden sockets and fittings so that different modules and gimmicks allow all kinds of facilities: Torture and punishment areas, games, girl hunting, recreative executions, theatre,..."

"Looks a bit bare..."

"It is supposed to be... until you need it for a particular activity. Let me show you. Suppose we want to hang a girl..."

Betty leads them to a corner, opens a cabinet and extracts some hardware. Climbing a small, portable ladder she hooks a device to a socket in the ceiling. She activates a remote control and a noose winds down to stop head-high.

"See? Now it is just a matter of dragging some mattresses here for the audience and..." Pushing a button that starts the noose winding slowly up "Make her dance!"




"And if you want to enliven things up a bit..." Betty unscrews a metal cap from the floor, just beneath the noose, and hits another button in the remote. A pole starts to rise from the floor.


"Shiva's own Lingam!"



"Parvati's Yoni be blessed!"

"There are other poles hidden under the floor at strategic places. And look..." She unscrews the pole's sharpened tip. "We can screw on any kind of tip we want! We have quite a selection!"

"Uhm... I wonder if Fatima would like to..."

Wagging a finger "Naughty, naughty Nadira!"


Yoni Bagh's sailors have laid out the tables. The company is more than eager to enjoy dinner. A trolley comes from the vegetarian kitchen loaded with delicacies. Indian girls turned cannibal boo good-naturedly when their sisters help themselves to the food.

A steaming, delicious looking Aisha's roast is greeted by loud cheers and much smacking of lips. Sailor-waiters start to carve and serve the hungry cannibals.

All eyes are on Nanda, Mahima and Jaya, the new cannibals to be. Babita gets up and helps her friends. She cuts up three little pieces of rump roast, dips them in gravy, forks each of them together with fresh lettuce and lovingly feeds the morsels to the wary girls.

Cautious chewing with closed eyes and the tasty meat is finally swallowed. Faces change from wariness to bliss.


"Why did I wait so long?"


No need to help them now. Food disappears from their plates at a surprising rate.

"You don't know what you are missing my squeamish, vegetarian sisters! You loved playing with Aisha. Why won't you enjoy her completely?"

"I'd like to taste her, Babita."

"Me too!"

"Gopika, Meera come by me. I'll feed you from my own plate."


"A splendid dinner, with a splendid company my Princesses."

"Dear captain memsahib!"

"As you all know, we'll have the 'Sado-Epicurean society' aboard starting the day after tomorrow. We are going to enjoy this last part of the cruise. There will be the thrill of lotteries again and Betty and I will make sure there is always plenty of entertainment and fun."

Silence and thoughtful looks greet this announcement.

"My dear princesses, tomorrow will be your day. A holiday's holiday! We'll do whatever you want to do. And Fatima, Aisha's friend, will be invited to share in all the fun!"


"Whoa, thank you dear Betty!"


"Sweet, sexy Fatima!"

"I know exactly what we can do!"

"I suggest a cold lunch so we have plenty of time for festivities. We could then have a great holiday's dinner with Fatima as special guest...

Good night my princesses, Jessy and I are going early to bed, tomorrow will be a long day!"

Enthusiastic big cheers.

Cannibal Cruise. Chapter 8. End.

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