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Review This Story || Author: Bookmanwhb

Buffy The Vampire Slayer and Curse of the Gypsy Queen

Part 1

Yes, yes, I freely admit I was a fan of the TV series. Shoot me. But in my humble opinion it was one the best written shows on the air. So here is my take on what I think should have happen to Buffy.  Cordelia was hotter. Her body was so much better than Buffys. BUT ALAS…. she isnt really a super heroine so unless my fans demand it. I will be not writing a CORDELIA GOES ON SALE.




       “I curse you slayer! I curse you to be bound with chain and rope, a slave to a man you hate! A slave who will serve him on your hands and knees and his bed you will share to the end of your days!”

       The words were still ringing in her head.

The eighteen-year-old slayer had laughed at first.

The old woman looked like a movie extra for some old B horror movie. The red scarf wrapped around her gray hair clashed with the bright orange blouse and pink skirt. The tacky outfit was made worst by the several necklaces hanging around her neck and the big hoop earrings. The old lady was angry because Buffy had killed her grandson the night before. It didnt matter the grandson was a werewolf.

Buffy at been at the Bronze when the old hag had walked right into her face and began to scream at her in what sounded like gibberish. It was only after she made some hand motions and spit in Buffys face that she began to speak in English.

       The young slayer had laughed it off but Giles seem to be taking more seriously. Apparently the fashion challenged old bag was the queen of the gypsies and had powers that even scared her Watcher.  Giles had disappeared into the stacks of his books. Buffy watched him for about ten seconds and left him alone in the library. The shapely blonde went home and changed into some pink short shorts that hugged her firm round ass and left her long muscular legs bare. The word CUTE printed across the shorts made her ass looked even sweeter. Her pink midriff tee shirt matched her shorts perfectly. Her name was stretched across her ample bosom. In the last year her breasts had started to grow like weeds. Now instead of her perky boobs she had 38D melons. That seem to bounce and jiggle like Jell-O whenever she walked or ran. The short top not only showed off her ample bosom but her flat belly.

Buffy braided her silky blonde hair into two pigtails tying them with pink ribbons. Her sneakers were hot pink and tennis socks were white with a pink trim. The eighteen-year-old beauty had grabbed a bottle of water and headed for the hills literally.

       Buffy loved to jog in the mountains outside of Sunnydale. It felt peaceful out here. She would run among the tall trees and enjoy the clean air. The shapely slayer had been jogging for an hour when she realized she was on a path she didnt know. Buffy backtracked and came to a fork, which she didnt remember. The young beauty took the path leading down but an hour later she realized she had made a mistake. She was about to turn around when she saw some smoke curling over the tree. Buffy walked toward the smoke hoping it was campers who knew the trail down.

       The young heroine stepped into a small clearing with a real log cabin. It was like something out the pioneer days. Logs laid on top of each other with mud pushed into the cracks. The roof was made of crude wood tiles. There was a small porch in the front with a rocking chair sitting on it.  The one door was open.

  Buffy frowned as she walked toward the cabin but stopped when she heard an old woman laughing. She looked around and frowned again.

       “The wind.” She said and headed for the door but stopped when someone stepped out.

       A tall incredibly thin man dressed in a patched black suit pants and jacket stood on the porch. His shirt was white but stained with several dark spots. The cabin dweller had a long narrow face with a long nose and big round green eyes. Long stringy hair hung down to his shoulders. When he smiled, it revealed rows of yellowish teeth.

       “Welcome, I dont get many visitors up in these parts.” He said as he extended his hand, “People call me Nathan.”

       “Hi Nathan.” Buffy said as she shook his hands and pulled it back, wishing his eyes would stop lingering over her boobs. “Buffy Summers. I was hiking and got lost.”

       “I know.”

       “You know I am lost?”

       “Like I said not many people come here…especially a pretty girl like you. You have to be lost. Oh I am sorry. Where are my manners? Let me get you some water and then I will show the way down. You can thank me by telling what is going in town. Been years since I got down there.”

       “You got a deal.” Buffy said as she watched Nathan go back into the cabin. He come out a few seconds later came out with a clay mug filled with water. She gratefully took the water and gulped it down. It was ice cold and sweet and sent a shiver through her entire body. The blonde got freeze headache and rubbed her brow.

       “Yeah, we dont get many big titted bimbos like you up here.”

       “What did you call me?” Buffy stammered.

       “A big titted bimbo. I bet your boobs are big and fat, just perfect for playing with and sucking. Give me a peek, slut.”

       “You picked the wrong girl to mess with you pervert. I am leaving and dont try stop me. I dont want to hurt you but I will if I have to.”

       “You not going anywhere slayer!” Nathan laughed as he grabbed her wrist.

       Buffy tried to pull away but was surprised how strong the old fart was. She gasped in pain as he began to twist her arm behind her back. The blonde heroine threw a punch but it didnt seem faze her attacker. Buffy sobbed as she was forced to her knees as he her arm pulled back. She whimpered when her other arm was pulled back.

       Nathan held the struggling blonde down as he pulled some leather thongs out of his pocket. He quickly tied her wrists together. Her elbows and upper arms were soon tightly bound. The bondage had pulled her arms to the middle of her back, which made her all ready ample chest thrust, causing her tits look even bigger.

       “NOOOOO!” Buffy swore as she used all her strength to break the bonds but they held tight. She couldnt understand it. She had broken chains and some thing leather strips were holding prisoner.

       “Forget it Buffy!” Nathan laughed as he pulled her up against his body, “You shouldnt have drank that water. It is a potion I cooked up when I heard you were coming. It nullifies all your slayer powers! Which means you are now just another dumb blonde with big tits!”

       “What?” Buffy sobbed, “You knew I was coming? How!”

“The Queen of the Gypsies told me to expect you. You shouldnt have killed her son. These woods belong to her, so she is able to manipulate them. Move the trees to get you lost and make a path that lead you right to me!”

       Nathan reached and grabbed one of her tits. He began to squeeze the boob as she cupped her crotch and rubbed. The old man began to kiss and lick her face and neck.

       “GROSS!” Buffy cried, “Keep you disgusting hands and mouth to yourself!”

       “God you got huge tits.” He laughed as he ran his tongue up and down her face and neck, “Your butt feels so good rubbing against my cock.”

       The slayer could feel his hard crotch pressing against her butt and suddenly got scared. This creep might be able to really rape her.

       “Why you doing this?” Buffy wept, “I never did anything to you.”

       “I told you that Gypsy Queen has great power. I offended her seventy years ago and she trapped me her in the middle of this God forsaken woods!  ME! One the most powerful warlocks in the world trapped here by some old fortuneteller. Seventy years! When she came last night I thought she was finally letting me go. But instead she tells me I would be getting the slayer for as a sex slave…”


       “Get use to it bitch! Nathan panted as he increased his fondling of her pussy and tits.  “Youre stuck here along with me. I havent had any for seventy years! Needless to say, I am one horny guy!”

“NO YOU CANT!” Buffy wailed as she struggled around his arms.

“Heres the best part, Buffy. You dont age here. Which means you are gonna stay just like you are. A young hot sexy big titted bimbo!”

       “OH GOD NO!!!!” Buffy sobbed as his hand roughly fondled her tit which now being to ache and throb. She could feel them swelling and getting hard. The bound blonde gasped when she felt a warm wetness between her legs.

       “Come on slut!” Nathan sneered as he dragged her toward the cabin, “Let get inside so we can get down to some serious fucking and sucking!”

       “NOOOOOOOO!” Buffy wailed as she was dragged into the cabin. The door slamming close sealed her doom. She looked around the small cabin for a way of escape. But there was only one door. Now closed and four very small windows.

It was a room place. A big wood bed with a feather bed sat against one wall. There was a small kitchen area with a wood-burning stove. A table and two chairs sat in the middle of the cabin. A stone fireplace covered one wall. There was big black kettle hanging over the fire with some clear liquid bubbling in it.

       Nathan pulled her over to the small table and pushed her across it. He yanked up her top and smiled at the perfectly round tits with its two red nipples pointing right up. He forced her legs apart and pushed his body between them. The old warlock grabbed her boobs and mashed them around as he began to chew on her nibble.

       “PLEASEEEE STOPPPPP!” Buffy screamed as her boobs were roughly fondled while his sharp teeth chewed on them. It was made worst by his crotch rubbing up against her body. The bound blonde could feel his cock getting harder and harder.

       Nathan gnawed and slobbered over the twin moons of soft flesh while pushing them around with both hands. He grinded his body against hers loving the feel of her body rubbing against his.

       “OHHHHHH STOPPPPPPP!” Buffy sobbed as her tits were mauled into aching balls of hard flesh. She pulled at the leather binding her arms again and again but they held tight. She gasped each time his hands pulled her boobs apart.

       Nathan continued to fondle the tits as she lapped his tongue up to her throat. He gnawed on it for a good five minutes. Then he kissed and bit up to her face.

       “Oh GMMMMMPH!” The blonde beauty squealed when his mouth cut her screams. She sobbed when his tongue pushed into her mouth and began to waggle around.

       Nathan sucked and gnawed on his lips while he used one hand to undo his pants. He yanked them down and let them drop down around his ankles. He stopped molesting her to rip her tight shorts off. The warlord smiled at the cute pink panties and torn them off uncovering a well-trimmed triangle of blonde curls.

       “I am begging you.” Buffy sobbed and then she saw his ten inches of cock, “SWEEET GOD NO! THAT WILL KILL ME!”

       “This? Nathan laughed, “Naw, you learn to love it!”

       Nathan grabbed on to her muscular thighs and pushed his cock deep into her tight pussy.

       “AUGHHHHHHHHH!” Buffy howled as her young twat was jammed full of rock hard cock.  She thrust up her whole body as the gigantic pole began to pound her with long hard strokes. The young blonde had only one lover and Angel had been gentle and caring in his lovemaking. This was brutal and lustful. The shapely beauty was shocked to feel her pussy to become hot and wet, allowing the cock to slide in and out with greater ease.

       Nathan grabbed onto her tits and squashed them between his fingers as her fucked the hell out the tasty bitch. Her young pussy was clinging to his cock like a tight tube. He could feel her juices splashing onto his balls.

       “UGH! STAUP!” Buffy wailed and sobbed, as she was royally fucked by the big pole. Her tits were aching from his vicious fondling. The blonde heroine rolled her head around and screamed in anger and frustration.

       “UGH! UGH! Nathan grunted as he drove his cock in and out her tight twat. He mashed her boobs as he began to chew on the nipple.

       “UGHHHHHHHHHHH!” Buffy screamed as an orgasm shook her body. 

            “Take it slayer! Take it all!”

       ON GOD PLEEEEEEEEESE STOPOOOOO!” Buffy wailed as she came again.

       Nathan plowed his cock all the way into the tight twat and shot his wad.

       “AIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!” Buffy screamed as the cum made her come over and over. She bucked around on the table until the climaxes past. She collapsed on the table. The ravished beauty sobbed as he flipped over.

       Nathan rubbed the fine round ass and patted.

       “I think we need to establish who the master is and who the slut is.” Nathan said as he snatched a long switch off the wall. The warlock put his hand down on the small of her back and then brought down the switch.

       “AIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!” Buffy shrieked as the wood branch lashed across her ass. She tried to sit up but Nathan pushed her down.

       “Now you are getting the message!” Nathan laughed as he kept whipping her nice butt.

       “OW! OW! OW! OW!” Buffy wailed as the punishment continued. “PLEASEEEEEEEEEE! OW! STOP! OW! OW!”

         The bound heroine twisted and turned but there was no escaping the switch. Each time the wood branch whipped her ass Buffy would let off a high pitch squeal.  She couldnt see a thing because of the tears filling her eyes. The abused heroine thanked God when the whipping stopped.

       “Whos the master here!” Nathan growled.

       “YOU ARE! YOU ARE!” Buffy blubbered.

       “Now you ready to be a good little slut?”

       “Y-yes! Yes! Really I am!”

       “Ready to get on your knees and suck my cock?”

       Buffy wanted to scream never but her stinging burning ass made her swallow the word.

       “Ye-yes….Ill…Ill…give you a blowjob.”

       “NO! You will suck my cock!”

       “Ill suck your cock.” Buffy whimpered.

       “Good!” Nathan snarled as he pulled up Buffy and put his hands on his hip. “Well?”

       Buffy sniffed back her tears and sobs as she dropped to her knees. She stared at the long cock and whimpered again. The young heroine had never given a blowjob before but had read about it. Joked about with Willow a few times and caught a brief glimpse of porno film once. Buffy brought the disgusting image to mind and then stuck out her tongue. The shapely blonde began to run it up and down the shaft.

       “Ohhh yes.” Nathan sighed, “Lick it good, Buffy.”

       Buffy miserably rolled her tongue over the disgusting pole, surprised who sweet it tasted, not realizing her was licking her own pussy juices. The blonde heroine licked down to his balls and was working back up.

       “Dont forget the balls.” Nathan laughed, “They need licking too.”

       The kneeling heroine sobbed and lapped down to the balls. She began to twirl her tongue over the twin sacs. Buffy glumly bathed the balls with her tongue. Knowing she had no choice the slayer opened her mouth and sucked the balls in.

       “Ohhhhhhhhh!” Nathan gasped as his balls were squeezed in her mouth. Her tongue rolled over his sacs making his cock stiffen.

       Buffy closed her eyes as she gulped on the balls. When she couldnt stand it nay more she spit them out and licked and kissed back up to the head. The young stalker hesitated for a second and then began to swallow the pole. She gulped it down inch by inch until her nose was buried in his smelly crotch.  The blonde eighteen-year-old began to suck on the cock with loud slurps.

       Nathan let out a loud gasp of sheer delight as the hot moist mouth wrapped around his cock and sucked it. Her tongue lapping it increased the pleasure. He leaned back his head and let out roar of delight.

       Buffy heard him and sobbed but didnt let up on her sucking. She bobbed her head up and down on the shaft almost choking on the massive member.  The blonde heroine felt the cock swell and tasted what she guessed to be cum. She pulled back her mouth and licked the end of the cock.

       “OH YEAAAAAH!” Nathan as his cock exploded into her mouth.

       “MMMMMMPHHHHH!” Buffy sobbed as she was forced to drink the foul seed. She wretchedly gulped down the cum until the flow stopped. The shapely blonde pulled back her mouth and kept kissing the cock when ordered.

       Nathan savored his triumph over the famous slayer and then pulled her up. He bent her face forward over the table and moved behind the firm round ass. He patted it and pressed his cock against the hole.

       “W-hat are you doing.” Buffy sobbed, “Wait…NO! YOU CANT NAAAAAAAAAA!”

       Buffy arched up and screamed her lungs out as the cock pushed into her tight butt. She bucked and twisted trying to avoid the pole pushing into her ass. The heroine arched up and screamed again.

       “God, your ass is cherry!” Nathan grunted as he worked his cock into her ass.

       “AUGHHHHHHH!” Buffy screamed as her ass was reamed by what felt like a log.

       That ravished heroine finally slumped and tried to just let it happen. Buffy couldnt stop from herself from screaming from the force of the fucking. She feebly tugged at the leather binding her arms knowing it was hopeless. The bound beauty let off a long sigh of relief when her ass loosen up and the pain faded.

       “OHHHHHHH!” Buffy gasped when an unexpected pleasure swept through her body. She leaned up in surprise and delight. “No, no, you cant.”

       Nathan laughed as he worked the cock deep into her ass, held it so he could enjoy the tightness of her ass. Then he began to slam his cock in and out with full lust.

       “UGHH! UGH! UGGGG!” Buffy gasped as the pole slammed in and out of her body.

       Buffy screamed in anger and frustration as she lost control of her body. A fire burned in her body like she could have imagined. The Slayer couldnt believe this bastard was making her enjoy this disgusting act.

       “I WONT EAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!” Buffy screamed when she came like an atomic bomb. She bucked around as the orgasm swept through her body. She threw back her head and screamed as her ass was filled with cum. It made her come over and over.

       Nathan pounded his cock in and out until his cock was dry. He yanked his cock out. Nathan grabbed some rope off the floor, went to the overhead beam and tied the rope around it. He left two lengths dangling down.

       “Come on bitch! Nathan snapped, “Time for some attitude adjusting.”

       “W-what, what.” Buffy panted as she was forced up and into the middle of the room. She weakly struggled as he untied her arms and pulled them over her head.

       Nathan tied her hands to the overhead beam and then spread her legs and wrapped rope around her ankles. He tied off the ends to the stove and bed.        

       Buffy found herself tied with her hands and legs pulled painfully apart. She struggled as Nathan picked up two wood dildos. The bound beauty pulled and twisted as he bent down and began to push one into her pussy.

       “OH GODDD! Buffy screamed as her pussy and then her ass were filled the hard wood. She gasped as her captor pressed rope across her pussy and ass crack and then bound it around her waist. “Oh please no! No! No!”

       Nathan picked up the switch and lashed it across her tits.

       “AIIIIIIIIIIII!” Buffy wailed and sobbed as her tits were whipped and then her ass. Then he went back to the tits.

       For what seemed years Nathan lashed her ass and tits. Buffy screamed and wept as her body was whipped. She slumped down when the lashing finally stopped. The exhausted beauty looked up when he pulled aside the rope and let the dildo in her pussy drop out.

       “Oh please nooo!” Buffy moaned and then she screamed when he shoved his cock into the pussy. She was soon grunting and panting as the cock began to fuck her.

       “Dont worry slayer!” Nathan laughed, “I will fuck in my bed soon enough!”

       “NOOOOOOOOOO!” Buffy screamed as she climaxed.

       Nathan pulled out his cock and untied the blonde and let her drop to the floor. He pulled her arms back and tied her wrists to elbows.

       “No, no, no, no,” Buffy whimpered as she was pulled up. She sobbed he forced her to kiss him full tongue. The blonde gasped in relief when the long hard kiss ended.

Nathan dragged the struggling blonde over to bed and tossed her across it. He yanked off his clothes and pounced on top of her soft body. He grabbed her tits as he thrust his cock into her pussy.

       “OH PLEAAASEEEEEE!” Buffy sobbed as the cock pushed into her tight twat.

       Buffy rolled her head around and as her own lust took over. As she slipped into a pit of sexual hell, she wondered how long this nightmare would last.


It was dark when Nathan left her sprawled on the bed. Buffy just lay there with cum dibbling out her mouth, pussy and ass. Her whole body was sticky with sweat and cum. Buffy couldnt move because her body ached so much from all the fucking her body had taken.  She closed her eyes and dropped off to sleep.


Buffy woke up and looked around. The cabin was dark and Nathan was nowhere to be seen. The blonde forced herself to climb out the bed and realized she untied. The young heroine rubbed her wrists as she looked around for something to wear. She found a dress in the closet and pulled it on. It was so tight she couldnt button up the top buttons, which left her tits hanging out. Only half of her ass was covered by the dress. While she was tugging and pulling on the dress, her fingers brushed on something cold wrapped around her neck. Buffy fingered a chain wrapped around her neck.

“A chain?” Buffy fumed, “Chained like a slave…I am so out of here.”

Buffy swore and ran for the door. The slayer crashed out the door and ran for the woods.  Buffy had almost reached the wood when suddenly her body frozen to a stop. Try as she could, the blonde couldnt budge a muscle.

       “Try stepping back.” Nathan called out from the porch.

       Buffy stepped back and her body relaxed. The blonde rubbed her arms and glared at the smiling warlock. She grumpily walked back to cabin.

       “The chain around your neck. A gift from the queen. It is a talisman. It will keep you here. Sorry slayer, you are trapped here. Now get your sweet ass back inside the cabin. You can clean up and then make us some dinner. MOVE BITCH!”

       Buffy stumbled into the cabin, sobbing as she did, wondering how long she was going to be punished.

       Xander and Willow walked up to the old ruins. The forty year-old-man pulled out a camera and started to take pictures.

       “So this is the famous Sunnyvale High.” Xander said as he snapped away with the camera.    

       “I am sure it looked better when our great, great, great grandparents went here.” Willow said, “What was the name of that girl that vanished.”

       “Buffy Summers. The slayer.”

       “Yeah, like a cheerleader could kill vampires. What do you think happen to her?”

       “It doesnt matter. She is dead and buried by now.”

       Meanwhile far up in the mountains, a young blonde sat in the rocking chair on the porch of a small cabin. Her blonde hair now reached down to her ankles and helped cover her eighteen-year-old body since the dresses she had did nothing to cover her naked body. Buffy still looked eighteen but her eyes looked old and tired…defeated.

       The blonde was waiting for her latest lover. The latest in a long, long, long line of lovers. Nathan had been her master for twenty years. Then Gypsy Queen let him go but made it clear Buffy wasnt going anywhere. Her grandson was gone from the world forever so would the slayer. But not to worry, she wouldnt be lonely.

       Later that afternoon, a fat pig of a man showed up. He was the first of her disgusting lovers. All her lovers had been disgusting, fat old men, skinny old men, homeless men, smelly guys, guys who were just plain ugly. Never young and good looking. Some stayed just for the day, others for a week but no one stayed over two weeks.

       Buffy had no idea how many cocks she had sucked or how many times she had been fucked. After three hundred and fifty years it really didnt matter. She had stopped being Buffy the Vampire Slayer centuries ago. Now she was the Queens whore…by choice.

       About a hundred years ago, the Gypsy Queen had showed up and offered to release her. Buffy had been thrilled at first until the Gypsy pointed that all her friends and family were dead and long buried. She would be going out into a strange new world with no support of any kind. Plus once she left here Buffy would begin to age. She would be a forty in no time. Forty is well past the prime age for a whore. So she wouldnt be able to sell herself to pay the rent.

       “OR you could stay here.” Gypsy Queen smiled, “Stay here forever young. Of course you will continue to fuck and suck whoever I send you.  Now just walk away or come over here.”

       The old lady cackled as she lay back on the bed, pulled up her skirt and spread her legs.

       “Licking pussy will be a nice change for you.” She laughed.

       Buffy knew she couldnt face the real world…not alone. So what she had to fuck some disgusting pig every now and then. It was better than fucking some pig she picked up on the corner while watching herself grow old. So the eighteen-year-old blonde walked over and serviced the old bitch for the rest of the night.


Sealing her fate…


A large fat man stumbled into the clearing and polished off his bottle of Night Train. He spotted Buffy laughed and almost ran toward the cabin.

       Buffy sighed as she watched him stagger toward her.

       “Kill one werewolf and you are fucked for eternity.” Buffy muttered.


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