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Review This Story || Author: willowblonde

My Dutch pet

Part 12

Chapter 12

Chapter 12


When Maritje approached me to ask for permission to enter you into the boxing match for the chance to win your freedom I felt a little disappointed.  I had already heard your declaration of love for me and your willingness to serve me devotedly, if you were given another chance, from the various microphones and concealed cameras dotted about the house, but it seems there is still a large part of you that is desperate to obtain your freedom.  Would that part of you come back to the surface if I ever took a chance on bringing you back home to continue serving me, instead of selling you?  Perhaps at the start you would be the most devoted of slaves, but in time your resentment of me might grow again and if that happened what would you be prepared to do to me to become free? 


There is no way I would put myself at risk of your violence again, so now I am stuck ‘between a rock and a hard place’ as the expression goes.  I can understand your need for freedom (perhaps if I had treated you better at the beginning you would have been more content to accept your fate, but now I will never know), but in reality although I have brought you here I have no wish to sell you, I want to take you home.  In spite of what you did to me there is a part of me that has become addicted to you and I do not want to let you go.  The sensible side of me knows that I should rid myself of you because of your unpredictable behaviour, and because I have allowed myself to develop feelings for you that are not appropriate to have towards a slave.  And that is what makes you more dangerous.  Each time I have dropped my guard and allowed you some freedom to be my lover instead of my slave you have taken advantage of that and tried to escape.  I was hoping when I first bought you that over time, you would come to accept your position and be content to serve me.  And then I would have been able to give you a better life with more freedom once trust developed between us.  I never wanted to keep you permanently in bondage or make your life a misery, but it appears that if I changed my mind and took you home again both of those things would be your life for a long time to come.


After discussing the situation with Maritje who has told me what you said to her, I have come to the decision to allow you to fight for your freedom, although with the agreement of Maritje there is one change to the usual boxing match.  I need to see just how badly you want your freedom, and who you are prepared to fight to obtain it.  If you react the way I hope you will, I will have the answer to my questions about you.




The following morning you wake early after a bad night’s sleep.  Your left arm is numb after sleeping with your weight on it, but you wake in a good mood.  Even the fact that the guy above you did piss on you during the night cannot dampen your mood.  Today could be the last day of your enslavement.  You could soon be going home! 


Dan arrives to collect you and the others.  You are all chained together by your collars and led to the shower block to use the toilet and showers.  You have been desperate to use the toilet for a couple of hours but were determined not to humiliate yourself by pissing on the floor of the cage.  You do hope though that you get to fight the guy who slept above you.  You would love to give him a beating for pissing on you.  The dirty bastard should have been able to keep his piss in his bladder for a few hours!


After showering you are led still chained to each other to the room where you eat your breakfast from bowls on the floor.  You have never been able to come to terms with the humiliation of eating like a dog from the floor and you hope that this is the last time you have to do it.  Once finished you are separated from the others, as you are the only one from this group who is due to fight.  It appears that the others are new arrivals brought here ready for the auction taking place tomorrow.  The exercise in the gym was to make their bodies look the best the owners can make them, so that they fetch the highest price possible at the sale.


The boxing match is to be held in the evening so you still have slave duties to perform throughout the day.  You can hardly contain your excitement about your chance for freedom, and the evening cannot come soon enough for you.  Today you are not put to work in the gardens.  If you are forced to do manual work you will be too tired to fight, and that would disappoint the guests greatly.  They are looking forward to seeing grown men fighting desperately for their freedom. You are therefore put to work cleaning the kitchen and other household duties with some of the female slaves.  You do not see Dennis all day so don’t have the opportunity to discuss the fight with him.  You want to be able to tell him that if you win you will not stop until you have obtained his freedom too.  Even if it means you have to take out a huge bank loan to purchase him from his owner.



As the time approaches for the boxing match you are released from your duties and taken to the shower block to wash, shave and prepare yourself.  A female slave is brought in to oil your body for you with bronzing oil.  It is important that you look good in the boxing ring.  You can feel your excitement rising.  You have no fear of fighting a man you have never met, and you will do whatever is necessary to him to make sure that you win.


When you are ready the female slave winds cloth around your hands in preparation, you think, for the boxing gloves to be put on.  However once she has finished you are taken straight away to the room where the fight will take place.  As you approach the room you can hear that a fight is already in progress.  The cheers and jeers coming from the audience make you nervous and your stomach starts churning and your heart beats faster.  You are made to stand outside the door until it is your turn to fight. 


Shortly after the room becomes quieter, which you realise signals the end of the fight and the door is opened and a slave – the loser in this fight by the look of him, is dragged out.  You are concerned when you see that he has been battered and has livid bruises and cuts all over his body, except his face.  He is groaning in agony and you suspect that he has a few broken bones to go with the cuts and bruises.  He looks as if he has been in a street fight not a boxing match with the competitors wearing boxing gloves!


When you are pushed into the room, you realise why the poor guy looked so bad.  There are no boxing gloves and the boxing ring is in fact a large square cage in the middle of a huge room.  Chairs have been placed around all sides of the cage, and the audience is sitting waiting with anticipation for the next fight to start.  With a sinking feeling you realise that this is not a true boxing match.  It is in fact cage fighting, an ‘underground’ sport and completely illegal.  You have read about the ‘sport’ and know that there are hardly any rules.  You could find yourself literally beaten to death.  Fuck, you should have realised that in this world of slaves and Masters that you would never be given an easy chance to win your freedom.  Boxing you may have been good at in your youth, but street fighting is a different matter.  You haven’t had a fight since you were at school, and with a sudden feeling of certainty you know that you are not going to come out of this fight very well, unless your opponent is even worse at fighting than you.  At this point you are quite glad that you are wearing a chastity tube.  At least your cock will have some protection, if no other part of your body does.


Just before you are pushed into the cage the manacles on your wrists and ankles are removed.  Your freedom to move will not be restricted once locked into the cage.  A mouth guard is however fitted and strapped tightly round your head so that you cannot spit it out.  As well as protecting your teeth from any stray punches to your face it will stop you biting or ripping chunks of flesh from your opponent. 


Once in the cage you are ordered to stand in the centre with your head down, hands behind your head and your legs spread wide apart to await your opponent.  You do so and stand there waiting in nervous anticipation, hoping to God that you don’t have to fight a ‘hard’ man.  The 50 year old skinny slave would suit you.  You would have no problems fighting him and beating him to a pulp if necessary.


The cage door creaks open on hinges that need oiling and you know that your opponent has joined you.  Although you still do not know who he is, you are too scared to raise your head until ordered to do so.  The rules of the fight are explained to you:

  1. No hitting, kicking, headbutting or by any other method touching the face or genitals.(no Master or Mistress wants to own a slave with a deformed face or who is unable to perform sexually).

And that is the only rule.

Each round lasts 3 minutes and will be signalled by the sound of a bell.


The bell sounds the start of the 1st round and you look up to face your opponent.  The shock on your faces mirror each other.  You and Dennis will be fighting each other for your freedom.  Fuck.  You have no time to think beyond that as Dennis launches himself at you.  Totally unprepared, the first punch to your stomach floors you.  Your instincts and previous boxing training take over and you roll away from him before he can land too many more punches to your body.


You know the score now, he is prepared to beat you to obtain his freedom and you must try and do the same to him.  Although you don’t have the time to think about this situation you do know that if by any remote chance you should win this fight you will not hold his willingness to fight you against him.  You will still try and free him.  With that thought in your mind you return his blows with all your strength.  You are surprised by the strength behind your blows and realise that you have become stronger with all the hard manual work you have been doing in the garden this last week, and the adrenaline pumping through you.


Although Dennis is bigger than you your determination to win your freedom gives you added strength, and although he is your friend you do not hold back when punching him.  By round 3 though you are both exhausted and the blows are not as concentrated as they were at the start.  Neither of you seems to be gaining any ground from the other, making you wonder how many rounds either of you will be capable of fighting before you both collapse.  But maybe that is what the owners want to happen.  If you both collapse neither of you will win, which means that neither of you will win your freedom but the audience will have been greatly entertained by watching you half kill each other.  You wonder if I knew what was going to happen to you when I agreed that you could fight.  Did I know that you would be cage fighting? And was it my way of punishing you? I was not physically capable of beating you for what you did to me, but another guy is. And as you had volunteered to fight, you would never be able to blame me for the battering you are now getting.


You don’t have time to figure out the answers as the bell rings again for round 4.  You are both now so tired that you are only half heartedly fighting each other, but then just before the time is up you get a lucky punch in knocking Dennis backwards so that he hits his head against the cage bars before he collapses unconscious to the floor.  The audience shout their approval as you are announced the winner of the second fight of the contest.  You are upset at knocking Dennis out, but know in your heart as he did in his, that neither of you had any choice but to fight each other.  Now you have only one more fight left, with the winner of the previous fight.  The winner of your next fight will then be free.  As you look up to face the guests when you are declared the winner you notice that I am sitting in the front row.  I have watched the whole fight, although the expression on my face is blank.  I am giving nothing away of my feelings watching you fight your friend.  I have discovered from watching you that your freedom is important enough for you to be able to beat into unconsciousness your own friend.  I can now only wait to see how much further you are prepared to go to win your freedom.  The way you react when you see your next opponent will tell me what I need to know.


You are given an hour to shower and recover enough to have the strength to fight a second time.  This also gives the guests the opportunity to retire to the drawing room for drinks and a buffet for those who are hungry.  Your body is aching beyond belief but a quick check over from Dan confirms that you have no broken bones and that you are fit enough to continue fighting. 




Standing in the cage for the second time you glance over to where I am again sitting but like the first time my face gives away nothing of my feelings, although inside my heart is beating faster as I wait to see what you will do when faced with your opponent.  Just how desperate are you for freedom?  Will you be prepared to beat the next opponent into unconsciousness, as you did to your friend?


Head bowed, you hear the cage door open for the second time.  Again the only rule is read out and the bell rings for the start of the first round.  This time you are prepared, you will not be taken unawares by the man you are about to fight.  You raise your head immediately the bell sounds and ready yourself to launch into a frenzied assault on him.




Please don’t let the sight in front of you be real.  If it is real you have lost before the fight has begun.  You cannot fight your opponent no matter how much freedom means to you.  After your assault on me you made a solemn vow to me and to yourself that no matter how provoked you would never again raise your hand to a woman.  There is no way on earth that you can bring yourself to viciously attack the female slave standing opposite you.  Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! If you had known you would be fighting a woman in the next round, you would have let Dennis win.  Then you would not be left in this dreadful situation, knowing that by refusing to fight her you have caused both you and Dennis to spend the rest of your lives in miserable slavery.


As you stand there in shock the slave - Victoria karate kicks you in the stomach sending you flying backwards.  Your body slams against the cage bars before landing in a heap on the floor where you remain as she continues to punch and kick you.  You do nothing to stop her except to curl up into a ball to try and protect as much of your body as you can from her blows.  As some of her blows hit you in already bruised places from your earlier fight, you cry out in pain but still do nothing to stop her.


As the bell sounds for the end of the first round she abruptly stops and walks to a corner of the cage while you crawl on hands and knees to another.  You slump against the bars trying to control your breathing and wincing with the pain.  You glance over at me to see me deep in conversation with Maritje.  So, I can’t even be bothered to look at you and acknowledge that you are prepared to lose the fight and your freedom in order to keep your promise that you would never be violent to a woman again.  You can’t help but think that I am a complete bitch.  Why the hell are you bothering to lie there and take this beating from a woman when you could so easily overpower her and beat her to a pulp and become a free man?  You can feel the anger rising in you at my indifference.  There you are – in a cage being beaten by a woman and doing nothing to defend yourself, knowing that by doing so you are condemning yourself to a life of misery as some guy’s fuck toy and I can’t even be bothered to acknowledge it.


It crosses your mind to break your promise and just do what you have to, to get out of this hell hole and back to normal life.  After all I obviously don’t give a shit about you.  But even as these thoughts go through your mind you know that you still can not bring yourself to hit your opponent.  If you did, what sort of man would that make you?  At the end of the day this woman is also fighting for her freedom.  Could you really fight her condemning her to a life of misery as a slave while you go free, knowing that your freedom was gained by beating a woman and leaving her to a life of degradation and humiliation?  You know that the answer is no, and so when the bell sounds for the start of round 2, you get to your feet and stand in the centre of the cage waiting for the next attack.


You stand there taking the blows she deals you, ignoring the heckling and shouts from the audience that call you a faggot and worse, urging you to fight like a man.  This is not the sport they came to see.  They want to see you fight each other, not see you stand there just accepting all the blows that come your way.  Each time Victoria knocks you to the floor you stagger to your feet and stand still again while further blows rain down on your body, until you get to the point during round 5 where you can take no more and you collapse to your knees unable to stand.  After a count of 10 from the referee Victoria is declared the winner.


More abuse is hurled at you for ruining their entertainment but you are too exhausted and in too much pain to care.  Victoria is led out of the cage to be prepared for her freedom ceremony in the morning at the start of the auction, but for you a steward enters the cage, removes the mouth guard and checks you over to make sure that there are no broken bones or injuries that require medical treatment and when he is satisfied that your health is okay he drags you over to one corner of the cage where he ties you by your collar and a long chain to the bars.



As the fight started I was watching you intently to see how you would react when faced with a woman to fight.  My heart went out to you, as I watched the emotions pass over your face as you realised that to obtain your freedom you would have to break your promise that you would never hit a woman again in your life.  I knew that this would probably be the most difficult decision for you to make in your life.  It was down to me that your final fight was with a woman.  When I discussed allowing you to fight with Maritje I agreed that you could enter the match providing that she fixed it so that you had to fight both a friend and a woman.  I needed to see how you reacted to both.  If you had been prepared to fight both of them just to become free then I would know that the violent streak in you remained, and I would never be able to trust you.  You have no idea how relieved I was that you refused to fight Victoria, despite knowing that you had caused your friend to lose his chance of freedom and losing your own chance by refusing to fight her.  I was so proud of you standing there taking all the kicks and punches from her in spite of all the abuse being shouted at you and the pain from the blows.  Not once did you react to either.  I knew then that giving you a second chance could work.  It would not always be easy between us but I knew that I no longer had anything to fear from you.  But you had one more test to go through first, just to make sure you could handle the pressure on you to be an obedient slave.



But now you are lying slumped in the corner of the fight cage, eyes closed your mind going over the events of this evening and the consequences you will now face because of your decision to refuse to fight.  Concentrating on thinking things through helps in some way to block out the pain in your battered body.  You do not hear me open the cage door and approach you and are startled when you feel my cool hand touch your face.  When you open your eyes you are amazed to see me kneeling in front of you my hands cupping your face while I smile gently at you.  You open your mouth to speak.  You have a million questions to ask me – am I proud of you for refusing to hurt another woman, do I hate you for what you did and to beg me to let you come home amongst all the other things you want to say to me, but I silence you by placing a finger on your lips.  Although you are desperate to speak to me you do not want to risk annoying me and making me walk away, you want to feel me close to you for as long as possible, and so you remain silent.


You sit there confused while I offer you water to drink and some pain killers.  When you have taken them I set about massaging ointment into your bruised and battered body to ease the pain and to help the bruises fade as quickly as possible.  You can’t understand me.  One minute I am cold as ice.  Totally ignoring your suffering during the beating and the next minute here I am trying to ease your pain and make you more comfortable.  The touch of my hands gliding over your body arouses you, even in the state you are in; you cannot stop your body’s reaction to my touch.  Your cock starts to harden until it fills the chastity tube and can grow no more.  It is agony for you and you desperately want me to stop so that your cock can return to its flaccid state, while at the same time you don’t want me to ever stop caressing you.  You are in torment to which I seem totally oblivious.


When I have finished tending to you I tell you to lie down and place a thin blanket that I have brought with me over you. Although the punishment for the loser of the final fight is to be publicly displayed in the cage for the amusement of the other guests for the remainder of the evening and through the night, which I can do nothing about I can at least make you more comfortable and warmer.


I sit there with you for a while, stroking your face and hair as the exhaustion takes over and you close your eyes.  Just as you are about to fall asleep I lean over and kiss your forehead, and you are sure that I also whispered to you how proud you made me by refusing to fight the slave Victoria even though you knew your freedom would be lost forever, and that I hoped you would continue to make me proud tomorrow by being the best slave up for sale at the auction in the morning.  You fall asleep, happy and miserable at the same time.  Happy that I am proud of you and miserable because I am still selling you.  So tired are you that you do not wake or stir even when various guests come in to gawp at you.




The following morning you wake early, your body stiff and aching.  For a moment when you wake you are not sure where you are, but after a few moments you remember the events of the night before and the reason for your aching body this morning.   Stretching out your limbs to try and relieve the aching in them you notice a plate has been placed on the floor next to you containing a full English breakfast. Eggs, sausages, bacon, the lot.  Next to that is a steaming mug of coffee.  With a small sad smile to yourself you realise that this is the condemned man’s last breakfast.  It has been a long time since you tasted decent food and drunk a mug of coffee.  You have even been given a fork to eat the food with!  You grab the plate at once and start wolfing down the food.  You are starving and want to eat as much as you can before someone comes and takes it away from you, but nobody does come, you are allowed to eat it all and drink the coffee in peace.


When you eventually hear the door to the room open you scramble to your knees and clasp your hands behind your head in the submissive position.  It is Maritje herself who has come to release you.


This time she speaks to you in English ‘So then slave, you chose not to take the opportunity given to you to grab your freedom.  It would have been very easy for you to overcome your female opponent.  Freedom was yours for the taking, but you chose not to. Why?’


Replying in English too you say ‘Because Ma’am I made a vow to my Mistress and to myself that I would never again in my life raise my hand to a woman.  I am sure you know of the real reason my Mistress is selling me.  I did terrible things to her when she gave me some freedom and I already find it difficult to live with my conscience.  I would do anything for my Mistress, if she would forgive me, but I know it is too late and I accept whatever fate awaits me.  But I hope that my Mistress will take comfort in knowing that no matter how provoked or angry I am I will not under any circumstances ever again inflict pain on a woman.’ 


‘So you would rather become the plaything of a Master, and descend into a life of hell rather than become free?’


‘But Ma’am I would have become a free man by inflicting pain and violence on a woman.  As much as I want to be free I can not obtain my freedom in that way. I would never be able to live with my conscience if I did that, so ja (yes) I would rather descend into hell and allow the woman to have the chance of a free life’.


‘I do know what happened slave and if you make your Mistress proud today by being the most obedient slave up for auction I am sure she will forgive you.  She has already spoken to me about your refusal to fight last night, and I think she is prepared to sell you to another Mistress rather than a Master, as she feels you have proved that you can control your violence’.


‘Please Ma’am, would you do something for me? Would you please talk to my Mistress and tell her again how sorry I am for all the things I did, and tell her that I will do my best to make her proud of me today.’


‘I will do that for you slave but now it is time for you to get ready for the auction’.


With that, she releases you from the cage and allows you to walk unfettered and without being led by the leash to the shower block.  You are the only one in there this morning.  All the other slaves were woken much earlier as they had to prepare the room for the auction and also attend to other duties.  At my request, you were allowed to sleep longer and be excused the chores that needed to be done this morning.  When you have showered and shaved your face and chest you apply the bronzing oil to your body so that you look your best for when it is your turn to be auctioned.


You are not sure whether you will be clothed or naked for the auction although you have noticed a pile of clothes and a cardboard box placed on a chair near the wash basins.  Curious, you move closer to inspect them, incase they have been left for you.  Picking up the top item you unfold it and hold it up and are surprised to see that it is the jacket of a tropical dress uniform worn by the Dutch navy.  As you hold up each item and then open the cardboard box you realise that it is the full dress uniform.  You know that it cannot be meant for anyone other than you so you put the clothes on, feeling strange as you button up the jacket.  The top button will not do up because of the slave collar round your neck, but the clothes are a good fit, although the trousers are a bit loose at the waist.  As you take the hat out of the box you notice that in the bottom of the box there are five medals.  You take them out and with a shock see your name on them.  Oh my God, this is your own uniform!  You sit down heavily on the chair completely dumbstruck that you are wearing your own uniform.  How the hell did the auction house obtain them? 


Unknown to you, when your kidnap was arranged and the naval authorities informed of your transfer to the Secret Services, all your clothes, including your uniform, and your personal effects were boxed up and stored in a warehouse.  When I bought you it was all shipped over to England and stored in the attic in my house.  I have always had ‘a fancy’ for guys in uniform and it will turn me on enormously to see you standing on the auction block in front of all the potential buyers, looking extremely sexy in your uniform and chains.  Bondage and uniform to me is the best thing ever and I can’t wait to see you in both.  Now that I have no more concerns regarding your violent behaviour I can sit back and enjoy the erotic sight you will make. I wouldn’t be surprised if I cum just looking at you………..

Review This Story || Author: willowblonde
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