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Review This Story || Author: H. Dean

The Object of His Affection

Part 13 Hope and Deliverance

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The Object of His Affection – Hope and Deliverance

After Jerry’s examination he drained his glass and excused himself from his visit. There were people he had to see and places he had to go. After a quick exchange of goodbyes and a handshake, Jerry departed.

The “Debbie-doll”, as he James come to call her, watched the quick exchange, determined to get his attention. How she could do so, she knew not. Still, she was determined to find a way. For many minutes she watched James as he went about the house, her mind racing to discover a way to make James understand her wants.

Suddenly, she found herself being maneuvered into a kneeling posture in front of the couch. Once she was properly positioned, James sat directly in front of her with his legs at her sides. Leaning back, he unzipped his pants, freed his cock and placed it in her sex-doll mouth. Her attempts to expel him only served to aid in his growing hardness. In minutes he was thrusting into her mouth with furious abandon.

After what seemed like only moments of rough thrusting, he pulled his cock from her mouth to stand over her. She was lifted and positioned to lie on her belly in the middle of the room. She felt his weight as he settled on top of her and thrust his cock into her ass. Then, just as suddenly as she had been placed on the floor, she was lifted and placed on the doll stand, never even knowing if he had climaxed or how long his lustful attack had lasted.

Then, as if by magic, she found James standing in front of her pushing a tube into her mouth. Attached to the tube, and being held above her mouth was a bottle, of sorts. She had seen this before but had not realized what she realized now; he was feeding her. It took only moments, as the liquid flowed down her throat and into her stomach.

She decided then that her best chance of James discovering her want to return to normal was to blink her eyes as rapidly as possible. Maybe then he could be made to understand. But, as that thought came to her she realized that it was dark. Though confused at the sudden and unexpected darkness, she understood that she would have to delay her fight for freedom until the next day.

She awoke to find herself lying on the floor with James’ cock in her mouth. He was close to climaxing, she could tell by his jackhammer thrusts. This was her chance. When he was done with her she would make her wants known. She would blink her eyes furiously and get his attention.

A blink of an eye later and she discovered that she had been propped up on her stand. The warm feeling of fullness told her that she was receiving her daily enema. She looked around to find the room empty. James was nowhere in sight.

“But he was just fucking me!” she screamed inwardly. “He was just fucking me.”

Again, she found herself on the floor. This time she was on hands and knees. She could feel his cock filling her sex, stretching her opening. It was then that she realized that, though she could feel his thrusting and the sensation of fullness it brought, she could not actually feel any true sensation. Her moment of anger at this realization was very quickly replaced with one of wonder as she found herself, once again and very inexplicably, upon her doll stand and staring into a room that was pitch black.

“No!” she thought. “This can’t be happening!”

Then, after her brief moments of conscious thoughts, she drifted to the world of dreams. As was so often the case, Jerry filled her dreams. He was talking to her, telling her of the things he had done to her. He was a proud and arrogant man. She hated him.

Dream Jerry was smiling and telling her something important. What was it? She had to hear his words; they were important. Then, magically, she drifted towards him as the words issued from his smiling maw “Oh, and before you start to worrying your pretty little head about side effects; the only one you have to worry about is the sleep you will require. It’s a bit taxing, after all.”

Her eyes opened abruptly, staring into the darkness of the room. Then she realized why her life had become a series of flashing scenes, changing abruptly from moment to moment. She then realized that she had little hope of ever regaining her freedom or the life she once shared with her beloved James.

“I can’t stay awake long enough”, she thought. “But I must! I must!”

Then she drifted, once again, into her world of tortured dreams, knowing it was hopeless. A single tear ran a meandering path down her synthetic cheek. It was a tear James would never see.

Review This Story || Author: H. Dean
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