18. Graduation ceremony
After their had passed all the exam, they had celebrated their success. By an official ceremony they had
their diploma handed personally by the headmaster. He had given a short speech calling them on to fulfill
the purpose with the new school system. They were regarded as the future for Rhodesia and should create
families and make careers so Rhodesia would rise from poverty.
Then he announced his retirement and Irma was presented as they new headmaster. An appointment she
thanked for in person even though she still used crutches. It seemed that she still was on speaking-terms
with the now former headmaster regardless of the treatment she had received. In her first speech as
headmaster she promised that she would continue the path the former headmaster had begun.
As entertainment a group of 10 girls -all girls, who did not pass the entrance examination at the school and
had been diagnosed with AIDS -did perform a dance show. With the prospect of being operated so they
could not have children, they had been offered an alternative destiny.
Now they stood on they stage. Naked, except wearing a tight corset, high heals and plugged with dildo in
both holes. All had red latex hoods on with a ponytail in the top and were gagged with a huge red gag ball
matching the color of their PVC corset. Even their leather cuffs on their back were in the same collar. They
had all been placed on a pile with a noose around their neck and it could be seen that they tried not to lose
their balance. The headmaster did his last task before his retirement when he ordered the music on than
pushed a button that gave the girls an electrical shock in their cunts. It caused them all to fall of the piles and
they started their deathly dance.
More than 10 minutes lasted before the last girl went limp. They had been kicking and twisting even turning
trying to break free. It was a spectacular sight. It certainly gave John a hard-on. It was the first time since the
final exam and he sat restless in his chair, as he still was very sensitive in that area.
Also the girls were entertained. 10 guys, all destined to lose their ball had also chosen death. They entered
the stage also wearing corset, which John felt unnatural, their hands had been cuffed to d-rings in the
corset. Below from the corset there was a strap with a cock-ring and they had also been impaled with a butt
plug. From the look in their face it must have been a rather large one. They seemed not to enjoy it. They
were also gagged and when the nooses were fitted, a sign from the headmaster caused the rope to be
hoisted in the air. Their feet tried to find foot-hole once they were in the air, but it soon turned into a deathly
dance, much to the entertainment of the woman.
After a few minutes the first of them came. John had never seen men spout so forcefully. It was the last
orgasm from these men and they surely tried to get the most of it. As they body turned limp, they continued
to hang with their penises erect as a last tribute to the audience.