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Review This Story || Author: T Bone Steak

Last training day of Takira

Chapter 2

They landed on top of the building

They landed on top of the building. No one was waiting on the landing platform for them. They stepped out of the spaceship.


“Takira, welcome to the Mitahiro cooperation. I’m just the buyer who works for the company. Since there’s nobody waiting for us, I guess I’ll have to give you the tour,” Kendi said while heading to the elevator.


Kendi pressed a button of the elevator; soon a buzzing sound was heard.


“Mr. Kendi, what’s going to happen to me?” Takira said politely.


“First of all, it’s just Kendi. I rarely enter the building. I mostly work outside.”


The door opened; they entered the room. They saw several desks. Some were empty, some were occupied with secretaries. They were answering calls and typing on their computers. Takira and Kendi approached one of them. The secretary greeted them.


“Mr Kendi and Miss Takira, welcome. My boss, Mr. Tomaka is expecting you,” She said.


The secretary stood up and they followed her to her boss’ office. A fat, small man sat at a giant desk. Modern art reproductions were hanging on the concrete walls. They bowed deeply to the fat man. He bowed also, but slightly less.


“Welcome back, Kendi. What have you bought for the company?”


“This is Takira; the slave cooperation says she’s a top asset,” Kendi replied nervously.


Tomaka looked at her and saw her big boobs. He slowly opened his mouth and closed it again.


“What’s her specialty?” He inquired.


Kendi hesitated. His head felt warm. He extended his hands but withdrew them quickly. Then he tried to open his mouth, to gather some courage.


“She…she…she has lactating breasts, sir.”


Tomaka seemed indifferent but his composure tightened noticeably. 


“Continue.” The boss said neutrally.






Kendi took a deep breath, exhaled slowly, took another breath and finally said: “Horny all the time.”


Tomaka looked at Kendi and Takira. He wetted his lips.


“Well, we need a company girl since the last one got fired. We’ve already spent too much money on this. We can’t afford another girl. I guess this one has to suffice,” The man ruminated.


The boss nodded to Takira that she could speak.


“Sir, let me say I’m pleased to work for your company. I’m quite sure I can be a great addition for Mitahiro.”


“I’m quite sure you are,” Was Tomaka’s diplomatic answer.


Kendi showed him the remote control and explained how it works.


“I’ll set the remote for orgasm inhibition. I’ll not tolerate a woman to have an orgasm while in the company“. The boss said sternly.


Takira made sure she didn’t show she was disappointed.


“You can start on this floor, Takira. You aren’t allowed to leave the company. Accommodations can be found in your office room. Only your bedroom is off limits for everybody. If there’s anything you wish for, you must fill in the necessary application papers. That will be all,” Tomaka said.


He pressed a button and soon a secretary entered the room to show Takira her new work place. Kendi said goodbye to Takira and they never saw each other again.


They entered a bare room, nothing else other than a bed and a desk with a chair.


“This is your office. You can use the computer on the desk to check your appointments. This button reveals the sink. Press it again to hide,” The impatient secretary said.


She walked to a wall and pressed a button. What seemed to be a part of a wall at first sight slid upwards, revealing a closet for sleeping standing up.


“This is your bedroom; you aren’t allowed to sleep in the company bed.” The secretary explained.


Takira felt slightly claustrophobic when she saw the small closet.


“What about company policy?” Takira inquired.


“You will have to deal with the employees, of course. Make sure they’re satisfied at all costs. Treat them well and you’ll be treated well. The incinerating toilets are at the end of hall on the left.”


The secretary paused. Suddenly, a buzz came from the computer.


“I guess I don’t have anything else to explain,” The secretary said, while leaving the room.


Takira looked down, thoughtfully.


“Wait!” she exclaimed.


But the secretary was already gone.


Takira carefully seated herself in front of the computer, looking at the screen. Her appointment would arrive shortly, it read.


“What appointment?’ she wondered.


She pressed on the appointment hyperlink for more information. A name appeared: Yithzu Tsuno.


Before she could rest, the man entered her office.


“Hello, Mr. Tsuno,” Takira said, not sure if this was the man she had been expecting.


“And you must be Takira, the perverted girl.” The man said firmly.


“I can assure you I’m normal, as far I’m concerned,” She rebuked.


“Aren’t you wet all the time?” He said taunting.


“I’ll not deny that. Are you here for pleasure or to annoy me?” she said harshly.


“Be careful, dear, you don’t want to get fired, do you?” Tsuno said.


Takira said nothing.


“Get on the bed, girl!” The man said harshly.


The girl slowly got on the bed, lying on her back, spreading her legs apart and presenting a fake smile.


The man looked at her for a moment.


“Are those milk tits? The rumour is you have milk tits,” Tsuno said.


“Why don’t you come here and find out?” She said while making a “come here” sign.


He crawled on the bed. He took her breasts into his hands and squeezed them hard. Milk indeed came out. Tsuno slurped the milk off her breasts and sucked her hard nipples. After a short while the man abruptly stopped sucking.


“Enough! Get in position. I want it doggy style, I don’t want to see your face while we’re having intercourse.”


Takira quickly obeyed.


“At least I don’t have to see his stupid face,” She thought.


Tsuno didn’t lose much time, he pounded her as quickly as he could and not much later it was over. He didn’t wash his hands, despite the fact Takira urged him to. He seemed to want to get away as soon as possible.


“It’s always the same with men, when they’re finished their business they lose interest,” Takira said while freshening up.


Not much later a buzz was heard again. Takira, not yet entirely rested, sighed. She didn’t bother looking at his name. She crawled on the bed, hoping it would encourage the man to finish his business faster than the last one. She looked at the low ceiling, and then looked at the undecorated walls. She sighed again. She looked at her watch and noticed five minutes had passed.


“Where the hell is he? Is he going to show up?” She wondered.


She got up and walked towards the hall. She found a tall man standing at the right of her slide door. His thoughts seemed elsewhere. He appeared to be in his mid twenties, his hair raven black.


“Hey you, are you my appointment?” Takira said somewhat untactful.


The man didn’t answer but he entered her room.


“My name is Mitsu,” The man said finally.


He sat on the bed, facing Takira. She followed his example.


“I thought you weren’t going to show up,” Takira said apologising.


“My boss, he’s giving me hard time. I don’t think I’ll make the deadline. I don’t why I came here. Maybe I just wanted to escape for a moment.” He said quietly.


“Oh, you poor man. I’ll try to please you as much as I can” The girl replied.


She carefully caressed his closest knee.


“What do you like?” Takira inquired.


“I don’t know. I haven’t been intimate with a woman in quite some time. I don’t have experience with a-“


He broke off.


“Think of me as a regular girl.” Takira suggested.


“I’m a woman and I expected to be treated as one,” The girl added.


She slowly caressed his leg further, towards the groin. Takira giggled, then smiled and finally gave him a hug. Mitsu reciprocated.


“Now, don’t be shy. Just lie like normal on the bed. I’m not going to do anything you don’t want,” The girl said calmly.


The man hesitated but finally obeyed. Takira slowly unbuttoned his shirt, caressing his chest. Mitsu didn’t object. The girl undressed him until he was naked. She gave him another quick hug.


“Would you like more?” She said teasingly.


“Yes, please.”


She leaned over the man, showing her large breasts. She rubbed them against his face. Mitsu, unsure of what she expected of him, watched. When she inserted a nipple into his mouth, she moaned softly. She pressed her boobs harder against him. The man closed his eyes, gently sucking her lactating nipples. He drank her delicious milk. He couldn’t remember the last time he did that, maybe never. Takira pulled her nipple out of his mouth. The man looked at her. She saw his desperate eyes. She quickly presented the other nipple.


The girl softly stroked his flaccid penis; it didn’t take long before it became erect. More hugging followed. Takira gave him another hug before she presented herself on his penis. She moved back and forth, from left to right. She moaned louder. The pace increased. The man enjoyed the view. Takira got off him and lay on her back. The man didn’t hesitate when he penetrated her. His puffing increased. He pounded her more quickly. Takira’s loud moans helped him to reach an orgasm. When he was finished, he hugged her. The girl smiled at him when he washed his hands.


“Al least this man knows when to wash his hands,” She thought.


They exchanged goodbyes. Mitsu left the room smiling, cheerfully.


Takira cleaned herself and sat in front of the computer. No more appointments were scheduled. It was because it was getting late, she figured when she saw the time.


“I can get some sleep.”


She pressed the button of her bedroom.


“I wonder what would happen if I slept in the company bed?”


She looked at the company bed but then reconsidered. She got in the closet and it automatically closed. She tried to feel where the light switch was for her bedroom. She found no buttons to press inside her bedroom. She started banging on the door.


“Let me out!” She screamed.


But no one heard her.


At the end, she tried to get some sleep, despite standing up.


“I hope the door of my bedroom automatically opens when there’s daylight.” She thought before falling asleep.




Review This Story || Author: T Bone Steak
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