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Review This Story || Author: Jim Hale

It All Began as a Dream

Part 5

                  It All Began as a Dream

                      Chapter Five

I would like to say she was cooperative and passed out. She

did not. It was the wee hours of the morning before sleep

came. She transferred the beer in her bladder to my stomach

by the way of my mouth several times. I thought being

intoxicated was supposed to reduce one's sex drive. Duh,

If it did I was wondering how would I survive her love making.

My tongue was ready to drop off before she finally went to

sleep. She had kept me busy licking this, licking that,

probing all the right places too. Except her mouth.I never

got near that. I tried a few times but she pushed me away

giggling and telling me I smelled like pussy, or I smelled

like beer piss. Or, "Leroy, get your mouth back where you

have always wanted it." That was her favorite.

After going to the toilet and pissing forever, I returned

to the recliner I had pushed to the foot of the bed. I lay

partly on it and partly on the bed so my face was near my

near my goddess Jessica's ass. Several times during

the night I was greeted with very unpleasant scents. I

just inhaled with the knowledge they came from Jess.

Sometimes I would plant a kiss on her cute little ass.

Each time I thought how beautiful she was, not how bad the

stink was. I guess that is love.

I did not sleep very good due to her farts, her kicking me,

tossing around, pining my head and neck in unpleasant

positions. A couple times I was awaked with sharp pains in

my neck. I was kicked several times in my stomach hard

enough to awaken me. I just put my hands on her legs,

straighten them out, and kissed her pussy or ass whichever

was in my face. A couple times she whispered things like,

"That is so sweet". I heard, "I love you Leroy," too.

Morning came, I ached all over. I had a terrible crick in

my neck. I knew I was way to old for this kind of treatment.

I took a shower and ran hot water over my neck. I had a

bruise on my stomach from one or more of her kicks. None

of my fantasies were anything like this, I thought. When I

came out of the shower Jessica looked at me and sleeply said,

"Leroy, I gotta go pee."

I moved to her and placed my mouth to her body. She had

the sweetest smile on her face as she began pissing in my

mouth. Her morning pee was strong in taste. Well one word,

Yuck. The alcohol taste made it a lot worse. I hated the

taste but I loved serving Jess. It was special in ways I

can not describe. I swallowed it and loved every drop. I

did not have to stop her flow one time.!

I licked her when the flow stopped. I kissed her lips one

at a time and told her how much I loved her, how beautiful

she was and how everything that came from her gorgeous body

was good to me and for me. I think I even believed those

things. Maybe she came to believe also. They were not. The

taste was to awful to describe and I am an example of how

not good it was for me.

I continued telling her these lies. Maybe I convinced her.

She looked at me very softly, much like one looks at a child.

"Leroy, I have dreamed of your being my full and complete

toilet. I would like for you to try. If you can not eat it,

I will understand but I will love you even more if you can.

I understand what you are doing for me. I really do. You are

giving your all to me, your very life. It is the sweetest

thing anyone has ever done. I would be bad if I did not

accept and appreciate your gift."

The way she said it, it made perfectly good sense. I put my

mouth to her rosebud and waited. The wait was not long. The

first turd was pretty large. I crushed it against my mouth

and willed myself to swallow. Her shit came out as soft mush,

the beer I guess. I vaguely remembered hearing her stomach

make noise all night. This was the worst odor I had ever

encountered. I did my best to continue to tell myself I was

doing something awesome for Jessica. I told myself how it

demonstrated my unique love of her,to her. I could not see

her beautiful face. I could only see some thighs, some ass,

and the worlds most beautiful pussy. I swallowed her shit

and thought about the wonderful taste of her cum. Before

she was through taking a dump in my mouth I could see traces

of white forming at her lips. I saw her hand as it reached

down and pressed just above her slit. I saw a long

beautifully manicured finger enter that little part of heaven

just slightly ahead of the second finger that entered there.

I could taste her in my mind. All my mouth could taste was

the bitter bile taste of shit.

I was giving my life for her pleasure, convience, and amusement

and I was having no regrets. That was so stupid. I know that now.

But even as I became convinced of it through the years, I could

not stop. I would tell myself I would but as soon as I saw her

I only wanted to serve her more. It mattered not what she did

to me, I wanted to eat her pussy. I lived for mouth to pussy

contact. Jessica enjoyed that part of our relationship too. She

always wanted my mouth on her body. She placed her mouth on my

body a lot too. Her's was to inflict pain. The first time came

right after I had finished throughly tonguing out her ass hole.

I knew I was not going to be able to keep her shit in my stomach.

I wanted to so much. I wanted to prove to Jessica that her body

waste was good for me. I wanted her to really believe I adored

serving as her toilet.

"Leroy, I have lots of bites coming. I am going to collect one

now. I was afraid to while I was drunk. I was afraid I might

devour you. You are much to valuable to me for such a short

life. I want your services forever." (g)

She took my hand like she was deeply in love with me. She

looked into my eyes as her teeth close on my arm about six

inches from my wrist.

"Leroy, when I refer to one bite, it is not like a mosquito

who bites then flies away. One bite means one session of

skin to mouth. There may actually be lots of individual

bruises and marks which are the naturally result of one bite.

See one bite means until I am through biting you at that time.

One bite this time means until I want you to go prepare my

French Toast."

As she told me this her eyes appeared to widen like in

wonderment. I could almost see the light behind them. She

playfully closed her mouth. I felt the pain. When I responded

to that pain and cried out, she giggled.

She removed her mouth and looked at my arm. She showed it to

me. I could see the outline of her teeth on my arm.

"Cute, uh?" She said as she brought my arm to her mouth again.

She opened her mouth as wide as she could. Even her eyes

closed, squinted shut. I never realized her mouth was so large.

She got almost all of the underside of my arm in her mouth. I

could feel her upper and lower teeth scrape my skin as she

pulled my arm in her mouth using both her hands, like she was

trying to get all of me in her mouth for one bite.

I have thought back and would sometimes wonder why I stood

idly by and let her do stuff to me. Why did I not run from

her as fast as I could. The answer, I never wanted to. Even

when Jess was hurting me, I loved her in ways I could never


I watched like another person detached from the actual events.

She slowly increased pressure. The pain began to build. I

wanted not to cry out. She would reach that point

where her teeth was about to cut through my skin and would do

different things. Sometimes she would back off slowly.

Sometimes she would snap open her mouth almost to the

release point. Sometimes she would chew casually as if my

arm was a piece of bubble gum. I was in constant pain from

the first time her teeth touched until she quit, more than

two hours later. For almost all of that time she worked on

that area she started on. It became the deepest bruise I

had ever seen to that point in my life. I would see more.

My arm hurt a lot for several days. Constant hurt, then it

would hurt only when I moved it. She would playfully slap

me there. She would double her fist and punch me on the arm

and giggle saying stuff like. "You are all mine!" "I own you,

all of you!" "I may devour you someday, just think, death

by the teeth of your Goddess Jess!"

"Give me a ride to Leah's room. If she is not awake, we will

awaken her."  (g)

I got off the bed. My stomach was turning over and over.

Jessica sprang off the bed on my back. When she landed my

stomach hit the floor.

"Leroy! You really must get in better shape! I like games.

Get in shape, that is an order!"  (g)

We entered Leah's room. She was reading a sex magazine and

finger fucking herself. I think. She dropped the mag and looked

at us somewhat embarrassed.

Leah, OUR slave has something he wants you to know but is to

shy to say it. I agreed to tell you. He wants to be your sex

slave too! He thinks you are very beautiful and are deserving

of any kind of attention from him you want. He has NO limits.

I will leave the two of you together. Have fun with him Leah.

I will call for him when I need him again. Oh, Leah, he loves

to drink pee! He simply can not get enough of mine."

After an introduction like that you know what happened.

Leah had a wide eyed look on her face. I now doubt if she was all

that surprised. In fact she may have expected such an intro.

She threw the sheet off her body. She was dressed in white.

Totally gorgeous. Her little titties were bare but she was

wearing a short white gown and white panties.

I stared at her and she giggled.

"Come to me slave. You can finish what I was working on. I

had much rather have your tongue than my fingers!"

She motioned with her hand and fingers as she bid me to come

to her bed.

I walked to her. I think I was in a trance. She kept pointing

with a long sexy finger where she wanted my mouth to go. I did

not need direction. I knew where she wanted me.

She was very aroused and her scent was stronger than Jessica's.

I liked it though. I placed my mouth over her pussy as best as

I could. She was large. I bet she was twice as large as Jessica.

Her lips were hugh. I had a lot of area to lick. She was trimmed

very little. I had hair in my mouth with the first lick. I tried

to get it out of my mouth.

"Leroy, when you eat me, you are going to get pubic hair in your

mouth. Ignore it. Don't be concerned with it staying in your mouth.

You will swallow enough that the hair will go right down to the

septic tank."

She rubbed my stomach and laughted. Her laughter was low and

devilish with her reference to the septic tank. Yeah, She and Jessica

had discussed me.

She rode my face. I mean she got astraddle of my face and rode.

She put pillows under my head, placed her knees on the muscles of

my arms and ignored my pain.

She fucked my face like she had not had sex in a year. She was

very vocal with her fucking and when she orgasmed she yelled so

loud I bet the whole apartment complex knew someone was having


She stayed where she was, shifting her knees on my arms.

"Well, suck,Leroy. Clean me really good. That's it slave. Lick

my pussy. You will get a lot of that. I am going to enjoy you

soooo much."

"Can I piss without you getting any on my pillow? If not

lets go to the toilet and you can bend your head over the

pot. Yeah, lets do it like that. Come on."

She got off me and walked toward the bathroom. I was on my knees

right behind her admiring that ass. Her pussy was so visable

from behind too. She had a large pussy.

She looked back, giggled, and sat on my shoulders. I could feel

her heat on my neck. she was a lot heavier than Jessica. I

was having trouble carrying her like that because my arms hurt

so much from the knee treatment.

"Leroy, I do not know what ever posessed you to desire being

a woman's slave and toilet. I don't care either. I am using you

though. I will enjoy it too. If it pleases you, great. If not,

to bad. Your plight is not all that unususal in my country. Not

much is willingly performed though. You would be a hugh hit at

my house."

She was not making a sex game out of this, She instructed me to

sit, face forward and lean my head back over the stool. She

straddled my face and begin to pee. She looked at me once.

There was no smile. Just nothing. She was taking a piss and

that was that to her. She was trying to act like it was natural

The heat building in her pussy gave her away. She was as

turned on as Jessica with toilet use of me.

I licked her when she finished. She got up. I started to get

up too.

She smiled and said. "Uh uh, stay."

She turned around.

"Make a seat for my ass with your hands. I am really going to

use that mouth of yours. Besides, it is blocking my toilet.

But I just received an upgrade. My new one has an automatic wiper!"

She laughted at her joke.

I braced my elbows against my chest and my hands made a seat for

her ass. She got right to business. A fart came first. She put a

large bath towel over us and began to shit. There was nothing

romantic about this. She was using the toilet. Me. That was it.

I heard her talking and realized she was talking and laughing

over her cell phone. She talked for a few minutes before I realized

she was talking to Jessica, telling her about the events that

had and were transpiring.

She shit one turd after another. She sat on my hands for

quite awhile while I licked her ass after she was finished with

her morning dump.

When she finished her phone conversation she got up and walked out

of the bathroom, closing the door behind her.

I did not know what to do. I sat on the toilet floor and leaned

back against the commode. My stomach felt really bad. I felt like

I needed to puke my insides up. I put my head over the commode

but could not vomit. I put my finger down my throat and gagged

over and over. Only saliva would come up. I was unable to puke.

I remembered the pills Jessica gave me. I wish I had refused to

take them. I was paying the price now.

I got sicker suddenly and seriously. I called my doctor and got

a referral. I asked him to refer me to someone who was both

good and secretive. He did.

I did not play games with the doctor. I told him what I had

been doing and the games I played. After I got his word that

nothing about this would ever be leaked to any authorities,

or anyone else. It was not something I wanted anyone to know.

He stared at me for awhile and said.

"I can understand your privacy concerns however, you can die."

That had never occurred to me. I felt like I might but this

was modern times and I was being checked into a good modern

hospital. I was in excellent health. I asked him how I could

get this sick.

He said, "Have you heard of some of these known pathogens in

feces: One, Listeria Monocytogenes------It's a viral pathogen

that attacks a person's white blood cells, replicates in the

cells, and then explodes the white blood cell with new Listeria

Monocytogenes that do exactly the same thing again and again

until you're dead! Or how about Staphylococus Aureus? It is

commonly found in everyone's nose, and is almost the fastest

infectious bacteria every to exist. It is found in abundance

in feces. It  is also very hearty against medications. It is

a pathogen and will kill a human in little time if derived

from the concentration as feces carry. How about Escerisha

Coli 0157:H7? Commonly called E.Coli, it will rip your insides

apart within days. Remember Jack-In-the-Box hamburgers? Those

people ate meat that had been infected with E.Coli. The same

pathogenic bacterium is in huge quantities in the intestinal

tract of this young sweet thing of yours."

Now the urine carries a lighter toll on the body. Urine is

actually 100% sterile in the human body. However, upon passing

over the labia and its hair, any microbiological "dirt" is

passed on with the urine stream. Also, part of the urine chemical

composite changes to ammonia upon contact with the air. Ammonia

breaks down any cell in the body after enough of a concentration.

So internal organs and surface skin can be damaged by prolonged

exposure to urine. This would require a closed system though, If

you drink a lot of water in conjunction with serving her as her,

"pee toilet", you can be expected to live many years."

He told me the above after I was admitted and he came to see me.

My stomach was pumped, I had lots of lines attached including a

drip of stuff in my hand. He was not very happy with his patient

and made no bones about it. I felt really bad. Jessica wanted

to go with me in the hospital but I was afraid this would cause

problems so I asked her not to call from her phone or come and

see me in person . I wanted no one to know the person who did

this to me. I would protect Jessica at all cost.

I was in the hospital two days. I met with the doctor in his

office after I had been released from the hospital. I was well

and feeling good. I was missing Jessica very much. I wanted to

serve her completely again. I knew I would. She was irrestible.

I made the appointment, not because I needed anything for what

I had, I wanted something to prevent that. We had a lengthy

conversation. He did not think I was mentally ill but perverted

at best. After much insistance by me, he gave me an assortment of

pills and pre-natal vitamins, and a prescriptions. He said

they would keep me from being really sick as I was when he first

seen me but make no mistake about it, if I continued as I was I

would take several years off my life plus I would be old before

my time. I laughted and said I was already old before my time.

He said I could come in for an office visit once a month and he

would give me samples of the treatment used to treat ulcers. My

insurance would pay for only one such treatment, He could keep

me supplied with samples though. My former docter had done

very good with his referal. I could never have found a better


I picked up the scripts at the drug store and returned home. Jessica

was just getting up. She was very pretty in the mornings, no

make up on at all. When she was fixed up she was extremely

beautiful. When she was made up no one I ever seen compared

to her. I always was an admirer of beauty. When I looked back

on the years I spent with her and psychoanalyzed my self I

came up with only one solution. I was crazy!

Still there are lots of times I long to be used and abused by

her. I still think of those days as being the greatest times

of my life. Sure I gave several years of my life to her and

she took them as casually as she would have taken a one

hundred dollar bill. Maybe with less thought. She was so

sure of me all of the time. She knew no matter what horrible

things she did or how much pain she caused me, I would

remain her's and devoted to her. After the pasage of time,

one only remembers the good times.

I missed a lot of work and took early retirement. In fact I

worked very little after I gave myself to Jessica. I was

ok money wise. I had always been frugal and saved. Plus

A lot of money my wife though was expense money went into my

account out of state. She did not know nor did she suspect I

was doing that. She thought I was required to pay my own

expenses, motel, food, etc when out of town overnight. My

emplorer reimbursed me. I put the reimbursement in the bank

saved and invested all of that.

I was and still am a complete fool for Jessica, however

I never let her know anything about the saved funds.

She had no problem spending my retirement checks and

would have spent everything I had if she knew anything about

it. I still marvel at my ability to keep it from her. When I

die, she will get what is left. She is my only beneficiary.

Review This Story || Author: Jim Hale
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